Information Packet 2017


Transcript of Information Packet 2017

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Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3

Testimonials ............................................................................................................................... 4

Experience ................................................................................................................................... 5

1) What certifications have I earned?............................................................................. 5

2) What are all the jobs and work projects I’ve done in my lifetime? ............... 6

3) What are my hobbies and interests? ......................................................................... 6

Writing System.......................................................................................................................... 7

About Me ................................................................................................................................... 10

Services ...................................................................................................................................... 11

Writing Samples ..................................................................................................................... 12

1) 5 Simple Ways To Get Your Word-Of-Mouth Marketing To Spread ........... 12

2) Sales Letter about Pizzahut ........................................................................................ 12

3) Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt ................................................................ 13

4) ACME Pro Can Opener .................................................................................................. 15

5) Letter for Subscribers to re-subscribe ................................................................... 17

6) Flyer Design and Copy modification ...................................................................... 18

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Ralph Hua - Direct Response Copywriter. Helping business owners and entrepreneurs close more sales by writing advertisement that customers click on, emails that are read and responded, and sales letter that makes them buy your products. Whatever your reason for contacting me, you want to know more about me before you hire me to write for you. If we were sitting face-to-face, chatting in your office, you’d ask me questions. Let me try to answer a few of those questions right here. Q1: What kind of assignments do you handle? A: I write sales letter or sales pages online for you to send to your customers. This sales letter will convince your customers to buy your products. I write copy for your advertisement especially google advertisement where I can help you achieve a higher click through rate. Meaning, getting more leads. Autoresponder copy – a series of 3, 5, or 7 short emails that are automatically sent to a new prospect who has just opted-in to your client’s email list. Q2: What are your fees like? A: It depends on your product and targeted market. For simple and straight-forward projects, you can refer to my fee list enclosed in this packet.

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“Ralph is one of the few meticulous men I have met so far. He is one who will puts his heart into getting things done once he sets his heart on it. He is thoughtful and is observant about every single details. You can trust him and put your heart at ease when he is handling your matters.” – May Ang


"Ralph is a very nice and polite gentlemen who treats people around him in good manner. He is also knowledgeable in a few aspects and willing to share with people beneficiary information. You and I can of course communicate with him in a relaxing way as he is also one who knows when to use humour in life.” - Jordan Lee


“Ralph comes across a jovial and communicative person. He is an ambitious person with the passion to seek for excellence in whatever he wishes to achieve.” – Alan Chia


“In the 20 years I've known Ralph, he's always been a reliable friend who'd never walk away from you when you turn to him for help. Honest, dependable and reliable are the three words I would use to describe him.” – Lau Yee Hui


“Ralph is a very meticulous and thoughtful person. He is a very amazing person with impeccable knowledge while his motto is ‘Quality cannot be compromised’. ” – Ryan Kong


"Ralph is great fun to be around and has an intelligent sense of humour." – Jeanette Juay


“As a person, Ralph is honest, reliable and efficient. As a writer, his content is accurate and insightful. Ralph is genuine, he asks questions, listens to what is needed for a topic and gives it a whole new spin so readers can easily understand and relate to.” – Joanne Loh

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1) What certifications have I earned?

American Writers & Artists Inc The Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting Getting Clients Roadmap

John S. Carlton and Carlton Ink, Inc Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets Of A Marketing Rebel The Freelancer Course

Kopywriting Kopywriting Kourse Autoresponder Kourse

Dun & Bradstreet Seminar Incoterm 2010

Singapore College of Insurance M9 Life Insurance and Investment-Linked Policies M5 Rules and Regulations for Financial Advisory Services HI Health Insurance

Yokogawa Electric Corporation CS3000 Appreciation. Centum CS3000 Operation Centum CS3000 Engineering Fieldbus Appreciation

Chemical Process Technology Centre Process Measurement & Control Appreciation

Singapore Workforce Skills Qualification Learning and Personal Development - Managerial Level

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2) What are all the jobs and work projects I’ve done in my lifetime? Writes and answer on with 81,000 views

Articles here Process Innovation Technology Private Limited

Sales in Polymeric Die Cutting and Converting Solution

Ralphy Shop (My first attempt on start-up) Baby Clothing Line

Marubeni-Itochu Steel Private Limited

Trading of steel products - slabs, billets, blooms as well as semi-finished products like bars, coated steel sheets and carbon steel

HSBC Insurance

Marketing Insurance and Investment Products

Dennis Wee Group Marketing Real Estate

Yokogawa Engineering Asia

Sales and Proposal in Distributed Control Systems for Oil and Gas Industry

Panasonic AVC Singapore Supervisory in Line Production

3) What are my hobbies and interests?

