Individual Assignment 2 2

IT Applications Page 1 of 23 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT This assignment involved TWO (2) sections. Section A requires you to create files using Ms Word and Ms Excel while Section B requires you to create files using Ms Access and Ms Power Point. You are only allowed to use both Ms Word and Ms Excel software applications in Section A, while Ms Access and Ms Power Point in Section B. You are NOT allowed to use any other software than the mentioned software applications. Each question in each section has its own software application requirements. Read all of the questions carefully to fully understand the requirements before starting the assignment. This assignment is an INDIVIDUAL Assignment. Learning Outcomes: In conclusion, students should be able to: Create a document for a brochure, mail merge letter and report. Prepare a financial accounting spreadsheet with appropriate formulas, functions, formatting and charts. To create tables in a database, forms to enter data into the tables and a variety of queries to be performed based on the table. To create and design a set of presentation slides based on the facts gathered from a research. Understand the different applications of Microsoft Office towards easing problem solving methods in habitual corporate situations. Section A (Total: 50 marks) Gifts2Give House is a popular gift shop. Its popularity is due to two things: the good-for-any-events products, and the delivery Foundation Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology 201206



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This assignment involved TWO (2) sections. Section A requires you to create files using Ms Word and Ms Excel while Section B requires you to create files using Ms Access and Ms Power Point. You are only allowed to use both Ms Word and Ms Excel software applications in Section A, while Ms Access and Ms Power Point in Section B. You are NOT allowed to use any other software than the mentioned software applications. Each question in each section has its own software application requirements. Read all of the questions carefully to fully understand the requirements before starting the assignment. This assignment is an INDIVIDUAL Assignment.

Learning Outcomes:In conclusion, students should be able to:

Create a document for a brochure, mail merge letter and report. Prepare a financial accounting spreadsheet with appropriate formulas, functions,

formatting and charts. To create tables in a database, forms to enter data into the tables and a variety of queries

to be performed based on the table. To create and design a set of presentation slides based on the facts gathered from a

research. Understand the different applications of Microsoft Office towards easing problem solving

methods in habitual corporate situations.

Section A(Total: 50 marks)

Gifts2Give House is a popular gift shop. Its popularity is due to two things: the good-for-any-events products, and the delivery service. The shop offers gifts that can be given as a present for just about any occasions such as flowers, candies, chocolates, and cookies. Since its establishment in May 2010, documentation of supply orders, customer orders, price calculation, and promotional activities are all done manually on paper.

The owner of the gift shop is looking for a consultant who can automate the suppliers’ particulars and other transaction by using a spreadsheet application. Also, ensure that the generation of the report would be a detailed explanation of how the spreadsheet had been designed, as there can be further work done on the spreadsheet. Proper documentation of the work done in this section must be done in a professional manner.

Assume that you have been assigned to work for this shop in the above mentioned capacity. Use only Ms Excel and Ms Word. You are to consider making the spreadsheet as user friendly as

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possible with figures that re-compute automatically for each month of the incoming years to come. Ultimately, make the spreadsheet’s future maintenance effortless.

Table 1: SuppliesItems Supplier Name Price

Roses (per dozen) Flower Stalks Gallery$15.0


Carnations (per dozen) Flower Stalks Gallery$11.0


Statices (per 20 stalks) Flower Stalks Gallery$15.4

0Plastic Wraps (15 sheets) Gifts Accessories Supply $5.00Basket Gifts Accessories Supply $5.50Ribbons (30 pieces) Gifts Accessories Supply $2.50Cards (50 pieces) Gifts Accessories Supply $5.00

Chocolates Sweet Factory$30.0


Chocolate-Chip Cookies Sweet Factory$23.0


Candies Sweet Factory$10.0


Table 2: Customers ListID First Name Last Name Address Contact Number

CID0001 Andrew Tan 19, Addison Street, Puchong 012-2344322CID0002 Bob Schmitz 150, Gurney Drive, Kajang 012-6788765CID0003 Candace Rodriguez 1015, 15th Street, Puchong 012-1121123CID0004 Danny Quzzac 54, Univeristy Park, Bangi 019-9999998CID0005 Emily Patman 24, East 21st Street, Kuala Lumpur 019-2223423CID0006 Frederick Omm PO. Box 49, St. Anne, Serdang 019-1234567CID0007 Gina Nickleback

I21, University Avenue, Kuala Lumpur 016-9876543

CID0008 Hannah Montana 40, Institutional Area, Puchong 019-8888898CID0009 Isaac Lewis 96, BUTL, Bangi 019-5677655CID0010 Joshua Kholes 54, Desa Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur 019-4488881

