Indo-Saracenic Revival Architecture

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    Madras High Court buildings are a prime example of Indo-Saracenic architecture, designed by J W Brassington under

    the guidance of famous British architect Henry Irwin

    The Victoria Terminus in Bombay.

    North Block of the Secretariat Building, New Delhi,

    designed by Herbert Baker

    Examples of the 'Indo-Saracenic' style

    Indo-Saracenic Revival architectureFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Indo-Saracenic Revival(also known as

    Indo-Gothic, Hindooor Hindu-Gothic,

    Mughal-Gothic, Neo-Mughal) was an

    architectural style movement by Britisharchitects in the late 19th century in British

    India. It drew elements from native Indo-

    Islamic and Indian architecture, and

    combined it with the Gothic revival and

    Neo-Classical styles favoured in Victorian

    Britain. The style gained momentum in the

    westwith the publication of the various

    views of India by William Hodges and the

    Daniell duo, (William Daniell and his uncle

    Thomas Daniell) fromabout 1795.Saracenic was a term used by the ancient

    Romans to refer to a people who lived in

    desert areasin and around the Roman

    province of Arabia,and who were

    distinguished from Arabs.[1]

    The first Indo-Saracenicbuilding is said to

    be the Chepauk palace, located in the

    neighbourhood of Chepauk, in present-day

    Chennai (Madras). Chennai is said topossess many buildings of this architecture,

    some of which are the Victoria Public Hall,

    Madras High Court, Senate House of the

    University of Madras, Chennai Central

    station, etc. Most of these buildings arenow

    classified under the Heritage buildings

    category as laid down by the Archaeological

    Survey of India (ASI) owing to the need for



    1 Indo-Saracenic

    2 The Mughal Style

    2.1 Decline and Revival

    3 The Style outside India

    4 Characteristics,_New_Delhi,_New_Delhi.jpg
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    5 Examples

    5.1 In Bangladesh

    5.2 In India

    5.3 In Pakistan

    5.4 In the United Kingdom

    5.5 In Malaysia

    6 See also

    7 References


    Confluence of different architectural styles had been attempted before during the mainly Turkic, Delhi

    Sultanate and Mughal periods. Turkic and Mughal conquest in the Indian subcontinent, introduced new

    concepts in the already rich architecture of India. The prevailing style of architecture was trabeate,

    employing pillars, beams and lintels. The Turkic invaders brought in the arcuate style of construction,

    with its arches and beams, which flourished under Mughal patronage and by incorporating elements of

    Indian architecture, especially Rajasthani Temple architecture

    Local influences also lead to different 'orders' of the Indo-Islamic style. After the disintegration of theTurkic Delhi Sultanate, rulers of individual states established their own rule and hence their own

    architectural styles, which was heavily influenced by local styles. Examples of these are the 'Bengal' and

    the 'Gujarat' schools. Motifs such as chhajja (A sunshade or eave laid on cantilever brackets fixed into

    and projecting from the walls), corbel brackets with richly carved pendentive decorations (described as

    stalactite pedentives), balconies, kiosks or chhatris and minars (tall towers) were characteristic of the

    Mughal architecture style, which was to become a lasting legacy of the nearly four hundred years of the

    Mughal rule.

    The Mughal Style

    The Mughal style was conceived by Akbar the Great, the third Mughal emperor and also the architect of

    the Mughal empire. This "Akbari" Style was an amalgam of earlier Timurid, Persian and indigenous

    Indian styles. This style was further consolidated by his grandson and fellow architecture enthusiast,

    Shah Jahan. Some of the significant architectural legacies of the Mughals are Humayun's Tomb, the Taj

    Mahal, the Forts of Agra and Lahore, the city of Fatehpur Sikri, Akbar's Tomb.

    Decline and Revival

    Shah Jahan was succeeded by his puritanical son, Aurangzeb, who had no soft spot for art andarchitecture.[2]As a result, Mughal architecture suffered, with all artisans migrating to work under the

    patronage of local rulers. With no major architectural projects undertaken, the Mughal style rapidly

    declined. This decline was evident in buildings such as Bibi Ka Maqbara, built by Azam Shah, son of

    Aurangzeb. However, local rulers embraced the style, as they had emulated it during the respective

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    Features of the Confluence of

    Indian and Persian styles

    Mughal Design Terms : The Indo-

    Persian style flourished in the

    Mughal period, and culminated in

    the Taj Mahal

    Mughal Style soon became

    individualistic, as the 'Akbari'

    architecture was further developed

    into the 'Shahjahani' style in

    which the parent styles becameless visible.

