Ingles aula 8

CURSOS ON-LINE – INGLÊS – PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO -1- AULA 8 PASSIVE VOICE IN TEXTS Text 1: Social Security News Release Social Security Responds to Hurricane Katrina Agency Issues More Than 30,000 Emergency Checks to Date “Social Security has moved quickly to ensure that monthly payments get to beneficiaries affected by Hurricane Katrina and that other vital Social Security services are provided,” Jo Anne Barnhart, Commissioner of Social 5 Security said today. “As we have all witnessed, the Gulf Coast is coping with destruction and loss of life that is utterly unfathomable. To ensure that beneficiaries will continue to receive their monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income payments, I have invoked immediate payment procedures that permit on-the-spot payments to be made to anyone who can no 10 longer access their benefit check. I am pleased to report that, so far, Social Security has issued more than 30,000 immediate payments and that number continues to grow.” Since September 1 st , Social Security has provided immediate payments to evacuees who are not able to receive their monthly benefits, whether by mail 15 or direct deposit. Beneficiaries can go to any open Social Security office and receive an immediate payment by check that replaces the full amount of their Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment. In addition, Social Security is providing immediate payments and other vital services to the affected areas and to evacuees in other locations through a 20 variety of means: A temporary office has been opened in the Houston Astrodome and is providing service seven days a week. Social Security representatives are serving the public at evacuation centers throughout the U.S., such as the Baton Rouge River Center. 25 Social Security employees are onsite at FEMA’s Family Assistance Centers, such as the FEMA site in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. We anticipate having representatives onsite at similar centers in Pascagoula, Moss Point and Waveland, Mississippi and in Shreveport and Monroe, Louisiana. Many Social Security offices are offering extended hours of service and 30 remained open throughout the Labor Day weekend to help evacuees. Social Security and the United States Postal Service also established temporary mail delivery stations in areas where mail service was suspended due to damage from Hurricane Katrina. Beneficiaries still remaining in those areas could pick up their checks at those locations. 35 Visit:
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Transcript of Ingles aula 8

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PASSIVE VOICE IN TEXTS Text 1: Social Security News Release Social Security Responds to Hurricane Katrina Agency Issues More Than 30,000 Emergency Checks to Date “Social Security has moved quickly to ensure that monthly payments get to beneficiaries affected by Hurricane Katrina and that other vital Social Security services are provided,” Jo Anne Barnhart, Commissioner of Social 5 Security said today. “As we have all witnessed, the Gulf Coast is coping with destruction and loss of life that is utterly unfathomable. To ensure that beneficiaries will continue to receive their monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income payments, I have invoked immediate payment procedures that permit on-the-spot payments to be made to anyone who can no 10 longer access their benefit check. I am pleased to report that, so far, Social Security has issued more than 30,000 immediate payments and that number continues to grow.” Since September 1st , Social Security has provided immediate payments to evacuees who are not able to receive their monthly benefits, whether by mail 15 or direct deposit. Beneficiaries can go to any open Social Security office and receive an immediate payment by check that replaces the full amount of their Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment. In addition, Social Security is providing immediate payments and other vital services to the affected areas and to evacuees in other locations through a 20 variety of means: A temporary office has been opened in the Houston Astrodome and is providing service seven days a week. Social Security representatives are serving the public at evacuation centers throughout the U.S., such as the Baton Rouge River Center. 25 Social Security employees are onsite at FEMA’s Family Assistance Centers, such as the FEMA site in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. We anticipate having representatives onsite at similar centers in Pascagoula, Moss Point and Waveland, Mississippi and in Shreveport and Monroe, Louisiana. Many Social Security offices are offering extended hours of service and 30 remained open throughout the Labor Day weekend to help evacuees. Social Security and the United States Postal Service also established temporary mail delivery stations in areas where mail service was suspended due to damage from Hurricane Katrina. Beneficiaries still remaining in those areas could pick up their checks at those locations. 35 Visit:

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -2-

EXPLOITATION OF TEXT 1 Copie do texto três exemplos de construções no present perfect: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Translate the following fragments from text 1:

to ensure that monthly payments As we have all witnessed is coping with destruction that is utterly unfathomable permit on-the-spot payments through a variety of means having representatives onsite due to damage from Hurricane could pick up their checks

Reading Comprehension Questions Say (T)for true or (F) for false 1. The phrase ‘In addition (L-19) is a synonym of ‘Besides’ as a discourse

marker. ( ) 2. In the fragment “I am pleased to report that, so far, Social Security has

issued more than 30,000 immediate payments…” (L-10/11), the underline phrase in bold means up to this moment. ( )

3. ‘Such as’ (L-25) is a transitional phrase, or a discourse marker if you wish,

commonly used to indicate result. ( ). 4. In “Many … remained open throughout the Labor Day weekend to help

evacuees” (L-30 / 31) the underlined word in bold could be replaced by across . ( )

5. In “…where mail service was suspended due to damage from Hurricane

Katrina. (L-33/34) The underlined phrase in bold could be replaced by ‘because of’. ( )

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -3-

WORD FORMS - TEXT 1 From Text 1: “ …vital services to the affected areas and to evacuees in other locations…” (L-20) The suffix -EE No texto, ‘evacuees’ corresponde aqueles que estão sendo evacuados os desabrigados por causa da destruição provocada pelo Furacão Katrina. Certamente você conhece o sufixo –EE em trainee (=estagiário) acrescentado ao ver to train para formar o substantivo Vejamos alguns outros exemplos Not many people attended the session. There were not many attendees. Não havia muita pessoas assistindo à sessão. Não havia muitos presentes. The interviewees on Jo’s show tomorrow are interesting. Os entrevistados do Programa do Jô de amanhã são interessantes. That girl is the employee who has just been hired. Aquela garota é a nova funcionária que acaba de ser contratada. Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma formação

quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -4-

PASSIVE VOICE From text 1 “ ...and that other vital Social Security services are provided…” (L-5) “I am pleased to report that…” (L-10) “A temporary office has been opened in the Houston Astrodome…” “ …in areas where mail service was suspended” (L-33) Na formação da passive voice há uma regra de ouro – a golden rule - para a maioria dos casos: o verbo to be fica no mesmo tempo do verbo principal na voz ativa plus particípio passado do verbo principal. Main verb in bold in the Present Simple AV: They speak English in that country. Falam ingles naquele país. PV: English is spoken in that country. O ingles é falado naquele país] Main verb inbold in the Present Continuous AV: They are building a new school there. Estão construindo uma nova escola lá. PV: A new school is being built on my school. . Uma nova escola está sendo construída lá. Main verb in bold in the Past Simple AV: The hurricane destroyed the village. O furacão destruiu a aldeia. PV: The village was destroyed by the hurricane. A aldeia foi destruída pelo furacão Main verb in the Past Continuous AV: Thieves were robbing the bank. Ladrões estavam roubando o banco. PV: The bank was being robbed by thieves. O banco estava sendo roubado. Main verb in bold in the Future Simple AV: We will send you the receipt by mail. Enviaremos o recibo para você por correspondência. PV: You will be sent the receipt by mail. O recibo será enviado para você por correspondência.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -5- Main verb in bold in the Present Perfect Simple AV: I have done the translation already. Já fiz a tradução. PV: The translation has been done already. A tradução já foi feita. Modal verb + infinitive of main verb AV: You must do your homework immediately. Você tem que fazer seu dever de casa imediatamente. PV: Your homework must be done immediately. Seu dever de casa deve ser feito imediatamente. . Com exceção de alguns casos especiais (verbos com dupla formação, por exemplo) é possível buscar facilmente o equivalente em português para uma estrutura na voz passiva. Faça os exercícios a seguir: Coloque na voz passiva: 1. The hunter killed the lion. ________________________ 2. Terrorists have destroyed the bridge. ________________________________ 3. She will write a letter to her boyfriend. __________________________________ 4. The auditors are inspecting the books. __________________________________ 5. They can transfer the money to a savings account. ____________________________________________ 6. Karen must type that report. _______________________________________ 7. Millions of soccer fans will see the final game tomorrow. ________________________________________________ 8. My students have studied this grammar topic already. ___________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -6- Complete com estruturas na voz ativa. 1. The plan has been implemented successfully. They _______________________________ 2. They were told to leave the room. We _________________________ 3. The building will be constructed in six months. They _________________________________ 4. She is being treated by Dr. Shelby. Dr. Shelby _______________________________ 5. His lessons should be reviewed before the test. He ________________________________________ 6. The game will not be broadcast live by any TV network. No TV network _______________________________________ 7. Einstein was thought to be a genius. People_____________________________________ 8. Announcements have been made over the loudspeakers. They _______________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -7-


