Information and Learning Technologies: Moving Forward (OLC Conference 2010)

Information and Learning Technologies in Adult Literacy Moving Forward Moving Forward Moving Forward Moving Forward Click to edit Master subtitle style


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Page 1: Information and Learning Technologies: Moving Forward (OLC Conference 2010)

Information and Learning Technologies

in Adult Literacy

Moving ForwardMoving ForwardMoving ForwardMoving Forward

Click to edit Master subtitle style

Page 2: Information and Learning Technologies: Moving Forward (OLC Conference 2010)

We now live in a world that functions increasingly in a technology encompassed mode, and learning and

The world we live in

encompassed mode, and learning and work are less and less accessible to those who cannot use technology.

(Power of Technology, p. 2)

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� In 2009, 80% of Canadians aged 16 and older, or 21.7 million people,

used the Internet for personal reasons, up from 73% in 2007 (Stats. Can. 2010)

� Canadians are spending more than 18 hours a week online, compared with 16.9

hours watching television. (Ipsos Reid survey reported in the Financial Post Mar.

The world we live in

hours watching television. (Ipsos Reid survey reported in the Financial Post Mar.

22, 2010)

� Facebook now has over 70 million users worldwide? And the Canada is the third

largest country with more than 7 million active users.

� Worldwide - Canada has the highest number of Twitter Users

� At last count there are 21.455.000 cell phones in Canada

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� Information and communications technologies (ICT) competencies are now

essential to many jobs

The world we live in

� Majority of jobs in Ontario require some level of ICT competency (OSP, 2009).

(Newman p.1)

� By 2016 70% of jobs in the U.S. will require some Ievel of ICT competency

(Bureau of Labor Statistics)

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AlphaPlus Literature Review


AlphaPlus Literature Review

Digital Technology Competency Development

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We set out to take a look at the recent literature relating to ILTs, E-Learning

and emerging digital technology in education to…

� Sort out the terminology

AlphaPlus Literature Review

� See what ILTs could mean for learning and teaching in ABE

� Synthesize the findings and contextualize to ABE

� See where the research gaps are so that we can begin to learn more about

the opportunities and challenges of ILTs in Adult Basic Education in


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� Very little research on the current state of use of ILTs/E-Learning in Adult

Basic Education in Canada !!

AlphaPlus Literature Review – One Little


� Urgent need to look at ILTs/E-Learning grounded in our own programs

� Urgent need to look at what Canadian students and Instructors know, want

and need !!!

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Why talk about e-learning, blended learning, or ILT and TEL?


� E-Learning encompasses “a wide variety of electronic technologies used

Looking at the Literature – What we are


� E-Learning encompasses “a wide variety of electronic technologies used

for educational purposes, and a wide variety of educational formats and

designs”. (Bates, 2009)

� Blended Learning “refers to the appropriate combination of instructional

media to achieve learning objectives”. (Holden & Westfall, 2010)

� Information and Learning Technology (ILT) or Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) – different shorthands for the range of methods of using

technology to extend and enhance the learning experience (Becta, 2010)

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How e-learning/ILTs can make a difference…

� To increase access to learning opportunities/increase flexibility for students

Looking at the Literature – What we are


� To develop the skills and competencies needed in the 21st century, and in

particular to ensure that learners have the digital literacy skills required in their

discipline, profession or career – or, put simply, to get work in the future

� To meet the learning styles/needs of millennial students

� To de-institutionalise learning/to enable self-managed learning

( From a List provided by Dr. Tony Bates in his Blog June 18th 2009)

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� ILTs offer the possibility for much wider access to learning opportunities and

options for anywhere/anytime participation in learning

� Studies show that adult literacy learners engaging in online learning show

significant gains and enhancement of self-confidence, self-direction and

What we are learning about Learning and ILTs

significant gains and enhancement of self-confidence, self-direction and


� Non-traditional modes of teaching/learning support students who did not

succeed in the more traditional education system

� Ever improving assistive technology helping students with learning disabilities

� Multi-modal approach – developing essential digital skills while learning using


