Induction The Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce.

Induction The Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


Aims of the Session Identify own thinking style Identify own training needs Define and give examples of reflective practice Evaluate own performance Produce ideas to improve performance

Transcript of Induction The Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce.

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The Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce

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Warm-up –

Identify training a childcare worker needs to effectively carry out the role.

5 mins

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Aims of the Session

Identify own thinking styleIdentify own training needsDefine and give examples of reflective

practiceEvaluate own performanceProduce ideas to improve performance

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Links with previous session




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Decisions Decisions

• Reflect on previous session ‘Candidate Induction book’ and solve the problem.

5 mins

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Course overview

Tuesday evening Key skills literacy and numeracy

5.00 – 6.00CYPW taught session 6.30 – 7.30Full programme end date: 27th June 2011

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CYPW Qualification StructureMandatory A units

Mandatory Pathway C (Early Years)

Option Group F

65 Credits

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Level 3 DiplomaChildren & Young People’s WorkforceEarly Learning & childcareHeinemann

ISBN 978-0-435031-33-6

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Thinking styles

• People learn in many different ways. • The brain is the source of who we

are and how we learn. • Brain dominance leads to thinking

style preferences.• Ned Herrmann's Whole Brain


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Unit 052

Engage in Personal Development in Health, Social Care of

Children's and Young People’s Settings.

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Mind map – Definition of Reflective Practice

Reflective Practice

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Learning Check-Think outside the box!What are the benefits of reflective

practice for the child and the setting as a whole?

Reflective practice is important because……… (complete the sentence taking into account how reflective practice may benefit all)

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Do you agree?

• “The quality of early education and childcare is the most important factor in determining child outcomes. A high skilled workforce is the most powerful driver of quality”.

(2020 Children and Young People’s Workforce Strategy 2008)

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Evaluate own performance

Using the discussion & key words evaluate your own performance (what are your strengths?)

5 mins

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Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988)• This encourages a clear description

of the situation, analysis of feelings, evaluation of the experience, and analysis to make sense of the experience to examine what you would do if the situation arose again.

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Gibbs 6 steps to aid reflection.

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Theory to Practice

Think of a task you have carried out which upon reflection could be improved on.

Using Gibbs 6 steps to aid reflection analyse and evaluate your practice.

10 mins.

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(acronym) SMART

S - specificM - measurableA - achievableR - realisticT – timescale

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Benchmarks• Early Years Foundation Stage places

huge emphasis on reflective practice • KEEP Key Elements of Effective

• NCMA Being self

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Extension task Before completing the written

evidence for this unit take time to read your job description and identify the duties and responsibilities of your role.(052.1.1)

How does your practice reflect EYFS, H & S regulations, settings policies& procedures


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And finally……

Complete your ‘nutshell sheet’ and hand-in

Re check learning outcomes

Any questions

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Next session……….Learner ID cards

LRC induction

051 (Mandatory A)  Promote Communication in Health,

Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings..