Information memorandum · investment scheme pursuant to section 601ED(2) of the Corporations Act...

Bombora Information Memorandum | A Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund Issued by Bombora Investment Management Pty Ltd ACN 625 413 390 Authorised Representative for Ironbridge Capital Management Pty Limited ACN 105 880 108 (AFSL 237 556) 30 May 2018 Information memorandum

Transcript of Information memorandum · investment scheme pursuant to section 601ED(2) of the Corporations Act...

Bombora Information Memorandum | A

Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund Issued by Bombora Investment Management Pty Ltd ACN 625 413 390 Authorised Representative for Ironbridge Capital Management Pty Limited ACN 105 880 108 (AFSL 237 556)

30 May 2018


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This Information Memorandum (Information Memorandum) contains information about Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund (Fund) and is dated 30 May 2018. The Fund is an unregistered managed investment scheme pursuant to section 601ED(2) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act). This Information Memorandum is issued by Bombora Investment Management Pty Ltd ACN 625 413 390 (Trustee or Bombora).

This Information Memorandum is intended solely for the use of the person to whom it has been delivered (Recipient) for the purposes of evaluating a possible investment in the Fund. It is not to be reproduced or distributed to any person (other than professional advisers of the Recipient) without Bombora’s prior written consent.

Offers made under this Information Memorandum are made exclusively to Wholesale Clients. This Information Memorandum is not, and is not required to be a disclosure document or product disclosure statement within the meaning of the Corporations Act. This Information Memorandum may not contain the same level of disclosure as those documents and has not been, and is not required to be, lodged with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC).

The Trustee is a corporate authorised representative of Ironbridge Capital Management Pty Limited ACN 105 880 108 (AFSL No. 237556) and is authorised to provide advisory, dealing and custodial services in connection with the Fund to Wholesale Clients only.

Investment DecisionApplicants should read this Information Memorandum in its entirety before deciding to apply for Units. This Information Memorandum does not take into account the individual circumstances of any investor, nor does it give financial product advice. Accordingly, investors should obtain independent legal, financial and taxation advice before making a decision to invest in the Fund.

An investment in this Fund carries risks. An outline of some of the risks that apply to an investment in the Fund is set out in Section 6. Applicants are urged to consider this Section of the Information Memorandum carefully before deciding to apply for Units.

No person is authorised to give any information or make any representation in connection with the Offer which is not contained in this Information Memorandum. Neither the Fund, The Trustee nor its respective affiliates, related bodies corporate, directors, officers, employees, representatives or advisers accept any liability for any loss or damage suffered or incurred by the investor or any other person or entity however caused (including negligence) relating in any way to this Information Memorandum.

Forward Looking StatementsThis Information Memorandum contains forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are not based on historical facts, but are based on current expectations of future results or events. These forward looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from the expectations described in such forward looking statements. While the Fund believes that the expectations reflected in the forward looking statements in this Information Memorandum are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to be correct. The risk factors set out in Section 6, as well as other matters as yet not known to the Fund or not currently considered material by the Fund, may cause actual results or events to be materially different from those expressed, implied or projected in any forward looking statements. Any forward looking statement contained in this Information Memorandum is qualified by this cautionary statement.

Electronic Information MemorandumAn electronic version of this Information Memorandum (Electronic Information Memorandum) can be downloaded from The Offer or invitation to which the Electronic Information Memorandum relates is only available to persons receiving the Electronic Information Memorandum in Australia.

The Fund will send a copy of the paper Information Memorandum and paper Application Form free of charge if the person asks during the application period.

If you download the Electronic Information Memorandum, please ensure that you have received the entire Information Memorandum accompanied by a copy of the Application Form. The Units to which the Electronic Information Memorandum relates will only be issued to Applicants who complete the Application Form accompanying the Information Memorandum and submit that form to the Fund together with Application Monies.

How to ApplyInvestors can complete the application process online (please go to for further instructions) or via the paper Application Form accompanying this Information Memorandum. You can find detailed instructions on completing the Application Forms on the back of the paper Application Form.

Applications must be for a minimum of 50,000 Units at $1 each (i.e. for a minimum subscription amount of $50,000). A larger number of Units may be applied for in multiples of 100 Units.

ApplicationsApplications and Application Monies for Units under the Offer received after 5:00 p.m. (Sydney time) on the Closing Date, will not be accepted and will be returned to potential investors.

Applications must be accompanied by payment in Australian currency. Cheques in respect of paper Application Forms should be made payable to Bombora Investment Management Pty Ltd as trustee for the Bombora Special Investors Growth Fund and crossed “Not Negotiable”.

No stamp duty is payable by Applicants.

Application FormsCompleted paper Application Forms, together with Application Monies, should be forwarded to the following address:

By Mail or Hand Delivered

Mainstream Fund ServicesAddress: Level 1, 51-57 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Mail: GPO Box 4968, Sydney NSW 2001 Telephone: 1300 133 451 Email: [email protected] Website:

When to ApplyCompleted Application Forms and Application Monies under the Offer must be received by 5:00 pm (Sydney time) on the Closing Date. The Trustee may close the Offer at any time without prior notice or extend the period of the Offer in accordance with the Act. The Trustee reserve the right to allocate any lesser number of Units than those for which the Applicant has applied. Where the number of Units allotted is fewer than the number applied for, surplus Application Monies will be refunded without interest.

Definitions and InterpretationDefined terms and abbreviations included in the text of this Information Memorandum are set out in the Definitions and Interpretation in Section 9.

Important Notices

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Managing Director’s Letter

Dear Investor,On behalf of the Directors, I am pleased to present this Information Memorandum and offer you the opportunity to become a Unitholder in the Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund (Fund), an investment fund established by Bombora Investment Management Pty Ltd (ACN 625 413 390) (Trustee or Bombora).

The Bombora investment team (Investment Team) includes members with over 20 years of experience in investment management, private equity and mergers and acquisitions advisory. The Investment Team is a highly experienced group of investment professionals with a track record for investing in and executing corporate transactions. The Investment Team is supported by the knowledge, experience and networks of industry-experienced operational partners (Operational Partners and Industry Specialists).

A key objective of the Fund is to seek to provide investors with access to investment opportunities that may not normally be accessible. Furthermore, investors will benefit from the collective experience of the Investment Team who will not just invest the capital but will also add value to the underlying investments to maximise the chance of generating above market returns.

The Fund’s key focus is to source, investigate, value, structure and execute high growth business investment opportunities. The Fund will identify opportunities where it sees significant value can be achieved in a medium-term time horizon. Opportunities will be sourced from the Investment Team’s relationships and knowledge of the investment markets.

The Fund will take minority positions, including in Pre-IPO Securities. Using the combined skills of the Investment Team, the Fund may then to take an active role with the entity to assist the entity to list on ASX.

The Investment Team will also seek to identify Special Opportunity Investments where they believe there is an opportunity to realise value in the short to medium term.

The combined knowledge of the Investment Team includes skills in running and being board members on listed companies, private equity investing, corporate finance and investment banking skills together with traditional equity research and fund management experience. The Investment Team has expertise in the following industry sectors: technology, telecommunications, media, leisure, infrastructure, renewables, healthcare, hospitality, retail, professional services and financial services.

It is particularly important for potential investors to review carefully the risks associated with an investment in the Fund, including the risks associated with the types of underlying funds the Fund may invest in. These are set out in detail in Section 6.

On behalf of Bombora, I look forward to welcoming you as a Unitholder in the Trust.

Yours sincerely,

Mike HillManaging Director Bombora Investment Management Pty Limited

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Table ofContents

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01 Key Features 4

02 About Bombora 8

03 About The Fund 16

04 How To Invest 26

05 Fees And Expenses 30

06 Risks 34

07 Tax Information 38

08 Additional Information 42

09 Definitions And Interpretation 46

Application Form 51

Directory 71

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01 | Key Features

Fund Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund (Fund) is an unregistered managed investment scheme structured as a unit trust.

Trustee Bombora Investment Management Pty Ltd ACN 625 413 390.

Custodian and Administrator Mainstream Fund Services (part of the ASX listed Mainstream Group Holdings (ASX:MAI)).

Fund Type Pre-IPO Securities and predominantly Australian/New Zealand listed Securities.

Fund Objective To achieve strong positive risk adjusted returns over the medium to long-term.

Investment Strategy The Fund’s initial Investment Strategy is to create a portfolio of actively managed investments with a focus on capital growth, by applying fundamental bottom up research, screening, diligence and structuring in companies in targeted industries.

The Trustee will utilise its network of industry experts in identifying, analysing and actively managing its investments, providing unique opportunities.

Portfolio Construction The Portfolio Construction is expected to be diversified as follows:

Type of investment Percentage of NAV

Listed Securities (predominantly Australian and New Zealand Securities) 40-50%

Pre IPO Securities 20-30%

Special Opportunities Investments 10-20%

Cash 10-20%

Investment Horizon 3 – 5 years

Investor Eligibility Wholesale Clients

Minimum Investment $50,000

Minimum Redemption $50,000

Buy/Sell Spread 0.3% / 0.3%

Fees and Expenses Management Fee of 1.5% p.a. of the Fund’s Net Asset Value calculated and payable monthly in arrears.

Performance Fee of 20% p.a. of the returns in a performance fee period exceeding the higher of the previous high-water mark and the Hurdle Rate. The performance fee is calculated and payable quarterly in arrears.

The Trust incurs cost recovery to a maximum of 1% p.a. of the Trust’s Net Asset Value.

Hurdle Rate 7% p.a. (See Section 5.2)

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01 | Key Features

Application Frequency Monthly

Valuations Unit price calculated monthly

Distributions Annually as at June 30. Distributions will be automatically reinvested unless instructed otherwise.

Redemptions Quarterly with 30 days’ notice

1.1 Who Can Apply For Units?

Who can participate in the Offer?

Wholesale Investors who have a registered address in Australia or New Zealand.

Can superannuation funds invest?

Yes, subject to the investment mandate of the particular fund and the trustee’s general powers and duties and the Trustee otherwise by a Wholesale Investor.

Is there a minimum subscription amount for each Application?

Yes, each Applicant must subscribe for a minimum of 50,000 Units at the Application Price $1 per Unit (i.e. $50,000).

Is there a cooling off period? No

The above table is a summary only. This Information Memorandum should be read in full before making any decisions to apply for Units.

EnquiriesInvestors with questions relating to the Offer or who require additional copies of the Information Memorandum should contact the Fund, on 1300 133 451 or via email to the Administrator at [email protected].

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02 | About Bombora

2.1 Overview Of BomboraThe Bombora team is made up of the Investment Team, complemented by Operational Partners and Industry Specialists and supported by an Investment Committee.

Investment team

Mike Hill (Managing Director) Gregg Taylor (Chief Investment Officer)

Thomas Ness (Portfolio Analyst)

Investment Committee

Julian Knights AO (Chairman),

Mike Hill, Gregg Taylor,

Josh May, David Willington

Active Operational Partners and Industry Specialists

Josh May, David Willington,

Chris Colfer, Brett Chenoweth,

Greg Ruddock

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02 | About Bombora

2.2 Investment Team

Mr Mike Hill

Managing Director and  Portfolio Manager

• Former Partner of Ernst & Young.

• Former Operational Partner of Ironbridge from 2004 to 2014, a private equity fi rm with $1.5bn funds under management.

• Co-Founder of Bombora Group in 2014.

• Signifi cant direct investment and Board experience including Chairman of the Board of Janison Education Group Limited (ASX: JAN), rhipe Limited (ASX: RHP) and AHAlife Holdings Limited (ASX: AHL). Non Executive Director on Acrow Formwork and Construction Services Limited (ASX:ACF).

• Member of the Australian Institute of Chartered Accountants and holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree (Accountancy) from the University of South Australia.

Mr Gregg Taylor

Chief Investment Offi cer and Portfolio Manager

• Gregg has 20 years of international business experience in fi nancial markets, technology, sports administration, media and retail.

• Most recently an Investment Executive at Blue Ocean Equities responsible for equity research, and capital markets services for ASX and NZX listed companies. Prior to this, his other roles included Investment Manager with Schroders Investment Management. Gregg has also founded and managed multiple global operating businesses in the sports, retail and media sector.

• Currently serving on the Board of Acrow Formwork and Construction Services Limited (ASX: ACF) and on the Board of Cronulla Sharks Rugby League Football Club and Cronulla Sharks Leagues Club.

• Bachelor of Commerce Degree from University of Wollongong and previously a CFA Charter holder.

Mr Thomas Ness

Portfolio Analyst

• Tom is an Investment Associate at the Bombora Group, and is currently working on secondment in New York as Commercial Director with AHAlife Holdings Limited (ASX: AHL).

• Has worked extensively alongside the management teams of a number of listed entities which Bombora members are currently Directors of, including to manage M&A diligence processes, develop corporate budgets, prepare market announcements and presentations.

• Formerly, an Analyst in the Financial Sponsors Group at J.P. Morgan in Sydney, Australia.

• Bachelor of Commerce (Honours in Finance) from the University of New South Wales.

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02 | About Bombora

2.3 Operational Partners And Industry Specialists

Mr David Willington

Operational Partner

• Founder and Managing Director of the boutique advisory and investment firm Mannagum Capital, and also sits on the Board of Janison Education Group Limited (ASX: JAN).

• Over 25 years’ experience in corporate finance and investment banking and during his career has primarily advised companies in the technology, media and telecommunications industry.

• Previously, David was a Partner at Deloitte Corporate Finance and prior to that was an investment banker with NM Rothschild and Citi.

• David has a Bachelor of Commerce, is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and is a Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australia.

Mr Josh May

Operational Partner

• Previously a Director within Ernst & Young’s M&A Advisory Practice in Sydney, before co-founding Oaktower Partnership in 2005, an independent boutique Corporate Advisory Business, based in Sydney and Melbourne. Advisory transaction themes have included private equity, entrepreneurial clients seeking growth capital, succession planning for large established private businesses, and sale of non-core assets for large corporations.

• Currently serving on the Board of Acrow Formwork and Construction Services Limited (ASX: ACF).

• Bachelor of Arts Degree (Accountancy) from the University of South Australia.

