Indian Navy

Indian Navy The Indian Navy (IN; Hindi: भारतीय नौ सेना (Devanāgarī), Bhāratīya Nau Senā (Latin)) is the naval branch of the armed forces of India. The President of In- dia serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. The Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), usually a four-star officer in the rank of Admiral, commands the navy. The Indian Navy has its origin in 1947. The primary objective of the navy is to secure the na- tion’s maritime borders, India also uses its navy to en- hance its international relations through joint exercises, port visits and humanitarian missions, including disaster relief. In recent years, the Indian Navy has undergone rapid modernisation to replace its ageing equipment and developed blue-water capabilities and enhanced its posi- tion in the Indo-Pacific region. [4][5][6][7] As of 2015, the Indian Navy has a strength of 58,350 personnel and a large operational fleet consisting of two aircraft carriers, one amphibious transport dock,9 Landing ship tanks,9 destroyers, 15 frigates, one nuclear- powered attack submarine, 14 conventionally-powered attack submarines, 25 corvettes,7 mine countermeasure vessels, 47 patrol vessels,4 fleet tankers and various other auxiliary vessels. 1 History Main article: History of the Indian Navy 1.1 Early maritime history Main article: Indian maritime history Further information: Maritime history of Odisha India has a maritime history dating back 5,600 years. [8][9][10][11] The first tidal dock is estimated to have been built at Lothal around 2300 BC during the Indus Valley Civilisation, near the present day Mangrol har- bour on the Gujarat coast. [12][13] The Rig Veda written around 1500 BC, credits Varuna with knowledge of the ocean routes and describes naval expeditions. There is reference to the side wings of a vessel called Plava, which give stability to the ship under storm conditions. A compass, the Matsya Yantra, was used for navigation in the fourth and fifth century AD. The earliest known reference to an organisation devoted Trade Routes Chola Territory Chola Inuence Lanka Thanjavur Nagapattinam Gangaikonda Cholapuram Kanchipuram Kalyani Vengl (Pala) Sambor Prei Kuk Chenla (Khmer) Champa Burmese Cahaya Panai Kadaram Western Chalukyas Kalinga Odda Srivijaya Vangadesam (Basavakalyan) (Kedah) (Palembang) (Chaiya) (Siem Reap) Pagan Pegu Chola territories during Rajendra Chola I, c. 1030 to ships in ancient India is to the Mauryan Empire from the fourth century BCE. Emperor Chandragupta Mau- rya's Prime Minister Kautilya's Arthashastra devotes a full chapter on the state department of waterways un- der navadhyaksha (Sanskrit for Superintendent of ships) . The term, nava dvipantaragamanam (Sanskrit for sailing to other lands by ships, i.e. Exploration) appears in this book in addition to appearing in the Sanskrit text, Baud- hayana Dharmasastra as the interpretation of the term, Samudrasamyanam. Sea lanes between India and neighbouring lands were the usual form of trade for many centuries, and are re- sponsible for the widespread influence of Indian Culture on other societies. Powerful navies included those of the Chola dynasty, Maurya Empire, Satavahana, Gupta Empire, Pala, Pandya, Vijayanagara Empire, Kalinga, Mughal and Maratha Empire empires. [14] Particularly the Chola dynasty had a powerful navy which conquered parts of Maritime Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka in the 11th century during the reign of Raja Raja Chola I, Rajendra Chola I and Kulothunga Chola I. [15][16] The Palas and the Cholas excelled in foreign trade and mar- itime activity, extending their influence overseas to China and Southeast Asia. The Maratha naval power domi- nated the military scene in India for three centuries. [17] During the 17th and 18th centuries, the Maratha and Kerala fleets were expanded, and became the most pow- erful Naval Forces in the subcontinent, defeating Euro- pean Navies at various times (See the Battle of Colachel). The fleet review of the Maratha navy took place at the Ratnagiri fort in which the ships Gurabs, Galbat, Pal & small ships called as “Sangmeshwari” participated. The 'Pal' was a three masted fighter with guns peeping on the 1


indian navy

Transcript of Indian Navy

Page 1: Indian Navy

Indian Navy

The Indian Navy (IN; Hindi: भारतीय नौ सेना(Devanāgarī), Bhāratīya Nau Senā (Latin)) is the navalbranch of the armed forces of India. The President of In-dia serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. TheChief of Naval Staff (CNS), usually a four-star officer inthe rank of Admiral, commands the navy. The IndianNavy has its origin in 1947.The primary objective of the navy is to secure the na-tion’s maritime borders, India also uses its navy to en-hance its international relations through joint exercises,port visits and humanitarian missions, including disasterrelief. In recent years, the Indian Navy has undergonerapid modernisation to replace its ageing equipment anddeveloped blue-water capabilities and enhanced its posi-tion in the Indo-Pacific region.[4][5][6][7]

As of 2015, the Indian Navy has a strength of 58,350personnel and a large operational fleet consisting oftwo aircraft carriers, one amphibious transport dock, 9Landing ship tanks, 9 destroyers, 15 frigates, one nuclear-powered attack submarine, 14 conventionally-poweredattack submarines, 25 corvettes, 7 mine countermeasurevessels, 47 patrol vessels, 4 fleet tankers and various otherauxiliary vessels.

1 History

Main article: History of the Indian Navy

1.1 Early maritime history

Main article: Indian maritime historyFurther information: Maritime history of Odisha

India has a maritime history dating back 5,600years.[8][9][10][11] The first tidal dock is estimated to havebeen built at Lothal around 2300 BC during the IndusValley Civilisation, near the present day Mangrol har-bour on the Gujarat coast.[12][13] The Rig Veda writtenaround 1500 BC, credits Varuna with knowledge of theocean routes and describes naval expeditions. Thereis reference to the side wings of a vessel called Plava,which give stability to the ship under storm conditions.A compass, the Matsya Yantra, was used for navigationin the fourth and fifth century AD.The earliest known reference to an organisation devoted

Trade Routes

Chola Territory

Chola Influence


ThanjavurNagapattinamGangaikonda Cholapuram





Sambor Prei KukChenla(Khmer)















(Siem Reap)



Chola territories during Rajendra Chola I, c. 1030

to ships in ancient India is to the Mauryan Empire fromthe fourth century BCE. Emperor Chandragupta Mau-rya's Prime Minister Kautilya's Arthashastra devotes afull chapter on the state department of waterways un-der navadhyaksha (Sanskrit for Superintendent of ships) .The term, nava dvipantaragamanam (Sanskrit for sailingto other lands by ships, i.e. Exploration) appears in thisbook in addition to appearing in the Sanskrit text, Baud-hayana Dharmasastra as the interpretation of the term,Samudrasamyanam.Sea lanes between India and neighbouring lands werethe usual form of trade for many centuries, and are re-sponsible for the widespread influence of Indian Cultureon other societies. Powerful navies included those ofthe Chola dynasty, Maurya Empire, Satavahana, GuptaEmpire, Pala, Pandya, Vijayanagara Empire, Kalinga,Mughal and Maratha Empire empires.[14] Particularly theChola dynasty had a powerful navy which conqueredparts of Maritime Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka in the11th century during the reign of Raja Raja Chola I,Rajendra Chola I and Kulothunga Chola I.[15][16] ThePalas and the Cholas excelled in foreign trade and mar-itime activity, extending their influence overseas to Chinaand Southeast Asia. The Maratha naval power domi-nated the military scene in India for three centuries.[17]During the 17th and 18th centuries, the Maratha andKerala fleets were expanded, and became the most pow-erful Naval Forces in the subcontinent, defeating Euro-pean Navies at various times (See the Battle of Colachel).The fleet review of the Maratha navy took place at theRatnagiri fort in which the ships Gurabs, Galbat, Pal &small ships called as “Sangmeshwari” participated. The'Pal' was a three masted fighter with guns peeping on the


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broadsides.[18] Kanhoji Angre and Kunjali Marakkar, theNaval chief of Saamoothiri, were two notable naval chiefsof the period.

