Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks€¦ · information and information systems by...

WHITE PAPER Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks Information Assurance (IA) secures IP infrastructure and protects radio network assets ensuring operational continuity.

Transcript of Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks€¦ · information and information systems by...

Page 1: Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks€¦ · information and information systems by ensuring availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality and non-repudiation.IA


Information Assurance forPrivate Radio NetworksInformation Assurance (IA) secures IP infrastructure and protects radio network assets ensuring operationalcontinuity.

Page 2: Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks€¦ · information and information systems by ensuring availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality and non-repudiation.IA

According to current risk management and security thinking, an InformationAssurance (IA) program can ensure the security and resiliency of the IP infrastructure that supports Land Mobile Radio (LMR) operations. For federalagencies, Department of Defense (DoD) enterprises, and state, county or citygovernments that need secure and compliant networks, Information Assuranceoffers the following benefits:

• Integration of all the internal departments anddisciplines that contribute to a layered defense-in-depth security posture (e.g., risk management,IT operations, information security, physicalsecurity, business continuity, business intelligenceand human resources)

• Use of advanced risk management metrics tocost-effectively apply just the right amount ofsecurity to each information asset

• Integration of all locally relevant regulations,standards, best practices and compliancemandates (e.g., FISMA/FIPS, NIST, DITSCAP,DIACAP, ISO)

• Creation of policies, procedures, processes andsecurity architecture that are needed for rapidcertification and accreditation

Traditionally, security has been viewed as a costlyand operationally impractical activity that ties thehands of IT users and process owners. Securityimproves considerably with the use of IA methodsthat allow security teams to build high levels ofoperational flexibility and resilience into enterprisesys tems. As a key enabler of IP infrastructure andbroad systems interoperability, IA can play a critical,integrative role in an enterprise’s planning anddecision-making activities, as illustrated in Figure 1.

2 Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks

Executive Summary


DIACAP: Department of Defense Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process

DISA: Defense Information Systems Agency

DITSCAP: Department of Defense Information Technology Security Certification and AccreditationProcess

FIPS: Federal Information Processing Standards

FISMA: Federal Information Security Mandate Act

HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

ISO: International Organization for Standardization

ITU: International Telecommunication Union

NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology

NSA: National Security Agency

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With the ongoing adoption of IP networking andopen IT platforms for critical infrastructure, LMRsystem managers have had to shift their focus frommanaging over-the-air technologies toward managingwireline and IT technologies, which comprise anincreasing presence in radio network architectures.Moving to IP-based platforms delivers many benefits,such as enabling client-server architectures, creatingmore flexible interconnectivity, allowing use of

IT-based applications and greater scalability. Formission-critical group voice services, Multicast IPallows optimization at the protocol level for the real-time voice performance that is necessary to fulfillthe most essential missions. Using an IP-basedarchitecture also provides a long-term foundation fora vast array of current and future messaging, dataapplication, geo-location, multimedia, video, dataexchange and interoperable voice communicationsolutions.

3 Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks

Risk Management• Information asset criticality• Threat impact metrics• Enterprise strategy and mission• Risk/reward appetite

IT Ops & InfoSec

• FW/IDS/crypto• Access controls• Secure network design• Backup and archive• Configuration and change management

Physical Security

• Facilities access controls• Equipment access controls• Physical security event logging• Surveillance



• Redundant systems• Disaster response plan• Threat & vulnerability assessments

Business Market


• Assets status• Process reporting• Market monitoring• Decision support

HR & Operations

• Employee identity• Employee records• Operational event logging & histories




Desired Security Posture• Defense-in-depth security architecture• Compliance, certification, accreditation• Policies, procedures, processes• Operational resiliency

Figure 1. The IA decision-making process and related enterprise impact

Page 4: Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks€¦ · information and information systems by ensuring availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality and non-repudiation.IA

Asymmetric Threats

The benefits of IP networks are well known, but theopenness of IP protocols, platforms and servicesintroduces significant new vulnerabilities into LMRoperations and critical infrastructure environments.The rise of IP has coincided with the explosivegrowth of asymmetrical threats that do notnecessarily conform to traditional security and riskmanagement approaches. Traditional threat modelswere symmetrical, with combatants aligned againsteach other along a well-defined border or perimeter.But today, the perimeters in physical and cyberwarfare are rapidly dissolving under pressure fromthe dual forces of evolving global sociopoliticalthreats and highly distributed enterprise computingmodels.

Asymmetric threats don’t conform to clear-cutborders and perimeters, which means they:

• Exist inside and outside the organizationaldefense perimeter

• Use sophisticated automation to attack up anddown the technology stack

• Deploy blended attacks that move freely betweenphysical and cyber assets

• Cascade through networked systems and criticalinfrastructure

• Exploit human engineering and insider participation

Although traditional circuit-switched LMR networksrely heavily on proprietary implementations, this

creates a natural barrier against hackers, virusesand malicious attacks. In contrast, the new IP-basedLMR models, while providing many additionalbenefits, also expose well-known protocols,services and interfaces at many different levels ofthe network and IT infrastructure—creating a wealthof vulnerabilities.

Given the range and seriousness of the asymmetricthreats that IP infrastructure and open platformsbring, there are some who would prefer to turnback the clock to a simpler time when isolated,proprietary networks were the norm. But given thebenefits and momentum of IP technologies andstandards-based IT, most LMR shops are becomingfull partners in IP-based enterprise computing.Fortunately, it is possible to have great IPcost/performance and great security too.

Enter IA, which represents much of the latestthinking and best practices for controlling thevulnerabilities that are targeted by asymmetricthreats.

Threats + Vulnerabilities = Risk

The above-mentioned threat vectors would berelatively harmless if it weren’t for significanthuman and technology vulnerabilities that exist in IT-dependent organizations. When senior securityengineers conduct security audits of commercialand government IT infrastructure, in most cases,

4 Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks

Asymmetric Threats:

A Game Without


“The difficulty is that inthe real world, wehave people that donot play by the rules.What we are trying todefend has nowevolved from a borderor theater ofoperations, which wecan array forcesaround, into a muchmore ambiguousworld of asymmetricwarfare. There arepeople and groupspursuing complexends inside yourperimeter that you donot fully understandand cannot attack withoverwhelming forcewithout destroyingyourself.”