• Member of the Australian Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Mr Julian Knights AO

Chair, Investment Committee

• Founding Partner of Gresham Private Equity (majority owned by Wesfarmers) and Founding Partner of Ironbridge in 2001.

• 15 years of private equity experience raising approximately $1.75bn of funds under management and 17 years investment banking experience in the UK and Australia.

• In 2008 served as the Chairman of AVCAL (Australian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association).

• In 2013 was appointed as the Chair of the Major Performing Arts Board of the Australia Council.

• Julian qualified as a solicitor and holds BComm and LLB degrees from the University of the Witwatersrand.

Mr Greg Ruddock

Industry Specialist

• Founder and Joint CEO of Ironbridge successfully raising and investing the 2001 $450m fund and the 2006 $1.05bn fund.

• Prior to forming Ironbridge Greg joined Gresham Private Equity in 1999 and had 12 years operational experience at up Wesfarmers and with diversified listed Fund Avatar.

• Has been a member of the Ironbridge Investment Committee since inception and has represented the Ironbridge Funds on the Boards of Stardex, Super A-mart, EnviroWaste, Easternwell, FleetPartners (now Eclipx), ISGM and AOS. Greg is currently a Director of Eclipx Group Limited (ASX: ECX), Navigator Resources Limited (ASX: NAV).

• Greg has been a Director of Prospa since 2015 which is pending an IPO in 2018.

• Qualified as an accountant and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Western Australia.

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02 | About Bombora

Mr Brett Chenoweth

Industry Specialist

• Over 25 years of professional experience working primarily in media, technology, telecommunications and digital businesses, most recently as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of APN News and Media Limited

• Co-Founder of Bombora Group in 2014.

• Currently Chairman of Madman Entertainment, Canberra Data Centres (CDC), Yellow Group (NZ) and Creative Enterprises Australia (CEA). He serves as the Chairman of the Advisory Board of H.R.L Morrison & Co. and holds board positions in Sellable Pty Ltd and Surfing Australia.

• Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Queensland and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from the Securities Institute of Australia.

Mr Chris Colfer

Industry Specialist

• Christopher is an international Chairman, Chief Executive and Board Director with an exemplary track record in multiple industry sectors including luxury goods, branded goods and E-Commerce. He is highly skilled in strategy, retail, e-commerce, business development and marketing.

• He was the longest serving Non Executive Board Member of online luxury fashion retailer NET-A-PORTER, where he oversaw the initial investment by Richemont, saw its transformation into a billion-dollar company, and subsequently led the full acquisition in February 2010.

• Christopher currently sits on a number of technology and consumer goods boards, including Nude by Nature, Grown Alchemist, Mobile Digital, AHAlife Holdings Limited (ASX: AHL), and LYST.

2.4 ExperienceBombora’s Executive Team, Operational Partners and Industry Specialists have significant corporate advisory and funds management experience relevant to investing in Securities issued by both listed and unlisted entities.

In late 2013 Mike Hill, Greg Ruddock and Julian Knights AO (Initial Investors) advised by Gregg Taylor (as an external adviser working for Blue Ocean Equities) saw an opportunity to invest directly in high growth companies capable of being listed and using public market capital to accelerate growth plans. Their first collective investment was in FRR Corporation Limited (now rhipe Limited (ASX:RHP)).

In 2014 after seeing the benefits of the Initial Investors’ investment track record, Brett Chenoweth commenced working with the Initial Investors.

The Bombora Group (now controlled by Mike Hill and Brett Chenoweth) was then incorporated in August 2015.

The Initial Investors and Brett Chenoweth together operated as a boutique investment firm known as Bombora Group, which was established with the mandate to facilitate investments by the Initial Investors and Brett Chenoweth (through their controlled entities), in unlisted entities. They sought to identify strategic opportunities to add value by utilising equity capital markets and listing entities on the ASX.

Since 2013 the Initial Investors and Brett Chenoweth have identified and invested in six companies which have been listed on the ASX. Including the respective ASX listings, there were 23 separate fundraising events to raise close to $160m in capital.

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02 | About Bombora

The six companies that the Initial Investors and Brett Chenoweth invested in and participated in the process of listing on the ASX are outlined below:

ASX Ticker

Description Listing date

Acquisitions Market cap range since listing(1)

Bombora Group Directors

RHP Founded in 2003 as NewLease, rhipe has grown to become the leading cloud software licensing expert in the Asia-Pacifi c region

Apr 14 FRR: A$2m

rhipe: A$13m

nSynergy: A$25m

A$2m – A$234m currently A$149m

Mike Hill

JKL Leading litigation funder offering fi nance to corporate and individual plaintiffs who lack the resources to pursue claims

Apr 15 ACJ: A$6m

JustKapital: A$14m

Macquarie Medico: A$19m

Portfolio of cases: A$17m

A$6m – A$234m

Enterprise value currently A$20m

Mike Hill

AHL New York based luxury online goods marketplace with over 4,000 designers from more than 45 countries

Jul 15 INT: A$2m

AHAlife: A$20m

Growth Capital: A$6m (Oct-17)

A$2m – A$89m currently A$14m

Mike Hill

LVT Offers digital workplace platforms, including modern user experience-focused solutions to the enterprise, education and SMB markets

Sep 15 MOU: A$2m

LiveTiles: A$12m

Growth Capital: A$12m (Sep-17)

Growth Capital: A$20m (Feb-18)

A$2m – A$270m currently A$204m

Mike Hill

JAN Digital education provider and developer of platforms to digitise large-scale exams

Dec 17 HJB: A$2m

Jansion Education Group: $26m

IPO raise: A$10m

A$2m – A$65m currently A$60m

Mike Hill, Brett Chenoweth, David Willington

ACF Provider of formwork and other services to the infrastructure and construction industries

Apr 18 NMG: A$2M

Acrow: $23m (raise size $27m)

A$2m – A$46m currently A$46m

Mike Hill, Brett Chenoweth, Gregg Taylor, Josh May

Note (1): as at 11 May 2018

This information is provided by way of background only. The details of these companies are examples only and are not intended to be indicative of the investments the Fund may make. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

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02 | About Bombora

2.5 Historical Performance Of Members Of The Investment TeamThe transactions and businesses of the team members outlined above represent some of the investments made by members of the Initial Investors and Brett Chenoweth. Details are provided to assist investors to understand the investment approach of the Initial Investors and the type of investments that the Fund may make in accordance with the Investment Strategy.

The past performance of these investments following their ASX listing is not an indication of future performance by the Fund. There can be no certainty that the performance of the Fund will allow for returns that are similar to returns which have been achieved in relation to these investments.

Below is a table setting out the indicative “return on investment”, “money on money return” and IRR that could be achieved based on a $1.00 investment in all 23 separate fundraising events of the six entities listed in above since 2013.

Date of original investment1 Mar-13

Number of historical capital raisings 23

Assumed investment in each opportunity $1.00

Total invested amount across all investments $23.00

Current value of all investments $44.04

$ return on Money return $21.04

Money on Money return 1.9x

IRR return over period since March 2013 – excludes further upside generated from incentive securities issued as part of capital raisings and capital distributions


Note (1): March 2013 was the date of the first capital raising by FRR Corporation (now known as rhipe Limited (ASX:RHP)). There were 22 subsequent capital raisings by each of the six entities listed above between 2013 to the date of this Information Memorandum.

This table is subject to the following assumptions:

• $1.00 was invested in ordinary Securities in each of the 23 separate fundraising events undertaken since 2013 by the investee entities set out above;

• the Securities were not disposed of from the date of subscription up until the date of this Information Memorandum;

• all dividends and other distribution of capital by the investee entities is disregarded; and

• the Securities were able to be disposed of for cash at the current market price (as at 11 May 2018) for those Units extrapolated from the current market capitalisation for that listed entity.

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About The Fund03

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03 | About The Fund

3.1 About The FundThe Fund has been established to provide investors with access to an actively managed long only Equities Portfolio (Equities Portfolio) comprised of:

• Australian and New Zealand Securities focusing on Small Cap Securities and Micro Cap Securities;

• Pre IPO Securities;

• Special Opportunity Investments; and

• the investment expertise of the Bombora team.

3.2 Bombora Investment philosophyThe Equities Portfolio will be constructed in accordance with the Trustee’s investment philosophy.

The investment philosophy is based on identifying and capturing opportunities for value creation that are largely inaccessible to general investors. The diagram below illustrates the investment philosophy.

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02 | section heading

3.1 Bombora Investment Process

Traditional Fund Manager

Pre IPO and Equity linked investmentsBombora’s pre-IPO strategy will take equity positions in private companies where there is an aim to IPO in 3-24 months It will also hold interests in public liquid companies

Active investmentsBombora uses Operational Partners and Industry Specialists to help drive value in our investments

Team of proven operators in target sectorsBombora utilises industry specialists to ensure deep domain knowledge and to leverage network

Seek listed equity


Public liquid investments

Passive investments

Generalist investor


Originate unique opportunitiesBombora create, structure and invest in opportunities through their deep transactional and capital markets experience

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03 | About The Fund

Bombora will seek to identify investment opportunities where it sees that it has a unique advantage over other investors. This may be through relationships, expertise, industry knowledge or reputation in the market.

Bombora will seek to identify investments capable of meeting the required target risk adjusted returns. In identifying these investments Bombora will look at:

• Industry dynamics: size of market opportunity, market position, market growth rates, competitors, global dynamics;

• Financial performance: sales growth rates, margin performance, return on equity;

• Management team: history of execution, cohesiveness, culture of the organisation, financial literacy and corporate governance; and

• Business plan and strategy: growth plans, achievability, global opportunity.

A detailed valuation and returns financial model will be prepared for each investment. Only when an investment meets the Fund’s prescribed investment return threshold (as amended from time to time) will the proposed investment be submitted to the Investment Committee for detailed evaluation.

Bombora believes that the entry valuation is crucial to generating the Fund’s targeted returns and that valuation multiple arbitrage may arise in opportunities from investing in the private markets and selling in the public Securities markets.

Bombora also believes that opportunities may only be accessed by skilled professionals who have a long history and deep networks in the Australian investment community.

3.3 Investment StrategyBombora will implement the Investment Strategy to create a portfolio of investments for the Fund predominantly comprised of Australian and New Zealand Small Cap Securities and Micro Cap Securities, Pre IPO Securities and Special Opportunity Investments, actively managed, with a focus on capital growth.

The Trustee’s assessment of high quality investment opportunities is based on identifying companies using strict screening and due diligence processes.

Key decision steps of the Bombora Investment Strategy are outlined below and are provided in more detail in Section 3.3.

• Opportunity sourcing – Utilising Bombora’s network of opportunities and referral sources;

• Initial screening – Qualitative screening of new opportunities;

• Comprehensive due diligence phase investment analysis of short listed opportunities;

• Approval of the Investment Committee;

• Performance monitoring; and

• Regular oversight and review of all buy/sell decisions by the Investment Committee.

Bombora will not usually invest in or hold Securities issued by an entity where that entity’s corporate head-quarters, or significant majority of its business, is outside of Australia and/or New Zealand. However, Bombora reserves the right to invest in such other Securities where Bombora believes the investment opportunity is compelling.

Bombora currently intends to invest primarily in entities which operate in the following industry sectors:

• technology;

• telecommunications;

• media;

• healthcare;

• financial services;

• general industrial;

• infrastructure and related services; and

• energy – including renewables.

Bombora does not currently intend that the Fund will invest in entities which operate in the property development or real estate sectors.

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03 | About The Fund

3.4 Investment ProcessBombora uses a tested sourcing and deal screening process, adds fundamental research and rigid investment committee approval decision to identify investment opportunities with the potential to provide attractive capital growth returns for the Fund. While this involves a number of stages of analysis, the process can move quickly and certain steps may occur concurrently. Below is an outline of the process from investment opportunities identification to the construction and monitoring of the Portfolio.

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02 | section heading

3.3 Investment Process

1 Opportunity sourcing and initial screening

4 Investment Committee approvals

2 Phase 1 Due Diligence – Fundamental review

5 Portfolio construction

3 Phase 2 Due Diligence – Detailed analysis for decision

6 Risk management

Further detail about each step in the Investment Process is set out below:

(a) Opportunity Sourcing and Initial Screening

Bombora will source and review multiple new deal opportunities from within its networks to initially assess quality investment proposals. This stage includes meetings with multiple stakeholders of the target Company including management, competitors, advisers and other suppliers & customers. Bombora’s experience allows the deal team to reject opportunities quickly based on experience and if the proposal fails to meet fundamental thresholds checked in this screening process. Successful identified Securities will move forward to the phased due diligence assessment and or held in a shadow portfolio to monitor further over time.

(b) Phase 1 Due Diligence – Fundamental Review

Investment opportunities, both listed and unlisted Securities, will be subjected to a fundamental confirmatory due diligence phase where Bombora will identify and document identified risks and opportunities associated with the investment.

A high-level Investment Committee decision will determine whether further analysis is spent on these opportunities and assuming the approval is received a phase 2 due diligence process will be followed.

This phase also targets further direct contact with companies, performing detailed Company analysis and reviewing broader industry trends. On site tours will be conducted on investment opportunities prior to Phase 2 due diligence. These site tours provide an opportunity to observe management and staff first hand and to meet with industry contacts that may have some additional insights into a business’ opportunities or risks.

(c) Phase 2 Due Diligence – Detailed analysis for decision

Bombora will dedicate a substantial amount of time and resource to perform detailed analysis in a phase 2 due diligence process. In certain situations, Bombora will commission, on a cost recovery basis, third party due diligence reports to help verify certain key risks around identified financial, tax, legal or market analysis of the opportunity in question.

This is a thorough diligence phase and results in recommendations being put forward for investment committee decision (weekly meetings) and or further monitoring in Bombora’s shadow portfolio. Typical materials reviewed in this process include Company forecasts if available, annual reports, broker research, Company announcements, industry publications, and other competitor publications and communications.

(d) Investment Committee

The Investment Committee is expected to take an active role in reviewing all buy and sell decisions of the Investment Team and is expected to meet weekly and as required to enable Bombora to take advantage of investment opportunities that arise on short notice.

The Investment Committee consists of Julian Knights AO as Chairman, Mike Hill, Gregg Taylor, Josh May and David Willington. Unanimous approval for all new investments is required. If a specific member is conflicted in any way, such as holding a board position in the Company, they will be excluded from voting.

