Inc. Glen Ora 1916 Winter Leisure Time Activities Way · oi-11 years 11·11 yean IMI :reaiB !lalltt...

lash, Inc. ·Realtors "WWI IU.Y Q.08I:. 11ft WE DOZil. O&U. .&NY- . 'l'DOI" nBST DOWN Apt, that is. See thi.8 one BR apt, with many •provements. Call IU6-2151 any- time day or night seYen days a week for details. !nd DOWN Don't p&SB again eomeone will Intercept be- fore you get thUI beaut;v, W /Vf arpet throughout, fine waaher, I AIOt plus many other lmprove- acots. $11,900, 1110 DOWN I "fteld" stiU-u· lither "goal" for :JOUr mom or dad with thil perfect retirement lllame. Don't forget all utllltis taeept electrlct17 are lneladed In 1111 Greenbelt Home.. ' WIII!!N 8ELLING OR BUYING .&NY HOMII IN OB !fEAR GUJJNBI!lLT ALWA'IS CAlL liA8II JN(l. FIRBr FOB 'l'BE BDn' OF l!lVEBY'l'IIIKG. 0111 UH1Jl uqa- - llllld -d!QW ...... Margolis To Speak at JCC 1i1a1 Karaolls, attorney and 1811 tlrector of the UJA eampalp, til 0n&ter W&shlnPII will speak ca '1'roblelll.l I>ea.IJq With r-1 .... World Jewish at Kllh- t. Torah serrtcee 011 Il'rl., J'u. ta attelld. Therw .... .. .. .... ........ Water Scdety Clinic .A. .Water Clinic, wlllcll Ia -a prerequlalte for ll8Jioein&' 11114 ·. lllllllac cluse8 to be held In Green- ._ thla SprlnJ', will be held '1'uel., Jan. 1J from ,. to 110 p.m. at lltlwle State Oollere Bwfmmlll&' )lid.· To relilter eall the Plince Oeol'pl CountJ Red era. .t -- MO. PORTER'S UQUORS ... Bllltla. .... ., ..... ,. (..t tD llaDoaakl'l Ia Oa8lp Park) We have tllelaqeatleleetfoa of W1111111 from ai'OIIIId the 'IJOtkl ilpeiUI priCII Oil - AB:t qa.t!OJ)B aboltt wm. weleomed Orndorff & s . d ' pal , Inc. ......... - o-nw - bclllllrW ................... ......... ..... -llaiJt.ap ....... llldacle'. ........... .... .... 411 .... .... Ue4ililltll 1lbtlalll1 banG - Mt;. J>A),. l'a. .............. 937-5911 w. a•••11 " IIWICat 1V ... VIE ... .................. --=- i ..... ............ " ...... ...... " .Iii ...... -- .... - ' KASH'S - HOME KODENTS Kash Realtors, suggest that everyone kicks off the new year by IJi.vesting In real estate to get your own super saving, no play offs to eliminate you here, everyone can play, everyone wins; PICK YOUR OWN CHOICE, 2 to chQOSe from, a very highly Improved a bedroom frame home In the 20-court of Ridge, featur- Ing new Sealll kitchen, complete- ly remodeled hath and loaded · with extras, only $17,900 or a beautiful 2 bedroom frame In the 10<ourt of Southway with all nice appUancea, Including waaher, dr;,er, ancl alr/cond;, larp patio &lid fenced yard, on1)' $17,000, whichever you eh001e, :rou loae. Don't be PENALIZI!ID for DE- lAY OF GAME! Thl8 new U.t- ing will go fut, a real clean Brick rambler with full bue- ment, washer, dryer, w/w car- pet, storm and doora, and co1ner lot. AKJIJ TIMil OUT DOW t.lld eai11411-2W. Don't m.i8l W. opportunity to l!lcore on1)' $'0.800. """"NNWRotJ8ilf DOt qultil bUt - think It's better tban new, W. a bedroom rancher hal 1111 the eztru lnc:lu41na', dishwuher, wuher, l!ryer, storm wlndowe and doonr, larp eat In ldt, eaf· ered patio, and storage shed. lo- cated on large ohaln link fenced J&r4. VA tel'llll at $43,900. Act aow an4 be a WIM'fEB. Will be open Sunclq, call for direet!O!LI, ROGIJI&. Don't I!!ITAUBAOH any longer, we have the· right call here, • real cute J bed- room, 2 bath rambler with ree. room In buement, w/w carpet, Dice appllaneea, and garage, VA appralled at $31,000, owner fl&yt eell at ta0,7150, Don't argue with the oftlclal he ju.t might cbailge- bll mind, -BI<:IiABD8: here Ia your GOG DEN opportunity It you really to I!IOOU big. We bave a · oilatom buOt huge ramblftr, fea- turing 4 bedrooms, 8 full llatha, 2 car garage, and would you be- Ueve on I,M acres. Yes lt'a all here, you can even build yout; own Sladlam, We even think MEAN IOE GREEN would like it. Call for all the detaile 8411- 2151. OPI!lN lfiiiiiDlY, no Tldlti:T 11-ry. jut come over and enj07 the eomtort of this 2 bee!· room OoDclo. In Charlestowne VIOage, l.l'eaturlna' beutiful fully tiqulpt kitchen. very spacloua muter bedrm with Iarre willie In cloeet. T-la court. 6 pool jut a IIbert willie away, Come Oil - Sundq 12 .. " ud talk to Mnr. Bett:r Devlin, lhe will lla4l:r Mnllr an:r qu- tionl 1011 may have. 'n'to Llke- cl'tlt Drift,. . -iiilll ltJiNiiitG otlTt ifcii If 7011 aot . now. We bave a beautlflll ' 1illdrlll J bath Cape Cod bodle lB Bellemel4e, that hal been eabltantlal)1 improv- ed thru-oot. Thla home featurea wife - ldtehera wtth nice ap- pllucea, laeludlq dllhwuher u.o iruher, dryer W/W carpet. Oellt A/0, ltorm wln4cJn • doon Aile! St.orap .lllaed. l'A. ell' liK4 at $41,100. .,..,. p- ehl.t DOW!f, kelp 7011r IOOm!f'O IS'fll allfe lit calllq ..... 1111. iDII 1: .. RilLTOIS UaiY ................. ... 345-2151 LilT KAIIR HfiU' TOUt -,1&-- / GREENBELT RECREATION DEPARTMENf 474-6878 1916 Winter Leisure Time Activities In-person registration, ftrst come,· ftrst served basis as follows: Tuesday, January 13, '1-1 p.m. and-Thursday, January 15, 3-5 p.m. at the Greenbelt Youth Cepter. Wednesday, January 14, '1-9 p.m. at the Springhill Lake Recreation Center. .Late registration on a space available basis only, Friday, January 16, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at the Youth Center Business Office. Make all checks payable to the CITY OF GREENBELT. A 10% discount will be liven to all senior citizens, 62 years old and over, relisterini for classes. Classes are held for the number of sessions designated. All classes will begin the week of January 19. Snow make-ups will be held at the end of ihe reiiJ].ar clasa echedule, if re- quired. \ ' · >. Location Code: Youth Center (YC), Ricfle Roa!f Center (RRC), SprJnghlll Lake Recrea- tion Center (SHL RC), Center Elementary School (CS). \ · •Babysitting - Daytime hours only u desianated, 25e pV drlld per cl111 hour. Partici- pants must reptlr for en\in course• ACTIVJTIES LOCATION DAY/!IMB .lGB GROUP I'D NODRel.edd JS% Arta & Craft& YC/SHLRC Mon 4:30-3:30p 1-1 gradea YC/SHLRC Wed 4:30-11:30p 3-4 grades FREE- 8 weea FREE -8 weeks · i .,. 1 · YC/SHLRC J'ri 430-11:30p 11-11 aradea I'REE FREE- weeks $10/8 Nerf Tennis SHLRO Sun l-Sp Sat 9:S0-10:30a Sat 10:30-11:30a Set 11:30-U:30p !at 12:30·1 :30p 13 & Over 4-5 years oi-11 years 11·11 yean IMI :reaiB !lalltt - Prescllool J YC · $10/8 classes $10/8 classes $10/8 eluses Preschool D YC Beginner ! YC Beginner D YC - Ciuns plus aterials Beglnnu SHLRC Thu T-Ip Teen/Adult $11/11 group hrs. Beginner SHLRC •rrt 11!-12n Adult $11/11 croup hrs. Ceramics (Pottei'J) Cl ... Jlus materiaiiM Beg/Int YC 10-12n Adult $K/IO IJ'OUP hrs . Begflnt (Youth) YC Tue 8-7p 11-15 )'811'1 $8/8 classes :Beg/IJlt YC *Wed 10-12n Adult $34/10 group hrs. Beg/Int (Youth) YC Wed 5:30-11:30p 11-15 years $8/8 classes Advanced YC Wed 111 & Oyer $Z41JO group hrs. Beg/Int YC Thu 8-10p 111 lc Over group hrs. Clay Modeling YC/SHLRC Sat 9-lOa II & Over $7/8 c1assel Creative Carousel - Coloriftl; Finger Painting, Drawing, Musie YC/SHLRC Sat 10:30-11:30a years $7/8 classes Crocheting - Classes plus $1Z/111IOUP hrs . $j,/10 classes $10/10 elaullll . materials - Advafteed YC -Thu 11:30-1p .Adult Do1 Obedience - Training lead and collar required Trainer 11 yrs. & OYer Basic (8 mo. old) RR.C Thu T-8p . _ . RRC Thu 8-Dp. Eating for Better Health from Infants to Senior Cltisells Floor Aerobatics SHLRC •wed 1-3p Adult $8/4 ·1-hr. classes YC · Tue tl-9p 6-15 yrs. $7/8 classes YC Wed 8-Dp 8-111 yi-s. $7/8 classes SHLRC Tue 3:30·5p 8-12 yrs. FREE - 8 weeks SHLRC Thu 3:30-llp 13-111 yrs. FREE - 8 weeks SHLRC Thu 4:30-5:30p Pre-School FREE - 8 weeks Floor Hockey Fun time YC Thu 4:30-5:30p thru Grade 3 Golf - Indoor Classea,Besinher SHLRC Sat 9-lOa 8-15 yrs. $7/8 clBSSell Greenbelt Chucks & Lassiee • Group fttness program for boys & girls (Club shirt provided for YC/SHLRC Sat 9-10:30a 11-8 yrs. · FREE 8 weeki regular attendance) · YC/SHLRC 'Sat 10:30-12n 9-11 yrs. FREE - 8 weeki Guitar • Provide own IMtrument Beginner YC Tue 'f -8p 12 & Over $10/10 classes $10/10 classes $10/10 classes Intermediate YC Tue 8-9p 12 & Over Beginner SHLRC Wed T-8p U & Over Hobby Craft - CJQ Modelin& Basketry, Batik YC 5-ftp 11-15 yrs. · $5/8 claases Judo - Black Belt Instrueklr, Workout Jaetet suggested Mixed Beg/Ad"'. RRC Sat II-lla 8 & Over $12(18 aroup hr11. Knitting - Plus Materials · YC •Thu 1:30-3:30p Adult $19/18 lfOUP bra. Model BuildlnJ - Provide on model Sln.RC Tue •:30-5:30p 1-8 grades 8 ClllSSell Needlepoint • Plue Mattrlal8 Roller Skatlq YC •Thu 9!30-llt Adult . $U/12 rrouP bra. CS Mon. 4:30-8p 3-4 gradea $25c Skate Rental/ CS Wed •:30·8p • 11·8 grades 15c Uae your own CS · Fit 4:30-6p 1-2 gradt» Free lnetruction CS Sun 1-SJI Family all .... Lanl\1.,. Buie Manual eom.unicatlon, plus book tee BeJiMer n SHLRC Tue 7:30-11:30p 18 & Over $111/10 JI'OUP brs. . I SHLRC Wed T:SG-D:IOp 18 & Over $111/IG lfOUP.., hn. Slirnllutiea • Look II'Od, tel JOOd, diet ull uerelae stressed BallMer SHLRC "'l'aafl'hu 10-lla BaciPtr, YC Thu T:3G-tp Ad'flfteed YC Wed T:SG-Dp lltratell J!lurellt YC Tue T -1 p Adult .18/11' lfOUP hrt. 18 & Over $11/11 ·&rOUP hrs. 18 & Over $11/11 aroup hrs. 18 & Over .. /10 cdUHI Tap Duce :ae,tuan' IIIIa Jrt-requlllte Bt11aMr n YC Wad T-.Jp t-111 Jft. "II ela-. 'l'oddlerl' P.1a1 ,_. - X... supen1lle ul ..use wfll16_four allU4nlli play aa4 ..te aew frtaadl ( ') J . ' (JI. aast aemia,..,) SRLftC Pri 1-lla 1-8 11'1· I'RI!Il ·I weeb 'l'nmpoi&M • BallMer YC Sat l-10a II Ov• tt/1 cllulel . llltermtdtltl YC Sat 111-lta tt/11 ciMIM Ill. tltiM4tate SHLRC Sat 11:11-ta:lftp ./1 elulet Jlqblalr IRLRC K011 4-lrp II &I Over .. /1 elutet JteMtr SHLRC lion 8-llp II &I Over .1/8 el- Jttbmtr YC Wed 4-Bp I • Over. · P/1 olulel - Co-JtMreaUOBII Colft,.UU.. CS IICIJl· Lellun CS 1hd 8:10-lG:IOp Yop llliaMr . R!tC lllcm f·I:IO, MC Mon 8:30·10p 111 II Om' I'RD No ftella- 18 & Over 'tratf<lft MetlllfY. 18 & Over $12/11 trOUP lm. 111 & Over *11/11 II'OIIP hn. Youth Potter1 - See Ceramla, Tuesday and Wednllday WlllUllng/WooCtcamnr - If ,ou want to JdU Ume, whittle It away. Plue materials .lltcfmaer YC Wed 7•11:30p 12-111 yre. $10/12 IIOIIP h!'ll. BecinDv · YC Wed 8:30-10p 18 &I Ovtlr·$10/11 1roup hrt. '' Earollment" A Seriois . CoDm'D GREENBELT, MARYLAND Eleanor Roos- evelt, who was honored last week by the naming of the new senior high school on Greenbelt Rd. after her, is pic- . tured here at a defense rally at the Center School in Feb- ruary 1942. She had a long- standing interest in Greenbelt and visited the community sev- eral times dur- Ing ita early years. I pr· .. ,_; MEMORIAL LIIIIWl" &.t ' .;. ; .) Glen Ora Project On Its Way ·illfl bJ AI Skollllk to the . Thursday, January 15, 1976 Alan Kay told the Greenbelt elt;y . plat, 71 percent of the tr8cf Will council Monday. eTenlng that he 1s be rMerved for peen area .. hopeful that sround can be broken· recreational 1111e, The COUDi:, · ,.,_ for the Glen Ora towithouse pro- dlnance requlrea only 150 ject before 1ummer, The developer Parking ipacea for .281 .can WID N said ·that he haa been advised that be provided, The 001111ty oftiii- 8W High School the expanak>n of ·the Western an<:e requlra only 188 U.ll IPMM Branch waate treatment plant will per UQ!tl. . '; Gets New Name·- be by AUFJat thus Tbe :clt;y Oil previous,...,., .... _ 11Ritlltl.ilc .llll!l ,all4 other _._ hill looked; with favor on th!l El R I L opa1a 'on the "attfng 1lat to hook- OM swlteb fmp rental apartilillta eanor ooseve 1; .up with the permanent publlc to homee constructed for l&le, Cltle by Elaine Skolnik syetem 'by the end of the year, reaaon Is the reduced denalty CIOO As If the question of Franklin Accordlq to Kay, the count;y Ia unit under R-T &I .,._ ·lit D. Roosevelt Senior High School's to lasue a building per- pennltted under R-80), Allotblt Is concept were not compllcated mlt under certain condltlou, as the ltaJIIllt;y In the populatloa ,.._ enough, the Prince Geor&"e's Coun- long Ill the developer hal condl- duced by OWiler-oocupled unit&. A ty Board of Education on January tiona! eewaae authorliatlon. third factor Ill the hflher «u ·Jield 8 took on the matter of chlUlilng The new project, kllOWil olllclally to 'the ciQ'. the name of the new faciUty. By 111 Glen Ora G&rd11111, 1a located QtJ' .Reaernas- . a vote of G to 2, the acllool wiJI on an 80-acre tract south of Green- At Jut l(oacJaTa J&n11117 at. now be kllown J88 the Eleanor belt Road oppoalte Greenbriar and meetllla'. ciQ- COIIIICIJ, however, •- Roc?sevelt Senior Hi&"h School, bon- the Dew fleJlior hlp IIChool Thla preued IODle reaervaUall ailoae. ite orlq the 32nd president's wife wlio tract bu been"zoned (U 1'1111- faclJitlea pJ&naeid,'.Aoc- took a personal lntere1t in the tal apartment unite per aorel since to QQ- XlNitPr "-a "&'l'een towna" beiun by her bll8- 19811, However, the couni;v Jut Gille the counQ- I'I!QIIbwl111&t III!W band In 18311. Kra. Roolev.elt, vlalted MIQ' authorised the 111e of R-T developmmtl of 'lbe Glen Oa We Greenbelt on many occaalon• dur- lOlling (t.owllhouaee - 10 unite per cledlcate II Pfl'llellt of dae Ill!· lng the periOd of Its development. · acre) In the R-3o cate&"ory. Thill 1a reap to the COIIIIQ' lor opeaiJiee. Board member Maureen Stein- whet Kay lntencla, aeWq the town- In lieu of · thla deciJcatloD, the te- ecke Introduced the resolution at- housee u part of a · bomeowners veloper can PIQ' to tilt _, a ter lettenr by 1everal former Green- 8110clation <In eft'ect, like condo- fee of II" of tile. ..... eel TIIIIIIMIIIl belters appeared In lOCal and Wuh- mlnluma). . or waive the tee bJ Pl'!"ldllll 111- lnlton Pfeil ul'&'iq that the acllcol 1 BaiJt In SCar• vate · teereational facllltlel tlat be rename4 for Mnr. Roolevelt. "a IDeet IINCPPC approril. reel humanlt&rl&n," who waa deeply The new pl'Oject would be built . Aecordlna' l[q, tile .Jut IWte Involved. In Greenbelt In W. w•v, In four atapl, A prellmlllar1eab- Ia bel!ll. pluned. . . u4· Depl'ltleu · ... divillon plan bu been· eabmltted .., ..... ,_., will & they alao·IIGW, women In pneral to the ](&ryland Natlcmal Capital &•arri would be recollllsed In a aehool . Park and P1aru!lllg CommJ.uton bJ . pool,. elub. 1lo!M, ....... Roosevelt Hearing :r-O:t.-o"'!': the buUcltr, OVWIQok De- . ..., .• _, ._ ThOle wlahiJII to tpeak at WOIDIID. . velopmllllt.06rpor&tlon, for tbe ftat (bdt IIO aUa1et1Q . · · e o · .,..,q on an. - 10-benr Sue Klllol, Lelley ·-- ......, - th publl b-·"' J - •tile. '1'11• dt¥ hu belli u1ce4 'for ·.· · _...__ · ..... .........:. ·: at DuVal· Senior Hlp' School :Kreimer, Norman S&undera, Jeae · .Uf CIIIDDI8IItll. III!Pt aot be io by 8kolalk ' • mu.t caJ1 the Boatd ot l!lclucar- Warr ad Steilleoke, voted for the 'Die illllt lt8p will be 'OOilltruc- •' tile flitun it""' at '*'I ide, lellool oftlolala have tion 07-41411 and In- ch&np. dbelter m. Whltlq ucl ted on wt eorea ·loQted 11 tile llOIIIICIJiileil 41111 •eriov concern ·about. the open 1111 _ divldpall may fo, three Nlollolu llny voted aplnat, ar- ll&ltern _. ol the bebltell Noblrd PD.Id ·...., · rolaent provlalona of·. the _ ..... re- mlnuteo repraentatlve• of or--.. _,,,.., that there .,.re ...... ., other JolaDclu Road &lid the IIMtorn ll4lle OMIII._ · . ....... pnlzatlon. fo II mill tea. -. ol the pzopert;r, Aoaoldlal' to Kq, Ji"li· tile · .. .,. ceat. l!la7-Qoi&t,o reeolutlim· Which . r VII U I 'Yi'O -plllhecf more 111 Willa wiJl W . . , , to , . :llliliilli! .... . :::- .. •. :::::·::..-::::.:;; ...... _ -- ...... __ .... -::::: for the eomprehelllift portion of f/!'... .. .-,..,__,. , .. Tree,... - 62 unite would lie built ai tour- for adclltlollal' raac1 rllld:Hf.....,., tJie Bleanor Roo1eve1t Senior m.h eat'ed o'll ·.Cre•cent Road n · plexe• Cthat je, 'foUl' until made .,. ot. Seltool. · t&Cner and the · ed In a box with tour cornenr) the prapeft::r • tbwidlotw inlt.d It Ill expected that under woh .j t'fia Jt/1 Ch1irc1f. It waa froiD thli •lte SoiDe of tile fourplexlll would 1M of pNe11 ..., &a arran,ement IDOre than half of r. that Jl1l, IJIOkt at. tbe l'lllllblerotyle, othen,Upate.lra-c!OWD- willUo be rm.'lriq,&bll, tile ltudeall atte!ldlnr thla portion Ret!N4 Air Force Lt. CoL Henry rroundbreakln&" for Greenbelt In 1 1a1nr. lC&y hopea to lllarilet the a-llrlar - ........ _ of the acllool (the other _ _. '·• H. Maurer, 73, one of Greenbelt'• 18811, &ltd where. lhe .atoocl. on ·a unl•· t' rf -·"'" f •-.- - ,...... "' a P cea ·-.. u•g rom tl7,· Alao on the _ __... - the _ .. _ ilated for a tlrlt mayor1, died on Sunday, platform and captured a panoi'IUII- 000 to SQ,OOO. ter of the tile _.=_ WMdd be enrolled on a "ftrst-oome- January 4 . In Wlneh .. ter, Va., \'lew of Greenbelt durlnr later a-briar priTate . bull, with "the Board where he hac! lived for a number vialte. .,._ - · prcMdlq tranlportltlon to all pu- of yecanr. In 1842, Kra. Roo.tevelt retumed n::; W&i built ._. fiiiBP ...... J* .delllroua .of enrolllna' . . . As an expreulol) of mournln&" for to the commun!Q' to participate I :lant !:"::7 n .AGENDA _.,eet only to the condition that hi• paallq, all !lap ftown by the a Defenll Rally at Cllllter Sehco over a lldp 1IDe to, the -- ill Ole event aueh public traniJIOI'- . City at the llq adjacent to She accepted Greenbelt'• Invitation 'Brancb . plant· It .-.. fa0.41fe I. REGULAR MEmNG OF , tatl• 1 1 economically by the Municipal BuUdiq were ftown In the fall of 1812 to be 111e1t o devlllll.l (lllled. to work. 'Die ..... ¥tmle of Umlted applicant. fi'OIIl at half mut throU&"h Wednl!lday, honor on the oooaolon o( tile town's lnrto Suburbu .... , ..... , pertlealar ot Prince Geor- January 7, the IICheduled funeral 2Gth annlvenrarJ. Illneu prevented lloD "- . .,_ . i!: f CITY COUNCIL - rea Olunty, meh tr&nlport&tlm date. her and she died on No- plilll for a puliUo Plllllllbll'· ataiiQII _. Dot be provided u 1onr 88 Col. Maurer wu appointed to the vember T, 1812. that wollld aerve !lot OD)J o.,.. Jan. 19; 1976 tile appl)iq pupil or pgplla how- ftrat Greenbelt City Council In 1937 Greenbelt anecdote• aiiO .apppar- briar bat oeblr -tr 11114 ,( ... enr, are still, neverthele ... , per- and then waa elected mayor In ed In Mnr. Roolevelt'• column "My 1 betw 8:00P>M. to attend and enroll In September 1038, unUI Jan- Day." Aftet her vlalt to Greenbelt -e.· uary 1940. on Deei!Diber 8, 1GBT, lhe mentioned tlmore-Wulllnit.on Parlnrlr) Ia I. ORGANIZATION 'l'lle major fear Is t.hat blocks . A veteran of both World W&ra, the fact that the first ro.aldente of the 41a1n1p buln. . , . 1. Call te Order t1f ltudenta from county hifh he had served with the Army Air Greenbelt had to do without •treet 'l'bla JIIIIIIPinc faolllt, wou14 lcllooll will voluntarily enroll at Carps and then the Air Force for lllhte. . f'IIO,OOO to $1,000,000 with o-ua- Roolevelt which wiU reoult 1n the 010re than 20 year1 before his re- u A.ooolatell required to Pli1 ft 2. Rell Call tipplna' of racial balance• at thoae from the military in 19117. City Coaaci( Plans percent ot the Gre,nbriar In and neoessltatlq l!frther Col. Maurer then worked for the Jan. 1172 acreecl to the Til peroeJlt & JohdJiatiOII Plecip ol Allqlanee to ""'B'lac llllttlnr of student& thrOU&"hout the Federal Aviation Admlnlstr,-tlon, Traa"n· a"ng Sess•"on .. a condition of obtalnlq W8SC eounty. With pl&Min&" and ached- fotmerly the Federal Aviation AI- qreement to pennlt 4. )li.uteto of Replu Keet- uUnr for the ScpL 1878 1chool year ency, until retlrin&" 13 years 1110· Membera of the city council, the II!Wqe to be carried to the We.t• already late, such an undertakln&" He Ia survived by his wife, Ruth city mBI)qer, depa•tment heads em Bran<!h baaln. At that dlle ooulcl be chaotic, according to the Lawton Maurer, of the home In. and city clerk are planninl . a the 0011t of the p11111pln&" 1atlan In&" of January 12, 1976 G. .A.clditlOM to Aa-encla by CIJunollmen and aeflool officials. Add.ltlonallv, the Wlncheater; three children team buildln&" seulon at Cacapon waa· eltlmated at tiOO.OOO. Prl11ce Georges Board of Jllduca- bara Van Zandt, of City, State Park w. Va., Jan. 2 2-- 24 . To avoid theee · Kq, an Uon could find itself back In the Va.; Suzanne Eldreth, of Boyec, The lleUion 11 bebi&" beld behalf of G""nbrfar A110clatel, bu II. OOKMUNICATlQNS court.e. Va., and Henry H. Maurer of Nar>- t di al d bj ti now reque1ted WSSC to hre"" COII- t NY d 1 h o acuBB ,a,s an o ec yea,. 01 v 8. Petltlone and Reque1ts Sbarln&" theee view• Ia board ue • · .; an e I t grandchildren. to better underetand what each ltruction of a new facUit;y,and elt!l· 111-ber Norman Saundere, an ad- city department does, and to .,_ er take over the preaent pumplnJr 7. Admlnlatrative Reports vocAte.of the nel&"hborhood 11ebool Newlpaper Recvclinft chleve better organization between facility or permit Greenbriar to con- concept. He ..Ya · he Ia "a 1 council members and city depart- tinue liB operation as a 'lrlvate fa- 8. O:IJ!Imlttee Report. staunch antl-buler," and "qalnat Bo&"lnnin&" the week of Februa "Y menta. clllt;y to servlee Just Greenbriar &"lvin&" studentl unnece11ary 1cenlc 1 tho City will qaln begin its Fred Arend, Training and Or,- Kay llald that tlllo pumping •tatlcm III. OLB BUSINESS toun of Prince Georgoa Count;y." Jtewspapel' 'rccyollng program. ganizatlonal Coordinator for the 1 " better than an:v other pumping The county, he said, Ia in a bUd&"et ordinance require& that cuelomcm Maryland Dept. of Economic and otatlon that WSSC has In opera- 9. 81'eenbrlar Pumping sta .. of the city's refuse &<>rvll'c tlon ·· crunch and we 1hould be 1pendln1 their paper for pick ·liP tho middle Community Develo!>rnent, will aervo · , fUildl for educational pro&"rama, aa facllltBtor at the tralnlnr scs·- W88C PosltltJn tl01' - not larrcr bus fleets and more fuel. coliortlon of ench wo..·k clthrr Wrd slon. Arend has conducted almllar The WSSC ltd hllll reportedly S •unders said h" wntr<l ne11day or ThUrldl\y, ,dr>pending on workshope at HUD and baa know!- recommended to WSSC that the 10. Re-Subdivlaion of Ora Gardens a ' thr customer's achrdnlo. G brl t t 1 · veit t.o oprn ns a ro,nr·,hensiw edge and In working reen ar requea or ts eontlll· ,, For rrslclrnts who nr ... • not cus " •chool with definitive bonnclnriPs. tomers of ih• City's lervlco but with local 'governments. !!l)e OOVNCIL. p. 8, Col. 1 He aleo favored the lilowlc plan. · wish to rocvelo their paper. it. w'll The city haa applied for Federnl II. to Boards There Ia also concern that t•lnce bo·ac,cepted If brought•to the Pub fundi to help d&fray coste of tho Ill much confusion has lie Works Warehoule, located on meetlnl under tho lntrrgovern-- the nature of thn new school, thrrr Crescent R(lad ·sdjacrnt to the en- mental Personnel Act. I.ocal gov- my be a rPiuctance for county stu . ' tmnco nt thr Lllke Park, Ali news- ernnientl aerou the oonntry. ato dents to voluntl\rlly <>nroll in " print. ft• wnll aa flyrrs holding team building worl\shope, school whrre the concept ha. not nnd ntltor printed matrrial will be but city council believes Greenbelt been plnnrd down. tn this even I, nc•ept.rd. Is the' flrt1t In Mllryland to conduct there would nnt be an adoqtmt." B.'••nusr of P1o nt t.h'B t.hl• kind of tralnlnR' 8 """!on. •tudent body to offer n full scale r..tuse <'ollec:ors will be " · onl•r p3per on the Weu- and Thurad"" collertlons the w.eelt of 1. IV. NEW BUSl.NEf.S 12. In•t4Jlation of wall at awimmlnr pool. v. MISCELLANEOUS NOTE: This .Is a preliminary 1\&'l!nda subject to chanre WHAT GOf$ ON Ja.1. · H.J, 0 {HU. Clt..Y. Council Meeting, MWilclpal Building ThiiMI., ,Ja·,: 22, 7:30 p on. Public Hoarlng. on Roo.•r- vrlt Senior Hhrh Sc!hool, Du- Val High Snhooi 8 P·'l!· OHT Board M"f'tlng. .Ha:nllton Pl. I I f'· I j l' .. -,- i .-, ' ' I• ·J ,, !1 ·f .. '1: •. I l 4 . -! , __ _j_ I J ,