    Design Vocabulary and changing

    trends of the Indo-Persian style

    Mughal Interiors Racinet, c. 1876

    reigns of Jahangir and Shah

    Jahan.[3]The last

    architectural marvel

    produced during this waning

    period of Mughal rule was

    Safdarjung's Tomb,

    mausoleum to the second

    Nawab of Awadh.

    By the early 19th century,

    the British had made

    themselves the virtual

    masters of the Indian

    Subcontinent. In 1803, their

    control was further

    strengthened with the defeat

    of the Marathas under

    Daulatrao Scindia. Theylegitimized their rule by

    taking the then weak

    Mughal Emperor, Shah

    Alam II under their

    protection, and ruling

    through him. However, their power was yet again challenged when

    in 1857, the Indian soldiers in their employ, together with rebellious

    princes lashed out in open revolt, which came to be known as the

    Revolt of 1857. However, this uprising was doomed from the start,

    and was crushed by the British with ferocity, marking the end of the

    Mughal Empire.[4]Soon after, they embarked on deliberate

    vandalism, by demolishing significant amount of buildings in the

    Red Fort (the residence of the recently extinct Mughal Empire) and

    replacing them with towering and unimpressive barracks. It was the

    first attempt towards erasing the architectural legacy of the


    However, to usher in a new era, the British "Raj", a new

    architectural tradition had to be founded. Hence they contemplateda marriage between the existing styles of India with imported styles

    from the West, such as Gothic (with its sub styles of French Gothic,

    Venetian-Moorish etc.), Neoclassical and Art Deco, Gothic even

    more so because their design philosophy was inclined towards

    grand scale (as is evidenced by buildings such as the Taj hotel). By

    doing this they kept elements of British and European architecture, while adding Indian characteristics

    this, coupled with the British allowing some regional Indian princes to stay in power, made their

    presence more "palatable" for the Indians. The British tried to encapsulate South Asia's past within their

    own buildings and so represent Britain's Raj as legitimate, while at the same time constructing a modern

    network of railways, colleges, and law courts.

    The Style outside India

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    The Rambagh Palace in Jaipur

    The architectural style was exported to British Malaya (present day Peninsular Malaysia) via British

    engineers and architects influenced by Indo-Saracenic stylings in British India. During the design of

    government offices for the Selangor state government in Kuala Lumpur in the late 19th century, C. E.

    Spooner, then State Engineer of the Public Works Department, favoured a "Mahometan style" over a

    neoclassical one to reflect Islamic mores in the region, instructing architect Charles Norman, with

    further assistance by R. A. J. Bidwell, to redesign the building.[6]Having previously served in northern

    India, Norman and Bidwell incorporated various elements of Indo-Saracenic architecture into the

    building. Upon completion in 1897, the government offices (now known as the Sultan Abdul SamadBuilding), which would later house the administration of the Federated Malay States and the various

    post-independence governmental departments, became the one of the earliest examples of Indo-

    Saracenic architecture in Malaya.[6]The building's construction inspired additional civic buildings in the

    vicinity to be built in a similar style, while a handful of commercial buildings in Malaya have also been

    known to adopt some of the style's elements. The style was also favoured as one of several adopted by

    British architects with regards to Malayan mosques as they did not feel the need to adhere accurately to

    the cultural heritage and the traditional culture of the Malays, who remain prominent in Malayan society

    and are Muslims but lacked the means to design buildings of large scales both the Jamek Mosque and

    Ubudiah Mosque are examples of mosques that resulted from this combination.[7]While its popularity

    was limited to the 1890s to the 1910s, the style has inspired designs for newer governments buildings

    from the late-20th century and 21st century, such as several public buildings in Putrajaya.


    Indo-Saracenic designs were introduced by British

    imperialist colonizers, promoting their own sense of

    rightful self-glorification, which came to appeal to

    the aesthetic sensibilities of continental Europeans

    and Americans, whose architects came to astutelyincorporate telling indigenous "Asian Exoticism"

    elements, whilst implementing their own

    engineering innovations supporting such elaborate

    construction, both in India and abroad, evidence for

    which can be found to this day in public, private and government owned buildings. Public and

    Government buildings were often rendered on an intentionally grand scale, reflecting and promoting a

    notion of an unassailable and invincible British Empire.

