Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris

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  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    Indonesian Tutorial written by Vremita Desectia

    Learning to speak Indonesian is not as difficult as you think. The rules are so simple, it has no

    gender, no agreement with plural/singular noun and genders and case and time, and it is easy topronounce.

    As far as I know, the most problems that non-Indonesian-speakers have, are the prefixes,

    suffixes, and circumfixes.

    I dont give much of those forms of the language in this book, I only give the basics.

    I admit it! it is difficult to understand the prefi"es, suffi"es, and circumfi"es. #ven the students inthe $unior high schools seldom get an A% for Indonesian &p

    'id I say to understand( )ell, in the spoken language it does not matter *mostly+ about the

    usage of the prefi"es and we can understand people well. ut if youre in an Indonesian school

    and you get the Indonesian sub$ect. )ell you have to think in Indonesian then.

    Another problems in learning Indonesian& it has a lot of formal and informal forms.

    ut dont worry, since we only use the formal forms in a very formal situation *formal speech,

    ceremonies, etc+ and formal-written-Indonesian *newspapers, etc+ and in poetry.

    Indonesian also has ameliorative and pe$orative words, and the use of these words depends on

    the sub$ects. #"ample&

    mati = die *natural sense+

    we use these words to say 'die' but we see, "who dies"?

    -mangkat ing

    -gugur soldier *die in the war, etc+

    -wafat good men *die because of old age+

    -meninggal dunia good men *die because of illness+

    -tewas people who die because of suicide, homicide, accident, etc.

    -mampus bad people, e.g a robber who dies because the police shot him

    for animal, $ust use the natural sense mati.

    And if youre talking in Indonesian and you dont know what to say, $ust use the natural word and

    people will understand you. Its all right! its $ust the sense.

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    If youre a tourist and you want to ask some help from Indonesians, dont worry about using

    formal form or informal form because the words are both grammatically right! its $ust the sense,

    and we Indonesians can understand you well.

    0ood luck in learning Indonesian. *vremita1desectia 2at3

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    Alphabets Pronunciation Example eanin!

    A car aku I *informal+ bar bola ball

    4 cheese, but softer, as in Italian ci, ce cinta love

    ' day dua two

    # an opened one& 5rench les *+ nenek 0randma

    a semi-opened one& end *+ elang hawk

    a closed one& opened embun dew

    5 fun foto photo

    0 !ood gadis girl

    6 hard, hush hotel hotel

    I film ikan fish

    7 "udge *Arabic 8+ $an$i promise, to


    #ind kata word

    L law lampu lamp

    9 mother mimpi dream, to dream

    : new novel novel

    ; an opened one& of, ball *+*as in Arabic pure pandai, pintar clever

    ? $uality ?uran The oran

    @ trilled like Italian, panish r,

    like rrrrrrrrright &' *Arabic =+

    rumah house

    sand surat letter

    T time

    B good, blue uang money

    C viva voli volley

    ) hard one& wave wafat to die *polite+ soft one& swing waktu time

    D extreme "erofit "erofit

    E hard one& you, yard yunior $unior

    soft one& sounds like long ee*Arabic F+

    yatim kid who does not

    have father

    G %orro, not like Italian H *tH+, but like bee Higot Hygote

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    sound %%%%&' *Arabic +

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris



    &onsonantsPronunciation Example eanin!s

    kh Arabic J khusus specific

    ng sin!in!#n!lish son! senang to be happy, glad,cheerful, pleased

    ngg man!o, an!!ar anggun posh, beautiful, la


    ny onya *name+, Italian i!nore nyanyi to sing

    sy 'hy, Italian scendere syarat reKuirement

    Diphthon!s Pronunciation Example eanin!

    ai I, find, Italian hai baik good, well, nice

    au now, @aul

    0onHales &', Italiannaufragare *like

    Arabic +

    mau to will, want


    ia Italian, la miabianca


    siang afternoon

    iu future, Italian pi,giustiHHia

    cium kiss, to kiss

    oi boy, voice, Italian noi MAmboiNM M)owNM, M0oshNM

    ua Italian la sua suara voice


    ome Indonesian words have double vowels, such as saat *time, when..+bait *a paragraph in apoetry+.

    ometimes, a word has triple diphtongs, like beliau*he, she, polite+, sesuai*suitable+. Eou

    have to pronounce all the letters, because Indonesian pronunciation does not swallow any wordof its words.

    There are more diphthongs in Indonesian, but those are the most important.

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    *asic Phrases in Indonesian

    6ello hai, halo

    0ood morning *til OPam+selamat pagi (selamat-closed e)

    0ood afternoon *til Qpm+selamat siang

    0ood evening *til Rpm+selamat sore (sore-semi-opened e)

    0ood nightselamat malam

    6ow are you(Apa kabar?

    I am fine, thanksBaik, terimakasih

    )hat is your name( Siapa nama Anda? (ormal)

    9y name is 11!ama saya

    6ow old are you(Berapa umur Anda? (ormal)

    I am 11 years old #mur saya tahun

    'o you speak #nglish(Apakah Anda berbicara bahasa $nggris? (ormal)

    Ees, I speak #nglish %a, saya berbicara bahasa $nggris

    4an you speak #nglish(&apatkah Anda berbicara bahasa $nggris? (ormal)

    :o, I cant speak #nglish idak, saya tidak dapat berbicara bahasa $nggris

    :ice to meet you Senang berkenalan dengan Anda (ormal)

    (ote) To change formal forms into informal forms, simply change the wordAndato kamu.

    Ees/:o %aidak

    #"cuse me/>ardon meermisi


    Thank you erimakasih

    Eou are welcome Sama-sama

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    >lease olong

    0oodbye&aag (daah- taken rom &utch language)

    Selamat tinggal (it means++ 'neer see you again')

    0oodbye *have a nice trip+ Selamat alan

    ee you Sampai umpa

    9r. uan (ormal)

    Bapak (married)

    Saudara (not married)

    9rs.!yonya (ormal)


    9iss!ona (ormal)


  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    I will add some note about addressing in Indonesian. )ell, in Indonesian culture, people prefer to

    address each other with their names. It is to respect other people. ut sometimes in informal

    situation, e.g with classmates, Indonesians can address others with kamu.

    )hen addressing elder people, Indonesians :#C#@ use kamu, but Indonesians also seldomaddress with Anda. Indonesians usually address with apak or Ibu or audara/i. ometimes it

    is followed with the persons name. 5or e"ample, apak Ahmad.

    'o :;T address these people with kamu&

    - Any member of your family. I mean, A:E. #ven your little sister.

    - Eour teachers, even if they are younger than you.

    - Eour schoolmates that are in grades higher than you, e.g. youre in 0rade OPth, so you

    shouldnt address the OOth

    0raders with kamu.

    - Eour colleagues

    - Any persons in your business life.

    - Any elder people you know or you meet.

    - trangers.

    Eou should address these people with apak or Ibu *can be followed with their names+&

    - Eour teachers

    - Any persons in your business life.

    - Any elder people you know or you meet.

    :ote on addressing in family&

    Indonesians prefer to address their family members with their status, e"ample&

    apak / Ayah / >apa father

    Ibu / unda / 9ama mother

    akak elder sister/brother

    Adik younger sister/brother

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    :enek grandmother

    akek grandfather

    >aman/;m your parents brother

    ibi/Tante your parents sister


    )hen addressing cousins, Indonesians tend to use kamu or their names instead.

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    A similar rule applies to the first person pronoun *saya and aku+.

    The rule is pretty simple, $ust call yourselves with saya when talking to elderly people, at

    work/school, business, in public, when talking to strangers, and some other formal situations.

    4all yourselves with aku when talking to your friends, younger persons, and some otherinformal situations.

    Important note&

    - ;ld people, married people, business men/women, etc always call themselves saya instead of

    aku due to politeness. They also :#C#@ address people with kamu. They always address with

    apak, Ibu, audara/i, and can be followed by the persons names.

    - Eoung people can call themselves with saya or aku, while the rules of politeness apply, as

    mentioned above.

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    'in!ular Pronouns

    I saya *formal+

    aku *informal+

    you *singular+ Anda *formal+ SS also formal plural

    kamu *informal+

    he, she, it ia *formal+

    beliau *formal, addressing an elder person+

    beliau-closed e


    Plural Pronouns

    we kami *I and my friend+

    kita *I, my friend, and you+

    you *plural+ Anda *formal+ SS also formal singular

    kalian *informal+

    he, she, it mereka

    Indonesian singular and plural nouns are easyto recogniHe.

    buku a book

    buku-bukusome books

    komputer a computer

    komputer-komputersome computers

    ut be careful! repeated words not only e"press plural form, but they also mean other things.

    ometimes, prefi"es/suffi"es/circumfi"es are added, or the letters/sound are changed.

    eanin! +ord eanin! (ote

    look-a-like mobil-mobilan not a real car! $ust a car toy mobil& car freKunciness memukul-mukul to hit a few times pukul& to hit

    reciprocal berpandang-pandangan to gaHe at each other pandang& to gaHe

    slightly kemerah-merahan nearly red! pink-red merah& red

    Actually there are some other functions of the repeated words, but since we need more knowledge about the

    language *even we Indonesians still have to study about these forms+, I decided not to give them yet. ut if you find

    any Indonesian sentences that you feel difficult to translate, $ust send me an e-mail and Ill contact you.

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris



    Actually, Indonesian does not have articles. ut we have different ways to say a/an/some and the for person/s,

    thing/s, or animal/s.

    The rule is to add se *which means one, aan+ plus a special word.

    'in!ular Plural

    >erson& seorang >ersons& beberapa orang

    Thing& sebuah Things& beberapa buah

    Animal& seekor Animals& beberapa ekor

    .hat hae you learnt? /ood+ 'beberapa' can be translated as 'some'+

    akakku adalah seorang guru

    *y sisterbrother is a teacher

    aya mempunyai beberapa ekor kelinci

    $ hae some rabbits

    (otice)beberapa ekor kelinci SS beberapa showed the plural form, so you dont have to say

    beberapa ekor kelinci-kelinci.

    There are several other indefinite articles. They are specialiHed&

    ecarik/selembar kertas a *piece of+ paper

    ebutir telur an egg

    ebulir air mata a tear *liKuid comes from the eye+

    epotong roti a *piece of+ bread

    etetes air a dip of water

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    Actually there are still lots of articles like those, but those are the most common.

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    Ill tell you that Indonesian does not have the verb to be. ut sometimes, its similar to the

    Indonesian word adalah. ;nly for several situation&

    aya adalah pela$ar.

    $ am a student+

    Ini adalah buku saya.

    his is my book+

    Itu adalah kesalahan besar.

    hat is a big mistake+

    6owever, in informal situation *mostly in spoken Indonesian+, we can omit the word adalah.

    In formal/written language, this word is $ust sometimes omitted.