Transcript of Inc. Glen Ora 1916 Winter Leisure Time Activities Way · oi-11 years 11·11 yean IMI :reaiB !lalltt...

Page 1: Inc. Glen Ora 1916 Winter Leisure Time Activities Way · oi-11 years 11·11 yean IMI :reaiB !lalltt - Prescllool J YC · $10/8 classes $10/8 classes $10/8 eluses Preschool D YC Beginner

lash, Inc. ·Realtors "WWI IU.Y Q.08I:. 11ft WE ~ DOZil. O&U. .&NY­

. 'l'DOI"

nBST DOWN Apt, that is. See thi.8 one BR apt, with many •provements. Call IU6-2151 any­time day or night seYen days a week for details.

!nd DOWN Don't p&SB again • eomeone will Intercept be­fore you get thUI beaut;v, W /Vf arpet throughout, fine waaher, I AIOt plus many other lmprove­acots. $11,900, 1110 DOWN I "fteld" stiU-u· lither "goal" for :JOUr mom or dad with thil perfect retirement lllame. Don't forget all utllltis taeept electrlct17 are lneladed In 1111 Greenbelt Home.. ' WIII!!N 8ELLING OR BUYING .&NY HOMII IN OB !fEAR GUJJNBI!lLT ALWA'IS CAlL liA8II JN(l. FIRBr FOB 'l'BE BDn' OF l!lVEBY'l'IIIKG. 0111

UH1Jl uqa- - • llllld -d!QW ......

Margolis To Speak at JCC 1i1a1 Karaolls, attorney and 1811

tlrector of the UJA eampalp, til 0n&ter W&shlnPII will speak ca '1'roblelll.l I>ea.IJq With r-1 .... World Jewish Comm~ at Kllh­t. Torah serrtcee 011 Il'rl., J'u. ta attelld. Therw .... .. .. .... ........ ~. Water Scdety Clinic

.A. .Water Saf~ty Clinic, wlllcll Ia - a prerequlalte for ll8Jioein&' 11114

·. lllllllac cluse8 to be held In Green­._ thla SprlnJ', will be held ~ '1'uel., Jan. 1J from ,. to 110 p.m. at lltlwle State Oollere Bwfmmlll&' )lid.· To relilter eall the Plince Oeol'pl CountJ Red era. .t -­MO.

PORTER'S UQUORS ... Bllltla. .... .,.....,. (..t tD llaDoaakl'l Ia Oa8lp

Park) We have tllelaqeatleleetfoa of W1111111 from ai'OIIIId the 'IJOtkl ilpeiUI priCII Oil - ~


AB:t qa.t!OJ)B aboltt wm. weleomed

Orndorff & s . d ' pal ,

Inc. ......... - o-nw

- bclllllrW

~ ................... ......... ..... -llaiJt.ap ....... llldacle'. ~ ........... ....

.... 411 .... ....

Ue4ililltll • 1lbtlalll1 • banG -Mt;. J>A),. l'a. .............. 937-5911

w. a•••11 " IIWICat 1V ... VIE

-.V.~ttr ... .................. --=- i ..... ............ ,,_.~ " ...... ...... " .Iii ...... -- .... - '


Kash Realtors, suggest that everyone kicks off the new year by IJi.vesting In real estate to get your own super saving, no play offs to eliminate you here, everyone can play, everyone wins;

PICK YOUR OWN CHOICE, 2 to chQOSe from, a very highly Improved a bedroom frame home In the 20-court of Ridge, featur­Ing new Sealll kitchen, complete­ly remodeled hath and loaded · with extras, only $17,900 or a beautiful 2 bedroom frame In the 10<ourt of Southway with all nice appUancea, Including waaher, dr;,er, ancl alr/cond;, larp patio &lid fenced yard, on1)' $17,000, whichever you eh001e, :rou ~·t loae.

Don't be PENALIZI!ID for DE­lAY OF GAME! Thl8 new U.t­ing will go fut, a real clean Brick rambler with full bue­ment, washer, dryer, w/w car­pet, storm wlndaw~~ and doora, and co1ner lot. AKJIJ TIMil OUT DOW t.lld eai11411-2W. Don't m.i8l W. opportunity to l!lcore on1)' $'0.800. """"NNWRotJ8ilf DOt qultil bUt - think It's better tban new, W. a bedroom rancher hal 1111 the eztru lnc:lu41na', dishwuher, wuher, l!ryer, storm wlndowe and doonr, larp eat In ldt, eaf· ered patio, and storage shed. lo­cated on large ohaln link fenced J&r4. VA tel'llll at $43,900. Act aow an4 be a WIM'fEB. Will be open Sunclq, call for direet!O!LI,

ROGIJI&. Don't I!!ITAUBAOH any longer, we have the· right call here, • real cute J bed­room, 2 bath rambler with ree. room In buement, w/w carpet, Dice appllaneea, and garage, VA appralled at $31,000, owner fl&yt eell at ta0,7150, Don't argue with the oftlclal he ju.t might cbailge­bll mind, -BI<:IiABD8: here Ia your GOG DEN opportunity It you really wa~~t to I!IOOU big. We bave a

· oilatom buOt huge ramblftr, fea­turing 4 bedrooms, 8 full llatha, 2 car garage, and would you be­Ueve on I,M acres. Yes lt'a all here, you can even build yout; own Sladlam, We even think MEAN IOE GREEN would like it. Call for all the detaile 8411-2151.

OPI!lN lfiiiiiDlY, no Tldlti:T 11-ry. jut come over and enj07 the eomtort of this 2 bee!· room OoDclo. In Charlestowne VIOage, l.l'eaturlna' beutiful fully tiqulpt kitchen. very spacloua muter bedrm with Iarre willie In cloeet. T-la court. 6 pool jut a IIbert willie away, Come

Oil - Sundq ~ 12 .. " ud talk to Mnr. Bett:r Devlin, lhe will lla4l:r Mnllr an:r qu­tionl 1011 may have. 'n'to Llke-cl'tlt Drift,. .

-iiilll ltJiNiiitG otlTt ifcii If 7011 aot . now. We bave a beautlflll ' 1illdrlll J bath Cape Cod bodle lB Bellemel4e, that hal been eabltantlal)1 improv­ed thru-oot. Thla home featurea wife - ldtehera wtth nice ap­pllucea, laeludlq dllhwuher a:~ u.o iruher, dryer W/W carpet. Oellt A/0, ltorm wln4cJn • doon Aile! St.orap

.lllaed. l'A. ell' liK4 at $41,100. .,..,. p- ehl.t DOW!f, kelp 7011r IOOm!f'O IS'fll allfe lit calllq ..... 1111.

iDII 1: .. RilLTOIS UaiY ................. ...

345-2151 LilT KAIIR HfiU' TOUt



1916 Winter Leisure Time Activities In-person registration, ftrst come,· ftrst served basis as follows: Tuesday, January 13, '1-1

p.m. and-Thursday, January 15, 3-5 p.m. at the Greenbelt Youth Cepter. Wednesday, January 14, '1-9 p.m. at the Springhill Lake Recreation Center.

.Late registration on a space available basis only, Friday, January 16, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at the Youth Center Business Office. Make all checks payable to the CITY OF GREENBELT.

A 10% discount will be liven to all senior citizens, 62 years old and over, relisterini for classes.

Classes are held for the number of sessions designated. All classes will begin the week of January 19. Snow make-ups will be held at the end of ihe reiiJ].ar clasa echedule, if re-quired. \ ' · >. Location Code: Youth Center (YC), Ricfle Roa!f Center (RRC), SprJnghlll Lake Recrea-

tion Center (SHL RC), Center Elementary School (CS). \ · •Babysitting - Daytime hours only u desianated, 25e pV drlld per cl111 hour. Partici­

pants must reptlr for en\in course •


Arta & Craft& YC/SHLRC Mon 4:30-3:30p 1-1 gradea YC/SHLRC Wed 4:30-11:30p 3-4 grades

FREE- 8 weea FREE • -8 weeks

· i .,. 1 ~ · YC/SHLRC J'ri 430-11:30p 11-11 aradea !ladminton/Voll~YbaD

I'REE • ~weekiJ FREE- weeks

$10/8 Nerf Tennis SHLRO Sun l-Sp

Sat 9:S0-10:30a Sat 10:30-11:30a Set 11:30-U:30p !at 12:30·1 :30p

13 & Over 4-5 years oi-11 years 11·11 yean IMI :reaiB

!lalltt - Prescllool J YC · $10/8 classes

$10/8 classes $10/8 eluses

Preschool D YC Beginner ! YC Beginner D YC

~readmaking - Ciuns plus aterials Beglnnu • SHLRC Thu T-Ip Teen/Adult $11/11 group hrs. Beginner SHLRC •rrt 11!-12n Adult $11/11 croup hrs.

Ceramics (Pottei'J) Cl ... Jlus materiaiiM Beg/Int YC *~e 10-12n Adult $K/IO IJ'OUP hrs . Begflnt (Youth) YC Tue 8-7p 11-15 )'811'1 $8/8 classes :Beg/IJlt YC *Wed 10-12n Adult $34/10 group hrs. Beg/Int (Youth) YC Wed 5:30-11:30p 11-15 years $8/8 classes Advanced YC Wed &~lOp 111 & Oyer $Z41JO group hrs. Beg/Int YC Thu 8-10p 111 lc Over f~/ZO group hrs.

Clay Modeling YC/SHLRC Sat 9-lOa II & Over $7/8 c1assel Creative Carousel - Coloriftl; Finger Painting, Drawing, Musie

YC/SHLRC Sat 10:30-11:30a 4-~ years $7/8 classes Crocheting - Classes plus

$1Z/111IOUP hrs .