BANKING TERMINOLOGY Complete the sentences with one of the words from the box.

access shares attorney checking amount block interest entitles withdraw tax. notice bonds

1. With a ……………account, your money is immediately available. 2. I can only invest a small ……………… long-term. 3. I'll need $5,000 available at short notice, and I can …………… the rest. 4. A current account ……………you to a checkbook. 5. I'd like to have ………….to $50,000 in about 3 years. 6. The …………..on a current account is only 1%. 7. I'd like to invest part of my capital in ………………. 8. A deposit account limits the amount you can ……… at any one time. 9. ……………… are a long-term investment. 10. If you give your wife power of……………., she can withdraw money from

your account. 11. I’d like 10,000 available at short…………….. . 12. Our deposit accounts pay 3% interest, less …………….. . (Adapted From English for International Banking, by Nicolas Ferguson and Maire O’Reilly)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -8-


Ten words have been removed from the minitext that follows. Complete them with the words from the box paying attention to the meaning and structure of the texts.

Mini - text: Social Security & Hurricane Katrina

affected heartbreaking eligible ensure assistance expedited identification remains copes verifying

Social Security is working with federal, state and local officials in ___________ (1) areas to assist families who may now be ___________ (2) for Social Security benefits. Emergency procedures have been implemented that will allow ___________ (3) processing of applications for survivors benefits or other Social Security benefits. For evacuees who have lost their ___________ (4) documents, Social Security has put in place a simplified protocol for ___________ (5) identity to provide them with the Social Security information they need to apply for jobs or ___________ (6) from other agencies. “I am proud of the hard working and dedicated Social Security employees who are doing everything possible to ___________ (7) beneficiaries continue to receive their monthly payments,” Commissioner Barnhart said. “Over the past several days I have heard ___________ (8) stories from our employees, some of whom have lost their own homes. Yet, through all of this, their spirit and compassion ___________ (9) strong. I can assure those affected that we will continue to be there to serve them as our nation ___________ (10) with the devastation left in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.” Visit:

Vocabulary Post Test Escreva a tradução em B dos fragmentos em A

A B 1. to assist families 2. Emergency procedures 3. processing of applications 4. to apply for jobs 5. Yet, through all of this 6. in the wake of

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -9-


GRATITUDE A woman visits the doctor who had cured her son of a very serious illness. She is very grateful and wants to thank him. "Doctor," says she, "there are some things we can’t pay for. I thought that you would want to accept this wallet which I made for you with my own hands." "Madam," answered the doctor rudely." I don't practice medicine for sentimental reasons. You must pay me in money. Your bill is two thousand dollars." The lady opened the wallet, took out the five thousand dollars she had put in it and gave the doctor two thousand. (Adapted from English Language Skills by Finocchiaro and Lavenda} Answer the following questions: 1. Why did the woman go to the doctor’s? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did the woman feel about the doctor’s performance? _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Who had made the wallet? _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why did the doctor answer rudely? _________________________________________________________________________ 5. How could you complete this sentence with only one word: Two thousand

dollars is my …………. _________________________________________________________________________ 6. Actually, did the woman intend to pay the bill? _________________________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -10-

