IndorYi Connect -

We Can We Will !! IndorYi Connect (October – December 2014)

Transcript of IndorYi Connect -

We Can We Will !!

IndorYi Connect (October – December 2014)

We Can We Will !!

Chapter Chair’s Message

Dear Yi, It is a pleasure connecting with you again! As we all know the success of any event depends on the participation of its members. Our flagship event" Yi Indore Garage Sale & Farmers market” witnessed a phenomenal response both from its members and outsiders. Aditi, Neha & Basant worked tirelessly for 2 months to plan and implement the same. They were fully supported by Shruti Agarwal, Nilima Sureka, Sonal Dhanuka, Sonal Jetha & Varsha Zalani. Most of the Yi members spouse participated enthusiastically to ensure the success of this mega event which witnessed 1500 people as audience. The panel discussion with Amit , Anurag, Shashank, Ankit, Rohit and Naveen as the the moderator was also very

stimulating and benefitting for the students. The speakers were brilliant and the moderator witty with his shayaris totally won over the crowd. We thank Geetesh for organizing an enriching session with Dr Krishnan at IIM Indore. The member bonding session at Mangla farms was enjoyed by one and all. This is the first joint meet with Yi Bhopal. We hope to continue the trend with such get together. A fun filled day with 80 members and families 28 from Bhopal was very well organized by Sonal, Basant, and Nilima. I would also like to extend my acknowledgment to Amita & Girish Mangla for organizing such a wonderful picnic at their farm house for Yi Indore & Yi Bhopal Members. Now I pen down with these thoughts: नव वषष, हषष नव, जीवन उत्कषष नव नव उमंग, नव तरंग, जीवन का नव प्रसंग नवऱ चाह, नवऱ राह, जीवन का नव प्रवाह गीत नवऱ, प्रीतत नवऱ, जीवन की रीतत नवऱ जीवन की नीतत नवऱ, जीवन की जीत नवऱ - हररवंश राय बच्चन

Abhilasha Mimani

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Yi Indore Garage Sale 2014

12 Oct 2014, Indore

Yi Indore chapter had organized “Yi Indore Garage Sale 2014” on 12 October 2014 at Yeshwant Club, Indore. The objective of the event was to sensitize people towards environmental challenges and encourage them to limit consumerism by reusing the products, and every individual should join this revolution for the battle of survival and be a responsible inhabitant of this planet. A more radical, less polluting lifestyle and a conscious and conscientious effort to reduce consumerism will create a sustainable environment, which in turn will function as a better support system for the overall functioning of the planet. The environmental hazards that the planet & mankind is facing today is not news anymore. While a huge responsibility lies with the Government & Private sector to introduce & adopt pro-environmental policies, the role of every individual to counter this challenge cannot be undermined. Today's consumerism driven lifestyles are a huge burden on the environment. The retail market is abuzz with new products which get outdated at the bat of an eyelid, putting the consumer in a flurry, worse enticing him to keep pace with the latest new products. The mounting challenge is: what does one do with the products one is upgrading from. We need to make smart choices about what we do with these products to help

ensure a clean environment for future generations. Each time we buy a new product, carbon emissions are sent to the atmosphere, adding to global warming. To make people aware about such responsibilities, we at Yi have made an endeavor to initiate a basic environmental education through the concept of the “Garage Sale”. The name although borrowed from a similar event that takes place very commonly in the west, the purpose here far outweighs theirs. The fundamental & predominant motive behind this event is to sensitize people towards environmental challenges & encourage them to limit consumerism by reusing (this term is often considered a synonym of 'recycle' but is in fact far more eco-friendly as not only does it confront the challenges of waste reduction, reuse also sustains a comfortable quality of life & helps in keeping stuff from land-fills).

