Inequality in a monetary dynamic macroeconomic model · Inequality in a monetary dynamic...

Inequality in a monetary dynamic macroeco- nomic model M. R. Grasselli Introduction Review of Piketty Dual Keen model Inequality and speculation Conclusions Inequality in a monetary dynamic macroeconomic model M. R. Grasselli Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University Joint with Ga¨ el Giraud (AFD, CNRS, ENPC) CFMAR 2017 University of California, Santa Barbara, May 19, 2017

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Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Inequality in a monetary dynamicmacroeconomic model

M. R. Grasselli

Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster UniversityJoint with Gael Giraud (AFD, CNRS, ENPC)

CFMAR 2017University of California, Santa Barbara, May 19, 2017

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


The book

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Opening salvo

To put it bluntly, the discipline of economics has yet to getover its childish passion for mathematics and for purely

theoretical and often highly ideological speculation, at theexpense of historical research and collaboration with the other

social sciences.

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Piketty’s methodology

Pikettys model is not a deterministic system from which heattempts to predict all future economic history, but rather asystem of interacting mathematical regularities and patterns,themselves directly measurable from the statisticalanalysis of historical data, intended to give a good match toempirically observed results, and from which we can then makesome predictions about the future by extrapolating the mostrobust trends and incorporating what we know of presenteconomic conditions. (Dan Kervik, Rugged Egalitarianism)

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Key definitions

Yn = (Yn −W ) + W (total income equals capital incomeplus labor income)

rk = (Yn−W )pK (rate of return on capital)

αk = Yn−WYn

(capital share of total income)

βk = pKYn

(capital-to-income ratio)

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Output growth

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Rate of return on capital - Britain

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Capital share

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Capital-to-Income ratio - Britain

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


The argument in a nutshell

First Law of Capitalism:

αk =(Yn −W )


(Yn −W )



Yn= rkβk

Second Law of Capitalism:

βk →s


Therefore, if rk > g , wealth and income inequality tend toincrease in time.

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Underpants Gnome’s Business Plans

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Closing Fanfare

The inequality r > g implies that wealth accumulated in thepast grows more rapidly than output and wages. This

inequality expresses a fundamental logical contradiction. Theentrepreneur inevitably tends to become a rentier, more andmore dominant over those who own nothing but their labor.Once constituted , capital reproduces itself faster than output

increases. The past devours the future.

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Criticisms of Piketty

Validity of the Second Law of Capitalism

Stability of the relationship rk > g

Cambridge Capital Controversies

Representative Agent

Nevertheless . . .

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Capital-to-Income - World

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Return on capital versus growth

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Income inequality - top 1%

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Income inequality - top 0.1%

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Wealth inequality

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation



Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


SFC table for the dual Keen model

Households Firms Banks Sum

Balance sheetCapital stock +pK pKDeposits +Mh +Mf −(Mh + Mf ) 0Loans −Lh −Lf +(Lh + Lf ) 0

Sum (Net worth) Xh Xf Xb X

Transactions Current CapitalConsumption −pCh +pC −pCb 0Investment +pI −pI 0Accounting memo [GDP] [pY ]Depreciation −pδK +pδK 0Wages +w` −w` 0Interest on loans −rLh −rLf +r(Lh + Lf ) 0Interest on deposits +rMh +rMf −r(Mh + Mf ) 0Dividends +∆b −∆b 0

Financial balances Sh Sf −pI + pδK Sb 0

Flows of fundsChange in capital stock +p(I − δK ) +p(I − δK )

Change in deposits +Mh +Mf −(Mh + Mf ) 0

Change in loans −Lh −Lf +(Lh + Lf ) 0

Column sum Sh Sf Sb +p(I − δK )

Change in net worth Xh = Sh Xf = Sf + pK Xb = Sb X = pK + pK

Table: SFC table for the dual Keen model.

