Indian Politics

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Page 1: Indian Politics

Indian politics

Politics of IndiaFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Page 2: Indian Politics

Parliament of India.

Politics in India (Hindi:भा�रती�य र�जनी�तिती) takes place within the framework of a constitution. India is afederal parliamentary democratic republic in which the President of India is head of state and the Prime Minister of India is the head of government. India follows the dual polity, i.e. double government which consists of the union at the centre and states at the periphery. The constitution defines the organisation, powers and limitations of both central and state governments, it is written, rigid and supreme, i.e. laws of the nation must conform to it. There is provision for a bicameral legislature consisting of an Upper House, i.e. Rajya Sabha, which represent the states of the Indian federation and a lower house i.e. Lok Sabha, that represents the people of India as a whole. Indian constitution provides for an independent Judiciary headed by the Supreme Court to adhere and protect the constitution and to settle disputes between the centre and the states or between the states, it can also nullify any central or state laws if they are against the constitution.[1]

The governments,union or state, are formed through elections held every five years(unless otherwise specified), by having the majority of members in their respective lower houses (Lok Sabha in centre and Vidhan Sabha in states). India had its first general election in 1951, which was dominated by Indian National Congress, and went on to dominate the successive elections, up till 1977, when the first non-Congress government was formed for the first time in independent India. The 1990s saw the end of Single Party domination and rise of Coalition Governments. The elections for 16th Lok Sabha held in April and May 2014 once again brought back single-party rule in the country, that of theBharatiya Janata Party.[2]



1 Political parties and Alliances

o 1.1 Features of Political Parties in India

o 1.2 Types of Political Parties

o 1.3 Alliances

2 Local governance

3 Role of political parties

4 Political issues

o 4.1 Social issues

o 4.2 Economic issues

o 4.3 Law and order

5 See also

6 References

7 Further reading

8 External links

Political parties and Alliances[edit]For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

Main articles: Indian general election, 2009 and Indian_general_election, 2014

Features of Political Parties in India[edit]As compared to other democratic countries India has a large number of political parties, it has been estimated that over 200 parties were formed after India became independent in 1947.[3]

One feature of the political parties in India is that the parties are generally woven around their leaders, the leaders actively playing a dominant role, the role of leadership can be transferred and tends to take dynastic route. Such parties include both national and regional parties, parties such as Indian National Congress(INC) has been led by Nehru-Gandhi dynasty since independence, starting from Jawaharlal Nehru who dominated the INC and led it to victory in three consecutive elections. After a brief interlude of the prime ministership of Lal Bahadur Shastri, Nehru's daughter, Indira Gandhi became prime minister. After the split in the

Page 3: Indian Politics

Congress party in 1969 she formed her own Indian National congress (Ruling). After a a further split, she formed the Congress (Indira) or Congress(I). Indira remained the leader of the party until her death in 1984, when her son Rajiv Gandhitook the reigns and after his death his widow Sonia Gandhi, the current leader of INC took command.[4] As a result of such dominance, the leaders of political parties of the country tend to take an autocratic tone.

One other major feature of the political parties is that, except the communist parties, most of the political parties of India lack an ideological basis. Instead political parties in India are formed on the basis of race, religion, language, caste etc. factors, thus the high number of political parties.[3]

Types of Political Parties[edit]Main article: List of recognised political parties in India

There are two types of political parties in India - National Party and Regional/State party. Every political party must bear a symbol and must be registered with the Election Commission of India.

In the current amendment to the Symbols Order, the Commission, has infused the following five principles, which, in its view, should govern the polity in the country, situate as it is in its present state:[5]

1. Legislative presence is a must for recognition as a National or State party.2. For a National party, it must be the legislative presence in the Lok Sabha, and, for a

State party, the legislative presence must be reflected in the State Assembly.3. In any election, a party can set up a candidate only from amongst its own members.4. A party, that loses its recognition, shall not lose its symbol immediately, but shall be

given the facility to use that symbol for some time to try and retrieve its status. [However, the grant of such facility to the party to use its symbol will not mean the extension of other facilities to it, as are available to recognised parties, like, free time on Doordarshan/AIR, free supply of copies of electoral rolls, etc.]

5. Recognition should be given to a party only on the basis of its own performance in elections and not because it is a splinter group of some other recognised party.

Criteria[5] -

A political party shall be eligible to be recognised as a National party if :-

1. it secures at least six percent(6%) of the valid votes polled in any four or more states, at a general election to the House of the People or, to the State Legislative Assembly; and

2. in addition, it wins at least four seats in the House of the People from any State or States.

OR it wins at least two percent (2%) seats in the House of the People (i.e., 11 seats in the existing House having 543 members), and these members are elected from at least threedifferent States.

Likewise, a political party shall be entitled to be recognised as a State party, if :-

1. it secures at least six percent (6%) of the valid votes polled in the State at a general election, either to the House of the People or to the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned; and

2. in addition, it wins at least two seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned.


it wins at least three percent (3%) of the total number of seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State, or at least three seats in the Assembly, whichever is more.

At present there are 6 national parties and over 40 state parties.

Alliances[edit]There are three alliances on a national level in India, competing with each other for the position of Government. The member parties work in harmony for gratifying national interests, although a party can jump ships whenever it may deem fit.

The three alliances -

United Progressive Alliance (UPA) - Centre-Left coalition led by INC, this alliance was created after the 2004 General Elections, with the alliance forming the Government. The alliance even after losing some of its members, was reelected in 2009 General Elections with Manmohan Singh as head of the government.

Page 4: Indian Politics

National Democratic Alliance (NDA) - Centre-Right coalition led by BJP was formed in 1998 after the elections, NDA formed the government although the government didn't last long as AIADMK withdrew support from it resulting in 1999 general elections, in which NDA won and resumed power. The coalition government went on to complete the full five years term, becoming the first non-Congress government to do so. In the 2014 General Elections NDA once again returned to power for the second time, with a historic mandate of 336 out of 543 Lok Sabha seats. BJP itself won 282 seats thereby electing Narendra Modi as the head of the government.

Third front  - The coalition of parties which do not belong to any of the above camps due to certain issues. One of the major parties in the alliance CPI(M), prior to 2009 General Elections was a member party of the UPA. The alliance has no official leading party.

Local governance[edit]Main article: Panchayati Raj

On April 24, 1993, the Constitutional (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 came into force to provide constitutional status to the Panchayati Raj institutions. This Act was extended to Panchayats in the tribal areas of eight States, namely Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Rajasthan from 24 December 1996.

The Act aims to provide 3-tier system of Panchayati Raj for all States having population of over 2 million, to hold Panchayat elections regularly every 5 years, to provide reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Women, to appoint State Finance Commission to make recommendations as regards the financial powers of the Panchayats and to constitute District Planning Committee to prepare draft development plan for the district.

Role of political parties[edit]

Part of the Politics series

Party politics

Political spectrum

Far left /Radical left

Left wing


Centre /Radical centre


Right wing

Far right /Radical right

Party platform










Party system





Page 5: Indian Politics




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For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

As with any other democracy, political parties represent different sections among the Indian society and regions, and their core values play a major role in the politics of India. Both the executive branch and the legislative branch of the government are run by the representatives of the political parties who have been elected through the elections. Through the electoral process, the people of India choose which representative and which political party should run the government. Through the elections any party may gain simple majority in the lower house. Coalitions are formed by the political parties, in case no single party gains a simple majority in the lower house. Unless a party or a coalition have a majority in the lower house, a government cannot be formed by that party or the coalition.

Indian state governments led by various political parties as of March 2014.

India has a multi-party system, where there are a number of national as well as regional parties. A regional party may gain a majority and rule a particular state. If a party is represented in more than 4 states, it would be labelled a national party. Out of the 66 years of India's independence, India has been ruled by the Indian National Congress (INC) for 53 of those years.

The party enjoyed a parliamentary majority save for two brief periods during the 1970s and late 1980s. This rule was interrupted between 1977 to 1980, when the Janata Party coalition won the election owing to public discontent with the controversial state of emergency declared by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The Janata Dal won elections in 1989, but its government managed to hold on to power for only two years.

Between 1996 and 1998, there was a period of political flux with the government being formed first by the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) followed by a left-leaning United Front coalition. In 1998, the BJP formed the National Democratic Alliance with smaller regional parties, and became the first non-INC and coalition government to complete a full five-year term. The 2004 Indian electionssaw the INC winning the largest number of seats to form a government leading the United Progressive Alliance, and supported by left-parties and those opposed to the BJP.

On 22 May 2004, Manmohan Singh was appointed the Prime Minister of India following the victory of the INC & the left front in the 2004 Lok Sabha election. The UPA now rules India without the support of the left front. Previously, Atal Bihari Vajpayee had taken office in October 1999 after a general election in which a BJP-led coalition of 13 parties called the National Democratic Alliance emerged with a majority. In May 2014, Narendra Modi of BJP was elected as Prime Minister of India.

Page 6: Indian Politics

Formation of coalition governments reflects the transition in Indian politics away from the national parties toward smaller, more narrowly based regional parties. Some regional parties, especially in South India, are deeply aligned to the ideologies of the region unlike the national parties and thus the relationship between the central government and the state government in various states has not always been free of rancor. Disparity between the ideologies of the political parties ruling the centre and the state leads to severely skewed allocation of resources between the states.

Political issues[edit]Main article: Socio-economic issues in India

See also: Corruption in India

Social issues[edit]The lack of homogeneity in the Indian population causes division between different sections of the people based on religion, region, language, caste and race. This has led to the rise of political parties with agendas catering to one or a mix of these groups.

Some parties openly profess their focus on a particular group; for example, the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's and the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's focus on theDravidian population, and the Shiv Sena's pro-Marathi agenda. Some other parties claim to be universal in nature, but tend to draw support from particular sections of the population. For example, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (translated as National People's Party) has a vote bank among the Yadav and Muslim population of Bihar and the All India Trinamool Congress does not have any significant support outside West Bengal.

The narrow focus and votebank politics of most parties, even in the central government and central legislature, sidelines national issues such as economic welfare and national security. Moreover, internal security is also threatened as incidences of political parties instigating and leading violence between two opposing groups of people is a frequent occurrence.

Economic issues[edit]Economic issues like poverty, unemployment, development are main issues that influence politics. Garibi hatao (eradicate poverty) has been a slogan of the Indian National Congress for a long time. The well known Bharatiya Janata Party encourages a free market economy. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) vehemently supports left-wing politics like land-for-all, right to work and strongly opposes neo-liberal policies such as globalization, capitalism and privatization.

Law and order[edit]Terrorism, Naxalism, religious violence and caste-related violence are important issues that affect the political environment of the Indian nation. Stringent anti-terror legislation such as TADA, POTA and MCOCA have received much political attention, both in favour and opposed.

Terrorism had effected politics India since its conception, be it the terrorism supported from Pakistan or the internal guerrilla groups such as Naxalites. In 1991 the former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated during an election campaign.[6] The suicide bomber was later linked to the Sri Lankan terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, as it was later revealed the killing was an act of vengeance for Rajiv Gandhi sending troops in Sri Lanka against them in 1987.[6]

The Babri Masjid demolition on December 6, 1992 by Hindu Karsevaks resulted in nation-wide communal riots in two months, with worst occurring in Mumbai with at least 900 dead.[6][7] The riots were followed by 1993 Mumbai Bomb Blasts, which resulted in more deaths.

Law and order issues, such as action against organised crime are issues which do not affect the outcomes of elections. On the other hand, there is a criminal–politician nexus. Many elected legislators have criminal cases against them. In July 2008, the Washington Post reported that nearly a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges, "including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder".[8]

See also[edit]

Government of India

Law of India

Indian political scandals


1. Jump up^ M.Laxmikanth. Public Administration (9th ed.). Tata Mcgraw Hill. pp. 389–390. ISBN 0071074821.

2. Jump up^ "General Election 2014". Election Commission of India. Retrieved 21 May 2014.

Page 7: Indian Politics

3. ^ Jump up to:a b Prakash Chander, Prem Arora. "Nature of Party System in India". Comparative Politics & International Relations. Cosmos Bookhive. pp. 129–134. ISBN 817729035-5.

4. Jump up^ "Journey of the Nehru-Gandhi family". CNN-IBN. Retrieved 12 March 2014.5. ^ Jump up to:a b "Election Commission Of India Press Note". Retrieved 13 March 2014.6. ^ Jump up to:a b c Guha, Ramachandra (2008). India after Gandhi : the history of the

world's largest democracy (Indian ed. ed.). India: Picador. pp. 637–659. ISBN 9780330505543.

7. Jump up^ "Shiv Sainiks will maintain peace post-Ayodhya verdict: Uddhav". Hindustan Times. HT Media Ltd. Retrieved 13 March 2014.

8. Jump up^ Wax, Emily (24 July 2008). "With Indian Politics, the Bad Gets Worse". The Washington Post. Retrieved 22 May 2010.

Further reading[edit]

Chowdhuri, Satyabrata Rai . Leftism in India, 1917-1947. Palgrave, U.K., 2007.

Shively, W. Phillips. Power and Choice: An Introduction to Political Science—Chapter 14 Example: Parliamentary Government in India. McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008. ISBN 978-0-07-340391-5

Mitra, Subrata K. and Singh, V.B.. Democracy and Social Change in India: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the National Electorate. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999. ISBN 81-7036-809-X (India HB) ISBN 0-7619-9344-4 (U.S. HB).

