Inferring the Source of Encrypted HTTP Connectionspdm12/cse544/slides/cse544-inferring-lin.pdf ·...

Inferring the Source of Encrypted HTTP Connections Michael Lin CSE 544

Transcript of Inferring the Source of Encrypted HTTP Connectionspdm12/cse544/slides/cse544-inferring-lin.pdf ·...

Inferring the Source of Encrypted HTTP Connections

Michael LinCSE 544

Hiding your identity

• You can wear a mask, but some distinguishing characteristics are visible:

• Height

• Weight

• Hair

• Clothing

• Even if everyone looked the same, we can determine some things about people based on their habits

• People who go to school everyday are probably students or teachers

• If you follow a strict schedule everyday (school, coffee shop, gym), you can be identified to some degree of accuracy

• “There are 10 people who follow this exact schedule everyday.”


• How would you identify someone in a world of clones?

• Determine their schedule

• Determine their habits

• Profiling allows us to identify something without knowing what it is

Hiding your online identity

• Encryption will save us from prying eyes. Or will it?

• We can hide the header and contents of a packet behind encryption

• But can we still say something about the packet itself?

• Packet size

• Packet direction

• What about traffic patterns?

• Packet arrival rate/distribution

HTTP traffic profiling

• Using only packet size and direction, create profiles of traces of HTTP traffic for certain websites

• Instance - <Packet size, direction>

• Class - URL

• Create sets of instances for each class and use these sets to identify other traces to unknown sites

• These sets are surprisingly unique

Comparing HTTP traces

• Two relatively simple methods to get a rating of the similarity of two sets

• Jaccard’s coefficient

• Intersection of two sets divided by union of two sets

• Think about this and it makes sense

• Naive Bayes classifier (Idiot’s Bayes)

• “Naive” because it assumes every event is independent

• A surprisingly good indicator of similarity

• Important: you need something to compare against!

Collecting HTTP traces

• Gathered 100,000 URLs from DNS server logs

• Used Firefox to access top 2000 pages over an SSH tunnel 4 times a day over 2 months

• Used tcpdump to collect header information from these connections

• Analyzed the logs to get packet length and direction for connections to each site

• Create a library of profiles for sites

This is where the magic happens

• Now we have two methods for comparing sets and a big library of site profiles

• Say we intercepted some encrypted HTTP traffic and want to guess where it’s going...

• Compare with all sites in the library to find the best match or two or ten

How well does it work?

• Surprisingly well

• Lots of variables to play with:

• Size of “training set” - the data used to create the library profile

• Size of test set

• Time between collection of training and test set

• Desired accuracy (top 1 most likely site or top k, k = 2, 3, 5, 10...)

• Number of sites in library

• Jaccard’s coefficient is generally better than naive Bayes

• Bottom line: for a training set of 4 samples and a test set of 4 samples, they got ~75% accuracy

Effect of variables

• Increasing size of training set up to 4 greatly improves accuracy, after 4 they get diminishing returns

• Increasing k increases accuracy (duh)

• Time between training set and test set matters, but the difference is less than 10%, even after 4 weeks

• It doesn’t matter if the training set comes from before or after the test set

• The fewer total sites there are in the library, the better the accuracy, but the drop in accuracy is relatively slow from 200-2000 (will this hold true to 40 million?)

• This is a philosophical question

• Given the relatively small amount of data collected for each site, I think this is good enough to be interesting

• This kind of accuracy requires a training and test set of size 4+

• How likely are you to get a test set of that size?

• Even with perfect data, a maximum of ~75% accuracy is limiting

Is this good enough?

How can we make it worse?

• This analysis is based entirely on packet size

• Change the packet size, change the results

• 4 simple packet size padding methods:

• Linear

• Exponential

• Mice & elephants


• All increase packet sizes in a deterministic manner

The effectiveness of padding

• Linear padding cuts accuracy in half

• Exponential makes it useless

• Total data transmitted remains small for linear and exponential

• Results for 10-accuracy are much better

Padding Accuracy Size

none 0.721 1

linear 0.477 1.034

exp 0.056 1.089

m & e 0.003 1.478

MTU 0.001 2.453

The not so great...

• For this to be useful, you need a library of every website

• Collecting this much data isn’t easy

• How accurate will this be? With 38 million websites there’s going to be a lot of sites that look the same

• They show that trivial packet padding makes this useless

• No results for test sets of size < 4

Future work

• Current analysis is weak to packet padding, they are looking to use packet arrival times to overcome this

• Even for non-padded packets, packet timing can be important (but also hard to use)

• Padding packets non-deterministically may be even stronger against profiling

• How reasonable is building a huge library of profiles for the entire Internet?

• In the end, is 75% accuracy good enough?

Take away

You can say a lot about a book by its cover.