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To regulate the process, people have the option of barter or buy/sell their items. In case of only one person wanting what the other has, they may buy that product (priced nominally) without obliging the other person to take back clutter. It’s important to make sure that all the items are in good, ready-to-use condition even if it means going out of one’s way to repair something that needs touch up. The highlight of this event is that while every participant is a consumer, as each one goes back with something, THERE IS NO CARBON FOOTPRINT ADDED INTO THE ATMOSPHERE! On the contrary, each time instead of buying a new product off the shelf, by re-circulating what was already in use, the life of the product is lengthened as it goes to the appropriate end-user, thereby keeping it out of the waste stream. The need of the hour is for every individual to join this revolution for the battle of survival & be a responsible inhabitant of this planet. A more radical, less polluting lifestyle & a conscious & conscientious effort to reduce consumerism will create a sustainable environment, which in turn will function as a better support system for the overall functioning of the planet. During the event, various good items from show-pieces and photo-frames to suitcases, music-systems, Apple iPod, motor bike, car, sofa set, etc were sold and bought by visitors and students during the sale.

The Garage sale team reviewed the products and their prices before they went on sale to ensure that the products offered were in good condition and at throwaway prices. During the event few games like TAMBOLA, Bid a Jar, Throw the ring game, Caricatures, & lucky-draw were played to amuse the visitors. Farmers Market: There was a farmer’s market, organized along with the Garage Sale. The objective was to organize a market set in a lively ambience, where one can buy fresh organic produce and other earth friendly products, which benefits them & the community today. A market where visitors take back not just goods but lessons to live a healthy life! Farmer’s Market Consist of Fresh Organic Food - Vegetables, Fruits, Breads, Flowers,

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Honey, Cheese etc. Personal Care, Handmade Toys, Art supporting local craftsmen, Clothes, Handcrafted, Live Food Stalls selling food made of organic ingredients, solar products, Pottery, etc. There were more than 1000 people visited the Garage Sale on 12 Oct 2014 at Yeshwant Club, Indore. Ms Aditi Toshniwal, Ms Neha Bhagat, Ms Abhilasha Mimani & Mr Basant Dhanuka have taken the lead in organizing the event while many Yi members and member spouse have helped in making the event successful.

Yi Indore Session on “Industry Expectation from MBA Students” at IIPS

13 Nov 2014: IIPS, Indore

Yi Indore chapter had organized a session on “Industry Expectation from MBA students” on 13 Nov 2014 at Yi Indore Yuva Chaupal – IIPS College, Indore. The objective was to provide a platform to the students to interact with the Industry people and understand their expectations. Mr Basant Dhanuka, Co –Chair, Yi Indore Chapter was the speaker for the session.

During the session he interacted with the students and solve their queries. “There is a huge gap between the theoretical and the practical knowledge, the need of the hour is to bridge this gap in order to deliver the best”, said Mr Dhanuka. He further suggested the students to follow their passion, always be curious, inquisitive about knowledge, know more about India’s demography and learn more about commodities currency markets. The session was attended by around 70 students of IIPS.

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Yi Indore Panel Discussion on “Make in India”

18 November 2014: IPS Academy, Indore

Yi Indore Chapter organized a panel discussion on “Make in India” on 18 November 2014 at Yi Yuva Chaupal IPS Academy, Indore.

Mr Shashank Agrawal, Past Chair, Yi Indore & Director – Worth Corporate Solutions Pvt Ltd, Mr Amit Bidasaria, Past Chair, Yi Indore & Director – VSN International, Mr Ankit D Mittal, Past Chair, Yi Indore, & Director – Marketing, Mittal Appliances Ltd, Mr Rohit Gadia, Yi Member & Chief Executive Officer, CapitalVia Global Research Ltd, and Mr Anurag Mundra, Yi Member & joint Managing Director – Ujaas Energy Ltd were the panelists for the session whereas the session was moderated by Mr Navin Khandelwal, Yi Members & Director – N Khandelwal & Co.