I-Ching Laozi Chinese Classics Football Badminton Business Marketing Writing Value Investing

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Writing System 1. Contact and Communications Policies As we work together, it is important that we have fast and easy communication. During our project, I am available weekdays, from 10a.m. to 4p.m. By far, the best way to reach me is through e-Mail ([email protected]), followed by; LinkedIn ( If you prefer to talk, we can connect via skype (ralph.hua), or mobile (+65 97702900) 2. Discussing the Project and Questionnaire To get started with a potential project, I will send you a complete Discovery Questionnaire. This will help both of us clearly define the scope of the project and ensure maximum results. I will send a link to the Questionnaire through Google Docs (or word file via email). Please return it to me as quickly as possible -- for most clients that is between 1 and 3 business days. After I receive the Discovery Questionnaire, I review and study your answer, plus any other applicable initial research needed. From there, I will outline a short Project Roadmap. This will save you time and help you see that I fully understand the project. It will also be the basis for our Launch Call. 3-7 days after I receive the Discovery answers, we will schedule a 15-minute Launch Call. During this call, we will discuss the Project Roadmap. I will listen to any additional directions and insights you have on the Project. Following that call, I will draft and send you an Agreement. If your legal team has an Agreement, we can use that. 3. Investment and Getting Started The Agreement will contain all the specifics on what exactly I will deliver, including project deadlines. It will also list your investment for the project and terms of payment. (Note: I require 50% of the project total to begin. Most of my clients prefer to pay by internet banking.) Once we both signed the Agreement, I will begin working on your copy as agreed. 4. Research My research process is very comprehensive. I begin with a complete review of your website and any other materials you send me. From there, I will research the market, including your competitors. In some cases, I will ask to visit with your customer service team, past clients/customers, and different department heads. As needed, I will reach out to you for additional details, product samples, and other resources. You can be confident that I’ll quickly and effectively understand your product, your voice, and your customer’s core emotional purchase drivers.

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5. Collaboration As we work on this project together, communication is critical. Some of my clients are very busy and prefer to hand off the project to me and review the first draft, with very little communication in between. Others like dealing with me on an almost daily basis and be involved at just about every step of the way. Which are you? Please send me an email and let me know how often you’d like to communicate and what the best way is to reach out to you (i.e., email, phone, social media, text, etc. …) One other point… I require that you assign me a single point of contact on your team. I will communicate directly with that person and they will deal with your other team members as needed to obtain information and approvals. Finally, I STRONGLY encourage you to become familiar with Google Docs. I do all of my writing with this word processing tool. It allows us to track changes, comment, and collaborate in real time. It can be shared with various team members and the working document is always the current document -- no need to worry about sending wrong files or things getting lost. 6. Review of First Drafts Typically, you’ll receive the first draft in 10~14 business days, depending on the project size and scope. When you get the first draft, please review it carefully. Also, have any applicable team members review it. The most important thing at this stage of the game is making sure that the tone, message, and offer are right. We’ll fine-tune during the second draft… and third draft, as needed. 7. Revisions After you review the initial draft, it is likely that you’ll want some things changed. Please note those changes using the comment feature inside of Google Docs. You can also suggest changes using the Edit Mode feature, which I’ll turn on when I share it with you. I will review all your suggested changes within 24 hours of you submitting them to me. I will make my adjustments within 2- business days, depending on the breadth and complexity of your suggested changes. In all cases, I recognize that these are your customers and will defer to you as much as possible. Sometimes, there are cases where my clients make suggestions that I know will not work and will hurt profits. In those cases, you can expect me to be bold and direct in my feedback. When clients insist on changes that I feel will not work, I always recommend a simple A/B split test. Let the market vote. 8. Additional Reviews After the first round of changes, there may be additional fine-tuning needed. You can be confident that I’ll gladly work with you until you are delighted with the copy. In most cases, my clients find that one review volley is enough. When more are needed, it is usually just one or two and process goes quickly. Typically, we can get the final copy within a 1-3 business days.