    And remember that adalah4A:T be used as to be when&

    -telling time

    -showing ad$ectives

    -passive sentence, e.g. I am called.

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    Indonesian only has two ways to say this, these, that, or those)

    this, these ini

    that, those itu

    (ote)The demonstratives are placed after the noun, i.e&

    kursi ini this chair

    me$a itu *mda+ that table

    kursi-kursi ini these chairs

    me$a-me$a itu those tables

    In the informal spoken language, we can place the demonstrative before/after the noun.

    -ow to say here, there)



    di sini

    In here, at here

    #e sini

    to here



    di sana

    in there, at there

    #e sana

    to there

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    Possesie Pronouns

    9y . saya *formal+-ku *informal+

    Eour . Anda *formal+-mu *informal+

    6er, his, its -nya

    >acarmu adalah teman sekolahku

    /our !irlfriend0boyfriend is my schoolmate

    oleh saya beritahu kamu rahasianya(

    ay I tell you her0his secret1

    ebenarnya dia adalah tunangan saya

    Actually he0she is my fiance0e


    -nya can also define a noun *definite article+. #"ample&

    @adionya menyala

    he radio is turned on

    Aku membawa bukunya

    $ bring the book

    ;ur . kami, . kita

    Eour . kalian

    Their . mereka

    9ari kita mulai pela$aran kita

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    2et us start our lesson

    Tutup mata kalian.. tarik nafas..

    0lose your eyes++ take a breath++

    'engarkan suara mereka..

    1isten to their oice++

    9ine 9ilik saya, milikku, punya saya *formal+>unyaku *informal+

    Eours 9ilik Anda, milikmu *formal+

    >unyamu *informal+

    6ers, his, its 9iliknya *formal+>unyanya *informal+

    7angan sentuhN uku itu milik saya

    Don3t touch4 That boo# is mine

    'an ini milik Anda

    And this is yours

    9aaf, tapi buku yang Anda pegang itu miliknya

    'orry, but the boo# you3re holdin! is hers

    ;urs 9ilik kami, milik kita *formal+>unya kami, punya kita *informal+

    Eours 9ilik Anda, milik kalian *formal+

    >unya kalian *informal+

    Theirs 9ilik mereka *formal+>unya mereka *informal+

    9obil ini milik kita

    This car is ours

    'ua mobil itu milik kalian

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    Those two cars are yours

    'an yang baru itu milik mereka

    And that new one is theirs

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    Present, Past, and 5uture tense

    impler than you think. 7ust put&

    ten!ah *formal+sedan!*informal+

    present, simple present, perfect present, continuous, etc.


    sudah*informal+past, simple past, past participle, etc.

    a#an future, conditional, etc.

    aya merokok I smo#e

    aya sedang merokok $ am smoking

    aya sudah merokok $ smoked

    $ hae smoked

    $ had smoked

    $ hae been smoking

    $ had been smoking

    aya akan merokok $ will smoke

    $ will be smoking

    $ will hae smoked

    The sub$ect, the verb, the nouns, the ad$ectives, and the adverbs do not change their forms.

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    Indonesian has two ways to form a negative sentence. )e use the words tidakand bukan. Theword bukanis to form a negative sentence such as denial about something, then follow the clausewith an e"planation using the word melainkan*but+.


    uku itu tidak bagus.

    hat book is not good+

    aya tidak tahu.

    $ don't know+


    uku itu bukan hitam, melainkan hi$au.

    hat book is not black, but (it is) green+

    aya bukan dokter, melainkan reporter.

    $ am not a doctor, but ($ am) a reporter+

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris



    'i in, on, at

    'i atas up, upon, on, onto, oer, aboe

    'i bawah down, under, below

    'i depan in ront o

    'i belakang behind

    'i samping beside

    'i dalam in, into, inside

    'i luar out, outside

    'i antara between

    e to

    e atas upwards

    e bawah downwards

    e depan orwards, towards

    e belakang backwards

    e samping aside

    e dalam inside

    e luar outside

    'ari rom

    'ari dalam rom inside

    'ari luar rom outside

    ue itu di atas me$a

    he cake is on the table

    aya di sekolah

    $ am at school

    aya pergi ke sekolah

    I !o to school

    aya pindah ke depan

    I moe towards

    aya dari kedai kopi

    I am from the coffee shop

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    *$ ust rom the coee shop+

    *$ ust back rom the coee shop+

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    &omparatie and 'uperlatie

    7ust add&

    lebih for comparative

    palin! orter6 for superlative

    big besar

    bigger lebih besar

    biggestpaling besar terbesar

    small kecil

    smaller lebih kecil

    smallestpaling kecil

    otol ini lebih besar daripada itu

    This bottle is bi!!er than that

    ola ini lebih kecil daripada itu

    This ball is smaller than that

    Ini adalah botol terkecil / paling kecil

    This is the smallest bottle

    Itu adalah ball terbesar / paling besar

    hat is the biggest ball


    &aripadameans than. It can also means instead of

    aya lebih muda daripada kamu

    I am youn!er than you

    'ia akan bermain piano daripada bernyanyi6e will play the piano instead of singing

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    7seful words

    at, in, on




    that, which

    *similar to Italian che+









    will *going to+

    have *aere+

    not yet

    is spite of / despite


    only, $ust

    only, $ust

    with, by

    di-- well learn further about this &'