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CID0011 Kendra James 121, 8th Street, Puchong 019-6789560CID0012 Lance Islands PO Box 1234, Avon, Puchong 012-3456758CID0013 Monique Hance

67, 28th cross street, Seri Kembangan 019-4488123

CID0014 Nancy Gerome 1254, West spa, Serdang 016-9058789CID0015 Omar Freshair 29, Main Street, Bangi 019-3254567CID0016 Patrick Edwin 56, Lodge avenue, Kuala Lumpur 019-4498781CID0017 Qimmy Dance 1015, 2nd Street, Puchong 012-3232412CID0018 Roy Clod 4, Mt Lavinia, Serdang 016-6781234CID0019 Stan Brown

678, Gateway, Puchong, Seri Kembangan 014-9087652

CID0020 Thommas Aims 231, May Park, Kuala Lumpur 012-7878789

Table 3: Price ListGift Set Price

Candies $15.00Carnation Hand Bouquet $88.00Chocolate-Chip Cookies $27.00Chocolates $35.00Flowers Basket $110.00Rose Hand Bouquet $98.00

Flower per Stalk Carnation $5.00Rose $6.00

Question 1:Assume that you are going to create a spreadsheet template for the monthly supply order. Use Ms Excel to create the worksheets according to the following requirements (refer to Table 1 when needed):

a) Open a new work book. Rename Sheet1 tab to “Suppliers”. This worksheet should include three tables (one for each supplier) Consisting of the Items and Price. Rename Sheet2 tab to “Flower Stalks Gallery”. This worksheet should include Flower Types (default values: Rose, Carnation, and Statice), Blue Stalks (default values: N/A for Rose and Carnation, 0 for Statice), Pink Stalks (default values: 0 for Rose, Carnation, and Statice), Purple Stalks (default values: N/A for Rose, and 0 for Carnations and Statice),

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Red Stalks (default values: 0 for Rose and Carnation, and N/A for Statice), White Stalks (default values: 0 for Rose, Carnation, and Statice), and Yellow Stalks (default values: N/A for Rose, and 0 for Carnation and Statice). Rename Sheet3 tab to “Gifts Accessories Supply”. This worksheet should include Accessory Type (default values: Plastic Wraps, Basket, Ribbons, and Cards) and Package Qty (default values: 0 for Plastic Wraps, Basket, Ribbons, and Cards). Rename Sheet4 tab to “Sweet Factory”. This worksheet should include Items (default values: Chocolates, Chocolate-Chip Cookies, and Candies) and Package Qty (default values: 0 for Chocolates, Chocolate-Chip Cookies, and Candies).

b) Column titles should be in UPPER CASE, bold and italicized.c) Format each column according to the right data type.d) Include a small logo of the gift shop designed on your own using Ms Word software on

the top row of every worksheet created.e) Include the current date and time below the logo for every worksheet created using a

specific function.f) Make the spreadsheet presentable.g) Save the spreadsheet as template.

Question 2:

There are various methods to formulate the computations. Use the best methods, which will make the spreadsheet’s future maintenance effortless.

(Hint: For effortless future maintenance, use logical if function and absolute reference where applicable)

Flower Stalks Gallery Worksheeta) Calculate the total Number of Stalks for each type of flowers.b) Calculate the number of Free Stalks: (Hint: Use INT() function to set the decimal value

to a whole number value) i) Free one rose stalk for every dozen after the first 2 dozens.ii) Free one carnation stalk for every dozen after the first 10 dozens.

c) Calculate the Price for each type of flowers based on the following criteria. i) Rose stalks - $15.00/dozen – minimal of 2 dozensii) Carnation stalks - $11.00/dozen – minimal of 10 dozensiii) Statice stalks - $15.40/20 stalks – minimal of 20 stalks

Presumption: If Gifts2Give House is not ordering according to the minimal criteria for any one of the type of flowers, then it is assumed that no order of that specific type of flowers will be ordered.

d) Write a Remark next to the Price if the Number of Stalks for each type of flowers is greater than 0 but less than the minimal order criteria. The remark should inform the

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spreadsheet user the minimal number of stalks to be ordered for the specific type of flowers.

e) Calculate the Total Price for the flowers to be ordered.

