Index [] · ebliquids delivers Best PHP training in Chandigarh. Webliquids provides practical...


Transcript of Index [] · ebliquids delivers Best PHP training in Chandigarh. Webliquids provides practical...



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About Webliquids


Webliquids delivers Best PHP training in Chandigarh. Webliquids provides practical training in PHP development, Cookies, Sessions, Control Structures, Disk Access, T/O, Math and Mail, PEAR, File System, Forms and much more. Open source programming quality of PHP makes it the most lucra-tive opportunities for job.

We give training to the candidates from basic beginner’s level to advanced level. To bring most out of training course, we provide live projects for maximum practical knowledge and experience. Hence with no doubt, 100% best career training course is provided by us.

WebLiquids is ISO affiliated IT company deals with Indians and overseas clients in web Development, Web designing and Digital Marketing. Not only this we give training to those candidates who want to do web designing and digital mar-keting courses in Chandigarh so that we can make them ca-pable of working in today’s fast developing IT industry and its associated companies.

Learning Today For A Better Tomorrow.



Weekdays Batches

Batches Details For PHP/Web Development

Excited...? Want to know more?? Feel Free to Contact Us @

(Option to complete in 30 days,45 days, 6 Months)

Timing: 09:00 AM to 08:00 PM

Days: Monday - Friday

Weekends BatchesTiming: 09:00 AM to 08:00 PM

Days: Monday - Friday

+91-9501293387, +91-7508920783, + 0172 4023733 | [email protected]



Working with the File System



8 W

Disk Access, I/O,Math and Mail

WordPress Smarty


Introduction to SQL

Control Structures






Basic PHP Development Cookies

I am getting php industrial training form webliquids chd. This is best organisation. They provides live projects based training and they provides jobs assured training. Trainers are

highly qualified and friendly. I am 100% satisfied from them.



What you Learn ?

C Cake PHP W Working with Forms

A AJAX Z Zen Cart

WWorking with Regular Expression

Classes and ObjectsC




▲ The Origin of PHP▲ PHP is better than Its alternatives▲ Interfaces to External systems

▲ How PHP works with the Web Server▲ Hardware and Software requirements▲ What a PHP script looks like▲ Saving data for later▲ Receiving user input▲ Repeating code

Introduction to SQL

▲ Connecting to the MYSQL▲ Selecting a database▲ Finding out about errors▲ Adding data to a table▲ Acquiring the value▲ Finding the number of rows▲ Inserting data▲ Entering and updating data▲ Executing multiple queries

Basic PHP Development

▲ How PHP scripts work▲ Basic PHP syntax▲ PHP data types▲ Displaying type information▲ Testingforaspecificdatatype▲ Changing type with Set type▲ Operators▲ Variable manipulation▲ Dynamic variables▲ String in PHP



▲ How PHP works with the Web Server▲ Hardware and Software requirements▲ What a PHP script looks like▲ Saving data for later▲ Receiving user input▲ Repeating code

Introduction to SQL

▲ Connecting to the MYSQL▲ Selecting a database▲ Finding out about errors▲ Adding data to a table▲ Acquiring the value▲ Finding the number of rows▲ Inserting data▲ Entering and updating data▲ Executing multiple queries

Basic PHP Development

▲ How PHP scripts work▲ Basic PHP syntax▲ PHP data types▲ Displaying type information▲ Testingforaspecificdatatype▲ Changing type with Set type▲ Operators▲ Variable manipulation▲ Dynamic variables▲ String in PHP


▲ The anatomy of a cookie▲ Setting a cookie with PHP▲ Deleting a cookie▲ Creating session cookie▲ Working with the query string▲ Creating query string

Session ▲ What is session▲ Starting a session▲ Working with session variables▲ Destroying session▲ Passing session Ids▲ Encoding and decoding session variables

Control Structures ▲ The if statement▲ Using the else clause with if statement▲ The switch statement▲ Using the? Operator▲ The while statement▲ The do while statement▲ The for statement▲ Breaking out of loops▲ Nesting loops▲ Summary

Disk Access, I/O,Math and Mail

▲ HTTP connections▲ Writing to the browser▲ Getting input from forms▲ Output buffering▲ Session handling▲ Regular expression▲ Common math▲ Random numbers▲ File upload▲ File download▲ Environment variables▲ E-mail in PHP


▲ What a function▲ Definingafunction▲ Returning value from function▲ User-definedfunctions▲ Dynamic function calls▲ Variable scope▲ Accessing variable with the global statement▲ Function calls with the static statement▲ Setting default values for arguments▲ Passing arguments to a function by value▲ Passing arguments to a function by reference▲ Testing for function existence Arrays▲ Single-Dimensional Arrays▲ Multidimensional Arrays▲ Casting Arrays



Disk Access, I/O,Math and Mail

▲ HTTP connections▲ Writing to the browser▲ Getting input from forms▲ Output buffering▲ Session handling▲ Regular expression▲ Common math▲ Random numbers▲ File upload▲ File download▲ Environment variables▲ E-mail in PHP