    #e*closed e+





    se#aran! *closed e+

    sebelum *closed e+

    sesudah *closed e+

    san!at*before the word+

    se#ali*after the word++

    sampai *places+


    #arena, sebab




    walaupun *formal+, walau*informal+

    "i#a, bila, seandainya, andai#an, andai

    *formal+,#alau *informal+

    hanya*before the word+

    sa"a*after the word+

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    den!an *closed e+

    aya sangat senang

    I am ery happy

    amu cantik sekali / amu sangat cantik

    /ou are ery beautiful

    amu tampan sekali / amu sangat tampan

    /ou are ery handsome

    aya sudah sarapan

    I hae had brea#fast

    aya belum sarapan

    I hae not had brea#fast yet

    7ika Anda merasa kesulitan, saya siap membantu Anda

    If you feel any difficulties, I am ready to help you

    alau kamu mau, aku akan ke rumahmu besok

    $ you want, $ will come to your house tomorrow




    where at

    where to

    which one




    mana, di mana 0 dimana

    #e mana 0 #emana

    yan! mana


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    how much/

    how many





    *all e in this column are closed e+

    Apa yang kamu lihat(

    +hat are you loo#in! at1

    iapa di sana(

    +ho is there1

    'imana kamu(

    +here are you1

    emana kamu pergi(

    +here are you !oin!1

    unga yang mana yang paling indah(

    +hich flower is the most beautiful1

    9engapa kamu menangis(

    +hy are you cryin!1

    enapa kamu tidak men$awab(

    +hy aren3t you answerin!1

    erapa harganya(

    -ow much does it cost1

    erapa banyak kelinci yang kamu punyai/kamu miliki(

    -ow many rabbits do you hae1

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    P nol

    O satu


    Q tiga

    U empat

    V lima

    R enam

    W tu$uh

    X delapan

    Y sembilan

    OP sepuluh

    OO sebelas

    O duabelas

    OQ tigabelas

    OU empatbelas

    OV limabelas

    OR enambelas

    OW tu$uhbelas

    OX delapanbelas

    OY sembilanbelas

    P duapuluh

    O duapuluh satu

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    duapuluh dua

    Q duapuluh tiga

    U duapuluh empat

    V duapuluh lima

    QP tigapuluh

    UP empatpuluh

    VP limapuluh

    RP enampuluh

    WP tu$uhpuluh

    XP delapanpuluh

    YP sembilanpuluh

    OPP seratus

    OPO seratus satu

    OOP saratus sepuluh

    OP seratus duapuluh

    PP duaratus

    QPP tigaratus

    O.PPP seribu

    OP.PPP sepuluh ribu

    OPP.PPP seratus ribu

    O.PPP.PPP satu $uta

    O.PPP.PPP.PPP satu milyar

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    edua pria itu sangat tampan

    Those two !uys are ery handsome

    aya menyukai keduanya

    I loe both of them 9those two !uys:

    aya akan mendekati salah satu dari mereka

    I will approach one of them

    6ei, kalian berduaN Ini nomor telepon saya&

    2ey, you two3 2ere's my phone number4



    Telepon saya sesudah pukul sembilan malam

    0all me ater nine p+m+

    amu sudah menelepon saya sekali / dua kali / tiga kali

    /ou hae called me once 0 twice 0 three times


    5irst pertama

    econd kedua

    Third ketiga

    5ourth keempat

    5ifth kelima

    and $ust add ke-and so on &>

    aya merupakan anak pertama di dalam keluarga saya

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    I am the first child in my family

    aya mendapat rank kedua di sekolah saya

    I !ot the second ran# in my school

    Ini adalah ketiga kalinya saya mendapat posisi bagus di sekolah saya

    This is the third time I !ot !ood position in my school

    'an untuk keempat kalinya, orangtua saya memberikan saya hadiah

    And or the ourth time, my parents gie me pri5es

    Days in a +ee#

    unday Ahad / 9inggu

    9onday enin

    Tuesday elasa

    )ednesday @abu

    Thursday amis

    5riday 7umat *7umat+

    aturday abtu

    week minggu

    day hari

    holiday hari libur

    yesterday kemarin

    today hari ini

    tomorrow esok *formal+, besok *informal+

    ne"t tomorrow lusa

    :otice how similar are those days with Arabic numbers&

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    wahid, isnain, tsalasa, arba'atun, khamsatun, etc.

    6owever, usually Indonesian starts the day with enin, elasa, etc.

    6ari apa hari ini(

    +hat day is today1

    6ari ini hari 9inggu

    Today is 'unday

    Aduh, aku harus masuk sekolah besokN

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    onths in a /ear

    7anuary 7anuari

    5ebruary 5ebruari

    9arch 9aret

    April April

    9ay 9ei

    7une 7uni

    7uly 7uli

    August Agustus

    eptember eptember

    ;ctober ;ktober

    :ovember :ovember

    'ecember 'esember

    month bulan

    year tahun

    (ote) The word month *bulan+ in Indonesian is the same as moon *bulan+.

    aya akan ke 7akarta pada bulan 9ei

    I am !oin! to a#arta on ay

    aya akan ke 9B tahun ini

    $ am going to go to high school this year


    :orth utara

    :orthwest barat laut

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    )est barat

    outhwest barat daya

    outh selatan

    outheast tenggara

    #ast timur

    :ortheast timur laut

    @umahku terletak di timur 9as$id

    y house is to the east of the mos$ue

    'i selatannya terdapat rumah sepupuku

    To the south of it there is my cousin3s house

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    black hitam

    grey abu-abu

    white putih

    red merah

    pink merah muda

    green hi$au

    blue biru

    yellow kuning

    orange oranye

    purple ungu

    brown cokelat

    dark green hi$au tua

    light green hi$au muda

    dark blue biru tua

    light blue biru muda

    and so on

    9atanya berwarna cokelat muda

    2is eyes are light brown

    aya menyukai $aket biru tua itu

    I loe that dar# blue "ac#et


    pring musim semi

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    ummer musim panas

    5all musim gugur

    )inter musim dingin

    @ain musim hu$an

    'ry musim kemarau

    (ote) musimmeans season

    >ada musim kemarau udara men$adi dingin

    In dry season the air becomes so cold

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    &ountries, 2an!ua!es, and (ationalities