1.2 1612 origins to independence

Main article: Royal Indian Navy

In 1612, the English East India Company established theEast India Company’sMarine to protect its merchant ship-ping off the Gulf of Cambay and up the Narmada andTapti rivers. Its first fighting ships in India were ac-quired on 5 September 1612. This force evolved intoHerMajesty’s Indian Navy in 1830, while most of India wasunder British rule. The force at this time had British offi-cers and Indian sailors. The Navy saw action in the FirstOpium War of 1840 and in the Second Anglo-BurmeseWar in 1852. During World War I, the force then knownas the Royal Indian Marine undertook minesweeping, aswell as supply and support operations for the Allies.Sub Lieutenant D. N. Mukherji was the first Indian to begranted a commission as an engineer officer in 1928. In1934, the navy was renamed as the Royal Indian Navy(RIN).The onset of World War II led to an expansion in num-bers of vessels and personnel. The navy was actively in-volved in operations during the war around the world. Itssloops HMIS Sutlej and HMIS Jumna played a key role inOperation Husky, the Allied invasion of Sicily.[19] It washeavily involved in operations around the Indian Ocean,including convoy escorts, mine-sweeping, supply, as wellas supporting amphibious assaults. At the end of the war,the navy underwent rapid, large-scale demobilisation ofvessels and personnel. In 1946, Indian sailors started theRoyal Indian Navy mutiny, a rebellion influenced by ac-tivities of Indian National Army and post-WWII polit-ical unrest in India on board ships and on shore estab-lishments to protest discrimination against Indian officersand sailors by the British and the putting on trial of ex-Indian National Army soldiers and officers. A total of 78ships, 20 shore establishments and 20,000 sailors were in-volved in the rebellion, which spread all over India. Thisrebellion failed as the rebels did not receive support fromthe political leaders. After the independence of Indiaon 15 August 1947 and the ensuing partition, the RIN’sdepleted fleet of ships and remaining personnel were di-vided between the newly independent Union of India andDominion of Pakistan.When India became a republic on 26 January 1950, theRoyal prefix was dropped and the name Indian Navy wasofficially adopted. The prefix on her ships was changedto Indian Naval Ship (INS).

1.3 Independence to the end of the 20thcentury

Main articles: 1961 Indian annexation of Goa andIndo-Pakistani wars and conflicts

During the early years following independence, the navystill hadmany British officers who continued to serve withthe Indian Navy. Vice Admiral Ram Dass Katari wasthe first Indian to assume office as the Chief of Staff ofthe Indian Navy on 22 April 1958. The first engagementin action of the Indian Navy was against the PortugueseNavy during the liberation of Goa in 1961. Operation Vi-jay followed years of escalating tension due to Portugueserefusal to relinquish its colonies in India. On 21 Novem-ber 1961, Portuguese troops fired on the passenger linerSabarmati near Anjadip Island, killing one person andinjuring another. During Operation Vijay, the IndianNavy supported troop landings and provided fire support.INS Delhi (1948) sank one Portuguese patrol boat, whilefrigates INSBetwa (1960) and INSBeas (1960) destroyedthe Portuguese frigate NRP Afonso de Albuquerque.[20]The 1962 Sino-Indian War was largely fought over theHimalayas and the Navy had only a defensive role in thewar.Indian Naval activity in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965largely involved coastal patrols. During the war, the Pak-istani Navy attacked the Indian coastal city of Dwarka,although there were no military resources in the area.While this attack was insignificant,[21] India deployednaval resources to patrol the coast and deter further bom-bardment. Following these wars in the 1960s, India re-solved to strengthen the profile and capabilities of itsArmed Forces.

Aircraft carrier INS Vikrant (R11) during the Indo-PakistaniWar of 1971. It played a crucial role in enforcing the navalblockade on East Pakistan and ensuring India’s victory duringthe war.

The dramatic change in the Indian Navy’s capabilities andstance was emphatically demonstrated during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. Under the command of Admi-ral Sardarilal Mathradas Nanda, the navy successfully en-forced a naval blockade of West and East Pakistan.[22][23]

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1.4 21st century onwards 3

Pakistan’s lone long-range submarine PNS Ghazi wassunk following an attack by the destroyer INS Rajput(1942) off the coast of Visakhapatnam around midnightof 3–4 December 1971.[24][25][26][27][28] On 4 Decem-ber, the Indian Navy successfully executed Operation Tri-dent, a devastating attack on the Pakistan Naval Head-quarters of Karachi that sank a minesweeper, a destroyerand an ammunition supply ship. The attack also irrepara-bly damaged another destroyer and oil storage tanks atthe Karachi port.To commemorate this, December 4is celebrated as the Navy Day. This was followed byOperation Python on 8December 1971, further deprecat-ing the Pakistan Navy’s capabilities. Indian frigate INSKhukri, commanded by Captain M. N. Mulla was sunkby the PNS Hangor (S131), while INS Kirpan (1959)was damaged on the west coast. In the Bay of Ben-gal, the aircraft carrier INS Vikrant (R11) was deployedto successfully enforce the naval blockade on East Pak-istan. Sea Hawk and the Alizés aircraft from INS Vikrantsank numerous gunboats and Pakistani merchant ma-rine ships.[29] To demonstrate its solidarity as an allyof Pakistan, the United States of America sent TaskForce 74 centred around the aircraft carrier USS En-terprise into the Bay of Bengal. In retaliation, SovietNavy submarines trailed the American task force, whichmoved away from the Indian Ocean towards SoutheastAsia to avert a confrontation.[30] In the end, the Indiannaval blockade of Pakistan choked off the supply of rein-forcements to the Pakistani forces,[31] which proved to bedecisive in the overwhelming defeat of Pakistan.[32][33]