Gifts Accessories Supply Worksheetf) Calculate the Price for each accessory type based on the table for Gifts Accessories

Supply, which you have created in the “Suppliers” worksheet.g) Calculate 5% Tax for each accessory type.h) Calculate the Total Accessory Price for the accessories to be ordered.i) If the Total Accessory Price is less than $1000.00, then include a 5% delivery charges to

the Total Price.

Sweet Factory Worksheetj) Calculate the Price for each items based on the table for Sweet Factory, which you have

created in the “Suppliers” worksheet.k) Calculate the Discount based on the following criteria:

i) Price is greater than or equal to $500.00 – 3% discountii) Price is greater than or equal to $800.00 – 4% discountiii) Price is greater than or equal to $1000.00 – 5% discount

l) Calculate the Total Price for the items to be ordered. Include an additional of $10.00 for the delivery charges.

Question 3:

Perform the following tasks:a) In the Flower Stalks Gallery worksheet, use conditional formatting to highlight the

Number of Stalks cells if the total number of stalks is at least 1, but less than the minimal criteria.

b) In the Flower Stalks Gallery worksheet, use conditional formatting to highlight the Remark cells if the remark is given.

Provide appropriate validations to control unrelated data being keyed into the tables, which will include:

c) The price in the Suppliers worksheet cannot be less than or equal 0.d) Negative values and decimal values are not acceptable for any input on the flower stalks

for the Flower Stalks Gallery worksheet.e) The Package Qty for both Gifts Accessories Supply and Sweet Factory worksheets

cannot contain values that are decimal values, and are less than 0.Explain and indicate in workbook the conditions and validations involved to provide information to the users.

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Protect the worksheets so that the worksheets cannot be edited. Set the password to abc123. Spreadsheet users are allowed to enter data to only the following cells:

f) Without password:i) Any coloured flower stalks with the default value of 0 for the Flower Stalks

Gallery worksheet.ii) The package qty for both Gifts Accessories Supply and Sweet Factory

worksheets.g) With password:

i) The price in the Suppliers worksheet.ii) Any cells containing the constant rate, where an absolute referencing refers to.

Question 4:

Calculate the following:a) Count the number of types of items for each supplier.b) Count the number of types of items from all suppliers that are less than or equal to

$10.00.c) Count the number of items that the spreadsheet user is spending on more than $200.00.

Question 5:

Create a worksheet which consists of only charts with appropriate labels. a) Draw appropriate spending charts for each of the supplier worksheets (Flower Stalks

Gallery, Gifts Accessories Supply, and Sweet Factory) based on the items.b) Draw a comparison chart illustrating the amount of money spent to each supplier.

Question 6:

Create a spending analysis for the current month using the template. Use appropriate data deem logical. Save it as “Spending Analysis”.

Question 7:

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You are required to use screenshots and (or) hyperlinks from the workbook you have created to your Ms Word document, to prepare the proper documentation of the work done. Make sure you use an official document format and it has to be presented neatly. Extra marks will be given to students who uses own creativity. Documentation should present the following, but not only limited to:

a) The sheet(s) which display the result.b) The formula(s) which contribute to the result.c) The chart(s).d) The “Table of Contents” with the associated page numbering e) Acknowledgements.f) Relevant “Subtitle(s)” such as “Introduction” and “Conclusion”.g) Endnotes/Footnotes are to be included.h) References.i) Relevant diagrams.j) Any advanced features. The advanced features may include the features that are not

being taught to you in class, as well as your own findings from external resources such as related books and the internet. This will score you extra points.

Note that all the tasks listed above have to be done and screen shots or printouts are to be displayed to prove that you have completed the task.

[25 marks]

Question 8 (Ms Word – A mail to all the Gifts2Give House membership customers informing the a promotional event):

You are requested to write a letter to each of the shop’s membership customers regarding a promotional event. The Letter should present the following, but is not limited to (refer to Table 2 when needed):

a) The shop’s name, address and logob) The receiver name, address, and IDc) The titled) The promotions/discounts e) Signatoryf) The date

You are asked to create a small data source (recipient list) which has the customer’s first and last name, address, and ID.

Use Ms Word Mail Merge Wizard in order to create a customized letter to each customer.

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Explain as well in your documentation (Question 7) how you are able to produce the mail merge using the real implementation which you did for the promotional letter.

[15 marks]

Question 9 (Ms Word – Brochure):

You are to create a Brochure to promote Gifts2Give House. Include necessary information such as web pages, company logo, contact numbers, address, etc that would assist in promoting the shop (refer to Table 3 when needed). Creativity and originality will score high points here.

