Influence Preview WEb



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Transcript of Influence Preview WEb

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Leaders are not defined by the titles they hold — they are defined by how they encourage, inspire and influence those around them.

The truth is we are all leaders. If your friends and family seek you out every time they need to throw a great party, if a child reaches out to hold your hand as he crosses the street, if your coworkers need your help and advice to put together an important proposal, if you are part of any organization that is dedicated to helping others… you are a leader!

Ready, Aim, Influence is a powerful book that will encourage you to explore the true meaning of leadership in innovative and profound ways. You will begin to see the world with new eyes as you look around and find meaningful lessons in leadership in your home, your place of work, your community and beyond.

It can’t be denied that we live in challenging times. This is an era of confusion. It is a time when leaders we look up to are often exposed to be less than we thought and ideas and models of leadership that have been upheld for decades are no longer applicable. More and more of us are finding it harder and harder to exert the right influence in our varied and demanding roles. These challenges are also a prelude to multiple problems as we struggle to create powerful connections and meaningful interactions in the midst of an often chaotic, every-changing environment.

The fact is the solid solutions that worked for past generations have dissolved in the face of today’s issues. The only way to remain dynamic and successful in everything we do, the only way to reach out and sustain good relationships, create lasting businesses and stay ahead of the competition — is to find new leadership methods that work.

Ready, Aim, Influence is an essential guide that reveals crucial leadership techniques, motivational secrets and proven formulas as well as the life-changing moments of top visionaries and experts. This book contains a treasure trove of information that is channeled through exclusive interviews designed to serve as a guiding light on the path to success.

You know what you want your life to be. You have a clear vision for your business and personal life and you know you have a special role to play but the road that stretches between you and the life you desire can sometimes be winding, uneven, and filled with pitfalls.

This book is like a map that gets you safely past inevitable obstacles thanks to valuable advice and insights from renowned experts in various fields. Each interview delves into their minds and hearts as they talk openly and honestly about their personal journeys and generously share the secrets of their success.



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You will learn about their incredible, individual stories and find out exactly how they arrived at where they are today. The eye-opening conversations in these pages will empower and encourage you. You will discover that there is plenty of dedication, perseverance and hard work involved in achieving your dreams but you will also come to realize that every one of these inspiring visionaries did it — and you can too!

The time has come for you to free yourself from fear, step out of your comfort zone, and embrace a bright future filled with possibilities. The time has come for you to transform your world!


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Carlos Slim Helú is a Mexican business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. Slim has been ranked by

Forbes as the richest person in the world since 2010. His extensive holdings in a considerable number of Mexican companies through his conglomerate, Grupo Carso, SA de CV, have amassed interests in the fields of communications, technology, retailing, and finance. At present he is the chairman and chief executive of telecommunications companies Telmex and América Móvil.

Bert Martinez is a world-recognized thought leader in marketing, business development, and publicity. Bert’s acumen as a marketing and business expert has been developed over more than 30 years of advising individuals and large enterprises about business and business development in both routine situations and in high-risk and high-stakes settings.

Bert arrived in America at age 6 from Cuba, and he retired at 28. Bert is also the much-sought-after speaker and CEO of Bert Martinez Communications. His practice specializes in teaching organizations about consumer buying philosophy and the latest trends and how they’re applied to practices in marketing, publicity, and business development.

BM: How did it feel to be ranked number one? CS: What’s really important is how you are operating the company that you are managing and your involvement in the public investing in this company. It's the competence; it's not a championship. You must demonstrate competence in your sector with the other companies and not look to set some kind of record. BM: When you topped the annual richest list last year, your net worth was reported at $53.5 billion. Is that about right?