Tawa Lama-Rewal, Stéphanie. "Studying Elections in India: Scientific and Political Debates". South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 3, 2009.

External links[edit]

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Official Indian National Congress Web Site

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Indian politics

Politics of IndiaFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Republic of India

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Parliament of India.

Politics in India (Hindi:भा�रती�य र�जनी�तिती) takes place within the framework of a constitution. India is afederal parliamentary democratic republic in which the President of India is head of state and the Prime Minister of India is the head of government. India follows the dual polity, i.e. double government which consists of the union at the centre and states at the periphery. The constitution defines the organisation, powers and limitations of both central and state governments, it is written, rigid and supreme, i.e. laws of the nation must conform to it. There is provision for a bicameral legislature consisting of an Upper House, i.e. Rajya Sabha, which represent the states of the Indian federation and a lower house i.e. Lok Sabha, that represents the people of India as a whole. Indian constitution provides for an independent Judiciary headed by the Supreme Court to adhere and protect the constitution and to settle disputes between the centre and the states or between the states, it can also nullify any central or state laws if they are against the constitution.[1]

The governments,union or state, are formed through elections held every five years(unless otherwise specified), by having the majority of members in their respective lower houses (Lok Sabha in centre and Vidhan Sabha in states). India had its first general election in 1951, which was dominated by Indian National Congress, and went on to dominate the successive elections, up till 1977, when the first non-Congress government was formed for the first time in independent India. The 1990s saw the end of Single Party domination and rise of Coalition Governments. The elections for 16th Lok Sabha held in April and May 2014 once again brought back single-party rule in the country, that of theBharatiya Janata Party.[2]



1 Political parties and Alliances

o 1.1 Features of Political Parties in India

o 1.2 Types of Political Parties

o 1.3 Alliances

2 Local governance

Page 11: Indian Politics

3 Role of political parties

4 Political issues

o 4.1 Social issues

o 4.2 Economic issues

o 4.3 Law and order

5 See also

6 References

7 Further reading

8 External links

Political parties and Alliances[edit]For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

Main articles: Indian general election, 2009 and Indian_general_election, 2014

Features of Political Parties in India[edit]As compared to other democratic countries India has a large number of political parties, it has been estimated that over 200 parties were formed after India became independent in 1947.[3]

One feature of the political parties in India is that the parties are generally woven around their leaders, the leaders actively playing a dominant role, the role of leadership can be transferred and tends to take dynastic route. Such parties include both national and regional parties, parties such as Indian National Congress(INC) has been led by Nehru-Gandhi dynasty since independence, starting from Jawaharlal Nehru who dominated the INC and led it to victory in three consecutive elections. After a brief interlude of the prime ministership of Lal Bahadur Shastri, Nehru's daughter, Indira Gandhi became prime minister. After the split in the Congress party in 1969 she formed her own Indian National congress (Ruling). After a a further split, she formed the Congress (Indira) or Congress(I). Indira remained the leader of the party until her death in 1984, when her son Rajiv Gandhitook the reigns and after his death his widow Sonia Gandhi, the current leader of INC took command.[4] As a result of such dominance, the leaders of political parties of the country tend to take an autocratic tone.

One other major feature of the political parties is that, except the communist parties, most of the political parties of India lack an ideological basis. Instead political parties in India are formed on the basis of race, religion, language, caste etc. factors, thus the high number of political parties.[3]

Types of Political Parties[edit]Main article: List of recognised political parties in India

There are two types of political parties in India - National Party and Regional/State party. Every political party must bear a symbol and must be registered with the Election Commission of India.

In the current amendment to the Symbols Order, the Commission, has infused the following five principles, which, in its view, should govern the polity in the country, situate as it is in its present state:[5]

6. Legislative presence is a must for recognition as a National or State party.7. For a National party, it must be the legislative presence in the Lok Sabha, and, for a

State party, the legislative presence must be reflected in the State Assembly.8. In any election, a party can set up a candidate only from amongst its own members.9. A party, that loses its recognition, shall not lose its symbol immediately, but shall be

given the facility to use that symbol for some time to try and retrieve its status. [However, the grant of such facility to the party to use its symbol will not mean the extension of other facilities to it, as are available to recognised parties, like, free time on Doordarshan/AIR, free supply of copies of electoral rolls, etc.]

10. Recognition should be given to a party only on the basis of its own performance in elections and not because it is a splinter group of some other recognised party.

Criteria[5] -

A political party shall be eligible to be recognised as a National party if :-

3. it secures at least six percent(6%) of the valid votes polled in any four or more states, at a general election to the House of the People or, to the State Legislative Assembly; and

4. in addition, it wins at least four seats in the House of the People from any State or States.

Page 12: Indian Politics

OR it wins at least two percent (2%) seats in the House of the People (i.e., 11 seats in the existing House having 543 members), and these members are elected from at least threedifferent States.

Likewise, a political party shall be entitled to be recognised as a State party, if :-

3. it secures at least six percent (6%) of the valid votes polled in the State at a general election, either to the House of the People or to the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned; and

4. in addition, it wins at least two seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned.


it wins at least three percent (3%) of the total number of seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State, or at least three seats in the Assembly, whichever is more.

At present there are 6 national parties and over 40 state parties.

Alliances[edit]There are three alliances on a national level in India, competing with each other for the position of Government. The member parties work in harmony for gratifying national interests, although a party can jump ships whenever it may deem fit.

The three alliances -

United Progressive Alliance (UPA) - Centre-Left coalition led by INC, this alliance was created after the 2004 General Elections, with the alliance forming the Government. The alliance even after losing some of its members, was reelected in 2009 General Elections with Manmohan Singh as head of the government.

National Democratic Alliance (NDA) - Centre-Right coalition led by BJP was formed in 1998 after the elections, NDA formed the government although the government didn't last long as AIADMK withdrew support from it resulting in 1999 general elections, in which NDA won and resumed power. The coalition government went on to complete the full five years term, becoming the first non-Congress government to do so. In the 2014 General Elections NDA once again returned to power for the second time, with a historic mandate of 336 out of 543 Lok Sabha seats. BJP itself won 282 seats thereby electing Narendra Modi as the head of the government.

Third front  - The coalition of parties which do not belong to any of the above camps due to certain issues. One of the major parties in the alliance CPI(M), prior to 2009 General Elections was a member party of the UPA. The alliance has no official leading party.

Local governance[edit]Main article: Panchayati Raj

On April 24, 1993, the Constitutional (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 came into force to provide constitutional status to the Panchayati Raj institutions. This Act was extended to Panchayats in the tribal areas of eight States, namely Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Rajasthan from 24 December 1996.

The Act aims to provide 3-tier system of Panchayati Raj for all States having population of over 2 million, to hold Panchayat elections regularly every 5 years, to provide reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Women, to appoint State Finance Commission to make recommendations as regards the financial powers of the Panchayats and to constitute District Planning Committee to prepare draft development plan for the district.

Role of political parties[edit]

Part of the Politics series

Party politics

Political spectrum

Page 13: Indian Politics

Far left /Radical left

Left wing


Centre /Radical centre


Right wing

Far right /Radical right

Party platform










Party system








Parties by country

Parties by UN geoscheme

Politics portal




For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

As with any other democracy, political parties represent different sections among the Indian society and regions, and their core values play a major role in the politics of India. Both the executive branch and the legislative branch of the government are run by the representatives of the political parties who have been elected through the elections. Through the electoral process, the people of India choose which representative and which political party should run the government. Through the elections any party may gain simple majority in the lower house. Coalitions are formed by the political parties, in case no single party gains a simple majority in the lower house. Unless a party or a coalition have a majority in the lower house, a government cannot be formed by that party or the coalition.

Page 14: Indian Politics

Indian state governments led by various political parties as of March 2014.

India has a multi-party system, where there are a number of national as well as regional parties. A regional party may gain a majority and rule a particular state. If a party is represented in more than 4 states, it would be labelled a national party. Out of the 66 years of India's independence, India has been ruled by the Indian National Congress (INC) for 53 of those years.

The party enjoyed a parliamentary majority save for two brief periods during the 1970s and late 1980s. This rule was interrupted between 1977 to 1980, when the Janata Party coalition won the election owing to public discontent with the controversial state of emergency declared by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The Janata Dal won elections in 1989, but its government managed to hold on to power for only two years.

Between 1996 and 1998, there was a period of political flux with the government being formed first by the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) followed by a left-leaning United Front coalition. In 1998, the BJP formed the National Democratic Alliance with smaller regional parties, and became the first non-INC and coalition government to complete a full five-year term. The 2004 Indian electionssaw the INC winning the largest number of seats to form a government leading the United Progressive Alliance, and supported by left-parties and those opposed to the BJP.

On 22 May 2004, Manmohan Singh was appointed the Prime Minister of India following the victory of the INC & the left front in the 2004 Lok Sabha election. The UPA now rules India without the support of the left front. Previously, Atal Bihari Vajpayee had taken office in October 1999 after a general election in which a BJP-led coalition of 13 parties called the National Democratic Alliance emerged with a majority. In May 2014, Narendra Modi of BJP was elected as Prime Minister of India.

Formation of coalition governments reflects the transition in Indian politics away from the national parties toward smaller, more narrowly based regional parties. Some regional parties, especially in South India, are deeply aligned to the ideologies of the region unlike the national parties and thus the relationship between the central government and the state government in various states has not always been free of rancor. Disparity between the ideologies of the political parties ruling the centre and the state leads to severely skewed allocation of resources between the states.

Political issues[edit]Main article: Socio-economic issues in India

See also: Corruption in India

Social issues[edit]The lack of homogeneity in the Indian population causes division between different sections of the people based on religion, region, language, caste and race. This has led to the rise of political parties with agendas catering to one or a mix of these groups.

Some parties openly profess their focus on a particular group; for example, the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's and the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's focus on theDravidian population, and the Shiv Sena's pro-Marathi agenda. Some other parties claim to be universal in nature, but tend to draw support from particular sections of the population. For example, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (translated as National People's Party) has a vote bank among the Yadav and Muslim population of Bihar and the All India Trinamool Congress does not have any significant support outside West Bengal.

The narrow focus and votebank politics of most parties, even in the central government and central legislature, sidelines national issues such as economic welfare and national security. Moreover, internal security is also threatened as incidences of political parties instigating and leading violence between two opposing groups of people is a frequent occurrence.

Page 15: Indian Politics

Economic issues[edit]Economic issues like poverty, unemployment, development are main issues that influence politics. Garibi hatao (eradicate poverty) has been a slogan of the Indian National Congress for a long time. The well known Bharatiya Janata Party encourages a free market economy. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) vehemently supports left-wing politics like land-for-all, right to work and strongly opposes neo-liberal policies such as globalization, capitalism and privatization.

Law and order[edit]Terrorism, Naxalism, religious violence and caste-related violence are important issues that affect the political environment of the Indian nation. Stringent anti-terror legislation such as TADA, POTA and MCOCA have received much political attention, both in favour and opposed.

Terrorism had effected politics India since its conception, be it the terrorism supported from Pakistan or the internal guerrilla groups such as Naxalites. In 1991 the former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated during an election campaign.[6] The suicide bomber was later linked to the Sri Lankan terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, as it was later revealed the killing was an act of vengeance for Rajiv Gandhi sending troops in Sri Lanka against them in 1987.[6]

The Babri Masjid demolition on December 6, 1992 by Hindu Karsevaks resulted in nation-wide communal riots in two months, with worst occurring in Mumbai with at least 900 dead.[6][7] The riots were followed by 1993 Mumbai Bomb Blasts, which resulted in more deaths.

Law and order issues, such as action against organised crime are issues which do not affect the outcomes of elections. On the other hand, there is a criminal–politician nexus. Many elected legislators have criminal cases against them. In July 2008, the Washington Post reported that nearly a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges, "including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder".[8]

See also[edit]

Government of India

Law of India

Indian political scandals


9. Jump up^ M.Laxmikanth. Public Administration (9th ed.). Tata Mcgraw Hill. pp. 389–390. ISBN 0071074821.

10. Jump up^ "General Election 2014". Election Commission of India. Retrieved 21 May 2014.

11. ^ Jump up to:a b Prakash Chander, Prem Arora. "Nature of Party System in India". Comparative Politics & International Relations. Cosmos Bookhive. pp. 129–134. ISBN 817729035-5.

12. Jump up^ "Journey of the Nehru-Gandhi family". CNN-IBN. Retrieved 12 March 2014.13. ^ Jump up to:a b "Election Commission Of India Press Note". Retrieved 13 March 2014.14. ^ Jump up to:a b c Guha, Ramachandra (2008). India after Gandhi : the history of the

world's largest democracy (Indian ed. ed.). India: Picador. pp. 637–659. ISBN 9780330505543.

15. Jump up^ "Shiv Sainiks will maintain peace post-Ayodhya verdict: Uddhav". Hindustan Times. HT Media Ltd. Retrieved 13 March 2014.

16. Jump up^ Wax, Emily (24 July 2008). "With Indian Politics, the Bad Gets Worse". The Washington Post. Retrieved 22 May 2010.

Further reading[edit]

Chowdhuri, Satyabrata Rai . Leftism in India, 1917-1947. Palgrave, U.K., 2007.

Shively, W. Phillips. Power and Choice: An Introduction to Political Science—Chapter 14 Example: Parliamentary Government in India. McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008. ISBN 978-0-07-340391-5

Mitra, Subrata K. and Singh, V.B.. Democracy and Social Change in India: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the National Electorate. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999. ISBN 81-7036-809-X (India HB) ISBN 0-7619-9344-4 (U.S. HB).