$j,/10 classes $10/10 elaullll .

materials - Advafteed YC -Thu 11:30-1p . Adult Do1 Obedience - Training lead and collar required

Trainer 11 yrs. & OYer

Basic (8 mo. old) RR.C Thu T-8p Adv~~d . _ . RRC Thu 8-Dp.

Eating for Better Health from Infants to Senior Cltisells

Floor Aerobatics SHLRC •wed 1-3p Adult $8/4 ·1-hr. classes YC · Tue tl-9p 6-15 yrs. $7/8 classes YC Wed 8-Dp 8-111 yi-s. $7/8 classes SHLRC Tue 3:30·5p 8-12 yrs. FREE - 8 weeks SHLRC Thu 3:30-llp 13-111 yrs. FREE - 8 weeks SHLRC Thu 4:30-5:30p Pre-School FREE - 8 weeks

Floor Hockey

Fun time YC Thu 4:30-5:30p thru Grade 3

Golf - Indoor Classea,Besinher SHLRC Sat 9-lOa 8-15 yrs. $7/8 clBSSell Greenbelt Chucks & Lassiee • Group games/~tal fttness program for boys & girls

(Club shirt provided for YC/SHLRC Sat 9-10:30a 11-8 yrs. · FREE • 8 weeki regular attendance) · YC/SHLRC 'Sat 10:30-12n 9-11 yrs. FREE - 8 weeki

Guitar • Provide own IMtrument Beginner YC Tue 'f -8p 12 & Over $10/10 classes

$10/10 classes $10/10 classes

Intermediate YC Tue 8-9p 12 & Over Beginner SHLRC Wed T-8p U & Over

Hobby Craft - Decoup&~e, CJQ Modelin& Candl...,llr;~~. Basketry, Batik YC -·~e 5-ftp 11-15 yrs. · $5/8 claases

Judo - Black Belt Instrueklr, Workout Jaetet suggested Mixed Beg/Ad"'. RRC Sat II-lla 8 & Over $12(18 aroup hr11.

Knitting - Plus Materials · YC •Thu 1:30-3:30p Adult $19/18 lfOUP bra. Model BuildlnJ - Provide on model

Sln.RC Tue •:30-5:30p 1-8 grades ~ ~ 8 ClllSSell Needlepoint • Plue Mattrlal8 Roller Skatlq

YC •Thu 9!30-llt Adult . $U/12 rrouP bra. CS Mon. 4:30-8p 3-4 gradea $25c Skate Rental/ CS Wed •:30·8p • 11·8 grades 15c Uae your own CS · Fit 4:30-6p 1-2 gradt» Free lnetruction CS Sun 1-SJI Family all ....

~liD Lanl\1.,. • Buie ~ ~ Manual eom.unicatlon, plus book tee BeJiMer n SHLRC Tue 7:30-11:30p 18 & Over $111/10 JI'OUP brs.

. Bet~Mer I SHLRC Wed T:SG-D:IOp 18 & Over $111/IG lfOUP.., hn. Slirnllutiea • Look II'Od, tel JOOd, diet ull uerelae stressed

BallMer SHLRC "'l'aafl'hu 10-lla BaciPtr, YC Thu T:3G-tp Ad'flfteed YC Wed T:SG-Dp

lltratell J!lurellt ~p YC Tue T -1 p

Adult .18/11' lfOUP hrt. 18 & Over $11/11 ·&rOUP hrs. 18 & Over $11/11 aroup hrs. 18 & Over .. /10 cdUHI

Tap Duce • :ae,tuan' IIIIa Jrt-requlllte Bt11aMr n YC Wad T-.Jp t-111 Jft. "II ela-.

'l'oddlerl' P.1a1 ,_. - X... supen1lle ul ..use wfll16_four allU4nlli play aa4 ..te aew frtaadl ( ') J . ' (JI. aast aemia,..,) SRLftC Pri 1-lla 1-8 11'1· I'RI!Il ·I weeb 'l'nmpoi&M • BallMer YC Sat l-10a II • Ov• tt/1 cllulel

. llltermtdtltl YC Sat 111-lta ~ce tt/11 ciMIM Ill. tltiM4tate SHLRC Sat 11:11-ta:lftp N~ ./1 elulet Jlqblalr IRLRC K011 4-lrp II &I Over .. /1 elutet JteMtr SHLRC lion 8-llp II &I Over .1/8 el-Jttbmtr YC Wed 4-Bp I • Over. · P/1 olulel

von~ - Co-JtMreaUOBII Colft,.UU.. CS IICIJl· 1~10:10, Lellun CS 1hd 8:10-lG:IOp

Yop • llliaMr . R!tC lllcm f·I:IO, !ntermtltla~ MC Mon 8:30·10p

111 II Om' I'RD • No ftella-18 & Over 'tratf<lft MetlllfY. 18 & Over $12/11 trOUP lm. 111 & Over *11/11 II'OIIP hn.

Youth Potter1 - See Ceramla, Tuesday and Wednllday WlllUllng/WooCtcamnr - If ,ou want to JdU Ume, whittle It away. Plue materials

.lltcfmaer YC Wed 7•11:30p 12-111 yre. $10/12 IIOIIP h!'ll. BecinDv · YC Wed 8:30-10p 18 &I Ovtlr·$10/11 1roup hrt.


~fepea Earollment" A Seriois . CoDm'D


Eleanor Roos­evelt, who was honored last week by the naming of the new senior high school on Greenbelt Rd. after her, is pic­

. tured here at a defense rally at the Center School in Feb­ruary 1942. She had a long­standing interest in Greenbelt and visited the community sev­eral times dur­Ing ita early years.

I pr· .. ,_; ~m:HY MEMORIAL LIIIIWl" &.t ' .;. ; .) 3~iliiCI:t

Glen Ora Project On Its Way

·illfl bJ AI Skollllk Aceordl~~g to the ~ .

Thursday, January 15, 1976

Alan Kay told the Greenbelt elt;y . plat, 71 percent of the tr8cf Will council Monday. eTenlng that he 1s • be rMerved for peen area .. hopeful that sround can be broken· recreational 1111e, The COUDi:, · ,.,_ for the Glen Ora towithouse pro- dlnance requlrea only 150 ~. ject before 1ummer, The developer Parking ipacea for .281 .can WID

N said ·that he haa been advised that be provided, The 001111ty oftiii-

8W High School the expanak>n of ·the Western an<:e requlra only 188 U.ll IPMM Branch waate treatment plant will per UQ!tl. . ';

Gets New Name·- be eom~ted by AUFJat 1~8. thus Tbe :clt;y Oil previous,...,.,...._ 11Ritlltl.ilc .llll!l ,all4 other _._ hill looked; with favor on th!l ~

El R IL opa1a 'on the "attfng 1lat to hook- OM swlteb fmp rental apartilillta eanor ooseve 1; .up with the permanent publlc ~ewer to homee constructed for l&le, Cltle by Elaine Skolnik syetem 'by the end of the year, reaaon Is the reduced denalty CIOO

As If the question of Franklin Accordlq to Kay, the count;y Ia unit under R-T &I .,._ ·lit D. Roosevelt Senior High School's permitte~. to lasue a building per- pennltted under R-80), Allotblt Is concept were not compllcated mlt under certain condltlou, as the ltaJIIllt;y In the populatloa ,.._ enough, the Prince Geor&"e's Coun- long Ill the developer hal condl- duced by OWiler-oocupled unit&. A ty Board of Education on January tiona! eewaae authorliatlon. third factor Ill the hflher «u ·Jield 8 took on the matter of chlUlilng The new project, kllOWil olllclally to 'the ciQ'. the name of the new faciUty. By 111 Glen Ora G&rd11111, 1a located QtJ' .Reaernas- . a vote of G to 2, the acllool wiJI on an 80-acre tract south of Green- At Jut l(oacJaTa J&n11117 at. now be kllown J88 the Eleanor belt Road oppoalte Greenbriar and meetllla'. ciQ- COIIIICIJ, however, •­Roc?sevelt Senior Hi&"h School, bon- the Dew fleJlior hlp IIChool Thla preued IODle reaervaUall ailoae. ite orlq the 32nd president's wife wlio tract bu been"zoned (U 1'1111- ~01181 faclJitlea pJ&naeid,'.Aoc­took a personal lntere1t in the tal apartment unite per aorel since ~ to QQ- XlNitPr "-a "&'l'een towna" beiun by her bll8- 19811, However, the couni;v Jut Gille the counQ- I'I!QIIbwl111&t III!W band In 18311. Kra. Roolev.elt, vlalted MIQ' authorised the 111e of R-T developmmtl of 'lbe Glen Oa We Greenbelt on many occaalon• dur- lOlling (t.owllhouaee - 10 unite per m~ cledlcate II Pfl'llellt of dae Ill!· lng the periOd of Its development. · acre) In the R-3o cate&"ory. Thill 1a reap to the COIIIIQ' lor opeaiJiee.

Board member Maureen Stein- whet Kay lntencla, aeWq the town- In lieu of · thla deciJcatloD, the te­ecke Introduced the resolution at- housee u part of a · bomeowners veloper can PIQ' to tilt _, a ter lettenr by 1everal former Green- 8110clation <In eft'ect, like condo- fee of II" of tile . .....eel TIIIIIIMIIIl belters appeared In lOCal and Wuh- mlnluma). . or waive the tee bJ Pl'!"ldllll 111-lnlton Pfeil ul'&'iq that the acllcol 1 BaiJt In SCar• vate · teereational facllltlel tlat be rename4 for Mnr. Roolevelt. "a IDeet IINCPPC approril. reel humanlt&rl&n," who waa deeply The new pl'Oject would be built . Aecordlna' ~ l[q, tile .Jut IWte Involved. In Greenbelt In W. w•v, In four atapl, A prellmlllar1eab- Ia bel!ll. pluned. . . u4· Depl'ltleu ·

... divillon plan bu been· eabmltted ~ ..,.....,_., will & they alao·IIGW, women In pneral to the ](&ryland Natlcmal Capital ;;,.fliio'~,.J &•arri would be recollllsed In a aehool . Park and P1aru!lllg CommJ.uton bJ . pool,. elub. 1lo!M, ....... ~ - ·

Roosevelt Hearing :r-O:t.-o"'!': ~!~am:':. the buUcltr, OVWIQok De- ~· . ..., .• _, ._ ThOle wlahiJII to tpeak at WOIDIID. . velopmllllt.06rpor&tlon, for tbe ftat ~ (bdt IIO aUa1et1Q . ·

· e o · .,..,q on an. - ~ 10-benr Sue Klllol, Lelley ·-- ......, -th publl b-·"' J - • •tile. '1'11• dt¥ hu belli u1ce4 'for ·.· · _...__ · ..... .........:. ·: ~·· •

at DuVal· Senior Hlp' School :Kreimer, Norman S&undera, Jeae · .Uf CIIIDDI8IItll. III!Pt aot be ~- io by ~ 8kolalk ' • mu.t caJ1 the Boatd ot l!lclucar- Warr ad Steilleoke, voted for the 'Die illllt lt8p will be 'OOilltruc- •' tile flitun it""' at '*'I ide,

lellool oftlolala have exp~d tion 07-41411 and rec~Mer. In- ch&np. dbelter m. Whltlq ucl ted on wt eorea ·loQted 11 tile llOIIIICIJiileil ·R~ob~f~t ~ 41111 •eriov concern ·about. the open

1111_ divldpall may ~ fo, three Nlollolu llny voted aplnat, ar- ll&ltern _. ol the ~ bebltell Noblrd PD.Id ·~ ·...., ·

rolaent provlalona of·. the _ ..... re- mlnuteo repraentatlve• of or--.. _,,,.., that there .,.re ...... ., other JolaDclu Road &lid the IIMtorn ll4lle OMIII._ ~ · . ....... pnlzatlon. fo II mill tea. .~... -. ol the pzopert;r, Aoaoldlal' to Kq, Ji"li· tile · .. .,. ceat. l!la7-Qoi&t,o reeolutlim· Which . r VII U I wom~ 'Yi'O ~ -plllhecf more 111 Willa wiJl W . . , , to , . :llliliilli!.... .

:::-.. ~ •. :::::·::..-::::.:;; W<iioiii~:~,:::r·::.:-:·~· ...... _ -- ...... __ .... -::::: for the eomprehelllift portion of f/!'... .. ~~~ .-,..,__,. , .. J~emorlal Tree,... - 62 unite would lie built ai tour- for adclltlollal' raac1 rllld:Hf.....,., tJie Bleanor Roo1eve1t Senior m.h ~ r~ eat'ed o'll ·.Cre•cent Road n · plexe• Cthat je, 'foUl' until ~ made ~ .,. ~ ot. Seltool. · t&Cner ~Lane and the · ed In a box with tour cornenr) the prapeft::r • tbwidlotw inlt.d

It Ill expected that under woh .j t'fia Jt/1 Ch1irc1f. It waa froiD thli •lte SoiDe of tile fourplexlll would 1M of pNe11 ~te. ~ ..., &a arran,ement IDOre than half of r. that Jl1l, ~elt IJIOkt at. tbe l'lllllblerotyle, othen,Upate.lra-c!OWD- willUo be rm.'lriq,&bll, tile ltudeall atte!ldlnr thla portion Ret!N4 Air Force Lt. CoL Henry rroundbreakln&" for Greenbelt In 11a1nr. lC&y hopea to lllarilet the a-llrlar - ........_ of the acllool (the other _ _. '·• H. Maurer, 73, one of Greenbelt'• 18811, &ltd where. lhe .atoocl. on ·a unl•· t' rf -·"'" f •-.- -,...... "' a P cea ·-.. u•g rom tl7,· Alao on the _ __... - the _ .. _ ilated for a Teehnolo~;v ~terl tlrlt mayor1, died on Sunday, platform and captured a panoi'IUII- 000 to SQ,OOO. ter of the Nt:~ tile _.=_ WMdd be enrolled on a "ftrst-oome- January 4 . In Wlneh .. ter, Va., ~ \'lew of Greenbelt durlnr later a-briar priTate ---..~_ . llnrkM~ed" bull, with "the Board where he hac! lived for a number vialte. .,._ -

· prcMdlq tranlportltlon to all pu- of yecanr. In 1842, Kra. Roo.tevelt retumed n::; W&i built ._. fiiiBP ...... J* .delllroua .of enrolllna' . . . As an expreulol) of mournln&" for to the commun!Q' to participate I :lant !:"::7 :::::..,~ n .AGENDA _.,eet only to the condition that hi• paallq, all !lap ftown by the a Defenll Rally at Cllllter Sehco over a lldp 1IDe to, the --ill Ole event aueh public traniJIOI'- . City at the llq pole~ adjacent to She accepted Greenbelt'• Invitation 'Brancb . plant· It ~ .-.. fa0.41fe

I. REGULAR MEmNG OF , tatl• 11 economically unf~ble by the Municipal BuUdiq were ftown In the fall of 1812 to be 111e1t o devlllll.l (lllled. to work. 'Die .....

¥tmle of Umlted applicant. fi'OIIl at half mut throU&"h Wednl!lday, honor on the oooaolon o( tile town's lnrto Suburbu ....,....., pertlealar e~ectlou ot Prince Geor- January 7, the IICheduled funeral 2Gth annlvenrarJ. Illneu prevented lloD ~WISC) "-. .,_ . i!:


-rea Olunty, meh tr&nlport&tlm date. her a~arance and she died on No- plilll for a puliUo Plllllllbll'· ataiiQII _. Dot be provided u 1onr 88 Col. Maurer wu appointed to the vember T, 1812. that wollld aerve !lot OD)J o.,..

Moncle~y, Jan. 19; 1976

tile appl)iq pupil or pgplla how- ftrat Greenbelt City Council In 1937 Greenbelt anecdote• aiiO .apppar- briar bat oeblr -tr 11114 ,( ... enr, are still, neverthele ... , per- and then waa elected mayor In ed In Mnr. Roolevelt'• column "My 1 betw


~tted to attend and enroll In September 1038, ~ervlnr unUI Jan- Day." Aftet her vlalt to Greenbelt ~~o. ~ ~:nd~ -e.· uary 1940. on Deei!Diber 8, 1GBT, lhe mentioned tlmore-Wulllnit.on Parlnrlr) Ia I. ORGANIZATION

'l'lle major fear Is t.hat blocks . A veteran of both World W&ra, the fact that the first ro.aldente of the 41a1n1p buln. . , . 1. Call te Order t1f ltudenta from county hifh he had served with the Army Air Greenbelt had to do without •treet 'l'bla JIIIIIIPinc faolllt, wou14 -~ lcllooll will voluntarily enroll at Carps and then the Air Force for lllhte. . f'IIO,OOO to $1,000,000 with o-ua-Roolevelt which wiU reoult 1n the 010re than 20 year1 before his re- u A.ooolatell required to Pli1 ft

2. Rell Call

tipplna' of racial balance• at thoae Ure~nent from the military in 19117. City Coaaci( Plans percent ot the eo~L Gre,nbriar In ~oola and neoessltatlq l!frther Col. Maurer then worked for the Jan. 1172 acreecl to the Til peroeJlt

& JohdJiatiOII Plecip ol Allqlanee to

""'B'lac llllttlnr of student& thrOU&"hout the Federal Aviation Admlnlstr,-tlon, Traa"n· a"ng Sess•"on .. a condition of obtalnlq W8SC eounty. With pl&Min&" and ached- fotmerly the Federal Aviation AI- qreement to pennlt ~ 4. )li.uteto of Replu Keet-uUnr for the ScpL 1878 1chool year ency, until retlrin&" 13 years 1110· Membera of the city council, the II!Wqe to be carried to the We.t• already late, such an undertakln&" He Ia survived by his wife, Ruth city mBI)qer, depa•tment heads em Bran<!h baaln. At that dlle ooulcl be chaotic, according to the Lawton Maurer, of the home In. and city clerk are planninl . a the 0011t of the p11111pln&" 1atlan

In&" of January 12, 1976

G. .A.clditlOM to Aa-encla by CIJunollmen and ManA~:"er aeflool officials. Add.ltlonallv, the Wlncheater; three children B,ar~ team buildln&" seulon at Cacapon waa· eltlmated at tiOO.OOO.