View From The Top 1

Carlos Slim Helú Mexico City, Mexico

Bert Martinez Phoenix, Arizona

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CS: I really don't care about the evaluation. What they do is figure out how much shares of the companies that we have investments in and the market price. That price changes every day; there’s a lot of volatility, and you cannot keep evaluating and making balance sheets about what is happening. You're taking care of the operation of the business, the development of the business, the investments of the companies, the technology you are using, the segment you are in, and how are you managing. BM: How many companies are you involved with? CS: We are involved in the financial market with the financial company. That means providing full service, including financing, investment banking, commercial banking, and insurance. I founded the company 45 years ago. We are involved in telecommunications throughout Latin America and in the United States. In the U.S., we have another holding in retail and mining mainly and other industrial sectors. BM: How do you stay on top of all that? CS: Well, how does anyone stay on top of the things they do? I think when you are involved in a business, first of all, you need to know the business. After that, the numbers tell you if things are going well or if they are not going well. You make comparisons with your competitors. You look at the international references to try to achieve the best reference internationally. You can tell many things by the numbers. The numbers talk to you. BM: It's estimated that you and your family control more than 200 companies. You're one of Mexico's largest private employers. You're in control of so many things. Do you feel enormous responsibility? CS: Yes. I think that with privileges comes responsibility, and all who are clear about responsibility also must compromise. Business requires compromise and responsibility not only for me and my family, but also for the management team, to know the importance of what we are doing and that, at the end of the day, we are only temporarily managing this wealth. We don't take anything with us when we pass away, and we need to work with a sense of responsibility. BM: How many people work for you? CS: Well, I think now we're around 250,000 in Mexico and Latin America. BM: How did it all start? CS: When I was very young, maybe 12 years old, I began to make

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investments. First I opened a checking account, but that provided no yield, so I bought some bonds. I bought a bond that doubled in ten years. I think it was ten percent. I began to understand compound interest, and then I think at 14, I bought stocks. My family had money when I was born. We had a big house, and my father worked very hard. He was a really wealthy businessman. BM: You were born into wealth, but you took it way beyond that? CS: Yes. BM: Did your father get to see your success? CS: No, my father passed away when I was 13 years old. I was very young. But he already knew that I was making investments. He was very happy with this. BM: How many of there were you? CS: There used to be six of us − three girls and three boys. I am the fifth. Now the only living among us are an older brother and me. Now I have also six children, three boys and three girls. BM: Do you raise your children the way your father raised you? CS: Yes. BM: Your father immigrated to Mexico from Lebanon. Is Slim is a Lebanese name? CS: Not completely. It is the name of my father, my grandfather, and my great-great grandfather. Before that, I am not sure of the origin. BM: Did your father marry a Mexican girl? CS: My mother was born in Mexico, but was Lebanese in origin. She was born in 1902, the same year my father arrived in Mexico at 14 years old. It was a coincidence that he arrived in 1902 at 14 years old and my mother was born in 1902 in Parral Chihuahua, a state in the north of the country. BM: Was there a big event that happened to you early in life that turned you from millionaire to billionaire? CS: Work, investments, and reinvestments. My father used to say that the money that comes out of a company evaporates. That means he was

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thinking of investment, reinvestment, and more reinvestment. That is one of the things we do. Also, during good times, we maintain austerity and are very profitable in our business. We don’t get crazy, generating expenses all around or buying fancy things. We didn't even have corporate offices until recently. We used to operate out of the factories. A big event did happen for us in '82. I had already been working with the business for many years. I was under good circumstances because I had cash and could buy many things because everyone was selling. But this was a very difficult year, when the external debt crisis hit our country, but also, if you remember, the interest rate went to 21 percent, the prime rate. Inflation was two digits in the U.S., and the interest the rate was so high that everyone with small debt starting having big problems. Our country had a big debt. We faced three years of crisis: '83, '84, and '85. BM: It's the hardest thing for someone who has everything not to give your children everything. CS: Oh, when you say everything, you're talking about material things? BM: Yes, your children see your wealth. Your son may say, Papa, give me a thousand dollars. CS: When a little boy comes to us for one thousand dollars, that means we haven’t educated him well. My children learn many things. First of all, my children share rooms; my three boys share a room, and so do my three girls. They are very close in age, 14 months between each other. They are very tight and know how to live together. When you learn how to share, you learn how to organize. They love each other – that's very important. Help each of your sons love each other, because the best friend they can have is each other. BM: Is it hard not to give them material possessions? CS: No. When you are convinced of what to do and what you need to do, it's not hard to do that, because you know that if you are giving something that is bad for them, bad for their education, bad for their happiness, it is not fair to them. BM: You lost your wife a little while back, huh? CS: Yes, in ‘99. Eleven years ago. She thought she was going to lose me when I was very sick in '97.