� Collaborative Learning

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� Need to re-think assumptions about delivery

� Learners, even those at the lowest learning levels, can participate and

succeed in online learning

What we are learning about Adult Basic


� Blended learning – the combination of face-to-face and online learning

works best for adult basic education students

� ILT offers many opportunities for new models of teaching and learning in

adult basic education and…

� Many challenges in supporting instructors to integrate technology in their


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� Second digital divide – access, exposure to technologies

� Need to consider how to assess/evaluate learning with ILTs

What we are learning about Adult Basic


� 21st century skills - technological fluency, innovation, communication and

collaboration, research and information fluency, problem solving, and digital


� What is the role of adult literacy programs and practitioners in supporting

learners to acquire these skills?

� Need to consider if digital literacy a basic skill?

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ILTs offer important benefits and

opportunities for learning in Adult Basic

Education – however instructors need

What we are learning about Teaching and ILTs

Education – however instructors need

significant support , professional

development and training in order to

take advantage of the opportunities and

to integrate ILTs effective in their practice

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Supporting practitioners to effective use and integrate ILTs …

� Skills training is not enough – although instructors benefit from concrete

examples of technology in use

What we are learning about Teaching and ILTs

� Effective professional development and training is Instructor centred rather

than Techno centric

� Instructors must be at the centre of their own learning – learning styles,

familiarity and comfort with technology, values etc. must be factored in

when planning professional development

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Supporting practitioners to effectively use and integrate ILTs …

� Instructors need to see how the tech will benefit their students

What we are learning about Teaching and ILTs

� Instructors need time to experiment and freedom to take risks

� Don’t underestimate the value of positive experiences- encourage critical


� Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

� Enable real opportunities to network with peers and colleagues – to share

and learn from one another

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Supporting practitioners to effectively use and integrate ILTs …

� Canadian adult literacy practitioners are enthusiastic about online learning for professional development

What we are learning about Teaching and ILTs

� GO online project

� Online communities of practice as effective tools to support practitioner learning

� Possible professional development models

� Evaluating the effectiveness of professional development

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Some ideas…..

� Information sharing – collaborative learning in Online Communities of Practice

Where are we heading & How do we get there

� Information sharing – collaborative learning in Online Communities of Practice

� National Consortium to exchange knowledge, share our learning, questions, resources, for learning and teaching with ILTs

� Laptop for every adult literacy practitioner ??

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� Beyond Essential Skills Computer Use

� OALC Use Technology competency development

Digital Technology Competency Development

� Development of Digital Technology competency

� Exploring the role of digital technologies in program delivery & professional development

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Beyond Essential Skills Computer Use

“Computer use is the ability to use computers and other electronic equipment (e.g. fax machine, calculators, and automated bank machines. The importance of strong computer use skills continues to grow as we become increasingly dependent on technology to carry out our work and daily activities.”

ES Computer Use too narrowly defined and out-of-date considering the current use of digital technologies in work, family, and community contexts.

Scan of literature and framework resources about technology skills in educational contexts in U.S., U.K., Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.

Skill levels, computer list, and computer use self-assessment of the Ontario Skills Passport and intake module of LearnToLearn (L2L)

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OALC Use Technology competency development

Task Collection in consultation with LBS delivery streams

Task Sorting into the use of digital technologies in terms of - discrete sets of skills related to occuaptional skills - foundational/enabling skills to perform tasks within other competencies using digital technology as a medium competencies using digital technology as a medium

Development of Task Groups and Sorting of Task Examples

Review of Task Groups- natural connection to task groups in other competencies, i.e the same task but performed with a digital technology medium- transitional value in enabling learners to use technologies with the same ease and effectiveness as print-based materials

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OALC Use Technology competency development

Task Scaling with reference to task complexityTask Scaling with reference to task complexityTask Scaling with reference to task complexityTask Scaling with reference to task complexity

Context: prior knowledge and experience a person brings to a situation can make a significant difference to performance

– Vocabulary– Contexts– Contexts– Task content– Text content

Text and Task Complexity: continous text and documents including visual displays and interaction required by a person

– Text length and complexity– Process required responding to a question– Information “requested” by the task– Inference required to complete the task

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OALC Use Technology

competency development

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What digital technology uses are important for your learners?