– Richard A. DeMillo,Dean, College ofComputing, GeorgiaTech University; former CTO, Hewlett-Packard


LMR Infrastructure

Service Providers



Enterprise Network

Trusted Networks







Other Govt.Networks

(Federal agency, DoD,city, county or state)FW


Figure 2. IP infrastructure for LMR and enterprise networks

Page 5: Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks€¦ · information and information systems by ensuring availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality and non-repudiation.IA

they find serious vulnerabilities, including: • Lack of adequate perimeter defenses and traffic

controls• Lack of physical access controls • Unpatched and misconfigured devices• Weak or missing passwords• Inadequate security reporting, scanning and

periodic assessments• Weak antivirus protections against viruses, Trojan

Horses, worms and other malware• Human errors as a result of poor training and

professional development• Data leaks and inadvertent disclosure of information

These human and system vulnerabilities open thedoor to a wide range of unauthorized access,service disruptions, data leaks and compliancefailures. Without a comprehensive IA approach,attackers, terrorists and criminals will become moreand more successful.

What Is Information Assurance?

According to wording culled from a wide range ofgovernment information protection mandates:

Information Assurance protects and defendsinformation and information systems by ensuringavailability, integrity, authentication,confidentiality and non-repudiation. IA must alsoprovide for the restoration of damaged orcompromised information systems by incorporatingdetection, prevention and response capabilities.

Each key term in this definition points to a usefulaspect of IA:

• Availability: Timely and reliable access to dataand services for authorized users

• Integrity: Protection against unauthorizedmodification or destruction of information

• Identification and Authentication: A means ofidentifying users as recognized entities who canbe authenticated (password, fingerprint,voiceprint, PIN) to network and systemselements

• Confidentiality: Assurance that information is notdisclosed to unauthorized persons, processes ordevices

• Non-Repudiation: Senders and recipients areprovided with proof of each other’s identities sothat neither can later deny having been part ofthe transaction

In a nutshell, IA is a set of policies, procedures andprocesses that safeguard: • Data moving on networks• Data processed by applications

• Data residing on any sort of digital storage medium

Ultimately, to safeguard digital information in all of itsvarious states, IA has to protect data, the IP network,and any related IT infrastructure.

Although typically very data-centric, IA is not confinedto computer systems, and is not limited toinformation in electronic or machine-readable forms.In the broadest sense, IA applies to all importantinformation and data within the enterprise, inwhatever form.

By protecting information, data and IT operationswithin IP infrastructures, IA uniquely supports cost-effective, reliable LMR operations that are potentiallyhighly interoperable with partner agencies and otherrelevant first-responder teams, municipalities andenterprises.

To safeguard the production, transport and storage ofinformation within the LMR infrastructure, an IAprogram deploys a number of policies, processes andprocedures that guide an organization’s securitymanagement efforts and many related areas of IToperations. IA programs are effective to the degreethat they enable convergence and integration ofsome key disciplines, including:

• Regulatory and policy compliance• IT and network security (InfoSec)• Physical security • Business continuity and disaster recovery• Identity and access management• IT life cycle and project management• Intelligence gathering and analysis

When deployed as a strategic initiative, IA becomesan important cross-functional platform for theconvergence of various governance, policy andoperational capabilities that might otherwise befragmented and isolated.

IA for a Strong Policy Framework

IA can also serve as the foundation for a policy andbest practices framework that is very useful incompliance, certification and accreditation efforts.IA policies can be developed internally, but will likelybe heavily influenced by some mix of locallyrelevant regulations and standards (e.g.,FISMA/FIPS, NIST 800, DITSCAP, DIACAP, ISO27000/17799). For organizations operating underfederal and DoD security and risk managementmandates, IA offers a structured path to an“Authority to Operate” green light.

5 Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks

Department of

Veterans Affairs

August 3, 2006

A laptop stolen from anemployee’s home contained personalinformation for 26.5million veterans,including billing records,Social Securitynumbers, birth datesand addresses. Theemployee violated localpolicy by takinginformation home.

Records containingsensitive personalinformation involvedin security breachesfrom January 2005 todate: 153,558,451

Source:Privacy Rights Clearinghouse(

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IA serves as a central organizing force that helpsnavigate a complex mix of regulations, guidelinesand standards. In this role, IA manages orcontributes to numerous policy, standard andprocess areas, including:

• Information risk management policy • Information classification and handling standard• User access management standard• Application security standard• Network and perimeter security standard• Platform security standard• Cryptography standard• Vulnerability management standard• Change management standard• Self-assessment process• Exception management process• Awareness training

The importance of policy in IP-based ITenvironments can’t be overemphasized. In manyorganizations, internal employees, partners andoutsourcers who are considered “trusted parties”cause the majority of data breaches. Serious dataleaks and internal vulnerabilities are often the resultof inadvertent lapses on the part of employees andcontractors. A recent IDC study1 found that, alongwith viruses, spyware and spam, the threat ofunintentional leaks is now one of the top fiveconcerns of enterprise security managers. Usereducation—not expensive technology—is often thebest defense against threats that are brought intothe network or valuable data that is leaked to theoutside. Hence, IA emphasizes people, policy,process and procedural security issues.

IA Enables Operational Resiliency

Traditionally, IT security has been viewed as arestrictive, costly practice that delivers loweredperformance, user inconvenience and nomeasurable upside. But security programs that arebased on IA principles result in more positive,intelligent, risk-based security models that delivermeasurably higher levels of operational resiliency. IA builds organizational value by formalizing riskmanagement in the areas of physical and cybersecurity, IT operations and key internal processes.Consequently, IA is a unique enabler of operationalresiliency—the degree to which an organization canadapt to changing risk environments (internal andexternal). By combining disciplines like NIST 800and ISO 27000, IA makes enterprise processesmore policy driven and well structured. Operationalresilience is critical for large government andmilitary organizations because the stakes are high,

given the context of massive public safetyprograms and widely distributed criticalinfrastructure.

Operational resilience is also important for smalland midsize organizations. Whereas largeorganizations have deep redundant resources thatmake them more naturally resilient, smallerorganizations have less resources and, hence, asmaller margin of error. An IA-based security andpolicy architecture can ensure that small andmedium-size enterprises remain resilient in spite oflimited IT resources, staff and facilities.

The bottom line: By building and preservingoperational resilience, IA helps both large andsmall organizations keep their information flowsintact in the face of global, dynamic andcomplex asymmetrical threats.

