Influence of environment on proton-transfer mechanisms in model triads from theoretical calculations

< < Influence of Environment on Proton-Transfer Mechanisms in Model Triads from Theoretical Calculations ´ G.-S. LI, B. MAIGRET, D. RINALDI, M. F. RUIZ-LOPEZ ( Laboratoire de Chimie theorique, Unite Mixte de Recherche CNRS-UHP, No. 7565 Institut Nanceien ´ ´ ´ ) de Chimie Moleculaire , Universite Henri Poincare, Nancy I, BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy ´ ´ ´ ` Cedex, France Received 10 January 1998; accepted 30 May 1998 ABSTRACT: We have carried out theoretical calculations to analyze molecular interactions and proton transfer mechanisms in the formate] imidazole ] water system, which may be considered the simplest model of catalytic triads in serine proteases. Computations were carried out at the density functional theory level. The effect of a dielectric environment on energy surfaces is considered using a polarizable continuum model and the self-consistent reaction field approach. The role played by inertial and noninertial polarization of this environment is emphasized. Nonequilibrium solvation effects have been estimated. The results show that there are different reaction mechanisms, concerted or stepwise, that may be competitive, depending on the nature of the molecular environment. Q 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Comput Chem 19: 1675 ] 1688, 1998 Introduction erine proteases catalyze the hydrolysis of S peptide bonds and therefore play a major role in the metabolism of animals. The hydrolysis mechanism has been the subject of a great deal of attention both from experimental 1 ] 10 and theoreti- cal 11 ] 20 points of view. Basically, serine proteases have an active center that consists of a catalytic triad built-up from aspartic acid, histidine, and Correspondence to: M. F. Ruiz-Lopez ´ serine residues. Histidine contains an imidazole ring that exhibits striking chemical properties be- cause it can behave either as proton donor or proton acceptor. This double functionality is cer- tainly of fundamental importance for explaining the enzymatic activity of serine proteases, but, in spite of the considerable work devoted to the elu- cidation of the catalytic mechanism, 1 ] 20 several questions remain unanswered. A charge relay mechanism was first proposed by Blow et al. 2a and modified later by Hunkapiller et al. 2b According to these works, the catalytic reaction mechanism in- volves a double proton transfer from Ser to His and from His to the Asp residue, with formation of ( ) Journal of Computational Chemistry, Vol. 19, No. 15, 1675 ]1688 1998 Q 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0192-8651 / 98 / 151675-14

Transcript of Influence of environment on proton-transfer mechanisms in model triads from theoretical calculations

Page 1: Influence of environment on proton-transfer mechanisms in model triads from theoretical calculations

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Influence of Environment onProton-Transfer Mechanisms in ModelTriads from Theoretical Calculations

´G.-S. LI, B. MAIGRET, D. RINALDI, M. F. RUIZ-LOPEZ(Laboratoire de Chimie theorique, Unite Mixte de Recherche CNRS-UHP, No. 7565 Institut Nanceien´ ´ ´

)de Chimie Moleculaire , Universite Henri Poincare, Nancy I, BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy´ ´ ´ `Cedex, France

Received 10 January 1998; accepted 30 May 1998

ABSTRACT: We have carried out theoretical calculations to analyze molecularinteractions and proton transfer mechanisms in the formate]imidazole]watersystem, which may be considered the simplest model of catalytic triads in serineproteases. Computations were carried out at the density functional theory level.The effect of a dielectric environment on energy surfaces is considered using apolarizable continuum model and the self-consistent reaction field approach.The role played by inertial and noninertial polarization of this environment isemphasized. Nonequilibrium solvation effects have been estimated. The resultsshow that there are different reaction mechanisms, concerted or stepwise, thatmay be competitive, depending on the nature of the molecular environment.Q 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Comput Chem 19: 1675]1688, 1998


erine proteases catalyze the hydrolysis ofS peptide bonds and therefore play a major rolein the metabolism of animals. The hydrolysismechanism has been the subject of a great deal ofattention both from experimental1 ] 10 and theoreti-cal11 ] 20 points of view. Basically, serine proteaseshave an active center that consists of a catalytictriad built-up from aspartic acid, histidine, and

Correspondence to: M. F. Ruiz-Lopez´

serine residues. Histidine contains an imidazolering that exhibits striking chemical properties be-cause it can behave either as proton donor orproton acceptor. This double functionality is cer-tainly of fundamental importance for explainingthe enzymatic activity of serine proteases, but, inspite of the considerable work devoted to the elu-cidation of the catalytic mechanism,1 ] 20 severalquestions remain unanswered. A charge relaymechanism was first proposed by Blow et al.2a andmodified later by Hunkapiller et al.2b According tothese works, the catalytic reaction mechanism in-volves a double proton transfer from Ser to Hisand from His to the Asp residue, with formation of

( )Journal of Computational Chemistry, Vol. 19, No. 15, 1675]1688 1998Q 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0192-8651 / 98 / 151675-14

Page 2: Influence of environment on proton-transfer mechanisms in model triads from theoretical calculations


the high nucleophilic species, SerOy which may inŽ .this way attack the substrate see Fig. 1a . There

are some experimental data supporting this mech-anism2, 21 as well as experimental evidence againstit.3, 22 An alternative mechanism1 assumes thatthere is no proton transfer from His to Asp, thecarboxylate of Asp stabilizing the forming imida-

Ž .zolium cation see Fig. 1b . Other investigatorssuggest that the role of Asp is also to fix thetautomeric form of the imidazole ring and to an-chor His in the correct orientation.3c Catalytic tri-ads are present in other enzymes as well.23