Tawa Lama-Rewal, Stéphanie. "Studying Elections in India: Scientific and Political Debates". South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 3, 2009.

External links[edit]

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Page 18: Indian Politics

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Page 19: Indian Politics

Parliament of India.

Politics in India (Hindi:भा�रती�य र�जनी�तिती) takes place within the framework of a constitution. India is afederal parliamentary democratic republic in which the President of India is head of state and the Prime Minister of India is the head of government. India follows the dual polity, i.e. double government which consists of the union at the centre and states at the periphery. The constitution defines the organisation, powers and limitations of both central and state governments, it is written, rigid and supreme, i.e. laws of the nation must conform to it. There is provision for a bicameral legislature consisting of an Upper House, i.e. Rajya Sabha, which represent the states of the Indian federation and a lower house i.e. Lok Sabha, that represents the people of India as a whole. Indian constitution provides for an independent Judiciary headed by the Supreme Court to adhere and protect the constitution and to settle disputes between the centre and the states or between the states, it can also nullify any central or state laws if they are against the constitution.[1]

The governments,union or state, are formed through elections held every five years(unless otherwise specified), by having the majority of members in their respective lower houses (Lok Sabha in centre and Vidhan Sabha in states). India had its first general election in 1951, which was dominated by Indian National Congress, and went on to dominate the successive elections, up till 1977, when the first non-Congress government was formed for the first time in independent India. The 1990s saw the end of Single Party domination and rise of Coalition Governments. The elections for 16th Lok Sabha held in April and May 2014 once again brought back single-party rule in the country, that of theBharatiya Janata Party.[2]



1 Political parties and Alliances

o 1.1 Features of Political Parties in India

o 1.2 Types of Political Parties

o 1.3 Alliances

2 Local governance

3 Role of political parties

4 Political issues

o 4.1 Social issues

o 4.2 Economic issues

o 4.3 Law and order

5 See also

6 References

7 Further reading

8 External links

Political parties and Alliances[edit]For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

Main articles: Indian general election, 2009 and Indian_general_election, 2014

Features of Political Parties in India[edit]As compared to other democratic countries India has a large number of political parties, it has been estimated that over 200 parties were formed after India became independent in 1947.[3]

One feature of the political parties in India is that the parties are generally woven around their leaders, the leaders actively playing a dominant role, the role of leadership can be transferred and tends to take dynastic route. Such parties include both national and regional parties, parties such as Indian National Congress(INC) has been led by Nehru-Gandhi dynasty since independence, starting from Jawaharlal Nehru who dominated the INC and led it to victory in three consecutive elections. After a brief interlude of the prime ministership of Lal Bahadur Shastri, Nehru's daughter, Indira Gandhi became prime minister. After the split in the

Page 20: Indian Politics

Congress party in 1969 she formed her own Indian National congress (Ruling). After a a further split, she formed the Congress (Indira) or Congress(I). Indira remained the leader of the party until her death in 1984, when her son Rajiv Gandhitook the reigns and after his death his widow Sonia Gandhi, the current leader of INC took command.[4] As a result of such dominance, the leaders of political parties of the country tend to take an autocratic tone.

One other major feature of the political parties is that, except the communist parties, most of the political parties of India lack an ideological basis. Instead political parties in India are formed on the basis of race, religion, language, caste etc. factors, thus the high number of political parties.[3]

Types of Political Parties[edit]Main article: List of recognised political parties in India

There are two types of political parties in India - National Party and Regional/State party. Every political party must bear a symbol and must be registered with the Election Commission of India.

In the current amendment to the Symbols Order, the Commission, has infused the following five principles, which, in its view, should govern the polity in the country, situate as it is in its present state:[5]

11. Legislative presence is a must for recognition as a National or State party.12. For a National party, it must be the legislative presence in the Lok Sabha, and, for a

State party, the legislative presence must be reflected in the State Assembly.13. In any election, a party can set up a candidate only from amongst its own members.14. A party, that loses its recognition, shall not lose its symbol immediately, but shall be

given the facility to use that symbol for some time to try and retrieve its status. [However, the grant of such facility to the party to use its symbol will not mean the extension of other facilities to it, as are available to recognised parties, like, free time on Doordarshan/AIR, free supply of copies of electoral rolls, etc.]

15. Recognition should be given to a party only on the basis of its own performance in elections and not because it is a splinter group of some other recognised party.

Criteria[5] -

A political party shall be eligible to be recognised as a National party if :-

5. it secures at least six percent(6%) of the valid votes polled in any four or more states, at a general election to the House of the People or, to the State Legislative Assembly; and

6. in addition, it wins at least four seats in the House of the People from any State or States.

OR it wins at least two percent (2%) seats in the House of the People (i.e., 11 seats in the existing House having 543 members), and these members are elected from at least threedifferent States.

Likewise, a political party shall be entitled to be recognised as a State party, if :-

5. it secures at least six percent (6%) of the valid votes polled in the State at a general election, either to the House of the People or to the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned; and

6. in addition, it wins at least two seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned.


it wins at least three percent (3%) of the total number of seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State, or at least three seats in the Assembly, whichever is more.

At present there are 6 national parties and over 40 state parties.

Alliances[edit]There are three alliances on a national level in India, competing with each other for the position of Government. The member parties work in harmony for gratifying national interests, although a party can jump ships whenever it may deem fit.

The three alliances -

United Progressive Alliance (UPA) - Centre-Left coalition led by INC, this alliance was created after the 2004 General Elections, with the alliance forming the Government. The alliance even after losing some of its members, was reelected in 2009 General Elections with Manmohan Singh as head of the government.

Page 21: Indian Politics

National Democratic Alliance (NDA) - Centre-Right coalition led by BJP was formed in 1998 after the elections, NDA formed the government although the government didn't last long as AIADMK withdrew support from it resulting in 1999 general elections, in which NDA won and resumed power. The coalition government went on to complete the full five years term, becoming the first non-Congress government to do so. In the 2014 General Elections NDA once again returned to power for the second time, with a historic mandate of 336 out of 543 Lok Sabha seats. BJP itself won 282 seats thereby electing Narendra Modi as the head of the government.

Third front  - The coalition of parties which do not belong to any of the above camps due to certain issues. One of the major parties in the alliance CPI(M), prior to 2009 General Elections was a member party of the UPA. The alliance has no official leading party.

Local governance[edit]Main article: Panchayati Raj

On April 24, 1993, the Constitutional (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 came into force to provide constitutional status to the Panchayati Raj institutions. This Act was extended to Panchayats in the tribal areas of eight States, namely Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Rajasthan from 24 December 1996.

The Act aims to provide 3-tier system of Panchayati Raj for all States having population of over 2 million, to hold Panchayat elections regularly every 5 years, to provide reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Women, to appoint State Finance Commission to make recommendations as regards the financial powers of the Panchayats and to constitute District Planning Committee to prepare draft development plan for the district.

Role of political parties[edit]

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For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

As with any other democracy, political parties represent different sections among the Indian society and regions, and their core values play a major role in the politics of India. Both the executive branch and the legislative branch of the government are run by the representatives of the political parties who have been elected through the elections. Through the electoral process, the people of India choose which representative and which political party should run the government. Through the elections any party may gain simple majority in the lower house. Coalitions are formed by the political parties, in case no single party gains a simple majority in the lower house. Unless a party or a coalition have a majority in the lower house, a government cannot be formed by that party or the coalition.

Indian state governments led by various political parties as of March 2014.

India has a multi-party system, where there are a number of national as well as regional parties. A regional party may gain a majority and rule a particular state. If a party is represented in more than 4 states, it would be labelled a national party. Out of the 66 years of India's independence, India has been ruled by the Indian National Congress (INC) for 53 of those years.

The party enjoyed a parliamentary majority save for two brief periods during the 1970s and late 1980s. This rule was interrupted between 1977 to 1980, when the Janata Party coalition won the election owing to public discontent with the controversial state of emergency declared by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The Janata Dal won elections in 1989, but its government managed to hold on to power for only two years.

Between 1996 and 1998, there was a period of political flux with the government being formed first by the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) followed by a left-leaning United Front coalition. In 1998, the BJP formed the National Democratic Alliance with smaller regional parties, and became the first non-INC and coalition government to complete a full five-year term. The 2004 Indian electionssaw the INC winning the largest number of seats to form a government leading the United Progressive Alliance, and supported by left-parties and those opposed to the BJP.

On 22 May 2004, Manmohan Singh was appointed the Prime Minister of India following the victory of the INC & the left front in the 2004 Lok Sabha election. The UPA now rules India without the support of the left front. Previously, Atal Bihari Vajpayee had taken office in October 1999 after a general election in which a BJP-led coalition of 13 parties called the National Democratic Alliance emerged with a majority. In May 2014, Narendra Modi of BJP was elected as Prime Minister of India.

Page 23: Indian Politics

Formation of coalition governments reflects the transition in Indian politics away from the national parties toward smaller, more narrowly based regional parties. Some regional parties, especially in South India, are deeply aligned to the ideologies of the region unlike the national parties and thus the relationship between the central government and the state government in various states has not always been free of rancor. Disparity between the ideologies of the political parties ruling the centre and the state leads to severely skewed allocation of resources between the states.

Political issues[edit]Main article: Socio-economic issues in India

See also: Corruption in India

Social issues[edit]The lack of homogeneity in the Indian population causes division between different sections of the people based on religion, region, language, caste and race. This has led to the rise of political parties with agendas catering to one or a mix of these groups.

Some parties openly profess their focus on a particular group; for example, the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's and the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's focus on theDravidian population, and the Shiv Sena's pro-Marathi agenda. Some other parties claim to be universal in nature, but tend to draw support from particular sections of the population. For example, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (translated as National People's Party) has a vote bank among the Yadav and Muslim population of Bihar and the All India Trinamool Congress does not have any significant support outside West Bengal.

The narrow focus and votebank politics of most parties, even in the central government and central legislature, sidelines national issues such as economic welfare and national security. Moreover, internal security is also threatened as incidences of political parties instigating and leading violence between two opposing groups of people is a frequent occurrence.

Economic issues[edit]Economic issues like poverty, unemployment, development are main issues that influence politics. Garibi hatao (eradicate poverty) has been a slogan of the Indian National Congress for a long time. The well known Bharatiya Janata Party encourages a free market economy. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) vehemently supports left-wing politics like land-for-all, right to work and strongly opposes neo-liberal policies such as globalization, capitalism and privatization.

Law and order[edit]Terrorism, Naxalism, religious violence and caste-related violence are important issues that affect the political environment of the Indian nation. Stringent anti-terror legislation such as TADA, POTA and MCOCA have received much political attention, both in favour and opposed.

Terrorism had effected politics India since its conception, be it the terrorism supported from Pakistan or the internal guerrilla groups such as Naxalites. In 1991 the former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated during an election campaign.[6] The suicide bomber was later linked to the Sri Lankan terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, as it was later revealed the killing was an act of vengeance for Rajiv Gandhi sending troops in Sri Lanka against them in 1987.[6]

The Babri Masjid demolition on December 6, 1992 by Hindu Karsevaks resulted in nation-wide communal riots in two months, with worst occurring in Mumbai with at least 900 dead.[6][7] The riots were followed by 1993 Mumbai Bomb Blasts, which resulted in more deaths.

Law and order issues, such as action against organised crime are issues which do not affect the outcomes of elections. On the other hand, there is a criminal–politician nexus. Many elected legislators have criminal cases against them. In July 2008, the Washington Post reported that nearly a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges, "including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder".[8]

See also[edit]

Government of India

Law of India

Indian political scandals


17. Jump up^ M.Laxmikanth. Public Administration (9th ed.). Tata Mcgraw Hill. pp. 389–390. ISBN 0071074821.

18. Jump up^ "General Election 2014". Election Commission of India. Retrieved 21 May 2014.

Page 24: Indian Politics

19. ^ Jump up to:a b Prakash Chander, Prem Arora. "Nature of Party System in India". Comparative Politics & International Relations. Cosmos Bookhive. pp. 129–134. ISBN 817729035-5.

20. Jump up^ "Journey of the Nehru-Gandhi family". CNN-IBN. Retrieved 12 March 2014.21. ^ Jump up to:a b "Election Commission Of India Press Note". Retrieved 13 March 2014.22. ^ Jump up to:a b c Guha, Ramachandra (2008). India after Gandhi : the history of the

world's largest democracy (Indian ed. ed.). India: Picador. pp. 637–659. ISBN 9780330505543.

23. Jump up^ "Shiv Sainiks will maintain peace post-Ayodhya verdict: Uddhav". Hindustan Times. HT Media Ltd. Retrieved 13 March 2014.

24. Jump up^ Wax, Emily (24 July 2008). "With Indian Politics, the Bad Gets Worse". The Washington Post. Retrieved 22 May 2010.

Further reading[edit]

Chowdhuri, Satyabrata Rai . Leftism in India, 1917-1947. Palgrave, U.K., 2007.

Shively, W. Phillips. Power and Choice: An Introduction to Political Science—Chapter 14 Example: Parliamentary Government in India. McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008. ISBN 978-0-07-340391-5

Mitra, Subrata K. and Singh, V.B.. Democracy and Social Change in India: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the National Electorate. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999. ISBN 81-7036-809-X (India HB) ISBN 0-7619-9344-4 (U.S. HB).