Prl11ce Georges Board of Jllduca- bara Van Zandt, of St~phene City, State Park w. Va., Jan. 22--24. To avoid theee · ~. Kq, an Uon could find itself back In the Va.; Suzanne Eldreth, of Boyec, The lleUion 11 bebi&" beld behalf of G""nbrfar A110clatel, bu II. OOKMUNICATlQNS court.e. Va., and Henry H. Maurer of Nar>- t di al d bj ti now reque1ted WSSC to hre"" COII-t NY d

1 h o acuBB ,a,s an o ec yea,. 01

v 8. Petltlone and Reque1ts Sbarln&" theee view• Ia board ue • · .; an e I t grandchildren. to better underetand what each ltruction of a new facUit;y,and elt!l·

111-ber Norman Saundere, an ad- city department does, and to .,_ er take over the preaent pumplnJr 7. Admlnlatrative Reports

vocAte.of the nel&"hborhood 11ebool Newlpaper Recvclinft chleve better organization between facility or permit Greenbriar to con-concept. He ..Ya · he Ia "a 1 • council members and city depart- tinue liB operation as a 'lrlvate fa-8. O:IJ!Imlttee Report. staunch antl-buler," and "qalnat Bo&"lnnin&" the week of Februa "Y menta. clllt;y to servlee Just Greenbriar &"lvin&" studentl unnece11ary 1cenlc 1• tho City will qaln begin its Fred Arend, Training and Or,- Kay llald that tlllo pumping •tatlcm III. OLB BUSINESS toun of Prince Georgoa Count;y." Jtewspapel' 'rccyollng program. Cl~:: ganizatlonal Coordinator for the 1" better than an:v other pumping The county, he said, Ia in a bUd&"et ordinance require& that cuelomcm Maryland Dept. of Economic and otatlon that WSSC has In opera-9. 81'eenbrlar Pumping sta ..

of the city's refuse &<>rvll'c "''Pllt~lt• tlon ·· crunch and we 1hould be 1pendln1 their paper for pick ·liP tho middle Community Develo!>rnent, will aervo · , fUildl for educational pro&"rama, aa facllltBtor at the tralnlnr scs·- W88C PosltltJn

tl01' -not larrcr bus fleets and more fuel. coliortlon of ench wo..·k clthrr Wrd slon. Arend has conducted almllar The WSSC ltd hllll reportedly

S•unders said h" wntr<l ne11day or ThUrldl\y, ,dr>pending on workshope at HUD and baa know!- recommended to WSSC that the

10. Re-Subdivlaion of Gl~n Ora Gardens

a ' thr customer's achrdnlo. G brl t t 1 · veit t.o oprn ns a ro,nr·,hensiw edge and backa~ound In working reen ar requea or ts eontlll· ,, For rrslclrnts who nr ... • not cus "

•chool with definitive bonnclnriPs. tomers of ih• City's lervlco but with local 'governments. !!l)e OOVNCIL. p. 8, Col. 1 He aleo favored the lilowlc plan. · wish to rocvelo their paper. it. w'll The city haa applied for Federnl

II. Appointment.~. to Boards

There Ia also concern that t•lnce bo·ac,cepted If brought•to the Pub fundi to help d&fray coste of tho Ill much confusion has aurrou~ded lie Works Warehoule, located on meetlnl under tho lntrrgovern-­the nature of thn new school, thrrr Crescent R(lad ·sdjacrnt to the en- mental Personnel Act. I.ocal gov­my be a rPiuctance for county stu . ' tmnco nt thr Lllke Park, Ali news- ernnientl aerou the oonntry. ato dents to voluntl\rlly <>nroll in " print. ft• wnll aa maf!R~inrs. flyrrs holding team building worl\shope, school whrre the concept ha. not nnd ntltor printed matrrial will be but city council believes Greenbelt been plnnrd down. tn this even I, nc•ept.rd. Is the' flrt1t In Mllryland to conduct there would nnt be an adoqtmt." B.'••nusr of P1o ro•, 1mntfo~ nt t.h'B t.hl• kind of tralnlnR' 8"""!on. •tudent body to offer n full scale p;·o~r·m r..tuse <'ollec:ors will be cui'rl~ulum. " · co~l~cth'\' onl•r p3per on the Weu-

nr~dav and Thurad"" collertlons bei~nnlng the w.eelt of F~bnu1ry 1.


12. In•t4Jlation of tu~nlng wall at awimmlnr pool.


NOTE: This .Is a preliminary 1\&'l!nda subject to chanre

WHAT GOf$ ON ~l')n, Ja.1. · H.J, 0 {HU. Clt..Y.

Council Meeting, MWilclpal Building

ThiiMI., ,Ja·,: 22, 7:30 p on. Public Hoarlng. on El~11nn;o Roo.•r­vrlt Senior Hhrh Sc!hool, Du­Val High Snhooi 8 P·'l!· OHT Board M"f'tlng.

.Ha:nllton Pl.


I f'· I j l' .. -,-i .-, '

' I• ·J ,, !1

·f ..

'1: •. I

l 4

. -!


, __ _j_ I

J ,

Page 2: Inc. Glen Ora 1916 Winter Leisure Time Activities Way · oi-11 years 11·11 yean IMI :reaiB !lalltt - Prescllool J YC · $10/8 classes $10/8 classes $10/8 eluses Preschool D YC Beginner


Page 2

GRHNBELT NEWS REVIEW ANiaD&PKNDBNT1t:~AP&R ~·:,•e -::;.~.~::~~ Baraea414~1D

· STAFF .11exantl..r J:a1nes, Vircinla Beauchamp, Ann Bolt, Mary Clarke Jane C_onuolly, _Miriam Cornelius, .Tbereaa Crowley, Judy Goldatein, Bernice Kastner, Sid Kutner, Martha Kaufman, Barbara Lane, Sue L&lnge, Dorothy

tf:~:-~·ki~6t:ul~~~~eBo~~~.1t~b!~:· M~':.[ne:rC:. ~rif0liu~':8r: Penney, Al Skolnik, Elaine Skolnik. Ottilie Van Allen. Bulan. Ma.aal.{~r• Adele M:und; SJiriaCiilll Lake ctrealatleat Barbara Claw~n. 474-1~1. Clftalatloa ll•aa•er• Lynette Johnson, 346-1818. Pallll••~tl e••r,. Tltanda7 bT Greeabelt C.epf!ratlve t•abU.Itla• Au• .. Ia~.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS • Pres., AI Skolnik: Vice Pres., Sid Kutner; Secy., Barbara Llkowlkl; Trea.s., Roberta McNamara, Paula Mask.

:t-t~:..~~Jl8<~~P'f~?~~~es~ge~~> r~~~~~i~dT:r~:-0\oaxnd.r· ib! a.f~~eaPI":!~ Oftlce; or delivered to the editorial oftlce io the basement ot 5 Parkway f47"-''l!tl). open artor I p.m. Tue Deadllbe Ia 10 p.m. Tuea<I&T..:

Volump :l!l. Numher 9

Greenbelt Walking Trail Subject of Hearing

Thursday, January 15, 1976

Bible Study Group by AI Skolnik Greenbelt Baptist Church wUl

hold a special Bible Study on Jan. ~·Ito Greenbelt Trail -·- a project 16 and 17.

,;:gg< sled by the Greenbelt Blcen- • tc•nn>al Committee _ will be the · There will be four ag~ groups. :ubject of a public hearing at the The adults will be led by Dr .. eity council meeting on Mon., Feb. 2. L.'harles Trentham, PastDr of 1.t Tbe idea of a trail t.. to provide Baptist Church of Waahlnpn, D. l wolklng tour of a section of the C. The youth will be led by Jerry dy. with appropriate signs placed Williams, :MJru.ter ol Youth, Wl&­<1·mf! thP way explaining slgnlfi- consln Avenue Baptln Church. oant f•otures. Children In 5tb and eth grades wiU

The tentative route suggested by be led· by Mrs. TUlle Swanson cf r:w Bit-Pntennial Committee would 1st Baptist Church of Upper .•tart at the Center, go put the Marlboro. Children !at through oith ::brary, continue past Greenbelt ·gradeil will be led by Mrs. Nancy H~mes, Inc. homes. cross Ridge Burt of Central Baptist Church, P.oad at the crest of the hiU. and Bladensburg, Md. ,:osecnd through an existing forest The study on Jan. 16 will begin :-ail to Maplewood Court ana the at 7:30 p.m. On Jan. 17, there will be T >tkc Frorn there thp path would two sessions at 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 wi!ld its wav as a nature trail and c-~tl up at the Center again. p.m.

A prototype of the trail marker The public Is invited to attend. desgned by David Stem was shown The church Is located at Cr~scent to council at Ita January 12 meet- and Greenhill Ro&da. fng. It will be OJ! display at the Greenbelt Ubrary. The descriptive marker wu collltructed at a co.t •f about $280. AccOrding to Stern, about 12 marken would be needed to identify the trail

Council thought that the $3,1100 needed for aU 12 signs wu an ~xceulve amount and suaet!ted that civic IJlOUJII be approached ~ - If each would be wll1inc to IIIOMDr a marker. BU-m 1111Qes­ll!d that the cltJ eould eut d-'l the number of markeri or substi­tute 108"'1 for some of the descrlp­t: '."e markers.

Other Mattera . Council received suggestions

!rom resident lolary Clarke ·that the city attempt to monitor air quallty, especially near the major hlpwayo and that the city explore alllb C\IU for 1trollen, etc. Concern wu allo exprellled that pe~ers wer~ illlowiJig their dop to become J*bllc nullanCell. A Sprlngbill t.ue relident auaated that meet Rpta be oonatruated alone Cller­r}'WOOd Lane between the A A P an• · Arco 11111 lltatf&n. .

Oouncll concurred with the Park and Recreation Advllory Board that the eetalftWtment of a temlla pro llhop at tlle Braden Field ten­lila court.l Ia not needed.

Council authorized the aubmla-

Early Learning Open House

' ' The Campus Center for . Early Lee.rnlng, a non-profit educational procram for children 2% to 5 years,' wlU be having an open boWie on Sat., Jan. 24 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:80 p.m. Th~ Cl!nter Is loc8ted In the Greenbriar condominium com­plex, 7100 Hanov~r Parkway: For lnfonnatlon, eall ·~. ' •

HEBREW COURSE A tO-week Beginninl Hebrew

coune wiU be otrered at the Milb­kan Torah atal'tlnlr Sunday, 'Jan. 26, at 10 a.m. Subtlequent --­slana wlll be held on week nights. There Is a charge.

MISHKAN TORAH Rlclce & Weatway

Rabbi Kenneth Berger

So!l"rreea Fri., Jan. 18. 8:30 p.m. Tu B'ahvat DlscuiJion

•Eartb 011)' for the Jew." SaL, Jan. 17, 8:30 a.m.

Membenhlp Info. 47H223


t'olice Hlull~r r Paul Dupn.t rl'cl'ived

medital trf'atmcnt for internal in­Jtlries after being involved in ·a fight with a subject he was at­'"mpting t~ ar: est. The defendant w.io_ hau been stopped for operat­ing a motor vehicle at 70 mph on L':t·s:<·nt Road, was charged with the speed offense, operating while .nto;ticated, assault on a police offi­cer and resisting arrest. He wns incarcerated in lieu of · $1100 bond.

·J.· •• rt••.' lJurglat irs took place in t:u~\Trsity Square during .One :'t;h:, with all entries made via

:.~:' sl:ding patio door. One credit oard stolen was utilized In Waah­;r.gton, D.C. and when an officer in that jurisdiction responded to an alert ·clerk's call he was struck by th• escaping 11U8pect'a· auto.

A local theater was broken Into twice. In the second Incident the culprit. a local resident, became entrapped In a venUlator shaft and had to be extricated by lire depart­ment units. The subject wu In­carcerated. ·

Two autos were reported stol<\1, one from Empire Place and one from Lakecrest Drive. One was recovered a abort. distance from the scene, the other is still missing.

A joint Investigation relating to Uueatcnlng phone calls to a female rt'Sident of s,rlnghill Lake Is un­derwa:·. T;1c department and the phon~~ c'>!n}>any security office are altPmpting to ~•certain the Identity of the caller.

Shortly after receiving a com­plaint of a lareeny from an auto on Lakecreat Drive, Officer Blake apprehended the six juvenile~~ ...,_ sponalble tP~d recovered the stolen property.

The annual Christmas party for school safety patrol m•mben wu

t! end•d by approxlmat•lv 100 pa-• _,, l"'1"MhP!S. Glf~R for """ch vouth were pu~hued by the D•oartment and dl~ributed by Sgt. Van. Val­kenburih. the Safety Officer. A local theater wu rented and a 111m w3ll shown.

HoiJ Cross Lathem Church

........ 8eiMII •• A.IL . .,....,,._, ...... 1111-UIIIA.II. ..-.....-w


llon of an appHeatlon for a r725 rrut of Federal funds for the undertaking of ·a ''Team-Building Tralnlng Pf'Oil'lllll"" for the elty council and department headl. The main feature of thla pf'Oil'lllll Ia a retreat over a 2% day period at cacapon State Park, Berkeley !lprlnp, Wetlt Vlflrlnla, Jan. 2!1-24.


... •IOJIMIOlll' .. IN-HOME

1V SERVICE Vllltl tllll - ' daJII eeob


'II 11 ,n. IIII'YICiq Ill --. "With nf-. .......

llaDd .,,....... .......... ... ·'i ....... ...... v AI ..umate1 correct wttllln -

IUnlted Church of Christl.·

Hlllsld~ and c.-At Ro&da - Phone oi7o&-elf1 <morniJIP)

l!llun., - tt Wonhlp Flervlee uol lion- Mell Illfllnt Care at z-.B mllalcle

ANNUAL MJ!lETINO, Sun., Jllll. lll. at 1:10 p.m.

11m. 8bort7 ~and Rev. 111111')' 'h,ylor........,.,

U N I T E D M E T H 0 D I 5 T C H U R CH tMGWMt -..a 41 :l84, ._.... ... .....U

Chunll llehoal tell (1l'llr ALL AiW · . Momin« w - 11:00 A.ll. s.n-: "8an of Mall 11114 Sola of Ooo1"

N.-,0...·,_..,_. .......... , ........ BeY. a1neD D. Qmn!a.,._ (t7.__1 47+-Mll) •

Take time to lall(lll . • •

~ Take time for your family ..

Take time to read : ~ . .'J'UII tame to .., ''dluk JfAJ.", aile

Tab U.. to wors¥P God. ·

0 Ill N II L T I,A P T I 5 T C H U I.C H ...... ,. ... ...,............. . .. . ............. ; ........ ... ............... <W.e ·~ l'or - . ~ ...Uiollvela ... 1:11-iJ:•

. 1 ~

Commoity Church News Greenbelt Community Church

will hold Its annual meeting of members for the election of church officers and the conduct of other business on Sunday, Jan. 18 at 7:30 p.m. •

A new Bible study course bns •d on the Gospel of Marl< wll! begin J Rn. 21. Sessions will be held nn Wed. momlncB at 10 a.m. for seven weeks. This course Is open to all Interested persons.

Thursday, January 15, 1976

SISTERHOOD SPECIAL A special Bicentennial celebra­

tion program will highlight 'he meeting of the -Mishkan Torah Sisterhood on Thurs., Jan. 22 at 9 p.m. at the synagogue, Ridge and WestwaY Roads... DuVal Senior High· School's :Madrigal Singers and the 65-member concert choir will perform In a special produc­tion. The commun•tY Is Invited to attend, Including all memben of the family.



NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING ~ required by P&rapaph 19 of Article 28A of the Annotated· Oode of the State of lofar7land (1111i7 Edition 81 amended), notice Ia beftby given .of a Publlc Hearing to be hekl by the City Council of the City of Greenbelt, Prince George's County, Maryland, In t!te- Coundl Roolp, Municipal BuUdlng, 211 Crescent Road, Greenbelt,_ Mal')'land, ,on

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1976 at 8:00 P.M.

or as soon thereafter as It may be heard, on a 1\eaoiutlon of tile Council of the City of Greenltelt, Maryland. Enlarsing the Corporate Boundaries of the City of Greenbelt by Anneslng Land Contlpoul and Adjoining the Exlstlnir Corporate Areil. the land ~Ina _ annead presently being owned In Ita entirety by th~· afore911ld City of Oremt­belt.

A fair summary of said property belne described as follow.:

All that piece or pai.ceJ of land, •ltuate, lying and . being ·ill Election Dlatrlct <No. 211, Prince Qeorge'1 County, State of Maryland, being pal't of Lot Four (41 deaerlbed In • conveyance by the State of lolaryland to the United State1 of America by deed dated October 2, 1937 and recorded amollt the Land Recorda of Prirtce George's County, :Maryland, ftl Llber 485 at Folio 111 and being more particularly deacrlbe4 aa followa:

Beglnnlna at a pipe set, on the moat Euterly right-of-way line of the BalUmore &: Ohio Railroad, said point also beiDa on the Uth line of Lot 4. Llber 4811, Folio 116; 116,96 feet from a Monument found at the end of said 11th line, thence running with the 1ald Euterly right-of-way line of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad u dellneated on B &: 0 Right-of-Way Valuation lolaJII No. V 18.1/11 and 12 and In the meridian of the Wash­~naton Suburban &anltary Commlulon and along the are of a cu"e to the left having an are length of 175.07 feet, a radiUI of .ma.ll8 teet and a chord be&rinl' and iena'th of North 28'2&'18" East 175,07 feet to' a pipe set, said point being at the lnteraectlon of the afores~terly right-of-way line of th~ B &: 0 R,R and the m68t Southerly right-of-way line of th~ Clapltal Beltway Untentate Route #4111il 300' wide R/W, oald point being oppoelte centerline elation 857 +48.~2, thence leavlna the B &: 0 RR and running with said Southerly right­ot-way Une of Route l-491! u delineated on Maryland State Roada COmmission Right-of-Way Plat No. 211183,

South 48'21'39" Eut 1000.!10 feet to a pipe set, said point being at the Intersection of the aforeeald southerly right-of-way line of I-491 and the 14th Une of Lot 4. Llber .all. Folio ue, thence le&Yina' said riaht-of-way line and I'UIIJiin& with the aald 14th line ot Lot •· revened

South 114'08'111" We~~t 27,08 feet to a pipe set, said point beinl at the end of the 13th line of Lot 4, Llber 4811, Folio 116, aid ' pipe abo belna on the moat Northerly dedication line of Cllerry Wood Lene u dellneated on e. plat of aubdlvl.tlon entitied "Parcels A, B. C &: D, BPRINOJliLL LAKE INDUs­TRIAL" ~rded among the aforesaid Land Recorda, of Prine~ George'• County, Haryland, In Plat Book C.E.C. 91 Plat No. 7'1, thence running with the 13th, 12th &: 11th line~~' re+eHed of Lot and with the 9111d Northerly dedication llne11 of Cherry Wood Lane the following three couraea and dls~ces:

North IICI'21'11:' Weat 8P1,48 feet to a Monull)ent found, thence South 28'41'114" Weat 28.83 feet to a Monument found, thence North IICI'12'48" Weat 56.96 feet to the place of the belln· nina. ·

' Th~ property contalna 1.8076 acrea, more or lea, and wu fora­erly a portion of the Agricultural Res~arch Center, Beltsville, lolal)'· land, under the admlnlatrative jurisdiction of the Department of Aarlculture. an agency of the United Stat~s Government.

Said Resolution proposes to extend the boundaries of the Clcy of Greenbelt to Include the aforesaid area; and provides that all the Jaw. of the State of Maryland applicable to the 'City of Greenbelt, which are now In force or may hereafter be enacted, and all the exllt­lng charter provlalona and ordinances of the City of Oreenbelt ahall be extended and made applicable to such portion of Prince George's Count, u tl, under the provlalona of this Re10Jution annexed to and made a part of the City of Greenbelt; and aald Resolution further providea that all the Inhabitants of ·the territory annexed to the City of Greenbelt by this Resolution abiilL In all reapecu and to all Intents and purpose~~, be subject to the J)owen, jurladlctlon and authority vested, or to be vested by law, In the Council of the Cit¥ of Greenbelt or which may hereafter be enacted or ordained by It, and the territory 10 ann<'xed ahall, In all rupectl, be taken &Jid conaldered u a part of the municipal corporation of the Oty of Greenbelt.