A number of theoretical calculations on modelsystems are available. Earliest computations at thesemiempirical level showed the double protontransfer in the catalytic triad to be favorable11, 12

although more recent PM3 computations17 are con-sistent with single-proton-transfer mechanisms. Abinitio calculations13 have also predicted that theAspy Hisq Sery structure is more stable than theAsp0 His0 Sery one. These previous works haveconsidered gas-phase processes and the conclu-sions reached for the mechanism cannot be ex-trapolated to enzymatic reactions. Indeed, someinvestigators demonstrated that the role of theenvironment is crucial.14, 15 Longo et al.14d carriedout semiempirical computations on a model ofa-chymotrypsin. The environment was modeledby the electric field generated by the electrostaticcharges at the polarizable protein backbone, thestructure of which was derived from crystallo-graphic data. The multicharged structure Aspy

Hisq Sery appeared to be the most sensitive sys-tem toward surrounding effects. A detailed empir-

Ž .ical valence bond EVB approach was carried outby Warshel and Russel15a to investigate the cat-alytic activity of trypsin. The analysis indicatedthat the main factor in the catalytic mechanisms isthe stabilization of the tetrahedral intermediate bythe N—H dipoles of the oxyanion hole and bybound water molecules. Moreover, free-energycomputations allowed these investigators to con-clude that the charge relay mechanism is unlikelyto be important because it involves a larger free

Ž . 15benergy barrier 10 kcalrmol . Warshel et al. con-firmed these conclusions through thermodynamicanalysis based on the use of pKas in solutiontogether with computations for the enzyme. Onemust finally note, for completeness, that the role ofwater molecules has been discussed through

Ž . 18molecular dynamics MD simulations and by abinitio computations20a that focused on the catalyticrole of a water molecule in one-step serine pro-tease acylation processes.

Connected with the problem of the mechanismof serine proteases, there has been, in recent years,discussion on the exact role of low-barrier hydro-

Ž . 10, 24gen bonds LBHB . Formation of such bondsŽ .for a unique definition see ref. 241 has beenpostulated to contribute to enzymatic catalysis bysupplying 10]20 kcalrmol and facilitating diffi-cult reactions.10a, 24d This effect would arise whenthe pKa values of the atoms sharing the hydrogenatom become similar, although some experiments

( )FIGURE 1. Schematic representation of serine protease catalytic mechanism: a charge relay mechanism; and( )b single proton-transfer mechanism.

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do not support this.24j Ab initio calculations formodel systems in the gas phase have shown thatLBHB may indeed furnish 20 kcalrmol more thannormal hydrogen bonds,24m but pKa equalizationdoes not appear to be the main condition for LBHBformation — energy degeneration of the two min-ima in a short hydrogen bond being a possibleorigin for that.24n The role of LBHB in enzymaticcatalysis has been criticized24g because environ-mental effect tends to destabilize the transitionstate, in which the charge is delocalized, relative tothe asymmetric minima, in which the charge islocalized, and thus LBHB may lead to anticata-lysis.

Some other theoretical studies have been re-ported in which combined quantum mechanicsand molecular mechanics computations have beenemployed.25

A better understanding of molecular interac-tions within the constituents of catalytic triadsappears to be an important goal for acquiringdeeper insight into the associated enzymatic reac-tion mechanisms. In the present study, we in-vestigate the interactions and proton transfermechanisms within a simple model, namely, animidazole molecule interacting with a formate an-ion and with a water molecule, using density func-tional theory calculations. The choice of the systemhas been made on the basis of the available com-putational capabilities. The effect of substitutinghydrogen atoms by other groups is briefly com-mented upon, but it has not been possible to carryout computations in that case. Semiempirical ap-proaches could be used for that purpose, but, asusual in such studies, ab initio computations formodel systems are necessary to calibrate the re-sults. We describe in detail the interactions within

Žthe system assumed to be either isolated gas.phase or placed in a dielectric medium. Our ob-

jective is to obtain insight into the environmentŽ .effects on the potential energy surface PES corre-

sponding to proton transfer processes in the sys-tem and to discuss the factors that favor or disfa-vor the proton relay mechanism.

Although our model is quite simple, the use ofspecific geometric constraints allows one to ac-count for actual residue arrangements in enzymes.For instance, the common arrangement of Asp,His, and Ser in catalytic triads is so that the dis-

Ž . Ž .tance between Asp O ??? N Im atoms is estima-˚ted to be not far from 2.8 A, whereas the

˚ 2a, 4Ž . Ž .Ser O ??? N Im distance is about 3.0 A. Duringthe reaction, these distances may change onlywithin a restricted range because of enzyme con-

straints. On the other hand, it is well-known thatthe shape of the PES for proton transfer is quitedependent on the proton-donor atoms distance andthat fixing this distance may lead to results sub-stantially different from those that would be ob-tained though full geometry optimization. Con-sidering these points, computations have beencarried out assuming fixed values of the ONlengths and analysis of the effect of these valueson the final results. The same strategy has oftenbeen used in theoretical calculations with modelsystems.17, 18, 24g, 24h, 24i

We have also examined the role of fluctuationsof the environment, which is important for under-standing proton-transfer dynamics both in solu-tion26 and enzymatic reactions.27 In the presentstudy we simply consider the role of a fluctuatingelectric field in the case of a model system inaqueous solution. The enzyme electrostatic poten-tial fluctuations have been found to be a keydynamic factor in reactions that involve largecharge rearrangement,27 although one must keepin mind that fluctuations may be unimportant inregard to enzyme catalytic effect, taken as thedifference in energetics of a given reaction at theactive enzyme site and in solution, because dy-namics effects in enzyme and solution environ-ments may be similar.26a, 27