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BM: Why do you live so modestly? You could have a house ten times the size of your current house. CS: And what would I do with ten times the size of this house? I’d lose myself and everyone who’s there. I prefer the open spaces, the gardens, the breeze. When you have a big place, you don't see your family. And my wife and I tried to have our family live together. Why would you want a big space? I don't have any desire to have something bigger. BM: Was your goal to make money? Is that your goal? CS: I think the money was not a goal. The goal is to make companies grow, develop, be competitive, be in different areas, be very efficient, to have a great human theme inside the companies. Look for the human development of the people in the companies, because you cannot do anything without human capital, without your human team. We were talking about how many people were with us, but there are managers who are critical to our success who have begun working in the company and helping it grow and develop to achieve success in high-level management places. I think that wealth should be invested to create more wealth. The fruit of wealth is income. It's important to develop the distribution of income. The distribution of income comes mainly by employment, and second, by the money that goes to the government, like taxes and the investment of the governments and the social expenses of the government. But at the end of the day, employment is the most important thing. The more education you have, the better choices you have among different jobs. BM: Is it hard for you to see all the poverty in Mexico? CS: It's hard, but I am convinced that all this poverty in Mexico, Latin America, and China is opportunity to grow. It’s an opportunity for investment. It's an opportunity for economic activity, and reducing poverty is the best investment any country can do. A person can succeed in any place, because poverty used to be an ethical issue, a social justice issue, but now it is an economic need. You need to integrate these people that are marginal and are in poverty. You need to integrate them to the modernity, to the economics, to the market, and that's very important because we have the potential to grow and to invest. BM: How much do you devote to charity? CS: We try to find which are the problems that we need to attack and then we put all the money there that is necessary. For example, we make

donations in association with the National Academy of Surgery, which

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performs surgery around the country. We began by devoting $2,000 50 years ago. Now we are doing $120,000. BM: What about art? You're building an extraordinary museum named after your wife. Were you always a collector? CS: Well, not always. My wife was very sensible about everything, but especially about art. On our honeymoon in '66, we went to Europe, and we visited museums. There I bought a collection of Mexican colonial art. And after that, I began to see that, in Mexico, there were no museums with international art, only mainly Hispanic and colonial art and Mexican art. I began to buy art from Europe that was at those times very accessible, not at the prices that they have now, and we made a museum. We have 16 years with the museum, and now we are opening a new one. BM: Do you have one of the greatest collections in the world? CS: Well we have a good collection, I think. We have an impressionist collection called masters. We have also many things like gold and silver of Mexico. It's a very diversified. BM: You childhood home remains special to you. CS: Yes. We've had that house for many years. My mother passed away in '84, and it is like it was 65 or 70 years ago. I sometimes have lunch there, and we often have Christmas there. BM: Do you need a lot of security? With all that we hear about Mexico and violence and drugs, I mean, wouldn't you be a target? CS: Well, no one in my family has had problems with that, none of my children or me. We move with security, yes. But I can go downtown and walk in the streets. BM: Do you drive a car? CS: I drive a car, yes. Most businessmen are still living in our country and working in our country with their families, and that is very important. You can go to concerts and live your life near normal. Your children go to school. BM: Did your children go to public school? CS: No, they go to private school. I was in private school until high school. But then I went to the national university. That's a public school. That's a great college, for me the best, where you not only learn academic issues