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9. Final Approval Once all revisions are done, I will submit a final draft to you. At this point, you approve the copy by sending me an email stating that everything is ready for distribution. Once I receive this final approval from you, I will invoice you for the remaining 50% of the project investment. The invoice is due upon receipt. I will make every effort to be prompt in responding to your requests and assume that, as a professional, you will do the same with my invoices. In most cases, the final copy is sent to a designer for formatting. I strongly encourage you to send me a PDF of the final version. I will double check that any graphical elements added by your design team enhance the copy and make it more effective. If I see something that is distracting and may hurt your response rates, I’ll be direct in letting you know. If requested, I’m happy to work with your design team to make any changes needed to make the end version as effective as possible. 10. Transition to New Projects Once the project is done, I provide all of my clients with a complimentary follow-up consultation. We spend a few minutes on the phone and discuss what went well and where improvements can be made. We review the Discovery Questionnaire and discuss additional ways to uncover new profits. Where appropriate, we map out a new project to ensure that you continue to have excellent copy that meets your goals and grows your business.

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About Me Born in 1980 in Singapore to a sailor turned small business owner and a homemaker, Ralph was a kid growing up in a coffee shop. Watching his father selling chicken rice and other uncles selling their food stuff and coffee, he was fascinated with seeing people of different races and colours mingling and having a meal or drink at this place, the coffee shop. He enjoyed listening to their stories of the day. As a young child Ralph loves reading storybooks, like Enid Blyton’s Noddy, Famous Five, Dr Seuss’s The Cat In The Hat, and especially role-playing gamebooks, Fighting Fantasy by Ian Livingstone. Entering primary school he enjoyed Physical Education lessons (badminton in particular), and English class. Especially composition class. Entering secondary school though English class became rigid and boring. At least to Ralph. He didn’t do too well and got a D7 for his ‘O’ Levels. This prevented him from entering a business course in polytechnic so he went to the school of engineering instead. In Engineering school, Ralph learned what was problem solving, the engineer’s method of operation. Defining the problem is more important than solving it. Although solving the problem is important, Ralph was taught that one has to first correctly identify the root problem. Upon graduation came thirty months of national service as a weapon inspection specialist. Those were fun times playing and learning with M16 rifles and pistols. Being an engineering graduate, disassembling rifles is like disassembling model cars. Seeing how it all works was very interesting. After the army, his first job was in DVD reading lens production. Second job as an engineer for control systems. And the third was a proposal engineer selling the control systems. He had to craft a proposal that can sell. After successfully selling a project, Ralph felt a slight rekindling of what it’s like to be selling something, like his father did years ago in the coffee shop. To be able to sell is the first step to have financial independence. Well sooner or later, he believes. From there on, he was doing sales for the next 8 years with various companies and industries. From real estate, insurance, to manufacturing and retail. Though busy with work, the love of reading didn’t end because of the boring years in secondary school English class. Agatha Christie, James Patterson and detective novels, philosophy, Chinese classics, Japanese manga, business, marketing, biographies, I-Ching, are some for his favourite topics. As Mark Twain quotes, “I’ve never let school interfere with my education.”, Ralph took up copywriting courses and internet marketing courses over a span of three years and counting. Before that, he financed himself to complete a corresponding degree course in Engineering Business Management with The Coventry University obtaining a BSc with 2nd Upper Honours. Now, with sales and corporate experience, coupled with his problem solving training, he currently works as a freelance copywriter specializing in email marketing and Ad & sales copy. For more information, reach for Ralph at [email protected]

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Services Investment

Emails – Short (less than 350 words) Usually for new product introduction, news updates,


Emails – Long (above 350 words) Usually for Case Studies, Updates on Company Policies.


Emails -- Autoresponders (Series) For relationship building with customers. Series purpose is to create KLT (Know, Like, Trust.) At the end of the email series or along the series, customer will click on the link and be diverted to your landing or sales page where she can make a purchase.