Tawa Lama-Rewal, Stéphanie. "Studying Elections in India: Scientific and Political Debates". South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 3, 2009.

External links[edit]

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Parliament of India.

Politics in India (Hindi:भा�रती�य र�जनी�तिती) takes place within the framework of a constitution. India is afederal parliamentary democratic republic in which the President of India is head of state and the Prime Minister of India is the head of government. India follows the dual polity, i.e. double government which consists of the union at the centre and states at the periphery. The constitution defines the organisation, powers and limitations of both central and state governments, it is written, rigid and supreme, i.e. laws of the nation must conform to it. There is provision for a bicameral legislature consisting of an Upper House, i.e. Rajya Sabha, which represent the states of the Indian federation and a lower house i.e. Lok Sabha, that represents the people of India as a whole. Indian constitution provides for an independent Judiciary headed by the Supreme Court to adhere and protect the constitution and to settle disputes between the centre and the states or between the states, it can also nullify any central or state laws if they are against the constitution.[1]

The governments,union or state, are formed through elections held every five years(unless otherwise specified), by having the majority of members in their respective lower houses (Lok Sabha in centre and Vidhan Sabha in states). India had its first general election in 1951, which was dominated by Indian National Congress, and went on to dominate the successive elections, up till 1977, when the first non-Congress government was formed for the first time in independent India. The 1990s saw the end of Single Party domination and rise of Coalition Governments. The elections for 16th Lok Sabha held in April and May 2014 once again brought back single-party rule in the country, that of theBharatiya Janata Party.[2]



1 Political parties and Alliances

o 1.1 Features of Political Parties in India

o 1.2 Types of Political Parties

o 1.3 Alliances

2 Local governance

Page 28: Indian Politics

3 Role of political parties

4 Political issues

o 4.1 Social issues

o 4.2 Economic issues

o 4.3 Law and order

5 See also

6 References

7 Further reading

8 External links

Political parties and Alliances[edit]For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

Main articles: Indian general election, 2009 and Indian_general_election, 2014

Features of Political Parties in India[edit]As compared to other democratic countries India has a large number of political parties, it has been estimated that over 200 parties were formed after India became independent in 1947.[3]

One feature of the political parties in India is that the parties are generally woven around their leaders, the leaders actively playing a dominant role, the role of leadership can be transferred and tends to take dynastic route. Such parties include both national and regional parties, parties such as Indian National Congress(INC) has been led by Nehru-Gandhi dynasty since independence, starting from Jawaharlal Nehru who dominated the INC and led it to victory in three consecutive elections. After a brief interlude of the prime ministership of Lal Bahadur Shastri, Nehru's daughter, Indira Gandhi became prime minister. After the split in the Congress party in 1969 she formed her own Indian National congress (Ruling). After a a further split, she formed the Congress (Indira) or Congress(I). Indira remained the leader of the party until her death in 1984, when her son Rajiv Gandhitook the reigns and after his death his widow Sonia Gandhi, the current leader of INC took command.[4] As a result of such dominance, the leaders of political parties of the country tend to take an autocratic tone.

One other major feature of the political parties is that, except the communist parties, most of the political parties of India lack an ideological basis. Instead political parties in India are formed on the basis of race, religion, language, caste etc. factors, thus the high number of political parties.[3]

Types of Political Parties[edit]Main article: List of recognised political parties in India

There are two types of political parties in India - National Party and Regional/State party. Every political party must bear a symbol and must be registered with the Election Commission of India.

In the current amendment to the Symbols Order, the Commission, has infused the following five principles, which, in its view, should govern the polity in the country, situate as it is in its present state:[5]

16. Legislative presence is a must for recognition as a National or State party.17. For a National party, it must be the legislative presence in the Lok Sabha, and, for a

State party, the legislative presence must be reflected in the State Assembly.18. In any election, a party can set up a candidate only from amongst its own members.19. A party, that loses its recognition, shall not lose its symbol immediately, but shall be

given the facility to use that symbol for some time to try and retrieve its status. [However, the grant of such facility to the party to use its symbol will not mean the extension of other facilities to it, as are available to recognised parties, like, free time on Doordarshan/AIR, free supply of copies of electoral rolls, etc.]

20. Recognition should be given to a party only on the basis of its own performance in elections and not because it is a splinter group of some other recognised party.

Criteria[5] -

A political party shall be eligible to be recognised as a National party if :-

7. it secures at least six percent(6%) of the valid votes polled in any four or more states, at a general election to the House of the People or, to the State Legislative Assembly; and

8. in addition, it wins at least four seats in the House of the People from any State or States.

Page 29: Indian Politics

OR it wins at least two percent (2%) seats in the House of the People (i.e., 11 seats in the existing House having 543 members), and these members are elected from at least threedifferent States.

Likewise, a political party shall be entitled to be recognised as a State party, if :-

7. it secures at least six percent (6%) of the valid votes polled in the State at a general election, either to the House of the People or to the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned; and

8. in addition, it wins at least two seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned.


it wins at least three percent (3%) of the total number of seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State, or at least three seats in the Assembly, whichever is more.

At present there are 6 national parties and over 40 state parties.

Alliances[edit]There are three alliances on a national level in India, competing with each other for the position of Government. The member parties work in harmony for gratifying national interests, although a party can jump ships whenever it may deem fit.

The three alliances -

United Progressive Alliance (UPA) - Centre-Left coalition led by INC, this alliance was created after the 2004 General Elections, with the alliance forming the Government. The alliance even after losing some of its members, was reelected in 2009 General Elections with Manmohan Singh as head of the government.

National Democratic Alliance (NDA) - Centre-Right coalition led by BJP was formed in 1998 after the elections, NDA formed the government although the government didn't last long as AIADMK withdrew support from it resulting in 1999 general elections, in which NDA won and resumed power. The coalition government went on to complete the full five years term, becoming the first non-Congress government to do so. In the 2014 General Elections NDA once again returned to power for the second time, with a historic mandate of 336 out of 543 Lok Sabha seats. BJP itself won 282 seats thereby electing Narendra Modi as the head of the government.

Third front  - The coalition of parties which do not belong to any of the above camps due to certain issues. One of the major parties in the alliance CPI(M), prior to 2009 General Elections was a member party of the UPA. The alliance has no official leading party.

Local governance[edit]Main article: Panchayati Raj

On April 24, 1993, the Constitutional (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 came into force to provide constitutional status to the Panchayati Raj institutions. This Act was extended to Panchayats in the tribal areas of eight States, namely Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Rajasthan from 24 December 1996.

The Act aims to provide 3-tier system of Panchayati Raj for all States having population of over 2 million, to hold Panchayat elections regularly every 5 years, to provide reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Women, to appoint State Finance Commission to make recommendations as regards the financial powers of the Panchayats and to constitute District Planning Committee to prepare draft development plan for the district.

Role of political parties[edit]

Part of the Politics series

Party politics

Political spectrum

Page 30: Indian Politics

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Left wing


Centre /Radical centre


Right wing

Far right /Radical right

Party platform










Party system








Parties by country

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Politics portal




For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

As with any other democracy, political parties represent different sections among the Indian society and regions, and their core values play a major role in the politics of India. Both the executive branch and the legislative branch of the government are run by the representatives of the political parties who have been elected through the elections. Through the electoral process, the people of India choose which representative and which political party should run the government. Through the elections any party may gain simple majority in the lower house. Coalitions are formed by the political parties, in case no single party gains a simple majority in the lower house. Unless a party or a coalition have a majority in the lower house, a government cannot be formed by that party or the coalition.

Page 31: Indian Politics

Indian state governments led by various political parties as of March 2014.

India has a multi-party system, where there are a number of national as well as regional parties. A regional party may gain a majority and rule a particular state. If a party is represented in more than 4 states, it would be labelled a national party. Out of the 66 years of India's independence, India has been ruled by the Indian National Congress (INC) for 53 of those years.

The party enjoyed a parliamentary majority save for two brief periods during the 1970s and late 1980s. This rule was interrupted between 1977 to 1980, when the Janata Party coalition won the election owing to public discontent with the controversial state of emergency declared by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The Janata Dal won elections in 1989, but its government managed to hold on to power for only two years.

Between 1996 and 1998, there was a period of political flux with the government being formed first by the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) followed by a left-leaning United Front coalition. In 1998, the BJP formed the National Democratic Alliance with smaller regional parties, and became the first non-INC and coalition government to complete a full five-year term. The 2004 Indian electionssaw the INC winning the largest number of seats to form a government leading the United Progressive Alliance, and supported by left-parties and those opposed to the BJP.

On 22 May 2004, Manmohan Singh was appointed the Prime Minister of India following the victory of the INC & the left front in the 2004 Lok Sabha election. The UPA now rules India without the support of the left front. Previously, Atal Bihari Vajpayee had taken office in October 1999 after a general election in which a BJP-led coalition of 13 parties called the National Democratic Alliance emerged with a majority. In May 2014, Narendra Modi of BJP was elected as Prime Minister of India.

Formation of coalition governments reflects the transition in Indian politics away from the national parties toward smaller, more narrowly based regional parties. Some regional parties, especially in South India, are deeply aligned to the ideologies of the region unlike the national parties and thus the relationship between the central government and the state government in various states has not always been free of rancor. Disparity between the ideologies of the political parties ruling the centre and the state leads to severely skewed allocation of resources between the states.

Political issues[edit]Main article: Socio-economic issues in India

See also: Corruption in India

Social issues[edit]The lack of homogeneity in the Indian population causes division between different sections of the people based on religion, region, language, caste and race. This has led to the rise of political parties with agendas catering to one or a mix of these groups.

Some parties openly profess their focus on a particular group; for example, the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's and the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's focus on theDravidian population, and the Shiv Sena's pro-Marathi agenda. Some other parties claim to be universal in nature, but tend to draw support from particular sections of the population. For example, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (translated as National People's Party) has a vote bank among the Yadav and Muslim population of Bihar and the All India Trinamool Congress does not have any significant support outside West Bengal.

The narrow focus and votebank politics of most parties, even in the central government and central legislature, sidelines national issues such as economic welfare and national security. Moreover, internal security is also threatened as incidences of political parties instigating and leading violence between two opposing groups of people is a frequent occurrence.

Page 32: Indian Politics

Economic issues[edit]Economic issues like poverty, unemployment, development are main issues that influence politics. Garibi hatao (eradicate poverty) has been a slogan of the Indian National Congress for a long time. The well known Bharatiya Janata Party encourages a free market economy. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) vehemently supports left-wing politics like land-for-all, right to work and strongly opposes neo-liberal policies such as globalization, capitalism and privatization.

Law and order[edit]Terrorism, Naxalism, religious violence and caste-related violence are important issues that affect the political environment of the Indian nation. Stringent anti-terror legislation such as TADA, POTA and MCOCA have received much political attention, both in favour and opposed.

Terrorism had effected politics India since its conception, be it the terrorism supported from Pakistan or the internal guerrilla groups such as Naxalites. In 1991 the former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated during an election campaign.[6] The suicide bomber was later linked to the Sri Lankan terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, as it was later revealed the killing was an act of vengeance for Rajiv Gandhi sending troops in Sri Lanka against them in 1987.[6]

The Babri Masjid demolition on December 6, 1992 by Hindu Karsevaks resulted in nation-wide communal riots in two months, with worst occurring in Mumbai with at least 900 dead.[6][7] The riots were followed by 1993 Mumbai Bomb Blasts, which resulted in more deaths.

Law and order issues, such as action against organised crime are issues which do not affect the outcomes of elections. On the other hand, there is a criminal–politician nexus. Many elected legislators have criminal cases against them. In July 2008, the Washington Post reported that nearly a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges, "including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder".[8]

See also[edit]

Government of India

Law of India

Indian political scandals


25. Jump up^ M.Laxmikanth. Public Administration (9th ed.). Tata Mcgraw Hill. pp. 389–390. ISBN 0071074821.

26. Jump up^ "General Election 2014". Election Commission of India. Retrieved 21 May 2014.

27. ^ Jump up to:a b Prakash Chander, Prem Arora. "Nature of Party System in India". Comparative Politics & International Relations. Cosmos Bookhive. pp. 129–134. ISBN 817729035-5.

28. Jump up^ "Journey of the Nehru-Gandhi family". CNN-IBN. Retrieved 12 March 2014.29. ^ Jump up to:a b "Election Commission Of India Press Note". Retrieved 13 March 2014.30. ^ Jump up to:a b c Guha, Ramachandra (2008). India after Gandhi : the history of the

world's largest democracy (Indian ed. ed.). India: Picador. pp. 637–659. ISBN 9780330505543.

31. Jump up^ "Shiv Sainiks will maintain peace post-Ayodhya verdict: Uddhav". Hindustan Times. HT Media Ltd. Retrieved 13 March 2014.

32. Jump up^ Wax, Emily (24 July 2008). "With Indian Politics, the Bad Gets Worse". The Washington Post. Retrieved 22 May 2010.

Further reading[edit]

Chowdhuri, Satyabrata Rai . Leftism in India, 1917-1947. Palgrave, U.K., 2007.

Shively, W. Phillips. Power and Choice: An Introduction to Political Science—Chapter 14 Example: Parliamentary Government in India. McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008. ISBN 978-0-07-340391-5

Mitra, Subrata K. and Singh, V.B.. Democracy and Social Change in India: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the National Electorate. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999. ISBN 81-7036-809-X (India HB) ISBN 0-7619-9344-4 (U.S. HB).