A LOOK AT PAST EXAMS Read the text in order to answer the questions below

THE EURO The Euro is the European Union’s single currency, adopted by the Treaty on European Union which came into force in November 1993. The name Euro was preferred to any other as its shared identity with Europe is clear. Besides, the name cannot be confused with any existing or previous national currency. Economic and Monetary Unit is essential for the efficient functioning of the single European market. EU members do more than 70% of their trade with each other and will do even more with a single stable currency. As a stable currency, the Euro will help to create a stronger economy capable of growing at a faster rate. Faster growth is needed to put more people back to work and achieve a rising standard of living for individuals and families. The Euro will bring real practical benefits as it will be a lot easier to compare prices for the same goods in different countries. In addition, business organizations will no longer have the expenses of handling several different currencies, cutting down the cost of doing business. Though without the Euro bills and coins, the monetary union can start on 1 January1999. Because a lot of economic activities are done without cash, many transactions can be made and sealed in the Euro before I January 2002, when the Euro bills and coins will start circulating. But any existing and previous national currency will still be in use for up to six months after that. (Compiled from: Talking about the Euro” [UFC-97] 1) The sentence, “Any reduction in costs can make a company more competitive

and frequently able to pass on the benefits to its customers.” was deliberately omitted from the text. Find the most appropriate place in the second paragraph to insert it:

a) after “stable currency” (L- 7) b) after “faster rate” (L- 9) c) after “individuals and families” (L- 10) d) after “different countries” (L- 12) e) after “doing business” (L- 14)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -11- 2. Mark the option that is equivalent in meaning to: “Besides, the name cannot be confused with any existing or previous

national currency.” a) As the name cannot be confused with any existing currency. b) Though the name cannot be confused with any existing currency. c) In addition, the name cannot be confused with any existing currency. d) However, the name cannot be confused with any existing currency. e) Since the name cannot be confused with any existing currency. 3. Mark the option that best completes the sentence: The adoption of the Euro will help ___________________________

and ____________________________. a) to develop the European economy// to promote competition among

families b) to establish a stable currency // to promote European individuals. c) to rise expenses for individuals // to create a strong economy. d) to increase trade among EU members // to create more job openings e) to raise expenses for families // to promote the European economic


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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -12-

WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION (WTO) Reproduzo este antigo texto aqui para chamar sua atenção para as diversas passive voice constructions nele sublinhadas. Read the text in order to answer the questions below Following World War II, the major economic powers of the world negotiated a set of rules for reducing and limiting trade barriers and for settling trade disputes. These rules were called the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Headquarters to oversee the administration of the GATT were established in Geneva, Switzerland. Periodically rounds of multilateral trade negotiations under the GATT were carried out. The 8th round begun in 1986 in Punta del Este, Uruguay, and dubbed the Uruguay Round, was concluded on Dec.15, 1993, when 117 countries completed a new trade-liberalization agreement. The-name for the GATT was changed to the World Trade Organization (WTO), which officially came into being Jan. l, 1995. (ACE- 98) 1. According to the text, the former GATT comprised … a) tariff rules established by third world countries. b) trade regulations created prior to World War II. c) rules forbidding trade barriers and disputes. d) trade rules adopted in Uruguay in 1986. e) regulations related to trade issues. 2. Which of the following statements does not reflect the content of the text? a) The GATT members used to gather from time to time. b) 117 countries signed a new trade agreement. c) The World Trade Organization (WTO) used to be called GATT d) A new trade agreement may be signed by 117 countries. e) Reducing trade barriers was one of tie main concerns of the GATT.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -13-

ANSWERS Present Perfect items Quaisquer três dentre os seguintes: has moved (L-3), have all witnessed (L-6), I have invoked (L-9), has issued ( L-12), has provided (L-14) Translation:

to ensure that monthly payments Para garantir pagamentos mensais As we have all witnessed Como todos nós testemunhamos is coping with destruction Está enfrentando a destruição that is utterly unfathomable que é totalmente insondável permit on-the-spot payments Permite pagamentos no local through a variety of means Através de uma gama de meios having representatives onsite Tendo representantes no local due to damage from Hurricane K. Devido à perda causa p/ Furacão K could pick up their checks Podiam apanhar seus cheques

