INACTIVE - ALL ITEMS SUPERSEDED OR OBSOLETE Schedule Number: Nl-079-08-009 All items in this schedule are inactive. Items are either obsolete or have been superseded by newer NARA approved records schedules. Description: Superseded by DAA-0048-2013-0001 and DAA-0048-2013-0008 Listed as superseded on crosswalks. Date Reported: 4/12/2021 INACTIVE - ALL ITEMS SUPERSEDED OR OBSOLETE

Transcript of INACTIVE -ALL ITEMS SUPERSEDED OR ... - National Archives


Schedule Number Nl-079-08-009

All items in this schedule are inactive Items are either obsolete or have been

superseded by newer NARA approved records schedules


Superseded by DAA-0048-2013-0001 and DAA-0048-2013-0008

Listed as superseded on crosswalks

Date Reported 4122021




t----------------------------+---------1 FROM (Agency or establishment)

Department of Interior



National Park Service t----------------------------3 MINOR SUBDIVISION


Michael Grimes



In accordance with the prov1s1ons of 44 U S C the d1spos1t1on request mcluding

amendments 1s approved except for items that may be marked d1spos1t1on not approved or withdrawn in column 10

6 AGENCY CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that I am authorized to act for this agency in matters pertain mg to the d1spos1tton of its records and that the records proposed for disposal on the attached J pages are not now needed for the business of this agency or will not be needed after the retention penods specified and that wntten concurrence from the General Accounting Office under the prov1s1ons of Title 8 of the GAO manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies

[] 1s not requtred [ ] 1s attached or [ ] has been requested


4-J1- oe


7 Item




10 Management and Accountability Records

Records documenting those tasks involved with the planning organizing staffing directing mtemalextemal reporting and controlling ofNPS activities that occur routinely across the NPS

See attached schedule




NCl-79-77-1 Nl-79- 6-1 Nl-79-96-1 N 1-79-97-1 and all other preceding schedules GRS 1-13 16 18 21 3 25 26 a

=gtPet-lu idegV1 cMecl Orolt

STANDARD FORM SF 15 (REV 3-91) Prescribed by NAR 36 CFR 1228


National Park Service (NPS) Management and Accountability (Item 10)

Records Schedule

This schedule covers all records regardless of media (media neutral)

Management and Accountability (Item 10)

Description Function Tasks involved with the plannmg organizmg staffing directmg mtemalextemal reportmg and controllmg ofNPS actJv1ties that occur routmely across the NPS

Activities Related to Management and Accountability include estabhshmg agency-wide pohcy and procedures creating and admmistenng budgets finance legal affairs aviation and motor vehicles human resources and other activ1t1es

Records Related to Management and Accountability mclude but are not muted to

bull trammg matenals

bull policy and procedure documents

bull Directors Orders

bull employee health folders

bull personnel records

bull environmental issues

bull contracts

bull reports to supervisors and those of a smular nature

bull park annual reports or state of the park reports

bull reports to Congress includmg the NPS Annual Report

bull travel authonzatlons and vouchers

bull budget worksheets

bull legal cases

bull vehicle maintenance and use files

bull purchase orders

bull vouchers

bull purchase card logs

bull time and attendance files and

bull Equal Employment Opportumty files

NOTE The National Park Service requests exceptions to some of the General Records Schedules

(GRS) for some of its adnunistrative records covered by this schedule None of the records will be retamed for less than the retention periods estabhshed m the GRS but the NPS schedule provides for umque disposition authontles for records that are otherwise addressed m the GRS

NOTE Records Related to Management and Accountab1hty do not include contracts relating to work that has an impact upon natural and cultural resources These are managed under Item I

Resource Management and Lands

August 31 2009

NPS Records Schedule M-- ement amp Accountab1hty Item 10 Page 2 0

y Retentlon Plant JR DispositionllnsJructiQDS0 Permanent Records Criteria Records that document an act1v1ty which meets one or more of the followmg cnteria are Permanent bull pohcy and procedure development for NPS on

local regional or national levels bull documentation of social issues affectmg NPS

services bull creatmg the annual agency budget

bull strategic plannmg bull annual reportmg bull NPS achievements that contnbute to history of the

agency bull first of land or estabhshes precedents bull subject of widespread media attent10n or

Congressional scrutmy

A Transfer permanent special media and Records Permanent Records that document the A National Park Service Direction and Policy

electromc records along with any findmg direction of NPS mcludmg the creation of pohcy and aids or descnptive mformatlon (mcludmg procedures and that meet the permanent cntena hsted lmkage to the ongmal file) and related above documentation by calendar year to the

National Archives when 3 years old D1g1tal records will be transferred as specified m 36 CFR 1228270 or accordmg to standards apphcable at the time Transfer all other permanent records to NARA 15 years after close

Transfer all other permanent records to offsite storage 5 years after cutoff

Tran sf er all other permanent records to NARA 15 years after cutoff

B Routine Policy Decisions Planning Legal Issues B Transfer records to offs1te storage 5 and Operations Records Temporary Records of years after cutoff routme policy decisions day to day planmng legal issues operations etc that do not meet the criteria for DestroyDelete records 15 years after cutoff permanent records listed above

August 31 2009

--NPS Records Schedule Ma_ Jment amp Accountab1hty Item 10 Page 3

Retentitn Plan -1 l Disfosition InsJructiQJW- C Routine Fiscal Contracting and Purchasing Records Temporary Fiscal and contracting records including travel vouchers purchase orders contracts etc

NOTE Copies of contracts dealing with natural and cultural resources should be filed in Item 1 Resource Management and Lands depending on the nature of the contract

C Tran sf er records to offs1te storage 2 years after cutoff

DestroyDelete records 7 years after cutoff

D Housekeeping and Supporting Records Tern porary All other routine housekeeping and supporting documentat10n not addressed elsewhere in this category

D Transfer records to offs1te storage 1 year after cutoff or retain in office for full retention

DestroyDelete records 3 years after cutoff

August 31 2009

-----+--__________--==-______----------+----------=-----+---_n _n---=---__-------=--



seuroomments0 Item No Descri tion Retention - A Status - 10 A Records thant Permanent -4- - z i -) _ltampdocument the directlont 1-------+-NAn NPS Or anization Code Re ository 0 erational System Owner SuenHawk1nsnofNPS a nd thant meet

g p

The NPS Org a nmzantlon Code Repository p

Deputy CIO Info Systems NISC the perm a nent cnteri

en a bles the agency t o sh anre a nd descnbe (m d ant a n) i t s org a nmzantlon al struc ture NPS org a nmzantlon al d a nt a 1 s a fundanmen t al bmldmg block for vutually all a pphc a t1ons m the NPS The Reposi t ory

Sue Hawkms(anps gov 303-969-2026 System Manager Lance Gndley Chief System Architecture amp Integratton NISC Lance Gndleyalnp go

con t anms d ant a pert anmmg to mdividual 303-969-2376 org a nmzantlon codes throughout the NPS a s well a s d a nt a rel a ntive to the panrk m which the org a nmzantlon code 1 s a ssigned Only the curren t NPS org a nmzantlon d a nt anstructure 1 s t rancked though the future a dd1 t 1on of versioned d ant a set s will ch a nge thi s

NIA NR Public Use Statistics Office Operantion al System Owner Butch Street Reporting System (PUSORS)PUSORS cont a nms mfonnantlon used to com pJie m on thly v1 s1 t a nt1 on st antistic s a t the 267 reportmg um t s of the NPS

Management Analyst Denver Butch Streeta)np gov 303-343-2704 System Manager not known

Eanch panrk h ans i t s own d ant a reqmrement s for d ant a mput there 1 s a n mput form for eanch panrk

The d ant a a re a v a il a nble a nnu ally from 1 904- 1 978 a nd m on thly from 1 979 through the present d a ny The ou tpu t s a re a v ail a ble on the Intranne t si te for panrk use a nd a t WWV n anture nps govs t a nts for pubhc a ccess

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS commen ts

___ ltraquo middotmiddot ss middot

NPS E Systems Crosswalk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Page 2 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi 7 BucketSchedule) E-Svstem1Description Item No Description Retentiongt Acronym System Name amp Desiption I Status

_t middotmiddotmiddot - middot v 7lobull B Roupo1 TemnA -Sorabullvmiddot1s ears s= bull Ygtrbull 1-=ibullvcn -n n=bull41--middot=n middotmiddotn-+---------middotn=LJ_=z middotn -s_n middot __F

middotdec1s1onsYto d any middot----------+--------l----z _ _ raquo bull __ middot middotmiddot _

System Manager Regma Monarty Computer Spec Herndon VA

_AFS3 Administrative Finance System (AFS 3) Operant10nal AFS 3 1s used for fina nci al tr a ckmg budget

pl annmng)eg al issues Regma Monartynps gov

703-487-9326operantionsfo thani]o pl a nning prepanrant10n a nd execution I t

middot11ot rileet theicri teri a ffor en a bles NPS pa rks a nd offices t o meet perm annent records)jf middot


a ccoun t a b1hty reqmrements for a ppropn a nted funds a nd m a mten a nce of cert a m tr a nsanct ion

logs AFS 3 also helps meet requrrement of lmkmg doll a nrs to performna nce g oanls

AFS 3 provides d ant a to the followmg NPS systems BPS PMDS PMIS CAS a nd PRampP Construction Allocation System (CAS)

CAS 1s a cen tralized web-b a sed rel a ntion al d a nt a b a se m a n agement system loc a nted withm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumc ant10ns Center m L a kewood CO The system provides a n a pplicna tion t o document a pproprina tions develop a nd a pprove mternal projec t formul antion processes tr anck alloc ant ions ag anmst a pprov als a nd hnk resul ts with the Federal Fma nci al System (FFS)

The system will initi ally con t anm d a t a for a ny still a c tive Lme I tem projec t some of which h a ve a ppropn a tions d antmg a s far b a nck a s FY 1990 Fu ture enh a ncements will mcorporante sum m a ry mformnantion for all com pleted Lme I tem projects a ppropn a nted b anck to the 1980s

The eanr her version of CAS w ans a dB a se IV b a nsed progranm the consists l a nrgely ofnpostmg a nd t ranckmg numbers with offici al b a nckup

Operant10n al System Owner Marcus Hathaway (bemg D1v1s10n Chief Construction -rewnt ten) DC