IA and Risk Management

IA draws on risk management calculations todetermine the value and criticality of informationassets. Risk managers are continually balancingcost of impact against cost of mitigation. Similarly,with IA, it is not always economically practical tomitigate all information threats. Without good riskmanagement practices, it is impossible for IA todetermine what assets are at risk. In federal,municipal and DoD organizations, both tangible andintangible assets are equally important. Tangibleassets include IT equipment, facilities and networkconnections. Intangible assets include:

• Citizen trust/community support• Organizational reputation and public image• Customer retention and customer relations

(customers could be citizens, responderagencies, partners, suppliers, internationalcommunity, funding agencies)

• Confidence in privacy controls• Citizen and employee morale and productivity

The ability of IA to safeguard trust, confidence andreputation should not be undervalued. Trust is anecessary ingredient of government, nationaldefense and commerce—a trust failure in any ofthese spheres could result in disaster. Withouttrust, communications and information have little orno value. At the highest level, IA goes beyond mereoperational soundness by safeguarding trust,reputations, relationships, and other related areas ofvalue production.

6 Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks

Operational risk

and resiliency

Operational risk is therisk that results from:• Failed internal

processes• Inadvertent or

deliberate actions ofpeople

• Problems withsystems andtechnology

• External events

Operational resiliency isthe organization’s abilityto sustain the mission inthe face of these risks.

Source: CERT - Introductionto Resilience EngineeringFramework, November 2006

1 Burke, B. & Ryan, R. (2007).Worldwide InformationProtection and Control (IPC)2007-2011 Forecast andAnalysis: Securing theWorld's New Currency, IDC:Framingham, MA.

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High levels of IA can only be achieved with ongoingapplication of risk metrics. Once an organization’sinformation assets are identified, they are prioritizedin relation to the following key criteria:

• Criticality of asset• Vulnerability of asset• Likelihood of threat to asset

IA manages risk by minimizing the impact of threatson vulnerable critical information assets. If aninformation asset is not critical, then itsvulnerabilities are less significant. If an asset iscritical, but has no threats, then risk is low. At theintersection of all three factors—high criticality, highvulnerability and high threat—the risk is substantial.

When IA is allowed to apply this process to all of anorganization’s information assets, the costeffectiveness of security spending increasesdramatically.

The rating of information assets is illustrated inFigure 4 using the Mission Assurance Category(MAC) rating system—a DoD convention that isused to rate the criticality of systems and associateddata and applications in relation to the organizationalmission. The MAC categories are defined as follows:

• Mission Assurance Category I (MAC I):systems handling information that is determinedto be vital to the operational readiness or missioneffectiveness of deployed and contingency forcesin terms of both content and timeliness

• Mission Assurance Category II (MAC II):systems handling information that is important tothe support of deployed and contingency forces

• Mission Assurance Category III (MAC III):systems handling information that is necessary to conduct day-to-day business, but does notmaterially affect support of deployed orcontingency forces in the short term

The risk evaluations used by IA result in theapplication of effective security controls (protections)to the IP infrastructure. These controls are matchedto the criticality of assets, exploitable vulnerabilitiesand specific threats. Controls are also matched to

7 Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks

Criticality of Information Assets

High Vulnerability

High Criticality





ty o

f In



n A



Figure 4. Rating of information assets in terms of mission criticality vs. vulnerability



Criticality Threat

Figure 3. High risk at the intersection of criticality,threat and vulnerability

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the resources available to the enterprise. Ideally, IA-directed security controls are deployed in adefense-in-depth security architecture, which is acore set of principles that are deployed in manycompliance, standards and best practicesframeworks.

Defense-in-Depth SecurityThroughout history, as cities and towns grew inwealth, they became the focus of increasinglysophisticated criminal and military attacks. Theseattacks hastened the development of layered physicaldefenses on the perimeter of the town (e.g., wallsand moats) that became increasingly concentric (e.g., building guards, high fences, locked gates,strongboxes). Today, a fully secure town orbusiness—much like a fortified Medieval village—isprotected by many layers of physical security controlsinside the perimeter, including manned checkpoints,video cameras, security patrols, electronic lockingsystems, biometric access controls, vaults and safes.

The layered approach to security that is so prevalentin the physical world is also increasingly relevant inthe cyber security realm, whereby asymmetricattacks can be mounted from anywhere inside oroutside of the enterprise, at any level of theinfrastructure. Today, an attack can originate from anenterprise’s own data center or from the laptop PC ofa college student who’s halfway around the globe.

A layered “defense-in-depth” approach to informationsecurity and data protection is often employed by IAprograms to create a fabric of interlocking controlsthat safeguard IP infrastructure against all aspects ofthe asymmetric challenge.

Defense-in-Depth Defined

Security experts on Carnegie Mellon University’sComputer Emergency Response Team (CERT) definedefense-in-depth as follows: “The synergisticintegration of layered Information Assurancepractices, providing resilient IT services whileminimizing failures and intrusions.” The university, ina report sponsored by the DoD, further definesdefense-in-depth as:

An IA construct in which multiple relatedorganizational actions and controls are applied tominimize failures and intrusions and theirpropagation. In essence, it is a multi-prongedprotection strategy. When defense-in-depth isachieved, reliability and resilience—the ability of ITsystems to withstand attacks with minimal impacton services—also are achieved.2

Much work has been done to understand what isrequired of defense-in-depth security for ITinfrastructure. Examples of this work are seen insecurity frameworks, standards and best practices

from NIST, ISO, NSA, DISA, ITU, and other bodiesthat strive to apply sound policies and securitycontrols at multiple points in the technology stack.Employing concentric layers of security around criticalinformation makes it possible to deter or recovereffectively from a wide range of threats. Defense-in-depth lets LMR network owners achieve the rightbalance between the two conflicting needs theyface—open interoperability versus secure and resilientoperations.

Defense-in-depth methods are developing constantly.The current thinking in the area includes several keyrecommendations:

• Divide internal enterprise information assets intosecurity domains, which reduces the damage thata single breach can incur.

• Build protection controls into all vertical layers ofthe technology stack.

• Distribute applications and services to multipleservers, so there is no central point of failure.

• Create redundancy, which allows continuedoperations even if an attack disables part of theinfrastructure.

• Use diversity to reduce the attack surface andcompartmentalize risk.

The Importance of Diversity

Diversity, an important but often overlooked aspect of security, deploys a mix of different operatingplatforms and protocols that have different securitystrengths and weaknesses. Too often, enterprisesinstall several critical applications (e-mail, Web and e-commerce services) on one server. All of theseapplications will be compromised together if thesystem crashes or is successfully attacked. Usingmultiple, distributed servers avoids this.