Say (T)for true or (F) for false 1. ( T ) In addition and Besides’ are synonyms. 2. ( T ) so far and up to this moment are synonyms. 3. ( F ) ‘Such as’ commonly indicates or introduces exemplification not

result. 4. ( F ) throughout ( all the time, during) could not be replaced by across

here. 5. ( T ) ‘due to’ could be replaced by ‘because of’ in this case. Passive Voice: 1. The lion was killed by the hunter. 2. The bridge has been destroyed by terrorists. 3. A letter will be written to her boyfriend.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -14- 4. The books are being inspected by the auditors. 5. The money can be transferred to a savings account. 6. That report must be typed by Karen. 7. The final game Millions of soccer fans will be seen by millions of soccer fans

tomorrow. 8. This grammar topic has been studied by my students already. Active voice. 1. They have implemented the plan successfully 2. We told them to leave the room. 3. They will construct the building in six months 4. Dr. Shelby is treating her. 5. He should review his lessons before the test. 6. No TV network will broadcast the game live. 7. People thought Einstein was a genius. 8. They have made announcements over the loudspeaker. LIGHTEN UP! Gratitude 1. Because he had cured her son of a serious illness. 2. She felt very grateful. 3. She had made the wallet all by herself. 4. Because he thought only the wallet would be his payment. 5. Two thousand dollar is my FEE (=honorários) 6. She was ready to pay him three thousand dollars more than his regular fee.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -15- Banking Terminology 1. [checking] Com uma conta corrente seu dinheiro está imediatamente

disponível. 2. [amount] Só posso investir uma pequena quantia a longo prazo. 3. [checking] Vou precisar de $5,000 a curto prazo, e posso bloquear o

restante. 4. [entitles] Uma conta corrente lhe dá direito a um talão de cheques. 5. [access] Gostaria de ter acesso a $50,000 em cerca de 3 anos. 6. [interest] Os juros de uma conta corrente são de 1% apenas. 7. [shares] Gostaria de investir parte do meu capital em ações. 8. [withdraw] Uma conta de depósito limita o montante que você pode sacar a

cada vez. 9. [bonds] Os títulos são investimentos de longo prazo. 10. [attorney] Se você der a sua esposa uma procuração ela poderá retirar

dinheiro de sua conta. 11. [notice] Gostaria de ter $10,000 disponibilizados de imediato. 12. [ tax ] Nossas contas de depósito rendem 3% menos imposto. NB: O termo checking account (= conta corrente) é mais comum no US,

enquanto que current account é mais comum no UK. Mini-Text 1. affected // 2. eligible // 3. expedite // 4. identification // 5. verifying // 6. assistance // 7. ensure // 8. heartbreaking // 9. remain // 10. copes. Vocabulary Post Test

A B 1. to assist families ajudar as famílias 2. Emergency procedures procedimentos de emergência 3. processing of applications processamento das requisições 4. to apply for jobs candidatar-se a empregos 5. Yet, through all of this Contudo, em meio a tudo isso 6. in the wake of na esteira de


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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -16-

GRAMMAR SUPPLEMENTS – MODAL VERBS I - CAN / COULD / CAN HAVE / COULD HAVE a) ‘Can’ or ‘Could’ Usado para pedir e conceder permissão, uso mais informal que ‘may’ Can I leave a little earlier today, Mr. Evans? May I leave can be used, too - but it’s more formal Could I use your car tonight? You can go upstairs now. b) ‘Can’ or ‘Could’

Para expressar habilidade. She can play the flute very well. Ela sabe tocar flauta bem. Can you play soccer? Você sabe jogar futebol? I could play chess quite well when I was in College. Eu sabia jogar xadrez bastante bem quando estava na faculdade. c) ‘can’ or one form of ‘be able to’