    0reat ritain








    audi Arabia













    ritania @aya








    Arab audi




  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris







    Amerika erikat

    Those are some of the country names. )hat about the languages and nationalities( imple. 7ust

    put bahasa*language+ or oran!*people, person, man/woman+ before the name of the countryyou desire.

    Australia Australia

    #nglish ahasa Inggris

    Australian ;rang Australia

    audi Arabia Arab audi

    Arabic ahasa Arab

    Arabian ;rang Arab

    Italy Italia

    Italian ahasa Italia

    Italian ;rang Italia

    (ote)If youre an American and you speak #nglish, then you shouldnt say Maya berbicara

    bahasa AmerikaM, but you should say Maya berbicara bahasa InggrisM.

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris



    9other Ibunda *very formal+

    unda *formal+

    Ibu *informal/familiar+

    5ather Ayahanda *very formal+

    Ayah *formal+

    apak *informal/familiar+

    #lder sister / brother akak

    Eounger sister / brother Adik

    #lder brother anda *very formal+

    Eounger sister 'inda *very formal+

    0randmother :enek

    0randfather akek

    0randdaughter / grandson 4ucu

    6usband uami

    )ife Istri

    'aughter >utri

    on >utra

    Aunt ibi *vocative& Tante+

    Bncle >aman *vocative& ;m+

    4ousin epupu

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    :ephew / niece emenakan *formal+

    eponakan *informal+

    9other-in-law Ibu mertua

    5ather-in-law Ayah mertua

    #lder sister/brother-in-law akak ipar

    Eounger sister/brother-in-law Adik ipar

    tepmother Ibu tiri

    tepfather Ayah tiri

    tep-eldersister/brother akak tiri

    tep-younger sister/brother Adik tiri

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris



    cat kucing

    dog an$ing *pe$orative+

    fish ikan

    ant semut

    rooster/hen ayam

    cow sapi

    goat kambing

    bee lebah

    bird burung

    rabbit kelinci

    elephant ga$ah

    giraffe $erapah

    frog katak *ameliorative+, kodok *pe$orative+

    snake ular

    sheep biri-biri

    butterfly kupu-kupu

    spider laba-laba


    an$ing can also means a kind of profanity. o, be careful if you want to say it to an


    iri-biri, kupu-kupu, and laba-laba do not have plural forms. ut they are always

    written/spoken twice like that, not! biri, kupu, or laba. I dont know why, but thats what I

    learnt in kindergarten &p

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    'chools and Professions

    chool sekolah

    Teacher guru

    tudent murid

    ook buku

    >en pena

    4lass kelas

    4lassroom ruang kelas

    9ath matematika

    iology biologi

    0eography geografi

    4hemical kimia

    6istory se$arah

    #conomy ekonomi

    >hysic fisika

    accountant akuntan

    engineer insinyur

    office worker karyawan *m+, karyawati *f+

    doctor dokter

    teacher guru

    architect arsitek

    lawyer pengacara


  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    teacher means guru. Literally, it also means penga$ar. SS

    a$ar to study/to teach

    menga$ar teach

    penga$ar teacher

    pela$ar student

    bela$ar to study

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    Prefixes, suffixes, and circumfixes

    Prefix &ircumfix 'uffix Prefix and suffix










    -em- -an














    Prefixes >> prefixes are always closed e

    me- to make an activesentence, to

    make somethingchange, andneeds an ob$ect

    *watch how the

    letter changesbefore the first

    word of the












    9e % ambil

    9e % buat

    9e % cari

    9e % dengar

    9e % evaluasi

    9e % ganti

    9e % hilang

    9e % isi

    9e % $ual

    9e % kira

    To take

    To make, to create

    To search, to look for

    To hear, to listen to

    To evaluate

    To change

    To be disappeared

    To fill in

    To sell

    To guess

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris










    9e % lihat

    9e % masak

    9e % operasi

    9e % pindah

    9e % rasa

    9e % sapu

    9e % tulis

    9e % ulang

    To see

    To cook

    To do an operation*surgery+

    To move *stuff+

    To feel

    To sweep

    To write

    To repeat

    aya mengambil ba$u-ba$u saya

    amu membuat lukisan

    aya mencari teman saya

    aya mendengar sesuatu

    amu mengisi gelas itu dengan air

    Ayah men$ual mobilnya

    amu melihatku(

    aya memindah weblog saya

    aya merasa capai / lelah

    'ia menyapu lantai

    amu menulis sebuah lagu

    I take my clothes

    Eou make a painting *you paint/you are painting+

    I look for my friend

    I hear something

    Eou fill the glass with water

    5ather sells his car

    'o you see me(

    I move my weblog

    I feel tired

    he/he sweeps the floor

    Eou write a song

    ber- to make an activesentence thatdoes not have to

    followed by an






    er % angkat

    er % bahasa

    er % cinta

    er % dansa

    To have a departure

    To have an ability to speaka/some language/s

    To have se"

