Information on the Malmedy Case to be Heard at …...On or about 15 December 1944 in a talk to his...

[ Valentin BERSIN, Untersch-:1.rfuehrer (Sgt.) A- 1t:.. - ;l ,S- j e;: · C:: M d . /V !f'e s/ d e.N' ce : 5-f . l3a.r-bd..r-o-.. Tank Commander .$ 5 -,. ,.. o /V\ S' /11 " ~. I 't J./0 fo e d. . 2nd Pl., 1st Pz. Co., 1st Bn., 1st SS Pz. Regt. , LSSAH _ The prosecution expects to prove that this accus ed: 1. vVas responsible for the killing of alli ed civilians on or about 21 Decemb er 1944 at Wanne , Belgium. /:/,v .=1 ; ,v 1 s ·. S e NTeNce: Court Room Sc ene IIe.lm0 y I.Iassacre Vvar C rimes Trial Asst . Prosecutor Lt . Col . Ho·.,,er B. Crav1fo_..,d interro _ .,ates Prosecution J. it ne s s 1:::: t Lt • . hn . PG r 1 •

Transcript of Information on the Malmedy Case to be Heard at …...On or about 15 December 1944 in a talk to his...

  • [

    Valentin BERSIN, Untersch-:1.rfuehrer (Sgt.) A- 1t:.. - ;l ,S- j e;:·C:: ~ M d ./V !f'e s/d e.N' ce : 5-f. l3a.r-bd..r-o-.. Tank Commander .$ 5 -,. ,.. o /V\ S' /11" ~. I 't J./0 fo e ~ d. .

    2nd Pl., 1st Pz. Co., 1st Bn., 1st SS Pz. Regt. , LSSAH _

    The prosecution expects to prove that this accused :

    1. vVas responsible for the killing of allied civilians on or about 21 December

    1944 at Wanne, Belgium.

    /:/,v .=1 ; ,v1s ·. S e NTeNce:

    Court Room Sc ene IIe.lm0 y I.Iassacre Vvar Crimes Trial

    Asst . Prosecutor Lt . Col . Ho·.,,er B. Crav1fo_..,d interro _.,ates Prosecution

    J. •itne s s 1:::: t Lt • .hn . PGr 1 •

  • Friedel BODE, Unterscharfuehrer (Sgt.) A 4e - 2"3 j e;.e. Y" ~dlV' Group Leader ~ e s id e N c e.. : /._ o e! hn-e, Wesff kd l,d..

    .S S :f- r"-DM 3 O Apri I ft> (! ...v cl.. 2nd Pl., 3rd Pz. Pi. Co., 1st Pi. Bn., LSSAH

    The prosecution expects to prove that this accused:

    1. On or about 17 December 1944 at Buellingen, Belgium, fi red on prisoners

    of war.

    ' 2. On or about 17 December 1944 at the crosstoads south of Malmedy, Bel-

    gium, fired on prisoners of war.

    3. Was responsible for the shootings of prisoners of war by men of his

    group between 16 December 1944 and 13 January 1945.

    F;·,v.J ,'N1s: ~ U; 1-\- ~ SeN ie.N c..c: : ) t1

    Court Roo1·1 S c ene I1a l r1ed.y Massacre dar Orines Trial

    Asst . Prooocutor Cayt . Raphael Schu~1a c -er addresses t1e Cour t .

  • No. 3

    Marcel BOLTZ, Sturmmann (Pfc.) ,t:J'i e : I~; F-reNC h ·Res ideNc e: ReNNec/.r1 J:l l s& c e

    Machine Gunner SS 5,-. o""" I O Oc.1,. IO,L/3 -/1, e11,1d . 2nd Pl., 3rd Pz. Pi. Co., 1st Pioneer Bn., LSSAH

    The prosecution expects to prove that this accused :

    1. On or about 17 December 1944 at Buellingen, Belgium, fi red on prisoners

    of war.

    2. On or about 17 December 1944 at the crossroads south of Malmedy,

    Belgium, fired on prisoners of war.

    Nol Pro ssed j vsi f r ,' or fo r,.;.,,1;,,,f s o/V d. r'r-ec-f;oN o -S T A e d -f e r Co /'1 rt cJ,vd e r

  • .$Willi BRAUN, Sturmmann (Pfc.) ft1e: ~Oj @e.rMolV , l(e.sid eNce: (;.'t-ojdw, DdN%ltJ

    Machine Gunner .ss :J. 0 r~ b /'I'll-/- VN-fi / :LI Oe

  • or on the road

    ko. -5

    Kurt BRIESEMEISTER, Unterscharfuehrer (Sgt. ) R1e - 2 Lf_,,· r;. e. "(" /Vt o.IV Res id e Nce: f1c1T"/;., hou Sc ~c!Y'hduSC!N

    Tank Commander J S S :S W""o"" l. 'i S eff. 1, '-10 ft> e Nd..