Para expressar ações futuras. I don’t speak English fluently but I will be able to soon. Eu não falo inglês fluentemente, mas em breve falarei (serei capaz de fazê-lo) I can help you with the dishes tonight, but tomorrow I won’t be able to help you with the kids because I have an exam at the university. Posso ajudá-lo com os pratos hoje à noite mas amanhã não poderei dar uma ajuda com as crianças porque tenho uma prova na universidade. d) ‘can have’ / ‘could have’

Usado para expressar possibilidade no passado. That desk wasn’t here yesterday. Well, the janitor can have (could have moved it during the night. Esta carteira não estava aqui ontem. Bem, o zelador pode/ poderia tê-la movido durante a noite. If you had phoned me, I could have dropped by to help you out. Se você tivesse me telefonado, eu poderia ter ido aí para lhe ajudar. I was just wondering what can/could have happened to my pens. Estava só imaginando o que pode/ poderia ter acontecido com minhas canetas.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -17-

Ii - MUST / HAVE TO / MUST HAVE a) ‘Must’ and ‘have to’

Usados para expressar algo que é indispensável que se faça. I must (have to) leave early today. Tenho que sair cedo hoje. Must you leave us so soon? Você tem que partir tão cedo? Do you have to leave now? Você tem que ir agora? b) ‘Must’ and ‘have to’ in negative statements.

Atenção! Não se pode usar um pelo outro You must not enter that area. The sign says: Authorized Personnel only. ‘must not’ indicates prohibition) Você não pode entrar naquela área. A placa diz: Somente Pessoal Autorizado! A forma ‘must not aqui indica proibição) You don’t have to come with us if you don’t want to. Here ‘don’t have to’ indicates lack of necessity Você não precisa vir conosco se não quiser. Aqui ‘don’t have to’ indica que não há necessidade. c) ‘must’

Também pode ser usado para tirar conclusões lógicas. Look! The lights in Gina’s room are on. So she must be awake. Veja! As luzes no quarto da Gina estão acesas. Logo ela deve estar acordada. I can’t see Bob’s car in the garage. He must be at work downtown. Não vejo o carro do Bob na garagem. Ele deve testar no trabalho na cidade. d)‘must have’ + past participle of main verb Usado para expressar probabilidade no passado I can’t see Bob’s car in the garage. He must have left for work already. Não vejo o carro do Bob na garagem. Ele já deve ter saído pro trabalho. Look how tanned Linda is ! She must have stayed a long time in the sun. Veja com a Linda está bronzeada! Ela dever ficado no sol um tempão. NB: In the negative can’t have + past part. of main verb should be used. Bob’s car is still in the garage. He can’t have left for work yet. O carro do Bob ainda está na garagem. Ele não deve ter saído pro trabalho ainda.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -18-

III -- MAY / MIGHT / MAY HAVE / MIGHT HAVE a) may and might

São usados para expressar probabilidade. Jones may (might) be promoted this time. Jones pode (podia) ser promovido desta vez. One may (might) say that she was enjoying the whole thing. Alguém pode (podia ) dizer que ela estava gostando daquilo tudo. It may( might )be said that English is basically a monosyllabic language. Pode (Podia) ser dito que o inglês é uma língua monossilábica. b) may (might) (usados para expressar contraste) She may (might) like mangoes, but she shouldn’t eat a dozen of them. Ela pode (podia) gostar de mangas, mas não deve comer uma dúzia delas. c) may / might have + past participle of main verb

(usado para expressar possibilidade no passado) While some of the girls may have been acting, many responsible adults were victims of the killer virus. Enquanto algumas da meninas podem ter fingido, muitos adultos foram vítimas do vírus assassino. The police believe Derrick may have killed his wife. A polícia acredita que Derrick pode ter assassinado sua esposa. If you had invited Jane to the party, she might have shown up. Se você tivesse convidado a Jane para a festa, ela podia ter aparecido por lá. Joshua might not have left if you had been more polite to him. Joshua poderia não ter ido embora se você tivesse sido mais educado com ele.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -19-