An Outllne for the E.xtenalon of Public Serv'lcu ~ Public ll'a!IU­ItiN hal been pre~red u required by Pare.are,ph lt<o> of Article 28.\, and ooplea ot thla oytllne; 111 well u cople1 of the 1'810hltl011 mat . be obtained fi'OIII 'the City Clerk, Municipal Bulkllllt,. $II 01'11-oent Roacl, Greenbelt, ....,land, Telephone t'JH870 or t'ffriOOO, Buall copiN wtn also be aui.4t avallaliJe tor public review and diiiOIIllidoll at the publlo bearlna' herein befor~ advertlaed, ·

Jamea K. Gille Cit)' Manapr



7 . . - -~ . Len~~- t.o· .'~L:. Edi.t_or '-....., Jan!fA!lla. !"P iilh i .. ·:.' • ._til

~ Wv I'CI8UC HEAliNG iAN. 22 · • :, • ~-- .J <:

:0: !::~~ ~!!V:.=.~~ Side_ , cltalle,.,t.lul.. f'Jumerous. Plans -lOr· R~sen.·.; Uatortun&te17 I 41d IIOt . There-are alwa.r- two llclell .. Tv 1M......_: U L s I/ J T 8 lrJ • J, :..1

. •• edlti~ of the N:.: every Detrl story. 'Qnfortunatel7, . On Dec. -rr. 1t'l5, I attended IIQ" n igrn . ' cnoo. '· lO e "eli1 eu . *" .... t f , many ot the om board crltiC8 are · llrat 1 lal b _ .. , :1 ' "w rienda have called and Ollly .ah• tD tell the,Lr lid 117 pee mem e ..... p meet!Da The ~ Georaee Board ol EdiiOIItion wU1 bolo a publlo 11111111·

*II )Jr, ~~ report of tjle U . meW <if "bettala .~;,. .... ;. ~tor" called tO dllcuaa the Capital 1111- po ... ,wow- to the con~-,. and boUIIdarlee for the lilJeaDOr •-· ( ... 711~ao$cll ~eet~~w. . . • · • · - · .· '"' - prolrementa and Ka,jor .Malntell- · ·-.. ......,. ._-

Re Mr, Sahwan'a remaru. eon• b:t Which._ thll)- '1111 fzrgp!.uiona or. cce Buqet. ID the chalrperiOllll Selllor HJih _School on Thura., J!Ul· :12, at 7:80p.m. at DuVa181:Dlol' Iaiii Mhlng his "prerogatives u an e~ eorrect -lnaccuraclee. Would ap- . ope! remarkll, the membership School The plana to ~ dlaclllled at the -tlnC irere prepared 117 .. -.. official." This man ~ lUI· preclate your Including, therefore, of Greenbelt Homea Willi Informed atatr and a auperintendent'a talk force. ~t were hued oil ~ a. r. from a bad case ot hoof Ia . ttJ,e following statement, whjch' I that the meeting coat $l!l47. Among achool board JDelllbeia. Thq Include: · -th. That "Prerogative" m

117 relid Into the record at· the De- the itellllzed COII.I wu the Mceaalty l'laa A-1

ftl'J' weU give him & Ievert eue · eem.ber l?speclaJ memberahip meet- of lllrlilc a parllamentarlaD. When Plan A-1 11. the orlclnal atatr boundaey 1'8C0111111endai:IOD <tee ._ ., lndlaeation, It appears Inc: the ,o!Wr "'-' Qh&Umwed..-.d Ee- cember ' Newa .Renew), tablecl by ·th,e boUd Dra~ up In ·acoOrdiiMe t:Ut only one member of council Only ~ boa~ ot dll't!Ct.Ort'.'everal7 clam 'loqbt .bjo ttie members with the orillnal 0011cept of Roolevelt opening In Se~ 11'18 M • -- enough smarts to t-eallze that on the defeni!Y~ on ~ery elde the parliamentarian, . what ap- comprehenalve (regular). eenlor high achool (much &I Hllh Point, ,..

. llected officials cannot Ignore the could act with spch a tlhocklng lack ·pened? Ia It not In Robert'e Rules dale>, the achool would have 2,282 etudenta and would operate at ..­WOI o! hundreda of the electorata ot candor al\d f~mea In ~e h&n4l- of Order that when challenged Pl'Oldln&tel7 • capaolt7 durlnC the flrlt year. Thll plan reaalpl

'l'he Mayor stated at that meet- linr of the petition of l<K metnbe~ -. tho parliamentarian give a rulina;? lncomlq loth and lllth lflldan, from llelected areu, - atteMiq 1111' that thl.t housing project hu . tor a special membership m~tina One of the first orden of bust- · DuVal, Falnnont Helghtl, ~ah Point, lAIIo and Parkdale to ~ been "more or less on the agenda~ to discuss and vote on the capital nesS was the order ot the buslnea AU Greenbelt area ltudeata would attelld Roolevelt. Add1410n•ll7,: ..._ fer over a ye,ar, Additionally, a. Improvements loan. , meeting. Why was the chair _, denta from certain areu In Bowie would be lhlfted. frca uaerlaaiiT' P'OUP of 12 Individuals, lncludln• Thll Petition wu 1'ead to the , quick to. recognize one particular. <Wercrowded .Bowie HICh BahoOl to DuVal and LfLrao, .; . ' at least one councilman, hu been board of directors· of Greenbelt . member? Was this aareement\. Although tl!e. plan ,h» been. unpopular In Bowie, lt.~ 11111111& Ill~ aeetlng approximately once a week Homes, Inc., at their Nove~er 18, reached between the chairperson the bOard .of ~ucatlona criteria for ~-~ fOr new ~· • ·plan and dllcun this project. 197~ meeting. Although they were and -the member . before the meet- Amona thele are contlauo!J• 'boundarlea for .ichoola, a rtela1 obalMoe ., JD If the council doesn'~ .know the no doubt aware that tb~r, had beeD In&'? Did the chair 'know that thla to GO% minority IJlOUP memben and 110 raalal ~ce "Upplila" at tMta after that length ot Ume, the,. a receilt llylaWI chan~~ u ot :r.ra, member wu going to move ~ other schoola affected by the opening ol a. new lchooL ·: . - ver,. slow learnerS'. It doea INA 197~ of which w~ were, most of ut,, change the apnda T Additional advantage~ of the plan c1alllled by tbe ltaff are • • •e to queatlon their -117' ,not aWIIr~,. this· mlltter was never When another member attempted ltudenta __ would attand overcrowded hJah IChooll; (2). Roolevelt ·...U

It Ia lmJlQISlble ·that- thee' men , ,pointed out to me by telephone or to amend the motion to change be utl!lzed for the COillprebelill\re school It wu dellped to be ~ •• - utlaware that HUD Is not per-. by the letter, although I preaented the agenda, th4~· chair alated that bulldlna ren~atlou woul4 be IJeeded; ·(8). all leniOII woul!l remala .Ia lliltteol to make agreements to- U• the petition. Aa I wu not able there would be no discussion be- · their preaent ICbooll and (oi) Ule leut·nwaber of 8tudentl woali?Jie aist families In new or rehablll- to att~nd the next board meethtl cause there was aiready a motion changed and the least number of lclloola airected. . ·. Wed units UDI1!111 the Department . at which the petition was more on the ftoor ancf seconded. Howev- The total additional COlt of thla plan Ia $2(1,884. 11M determined that there 1a not . fully discussed, I only learned er, the chair Jatar aUowed the . Pluul 8-1, B-1, .a.a, -B.t . , Jlhlently, nor likely to be 1n tb ·from a member-friend, who at;.. member to make the motion to . ,~ Jll~ 1\'~re drawn, _tqt;by tile IChool board .wr Ill ~ fUture, an adequate supply ot bo111- tended, that attorney Ginsburl(a change the agenda. Mer the mo.- to board mem!Mir A. 3. ·Qolato'a propoal to meet the objectiona of a.le

· illr Ia which eligible famlllu oould advi!le had been sourht on the , ion wu made and IOOOnded, why residents to Plan A-1 which would lil'fOIVe movina Bowla ltllcleUi eat benefit from Section 8 IU!Bfatanae, langua1e and Intent. I even tele,- did the chal~e a statement? of overcrowd~ Bowie Senior m1h SchooL ; leetion S Is a mechanism tor prO- phoned Mr. Smith, board president Did 1\0t the r rule that there _The B. plana, which would_ keep Bowie atudanbl In the city bJ. --vldlne uslatance to low and lllod· and asked It I could add an ex- be no dlllCu'lllaa:? p.nlzlne Bowie achoola, would ranee from the llllddle eebool -...t -te Income household• or' an1 planatory para,raph to the notice Memben at lint were turned to a plan for holdlna double -IODI at- B!Jwte lleldDr ~ ICboot All qe &'I'OUP1 not just the elderly. of the meeting, which at the time down when they requested a ltraw Bowie ~ . lllcludlll( el1111entary achoola (- of wldch - ..., 'l'tlere are 100 Private rental unlta wu lltlll being prepared. I wu Or ·advfsory vote on the OOrrowiiiJ undlll!IIJI'OU~) wo~ be utll!&ed. close to capaclt, Wider the B plaN. Jll.1l Gm frames which coul!l ben· re(used. To thl• day (Dee. 1'1') :t _ for tapltal Improvements. Later _ ~ pfaN dO not ·dlrectl7 aftect G~nbelt atud,~ta. :,Indlrwllr, .. t .. Why put Gm memben ta have never had an acknowledge- the chair &gl'!!ed to such a vote. .however, boulldarle1.•t other achoola would,-lle dflllt:6cl. ,~ ........... liebt for another 13 years? ment from the corporation secre- Why was the :vote~not· taken? ·. . coats for Implementation ranee from f13,8,'18 tq $1,98,1128., ·, ,, , . .- , 1"'.

· If councU won't put the fa""· be- tary, and on!v succeeded In ob- • --- "'-• • ·• "· · ' If\ ~ •I · tore h ~.. ' Several inembers attempted to ..-- """' · ·. ' ' · '' · · ·' · · - • _.,." ·- : - t e people, someone else wiD · talnlng a copy 'ot the corporation speak.· but were '"out ·otr' beqauae Plan 0-1 Ia built around ~d member NlchoJu.EnT• •ropalll el .lection 8, Title n of the tm Hou~ attorney's S-page legal opinion ai- · their three llllnute tbite ~t ex- December l, 1i'1li wbtah was tater amen4ed. The plan enVjiiOollllloalfftlt lin&' and Community Development ter cai!Jng the -manager's office plred Later other members wete lncludlq · (1) a. comp~enllve hllllt *«lbOIII p~" t;om ~ Aat .. not a elal111led document, and then the board president. I permitted. to go beyond the· three atten~ce _areu lnclu'!lnl' 0J'4!811belt tor 1,100 ltttdellll&. ·~4 ~"A._.

tie.. x- am to be billed GOq per page for minutes; Ia tltla no~ WtoWina f blned -dallllo/cateer tacbnota.Y p~ for ~,100 -IIU4elitl ..... •- •·Xel'ucop)',··t ··r... ·.vorlti.uB? · ~ wU1-be·~·~.evuntJl"atucJnt:lron~'11~~· ....

Managerial Control Te the Editor:

In order to cffact control ef J!(anacd actlvltleB, · .the I!UU1118'8r au1t establish STANDARDii ,f performance.

A standard Is any -orlterlon fnr •~ring which hu· been eltab-11*<4 by a recognized authority. , ft~e are only fOI!r ~ to mea.-.

liVe performance. Tl;l- are: t -~tlty, of work done,: 2 ,. Quality ., wol'k dOJie, a - eo.t ot c!o1ft1 the

. wWk. and • - Time It will tate t• tle"the work.

'l'bele four factors are Ule liule ., ~Ia! ·~trol.

n •• the' funetlon of tile lll&llQer te IIfCREABE quantity 11111! quality •4 REDUC!ll coet ·1114 tlla'

ftree and ('are completely ~­aorllt'J by our management For u­aapte: · 3 m~n were &lllpect ta ,..l'!llllro and paint a 5 bJ 8 fleth­l'tiOI!I ceiling, which an:v painter wdll1d have prepared ancf painted fW Clbout $1~ to $20. The third •an wu therP. In cue al u aoel­llertt, I Will! told.

1'1te second.example was the ,._ JII~M~~~ent of two !'!l!!lator ..tvee, e, t1 ndnut~ job, requlrinr two aeal he ready to hand tile ...._ "rt!hilh or tool required wtdt lilt •!ifi'Jillllty ot a Mai'CUII Wel&r 111-, .. fOt' • IM!pel to _,.... ... ~· .

A!lllther n17Vel .,....... we ldn'll to me, fM clapi~Ne. • _.

llnatft 11111 ...... fteN •• -· ...,cf do the wodr; "'t ww Ill ,.... ~ .... "'- .......... t ..... t" .

.... .u. ........ ... & I ....... .,.,,

. "~·-~- .. .. . .. .,...-:; ......... . .... .. . ,. ... .,. lie ....... ..

..Aft&tfOM' Ullboft. Ill ae, ... tfll ••~~~urlltnr taet rtaaiM tW ·'l'IIIOIIJIJ a11d 1I'OtJR ~ ewe wue1a1 ~I factorl ~ art _,lltell

IIW*edlll··~-....... ~t . All article In the l!iOlllllfi'Ii'IC

AIIIIIKICAN ..,aline Ute4 . tlla ,_ tmown fact about IOllr ..... IUt It uled where ~ , It 'W'IIIIId rllt'Juee oil o:onwmptlol b .nty li'.

Gag rule has been applied to the Are these IWletines really tun by career center WOtlld. offer courllel In buslneu education, home eeom.lca, m~mberahlp again u It was In 197i Robert's. Rule. of Ord~rf Or are Industrial art.t, tradea and ·mduat•l"'. Total_ addltiOUl I!Oitf tttr · tflla

Even more ftagrant Is the con~ they_ run by the chairpersons ruiOB plllll come to 'f88,844 plus building renovation ·0011ts. ;. duct of the bQard In adding lt01111 of order? While the sta1f feels, that a career te_chnolol)', ce11ter would· aJPeal· ta the agenda ot their own a11d &\- ltave you u members of Glti to broad Interest~ ~f itudenta and encourage achool attend.ance, a ·lltlor lowing a vote on them. Accordfne reall taken a od hard look ~t dlsadw•Atage Is tllat the Roosevelt building wu nol; dHIJlled tor 8ll esta­to their own attorney's opinion, It th Y ew b d fr If h 1lve ' oc:~,tlonal technoloay program. Fundlag thfs plan woulcl .. a

-special membership meeting can no~· l~a too ula~! now. I~ouou ~~~ pr~blcm since the 1tate will· not. fund renovationa for a ne'w achllll for only address Itaelf to the speclllc . and you did not a e r ~ld oU 7 years and the county Ia In a ftnanclal crunch. Additionally. the ...,. subject for which It will cal~attend th tl gre ,dna Y f requlremenu and procedure~ for recelvlne· approval by the atata for ...._

Th 1 h b e mee ng an are one ;. ore wou d ave ecn no m - h 1 1 1

programs and apeclat equipment might not take place In Ume ,_.·the Ina (and the board most 1tudlous!y ha~se w 0 d are comp a n ng, you opening of Roolevelt .In September. tried to avoid a December meet·- C: ~:p~ your jus~ reward. Some 39 additional b111ea will be needed to transport ltudellta t1 tlie Jng) h¢ we not petitioned for a P mprovemen are neces- new school, wblch Ia not centtally located to erve the countY ~ 11 dlac~slon and vote on thla unwlae :ry If h we aret ~ ~eep thet vahl~ also no 1111urance of the number ot. 1tudenta lntereated In e~ 'In bci~q, a :viar alld a half. be- C?Ur omea • e r preaen Jevc · the oareer center. · fore the mortrare 11 paid. But do J'OU ftnance t~rmlte . I.-& 111111 ~

Only the capital Improvement exterm~tioa for ten yean when Another plan baled Oil the latest IIDJ' propc,.ai-for·Utubdn, ~ to~ had, a lepl ript !l' · ... •Ill ~~ Uta Ia onJ7 ::ee ;eanT velt m1h School u a combined technOlOC7-eomp~elllllve IChooJ w11 tlimJabt•• qeada. · .. e • • your be unveiled ~er thl.t week IDd preaented at the JUl. 22 hearlq. 'l'lle

Any taklnl up of tbMtt other OWil ftnanCN. Do _you finance " technical sch I would be oriented toward the developlllllt of botJ1 ........... ltem1 could well be queltioned ., ~~ car tl~~ t~n yea~ knowl;g technician• an tha.e pre~rator:r to i:oUep bound liUPIII aeeJriq-;:;: the lelaiJty ~ the aotiOJI. Uta yfo~ w ~~-y receTve a use ul fealonal decr In acl•cea and tnaineerlnt. lllxoept tor 0-llelt a

· .......:.,~ C 0.. e o uve or .,... yean t d ta th wiU be "-ed · · .,..._ · em If 11 1 f 11 h • u en . ere no "" pupil attandance areu tor the ~

THANKS To tile llldHort

I wl1h to thank aU DIY frleRda and former trlends, nuns, reseue wquad, policemen, Ladl~• of Char­Ity C.Y.a. _and ll'ather Amy for their friendship and klndnea to me during DIY IIID-. } wiD be for­ever ltlteful to Greenbelt which -hu been one of the beet parts of my life. I have one daupter, Kn. Robert Bujlllllkl of Berwyn Helehta. Kd. three ll'Ucfolllldrea 111d lht 1111M. _.,llldchUdren. 1ft 8CIII' 11-e wiD be dte ,...., lflll'lllle ...... 8'erelt9IP1e. 1(4,

.... ..,.... I. GNia

RAVDfO IR .IFFAIIIt -....... w..i;

............ aiW.. t1 . ., .....

you werled a .~ e am Yd 01 me henalve school. County studeiltl may cmroll on a lll'llt-oome fl~

owner, wou yow ftnance r ve- plan, · ' way repaln for ten yeat1? ...,_. Coaeept

Could it be that management hal The Kapet Concept <plan <::-2> would Involve palrine Rooleve1t &M ne1lected proper maintenance and DuVal (Combo). 8oth would olrer comprehen~lve hl.lh school procnma; hu euddenly discovered what pre- additionally, each would offer speclalbecl career-oriented ma.Jon. ~­ventlve maintenance Ia about? though each achool In the Gombo would have dellned boundar!-. ltu-

QJU memben have the rlaht 10 dent. could app)J' to either depencUne on major lntai'Mtl. Or, a lllalleltt vote. ThOle of you who juat don't ml&'ht elect to ahuttle to the other IOhool for one or more tpeola1 -want to pt Involved, lit back and Special maJon beiq collllldered are bealth 111rvioe1, cmvf~ watoh til-. te. *'-Mch J'Mf, acleaoe, IIClenoe/teclmoiOC7 and ~rtlllleat etmea. In cao11 -ThOle of you who want to do -e- tllere Ia 011e or more ooaua1111ltJo faciHty which i:OIIld provide ......_.

·tiline llboUt It, pt IDvolved. eXJM!riiiiCel ( .... Docton Mlit Olean n.le lapltall, Oocfdard ~~ l'lil't (ftefp B. ~- Olnter, and ~lit~ c.ater). CUrrent pl'opSpaa wbloll_..

· be expanded laelade ......_. e41aeat!QII. ~o ""'- eteobonlal • Advantaate. .. lilted., Ute lt4 lUu. llllorw -.tlonal..-..

ln-4""", ••:,1411 duplication Ill .atefidt Ud .--. - ,_ ll'Uill re....a m lioamaaltJ ...,.,.,.., ...,.,.,_ - al faoiUtln 1DoJu411ar

- ~u?flP.[I.tJID at ~ u.t Olll)lrtaalty to llllot ~ 0D11aept. 'ftae ~ -w 111'011114 114' Ill time ror .,....... .at ~ new~-.,U tr+lllf ....._. .W; IJao tbu lpCIIIt In . · · (I- IMO • .u. llfllt), ~tte.!jl. faf · llal. Uc! tmPoplq 1Pftlallze4 cume.

lum If& at .... ().4

.. ..,.... lllloft. tile 'l'rlalt 1114 .... dell IIIIIP'II'ftl a""tma"

........... dale.~ • ~ lAm_ ·OIIItl, ·~ _._..._ -.fl .... ' .• '




'~ /


: •'



f :I I

Page 3: Inc. Glen Ora 1916 Winter Leisure Time Activities Way · oi-11 years 11·11 yean IMI :reaiB !lalltt - Prescllool J YC · $10/8 classes $10/8 classes $10/8 eluses Preschool D YC Beginner

-~-. ~--.;~;;.;,;;;,;EL;;;;;.;;.T...;NEW.;;;;.;.;.;,;;S...;RE;,;;;.;.V.;;;;IE;.;,W;... Page4

Roger Wagoer to Conduct At the Li~rary--P. G. Youth Chorus, fuch., Registration continues thla week.

