Individualistic Theories Learning Theories Psychodynamic / psychological theories.

Individualistic Theories Learning Theories Psychodynamic / psychological theories

Transcript of Individualistic Theories Learning Theories Psychodynamic / psychological theories.

Page 1: Individualistic Theories Learning Theories Psychodynamic / psychological theories.

Individualistic Theories

Learning Theories Psychodynamic /

psychological theories

Page 2: Individualistic Theories Learning Theories Psychodynamic / psychological theories.


• All humans have criminal tendencies

• Most people develop inner controls to help them deal with their urges

• A child who is not correctly brought up will develop personality problems that cause criminal behaviours

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Freud & Crime

• Freud believed that there are three parts to each person’s personality: – Superego (conscience and morality)– Ego (rational, sensible and control)– Id (selfish, animalistic urges).

• Criminal behaviour results from unresolved conflicts between these parts of the personality.

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Recap Bandura

• People learn by watching the behaviour of others

• If children watch adults gaining pleasure from an activity, or being punished, they will either repeat or reject behaviours – BOXING?

• Aggression can be learned from watching others behave in an aggressive manner

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Media influences

• Discuss in groups – your opinions from HW sheet – 10 minutes

• Feedback to group and share argument

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Can these approaches be criticised?

It puts the responsibility for crime on the individual and ignores social factors

These approaches show how criminals think and offer insight into the faulty thinking that can result in criminal behaviours

They offer therapies to help criminals come to terms with their actions

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Public policy and psychological theory

• Individualistic approach seeks to understand what drives people to crime

• It seeks to treat and rehabilitate criminals through understanding what drove them to their behaviour

• Treatment programmes, counselling and victim offender mediation where criminals are taught to understand the results of their actions on others

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Discussion questions

• Is there any value to this approach?

• If psychologists could understand what processes drive individuals to criminal behaviour, what would be the implications for the prison system and police force?

• Do these approaches simply reinforce stereotypes of criminals?

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Serial killers to research

• Jeffrey Dahmer (serial killer of young men)• Fred and Rosemary West (murderers of young

women)• Aileen Wournos (female killer of men)• What happened to these people in their early

lives that could have contributed to their criminal behaviours?