Increasing Learning Capacity in Our Schools - IASP · Increasing Learning Capacity in Our Schools...

Increasing Learning Capacity in Our Schools Linda Marrs-Morford, IPLI Director Miriam Dalton, Eastbrook South Elementary School Kyle Kersey, Riverton Parke Jr. Sr. High School Kelly Laffoon, Williamsport Elementary School Courtney Wildoner, Dayton Elementary School

Transcript of Increasing Learning Capacity in Our Schools - IASP · Increasing Learning Capacity in Our Schools...

Increasing Learning Capacity in Our Schools

• Linda Marrs-Morford, IPLI Director • Miriam Dalton, Eastbrook South Elementary School • Kyle Kersey, Riverton Parke Jr. Sr. High School • Kelly Laffoon, Williamsport Elementary School • Courtney Wildoner, Dayton Elementary School

The mission of the

Indiana Principal Leadership Institute

is to provide building-level principals with

the skills and tools needed to increase

their personal leadership capacities,

as well as to increase the learning

capacities of their schools.


• Senate Bill 402 – Passed in 2013

• Two-year intensive professional development

• Practicing principals

• Cohorts – Cohort #1: 2013-2015 – 56 principals, 11 mentors

– Cohort #2: 2014-2016 – 52 principals, 13 mentors

– Cohort #3: 2015-2017 – 61 principals, 11 mentors

– Cohort #4: 2016-2018 – 66 principals, 11 mentors

– Cohort #5: 2017-2019 – Taking Nominations at


COHORT #1 Graduation

COHORT #2 Graduation

2-Year Intensive PD

• Use action research/ inquiry model • 5 seminars each year

Keynotes from educational leaders Follow-up activities Development of action research projects

• Regional Focus-Cohort Meetings • Mentoring • Membership in Indiana Association of School

Principals • Registration for IASP Principals Conference • Registration for Ed Leaders Network • Access to IPLI resources:

Year #1

Focus on the Principal

• Use action research inquiry model to increase leadership capacity

• April: Action Research Showcase

Year #2

• Focus on the School – 2 teachers join the principal forming

a mini leadership team

– Together, study their schools using existing data + Marzano High Reliability Schools data

– Focus on increasing the school’s learning capacity using action inquiry model

– April: Showcase of Schools





analyze data practice

reflect, make




analyze data practice

reflect, make






away from seminar

away from seminar

at seminar

at seminar

Personal Commitment, Identify

Limitations, Promises and Obligations,

Identify External Support, Examine

Leadership Capacity – Set/Revise Goals.


Faculty Commitment, Identify

Limitations, Promises and Obligations,

Identify External Support, Examine

Learning Capacity – Set/Revise Goals.






leadership puts it all together

Action Research/Inquiry

Cohort #2 Showcase of Schools


As representatives of Eastbrook South

Elementary, we were aware of some

strengths and weaknesses in our school.

Also, after analyzing some data from the

School Culture Survey and the HRS Level 1

Survey we found some lagging indicators in

the areas of parent/community input,

teacher input, and collaboration among

teachers outside of the grade levels. Also,

there are strengths in each classroom, but

not necessarily clear expectations for the

learning throughout the school to have

consistent components.

Therefore, the action research we

chose will help tie all of these pieces

together to improve our school, based on

more input from teachers and parents and by

establishing clear expectations with the

“Instructional Snapshot” chart.


How does the development of an “Instructional Snapshot”, a

Building Leadership team, weekly PLC’s, and a system for

parent input impact the functionality of our school?


❏ Used PD time to create Instructional Snapshot as a team

(see handout)

❏ Gathered information from parents through a survey

❏ Gathered notes from Professional Learning Communities

and Grade Level DATA meetings (see handout)

❏ Formed a Building Leadership Team


❏ There were a lot of safety and routine procedures we needed to improve as a school.


❏ Teachers and parents enjoy being part of the decision-making process. (emails and

comments made by parents and teachers)

❏ Collaboration helps teachers clarify expectations, develop common language, and unite

in efforts to help all children in the school. (Comments, BLT meeting feedback,

Instructional Snapshot)

❏ Teachers are willing to use data to drive their instruction, but guidance and time allotted

helps ensure this is happening throughout the school.