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris












    er % guru

    er % hitung

    er % $an$i

    er % main

    er % pura-pura

    er % santai

    er % taruh

    er % ubah

    er % variasi

    er % Hina

    To have a dance

    To have a study

    To have count

    To have a promise

    To have a play

    To have a pretend

    To have a rela"

    To have a bet

    To have a change

    To have a variation

    To have an affair, a


    Ayah berangkat ke kantor

    aya berbahasa Indonesia

    Apakah kamu bercinta dengannya(

    9aukah kamu berdansa denganku(

    aya ber$an$i padamu

    7angan berpura-pura tidak tahu

    9ari bersantai di gaHebo

    Aku bertaruh dia akan menang

    5ather leaves for office

    I speak Indonesian

    'o you have se" with her(

    )ould you dance with me(

    I promise you

    'ont pretend like you dont know

    Lets have a rela" in the gaHebo

    I bet she/he will win

    di- to make apassive


    note& must be

    caused by




    'i % ambil

    'i % buat

    'i % cari

    To be taken

    To be made

    To be searched, to be looked for

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris



















    'i % damba

    'i % ganti

    'i % huni

    'i % isi

    'i % $umlah

    'i % kandung

    'i % lihat

    'i % minta

    'i % olah

    'i % proses

    'i % rinci

    'i % sumpah

    'i % tambah

    'i % ulang

    To be wanted, to be waited

    To be changed

    To be occupied

    To be filled in

    To be calculated

    To be contained

    To be seen

    To be asked

    To be processed *factory+

    To be processed

    To be e"plained, to be described

    To be sworn

    To be added, to be increased

    To be repeatedamu dicari orangtuamu

    7adwal hari ini telah diganti

    @umah ini hanya dihuni oleh kami berdua

    Aku sudah lakukan apa yang diminta olehnya

    usu itu diolah di pabrik

    aya adalah pener$emah yang telah disumpah

    Eou are looked for by your parents

    *your parents 2are3look2ing3 for you+

    Todays schedule is changed

    This house is only occupied by us

    *$ust us that live in this house+

    I have done what she/he asked me to

    The milk is processed in the factory

    I am a sworn translator

    Ter- To make a superlative Terbaru Ter % baru The newest

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    :ote& you can change

    the prefi" ter- with the

    wordpaling, i.e&

    terbaru paling baru

    *the newest+










    Ter % cantik

    Ter % enak

    Ter % indah

    Ter % kecil

    Ter % lebar

    Ter % manis

    Ter % pandai

    Ter % pintar

    Ter % tua

    The fairest *woman+

    The most delicious

    The most beautiful

    The smallest

    The widest

    The sweetest

    The cleverest/the smartest

    The cleverest/the smartest

    The oldest

    To make a passive

    sentence, but not like

    di-, we dont know if theword with ter-is caused

    by somehing or $ust









    Ter % ambil

    Ter % curi

    Ter % ganggu

    Ter % ingat

    Ter % $ual

    Ter % lihat

    Ter % tulis

    To be taken

    To be stolen

    To be disturbed

    To be remember

    To be sold

    To be seen

    To be written

    'ia adalah wanita tercantik di wedia

    ali adalah tempat terindah yang pernah kulihat

    enangan itu termanis dalam hidupku

    'ia adalah anak terpandai di kelas

    he is the most beautiful woman in weden

    ali is the most beautiful place Ive ever seen

    That was the sweetest memory in my life ever

    6e is the cleverest boy in the class

    aya merasa sangat terganggu

    aya teringat akan ali

    0aun itu telah ter$ual

    I am feeling so disturbed/annoyed/aggravated

    I remember about ali

    The gown is sold

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    amu bisa terlihat orang lainN

    alimat itu tertulis di kertas

    Eou could have been seenN

    That sentence is written on the paper

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    >e- >erson /

    thing who

    does,makes, etc.
















    >e % ambil

    >e % buru

    >e % cium

    >e % daki

    >e % hitung

    >e % ikut

    >e % $ual

    >e % kasih

    >e % lukis

    >e % mula

    >e % pukul

    >e % nyanyi

    >e % sa$i

    >e % tari

    >e % tunggu

    >erson who takes




    >erson who counts

    A tool used for counting things



    >erson who likes to give



    >erson who hits




    >erson who waits

    'ia adalah pendaki yang hebat

    9ereka adalah pengikutku

    >elan-pelan, aku masih pemula

    Aku ingin men$adi penyanyi

    amu adalah penari yang baik

    'ia adalah pencium yang hebat

    he/he is a great climber

    They are my follower

    low down, I am still a beginner

    I want to be a singer

    Eou are a good dancer

    6es an unbelieveable kisser

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    Indonesian phrases in seeral situations

    O. 4ommon e"pressions

    aya senang

    $ am happyglad

    aya sedih

    $ am sad

    aya lelah

    $ am tired

    aya lapar

    $ am hungry

    aya haus

    $ am thirsty

    aya mengantuk

    $ am sleepy

    aya takut

    $ am scared$ am araid

    aya bingung

    $ am conused

    aya bosan

    $ am bored

    aya sakit

    $ am sick$ am ill

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    . In the restaurant


    .aiter3 .aitress3

    Tolong menunya

    he menu, please

    Apa menu spesial hari ini(

    .hat's the special menu o today?

    aya pesan..