Landing Page / Sales Page $1,000

PPC Ads with Keyword Research $200/Ad

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Writing Samples 1) 5 Simple Ways To Get Your Word-Of-Mouth Marketing To Spread Click on the below link:

2) Sales Letter about Pizzahut Hey Chris, How’s things going? Long time since we last chat. You know, the talk about our victory against big boss Vega. How your Ryu did the ultimate hit combo and having your name etched in the Street Fighter II Hall of Fame. Not forgetting my name too, on the most number of undefeated games with the help of my always electrifying Blanka. Maybe we should meet this Saturday for a match again. You and me. Player 1, Player 2. Best of five games and the loser treats “Dinpper” (our favourite meal between dinner and supper). Where shall we have our Dinpper? Where else, but Pizzahut. Remember the Pizzahut at Bedok Central just five minutes’ walk from our battleground, Funland Arcade? The aroma of the place immediately greets you before Auntie Maggie and granny Agnes could welcome us. How we would start the meal off with a loaf, eh no, two loaves of Garlic Breads. That oven-baked goodness sesame seed bun with the hot buttery garlic spread that will fill our mouth with smell that makes our girlfriends blush. After finishing off the Garlic Breads and our first round of boastful victories with our three hit combos, come our main event. The Curry Chicken Pizza. Personal Pan Pizza. Personal = MINE I can almost smell it now. The authentic local infused chicken curry with loads of spices and herbs, potatoes, onions, diced tomatoes and chunky chicken. Not forgetting the mozzarella cheese. The cheese that stretchessss.... After all these years, the Curry Chicken Pizza is still a local favourite. Our favourite. Oh mine... I’m hungry... Let’s not waste time. I heard from the people at Bedok Central that the Pizzahut Restaurant will be closed for a six- month long renovation. I can’t wait that long for my precious, Curry Chicken Pizza. Can you? Call me, Ralph, The Undefeated Street Fighter. P.S. I will bring the discount coupons. My mum cut them out this morning. I hope my victory over your Ryu smells greater than the Curry Chicken Pizza, though that will be tough.

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3) Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt

Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt

1. First sentence of your story: “Support line: This is derived by joining successive bottoms.”

2. What the Protagonist ate for breakfast: Mini Oreo cookies with green tea cream center

3. Conflict of the story is what the Protagonist wants: Meat Munchers Pizza from Pezzo 4. Protagonist’s attire: Orange Polo T-shirt from GAP 5. Protagonist’s hair color: Orange and Grey 6. Protagonist’s weapons that win the conflict: coins, screw-cap ink pen, audio earpiece

for mobile phone 7. Use at least once in the story; ‘bacon’ or ‘cat’ 8. Antagonist’s name: Nicole 9. Location: Thailand, Bangkok 10. Help to solve conflict comes from a Brown Paper bag

----------------------------------------------Start------------------------------------------------------------ Support line: This is derived by joining successive bottoms. How many bottoms do I have to hit before support comes? I mumbled to myself. Cursing also requires energy. All I had since morning was three pieces of mini Oreo cookies with green tea cream. Not bad. They say green tea is a cancer fighting food. But my enemy now isn’t cancer. Hunger is! “Are these greys in my ginger head?” I heard myself whispering to myself as I caught a glimpse of my face on the glossy screen of my work laptop. Hunger causes immediate aging? Let’s try the pantry. Please god please, no more Tom Yum inspired snacks, food, ice creams. Do they only eat these here at Bangkok? I want meat, muscle tissue, BACON!! What’s that smell? It’s heavenly… oily and fatty… It seems to come from that brown paper bag sitting over there... Just when I’m about one arm’s length (or five?) I can’t tell, a shadow flashes in. Standing right between me and my oil and fatty heaven. “Eh big carrot! Want this? Over my dead body!” taunted Nicole as she waves the Meat Munchers Pizza from Pezzo. Although I’m wearing an Orange GAP Polo T-shirt that matches my hair colour that doesn’t make me

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a carrot! “You Finance Bitch!! Give me my pizzzaaaaa!!” Nicole turns and proceeds to stroll back to her cubicle. I have to stop her. I have to rescue Pezzo. I fixed up a makeshift Bolas using the mobile earphones and Sheaffer pen and cap from my pocket. I aim and threw at Nicole’s ankles. “Aaaahhhhh!”, shrieked the bitch. Oh. My. God. Pezzo is about to hit the floor! I'm allowed only 1 second. I reached into the brown paper bag, fished out a napkin. With a single sweeping move, the napkin lands beneath Pezzo. Only just. The state champion of horseshoe pitching isn’t fake. ----------------------------------------------End------------------------------------------------------------

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4) ACME Pro Can Opener

ACME Pro Can Opener

Features Benefits Rechargeable build-in battery. No plug-in cords required.

Can carry the can opener around the restaurant without the hassles of finding electrical socket.

Looks neat and tidy in the kitchen. No cords meaning less chances to

have bottles, bowls, and glasses topple over.