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but also you learn about life. BM: But Carlos Slim is known as the engineer, right? CS: Yes, a civil engineer. BM: We know one of your principal businesses is telecommunications. What's the future for this area? CS: That’s an interesting question, a very good question. I think telecommunications is like the nervous system of our new society, our new civilization. What we are looking at is people getting connected, with the ability to do a lot of things, not only because of telecommunications, but with the development of the computer. I think that we are living in a great, new society, a very important and I will say generous and brutal society, where development and the economy are sustained by the welfare of others. BM: Where is it all going, though? I mean, are you still investing in telecommunications? CS: Sure, sure, sure. Yes, yes, yes. This year we will invest. Next year will we invest 8.3 billion dollars in telecommunications, only in telecommunications, because technology grows very fast. You need to stay ahead. You need to be giving your best. And the good thing is that the prices are going down. We are very proud that mobile and cellular service has seen penetration in Latin America of 90 percent. That's great, 90 percent penetration. It's near the same as the U.S. But now we need to do that in broadband. BM: You loaned the New York Times quite a bit of money. Do you still have faith in newspapers? CS: I think we need to realize the difference between news and papers. I think paper is the tool, the way, the vehicle, and news is the contained in it. I think that it will be very important every day to access the news contained through electronic means. BM: But will we always need papers? CS: I shouldn't say yet, because I use paper. For me, it's difficult not to. But I think in the future, electronics will grow extraordinarily. And growth will be bigger, and paper’s role will be smaller in the world.

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Influence Now: In conclusion, family is still the most important thing to me, by far. To think that happiness comes from buying things is crazy. A little boy that has a toy and then he gets another toy, he won't be happy with toys if you give him more and more. That's not the way to approach life. But also I think that, in the business world, family is not an obstacle; it's a support. People think that you choose between family or business, or family or to be a doctor, but I don't think that they are incompatible. I think they are very complementary and supportive

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Deb Gilroy’s business, Stand Out, is continually expanding its services aimed at facilitating authentic and creative communication between entrepreneurs and clients. Being heard by your clients brings more clients, increased income, and the ability to serve more people. I: What helped you realize that this is really where you wanted to make your contribution?

DG: This is my third career, so the answer is long, but I will try to be brief about it. I graduated with an undergrad degree in journalism I loved writing, even back in seventh grade when I tried to write teenage angst novellas. When I couldn’t find a newspaper or magazine job, I worked in employee communications, for 20 years doing a lot of human resource work. I realized that this was not fulfilling. One of the things I found most fascinating about my job was employee relations work – helping employees to grow, prosper, and do better, and helping the boss and employees get along. I went back to school full time for my Ph.D. in psychology. Then, I worked in private practice. I did a lot of psychological testing. I loved it, but then I got married, and my husband was retired and wanted to travel. Psychological work isn't really amenable to that; you can't tell your clients you’re leaving for a month. I enjoy giving back, so I combined my writing and my business and psychology skills. At about the same time, I was introduced to a coach and mentor who really helped me hone in on this endeavor. My business at the time was called Writing Your Way to Success. I soon learned that writing is only one small piece of the visibility profile, so I expanded my business to become Stand Out, for which I handle all kinds of marketing and coaching for my clients. I: You were involved in three different businesses or careers, and you also got your Ph.D. Where did you find support?