Tawa Lama-Rewal, Stéphanie. "Studying Elections in India: Scientific and Political Debates". South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 3, 2009.

External links[edit]

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Page 35: Indian Politics

Indian politics

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Page 36: Indian Politics

Parliament of India.

Politics in India (Hindi:भा�रती�य र�जनी�तिती) takes place within the framework of a constitution. India is afederal parliamentary democratic republic in which the President of India is head of state and the Prime Minister of India is the head of government. India follows the dual polity, i.e. double government which consists of the union at the centre and states at the periphery. The constitution defines the organisation, powers and limitations of both central and state governments, it is written, rigid and supreme, i.e. laws of the nation must conform to it. There is provision for a bicameral legislature consisting of an Upper House, i.e. Rajya Sabha, which represent the states of the Indian federation and a lower house i.e. Lok Sabha, that represents the people of India as a whole. Indian constitution provides for an independent Judiciary headed by the Supreme Court to adhere and protect the constitution and to settle disputes between the centre and the states or between the states, it can also nullify any central or state laws if they are against the constitution.[1]

The governments,union or state, are formed through elections held every five years(unless otherwise specified), by having the majority of members in their respective lower houses (Lok Sabha in centre and Vidhan Sabha in states). India had its first general election in 1951, which was dominated by Indian National Congress, and went on to dominate the successive elections, up till 1977, when the first non-Congress government was formed for the first time in independent India. The 1990s saw the end of Single Party domination and rise of Coalition Governments. The elections for 16th Lok Sabha held in April and May 2014 once again brought back single-party rule in the country, that of theBharatiya Janata Party.[2]



1 Political parties and Alliances

o 1.1 Features of Political Parties in India

o 1.2 Types of Political Parties

o 1.3 Alliances

2 Local governance

3 Role of political parties

4 Political issues

o 4.1 Social issues

o 4.2 Economic issues

o 4.3 Law and order

5 See also

6 References

7 Further reading

8 External links

Political parties and Alliances[edit]For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

Main articles: Indian general election, 2009 and Indian_general_election, 2014

Features of Political Parties in India[edit]As compared to other democratic countries India has a large number of political parties, it has been estimated that over 200 parties were formed after India became independent in 1947.[3]

One feature of the political parties in India is that the parties are generally woven around their leaders, the leaders actively playing a dominant role, the role of leadership can be transferred and tends to take dynastic route. Such parties include both national and regional parties, parties such as Indian National Congress(INC) has been led by Nehru-Gandhi dynasty since independence, starting from Jawaharlal Nehru who dominated the INC and led it to victory in three consecutive elections. After a brief interlude of the prime ministership of Lal Bahadur Shastri, Nehru's daughter, Indira Gandhi became prime minister. After the split in the

Page 37: Indian Politics

Congress party in 1969 she formed her own Indian National congress (Ruling). After a a further split, she formed the Congress (Indira) or Congress(I). Indira remained the leader of the party until her death in 1984, when her son Rajiv Gandhitook the reigns and after his death his widow Sonia Gandhi, the current leader of INC took command.[4] As a result of such dominance, the leaders of political parties of the country tend to take an autocratic tone.

One other major feature of the political parties is that, except the communist parties, most of the political parties of India lack an ideological basis. Instead political parties in India are formed on the basis of race, religion, language, caste etc. factors, thus the high number of political parties.[3]

Types of Political Parties[edit]Main article: List of recognised political parties in India

There are two types of political parties in India - National Party and Regional/State party. Every political party must bear a symbol and must be registered with the Election Commission of India.

In the current amendment to the Symbols Order, the Commission, has infused the following five principles, which, in its view, should govern the polity in the country, situate as it is in its present state:[5]

21. Legislative presence is a must for recognition as a National or State party.22. For a National party, it must be the legislative presence in the Lok Sabha, and, for a

State party, the legislative presence must be reflected in the State Assembly.23. In any election, a party can set up a candidate only from amongst its own members.24. A party, that loses its recognition, shall not lose its symbol immediately, but shall be

given the facility to use that symbol for some time to try and retrieve its status. [However, the grant of such facility to the party to use its symbol will not mean the extension of other facilities to it, as are available to recognised parties, like, free time on Doordarshan/AIR, free supply of copies of electoral rolls, etc.]

25. Recognition should be given to a party only on the basis of its own performance in elections and not because it is a splinter group of some other recognised party.

Criteria[5] -

A political party shall be eligible to be recognised as a National party if :-

9. it secures at least six percent(6%) of the valid votes polled in any four or more states, at a general election to the House of the People or, to the State Legislative Assembly; and

10. in addition, it wins at least four seats in the House of the People from any State or States.

OR it wins at least two percent (2%) seats in the House of the People (i.e., 11 seats in the existing House having 543 members), and these members are elected from at least threedifferent States.

Likewise, a political party shall be entitled to be recognised as a State party, if :-

9. it secures at least six percent (6%) of the valid votes polled in the State at a general election, either to the House of the People or to the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned; and

10. in addition, it wins at least two seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned.


it wins at least three percent (3%) of the total number of seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State, or at least three seats in the Assembly, whichever is more.

At present there are 6 national parties and over 40 state parties.

Alliances[edit]There are three alliances on a national level in India, competing with each other for the position of Government. The member parties work in harmony for gratifying national interests, although a party can jump ships whenever it may deem fit.

The three alliances -

United Progressive Alliance (UPA) - Centre-Left coalition led by INC, this alliance was created after the 2004 General Elections, with the alliance forming the Government. The alliance even after losing some of its members, was reelected in 2009 General Elections with Manmohan Singh as head of the government.

Page 38: Indian Politics

National Democratic Alliance (NDA) - Centre-Right coalition led by BJP was formed in 1998 after the elections, NDA formed the government although the government didn't last long as AIADMK withdrew support from it resulting in 1999 general elections, in which NDA won and resumed power. The coalition government went on to complete the full five years term, becoming the first non-Congress government to do so. In the 2014 General Elections NDA once again returned to power for the second time, with a historic mandate of 336 out of 543 Lok Sabha seats. BJP itself won 282 seats thereby electing Narendra Modi as the head of the government.

Third front  - The coalition of parties which do not belong to any of the above camps due to certain issues. One of the major parties in the alliance CPI(M), prior to 2009 General Elections was a member party of the UPA. The alliance has no official leading party.

Local governance[edit]Main article: Panchayati Raj

On April 24, 1993, the Constitutional (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 came into force to provide constitutional status to the Panchayati Raj institutions. This Act was extended to Panchayats in the tribal areas of eight States, namely Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Rajasthan from 24 December 1996.

The Act aims to provide 3-tier system of Panchayati Raj for all States having population of over 2 million, to hold Panchayat elections regularly every 5 years, to provide reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Women, to appoint State Finance Commission to make recommendations as regards the financial powers of the Panchayats and to constitute District Planning Committee to prepare draft development plan for the district.

Role of political parties[edit]

Part of the Politics series

Party politics

Political spectrum

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Left wing


Centre /Radical centre


Right wing

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Page 39: Indian Politics




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For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

As with any other democracy, political parties represent different sections among the Indian society and regions, and their core values play a major role in the politics of India. Both the executive branch and the legislative branch of the government are run by the representatives of the political parties who have been elected through the elections. Through the electoral process, the people of India choose which representative and which political party should run the government. Through the elections any party may gain simple majority in the lower house. Coalitions are formed by the political parties, in case no single party gains a simple majority in the lower house. Unless a party or a coalition have a majority in the lower house, a government cannot be formed by that party or the coalition.

Indian state governments led by various political parties as of March 2014.

India has a multi-party system, where there are a number of national as well as regional parties. A regional party may gain a majority and rule a particular state. If a party is represented in more than 4 states, it would be labelled a national party. Out of the 66 years of India's independence, India has been ruled by the Indian National Congress (INC) for 53 of those years.

The party enjoyed a parliamentary majority save for two brief periods during the 1970s and late 1980s. This rule was interrupted between 1977 to 1980, when the Janata Party coalition won the election owing to public discontent with the controversial state of emergency declared by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The Janata Dal won elections in 1989, but its government managed to hold on to power for only two years.

Between 1996 and 1998, there was a period of political flux with the government being formed first by the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) followed by a left-leaning United Front coalition. In 1998, the BJP formed the National Democratic Alliance with smaller regional parties, and became the first non-INC and coalition government to complete a full five-year term. The 2004 Indian electionssaw the INC winning the largest number of seats to form a government leading the United Progressive Alliance, and supported by left-parties and those opposed to the BJP.

On 22 May 2004, Manmohan Singh was appointed the Prime Minister of India following the victory of the INC & the left front in the 2004 Lok Sabha election. The UPA now rules India without the support of the left front. Previously, Atal Bihari Vajpayee had taken office in October 1999 after a general election in which a BJP-led coalition of 13 parties called the National Democratic Alliance emerged with a majority. In May 2014, Narendra Modi of BJP was elected as Prime Minister of India.

Page 40: Indian Politics

Formation of coalition governments reflects the transition in Indian politics away from the national parties toward smaller, more narrowly based regional parties. Some regional parties, especially in South India, are deeply aligned to the ideologies of the region unlike the national parties and thus the relationship between the central government and the state government in various states has not always been free of rancor. Disparity between the ideologies of the political parties ruling the centre and the state leads to severely skewed allocation of resources between the states.

Political issues[edit]Main article: Socio-economic issues in India

See also: Corruption in India

Social issues[edit]The lack of homogeneity in the Indian population causes division between different sections of the people based on religion, region, language, caste and race. This has led to the rise of political parties with agendas catering to one or a mix of these groups.

Some parties openly profess their focus on a particular group; for example, the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's and the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's focus on theDravidian population, and the Shiv Sena's pro-Marathi agenda. Some other parties claim to be universal in nature, but tend to draw support from particular sections of the population. For example, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (translated as National People's Party) has a vote bank among the Yadav and Muslim population of Bihar and the All India Trinamool Congress does not have any significant support outside West Bengal.

The narrow focus and votebank politics of most parties, even in the central government and central legislature, sidelines national issues such as economic welfare and national security. Moreover, internal security is also threatened as incidences of political parties instigating and leading violence between two opposing groups of people is a frequent occurrence.

Economic issues[edit]Economic issues like poverty, unemployment, development are main issues that influence politics. Garibi hatao (eradicate poverty) has been a slogan of the Indian National Congress for a long time. The well known Bharatiya Janata Party encourages a free market economy. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) vehemently supports left-wing politics like land-for-all, right to work and strongly opposes neo-liberal policies such as globalization, capitalism and privatization.

Law and order[edit]Terrorism, Naxalism, religious violence and caste-related violence are important issues that affect the political environment of the Indian nation. Stringent anti-terror legislation such as TADA, POTA and MCOCA have received much political attention, both in favour and opposed.

Terrorism had effected politics India since its conception, be it the terrorism supported from Pakistan or the internal guerrilla groups such as Naxalites. In 1991 the former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated during an election campaign.[6] The suicide bomber was later linked to the Sri Lankan terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, as it was later revealed the killing was an act of vengeance for Rajiv Gandhi sending troops in Sri Lanka against them in 1987.[6]

The Babri Masjid demolition on December 6, 1992 by Hindu Karsevaks resulted in nation-wide communal riots in two months, with worst occurring in Mumbai with at least 900 dead.[6][7] The riots were followed by 1993 Mumbai Bomb Blasts, which resulted in more deaths.

Law and order issues, such as action against organised crime are issues which do not affect the outcomes of elections. On the other hand, there is a criminal–politician nexus. Many elected legislators have criminal cases against them. In July 2008, the Washington Post reported that nearly a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges, "including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder".[8]

See also[edit]

Government of India

Law of India

Indian political scandals


33. Jump up^ M.Laxmikanth. Public Administration (9th ed.). Tata Mcgraw Hill. pp. 389–390. ISBN 0071074821.

34. Jump up^ "General Election 2014". Election Commission of India. Retrieved 21 May 2014.

Page 41: Indian Politics

35. ^ Jump up to:a b Prakash Chander, Prem Arora. "Nature of Party System in India". Comparative Politics & International Relations. Cosmos Bookhive. pp. 129–134. ISBN 817729035-5.

36. Jump up^ "Journey of the Nehru-Gandhi family". CNN-IBN. Retrieved 12 March 2014.37. ^ Jump up to:a b "Election Commission Of India Press Note". Retrieved 13 March 2014.38. ^ Jump up to:a b c Guha, Ramachandra (2008). India after Gandhi : the history of the

world's largest democracy (Indian ed. ed.). India: Picador. pp. 637–659. ISBN 9780330505543.

39. Jump up^ "Shiv Sainiks will maintain peace post-Ayodhya verdict: Uddhav". Hindustan Times. HT Media Ltd. Retrieved 13 March 2014.

40. Jump up^ Wax, Emily (24 July 2008). "With Indian Politics, the Bad Gets Worse". The Washington Post. Retrieved 22 May 2010.

Further reading[edit]

Chowdhuri, Satyabrata Rai . Leftism in India, 1917-1947. Palgrave, U.K., 2007.

Shively, W. Phillips. Power and Choice: An Introduction to Political Science—Chapter 14 Example: Parliamentary Government in India. McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008. ISBN 978-0-07-340391-5

Mitra, Subrata K. and Singh, V.B.. Democracy and Social Change in India: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the National Electorate. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999. ISBN 81-7036-809-X (India HB) ISBN 0-7619-9344-4 (U.S. HB).