1frough Sat .• Jan. 17, for the pro-

Jn Keuedy Ceoter Colft:ert · :::a:~~~~>~ld ~~ P:inee CkorgP's County will In- will be held ThuNda:r momlnp at

auguratl' its Bicentennial· obaer- 10:!0, Jan. 22 - ll'eb. 28.' Space Is •·a'"-'"-' with a gain concert at Ken- limited to 2Q children 110 call (3411-n<'tl;· Centor conductPd by Rorer l5800) or visit the library to reglater Wap,-nf'f. founder and director of your child. a wdl -known choral group. Per- Tuesday evening, J..,;uary 20, at fo:·m:ng under Wagner's baton will 7,:30 p.m. the Greenbelt Library b,• the Prince Georgp's County will begin its bicf>ntennlal prorram Honors Chorus and Senior Youth series for children 8gl!ll 8-12 and Or.ohrstra. '!)he concert, featuring parents. cntttll'd COLONIAL OON­Am.-rican music. wiU b<> presented NECTION; Thls month the pro­in tht· Kennedy Center Concert gram will center around crafts, Hall. beginning at 8:30 p.m. on • featuring a demonstration of weav­Sunday. January 18. The program ing and rughooklng by the Patux­will indude works by Aaron Cop- ent Craft Guild and the film 11•"­land, George Gershwin, local com- k~t Jllaldnc In ColoDlal VirlfnJa.. poser Robert Evett, and Wagner -Drop-In stories continue Thurs­arrangements for chorus and or- days at 2 p,m, in 1/'e children's chestra. Frederick P. Morden, Di- program room. rector of the Senior Youth Orch- Younr adults are Invited to take estra, will conduct Howard Han- an After-School FUm Break Thurs. son's Second Symphony. afternoons at 4:30 p,m. beglnnlnr

The two performing groups are Jan. 22 thfOIII'h Feb. 12. On Jan. made up of the finest vocal and 22 the film will be Allin* Fum, instrumental music students In Admlaslon Ia free! Bring a friend. the Prince Georges County Public For · detalla caiJ m-MOO. Schools. The Prince Georgea Coun- Thlll'ltday evening, JanUBl')' 22 the ty Honors Chorus, under the chair- Light of Truth 111m aeries will COII­manlhip of Edmond Lewla, con- tln

- slats of the 200 8eet voices from ue with Tile Ore.& Dldaaor •tar-ring Charlie ChlpUn. The 111m will

individual s~hool choral enemblea. be shown at 7:!0 P.m. In the meet­The Honors Chorus has previously lng room. given performance of. Stravins-ky's Mass, :Mosart's 8olemll Vll!ll-pen, and Paulenc's Gloria. The Prince George's Count;v Selllor Youth Orch..tra is the mOlt ad­vanced of seven youth o~tru in the county public achools. Ita members are chosen by audition after recommendation by their schQOis' music directors.

Local Credit Union Gets Mil .. tone Award

The. NationaJ Credit Union Ad­mlntatration pr-nted the NCUA Kllestonc Award to the Greenbelt Federal Credit Union on December 1. 11175. The award wu made. In recocnttlon of 38 years of aerYtce to the membership on the part r>f the credit unJon's volunteer oftl_­clal.l and Its employees.

Greenbolt Federal Credit Union, rhartered in 1937, waa amonlf the aeve"i cooperatives organlzNi in thr then n..w community of Greenbt>lt. The ~redlt union orl­rinated thr Initial ftnanclnlf for member• of the Grecn!!elt Homes, !nc., hous!nr cooperative <th•n Greenbelt V etrrana Housinr Corn.> form~ by the r .. tdentl of the Ff'deral Govrrnm~nt projects who wished to acquire the houallllf and adjacent land when th• nml•rta were olrerf!d for Ml~ In. '1932. Tt was .this initial ftnanclnJr by the credit union which made the reali-7.atlon of thr housinr co-oo · JlOIISI­ble. For aeveral years th•renfu.r the credit union was thP only fi­nancial organization that would finance the resale of these lfolnes. Thr err~lt union has grown stead-­Ily over thr Y<'Brs and now has 3.200 membrrs.

Recreation Review Teen Topi<'B

Boys and Girls Club On Wed., Jan. 7, the directors

of the OIWIIbelt Boys and Girls Club selected the Boy /Girl of the year and the volunteer who has beneAted the club the IIIOit In· the put year, The wtimen were: Da­vid SardeiJI, outatandlnr boy; An­drea Watters, outstanding girl; and JerrY. SiuP,fer who will get the D'stf'ngutahcd Service Award. The above mentioned will be hon­orf'd at the annual Installation din­ner of the Prince .Georges County Boys ·and Olrll Club. Congratula­tlolul to all for a job well done!

"1\owwdbalf' <bullttball> seuon Ia bere again with Bob Blckneu and Phil Straw coaching the elub teams. Good luck for the 1et1110n ahea(!. ·

The Prince George'• County boya and Glrla Club Ia apouorlng "Sports Day'' Feb. 14 at the Capl-

. tal Centre and encourage• all club mcmb<>rs to participate. Events IIIICh hill. aoftball throw 100 yd. dub 1111d pmee of all typM will be provided. Alao that evening th0111 paltlcljlatinr will be htMIOrtd at the Centre durin&' half time of th~ Houston va. Wuhlnll'lon Bullets pmn. Anyone who would like to participate or buy a .ticket to sec the buketball nme. should call :Mel Knnt 474-88111 or Jim S~cco

3-16-7847. :------ ---~

. Commaoity Service Sprlngh!lr Lake Pharmacy will

conduct a free hypertenalon screen­ing -program twice a month. Reel­dents blood preuure will be taken at the drug store at no charge.

The Urnes for free screening will be on the second Tuesday of each month from noon to 2 p.m. and the second &turday of each month from 4 to 6 p.m.

PORTER'S UQUORS - Bal&o. BIYd. t71-1171 tner.t to :McDonald'l In College

Park) W.e have the largett Mlktion of WIDM froin arou~~d tile world. Special prlcea oa - p~

OnW Early

Any qut!lltlona about wi,.. welcomed


BUY OF THE WEEK~ $10,000. 1 Bl'droom End Apartment

In excellent condition. Remod-' eled kitchen, Panelled Living RooD!, Dining Area.

2 Bedroom End Frame Townhouse In wO<Med area. Interior freshly painted. Ex­terior to be painted by own­ers. Included In price $16,000. Washer, Storm Doors. Wall ~o Wall Carpeting 3 Air Condi­tioners.

2 Bedroom · EDd Frame • Townhouse with large J'auel.­

led AddiUoll In Wooded set­tlnr Prteed Rlgllt t18,8GO.

Looking for a Good BIQr In a 2 Bedroom Frame Home? We have the one for you - $14,8110. Immedlate Occupancy.

3 Bedroom Frame Town­hoUSe well equipped with por­table Dlahwuher. Washer, Dryer, Wall Ito :Wall Carpet­Ing and Shed. Hilme altuated In nJce Court. Parking In {font of home. i.tsted for $10.-11110.

LANHAM: l-'lpriano Woods-3 Bedroom Colonial Town­house. No Condominium Fee. This 2'"' bath home Is well e­quipped-Washer, Dry~r Cen-

...... tral Air, Dlahwasher, Built-In and lhed In area with Iota of Woods Rod TrHI. Call to Show - $411100.

GRF.F.NBEJ,.T: 3 Bedroom 110 Bath :Masonry lend Townhouse with lleoluutul · Ad4ltlon. A Huat to See!

COLLEGE PARK ESTATES: BEAUTJFUL 4 Bedroom C. A. Brick Rambler with every­thing one deslrea. $82,1500.


Need ACREAGE to build n lovely home? W• have l!~tod ~ very nice building lot that's over 2 Acres In a prestige arra. Call for information.



A limited number of tickets ·is oolng made available for the Ice Capades at thr Capital Centre. The tlckcta w!U go on a lim-come, fint-served basil. Reserve<l aeats will oo for Wed., Jan.· 28, 8 p.m. The next akl trip · Ia being plan-, ned for the eventng of Jl'eb. 8, to llkl Lloorty, Fairfield, Pa. Teens

Winter Clearance Sale ·who attended the Jut trip will be liven priority reglatratlon. Olttl'/~·· 07111

Gala of any age· are welcome to partlelpat. In Women'a Ntrht ac-­tJ\oltlee, at the· Youth Center al!d Springhill Lake Center Gyms, from 7-ll p.m. on Wedl. Trampoline, 'V011e71NW and buketbaiJ are a few of the aetlvltlea whldl are olfert!d. .., 6 ()lrltt' a.. ..........

on ALL _winter clothing including .

