India is a Big Country With Diversity in Religions

India is a big Country with diversity in Religions, Cultures and Traditions and I believe this makes India stand out and We Indians can really be proud of this. But as India is developing it is taken off by many issues from Corruption to Pollution to many more. And on a day to day basis we find many new issues cropping up…But a as Responsible of Citizen of India did we ever tried to do our bit except for shouting at the Government….In most of the case even for a simpler matter we will blame the Government rather than trying to solve the issue and I guess that make the matter more worse… Nevertheless remember we citizens are the one who are solely responsible for the development of this country and in this post I will share some simple points which I believe is not so difficult to follow in our day to day life..Remember “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” We all are aware of our Fundamental Duties, if not then here it is and Even if we follow these fundamental duties we will surely be doing our bit in making India a Great Country.. So lets look at the points that make us a Good and Responsible Citizen… 1. Obey Laws and Respect Authority-Don’t break laws and also refrain others for doing so.If not satisfied by any Law use Constitutional means to change the Law. 2. Civic and Social Duty should be performed-Be aware about the issues affecting the society and provide solutions to them, Vote intelligently and Pay Taxes by proper means and use acts like RTI,RTE for the good of the society. 3. Keep your surroundings and locality clean, Use Dustbin, Care for Public Property and Other People’s Property. 4. Be Honest to your Country and Fellow Citizen 5. Develop a deep sense of Patriotism towards you Country, Respect your Country’s Social and Economic



Transcript of India is a Big Country With Diversity in Religions

Page 1: India is a Big Country With Diversity in Religions

India is a big Country with diversity in Religions, Cultures and Traditions and I believe this makes India stand out  and We Indians can really be proud of this.But as India is developing it is taken off by many issues from Corruption to Pollution to many more. And on a day to day basis we find many new issues cropping up…But a as Responsible of Citizen of India did we ever tried to do our bit except for shouting at the Government….In most of the case even for a simpler matter we will blame the Government rather than trying to solve the issue and I guess that make the matter more worse…Nevertheless remember we citizens are the one who are solely responsible for the development of this country and in this post I will share some simple points which I believe is not so difficult to follow in our day to day life..Remember “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”We all are aware of our Fundamental Duties, if not then here it is and Even if we follow these fundamental duties we will surely be doing our bit in making India a Great Country..So lets look at the points that make us a Good and Responsible Citizen…

1. Obey Laws and Respect Authority-Don’t break laws and also refrain others for doing so.If not satisfied by any Law use Constitutional means to change the Law.

2. Civic and Social Duty should be performed-Be aware about the issues affecting the society and provide solutions to them, Vote intelligently and Pay Taxes by proper means and use acts like RTI,RTE for the good of the society.

3. Keep your surroundings and locality clean, Use Dustbin, Care for Public Property and Other People’s Property.

4. Be Honest to your Country and Fellow Citizen5. Develop a deep sense of Patriotism towards you Country, Respect your

Country’s Social and Economic Policies, Always contribute to the Welfare of our Country.

6. Must be able to teach the Younger Generation to show Respect and Love  towards the Country.

7. Make your Country Proud when visiting other Nations, Never speak bad about your Country.

8. Help the Poor and Needy and Provide great Hospitality to both Foreign and Local Tourist.

This is it..and I guess its just simple 8 steps to make our Country a Great One and This not only applies to Indian Citizens but also to Citizens of Other Nations.. :-)Please share your views and comment if I have missed out anything.. :-).And lastly a Cartoon Strip for all to enjoy.. :-)==============================

Page 2: India is a Big Country With Diversity in Religions

i am proud to be an indian firstly and my duties in india is more and each and every person has a role to play lets see how...A citizen is one who has common interest with others, living in the same place and under the same government. Because I am the citizens of India so I take interest in its affairs. Whatever is helpful to me to get my moral and material gain is my right.                I know well that to have a right is one thing and to enjoy it in a proper manner is another. So I care more for my duties than my rights. I always try to increase the happiness of my companions. Being a student of eleventh class, I rewove the difficulties of my younger brothers in school times. By helping them in their studies. I add something to my knowledge. My only motive is to leave my school better and happier than I found it is a few ago.                     I always respect the rights of others. I think it my noble duty to help those who are weaker than me. I always help the weak because noble is the task of helping the weak. As a student, I do gladly all the jobs which my teachers, parents and the elderly people ask me to do. I am serving the interest of my class fellows. I am always selfless. At home or school I am always meek and humble. I received instructions with all humility. I never lose any occasions to express my gratitude. To be good citizen I always apply myself close to my studies because a good citizen should have good knowledge of his right and duties.             We should educate ourselves to do our part well even in our students life. I am trying my best to make myself qualified for going my job as a good citizen.

An Inspiring Story of Kindness

Two boys walked down a road that led through a field. The

younger of the two noticed a man toiling in the fields of his farm,

his good clothes stacked neatly off to the side.

The boy looked at his older friend and said, “Let’s hide his shoes

so when he comes from the field, he won’t be able to find them.

His expression will be priceless!” The boy laughed.

Page 3: India is a Big Country With Diversity in Religions

The older of the two boys thought for a moment and said, “The

man looks poor. See his clothes? Let’s do this instead: Let’s hide

a silver dollar in each shoe and then we’ll hide in these bushes

and see how he reacts to that, instead.”

The younger companion agreed to the plan and they placed a

silver dollar in each shoe and hid behind the bushes. It wasn’t

long before the farmer came in from the field, tired and worn. He

reached down and pulled on a shoe, immediately feeling the

money under his foot.

With the coin now between his fingers, he looked around to see

who could have put it in his shoe. But no one was there. He held

the dollar in his hand and stared at it in disbelief. Confused, he

slid his other foot into his other shoe and felt the second coin.

This time, the man was overwhelmed when he removed the

second silver dollar from his shoe.

Thinking he was alone, he dropped to his knees and offered a

verbal prayer that the boys could easily hear from their hiding

place. They heard the poor farmer cry tears of relief and

gratitude. He spoke of his sick wife and his boys in need of food.

He expressed gratitude for this unexpected bounty from unknown


After a time, the boys came out from their hiding place and slowly

started their long walk home. They felt good inside, warm,

changed somehow knowing the good they had done to a poor

farmer in dire straits. A smile crept across their souls.