- Operate digital devices

- Install hardware- Install hardware

- Install, Add & Run Software

- Manage Connectivity & Networks

- Manage Digital Access, Security & Privacy

- Manage Digital Files & Records

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Do your learners use or have a need to use digital technologies when performing tasks described by other competencies?

- Communicating Ideas & Information

- Self-direct; Act Autonomously

- Find and Use Information

- Numeracy

- Engage; Work with Others

Note that OALC competencies listed are not final.

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Exploring the role of digital technologies in Exploring the role of digital technologies in Exploring the role of digital technologies in Exploring the role of digital technologies in program delivery & professional development program delivery & professional development program delivery & professional development program delivery & professional development

Technology Capacity and Use surveys

Potential for the use of technologies in literacy programming has increased. Many learners demand to learn in ways similar to what they encounter in the work place.

Self-evaluation of a program’s capacity to engage in online learning and Self-evaluation of a program’s capacity to engage in online learning and training is a first step in developing a technology and pd plan.

Two surveys were developed in collaboration with the LBS Regional Networks and an Advisory Group representing the E-Channel and Ace online delivery agencies.

- For practitioners of your agency to self-evaluate their own technology use.- For agency administrators to evaluate the agency's technology capacity. > Tools and Resources > Technology Surveys

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What kind of experience with using technologies is important for literacy practitioners for

- training and professional development?

- locating learning resources?

- creation/adaptation of learning materials?

- program delivery?

- administrative activities?

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Next Steps

Digital Technology competency development

- Discussion paper to begin overarching discussion in Canada and beyond

- Potential for work on updating the ES Computer Use competency- Potential for work on updating the ES Computer Use competency

Technology Surveys development

- refinement and continued developement, e.g. use of social media

- adaptation and customization to meet the needs of agencies or networks

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Place yourself in one of the four corners

� Are you an avidavidavidavid technology user,

� curiouscuriouscuriouscurious about the use technology,

� interestedinterestedinterestedinterested in how it can be used, or

� skepticalskepticalskepticalskeptical if it’s important at all?

Then, discuss this question in your group:


Then, discuss this question in your group:

� What is your opinion on the use of technology?

Write some bullet points on the flip chart and select a spokesperson to report back to the larger group

A summary of all view points will be posted on the AlphaPlus Blog; you are invited to comment and continue the discussion

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AlphaPlus Tech Podcasts

Bates, T. (2009) Trends and Developments in e-learning

Bates, T. (2010) Fast Forward: How Emerging Technologies are Transforming Education and Training

BECTA (2009) Continuing Professional Development in ICT for Teachers: A literature review

Bynner, J. et al (2010) The three divides: The digital divide and its relation to basic skills and employment in Portland, USA and London England

Davis, N. & Fletcher J. (2010) E-learning for adult literacy, language and numeracy: summary of findings (New Zealand)


Fahy, P J. & Twiss, D. (2010). Adult literacy practitioners’ uses of and experiences with online technologies for professional development.

Getting Online: Distance Education Promising Practices for Canadian Literacy Practitioners (GO Project) (2007-2009)

Langille, L M. (2004). Adult Literacy Educators’ Perceptions of Technology Integration.

McCain, M. (2009). The Power of Technology to Transform Adult Learning

Miner, Rick (2010). People with jobs; Jobs without people.

Porter, P. & Sturm, M. (2006). Crossing the Great Divides

Silver-Pacuilla, H. (2007) .Assistive Technology and Adult Literacy: Access and Benefits

Silver-Pacuilla, H. (2008). Investigating the Language and Literacy Skills Required for

Independent Online Learning

Warschauer, M. & Liaw, M-L. (2010). Emerging Technologies in Adult Literacy and

Language Education

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Contact Information

Maria [email protected]

Matthias SturmMatthias [email protected]