many men'a ahlrta


Jfaeae p!llea tor the Ol'feilbelt ., . . .

~~~:;==·-~')~-~ ·.··- .r "lnt.bational ~~ ......... .,... •.

. ·UW:i'~--~· • .....-l'. ..~~~~f ~ .. lf,t,r.\ •

'• t~ ~ p.m. through 74~ lk ~....._ llvd. i!i-~ __ , •... 7'(.ai!I'P•Itl:

The Rec. Dept. otre ... • varlfty M a-. 1 __ • • • ..... priJI'I'aml for clllld,.n 91'9- r.'

!r"!"..~= ~-· k;tlf __ ., .... 1 ~·---ri --~ ..

27_t~1 d IIIOdel buQ~; . . • .,..... .

i ;; .._ \.{~' l t ~ ..!' '"JiL<;.Jf;;t . -"•:.-l · (4'-.f'·~




Certificates up to 7.75% · yielding 8.17"

All certificates $1,000.00 minimum Federally Insured

There is a substantial penalty on earl:r wfth­drawal of all certlftcatel. ·


H.aln Oftlce: 20U West St. Annapolll. M4. 21.ot


Hamilton Place Want to see a SOLD SIGN on your propert:r? Let GHI Sales omce list your brick or frame townhouse for best results!

Just Uated . . . . Extra-nice two bedroom, studio type, masonry home In center area. Rea­sonably ·priced. February or March occ.

Excellent buy on today'a marj(et ... two-bedroOm corner frame home nicely Improved - good loca­tion. . February occ.

Improved and well-kept 3 bedroom frame home - lots of extras Included; Owner can give mid­February or March 1st occ.

Ideal for slq.le person or nuu"rted couple _, asa .:11

excellent one bedroom apartment with ra/retr/ wuber;carpet!ng - nicely redecorated; lmm. occ.

Flnancln&' available!


MAry E. Dfxon - Broker

474-..4244 474-4S81


Twin Piaes Savings & L011 A••· 5.5% DAILY RATE ON HOLIDAY SAVINGS

* Open A Holiday Savings Account

* Deposit On A Regular Basis

* Relax and Enjoy next Season's Holidays



9 to 6


9 to 8


·g to 12

Ma!Yiand Savi!'I•·Share lnturanoe Corporation Iuurea deb account t.o;


NOTARY BERVIcm (free to ~eoount' holdtra) X0MmY ORDIIlRS 20c up to. aiiiO.O. XBlROX CoPIES 10c .

TliUraday; J!lfluar;y 15, 1976


., DIAL TRUTJ-1 'i'


!. .,

• • J

.I Q

> I


L.. 'J........,oL ..;.&.~. ma:.-.... ·.1.. •' .. ...; h ~ .'. d~t-.,,

Recorded , music and ·.inspiration by telephone -.


Page 4: Inc. Glen Ora 1916 Winter Leisure Time Activities Way · oi-11 years 11·11 yean IMI :reaiB !lalltt - Prescllool J YC · $10/8 classes $10/8 classes $10/8 eluses Preschool D YC Beginner


.Before Harry Crayton . i9i!te4 the

PayrOll Savings Plan. ..








'J.'hunday, JlhuarJ 11, ''"

After~ Crayton . P!te4 the - .

Payroll Savings Plan.

-· --


CLASSIFIED Bikeway to be Built: 11.110 for a lO-word llllDIJDwa. lOo' The Maryland Department of

. tor each additional word. Subadt Transportation bas contracted for ada In , wrjtlnr. accompallled 111 construction of a Greenbelt bike· euh paym/lht, either to the Newa way. 'l'he $71,334 · contract went ftevlew ofllce at 15-Parkway before to Ratrie, Robbins 8t Schweizer, lO p.m. of the Tueaday prececllq Inc. of Baltimore. Tbe Federal piJbllcatlon, or to the Twin J>1J1e. · Highway Admlnlatratlon Is Savlnra. and Loan- olllce. 70 per cent of the contract cost. Th•re Ia no charge for· advert181D1 The l.~mlle blkoway alnnr: Items that are found. Greenbelt Road fMd. 193) Ia ache· l'ALDWELL'S WASHER SERV- duled for completion next spring. ICE. All makes expertly repaired. It will connect Greenbelt and Ber­Authorizecl Wbl~lpool dealer. GR - "!Y" Helghta. Beginning at Lake· l-M1ll. crc:rt Drive, the bikeway will pus PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR under the Capital Beltway '<l-41111), Expert and ftellable Plano Servl~ aiOIIB Greenbelt Park and through to Grettabelt IInce

1860 Bellfamin Berwyn Helghta, ending at 57th

Berk<>felry 47~88H · Street and Indian Creek Park. · :r.t:oet of the route II • a Cl11111 n

'miWI!:ui!iR REPAIR: IiLli'- bikeway, or paved llhqulders on '!'RIC. STANDARD AND PORTA- both aides of Greenbelt Road. In BLilS. CaD 4'74-fOla. Berwyn Helghta It turna onto a TROKBONE. TRUJIPlCT Uld combination blkepath-eldiwalk op­VOICIIJ LIIS80Na. Profelll~l poelte Beltway. Plaza Shoppllll:.

. mUIIelaD with tlearee. 4'7~. Center and Greenbelt Junior High l!_l:hoo~ thua becoming a section of Clua I bikepath, -ANTENNA

PROBLEMS fllllllla • llenlell

l!lxpert aatenna ID8II wUI In~! n~w /repair antaaa


Location of the bike route Will

coordinated with the City ot Green· belt, BeJ'W111 Helgbtl Uld the Maryland-National Capital Park &;

Plannlll&' Commlaalon. Tbe Green­belt bikeway le the eecond demon­stration bicycle route built by the

·Attic or Outdoon department In Prince GeorJe• . 474-5530 _ I County. A clus I blkepath along

Maryland Routea 197 and 480 In <MXRIE's POODLE GROOiliNOJ Bow:le wu opened last year. make your appolntmeatl toda,r. DemOIIItratlon blkewaye are ln--ea!l 47~. ten,Sed to teet the practi.,Uty, aafe·

ElaiDe Skolnik_~, .... LUcille and Lou Lushtne had

little d!lllculty In overwhelmlnl . the field at Jut Friday's duplicate bridge seulon. Tbelr nearest op­ponent& - llarpret Clymer and Madelln~ Green - linlahed 21h po!nta behind. Next game: Friday, January 23, at Youth Center.

Sara Halnhan received Ute beat of clus photo 11ward for 'Novem­ber Role" In the coun'ty'e llret semi-annual nature art exhibit and con teat. - Glad to hear that Charles Col­lins. 19 Empire, 11 feeUna better. Colllne Ia prlnclpal of Greenbelt Junior Blah SchooL

Xr. and Kre. Michael Youna of Albuquerque, NX are the parenta ot a 8 lb. 18% oz. boy, Brian Lee, born on December 81 Kra. Youn1 Ia the former · Jo Eller. Lewll, daughter ot ilr. A lilre. Jack E . Lewll. 4 ll'ayette Place. 0

Katherine A. lllddlnpr hal been Initiated Into Phi Kappa Pbl, an honorary orpnllatlon which reooa­nlzee and eneourarea ICbolal'lblp

. and development of a ~lrlt cf eervlce &114 telmr.biu. flhe attends the Unlvel'llt)' of Soutb ft>rlda.

Greenbeltera Kim Kanhiall and Julie Mllhollln are me~~~bera of t)le r.ut of the Prlnct Oeorrea IJt­tle TbeatJ"P.'il production of "Cat on a Hot 'l'ln ftoof." The play will be preaented In St. Chrletopher'a Church on Rl•.rda1~ Road. Mew · Carrollton on JRn. 24. !Ill, 31 and Feb. 6 an4 'r at 8:80 p.m. PlANt) Lli!IONB: feab0111 CGii- ty and design adequacy of bike·

werv&tory Graduate.-' II«<JDaerot- wa:va In pneral. The departm•nt Ad'faneecl. 41 .. 8222. encouraaee local jurledlctlciru to L o· . R uee ttl detn.onBtrstlon routa- u the ODB' llliDU aee WEDDDTO PHO'l'OGRAPII!' lit beala for their OWll bikeway net- ~ ll>W Ntelt; paekqee hom f41, Call work& • On Dec. 28, 1~G In clear, cold '4&-all81 m appt. Conatru~on of tbe G~belt weather the annual 1 and %, 10 ~RlNIT. tliiSONII: Lt . aa,1· blkewq wU1 CQ~Dplete the ~tparl· and :IG-mlle ragea -.ponaored by t~et, U.S. Ana1 B1elcl Blllci. :QK meDt'' proJralll of ,Ave demo111tta- the Greeabelt Recreation DfPart­do•greto P..tlody c.;-rvatery, 8e- .'tlon biCJ'!=le Otbera opeded ment and tile D.C. Road l\unllera glnnera - aciYanoed 4'1'...._ .

1 JIJ lht depvbnent Include the B\lf· was run aiound tbe lake and

f.IGHT HAUL"i'NG, w/ ptiik...uji toti.IVIJie llllrtwaYI ~ lolll ~96 throup the ltree~ of Greenbelt ·,truc:k. Cldl Klke after t:IO, •+4- (Old Ooiii!Hia Pike} til KelltcoPI· and the ~lgultural Farm. Four-

f\.Of\1. 1

117 Olunt), the 00.. <!1\1 ltll:e· teen Green~ra. runnen and !ol-...,., alollt KA!. 021 (OOutll· Jtifh· aers, weft IIIDOIII the crowd qf 180 war) tJo .the llela'Ratelble Mid f:be who competed and aU Oreenbtltera i'MntJ:rodptlltil' Clallrl .. ' ,.,._t r~>Celvcd awarda. ~=ured ~ llllienr llilit Kd. 1M 'til adtl· lillie rae:• .Q. n v Bruce Rob


Preparation done In your· home, If deelred Tl!lD PRI'l'ZKl!lR 1._D Rldp Road

474-2864 TUTOR wanted • Qlj8il!ea to tiilleb Allre111L·4'14-olltt FOil SAL111: ir;DCh pro;tJM;I&i Deek. J:xeeUent. eondltlon. f40.00 or belt otrer. OaU 441·28'1'2 after 1 P.m. ' .. roll 8XLI: CXNN6R Fi'-88 ll.irt. OAXJilR4 with cut and llaah P10 OIIU BID 4'74-0184, after e p.m, . FOtli.ffi: WW 101D80ne piNiie claiJII this atrectlonate girl 'kitten My olcJer female 18 jealoue and· i CUI't polllbly keep the 11ttie cme 4Tf:T029 or ~1974. · FOR B.U.IIl: Twin bed flii.OO; new ~ Schick hair dryer $10.00; Hoow:er IIPrllht vacuum cl.,.ner $»0,00. 0aJJ S.IH104.



PfOI'r&mmed Learning at your own convenience, 21 dlfterent coul'l!ea free Introductory Jeeaon. Lelaur~ t..m!ua Centera. 474·1200. iiiXPilRII!NCilb SillCRE'i'ARY · wllhel tD type In own home. Rea­sanable l'lltea. CaU 062·:18'77. tell SKATES, Men'• 6taCk 1liure, 1!11 8, ~.00. 474-6160 after 8 p.m. wlNTEb: IUDBI to P. o com­lllunltJ Oollep for 8 a,m, Konda7, Wedneect.)' and Friday clan Ple8ae · caU Irene Hensel, 345-8830. Will pay. FASHIOMS • Riducea up to iOJ . . . Wrtnkled Cble <from Indlall Natural Cotton Fabrtoe) It very faeblollable. Now 11 Winter Clear· anoe Bale at UNIVBIRSITY BOU· TIQUB IN'l"JDRNATION.AL . . . Men'a (\blrta. Women'• Bhlrte, Long and Mldl Bklrta. Quilted Jacket&, Sweater .. Blouses. Dreeaea. at 74ll0 Baltimore BIY:d .. Collep Park, open 11 a.m.' • ~ 277-M21.

. ,1_,

... --~--

..,_ ~--AJUIIt•&re.l.llea .... 'DIM, ....... ,JII .Wil C!l .. IT blkewaya. ~ W~ RliiiDlDI Oiu), He

The Ava tle-r·ur swtM WOII OQl' Ill ..,_.In 1.JIDU . ., .. will be evaluated b7 the Ulliveraii:J mlnutee and Ill Ndlndl, onl7 1 min­of. :Maryland' a Civil Enstneerlll&' ute and Ill HCOndl 1110re than the: De~rtment under a contr&ct with coul'lle record aet Jut year by Ber-· • the Maryland Department of Tram· nle Alkll Qt IG!.II!,ancL . portatlon. The evaluation wUJ ana- 1'1i'!eeona P!m lia't:lll:4f wu · lyse each bikeway In terdla_~~: Phil Stewart of W~, who aae, l&fety and design ad


r'· hu the dl.ltlnctlon of bavllll, al-­,---------":iil:_:;..._, ready qualified ror th~ U.S. OJ~

MOVI NO? ,. J!'lat Rate or HouJIJ

Experieneed a Depeodllllle

MAB'fiAND I!Jl'ATE MOVEd • ..(: h~ ......

FOR SALJC: WARD'S BRAND !n'JillUCO, BSR Cbanrer, 45 adap·

, ter, 8 track tape player, ll apeak· .era, duat cover f81).00. Call 474· 0774 (h), 277_..'77 (W), uk for Ron­nie,

WANTlllD: KATURII: BABYSIT· TER, etartlng around 8/1/78 to alt lor 8-week old and 2-year old, S dayl a week. Pleue call after 5 P.m. 474·3380.

FOR SALE: llliPIRE STJilRIIIO, AM-Fir 8-ttadl, A two 12" apeak­era •12Q ,T,-4291.

FOR SALIII: LOVJ!l BEAT, liS c.f. refrtaerator, Jarae bookcuea, fold· lng bed, chain, Hollywoqcl bed, Cape Cod atuaware email drafting table, mlacellaneoua. All aood. Ev· enlnp; Saturday, _Sunday a.m. 474· 1478

CHBlVY '119 Impala, V-8 Eng., Auto .• Low mil .• A/C, P.S,, Am/FK fta· dlo, KD Inap, .900. 8tlHU29. •

Home ,lemodellnt Kitchen&, Rec. Rms., Sun Deck1, Addltlona, etc.

Call Don Soule'

'474-0881 Llceneed, Halle Referencel.

P.S. Come See My Addition ~~

4 Empire Pl. In Lakewood!,

pic Jrlerlllhan T~ tryouta with , a *mile.' Qlllrai).lon time under 2 hours and 20 minutes. Th• only Greenbeltllr to llnleh • WIIS Martin Greenbaum, who was 24th In 2::n:-28.

In the ~u, llteve Jll:oinar, :ttl, · of Johll8toWil, P6. woll In 51.81 over · • etartere. Greenbeltel'l! flnllbed . &~·~wa: Larry Noel, 211, wu 20th lJl l, ; M. RoeelliWe'-, 34tb In l:tilc ; u . .ove, 45th In 1:18:2Q; Bftt\Mt &ftlllt11N1 aDd R$ .t~ourt, imr IB ~ :}J!III. In the 1 and % mOe run Ai'olllld tilt ~e and return tD Braden Field Paul Repavl of Fairfax won In U :04 o:ver sa etarten •lth the lait · Joner llnlahlnl in 26 mlnutee. · Tlmei are not available, but Greenbeltere lln­lehlnl were: NeJaon Oertel, JUn Cooley, Vern Lero!ll!, :Bob CarroU, Ponnro Houl Joe~ OrHDbllllll. Sull Docketader· a~id Bttph!MI .Ju-court.


The clt7 mailed · approximately three hundNCI real property tax refund checks recently. Tbe re­funds totaled $8,09UO plue S72.05 lntereet. Tbeee refund• were ne· ceult&ted by .-ment reductiOIUI baaed on elate Jaw which require that In caaee of an Ulllll!lllent In· crease of more than ae,.; the a­mount over 88% be pro-rated over a three year period.

Tbe ...-M~t NCiuctlollll were made by the State Department of Taxation and Aalelllllent after the clty'l tax bUll had been laued but prior to ·tbe oounty lalulng their billa. Tbetetore,- the redpced a­mount& were reftectetl In county

-billa an4 mil In tat ottnt. Tb• ma!Otll1 ql t1wi reftttade wete ~., '>roper"Y located on t•l!eeide Drive and In the Cbarle•towne

· VUJaae coadollllnlum , and · IIIPIIt were In amount. of $SO or leas, a\­tbough SprlnrhUI .~ nvalveoll refunds In _exceea of. -',000.


Orndorff' Spaid, Inc .

N-- Booftur, ~ a Bepallbtc

~ • BaiJt.up --· fllllqlel, ,. ... Jieolblr, ee.mae. rCI'-tena~

Llee1111ed • Bonded • Inaured • :Md., D.C. Va.



Folic. ........ o...Mr,. .Y.,........,,,, $

Bt•o-•r•.,..• ............. me adYiee 011 ,.rea. "' - pltan .. bUija ... ".,......... ReDial x...u-all trltla op­

tlaa 'to baJ. SprlllrbiJl J.u Ooe••ll1 ..,_ .

o.u .. -c .. , .....

Graetdlelt Carry~ PBOTIDOI' YOVB T.QlLil Wrra A GOiJ*k ,_ ......

Fri. • Extra Lp. thule PfDI ...... P:W,~Ni(ll • tl!,t Sat •• loyal Steak Sub -·· . . Jlc

B...t Beef a Hv~de . ........_ ...._ -- ..... ...-..J, Our Next 11& 111m. fl tile lladl ... ~ .,., d ..... 1


PR~TION-' WHIIRJIIAS, the civic bodlee an1J .. rvtoe orpnlr.tloea . a1 .., community &nd the department. ol ~~ klcal 19Y~ ....... ~· areat M!'VIce rendered to thll· cOIIImunlty b)' tbe ~ _. eeee and Greenbelt Jayceea, ani! . . . ,· .

WHIIlREAS, the United Statea Jayceeo and lte a11Uated ltiiM ...i' local orpnlutlollll have eet ulde tbe week ot January 18 - lA, 1111. Ill obacrve the toundlnr of the Janeee and to ~rate aua1l ,... Ina by the eelectlon of an outatiandlilc yollll&' lllU Ill tJIII CIIIUII__. u the reelplent of the .Diatlnllllehed Service Award. and

· WHIIRIIA8, th", orpnlza~on of yoq - hal -tr~ materlall1 tD the betterment of thla commulllty ~t tile ,_..

NOW, ~lUi:. I, clll Welcie.ldelcl, ~r ol.. ~ Cll1 .;, Greenbelt, Maryland by authority veated Ill me 111 the alU.. _. Council of the City ot Greenbelt do hereby proclala · tile "'* tr1 JANUARY 18 - 24, 19'78 u


and urce all cltlune of our cbmmunl~ to trtve run ,.._... to tiM aervlcea .of the GRJ:BINBBlLT .tAYCIIliiB.

In WI~ W1weof I have h..wato lit ., 1IW thlll Uth·.., ol. .tanua17, Jlft UloJI. haft allied tbe olllolll -' of the Clt:J of Oreeabelt te M aftlxed llereto.

Gil Weldenfeld, Mayor

City of G,...belt,


I --~ j


l I.

.I I



Page 5: Inc. Glen Ora 1916 Winter Leisure Time Activities Way · oi-11 years 11·11 yean IMI :reaiB !lalltt - Prescllool J YC · $10/8 classes $10/8 classes $10/8 eluses Preschool D YC Beginner

r~~ .. ·.


Page 8 -----------T;.;l.;.;lu.;.;r.;;,sd;;.a;;;:).:,'•..:J;.;;a;;.n;,;;u;;.a;,;ry:....:l,;;,5;_, .:,1:.,97;,;6;_

"'~~~~!~~i~~ ~o~P~~a~,~ r~c~t~ty Ice ~kating Policy be• :1~:cedf'd to, proyid.f'd that cer- ~J.'.v Grt•>lt Lah:e is open for lain modifications costing approxi- tl.v ::;.:.ltl:~g \\o'hcn wc'athcr condi­mutely S2,J.00:1 wrrP agrrrd to such ~ ~ons arr fnvorablP. In order to a.s installation of hydrnuEc plu~~ 1"-i'IJ\";!L· a wholesome, safe activi­valvf's and that the pJa·1t •.-:as np- t::. thr city has. d~velopcd certain

· crotcd and maintained pcrm3ncnt. guidd:nes that should be followed. ly at no expense to WSSC. This, in During cold weather, persons in~ effect. meant that prcs~nt and fu- lC'rrstrd in :!Sccrtaining the con­tur£' condominium owners at Grern- ditions of the icc a~ the lal:;c briar would pay the costs of the should call tho Greenbelt Police pumping station. ir.cluding future Department, 474 ~5454. It is im repi!ICement. possible to continually test ice

Kay said thnt this arrangement thickness over all ar~as of the Is agreeable to him, since he recog- lake, so skating wlll always be at niEilll that it is not customary for the risk of the participant. Rec­WSSC to take over private pump· omm'ended areas of skating arr lag stations. the .shore lines and the bay "around

Council Attitude the peninsula. A green flag w!ll 'Ille first obligation of the city, be displayed on the bandstand flag~

laid councilman Tom White, is to pole to Indicate "Skating at your .-e aure that the eldsting pump· own risk". The lake area around lac Matlon was in aatistactory op· the dam &nd spillway should be t!l'aUIIC ·condition and would be an avoided, aa open water is usually lldeqaate substitute for the new found in these areas. Parents Jll•t -.templated by wssc. should accompany young children. Gi- Bald that there is no trc- Skaters should also avoid gather­

asdous difference in life expec- ing in groups on t)le ice. talioa of the two pl&nta, although The Recreation Department will llle WSSC plant would oae better attempt to provide assistance at ..._., materiel& The Greeabriar the lake during week days from 4 ,..- wu eetlmated to have e 30 · p.m. until dark and on holidays, ta fl year life expectancy. Giese Sats., and Suns., from 9 a.m. until r-ended, however, that the dark when conditions pennlt. No Oreltllllriar plant be modified along skating will be allowed on the lake tile .._ suggested b7 WSSO Ia or- after dark, ier C. usure low mai'nteD&IIce Uld . The department's guide to ice alailll&l operation breakdowns. condltiona Ia: YOUNG OR BLACK

a.taldl expreBBed coneem that ICE - 2~ Inches unifonn; sate if r.tlloe Greenbriar condominium cautious &nd no congregating, 4 __.. would be burdened with inclles will support the weight of ..-.tenance and replacement costs skaten, but skating Is at your own lt tile exiltlng plant were eontln- risk. LAYERED OR WlnTE ICE uei fa operation as a private facll- · · one foot of this kind will support 1~. lie would like to see WSSC the weight of skaters.· Again, skate .ae mer the exbtlng plant. at your own risk, OLD OR ROT·

Wbft8 lllld other councllmea a- TEN ICE - thlckneas Ia under the l'rae4 with th1l In prlilclple but bov tl felt lllat 118 long 118 th1l approach ~~~~dl o~, · abeolutely NO

wu not a . standard procedure tor wssc, then the alternate pro- No ftrea will be allowed at the l*ed 117 Kay wu Mtlat&ctory. lake except thOle provided by the Ooullcllm&n Olarles Scbw&n said city bj!cause of the aC'e.rclty of ftre­tbat It makes little economic 8I!Die wood &nd .danger from brush ftrea to bul!4 a new $1 mWion pumplnc All skaten and parents should atatiolt to meet added deDIIIty~ that keep In mind the dangen Involved 111 110t 111 the o.tllng wbm the pre- In Ice sports. A person who falls ..t CIIUI will do an adequate fob. through the Ice Ia In danger of

WIIBC will be conllderfll&' the drowning &nd freezing if be Is not ..tter an Feb~ 4. cared· for Immediately.

Ol'eellla1u ......... Olle SDal matter 011 Grembrlar

wu talten up. The council tellated to a nqueet by WSSC directed to the )(aryland Water Reloan!ee Ad· · lllflliltratlou for 1111 atenaloft of the pennlt for operat~Bjr ltle on .. lte -ace treatmeat plut beJand June 110, 11178 ·

Lut Nove~ber 1111 -.r-mt bad beea ft8Ched that all wutewater frla die tempoi'B17 plant It Green· briar would be diverted to the w­lenl Branch after June 110, ltnl W!IJC - lll8iDtalu that ltrlkei bave deiQed completloe ot the a-JIMIIIon of the W•llml Brandl, Nee, the atln81on.

Ooancll felt, ·however, that there wu IIUlllclent unuaed oapaclt7 at WMtern Branch to permit the per­-t hook-up u echeduled and

Tllere's MOlE Happening


'!'ne woek of January 18~21 h" been proclaimed Ja)'cl-e Week by prDclnmution of Grct>nbelt's Mayor, Gil Weidcnfcld. During that wee!< Greenbelt Jaycees will commcmor·· ate the founding of their organiza~ tion by the selection of an outstand ing young man in the city as the recipient of the Distinguished Ser­vice Award

The Greenbelt JAYCEES regul· arly participate in several com­munity-related activities. Most notable of these during the past year was their sponsoring an Ama­teur Olympics during the spring. Tentative plans have ·been made to sponsor a speciBI olympics for the handicapped during the spring/ summer of '76. The JAYCEES also plan to erect playground fa­cllities for Greenbelt youth during this year; the site of the play­ground will be decjjjed upon by the city of Greenbelt . Other plans/ projecta for the current year In­clude lake/creek cleanup in Green­belt Park as well aa manpower participation In the upcoming Washington Birthday Marathon, an &nnual race which draws several

·hundred runners aa ·. well as 1,000 or more spectators. Anyone Interested In the Greenbelt JAY­CEES and their activities may call P. J. Painter at «1-9172 (homel or &M-21!00 (office).