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03 | About The Fund

Valuation is a critical component of all buy and sell decisions to be made by Bombora and remains at the forefront of the Investment Committee process. For any given Security opportunity, the Investment Committee will assess typical valuation metrics including a DCF, earnings multiple and forecast IRR based on the assessed forecast opportunity. The valuation assessment together with the due diligence assessment is tabled for weekly Investment Committee meetings and assessed together with the existing Company to determine buying and selling decisions.

Decision making focus will also carefully assess management quality and interaction, industry trends and competitive positioning together with the Company structure and the assessment of the investment opportunity.

(e) Portfolio Construction

For all positions, Securities will need to meet Bombora’s positive assessment of qualitative factors and valuation upside. Diversification is paramount to the decision making and a key basis behind portfolio construction and management. The process of management is live and will constantly be assessed as business and market trends change, industry structures move or management quality assessment changes. Stock weights are adjusted accordingly and may be necessary as new investment opportunities are identified with superior valuation analysis. The Trustee is also cognisant of the micro and macroeconomic conditions that are prevalent at any given time across the Portfolio and individual Securities.

(f) Risk management

The Trustee seeks to manage the risk of the Fund by employing the above investment guidelines and strict adherence to the Investment Process. Appropriate screening, meetings, due diligence and valuation is undertaken with regards to potential Securities.

3.5 Portfolio construction The Fund will predominantly invest in Australian and New Zealand Securities focusing on Small Cap Securities and Micro Cap Securities, Pre-IPO Securities, Special Opportunity Investments and cash. The Portfolio is expected to be predominantly comprised of Australian and New Zealand Securities.

The Trustee will seek to provide investors with access to investment opportunities that may not normally be accessible to retail investors. The Portfolio will be constructed and benefit from the collective experience of Bombora’s Investment Team. Active monitoring of the Portfolio will target growth Securities to seek to maximise the chances of generating above market returns.

The Portfolio will be constructed in accordance with the Investment Objectives and Investment Strategy. Any Portfolio changes in the future will be made in accordance with investment guidelines agreed with the Fund from time to time.

The Trustee will not seek to replicate or have regard to any index in the construction of the Portfolio and will construct the Portfolio by implementing the Investment Process.

The Trustee will not usually invest in or hold Securities issued by an entity where that entity’s corporate head-quarters, or significant majority of its business, is outside of Australia and/or New Zealand. However, the Trustee reserves the right to invest in such other Securities where the Trustee believes the investment opportunity is compelling.

The Trustee expects a relatively quick deployment of capital given the breadth of investment opportunities available within the Fund’s Investment Strategy.

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03 | About The Fund

The Portfolio Construction is expected to be diversifi ed as follows:

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3.4 Portfolio construction




10-20% 20-30%



• Average individual investment size of 3-5% of portfolio

• 6-10 individual investments at any one time

• Investments spread across key investment themes and sectors

• Actively managed by designated member of Bombora team

Public Equity

• Average individual investment size of 5-7% of portfolio

• 8-12 individual investments at any one time, often from pre IPO

• Active positions of 5-20% issued equity of each company

• Actively managed by designated member of Bombora team

Equity-related Special Opportunities

• Average individual investment size of 3-5% of portfolio

• 4-6 individual investments at any one time

• Cornerstone opportunities

• Convertible notes and non-traditional equity related positions

• Shorter investment horizon

02 | section heading

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03 | About The Fund

3.6 Investment GuidelinesThe key investment guidelines for the construction of the Portfolio are as follows:

Exposure Guidelines

Number of Securities Typically, 15 to 40 Securities. The Investment Strategy does not require there to be a minimum or a maximum number of Securities within the Portfolio as the opportunities at any given time will depend on market conditions.

Single Security Long Position limit

8% of the Portfolio NAV at purchase; maximum of 10% of the Portfolio’s NAV.

Industry/Sectors limits The Fund currently intends to invest in entities which operate in the following industry sectors:

• technology;

• telecommunications;

• media;

• healthcare;

• financial services;

• general industrial;

• infrastructure and related services; and

• energy – including renewables.

Bombora does not currently intend to invest in entities which operate in the real estate and/or property development sectors.

The Portfolio is expected to be diversified across a broad range of sectors and industry groups, thereby reducing the risk that Portfolio returns will be dependent on the performance of an individual Security, sector or industry.

Geographic exposure limits

Bombora will not hold Securities which at the time of acquisition represent 50% or more of the Portfolio’s NAV in Securities in entities with its corporate headquarters, or significant majority of its business, outside of Australia and New Zealand.

Borrowings Permitted – capped at 30% of NAV

Convertible notes, options and warrants


Short Selling Not Permitted

Derivatives Not Permitted

Foreign currency hedging

Not Permitted

Limits of cash and cash equivalents

A limitation on cash and cash equivalent instruments will not be applied to the Fund’s Investment Strategy. The Fund may hold up to 40% in cash and cash equivalents at any one time.

Limits on unlisted Securities

Pre-IPO Securities are permitted unlisted Security investments. These Security investments are expected to comprise up to 30% of the overall Portfolio and in aggregate at a point in time will not exceed 40% to 50% of the Portfolio (valued at time of purchase).

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03 | About The Fund

Leverage policy Bombora is permitted to borrow on behalf of the Fund. Bombora may use borrowings to increase the scale of the Portfolio. Borrowings will be capped at 30% of the Fund’s NAV.

The impact of the above is that the value of the Portfolio may be extended by 30%. Investors should note that any borrowings by the Fund will remain repayable by the Fund regardless of the performance of the Portfolio.

Valuation Policy The Portfolio’s NAV will be calculated and released to Unitholders at least monthly using a framework for the valuation of financial instruments that is consistent with current industry practice and regulatory requirements.

The assets of the Fund will be valued using market accepted practices to accurately and independently price all Securities and other assets within the Portfolio from time to time. The value of the Portfolio shall be determined by aggregating the value of each investment forming part of or comprised in the Portfolio and each investment shall be valued in accordance with the following methodology:

• cash (including income) – the amount of such cash (in Australian dollars);

• listed Securities – the market value of such Securities determined in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards;

• Pre-IPO Securities and other unlisted Securities – based on the most recent transaction or valued in accordance with AVCAL guidelines (where appropriate). The value of Pre-IPO Securities and other unlisted Securities may be further discounted if the Trustee believes this is appropriate; and

• other investments – the value of that investment determined in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards.

The Trustee may request that the value of an investment be determined by a duly qualified valuer independent of the Trustee (Approved Valuer), having regard to the particular type or types of investment which are the subject of the valuation.

CustodianThe Fund intends for its assets to be held by a third party custodian. Mainstream Fund Services have been appointed as the custodian.

Risk management philosophy and approach The Trustee will manage risk by ensuring that the Investment Guidelines are implemented.

The Trustee will be primarily responsible for managing the risk of the Portfolio. The Trustee considers investment risk to be the risk of permanent loss of capital. The Trustee’s risk policies and controls are designed to be robust and relevant to the Fund’s investment objectives and strategy.

The Investment Committee will maintain appropriate portfolio risk controls to monitor a variety of risk factors. At each portfolio construction meeting and prior to any material portfolio change, the Executive Team assesses the current risk metrics and model the impact from proposed changes.

The Trustee is committed to robust corporate governance practices to create value and provide accountability and a control system commensurate with the risk involved.

Changes to Investment Strategy The Investment Strategy and Investment Guidelines outlined in this Section are expected to be implemented by the Trustee upon the launch of this Fund.

While no material changes to the Investment Strategy are presently contemplated, if there are changes, the Trustee may make changes to the Investment Strategy. The Trustee will notify Unitholders of any material changes to the Fund’s Investment Strategy.

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03 | About The Fund

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How To Invest04

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04 | How To Invest

4.1 Qualifying InvestorsThe Offer is only available to persons who qualify as wholesale clients as defined in section 761G(7) of the Corporations Act or sophisticated investors as defined in section 761GA of the Corporations Act (collectively, “Qualifying Investors” ). A Qualifying Investor includes an investor who:

(a) invests $500,000 or more in the Fund; or

(b) provides a qualified accountant certificate that states the investor has net assets of at least $2.5 million or has a gross income for each of the last two financial years of at least $250,000 (which can include the net assets or gross income of a company or trust the investor controls); or

(c) is a company or trust controlled by a person who meets the requirements of paragraph b; or

(d) Is a professional investor, that is the holder of an Australian financial services license, a person who has or controls gross assets of at least $10 million of assets, or a person that is a listed entity or a related body corporate of a listed entity.

4.2 Initial ApplicationApplications into the Fund can be made online (please go to for further instructions) or by completing the attached paper Application Form for initial investments. Applications and Application Monies must be transferred into the Fund’s application account, no later than 5pm AEST at least three Business Days before the relevant day of subscription (Subscription Day).

Applications will generally be processed on the Subscription Day, being the first Business Day of each month (except for applications of above $500,000 as explained below). Investments above $500,000 can invest on any Business Day, by providing 3 Business Days notice. Multiple investments, which in combination exceed $500,000, may also invest outside of the monthly schedule. Please contact the Fund to discuss this further, before sending your money. Upon receipt of the Application Form, the Administrator will assess the materials submitted for compliance purposes. The Fund reserves the right to reject an application without explanation.

4.3 Issuance Of UnitsThe Trustee will issue units in the Fund effective on the relevant Subscription Day after the unit price has been determined. It may take up to twenty working days for a unit price to be determined.

4.4 Serial AccountingThe Trust reserves the right to use serial accounting when issuing units. Serial accounting is not effective at the date of this information memorandum. Serial accounting may be used on a future day without notice to existing investors. Serial accounting enables performance fees to be allocated equitably among Unitholders. Through the process of issuing different series of units for each Subscription Day, the performance fee applied to each investment is directly reflective of the performance experienced by that investment, rather than the Trust as a whole.

As soon as practicable after the last Business Day in each financial year, all units in each class which have borne a performance fee in respect of the relevant year will normally be consolidated into a single class, being the oldest class to have borne a performance fee in respect of the relevant year. The high watermark for all units of the consolidated class will be the Net Asset Value per unit of the consolidated class as at the last Business Day in the relevant financial year, after the payment of the performance fee.

4.5 Unit PricingUnit price is determined on the last Business Day of each month, or on any other date on which units are issued, taking into account of the accrued management fees, performance fees, cost recoveries and any other liabilities, based on the Net Asset Value of each unit. Application money will receive the Subscription Price, which is the unit price plus the buy spread. Redemption money will receive the Redemption Price, which is the unit price less the sell spread. While the Fund may accept an application outside of the monthly schedule, the Fund only updates investors on the performance of the Fund on a quarterly basis, in line with the withdrawal frequency.

4.6 MinimumsMinimum initial investment is $50,000, subject to waiver at the Fund’s absolute discretion. Minimum additional investment and redemption is $50,000. Investors must maintain a minimum balance of $50,000.

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04 | How To Invest

4.7 WithdrawalWithdrawal is available quarterly on the Withdrawal Day, being the last Business Day of March, June, September and December. Investors are required to complete the Redemption Form and submit it to the Administrator no later than 5pm AEST at least ten Business Days before the relevant Redemption Day. Funds withdrawn will generally be paid within one month after the Withdrawal Day, to the nominated bank account by electronic transfer. If a redemption would result in an investor’s investment in the Fund being less than the minimum investment balance (currently $50,000), the Trustee may treat the redemption request as applying to all of the investor’s units. The Trustee may also unilaterally determine to redeem all or part of an investor’s units and pay the redemption proceeds to the investor.

4.8 Large RedemptionsIf the Fund receives redemption requests in total representing more than 20% of the Net Asset Value of the Fund, the Fund may, at its discretion, pro-rata each request to ensure no more than 20% of the Net Asset Value of the Fund are redeemed on a Withdrawal Day. The residual redemption amount will be treated as though they were received for the next Withdrawal Day, subject to the 20% restriction again.

4.9 Tax And DistributionsTaxation and distribution statements are issued to all Unitholders annually. Distributions are to be reinvested without spread as the default option. Investors should notify the Administrator in writing if cash distribution is desired at least 30 days before the end of the applicable distribution period.

4.10 Financial StatementsFinancial statements of the Fund are issued annually for the year ending June 30. The financial statements are available to any Unitholder upon request.

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Fees And Expenses05

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05 | Fees And Expenses

5.1 Management FeesThe Trustee is entitled to receive a management fee of 1.5% excluding GST and any reduced input tax credit per annum of the Net Asset Value of the Fund. This management fee is calculated monthly and is payable monthly in arrears.

5.2 Performance FeesThe Trustee is entitled to receive a performance fee of 20% per annum (excluding GST) of any increase in the Net Asset Value of, as applicable, each unit or series of units above the Hurdle Rate, plus management fees and cost recoveries accrued. A performance fee is only payable if the unit price is above the high water mark (HWM) for the units or applicable series of units before payment of the HWM. Where units are redeemed part way through a year, the performance fee payable in respect of the units redeemed will be calculated as at the relevant Redemption Date and paid from the Fund assets at the time of the redemption.

The HWM of, as applicable, units or a unit class (i.e. the relevant series) in the financial year in which the unit is issued is the Subscription Price of that unit. For subsequent financial years, the HWM is the greater of:

(i) the highest Net Asset Value per unit (after deduction of any performance fee) as calculated on the last Business Day of each quarter for the previous 12 quarters; and

(ii) the Subscription Price of the unit. For units issued outside the quarterly schedule, their HWM will be determined by reference to item (i) only.

The Hurdle Rate is 7% per annum before fees, apportioned to each performance period, being 1.75% per quarter. The performance fee is calculated quarterly and payable in arrears.

5.3 Performance Fees ExampleThe following are some scenarios in a performance period (3-month period) for $100,000 of investment for a particular series of units. Any performance fee is payable from the Fund assets.

(a) Scenario A – performance is above the Hurdle Rate and also above the HWM. The Fund has returned 5% for the quarter before the performance fee but after the management fee (1.5% p.a.) and cost recoveries (1% p.a.). The unit price is above the HWM. The performance fee payable is $100,000 x (5% -1.125%) x 20% = $775.00 plus GST;

(b) Scenario B – performance is above the Hurdle Rate but below the HWM. The Fund has returned 5% for the quarter before the performance fee but after the management fee and cost recoveries. The unit price is below the HWM. The performance fee payable is nil; and

(c) Scenario C – negative return. The Fund has a negative return, the performance fee payable is nil.