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Dual Keen model - definitions

Let Dh = Lh −Mh and Df = Lf −Mf and assume that∆b = r(Dh + Df ) and Cb = 0.This leads to Sb = 0, so we take Xb = x0 = 0, so thatDh = −Df .Therefore

Dh = pCh − w`+ rDh − r(Dh + Df )

= pY − pI − w`− rDf = −Df .

Denoting ω = W /(pY ), dh = Dh/(pY ), assume thatconsumption is given be C := c(ω − rd)Y for a function cof disposable income (ω − rd).Letting I = Y − C , we have that

K = Y − C − δK =

(1− c(ω − rd)

ν− δ)K

where ν = K/Y is a constant capital-to-output ratio.

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Dual Keen model - Differential Equations

Assume further a wage-price dynamics of the form


w= Φ(λ) + γ



)i(ω) =


p= ηp(mω − 1),

for a constant mark-up factor m ≥ 1.

The model can now be described by the following system

ω = ω[Φ(λ)− α− (1− γ)i(ω)]

λ = λ[1−c(ω−rdh)

ν − (α + β + δ)]

dh = dh

[r − 1−c(ω−rdh)

ν + δ − i(ω)]

+ c(ω − rdh

)− ω.

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Dual Keen model - Equilibria

Analogously to the original Keen model, this modelexhibits a good equilibrium characterized by

ω1 = η + r[1− η − ν(α + β + δ)

α + β + i(ω1)


λ1 = Φ−1(α + (1− γ)i(ω1)


d1 =1− η − ν(α + β + δ)

α + β + i(ω1),

where η1 := c−1(1− ν(α + β + δ)


It also exhibits a bad equilibrium of the form (0, 0,+∞).

Both equilibria can be locally stable for some parametervalues, but not at the same time.

There’s also an equilibrium of the form (ω3, 0, dh3).

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Example 1: convergence to the interior equilibrium(phase space)

Figure: ν = 3, ηp = 0.35, γ = 0.8

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Example 1: convergence to the interior equilibrium(time)

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Example 2: business cycles (phase space)

Figure: ν = 3, ηp = 0.45, γ = 0.96

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Example 2: business cycles (time)

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Example 3: convergence to explosive equilibrium(phase)

Figure: ν = 15, ηp = 0.35, γ = 0.8

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Workers versus investors - motivation

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Workers versus investors - modelling

Consider now two different classes of households, namelyworkers and investors, with wealth given by

Xw = −Dw

Xi = Ef + Eb − Di .

It follows from the budget constraint that

Dw = pCw − w`+ rDw

Di = pCi − rkpK −∆b + rDi .

Finally, assume that consumption is of the formCw = cw (yw )Y and Ci = ci (yi )Y with


(ω − rdw ) >∂ci∂yi

(rkν − rdi ).

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


SFC table for the two-class Keen model

Workers Investors Firms Banks Sum

Balance sheetCapital stock +pK pKDeposits +Mw +Mi +Mf −(Mw + Mi + Mf ) 0Loans −Lw −Li −Lf +(Lw + Li + Lf ) 0Equities +peE −peE 0

Sum (Net worth) Xw Xi Xf Xb X

Transactions Current CapitalConsumption −pCw −pCi +pC −pCb 0Investment +pI −pI 0Accounting memo [GDP] [pY ]Wages +w` −w` 0Depreciation −pδK +pδK 0Interest on loans −rLw −rLi −rLf +r(Lw + Li + Lf ) 0Interest on deposits +rMw +rMi +rMf −r(Mw + Mi + Mf ) 0Dividends +rkpK + ∆b −rkpK −∆b 0

Financial balances Sw Si Sf −pI + pδK Sb 0

Flows of fundsChange in capital stock +p(I − δK ) p(I − δK )

Change in deposits +Mw +Mi +Mf −(Mw + Mi + Mf ) 0

Change in loans −Lw −Li −Li +(Lw + Li + Lf ) 0

Change in equities +pe E −pe E 0

Column sum Sw Si Sf Sb p(I − δK )

Change in net worth Xw = Sw Xi = Si + peE Xf = Sf − peE + pK Xb = Sb X = pK + pK

Table: SFC table for the workers and investors model.