Since playing a decisive role in the victory, the navyhas been a deterrent force maintaining peace for In-dia in a region of turmoil. In 1983, the Indian Navyplanned for Operation Lal Dora to support the govern-ment of Mauritius against a feared coup.[34] In 1986,in Operation Flowers are Blooming, the Indian Navyaverted an attempted coup in the Seychelles.[35] In 1988,India launched Operation Cactus, to successfully thwarta coup d'état by PLOTE in the Maldives.[36] Naval mar-itime reconnaissance aircraft detected the ship hijackedby PLOTE rebels. INS Godavari (F20) and Indian ma-rine commandos recaptured the ship and arrested therebels.[37] During the 1999 Kargil War, the Western andEastern fleets were deployed in the NorthernArabian Sea,as a part of Operation Talwar.[38] They safeguarded In-dia’s maritime assets from a potential Pakistani naval at-tack, as also deterred Pakistan from attempting to blockIndia’s sea-trade routes.[39] The Indian Navy’s aviatorsflew sorties and marine commandos fought alongside In-dian Army personnel in the Himalayas.[40][41]

1.4 21st century onwards

In the 21st century, the Indian Navy has played animportant role in maintaining peace for India on themaritime front, in spite of the state of foment in itsneighbourhood.[42] It has been deployed for humanitar-

ian relief in times of natural disasters and crises acrossthe globe, as well as to keep India’s maritime trade routesfree and open.The Indian Navy was a part of the joint forces exer-cises, Operation Parakram, during the 2001–2002 India–Pakistan standoff. More than a dozen warships were de-ployed to the northern Arabian Sea.[43] In 2001, the In-dian Navy took over operations to secure the Strait ofMalacca, to relieve US Navy resources for Operation En-during Freedom.[44]

Indian Naval doctor examines a patient.

The navy plays an important role in providing humanitar-ian relief in times of natural disasters, including floods,cyclones and tsunamis. In the aftermath of the 2004Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, the Indian Navylaunched massive disaster relief operations to help af-fected Indian states as well as Maldives, Sri Lanka andIndonesia. Over 27 ships, dozens of helicopters, at least6 fixed-wing aircraft and over 5000 personnel of the navywere deployed in relief operations.[45] These includedOperation Madad in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu,Operation Sea Waves in the Andaman and Nicobar Is-lands, Operation Castor in Maldives, Operation Rainbowin Sri Lanka and Operation Gambhir in Indonesia.[46]This was one of the largest and fastest force mobilisationsthat the Indian Navy has undertaken. Indian naval res-cue vessels and teams reached neighbouring countries lessthan 12 hours from the time that the tsunami hit.[45][47]Lessons from the response led to decision to enhance am-phibious force capabilities, including the acquisition ofLanding PlatformDocks such as the INS Jalashwa (L41),as well as smaller amphibious vessels.[48][49]

During the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, the Indian Navylaunched Operation Sukoon to evacuate 2,286 Indian na-tionals and expatriates, besides 436 Sri Lankan and 69Nepali citizens, from war-torn Lebanon.[50][51] In 2006,Indian naval doctors served for 102 days on board USNSMercy to conduct about medical camps in Philippines,Bangladesh, Indonesia and East Timor.[52] In 2007, In-dian Navy supported relief operations for the survivorsof Cyclone Sidr in Bangladesh.[53] In 2008, Indian Navalvessels were the first to launch international relief opera-tions for victims of Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar.[54][55] In

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2011, Indian Navy launched Operation Safe Homecom-ing and rescued Indian nationals from war torn Libya.During the 2015 crisis in Yemen, the Indian Navy waspart of Operation Raahat and rescued 3074 individualsout of which 1291 were foreign nationals.[56]

In October 1999, a coordinated effort by the Indian Navyand the Indian Coast Guard led to the rescue of piratedJapanese cargo ship, MV Alondra Rainbow.[57]

In 2008, the navy deployed INS Tabar (F44) andINS Mysore (D60) into the Gulf of Aden to combatpiracy in Somalia.[58] Tabar prevented numerous piracyattempts,[59][60][61] and escorted hundreds of ships safelythrough the pirate-infested waters.[62][63][64] The navyalso undertook anti-piracy patrols near the Seychelles,upon that country’s request.[65][66][67] In 2011, the navylaunched Operation Island Watch to deter piracy attemptsby Somali pirates off the Lakshadweep archipelago. Thisoperation has had numerous successes in preventing pi-rate attacks.[68][69][70][71][72] On 14 August 2013, the sub-marine INS Sindhurakshak sank in Bombay Dockyarddue to explosions aboard.[73]

On 16 November 2013, the then, Defence Minister AKAntony commissioned a modified Kiev class aircraft car-rier INS Vikramaditya in Severodvinsk in northern Rus-sia.

2 Today

2.1 Current role

Indian Navy flotilla including aircraft carrier INS Viraat escort-ing INS Vikramaditya on its way home in 2014

Currently the principal roles of Indian Navy are:[74]

• In conjunction with other Armed Forces of theunion, act to deter or defeat any threats or aggressionagainst the territory, people or maritime interests ofIndia, both in war and peace;

• Project influence in India’s maritime area of inter-est, to further the nation’s political, economic andsecurity objectives;

• In co-operation with the Indian Coast Guard, ensuregood order and stability in India’s maritime zones ofresponsibility.

• Provide maritime assistance (including disaster re-lief) in India’s maritime neighbourhood.

2.2 Command and organisation

Indian Naval establishments.

The Indian Navy operates three Commands.[75] EachCommand is headed by a Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the rank of Vice Admiral. The Eastern andWestern Commands each have a Fleet commanded bya rear admiral, and each also have a Commodore com-manding submarines. The Southern Naval Command ishome to the Flag Officer Sea Training.Additionally, the Andaman and Nicobar Command head-quartered at Port Blair is a unified tri-services commandunder the Commander in Chief Andaman and Nicobar(CINCAN) who reports to the Chairman Chiefs of StaffCommittee (COSC) who is provided staff support by theChief of Integrated Staff to the Chiefs of Staff Commit-tee (CISC) in New Delhi. The Andaman and NicobarCommand, a unified Indian Navy, Indian Army IndianAir Force and Coast Guard Command was set up in theAndaman and Nicobar Islands in 2001.[76]

In 2005, the Indian Navy commissioned the base, INSKadamba at Karwar, 100 km from Goa. This is the thirdoperational naval base after Mumbai and Visakhapatnamand the first to be controlled exclusively by the Navywithout sharing port facilities with commercial shipping.Built under phase I of the Project Seabird, it is the largestnaval base in the region.[80] The largest naval academyin Asia, INS Zamorin at Ezhimala, is operated by IndianNavy. The Indian Navy also has berthing rights in Omanand Vietnam.[81]

The Navy operates a monitoring station, fitted with radarsand surveillance gear to intercept maritime communi-cation, in Madagascar. It also plans to build a further32 radar stations in Seychelles, Mauritius, Maldives and

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2.5 MARCOS 5

Sri Lanka.[82] According to Intelligence Online in January2013, published by France-based global intelligence gath-ering organisation, Indigo Publications, the Navy is be-lieved to be operating a listening post in Ras al-Hadd,Oman. The post is located directly across from GwadarPort in Balochistan, Pakistan, separated by approximately400 km of the Arabian Sea.[83]

2.3 Personnel

Guard of honour during a parade at the INA.