5.4 Cost RecoveriesThe Trustee is entitled to be reimbursed for all expenses reasonably incurred by it for the operation of the Fund and management of the Fund assets, including but not limited to administration, legal, accounting, audit, custody, other professional expenses, insurance costs, bank service fees, research expenses (including technology and software expenses). A maximum cap of 1% (plus GST) per annum of the Net Asset Value of the Fund is enforced. Any expenses in excess of this cap for a financial year will be paid by the Trustee from its own resources and will not be recovered from the Fund.

The Trustee will not receive any other fees for operating the Fund (other than expense reimbursement).

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05 | Fees And Expenses

5.5 Buy/Sell SpreadA buy/sell spread of 0.3%/0.3% is charged on the application and redemption. It reflects the Trustee’s estimate of the transaction costs expected to be incurred by the Fund in buying and selling the underlying assets as a result of investments in, and withdrawals from, the Fund. The Buy/Sell Spread is an additional cost to investors but it is not a fee paid to the Trustee. A buy/sell spread is retained as an asset of the Fund.

5.6 Financial Advisor FeesInvestors can use their Application Form to authorise the payment of financial advisor fees from their Application Monies. Any financial advisor fee or remuneration arrangement is an agreement between an investor and their financial advisor.

5.7 Waiver, Deferral Or Rebate Of FeesThe Trustee may, in its absolute discretion, accept lower fees and expenses than it is entitled to receive, or may defer payment of those fees and expenses for a period of time or rebate fees by individual negotiation with an investor. If payment is deferred, then the fee will accrue until paid. The Trustee may rebate fees to a third party for capital introduction services without disclosure and any such rebates are not a cost to investors or the Fund.

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06 | Risks

6.1 IntroductionIntending investors should be aware that subscribing for Units involves various risks. There are general risks associated with owning Securities in publicly listed companies. The price of Securities can go down as well as up due to factors outside the control of the Trustee. These factors include Australian and worldwide economic and political stability, natural disasters, performance of the global stock markets, interest rates, foreign exchange, taxation and labour relations environments internationally.

Some of the events and circumstances described below may negatively impact the performance of the Fund, which may in turn cause the market price of the Trustee’s Units to fall and may result in the loss of income and the principal you invested. The market price of the Units may also be directly affected by some of the events and circumstances described below.

While the Trustee has put in place various corporate governance, compliance and risk management systems to mitigate risks, the Trustee cannot guarantee that these safeguards and systems will be effective. Some risks are outside the control of the Trustee and cannot be mitigated.

Before making a decision on whether to apply for any Units under the Offer, you are urged to carefully consider the risks described in this Section 6, which is not an exhaustive list of all the possible risks associated with investing in the Fund, as well as any other risk factors that you may consider relevant to such investments. Your financial adviser can assist you in determining the risks of investing in the Fund and whether it is suited to your needs and circumstances.

6.2 Risks Specific To An Investment In The Fund

6.2.1 Regulatory risk – generallyIn the ordinary course of its business, the Trustee is subject to a range of laws and regulations. These laws and regulations include those relating to employment, property and taxation.

Changes to laws and regulations in these areas may adversely affect the Trustee, the value of its assets including by increasing its costs either directly (for example, by increasing a tax or duty the Trustee is required to pay) or indirectly (for example, by increasing the cost of complying with a particular legal requirement). Any such change may adversely affect the financial performance of the Fund.

6.2.2 Value and liquidity of UnitsThe value of Units is related to the financial performance of the Fund and also the level of demand (if any) from potential purchasers of those Units. Given the uncertainties surrounding future performance of the Units, there can be no certainty that Units will be able to be sold at or above their issue price (or at all).

6.2.3 Liquidity of underlying assetsThere is a risk that one or more of the Securities in the Portfolio (from time to time) may be illiquid. The Trustee will minimise such risks by ensuring that there is no significant exposure to illiquid or thinly traded Securities, and being aware of liquidity when constructing and managing the Portfolio to ensure that there is no undue concentration of liquidity risks to a particular security.

6.2.4 Pre-IPO Securities and other Securities riskThe Fund’s investment strategy involves investing in Pre-IPO Securities, which will likely be illiquid prior to the listing of the relevant security. There is a risk that the listing of the relevant security does not occur and the Trustee may not be able to sell the relevant Securities.

6.2.5 AFSL riskThe Trustee is required to hold an AFSL to manage the portfolio. The Trustee is a corporate authorised representative of Ironbridge Capital Management Pty Limited pursuant to an authorised representative agreement. There is a risk that if the agreement is terminated, the Trustee will be unable to manage the Portfolio.

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06 | Risks

6.3 Risks associated with An Investment In Units

6.3.1 General economic and financial market conditionsInvestment returns are influenced by numerous economic factors. These factors include changes in the economic conditions (e.g. changes in interest rates or economic growth), changes to legislative and political environment, as well as changes in investor sentiment.

In addition, exogenous shocks, natural disasters and acts of terrorism and financial market turmoil (such as the global financial crisis) can (and sometimes do) add to equity market volatility as well as impact directly on individual entities. As a result, no guarantee can be given in respect of the future earnings of the Fund or the earnings and capital appreciation of the Unit price.

6.3.2 Expected future events may not occurCertain statements in this Information Memorandum constitute forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance and achievements of the Fund to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements.

Given these uncertainties, prospective investors should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. In addition, under no circumstances should a forward-looking statement be regarded as a representation or warranty by Bombora or any other person referred to in this Information Memorandum that a particular outcome or future event is guaranteed.

6.3.3 Risk of dilutionThe Trustee may issue more Units in the future in order to fund acquisitions or investments or to reduce its debt. Any such equity raisings may dilute the interests of Unitholders.

6.3.4 Market risk Individual Units prices may fluctuate and under perform other asset classes over extended periods of time. The value of Units may rise or fall depending on a range of factors beyond the control of the Fund. Unitholders in the Fund are exposed to this risk both through their holding in Units.

6.3.5 Liquidity riskThere will be no public market for Units. Unitholders will generally only be able to dispose of their Units by means of a withdrawal each quarter, subject to notice periods and suspension as described in Section 4. The Trustee may not be able to convert some non-cash investments into cash and withdrawals may be suspended because of disruptions in the market place. The Trustee may also have to dispose of investments at below market value to meet the withdrawal requests.

This risk is mitigated (but not eliminated) by actively managing the Fund (as the price of assets can change rapidly) and by understanding the Investments which the Fund holds so that at any one time the Fund has sufficient liquid investments to meet redemption requests.

6.4 Time Frame For InvestmentInvestors are strongly advised to regard any investment in the Fund as a medium-to-long term proposition of over 3 years and to be aware that, as with any equity investment, substantial fluctuations in the value of their investment may occur over that period.

In addition, the above list of risk factors ought not to be taken as exhaustive of the risks faced by the Trustee or by investors in the Fund. The above factors, and others not specifically referred to above, may in the future materially affect the financial performance of the Fund and the value of the Units. Therefore, there is no guarantee with respect to the payment of dividends, returns of capital or the market value of the Units.

You should consider that an investment in the Fund is speculative and consult your professional adviser before deciding whether to apply for the Units.

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Tax Information07

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7.1 Taxation Of The FundThe Fund will be an Australian resident trust for Australian tax purposes. It is intended that the investment activities of the Fund will be limited to ensure that the Fund qualifies as a “flow-through” entity for the purposes of Australian tax. Accordingly, the Fund should not be subject to Australian tax on its net taxable income. Rather, the Unitholders in the Fund should be taxed on their share of the Fund’s taxable income. In this respect, it is intended that the Fund will distribute its entire distributable income to Unitholders each year and the Unitholders will be made presently entitled to the entire distributable income on the last day of each income year (currently, 30 June).

7.2 Taxation Of Australian Resident Investors

7.2.1 Tax File Numbers and Australian Business NumbersIt is not compulsory for Unitholders to disclose their Tax File Number (TFN), or Australian Business Number (ABN) (where applicable). However, if a TFN or ABN is not provided and the Unitholder has not quoted a relevant exemption, then the Trustee is required to withhold PAYG withholding tax at the highest marginal rate plus Medicare levy (currently 47%) from that Unitholder’s distribution entitlement.

Non-resident Unitholders do not need to quote a TFN or ABN.

7.2.2 Income and capital gains made by the FundA Unitholder’s share of taxable income of the Fund for each year ended 30 June should generally be included as assessable income in the Unitholder’s tax return for each financial year, even if distributions are reinvested in additional units in the Fund.

Where the Fund invests directly or indirectly in certain non-Australian entities, income from those entities may be taxable to Unitholders on an attribution basis. Any attributed income will be included in the tax distribution statement.

If the Fund qualifies as a Managed Investment Trust (MIT) or an Attribution MIT (AMIT) (refer clause 7.8 below for further details) for tax purposes, it may be eligible to make an irrevocable election to apply the Capital Gain Tax (CGT) provisions as the primary code for assessing gains and losses on the disposal of certain assets, including for example shares and units held directly by the Fund. This means that the Fund will be deemed to hold these assets on capital account and Australian resident Unitholders may be entitled to receive the benefit of the CGT discount on distributions of capital gains.

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07 | Tax Information

7.3 Taxation Of Non-Resident UnitholdersThe tax rules applying to a non-resident investor differ to those applying to a resident investor. Non-resident investors may also be subject to tax in the country in which they reside, but may be entitled to a credit for some or all of the tax that the non-resident investor has paid in Australia.

Appropriate deductions of Australian withholding taxes will be made from distributions of Australian sourced taxable income for non-resident Unitholders. The rate of withholding tax will depend on the composite of the distribution and on whether the non-resident Unitholder is a resident of a country with which Australia has a Double Tax Agreement. Distributions to non-resident Unitholders from sources wholly outside Australia will generally be exempt from Australian income tax.

If the Fund is an MIT or an AMIT (or is otherwise taken to be a fixed trust) and makes a gain on capital account (other than in relation to “taxable Australian property”, being (broadly) direct or indirect interests in Australian real property), it should be possible for that gain to be distributed without Australian income tax being imposed on non-resident Unitholders. For capital gains on “taxable Australian property” non-resident Unitholders in eligible countries will be subject to a 15% non-resident withholding tax on their share of taxable income.

You may be subject to the tax laws in the country in which you are tax resident but you may be entitled to credits for tax paid in Australia. You should consult a tax adviser before investing. Non-residents seeking to invest in the Fund should obtain tax advice about their particular circumstances.

7.4 Tax Distribution StatementAt the end of the Fund’s tax year, we will send investors a tax distribution statement which will include details of the relevant tax information to include on your tax return. It will include details of your share of the Fund’s tax law income and can include: net capital gains (such as those that may arise in relation to a full or part disposal of the investments held by the Fund); income derived from the Fund (such as dividend and interest income); franking credits on any franked distributions received by the Fund, attributed income, and an amount of foreign taxes for which the Fund is liable in respect of the foreign income received.

7.5 Goods And Services Tax (Gst)The acquisition and disposal of units in the Fund by investors, and the payment of distributions to investors, will not be subject to GST. However, GST may apply to fees and expenses charged to the Fund.

7.6 Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Fatca)In compliance with the U.S income tax laws commonly referred to as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the Intergovernmental Agreement signed with the Australian Government in relation to FATCA, the Fund will be required to provide information to the ATO in relation to:

(a) investors that are US citizens or residents;

(b) entities controlled by US persons; and

(c) financial institutions that do not comply with FATCA.

The Fund intends to register for FATCA purposes and to conduct appropriate due diligence (as required). Where investors of the Fund do not provide adequate information to the Fund, the Fund will also be required to report those accounts to the ATO.

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07 | Tax Information

7.7 Common Reporting StandardThe Common Reporting Standard (CRS) is the single global standard for the collection, reporting and exchange of financial account information on foreign tax residents. Under it, banks and other financial institutions will collect and report to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), financial account information on non-residents.

The CRS tackles and deters cross-border tax evasion by establishing a common international standard for financial institutions to identify and report information about the financial accounts of foreign residents to their local tax authority and for tax authorities to exchange this information. The ATO will exchange this information with participating foreign tax authorities of those non-residents. In parallel, the ATO will receive financial account information on Australian residents from other countries’ tax authorities. This will help ensure that Australian residents with financial accounts in other countries are complying with Australian tax law and acts as a deterrent to tax evasion.

The CRS legislation received Royal Assent on 18 March 2016 and has taken effect as at 1 July 2017. The first exchange of information will occur in 2018. This legislation requires Australian financial institutions, such as the Fund, to (over a transition period) conduct due diligence and collect certain information, from existing, and new investors.

Subject to law, we may delay or refuse to accept an Application (and return any monies received with the application without interest) for any reason, including where there is a delay or failure to produce the required information. Alternately we are required to treat the Applicant, or Unitholder, as being an account reportable to the appropriate governmental agency(s). By applying to invest in the Fund, you warrant that you, your agent, or your nominated representative will provide us with all additional information and assistance that may be requested to comply with our ongoing obligations under any CRS laws.

7.8 The Attribution Managed Investment Fund (AMIT) RegimeIn 2016, the Government introduced a new regime dealing with the income tax treatment of a Managed Investment Trust. This new regime can be applied by the Fund from its inception (or for any subsequent year), if the Fund qualifies as an AMIT for that year of income and qualifies to make an election to apply the new regime. An election to apply the new regime is irrevocable. The Fund intends to make an election to become an AMIT if it qualifies.

The advantages of qualifying and electing to be an AMIT include the following:

a. An AMIT, like all MITs, can make an election to ensure capital treatment for Unitholders in relation to gains derived on the disposal of directly held investments.

b. An AMIT is deemed to be a “fixed trust” which means that (i) Unitholders can benefit from any franking credits that attach to dividends received by the Fund from its investment); (ii) the Fund can more easily carry forward tax losses to be utilised in future years; and (iii) non-resident Unitholders may be able to benefit from the non-resident capital gains tax exemption for certain gains of a capital nature that are derived by the Fund.