Marcus Hatha-aynps go 202-208-5685

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS com ments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 3 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bitr Bucket Schedule) bull E-System Description middot tt I Comments Itemiddotm No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status middot - I

mformation bemg kept offlme Its pnmary function 1s to produce Fundmg Advices that must be pnnted and signed - 1t does not generated electromc versions

PMDS Operational System Owner Joel Lynch Performance Management Data System Depty Strategic Planning Admm OpstWASO

(PDMS)Tins system 1s used to track service wide

Joel LmiddotTichngs gov performance agamst NPS Strategic Plan 202-208-7029 goals PMDS tracks some 67 performance System Mgr - Eileen Peterson measures actual and projected across a Program Analyst wide range ofNPS functions In addition Eileen K Petcronui)ngs gov the system mcludes rough fundmgFTE 605-34 1 -7827 numbers and text based mformat1on such as sections for detailmg work plans and comment fields All data are lmked to a specific park program or office and are mput by the md1v1dual NPS reportmg umts The system contams data 1998 to 20 12 and 1s extended each time DOI updates the departmental strategic plan

PMDS lmks with a number ofNPS systems m the areas of Operat10ns Project Management and Fmance

Operational htt12 12lannmg nps gov NPSPlannmg 1s a website built to provide the general public with mformation about all facets of the NPS plannmg process It also d1rects the public to plannmg documents that are currently under public review on the PEPC (Plannmg Environment and Public Comment) website

The website 1s a source for policy and reference mks that are used m plannmg w1thm the National Park Service

The home page of the website lists all active general management plans special

NPSPlann NPSPlanning

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments


- - gt - ---- - --____ ___ __nmiddotgt lt r

pur_ch_sevochers middot

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n a gement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Pa ge 4 of 1 5

~J Nl-79-08-9 (New B i Bucket Schedrile) E-Syteffi Description I Commentsmiddot tmiddotItem No Descriptionmiddot Retention Acronym System Name amp Description bullt 1t Status

resource studies a nd other NPS pl a ns bemg developed Lmks a t the bot t om of the home pa ge fil ter the h st m term s of the type of pl a n - for ex a m ple Implement a tion Pl a ns Speci al Resource S tudies Commercial Services Pl a ns Development Concept Pl a ns etc Users chck on the n anme of a pl a n a nd a re direc ted to the PEPC website ( see nex t en try)

Operantion al (http parkplanntnl nps go ) 1 s closely a ssocia ted with the NPSP a nnmg website a nd offers a w a y for NPS t o g a ther mput from the public for v a nous pl a ns a nd projec t s bemg developed by the Service Users c a n sea rch the site by region st a te or p a nrk n a nme a nd a ccess a h st of projec t s m a ny ofwh1ch a re open for pubhc comment Releva n t documen t s a re h sted a nd downloa d a ble a s pdf files Add1 t1on al lmks provide a ccess to meetmg notices a nd other mform a tl on The PEPC home p ange al so provides a specific lmk t o projec t s open for comment Users offer com men t s by fillmg ou t fields m a comment form a nd en termg rem a rks a s free tex t mto a text box

PEPC The PEPC website


frac34 __ __ +-Bt

TemPorryt7tyearslt0CiFsc a a nd bullnh contra c tmg ecords -lt 1------------__B--1nclilgirig1traVel

ngt amp--02 --_l__vd nt -__-----tigatt g----+-N-_ear_____1--S

middot --_ckgt --nntT _rt_acI ioroun_ emnOwn

_erat Heather M111e

_est sty_ki r

This system m a m t a msemployee b a ckground Implemen t a tion Personal Security amp Smtab1hty mvestlg a tl on mformn

Specantlon thant 1 s a djudic a ted Heather M1llerCCbnp gov by the W anshmgton office The d a nt a b a nse 202-5n1 3-7099

-orclers contranc t s etc Al9 support s the NPS Hum a nn Resources a nd L anw bull rutine personnel

records such a sTune bulln Enforcemen t progr a m s a s well a s p a nrtner a nd Atteiiiicemiddot a nd contranc tors progr a m s middotSupervisor s recordsn bull The d a t a b a nse m a m t a m s employee d ant a a dn-rel a nted personriel -

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 5 of 15

frac34JlNl 79-08-9 (New Bi Bicket schedule) ESystem Description ii Comments Item No l)escription Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status I

Neanr System Owner Heather Miller

traniqi a n simil anr records sucp a s EEO BI (na me a nd SSN) a nd b a ckground

I m plement antion Personal Secunty amp Smtab1hty Spec

mvest1g a nt1on d ant a (BI type BI closmg d ante records lt bull a djudic antion d ante a nd BI st antu s) D ant a 1 s

Heather M1llcrnps gov ob t a med from the Office of Personnel 202-5 1 3-7099 M a nn agement B a nckground Investig a ntion C a nse

Closmg Trannsmi tt al a nd c a nse panpers The NPS BI D a t a b a nse mks to d a nt a pulled

from the Federal Panyroll a nd Personnel System (FPPS) It does not support a nother system

HPLP Human Resources Line of Business [from Operantion al Cont a c t Alex Young CPIC System s Inventory] 303-969-2771

DJTector Denver Admm Program Center Alex Youngnps gov

Operantion al Cont a c t 1 s D anvid Krewson NIA International Affairs Foreign Travel 202-354-1800

This system cont a m s d a nt a on mtem antion al Database Systems

lntemattonal Cooperat10n Speciahst Dav1d_Krewsonnps gov

t ra vel by NPS st a ff NPS st a ff must receive pnor a pproval by the DJTec tor a nd the Assi st a nnt Secret a nry for Fish Wildlife a nd Panrks for mtem a t1on al tr a vel

The system also cont a ms d ant a on Intem ant1on al Volunteers a nd F oreign Deleg a tions or groups requestmg support from Office of Intern a ntion al Affanirs

D a t a a re mput from st a nd a rd form s subrrut ted by prospec tive NPS t ra velers Outpu ts a re yeanr-end reports on the number ofNPS st a fftra velmg overseans m a given fisc al yea r the cost t o the government a nd the reansons for the t ra velmg

Inanctive System Owner Patti D1enna

The NER Account a bility System (NERACT) ACT Northeast Region Accountability System

Ch1eflnfo Officer NER PA Patt1-D1ennanps gov m a nmt anms a system of control s considered 2 1 5-597-48 1 8

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments


NPS E System s Crosswanlk M a n agement amp Accoun t a b1hty (I tem I 0) Page 6 of 1 5

--=v Nh79089(New Bi Bucket Schedule) - bulltE-SystemlDescription I ltomments Item No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description lt I Status I ft - Oi

useful stna nd anrds or best pranc tices b a nsed on public l anws a nd D1rec tors Orders thant under he eanch of the progranm s a nd panrk a c t1v1tles m the Northeanst Region The system 1 s pnm a nnly a self-evaluantion tool used by panrk supermtendent s t o a ssess performannce factors m such a reans a s Panrk Leandership amp M a nn agement F a ncility amp L anndsc anpe Plna nnmg Rehanbilitnantion a nd Development Comnmercianl Services M a nn agement etc

The system 1 s not mnuse m FY2009 a nd 1 s currently bemg considered for updantmg or redesign

OFS Operations Formulation System Operantion al The Operantions Formul antion System System Owner David Hamngton

(OFS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de web-b a sed system designed to fac1h t a nte the work ofNPS to

identify operantmg funds needed t o pursue i t s m1 ss1on OFS cont a ms all unfunded budget a ry reqmrement s of the Service for

Supervisory Budget Analyst WA DC Daval Hamngton(wn11 gov 202-208-4043 System Manager Jennifer Champagne

ongomg or operantion al needs for the next five Admm Officer Rock Creek Park Fiscnal Yeanrs (FY) The system cont anms Jenmfer Cham11abllen11s gov lustoncal mformnant10n on funded request s 202-208-7374 from FY 1994 a nd h1stoncal d a nt a on panrk operantmg budgetns a c reage v1 s1 t a nt10n a nd FTE OFS wans ongmally a DOS b a nsed system The plna tform w ans migranted t o a web-b a sed one m the mid 1 990 s The Operantions Formul a ntion System (OFS)

1 s a centralized web b a nsed rel antion al d a nt a nb a nse m a nn agemen t system loc anted w1 thm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumcantlons Center (ITC) m Wanshmgton DC

PTATS Park Transportation Allocation and Tracking SystemPT A TS 1s a web b a nsed a oohc ant1on t o t ranck

Operantion al System Owner Mark Hatsoe Supervisory Civil Engr Mark Ha11socn11s gov

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NFS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 7 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bir Bucket Schedule) Item No Description -Retention Acronym



- frac34 E-System Description I Comments Systefu Name amp Description I Status

System Manager Dawn Foy cost data for the Park Roads and Parkways IT Specialist NISC Dawn Foy(a)np gov

Program The application meets NPS and Federal Lands Highway (FHW A) project

505-988-67 1 1 trackmg reqmrements and 1s accessible to a wide range of NFS and FHW A users mcludmg staff amp managers m field d1v1s10nreg1on and headquarter offices

PT ATS contams data pertammg to NFS Park Roads and Parkway projects mcludmg project control numbers account numbers and NFS umt identifiers as well as project descnpt1ons It also has an electroruc library for the stormg of project agreements vegetation plans and other project related documents

PT ATS 1s lmked with data from NFS Project Management Informat ion System (PMIS) and Adnumstrahve Fmance System (AFS)Park$ Budget Reporting System Operational System Owner Joe Escoto

The system communicates simple budget Superintendent Padre Isl NS

reportmg to the parks and to provide parks Joe Escotonps gov

with a snapshot of their budget status Authonzed amounts for offices and

programs are manually mput mto the system Amounts are entered throughout the fiscal

361-949-8 173 ext 222 System Manager Rob Rivera Rod R1veranps gov 303 969-253 1

year The system receives data mput and budget

upload from multiple sources mcludmgPMIS and AFS 3 Personnel Reporting and Training Operational Contact Alex Young (see Systems [(Mmor HR Applicat ions) from above)CPIC Systems Inventory 303-969-2771

September 2 2009 blue textt= NFS comments

NPS E System s Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 8 of 15

middotNl-79-08-91(New-Bi 1 Bucket Schedule) bulltE-System Descriptian t I -t I Comments Item No Description Retention 0 bull ltG cronym System Name amp Description I Status J