IV - SHALL / SHOULD / SHOULD HAVE a) should (ought to)

Usados para indicar algo que é aconselhável fazer. You should see your dentist twice a year. Você deve consultar seu dentista duas vezes por ano. She shouldn’t smoke so much, in my opinion. Ela não devia fumar tanto na minha opinião. We ought to review our lessons before the exam. Devemos revisar nossas lições antes do exame. b) Should have and ought to have

Usados para expressar ações que se esperava acontecessem no passado mas que não aconteceram.

My secretary is late for work today. She should have (or ought to have) gotten here half an hour ago. Minha secretária está atrasada para o trabalho hoje. Ela já deveria ter chegado há meia hora. Shouldn’t they have finished their lessons by now? Eles / Elas não deviam ter terminado suas lições já?

HAD BETTER Just like ‘should’ and ‘ought to’ the expression had better - considered by some grammarians as a “quasi-modal”- can also be used to give advice. Had better is followed by the infinitive without “to”. You had better study for the test; otherwise you won’t succeed. Você deveria estudar para o teste, do contrário não terá sucesso. We had better not talk to Mr. Simpson now. He’s not in a good mood today. È melhor não falarmos com o Sr. Simpson agora. Ele não está de bom humor hoje.

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Gramaticalmente, é o passado de ‘will’ Numa estrutura em discurso indireto, reported speech, isto fica bem claro. Jeff : I will visit you next month. Jeff: - Eu visitarei você no mês que vem. Jeff said he would visit us next month. Jeff disse que nos visitaria no próximo mês.

b) ‘would’

Usado com ações repetidas no passado. Every Sunday we would visit our parents when they lived here in Rio. Todos os domingos visitávamos nossos pais quando moravam aqui no Rio. Mrs. Hill would say softly, “You can do it. Have confidence in you.” A Sra. Hill dizia suavemente: -Vocês podem fazê-lo. Tenham confiança em vocês. NB:A expressão ‘used to’ deve ser empregada quando nos referimos a ações

em continuidade no passado. Our family used to live in the north of Brazil before Dad got transferred to Rio. Nossa família morava no norte do Brasil antes de meu pai se transferido para o Rio. My uncle used to sell electronic gadgets to make a living. Meu tio costumava vender engenhocas eletrônicas para ganhar a vida. c) would have +past participle of main verb in if-clauses (past unreal situations) We would have visited you but we didn’t know where you lived. Nos teríamos visitado você, mas não sabíamos onde você morava. I would have invited you to the party if I had known you were in town. Teria convidado você para a festa se tivesse sabido que você estava na cidade. You would have met Alice if you had gone to the show. Você teria encontrado a Alice se tivesse ido ao show.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -21- AULA 8 Avalie se os seguintes objetivos desta aula foram alcançados.

TÓPICOS & OBJETIVOS Raise your awareness of: Despertar sua conscientização para: I – Passive Voice in texts Voz passiva nos textos II – Study of text 1: Social Security – Hurricane Katrina Estudo do texto1:”Previdência Social / Furacão Katrina” III – Reading Comprehension: (T) or (F) questions Compreensão de Leitura: Questões de Falso ou Verdadeiro? IV - Word Forms the suffix –EE Formação de Palavras: o sufixo – EE V - Passive Voice Summary // Task Resumo de Voz Passiva // Exercício VI– Lighten up! Gratitude Relaxe! Gratidão VII – Vocabulary Build-up: Specialized vocabulary: Banking terminology // Social Security & Hurricane Katrina (II) Construção de Vocabulário: Vocabulário técnico: Termos Bancários //

Previdência Social & Furacão Katrina’ VIII– Analysis of past exams: The Euro / WTO Análise de provas anteriores: Euro // OMC IX– Supplement: Modal Verbs all together Suplemento: Os verbos modais todos juntos

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