In your documentation (Question 7), label out different features of Ms Word which you provide in your brochure into your documentation. Point out any advanced feature(s) used. The advanced features may include the features that are not being taught to you in class, as well as your own findings from external resources. You may use you own creativity to arrange the text. However, you must ensure the ease of reading and visibility.

[10 marks]

Section B(Total: 50 marks)

The owner of the gift shop now asks you to develop a database system to keep track of the customers, orders, and transaction, which are interrelated. The database use forms for data entry and produces many reports.

Your task is to create a database according to the instructions given below. Use the necessary information derived from Section A to complete the database. You are to use the best methods to allow ease of future maintenance and make the database as user friendly as possible.

You are to create a database with an appropriate title for your work. Among the tables in the Gifts2Give House database are the Customers, Gifts Price and Order tables, where you can find the information for Customers and Gifts Price in Table 2 and Table 3 of Section A.

Question 1:

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Create a database by performing the following tasks:a) Create a Customer Membership Info table by referring to Table 2.b) Create a Gifts table by referring to Table 3.c) Create an Customer Order Record table based on the following criteria:

i) Field names include Customer ID, Delivery Service, Delivery Date, Recipient Name, Delivery Address, Recipient Contact Number, Gift Set, Rose Stalk, Carnation Stalk, Card, and Card Message

ii) The Customer ID must not hold an empty valueiii) The Delivery Service and Card should be set as a YES/NO checkboxiv) The Gift Set should be set as a list box which allows multiple values to be

enteredv) The Rose Stalk and Carnation Stalk have a default value of 0vi) The Card Message should be set as a combo box, listing different types of

wishes. The combo box should allow the database user to enter any other wishes that is not included in the combo box list.

d) Use appropriate field names, data types, descriptions and field properties for all three tables.

e) Set appropriate field size for each possible data type. f) Set limit and data range for any possible fields. You may limit the selection.g) Set appropriate validation where necessary.h) Set the primary key only where needed.i) Use advance formatting features wherever applicable (e.g. input mask, combo box


Question 2:

a) Create a form for each Gifts table and Customer Membership Info table where new data entry, modification, and deletion are possible.

b) Create a form for Customer Order Record table where new data entry, modification, and deletion are possible. Set the default Customer ID to CID0000. All non-membership customers will use Customer ID CID0000.

c) Include a sub-form of Customer Membership Info to the Customer Order Record form, so that when a membership customer comes in to buy a gift, upon entering the customer membership ID number, the sub-form will display the member’s particulars.

d) Modify and arrange proper layout and design for all forms. e) Add appropriate data (minimum of 20 transactions) to your Customer Order Record

table by using the form.

Question 3:

a) Create the following queries. Save each query with its own suitable name. You may name it each query with an appropriate title. Do NOT use terms such as Query i, Query ii etc. as your titles.

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i) Display the customers’ name who bought a card, along with the message to be printed on the card.

ii) Display all records of customer orders where the delivery date falls on the 9 th day or the 13th day of the current month.

iii) Display the number of rose stalks bought by walk-in customers only.iv) Display all recipients from the delivery who have received, or are receiving, or

will receive chocolates.v) Display all recipients from the delivery whose name (first or last) starts with the

letter Display the customer identification number and the gift-set/flower stalks bought

by membership customers.vii)Display the customer’s name and recipient’s name if they are living in the same

household.viii) Supposed that the initial number of carnation stalks available on the 1 st day of

the current month is 1000. Determine the total number of carnation stalks left after the transactions of the customer order.

ix) Display all records that do not require deliver service.x) Display all information needed for today’s delivery.xi) Display all information needed for tomorrow’s delivery.xii)Display the customer identification number, customer first and last names, and

gift-set (excluding flower stalks) where the customers are paying more than $30.00, but less than $120.00.

b) Create a report for each query produced above. Choose a suitable report layout and style. Change and modify the design and name of all reports.

Question 4:

a) Create a switchboard with the following structure:Main Menu:

a. Forms Listing and linking to all the forms.

b. Queries Listing and linking to all the queries.

c. Reports Listing and linking to all the reports.

d. Tables Listing and linking to all the tables.

b) Modify the switchboard design.

