
THE WORLD SYSTEM the world without the system would be free of bias would be observed for a healthier world without so much radiation and without much power on one side would be better because we learn new things would urge not to tie us both to technology and more value on books and make better use of spare time. We have reached the point that a society without technology is like a prehistoric society...

Transcript of Ingles

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the world without the system would be free of bias would be

observed for a healthier world without so much radiation and without much power on one side would be better because we learn

new things would urge not to tie us both to technology and more value on books and make better use of spare time. We have reached

the point that a society without technology is like a prehistoric society...

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The technology will be much more advanced as today. English is the universal language that dominates todo.habra lot more problems then because the world will be more damaged by technology such as global warming and many more things catastrophic

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The world systems is very important because without them we would not have technology like we have today. These are helpful tools in education today as they contribute to the indoctrination of the masses, stimulate the senses and enhance their learning effectiveness. Here it is where the technological means and why its importance.

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