PMIS Operational System Owner David Hamngton The Project Management Informa tion

Project Management Information System (see above)

System Manager Ellen Bullock System (PMIS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de mtranet Management Analyst DC application w1thm the National Park Service Ellen Bullockmg gov (NPS) which 1 s used to manage mformatlon 202-208-42 1 0 about request s for project fundmg I t enables

parks and NPS offices t o submit project proposal s to be reviewed approved and prioritized at park umt s regional directorate s and the Washmgton Office (WASO) I t was developed m response to a request from the National Leadership Council (NLC) to create a common system for backlogged projec t s

PMIS 1 s a centrahzed web based relational database management system (RDBMS) which 1 s located w1 thm the Informa tion and Telecommumcat1ons Center (ITC) m Washington DC

Operational System Owner - Sue Hawkms Re portmg system for various workforce

NIA Workforce Diversity Reporting System but slated for System Manager - Lance

diversi ty categories The data stored m thi s re tiremen t Gridley (see above) application consi st s of selected aggregated data fields defined by NPS EEO office pulled from the FPPS (Federal Personnel Payroll System US DOI) on a quarterly basi s ( smce the 3rd quarter of 1999) The data are presented by the application m a stati stical I

graphical manner t o show dem ographic t rends m the Service

September 2 2009 blue textn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw a lk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bili ty (I tem 10) P age 9 of 15

NI-79-08-9 ew Bi Bucket Schedule Comments Acron m

fo D All othd shyroutme housekeepmg nlti stipportmg_ documen t a ntJonnot anaressedsi7ren4_

Temporary 3 years BIMS Barcode Inventory Management System

Depanrtment of the Intenor Property M a n agement D1rec tJves a nd the NPS Person anl Property M a nn agement H a nndbook No 44 reqmre tha t pa rksoffices conduct a 100 percent physic a l mventory ea ch physic a l yea r B a rcode scna nners a re used by Custodi anl Property Officers throughout the NPS when conduc tmg the1r a nnuanl person anl property mventones The BIMS utilizes a centranlized file server

t o hold d a t a from the Fixed Assets Sub system a progranm on the Property M a n ager s PC t o produce mventory reports a nd a h a ndheld b a nrcode sc a nner t o sc a n a sset b a nrcodes The system works through the tr a n sfer of mformnantJon between these three comnponent s

BIMS mformnantJon conten t s a re person anl property mventones for v a nnous offices

Thi s system mtera c t s with the Federa l Fmannc1 a nl System (FFS) a nd the FIXed Asset Module of FFS These system s a re Depa rtment a l not specific t o NPS

Neanr System Owner - Emestme Implemen t antion Armnstrong

Property M a nn agement Progranm M a nn ager Ernestine Armstrongnps gov 202 354- 1 958

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I 0) Page 1 0 of 1 5

E-System Description I Comments0

bullSystem Name amp Description I Status I

-Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) Tu f

Retention Acronymtitem No Description CSWm



Capability Statement Control System Mamtamed NPS capab1hty statements -that 1s statements of the Services official op1mon on budgetary and financial matters provided to Congressional subcomnuttees The statements assess the impact to the President s budget request of proposed changes origmatmg from mterest groups or elected representatives CSWm was launched m 1 990 and contamed data through 2003

Inactive System Owner David Hamngton (see above) System Manager Katherine Hopper (no email address) 202-208-4043

Questions and Answers Briefing Effects Operat ional System Owner David Capability Statements Tracking System Hamngton (see above) QABECS replaces the former Capab1hty Statement Control System (CSWm)

QABECS 1s a Serv1cew1de Internet application w1thm the Nat ional Park Service (NPS) which 1s used to manage and track questions and answers capab1hty briefing and effect statements The system 1s used by parks regions W ASO program offices the office of Legislative and Congressional Affa1rs and the Office of the Comptroller

Contracting Officers Warrant Database List ofNPS contractmg officers mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than a database The spreadsheet enables the Bureau Procurement Ch1efto track ehg1b1hty of md1v1duals for Contractmg Officer assignments based on the trammg educat10n and experience of the candidate and the acqms1tlon needs of the1r orgamzat10n Information 1s mamtamed as current on the database names of md1v1duals who no longer have CO authonty are moved to a separate hst

blue textt= NPS comments

Operat ional System Owner - He1d1 Ernst Contract Specialist - Contracts and Property Team Hc1d1 Emst(nps gov 303-987-67 14 System Manager Kate Wmkler 303-987-6787 (no email address)

September 2 2009


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy



t----------------------------+---------1 FROM (Agency or establishment)

Department of Interior



National Park Service t----------------------------3 MINOR SUBDIVISION


Michael Grimes



In accordance with the prov1s1ons of 44 U S C the d1spos1t1on request mcluding

amendments 1s approved except for items that may be marked d1spos1t1on not approved or withdrawn in column 10

6 AGENCY CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that I am authorized to act for this agency in matters pertain mg to the d1spos1tton of its records and that the records proposed for disposal on the attached J pages are not now needed for the business of this agency or will not be needed after the retention penods specified and that wntten concurrence from the General Accounting Office under the prov1s1ons of Title 8 of the GAO manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies

[] 1s not requtred [ ] 1s attached or [ ] has been requested


4-J1- oe


7 Item




10 Management and Accountability Records

Records documenting those tasks involved with the planning organizing staffing directing mtemalextemal reporting and controlling ofNPS activities that occur routinely across the NPS

See attached schedule




NCl-79-77-1 Nl-79- 6-1 Nl-79-96-1 N 1-79-97-1 and all other preceding schedules GRS 1-13 16 18 21 3 25 26 a

=gtPet-lu idegV1 cMecl Orolt

STANDARD FORM SF 15 (REV 3-91) Prescribed by NAR 36 CFR 1228


National Park Service (NPS) Management and Accountability (Item 10)

Records Schedule

This schedule covers all records regardless of media (media neutral)

Management and Accountability (Item 10)

Description Function Tasks involved with the plannmg organizmg staffing directmg mtemalextemal reportmg and controllmg ofNPS actJv1ties that occur routmely across the NPS

Activities Related to Management and Accountability include estabhshmg agency-wide pohcy and procedures creating and admmistenng budgets finance legal affairs aviation and motor vehicles human resources and other activ1t1es

Records Related to Management and Accountability mclude but are not muted to

bull trammg matenals

bull policy and procedure documents

bull Directors Orders

bull employee health folders

bull personnel records

bull environmental issues

bull contracts

bull reports to supervisors and those of a smular nature

bull park annual reports or state of the park reports

bull reports to Congress includmg the NPS Annual Report

bull travel authonzatlons and vouchers

bull budget worksheets

bull legal cases

bull vehicle maintenance and use files

bull purchase orders

bull vouchers

bull purchase card logs

bull time and attendance files and

bull Equal Employment Opportumty files

NOTE The National Park Service requests exceptions to some of the General Records Schedules

(GRS) for some of its adnunistrative records covered by this schedule None of the records will be retamed for less than the retention periods estabhshed m the GRS but the NPS schedule provides for umque disposition authontles for records that are otherwise addressed m the GRS

NOTE Records Related to Management and Accountab1hty do not include contracts relating to work that has an impact upon natural and cultural resources These are managed under Item I

Resource Management and Lands

August 31 2009

NPS Records Schedule M-- ement amp Accountab1hty Item 10 Page 2 0

y Retentlon Plant JR DispositionllnsJructiQDS0 Permanent Records Criteria Records that document an act1v1ty which meets one or more of the followmg cnteria are Permanent bull pohcy and procedure development for NPS on

local regional or national levels bull documentation of social issues affectmg NPS

services bull creatmg the annual agency budget

bull strategic plannmg bull annual reportmg bull NPS achievements that contnbute to history of the

agency bull first of land or estabhshes precedents bull subject of widespread media attent10n or

Congressional scrutmy

A Transfer permanent special media and Records Permanent Records that document the A National Park Service Direction and Policy

electromc records along with any findmg direction of NPS mcludmg the creation of pohcy and aids or descnptive mformatlon (mcludmg procedures and that meet the permanent cntena hsted lmkage to the ongmal file) and related above documentation by calendar year to the

National Archives when 3 years old D1g1tal records will be transferred as specified m 36 CFR 1228270 or accordmg to standards apphcable at the time Transfer all other permanent records to NARA 15 years after close

Transfer all other permanent records to offsite storage 5 years after cutoff

Tran sf er all other permanent records to NARA 15 years after cutoff

B Routine Policy Decisions Planning Legal Issues B Transfer records to offs1te storage 5 and Operations Records Temporary Records of years after cutoff routme policy decisions day to day planmng legal issues operations etc that do not meet the criteria for DestroyDelete records 15 years after cutoff permanent records listed above

August 31 2009

--NPS Records Schedule Ma_ Jment amp Accountab1hty Item 10 Page 3

Retentitn Plan -1 l Disfosition InsJructiQJW- C Routine Fiscal Contracting and Purchasing Records Temporary Fiscal and contracting records including travel vouchers purchase orders contracts etc

NOTE Copies of contracts dealing with natural and cultural resources should be filed in Item 1 Resource Management and Lands depending on the nature of the contract

C Tran sf er records to offs1te storage 2 years after cutoff

DestroyDelete records 7 years after cutoff

D Housekeeping and Supporting Records Tern porary All other routine housekeeping and supporting documentat10n not addressed elsewhere in this category

D Transfer records to offs1te storage 1 year after cutoff or retain in office for full retention

DestroyDelete records 3 years after cutoff

August 31 2009

-----+--__________--==-______----------+----------=-----+---_n _n---=---__-------=--



seuroomments0 Item No Descri tion Retention - A Status - 10 A Records thant Permanent -4- - z i -) _ltampdocument the directlont 1-------+-NAn NPS Or anization Code Re ository 0 erational System Owner SuenHawk1nsnofNPS a nd thant meet

g p

The NPS Org a nmzantlon Code Repository p

Deputy CIO Info Systems NISC the perm a nent cnteri

en a bles the agency t o sh anre a nd descnbe (m d ant a n) i t s org a nmzantlon al struc ture NPS org a nmzantlon al d a nt a 1 s a fundanmen t al bmldmg block for vutually all a pphc a t1ons m the NPS The Reposi t ory