[20 marks]

Question 5 (Presentation Slides of Gifts2Give House Database System ):

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You are required to design a set of Ms Power Point presentation slides to present the Ms Access objects created in Question 1 to 4. The slides should consist the following:

a) Screenshots of all of the tables in design view. For each table show ONLY the field(s) and the field properties which has been customized, e.g. fields which were set with validation, input mask and (or) format.

b) Screenshots of all of the forms and sub-form in form view. For each form and the sub-form, limit the display to only show one record in each slide.

c) Screenshots of all of the queries in query design view.d) Screenshots of reports. Limit to only display 5 best reports.e) Screenshots of the switchboard and the switchboard manager.f) In the slides ensure the following:

The slide should have relevant title. The background is appropriate for the topic. Important: Please do not use the

default templates or the wizard. You are to create your own design template in Master Slide. Background should be consistent as in master view.

The pictures/graphics are relevant to the topic of each slide and paste appropriately, counterpart with the customized background.

The font size for the body of the slide should not be less than 24 pt. There is consistency in each slide in terms of background, fonts, footer, etc. There is a variety of slide layouts within each set with suitable table, charts or clips. Animate the slides appropriately using both Custom Animation and Transitions. Provide any hyperlinks/action buttons within the slides to easily navigate

throughout the presentation slides. Each slide does not contain too much text. Cite your references on the last slide.

[15 marks]


During the presentation, each student is to demonstrate an acceptable level of understanding in using the features of the software applications. The student should be able to explain the effort in producing the solution, as well as answer relevant questions pertaining to the work produced.

[15 marks]


Hardcopy shall include: The report documentation which includes the spreadsheet result, spreadsheet formula,

spreadsheet chart. Printed letter for only TWO (2) different clients. Brochure.

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Ms PowerPoint Slides.

Softcopy shall include: All Ms Word files (Report documentation, mail merge and brochure). Ms Excel files. Ms Access files. Ms Power Point files.

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Assessment Criteria

DistinctionDemonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the features and functions in Ms Office with detailed evidence displayed during presentation. No errors, such as in formulas, were encountered in the documentation with regard to the usage of the package. High level of effort performed, exceptional and thorough knowledge and understanding displayed with regard to facilities and services of the application software. The assignment presented in a professional manner, using not only the basic of the application packages but also various advanced features. In order to obtain a grade at this level, the student should be able to present oral arguments in clear and cogent manner as well as answer most questions confidently.

CreditAdequate effort conducted with fair detail of evidence presented. Moderate level of understanding and knowledge displayed with regards to the application software. Good level of documentation presented. Some level of understanding was evident in the documentation and presentation. The assignment should be in professional manner, using some basic applications of the application packages. At this level student should be able to present adequately some oral arguments as well as answer questions with average level of confidence.

PassLow-level effort conducted. Some or basic evidence of understanding and knowledge demonstrated. Satisfactory level of documentation and presentation displayed. Satisfactory or low level of reflection displayed. The assignment is created using hardly any basic applications of the application package, example lack of formatting or insufficient formulas; the student could barely explain the work done and was not able to answer most questions posed.

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Appendix A

DOCUMENTATIONPage NumberingBullets and numberingsHeader and footerTable of ContentAcknowledgementIntroductionConclusionReferenceDiagrams and illustrationsUsing various relevant featuresExplanation on formulaExplanation on absolute referenceExplanation on conditional formattingExplanation on data validationExplanation on templateExplanation on brochureExplanation on Mail merge

SPREADSHEETSuppliers worksheetFlower Stalks Gallery worksheetGifts Accessories Supply worksheetChart worksheetOther worksheetsMaking use of hyperlinkProvide at least three (3) IF Statement where applicableProvide absolute reference where applicableComplete chartsOther chartConditional formatting for:Number of stalks for roseNumber of stalks for carnationRemarks for roseRemarks for carnation

Data validation for:Price in the Suppliers worksheet cannot be less than or equal 0.For flower stalks for the Flower Stalks

Gallery worksheet, minimal value is 0.The Package Qty for both Gifts Accessories Supply and Sweet Factory worksheets, minimal value is 0.If the Delivery Service is checked as YES, then Delivery Date, Recipient Name and Delivery Address must be provided

Provide count if based on given conditionsLinking worksheet used in related worksheets

LETTER AND MAIL MERGEContain company’s logoContain company’s addressContain company nameContain Customer’s name Contain Customer’s addressContain Customer’s IDContain relevant contentsContain Title/Subject of letterContain Signatory/signature lineContain dateContain header and footerContain table/bullets & numberingContain symbol/watermark etc.

BROCHUREContain more than 5 featuresContain 4-5 featuresContain less than 4 features

SPELLING AND GRAMMAR: No error Minimal errors Some errors Obvious errors

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