Stand Out 2

Debra Gilroy, PhD Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

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DG: I had support from family, my husband, and friends, but most of my support was from mentors, people who really helped me along the way and gave me good advice. For example. , I had a boss who was the Director of HR when I was the Manager. I made a mistake, and he said, “You know, I really like your work, but I don’t want you to do that again. Let me help you to get it right.” That kind of support, and honesty was really helpful. My first boss out of college was very supportive and helped me progress from editorial assistant to a director by the time I left that company. It was all because people took an interest in me and what I did. In this current business, my support comes from coaches that I’ve hired for myself. It’s an experience that has been incredible in terms of pulling me forward. I: Deb, what do you think are the key skills required to really have a thriving business today? DG: First of all, you need help. It’s a technological world, you really need to have some technical skills. If you don't have them, you need to hire someone who does. Mostly I work with entrepreneurs – service entrepreneurs, coaches, and therapists who are building businesses. The owner of a local excavating company did some work around here. He found out what I did and said, “I need help.” He had a website, but it was static. We went to work gathering names and e-mails of realtors, architects, and builders, asking their permission to send them a newsletter. We designed a newsletter and sent it out; this owner was overwhelmed with business. It just goes to show you that it doesn’t matter what business you’re in, you need to be online and visible in some effective way, and that’s different for every business. The next key is passion. You need to love your work and what you’re doing and feel like it's making a difference. Without passion, you can easily give up during hard days. The last important thing is not being afraid to fail, having the confidence to try different things. If it doesn't work out, don’t say, “My business is terrible, and I can't continue.” Most successful people have failed many times before they reached their success. I: Those are so helpful. Collaboration seems to be a big part of your life – mentoring, coaching, and the connections that have helped you to create a success story for yourself. What are some tips about developing great

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collaborations or partnerships with people on any level? DG: Good question. It took me a while before I understood this. I would go to conferences or huge workshops and think, “I’m going there so I can get some clients, and I’m going to sell my services.” That didn’t work at all; who wants to be sold while they’re at a workshop or conference? Then I adopted the idea of meeting people and hearing more about what they do. It doesn’t matter to me if they are a potential client or not; they’re just somebody I’m meeting because they’re a coach like me, or they’re a therapist like I used to be.” Once I started going with that approach, things clicked. That’s how I started to make some really good joint ventures and collaboration partnerships that really catapulted my business. For instance, I was at the International Association of Women in Business Coaching Association. I went to that event of about 300 people, and I said, “I should do a telesummit.” The woman I was sitting next to said, “I’ll be a speaker for your summit.” Then someone else turned around and said, “I’ll be a speaker for your summit.” Pretty soon, I had 30 people who wanted to be in a summit that I hadn’t even planned yet. As a result of that epiphany, I developed three different joint venture opportunities. Be open to getting to know people and not always wondering, “What’s in it for me?” It’s really good connections. Dale Carnegie stressed the importance of this when he wrote his book. I: No question about it; that’s so important. I love the idea that in true partnerships, you really have to extend yourself and then wait for reciprocation. As you say, it’s not a new idea, but in today’s world not a lot of people are thinking in those terms. DG: I think you’re right. I think they’re not thinking in those terms because of technology. You don’t stand around the water cooler and talk anymore, you send an email. You might even be in the next cubicle and you’re still sending a quick email over to get the job done, which is fine, but it does take away from that connection that makes the result more valuable. I have a client now who works with international virtual teams over the Internet. You can have someone from every country in the world on one team, and they never have to leave their desk. She works on forming connections – getting people to know each other and trust each other. The results that come when members of a team feel connected are phenomenal.

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I: Yes, that is really incredible. What do you think are some other really important factors in attracting and maintaining partnerships? Are there other things that you think are really important? DG: Yes. First, go in as your authentic self, being real and being open to what other people have to say. The second is continuing that connection. Third, follow up. I meet people at events, and speak with them for five or ten minutes and think, “Wow! I’d like to learn more about what they do,” but I get distracted. Following up afterwards and reaching out really is an effective way to start some collaborating. Today people can feel isolated. I find that, when I reach out to somebody and say, “We didn’t get to talk enough; I’d like to learn more about your business,” they appreciate it. I know I would appreciate it. It says, “You remember me. You care about what I’m doing.” I: You’re doing this great work. What big picture vision do you have for this amazing work you’re doing? What kind of impact would you have as a legacy of your contribution to the world? DG: I want to help my clients. I want to help them succeed in their business, just like people have helped me. I have tools and information, and I have all kinds of good ways to make that happen.