Method of Calculation

Calculations were carried out using the densityŽ .functional theory DFT approach. There are sev-

eral reasons for this choice. First, the use of accu-rate correlated ab initio calculations would be toocostly, considering the number and size of thesystems investigated. Besides, the present compu-tations are intended to serve as a reference workfor future studies using combined density func-tional and molecular mechanics approaches, whichhave been recently implemented to study the dy-namics of chemical reactions in solution.26c More-over, DFT has been shown to describe hydrogen-bond interactions reasonably well, provided thatgradient-corrected functionals are employed.28

Ž .The Becke]Lee—Yang]Parr BLYP functionalhas been used here. The exchange functional con-sists is a Slater functional modified by a density-gradient term.29 The correlation functional alsocontains density-gradient corrections.30 The basisset used is 6-31G*.31 This computational level isnoted BLYPr6-31G*.


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The effect of a dielectric environment hasbeen taken into account through the use of a

Ž .self-consistent-reaction-field SCRF method. Weassume that the system is surrounded by a polar-izable continuum with relative dielectric permit-

Ž .tivity equal to that of water 80.0 . The Hamil-tonian of the system includes the correspondinginteractions with the continuum, which are com-puted through a multipole expansion of the reac-tion potential. The method is well documented inthe literature32 and will not be further described.

The calculations were carried out using Gauss-ian-9433 and an updated version of SCRFPAC.34

The molecular geometries were optimized, al-though some constraints were imposed. The SCRF-PAC algorithm permits full or partial geometryoptimization of solvated systems in a very efficientmanner. In all cases, the system was assumed to beplanar and the hydrogen bonds assumed to be

Žlinear. The ON distances O belonging to either.formate or water were fixed unless otherwise

noted. The choice of the ON bondlengths wasmade after analysis of x-ray structures of severalenzymes.2a, 4

Ž .The potential energy surface PES for protontransfer was estimated, in some cases, through ascan of the proton position. This allows investiga-tion of some qualitative trends for energy barriers.In the case of proton transfer in model triads,transition structures were determined rigorously

35 Žusing the Berny algorithm except for thedouble-proton-transfer mechanism; see subsequent

.text .

Structure of Model SystemHCOOy]Imidazole in Gas Phase andPolar Dielectric Environments

We first consider the formate]imidazole sys-Ž .tem I . This complex yields, through proton trans-

fer, the formic acid]deprotonated imidazole com-Ž .plex II , as represented in Scheme I.

The relative stability of the two complexes de-pends on proton affinity of the two anions. Thecomputed quantities for HCOOy and Imy are355.7 and 360.0 kcalrmol, respectively. Althoughthese values are larger than the experimentalquantities, 347.636 and 350.2 kcalrmol,37 respec-tively, the calculations correctly predict the largerproton affinity of Imy, with the computed differ-

Ž .ence 4.2 kcalrmol being not far from experimentŽ .2.6 kcalrmol . Note that the accurate computation


of absolute proton affinities usually requires usingextended basis sets and high-level correlatedmethods, as we have shown before for methylimi-dazole.38 The previous results suggest that, in thecomputations that follow, the imidazole ring de-protonation energy will be slightly overestimated.

When the imidazole]formate complex is fullyŽoptimized in the gas phase although maintaining

the planarity of the system and the linearity of the.hydrogen bond , one energy minimum is found

corresponding to complex I. Full optimizationstarting from a molecular geometry correspondingto complex II leads to complex I. In other words,there is no energy minimum in the adiabatic curvecorresponding to complex II. The optimized ON

˚and NH distances for complex I are 2.714 A and˚1.083 A, respectively. Note that two possible con-

formations of formate are possible, although inthis work we only give the results for the moststable one, which is that schematized in Scheme I.

To take account of geometrical constraints in thestructure of the catalytic triad, further geometryoptimizations of the complex have been carriedout by keeping the ON bondlength constant. Be-cause this bondlength is estimated to be close to

˚ 2a, 42.8 A in the catalytic triads, we have carriedout a series of computations for different values of

˚this distance, namely, 2.6, 2.8, and 3.0 A. Table Icontains the optimized values of NH and OHdistances for each value of ON. Note that, for the

˚ON distance of 2.6 A, as has happened for thefully optimized distance, a single minimum oftype I is obtained. However, for larger ON dis-tances, minima are predicted for structures of typesI and II. In these cases, the formate]imidazolecomplex I is more stable than complex II.

The NH bondlength in isolated imidazole at this˚level of calculation is 1.018 A. Therefore, when

imidazole is interacting with formate, the NH bondis lengthened by an amount that depends on theON bondlength. The shorter the ON bondlength,the larger the NH one. Similar constraints hold for

˚Žthe OH bond in II OH is 0.989 A in isolated.formic acid .

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TABLE I.˚( ) ( )Computed Values for NH and OH Interatomic Distances A and Solvation and Relative Energies kcal ///// mol for

( ) ( )Complexes Formate]Imidazole I and Formic Acid]Imidazolate II at Fixed Distances Between Imidazole Nand Formate O Atoms.

I IIsol solDG d DG d E y ENH OH II I

˚d = 2.6 AONGas phase 1.0942

( )Aqueous solution a y52.5 1.0942No energy minima( )Aqueous solution b y52.6 1.0830

˚d = 2.8 AONGas phase 1.076 1.109 9.6

( )Aqueous solution a y52.3 1.076 y53.5 1.109 8.3( )Aqueous solution b y52.5 1.065 y53.7 1.073

˚d = 3.0 AONGas phase 1.062 1.063 11.7

( )Aqueous solution a y52.8 1.062 y54.6 1.063 9.9( )Aqueous solution b y53.1 1.053 y54.9 1.042

a Optimized geometry in the gas phase.b Optimized geometry in solution.