The Commander of the Navy is the Chief of Naval Staff(CNS).While the provision for the rank of Admiral of theFleet exists, it is primarily intended formajor wartime useand honour. No officer of the Indian Navy has yet beenconferred this rank. (Both the Army and Air Force havehad officers who have been conferred with the equivalentrank – Field Marshals Sam Manekshaw and Cariappa ofthe Army and Marshal of the Indian Air Force (MIAF)Arjan Singh.) As of 2010 the Indian Navy has 58,350personnel on active duty (including 7,000 Naval Aviation,2,000 Marine commandos),[84][85] and 1,000 Sagar Pra-hari Bal soldiers.[86]

2.4 Naval Air Arm

Main article: Indian Naval Air ArmThe naval air-arm is an important component of the

A MiG-29K landing on INS Vikramaditya

Indian Navy. The air arm consists of MiG-29Ks and

the Sea Harrier jets that operate from the aircraft car-riers INS Viraat and INS Vikramaditya. The Kamov-31also operates from the aircraft carriers and provide theairborne early warning cover for the fleet. In the anti-submarine role the Sea King, Ka-28 and the domesticbuilt HAL Dhruv are used. The MARCOS also use SeaKing and HAL Dhruv helicopters while conducting op-erations. Maritime patrol and reconnaissance operationsare carried out by the Boeing P-8 Poseidon, the Tupolev142 and the Ilyushin 38. TheUAV arm consists of the IAIHeron and Searcher-IIs that are operated from both sur-face ships and shore establishments for surveillance mis-sions.The Indian Navy also maintains a four-aircraft aerobaticdisplay team, the Sagar Pawan. The Sagar Pawan teamwill be replacing their present Kiran HJT-16 aircraft withthe newly developed HJT-36 aircraft.[87]

The southernmost naval air station, INS Bazz was for-mally opened on 31 July 2012 by the Indian Navy Chiefat Cambell Bay in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Withthe commissioning of this station, the country acquiredincreased capability to keep vigil on the vital maritimechannel of the Straits of Malacca.[88]


Main article: MARCOSThe Marine Commando Force (MCF), also known as

HAL Dhruv helicopter of the Indian Navy extracting MarineCommandos MARCOS on Navy day 2013 at Kochi..

MARCOS, is a special forces unit that was raised bythe Indian Navy in 1987 for direct action, special re-connaissance, amphibious warfare and counter-terrorism.In 1988, the MARCOS successfully rescued severalhostages, including Maldives' then-Minister of Tourism,aboard a ship hijacked by PLOTE mercenaries dur-ing Operation Cactus. The MARCOS are typically de-ployed to prevent infiltration through the Jhelum Riverand Wular Lake and are also involved in covert counter-terrorism operations in and around lakes and rivers in

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Jammu and Kashmir.[89][90]

During the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, the MARCOS werealso involved in the rescue mission of hostages capturedby the terrorists in TajMahal Palace&Tower luxury hotelin Mumbai as part of a large terrorist attack in Mumbaimetropolis in November 2008.[91]

3 Equipment

Main article: List of active Indian Navy shipsSee also: List of ships of the Indian Navy for a list ofHistorical Ships of the Indian Navy.

3.1 Ships

The names of all in service ships (and Naval Bases) of theIndian Navy are prefixed with the letters INS, designatingIndian Naval Ship or Indian Navy Station. The fleet of theIndian Navy is a mixture of domestic built and foreignvessels.

Vikramaditya and Viraat (background) cruise in the ArabianSea.

The Indian Navy presently has two aircraft carriers in ac-tive service, the INS Viraat and INS Vikramaditya. INSViraat is planned for decommissioning after the inductionof the first domestically built Vikrant class aircraft car-rier.[92] In 2004, India bought the Russian aircraft carrier,Admiral Gorshkov for the equivalent of US$974 Million.It cost an additional US$1.326 billion to overhaul the ves-sel and refit it entirely with new electronic, weapon sys-tems and sensors,bringing the total procurement cost toUSD 2.3 Billion. INS Vikramaditya sailed to India af-ter her commissioning on 15 November 2013. It joinedactive service by December 2013.[93] The Indian Navyhas an amphibious transport dock of the Austin class,re-christened as INS Jalashwa in Indian service. It alsomaintains a fleet of landing ship tanks. It is expected that

fourmore amphibious transport docks will be constructedin the future.[94]

Kolkata-class destroyer

The navy currently operates one Kolkata, three Delhi andfive Rajput-class guided-missile destroyers. The shipsof the Rajput class will be replaced in the near futureby the next-generation Kolkata-class destroyers (Project15B) which will feature a number of improvements.In addition to destroyers, the navy operates several classesof frigates such as three Shivalik (Project 17 class) andsix Talwar class frigates. Seven additional Shivalik-classfrigates (Project 17A class frigates) are on order.[95] Theolder Godavari class frigates will systematically be re-placed one by one as the new classes of frigates arebrought into service over the next decade. The last re-maining Nilgiri class frigate was decommissioned on 27June 2013.Smaller littoral zone combatants in service are in the formof corvettes, of which the Indian Navy operates the Kora,Khukri, Veer and Abhay classes corvettes. The next-generation Kamorta class of corvettes are currently underdevelopment with the first commissioned in August 2014.Replenishment tankers such as the Jyoti class tanker, theAditya and the new Deepak class fleet tankers help im-prove the navy’s endurance at sea. The Deepak classtankers will be the mainstay of the replenishment fleetuntil the first half of the 21st century.[96]

3.2 Submarines

The Indian Navy operates two types of conventional at-tack submarines; the Sindhughosh (Russian Kilo-classsubmarine design) and the Shishumar (German Type209/1500 design) classes.India also possess a single Akula-class submarineclass nuclear-powered attack submarine named the INSChakra. She is the result of a US$2 billion deal be-tween India and Russia for the completion and lease oftwo Akula-class submarines to the Indian Navy.[97] Threehundred Indian Navy personnel were trained in Russia

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3.4 Electronic warfare and systems management 7

INS Chakra the nuclear attack submarine of the Indian Navy

for the operation of these submarines. Negotiations un-derway with Russia for the lease of the second Akula-class.[98] At the end of the lease, it has been agreed thatIndia will have the option to purchase the submarinesoutright.[99]

Arihant, was launched on 26 July 2009 in Visakhapatnam(India) and is currently undergoing sea trials.[100] TheNavy plans to have six SSBN’s in service in the nearfuture.[101] She is both the first boat of the Arihant-classnuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines and the firstnuclear-powered submarine to be built in India.[102]

3.3 Weapon systems

Main article: Weapon systems of the Indian NavyIndia has a number of foreign made cruise missile sys-tems, including the Klub SS-N-27. It also has its ownNirbhay cruise missile systems under development. An-other successful programme has been the adaptation ofthe Yakhont anti-ship missile system into the BrahMosby the NPO and the DRDO. The BrahMos has beentailored to Indian needs and uses a large proportion ofIndian-designed components and technology, includingits fire control systems, transporter erector launchers, andits onboard navigational attack systems. The success-ful test of Brahmos from INS Rajput (D51) providesIndian Navy with precision land attack capability.[103]India has also fitted its P-8I Neptune reconnaissanceaircraft with all-weather, active-radar-homing, over-the-horizon AGM-84LHarpoon Block II Missiles andMk 54All-Up-Round Lightweight Torpedoes.[104] Indian war-ships’ primary air-defence shield is provided by Barak-1 SAM while an advanced version Barak-8 is in de-velopment with join collaboration with Israel.[105] In-dia’s next-generation Scorpene class submarines will bearmed with Exocet anti-ship missile system. Among in-digenous missiles, ship-launched version of Prithvi-II iscalled Dhanush, which has a range of 350 km and cancarry nuclear warhead.[106] The K-15 Sagarika (Oceanic)submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), which hasa range of at least 700 km (some sources claim 1000km) forms part of India’s nuclear triad and is extensively

Barak 8 Surface to Air missile

tested to be integrated with Arihant class of nuclear sub-marines. A longer range submarine launched ballisticmissile called K-4 is under testing, to be followed by K-5SLBM.