The discussion started with the entrepreneurial venture and the formalities related to it. Make in India concept is given by Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, to make India big manufacturing and exporter country, and for this change entrepreneur must accept the challenges.

The major objective behind this initiative is to focus upon the heavy industries and public enterprises while generating employment in India.

The highlights and purpose of Come, Make in India are-

The campaign, 'Make in India' is aimed at making India a manufacturing hub and economic transformation in India while eliminating the unnecessary laws and regulations, making bureaucratic processes easier and shorter, and make government more transparent, responsive and accountable.

The government emphasized upon the framework which include the time-bound project clearances through a single online portal which will be further aided by the eight-members team dedicated to answering investor queries within 48 hours and addressing key issues including labour laws, skill development and infrastructure.

This campaign basically gives hope to the unemployed to find a decent job if not big jobs as manufacturing leads to creation of lot of service sector activity. But India will have to make sure to focus on quality education rather than just skill development. It is also hoped that this is a precursor to change some labour laws that would make investing in manufacturing more attractive to Indians as well as other nations.

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During the session, the panelists discussed about several aspects of the “Make in India” campaign. Mr Ankit D Mittal said that “to make India a manufacturing hub, the basic requirements are: Land, Labour & Law. This will help India to match with other countries and also helps in developing infrastructure and creating more jobs”.

Mr Amit Bidasaria said that “we have very complex system but if we take single window system in positive way then single window means everything at one place”.

Mr Shashank Agrawal said that there are many steps involved in starting up a manufacturing unit. Certain Laws are associated depending upon the nature of the business. There are several licenses to be issued from the respective departments for the business.

Mr Rohit Gadia when asked that why “Make in India when service industry is growing suggested that “Service industry is always works hand in hand with the manufacturing sector. Both are dependent on each other”.

Important benefits of Make in India

Bring FDI in India ; match with other countries

Infrastructural development

Jobs for semiskilled and unskilled labour

Safety for industries

Help India to collaborate with the best practices around the world

During discussion, when asked, Ms Rachana Jain, Yi Member mentioned that “women are also nowadays a part of manufacturing industries. They are capable enough to take responsibility of starting a new venture on their own”. Ms Abhilasha Mimani, Chair - Yi Indore Chapter also second Ms Rachana Jain.

Last the house was open for discussion and students asked questions as they were quite intrigued seeing successful entrepreneurs and all of them were satisfied with the answers.

The interaction was well attended by more than 300 students, faculty members and other people present in the session.

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Yi Indore Interactive Session on “Women Entrepreneurship”

20 November 2014: Chamelidevi Group of Institutes, Indore

Yi Indore Chapter organized a session on “Women Entrepreneurship” on 20 November 2014 at Yi Yuva Chaupal Chamelidevi Group of Institutes, during Global Entrepreneurship Week celebration from 17 to 23 Nov 2014.

The objective was to promote women entrepreneurship by providing platform to interact with successful women entrepreneurs.

During the session, Ms Rachana Jain, the Director of Univive health care, shared the experiences of her life journey which was 'Beautiful yet Difficult'. She is a software engineer, who completed her graduation in Information Technology from Pune. It was time when IT-Industry was on boom and Ms Rachana fetched job very easily which she continued for five long years but then she realized that she was not meant for that. The desire of doing something different was still alive somewhere deep inside her heart and she finally got a chance of fulfilling her dream in her pharmaceutical business after marriage. The company having turn-over of 2 crores was brought up to 30 crores in the duration of 10 years with her endless efforts and dedication. In today's date, it has become an International Company who is now exporting its products to many MNCs. she concluded her speech saying that

if something can make you achieve your goals then it is your “Positive" attitude towards life.

Ms Jyoti Garg, the director of Garlico industries limited, shared few motivational stories to encourage, we young generation. She popped a very simple question that, what are the requirements while climbing a mountain? In return we students acknowledged that one should have courage, stamina, passion and etc. but she couldn't get the answer from the audience that she was looking for, then she said that the very first thing required to climb a mountain is to have a mountain by which she wanted to convey that for reaching somewhere one has to have the aim in their life. She wanted to share many more experiences but she was bound to leave and ended her speech hoping to meet again.