Table I summarizes the results obtained forgeometry optimization in a polar dielectric sur-rounding. These dielectric effects give an idea ofhow a polar environment will modify Asp]Hisinteractions. In such a medium, the electrostaticeffect decreases slightly the energy difference be-tween I and II, because it stabilizes preferentiallythe formic acid]deprotonated imidazole complexII by 1]2 kcalrmol.

The most relevant effect of dielectric surround-ing is shortening of AH bonds, A being the donat-ing atom. In other words, electrostatic interactionsdisfavor proton donation. This effect contrasts withthe solvent cooperativity phenomenon reported forthe imidazole]water molecule complex in watersolution, which makes the hydrogen bond strongerand favors proton transfer.38b The opposite envi-ronment effect observed here is explained by thefact that the hydrogen bond links a neutralproton-donating group to a charged base. The di-electric environment always favors charge concen-tration and this is achieved by decreasing of AHbondlengths, which minimizes intermolecularelectronic charge transfer. Note also that the solva-tion energy is increased very slightly by the effectof geometry relaxation in the dielectric.

It is instructive to compare these results withqualitative predictions based on the use of experi-mental pKa values for imidazole and HCOOH

Ž .roughly 15 and 4, respectively . Thus, if one con-siders the process AH q Byª Ayq BH, the freeenergy of the reaction may be estimated from:

w Ž . Ž .xDG s 2.303 RT pKa AH y pKa BH . ReplacingAH and BH by imidazole and formic acid, respec-tively, one finds DG f 15 kcalrmol. This proce-dure assumes separated ions, whereas, in our case,we have a complex in which the species have beenconstrained to lie at a given fixed distance. Inprinciple, it would be possible to estimate an en-ergy correction arising from the electrostatic inter-action of the ions within the dielectric,15b althoughsuch an approach cannot accurately describe thelarge polarization of the system at short interiondistances. Looking at the values in Table I one seesthat the energy difference increases with distanceŽDE changes roughly from 8 to 10 kcalrmolIIyI

1 ˚.when d changes from 2.8 to 3.0 A so that theONvalue predicted using pKas seems to be consistent

Ž .with the result of calculations see also Fig. 2 .A final comment on these calculations is rele-

vant. The evaluation of acid]base equilibria inwater is difficult for several reasons. The theoreti-cal model must allow accurate computation ofprotonation free energies in gas phase as well asaccurate solvation energies for the species in-volved. In previous works, we have analyzed thispoint in detail in the case of methylimidazole.38b

We have shown that the cavity model employed


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here appears to yield reasonable values for abso-lute pKas, provided one uses a sophisticated com-

Žputational level in particular very extended basis.sets . Therefore, the main source of error in our

computations is expected to come from the rela-Žtively simple basis set considered e.g., the errors

on absolute gas-phase proton affinity may reach.10 kcalrmol, as previously noted .

Structure of Model SystemHCOOy]Imidazole]Water inGas Phase

It is of interest to examine the interactions in theHCOOy]imidazole]water system chosen to modelthe catalytic triad. Full geometry optimization ofstructures III and IV represented in Scheme II ingas phase led to a single minimum of type III. TheON distances between formate]imidazole and wa-

˚ter]imidazole are 2.676 and 2.891 A, respectively.Further geometry optimizations of structures III

1 Žand IV were carried out by fixing d the ONON.distance between imidazole and formate to 2.6,

˚2.8, and 3.0 A The position of the water moleculeis still fully relaxed with the aim of comparing theeffect of hydrogen bond to electrostatic solvationeffects. In particular, the cooperativity effect due tohydrogen-bond formation of imidazole with wateris expected to play an important role.38b Protontransfer from water to imidazole at fixed ON dis-tances is examined in what follows.

For the three ON distances, stable structures forboth complexes are predicted in gas phase. Resultsare summarized in Table II. The ON distance be-tween serine and histidine in catalytic triads is

˚ 2a,4close to 3.0 A, which is not very far from opti-mized values for the corresponding distance d2

ONbetween imidazole and water in IV. The optimizedd2 length decreases when the proton is trans-ON


Žferred to formate i.e., the hydrogen bond with.water is strengthened . Indeed, the water molecule

in the model triad stabilizes substantially the imi-dazolate anion. Hence, the energy difference be-

Ž 1tween IV and III e.g., 6.6 kcalrmol for d sON˚.2.8 A is notably smaller than the corresponding

energy difference between II and I in gas phaseŽ .9.6 kcalrmol or in a dielectric environmentŽ .8.3 kcalrmol .

Energy Profiles for Proton Transferfrom Imidazole to Formate

Proton transfer from imidazole to formate isnow examined. We consider two different cases,proton transfer from I to II and from III to IV. Therole of the dielectric environment is also taken intoaccount.

We start the proton transfer process from I to IIin both the gas phase and in a polar dielectricmedium. The activation energies are estimated asfollows. The reaction coordinate is assumed to bedefined essentially by the NH distance. Thus, wemake a scan of this internal parameter and opti-

Žmize the other parameters at each step keepingthe planarity of the system and a fixed ON dis-

.tance as usual . This computation is first carriedout in gas phase. In the dielectric continuum,single-point computations are done for gas-phasegeometries, because, as seen before, geometry re-laxation in aqueous solution leads to small solva-

TABLE II.˚( ) ( )Computed Values for Some Interatomic Distances A and Relative Energies kcal ///// mol for Formate]Imidazole]

a( ) ( )Water III and Formic Acid]Imidazolate]Water IV Complexes in Gas Phase at Fixed ON Distances.