3.4 Electronic warfare and systems man-agement

EL/M-2248 MF-STAR AESA radar on board INS Kolkata(D63).

Sangraha is a joint electronic warfare programme ofthe Defence Research and Development Organisation(DRDO) and the Indian Navy. The system comprises a

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family of electronic warfare suites, such as Ajanta and El-lora, for use on different naval platforms capable of inter-cepting, detecting, and classifying pulsed, carrier wave,pulse repetition frequency agile, frequency agile and chirpradars. The systems employ a modular approach facili-tating deployment on various platforms like helicopters,vehicles, and small ships. Certain platforms, apart fromESM (electronic support measures), have ECM (elec-tronic countermeasure) capabilities. Advanced technolo-gies like multiple-beam phased array jammers are em-ployed in the system for simultaneous handling of multi-ple threats.[107]

The Indian Navy also relies on information technologyto face the challenges of the 21st century. The IndianNavy is implementing a new strategy to move from aplatform centric force to a network-centric force by link-ing all shore-based installations and ships via high-speeddata networks and satellites.[108][109] This will help in in-creased operational awareness. The network is referredto as the Navy Enterprise Wide Network (NEWN). TheIndian Navy has also provided training to all its personnelin Information Technology (IT) at the Naval Institute ofComputer Applications (NICA) located in Mumbai. In-formation technology is also used to provide better train-ing, like the usage of simulators and for better manage-ment of the force.[110]

3.5 Information technology cadre

With increasing cyber terrorism and attacks on itsnetworks, the navy has created a separate cell forcommunications, space and network centric operations(CS&NCO) under an officer of the rank of Rear Admiral.The cell would operate and maintain the naval networkand will respond to cyber attacks from hostile hackers. Itwill be manned by a special information technology cadreof the Indian Navy.[111]

3.6 Naval satellite

India’s first exclusive defence satellite GSAT-7 was suc-cessfully launched by European space consortium Ari-anespace’s Ariane 5 rocket from Kourou spaceport inFrench Guiana in August, 2013, giving a major pushto the country’s maritime security. Indian Navy wouldbe the user of the multi-band home-built communica-tion spacecraft, expected to be operational by September,2013. GSAT-7 was designed and developed by the IndianSpace Research Organisation (ISRO) and is expected tooperate for seven years in its orbital slot at 74 degreeseast, providing UHF, S-band, C-band and Ku-band re-lay capacity. Its Ku-band capacity is expected to providehigh-density data transmission facility, both for voice andvideo. This satellite has been provided with additionalpower to communicate with smaller and mobile (not nec-essarily land-based) terminals. This dedicated satellite

is expected to provide the Indian navy with an approx-imately 3,500- to 4,000-kilometer footprint over the In-dian Ocean region, and over both the Arabian Sea andthe Bay of Bengal region and enable real-time network-ing of all its operational assets in the water (and land).It also will help the navy to operate in a network-centricatmosphere.[112]

4 Activities

4.1 Fleet reviews

The President of India is entitled to inspect his/her fleet,as he/she is the supreme commander of the Indian ArmedForces. The first president’s fleet review by India washosted by Dr. Rajendra Prasad on 10 October 1953.President’s reviews usually take place once in the Pres-ident’s term. In all, ten fleet reviews have taken place,including in February 2006, when former president Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam took the review.[113] The latest, on 20December 2011, when President Pratibha Patil set sailin a warship INS Subhadra (P51) to take the 10th FleetReview.[114] The Indian Navy also conducted an Interna-tional fleet review named Bridges of Friendship in Febru-ary 2001 inMumbai. Many ships of friendly Navies fromall around the world participated, including two from theUS Navy.[115][116]

4.2 Naval exercises

Naval ships from 17 nations Indian Ocean Naval Symposiumparticipated in Milan 2014, one of the largest joint naval drill.

India often conducts naval exercises with other friendlycountries designed to increase naval interoperabilityand also to strengthen cooperative security relation-ship. Some such exercises take place annually like theVaruna with the French Navy, Konkan with the RoyalNavy, Indra with Russian Navy, Malabar with the USNavy, Simbex[117] with the Republic of Singapore Navyand IBSAMAR[118] with the Brazil and South African

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4.3 Exploration 9

navies.[119] The Indian Navy also conducted exercise withthe People’s Liberation Army Navy in 2003 and willsend ships to the South China Sea to participate in thefleet review.[120] Apart from the Indian Ocean, India hassteadily gained influence in the Pacific Ocean. In 2007,Indian Navy conducted naval exercise with Japan Mar-itime Self-Defence Force and U.S Navy in the Pacific[121]and also signed an agreement with Japan in October 2008for joint naval patrolling in the Asia-Pacific region.[122]

Indian and South Korean warships during a Korea-India exer-cise.

India has also held naval exercise with Vietnam,[123]Philippines and New Zealand.[124] In 2007, India andSouth Korea decided to conduct annual naval exercise[125]and India participated in the South Korean internationalfleet review.[126] In addition, Indian Navy will also beincreasing naval co-operation with other allies, particu-larly with Germany[127] and Arab states of the PersianGulf including Kuwait, Oman,[128] Bahrain and SaudiArabia.[129][130] India held the first Indian Ocean NavalSymposium (IONS)[131] with an objective to provide aforum for all the littoral nations of the Indian Ocean toco-operate on mutually agreed areas for better securityin the region.[132] The Indian Navy is increasingly used ininternational diplomacy.[133] Since 2000, the Indian navalships havemade port calls in Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Libya,Greece,Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand,Tonga, South Africa,[134] Kenya,[135] Qatar, Oman,United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait[136] and othercountries in 2005–2007.The first Atlantic Ocean deployment of the Indian Navyhappened in 2009. During this deployment, the IndianNaval fleet will conduct exercise with the French, Ger-man, Russian and British Navies.[137]

In 2007, the TROPEX (Theatre-level Readiness Oper-ational Exercises) was held during which Indian Navyexperimented the doctrine of influencing a land and airbattle to support the Indian Army and the Indian AirForce.[138] Tropex 2010 was held, with the Western andEastern fleets taking part along with elements from theairforce.[139]

In 2010, Indian naval warships were deployed in the Asiapacific region, and conducted courtesy calls at friendlyports.[140] Recently, Indian Navy carried out a Joint Navalexercise with Sri Lanka Navy codenamed SLINEX-IIfrom 19 to 24 September 2011. The exercise was aimed

at increasing the capabilities of the two nations in car-rying out anti-piracy operations and exchanging profes-sional knowledge.[141] Once in two years navies from theIndian Ocean region meet at the Andaman and NicobarIslands and the event is named asMilan.[142] MILAN in-cluded a passage exercise in 2010.[143]

4.3 Exploration

The Indian Navy expedition to North Pole.