    1st PL , 1s t Pz·. Co., 1st Bn. , 1st SS Pz. Regt., LSSAH

    The prosecution expects to prove that this accused:

    1. On or about 17 December 1944 at the crossroads south of Malmedy, Bel

    gium, fired on prisoners of war.

    2. On or about 17 December 1944 at the crossroads south of Malmedy, Bel

    gium, permitted men of his tank crew to fire on prisoners of war and

    allied civilians.

    3. On or about 18 December 1944 in Stavelot fi red on prisoners of war.

    4. Was responsible for the sh ootings of prisoners of war and allied civilians

    by men of his tank crew between 16 December 1944 and 13 January 1945.

    F,~J ,-,.,1, '. G. u; /tJ Se..NfetVc e: I

  • -- ---- ----Main street -

    ----- - --~ --- ---

    Willi von CHA:tvIIER, Cnterscharfuehrer (Sgt.) A4e- 30· @:e.Y-Md.l'V , . 1. _,, s~>

  • :.i ght .,_ r.1e.r:ica.n. - • r . '~ i.'iere r urde r ed in t11i s co11 r t 8 rd , Hon sf'cJ·~ Belgium

    ~i ~t American PW t s . wer e murdered in: thi s


    · - :e rican holl}J_et s witlL b1J l Je t h ol

  • . . Roman CLOTTEN, Oberscharfuehrer (S/Sgt.) A1 -e - :l SJ. be -e r :' d N .

    Re..siJe"'c.e: 8dJ-Tr,1/el'.lfeld 01111he /10.,AI.Tank Commander SS ::\.-o"" I ocf 1139 f-o e111d ·

    2nd Pl., 7th Pz. Co. , 1st Bn., 1st SS Pz. Regt. , LSSAH

    The prosecution expects to prove that this accused:

    l. On or about 17 December 1944 at the crossroads south of Malmedy, Bel

    gium, was responsible for a member of his crew firing on prisoners of war.

    ~',,vJ.. /,V1s: e;-u·, ltJ .Se.IV fe NC e ·. / ..

  • v omen nd cnildren were urdered ~ t h is small court -yarc .

    Mr s. Gre0oire was t hei~ wi t nes s .

    stavelot, Belgium

    Manfred COBLENZ, Obersturmfuehrer (1st Lt.} A1e- 1s,· eerMoN' /?esiJ~ ,v c e: Sdr1e,v/,Ju~e1V ,',.11 , t ~drs.

    Company Commander SS :5roM / Oe,7:/'iJ1 to .:z.2.L>e c. l'i'-1'1. 2nd Co., 1st Recon. Rn., LSSAH

    The prosecution expects to prove that this accused:

    1. On or about 15 December 1944 in a talk to his company ordered prisoners

    of war and allied civilians were to be shot.

    2. Wa.s responsible for the shootings of prisoners of war and allied civilians

    by officers and men of his company between 16 December 1944 and

    13 January 1945.

    r;;vd. ,·,v1s : e;-u iIt~ Se ,vfe Nce : ) 1

    - liree civ" mur er

  • Josef DIEFENTHAL, Sturmbannfuehre r {Major) A 1e - 3 o)· (;:.e .... .,.,a .IV Res iJ e tvc e : Auskirche,.., #e d" l(o·f.v.Battalion Commander SS -S ""/flt I SOct. /'i3S fe,e N d ,

    3rd Bn., 2nd Pz. Gr. Regt., LSSAH

    The prosecution expects to prove that this accused:

    1. On or about 15 December 1944 in a speech to his BJ.ttalion officers order2 d

    that no prisoners wen~ to be taken. '

    I 2. On or about 17 December 1944 at the crossroads south of Malmedy, Bel-

    gium, permitted prisoners of war to be shot.

    3. On or about 18 December 1944 near Cheneux , Belgium, permitted a

    prisoner of war to be shot.

    4. Was responsible for the shootings of prisoners of war by men of his

    battalion between 16 December 1944 und 13 January 1945.

    F),vcL ,~1s: ~u il'j Se -vle. ,vc e:

    /Vo. - l o

  • Court Room Scene I.Ialmedy I1lassacx,e ,Var Crimes Trial

    Dofondant G-encr2.l (3 ) Josef "Sepp" Dietrich with Chief Defense Counse l co1 • ·Ji11 i s I/I . ~v oret t , Jr • , st ands beforo court for sentencing .