Sue Hawkms(anps gov 303-969-2026 System Manager Lance Gndley Chief System Architecture amp Integratton NISC Lance Gndleyalnp go

con t anms d ant a pert anmmg to mdividual 303-969-2376 org a nmzantlon codes throughout the NPS a s well a s d a nt a rel a ntive to the panrk m which the org a nmzantlon code 1 s a ssigned Only the curren t NPS org a nmzantlon d a nt anstructure 1 s t rancked though the future a dd1 t 1on of versioned d ant a set s will ch a nge thi s

NIA NR Public Use Statistics Office Operantion al System Owner Butch Street Reporting System (PUSORS)PUSORS cont a nms mfonnantlon used to com pJie m on thly v1 s1 t a nt1 on st antistic s a t the 267 reportmg um t s of the NPS

Management Analyst Denver Butch Streeta)np gov 303-343-2704 System Manager not known

Eanch panrk h ans i t s own d ant a reqmrement s for d ant a mput there 1 s a n mput form for eanch panrk

The d ant a a re a v a il a nble a nnu ally from 1 904- 1 978 a nd m on thly from 1 979 through the present d a ny The ou tpu t s a re a v ail a ble on the Intranne t si te for panrk use a nd a t WWV n anture nps govs t a nts for pubhc a ccess

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS commen ts

___ ltraquo middotmiddot ss middot

NPS E Systems Crosswalk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Page 2 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi 7 BucketSchedule) E-Svstem1Description Item No Description Retentiongt Acronym System Name amp Desiption I Status

_t middotmiddotmiddot - middot v 7lobull B Roupo1 TemnA -Sorabullvmiddot1s ears s= bull Ygtrbull 1-=ibullvcn -n n=bull41--middot=n middotmiddotn-+---------middotn=LJ_=z middotn -s_n middot __F

middotdec1s1onsYto d any middot----------+--------l----z _ _ raquo bull __ middot middotmiddot _

System Manager Regma Monarty Computer Spec Herndon VA

_AFS3 Administrative Finance System (AFS 3) Operant10nal AFS 3 1s used for fina nci al tr a ckmg budget

pl annmng)eg al issues Regma Monartynps gov

703-487-9326operantionsfo thani]o pl a nning prepanrant10n a nd execution I t

middot11ot rileet theicri teri a ffor en a bles NPS pa rks a nd offices t o meet perm annent records)jf middot


a ccoun t a b1hty reqmrements for a ppropn a nted funds a nd m a mten a nce of cert a m tr a nsanct ion

logs AFS 3 also helps meet requrrement of lmkmg doll a nrs to performna nce g oanls

AFS 3 provides d ant a to the followmg NPS systems BPS PMDS PMIS CAS a nd PRampP Construction Allocation System (CAS)

CAS 1s a cen tralized web-b a sed rel a ntion al d a nt a b a se m a n agement system loc a nted withm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumc ant10ns Center m L a kewood CO The system provides a n a pplicna tion t o document a pproprina tions develop a nd a pprove mternal projec t formul antion processes tr anck alloc ant ions ag anmst a pprov als a nd hnk resul ts with the Federal Fma nci al System (FFS)

The system will initi ally con t anm d a t a for a ny still a c tive Lme I tem projec t some of which h a ve a ppropn a tions d antmg a s far b a nck a s FY 1990 Fu ture enh a ncements will mcorporante sum m a ry mformnantion for all com pleted Lme I tem projects a ppropn a nted b anck to the 1980s

The eanr her version of CAS w ans a dB a se IV b a nsed progranm the consists l a nrgely ofnpostmg a nd t ranckmg numbers with offici al b a nckup

Operant10n al System Owner Marcus Hathaway (bemg D1v1s10n Chief Construction -rewnt ten) DC

Marcus Hatha-aynps go 202-208-5685

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS com ments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 3 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bitr Bucket Schedule) bull E-System Description middot tt I Comments Itemiddotm No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status middot - I

mformation bemg kept offlme Its pnmary function 1s to produce Fundmg Advices that must be pnnted and signed - 1t does not generated electromc versions

PMDS Operational System Owner Joel Lynch Performance Management Data System Depty Strategic Planning Admm OpstWASO

(PDMS)Tins system 1s used to track service wide

Joel LmiddotTichngs gov performance agamst NPS Strategic Plan 202-208-7029 goals PMDS tracks some 67 performance System Mgr - Eileen Peterson measures actual and projected across a Program Analyst wide range ofNPS functions In addition Eileen K Petcronui)ngs gov the system mcludes rough fundmgFTE 605-34 1 -7827 numbers and text based mformat1on such as sections for detailmg work plans and comment fields All data are lmked to a specific park program or office and are mput by the md1v1dual NPS reportmg umts The system contams data 1998 to 20 12 and 1s extended each time DOI updates the departmental strategic plan

PMDS lmks with a number ofNPS systems m the areas of Operat10ns Project Management and Fmance

Operational htt12 12lannmg nps gov NPSPlannmg 1s a website built to provide the general public with mformation about all facets of the NPS plannmg process It also d1rects the public to plannmg documents that are currently under public review on the PEPC (Plannmg Environment and Public Comment) website

The website 1s a source for policy and reference mks that are used m plannmg w1thm the National Park Service

The home page of the website lists all active general management plans special

NPSPlann NPSPlanning

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments


- - gt - ---- - --____ ___ __nmiddotgt lt r

pur_ch_sevochers middot

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n a gement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Pa ge 4 of 1 5

~J Nl-79-08-9 (New B i Bucket Schedrile) E-Syteffi Description I Commentsmiddot tmiddotItem No Descriptionmiddot Retention Acronym System Name amp Description bullt 1t Status

resource studies a nd other NPS pl a ns bemg developed Lmks a t the bot t om of the home pa ge fil ter the h st m term s of the type of pl a n - for ex a m ple Implement a tion Pl a ns Speci al Resource S tudies Commercial Services Pl a ns Development Concept Pl a ns etc Users chck on the n anme of a pl a n a nd a re direc ted to the PEPC website ( see nex t en try)

Operantion al (http parkplanntnl nps go ) 1 s closely a ssocia ted with the NPSP a nnmg website a nd offers a w a y for NPS t o g a ther mput from the public for v a nous pl a ns a nd projec t s bemg developed by the Service Users c a n sea rch the site by region st a te or p a nrk n a nme a nd a ccess a h st of projec t s m a ny ofwh1ch a re open for pubhc comment Releva n t documen t s a re h sted a nd downloa d a ble a s pdf files Add1 t1on al lmks provide a ccess to meetmg notices a nd other mform a tl on The PEPC home p ange al so provides a specific lmk t o projec t s open for comment Users offer com men t s by fillmg ou t fields m a comment form a nd en termg rem a rks a s free tex t mto a text box

PEPC The PEPC website


frac34 __ __ +-Bt

TemPorryt7tyearslt0CiFsc a a nd bullnh contra c tmg ecords -lt 1------------__B--1nclilgirig1traVel

ngt amp--02 --_l__vd nt -__-----tigatt g----+-N-_ear_____1--S

middot --_ckgt --nntT _rt_acI ioroun_ emnOwn

_erat Heather M111e

_est sty_ki r

This system m a m t a msemployee b a ckground Implemen t a tion Personal Security amp Smtab1hty mvestlg a tl on mformn

Specantlon thant 1 s a djudic a ted Heather M1llerCCbnp gov by the W anshmgton office The d a nt a b a nse 202-5n1 3-7099

-orclers contranc t s etc Al9 support s the NPS Hum a nn Resources a nd L anw bull rutine personnel

records such a sTune bulln Enforcemen t progr a m s a s well a s p a nrtner a nd Atteiiiicemiddot a nd contranc tors progr a m s middotSupervisor s recordsn bull The d a t a b a nse m a m t a m s employee d ant a a dn-rel a nted personriel -

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 5 of 15

frac34JlNl 79-08-9 (New Bi Bicket schedule) ESystem Description ii Comments Item No l)escription Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status I

Neanr System Owner Heather Miller

traniqi a n simil anr records sucp a s EEO BI (na me a nd SSN) a nd b a ckground

I m plement antion Personal Secunty amp Smtab1hty Spec

mvest1g a nt1on d ant a (BI type BI closmg d ante records lt bull a djudic antion d ante a nd BI st antu s) D ant a 1 s

Heather M1llcrnps gov ob t a med from the Office of Personnel 202-5 1 3-7099 M a nn agement B a nckground Investig a ntion C a nse

Closmg Trannsmi tt al a nd c a nse panpers The NPS BI D a t a b a nse mks to d a nt a pulled

from the Federal Panyroll a nd Personnel System (FPPS) It does not support a nother system

HPLP Human Resources Line of Business [from Operantion al Cont a c t Alex Young CPIC System s Inventory] 303-969-2771

DJTector Denver Admm Program Center Alex Youngnps gov

Operantion al Cont a c t 1 s D anvid Krewson NIA International Affairs Foreign Travel 202-354-1800

This system cont a m s d a nt a on mtem antion al Database Systems

lntemattonal Cooperat10n Speciahst Dav1d_Krewsonnps gov

t ra vel by NPS st a ff NPS st a ff must receive pnor a pproval by the DJTec tor a nd the Assi st a nnt Secret a nry for Fish Wildlife a nd Panrks for mtem a t1on al tr a vel

The system also cont a ms d ant a on Intem ant1on al Volunteers a nd F oreign Deleg a tions or groups requestmg support from Office of Intern a ntion al Affanirs

D a t a a re mput from st a nd a rd form s subrrut ted by prospec tive NPS t ra velers Outpu ts a re yeanr-end reports on the number ofNPS st a fftra velmg overseans m a given fisc al yea r the cost t o the government a nd the reansons for the t ra velmg

Inanctive System Owner Patti D1enna

The NER Account a bility System (NERACT) ACT Northeast Region Accountability System

Ch1eflnfo Officer NER PA Patt1-D1ennanps gov m a nmt anms a system of control s considered 2 1 5-597-48 1 8

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments


NPS E System s Crosswanlk M a n agement amp Accoun t a b1hty (I tem I 0) Page 6 of 1 5

--=v Nh79089(New Bi Bucket Schedule) - bulltE-SystemlDescription I ltomments Item No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description lt I Status I ft - Oi

useful stna nd anrds or best pranc tices b a nsed on public l anws a nd D1rec tors Orders thant under he eanch of the progranm s a nd panrk a c t1v1tles m the Northeanst Region The system 1 s pnm a nnly a self-evaluantion tool used by panrk supermtendent s t o a ssess performannce factors m such a reans a s Panrk Leandership amp M a nn agement F a ncility amp L anndsc anpe Plna nnmg Rehanbilitnantion a nd Development Comnmercianl Services M a nn agement etc