The Indian Navy regularly conducts adventure expedi-tions. The sailing ship and training vessel INS Taranginibegan circumnavigating the world on 23 January 2003,intending to foster good relations with various other na-tions; she returned to India in May of the following yearafter visiting 36 ports in 18 nations.[144] INS Taranginireturned to port, after a ten-month-long overseas voyagenamed Lokayan 07.[145] Lt. Cdr. M.S. Kohli led the In-dian Navy’s first successful expedition to Mount Everestin 1965; the Navy’s ensign was again flown atop Evereston 19 May 2004 by a similar expedition. Another Navyteam also successfully scaled Everest from the north face,the technically more challenging route.[146] The expedi-tion was led by Cdr Satyabrata Dam, belonging to the elitesubmarine arm. Cdr. Dam is a mountaineer of inter-national repute and has climbed many mountains includ-ing the Patagonias, the Alps among others. This team’srecord is unmatched by any other navy. The Navy wasalso the first to send a submariner to summit Everest.[147]

An Indian Navy team comprising 11 members success-fully completed an expedition to the Arctic pole. Toprepare, they first travelled to Iceland, where they at-tempted to summit a peak.[148] The team next flew to east-ern Greenland; in the Kulusuk and Angmassalik areas,they used Inuit boats to navigate the region’s ice-chokedfjords. They crossed northward across the Arctic Circle,reaching seventy degrees North on skis. The team scaledan unnamed peak of height 11,000 feet (3,400 m) andnamed it ‘’Indian Peak’’.[149]

The Indian Naval ensign first flew in Antarctica in1981.[150] The Indian Navy succeeded in Mission Dak-

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shin Dhruv 2006 by traversing to the South Pole on skis.With this historic expedition, they have set the record forbeing the first military team to have successfully com-pleted a ski traverse to the Geographic South Pole.[151]Also, three of the ten member team – the expeditionleader – Cdr. Satyabrata Dam, leading medical assistantsRakesh Kumar and Vikas Kumar are now amongst thefew people in the world to have visited the two poles andsummited Mt. Everest.[152][153] Indian Navy became thefirst organisation to reach the poles and Mt.Everest.[154]Cdr. Dilip Donde completed the first solo circumnaviga-tion by an Indian citizen on 22 May 2010.[155][156]

5 Future of the Indian Navy

Main article: Future of the Indian NavyBy the end of the 14th Plan (2027), the Indian Navy ex-

INS Vikrant under construction

The HAL Tejas Naval Prototype-1 takes-off from the ShoreBased Test Facility at Goa

pects to have over 150 ships and close to 500 aircraft andhelicopters. In addition to the existing mission of secur-ing both sea flanks in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabiansea, the navy would be able to respond to emergency situ-ations far away from the main land. Marine assault capa-bilities will be beefed-up by setting up a new amphibiouswarfare facility at Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh.[157]

The Indian Navy has initiated Phase II expansion ofINS Kadamba, the third largest naval base, near Karwar.Phase II will involve expansion of the berthing facilities toaccommodate 40 more front-line warships, including theaircraft carrier INSVikramaditya, raisemanpower to 300officers and around 2,500 sailors, and build a naval air sta-tion with a 6,000-foot runway. This is to be followed by

Phase IIA and IIB, at the end of which INS Kadamba willbe able to base 50 front-line warships. The Indian Navyis also in the process of constructing an Extremely lowfrequency communication facility at INS Kattabommanto communicate with its Arihant class and Akula classsubmarines. This facility is expected to be operational by2015.[158]

The Vikrant-class are the first indigenous aircraft carri-ers to be built in India. The first, ''Vikrant, was launchedin 2013 by Cochin Shipyard and is expected to undergoextensive sea trials in 2016 with commissioning plannedfor 2018. Vikrant displaces 40,000 tonnes and will becapable of operating up to 40 aircraft, including 30 HALTejas and MiG-29K fighters.[159] The second ship of theVikrant-class is Vishal (formerly known as IndigenousAircraft Carrier-II). Vishal will displace around 65,000tonnes and is expected to be delivered to the Indian Navyby 2025. With the future delivery of Vishal, the IndianNavys goal to have three aircraft carriers in service, withtwo fully operational carriers and the third in refit will beachieved.[160]

As of November 2011, the Defence Acquisition Coun-cil launched the Indian Navy Multi-Role Support Vesselprogramme. The Indian Navy has subsequently sent outan international RFP for up to 4 large landing helicopterdocks. The contenders are expected to tie up with localshipyards for construction of the ships.[161]

In addition to aircraft carriers and large amphibiousassault ships, the Indian Navy is acquiring numeroussmaller vessels such as; the Kolkata and Visakhapatnam-class destroyers, the Project 17A-class frigates and theKamorta-class corvettes. New submarine types include;the conventional Kalvari-class and the nuclear Arihant-class.For details on the future aircraft of the Indian Navy, seeIndian Naval Air Arm - Future aircraft

6 Accidents

Main article: List of Indian Naval accidents

Accidents in the Indian navy have been attributed to age-ing ships in need of maintenance, delayed acquisitions bythe Ministry of Defence, and human error.[162] Howevernaval commentators also argue that as India’s large navyof 160 ships clocks around 12,000 ship-days at sea everyyear, in varied waters and weather, some incidents areinevitable.[163][164] Captains of erring ships are dismissedfrom their command following an enquiry.[165][166] Theaccident on board INS Sindhuratna (S59) led to the res-ignation of the then Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) AdmiralD K Joshi on 26 February 2014, who owned moralresponsibility.[167]

The navy is envisaging a new 'Safety Organisation' to im-

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prove safety of its warships, nuclear submarines and air-craft in view of its planned increase in fleet strength overthe next decade.[168]

7 Indian Naval Ensign

Main article: Indian Naval Ensign

• Naval Ensign (1879-1928) & Naval Jack(1928–1947)

• Naval Jack (1879–1928)

• Naval Ensign (1928–1950)

• Naval Jack (1947–present)

• Naval Ensign (1950–2001)

• Naval Ensign (2001–2004)

• Naval Ensign (2004–2014)

• Naval Ensign (2014–present)

The Indian navy from 1950 to 2001 used a modified ver-sion of the British Naval jack, with the Union flag re-placed with the Indian Tricolor in the canton. In 2001,this flag was replaced with a white ensign bearing the In-dian Navy crest, as the previous ensign was thought to re-flect India’s colonial past.[169] However complaints arosethat the new ensign was indistinguishable as the blue ofthe naval crest easily merged with the sky and the ocean.Hence in 2004, the ensign was changed back to the St.George’s cross design, with the addition of the emblem ofIndia in the intersection of the cross. In 2014, the ensignas well as the naval crest was further modified to includethe Devanagari script: सत्यमेवजयते (Satyameva Jayate)which means 'Truth Alone Triumphs’ in Sanskrit.[170]

8 See also

• Future ships of the Indian Navy

• Indian Naval Academy

• Indian Naval Air Arm

• List of active Indian Navy ships

• List of active Indian military aircraft

• Naval ranks and insignia of India

• Project Seabird

• Multi-Role Support Vessel

• Indian Ancient Maritime History

• Naval Aviation Museum

• Kanhoji Angre – Notable Maratha Admiral afterwhom INS Angre – the western naval command –is named.

