InductionPermissive Scott Groves

Induction Permissive Scott Groves Tutor: Sylva Jarrett Course: MAIDSIS-13 Relax into your chair and let the stress flow out of your body… focus on the sound of my voice and simply relax….. breath deeply in and out…in and out…as you relax let your feet become heavy…. Imagine the tension ebbing out of you…. Imagine your feet relaxing and becoming heavy… allow the sensation of heaviness to move up your legs.. loosening, and relaxing you, can you feel this heaviness…can you feel how your legs don’t want to move?…this sense of relaxation you are allowing to move up through your legs and your lower body ….this gentle calm restful relaxation….. allow this feeling into your lower body and imagine the comfortable weight as the tension easily flows away… feel yourself sinking comfortably into your chair as you focus on my voice.. enabling the restful calm sensation of relaxation to spread gently upwards and outwards throughout your body…..into your chest… let your breathing become even… calm....even… relaxed.. ease it through your shoulders… into your arms.. into your hands… breathing gently and evenly.. guiding the wave of relaxation through yourself… your mind making your



Transcript of InductionPermissive Scott Groves

Page 1: InductionPermissive Scott Groves

Induction Permissive Scott Groves

Tutor: Sylva Jarrett Course: MAIDSIS-13

Relax into your chair and let the stress flow out of your body… focus on the sound of my voice and simply relax….. breath deeply in and out…in and out…as you relax let your feet become heavy…. Imagine the tension ebbing out of you…. Imagine your feet relaxing and becoming heavy… allow the sensation of heaviness to move up your legs.. loosening, and relaxing you, can you feel this heaviness…can you feel how your legs don’t want to move?…this sense of relaxation you are allowing to move up through your legs and your lower body ….this gentle calm restful relaxation….. allow this feeling into your lower body and imagine the comfortable weight as the tension easily flows away… feel yourself sinking comfortably into your chair as you focus on my voice.. enabling the restful calm sensation of relaxation to spread gently upwards and outwards throughout your body…..into your chest… let your breathing become even… calm....even… relaxed.. ease it through your shoulders… into your arms.. into your hands… breathing gently and evenly.. guiding the wave of relaxation through yourself… your mind making your hands and fingers heavy.. so heavy….the sense of calm and relaxation is moving through you… your neck… all tension… all stress simply eases away… a heaviness throughout your body.. as you breathe gently and evenly… as you focus on my voice…. Your hands are so heavy…. Becoming heavier and heavier… you cannot move them.. they are so heavy and relaxed…. You are in control…Allowing yourself.. guiding yourself….To a comfortable safe peaceful place…Your mind is calm.. still… focused on my voice…. There is nothing accept for the sound of my voice and deep relaxation… your eyelids are closed… closed and heavy… relaxed… so heavy… focused on my voice…. Calm… relaxed… safe…… your eyes are so heavy….. allow them to close…. Enclose yourself in warm gentle restfulness…focused only on my voice….Allowing my voice to soothe you…Guide you... you feel safe.. focused… relaxed

Page 2: InductionPermissive Scott Groves

If you are relaxed and content to continue I would like you to…raise your left forefinger…

In your mind imagine if you will….You are standing before a short flight of steps leading to a beach… a perfect beach...A perfect beach… the beach looks warm… sand golden and inviting ….you can see the sea in the distance.. a clear deep blue with a calm pale blue sky above…. You can faintly smell the sea and hear the waves upon the shore… 5 steps lead down to this beach … imagine this place…imagine it as a safe...calm…beautiful place…in your mind picture it…create this place…make it perfect…it is perfect….it is ideal for you…If you wish you take these steps you will move to the is so perfect you must want to move to it… with each step your relaxation and sense of safety will increase… you can feel that these steps lead to a safe, healing place….A place you have created…your own world…A place you have created…reflecting all you see as peaceful…safe…healing….a place of contentment..healing…strength… When you reach the beach you know you will feel safe and powerful, healthy and strong…..

I would like you to make your way to the steps and descend, 5 steps, 1… 2… 3… 4… 5….. as you reach the beach you feel so good, strong, confident, healthy, as you instinctively knew you would….the sand is warm beneath your feet, the sun warms your skin and face, and a gentle breeze cools you.

[Script here]


You know it is time to return… I want you to walk back towards the steps… knowing you can return here whenever you wish... that it is your place… a place of calm.. a healing place… a place where you can feel your own strength and value… Now you will climb the 5 steps at the last step you will awaken, you will feel calm and happy, you will find it easy and natural to XXXXXX now climb, awakening fully on the count of 5…… 1…2..3 …On the 5th step you will open your eyes and awake 4… 5.You are awake