7.9 Not Tax AdviceThis tax summary is not tax advice. It is provided by the Trustee as a general statement relating to high level Australian tax implications for an investor in the Fund. It does not address all tax consequences of an investment in the Fund, or investments by the Fund. Investors should seek their own independent advice as to how an investment in the Fund might affect their personal tax position.

The Trustee is not licensed under the tax agent services regime and cannot provide tax advice to investors. This section is intended to be a general guide only and is not intended to be definitive advice, nor relied upon as such. As the taxation outcomes will depend on individual investors’ personal circumstances, it is recommended that all investors consult with their taxation adviser in relation to how these outcomes may apply to them.

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Additional Information08

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08 | Additional Information

8.1 ConstitutionThe Fund is governed by a Constitution (Constitution). The Constitution is a lengthy and complex document. The following is a summary of the Constitution. Because the summary is brief, investors should confirm all information by reference to the Constitution itself. If you are unsure about anything, you should seek advice from an adviser and examine a copy of the Constitution. The Constitution deals with a wide range of matters, including:

(a) applications for units and the nature of a Unitholders interest in the Fund;

(b) the term of the Fund and Unitholders’ entitlements on winding up;

(c) distributions;

(d) further issues of units;

(e) transferability of units;

(f) Powers of the Trustee;

(g) Unitholders’ liability; and

(h) the Trustee’s fees.

8.2 Investor CommunicationsThe Trustee intends to provide a quarterly update on the Fund’s investment performance and other commentaries about the underlying investment, in line with the Fund’s redemption schedule.

8.3 ComplaintsAny complaints should be directed to [email protected]. The Trustee will work towards a response within 24 hours of receiving the complaint.

8.4 Anti-Money LaunderingAs part of the Trustee’s responsibility for the prevention of money laundering and counter-terrorism, the Trustee and the Administrator, or any of their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, shareholders, employees, agents, and permitted delegates will require a detailed verification of the applicant’s identity and provide the source of the payment from any person delivering a completed Application Form.

In Australia, money laundering and terrorist financing is a criminal offence. The Administrator will request verification of identity from all prospective investors to the extent required under the Trustee’s Know Your Customer (KYC) identification policy. Investors are required to send the completed Application Form and KYC identification information to the Administrator. The Administrator will notify you if additional proof of identity is required. Failure to provide the necessary evidence may result in applications being rejected or in delays in the issuance of units. The Trustee and the Administrator, and each of their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, shareholders, employees, agents, and permitted delegates will be held harmless and will be fully indemnified by a potential investor against any loss arising as a result of a failure to process an application if such information has not been satisfactorily provided by the applicant.

By subscribing, applicants acknowledge that the Trustee may be required by law to provide information about them, or to file suspicious transaction reports to regulators.

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08 | Additional Information

8.5 PrivacyIn applying to invest, you are providing the Trustee with certain personal details (your name, address etc). The Trustee uses this information to establish and manage that investment for you.

The Trustee may also contact you by phone, letter or email to request business intelligence that may assist with the Fund’s strategy. You are not bound to supply any information.

Under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), you can access personal information about you that is held by the Trustee, except in limited circumstances. Please let the Trustee know if you think the information is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. You can also tell the Trustee at any time not to pass on your personal information by advising it in writing.

If you do not provide the Trustee with your contact details and other information, then it may not be able to process your application to invest. Under various laws and regulatory requirements, the Trustee may be required to pass-on certain information to other organisations, such as the Australian Tax Office or the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)

By applying to invest, you give the Trustee permission to pass information they hold about you to other companies, which are involved in helping them administer the Fund, or where they require it for compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth), or in connection with the holding of Application Money. The Trustee may also use your information to provide you with details of future investment offers.

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Definitions And Interpretation09

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09 | Definitions And Interpretation

9.1 Defined TermsIn this Information Memorandum the following definitions apply:

Administrator Mainstream Fund Services.

AFSL Australian Financial Services Licence.

Applicant A person who submits an Application.

Application Application made to subscribe for Units under the Offer.

Application Form The relevant form attached to or accompanying this Information Memorandum and available online at, pursuant to which Applicants apply for Units.

Application Monies The amount accompanying an Application Form submitted by an Applicant.

ASIC Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

Business Day A day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday on which banks are open for general banking business in Sydney.

Buy/Sell Spread The estimated costs to acquire or dispose of underlying investments due to money in or out of the Fund. These costs are paid to the Fund. Currently the cost is 0.3% each way.

Closing Date 30 May 2021 unless extended by the Trustee in its discretion.

Constitution The constitution of the Fund, as amended from time to time.

Corporations Act Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

Custodian Mainstream Fund Services.

DCF Discounted cash flow.

Equities Portfolio The Fund’s portfolio of investments excluding cash.

Executive Team Means the executive team of the Manager Mike Hill, Gregg Taylor, David Willington, Josh May and Thomas Ness.

Fund Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund.

GST Goods and services tax or similar tax imposed under the GST Law.

GST Law Has the meaning given to it in the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth), or if that act does not exist, means any act imposing or relating to the imposition or administration of a goods or services tax in Australia and any regulation made under that act.

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09 | Definitions And Interpretation

High Water Mark or HWM

The HWM of, as applicable, units or unit class (i.e. the relevant series) in the financial year in which the unit is issued is the Subscription Price of that unit. For subsequent financial years, the HWM is the greater of:

1. the highest of the Net Asset Value per unit (after deduction of any performance fee) for the previous 12 quarters; and

2. the Subscription Price of the unit.

For units issued outside the quarterly schedule, their HWM will be determined by reference to item (1) only.

Hurdle Rate 7% p.a. (inclusive of management fee and cost recovery accrued).

Industry Specialists Means Greg Ruddock, Brett Chenoweth and Chris Colfer.

Investment Committee Means the investment committee comprised of Julian Knights AO as Chairman, Mike Hill, Gregg Taylor, Josh May and David Willington.

Investment Strategy The investment strategy for the Fund as implemented by the Trustee and as amended from time to time.

Investment Team Means the Executive Team, Operational Partners and Industry Specialists.

Mainstream Fund Services

Mainstream Fund Services Pty Ltd ACN 118 902 891.

Net Asset Value (NAV) The value of the Fund’s assets less the value of the Fund’s liabilities as determined by the Trustee pursuant to the Constitution.

Offer The offer of new Units in the Fund under this Information Memorandum.

Operational Partners David Willington and Josh May.

Portfolio The Fund’s portfolio of investments.

Pre-IPO Securities Means securities issued by an entity under a private placement prior to the issuing entity undertaking an initial public offering and the issued security becoming listed on a licensed market.

Securities Has the meaning given in section 92 of the Corporations Act.

Special Opportunities Investments

Constitute investment opportunities in equity instruments or convertible instruments or other financial products (within the meaning set out in section 763A of the Corporations Act) which may be identified by the Manager from time to time. They are expected to have a shorter investment horizon than that of other investments undertaken by the Company and present the opportunity to achieve higher returns than investments in Securities usually present. They may be structured as contractual rights, debt instruments, options, convertible notes, short term debt funding or preferential shares or other instruments.

Subscription Day The day of which Units were subscribed pursuant to a valid Application Form.

Subscription Price The subscription price with respect to Units.

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09 | Definitions And Interpretation

Trustee Bombora Investment Management Pty Ltd.

Unit A fully paid unit in the Fund.

Unitholder A person who is a registered holder of Units.

Wholesale Investor A wholesale client as defined in section 761G(7) of the Corporations Act of a sophisticated investor as defined in section 761GA of the Corporations Act.

Withdrawal Day Means the last Business Day of March, June, September and December.

9.2 InterpretationIn this Information Memorandum the following rules of interpretation apply unless the context otherwise requires:

• Words and phrases not specifically defined in this Information Memorandum have the same meaning that is given to them in the Act and a reference to a statutory provision is to the Act unless otherwise specified;

• The singular includes the plural and vice versa;

• A reference to an individual or person includes a corporation, partnership, joint venture, association, authority, Fund, state or government and vice versa;

• A reference to any gender includes both genders;

• A reference to clause, section, annexure or paragraph is to a clause, section, annexure or paragraph of or to this Information Memorandum, unless the context otherwise requires;

• A reference to “dollars”, “AUD” or “$” is to Australian currency;

• In this document, headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect its interpretation; and

• Except where specifically defined in the Information Memorandum, terms defined in the Act have the same meaning in this Information Memorandum.

9.3 Governing LawThis Information Memorandum is governed by the laws of New South Wales.

Dated: 30 May 2018

This Application Form accompanies the Information Memorandum dated 30 May 2018 (IM) issued by ‘Bombora Investment Management Pty Ltd’ ACN 625 413 390 (Authorised Representative for Ironbridge Capital Management Pty Ltd Australian Financial Services Licensee No. 237556) (Issuer), in its capacity as trustee of the of Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund (Fund).

It is important that you read the IM in full and the acknowledgements contained in this Application Form before applying for Units.

Unless otherwise defined, capitalised terms used in this Application Form have the same meaning given to them in the IM.

Please tick one box below and complete the relevant Sections of the Application Form.

Investor Type Complete

Individual/Joint Investors/Sole Traders Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

Company Sections 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

Trust/Superannuation Fund with Individual Trustee Sections 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

Trust/Superannuation Fund with Corporate Trustee Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

If investing via a Financial Adviser

Please ensure both you and your financial adviser also complete ‘Section 10. Financial Adviser Details and Customer Identification Declaration’. You do not need to provide copies of your certified identification documentation with your Application Form if this information has been provided to your financial adviser, your financial adviser has elected to retain this information, and agreed to make it available upon request, under Section 10 of this Application Form.

Post/Deliver Please post completed Application Forms and all supporting documentation to: Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund c/- Mainstream Fund Services GPO Box 4968 Sydney, NSW, 2001 Questions If none of the above categories are applicable to you, or you have other questions relating to this Application Form, please contact Mainstream Fund Services on +1300 133 451

ISSUED BY Bombora Investment Management Ltd ACN 625 413 390

(Authorised Representative for Ironbridge Capital

Management Pty Ltd ACN 105 880 108 AFSL

237 556) ATF Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund

Bombora Information Memorandum | 51

Application Form

This Application Form accompanies the Information Memorandum dated 30 May 2018 (IM) issued by ‘Bombora Investment Management Pty Ltd’ ACN 625 413 390 (Authorised Representative for Ironbridge Capital Management Pty Ltd Australian Financial Services Licensee No. 237556) (Issuer), in its capacity as trustee of the of Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund (Fund).

It is important that you read the IM in full and the acknowledgements contained in this Application Form before applying for Units.

Unless otherwise defined, capitalised terms used in this Application Form have the same meaning given to them in the IM.

Please tick one box below and complete the relevant Sections of the Application Form.

Investor Type Complete

Individual/Joint Investors/Sole Traders Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

Company Sections 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

Trust/Superannuation Fund with Individual Trustee Sections 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

Trust/Superannuation Fund with Corporate Trustee Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

If investing via a Financial Adviser

Please ensure both you and your financial adviser also complete ‘Section 10. Financial Adviser Details and Customer Identification Declaration’. You do not need to provide copies of your certified identification documentation with your Application Form if this information has been provided to your financial adviser, your financial adviser has elected to retain this information, and agreed to make it available upon request, under Section 10 of this Application Form.

Post/Deliver Please post completed Application Forms and all supporting documentation to: Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund c/- Mainstream Fund Services GPO Box 4968 Sydney, NSW, 2001 Questions If none of the above categories are applicable to you, or you have other questions relating to this Application Form, please contact Mainstream Fund Services on +1300 133 451

ISSUED BY Bombora Investment Management Ltd ACN 625 413 390

(Authorised Representative for Ironbridge Capital

Management Pty Ltd ACN 105 880 108 AFSL

237 556) ATF Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund

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Application Form

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I/we apply to invest in the ‘Name of Fund’.

Amount: AUD

(Minimum of $ ‘insert amount’)

Class of Units Please select the class of Units you wish to acquire:

Ordinary Units

Please note that you can only apply for Ordinary Units if you are a ‘wholesale client’ – as that term is defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Please complete Section 1.2.

Please tick the box beside your chosen payment method and complete the required details.

Cheque Made payable to: Mainstream Fund Services as Custodian for Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund

Electronic Funds Transfer or Direct Deposit Bank: National Australia Bank Reference: ‘Investor surname/company or trust ‘ Account Name: Mainstream Fund Services as Custodian for Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund – Application Account BSB: 082-401 Account number: 928336150

Date of Transfer

Reference Used

Source of Investment Funds Please identify the source of your investable assets or wealth:

Gainful employment


Business activity

Superannuation savings

Other – please specify

What is the purpose of this investment?




Retirement Business account


I acknowledge that one of the following circumstances apply to me (please indicate):

(a) I am/we are applying for units at a price, or for the value of at least $500,000 under this Application Form

(b) I have/we have net assets of at least $2.5 million, and I am/we are applying for Units in the Fund for a purpose other than for use in connection with a business

(c) I have/we have a gross income for each of the last two financial years of at least $250,000 per year, and I am/we are applying for Units in the Fund for a purpose other than for use in connection with a business

(d) I am/we are a ‘professional investor’ as defined in the Corporations Act*

If (b) or (c) applies, please ensure you have the Accountant’s Certificate (see page 17) completed. *If you consider yourself a ‘professional investor’ please contact the Issuer on the number provided in order to complete the appropriate forms.

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Complete this section if you are investing in your own name, including as a sole trader.



Title Date of Birth

Given Names Surname

Place of Birth (City/Town) Country of Birth

Residential Address (not a PO Box)

Suburb State Postcode Country


Mobile Number Telephone


INVESTOR 2 (only applicable for joint investors)

Title Date of Birth

Given Names Surname

Place of Birth (City/Town) Country of Birth

Residential Address (not a PO Box)

Suburb State Postcode Country


Mobile Number Telephone


If there are more than two individuals, please provide details and attach to this Application Form.

Politically Exposed Person (PEP)

Are any of the Investors a PEP? Please refer to page 14 if you are unsure what PEP means.

Yes, please provide description of PEP’s position.


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Application Form

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Complete this section if you are investing in your own name, including as a sole trader.