    $ want++ (literally4 $ resere)

    7angan terlalu pedas / asin / manis

    &on't be too spicy(hot) salty sweet

    Tolong bonnya

    he bill, please

    9akanan 5oods 9inuman everages

    :asi rice air water

    up soup susu milk

    'aging meat kopi coffee

    Telur egg teh tea

    9ie noodle $us $uice

    Ayam chicken bir beer

    api beef limun lemonade

    7agung corn

    7amur mushroom

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    e$u cheese

    Tomat tomato

    entang potato

    ue cake

    @oti bread


    :owadays, western foods in Indonesian restaurants are written as their natives&

    salad, spaghetti, tiramisu, piHHa, kebab, sushi, yakiniku, etc.

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    Q. In the hotel

    Anda punya kamar kosong(

    &o you hae any unoccupied rooms?

    amar Anda di lantai satu / dua / tiga

    %our room is on 9st loor :nd loor ;rd loor

    Ini kunci kamar Anda

    his is your key

    Anda punya kamar yang lebih baik / murah(

    &o you hae any rooms better(nicer) cheaper?

    aya ingin kamar dengan..

    $ want a room with++

    aya tidak memerlukan kamar dengan..

    $ do not need a room with++ (it's not necessary to me)

    amar mandi, air panas, ekstra bed, A4, televisi, lemari es, telepon

    Bathroom, hot water, e

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    U. In the city


    aermisi, dimana..

    6> 6uros to 8upiahs


    bank bank

    restoran restaurant

    supermarket supermarket

    hotel hotel

    mall mall

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    halte bus bus shelter

    rumah sakit hospital

    kantor polisi police station

    gere$a church

    mas$id mosKue

    kantor pos post office

    toko buku bookstore / bookshop

    bar bar

    kafe caf

    kedai kopi coffeshop

    bioskop cinema

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    V. 'ating *lol+

    Cadas note&

    9uahaha.. )ell for me theres nothing more interesting in learning languages than memoriHingthe romantic phrases.. *thats my opinion.. but people are different, arent they(+

    9aukah kamu pergi denganku abtu malam(

    &o you want to go with me Saturday night?

    Tentu, kemana kita akan pergi(

    Sure, where will we go?

    olehkah saya men$emputmu(

    *ay $ pick you up?

    Terimakasih atas malam yang indah

    hank you or the wonderul night

    oleh saya cium kamu( oleh saya memberimu sebuah ciuman(

    *ay $ kiss you? *ay $ gie you a kiss?

    And perhaps these phrases below are useful if you have an Indonesian boyfriend/girlfriend

    aya cinta padamu *formal+

    aya mencintaimu *whoa.. poetry-language+

    aya sayang kamu

    aya menyayangimu *again, poetry-language+

    $ loe you

    aya rindu kamu

    aya merindukanmu *poetry-language really sounds romantic to Indonesian+

    $ miss you

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    aya bermimpi tentangmu

    aya memimpikanmu *poetry-language is seldom used, because its too beautiful to be said+

    $ dream o you

    aya berpikir tentangmu

    aya memikirkanmu *well, we love poetry-language..+

    $ think o you

    If you want to say it with very much $ust add sangatbefore the verbs *and also before


  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    6eres some phrases Ive taken from @ussian.. but I translated them into #nglish and Indonesian

    My sun Matahariku / mentarikuMy dear Sayangku

    My bunny KelincikuMy sweet ManiskuCome to me my dear Kemarilah padaku, sayangMy love CintakuGood girl Gadis baikGood boy Pria baikMy little angel Malaikat kecilkuRemember, !m always ne"t toyou

    ngat, saya selalu di sampingmu

    !ll do everything per#ectly Saya akan lakukan semua dengan baik$on!t worry %angan khawatir

    Rela", i!ll do that Rileks, saya akan melakukannya&et me do that 'iarkan saya melakukannya(rust me Percayalah padaku)verything!s gonna be alright Semua akan baik*baik sa+aou can do it Kamu bisa melakukannya believe in you Saya percaya padamu!ll help you Saya akan membantumuou are not alone Kamu tidak sendiri!m ne"t to you Saya di sampingmu!m here Saya di sini$arling, don!t worry Sayang, +angan khawatir

    ou!re strong Kamu sangat tangguh-e will do it Kita akan melakukannya)asy, everything is ok (enang, semua baik*baik sa+a)verything is going all right Semua baik*baik sa+at!s normal tu normal

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    9arriage proposal

    In Indonesia, the person who usually gives the proposal is the man. o most of Indonesian

    women usually $ust wait and accept or wait and refuse.

    I only know several phrases in marriage proposal to a woman.

    want you to be my wi#e. Saya ingin kamu men+adi istriku love you very much and ask youto be my wi#e.

    Saya sangat mencintaimu dan memintamuuntuk men+adi istriku

    ll pray #or god is you to say0yes10

    Saya berdoa kepada (uhan agar kamu berkata!ya!

    wish it so badly1 Saya sangat mengharapkannya1'e my wi#e1 %adilah istriku1Marry me1 Menikahlah denganku1

    -e are created #or each other.Say 0yes10 Kita diciptakan untuk bersama. Katakan !ya!.

    want us to always be together. Saya ingin kita selalu bersama&et!s go through li#e together. Mari hidup bersama want so badly that we have areal #amily.

    Saya ingin kita berkeluarga

    &et!s create a real #amily. Marilah berkeluarga want so much #or you to marryme.