▲ What a function▲ Definingafunction▲ Returning value from function▲ User-definedfunctions▲ Dynamic function calls▲ Variable scope▲ Accessing variable with the global statement▲ Function calls with the static statement▲ Setting default values for arguments▲ Passing arguments to a function by value▲ Passing arguments to a function by reference▲ Testing for function existence Arrays▲ Single-Dimensional Arrays▲ Multidimensional Arrays▲ Casting Arrays

▲ Associative arrays▲ Accessing arrays▲ Getting the size of an array▲ Looping through an array▲ Looping through an associative array▲ Examining arrays▲ Joining arrays▲ Sorting arrays▲ Sorting an associative array


▲ Detaildiscussionofcomponent,moduleandcompleteworkflow of word press ▲ How to create widget & module ▲ Customization of existing component and modules

Smarty(Library for Creating HTML Templates)

▲ Discussion of smarty▲ Discussion of variable and function and its uses▲ Practical application of smarty


▲ Discuss framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components▲ Discussion of pear▲ Practical application of pear in combination with smarty

Working with the File System

▲ Creatinganddeletingafile▲ Readingandwritingtextfiles▲ Working with directories in PHP

▲ Checkingforexistenceoffile▲ Determiningfilesize▲ Openingafileforwriting,reading,orappending▲ WritingDatatothefile▲ Reading characters

Cake PHP

▲ Discussion of cake PHP framework▲ Model, View, Controller Architecture▲ View Helpers for AJAX, Java script, HTML Forms and more▲ Built-in Validation▲ Application Scaffolding▲ Application and CRUD code generation via Bake▲ Access Control Lists▲ Data Sanitization▲ Security, Session, and Request Handling Components▲ Flexible View Caching▲ Practical application of cake PHP framework

Working with Forms

▲ Forms▲ Super global variables▲ The server array▲ A script to acquire user input▲ Importing user input▲ Accessing user input▲ Combine HTML and PHP code▲ Usinghiddenfields▲ Redirecting the user▲ File upload and scripts




▲ Introduction to AJAX▲ Introduction to XML Http Request Object▲ Method and Properties of XML Http Request▲ Application of AJAX in web application

Zen Cart

▲ Introduction to Shopping Cart▲ Introduction to Zen Cart open source▲ Discussion of various module of Zen Cart▲ Customization of existing template and module

Working with Regular Expression

▲ The basic regular expressions▲ PCRE▲ Matching patterns▲ Finding matches

▲ Replace patterns▲ Modifiers▲ Breakup Strings

Classes and Objects

▲ Objects oriented programming▲ Defineaclass▲ An Object▲ Creating an object▲ Object properties▲ Object methods▲ Object constructors and destructors


▲ Class constants▲ Class inheritance▲ Abstract classes and methods▲ Object serialization▲ Checking for class and method existence▲ Exceptions▲ Summary

Project Portals

▲ Introduction to Freelancing Portals.▲ Setting up your Account.▲ HowtoCompleteyourProfile.▲ How to Clear Tests.▲ What is Bid▲ Difference Between Free and Paid Accounts.▲ Understanding Terms and Conditions.▲ How to setup Portfolio.▲ Identify Where no to Bid.▲ Setting up your 1st Proposal.


Backup Classes.

Small Batches.


Learn How to Make money Online.

Doubt Sessions.

Flexible Timings.

Theoretical and Practical Sessions.



Doubt Sessions.

Flexible Timings.

Theoretical and Practical Sessions.


Our Features

At Webliquids we involve our students in the projects of the company so that beside getting training they can have the experience of getting things done practi-cally which always help them in their future jobs, we

provides 100% live projects sessions.

Our work does not finishes at training but we also are best in placing students in the suitable careers. Regular job interviews are provided to each and every students till he/she get his/her dream job. So 100% job placement

help to all students is our philosophy in life.

At Webliquids we also provide facility of stipend to meritorious students. Students who want to opt for stipend based industrial training can regis-ter their names with Webliquids. Meritorious students having good scores

will be provided stipend.

100% Live Projects 100% Job Assurance

Stipend Based Training


100% Job Assurance

Our Testimonials

“I am learning php course from webliquids. This is best institution in chd for PHP. I learn alot of things over here. They provides live projects based training to all students and they provides job placements. This is best thing. Thanks a lot to the entire trainers of webliquids.”

: Swati

“I am getting industrial training from webliquids. This is best organisation in chd for PHP. There is very good environment. After getting the training, Now I am working as a web developer in reputed company in Mohali. Thanks we-bliquids and it’s team.”

: Diksha Sharma

“I am doing six months industrial training in php. Weblquids provides best Industrial training in php, this is professional training institute in Chandigarh, i personally recommend to all, pls join this organisation if you want to learn php and looking forward to start your career in web development field.”

: Dinesh

“One of the best institute in Punjab. Skill full and expert staff and there Mentor Mr. Narinder world class trainer ever meet. Wish you all the best in future.”

: Nitin Gade


Thank You!

WebLiquidsContact info:

SCO 1066 Sector 22 B Top Floor Chandigarh, 160022

Telephone +91-9501293387 | +91-7508920783 Web:

Email: [email protected]