    Again, structures of this design sort, particularly those built in India and England, were built in

    conformance to advanced British structural engineering standards of the 1800s, which came to include

    infrastructures composed of iron, steel and poured concrete (the innovation of reinforced cement and

    pre-cast cement elements, set with iron and/or steel rods, developed much later) the same can be said

    for like structures built elsewhere, making use of the same design vocabulary, by local architects, that

    would come to be constructed in continental Europe and the Americas: Indo-Saracenics popularity

    flourished for a span of some 30-years.

    Notable, too, is that the British, in fact Europeans generally, had long nurtured a taste for the aesthetic

    exuberance of such Asian exoticism design, as displayed in innovative Indo-Saracenic style and also

    in their taste for Chinoiserie and Japanned. Supported by the imagination of skilled artisans of various

    disciplines, exoticism promulgated itself across a broad demographic of British, European and

    Americas citizenry, Adaptation of such design innovations spilled over into and determined the

    aesthetic direction of major architectural projects, expressing themselves in the Baroque, Regency and

    design periods beyond.

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    Today, that spread of elaborate Asian exoticism design fulfillment remains evidenced in many

    residential and governmental edifices wrought of the masterpiece initiatives of the 16th, 17th and 18th

    centuries much had initially been contributed by the stupendously rich and indulgent sea-merchant

    Venetian Empire, whose existence spanned nearly a millennium, and whose Gothic architecture came to

    incorporate a plethora of Asian exoticism elements, such as the Moorish Arch in its windows, related to

    the latter "harem window"

    Generally, the insatiable craze for Asian exoticism relished those earlier periods, testamentary in their

    parallel Chinoiserie expression, likewise, ushered in this latter colonial British fascination with the

    luxuriant exoticism found in the indigenous Indian design milieu, whose characteristics includes the

    following vocabulary list of design elements and motifs (often paralleling and expanding upon the

    already ornateness of the earlier Venetians unique Gothic-Moorish, also known as Venetian Gothic

    architecture ad-mixture):

    onion (bulbous) domesoverhanging eaves

    pointed arches, cusped arches, or scalloped archesvaulted roofs

    domed kiosksmany miniature domesdomed chhatris

    pinnaclestowers or minaretsharem windowsopen pavilions or pavilions with Bangala roofs

    pierced open arcading

    Chief proponents of this style of architecture were these: Robert Fellowes Chisholm, Charles Mant,

    Henry Irwin, William Emerson, George Wittet and Frederick Stevens, along with numerous other skilledprofessionals and artisans throughout Europe and the Americas.

    Structures built in Indo-Saracenic style in India and in certain nearby countries were predominantly

    grand public edifices, such as clock towers and courthouses. Likewise, civic as well as municipal and

    governmental colleges along with town halls counted this style among its top-ranked and most-prized

    structures to this day ironically, in Britain itself, for example, King George IV's Royal Pavilion at

    Brighton, (which twice in its lifetime has been threatened with being torn-down, denigrated by some as a

    carnival sideshow, and dismissed by others as an architectural folly of inferior design, no less) and

    elsewhere, these rare and often diminutive (though sometimes, as mentioned, of grand-scale), residential

    structures that exhibit this colonial style are highly valuable and prized by the communities in whichthey exist as being somehow "magical" in appearance.

    Typically, in India, villages, towns and cites of some means would lavish significant sums on

    construction of such "indigenous ethnic architecture" when plans were drawn up for construction of the

    local railway stations, museums and art galleries.