Influence Now: Getting started requires action, but many people don’t know what action to take. For instance, many entrepreneurs hear their coaches, friends, or family say, “You need a website. You need to get online. You need to get a press release.” When you get a barrage like that, you face confusion and ultimately inertia. My advice is to get strategic. I have something called a visibility profile that helps you hone in on exactly what three areas of visibility you should be working on for your business at any given time. It’s very strategic, and it’s aimed at putting your time, money, and effort into something that’s going to produce results. Sometimes you just need to get out there and speak to a group. Sometimes you don’t need to advertise in the paper. Maybe you need to start an email list. There are many different ways to get started. The Visibility Profile can be accessed for free on my website,

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Dennis Champion is a superstar branding authority who coaches his clients to become high-income entrepreneurs by building a signature media infrastructure through strategic messaging, positioning, marketing, and PR. He began his career as a corporate executive and highly paid radio personality and VP of media marketing, but then left to start his

own consulting business, and today he is contributing to entrepreneurs in the strongest, most positive and unique way. I: Dennis, you’re making this amazing contribution to the world with your one-of-a-kind Brand Yourself Superstar Program. Could you share with us how that came to be your real passion and purpose in life? DC: It’s kind of funny. I started off in the corporate world. I was a Vice President of Marketing and Broadcast Media with a radio station. I was kind of unique on the radio, helping my audience when they called in. I decided, to leave because I really loved working one on one with entrepreneurs. I then developed what I now call a Signature Media Platform to help entrepreneurs generate lots of money. It all started with a mentor friend of mine. He was a franchise owner of an international beauty pageant. He treated me as a son, so I used to observe the pageants every year and recognized the power of superstar branding. I took the same beauty pageant superstar branding concept and developed a unique branding system for entrepreneurs, which I call Brand Yourself Superstar. This led my mentor to promote my concept among his friends and business partners. He even eventually became one of my clients, and I helped him launch a successful multi-million-dollar project. I: That’s an incredible success story of collaboration and mutual support. Tell me some of your other avenues of support. DC: I am a very strong believer in coaches. In the book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill gave recommendations of what he called the


Be a Superstar 3

Dennis Champion North Lauderdale, Florida

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“mastermind group.” I invested thousands and thousands of dollars in my personal self-development and was able to receive knowledge in different structures to help me to develop. If you really want to play in the big leagues, if you want to have superstar income, then you have to do what all big league players do − invest in coaching programs that can take you to the next level. Otherwise, you will be fighting alone. I: Dennis, can you share with us what you feel are really the key skills or talents or requirements for a thriving business in today’s world? DC: I have a certain belief in business, because I came from a business background. I started in business when I was nine years old. I borrowed money from my mom and started a candy store. I learned that if you really want to thrive in any economy, you must first establish a galactic infrastructure. This means that no one can ever build a multimillion-dollar business empire with a mom-and-pop business structure. The next thing I learned is that you have to be unique in the market; in other words, create your own category with a one-of-a-kind, impossible-to-imitate product, service, or personal brand. I teach that in my coaching. I call it the Brand Yourself Superstar Business Model, encompassing eight different mastery skills. I: Could you outline three or four of the ones you think are most important? DC: One of them is what I call the M12 Cash Flow Rule. I found through experience that, if you go into any business, there are least 12 income stream structures that you could find within that business. For instance, I went into a restaurant owned by a friend of mine, and he told me that things were not working out. I said to him, “Come here. Let me show you something.” I looked at one of the walls that had nothing on it. I said, “Do you know that I can make you get at least $3,000 to $5,000 per month just from your wall?” I then gave him the tools to make additional income within his restaurant . He was blown away. He made $5,000 every month with my little idea for that wall. That’s called the M12 Cash Flow Rule; you have to be able to find hidden assets in the business that you don’t know about. Coaches can provide information to us about those hidden assets. The other mastery skill is what I call the MOS Law. It is said that human beings think at 100% impact speed, but we can only communicate 10% of our thoughts. When you’re dealing with clients in service businesses, you