• Kunjali Marakkar – Navy Chief of the Zamorin

• Chempil Arayan

• Middle Ground Coastal Battery

• Indian Coast Guard

• Indian Army

• Indian Air Force

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• International Institute for Strategic Studies; Hack-ett, James (ed.) (3 February 2010). The MilitaryBalance 2010. London: Routledge. ISBN 1-85743-557-5.

• Blue print to blue water 1951–65 Rear Admiral(Retd) Satyindra Singh AVSM

• The Transition to Triumph and Transition to Emi-nence written by Vice Admiral(Retd) GM Hiranan-dani PVSM, AVSM, NM, PhD

• The Indian end of the telescope: India and its navy,Naval War College Review, Spring, 2002 by GulabHiranandani.

• India in the Indian Ocean, Naval War College Re-view, Spring, 2006 by Donald L.Berlin

• Rahul Roy-Chaudhury (2000). India’s Maritime Se-curity. India: Institute for Defence Studies andAnalyses. ISBN 81-86019-29-4.

• Indian Navy’s Southern Naval Command (2005).A Shared Destiny: The Indian Navy and the Cityof Kochi. Kochi: Headquarters of Southern NavalCommand. OCLC 70335840.

• Goldrick, James (1997). No Easy Answers: TheDevelopment of the Navies of India, Pakistan,Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, 1945–1996. LancerPublishers. ISBN 1-897829-02-7.

• Ladwig III, Walter C. (2012). Drivers of IndianNaval Expansion, (PDF). in Harsh V. Pant, (ed.)The Rise of the Indian Navy: Internal Vulnerabili-ties, External Challenges. Ashgate.

Page 16: Indian Navy


• Vice Admiral Mihir K. Roy (1995). War in the In-dian Ocean. New Delhi: Lancer Publishers. ISBN1-897829-11-6.

• Vice Admiral S. H. Sarma (2001). My Years atSea. New Delhi: Lancer Publishers & Distributors.ISBN 81-7062-121-6.

10 External links• Official web site

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11 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

11.1 Text• IndianNavy Source: Berek, Dominus, Ahoerstemeier, Paulin-

Saudi, David Newton, Tovarish, Nv8200pa, Topbanana, Camerong, Astronautics~enwiki, Moriori, PBS, Auric, Mervyn, Naelphin, Lupo,Nichalp, Orpheus, Everyking, Duncharris, Karnan, Bobblewik, Btphelps, Gadfium, Confuzion, Pamri, H1523702, Pmanderson, Ham-mersfan, Sam Hocevar, Willhsmit, Kevin Rector, Master Of Ninja, N328KF, CALR, Moverton, Rich Farmbrough, Silence, LindsayH,Quiensabe, Tirthajyoti, SpookyMulder, Loren36, CanisRufus, Livajo, Dhoom, Sietse Snel, RobNS, Duk, Shenme, Dpaajones, Bhooshan,Bijal d g, Idleguy, Schissel, Anthony Appleyard, LtNOWIS, Ricky81682, Benjah-bmm27, SlimVirgin, Echuck215, RoySmith, Fawcett5,Hohum, Danaman5, Marathi mulgaa, Stephan Leeds, Vedant, Brettr, Woohookitty, TigerShark, Commander Keane, Tabletop, Kralizec!,Kdar, BD2412, Miq, Dwaipayanc, Rjwilmsi, Rillian, Durin, Bhadani, Sumanch, SNIyer12, Mkamat, Jovinjoy, Kallemax, Mark83, Gurch,Brendan Moody, It’s-is-not-a-genitive, DaGizza, Sherool, Bgwhite, Guptadeepak, JPD, Wavelength, Sortan, Brandmeister 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Rahulfazznambiar, Ramanands, ساجد امجد ,ساجد Traveletti, Helpful Pixie Bot, SojerPL, Vinay2222, Strike Eagle,Titodutta, Sskashish, BG19bot, Amitkawade, Vidyanshu, Flyingalbatross, Pandey.vishal91, Simfan934, MusikAnimal, AvocatoBot, Ksan-thosh89, Kirananils, Us bison power, Vikas kv, Alwintom, Shekhar.yaadav, Streakingpast, Vazhikatti, RscprinterBot, Cluelessbot, Re-movepersonalpicvid, Srinivsn, Orangewhitegreen, Linestwice, BattyBot, Correctiondetail, Basedboat, Spokeorder, Mrt3366, Aliwal2012,Adnan bogi, Sghatak22, Khazar2, Navigatorblue, JYBot, Cpt.a.haddock, Archan dave, Sam.ldite, BrightStarSky, Mogism, Ashwin147,Timberdawolf, Thakshak, Kunaljune, Ovsek, Neelkamala, Maxx786, Kap 7, Rld, Kalipong, Hendrick 99, Evano1van, Antiochus the Great,Commons sibi, Arun.arunsri, Wikiuser13, Pvpoodle, Bishnu4175, FaisalAbbasid, Zaketo, Belclogs, Sudhir 1959, Prithvi2003, AchmadFahri, Kahtar, Traitortanmay, TCMemoire, Seulmont, Pavipo, Jaaron95, Cubezip, Nicled, Lakun.patra, Suryantheli, 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11.2 Images• File:A_MiG_29K_aircraft_lands_on_INS_Vikramaditya.jpg Source:

A_MiG_29K_aircraft_lands_on_INS_Vikramaditya.jpg License: CC BY 2.5 in Contributors: Original artist: Indian Navy

• File:Aircraft_Carrier_India.jpg Source: License:CC0 Contributors: Indian Navy Original artist: Indian Navy

• File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Originalartist: ?

• File:Dhruv_Commando_extraction.jpg Source: License: CC BY 2.5 in Contributors: Original artist:

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• File:Divisions_at_INA.jpg Source: License: CC BY 2.5in Contributors: Original artist:

• File:ELM_2248_MF-STAR_radar_onboard_INS_Kolkata_(D63)_of_the_Indian_Navy.png Source: License: CCBY 2.5 in Contributors: Original artist: Indian Navy

• File:EgyptianNavyInsignia-Commodore-sleeve.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors:

• Own work• <a href='//' class='image'><img alt='UK-Navy-OF6.svg' src='https://' width='50' height='93'srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-file-width='100' data-file-height='185' /></a>

Original artist: A elalaily• File:Ensign_of_the_Indian_Air_Force.svg Source:

Air_Force.svg License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?• File:Exercise_Milan_2014_for_17_navies_of_the_Indian_Ocean_Naval_Symposium,_organised_by_Indian_Navy,_Andaman_

and_Nicobar_Command_(6).jpg Source: License: CC BY 2.5 in Contributors: Original artist: Indian Navy

• File:Flag_of_India.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors:? Original artist: ?