Tawa Lama-Rewal, Stéphanie. "Studying Elections in India: Scientific and Political Debates". South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 3, 2009.

External links[edit]

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Indian politics

Politics of IndiaFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Parliament of India.

Politics in India (Hindi:भा�रती�य र�जनी�तिती) takes place within the framework of a constitution. India is afederal parliamentary democratic republic in which the President of India is head of state and the Prime Minister of India is the head of government. India follows the dual polity, i.e. double government which consists of the union at the centre and states at the periphery. The constitution defines the organisation, powers and limitations of both central and state governments, it is written, rigid and supreme, i.e. laws of the nation must conform to it. There is provision for a bicameral legislature consisting of an Upper House, i.e. Rajya Sabha, which represent the states of the Indian federation and a lower house i.e. Lok Sabha, that represents the people of India as a whole. Indian constitution provides for an independent Judiciary headed by the Supreme Court to adhere and protect the constitution and to settle disputes between the centre and the states or between the states, it can also nullify any central or state laws if they are against the constitution.[1]

The governments,union or state, are formed through elections held every five years(unless otherwise specified), by having the majority of members in their respective lower houses (Lok Sabha in centre and Vidhan Sabha in states). India had its first general election in 1951, which was dominated by Indian National Congress, and went on to dominate the successive elections, up till 1977, when the first non-Congress government was formed for the first time in independent India. The 1990s saw the end of Single Party domination and rise of Coalition Governments. The elections for 16th Lok Sabha held in April and May 2014 once again brought back single-party rule in the country, that of theBharatiya Janata Party.[2]



1 Political parties and Alliances

o 1.1 Features of Political Parties in India

o 1.2 Types of Political Parties

o 1.3 Alliances

2 Local governance

Page 45: Indian Politics

3 Role of political parties

4 Political issues

o 4.1 Social issues

o 4.2 Economic issues

o 4.3 Law and order

5 See also

6 References

7 Further reading

8 External links

Political parties and Alliances[edit]For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

Main articles: Indian general election, 2009 and Indian_general_election, 2014

Features of Political Parties in India[edit]As compared to other democratic countries India has a large number of political parties, it has been estimated that over 200 parties were formed after India became independent in 1947.[3]

One feature of the political parties in India is that the parties are generally woven around their leaders, the leaders actively playing a dominant role, the role of leadership can be transferred and tends to take dynastic route. Such parties include both national and regional parties, parties such as Indian National Congress(INC) has been led by Nehru-Gandhi dynasty since independence, starting from Jawaharlal Nehru who dominated the INC and led it to victory in three consecutive elections. After a brief interlude of the prime ministership of Lal Bahadur Shastri, Nehru's daughter, Indira Gandhi became prime minister. After the split in the Congress party in 1969 she formed her own Indian National congress (Ruling). After a a further split, she formed the Congress (Indira) or Congress(I). Indira remained the leader of the party until her death in 1984, when her son Rajiv Gandhitook the reigns and after his death his widow Sonia Gandhi, the current leader of INC took command.[4] As a result of such dominance, the leaders of political parties of the country tend to take an autocratic tone.

One other major feature of the political parties is that, except the communist parties, most of the political parties of India lack an ideological basis. Instead political parties in India are formed on the basis of race, religion, language, caste etc. factors, thus the high number of political parties.[3]

Types of Political Parties[edit]Main article: List of recognised political parties in India

There are two types of political parties in India - National Party and Regional/State party. Every political party must bear a symbol and must be registered with the Election Commission of India.

In the current amendment to the Symbols Order, the Commission, has infused the following five principles, which, in its view, should govern the polity in the country, situate as it is in its present state:[5]

26. Legislative presence is a must for recognition as a National or State party.27. For a National party, it must be the legislative presence in the Lok Sabha, and, for a

State party, the legislative presence must be reflected in the State Assembly.28. In any election, a party can set up a candidate only from amongst its own members.29. A party, that loses its recognition, shall not lose its symbol immediately, but shall be

given the facility to use that symbol for some time to try and retrieve its status. [However, the grant of such facility to the party to use its symbol will not mean the extension of other facilities to it, as are available to recognised parties, like, free time on Doordarshan/AIR, free supply of copies of electoral rolls, etc.]

30. Recognition should be given to a party only on the basis of its own performance in elections and not because it is a splinter group of some other recognised party.

Criteria[5] -

A political party shall be eligible to be recognised as a National party if :-

11. it secures at least six percent(6%) of the valid votes polled in any four or more states, at a general election to the House of the People or, to the State Legislative Assembly; and

12. in addition, it wins at least four seats in the House of the People from any State or States.

Page 46: Indian Politics

OR it wins at least two percent (2%) seats in the House of the People (i.e., 11 seats in the existing House having 543 members), and these members are elected from at least threedifferent States.

Likewise, a political party shall be entitled to be recognised as a State party, if :-

11. it secures at least six percent (6%) of the valid votes polled in the State at a general election, either to the House of the People or to the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned; and

12. in addition, it wins at least two seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned.


it wins at least three percent (3%) of the total number of seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State, or at least three seats in the Assembly, whichever is more.

At present there are 6 national parties and over 40 state parties.

Alliances[edit]There are three alliances on a national level in India, competing with each other for the position of Government. The member parties work in harmony for gratifying national interests, although a party can jump ships whenever it may deem fit.

The three alliances -

United Progressive Alliance (UPA) - Centre-Left coalition led by INC, this alliance was created after the 2004 General Elections, with the alliance forming the Government. The alliance even after losing some of its members, was reelected in 2009 General Elections with Manmohan Singh as head of the government.

National Democratic Alliance (NDA) - Centre-Right coalition led by BJP was formed in 1998 after the elections, NDA formed the government although the government didn't last long as AIADMK withdrew support from it resulting in 1999 general elections, in which NDA won and resumed power. The coalition government went on to complete the full five years term, becoming the first non-Congress government to do so. In the 2014 General Elections NDA once again returned to power for the second time, with a historic mandate of 336 out of 543 Lok Sabha seats. BJP itself won 282 seats thereby electing Narendra Modi as the head of the government.

Third front  - The coalition of parties which do not belong to any of the above camps due to certain issues. One of the major parties in the alliance CPI(M), prior to 2009 General Elections was a member party of the UPA. The alliance has no official leading party.

Local governance[edit]Main article: Panchayati Raj

On April 24, 1993, the Constitutional (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 came into force to provide constitutional status to the Panchayati Raj institutions. This Act was extended to Panchayats in the tribal areas of eight States, namely Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Rajasthan from 24 December 1996.

The Act aims to provide 3-tier system of Panchayati Raj for all States having population of over 2 million, to hold Panchayat elections regularly every 5 years, to provide reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Women, to appoint State Finance Commission to make recommendations as regards the financial powers of the Panchayats and to constitute District Planning Committee to prepare draft development plan for the district.

Role of political parties[edit]

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Party politics

Political spectrum

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For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

As with any other democracy, political parties represent different sections among the Indian society and regions, and their core values play a major role in the politics of India. Both the executive branch and the legislative branch of the government are run by the representatives of the political parties who have been elected through the elections. Through the electoral process, the people of India choose which representative and which political party should run the government. Through the elections any party may gain simple majority in the lower house. Coalitions are formed by the political parties, in case no single party gains a simple majority in the lower house. Unless a party or a coalition have a majority in the lower house, a government cannot be formed by that party or the coalition.

Page 48: Indian Politics

Indian state governments led by various political parties as of March 2014.

India has a multi-party system, where there are a number of national as well as regional parties. A regional party may gain a majority and rule a particular state. If a party is represented in more than 4 states, it would be labelled a national party. Out of the 66 years of India's independence, India has been ruled by the Indian National Congress (INC) for 53 of those years.

The party enjoyed a parliamentary majority save for two brief periods during the 1970s and late 1980s. This rule was interrupted between 1977 to 1980, when the Janata Party coalition won the election owing to public discontent with the controversial state of emergency declared by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The Janata Dal won elections in 1989, but its government managed to hold on to power for only two years.

Between 1996 and 1998, there was a period of political flux with the government being formed first by the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) followed by a left-leaning United Front coalition. In 1998, the BJP formed the National Democratic Alliance with smaller regional parties, and became the first non-INC and coalition government to complete a full five-year term. The 2004 Indian electionssaw the INC winning the largest number of seats to form a government leading the United Progressive Alliance, and supported by left-parties and those opposed to the BJP.

On 22 May 2004, Manmohan Singh was appointed the Prime Minister of India following the victory of the INC & the left front in the 2004 Lok Sabha election. The UPA now rules India without the support of the left front. Previously, Atal Bihari Vajpayee had taken office in October 1999 after a general election in which a BJP-led coalition of 13 parties called the National Democratic Alliance emerged with a majority. In May 2014, Narendra Modi of BJP was elected as Prime Minister of India.

Formation of coalition governments reflects the transition in Indian politics away from the national parties toward smaller, more narrowly based regional parties. Some regional parties, especially in South India, are deeply aligned to the ideologies of the region unlike the national parties and thus the relationship between the central government and the state government in various states has not always been free of rancor. Disparity between the ideologies of the political parties ruling the centre and the state leads to severely skewed allocation of resources between the states.

Political issues[edit]Main article: Socio-economic issues in India

See also: Corruption in India

Social issues[edit]The lack of homogeneity in the Indian population causes division between different sections of the people based on religion, region, language, caste and race. This has led to the rise of political parties with agendas catering to one or a mix of these groups.

Some parties openly profess their focus on a particular group; for example, the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's and the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's focus on theDravidian population, and the Shiv Sena's pro-Marathi agenda. Some other parties claim to be universal in nature, but tend to draw support from particular sections of the population. For example, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (translated as National People's Party) has a vote bank among the Yadav and Muslim population of Bihar and the All India Trinamool Congress does not have any significant support outside West Bengal.

The narrow focus and votebank politics of most parties, even in the central government and central legislature, sidelines national issues such as economic welfare and national security. Moreover, internal security is also threatened as incidences of political parties instigating and leading violence between two opposing groups of people is a frequent occurrence.

Page 49: Indian Politics

Economic issues[edit]Economic issues like poverty, unemployment, development are main issues that influence politics. Garibi hatao (eradicate poverty) has been a slogan of the Indian National Congress for a long time. The well known Bharatiya Janata Party encourages a free market economy. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) vehemently supports left-wing politics like land-for-all, right to work and strongly opposes neo-liberal policies such as globalization, capitalism and privatization.

Law and order[edit]Terrorism, Naxalism, religious violence and caste-related violence are important issues that affect the political environment of the Indian nation. Stringent anti-terror legislation such as TADA, POTA and MCOCA have received much political attention, both in favour and opposed.

Terrorism had effected politics India since its conception, be it the terrorism supported from Pakistan or the internal guerrilla groups such as Naxalites. In 1991 the former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated during an election campaign.[6] The suicide bomber was later linked to the Sri Lankan terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, as it was later revealed the killing was an act of vengeance for Rajiv Gandhi sending troops in Sri Lanka against them in 1987.[6]

The Babri Masjid demolition on December 6, 1992 by Hindu Karsevaks resulted in nation-wide communal riots in two months, with worst occurring in Mumbai with at least 900 dead.[6][7] The riots were followed by 1993 Mumbai Bomb Blasts, which resulted in more deaths.

Law and order issues, such as action against organised crime are issues which do not affect the outcomes of elections. On the other hand, there is a criminal–politician nexus. Many elected legislators have criminal cases against them. In July 2008, the Washington Post reported that nearly a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges, "including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder".[8]

See also[edit]

Government of India

Law of India

Indian political scandals


41. Jump up^ M.Laxmikanth. Public Administration (9th ed.). Tata Mcgraw Hill. pp. 389–390. ISBN 0071074821.

42. Jump up^ "General Election 2014". Election Commission of India. Retrieved 21 May 2014.

43. ^ Jump up to:a b Prakash Chander, Prem Arora. "Nature of Party System in India". Comparative Politics & International Relations. Cosmos Bookhive. pp. 129–134. ISBN 817729035-5.

44. Jump up^ "Journey of the Nehru-Gandhi family". CNN-IBN. Retrieved 12 March 2014.45. ^ Jump up to:a b "Election Commission Of India Press Note". Retrieved 13 March 2014.46. ^ Jump up to:a b c Guha, Ramachandra (2008). India after Gandhi : the history of the

world's largest democracy (Indian ed. ed.). India: Picador. pp. 637–659. ISBN 9780330505543.

47. Jump up^ "Shiv Sainiks will maintain peace post-Ayodhya verdict: Uddhav". Hindustan Times. HT Media Ltd. Retrieved 13 March 2014.

48. Jump up^ Wax, Emily (24 July 2008). "With Indian Politics, the Bad Gets Worse". The Washington Post. Retrieved 22 May 2010.

Further reading[edit]

Chowdhuri, Satyabrata Rai . Leftism in India, 1917-1947. Palgrave, U.K., 2007.

Shively, W. Phillips. Power and Choice: An Introduction to Political Science—Chapter 14 Example: Parliamentary Government in India. McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008. ISBN 978-0-07-340391-5

Mitra, Subrata K. and Singh, V.B.. Democracy and Social Change in India: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the National Electorate. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999. ISBN 81-7036-809-X (India HB) ISBN 0-7619-9344-4 (U.S. HB).

Tawa Lama-Rewal, Stéphanie. "Studying Elections in India: Scientific and Political Debates". South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 3, 2009.