Title Date of Birth

Given Names Surname

Place of Birth (City/Town) Country of Birth

Residential Address (not a PO Box)

Suburb State Postcode Country


Mobile Number Telephone


INVESTOR 2 (only applicable for joint investors)

Title Date of Birth

Given Names Surname

Place of Birth (City/Town) Country of Birth

Residential Address (not a PO Box)

Suburb State Postcode Country


Mobile Number Telephone


If there are more than two individuals, please provide details and attach to this Application Form.

Politically Exposed Person (PEP)

Are any of the Investors a PEP? Please refer to page 14 if you are unsure what PEP means.

Yes, please provide description of PEP’s position.


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Application Form

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ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR SOLE TRADERS (only applicable if applying as a Sole Trader)

Full Business Name (if any)

Australian Business Number (if obtained)

Address of Principal Place of Business (not a PO Box). If same as residential address given above, mark ‘As Above’.

Suburb State Postcode Country


To comply with Australia’s Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) legislation, we must collect certain information from prospective investors and their beneficial owners supported by ORIGINAL CERTIFIED COPIES of relevant identification documents for all investors and their beneficial owners.

Please refer to page 14 for details of how to arrange certified copies. Please provide all documents in the proper format otherwise we may not be able to process your application for investment.

Select one of the following options to verify each investor and Beneficial Owner.

Provide a certified copy of a driver’s license that contains a photograph of the license/permit holder; or Provide

a certified copy of a passport that contains a photograph and signature of the passport holder.


Complete this section if you are investing for, or on behalf of, a company.


Full Company Name

Country of Formation, Incorporation or Registration

ARBN (if registered with ASIC) ACN/ABN (if registered in Australia)

Tax File Number or Exemption Code (Australian residents) AFS License Number (if applicable)

Name of Regulator (if licensed by an Australian Commonwealth, State or Territory statutory regulator)

Registered Business Address in Australia or in Country of Formation

Suburb State Postcode Country

Principal Place of Business (not a PO Box address)

Suburb State Postcode Country

If an Australian Company, registration status with ASIC.

Proprietary Company Public Company

If a Foreign Company, registration status with the relevant foreign registration body.

Private/Proprietary Company Public Company Other – Please Specify

Name of Relevant Foreign Registration Body Foreign Company Identification Number

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Is the Company Listed?

No Yes – Name of Market/Stock Exchange

Is the company a majority-owned subsidiary of an Australian listed company?

No Yes – Name of Australian Listed Company

– Name of Market/Stock Exchange

Directors of the Company/Corporate Trustee If the company is registered as a proprietary company by ASIC or a private company by a foreign registration body, please list the name of each director of the company.

Director 1 – Full Name Director 4 – Full Name

Director 2 – Full Name Director 5 – Full Name

Director 3 – Full Name Director 6 – Full Name

If there are more than six directors, please provide their full names on a separate page and attach to this Initial Application Form.

Politically Exposed Person (PEP)

Are any of the company directors a PEP? Please refer to page 14 if you are unsure.

Yes, please provide description of PEP’s position.


Beneficial Owners of the Company/Corporate Trustee If the company is an Australian proprietary company, an Australian non-listed public company or a foreign company, please provide details for each shareholder who own directly, jointly or beneficially owns 25% or more of the company’s issued share capital in Section 6.6. If no shareholder owns 25% or more of the company’s issued share capital, please list the persons who directly or indirectly control the company in Section 6.6. Please refer to page 14 if you are unsure as to what Beneficial Owner means.

Politically Exposed Person (PEP)

Are any of the Beneficial Owners a PEP? Please refer to page 14 if you are unsure what PEP means.

Yes, please provide description of PEP’s position.


3.2 CONTACT PERSON DETAILS (Financial Adviser details not accepted)

Given Names Surname

Postal Address

Suburb State Postcode Country


Mobile Number Telephone

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Application Form

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Is the Company Listed?

No Yes – Name of Market/Stock Exchange

Is the company a majority-owned subsidiary of an Australian listed company?

No Yes – Name of Australian Listed Company

– Name of Market/Stock Exchange

Directors of the Company/Corporate Trustee If the company is registered as a proprietary company by ASIC or a private company by a foreign registration body, please list the name of each director of the company.

Director 1 – Full Name Director 4 – Full Name

Director 2 – Full Name Director 5 – Full Name

Director 3 – Full Name Director 6 – Full Name

If there are more than six directors, please provide their full names on a separate page and attach to this Initial Application Form.

Politically Exposed Person (PEP)

Are any of the company directors a PEP? Please refer to page 14 if you are unsure.

Yes, please provide description of PEP’s position.


Beneficial Owners of the Company/Corporate Trustee If the company is an Australian proprietary company, an Australian non-listed public company or a foreign company, please provide details for each shareholder who own directly, jointly or beneficially owns 25% or more of the company’s issued share capital in Section 6.6. If no shareholder owns 25% or more of the company’s issued share capital, please list the persons who directly or indirectly control the company in Section 6.6. Please refer to page 14 if you are unsure as to what Beneficial Owner means.

Politically Exposed Person (PEP)

Are any of the Beneficial Owners a PEP? Please refer to page 14 if you are unsure what PEP means.

Yes, please provide description of PEP’s position.


3.2 CONTACT PERSON DETAILS (Financial Adviser details not accepted)

Given Names Surname

Postal Address

Suburb State Postcode Country


Mobile Number Telephone

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Application Form

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To comply with AML/CTF legislation, we must collect certain identification documents from prospective investors and their beneficial owners supported by ORIGINAL CERTIFIED COPIES of relevant identification documents for all investors and their beneficial owners.

Please refer to page 14 for details of how to arrange certified copies. Please provide all documents in the proper format otherwise we may not be able to process your application for investment.

Select one of the following options to verify the company.

Perform a search of the ASIC database (unit registry to perform on behalf of the investor); or

Provide a certified copy of the certification of registration issued by ASIC or the relevant foreign registration body (must show full name of company, name of registration body, company identification number and type of company – private or public).

Select one of the following options to verify the Officeholders who have signed the Application Form and Beneficial Owners identified in Section 6.6.

Provide a certified copy of a driver’s license that contains a photograph of the license/permit holder; or Provide

a certified copy of a passport that contains a photograph and signature of the passport holder.


Complete this section if you are investing for, or on behalf of, a Trust/Superannuation Fund.


Full Name of Trust/Superannuation Fund

Country of Establishment

Tax File Number or Exemption Code Australian Business Number (if any)

TYPE OF TRUST (Please tick ONE box from the list below to indicate the type of Trust and provide the required information)

Type A: Regulated Trust (e.g. self-managed superannuation fund)

Name of regulator (e.g. ASIC, APRA, ATO) Registration/Licensing details

Type B: Government Superannuation Fund

Name of the legislation establishing the fund

Type C: Foreign Superannuation Fund

Name of Regulator Registration/Licensing Details

Type D: Other Type of Trust/Unregulated Trust

Trust Description (e.g. family, unit, charitable)

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The material asset contribution to the trust by the settlor at the time the trust was established was less than $10,000.00.

The settlor of the trust is deceased.

Neither of the above is correct: Provide the full name of the settlor of the trust.

BENEFICIARY DETAILS Do the terms of the Trust identify the beneficiaries by reference to a membership of a class?

Yes – Describe the class of beneficiaries below (e.g. unit holders, family members of named person, charitable purposes)

No – Provide the full names of each beneficiary in respect of the trust in Section 6.6 (includes beneficial owners who ultimately own 25% or more of the trust).

Beneficial Owners of the Trust Please provide details of the Beneficial Owners of the Trust in Section 6.6. A beneficial owner is an individual who ultimately owns 25% or more of the trust or an individual who controls (directly or indirectly) the trust. Control includes acting as a trustee, or as a result of, or by means of, trusts, agreements, arrangements, understandings and practices or exercising control through the capacity to direct the trustees, or having the ability to appoint or remove the trustees. Refer to page 14 if you are unsure as to what Beneficial Owner means.

Politically Exposed Person (PEP)

Are any of the beneficiaries a PEP? Please refer to page 14 if you are unsure what PEP means.

Yes, please provide description of PEP’s position.



If a trustee is an individual, please complete Section 2. If a trustee is a company, please complete Section 3.


To comply with AML/CTF legislation, we must collect certain information from prospective investors and their beneficial owners supported by ORIGINAL CERTIFIED COPIES of relevant identification documents for all investors and their beneficial owners.

Please refer to page 14 for details of how to arrange certified copies. Please provide all documents in the proper format otherwise we may not be able to process your application for investment.

For Trusts identified under 4.1 as Type A & Type B – select one of the following options to verify the Trust.

Perform a search of the relevant regulator’s website e.g. ‘Super Fund Lookup’ (unit registry to perform on behalf of the investor);

Provide a copy of an offer document of the managed investments scheme e.g. a copy of a Product Disclosure Statement; or

Provide a copy or relevant extract of the legislation establishing the government superannuation fund sourced from a government website.

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The material asset contribution to the trust by the settlor at the time the trust was established was less than $10,000.00.

The settlor of the trust is deceased.

Neither of the above is correct: Provide the full name of the settlor of the trust.

BENEFICIARY DETAILS Do the terms of the Trust identify the beneficiaries by reference to a membership of a class?

Yes – Describe the class of beneficiaries below (e.g. unit holders, family members of named person, charitable purposes)

No – Provide the full names of each beneficiary in respect of the trust in Section 6.6 (includes beneficial owners who ultimately own 25% or more of the trust).

Beneficial Owners of the Trust Please provide details of the Beneficial Owners of the Trust in Section 6.6. A beneficial owner is an individual who ultimately owns 25% or more of the trust or an individual who controls (directly or indirectly) the trust. Control includes acting as a trustee, or as a result of, or by means of, trusts, agreements, arrangements, understandings and practices or exercising control through the capacity to direct the trustees, or having the ability to appoint or remove the trustees. Refer to page 14 if you are unsure as to what Beneficial Owner means.

Politically Exposed Person (PEP)

Are any of the beneficiaries a PEP? Please refer to page 14 if you are unsure what PEP means.

Yes, please provide description of PEP’s position.



If a trustee is an individual, please complete Section 2. If a trustee is a company, please complete Section 3.


To comply with AML/CTF legislation, we must collect certain information from prospective investors and their beneficial owners supported by ORIGINAL CERTIFIED COPIES of relevant identification documents for all investors and their beneficial owners.

Please refer to page 14 for details of how to arrange certified copies. Please provide all documents in the proper format otherwise we may not be able to process your application for investment.

For Trusts identified under 4.1 as Type A & Type B – select one of the following options to verify the Trust.

Perform a search of the relevant regulator’s website e.g. ‘Super Fund Lookup’ (unit registry to perform on behalf of the investor);

Provide a copy of an offer document of the managed investments scheme e.g. a copy of a Product Disclosure Statement; or

Provide a copy or relevant extract of the legislation establishing the government superannuation fund sourced from a government website.

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For Trusts identified under 4.1 as Type C & Type D – select one of the following options to verify the Trust.

Provide a certified copy or a certified extract of the Trust Deed containing the cover page, recitals and signature page;

Provide an original letter from a solicitor or qualified accountant that confirms the name of the Trust and full name of the settlor of the Trust; or

Provide a notice issued by the Australian Taxation Office within the last 12 months (e.g. a Notice of Assessment).

For Trusts identified under 4.1 as Type C & Type D – select one of the following options to verify the Beneficiaries and the Beneficial Owners identified in Section 6.6.

Provide a certified copy of a driver’s license that contains a photograph of the license/permit holder; or Provide

a certified copy of a passport that contains a photograph and signature of the passport holder.

AND relevant identification documents for the trustee as specified in Section 2 or 3 (as applicable).

5. PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS DISTRIBUTIONS AND WITHDRAWALS Please indicate how you would like your distributions to be paid by ticking one box only. If this is a new investment and no nomination is made, distributions will be reinvested. A nomination in this section overrides any previous nominations. There may be periods in which no distribution is payable, or we may make interim distributions. We do not guarantee any particular level of distribution:

Reinvest in the Fund; or

Pay to my/our account (Please provide your financial institution account details as per below).

Financial Institution Account Details (must be an Australian financial institution) Please provide account details for the credit of withdrawals and credit of distributions. Unless requested otherwise, this will be the bank account we c r e d i t any withdrawal proceeds. By providing your nominated account details in this section you authorise the Issuer to use these details for all future transaction requests that you make until written notice is provided otherwise. For additional investments, a nomination in this section overrides any previous nominations.

Bank/Institution Branch

Account Name

BSB Account Number

The name of your nominated bank account must be the same as the Investor’s name.


The account holder is the person listed or identified as applicant in Sections 2, 3 and 4 (Account Holder).

The Account Holder’s Country of Tax Residence, TIN, GIIN, FATCA Status, CRS Status and Controlling Persons (includes Beneficial Ownership details) should be provided in this section. If the person opening the account is not a Financial Institution and is acting as an intermediary, agent, custodian, nominee, signatory, investment advisor or legal guardian on behalf of one or more other account holders this form must be completed by or on behalf of that other person who is referred to as the Account Holder.

If you are unable to complete this form, please seek an appropriate advice relating to the tax information required. For further details relating to the implementation of FATCA and CRS, please refer to The Australian Taxation Office’s guidance material link: exchange-of-information---guidance-material/

If you are applying: i. As an Individual/Joint Investors/Sole Trader please complete Section 6.1. ii. All other types of entities please complete Sections 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6.

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Please provide details for all jurisdictions in which the Account Holder is resident for tax purposes.

Country of Tax Residence 1 Taxpayer Identification Number 1

Country of Tax Residence 2 Taxpayer Identification Number 2

Country of Tax Residence 3 Taxpayer Identification Number 3

TIN Unavailable:

TIN Unavailable:

TIN Unavailable:

TIN Unavailable Explanation(s) – If any ‘TIN Unavailable’ box is checked, please provide an explanation.

I certify the tax residence countries provided represent all countries in which I am considered a tax resident. If Account Holder has additional countries of tax residence, please attach a statement to this form containing the Country and TIN for each such additional country.


A U.S. person includes a U.S. citizen or resident alien of the U.S. even if residing outside the U.S.

Yes If ‘Yes’, the Account Holder’s U.S. country of residence and U.S. Tax Identification Number must be provided above.