III IV1 2 1 2 2 1 2d d d d d d d DEON ON NH NH ON NH NH IVy III

2.6 2.888 1.107 1.882 No energy minima

2.8 2.894 1.082 1.890 2.852 1.711 1.840 6.63.0 2.902 1.065 1.899 2.847 1.946 1.832 6.3

a d1 refers to the formate]imidazole moiety, whereas d2 refers to the imidazole]water moiety.X Y X Y

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FIGURE 2. Energy profiles for proton transfer from( )imidazole to formate I ª II in gas phase a and in

( )aqueous solution b for fixed values of ON distance.

Ž .tion energy changes see Table I . The correspond-ing energy profiles are shown in Figure 2. Theactivation barriers obtained for d1 values 2.8 andON

˚3.0 A are given in Table III.The activation barriers for process I ª II or II

ª I increase substantially with d1 distance. Also,ONall barriers increase through electrostatic effect,

because the transition structures solvation energiesare lower than those for I or II. The reason is againthe preferential solvation of charge-localized struc-

Žtures i.e., the reactant or the product in the pre-.sent case . So, although thermodynamically the

electrostatic effect tends to favor proton transferŽ .DE decreases; see Table I , the process is notIIyIfavored kinetically. The effect is not very large ifone considers a dielectric constant equal to that ofwater, but it could be more significant in thepresence of neighboring ions that would produce ahigher electric field.

Activation barriers for process I ª II are sub-stantially larger than kT at normal temperature,whereas the reverse process II ª I barriers are

˚very slight at an ON distance of 2.8 A. For dis-˚tances larger than 2.8 A proton transfer becomes

progressively more difficult, whereas, for shorterdistances, there is a single well with an energyminimum of type I. One must keep in mind thatthe computed proton affinities for HCOOy andImy are overestimated, but the error is larger forthe latter. Therefore, the stability of I with respectto II and the corresponding activation barrier forI ª II are probably slightly exaggerated.

We now consider the process III ª IV; that is,the proton transfer when a water molecule is hy-drogen bonded to the N atom of the imidazolering. The energetics are presented in Table IV andFigure 3. We have already noted that the watermolecule stabilizes more the deprotonated imida-zole ion than the neutral imidazole molecule,therefore the relative energy is lower for IV—IIIthan for II—I. The stabilization of the transitionstate is intermediate to the reactant and productstabilization, so the activation barrier for directproton transfer decreases by the effect of watersolvation, whereas it increases for backtransfer.This is somewhat different than the effect due toelectrostatic solvation seen previously for the I l II

TABLE III.( )Energy Barriers kcal ///// mol for Proton-Transfer

1Processes at Fixed d Distances.ON

1 1˚ ˚d = 2.8 A d = 3.0 AON ON

I ª II I ¤ II I ª II I ¤ II

Gasphase 10.2 0.7 16.9 5.2

Aqueous( )solution a 10.5 2.2 18.0 8.1

a Optimized geometry in the gas phase.


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TABLE IV.( )Energy Barriers kcal ///// mol for Proton-Transfer

1Processes at Fixed d Distances.ON

1 1˚ ˚d = 2.8 A d = 3.0 AON ON


Gasphase 8.3 1.7 15.0 7.0

Aqueous( )solution a 9.3 3.2 16.0 9.7

a Optimized geometry in the gas phase.

process, which tends to increase activation barriersfor both direct and backtransfer. Therefore, it is ofinterest to consider a hybrid discrete-continuummodel that allows to account for both hydrogen

Žbonding which stabilizes the imidazolate, i.e., fa-.vors product stabilization and long-range interac-

Žtions which favors the reactant and product with.respect to the transition structure . If one compares

Žthe corresponding barriers see Table IV, results in.solution to the results obtained for I l II in aŽ .vacuum see Table III, results in gas phase , it can

Ž .be seen that: 1 the direct transfer III ª IV isfavored with respect to I ª II in gas phase; andŽ .2 the backtransfer III ¤ IV is disfavored withrespect to II ¤ I in gas phase. Therefore, specificinteractions may modify the usual idea that, inAH ??? Byª Ay ??? HB processes, solvation energyalways tends to increase the activation energy bar-riers. This may arise, for instance, when one of theanions forms strong hydrogen bonds with the sol-vent and the other does not. Continuum models ofthe solvent are generally well adapted to evaluateelectrostatic solvation energies, but one must beaware of their limitations in reproducing someenergy contributions in specific interactions, suchas charge transfer, which is clearly important inthe case of anion solvation. A more sophisticatedmodel of the solvent should treat at least the first

Žsolvation shell discretely and allow for polariza-.tion and charge transfer . In our case, this could be

done by including other explicit water moleculesin the supermolecule, but obviously the computa-tional cost would increase considerably.

Charge Relay versusSingle-Proton-Transfer Mechanisms

We now compare the two mechanisms usuallyconsidered for catalysis in the Asp]His]Ser triad.

FIGURE 3. Energy profiles for proton transfer from( )imidazole to formate III ª IV in gas phase a and in

( )aqueous solution b for fixed values of ON distancebetween formate and imidazole.