The system 1 s not mnuse m FY2009 a nd 1 s currently bemg considered for updantmg or redesign

OFS Operations Formulation System Operantion al The Operantions Formul antion System System Owner David Hamngton

(OFS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de web-b a sed system designed to fac1h t a nte the work ofNPS to

identify operantmg funds needed t o pursue i t s m1 ss1on OFS cont a ms all unfunded budget a ry reqmrement s of the Service for

Supervisory Budget Analyst WA DC Daval Hamngton(wn11 gov 202-208-4043 System Manager Jennifer Champagne

ongomg or operantion al needs for the next five Admm Officer Rock Creek Park Fiscnal Yeanrs (FY) The system cont anms Jenmfer Cham11abllen11s gov lustoncal mformnant10n on funded request s 202-208-7374 from FY 1994 a nd h1stoncal d a nt a on panrk operantmg budgetns a c reage v1 s1 t a nt10n a nd FTE OFS wans ongmally a DOS b a nsed system The plna tform w ans migranted t o a web-b a sed one m the mid 1 990 s The Operantions Formul a ntion System (OFS)

1 s a centralized web b a nsed rel antion al d a nt a nb a nse m a nn agemen t system loc anted w1 thm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumcantlons Center (ITC) m Wanshmgton DC

PTATS Park Transportation Allocation and Tracking SystemPT A TS 1s a web b a nsed a oohc ant1on t o t ranck

Operantion al System Owner Mark Hatsoe Supervisory Civil Engr Mark Ha11socn11s gov

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NFS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 7 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bir Bucket Schedule) Item No Description -Retention Acronym



- frac34 E-System Description I Comments Systefu Name amp Description I Status

System Manager Dawn Foy cost data for the Park Roads and Parkways IT Specialist NISC Dawn Foy(a)np gov

Program The application meets NPS and Federal Lands Highway (FHW A) project

505-988-67 1 1 trackmg reqmrements and 1s accessible to a wide range of NFS and FHW A users mcludmg staff amp managers m field d1v1s10nreg1on and headquarter offices

PT ATS contams data pertammg to NFS Park Roads and Parkway projects mcludmg project control numbers account numbers and NFS umt identifiers as well as project descnpt1ons It also has an electroruc library for the stormg of project agreements vegetation plans and other project related documents

PT ATS 1s lmked with data from NFS Project Management Informat ion System (PMIS) and Adnumstrahve Fmance System (AFS)Park$ Budget Reporting System Operational System Owner Joe Escoto

The system communicates simple budget Superintendent Padre Isl NS

reportmg to the parks and to provide parks Joe Escotonps gov

with a snapshot of their budget status Authonzed amounts for offices and

programs are manually mput mto the system Amounts are entered throughout the fiscal

361-949-8 173 ext 222 System Manager Rob Rivera Rod R1veranps gov 303 969-253 1

year The system receives data mput and budget

upload from multiple sources mcludmgPMIS and AFS 3 Personnel Reporting and Training Operational Contact Alex Young (see Systems [(Mmor HR Applicat ions) from above)CPIC Systems Inventory 303-969-2771

September 2 2009 blue textt= NFS comments

NPS E System s Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 8 of 15

middotNl-79-08-91(New-Bi 1 Bucket Schedule) bulltE-System Descriptian t I -t I Comments Item No Description Retention 0 bull ltG cronym System Name amp Description I Status J

PMIS Operational System Owner David Hamngton The Project Management Informa tion

Project Management Information System (see above)

System Manager Ellen Bullock System (PMIS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de mtranet Management Analyst DC application w1thm the National Park Service Ellen Bullockmg gov (NPS) which 1 s used to manage mformatlon 202-208-42 1 0 about request s for project fundmg I t enables

parks and NPS offices t o submit project proposal s to be reviewed approved and prioritized at park umt s regional directorate s and the Washmgton Office (WASO) I t was developed m response to a request from the National Leadership Council (NLC) to create a common system for backlogged projec t s

PMIS 1 s a centrahzed web based relational database management system (RDBMS) which 1 s located w1 thm the Informa tion and Telecommumcat1ons Center (ITC) m Washington DC

Operational System Owner - Sue Hawkms Re portmg system for various workforce

NIA Workforce Diversity Reporting System but slated for System Manager - Lance

diversi ty categories The data stored m thi s re tiremen t Gridley (see above) application consi st s of selected aggregated data fields defined by NPS EEO office pulled from the FPPS (Federal Personnel Payroll System US DOI) on a quarterly basi s ( smce the 3rd quarter of 1999) The data are presented by the application m a stati stical I

graphical manner t o show dem ographic t rends m the Service

September 2 2009 blue textn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw a lk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bili ty (I tem 10) P age 9 of 15

NI-79-08-9 ew Bi Bucket Schedule Comments Acron m

fo D All othd shyroutme housekeepmg nlti stipportmg_ documen t a ntJonnot anaressedsi7ren4_

Temporary 3 years BIMS Barcode Inventory Management System

Depanrtment of the Intenor Property M a n agement D1rec tJves a nd the NPS Person anl Property M a nn agement H a nndbook No 44 reqmre tha t pa rksoffices conduct a 100 percent physic a l mventory ea ch physic a l yea r B a rcode scna nners a re used by Custodi anl Property Officers throughout the NPS when conduc tmg the1r a nnuanl person anl property mventones The BIMS utilizes a centranlized file server

t o hold d a t a from the Fixed Assets Sub system a progranm on the Property M a n ager s PC t o produce mventory reports a nd a h a ndheld b a nrcode sc a nner t o sc a n a sset b a nrcodes The system works through the tr a n sfer of mformnantJon between these three comnponent s

BIMS mformnantJon conten t s a re person anl property mventones for v a nnous offices

Thi s system mtera c t s with the Federa l Fmannc1 a nl System (FFS) a nd the FIXed Asset Module of FFS These system s a re Depa rtment a l not specific t o NPS

Neanr System Owner - Emestme Implemen t antion Armnstrong

Property M a nn agement Progranm M a nn ager Ernestine Armstrongnps gov 202 354- 1 958

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I 0) Page 1 0 of 1 5

E-System Description I Comments0

bullSystem Name amp Description I Status I

-Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) Tu f

Retention Acronymtitem No Description CSWm



Capability Statement Control System Mamtamed NPS capab1hty statements -that 1s statements of the Services official op1mon on budgetary and financial matters provided to Congressional subcomnuttees The statements assess the impact to the President s budget request of proposed changes origmatmg from mterest groups or elected representatives CSWm was launched m 1 990 and contamed data through 2003

Inactive System Owner David Hamngton (see above) System Manager Katherine Hopper (no email address) 202-208-4043

Questions and Answers Briefing Effects Operat ional System Owner David Capability Statements Tracking System Hamngton (see above) QABECS replaces the former Capab1hty Statement Control System (CSWm)

QABECS 1s a Serv1cew1de Internet application w1thm the Nat ional Park Service (NPS) which 1s used to manage and track questions and answers capab1hty briefing and effect statements The system 1s used by parks regions W ASO program offices the office of Legislative and Congressional Affa1rs and the Office of the Comptroller

Contracting Officers Warrant Database List ofNPS contractmg officers mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than a database The spreadsheet enables the Bureau Procurement Ch1efto track ehg1b1hty of md1v1duals for Contractmg Officer assignments based on the trammg educat10n and experience of the candidate and the acqms1tlon needs of the1r orgamzat10n Information 1s mamtamed as current on the database names of md1v1duals who no longer have CO authonty are moved to a separate hst

blue textt= NPS comments

Operat ional System Owner - He1d1 Ernst Contract Specialist - Contracts and Property Team Hc1d1 Emst(nps gov 303-987-67 14 System Manager Kate Wmkler 303-987-6787 (no email address)

September 2 2009


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

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NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy


National Park Service (NPS) Management and Accountability (Item 10)

Records Schedule

This schedule covers all records regardless of media (media neutral)

Management and Accountability (Item 10)

Description Function Tasks involved with the plannmg organizmg staffing directmg mtemalextemal reportmg and controllmg ofNPS actJv1ties that occur routmely across the NPS

Activities Related to Management and Accountability include estabhshmg agency-wide pohcy and procedures creating and admmistenng budgets finance legal affairs aviation and motor vehicles human resources and other activ1t1es

Records Related to Management and Accountability mclude but are not muted to

bull trammg matenals

bull policy and procedure documents

bull Directors Orders

bull employee health folders

bull personnel records

bull environmental issues

bull contracts

bull reports to supervisors and those of a smular nature

bull park annual reports or state of the park reports

bull reports to Congress includmg the NPS Annual Report

bull travel authonzatlons and vouchers

bull budget worksheets

bull legal cases

bull vehicle maintenance and use files

bull purchase orders

bull vouchers

bull purchase card logs

bull time and attendance files and

bull Equal Employment Opportumty files

NOTE The National Park Service requests exceptions to some of the General Records Schedules

(GRS) for some of its adnunistrative records covered by this schedule None of the records will be retamed for less than the retention periods estabhshed m the GRS but the NPS schedule provides for umque disposition authontles for records that are otherwise addressed m the GRS

NOTE Records Related to Management and Accountab1hty do not include contracts relating to work that has an impact upon natural and cultural resources These are managed under Item I

Resource Management and Lands

August 31 2009

NPS Records Schedule M-- ement amp Accountab1hty Item 10 Page 2 0

y Retentlon Plant JR DispositionllnsJructiQDS0 Permanent Records Criteria Records that document an act1v1ty which meets one or more of the followmg cnteria are Permanent bull pohcy and procedure development for NPS on

local regional or national levels bull documentation of social issues affectmg NPS

services bull creatmg the annual agency budget

bull strategic plannmg bull annual reportmg bull NPS achievements that contnbute to history of the

agency bull first of land or estabhshes precedents bull subject of widespread media attent10n or

Congressional scrutmy

A Transfer permanent special media and Records Permanent Records that document the A National Park Service Direction and Policy

electromc records along with any findmg direction of NPS mcludmg the creation of pohcy and aids or descnptive mformatlon (mcludmg procedures and that meet the permanent cntena hsted lmkage to the ongmal file) and related above documentation by calendar year to the