Saves time in cleaning up the mess due to spill prevention.

Less chances of spills and breakages means less accidents and better hygiene.

Less accidents mean better safety records.

Better safety record means restaurants gets better review and the kitchen managers get better appraisals.

Cooks and kitchen helpers do not have to crowd in the same area to get their cans opened.

Better use of space in the kitchen when it is common that space is tight in a commercial kitchen.

Saves money in space needed.

Small size. Takes up half the counter space of comparable models, yet just as powerful.

Small and easy to move from counter to counter as and when needed.

Can be shared. Can use lesser can openers. Saves money. The rest of the counter space can be

used to place other items like utensils stand, plates.

Better usage of counter space meaning a tidier workspace.

Meaning more efficient and productive kitchen staff.

The cutting blade has a special mechanism that dulls the metal as it opens the can leaving no sharp edges.

Prevent cuts. Improves safety and hygiene records. Reflects better on the kitchen

manager’s competence in management and planning of his kitchen.

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Sanitary stainless steel construction. Water resistant. Withstands a five-foot drop onto a hard surface without damage.

No rust. No bacteria. Cleaner food. Prevents food poisoning. Prevents complaints from customers. Prevents bad publicity on food

poisoning due to unclean food. Prevent law suits Saves money and reputation. Durable. Longer cycle time for replacement. Saves money.

Short paragraph that describes the ACME Pro Can Opener to potential customers – kitchen managers at restaurants and hotels. ----------------------------------------------Start------------------------------------------------------------ I am sure you have come across dozens of can openers in your long career. However, I would like to show you how The ACME Pro Can Opener is the can opener of choice for your business. As we all know in the food and beverage industry, cleanliness and food safety are among the top priorities. Clean working environment, table tops, chef and cooks’ hands, ingredients, the list is endless. The typical kitchen atmosphere is busy and hot and tight spaced! Hence, you need a can opener that’s save space, easy to use and saves you money. And here’s how; 1. The ACME Pro Can Opener comes with a rechargeable build-in battery which means no plug in cords are required. This makes the can opener very mobile and the cooks can move it around the kitchen as to where he or she needs. No cord lying around the counters means that there is a lesser chance for spills and breakages of sauce bottles and plates of food that is ready to serve. 2. The kitchen is tidier and cleaner which improves cleanliness records and accident records. As it only measures 20cm by 20cm, it takes up only half the counter space, leaving the other half for placement of other items like the utensils stand and plates. This make better space management and you get more items stored and station with less space used. 3. The cutting edge of the ACME Pro Can Opener has a special mechanism that dulls the metal as it opens the can leaving no sharp edges and it is designed with a stainless steel construction. This is a very important feature because it prevents rust, bacteria build up and prevents cooks from cutting their fingers. No rust, no bacteria, no blood, means no food poisoning, media coverage and the dreaded law suits! 4. Did I mention that this machine is one tough buddy in the kitchen? Due to its unique design and construction, it can withstand a five-foot drop onto a hard surface without damage. One ACM Pro Can Opener can last you years! In fact we have customers that purchase a set of 50 from us and we haven’t heard from them since. Guess they are working so well there is no need for replacement. ----------------------------------------------End------------------------------------------------------------

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5) Letter for Subscribers to re-subscribe Value Focus #1: Honest and Unbiased Reporting

Process-Oriented: Not having to rely on advertisers or corporate funding allows Consumer Reports (CR) to deliver honest reporting.


Independent and unbiased

Purchases all products that are tested

Not influenced by corporations


Dear Subscriber,

“Yikes! There’s a fly in my soup!”

“Fret not, we sell spiders here.”

You may read this in a joke book but at Consumer Report, we don’t joke around.

We sure don’t joke with your safety and trust.

For over 80 years, we have tested thousands of products and will continue to do so.

We do so because it is in our blood to deliver honest reporting for our readers.

We stay independent and unbiased for the promised that we can stay in the market as the gold standard in product testing.

To stay independent and unbiased, we do not rely on advertisers or corporate funding. If we do, our reader will distrust us believing that we are puppets of corporations.

We detest being puppets.

We are independent.

But not 100%.

You can help us be 100% independent.

100% unbiased.

By donating to our cause and effort, we can do this together.


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6) Flyer Design and Copy modification

BEFORE 4000pcs distributed, 0 Sales.

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AFTER 2,000pcs distributed, 3 Call in, 3 Sales.