The charge-relay mechanism involves a double-proton transfer from Ser to His and from His to

Ž .Asp see Fig. 1a . The single-proton-transfer mech-anism involves only proton transfer from Ser to

Ž .His see Fig. 1b . Investigation of the catalyticmechanism supposes that interaction of the form-

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ing SerOy with the substrate is taken into account.However, in this study, we limit our investigationto the analysis of potential energy surfaces forproton transfer in the model triad. The main objec-tive is to get relative energies for the species in-volved in the processes, including transition states,in the presence of a polarizable surrounding.

Our model for this study is the formate]im-idazole]water system. The entire system is placedin a polar dielectric continuum. Proton transferfrom Ser to His is modeled by proton transfer fromwater to imidazole. To model this reaction, someadditional constraints have been imposed duringthe geometry optimization procedure. The d1

ON2 ˚and d distances have been fixed at 2.8 A andON

˚ Ž3.0 A, respectively as before, we consider planarsystems and linear hydrogen bonds; to accelerateconvergence, the imidazole ring is also assumed tobe frozen during the chemical process, but this

.does not seem to be a severe approximation . Fourminima are obtained. Structures of type III and IVŽ .see Scheme II correspond to the reactants in twopossible states. Structures V and VI, depicted inScheme III, correspond to the possible configura-

Žtions for the products note that, in gas phase, thelatter structures are not energy minima, even withgeometrical constraints; the stabilizing role of the

.dielectric continuum is thus crucial .The double-proton transfer III ª VI is achieved

by a charge-relay mechanism, which may be con-Žcerted or stepwise. The concerted process hereafter

.called mechanism CR1 would proceed through asynchronous transfer of both protons. The stepwise

Ž .mechanism hereafter called mechanism CR2would proceed through a proton transfer from

Ž .imidazole to formate III ª IV followed by aŽ .transfer from water to imidazole IV ª VI .

The single-proton transfer, on the other hand, isŽ .modeled by the process III ª V mechanism SP .

Note that conversion between the two possibleŽ .product species V l VI is possible through pro-

ton transfer in the formate]imidazole moiety.Ž .The transition structures TSs corresponding to

all these elemental processes have been localizedand some pertinent geometrical parameters are


summarized in Table V. Localization of the TSs isprovided here using the Berny algorithm;35 there-fore, they are true saddle points in the restricted

Žpotential energy surface of the system i.e., thesurface obtained after constraining some internal

.parameters .In the case of the concerted CR1 mechanism,

III ª VI, all TS search computations that we triedconverged systematically to the TSs corresponding

Žto single-proton transfers either III ª IV or III ª.V . This seems to indicate that the concerted dou-

ble-proton transfer is impossible in this system.However, because we cannot completely exclude

Žthe existence of such a TS in this or related sys-.tems we considered an approximate transition

structure, obtained by looking at the maximumenergy value that results from a synchronous scanof the two proton coordinates. The relative ener-gies of all the species implicated in the differentmechanisms are shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 shows the concerted CR1 mechanismpass through a TS, which is about 7 kcalrmolhigher than the TS for a single-proton transfer

Ž .mechanism SP. The stepwise mechanism CR2presents a first TS for imidazole ª formate protontransfer at 9.5 kcalrmol above reactant III, whereasthe second TS energy is at least 25.8 kcalrmolabove the reactants. Indeed, the relative energy of

Ž .this TS is very close below the method accuracyto the TS corresponding to the single proton mech-anism. What can be concluded from these results?The concerted double-proton mechanism can bediscarded because it requires higher activation en-ergy. Conversely, the stepwise CR2 and thesingle-proton SP mechanisms appear to be compet-itive and we cannot discard one of them on thebasis of our computations.

TABLE V.NH Distances for Reaction Intermediates and

˚( )Transition Structures in Figure 4 A .

1 2System d dNH NH

( )III y0 0 1.067 1.997( )IV 0 y 0 1.739 1.989( )V y+y 1.094 1.066( )VI 0 0 y 1.767 1.045( )TS III ª IV 1.477 1.992( )TS III ª V 1.080 1.427( ) ( )TS III ª VI a 1.458 1.442( )TS IV ª VI 1.754 1.500( )TS V ª VI 1.394 1.056

a ( )Estimated values using proton scan see text .


Page 10: Influence of environment on proton-transfer mechanisms in model triads from theoretical calculations


FIGURE 4. Energy diagram for the different protontransfer processes considered. Data in parentheses give

( )the energy kcal / mol of the structure relative to reactantIII. For clarity, a schematic charge distribution for theenergy minimum structures that corresponds to chargeson the Asp]His]Ser system is provided. For instance,( )y0, 0 refers to the formate ]imidazole ]water system

( )III, whereas y+y refers to the formate]imidazolium ]hydroxyl system V. The relative energy for the transitionstructure corresponding to the concerted process hasbeen estimated, as explained in the text.

These results may be compared with previoustheoretical computations. For instance, it has beenshown through ab initio computation for the NH 3??? imidazole ??? NHq system39 that concerted dou-4ble-proton transfer is much less favorable thanstepwise processes. The difference in energy be-

Žtween CR1 and SP mechanism 7 kcalrmol in the.present case may be compared with the free en-

ergy difference obtained by the empirical valencebond approach carried out by Warshel and

15a Ž .Russel for trypsin 10 kcalrmol . We must em-phasize that our computations do not includezero-point energies or temperature corrections thatwould in any way modify our results for relativeenergies.

Comparison can also be made with energeticpredictions from pKa values, as explained earlier.