National Archives when 3 years old D1g1tal records will be transferred as specified m 36 CFR 1228270 or accordmg to standards apphcable at the time Transfer all other permanent records to NARA 15 years after close

Transfer all other permanent records to offsite storage 5 years after cutoff

Tran sf er all other permanent records to NARA 15 years after cutoff

B Routine Policy Decisions Planning Legal Issues B Transfer records to offs1te storage 5 and Operations Records Temporary Records of years after cutoff routme policy decisions day to day planmng legal issues operations etc that do not meet the criteria for DestroyDelete records 15 years after cutoff permanent records listed above

August 31 2009

--NPS Records Schedule Ma_ Jment amp Accountab1hty Item 10 Page 3

Retentitn Plan -1 l Disfosition InsJructiQJW- C Routine Fiscal Contracting and Purchasing Records Temporary Fiscal and contracting records including travel vouchers purchase orders contracts etc

NOTE Copies of contracts dealing with natural and cultural resources should be filed in Item 1 Resource Management and Lands depending on the nature of the contract

C Tran sf er records to offs1te storage 2 years after cutoff

DestroyDelete records 7 years after cutoff

D Housekeeping and Supporting Records Tern porary All other routine housekeeping and supporting documentat10n not addressed elsewhere in this category

D Transfer records to offs1te storage 1 year after cutoff or retain in office for full retention

DestroyDelete records 3 years after cutoff

August 31 2009

-----+--__________--==-______----------+----------=-----+---_n _n---=---__-------=--



seuroomments0 Item No Descri tion Retention - A Status - 10 A Records thant Permanent -4- - z i -) _ltampdocument the directlont 1-------+-NAn NPS Or anization Code Re ository 0 erational System Owner SuenHawk1nsnofNPS a nd thant meet

g p

The NPS Org a nmzantlon Code Repository p

Deputy CIO Info Systems NISC the perm a nent cnteri

en a bles the agency t o sh anre a nd descnbe (m d ant a n) i t s org a nmzantlon al struc ture NPS org a nmzantlon al d a nt a 1 s a fundanmen t al bmldmg block for vutually all a pphc a t1ons m the NPS The Reposi t ory

Sue Hawkms(anps gov 303-969-2026 System Manager Lance Gndley Chief System Architecture amp Integratton NISC Lance Gndleyalnp go

con t anms d ant a pert anmmg to mdividual 303-969-2376 org a nmzantlon codes throughout the NPS a s well a s d a nt a rel a ntive to the panrk m which the org a nmzantlon code 1 s a ssigned Only the curren t NPS org a nmzantlon d a nt anstructure 1 s t rancked though the future a dd1 t 1on of versioned d ant a set s will ch a nge thi s

NIA NR Public Use Statistics Office Operantion al System Owner Butch Street Reporting System (PUSORS)PUSORS cont a nms mfonnantlon used to com pJie m on thly v1 s1 t a nt1 on st antistic s a t the 267 reportmg um t s of the NPS

Management Analyst Denver Butch Streeta)np gov 303-343-2704 System Manager not known

Eanch panrk h ans i t s own d ant a reqmrement s for d ant a mput there 1 s a n mput form for eanch panrk

The d ant a a re a v a il a nble a nnu ally from 1 904- 1 978 a nd m on thly from 1 979 through the present d a ny The ou tpu t s a re a v ail a ble on the Intranne t si te for panrk use a nd a t WWV n anture nps govs t a nts for pubhc a ccess

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS commen ts

___ ltraquo middotmiddot ss middot

NPS E Systems Crosswalk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Page 2 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi 7 BucketSchedule) E-Svstem1Description Item No Description Retentiongt Acronym System Name amp Desiption I Status

_t middotmiddotmiddot - middot v 7lobull B Roupo1 TemnA -Sorabullvmiddot1s ears s= bull Ygtrbull 1-=ibullvcn -n n=bull41--middot=n middotmiddotn-+---------middotn=LJ_=z middotn -s_n middot __F

middotdec1s1onsYto d any middot----------+--------l----z _ _ raquo bull __ middot middotmiddot _

System Manager Regma Monarty Computer Spec Herndon VA

_AFS3 Administrative Finance System (AFS 3) Operant10nal AFS 3 1s used for fina nci al tr a ckmg budget

pl annmng)eg al issues Regma Monartynps gov

703-487-9326operantionsfo thani]o pl a nning prepanrant10n a nd execution I t

middot11ot rileet theicri teri a ffor en a bles NPS pa rks a nd offices t o meet perm annent records)jf middot


a ccoun t a b1hty reqmrements for a ppropn a nted funds a nd m a mten a nce of cert a m tr a nsanct ion

logs AFS 3 also helps meet requrrement of lmkmg doll a nrs to performna nce g oanls

AFS 3 provides d ant a to the followmg NPS systems BPS PMDS PMIS CAS a nd PRampP Construction Allocation System (CAS)

CAS 1s a cen tralized web-b a sed rel a ntion al d a nt a b a se m a n agement system loc a nted withm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumc ant10ns Center m L a kewood CO The system provides a n a pplicna tion t o document a pproprina tions develop a nd a pprove mternal projec t formul antion processes tr anck alloc ant ions ag anmst a pprov als a nd hnk resul ts with the Federal Fma nci al System (FFS)

The system will initi ally con t anm d a t a for a ny still a c tive Lme I tem projec t some of which h a ve a ppropn a tions d antmg a s far b a nck a s FY 1990 Fu ture enh a ncements will mcorporante sum m a ry mformnantion for all com pleted Lme I tem projects a ppropn a nted b anck to the 1980s

The eanr her version of CAS w ans a dB a se IV b a nsed progranm the consists l a nrgely ofnpostmg a nd t ranckmg numbers with offici al b a nckup

Operant10n al System Owner Marcus Hathaway (bemg D1v1s10n Chief Construction -rewnt ten) DC

Marcus Hatha-aynps go 202-208-5685

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS com ments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 3 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bitr Bucket Schedule) bull E-System Description middot tt I Comments Itemiddotm No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status middot - I

mformation bemg kept offlme Its pnmary function 1s to produce Fundmg Advices that must be pnnted and signed - 1t does not generated electromc versions

PMDS Operational System Owner Joel Lynch Performance Management Data System Depty Strategic Planning Admm OpstWASO

(PDMS)Tins system 1s used to track service wide

Joel LmiddotTichngs gov performance agamst NPS Strategic Plan 202-208-7029 goals PMDS tracks some 67 performance System Mgr - Eileen Peterson measures actual and projected across a Program Analyst wide range ofNPS functions In addition Eileen K Petcronui)ngs gov the system mcludes rough fundmgFTE 605-34 1 -7827 numbers and text based mformat1on such as sections for detailmg work plans and comment fields All data are lmked to a specific park program or office and are mput by the md1v1dual NPS reportmg umts The system contams data 1998 to 20 12 and 1s extended each time DOI updates the departmental strategic plan

PMDS lmks with a number ofNPS systems m the areas of Operat10ns Project Management and Fmance

Operational htt12 12lannmg nps gov NPSPlannmg 1s a website built to provide the general public with mformation about all facets of the NPS plannmg process It also d1rects the public to plannmg documents that are currently under public review on the PEPC (Plannmg Environment and Public Comment) website

The website 1s a source for policy and reference mks that are used m plannmg w1thm the National Park Service

The home page of the website lists all active general management plans special

NPSPlann NPSPlanning

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments


- - gt - ---- - --____ ___ __nmiddotgt lt r

pur_ch_sevochers middot

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n a gement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Pa ge 4 of 1 5

~J Nl-79-08-9 (New B i Bucket Schedrile) E-Syteffi Description I Commentsmiddot tmiddotItem No Descriptionmiddot Retention Acronym System Name amp Description bullt 1t Status

resource studies a nd other NPS pl a ns bemg developed Lmks a t the bot t om of the home pa ge fil ter the h st m term s of the type of pl a n - for ex a m ple Implement a tion Pl a ns Speci al Resource S tudies Commercial Services Pl a ns Development Concept Pl a ns etc Users chck on the n anme of a pl a n a nd a re direc ted to the PEPC website ( see nex t en try)

Operantion al (http parkplanntnl nps go ) 1 s closely a ssocia ted with the NPSP a nnmg website a nd offers a w a y for NPS t o g a ther mput from the public for v a nous pl a ns a nd projec t s bemg developed by the Service Users c a n sea rch the site by region st a te or p a nrk n a nme a nd a ccess a h st of projec t s m a ny ofwh1ch a re open for pubhc comment Releva n t documen t s a re h sted a nd downloa d a ble a s pdf files Add1 t1on al lmks provide a ccess to meetmg notices a nd other mform a tl on The PEPC home p ange al so provides a specific lmk t o projec t s open for comment Users offer com men t s by fillmg ou t fields m a comment form a nd en termg rem a rks a s free tex t mto a text box

PEPC The PEPC website


frac34 __ __ +-Bt

TemPorryt7tyearslt0CiFsc a a nd bullnh contra c tmg ecords -lt 1------------__B--1nclilgirig1traVel

ngt amp--02 --_l__vd nt -__-----tigatt g----+-N-_ear_____1--S

middot --_ckgt --nntT _rt_acI ioroun_ emnOwn

_erat Heather M111e

_est sty_ki r

This system m a m t a msemployee b a ckground Implemen t a tion Personal Security amp Smtab1hty mvestlg a tl on mformn

Specantlon thant 1 s a djudic a ted Heather M1llerCCbnp gov by the W anshmgton office The d a nt a b a nse 202-5n1 3-7099

-orclers contranc t s etc Al9 support s the NPS Hum a nn Resources a nd L anw bull rutine personnel

records such a sTune bulln Enforcemen t progr a m s a s well a s p a nrtner a nd Atteiiiicemiddot a nd contranc tors progr a m s middotSupervisor s recordsn bull The d a t a b a nse m a m t a m s employee d ant a a dn-rel a nted personriel -

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 5 of 15

frac34JlNl 79-08-9 (New Bi Bicket schedule) ESystem Description ii Comments Item No l)escription Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status I

