independent Study question project 2

To Kill a Watt Grant Denney 12/15/2014

Transcript of independent Study question project 2

To Kill a Watt

Grant Denney 12/15/2014

Our world is disabled without electricity!!!

Without Electricity …..



Almost everything we get... is delivered

How could That happen

A CME (Coronal Mass Ejection, consisting of gas and electrically charged particles,is hurled to earth like a grenade, from a geomagnetic storm on the Sun’s surface, supercharges the Earths atmosphere... with the potential to blow power grids worldwide.

EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse), a nuclear bomb, detonated in our upper atmosphere, sending out a wave of “wild” electrical currents towards the earths surface, destroying everything in it’s path.


Coronal Mass Ejection

Anything else?


An EMP stands for Electromagnetic Pulse

An EMP detonated above our atmosphere sends wild electrical currents frying every electronic in its path

What can be done??? Currently there is legislation are on Capitol Hill for this issue 1.The SHIELD Act (H.R. 2417) (Secure High-voltage Infrastructure for Electricity from Lethal Damage); and the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act (CIPA) of 2013 (H.R. 3696),

Until then, the best one can do is prepare for yourself and family…

Number One is KNOWLEDGE--

First Aid and Food/Water------First Aid Kit- Water- Emergency Food

Communication------AM Radio/ CB or Ham Radio/ Cell Phone, Compass, Whistle

Protection----BB or Pellet gun/pepper spray, shelter

Money (Putting a $20 or a $50 in you kit might come in useful some day)EMERGENCY CREDIT CARD and a Bible

What can we do?

The Beginning of the End

The simplest way to understand a nuclear power plant -- a nuclear power plants takes water---turns it into steam---which drives massive turbine generators --producing electricity.

An incredible amount of heat/fuel (plutonium/Uranium) called “fission” or the “splitting of the atom” -- boils massive amounts of water needed to create the steam. This “fission” becomes so hot that the need to be cooled down by pumps circulating coolants (like antifreeze for your car) is crucial….but those pumps are plugged into the electrical grid….and when the electricity goes do the pumps…

In 2011, a tidal wave hit Japan and took out their electrical grid. Japanese engineers worked to reconnect the power to the Fukushima Nuclear Power

Facility, but were unsuccessful. After those pumps stopped, the fuel began to melt through the containers, spilling out radiation in every direction. If the

Fukushima plant not been located on the coast where the high waves were able cool it down, the whole site would have gone Chernobyl.