Ž .Using the experimental pKa value for HCOOH 4 ,Ž . Ž .imidazol 15 , protonated imidazole 7 , and water

Ž .16 , one can deduce the free energy change for the

three proton transfer processes examined in Fig-ure 4:

HCOOyq Im ª HCOOH q Imy

DG s 15.0 kcalrmol

Imyq H O ª Im q OHy2

DG s 1.4 kcalrmol

Im q H O ª ImHqq OHy2

D s 12.2 kcalrmol

It is not surprising to see that these energies aresubstantially different from those in Figure 4 forprocesses III ª IV, IV ª VI, and III ª V, respec-tively. As already noted, there are two major rea-

Ž .sons for this: 1 the strong donor]acceptor electro-static potential at fixed, short distances, whichsignificantly modifies the reaction energetics; andŽ .2 the necessity for use of extended basis set andhigh-level-correlated methods for accurately repro-ducing proton affinities. Such computations wouldbe too costly and are beyond the scope of thepresent study.

As Figure 4 indicates, deprotonation of the wa-ter molecule is a difficult step. Note that the acti-vation energy may be lowered by changing the

Žwater molecule by a serine residue or by a CH OH3.unit . Such an effect would be present in all steps

involving proton transfer to imidazole, with struc-tures V and VI being notably stabilized. Note alsothat, in enzymes, the deprotonation of the serineresidue is favored by the nucleophilic attack of theforming ROy anion to the substrate.

Some additional comments on Figure 4 can bemade by comparison of elementary process ener-getics. The activation barrier for deprotonation ofthe water molecule is lower when it is preceded by

Žproton transfer from imidazole to formate i.e., in.the CR2 mechanism . Conversely, proton transfer

from imidazole to formate is made with smallbarriers. This is especially true for the productinterconversion process V ª VI, because the do-nating species is protonated imidazole. The activa-tion barrier, in this case, is 4.5 kcalrmol, whichmay be compared with 9.7 kcalrmol for III ª IVin the first step of the stepwise CR2 process. Also,it is noteworthy that structure VI is 4.7 kcalrmolmore stable than structure V; that is, in a polarenvironment, these calculations predict that thesystem formed after proton transfer from water toimidazole may be stabilized by a second protontransfer from imidazole to formate. Protonation ofimidazole does not produce spontaneous proton

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transfer to carboxylate, but the latter process isquite simple because it requires a low energy bar-

Ž .rier 4.5 kcalrmol, see earlier . Analysis of theSCRF computations shows that polar medium

Žslightly favors VI over V The electrostatic interac-tion with environment amounts about y97 andy95 kcalrmol for VI and V, respectively; in addi-tion, note that the electrostatic interaction energyfor III and IV is much smaller, about 59 kcalrmol,which explains why V and VI are not stable in gas

.phase .

Role of Environment Fluctuations

Because proton transfer processes involve a sub-stantial charge reorganization of the chemical sys-tem, the equilibrated environment configurationsfor the reactants, transition state, and productsmay exhibit large differences in polarization. Thus,if reaction time is significantly shorter than therelaxation time of the environment, the latter can-not follow the reactive event and nonequilibriumeffects arise.40 The polarization of the surroundingsolvent or protein has different components, whichin many cases may be separated into a noninertialpolarization term, associated with electronic polar-izability, and an inertial term, associated with

Ž .atomic translational q vibrational and rotationalmotions in the molecular environment. The inertialpolarization is characterized by a long relaxationtime as compared with the reaction time and maybe reasonably assumed to be frozen during protontransfer. On the other hand, noninertial polariza-tion is fast and the corresponding component maybe assumed to equilibrate instantaneously themodifications of the chemical system charge distri-bution. According to these assertions, the relevantenergy surface for the proton transfer is not theequilibrium one, but rather that obtained for thecurrent configuration of the environment. Such aconfiguration is continuously fluctuating, and thereaction occurs when the energy barrier displays aminimum value.26a, 27a

Protein fluctuations play an important role inenzymatic reaction dynamics41 as MD simulationsby Warshel and coworkers26a, 27, 42 have demon-strated. In particular, in the study of the catalyticreaction of lysozyme, Warshel27a showed that pro-tein fluctuations are intimately related to reactionkinetics. The barrier for proton transfer fluctuatesas a function of the structural fluctuation of the

Žprotein. For some protein fluctuations in ref. 27a.referred to as ‘‘catalytic fluctuations’’ the transi-

tion state is stabilized and proton transfer is fa-vored. Obviously, the reaction rate must be relatedto the probability of reaching such fluctuations,which depends on several factors, and in principlecan be different for a solvent or a protein environ-ment. However, Warshel and coworkers found thatdynamic effects are not very different in enzymeand solvent reactions.26a, 27

Although MD is, in principle, the appropriatetechnique to study dynamic effects of the environ-ment in chemical reactions, a qualitative study canbe done by using simple dielectric continuummodels, such as the one developed by our group.43

In our model, a fluctuation of the environment isrepresented by changes in the reaction field aroundits equilibrium value. The reaction field has twocomponents corresponding to the noninertial andinertial polarization terms. The former is always inequilibrium with the solute charge and is evalu-ated using the infinite frequency dielectric con-stant. The inertial term may take arbitrary values,but in practice it is useful to consider configura-tions in equilibrium with the chemical system atdifferent points along the reaction coordinate. Theadvantage of such an approach is that the soluteŽ .or the active site can be described quantum me-chanically at any desired level of accuracy. Ouraim here was to undertake such a study for protontransfer in the imidazole]formate]water system inaqueous solution. MD simulations of proton trans-fer reactions using combined quantum mechanicsand molecular mechanics potentials are also feasi-ble,26c and investigation of dynamic solvent effectson model triads will be reported in due course.