Another aspect of diversity is choice of operatingsystem. If all the servers and workstations in anenterprise are the same version of the sameoperating system, then they could all succumb to acascading attack from a single piece of malware orhacker exploit. In contrast, an enterprise with a mix ofoperating systems and configurations will be lessvulnerable. The key is to choose a balance betweendiversity and consistency, i.e., use configurationmanagement, disk imaging and automatedprovisioning within each group of similar systems forhigh levels of configuration standardization.

Note: Some of the best practices discussed belowmay not be specifically relevant to all networks and allorganizations. For instance, an LMR operationsnetwork with very strong firewall and intrusioncontrols may not need personal firewalls on hostcomputers inside the LMR security domain. The truevalue of each security control can only be known after

8 Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks

2 May, C. et al. (2006).Defense in Depth:Foundations for Secure andResilient IT Enterprises(sponsored by the U.S.Department of Defense).Carnegie Mellon University:Pittsburgh, PA.

Page 9: Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks€¦ · information and information systems by ensuring availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality and non-repudiation.IA

a thorough risk assessment process that looks atbasic functional requirements for the target network.This assessment process must also balance the riskversus cost of implementing controls. In this context,“cost” can be measured with financial performance,administrative overhead, or other relevant metrics. Agood example of a “cost” that is excessive is abanking card PIN with 15 characters. A long ATM cardPIN is more secure than the normal four digits, but itis harder to remember. Hence, its cost in terms ofsupport and wasted user time is high. There are, ofcourse, many similar risk/cost trade-offs that must beaddressed in the creation of an effective defense-in-depth network security design.

Secure Domains Compartmentalize Threats

A defense-in-depth security architecture can mitigateinternal and external threats by dividing the ITinfrastructure into domains—each with a unique mixof traffic controls, firewalls, intrusion protection,antivirus services, etc. Domains are created bygrouping a concise set of assets (data, users andsystems) that are related in a functional, geographicalor organizational sense (e.g., part of the sameworkflow or process). Assets can also be grouped interms of their value (customer records, financialrecords, classified documents, etc.). Domains canhave their own policies if need be. Ideally, domainsare created with risk management methods that startby prioritizing the relative value of assets in relation tothe mission of the organization and its compliancerequirements. Certain general-purpose officeautomation assets can go into relatively insecuredomains. Systems that contain personal identities,financial information, and other key data assets are

grouped in highly secure domains that are protectedby strong network traffic management, encryptionand access controls.

When an IA program includes a domain approach tosecurity, it facilitates improved compliance withrelevant regulations, including the FISMA/NISTstandards, DoD certification and accreditationrequirements, general financial controls, privacy laws,and related regulations and audit exposure. IA policiesand procedures apply to each domain, enforcingcompliance by design.

Compared to a monolithic external defense perimeter,domains represent a greatly improved approach toinformation confidentiality and data integrity, allowingstricter control over the storage and disclosure ofsensitive and valuable digital assets. Authenticationcan be tied to domains in such a way that users canreceive different access rights for each domain. Thecontained scope of domains can facilitate policyapproval and enforcement, i.e., it’s easier to enactpolicy in a single domain versus the whole enterprise.

Protecting IP Infrastructure

Today’s attackers are looking for vulnerabilities fromthe top to the bottom of the vertical technology stack,including:

• Attacks on physical facilities and equipment • Eavesdropping, masquerading and denial of service

at the network level • Corruption and control of applications and operating

systems• Violation of the confidentiality, integrity and

availability of user data

9 Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks

Mobile Users


Enterprise Legacy Domain

Finance Domain

Partners and Outsourcers


Decision Support Domain


Private Radio Domain

e.g. proprietaryradio network

Regulateddata systems

Regulateddata systems

Firewalls, IDS, Access Controls

Figure 5. Security domains compartmentalize threats, which can effectively limit and contain the damage associated with any given attack.

Page 10: Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks€¦ · information and information systems by ensuring availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality and non-repudiation.IA

In the LMR environment, user data includes voice callprocessing, key signaling, and private radio dataservices, as well as critical dispatch and supportingoffice automation functions.

Network-Based Controls

Network-based controls provide protection at theperimeter of the network boundary and at theborder of any secure domains that are definedwithin the enterprise. All of the major networkprotection technologies (DMZ, firewall, IDS) worktogether to detect and block internal or externalnetwork-based attacks. Since IP protocols andservices are well known and often “open” by

default, it is mandatory to close unnecessary portson network devices and filter all traffic ifvulnerabilities are to be controlled.Network firewalls use a set of traffic-forwardingrules to determine what data is allowed to passbetween networks. In traditional network security, afirewall is only applied to traffic that travels from theoutside to the inside of the enterprise network, asin external perimeter defense. But in moreadvanced defense-in-depth security architectures,firewalls can be deployed inside the enterprise tocreate security domains, each with its own set ofinformation and IT assets. Some firewalls have theintelligence to protect specific types of assets, such

10 Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks






O, C









IA a












d p






n s



, sys


s, n



User Data


Call Processing


Name Services

Fault Management

Operating SystemsClients/Servers


Humidity DensityTemperature



Time Sync










Network Services

Network and IT Infrastructure


Traditional Firewall Model

(External perimeter only)Defense-in-Depth Firewall Model

(Firewalls at zone perimeters)

Figure 7. Traditional firewall perimeters are increasingly pierced by connections for remote employees, external partners, outsourcers,customers, and extranet/Internet access. The defense-in-depth solution is created with internal firewalls and a domain-based securityarchitecture.

Figure 6. In a defense-in-depth security architecture, IA policies and controls are applied at all levels of the technology stack.

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as messaging servers, mobile application gateways,telecommunications switches and databases. Insome cases, a firewall can be placed directly infront of a key server (or built into the server) toenable dedicated protection.

One of the most common vulnerabilities at thenetwork level is lack of traffic controls. In too manycases, IP traffic is allowed to travel unrestricted to anypart of the enterprise. This is due, in part, to atendency to run router and switch devices on adefault “permit all” setting. One of the primary goalsof a defense-in-depth security approach is to userouter access control lists (ACLs), firewall rules,vLANs, and other network traffic filtering and networksegmentation methods to ensure that traffic onlygoes where it is absolutely needed and no further.

Network interface isolation should be conducted onimportant IT system and network nodes, whichmeans that each network interface is hardened withfilters and traffic blocking so that they only talk tospecific approved network partners. For instance, theEthernet interface of a database server could behardened and isolated so that it is only accessiblefrom downstream application servers and not thegeneral client device population.