External links[edit]

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Indian politics

Politics of IndiaFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Republic of India

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Page 53: Indian Politics

Parliament of India.

Politics in India (Hindi:भा�रती�य र�जनी�तिती) takes place within the framework of a constitution. India is afederal parliamentary democratic republic in which the President of India is head of state and the Prime Minister of India is the head of government. India follows the dual polity, i.e. double government which consists of the union at the centre and states at the periphery. The constitution defines the organisation, powers and limitations of both central and state governments, it is written, rigid and supreme, i.e. laws of the nation must conform to it. There is provision for a bicameral legislature consisting of an Upper House, i.e. Rajya Sabha, which represent the states of the Indian federation and a lower house i.e. Lok Sabha, that represents the people of India as a whole. Indian constitution provides for an independent Judiciary headed by the Supreme Court to adhere and protect the constitution and to settle disputes between the centre and the states or between the states, it can also nullify any central or state laws if they are against the constitution.[1]

The governments,union or state, are formed through elections held every five years(unless otherwise specified), by having the majority of members in their respective lower houses (Lok Sabha in centre and Vidhan Sabha in states). India had its first general election in 1951, which was dominated by Indian National Congress, and went on to dominate the successive elections, up till 1977, when the first non-Congress government was formed for the first time in independent India. The 1990s saw the end of Single Party domination and rise of Coalition Governments. The elections for 16th Lok Sabha held in April and May 2014 once again brought back single-party rule in the country, that of theBharatiya Janata Party.[2]



1 Political parties and Alliances

o 1.1 Features of Political Parties in India

o 1.2 Types of Political Parties

o 1.3 Alliances

2 Local governance

3 Role of political parties

4 Political issues

o 4.1 Social issues

o 4.2 Economic issues

o 4.3 Law and order

5 See also

6 References

7 Further reading

8 External links

Political parties and Alliances[edit]For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

Main articles: Indian general election, 2009 and Indian_general_election, 2014

Features of Political Parties in India[edit]As compared to other democratic countries India has a large number of political parties, it has been estimated that over 200 parties were formed after India became independent in 1947.[3]

One feature of the political parties in India is that the parties are generally woven around their leaders, the leaders actively playing a dominant role, the role of leadership can be transferred and tends to take dynastic route. Such parties include both national and regional parties, parties such as Indian National Congress(INC) has been led by Nehru-Gandhi dynasty since independence, starting from Jawaharlal Nehru who dominated the INC and led it to victory in three consecutive elections. After a brief interlude of the prime ministership of Lal Bahadur Shastri, Nehru's daughter, Indira Gandhi became prime minister. After the split in the

Page 54: Indian Politics

Congress party in 1969 she formed her own Indian National congress (Ruling). After a a further split, she formed the Congress (Indira) or Congress(I). Indira remained the leader of the party until her death in 1984, when her son Rajiv Gandhitook the reigns and after his death his widow Sonia Gandhi, the current leader of INC took command.[4] As a result of such dominance, the leaders of political parties of the country tend to take an autocratic tone.

One other major feature of the political parties is that, except the communist parties, most of the political parties of India lack an ideological basis. Instead political parties in India are formed on the basis of race, religion, language, caste etc. factors, thus the high number of political parties.[3]

Types of Political Parties[edit]Main article: List of recognised political parties in India

There are two types of political parties in India - National Party and Regional/State party. Every political party must bear a symbol and must be registered with the Election Commission of India.

In the current amendment to the Symbols Order, the Commission, has infused the following five principles, which, in its view, should govern the polity in the country, situate as it is in its present state:[5]

31. Legislative presence is a must for recognition as a National or State party.32. For a National party, it must be the legislative presence in the Lok Sabha, and, for a

State party, the legislative presence must be reflected in the State Assembly.33. In any election, a party can set up a candidate only from amongst its own members.34. A party, that loses its recognition, shall not lose its symbol immediately, but shall be

given the facility to use that symbol for some time to try and retrieve its status. [However, the grant of such facility to the party to use its symbol will not mean the extension of other facilities to it, as are available to recognised parties, like, free time on Doordarshan/AIR, free supply of copies of electoral rolls, etc.]

35. Recognition should be given to a party only on the basis of its own performance in elections and not because it is a splinter group of some other recognised party.

Criteria[5] -

A political party shall be eligible to be recognised as a National party if :-

13. it secures at least six percent(6%) of the valid votes polled in any four or more states, at a general election to the House of the People or, to the State Legislative Assembly; and

14. in addition, it wins at least four seats in the House of the People from any State or States.

OR it wins at least two percent (2%) seats in the House of the People (i.e., 11 seats in the existing House having 543 members), and these members are elected from at least threedifferent States.

Likewise, a political party shall be entitled to be recognised as a State party, if :-

13. it secures at least six percent (6%) of the valid votes polled in the State at a general election, either to the House of the People or to the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned; and

14. in addition, it wins at least two seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned.


it wins at least three percent (3%) of the total number of seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State, or at least three seats in the Assembly, whichever is more.

At present there are 6 national parties and over 40 state parties.

Alliances[edit]There are three alliances on a national level in India, competing with each other for the position of Government. The member parties work in harmony for gratifying national interests, although a party can jump ships whenever it may deem fit.

The three alliances -

United Progressive Alliance (UPA) - Centre-Left coalition led by INC, this alliance was created after the 2004 General Elections, with the alliance forming the Government. The alliance even after losing some of its members, was reelected in 2009 General Elections with Manmohan Singh as head of the government.

Page 55: Indian Politics

National Democratic Alliance (NDA) - Centre-Right coalition led by BJP was formed in 1998 after the elections, NDA formed the government although the government didn't last long as AIADMK withdrew support from it resulting in 1999 general elections, in which NDA won and resumed power. The coalition government went on to complete the full five years term, becoming the first non-Congress government to do so. In the 2014 General Elections NDA once again returned to power for the second time, with a historic mandate of 336 out of 543 Lok Sabha seats. BJP itself won 282 seats thereby electing Narendra Modi as the head of the government.

Third front  - The coalition of parties which do not belong to any of the above camps due to certain issues. One of the major parties in the alliance CPI(M), prior to 2009 General Elections was a member party of the UPA. The alliance has no official leading party.

Local governance[edit]Main article: Panchayati Raj

On April 24, 1993, the Constitutional (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 came into force to provide constitutional status to the Panchayati Raj institutions. This Act was extended to Panchayats in the tribal areas of eight States, namely Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Rajasthan from 24 December 1996.

The Act aims to provide 3-tier system of Panchayati Raj for all States having population of over 2 million, to hold Panchayat elections regularly every 5 years, to provide reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Women, to appoint State Finance Commission to make recommendations as regards the financial powers of the Panchayats and to constitute District Planning Committee to prepare draft development plan for the district.

Role of political parties[edit]

Part of the Politics series

Party politics

Political spectrum

Far left /Radical left

Left wing


Centre /Radical centre


Right wing

Far right /Radical right

Party platform










Party system





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For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

As with any other democracy, political parties represent different sections among the Indian society and regions, and their core values play a major role in the politics of India. Both the executive branch and the legislative branch of the government are run by the representatives of the political parties who have been elected through the elections. Through the electoral process, the people of India choose which representative and which political party should run the government. Through the elections any party may gain simple majority in the lower house. Coalitions are formed by the political parties, in case no single party gains a simple majority in the lower house. Unless a party or a coalition have a majority in the lower house, a government cannot be formed by that party or the coalition.

Indian state governments led by various political parties as of March 2014.

India has a multi-party system, where there are a number of national as well as regional parties. A regional party may gain a majority and rule a particular state. If a party is represented in more than 4 states, it would be labelled a national party. Out of the 66 years of India's independence, India has been ruled by the Indian National Congress (INC) for 53 of those years.

The party enjoyed a parliamentary majority save for two brief periods during the 1970s and late 1980s. This rule was interrupted between 1977 to 1980, when the Janata Party coalition won the election owing to public discontent with the controversial state of emergency declared by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The Janata Dal won elections in 1989, but its government managed to hold on to power for only two years.

Between 1996 and 1998, there was a period of political flux with the government being formed first by the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) followed by a left-leaning United Front coalition. In 1998, the BJP formed the National Democratic Alliance with smaller regional parties, and became the first non-INC and coalition government to complete a full five-year term. The 2004 Indian electionssaw the INC winning the largest number of seats to form a government leading the United Progressive Alliance, and supported by left-parties and those opposed to the BJP.

On 22 May 2004, Manmohan Singh was appointed the Prime Minister of India following the victory of the INC & the left front in the 2004 Lok Sabha election. The UPA now rules India without the support of the left front. Previously, Atal Bihari Vajpayee had taken office in October 1999 after a general election in which a BJP-led coalition of 13 parties called the National Democratic Alliance emerged with a majority. In May 2014, Narendra Modi of BJP was elected as Prime Minister of India.

Page 57: Indian Politics

Formation of coalition governments reflects the transition in Indian politics away from the national parties toward smaller, more narrowly based regional parties. Some regional parties, especially in South India, are deeply aligned to the ideologies of the region unlike the national parties and thus the relationship between the central government and the state government in various states has not always been free of rancor. Disparity between the ideologies of the political parties ruling the centre and the state leads to severely skewed allocation of resources between the states.

Political issues[edit]Main article: Socio-economic issues in India

See also: Corruption in India

Social issues[edit]The lack of homogeneity in the Indian population causes division between different sections of the people based on religion, region, language, caste and race. This has led to the rise of political parties with agendas catering to one or a mix of these groups.

Some parties openly profess their focus on a particular group; for example, the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's and the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's focus on theDravidian population, and the Shiv Sena's pro-Marathi agenda. Some other parties claim to be universal in nature, but tend to draw support from particular sections of the population. For example, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (translated as National People's Party) has a vote bank among the Yadav and Muslim population of Bihar and the All India Trinamool Congress does not have any significant support outside West Bengal.

The narrow focus and votebank politics of most parties, even in the central government and central legislature, sidelines national issues such as economic welfare and national security. Moreover, internal security is also threatened as incidences of political parties instigating and leading violence between two opposing groups of people is a frequent occurrence.

Economic issues[edit]Economic issues like poverty, unemployment, development are main issues that influence politics. Garibi hatao (eradicate poverty) has been a slogan of the Indian National Congress for a long time. The well known Bharatiya Janata Party encourages a free market economy. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) vehemently supports left-wing politics like land-for-all, right to work and strongly opposes neo-liberal policies such as globalization, capitalism and privatization.

Law and order[edit]Terrorism, Naxalism, religious violence and caste-related violence are important issues that affect the political environment of the Indian nation. Stringent anti-terror legislation such as TADA, POTA and MCOCA have received much political attention, both in favour and opposed.

Terrorism had effected politics India since its conception, be it the terrorism supported from Pakistan or the internal guerrilla groups such as Naxalites. In 1991 the former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated during an election campaign.[6] The suicide bomber was later linked to the Sri Lankan terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, as it was later revealed the killing was an act of vengeance for Rajiv Gandhi sending troops in Sri Lanka against them in 1987.[6]

The Babri Masjid demolition on December 6, 1992 by Hindu Karsevaks resulted in nation-wide communal riots in two months, with worst occurring in Mumbai with at least 900 dead.[6][7] The riots were followed by 1993 Mumbai Bomb Blasts, which resulted in more deaths.

Law and order issues, such as action against organised crime are issues which do not affect the outcomes of elections. On the other hand, there is a criminal–politician nexus. Many elected legislators have criminal cases against them. In July 2008, the Washington Post reported that nearly a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges, "including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder".[8]

See also[edit]

Government of India

Law of India

Indian political scandals


49. Jump up^ M.Laxmikanth. Public Administration (9th ed.). Tata Mcgraw Hill. pp. 389–390. ISBN 0071074821.

50. Jump up^ "General Election 2014". Election Commission of India. Retrieved 21 May 2014.

Page 58: Indian Politics

51. ^ Jump up to:a b Prakash Chander, Prem Arora. "Nature of Party System in India". Comparative Politics & International Relations. Cosmos Bookhive. pp. 129–134. ISBN 817729035-5.

52. Jump up^ "Journey of the Nehru-Gandhi family". CNN-IBN. Retrieved 12 March 2014.53. ^ Jump up to:a b "Election Commission Of India Press Note". Retrieved 13 March 2014.54. ^ Jump up to:a b c Guha, Ramachandra (2008). India after Gandhi : the history of the

world's largest democracy (Indian ed. ed.). India: Picador. pp. 637–659. ISBN 9780330505543.

55. Jump up^ "Shiv Sainiks will maintain peace post-Ayodhya verdict: Uddhav". Hindustan Times. HT Media Ltd. Retrieved 13 March 2014.

56. Jump up^ Wax, Emily (24 July 2008). "With Indian Politics, the Bad Gets Worse". The Washington Post. Retrieved 22 May 2010.

Further reading[edit]

Chowdhuri, Satyabrata Rai . Leftism in India, 1917-1947. Palgrave, U.K., 2007.

Shively, W. Phillips. Power and Choice: An Introduction to Political Science—Chapter 14 Example: Parliamentary Government in India. McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008. ISBN 978-0-07-340391-5

Mitra, Subrata K. and Singh, V.B.. Democracy and Social Change in India: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the National Electorate. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999. ISBN 81-7036-809-X (India HB) ISBN 0-7619-9344-4 (U.S. HB).

Tawa Lama-Rewal, Stéphanie. "Studying Elections in India: Scientific and Political Debates". South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 3, 2009.