Neanr System Owner Heather Miller

traniqi a n simil anr records sucp a s EEO BI (na me a nd SSN) a nd b a ckground

I m plement antion Personal Secunty amp Smtab1hty Spec

mvest1g a nt1on d ant a (BI type BI closmg d ante records lt bull a djudic antion d ante a nd BI st antu s) D ant a 1 s

Heather M1llcrnps gov ob t a med from the Office of Personnel 202-5 1 3-7099 M a nn agement B a nckground Investig a ntion C a nse

Closmg Trannsmi tt al a nd c a nse panpers The NPS BI D a t a b a nse mks to d a nt a pulled

from the Federal Panyroll a nd Personnel System (FPPS) It does not support a nother system

HPLP Human Resources Line of Business [from Operantion al Cont a c t Alex Young CPIC System s Inventory] 303-969-2771

DJTector Denver Admm Program Center Alex Youngnps gov

Operantion al Cont a c t 1 s D anvid Krewson NIA International Affairs Foreign Travel 202-354-1800

This system cont a m s d a nt a on mtem antion al Database Systems

lntemattonal Cooperat10n Speciahst Dav1d_Krewsonnps gov

t ra vel by NPS st a ff NPS st a ff must receive pnor a pproval by the DJTec tor a nd the Assi st a nnt Secret a nry for Fish Wildlife a nd Panrks for mtem a t1on al tr a vel

The system also cont a ms d ant a on Intem ant1on al Volunteers a nd F oreign Deleg a tions or groups requestmg support from Office of Intern a ntion al Affanirs

D a t a a re mput from st a nd a rd form s subrrut ted by prospec tive NPS t ra velers Outpu ts a re yeanr-end reports on the number ofNPS st a fftra velmg overseans m a given fisc al yea r the cost t o the government a nd the reansons for the t ra velmg

Inanctive System Owner Patti D1enna

The NER Account a bility System (NERACT) ACT Northeast Region Accountability System

Ch1eflnfo Officer NER PA Patt1-D1ennanps gov m a nmt anms a system of control s considered 2 1 5-597-48 1 8

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NPS E System s Crosswanlk M a n agement amp Accoun t a b1hty (I tem I 0) Page 6 of 1 5

--=v Nh79089(New Bi Bucket Schedule) - bulltE-SystemlDescription I ltomments Item No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description lt I Status I ft - Oi

useful stna nd anrds or best pranc tices b a nsed on public l anws a nd D1rec tors Orders thant under he eanch of the progranm s a nd panrk a c t1v1tles m the Northeanst Region The system 1 s pnm a nnly a self-evaluantion tool used by panrk supermtendent s t o a ssess performannce factors m such a reans a s Panrk Leandership amp M a nn agement F a ncility amp L anndsc anpe Plna nnmg Rehanbilitnantion a nd Development Comnmercianl Services M a nn agement etc

The system 1 s not mnuse m FY2009 a nd 1 s currently bemg considered for updantmg or redesign

OFS Operations Formulation System Operantion al The Operantions Formul antion System System Owner David Hamngton

(OFS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de web-b a sed system designed to fac1h t a nte the work ofNPS to

identify operantmg funds needed t o pursue i t s m1 ss1on OFS cont a ms all unfunded budget a ry reqmrement s of the Service for

Supervisory Budget Analyst WA DC Daval Hamngton(wn11 gov 202-208-4043 System Manager Jennifer Champagne

ongomg or operantion al needs for the next five Admm Officer Rock Creek Park Fiscnal Yeanrs (FY) The system cont anms Jenmfer Cham11abllen11s gov lustoncal mformnant10n on funded request s 202-208-7374 from FY 1994 a nd h1stoncal d a nt a on panrk operantmg budgetns a c reage v1 s1 t a nt10n a nd FTE OFS wans ongmally a DOS b a nsed system The plna tform w ans migranted t o a web-b a sed one m the mid 1 990 s The Operantions Formul a ntion System (OFS)

1 s a centralized web b a nsed rel antion al d a nt a nb a nse m a nn agemen t system loc anted w1 thm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumcantlons Center (ITC) m Wanshmgton DC

PTATS Park Transportation Allocation and Tracking SystemPT A TS 1s a web b a nsed a oohc ant1on t o t ranck

Operantion al System Owner Mark Hatsoe Supervisory Civil Engr Mark Ha11socn11s gov

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NFS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 7 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bir Bucket Schedule) Item No Description -Retention Acronym



- frac34 E-System Description I Comments Systefu Name amp Description I Status

System Manager Dawn Foy cost data for the Park Roads and Parkways IT Specialist NISC Dawn Foy(a)np gov

Program The application meets NPS and Federal Lands Highway (FHW A) project

505-988-67 1 1 trackmg reqmrements and 1s accessible to a wide range of NFS and FHW A users mcludmg staff amp managers m field d1v1s10nreg1on and headquarter offices

PT ATS contams data pertammg to NFS Park Roads and Parkway projects mcludmg project control numbers account numbers and NFS umt identifiers as well as project descnpt1ons It also has an electroruc library for the stormg of project agreements vegetation plans and other project related documents

PT ATS 1s lmked with data from NFS Project Management Informat ion System (PMIS) and Adnumstrahve Fmance System (AFS)Park$ Budget Reporting System Operational System Owner Joe Escoto

The system communicates simple budget Superintendent Padre Isl NS

reportmg to the parks and to provide parks Joe Escotonps gov

with a snapshot of their budget status Authonzed amounts for offices and

programs are manually mput mto the system Amounts are entered throughout the fiscal

361-949-8 173 ext 222 System Manager Rob Rivera Rod R1veranps gov 303 969-253 1

year The system receives data mput and budget

upload from multiple sources mcludmgPMIS and AFS 3 Personnel Reporting and Training Operational Contact Alex Young (see Systems [(Mmor HR Applicat ions) from above)CPIC Systems Inventory 303-969-2771

September 2 2009 blue textt= NFS comments

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middotNl-79-08-91(New-Bi 1 Bucket Schedule) bulltE-System Descriptian t I -t I Comments Item No Description Retention 0 bull ltG cronym System Name amp Description I Status J

PMIS Operational System Owner David Hamngton The Project Management Informa tion

Project Management Information System (see above)

System Manager Ellen Bullock System (PMIS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de mtranet Management Analyst DC application w1thm the National Park Service Ellen Bullockmg gov (NPS) which 1 s used to manage mformatlon 202-208-42 1 0 about request s for project fundmg I t enables

parks and NPS offices t o submit project proposal s to be reviewed approved and prioritized at park umt s regional directorate s and the Washmgton Office (WASO) I t was developed m response to a request from the National Leadership Council (NLC) to create a common system for backlogged projec t s

PMIS 1 s a centrahzed web based relational database management system (RDBMS) which 1 s located w1 thm the Informa tion and Telecommumcat1ons Center (ITC) m Washington DC

Operational System Owner - Sue Hawkms Re portmg system for various workforce

NIA Workforce Diversity Reporting System but slated for System Manager - Lance

diversi ty categories The data stored m thi s re tiremen t Gridley (see above) application consi st s of selected aggregated data fields defined by NPS EEO office pulled from the FPPS (Federal Personnel Payroll System US DOI) on a quarterly basi s ( smce the 3rd quarter of 1999) The data are presented by the application m a stati stical I

graphical manner t o show dem ographic t rends m the Service

September 2 2009 blue textn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw a lk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bili ty (I tem 10) P age 9 of 15

NI-79-08-9 ew Bi Bucket Schedule Comments Acron m

fo D All othd shyroutme housekeepmg nlti stipportmg_ documen t a ntJonnot anaressedsi7ren4_

Temporary 3 years BIMS Barcode Inventory Management System

Depanrtment of the Intenor Property M a n agement D1rec tJves a nd the NPS Person anl Property M a nn agement H a nndbook No 44 reqmre tha t pa rksoffices conduct a 100 percent physic a l mventory ea ch physic a l yea r B a rcode scna nners a re used by Custodi anl Property Officers throughout the NPS when conduc tmg the1r a nnuanl person anl property mventones The BIMS utilizes a centranlized file server

t o hold d a t a from the Fixed Assets Sub system a progranm on the Property M a n ager s PC t o produce mventory reports a nd a h a ndheld b a nrcode sc a nner t o sc a n a sset b a nrcodes The system works through the tr a n sfer of mformnantJon between these three comnponent s

BIMS mformnantJon conten t s a re person anl property mventones for v a nnous offices

Thi s system mtera c t s with the Federa l Fmannc1 a nl System (FFS) a nd the FIXed Asset Module of FFS These system s a re Depa rtment a l not specific t o NPS

Neanr System Owner - Emestme Implemen t antion Armnstrong

Property M a nn agement Progranm M a nn ager Ernestine Armstrongnps gov 202 354- 1 958

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I 0) Page 1 0 of 1 5

E-System Description I Comments0

bullSystem Name amp Description I Status I

-Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) Tu f

Retention Acronymtitem No Description CSWm



Capability Statement Control System Mamtamed NPS capab1hty statements -that 1s statements of the Services official op1mon on budgetary and financial matters provided to Congressional subcomnuttees The statements assess the impact to the President s budget request of proposed changes origmatmg from mterest groups or elected representatives CSWm was launched m 1 990 and contamed data through 2003

Inactive System Owner David Hamngton (see above) System Manager Katherine Hopper (no email address) 202-208-4043

Questions and Answers Briefing Effects Operat ional System Owner David Capability Statements Tracking System Hamngton (see above) QABECS replaces the former Capab1hty Statement Control System (CSWm)

QABECS 1s a Serv1cew1de Internet application w1thm the Nat ional Park Service (NPS) which 1s used to manage and track questions and answers capab1hty briefing and effect statements The system 1s used by parks regions W ASO program offices the office of Legislative and Congressional Affa1rs and the Office of the Comptroller

Contracting Officers Warrant Database List ofNPS contractmg officers mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than a database The spreadsheet enables the Bureau Procurement Ch1efto track ehg1b1hty of md1v1duals for Contractmg Officer assignments based on the trammg educat10n and experience of the candidate and the acqms1tlon needs of the1r orgamzat10n Information 1s mamtamed as current on the database names of md1v1duals who no longer have CO authonty are moved to a separate hst

blue textt= NPS comments

Operat ional System Owner - He1d1 Ernst Contract Specialist - Contracts and Property Team Hc1d1 Emst(nps gov 303-987-67 14 System Manager Kate Wmkler 303-987-6787 (no email address)