Common sense dictates that traffic should be strictlycontrolled as it enters the enterprise or a securedomain perimeter—referred to as “ingress filtering.”Many security experts agree that traffic should befiltered in the outbound direction as well. Egressfiltering can make it harder for internal employees tointentionally or accidentally leak sensitive orconfidential data to outside parties. Egress filteringalso makes it harder for Trojan Horses, worms,rootkits and bots to transmit valuable data,passwords, screenshots and key strokes outside ofthe enterprise.

Demilitarized Zones (DMZs) are security partitionsthat serve as a barrier between an internal networkand an external network. Public-facing servers andapplications can be put in the DMZ tocompartmentalize any threats or attacks from externalnetworks. The firewalls and routers that create theDMZ can provide Network Address Translation (NAT)between networks, which means that only thesystems in the DMZ have public IP addresses;systems in other areas have private addresses, whicharen’t easily reachable by external attackers.

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) can look at trafficmoving into and through the enterprise to scan forunusual or suspicious activity. Whereas antivirusproducts typically look for known virus and malware

signatures, intrusion detection/protection systems canlook for anomalous patterns in network traffic andonline user behaviors. IDS devices create alarms andblock traffic when traffic and usage patterns do notmatch expected baseline levels. As with firewalls, IDSsystems were traditionally used to analyze traffic onmajor incoming links. More recently, IDS systemshave become increasingly specialized and suitable forgranular protection activities across the enterprise—inspecific domains or in conjunction with specificservers or applications.

Typical threats detected by IDS include:

• Domain Name System (DNS) requests fromunauthorized hosts

• Web scripting attacks directed at Web servers• SQL injection attacks directed at database servers• Buffer overflow attacks against hosts• Worm propagation• Various brute force and Denial of Service attacks

that create anomalous network loading and trafficpatterns

Securing Insecure Protocols and Services

Many of the most successful attacks on IPinfrastructure have focused on well-known protocolsand services that have documented vulnerabilities.For instance, attackers have been known to attackDNS servers, which can cause denial of service andserious network traffic disruption. In some cases,Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)agents can be exploited to take control of systems. Ingeneral, numerous insecure network services comestandard with popular clients, servers and operatingsystems. Some of the most vulnerable servicesinclude telnet, rlogin, rsh, ftp, rsync, rcp and tftp. Theelimination of insecure network services and protocolusage is necessary to sustain Authority to Operate(ATO) certification for U.S. federal systems and DoDcompliance.

Many default insecure services can be replaced bySecure Shell (SSH), an encrypted authenticationprotocol that supports secure telnet, rlogin, rsh, ftp,rsync, rcp and tftp services. SSH allows secureremote execution, file transfers, strong authentication,and secure client/server communication using AES128-bit encryption. SSH contributes to the protectionof networks from malicious IP spoofing, IP sourcerouting, and DNS spoofing attacks.

Host-Based Controls

Host-based controls are an important aspect of alayered defense-in-depth approach. Host controlsprotect individual computers on the network from

11 Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks

Open vs. Closed LMR


Even in cases where theLMR operations are run ina closed or “nearlyclosed” modality, thepresence of openplatforms, open protocolsand IP can still introduce awide range ofvulnerabilities. Theseweaknesses are based onthe types of protocols andplatforms residing on thenetworks—not whether itis nominally open orclosed. As senior securityengineers know fromexperience, mission-threatening vulnerabilitiesare found in nearly everyso-called closed networkthey evaluate.

Consider this “closednetwork” scenario: Agovernment employeesurreptitiously takes alaptop computer homewhere a child uses it tosurf a Web site thatautomatically installs aTrojan Horse that is part ofa “drive-by download”exploit. The next day, thelaptop device is taken backto the office andinterfaced with “closed”IP infrastructure (throughEthernet, removablestorage, USB file transfer,Bluetooth, etc.). As aresult, the malwareinfection is transmittedinto the so-called “closed”system.

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direct attack. Protection methods for hosts can targetthe physical aspects of hosts (lockdown), softwareapplications or the operating system. Host-centricsecurity controls include:

• Antivirus software• Hard disk encryption• Application data and session encryption• Operating system hardening• Configuration management• Periodic audits • Host-based firewalls (where applicable)

Host-based (personal) firewalls are typicallydeployed as operating or application software thatfilters and blocks incoming and outgoing traffic.Host firewalls are usually configured on a per-application basis, allowing the user or administratorto specify which applications and services gainaccess to the network. Host-based firewalls are avaluable defense-in-depth tool because they allow adefense perimeter close proximity to the user data.

Although host firewalls can be highly effective, theydon’t eliminate the need to harden well-knownports and services on each host. One approach tohost hardening is to turn off all open services of theoperating system and application software until thehost is fully secured. Then, network ports andservices are progressively unhardened to the pointat which the host operates correctly using the mostsecure possible configuration.

For custom-designed application programs,software engineers should conduct hardening of thecodebase, which can greatly reduce vulnerabilities.So-called “design time” and “compile time”hardening involve such strategies as:

• Removing unused/dead code• Killing temporary memory objects deleted when

application exits• Providing validation of all input data• Detecting and controlling buffer overflows• Building in explicit error and fault handling• Eliminating hard-coded passwords or network

addresses in code/memory

Identity and Access Management

To achieve efficient IT and security management, acentral identity and authentication authority shoulduniquely identify each user on the enterprisenetwork. This ensures accountability for actions ofall users and strict access control for all informationassets. With traditional IT and security systems,

identity systems are often fragmented andnonintegrated. The existence of multiplenonintegrated identity and access control systemsmeans extra work, redundant resources, and a lackof global view for access controls and securityforensics.

An IA program and regulatory compliance are easierto implement if user IDs are consistent across anentire network. Centralized policies for identity andaccess management enable this consistency. Identityand access policies ensure that users are uniformly:

• Authorized and trained• Assigned appropriate rights and privileges• Verified as current employees or contractors

Poor password management is one of the mostprevalent recurring vulnerabilities in IPinfrastructure. Weak passwords are often guessedby human attackers and easily broken by automatedbrute force password hacking programs. Goodpassword management practices include usingstrong alphanumeric phrases and changingpasswords at regular intervals.

A number of commercial operating and networksoftware vendors offer role-based user accesscontrols that greatly streamline and organize theidentity/access challenge. In the role-basedapproach, administrators define standard rolesbased on common application usage and workflowactivities within the enterprise. Each role is given aset of baseline access rights to applications anddata. When a new user is added to the system, theuser is given an enterprise-wide identity, which ismapped to one or more access roles. When theuser is removed from the system, a single identityinstance is deleted, which eliminates the commonproblem of too many different logins and identitieson different systems throughout the enterprise.Considering that IA is a policy-oriented approach tosecurity, centralized identity and access controls arean invaluable means of policy enforcement.