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Return on capital and external financing

We assume the firms retain profits according to a constantretention rate Θ, leading to an endogenous return oncapital given by

rk := rk(ω, dw , di ) =Θ(pY − w`− rDf − pδK )


ν(1− ω + r(dw + di )− δν) ,

Savings by the firms are then given by

Sf = (1−Θ)(pY−w`−rDf−pδK ) = pY−w`−rDf−pδK−rkpK

Therefore, the amount to be raised externally by firms is

p(I − δK )− Sf = pI − pY + w`+ rDf + rkpK

=(ω − r(di + dw )− c + rkν

)pY ,

As in the Keen model, we assume that this is raised solelythrough new loans from the banking sector.

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


The main dynamical system


c(·) ≡ c(ω, dw , di ) = cw (ω − rdw ) + ci (rkν − rdi ),

We then get

ω = ω[Φ(λ)− α− (1− γ)i(ω)]

λ = λ[1−c(·)ν − (α + β + δ)

]dw = dw

[r + δ − 1−c(·)

ν − i(ω)]

+ cw (ω − rdw )− ω

di = di

[r + δ − 1−c(·)

ν − i(ω)]

+ ci (rkν − rdi )− rkν

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation



With considerable more work, it is possible to show thatthe system exhibits a class of good equilibria of the form(ω1, λ1, dw1, d i1) typically (but not always) satisfyingdw1 > 0 and d i1 < 0.

In addition, the system admits a class of bad equilibria tothe form (ω2, λ2, dw2, d i2) = (0, 0,±∞,±∞)

Finally, it also exhibits equilibria of the form(ω3, 0, dw3, d i3), where dw3 and d i3 can be either finite ofinfinite.

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Example 4: convergence to the interior equilibrium(phase space)

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Example 4: convergence to the interior equilibrium(time)

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Example 5: business cycles (phase space)

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Example 5: business cycles (time)

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Example 6: convergence to explosive equilibrium(phase)

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Example 6: convergence to explosive equilibrium(time)

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Long-run inequality

The income shares of nominal output for workers,investors, and firms are defined as

yw =Y nw

pY= ω − rdw

yi =Y ni

pY= rkν − rdi

πr =Πr

pY= (1−Θ)(1− ω − rdf − δν),

from which we obtain that the income share of capital is

yc = yi + πr = 1− ω + rdω − δν = 1− yω − δν.

It is easy to see that the growth rate of real income for allthree sectors coincide at the interior equilibrium and equalα + β.

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Inequality as a hallmark of inefficiency

However, at each of the equilibria(ω2, λ2, dw2, d i2) = (0, 0,±∞,±∞) we observedivergence in income between workers and capitalists.

For example, if dw → +∞ and di → −∞, thenyw → −∞, yi → +∞, πr → −∞, whereas yc → +∞.

Similarly, whenever dw → +∞, we have xw → −∞ andxi → +∞.

At the deflationary equilibrium (ω3, 0, dw3, d i3), theincome shares are rkν − rd i3 and ω3 − rdw3.

But this is an artifact of the fact that prices are fallingfaster than real output Y → λ3N/a = 0.

In other words, nominal income ratios remain artificiallyconstant, but the real income of both populationscollapse, so both types of households end up ruined!

Inequality in amonetarydynamicmacroeco-nomicmodel

M. R. Grasselli


Review ofPiketty

Dual Keenmodel

Inequality andspeculation


Concluding remarks

We provided a stock-flow consistent model for debtdynamics of workers and investors.

When the economy converges to an equilibrium with finitedebt ratios, the income ratio between the two classes isconstant.

Increasing income (and wealth) inequality is a signature ofconvergence to the bad equilibrium with infinite debtratios.

In future work we explore the effects of default, variablecapacity utilization, and of migration between classes a laAcemoglu (2014).