Informed consent

Informed consent/ informed choice in maternity care Adjunct Associate Professor Belinda Maier Midwifery Advisor QH 2009-2013 [email protected]

Transcript of Informed consent

Informed consent/ informed choice in maternity care

Adjunct Associate Professor Belinda Maier

Midwifery Advisor QH 2009-2013

[email protected]

Informed consent

This term was first used in a 1957 medical malpractice case by Paul G. Gebhard

Don't endanger your baby by taking harmful medication!

Don’t be a martyr this is the 21st century!!

Who has the most invested in the baby?

Time to inform ?

Framing information

Language of risk

Framing information

Information as a way to ensure compliance

Informed refusal

Dilemma of refusal

Wide range

Wide ranging effects

Some examples:

water birth




Management of third stage

What we can do better to promote Informed decision making by women?

Some final words…

“Birth is as safe as l i fe gets”

Harriet Hartigan