Indie Music Before, Today, And In The Future


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The indie music scene continues to grow and diversify thanks largely to the Internet which has made various tasks associated with music production and publishing easier and cheaper. To know more about indie music, click this link:

Transcript of Indie Music Before, Today, And In The Future

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Indie Music Before, Today, And In The Future

How to succeed in this field

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The word “indie” was traditionally used to refer to independent art like film

and literature which are made outside of what many consider mainstream and

usually without corporate financing. It also applies to music, and in such case,

it describes music that is not produced and funded by big corporate labels

such as Sony. Indie artists provide music that is diverse, new and interesting

for people who are tired of hearing to the same things over and over again.

Indie music before

Indie music is not new. This subculture started flourishing since the late

1970s, and back then it somewhat embodied an anti-corporate idealism.

Music produced by indie artists in those times showed a strong do-it-yourself,

creative, and rebellious aesthetic. While many would say that the indie music

scene has changed a lot since its inception, there are several characteristics

that have remained relatively constant. For instance, indie artists are

generally freer to publish and release songs which may not be commercially

viable. These musicians do not feel the need to change their sound to fit

popular trends because for the most part, they are more concerned about

expressing themselves than with becoming famous. Even though independent

artists do not necessarily make a lot of money, they usually have a massive

following that remain loyal to them for many years.

Indie music in the digital age

The indie music subgenre continues to grow thanks largely to technologies

like the Internet, which has made it much easier for artists with modest

budgets to produce and distribute their music. For instance, independent

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artists can submit their songs to indie music blogs, which allows them to reach

audiences in other parts of the world. Independent artists can also set up their

own website and promote or sell their tracks from there. When their songs

are downloaded or if they lend companies the right to use or distribute their

music, indie musicians can earn a profit.

Websites that host indie music podcasts also

make it easy for people to listen to indie

tunes, search for up and coming artists, and

follow their idols. In addition, social media

platforms have allowed indie artists to build

communities around themselves, which

makes it easy to update their fans of their

gigs and new songs. Social networking

websites also allow fans to give their

own indie music reviews and recommendations.

Indie music in the future

Many people say that the line between what that separates indie from

mainstream music will be erased in the future as independent labels adopt the

business practices of major labels and as the latter use the indie tag on their

artists to market authenticity. Despite these changes, observers believe that

the indie subculture will survive. Even if indie no longer holds that do-it-

yourself aesthetic in the future, this philosophy will still remain as long as

there are artists who maintain control and integrity over their art, whether

they are on their own or financed by a big label.