Initial Ideas (p!Nk)

Music Video Idea. Bethany Watson.


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Transcript of Initial Ideas (p!Nk)

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Music Video Idea.

Bethany Watson.

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Song Idea:Dear Mr. President- P!nk.Good points:OEasy narrative.OWell-known song.OCould be creative and do a very effective music video.Bad points:OCould be complicated.OMay not be effective as the song is so well known.

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Analysis of Song-Lyrics:

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Analysis of Song-(Continued):

O This song is about the artist questioning how the world is an unfair place, and how the way that the country is run is simply beneficial for the upper classes (political).

O The song lasts for 4 minutes and 34 seconds (4:34).

O The song uses lots of imagery. It analyses all of the bad things that could possibly go wrong and tries to express that the upper classes have life easy and that they do not know what hard work is.

O This song is a slow song, matching the lyrics. The singer wants to go for a walk with the president, which is quite a slow movement/ action. This shows that the song is amplifying the lyrics of the song.

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Performers style/ image:

All performers have a specific image that they have tried to build up of themselves. The image that I would like to create of this artist is:OA shy but passionate character, whose passion revolves around global issues.OA smartly dressed female.OClever.OComing out of her shyness to arrange a meeting with the president to discuss how to improve global issues, and for her to be able to explain how the lower classes live.

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Music Video’s style:The original music video uses typical indie music conventions:OLive performance.OShots to explain the lyrics (narrative).OShots of the singer.OFairly low-key lighting.OSlow paced editing (matches the song).I would use, in my creation of a music video to this song:OShots to explain the lyrics (narrative).OFairly low-key lighting.OShots of the singer.OSlow paced editing (to match the song).OShots of some of the news stories surrounding global issues.OA variety of camera shots and angles, such as close ups, long shots and wide shots and high angle and low angle shots to show the comparison between how lower and upper class people live.

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For a part of my music video, I could use the school drama studio, as it has a plain black are (both floor and walls (as shown)) and this would be ideal for filming certain parts of a music video that does not need a set background. This would also mean that I would not need to gain permissions for this place, as it is a school site, and so I would just need to know the availability of this space so that I can arrange a time with everyone needed to produce this music video.

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Acquiring Found Footage:

O Acquiring footage already made to use in my music video would mean that I would first need to find the material, and then make sure that it would match up with the rest of my ideas. I would also I would need to get the correct permissions to be able to use it.

O To be able to find such footage, I would need to look on websites, on video archives and in libraries.

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Permissions needed to film:

To be able to film my project, I will need to get the correct permissions to be able to film. I will need permission to film in the places that I choose, I will need consent from the actors to be able to film them, and I will need to organise a time when all are available at the same time to make filming easier.I will need to be able to get the correct permissions from the record company to use this song as well. This, however, should not be too much of a problem, as I do not intend to sell my project, or to make money from it.

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Outline of Idea (Proposal):

O Girl walking with prime minister.O Discussing world issues (pictures of

these issues).O Attempts to make some of these

issues better.O Some succeed. Some fail.O The world is still the same at the

end, despite attempts to make the issues better.

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Talents:Within my group, there will be myself and Kellie. We have decided between us that I will be the cameraman, as I have had the most experience with the equipment. We decided that Kellie’s role will be the director, as she is organised and will be able to spot the finer details that I may overlook. These decisions mean that we will be able to achieve the best possible end result for our end product.

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Crew:O Bethany: Cameraman (and producer/

editor).O Kellie: Director (and producer/ editor)O Becky: Singer.*** we will also be using other people for

the production of our music video once we have decided which idea we will be using and who would best suit these roles, making our music video the best that it possibly can be.

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Cost:Unless we use props, there will be no costs involved with the creation of this music video. This is because we will not need to pay for copyright permissions to be lifted as we are not going to be making a profit from the music video that we create. We will also not have to pay for costumes, as we will be using items that the cast already have, and the set will be where we can get permission to use (that makes sense to the music video), that we can use for free. We will also not be paying professional actors as we will beasking friends and family members. We will also not have to ask professionals such as cameraman/ director/ producer/ editors/ sound men to help us, as we will be doing all of this ourselves.

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Audience:The audience for this music video will be:OTeenagers and young adults. This is who the song is originally aimed at.OFans of indie pop music. This is the genre of the song.OMales and females. We will be using people within this music video of both genders, enticing both genders to want to watch this music video, either to see their own gender, or members of the opposite gender within the video.

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Requirements:O This music video will have to be no more

than a PG age rating to match the target audience.

O We will need to make sure that we have permissions from the artist to use the song.

O We will need permissions to film in the chosen locations.

O We will need to obtain permissions from any actors that we may choose to use.

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USP (Unique Selling Point):

O The unique selling point of this music video will be the idea itself. It will encourage both genders to watch the video as the ideas used will appeal to the target audience (indie pop).

O The images used within the music video of global issues will also help to encourage a wider scale of viewers.

O The way that the issues are not all resolved at the end of the music video will encourage people to watch, as it is inspirational- showing that if things go wrong at first, do not give up, because it will (with enough perseverance) make a difference