Initial Film Trailer Idea


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Page 1: Initial Film Trailer Idea

Initial Idea

by Indya Clayton

Page 2: Initial Film Trailer Idea


● Romantic Drama

● Easier to create effectively

● I like the way trailers are conventionally

constructed for this genre i.e soft fades for

transitions, soundtrack etc

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What would my teaser trailer


● Titles

● Montage editing

● Non diegetic/diegetic sound

● Voice over helping to portray the narrative

● Perhaps silences to create dramatic effects

● Key moments

● Key characters (protagonist, antagonist)

● Establish or give hints of the film narrative

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Romance - probably a narrative whereby two

people fall in love but can’t be together

because they’re of different cultures or have

to be apart etc

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● My audience for my trailer would be

teenagers, mainly girls aged 13-18.

● Need to appeal to my audience by using the

conventions of my genre and having

characters that the audience can identify


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The Fault in Our Stars (released in