External links[edit]

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Indian politics

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Parliament of India.

Politics in India (Hindi:भा�रती�य र�जनी�तिती) takes place within the framework of a constitution. India is afederal parliamentary democratic republic in which the President of India is head of state and the Prime Minister of India is the head of government. India follows the dual polity, i.e. double government which consists of the union at the centre and states at the periphery. The constitution defines the organisation, powers and limitations of both central and state governments, it is written, rigid and supreme, i.e. laws of the nation must conform to it. There is provision for a bicameral legislature consisting of an Upper House, i.e. Rajya Sabha, which represent the states of the Indian federation and a lower house i.e. Lok Sabha, that represents the people of India as a whole. Indian constitution provides for an independent Judiciary headed by the Supreme Court to adhere and protect the constitution and to settle disputes between the centre and the states or between the states, it can also nullify any central or state laws if they are against the constitution.[1]

The governments,union or state, are formed through elections held every five years(unless otherwise specified), by having the majority of members in their respective lower houses (Lok Sabha in centre and Vidhan Sabha in states). India had its first general election in 1951, which was dominated by Indian National Congress, and went on to dominate the successive elections, up till 1977, when the first non-Congress government was formed for the first time in independent India. The 1990s saw the end of Single Party domination and rise of Coalition Governments. The elections for 16th Lok Sabha held in April and May 2014 once again brought back single-party rule in the country, that of theBharatiya Janata Party.[2]



1 Political parties and Alliances

o 1.1 Features of Political Parties in India

o 1.2 Types of Political Parties

o 1.3 Alliances

2 Local governance

Page 62: Indian Politics

3 Role of political parties

4 Political issues

o 4.1 Social issues

o 4.2 Economic issues

o 4.3 Law and order

5 See also

6 References

7 Further reading

8 External links

Political parties and Alliances[edit]For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

Main articles: Indian general election, 2009 and Indian_general_election, 2014

Features of Political Parties in India[edit]As compared to other democratic countries India has a large number of political parties, it has been estimated that over 200 parties were formed after India became independent in 1947.[3]

One feature of the political parties in India is that the parties are generally woven around their leaders, the leaders actively playing a dominant role, the role of leadership can be transferred and tends to take dynastic route. Such parties include both national and regional parties, parties such as Indian National Congress(INC) has been led by Nehru-Gandhi dynasty since independence, starting from Jawaharlal Nehru who dominated the INC and led it to victory in three consecutive elections. After a brief interlude of the prime ministership of Lal Bahadur Shastri, Nehru's daughter, Indira Gandhi became prime minister. After the split in the Congress party in 1969 she formed her own Indian National congress (Ruling). After a a further split, she formed the Congress (Indira) or Congress(I). Indira remained the leader of the party until her death in 1984, when her son Rajiv Gandhitook the reigns and after his death his widow Sonia Gandhi, the current leader of INC took command.[4] As a result of such dominance, the leaders of political parties of the country tend to take an autocratic tone.

One other major feature of the political parties is that, except the communist parties, most of the political parties of India lack an ideological basis. Instead political parties in India are formed on the basis of race, religion, language, caste etc. factors, thus the high number of political parties.[3]

Types of Political Parties[edit]Main article: List of recognised political parties in India

There are two types of political parties in India - National Party and Regional/State party. Every political party must bear a symbol and must be registered with the Election Commission of India.

In the current amendment to the Symbols Order, the Commission, has infused the following five principles, which, in its view, should govern the polity in the country, situate as it is in its present state:[5]

36. Legislative presence is a must for recognition as a National or State party.37. For a National party, it must be the legislative presence in the Lok Sabha, and, for a

State party, the legislative presence must be reflected in the State Assembly.38. In any election, a party can set up a candidate only from amongst its own members.39. A party, that loses its recognition, shall not lose its symbol immediately, but shall be

given the facility to use that symbol for some time to try and retrieve its status. [However, the grant of such facility to the party to use its symbol will not mean the extension of other facilities to it, as are available to recognised parties, like, free time on Doordarshan/AIR, free supply of copies of electoral rolls, etc.]

40. Recognition should be given to a party only on the basis of its own performance in elections and not because it is a splinter group of some other recognised party.

Criteria[5] -

A political party shall be eligible to be recognised as a National party if :-

15. it secures at least six percent(6%) of the valid votes polled in any four or more states, at a general election to the House of the People or, to the State Legislative Assembly; and

16. in addition, it wins at least four seats in the House of the People from any State or States.

Page 63: Indian Politics

OR it wins at least two percent (2%) seats in the House of the People (i.e., 11 seats in the existing House having 543 members), and these members are elected from at least threedifferent States.

Likewise, a political party shall be entitled to be recognised as a State party, if :-

15. it secures at least six percent (6%) of the valid votes polled in the State at a general election, either to the House of the People or to the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned; and

16. in addition, it wins at least two seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned.


it wins at least three percent (3%) of the total number of seats in the Legislative Assembly of the State, or at least three seats in the Assembly, whichever is more.

At present there are 6 national parties and over 40 state parties.

Alliances[edit]There are three alliances on a national level in India, competing with each other for the position of Government. The member parties work in harmony for gratifying national interests, although a party can jump ships whenever it may deem fit.

The three alliances -

United Progressive Alliance (UPA) - Centre-Left coalition led by INC, this alliance was created after the 2004 General Elections, with the alliance forming the Government. The alliance even after losing some of its members, was reelected in 2009 General Elections with Manmohan Singh as head of the government.

National Democratic Alliance (NDA) - Centre-Right coalition led by BJP was formed in 1998 after the elections, NDA formed the government although the government didn't last long as AIADMK withdrew support from it resulting in 1999 general elections, in which NDA won and resumed power. The coalition government went on to complete the full five years term, becoming the first non-Congress government to do so. In the 2014 General Elections NDA once again returned to power for the second time, with a historic mandate of 336 out of 543 Lok Sabha seats. BJP itself won 282 seats thereby electing Narendra Modi as the head of the government.

Third front  - The coalition of parties which do not belong to any of the above camps due to certain issues. One of the major parties in the alliance CPI(M), prior to 2009 General Elections was a member party of the UPA. The alliance has no official leading party.

Local governance[edit]Main article: Panchayati Raj

On April 24, 1993, the Constitutional (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 came into force to provide constitutional status to the Panchayati Raj institutions. This Act was extended to Panchayats in the tribal areas of eight States, namely Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Rajasthan from 24 December 1996.

The Act aims to provide 3-tier system of Panchayati Raj for all States having population of over 2 million, to hold Panchayat elections regularly every 5 years, to provide reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Women, to appoint State Finance Commission to make recommendations as regards the financial powers of the Panchayats and to constitute District Planning Committee to prepare draft development plan for the district.

Role of political parties[edit]

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For other political parties see List of political parties in India. An overview on elections and election results is included in Elections in India.

As with any other democracy, political parties represent different sections among the Indian society and regions, and their core values play a major role in the politics of India. Both the executive branch and the legislative branch of the government are run by the representatives of the political parties who have been elected through the elections. Through the electoral process, the people of India choose which representative and which political party should run the government. Through the elections any party may gain simple majority in the lower house. Coalitions are formed by the political parties, in case no single party gains a simple majority in the lower house. Unless a party or a coalition have a majority in the lower house, a government cannot be formed by that party or the coalition.

Page 65: Indian Politics

Indian state governments led by various political parties as of March 2014.

India has a multi-party system, where there are a number of national as well as regional parties. A regional party may gain a majority and rule a particular state. If a party is represented in more than 4 states, it would be labelled a national party. Out of the 66 years of India's independence, India has been ruled by the Indian National Congress (INC) for 53 of those years.

The party enjoyed a parliamentary majority save for two brief periods during the 1970s and late 1980s. This rule was interrupted between 1977 to 1980, when the Janata Party coalition won the election owing to public discontent with the controversial state of emergency declared by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The Janata Dal won elections in 1989, but its government managed to hold on to power for only two years.

Between 1996 and 1998, there was a period of political flux with the government being formed first by the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) followed by a left-leaning United Front coalition. In 1998, the BJP formed the National Democratic Alliance with smaller regional parties, and became the first non-INC and coalition government to complete a full five-year term. The 2004 Indian electionssaw the INC winning the largest number of seats to form a government leading the United Progressive Alliance, and supported by left-parties and those opposed to the BJP.

On 22 May 2004, Manmohan Singh was appointed the Prime Minister of India following the victory of the INC & the left front in the 2004 Lok Sabha election. The UPA now rules India without the support of the left front. Previously, Atal Bihari Vajpayee had taken office in October 1999 after a general election in which a BJP-led coalition of 13 parties called the National Democratic Alliance emerged with a majority. In May 2014, Narendra Modi of BJP was elected as Prime Minister of India.

Formation of coalition governments reflects the transition in Indian politics away from the national parties toward smaller, more narrowly based regional parties. Some regional parties, especially in South India, are deeply aligned to the ideologies of the region unlike the national parties and thus the relationship between the central government and the state government in various states has not always been free of rancor. Disparity between the ideologies of the political parties ruling the centre and the state leads to severely skewed allocation of resources between the states.

Political issues[edit]Main article: Socio-economic issues in India

See also: Corruption in India

Social issues[edit]The lack of homogeneity in the Indian population causes division between different sections of the people based on religion, region, language, caste and race. This has led to the rise of political parties with agendas catering to one or a mix of these groups.

Some parties openly profess their focus on a particular group; for example, the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's and the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's focus on theDravidian population, and the Shiv Sena's pro-Marathi agenda. Some other parties claim to be universal in nature, but tend to draw support from particular sections of the population. For example, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (translated as National People's Party) has a vote bank among the Yadav and Muslim population of Bihar and the All India Trinamool Congress does not have any significant support outside West Bengal.

The narrow focus and votebank politics of most parties, even in the central government and central legislature, sidelines national issues such as economic welfare and national security. Moreover, internal security is also threatened as incidences of political parties instigating and leading violence between two opposing groups of people is a frequent occurrence.

Page 66: Indian Politics

Economic issues[edit]Economic issues like poverty, unemployment, development are main issues that influence politics. Garibi hatao (eradicate poverty) has been a slogan of the Indian National Congress for a long time. The well known Bharatiya Janata Party encourages a free market economy. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) vehemently supports left-wing politics like land-for-all, right to work and strongly opposes neo-liberal policies such as globalization, capitalism and privatization.

Law and order[edit]Terrorism, Naxalism, religious violence and caste-related violence are important issues that affect the political environment of the Indian nation. Stringent anti-terror legislation such as TADA, POTA and MCOCA have received much political attention, both in favour and opposed.

Terrorism had effected politics India since its conception, be it the terrorism supported from Pakistan or the internal guerrilla groups such as Naxalites. In 1991 the former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated during an election campaign.[6] The suicide bomber was later linked to the Sri Lankan terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, as it was later revealed the killing was an act of vengeance for Rajiv Gandhi sending troops in Sri Lanka against them in 1987.[6]

The Babri Masjid demolition on December 6, 1992 by Hindu Karsevaks resulted in nation-wide communal riots in two months, with worst occurring in Mumbai with at least 900 dead.[6][7] The riots were followed by 1993 Mumbai Bomb Blasts, which resulted in more deaths.

Law and order issues, such as action against organised crime are issues which do not affect the outcomes of elections. On the other hand, there is a criminal–politician nexus. Many elected legislators have criminal cases against them. In July 2008, the Washington Post reported that nearly a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges, "including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder".[8]

See also[edit]

Government of India

Law of India

Indian political scandals


57. Jump up^ M.Laxmikanth. Public Administration (9th ed.). Tata Mcgraw Hill. pp. 389–390. ISBN 0071074821.

58. Jump up^ "General Election 2014". Election Commission of India. Retrieved 21 May 2014.

59. ^ Jump up to:a b Prakash Chander, Prem Arora. "Nature of Party System in India". Comparative Politics & International Relations. Cosmos Bookhive. pp. 129–134. ISBN 817729035-5.

60. Jump up^ "Journey of the Nehru-Gandhi family". CNN-IBN. Retrieved 12 March 2014.61. ^ Jump up to:a b "Election Commission Of India Press Note". Retrieved 13 March 2014.62. ^ Jump up to:a b c Guha, Ramachandra (2008). India after Gandhi : the history of the

world's largest democracy (Indian ed. ed.). India: Picador. pp. 637–659. ISBN 9780330505543.

63. Jump up^ "Shiv Sainiks will maintain peace post-Ayodhya verdict: Uddhav". Hindustan Times. HT Media Ltd. Retrieved 13 March 2014.

64. Jump up^ Wax, Emily (24 July 2008). "With Indian Politics, the Bad Gets Worse". The Washington Post. Retrieved 22 May 2010.

Further reading[edit]

Chowdhuri, Satyabrata Rai . Leftism in India, 1917-1947. Palgrave, U.K., 2007.

Shively, W. Phillips. Power and Choice: An Introduction to Political Science—Chapter 14 Example: Parliamentary Government in India. McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2008. ISBN 978-0-07-340391-5

Mitra, Subrata K. and Singh, V.B.. Democracy and Social Change in India: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the National Electorate. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999. ISBN 81-7036-809-X (India HB) ISBN 0-7619-9344-4 (U.S. HB).

Tawa Lama-Rewal, Stéphanie. "Studying Elections in India: Scientific and Political Debates". South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 3, 2009.

External links[edit]

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