• File:Flag_of_Indian_Army.svg Source: License:CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: extracted from File:Flag_of_Indian_Army.svg Original artist: Fred the Oyster

• File:Folder_Hexagonal_Icon.svg Source: License: Cc-by-sa-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?

• File:Generic-Navy-O1-sleeve.svg Source: Li-cense: CC0 Contributors:

• Own work• <a href='//' class='image'><img alt='Generic-Navy-O1.svg'

src=''width='50' height='93' srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-file-width='100' data-file-height='185' /></a>

Original artist: A elalaily• File:Generic-Navy-O10-sleeve.svg Source: Li-cense: CC0 Contributors:

• Own work• <a href='//' class='image'><img alt='Generic-Navy-O10.svg'

src=''width='50' height='93' srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-file-width='100' data-file-height='185' /></a>

Original artist: A elalaily• File:Generic-Navy-O11-sleeve.svg Source: Li-cense: CC0 Contributors:

• Own work• <a href='//' class='image'><img alt='Generic-Navy-O11.svg'

src=''width='50' height='93' srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-file-width='100' data-file-height='185' /></a>

Original artist: A elalaily• File:Generic-Navy-O12-sleeve.svg Source: CC0 Contributors: This file was derived from: Generic-Navy-O11-sleeve.svg: <a href='//' class='image'><img alt='Generic-Navy-O11-sleeve.svg' src='' width='50' height='63' srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-file-width='262' data-file-height='328' /></a>Original artist: Generic-Navy-O11-sleeve.svg: A elalaily

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11.2 Images 19

• File:Generic-Navy-O3-sleeve.svg Source: Li-cense: CC0 Contributors:

• Own work

Original artist: A elalaily• File:Generic-Navy-O4-sleeve.svg Source: Li-cense: CC0 Contributors:

• Own work

Original artist: A elalaily• File:Generic-Navy-O5-sleeve.svg Source: Li-cense: CC0 Contributors:

• Own work• <a href='//' class='image'><img alt='Generic-Navy-O5.svg'

src=''width='50' height='93' srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-file-width='100' data-file-height='185' /></a>

Original artist: A elalaily• File:Generic-Navy-O7-sleeve.svg Source: Li-cense: CC0 Contributors:

• Own work• <a href='//' class='image'><img alt='Generic-Navy-O7.svg'

src=''width='50' height='93' srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-file-width='100' data-file-height='185' /></a>

Original artist: A elalaily• File:Generic-Navy-O9-sleeve.svg Source: Li-cense: CC0 Contributors:

• Own work• <a href='//' class='image'><img alt='Generic-Navy-O9.svg'

src=''width='50' height='93' srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-file-width='100' data-file-height='185' /></a>

Original artist: A elalaily• File:HAL_Tejas_NP-1_takes-off_from_the_Shore_Based_Test_Facility_at_INS_Hansa,_Goa.JPG Source: License: CC BY 2.5 in Contributors: Original artist: Indian Navy

• File:INS_Chakra.jpg Source: License: CC BY 2.5 in Contribu-tors: Original artist:

• File:INS_Kolkata.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Con-tributors: Own work Original artist: Brehmemohan

• File:INS_Vikrant_(R11)_with_a_Sea_King_helicopter_during_Indo-Pakistani_war_of_1971.jpg Source: License: CC BY 2.5 in Contributors: Original artist: Indian Navy

• File:INS_Vikrant_being_undocked_at_the_Cochin_Shipyard_Limited_in_2015_(07).jpg Source: License: CC BY2.5 inContributors:,0Original artist: In-dian Navy

• File:IN_Admiral_Shoulder_curl.png Source: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sumanch

• File:IN_Admiral_of_the_NAVY_Shoulder_curl.png Source: License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sumanch

• File:IN_Captain.png Source: License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors:Own work Original artist: Sumanch

• File:IN_Commander.png Source: License: CC BY 3.0Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sumanch

• File:IN_Commodore.png Source: License: CC BY 3.0Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sumanch

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• File:IN_Lieutenant.png Source: License: CC BY 3.0 Con-tributors: Own work Original artist: Sumanch

• File:IN_Lieutenant_Commander.png Source: License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sumanch

• File:IN_Rear_Admiral_Shoulder_curl.png Source: License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sumanch

• File:IN_Sublieutenant.png Source: License: CC BY 3.0Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sumanch

• File:IN_Vice_Admiral_Shoulder_curl.png Source: License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sumanch

• File:India_Rear_Admiral.gif Source: License: Publicdomain Contributors: Microsoft Paint Original artist: Myopia123

• File:Indian_Admiral.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0Contributors: Own work Original artist: Myopia123

• File:Indian_Coast_Guard_flag.png Source: Li-cense: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?

• File:Indian_Navy_at_the_North_Pole.jpg Source: License: CC BY 2.5 in Contributors: Original artist: IndianNavy

• File:Indian_Navy_crest.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Chanakyathegreat

• File:Indian_Navy_flotilla_of_Western_Fleet_escort_INS_Vikramaditya_(R33)_and_INS_Viraat_(R22)_in_the_Arabian_Sea.jpg Source: License: CC BY 2.5 in Contributors: Original artist: Indian Navy

• File:Indian_Vice_Admiral.gif Source: License: CCBY-SA 4.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Myopia123

• File:Indian_naval_bases.png Source: License: Publicdomain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Chanakyathegreat

• File:Midshipman_Pakistan_Navy_Insignia.JPG Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: FSCEM45212

• File:Naval_Ensign_of_India.svg Source: License:Public domain Contributors: [1] Original artist: Original upload by Denelson83, most recent version by Fry1989.

• File:People_icon.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: Open-Clipart Original artist: OpenClipart

• File:Portal-puzzle.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ?Original artist: ?

• File:Rajendra_map_new.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:

• Rajendra_map_new.png Original artist: Rajendra_map_new.png: The original uploader was Venu62 at English Wikipedia• File:Salon_du_Bourget_20090619_077.jpg Source:

20090619_077.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Georges Seguin (Okki)• File:Symbol_book_class2.svg Source: License: CC

BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: Mad by Lokal_Profil by combining: Original artist: Lokal_Profil• File:Symbol_question.svg Source: License: Public domain Con-tributors: ? Original artist: ?

• File:US_Navy_060820-N-3153C-011_Indian_Navy_Cmdr._Divaya_Gautam_examines_a_patient_in_casualty_receiving_aboard_the_Military_Sealift_Command_(MSC)_hospital_ship_USNS_Mercy_(T-AH_19).jpg Source: Public domain Contributors:This Image was released by the United States Navy with the ID 060820-N-3153C-011 <a class='external text' href='//,<span>,&,</span>,filefrom=060820-N-3153C-011#mw-category-media'>(next)</a>.This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information.Original artist: U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Ryan Clement

• File: - _ _ _(2)_(7333858778).jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 2.0Contributors: - (2) Original artist: Republic of Korea Armed Forces

11.3 Content license• Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0