Audit and Event Management

All of the hosts, network devices andidentity/access systems in an enterprise arepotentially capable of generating and logging eventdata. Event logging and reporting are importantaspects of compliance, audits and securityforensics. Without logging, determining the origin ofa threat and what damage occurred is difficult orimpossible. IA operational policy can define astandard set of events for all key devices on the

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network. Collected events are stored on a centralserver that is available to compliance, audit andforensic activities. Network administrators canconduct regular log reviews that look for unusual orsuspicious activity. After an attack occurs, logs arereviewed for forensics to determine the nature andsource of the attack.


Given the open and well-known nature of IPinfrastructure, the trend toward data encryption isincreasing. Modern cryptographic methods arehighly effective, particularly the latest AES 256-bitencryption, which is extremely difficult to crack,even for the typical blackhat or criminal. Encryptioncan be applied at many points in the defense-in-depth security architecture, including the networklevel, the host level and the application level.

At the network level, encryption of traffic betweenrouters and between major sites can beaccomplished with virtual private networks (VPNs)and related IPsec encryption and authenticationservices. Network layer encryption typically protects traffic from the user’s computer to a securitygateway in an enterprise data center (e.g., remoteVPN access). VPN encryption can also be appliedbetween two remote enterprise sites (e.g., LAN-to-LAN VPN).

At the host level, SSH and related encryptedsession-level utilities can be used to protect end-to-end traffic between two hosts. A range of productsis emerging on the market to meet host-to-hostencryption needs, which are getting more visibilityas enterprise perimeters decline in effectiveness.

At the application level, traffic can be encryptedbetween application cryptography that is built intothe application itself. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)encryption of e-mail and office documents providesexamples of this. In some cases, databases havethe ability to encrypt individual records or a range ofrecords.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Traditionally, IT organizations addressed security,data backup and business continuity as separateissues. But with the converged IA approach tosecurity, these areas now require somecoordination, at least at the policy level.

For instance, business continuity planningaddresses continuity needs in the event of adisaster. Planners are adept at balancing businessrestoration needs with investment in technologyand resources. These are important functions. As

such, the definition of what constitutes a disasternow must include the information protection issuesthat the IA team assesses. Consequently, theremay well be a need for the IA team to have directinput into the disaster recovery and continuity plan.For example, if a specific server or dataset isparticularly vulnerable, then the IA team can pointthis out, and the business continuity planners canbuild more redundancy and failsafe capabilities intothis area of the infrastructure.

Likewise, the IA team should have input into the IToperations policy for central backup and archiving.With the help of IA, the backup and archiveadministrator will have a better understanding ofthe relative vulnerability of internal systems andapplications. IA participation allows the operationsstaff to more effectively back up volatile, non-derivative data to a central server using appropriatebackup intervals. This approach enables morereliable recovery of data in the event of a failure.

Central provisioning is a related capability that cangreatly speed the resilience of IT operations. Centralprovisioning of IT elements as well as O/Sconfigurations and patches from a central locationallow IT administrators to rebuild the ITinfrastructure rapidly in the case of failures anddisruptions due to cyber or physical attacks.

In all backup, recovery and disaster planningexercises, IA can play a key role in defining:

• Information assets that need protection• Vulnerability of assets• Compliance and regulatory requirements• Expected threats and business impacts

Life Cycle and Configuration Management

Baseline configuration management is the processof applying a consistent set of configurations acrossa population of systems and applications. To controlvulnerabilities, commercial off-the-shelf operatingsystem and application configurations should bemanaged throughout the system deployment,runtime and replacement phases of their life cycles.Hackers exploit vulnerabilities soon after disclosure.Out-of-date software versions and slow patchingare prime contributors to IP infrastructurevulnerabilities. With configuration management andpatch automation tools, updates, bug fixes andremediations can be applied quickly to a largepopulation of systems. Configuration managementtools and standard configurations enable greatersecurity through consistency and efficiency.Configuration management can help enforceconsistent IA policies to ensure that:

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• Windows machines have the correct service packinstalled

• Linux machines have a specific kernel running• Security patches are up to date• Hosts have a personal firewall installed • Host antivirus signatures are up to date• Hosts are hardened and configured correctly

Often, vulnerability is introduced if a large numberof hosts have the same configuration and the sameoperating system. In this scenario, an attacker candiscover a vulnerability and exploit it across allsystems. While this is true to some extent, theabsence of common/standard configurations alsodecreases the likelihood of remediatingvulnerabilities effectively, which increases theoverall risk of the network. The key is to createsome diversity of configurations and thenstandardize as much as possible within each groupof similar machines and applications.

Vulnerability Scanning and Security Audits

An ever-increasing number of security productstarget network vulnerabilities, including IDS, IPS,firewalls, antivirus, VPN appliances and proxyservers. Although keeping up with securitytechnologies is important, experienced securityprofessionals know that technology alone does notsolve all IP infrastructure security challenges.People and processes cause the majority of securityincidents, not technologies. The policies andprocedures enforced by a good IA program go along way toward eliminating the human factors ofsecurity. But there will always be lapses. Periodicvulnerability assessments are one way to reducethe impact of policy violations and human error.

Automated vulnerability scanning can be conductedfrom within the enterprise and/or by an outsideservice residing in a remote Security OperationsCenter (SOC). Modern vulnerability scanners useautomation to non-intrusively probe every networkand host device within the IP infrastructure—searching for open ports and services, and installedmalware. Vulnerability scanners can even check forpatch levels and configuration mistakes so that theIT staff can shut down weaknesses before theattackers find them.

Automated vulnerability scanning is an importantpart of IA, but some vulnerabilities can only beunearthed by a thorough hands-on security auditconducted by senior security engineers. An onsitesecurity audit focuses specifically on network andhuman touch points, policies and procedures,allowing security experts to “think ahead” ofmalicious attackers and potentially damagingthreats. Security auditors can check on complianceissues and conduct “what if” war games that

anticipate the future exploits of blackhats, criminalsand extremists.

People and Process Issues

To be highly effective, an IA program mustimplement numerous process and policyimprovements, many of which affect the humanaspect of IT operations and workflows. Given theincreasing trend of human-engineered attacks, usertraining has become a primary and critical means ofdefense. If users are educated about the nature ofphishing threats, infected Web sites, Trojan Horses,and various identity-based exploits, then the IPinfrastructure will be much more secure. Trainingprograms should include:

• Daily computer operations user training• Advanced security practices for administrators• Secure coding training for developers• Risk management for managers and executives

Situational awareness training ensures that usersand managers are aware of threats to physicalfacilities, equipment, and all kinds of informationassets.