We take the example of the process III ª IV asan illustration. The internal coordinate constraintsare the same as those indicated in the previoussection. Two different cases are considered inwhich the frozen inertial polarization is assumed

Ž .to be that in equilibrium with the reactants case aŽ .or the transition state case b . This corresponds to

two different physical situations. In case a, weassume initial solute]solvent equilibrium; in caseb, we assume that the reactant]solvent system hasreached a nonequilibrium configuration through aconvenient fluctuation of the environment. Thenoninertial part of the solvent polarization is al-ways relaxed. In such conditions, we scan the NHdistance and we look at the variation of the totalenergy of the system in the dielectric environment.


Page 12: Influence of environment on proton-transfer mechanisms in model triads from theoretical calculations


The results are plotted in Figure 5. It is shownthat the curve corresponding to case a presents adeep energy well for reactant III and a very shal-low energy minimum for product IV. This meansthat only reactant III is stable in such conditionsand that proton transfer is not possible. Con-versely, fluctuation of the environment to a TS-likeconfiguration, case b, leads to a double-well en-ergy curve that presents an energy barrier of about

Ž5 kcalrmol this barrier is almost half the equilib-.rium barrier for the same system, see Fig. 4 . The

absence of a product minima in case a is notsurprising if one bears in mind that the barrier for

Ž .inverse proton transfer III ª IV in the equilib-Žrium surface is rather small 3.2 kcalrmol, see

.Table IV . Nonequilibrium solvation adds always adestabilizating energy contribution whose magni-tude depends on the difference between the hypo-thetical equilibrium and actual environmental po-larization. If we examine the case a curve, this

Ždifference increases from the reactants which equilibrium to the product, because the polar-

ity of the chemical system is reversed. Accord-ingly, the destabilizing effect is larger for the prod-uct than for the TS and flattens the energy surfacein the product side.

FIGURE 5. Energy profiles for proton transfer fromimidazole to formate III ª IV in a polar dielectric

(environment under nonequilibrium conditions i.e., for a) ( )frozen solvent inertial polarization term . a Frozen

inertial polarization with the reactant-like configuration.( )b Frozen inertial polarization with the TS-likeconfiguration reached by fluctuation.

In a recent study of model proton transfer pro-cesses in aqueous solution using MD simulationsand sophisticated quantumrclassical potentials,26c

it has been shown that TS-like solvent fluctuationsare relatively rare. Nevertheless, solvent fluctua-tions, with frequency in the 10]30 psy1 range,may contribute as much as 50% to the instanta-neous electric field felt by the chemical system.These fluctuations are related to equilibrium sol-vation of a solute structure lying halfway betweenthe reactant and the TS. Assuming that the proba-bility of solvent fluctuations is similar in our case,the proton-transfer energy profile for the mostprobable ‘‘catalytic’’ solvent fluctuations would bea curve lying between case a and b in Figure 5.

We have not computed nonequilibrium energypaths for the other processes. However, some qual-itative trends may be inferred on the basis of theresults presented. Let us consider the single-protonSP mechanism III ª V. In this case, we note that

Žthe inverse barrier III ¤ V is very low 3.4 kcalr.mol, see Fig. 4 . Hence, the role of environmental

fluctuations is expected to be as important as inthe previous study: without them, the energy curveis of single-well type and proton transfer is notpossible. If we consider the concerted double-proton-transfer CR1 mechanism III ª VI, it can beseen that the energy difference between the min-

Ž .ima reactant or product and the transition state issubstantial, so that the nonequilibrium effect mayplay a role, yet environmental fluctuations are notrequired to create a product energy well. Finally,for the CR2 mechanism III ª IV ª VI, nonequilib-rium effects are more difficult to predict becausetwo consecutive process are involved and bothfluctuations and relaxation of the environment willresult in complex nonequilibrium effects.


Our first conclusion deals with the proton-transfer mechanism in the formate]imidazolecomplex, which has been studied in gas phase andin solution. In solution, the process is not favored

Žkinetically although it is favored thermodynami-.cally . Conversely, when a water molecule is hy-

drogen bonded to the N atom of the imidazolering, the proton transfer is favored. This resultillustrates that specific interactions may modifythe conventional belief that, in AH ??? Byª Ay

??? HB processes, solvation energy always tends toincrease the activation energy barriers.

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We have also investigated double-proton-transfer mechanisms in the model triad formate]imidazole]water complex. The main conclusion is

Ž .that the stepwise charge-relay CR2 and single-Ž .proton SP mechanisms appear to have similar

energetics, whereas the concerted charge-relaymechanism requires greater activation energy.Moreover, the existence of a transition structuremay be questioned for the latter mechanism. Thepreference of a CR2 or SP mechanism will dependon the actual conditions of the process and onemay expect that, by slightly changing such condi-tions, the mechanism also changes. For instance, inenzymatic catalysis, the mechanism may be quitesensitive to the proteic environment and conclu-sions reached experimentally for model systemsdo not necessarily apply for real enzymes in vivo.

Finally, we have demonstrated that nonequilib-rium effects have to be taken into account for adeep understanding of the reactions. Similar con-clusions have already been reported in the litera-ture for both reactions in solution and enzyme-catalyzed reactions. Indeed, proton transfer is avery fast process, so that the environment cannotrelax anywhere along the reaction coordinate. TS-like fluctuations of the environment stabilize theproduct and decrease the activation barrier,whereas reactant-like solvent configurations makethe reaction basically nonfeasible. Differences be-tween solution and protein fluctuations have notbeen computed here, but have been shown to berather small in previous works.27 Hence, althoughfluctuations are important for explaining reactiondynamics, the catalytic role of enzymes is notnecessarily related to them.


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