The event was well attended by around 120 students and faculty members of Yi Yuva Chaupal Chamelidevi Group of Institutes.

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Yi Indore Study Mission to VECV Limited, Dewas

21 November 2014: VECV Limited, Dewas

Yi Indore Chapter organized a study mission to VECV Limited, Dewas on Friday, 21 Nov 2014 for Yi Indore Yuva Chaupal Members from Acropolis Group of Institutes and Chamelidevi Group of Institutes.

The objective of the visit is to provide them with the practical knowledge of steps involved during the production of power-train components. About 50 students and some faculty members have participated in the visit.

Eicher Engineering Components (EEC) is the automotive component division of VECV (VE Commercial Vehicles Limited), a Volvo Group and Eicher Motors joint venture. Eicher Engineering Components is the outcome of strategic backward integration. The manufacturing facility not only meets the internal EML (Eicher Motors Limited) demand, but also has a large market share. EEC manufactures some components (In-house Products), assembles a part of the portfolio (Gearbox Assemblies), and outsources some components (Outsourced Products), to provide end-

to-end solution to its customer base.

The company has achieved excellence in manufacturing Power-train components (Differential Gears, Transmission Gears & Shafts) and Gear Boxes for a worldwide clientele both in OEMs and spare part market. In recent years, the group has continually invested in innovation, technology and expansion. As a result, the units continue to expand their capacities and efficiency, while adhering to their core principal of quality and manufacturing excellence.

Students were shown with a presentation by the Mr Govind Chaturvedi, Deputy Manager – HR & Admin, VE Commercial Vehicles Limited, Dewas and his team, after which they were taken to plant visit. After the visit, the HR team of VECV interacted with the students to solve their queries.

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Yi Indore Session on “Managing Funds in Start –ups”

21 Nov 2014: Indore

Yi Indore Chapter organized an Interactive Session on “Managing Funds in Start – ups” on Friday, 21 November 2014 at Indore. Mr Navin Khandelwal, Yi Indore Member was the speaker for the session. During the session he explained the audience about the techniques to manage funds in start ups, since fund crisis is faced by most of the start-ups. There were a gathering of around 25 people who have recently started their business.

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Yi Indore Interactive Learning Session with Prof Rishikesha T Krishnan, Director – IIM, Indore

09 Dec 2014: IIM, Indore

Yi Indore Chapter organized an Interactive Learning Session with Prof Rishikesha T Krishnan, Director – Indian Institute of Management, Indore for the members and students. The theme of the session was “8 step to innovation: going from Jugaad to Excellence”, which was a book written by Prof Krishnan & Mr Vinay Dabholkar.

The objective was to interact with the author and understand his view and suggestion towards steps to innovation.

Rishikesha T. Krishnan is Director and Professor of Strategic Management at the Indian Institute of Management Indore, India. From 1996 to 2013, Professor Krishnan was a member of the faculty at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB), India.

Professor Krishnan’s main areas of interest are strategy and innovation. Professor Krishnan writes extensively, and has more than 140 publications spanning outlets that include refereed journals, the popular press, case studies, book chapters, and books.

Professor Krishnan’s recent book, 8 Steps to Innovation: Going from Jugaad to Excellence (co-authored with Vinay Dabholkar, and published by Harper Collins in March 2013), outlines a systematic path for organizations to build innovation capabilities.

During the session Prof Krishnan discussed about innovation and the 8 steps towards excellence as mentioned in his book. According to him, “Innovation is application of new ideas to solve problem resulting in benefit of ours. Reviving up India’s innovation engine among the three core problems (pipeline, velocity and batting average), if we were to identify one problem where India is struggling in its innovation journey, it would be the problem of poor idea

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velocity. One reason why this happens is because we ask the wrong question once we have an idea, i.e., “How do we implement it?” Most successful entrepreneurs don’t ask this question.