    Saya ingin sekali kamu menikahi saya

    -e love each other so much1 Kita sangat mencintai satu sama lain love you so much. Saya sangat mencintaimu

    2inally want to tell you this3 khirnya, saya ingin mengatakannya padamu3 need you so much. Saya sangat memerlukanmu can!t live without you. Saya tidak dapat hidup tanpamuSay that you love me1 Katakan bahwa kamu mencintaiku #eel so good ne"t to you. Saya senang bersamamuou became everything #or me1 Kamu adalah segalanya bagiku thank god that met you. (erimakasih (uhan, saya bertemu denganmuou are my destiny Kamulah takdirku swear !ll give you my heart. Saya bersumpah akan memberimu hatiku think o# you day and night Saya memikirkanmu siang dan malamou are all that need. Kamulah yang kuperlukan

    m deserving o# your love4 pa saya berhak atas cintamu4'elieve me. Percayalah padaku am the happiest man on earthbecause met you.

    Saya adalah orang paling bahagia di duniakarena saya menemukanmu

    want you to be only mine. Saya ingin kamu hanya milikku&et!s never part. %angan pernah berpisah

    love youSaya cinta kamu. Saya mencintaimu. Sayasayang kamu.

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    can!t live without you Saya tidak dapat hidup tanpamu need you Saya membutuhkanmu need you so much Saya sangat membutuhkanmu wish you were mine Kuharap kamu milikku love you with all my heart, with

    all my soul

    Saya mencintaimu dengan sepenuh hatiku,

    dengan sepenuh +iwaku(here!s no borders #or my love (idak ada halangan bagi cintaku(here!s no obstacles #or our love (idak ada halangan bagi cinta kita #ell in love with you #rom the #irstsight

    Saya +atuh cinta padamu se+ak pandanganpertama

    Come to me, my love Kemarilah padaku, cintall ages are duti#ul to love Semua umur berhak mencinta can!t live without your love Saya tidak dapat hidup tanpa cintamuGive me your love 'erikan saya cinta give you all my love Saya memberimu seluruh cinta saya(here!s no happiness without your


    (idak ada kebahagiaan tanpa cintamu

    will always love you Saya akan selalu mencintaimu want you to know * there!s lovein my heart

    Saya ingin kamu mengetahui3 ada cinta dihatiku

    5ur love won!t disappear withyears

    Cinta kita tak akan hilang dimakan waktu

    am proud o# our love Saya bangga akan cinta kita

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    Daily Phrases

    Good morning. Morning. Selamat pagi. PagiGood a#ternoon. Selamat siang

    Good evening. Selamat soreGood night. Selamat malam6ello. 6i. 6alo. 6ai.-elcome. Selamat datang6ow are you4 pa kabar47ot too well, !m a#raid. (idak terlalu bagus6ow are you getting on4 'agaimana kabarmu4Pretty #air, thank you. nd whatabout you4

    Cukup baik, dan nda4

    2ine, and how are you4 'aik, dan kamu47ot too bad. (idak buruk

    s everything all right4 pakah semua baik*baik sa+a4re you ok4 pakah kamu baik*baik sa+a46ow are things4 'agaimana kabarnya4-hat!s new4 pa kabar46ow is your #amily4 'agaimana keluargamu46ow is your mother4 'agaimana ibumu4

    re you o.k.4 pakah kamu baik*baik sa+a42ine, thanks. 'aik, terimakasih8ery well. Sangat baik7ot bad. (idak buruk5.K. 'aik

    7ot so good. (iak terlalu baik(he same. Sama*sama bit tired. Sedikit lelah am busy. Saya sibuk am not well. Saya tidak sehat

    nd you4 $an kamu4 am sorry to hear that. Maa# am happy #or you. Saya senang denganmus this clear4 pakah sudah +elas4Pardon4 Permisi4!m sorry, what did you say4 Maa#, apa yang nda katakan4 see Saya mengerti

    m speaking #ast4 pakah saya berbicara cepat4$o you understand me4 pakah nda mengerti saya4 don!t understand you. Saya tidak mengerti nda understand you. Saya mengerti nda 9uite understand you. Saya cukup mengerti nda understand you 9uite well. Saya mengerti nda cukup baik understand every word you say. Saya mengerti setiap kata yang nda ucapkan

  • 8/10/2019 Indonesian Tutorial Bahasa Inggris


    es, per#ectly well. a, sangat baikSpeak louder, please. 'erbicaralah lebih kerasPlease, speak slower. 'erbicaralah lebih pelan!m sorry, didn!t 9uite catch whatyou said.

    Maa#, saya tidak mengerti apa yang ndakatakan

    -rite it down, please. (olong tuliskan(ranslate it. (er+emahkanPlease, say it again. (olong ulangi6ow do you say that in english4 'agaimana kata itu dalam bahasa nggris4-e need an interpreter. Kita butuh pener+emah-e don!t need an interpreter. Kita tidak butuh pener+emah must be going. Saya harus pergiGood*bye. $aag :daah;See you soon. Sampai +umpa lagiSo long. Sampai +umpaSee you again. Sampai +umpa lagi

    See you later. Sampai +umpaCheerio / 'ye1 $aag1Good luck1 Sukses1Give my regards to.. Salam untuk.. hope to see you soon. Saya harap kita bertemu lain kali!ll call you later. Saya akan meneleponmu6ave a com#ortable +ourney1:good*bye;

    Selamat +alan1

    Keep well1 Sehat selalu1(ake care1 6ati*hati1(ill we meet again. Sampai bertemu lagi :sampai +umpa lagi;

    -rite me. Kabari aku6ere!s my address. ni alamat saya6ave a success1 Sukses1Sweet dreams1 Mimpi indah'e happy1 'ergembiralah