Infographic: Why you should drink lemon water every morning


Transcript of Infographic: Why you should drink lemon water every morning

Kidney Stone

Sore Muscle

Weight Loss

Flu and Cold

Joint Pain

Immunity System

GastroesophagealReflux Disease



The potassium in lemons helps to raise citrate levelsin the urine, thereby preventing oxalate formation.

Drinking Lemon juice after an intense workout can help to soothes sore muscle and relive muscle pain.

The vitamins and enzymes in lemons helps inregulating blood sugar and keeping a healthy body weight. Pectin in lemons prevents food cravings.

Lemons’ wealth of vitamin C, helps to strengthen the immune system. They also have strong antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Lemon water minimizes the amount of uric acid in joints, which is among the leading causes of jointinflammation.

Lemon water is effective in stimulating the lymphatic system, which works together with the immune system to expel pathogens from the body.

Although lemon juice is very acidic, small amounts mixed with water can have an alkalizing effect when it’s digested. This can help neutralize the acid in your stomach.

The imbalance of acid/alkaline levels in the body can cause colitis. Consuming a glass of lemon water on a daily basis minimizes acidity in the body, and balances the pH levels.

This water helps to metabolize the body’s acidic environment, and hence prevents the occurrence of acne. Simply rub some lemon juice on the affected area to treat the issue.

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What is the benefitof Lemon Water?

Lemon water is well known for its anti-oxidant, volatils oils, proteins, carbohydrates, flavonoids, potassium, phosphorous, Vitamin B and C, and its potential to strengten your immune systems. Its also helps to fight infection due to its high Vitamins, pectin, calcium, limonene, bio-flavonoids, and citric acid.

Top health benefit of Drinking Lemon Water in the