IPLI Action Research Project - Year 2 Eastbrook South Miriam Dalton Bobby Foulk Sherri Hyatt

Making Connections Connecting Professional Learning Communities

with Instructional Rounds

Williamsport Elementary School Kelly Laffoon--Action Research

Background & Vision Establish a clear connection between Professional Learning Communities (PLC)

and professional practice.

Provide professional development opportunities for teachers to observe PLC strategies in action.

Wondering: How can our staff strengthen professional development opportunities and

collaborate with colleagues?

Exploring the Effects of Connecting Professional Learning Communities with Instructional Rounds.

Action Steps

Present PLC strategies that focus on strengthening practice & furthering vision.

Develop a targeted observation sheet for note-taking & develop a schedule for instructional rounds.

Observe teachers with the targeted observation sheet & debrief together after observations.

Instructional Rounds Target Sheet

Procedures & Management

Instructional Strategies



Engagement of Students

Year 1 Focus—Language Arts Tier Time Structure Year 2 Focus—Math Tier Time Structure


Instructional Rounds Observation Sheet

Developing School-Wide Framework

Tier Management Tier Instructional Materials Tier Instructional Strategies Tier Student Engagement

Data Collection & Analysis:

Instructional rounds implemented

Observation guides & debriefing conversations

Positive feedback emailed after instructional round observations

School-wide framework developed and implemented within entire

Continued instructional rounds & principal monitoring to provide feedback on framework

District instructional coach provides feedback on framework

Quotes from Peer Observations

• “The meaningful discussions that follow our observations often offer me a different perspective that leads to deeper thinking. Interacting with colleagues and gathering unique insight into the teaching profession has truly helped me as a teacher. I feel that the instructional rounds have positively influenced my professional growth.”

• “You know what I am loving? Seeing you teach! It really is a joy to see another person teach, and the strategies they employ. You helped me realize more active engagement strategies that I can employ as well!”

• “I could feel the excitement from your kids regarding your lesson. They were so excited to use the talk sticks, and it kept the conversation focused. I plan to try those with my class...starting in small group!”

• “Let me start off by saying EXCELLENT JOB! Being in your classroom made me think about what I could do more during my tier time.”

Next Steps:

Continue instructional rounds focused on PLC instructional best practices and monitor

Continue to provide professional development opportunities within the school.

“Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.” —Peter Drucker

Developing a School-


Model of


Courtney Wildoner, Dayton Elementary


Dayton Elementary


Creating a Community of Learners and


Marzano and Hattie

Professional Development

Marzano Survey Data

2.1 School leaders have developed a written document articulating our schoolwide model of instruction. (3.12)

2.6 Our teachers have opportunities to observe and discuss effective teaching. (3.89)


What is our school-wide model of


Could we put into words the work that

matters to us?

How could instructional rounds

support this wondering?

What is a “High Reliability School”?

3 Steps

1. Create a Community of Learners and

Leaders (Build background Knowledge)

2. Implement Instructional Rounds

3. Develop Literacy Framework based upon

teacher feedback.


Step 1: Creating a Community of

Learners and Leaders

Step 2: Implement Instructional


1. Build buy-in for instructional rounds and

planned roll out

2. Modified format based on input

3. Developed a google Form and then schedule

Format for Instructional Rounds Agenda:

Preconference (5 Minutes)

Teachers and Instructional Coach gather in Book Room. Each person

identifies their focus for today’s visit.

Classroom Visit (15 Minutes)

Teachers and Instructional Coach visit a classroom. Observe and take

notes on classroom instruction.

Debriefing (10 Minutes)

Teachers, Instructional Coach, and Host Teacher gather in the Host

Teacher’s classroom for a debriefing sessions. Use the following guiding

questions to facilitate the conversation (if needed).

● What did you see today that was new or different?

● What did you see today that you also do in your own teaching?

● Think about your own teaching. What might you want to continue doing,

change, or begin doing in your own classroom?

● What questions do you have for our host teacher?

Step 3: Develop Literacy


1.Literacy Team

2.Provided examples of frameworks,

picked 1

3.K-2 / 3-5 developed a framework!



1.Continue to modify,

discuss, and expand on

the Literacy Framework.

2.Continue to utilize

Instructional Rounds

each 9 weeks.

3.Move to Level 3 which is

Guaranteed and Viable


Thank you!