Cross-training security and operations staff helpsachieve synergy among different disciplines. If theInfoSec staff is trained on physical protectionsystems (i.e., facilities access controls and videosurveillance), then security practices and forensicsmay synergistically cross the physical and cyberrealms (e.g., physical and cyber event logging andmonitoring combine to create a much clearerpicture of blended exploits and attacks).

Another area of people and process improvementrelates to remediation and incidence responseplanning. In our current security climate, attacksstrike with little or no warning, making it necessaryto plan ahead. When a significant threat or anomalyis detected, incidence response must quicklyescalate the event so that it becomes visible tosecurity specialists with the appropriate remediationskills. With planned and tested remediation/response procedures in place, threats will not havea tendency to cascade through the infrastructureand cause huge amounts of damage before theyare controlled. Given this challenge, it is beneficial ifthe IA program drives strong training, planning andincident response capabilities.

Strategic and Operational Benefits

The traditional model for enterprise security isfragmented, whereby diverse security activities areconducted in an uncoordinated way by InfoSec,PhySec, IT Ops, Human Resources, BusinessContinuity and Risk Management teams. Security inthis outdated model tends to be reactive, costly,tactical, and either too much or too little. In the new

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IA security model, all stakeholders and specialistswork together in a synergistic way that uses riskmanagement metrics to apply the right level ofprotection controls to each information asset andeach IT resource. Ideally, IA is a strategic endeavorthat creates policies with the support of anorganization’s senior executives and managers.When adequately supported, IA becomes a sourceof operational resilience that allows an organizationto fulfill its mission in a sustained and economicalmanner.

Information Assurance for

Government and Department of

Defense NetworksInformation Assurance is a powerful strategic andoperational tool for all kinds of private and publicsector organizations. The following sections discusskey implementation and compliance issues forfederal, state, local and DoD organizations,including:

• Federal certification and accreditation • Information classification and handling • FISMA, NIST 800, DITSCAP/DIACAP • IA for city, state and local governments

Strong Security Is Now Standard

Operating Procedure

The U.S. Federal Government and military branches

now require compliance to security standards for alloperational networks. Consequently, IP networkinfrastructure that supports LMR operations mustcomply with FISMA/NIST or DISA standards andreceive certification.

A well-designed Information Assurance (IA) programdefines the policies, processes and procedures thatgreatly facilitate federal information securitycompliance and DoD accreditation and certification.Compliance involves complex arrangements ofpeople, process and technology. IA is a powerfulplatform for addressing compliance requirementsbecause it drives integrative, cross-disciplineplanning and coordination between security,operations, risk, continuity and enterprise processowners. An IA policy framework mediates planningand operations at the intersection of:

• Strategic enterprise goals and mandates• Applicable security regulations (FISMA, DITSCAP,

DIACAP, HIPAA, etc.)• Applicable standards and best practices (NIST,

NSA, ISO, etc.)• Internal risk management metrics

Since IA is based on risk metrics, federal, municipaland military entities are motivated to identify allinformation assets that need protection and assignvulnerabilities and threats to those assets. Once

15 Information Assurance for Private Radio Networks

Initiation Certification

Preparation, resourceidentification, system security plan, analysis update and acceptance

Configuration management and control, security control monitoring, status reporting and documentation

Generation ofdocumentation,control assessment

Continuous improvement30–90 day cycle

Accreditation decisionand finalization of securitydocumentation

Monitoring Accreditation


FIPS SP 800 series

ISO 17799



Re-Accreditation:Time & Event Based


Criteria evolves

Figure 8. Certification and accreditation are part of a cyclical process that is greatly facilitated by a comprehensive IA program and relateddefense-in-depth protection methods.

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assets, vulnerability and threats are understood, it ismuch easier to apply federally mandated securitycontrols. The IA approach avoids the too-common“Band-Aid” syndrome, whereby compliance issuperficially applied for appearances without anyreal improvement in security posture or operationalresilience.

Compliance is, of course, not a one-shot effort. Thesecurity landscape is always changing and evolving,which means there must be ongoing improvementsand management adjustments that ensure futurecompliance, certification and accreditation.

Information Classification and Handling

All federal and DoD information system environmentsare required to apply security classifications andrelated handling procedures to all internal informationand data. As part of the process of identifying andprioritizing assets, an IA program is the idealmechanism for creating:

• Definition of classification/handling roles • Information ownership role• System custodian role• Classification levels• Marking requirements• Standards for printed and electronic forms• Storage requirements for each classification level

The precise approach to classification and handlingvaries from enterprise to enterprise, depending on thetype of data and threats that are present. In general,IA addresses classification and handling compliancerequirements as a byproduct of information assetevaluation and vulnerability management activities.

FISMAThe Federal Information Security Management Act(FISMA) requires that federal agencies implementan information security program to protectinformation and information systems that are criticalto agency operations and assets, includinginformation assets provided by other agencies,contractors or outsourcers. FISMA mandatessecurity controls based on National Institute ofStandards and Technology (NIST) standards (seebelow). As can be seen from FISMA missionstatements, the language and intent of FISMA areremarkably similar to IA concepts discussedthroughout this paper. The goal in the case of bothFISMA and IA is to protect the confidentiality,integrity and availability of agency information anddata, wherever it may be.

NIST 800The National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) publishes Federal Information ProcessingStandards (FIPS) that are useful to enterprisesengaged in IA programs. FISMA requires compliancewith NIST-defined security and risk managementpractices. Many defense-in-depth and integrativesecurity best practices are aggregated in FIPS 199:Standards for Security Categorization of FederalInformation and Information Systems. FIPS givesfederal agencies and other regulated enterprises abaseline for security controls and risk management.Of particular interest for organizations complyingwith FISMA and FIPS 199 is the so-called “NIST800 series” standards, which are highly relevant tothe creation of IA policies, processes and procedures:

• SP 800-14 Generally Accepted Principles andPractices for Securing Information TechnologySystems

• SP 800-16 Information Technology SecurityTraining Requirements: A Role- and Performance-Based Model

• HSP 800-26 Security Self-Assessment Guide forIT Systems

• HSP 800-30 Risk Management Guide forInformation Systems

• HSP 800-33 Underlying Technical Models forInformation Technology Security

• HSP 800-50 Building an IT Security Awarenessand Training Program

• HSP 800-53 Recommended Security Controls forFederal Information Systems

• HSP 800-55 Security Metrics Guide for ITSystems

• HSP 800-66 Introductory Resource Guide forImplementing the HIPAA Security

DITSCAP/DIACAPDepartment of Defense Information TechnologySecurity Certification and Accreditation Process(DITSCAP) and the more recent Department ofDefense Information Assurance Certification andAccreditation Process (DIACAP) specification arestandard DoD-wide definitions of target processes,activities, general tasks and management structuresthat are required for certification and accreditationof DoD information systems that operate within theDefense information infrastructure.