Equivalency Classes Begin ' Prince Georges County Public Schools, Adult Education Depart-. ment, Is offering a llprlng semester of preparation classes for the Gen­eral Educational Development (QED> '(high school equivalency) examination. Claasefl, materlala, &nd testing are tree ot cb&rge to ~esldents of Maryland who are 16 yean of age or older. The . cur­rent session begins January 26 with classes on Mona.,- and Weds.,. from 7-9 p.m. at Parkdale Senior High School. Pre-GED classes tn mathematics &nd reading are aleo available, as Is Engllah as a second language, F'or more Information' call the Adult Education office nt f74-31588, or Mn. Unger, f7i-1052.


"Pap" Test Cli_nics. · . The P.G. County Health Depart·

ment has been awardid a grant from the National Cancer Insti­tute to set up two clinics a week to provide cervical cancer screen­ing ("Pap" .test>. These clniics take place in the Public Health Clinics throughout the County.

Information and appointments may be obtained by calling · 773-1400, extension 423 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Mon. through Fri. ·




Beltway Plaza around the eorner Hanover Shoes

Meltonl&n (Jreams & Sprays '74-9288 1.\I"F 1~ Sat. 'til 8

Kash, lac. ·Realtors "WE IIUY OL08E, BVI' WE NEVER DOZE. VALL ~­TIME"

FIRST DOWN Apt, that Ia. See this one. BR apt, with many Improvements. Call 348-2151 any­time day or night seven days a week for details. $11,800.

tad DOWN Don't pass again 4t someone will Intercept be­fore you get tiWI beautJ. W/W carpet throughout, ftne washer, 2 A/C. plus m&ny other Improve­mente. $11,900.

DID DOWN I "lleld" et!D u­ether "goal" for ycur mom or ilad with th1a perfect retirement l!mne. Don't forget all utultiQ aoapt electrlctly are lnciluded In all Greenbelt Ho.mee.


· voted to notify W8SC ot Ita poet­tloll, This adlon of councU wu ~ endoned by Kay amid hiiiiiOrOWI commenta on the unuau­al IDIBnimltJ of opinion demonatra­ted between the counell &nd the deftloper,

With such harmony prevailing, X.,Or Gil Weklenteld wu able to pt. KaT• ,..reement that' a fence would be built along the Baltlmore­Wuhington Parkway where the Greenbriar property abuts The city. h-. been concerned aboUt poe-


. lillie tralllc huarda to persona at­tem.ptfJI& to croa the Parkway. Kq eald that he alwaya Intended to COMtt'uct the fence but condo­Dilalam owneq have been luke·

. wal'lll about Ita e1tbetic elfecta.

St. Hugh's Scores The St. Hugh's boy's relay team

' capturecl third place meda .. in the CYO M-Ciub indoor trac' meet at the U. of Hd. on Jan. 9. Over 11,000 1pectators crowded Cole Field House to 1ee thil mlljor meet. The team ran four laps of 1410 JU41 Meh on the indoor wood­en tNclc· In one minute &nd 20 eecoadl to place third ov~r all W..Wqtoo area 'CYO teama. The wtnlllq team wu St. Catherine from Wheaton In one lllllnute lU ~. 8t. Hqll'l tMa mem­.... were: Qarls c.ntw.ll, lteve ~- Due HeaMI an4 Rudy Olldwt• Oultlnll wu a11o 011 ... ,_. ...... ,... tela



The Seneational

MEET · Dyna.Jic Duo! c;.· WHERE HANK & AL "THEY MEET"

Friday• & Saturdays 9 to 1 p.m.



11. 197 Gild CONrfl RD, • fREE ,ARKIHG


Kash Realtors, suggest that everyone kicks off the new year by invrsting in real estate to get you'r own 'super saving, no play offs to eliminate you here,

·everyone can play, everyone wins,

PICK YOUR OWN CHOIVE, 2 to choose from, a 1very highly Improved 3 bedroom frame home in the 20-court of Ridge, featur­ing new Sears kitchen, complete­ly remodeled bath and loaded with extras, only $17 ,llOt or a beautiful 2 bedroom frame ln. the 10-court of Southway with all nice appliances, including washer, deyer, and alr/cond., large patio and fenced yard, only $17,000, whichever you chooee, you e&n't lose.

Don't be PENALIZED for DE· lAY OF G~! Thill new Dat­Ing will go fast. a real olean Brick rambler with full base· ment, waaher, dryer, w/w car­pet, etonn wlndow.s &nd doors, and corner lot. AKE TIMJl OUT 11ow and call 845-2151. Don't miss thle opportunity to ScaN only $40,900,

NEWHOU!!IE T ·not quite, but we think It's better tball aew, this 3 bedroom rancher baa all the extru Including, dlllhwuller, washer,- dryer, stonn whtdewa and doors; large eat In kit. coY· ered patio, and stora,re lhed, lo­oated on large ebaln link fenced yard, VA terms at $43,1101, Act

·now &nd be a WINNE& Wll be open SUllday, call for dlreetlona.

BOGER. Don't 8TAUI$AOH &ny longer, we have the r!Pt eall here, a real eute J lied· room, !I bath rambler with ree. - In lluement, w/w earpet, !lice appliances, end ganp, VA apprallled at Pl.OOO. owner MyB eeU at $80,TIIO, Don't argue with the olllolal he juat might cbutge hlllllllnd,

MdlllBD8; &tre Ia your dOC DIIN opportunity if you really want to I!ICJ()BE bl&' .. We. have a euatom built huge rambler, fea• turin&' 4 bedrooms, 3 full bathl, ! ear gerap, and would you be­lieve on 9,84 acree. Yee Ira all here, :rou can even build your own Stadium, We even thin­MEAN IOE GUIIN would lliq It, Vall for all tlte · detalll 145-lm. NO TIOKET NEVJil88ABY Just Call 8411-2151 about this 2 BR 2 Bath CAC Condo apt. lri Green­briar. It Ia BIG! 1200 Sq. JrT! Ice. llv. rm., sep. din. nn., l'a­mlly room· off kitchen, IIIUtar BR.. hu aep. bath &nd walk-tn W /W carpet throuckuut. All modem appl!&ncel lnollldlnt WASHER &nd DRYER. Apt. Is e molttbl old. Take over loan with a ff!W thouS&nd llollarl. Monthly pmtl. Include ALL

UTILITIES $33100.=-....;·=--.r-1 li!ii1L Wl!il!llW! see

thla I . BR lleauty wid! wo4tdJ In back I Tbl1 one llae MDeled L!l with shake ehlnglee u ID ad­ded decor. Aleo, DID, F/F Rei., wuher, ud 2 A/Ca. Perfeat aondltion - Only •1!1,1011,

WIDE OPEN for a receiver! See tht. fine 3 BR III&IOnry home close to Greenbelt Shop­ping Mall, Wide open view, ve,Y line appliances. Going for a low, low price of $22,000.

tiME RtlNNING ot!Tf Not If you aot now. We have a

· beautiful ' bedrm 2· bath Cape Ood hOIII<! In Bellemeede, that bas been subst&ntlally lmprov· ed thru-out. Th .. home feature• wife eever kitchen with nice ap­pliances, Including dlsbwuher & dlspoaal, aleo washer, \fryer w /w oarpet, Cent A/C, 1torm windows ol: doore and Storage Shed. VA or FHA at .. 3,900. Don't PASS thie DOWN, keep ycur S()()ftJNG DRIVE alive by

·calling MG-2151, -What-ever your Game Plan ie, keep the ODDM in your favor, lly ealllnr one of !he PROPI:8-810N.U.S at Kuh · ftealtort We're alwaya on ycur •Ide, ~ 2101 Anytime day or n!JIItl

KASH INC., REALTORS Unlv. Blvd. a. Rlulde hlaa4 Ave.

345-2151 LET KA8Jt. HIILP TOUI


-• , . ~~r-~·s c~~~m MEJIORIAL LIIIIAB . ,, '--;_::;.: .. :lc ; Bi'.A:j\jl

C-~of':NT ROAD 11 ·''•"""'' ~ DlQ WiEWSJ.,~. -· .

HIAifHG fOM~i· ~· .•

arlenelt • ,_. t•,.t.,. To ~.f• .. !~lip~•t;

The public h.WI on Elallor Rooeevel\ Sepio~ HiCb 8clllll will start at 7:30p.m. toniCht, J8DU81y'22, at DuVal SeDiatllfllla• School. Varioua alternative piau deal1ril with the lily.~ and the Magnet School concepti as related to tbe DeW~-

T'l'hune 39, Nwnber 10 G"""-"''""', -. .... YLAND ""' da · J .. "'-12 11178 be presente4 as well as the orl;iDal bouDdarJ ~ reeoaDDl'$'0: :-:~.;..;;.;.:...:.;,:;.:.:::::_.:.::. ___ .:::.:,......,:==n .. ::;:"""::;::;'":..:~=:~=~--....,:":.=;nurs:;::::::!Y~· .:an::::~:.:!.7:..::::.• .::.::.;: tion and the BoWie middle school plan. ·Public COJIIJIItDt .e ~ City Council Polishes lp. Potier Festival Committee fo~o:: apac(ed that the IChool ~.._. Sta•m·•• sc .. lll, ar.•n•r ~old~ ~n~:..., Mtlg. S:ai: .. :E:-:. =~,.5

A . J by Sandra Barnea The Waablnlton area 11 bu.lna :' 11-:,~:.0r-'. ·'lSI . .;. ~rom-~ ~~~, . . ~.,._ .· . · ,

t 1ts anuary 111 meeting the. city council concerned itlelf with blcenteiUIIal lllltiJltlu tor tht, ~~~ · · ·~ I · wida polishing up two statements. The ftrst statement concerned v••~l011g celebration but the t14ll· tor Dwn. IJ*Iftc time lntor- ~ ~ . elf'bllilh' . . ·-- u.tion), · · til' iiOiittOl a.;llaololj, pwf.a, -1 tile dty's positlon·on the Greenbriar pumping station and is to be Greenbelt Labor Da7 ll'eatlval Ia ·uta,•·a.lo. . .,..., ....._.,, ... s•t to tlie Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission; the one eveat that doel not ~t tot a The lati.t p~ ella- up IIJ tbe ateiiCJirllldMf,IMIIIellllB'PJ ;II 6 seeeB. d concerned the boundary changes for the Eleanor Roosevelt special. year to cele~ Ill a atar board'• Talk Force wu bued on .._....._~ -a.~ .... S I d taahJoL Committee a pro~• "-board memllera Nloh- • _.... 1---. _...... · ~- chool and will be presented at the January22 public~- 11P11Damee ... :.. .. __ ~ ......... d··"'.;- ,._ ~~ • · · dlaPdW..: olotJibtl ..a·. Inf to be held by the school board. .....- .... v .,.,......_,. ....... olal linT and ... Jlla• Oolat.o lor ~ ... 4 -~

tllle em atatement not. dial given to the project and the olt7 the IIUt · tolir ·montJq clea1lnc with a dull purJICII8' lloolilwlt: - put ~ ~ 4hiiPo tile 41eve1CIP8. ra of Greenbriar llaft Jll&lllll8r 4oubts tb&t the rmmue well IliUM u Ill evaluation of lut. a comprebeulve eecuiar IOIJOol iltr)l tlon. aii4' ~ .. " .

8lted yean~ feltlftl. new pqnm·lileu, and the Giber a· teclmleal a.ta. ·-.'-~ ......,.,. oat-::r-'"-'• ~ that the WS80 not COil• aharlng tundll will be aucll that the a budpt prof01allll1d uOIIllnatlona Jb!lep\ tw Gl1181allelt ana lltlldentl . ~""'to"l:'"~ .....____-:for ...._.

. a pumping •tatlon eetllnat- ol&7 will be dMnclall7 able to COil· tor a new feltlval committee to · 111 the IIOIIIPrebenlive lcllool. there _.. ,...,.._ -- -ei to co.t fl18,0811 or more, for etruot the wall. The clt:y'l enctu- th -A'tl d pi WOII]d be no '*-ed bounA_ ... - 181 .. '1'1 llllllool,... .._, .. _.. wtddl the develol!l'r srller agreed _. llltlmlltled the' co.t to be about carry on e ...... 0118 an oneer - _.,_ taiD· tmmedlatl aSt.eratiDIII ...... to fQ "'" ot the COlt, IDitead, the ......... new PfOil'IIDI. . Til tell I board etatt him ed u JIIIDIDiiJ. wtJI be ~-• ••uvv The ann"·' m-.. M- ot ...... • •'-r e

00 ·. ' per- ""'-lltf' wa.-te that Greeubrlar'a ez. Altho".... ltle ol"- -•w•- - - """ ,_. ed b7 the lack ot lOUd 1lprel on · Addlll!ludb' ...;.,·~tata tblit · ,._

,...., pumplq 1tatl011 be CODtln•. doubt*' .._ti-t there ":.... -::=;h Day Fllltlval will be held ,011 Wed- ltudent Interest .· Ill a tecllnlcal of' • ft'ftiat tllile. ~· IJt. u~ .. ~~~ ....... ............. time ,tor the ltudy, bi4dlna-,-;:d neld&J, January 28 at a p.m. In the IChool ad tn open enrolllllen~ e... 48p'i:tl atuc11 ,wll ilaed to flit_.

._.._.. ._....... - • - COIIIIiruotlon of the tU1'111ng wan cOnterenoe - (If the Greenbelt tlln&te.l a. ltudeilt llod3' of about Iliff Iii •cw· m.'l' loboll' ,_ Ia · b -tter lhould, ftret, ierve 1lefol'e the opea1q of the pool oD Ubrt.rJ. AD COIIIDUnlV organla- 1900 itudente .In botb IOhooll wlltll relatlft tD adltltlaDil . ...,..._ *"' public ·lntareat ~d, BeCOftd, Kay ao, even 11 tunda becalpe aftll- ·tiona are encounpd to have a Rooaevelt open1 111 September me p~ to pioapllll .......... · ..._ ilelt Interest of present and tu; able, he noted an alternative to representative t~reeent. IDdlvldllal - 400.,0CIIIIIq tram bed attend- ~~..fttn." 'ftlq oa;::,.. ......... . tee reeldents of Greenbriar. Coull• the J)erllllllat waD _ a movable cltlsenl lntenlted 1D 1'01UDteerlq - .,.., . 11101t17 Oleenbelt 1111d .,.,. .. "" ~ .... til elq)NIIIIed. dlellltlfaotlon with lloatlq wall ccnatructed ot alum- to work with the fMIAVal are the remaJn4er Oil a ··~. wOrll8« oat and tlllt,r nolle_ diM ·• IMith the conatructiOJI of a ntw fa.- Ilium allo Invited to attend The lpnda ftret-18l'9ed" bull, liillldiJif wu JiC4 ..,..... tilt' lit'

:"!!:dis,::!.ex:DII.:.:: .!~:!tU:~~ =~::~lad~ -~~ ~-~;=-~~ tW appean·to beiii!IW4. to the lilldnl waD aAd lntorined tiOII of the uew ~eatlval pollq altd Tllllaptietclltbeplubul'lr&WII • , '. ' .;,..:,;,....:::·•-.J1; ... · Af tile Mme time, It expreelled coli• councU ot . a. pmDanent wall buQt aleotlon of, olllcera. NODalnatiOIII ahalp ol'ltlcllll f!CIIIIl Oraebelt otty -

. ael'll for the Gr8enbrlar ~ldente by the 8IMr. Sp"" ncaA.. for will be received frola the Joor. U DCIIIIICIJ, Gttenbtlt ~rom-. Dlo. tbe AD ed9antiP· fll tilt ......_.. W.. saddled wtt!l tbe·peflilanent ••ooo and ..... _.

0 ..... 1n a ~ you are lnterelted Ia 'beoolii!D8ln- ....,_.._.. -~ .................... 1 ~~·oilboetti"._...,._ •

CIIJIIMII8 of malntalnillg a private ~k period~"; f:.t a 11udj; volved Ill a oomiulint~ 1'01unieer . ~ ~ ;.....: . ~ ~-=...:..~'..!' .. .-.., --"""""-...... - .. ._........... ....., ... - ................ -- .............. :;:::;;-~ .... §·'ii ....._. a comp~ •olatloll In ...... 11 It __ 10· "'---' Oo~tt . bud 'lioork and tuu. tile G1'118libelt --A ... _ .• ,· , . , _.. .eiJ the .-lo+l•• faelli d 'I"Y ,._, -- __,.. _.._ .. , - - aDee; Olftidli. . . ,...,., •. ,... ·. I ...,.....,.. &7 woul uke4 the man•-1- to lleelr ._ tabor ·Da7 l'eltlval ~ a _ .. on . . . . .. . ... ~.- -·~.·. ._ ..... · ~. , h ~ed at the· developer'l .,_ . -v ·~ 'lilt few you, OoujUt Nanq · The ooncera II ._. Cltlll -· _. -,_ il1td perman~ opente4 • tllal' lntol'IIIIUOil,. llpailll, · •T"-'11118, .!of. a&ll#onal In- ~· wtll . ww .. llloolla et taiL .W tlllllil . . -,ettttheWSSC.;.tem. -· An~~epe~t~· . fonaatloa.. ·. ·., .• : · ~ ................ ..._.._.. ... .,....,.::~....,

~:~5: =~ ~~!=';.'$ .. arY-~fiC»fii;'A.····.··,~··-· $:'1!i::$ ~=:.:, ... ~·~~=.:.ato:!eu:e~ ~~~~~.;!!O:ti:'.~ The ge~~e~,oi.w .. oo~ tbe =:·C:'!::.~.~-= :;=::,.-=."':.-:·= l'llitente In objectfDa' to the ftr- on nbd!vlllcm ot the dolden Trf• pipe leak fi'DID a aprinlr on Oranp ocour In · 'anlor • Illata ·. ·ll!JIOoll If ed ad there II• iio tiJM· .,,..., ... Dn propoa .. that llllrbt re- anale. Bcltll will become topiCI for Court In Lakewood. Tb• emt' dq . 8th ~el'l Clboon to attend blittn• PiS lnd\lltrJ'lllld ~ d bl a delay In the openlq lit disoullloa . at tile -' ...a up a 1ectlon of pipe and '(ound Roolevelt, new Jii'(liraml. n.., lllo ......, lliil llehool, will 0011t ~ .JIIGIIIJ m....... · . '· that tree roots had eaterecl the · thai' thtl'l II iniDimat tiDie fele-tlllilll the bOard. bu flslll!l k/r, - ··;' pipe In the yard at ' 0ranp Court. Accord~ to tile latelt. plan, the ftiaililtmlllt, •ledtJoa. ~ -..t rewlt In ltle tlpplq of the ~- The tree~ were removed and technical iollool will start with 9th, and-~dl'leatdoa ~Ill a • raelid Wenae In lOIII& aohboll, lftd The tolklwlnl were appointed to the realdent Informed, The pipe lOth, &lid tttll Jradeti (700) - aD eldled pro,tur, · · .. ,, lllfallt tall to ptcrrlde a'tuJIIduoa· the MOUI ·oiQ' boardl: APB- Ia 1'1llllllq tree now, altJioarh run on a velua~ bllll, The compre- Alllt· lloeM .,..., ... ' ~· tfGIIal Pl'OII'am far tbll ar..-... J'> v: ...._ off Into the atreet fa ~ until heDIIve portion o( the. echool wiD tnilapclltit!OI(. · ill'litll'= W 11f -·- -bo -'U attend. ellt •·-: Park ud Keoreatloll • .u;...._. . "'"-' itUt wltb ·- ·""'"" ··d· ·nth -A _. ......., .... ~. --;;;u;'er~ 0011;~ ap~ !au Ad?llol')' Bclard - ~~'red Jl'ord; Bl- the -tar-.~ Into the ~de ...., ...... - •·-· ... _,_, -- -

.... tiM achaol WIB becoalt a ha- =:~ :::.._~ Pluter lll1dlfq ar::·ReJ'Doldl AlunliD11111 Co, nt- ~f': ::u=.,.~ ar::; :: ::,.,.~~-::.

..... tor thole ~tellted atu• ftlck ~c:X:'Jlr~O:,:: eentq plcbd ap II 1111. ot &111111· · C'J'&den, ~ IJtll ....,..... nllt4tcl, &1141 ....., ·~· ... - "'e are' perenatell, dllat· tfolll Oammlttee _ Tony RGner; Inurn for the IUIII. of $lUI. ID the 0011.11&7 leoludlq GreeDbtlt. for tbll10llc)DI ---...-· .lllllell with the IObool .au.t1011, AD 000 HM!tll ud JllnvlroliiDeat Ola• Prepartlolll are under wq to reo Ia · 1111 eouucll envialoned a aultl· lllltt.. llemard Kellll wm• the .. .,... reotcUq program lite tit probleml Ollcurliti It the ' .- •. the ftl'lt week of l'ebruut. 'tnltlll· IJIIIIIil Mlrolllnent reeolutlell were Jy the paper will ..U tor $.410 per ~ 111 the board, Counoll prala- n 11-- Bif ... -..._ 100 lbl, or t1» per to._. but wUl be ef·tlt• ld• ot cleveloptna .t1141 aew £0an;o '""""" wbltct to lluctuatlcllf. 1611111 Into a technical echool alona tile lbtet of the famed Bronx lohool ., .. lolence, but cauUoned that thla Jni1 of 1cllool takM yMrll of eare­tll tlaMing alid reeeai'Ch, none of wlllob has gone Into the llleanor JteOiMvelt aohool u yet,

Open 07rn O!u11ellman Rldwtc! Oaetaldl·

libel the olty man.,er, Julei CMMe, If he was aware of the ,...,!em of non-reeldenta comlna to tile Greenbelt recreatl011 eanten, ,.rt!CNiarly the one In l!lprlnplll Lllke, Uld ualng the free fa<lllltlea. CMe~e replied tbet both he and the recreation director were aware of tlllll problem &nd were working on a ~R~Iutlon. All of counoO aftlrmed t1le regulation that the J11D1 were te be used by resldenta only <and peulbly a limited number of their ruM~). Al8o. on nights c!ealgM­tet tor use by one particular group e.r. ladl~s. men were not aupposed to use tlte faollltle•. nnr were ad­ult Mklenta to puah out the teen· qerw when the teens were ~chrd· uled to use the fYJII.

Pool Tumlna Wall Hemben of the Aquatic Bo011t·

81'1 Olub appeared before oounclt pllllc6rn.lng the plane for the con· illuetlon of a tumlng wall at. th~ ~Ina pool, At the tiDie ~oil acfopt~ Ita budpt for thJ• IIM!al ,....., revenue lharlng funds were

~ illllllllelted tor the tllmlnr wall and W lilt reciU()Ifta the depth In the ......,.. end of the peol. llonver, .aaoll llu not ~ 1111 tha -tter becaua• little fbldy bae bien

Twoo brealdng and eutlrlnp late private reelden- were ~ One olfenae In Greenbriar rewlted In a .conalderable 1~. ot property, while one In Unlvenity !quare re­lulted In no theft, Additionally, one attempted burglai-r. on Ridge Road wu thwarted when the two IUb­jectl attempting entry lied In the darkneu upon the approAch of the reetdents.

Ollicer Ceccarelli, observing and approaching a euaplcloua auto In Springhill Lake, found the two oc­cupants in po11eeston \of. auto ac-: ceeeori" they bad jult atolen. The subject. were placed under arreat, with luboequent Investigation re· v.ellnr one bf the eubjecta to be an eecepee from a State lnlltltutlon, to which he was returned. The other subject wu relea~~ed on 'penonal recornlsance.

Twb sC>!a of c!ty .. pJaced no p .. rk­lng ligna have been. iltt)len from Eaatwa:v Road. A tocalad,ult realdent """' obeeMd taklnr one ·aet, ap: parently In order to pllrk In the ra~trleted area, and chargee have been placed,

The department hu' lnveetlp.ted end turned over to aoolal eerviQfll 11 cue ot apparent ohlld negleet In Bprlnahlll Lake wherein a live )leU old child II left Ull.l!ll'&~ for much of the •Y·

.Mft. Ttrry Btookdale, a rteldent of Parkway ftolrd, baa jdlned the depal'tment u a Commu1111111t1ona Speolallst, She II p-tl,y IMtlnt trained,

Safety CliniC The Prince Georp~~ Couuty Red

Cl'Oie will hold a Bmd 'Craft Baf&- · ty Orientation on Tuell., J&n. :rt, at 7 p.m., at Bowie State College Pool. Thla II! a .. prenquislta for canoeing 11811inr ol-• tcheduiW In the aprina (In. G~t Lake.

The orientation wUl oover euch areas u boarding &nd debarldq, chancing poeltlona, capel&e and •elf-rescue In a canoe; Ute jacket iue; artlllolal re~~~lratlon, simple extenllon reecuei and .1eneral small craft llafety. To regilter, call 11&9-$00, IHII.

WHAT GOES ON Tbure,, Jan. U, 7:80 pm, - Pu~

Uc lle&rl118 ·on ICleanor Rooot· evelt Sr Hlrh. DuVal Hl&'h School a p,m. GHI Board Meeting, Hamilton Pl.

ll'lt., lan ta. I p,m. Duplice,ta , Brldlt · • Youth <>.nter

111011,. ,1-. . *" I .,~~~, (le,rd4n Oub, Greetlbeit Llliftl1

·Wed,, lan, • 1:10-11:80 a.m. Parent Olaouulon Group, Greenbelt Baptist Ohurob I pm, Annual Meetlna, Ltlbor De1 Featlval, GNtnbelt L!b­l&l7

T1n11'1., laa, II, ·Board of lldu­. oatkiD ~. Upper Karl· ......


MARYLAND ······' '•'.

N011CE NOTICE. BeginniiiJ{ the flret week of February tbe CUr'• newspQ.,~

recr~. pro,r~~m 'win re~e. Thus, the middle refule -.;· lectlon each week (Wednesdar or Thunday) will be for paJiel'

onJ,y.· .

Th~ paper should be baged, bundled or. placed in a -~ ara~e container. If a separate container Is used it shoul~ ·fie

clearly labeled "paper." T~e pa~r ahould be. put ·in p~, view of the collector at or near where' regular gnrbece a!ld

trash is ,lllaced for collectjon. ' · '

Tllert's still time . . .

• starting at 7:30 p.m. Tonight

Th~ay, J~'Y., 22


.. ~ .-,~ SeaiOr·ltip SdlOol at

DuVal Sr. High Sch~l, 9880 Ooecl Luck loa.-


, .....