If you are unable to complete this form, please seek an appropriate advice relating to the tax information required.

Account Holder’s GIIN (if any)

Sponsoring Entity’s Name (if the Account Holder is a sponsored entity, please provide the sponsor’s GIIN)


Please provide details for all jurisdictions in which the Account Holder is resident for tax purposes.

Country of Tax Residence 1 Taxpayer Identification Number 1

Country of Tax Residence 2 Taxpayer Identification Number 2

Country of Tax Residence 3 Taxpayer Identification Number 3

TIN Unavailable:

TIN Unavailable:

TIN Unavailable:

TIN Unavailable Explanation(s) – If any ‘TIN Unavailable’ box is checked, please provide an explanation.

I/We certify the tax residence countries provided represent all countries in which the Account Holder is considered a tax resident. If Account Holder has additional countries of tax residence, please attach a statement to this form containing the Country and TIN for each such additional country.



If Yes, complete the U.S. Person certification

U.S PERSON CERTIFICATION Is the Account Holder a specified U.S. person?

Yes Provide a U.S. TIN below.


U.S. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN):

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Please provide details for all jurisdictions in which the Account Holder is resident for tax purposes.

Country of Tax Residence 1 Taxpayer Identification Number 1

Country of Tax Residence 2 Taxpayer Identification Number 2

Country of Tax Residence 3 Taxpayer Identification Number 3

TIN Unavailable:

TIN Unavailable:

TIN Unavailable:

TIN Unavailable Explanation(s) – If any ‘TIN Unavailable’ box is checked, please provide an explanation.

I certify the tax residence countries provided represent all countries in which I am considered a tax resident. If Account Holder has additional countries of tax residence, please attach a statement to this form containing the Country and TIN for each such additional country.


A U.S. person includes a U.S. citizen or resident alien of the U.S. even if residing outside the U.S.

Yes If ‘Yes’, the Account Holder’s U.S. country of residence and U.S. Tax Identification Number must be provided above.



If you are unable to complete this form, please seek an appropriate advice relating to the tax information required.

Account Holder’s GIIN (if any)

Sponsoring Entity’s Name (if the Account Holder is a sponsored entity, please provide the sponsor’s GIIN)


Please provide details for all jurisdictions in which the Account Holder is resident for tax purposes.

Country of Tax Residence 1 Taxpayer Identification Number 1

Country of Tax Residence 2 Taxpayer Identification Number 2

Country of Tax Residence 3 Taxpayer Identification Number 3

TIN Unavailable:

TIN Unavailable:

TIN Unavailable:

TIN Unavailable Explanation(s) – If any ‘TIN Unavailable’ box is checked, please provide an explanation.

I/We certify the tax residence countries provided represent all countries in which the Account Holder is considered a tax resident. If Account Holder has additional countries of tax residence, please attach a statement to this form containing the Country and TIN for each such additional country.



If Yes, complete the U.S. Person certification

U.S PERSON CERTIFICATION Is the Account Holder a specified U.S. person?

Yes Provide a U.S. TIN below.


U.S. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN):

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If No, complete the non U.S. Person certification


Select a classification that matches your FATCA status: Select only a single category.

Participating FFI (Provide GIIN in Section 6.2)

Local/Partner Jurisdiction FFI (Provide GIIN in Section 6.2)

Deemed-Compliant FFI Select deemed-compliant category:

Trustee-Documented Trust (Provide GIIN and Trustee name in Section 6.2)

Sponsored Investment Vehicle (Provide GIIN and Sponsor’s name in Section 6.2)

Registered-Deemed Compliant FFI (Provide GIIN in Section 6.2)

Other Deemed-Compliant Category

Nonparticipating FFI

Exempt Beneficial Owner (includes self-managed superannuation fund)

Direct Reporting NFFE (Provide GIIN in Section 6.2)

Sponsored Direct Reporting NFFE (Provide GIIN and Sponsor’s name in Section 6.2)

A Start-up Company formed in the past 24 months

Please provide the date the entity was organized:

Active NFFE

Passive NFFE (Complete Section 6.6 – Controlling Persons)

Other – describe the FATCA status



Financial Institution Is the entity an Investment Entity managed by an FI or other Financial Institution?

Yes If any tax residence country provided is not a participating CRS jurisdiction, then complete Section 6.6 – Controlling Persons.


Non-Financial Entity (NFE) If the Account Holder is a Non-Financial Entity (NFE), select a classification that matches your CRS status:

Government Entity, International Organisation and Central Bank

A corporation the stock of which is regularly traded on an established securities market (or entity related to such a corporation):

Name of Securities Market:

Name of Related Entity:

Non-Reporting Financial Institution (includes Broad Participation Retirement Fund, Narrow Participation Retirement Fund, Exempt Collective Investment Vehicle, Trustee Documented Trust and Self-managed Superannuation Fund)

A Start-up Company formed in the past 24 months

Please provide the date the entity was organized:

Other Active NFE

Passive NFE (Complete Section 6.6 – Controlling Persons)

Other – describe the CRS Status

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This section is considered an integral part of the self-certification to which it is associated. If there is a change in Controlling Persons/Beneficial Ownership, please submit an updated form within 30 days.

Controlling Person 1 / Beneficial Owner 1 First Name Family Name/Surname

Current Residence Address

City/Town State/Province Postcode Country (do not abbreviate)

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) City/Town of Birth Country of Birth

Country of Tax Residence 1 Taxpayer I d e n t i f i c a t i o n Number 1

Country of Tax Residence 2 Taxpayer Identification Number 2:

TIN Unavailable Explanation(s) – If TIN is not provided above, please provide an explanation.

*Please tick the box/es to select the role types that are relevant to you (i.e. Controlling Person 1/Beneficial Owner 1).

Controlling Person* / Beneficiary Type*

Legal Person* By Ownership By other means Senior Managing Official

Legal Arrangement – Trust* Settlor Trustee Protector Beneficiary Other

Legal Arrangement – Other* Settlor – Equivalent

Trustee – Equivalent

Protector – Equivalent

Beneficiary – Equivalent

Other – Equivalent

Controlling Person 2 / Beneficial Owner 2 First Name Family Name/Surname

Current Residence Address

City/Town State/Province Postcode Country (do not abbreviate)

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) City/Town of Birth Country of Birth

Country of Tax Residence 1 Taxpayer Identification Number 1

Country of Tax Residence 2 Taxpayer Identification Number 2:

TIN Unavailable Explanation(s) – If TIN is not provided above, please provide an explanation.

*Please tick the box/es to select the role types that are relevant to you (i.e. Controlling Person 2/Beneficial Owner 2).

Controlling Person* / Beneficiary Type*

Legal Person* By Ownership By other means Senior Managing Official

Legal Arrangement – Trust* Settlor Trustee Protector Beneficiary Other

Legal Arrangement – Other* Settlor – Equivalent

Trustee – Equivalent

Protector – Equivalent

Beneficiary – Equivalent

Other – Equivalent

If there are more than 2 Controlling Persons or Beneficial Owners or Country of Tax Residences, please provide the details on a separate page and attach to this Application Form.

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This section is considered an integral part of the self-certification to which it is associated. If there is a change in Controlling Persons/Beneficial Ownership, please submit an updated form within 30 days.

Controlling Person 1 / Beneficial Owner 1 First Name Family Name/Surname

Current Residence Address

City/Town State/Province Postcode Country (do not abbreviate)

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) City/Town of Birth Country of Birth

Country of Tax Residence 1 Taxpayer I d e n t i f i c a t i o n Number 1

Country of Tax Residence 2 Taxpayer Identification Number 2:

TIN Unavailable Explanation(s) – If TIN is not provided above, please provide an explanation.

*Please tick the box/es to select the role types that are relevant to you (i.e. Controlling Person 1/Beneficial Owner 1).

Controlling Person* / Beneficiary Type*

Legal Person* By Ownership By other means Senior Managing Official

Legal Arrangement – Trust* Settlor Trustee Protector Beneficiary Other

Legal Arrangement – Other* Settlor – Equivalent

Trustee – Equivalent

Protector – Equivalent

Beneficiary – Equivalent

Other – Equivalent

Controlling Person 2 / Beneficial Owner 2 First Name Family Name/Surname

Current Residence Address

City/Town State/Province Postcode Country (do not abbreviate)

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) City/Town of Birth Country of Birth

Country of Tax Residence 1 Taxpayer Identification Number 1

Country of Tax Residence 2 Taxpayer Identification Number 2:

TIN Unavailable Explanation(s) – If TIN is not provided above, please provide an explanation.

*Please tick the box/es to select the role types that are relevant to you (i.e. Controlling Person 2/Beneficial Owner 2).

Controlling Person* / Beneficiary Type*

Legal Person* By Ownership By other means Senior Managing Official

Legal Arrangement – Trust* Settlor Trustee Protector Beneficiary Other

Legal Arrangement – Other* Settlor – Equivalent

Trustee – Equivalent

Protector – Equivalent

Beneficiary – Equivalent

Other – Equivalent

If there are more than 2 Controlling Persons or Beneficial Owners or Country of Tax Residences, please provide the details on a separate page and attach to this Application Form.

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Please tick the box if you consent to your personal information being used and disclosed for marketing purposes as broadly described in the Privacy statement in this IM.

I/we wish to receive information regarding future investment opportunities.

You may change your election at any time by contacting the Issuer.


Please tick the box below if you would like to receive all communications, including periodic statements, via email.

I/we would like to receive all communications via email.

If the above box is not ticked all communications will be posted to you.

On-line access – I wish to be given on-line access to view my investment information.

I do not wish to receive the Annual Financial Report(s) for those fund(s) in which I am invested, and I acknowledge and agree that this is a standing request by me until further notice from me.


From time to time we may send you marketing materials regarding our products and services, as well as the products and

services of our related entities. Please indicate if you do not wish us to send you any marketing materials by ticking the box below:

I do not wish to receive marketing materials about your products and services, as well as the products and services of your related entities



When you complete this Application Form you make the following declarations:

• I/we have read and understood the IM to which this Application Form applies, including any supplemental information;

• I/we have received and accepted the offer to invest in Australia;

• The information provided in my/our Application Form is true, correct and complete in all respects;

• I/we agree to be bound by the provisions of the Constitution governing the Fund and the terms and conditions of the IM, each as amended from time to time;

• I/we acknowledge that none of the Issuer, their related entities, directors or officers have guaranteed or made any representation as to the performance or success of the Fund, or the repayment of capital from the Fund. Investments in the Fund are subject to various risks, including delays in repayment and loss of income or principal invested. Investments in the Fund are not deposits with or other liabilities of the Issuer or any of its related bodies corporate or associates;

• I/we acknowledge the Issuer reserves the right to reject any application or scale back an application in its absolute discretion;

• If applicable, after assessing my/our circumstances, I/we have obtained my/our own independent financial advice prior to investing in the Fund;

• If this Application Form is signed under Power of Attorney, each Attorney declares he/she has not received notice of revocation of that power (a certified copy of the Power of Attorney should be submitted with this Application Form);

• I am/we are over 18 years of age and I/we are eligible to hold units/investment in the Fund;

• I/we have all requisite power and authority to execute and perform the obligations under the IM and this Application Form;

• I/we acknowledge that application monies will be held in a trust account until invested in the Fund or returned to me/ us. Interest will not be paid to applicants in respect of their application monies regardless of whether their monies are returned;

• I/we have read the information on privacy and personal information contained in the IM and consent to my/our personal information being used and disclosed as set out in the IM;

• I/we acknowledge that the Issuer may deliver and make reports, statements and other communications available in electronic form, such as e-mail or by posting on a website;

• I/we indemnify the Issuer and each of its related bodies corporate, directors and other officers, shareholders, servants, employees, agents and permitted delegates (together, the Indemnified Parties) and to hold each of them harmless from and against any loss, damage, liability, cost or expense, including reasonable legal fees (collectively, a Loss) due to or arising out of a breach of representation, warranty, covenant or agreement by me/us contained in any

document provided by me/us to the Issuer, its agents or other parties in connection with my/our investment in the

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Fund. The indemnification obligations provided herein survive the execution and delivery of this Application Form, any investigation at any time made by the Issuer and the issue and/or sale of the investment;

• To the extent permitted by law, I/we release each of the Indemnified Parties from all claims, actions, suits or demands whatsoever and howsoever arising that I/we may have against any Indemnified Party in connection with the IM or my/ our investment;

• Other than as disclosed in this Application Form, no person or entity controlling, owning or otherwise holding an interest in me/us is a United States citizen or resident of the United States or any other country for taxation purposes;

• I/we will promptly notify the Issuer of any change to the information I/we have previously provided to the Issuer, including any changes which result in a person or entity controlling, owning or otherwise holding an interest in me/us;

• You confirm that your financial adviser’s remuneration arrangements as set out above are the arrangements agreed between you and your financial adviser and you instruct to Responsible Entity to pay those fees to your financial adviser.

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Fund. The indemnification obligations provided herein survive the execution and delivery of this Application Form, any investigation at any time made by the Issuer and the issue and/or sale of the investment;

• To the extent permitted by law, I/we release each of the Indemnified Parties from all claims, actions, suits or demands whatsoever and howsoever arising that I/we may have against any Indemnified Party in connection with the IM or my/ our investment;

• Other than as disclosed in this Application Form, no person or entity controlling, owning or otherwise holding an interest in me/us is a United States citizen or resident of the United States or any other country for taxation purposes;

• I/we will promptly notify the Issuer of any change to the information I/we have previously provided to the Issuer, including any changes which result in a person or entity controlling, owning or otherwise holding an interest in me/us;

• You confirm that your financial adviser’s remuneration arrangements as set out above are the arrangements agreed between you and your financial adviser and you instruct to Responsible Entity to pay those fees to your financial adviser.