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must always sound like you understand their mind, which you don’t, but you know how the flow of thoughts work, so you can help them and make more money at the same time. That’s a little law I learned from a friend of mine. Another principle is what I call a two-point strategy. We understand that if we stand by ourselves, as one point, we can only do so much, but when we reach out to another person, we become a straight line for success. Team up with somebody. I: Do you have a secret for keeping a fulfilled and balanced life and keeping all the areas of your life in sync? DC: Yes. I like peak performance, so I teach my clients how to balance their lives and business through what I call leveraging the Transactional Prosperity System. I believe that prosperity should occur in a pyramid. At the peak of that pyramid is our business. It’s where we make our wealth. At the base of it on one side you have spirituality, on the other side you have philanthropy. In order for us to have balance in our lives, we must pursue our financial prosperity goals with a foundation of caring, nourishing, improving, and enhancing the quality of life for the human race. This is philanthropy. We must give back to our community. At some point, we must connect to a higher power that is bigger than ourselves, because that is the essence of life. This is our spirituality. Prosperity, philanthropy, and spirituality work together to give us a balanced life. I am very strong in philanthropy and spirituality. I help communities, and it helps me to see other people who are less fortunate than I am. If we just pursue money, we’ll be stressed out, trying to make more, but when we’re helping other people and we have spirituality, we are balanced. We release our stress. I: What do you think about collaboration for success and being able to collaborate on all sorts of levels? DC: I believe collaboration is everything. It is the engine of success. I learned a long time ago that there is a war against the person who works alone. Collaboration makes things happen that could not otherwise happen without it. In business, when we form partnerships and strategic alliances with other resourceful people, we are engaging in a law of success called speed in implementation. Collaboration gives us the leverage to speed up geometric growth and wealth creation. Collaboration then is a million-dollar

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strategic tool for exponential business growth and success. I: What do you think are the most important factors in attracting and then maintaining really great partnerships and collaborative relationships? DC: I believe in speed in implementation. I do not wait to attract partners; I do my research and find the best partners with whom I believe I could form some kind of strategic alliance with to enhance our businesses – it must work both ways. Then, I move to contact these people to endorse mailings or set up a workshop or joint venture deals for some major project or a co-branding situation. This book is a form of co-branding, or what I call brand optimization, because you are bringing a specialized brand together into one media for strategic purposes. I find that, when I give the best to my partners, they stay with me. If I don’t, they leave. One of the most attractive resources that we need to have is good partners, because the best partners mean the best income we’re going to get. We over-deliver in some areas. In my area, I over-deliver with my compensation. I: That is really wise and really important information. What do you think is critical in developing a really strong, supportive team around you? DC: For me, I choose my teammates very, very carefully. As you know, I am the Superstar Branding Authority, so I look for a certain type of members. Usually what I look for first are people with a million-dollar breakthrough mindset. I also look for people with some kind of magnetic personality that can move people. Then I look for strong, synergistic energy. The most important thing I look for is a proactive disposition. I: You’re doing some amazing work. I was wondering, what is your vision for the future, Dennis? DC: Let me tell you what my legacy is all about, because this is amazing. I have had the privilege and the blessing of helping entrepreneurs break barriers. My legacy is what I call the Mega Three Growth Barriers, which are the 60-million, 100-million, and one-billion dollar income marks. I want to be able to build a team to put my signature infrastructure in place to accomplish this goal, especially in emerging markets around the world.

Influence Now: I motivate myself through meditation. The other thing I do is help people in poor communities. By doing so, I build myself up, and I also find a lot of nice contracts.

____________________________Vision, 1

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