IA concepts are prominently embedded in DoDinformation security mandates. As in the discussionsthroughout this paper, the goal of DITSCAP/DIACAPis to ensure that IT infrastructure meets and

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sustains DoD availability, confidentiality and integrityrequirements, and to ensure the infrastructure doesnot present additional risks to connected systems.To accomplish these goals, DITSCAP/DIACAPcertified agencies must be able to:

• Identify all risks and vulnerabilities within theinformation system boundary

• Ensure that effective mitigations andcompensating controls are in place to minimizerisk presented by ongoing system operation

• Ensure that the system is secure from threatsthat could allow unauthorized access toinformation and cause disruption or denial ofservice

Information Assurance for City, State and

Local Governments

State, local and city government entities have amandate to protect and defend mission-critical IPinfrastructure and private radio networks, andensure they can fully support public safety and first-responder operations. Security industry accountsand news reports indicate that hackers, criminalsand blackhats often have a preference for smaller,less-resourced enterprises, in hopes that it will beeasier to find vulnerabilities. In an environment ofhigh threat levels and limited resources, an IAprogram can provide a uniquely effective andeconomical path to increased control over IPinfrastructure. IA can help ensure that state,municipal and county enterprises maintainconfidentiality, integrity and availability ofinformation assets.

For municipalities and other governmental bodies,IA is a fast track to operational resilience andcompliance with all locally relevant regulations andlegal requirements. Even in the case of limited ITresources, a well-crafted IA program can establishthe policies, procedures, processes, internalstandards and security controls that are fullycompliant and yet fully customized for theenterprise’s specific needs.

Motorola ASTRO® 25 Integrated

Voice and Data Network

ASTRO 25 Integrated Voice and Data Network isMotorola's advanced digital wireless solution formission-critical private radio applications and first-responder communications. ASTRO 25 is fullysupported by a Motorola services portfolio thatdelivers optimal solutions in the form of design,integration, and professional security services.

ASTRO 25 Design and Integration Motorola leverages its global leadership in mission-critical private radio technology to deliver end-to-endnetwork design and integration services that areuniquely able to meet the requirements of LMRapplications and supporting IP networks. As a majorstakeholder in the public safety and criticalinfrastructure communities, Motorola design andintegration ensure that the level of securityprotection required by each customer is built into thesettings of network and host devices, including:

• Firewalls and intrusion detection that only permitvalid, identified radio, dispatch and LMR supporttraffic

• Demilitarized Zones that create a buffer betweenenterprise and radio networks

• Antivirus software to prevent infections frommalicious code should authentication features beadded

• Event Logging to detect events of significance onthe network

• Central Authentication to ensure users areuniquely identified and managed

• Encryption solutions at multiple layers within thenetwork

• Operating systems hardened to meet customersneeds

• Port Security to ensure only authorized devicesare present on the network

• Zone Core Protection that allows the system tohave differing trust boundaries

Security AssessmentMotorola offers a team of senior security engineerswho have a track record of successfulengagements with owners of mission-criticalnetwork infrastructure around the globe. TheMotorola Security Services (MSS) team designs andimplements IA programs and defense-in-depthsecurity architectures that guard ASTRO 25networks against the full spectrum of threats fromgovernment and DoD IP infrastructures. As acornerstone of the MSS approach, we use a holisticsecurity framework that operationalizes securityacross the people, process, policy and technologyaspects of each organization. MSS can safeguardyour organization’s entire wireless/wiredinfrastructure with:

• Onsite security assessments of LMR networkand related IP and wireless LAN/WANinfrastructure, including physical network assetsand facilities

• Design of defense-in-depth threat protectionsystems for IP wired and wireless networks

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• Interface of ASTRO 25 networks to enterprise IPinfrastructure

• Policy design, incident response planning and riskmanagement

• Regulatory compliance strategies

Network MonitoringMotorola provides ASTRO 25 private radio networksand responder teams with around-the-clockmonitoring and incidence response through ourSecurity Operations Center (SOC). Motorola’s SOC-based managed security includes a multi-milliondollar test facility for pre-testing security updates,configurations and patches. Other key SOCcapabilities include:

• 24x7 incident response team• Senior-level radio, IT and security expertise• “Push” of pre-tested software updates for A/V

and IDS• Weekly notifications of security updates, or

within 24 hours if urgent• Rapid restore and recover capabilities• Case management/escalations• Performance reporting

About Motorola

With 75+ years of experience in the area of criticalnetwork infrastructure and public safety, Motorola isa leading provider of interoperable communicationsystems for first responders, DoD and governmentagencies. Motorola enables public safety agenciesto confidently take the next step in the evolution ofmission-critical communications… beyond thebasics to technology that is second nature andseamlessly delivers real-time information into thehands of first responders. Motorola is a trusted,long-term partner to public safety agencies,providing the most reliable and innovative wirelesssolutions that help save lives and protectcommunities. Our experience along with our skills,people, partnerships and alliances allow us to buildinnovative, fully integrated technologies that offerthe following benefits:• A communications infrastructure that delivers

real-time information to first responders so theycan more effectively detect, prevent and respond

• Established track record of delivery, design andimplementation of complex infrastructurenetworks

• Seamless connectivity across multiple mission-critical voice, broadband data and public networks

• A comprehensive suite of public safetyapplications

• Mission critical-grade, user-specific devices thatare rugged, reliable, smart, and ergonomicallydesigned for ease of use.

Motorola understands the mission-criticalrequirements of your private radio network, and wehave the MOTOA4 Mission-Critical Portfolio tomove you into the future and support yourresponder teams with the best-in-classcommunications tools that they deserve.

Better information. Better decisions. Better outcomes.

Motorola, Inc.

The information presented herein is to the best of our knowledge true and accurate. No warranty or guarantee expressed or implied ismade regarding the capacity, performance or suitability of any product. MOTOROLA and the stylized M logo are registered in the USPatent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.

© Motorola, Inc. 20070907ASTRO25