    The cost involved in the construction of buildings of this style was high, including all their inherent

    customization, ornament and minutia decoration, the artisans' ingenuous skills (stone and wood carving,

    as well as the exquisite lapidary/inlaid work) and usual accessibility to requisite raw materials, hence the

    style was executed only on buildings of a grand scale. However the occasional residential structure ofthis sort, (its being built in part or whole with Indo-Saracenic design elements/motifs) did appear quite

    often, and such buildings have grown ever more valuable and highly prized by local and foreign

    populations for their exuberant beauty today.
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    Either evidenced in a propertys primary unit or any of its outbuildings, such estate-caliber residential

    properties lucky enough to boost the presence of an Indo-Saracenic structure, are still to be seen,

    generally, where in instances urban sprawl has not yet overcome them often they are to be found in

    exclusive neighborhoods' (or surrounded, as cherished survivors, by enormous sky-scarpers, in more

    recently claimed urbanized areas throughout this techno driven, socio-economic revolutionary era

    marking Indias recent decades history), and are often locally referred to as "mini-palaces". Usually,

    their form-factors are these: townhouse, wings and/or porticoes. Additionally, more often seen are the

    diminutive renditions of the Indo-Saracenic style, built originally for lesser budgets, finding theirnonetheless romantic expression in the occasional and serenely beautiful garden pavilion outbuildings,

    throughout the world especially, in India and England.


    In Bangladesh

    Ahsan Manzil in


    Curzon Hall in Dhaka

    Tajhat Palace in


    Shoshi Lodge in


    Natore Rajbari

    Rose Garden Palace

    Uttara Gonobhaban

    In India,_Bangladesh
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    The Gateway of India

    The Taj Mahal Hotel in


    Mysore Palace

    The National Art

    Gallery (Chennai)

    Victoria Public Hall in


    Senate House

    (University of Madras)

    Victoria Memorial in


    Ripon Building part of

    the Chennai

    Corporation in Chennai

    Bombay GPO

    Khalsa College,


    Daly College, Indore

    by Samuel Swinton


    Central Secretariat,

    headquarters of the

    govt of India

    In Pakistan,_Amritsar
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    Aitchison College,


    Lahore Museum,


    Clock Tower,


    University of the


    Lahore Government

    College University

    Karachi Port Trust

    Headquarters, Karachi

    National Academy of

    Performing Arts,


    Sacred Heart

    Cathedral, Lahore

    Rwp train1.jpg,


    Darbar Mahal,


    Sadiq Dane High

    School, Bahawalpur

    Noor Mahal,


    Islamia College

    University, Peshawar

    Government Higher

    Secondary School,


    Ghanta Ghar (Multan)

    Karachi Municipal

    Corporation Building,_Lahore
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    In the United Kingdom

    Royal Pavilion in


    Elephant Tea Rooms in


    Sassoon Mausoleum,

    now a chic Brighton

    supper club

    Western Pavilion in

    Brighton, designed by

    Amon Henry Wilds as

    his own home

    Sezincote House

    In Malaysia

    Sultan Abdul Samad

    Building in Kuala


    Jubilee Clock Tower in

    George Town, Penang.

    Textile Museum in

    Kuala Lumpur.

    The Old High Court

    Building in Kuala

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    Wikimedia Commons has

    media related toIndo-

    Saracenic Revival


    Old Kuala Lumpur

    Town Hall.

    Jamek Mosque in

    Kuala Lumpur.

    Kuala Lumpur Railway




    Building, Kuala


    Ubudiah Mosque in

    Kuala Kangsar, Perak.

    Perdana Putra in

    Putrajaya, an example

    of modern Indo-

    Saracenic Revival-

    influenced architecturein Malaysia.

    The Palace of Justice in

    Putrajaya, another

    modern example.

    See also

    Moorish Revival architecture


    1. "Saracen." Encyclopdia Britannica. 2007


    Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. 23 Sept. 2007.

    2. He went as far as defacing many edifices built by his great-

    grandfather Akbar, as they had animal motifs, something which

    was forbidden in the Quran

    3. The rulers of Rajputana would construct their palaces in Mughal style to impress their overlord, the Great

    Mughal. Examples of such structures are the Amber Fort near the city of Jaipur, the Orchha palace in Madhya

    Pradesh and most of the Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur

    4. The last Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah II became a pawn of the mutineers and was arrested and exiled for

    treason5. Other deliberate and demeaning actions include converting the Diwan-e-Khas (Private audience hall) into an

    officer's mess, as well as converting the Diwan-e-Am (Public audience hall) at Agra fort into an arsenal

    6. Gullick, John Michael (1998). "The British 'Raj' style ", The Encyclopedia of Malaysia (Architecture), p. 82

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    7. Mizan Hashim, David (1998). "Indian and Mogul influences on Mosques", The Encyclopedia of Malaysia

    (Architecture), p. 8485.

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