Innovative companies like Intuit India encourage its engineers to design quick and dirty experiments to test various assumptions associated with their ideas. Fasal, a mobile phone application from Intuit helping farmer’s find the best rates for their crop, had its first customer test within six weeks of its inception.

Another reason why idea velocity could be poor is that in any organizational structure the idea gets caught in bureaucracy. This is what happened to the Konkan Railway idea first proposed in 1882. It remained dormant for over a century until George Fernandez championed it when he became the railway minister in 1989. “An idea either finds a champion or dies,” goes a saying. Hence, finding a champion is an important need for every innovator.

Several thousands of experiments are performed annually at a relatively low cost for each experiment. Technologies like cloud computing and 3-D printing are making it easier for small firms to create a sandbox. However, big bets come with big risks. If you don’t ask the right questions, like Kishore Biyani realized a few years ago, you run the danger of having your head under water long enough. Hence, you need to build a margin of safety.

The session was well attended by around 40 people including Yi members and students. Thanks to Mr Geetesh Saraf, Past Chair, Yi Indore Chapter for organizing such a wonderful session.

Yi Indore Picnic at Mangla Farms, Dewas

14 Dec 2014: Dewas

Yi Indore Chapter organized a picnic on Sunday, 14 December 2014 at Mangla Farms, Dewas for the members and their families. The objective was to organize a fun activity for the members and their families.

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Started with the breakfast, Yi Indore and Yi Bhopal members gathered at Mangla farms, Dewas for a fun filled day. There was a cricket match held between the male members while the female members learned to prepare various types of salads by Radisson Chef. There were lots of games organized for members, their spouse and kids. The picnic was followed by lunch and after that, members headed back to their respective cities.

There were a gathering of around 70-80 people including Yi Indore and Yi Bhopal members along with their families.

The picnic was enjoyed by one and all. This was the first joint meet with Yi Bhopal & hopefully the trend will continue with such get together. A fun filled day with 80 members and families 28 people from Bhopal was very well organized by Ms Abhilasha Mimani, Mr Basant Dhanuka, Ms Sonal Dhanuka and Ms Nilima Sureka. Mr Shashank Agrawal and Ms Rachana Jain organized fun filled games and member bonding activities. We would also like to extend our acknowledgment to Ms Amita Mangla, Yi Indore Member & Mr Girish Mangla, Vice Chairman, CII Madhya Pradesh State Council for organizing such a wonderful picnic at their farm house for Yi Indore & Yi Bhopal Members.

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Yi Indore Study Mission to Anand Rathi Securities for Yuva Members

20 & 22 Dec 2014: Indore

Yi Indore Chapter organized a study mission to Anand Rathi Securities for the Yuva Members on 20 & 22 December 2014. The objective was to provide practical exposure of stock market to the students. The visit was conducted in two days; first day the students were shown with the presentation and theoretical explanation about the working in the stock market, while on the second day the students were shown with live screening of stock market.

The visit was attended by around 70 students of Yi Yuva Chaupal Acropolis Institute.

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Yi Indore in Press & Media

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Upcoming Birthdays

Ms Priyanka Gadia 4 January

Ms Sonal Jetha 7 January

Ms Abhilasha Mimani 8 January

Mr Deepak Jetha 10 January

Mr Amit Bidasaria 21 January

Mr Anurag Maheshwari 21 January

Mr Tejas Gupta 25 January

Mr Amit Sharma 26 January

Mr Geetesh Saraf 31 January

Mr Ramendra Singh 02 February

Mr Praveen Agarwal 06 February

Mr Ambuj Tiwari 21 February

Ms Monica Anand 13 March

Ms Aditi Toshniwal 19 March

Mr Sandeep Naolekar 29 March