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• I/we consent to the Issuer disclosing any information it has in compliance with its obligations under the US Foreign Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the OECD Common Reporting Standards for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information (CRS) and any related Australian law and guidance implementing the same. This may include disclosing information to the Australian Taxation Office, who may in turn report that information to the relevant tax authorities as required;

• I/we acknowledge that the collection of my/our personal information may be required by the Financial Transaction Reports Act 1988, the Corporations Act 2001, the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, the Taxation Administration Act 1953, the FATCA and CRS (includes any related Australian law and guidance) and the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006. Otherwise, the collection of information is not required by law, but I/we acknowledge that if I/we do not provide personal information, the Issuer may not allow me/us to invest in the Fund;

• I am/we are not aware and have no reason to suspect that the monies used to fund my/our investment in the Fund have been or will be derived from or related to any money laundering, terrorism financing or similar or other activities illegal under applicable laws or regulations or otherwise prohibited under any international convention or agreement (AML/CTF Law);

• I/we will provide the Issuer with all additional information and assistance that the Issuer may request in order for the Issuer to comply with the AML/CTF Law, FATCA and CRS;

• I/we acknowledge that the Issuer may decide to delay or refuse any request or transaction, including by suspending the issue or redemption of investment in the Fund, if the Issuer is concerned that the request or transaction may breach any obligation of, or cause the Issuer to commit or participate in an offence (including under the AML/CTF Law, FATCA and CRS).

Signature 1* Signature 2*

Full Name Full Name

Date Date

Tick capacity (mandatory for companies): Tick capacity (mandatory for companies):

Sole Director and Company Secretary Sole Director and Company Secretary

Director Director

Secretary Secretary

Company Seal (if applicable)

*Joint applicants must both sign; *Company applications must be signed by two Directors, a Director and Secretary or the Sole Director and Secretary of the company, details of which appear in Section 3.1; or

*For trust/superannuation fund applications each individual trustee must sign. Post your original signed Application Form and original certified copies of your identification document(s) to: Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund c/- Mainstream Fund Services GPO Box 4968 Sydney, NSW, 2001

Please ensure that you have transferred your application monies or enclose a cheque for payment.

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All documents must be provided in a certified copy format – in other words, a copy of the original document that has been certified by an eligible certifier.

A ‘certified extract’ means an extract that has been certified as a true copy of some of the information contained in a complete original document by one of the persons described below.

Please note that we require the copy which was actually signed by the certifier (i.e. the original penned signature of the certifier).

People who can certify documents or extracts are:

1. A lawyer, being a person who is enrolled on the roll of the Supreme Court of a State or Territory, or the High Court of Australia, as a legal practitioner (however described).

2. A judge of a court.

3. A magistrate.

4. A chief executive officer of a Commonwealth court.

5. A registrar or deputy registrar of a court.

6. A Justice of the Peace.

7. A notary public (for the purposes of the Statutory Declaration Regulations 1993).

8. A police officer.

9. An agent of the Australian Postal Corporation who is in charge of an office supplying postal services to the public.

10. A permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation with 2 or more years of continuous service who is employed in an office supplying postal services to the public.

11. An Australian consular officer or an Australian diplomatic officer (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955).

12. An officer with 2 or more continuous years of service with one or more financial institutions (for the purposes of the Statutory Declaration Regulations 1993).

13. A finance company officer with 2 or more continuous years of service with one or more financial companies (for the purposes of the Statutory Declaration Regulations 1993).

14. An officer with, or authorised representative of, a holder of an Australian financial services license, having 2 or more continuous years of service with one or more licensees.

15. A member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, CPA Australia or the National Institute of Accountants with 2 or more years of continuous membership.


To comply with AML/CTF laws, we require you to disclose whether you are, or have an association with, a Politically Exposed Person (‘PEP’). A PEP is an individual who holds a prominent public position or function in a government body or an international organisation in Australia or overseas, such as a Head of State, or Head of a Country or Government, or a Government Minister, or equivalent senior politician. A PEP can also be an immediate family member of a person referred to above, including spouse, de facto partner, child, and a child’s spouse or a parent. A close associate of a PEP, i.e. any individual who is known to have joint beneficial ownership of a legal arrangement or entity is also considered to be a PEP. Where you identify as, or have an association with, a PEP, we may request additional information from you.


To comply with AML/CTF laws, we require you to disclose the Beneficial Owners. Beneficial Owner means an individual who ultimately owns or controls (directly or indirectly) the investor.

‘Owns’ means ownership (either directly or indirectly) of 25% or more of the investor.

‘Controls’ includes control as a result of, or by means of, trusts, agreements, arrangements, understandings and practices, whether or not having legal or equitable force and whether or not based on legal or equitable rights, and includes exercising and control through the capacity to determine decisions about financial and operating policies.

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All documents must be provided in a certified copy format – in other words, a copy of the original document that has been certified by an eligible certifier.

A ‘certified extract’ means an extract that has been certified as a true copy of some of the information contained in a complete original document by one of the persons described below.

Please note that we require the copy which was actually signed by the certifier (i.e. the original penned signature of the certifier).

People who can certify documents or extracts are:

1. A lawyer, being a person who is enrolled on the roll of the Supreme Court of a State or Territory, or the High Court of Australia, as a legal practitioner (however described).

2. A judge of a court.

3. A magistrate.

4. A chief executive officer of a Commonwealth court.

5. A registrar or deputy registrar of a court.

6. A Justice of the Peace.

7. A notary public (for the purposes of the Statutory Declaration Regulations 1993).

8. A police officer.

9. An agent of the Australian Postal Corporation who is in charge of an office supplying postal services to the public.

10. A permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation with 2 or more years of continuous service who is employed in an office supplying postal services to the public.

11. An Australian consular officer or an Australian diplomatic officer (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955).

12. An officer with 2 or more continuous years of service with one or more financial institutions (for the purposes of the Statutory Declaration Regulations 1993).

13. A finance company officer with 2 or more continuous years of service with one or more financial companies (for the purposes of the Statutory Declaration Regulations 1993).

14. An officer with, or authorised representative of, a holder of an Australian financial services license, having 2 or more continuous years of service with one or more licensees.

15. A member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, CPA Australia or the National Institute of Accountants with 2 or more years of continuous membership.


To comply with AML/CTF laws, we require you to disclose whether you are, or have an association with, a Politically Exposed Person (‘PEP’). A PEP is an individual who holds a prominent public position or function in a government body or an international organisation in Australia or overseas, such as a Head of State, or Head of a Country or Government, or a Government Minister, or equivalent senior politician. A PEP can also be an immediate family member of a person referred to above, including spouse, de facto partner, child, and a child’s spouse or a parent. A close associate of a PEP, i.e. any individual who is known to have joint beneficial ownership of a legal arrangement or entity is also considered to be a PEP. Where you identify as, or have an association with, a PEP, we may request additional information from you.


To comply with AML/CTF laws, we require you to disclose the Beneficial Owners. Beneficial Owner means an individual who ultimately owns or controls (directly or indirectly) the investor.

‘Owns’ means ownership (either directly or indirectly) of 25% or more of the investor.

‘Controls’ includes control as a result of, or by means of, trusts, agreements, arrangements, understandings and practices, whether or not having legal or equitable force and whether or not based on legal or equitable rights, and includes exercising and control through the capacity to determine decisions about financial and operating policies.

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Customer Identification Declaration (Financial Adviser to complete)

I confirm that I have completed an appropriate Customer Identification Procedure (CID) on this investor and/or the beneficial owners which meets the requirements of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (AML/CTF Act).

Please select the relevant option below:

I have attached the verification documents that were used to perform the CID for this investor and/or the beneficial owners; OR

I have not attached the verification documents but will retain them in accordance with the AML/CTF Act and agree to provide them to the Issuer or its agents with access to these documents upon request. I also agree that if I become unable to retain the verification documents used for this application in accordance with the requirements of the AML/CTF Act I will forward them to the Issuer.

I agree to provide the Issuer or its agents with any other information that they may require to support this Application.

Financial Adviser Name (if a new adviser, please attach a copy of your employee/representative authority)

First Name Family Name/Surname

Current Residence Address

City/Town State/Province Postcode County (do not abbreviate)

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) City/Town of Birth Country of Birth

Country of Tax Residence 1 Taxpayer Identification Number 1

Country of Tax Residence 2 Taxpayer Identification Number 2:

Financial Adviser Remuneration

Please specify the remuneration to be charged to your investment of up to 3%. Initial Advice Fee (GST Incl.) % (includes the initial investment and any additional investments).

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Dealer Name

Dealer Number (if applicable)

Contact Person


Postal Address

Suburb State Postcode Country

Office Telephone Fax Number


Dealer Stamp

Signature of Financial Adviser


Financial Adviser Access to Investor Information (Investor to complete)

Please tick the box below if you wish your financial adviser to have access to information and/or to receive copies of all transaction confirmations. If no election is made, access to information and/or copies of transaction confirmations will not be provided to your financial adviser.

Please provide access to information and send copies of all transaction confirmations to my/our financial adviser.

You may change your election at any time by contacting the Issuer.

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Dealer Name

Dealer Number (if applicable)

Contact Person


Postal Address

Suburb State Postcode Country

Office Telephone Fax Number


Dealer Stamp

Signature of Financial Adviser


Financial Adviser Access to Investor Information (Investor to complete)

Please tick the box below if you wish your financial adviser to have access to information and/or to receive copies of all transaction confirmations. If no election is made, access to information and/or copies of transaction confirmations will not be provided to your financial adviser.

Please provide access to information and send copies of all transaction confirmations to my/our financial adviser.

You may change your election at any time by contacting the Issuer.

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Application Form

Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund | Application Form | June 2018

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The following form is for the use of Australian Applicants only who are investing less than AUD $500,000


To: Bombora Investment Management Pty Ltd

L 10, 56 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000



Certify as follows:

1. I am a qualified accountant for the purposes of the Corporations Act, being a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia/Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants/National Institute of Accountants and am subject to, and comply with, that body’s continuing education requirements.

2. I am giving this certificate in accordance with Section 761G(7)(c) of the Corporations Act at the request of,

and with reference to,

(Investor) and acknowledge that this certificate will be relied upon to make offers of financial products to the Investor without disclosure under Part 7.9 of the Corporations Act.

3. I certify that, having reviewed the financial position of the Investor:

(a) the Investor has net assets of at least A$2.5 million; or

(b) the Investor had a gross income for each of the last two financial years of at least A$250,000 a year.


Print name



The certificate should be:

1. Provided before any offer is made; and

2. Given no earlier than two years before the offer is made.

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ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT FORM – ‘NAME OF FUND’ Additional Investment Form For Existing Investors

Please use this form if you are already an investor in the ‘Name of Fund’ and wish to make an additional investment. New investors should go to page 2 of the Application Form.


Company/Fund/Super Fund Name

ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT DETAILS Please tick the box beside your chosen payment method and complete the required details.

Cheque Made payable to: Mainstream Fund Services as Custodian for Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund

Amount: AUD .

Electronic Funds Transfer or Direct Deposit Bank: National Australia Bank Reference: ‘Investor surname/company or trust name’ Account Name: Mainstream Fund Services as Custodian for Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund – Application Account BSB: 082-401 Account Number: 928336150 Amount: AUD . Date of Transfer

Reference Used


By signing this form, I/we:

○ declare that I/we have read and understand the current (and any Supplementary) IM for the relevant fund(s); ○ declare that all details provided in this request form are true and correct and I/we undertake to inform you of any

changes to the information supplied as and when they occur; ○ (If signing under power of attorney) declare that I/we have not received notice of revocation of that power; ○ acknowledge and agree to be bound by the declarations and conditions provided by me/us as outlined in [section

K] of the relevant Application Form; ○ acknowledge that investments in the fund(s) are subject to investment risk. For further information on the risks

associated with the fund(s) please refer to the relevant IM.

Signature 1* Signature 2*

Full Name Full Name

Date Date

Tick capacity (mandatory for companies): Tick capacity (mandatory for companies):

Sole Director and Company Secretary Sole Director and Company Secretary

Director Director

Secretary Secretary

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Application Form

Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund | Application Form | June 2018

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ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT FORM – ‘NAME OF FUND’ Additional Investment Form For Existing Investors

Please use this form if you are already an investor in the ‘Name of Fund’ and wish to make an additional investment. New investors should go to page 2 of the Application Form.


Company/Fund/Super Fund Name

ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT DETAILS Please tick the box beside your chosen payment method and complete the required details.

Cheque Made payable to: Mainstream Fund Services as Custodian for Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund

Amount: AUD .

Electronic Funds Transfer or Direct Deposit Bank: National Australia Bank Reference: ‘Investor surname/company or trust name’ Account Name: Mainstream Fund Services as Custodian for Bombora Special Investments Growth Fund – Application Account BSB: 082-401 Account Number: 928336150 Amount: AUD . Date of Transfer

Reference Used


By signing this form, I/we:

○ declare that I/we have read and understand the current (and any Supplementary) IM for the relevant fund(s); ○ declare that all details provided in this request form are true and correct and I/we undertake to inform you of any

changes to the information supplied as and when they occur; ○ (If signing under power of attorney) declare that I/we have not received notice of revocation of that power; ○ acknowledge and agree to be bound by the declarations and conditions provided by me/us as outlined in [section

K] of the relevant Application Form; ○ acknowledge that investments in the fund(s) are subject to investment risk. For further information on the risks

associated with the fund(s) please refer to the relevant IM.

Signature 1* Signature 2*

Full Name Full Name

Date Date

Tick capacity (mandatory for companies): Tick capacity (mandatory for companies):

Sole Director and Company Secretary Sole Director and Company Secretary

Director Director

Secretary Secretary

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Application Form

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Company Seal (if applicable)

*Joint applicants must both sign; *Company applications must be signed by two Directors, a Director and Secretary or the Sole Director and Secretary of the company; or

*For trust/superannuation fund applications each individual trustee must sign.

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Trustee And Investment Manager

Bombora Investment Management Pty LtdACN: 625 413 390Australian Financial Services Licensee Number: 237556Authorised Representative for Ironbridge Capital Management Pty Ltd

Address: Level 10, 56 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000Telephone:+61 2 9250 8790Email: [email protected]:

Administrator And Custodian

Mainstream Fund ServicesAddress: Level 1, 51-57 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000Mail: GPO Box 4968, Sydney NSW 2001Telephone: 1300 133 451Email: [email protected]:

Auditor And Tax Advisor

DeloitteContact: Tara HillPartner

Address: Level 9, Grosvenor Place, 225 George St, Sydney NSW 2000Phone +61 2 9322 3691, +61 414 286 990Email [email protected]

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