Increasing Sales with a Mobile Website

©copyright 2014 Merchant Warehouse | Privileged & Confidential, do not copy without written consent If it seems like your foray into mobile marketing hasn't gotten you anywhere, a lack of mobile optimization is almost surely to blame. Like many online retailers, you may not be placing a strong enough emphasis on creating a user-friendly mobile shopping experience. Increasing Sales with Mobile Website


A look at how businesses that lack a mobile optimized website can improve their online and in-store sales by creating one.

Transcript of Increasing Sales with a Mobile Website

Page 1: Increasing Sales with a Mobile Website

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If it seems like your foray into mobile marketing hasn't gotten you anywhere, a lack of mobile optimization is almost surely to blame. Like many online retailers, you may not be placing a strong enough emphasis on creating a user-friendly mobile shopping experience.

Increasing Sales with Mobile Website

Page 2: Increasing Sales with a Mobile Website

Survey Says People Like Shopping with Mobile Devices, so why don't they?

According to a recent survey by TheFind:

Why aren’t these numbers higher?

87% of mobile users use their devices to browse

of them actually make purchases through those devices from time to time


Poorly optimized mobile sites are almost entirely to blame

of respondents stated that mobile shopping apps and sites just weren't up to snuff

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Page 3: Increasing Sales with a Mobile Website

A Lack of Optimization is a Problem

Despite the meteoric rise in the popularity of mobile devices like tablets and smartphones, many online retailers have done little or nothing to facilitate sales through such devices.

Despite this many online retailers do not offer websites that are “mobile” optimized, resulting in:

Maximizing your mobile device’s potential

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Slow load times Inoperability

Shopping cart abandonment

Shopper frustration

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If you Build It, They Will Come

Stand out from competitors by putting effort into your mobile site.

Most developers recommend using “responsive” design in the creation of the main website.

This allows the website to work seamlessly across multiple devices without the headaches associated with managing multiple websites.

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Page 5: Increasing Sales with a Mobile Website

Say Goodbye to Abandoned Carts

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Making checkout simple

The survey by TheFind revealed that many people are unable to complete purchases through mobile devices due to poorly designed shopping carts.

Your mobile checkout should work seamlessly to inspire confidence in those who use it. They'll be far less likely to abandon their carts.

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Make It Easy

The promise of convenience

This is what attracts so many people to the idea of shopping with their tablets and smartphones.  By making it as easy as possible for people to buy what they want through their mobile devices, you will stand out in a big way.

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Page 7: Increasing Sales with a Mobile Website

Embrace the Mobile Revolution & Rake It In

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Are you prepared to meet this demand?  

In a single year, 40 percent of respondents to the survey say they use their mobile devices more regularly to make purchases.  If you only focus on one area in the weeks and months to come, make it your mobile presence. The return on your investments of time and money is sure to be out of this world.