    ~- - 11

    Josef (Sepp) DIETRICH, Generaloberst (General) A 1e ~ .S'-/./' ~e. ~ /\'\ d.~ R e s,d.e;-vce .' /vl ur11 c

    Army Commander S - a + 1S -fro""- l-s b. 1, 33 1 c:,e,vo-.

    6th SS Pz. Army

    The prosecution expects to prove that this accused:

    1. On or about 14 December 1944 ordered his army to conduct the offensive

    ruthlessly against civilians and to shoot prisoners of war.

    2. Was responsible for the shootings of prisoners of war and allied civilians

    by officers and men of Combat Group Peiper between 16 December 1944

    and 13 January 1945.

    f7iv d. /N1S '. @o i 1-+j Se N fe.,;vc e : ·

  • cross the r au ..:J.·om. ~- he s cene 0..1. t ..."o

    Malucdy 1.1as:::a.Cl''e, l? DE' ce1:r1bcr 1944.

    at the acene of th..., ,f

    :Malmed:7 · Mas acre ~


    Fritz ECKMANN, Sturmmann (Pfc.) A 1 e - :i. I ;' @e.. r .rt d.. ,v . . Re.s id. e rv c e : DdNube -Esc.~ 1etv

  • i.rv ivors of vlalm.e.d.._".1 I\ stand. on the 8" "' ot where t ey fell on 17 .LJ e c. 1_94)-1,.,_ at t he c :i....o·-, nroads , Baugnez , .Belgium

    survivor s of the Me.lmedy Massa.ere r "act t h e scene on the spot -v ,_ ~r fell, 17 necenber 1944.

    ' o.r.1e a s above

    #o. / 3

    Arndt FISCHER, Untersturmfuehrer (2nd Lt.) A'le - :i.3; geY-Mo-N' Res i d.QNce : Wd IJ -Ast o r--5

    Adjutant. SS -S T' oAf\ ;i_oFeb.f'i3C, jc, e /1/ J.. 1st Bn., 1st Pz. Regt. , LSSAH

    The prosecution expects to prove that this accused:

    1. On or about 15 December 1944 aided in the transmission of the order

    to company commanders of the 1st Bn. to shoot prisoners of war and

    allied civilians.

    2. Was responsible for the shootings of prisoners of war and allied civilians

    by officers and men of the 1st Bn. between 16 December 1944 and 13 Janu

    ary 1945.

    F1N d. iN

  • Georg FLEPS, Sturmmann (Pfc.) A cJ e - ~ 3 · Ro u"" d. N /d- N . I ) D '

    Res id.e. N ce : l'1 ic hde./sl>er1, 11 e> u M di\/'~Assistant Gunner

    S S 5 : a 1\-\ I Ju f_j I 'l 4 3 to e /V cd. · 3rd Pl., 7th Pz. Co., 1st Bn., 1st SS Pz. Regt., LSSAH

    The prosecution expects to prove that this accused:

    1. On or about 17 December 1944 a t the crossroads south of Malmedy, Bel

    gium, fired on prisoners of war.

    f/ :VJ. ,'tV1s : G-u i ft'j Se.N'feNce .'

    American pw t s ~er~ 1r:urc_'3red neat' could this been one of

    their ~u.rderers , stnvelot-Troi~ po~ts, Belgi1..m1

  • :· ~,yon,e·t wounds -ca se ne-a.r Ste.v clot, 11"'\ / 944

    Heinz FRIEDRICHS, Grenadier (Pvt. )

    SPW Driver

    on b ac~ r ' .i~ ..a. Belgi1,"1 , al"'- x

    ;1/o.'- 15

    A q e - l'1; G;erl"\o. .N' Resid.ervc e: J-l&J.1Vover SS ")ro""' Apri l l'tl/'-f io :l>I.Oec . 19'-I'-/.

    Gun butt wou11d in r ight eye . .. troc ity case ne.;.i._ ~tav elot, B r~ .m , a1 out

    19 Dec. 19LiJ+

    4th Pl., 11th Pz. Gr. Co. , 3rd Bn., 2nd Pz. Gr. Regt. , LSSAH

    The prosecution expects to prove that this accused:

    1. On or about 19 December 1944 near Stoumont, Belgium, fired on prisoners

    of war.

    0;vd.,#c;s : C;;uil+'j Se.N'1eNc e.. : L,


    CWilli von CHAMIERFriedrick CHRISTRoman CLOTTENManfred COBLENZ


    EFritz ECKMANN