Industry Code of Practice on Chemical Classification & Hazard Communication CLASS Regulations 2014

Industry Code of Practice on Chemical Classification & Hazard Communication Training 23 & 24 Sept 2014 | Scholar’s Inn, UTM Jalan Semarak, K. Lumpur COURSE OVERVIEW The Industry Code of Practice on Chemical Classification and Hazard Communication 2013 (ICOP) is promulgated under Section 37 of Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994(OSHA 1994) as a guidance to chemical suppliers to comply with the provisions of Occupational Safety and Health (Classification, Labelling and Safety Data Sheet of Hazardous Chemicals) Regulations 2013 [P.U. (A) 310/2013] which have been gazetted on 11 October 2013, hereinafter is referred to as “the Regulations”. The Regulations is to replace Occupational Safety and Health (Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Hazardous Chemical) Regulations 1997 [P.U. (A) 143/1997]. The implementation of the Regulations is consistent with Malaysia’s commitment in implementing the Globally Harmonised System for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) for industrial workplace sector especially in supplying chemicals for use at work in Malaysia. GHS is recommended by the United Nations in its effort to standardise chemical classification and labelling system, and hazard communication globally. The system includes harmonized classification criteria based on physical hazards, health hazards and environmental hazards; labelling elements and safety data sheet for hazardous chemicals. Implementation of GHS at international level could facilitate chemical trade globally by reducing the need to comply various legislative requirements on various chemical hazard information. WHO SHOULD ATTEND Safety & Health Manager, Safety & Health Officer, Safety & Health Committee Member, Auditor, Supervisor and anyone for industrial workplace sector especially in supplying chemicals for use at work. COURSE CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PART 1 LIST OF CLASSIFIED CHEMICALS PART 2 CHEMICALS CLASSIFICATION 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Classification Results 2.3 Principles of Classification 2.4 Physical Hazards 2.5 Health Hazards 2.6 Environmental Hazards 2.7 Classification Record PART 3 HAZARD COMMUNICATION: LABELLING AND SAFETY DATA SHEET (SDS) 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Labelling Requirements 3.3 SDS OBJECTIVES To understand the guidelines for the compliance of the requirements of the CLASS Regulations. PART 3 HAZARD COMMUNICATION: LABELLING AND SAFETY DATA SHEET (SDS) (cont..d) 3.4 SDS Requirements 3.5 SDS Format 3.6 Minimum Information 3.7 Guidance on Preparation of SDS PART 4 CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORMATION (CBI) 4.1 General Principles 4.2 CBI Requirements 4.3 Guides for Selecting Generic Names PART 5 2.1 Translation Table from R-phrase to H-code 2.2 Montreal Protocol 2.3 Classification Record 3.1 List of Hazard Statements 3.2 List of Precautionary Statements 3.3 Label Elements for Each Hazard Classes 3.4 Examples of Arrangement of the Label Elements


Borang pendaftaran ICOP - CLASS

Transcript of Industry Code of Practice on Chemical Classification & Hazard Communication CLASS Regulations 2014

  • Industry Code of Practice on Chemical Classification & Hazard Communication Training 23 & 24 Sept 2014 | Scholars Inn, UTM Jalan Semarak, K. Lumpur

    COURSE OVERVIEW The Industry Code of Practice on Chemical Classification and Hazard Communication 2013 (ICOP) is promulgated under Section 37 of Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994(OSHA 1994) as a guidance to chemical suppliers to comply with the provisions of Occupational Safety and Health (Classification, Labelling and Safety Data Sheet of Hazardous Chemicals) Regulations 2013 [P.U. (A) 310/2013] which have been gazetted on 11 October 2013, hereinafter is referred to as the Regulations. The Regulations is to replace Occupational Safety and Health (Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Hazardous Chemical) Regulations 1997 [P.U. (A) 143/1997]. The implementation of the Regulations is consistent with Malaysias commitment in implementing the Globally Harmonised System for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) for industrial workplace sector especially in supplying chemicals for use at work in Malaysia. GHS is recommended by the United Nations in its effort to standardise chemical classification and labelling system, and hazard communication globally. The system includes harmonized classification criteria based on physical hazards, health hazards and environmental hazards; labelling elements and safety data sheet for hazardous chemicals. Implementation of GHS at international level could facilitate chemical trade globally by reducing the need to comply various legislative requirements on various chemical hazard information.

    WHO SHOULD ATTEND Safety & Health Manager, Safety & Health Officer, Safety & Health Committee Member, Auditor, Supervisor and anyone for industrial workplace sector especially in supplying chemicals for use at work.

    COURSE CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PART 1 LIST OF CLASSIFIED CHEMICALS PART 2 CHEMICALS CLASSIFICATION 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Classification Results 2.3 Principles of Classification 2.4 Physical Hazards 2.5 Health Hazards 2.6 Environmental Hazards 2.7 Classification Record PART 3 HAZARD COMMUNICATION: LABELLING AND SAFETY DATA SHEET (SDS) 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Labelling Requirements 3.3 SDS


    To understand the guidelines for the compliance of the requirements of the CLASS Regulations.

    PART 3 HAZARD COMMUNICATION: LABELLING AND SAFETY DATA SHEET (SDS) (cont..d) 3.4 SDS Requirements 3.5 SDS Format 3.6 Minimum Information 3.7 Guidance on Preparation of SDS PART 4 CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORMATION (CBI) 4.1 General Principles 4.2 CBI Requirements 4.3 Guides for Selecting Generic Names PART 5 2.1 Translation Table from R-phrase to H-code 2.2 Montreal Protocol 2.3 Classification Record 3.1 List of Hazard Statements 3.2 List of Precautionary Statements 3.3 Label Elements for Each Hazard Classes 3.4 Examples of Arrangement of the Label Elements

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    Industry Code of Practice on Chemical Classification & Hazard Communication Training 23 & 24 Sept 2014 | Scholars Inn, UTM Jalan Semarak, K. Lumpur


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    Payment shall be made to: PILAH TRAINING (NS0115006-X) 45-1-B, Tingkat 1, Jalan Lister, 72000 Kuala Pilah, N. Sembilan. Tel: 018-6690203 (Mira) Bank: CIMB Bank Account No: 8006999577

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