September 2 2009


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

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NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy

NPS Records Schedule M-- ement amp Accountab1hty Item 10 Page 2 0

y Retentlon Plant JR DispositionllnsJructiQDS0 Permanent Records Criteria Records that document an act1v1ty which meets one or more of the followmg cnteria are Permanent bull pohcy and procedure development for NPS on

local regional or national levels bull documentation of social issues affectmg NPS

services bull creatmg the annual agency budget

bull strategic plannmg bull annual reportmg bull NPS achievements that contnbute to history of the

agency bull first of land or estabhshes precedents bull subject of widespread media attent10n or

Congressional scrutmy

A Transfer permanent special media and Records Permanent Records that document the A National Park Service Direction and Policy

electromc records along with any findmg direction of NPS mcludmg the creation of pohcy and aids or descnptive mformatlon (mcludmg procedures and that meet the permanent cntena hsted lmkage to the ongmal file) and related above documentation by calendar year to the

National Archives when 3 years old D1g1tal records will be transferred as specified m 36 CFR 1228270 or accordmg to standards apphcable at the time Transfer all other permanent records to NARA 15 years after close

Transfer all other permanent records to offsite storage 5 years after cutoff

Tran sf er all other permanent records to NARA 15 years after cutoff

B Routine Policy Decisions Planning Legal Issues B Transfer records to offs1te storage 5 and Operations Records Temporary Records of years after cutoff routme policy decisions day to day planmng legal issues operations etc that do not meet the criteria for DestroyDelete records 15 years after cutoff permanent records listed above

August 31 2009

--NPS Records Schedule Ma_ Jment amp Accountab1hty Item 10 Page 3

Retentitn Plan -1 l Disfosition InsJructiQJW- C Routine Fiscal Contracting and Purchasing Records Temporary Fiscal and contracting records including travel vouchers purchase orders contracts etc

NOTE Copies of contracts dealing with natural and cultural resources should be filed in Item 1 Resource Management and Lands depending on the nature of the contract

C Tran sf er records to offs1te storage 2 years after cutoff

DestroyDelete records 7 years after cutoff

D Housekeeping and Supporting Records Tern porary All other routine housekeeping and supporting documentat10n not addressed elsewhere in this category

D Transfer records to offs1te storage 1 year after cutoff or retain in office for full retention

DestroyDelete records 3 years after cutoff

August 31 2009

-----+--__________--==-______----------+----------=-----+---_n _n---=---__-------=--



seuroomments0 Item No Descri tion Retention - A Status - 10 A Records thant Permanent -4- - z i -) _ltampdocument the directlont 1-------+-NAn NPS Or anization Code Re ository 0 erational System Owner SuenHawk1nsnofNPS a nd thant meet

g p

The NPS Org a nmzantlon Code Repository p

Deputy CIO Info Systems NISC the perm a nent cnteri

en a bles the agency t o sh anre a nd descnbe (m d ant a n) i t s org a nmzantlon al struc ture NPS org a nmzantlon al d a nt a 1 s a fundanmen t al bmldmg block for vutually all a pphc a t1ons m the NPS The Reposi t ory

Sue Hawkms(anps gov 303-969-2026 System Manager Lance Gndley Chief System Architecture amp Integratton NISC Lance Gndleyalnp go

con t anms d ant a pert anmmg to mdividual 303-969-2376 org a nmzantlon codes throughout the NPS a s well a s d a nt a rel a ntive to the panrk m which the org a nmzantlon code 1 s a ssigned Only the curren t NPS org a nmzantlon d a nt anstructure 1 s t rancked though the future a dd1 t 1on of versioned d ant a set s will ch a nge thi s

NIA NR Public Use Statistics Office Operantion al System Owner Butch Street Reporting System (PUSORS)PUSORS cont a nms mfonnantlon used to com pJie m on thly v1 s1 t a nt1 on st antistic s a t the 267 reportmg um t s of the NPS

Management Analyst Denver Butch Streeta)np gov 303-343-2704 System Manager not known

Eanch panrk h ans i t s own d ant a reqmrement s for d ant a mput there 1 s a n mput form for eanch panrk

The d ant a a re a v a il a nble a nnu ally from 1 904- 1 978 a nd m on thly from 1 979 through the present d a ny The ou tpu t s a re a v ail a ble on the Intranne t si te for panrk use a nd a t WWV n anture nps govs t a nts for pubhc a ccess

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS commen ts

___ ltraquo middotmiddot ss middot

NPS E Systems Crosswalk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Page 2 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi 7 BucketSchedule) E-Svstem1Description Item No Description Retentiongt Acronym System Name amp Desiption I Status

_t middotmiddotmiddot - middot v 7lobull B Roupo1 TemnA -Sorabullvmiddot1s ears s= bull Ygtrbull 1-=ibullvcn -n n=bull41--middot=n middotmiddotn-+---------middotn=LJ_=z middotn -s_n middot __F

middotdec1s1onsYto d any middot----------+--------l----z _ _ raquo bull __ middot middotmiddot _

System Manager Regma Monarty Computer Spec Herndon VA

_AFS3 Administrative Finance System (AFS 3) Operant10nal AFS 3 1s used for fina nci al tr a ckmg budget

pl annmng)eg al issues Regma Monartynps gov

703-487-9326operantionsfo thani]o pl a nning prepanrant10n a nd execution I t

middot11ot rileet theicri teri a ffor en a bles NPS pa rks a nd offices t o meet perm annent records)jf middot


a ccoun t a b1hty reqmrements for a ppropn a nted funds a nd m a mten a nce of cert a m tr a nsanct ion

logs AFS 3 also helps meet requrrement of lmkmg doll a nrs to performna nce g oanls

AFS 3 provides d ant a to the followmg NPS systems BPS PMDS PMIS CAS a nd PRampP Construction Allocation System (CAS)

CAS 1s a cen tralized web-b a sed rel a ntion al d a nt a b a se m a n agement system loc a nted withm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumc ant10ns Center m L a kewood CO The system provides a n a pplicna tion t o document a pproprina tions develop a nd a pprove mternal projec t formul antion processes tr anck alloc ant ions ag anmst a pprov als a nd hnk resul ts with the Federal Fma nci al System (FFS)

The system will initi ally con t anm d a t a for a ny still a c tive Lme I tem projec t some of which h a ve a ppropn a tions d antmg a s far b a nck a s FY 1990 Fu ture enh a ncements will mcorporante sum m a ry mformnantion for all com pleted Lme I tem projects a ppropn a nted b anck to the 1980s

The eanr her version of CAS w ans a dB a se IV b a nsed progranm the consists l a nrgely ofnpostmg a nd t ranckmg numbers with offici al b a nckup

Operant10n al System Owner Marcus Hathaway (bemg D1v1s10n Chief Construction -rewnt ten) DC

Marcus Hatha-aynps go 202-208-5685

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS com ments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 3 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bitr Bucket Schedule) bull E-System Description middot tt I Comments Itemiddotm No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status middot - I

mformation bemg kept offlme Its pnmary function 1s to produce Fundmg Advices that must be pnnted and signed - 1t does not generated electromc versions

PMDS Operational System Owner Joel Lynch Performance Management Data System Depty Strategic Planning Admm OpstWASO

(PDMS)Tins system 1s used to track service wide

Joel LmiddotTichngs gov performance agamst NPS Strategic Plan 202-208-7029 goals PMDS tracks some 67 performance System Mgr - Eileen Peterson measures actual and projected across a Program Analyst wide range ofNPS functions In addition Eileen K Petcronui)ngs gov the system mcludes rough fundmgFTE 605-34 1 -7827 numbers and text based mformat1on such as sections for detailmg work plans and comment fields All data are lmked to a specific park program or office and are mput by the md1v1dual NPS reportmg umts The system contams data 1998 to 20 12 and 1s extended each time DOI updates the departmental strategic plan

PMDS lmks with a number ofNPS systems m the areas of Operat10ns Project Management and Fmance

Operational htt12 12lannmg nps gov NPSPlannmg 1s a website built to provide the general public with mformation about all facets of the NPS plannmg process It also d1rects the public to plannmg documents that are currently under public review on the PEPC (Plannmg Environment and Public Comment) website

The website 1s a source for policy and reference mks that are used m plannmg w1thm the National Park Service

The home page of the website lists all active general management plans special

NPSPlann NPSPlanning

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments


- - gt - ---- - --____ ___ __nmiddotgt lt r

pur_ch_sevochers middot

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n a gement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Pa ge 4 of 1 5

~J Nl-79-08-9 (New B i Bucket Schedrile) E-Syteffi Description I Commentsmiddot tmiddotItem No Descriptionmiddot Retention Acronym System Name amp Description bullt 1t Status

resource studies a nd other NPS pl a ns bemg developed Lmks a t the bot t om of the home pa ge fil ter the h st m term s of the type of pl a n - for ex a m ple Implement a tion Pl a ns Speci al Resource S tudies Commercial Services Pl a ns Development Concept Pl a ns etc Users chck on the n anme of a pl a n a nd a re direc ted to the PEPC website ( see nex t en try)

Operantion al (http parkplanntnl nps go ) 1 s closely a ssocia ted with the NPSP a nnmg website a nd offers a w a y for NPS t o g a ther mput from the public for v a nous pl a ns a nd projec t s bemg developed by the Service Users c a n sea rch the site by region st a te or p a nrk n a nme a nd a ccess a h st of projec t s m a ny ofwh1ch a re open for pubhc comment Releva n t documen t s a re h sted a nd downloa d a ble a s pdf files Add1 t1on al lmks provide a ccess to meetmg notices a nd other mform a tl on The PEPC home p ange al so provides a specific lmk t o projec t s open for comment Users offer com men t s by fillmg ou t fields m a comment form a nd en termg rem a rks a s free tex t mto a text box

PEPC The PEPC website


frac34 __ __ +-Bt

TemPorryt7tyearslt0CiFsc a a nd bullnh contra c tmg ecords -lt 1------------__B--1nclilgirig1traVel

ngt amp--02 --_l__vd nt -__-----tigatt g----+-N-_ear_____1--S

middot --_ckgt --nntT _rt_acI ioroun_ emnOwn

_erat Heather M111e

_est sty_ki r

This system m a m t a msemployee b a ckground Implemen t a tion Personal Security amp Smtab1hty mvestlg a tl on mformn

Specantlon thant 1 s a djudic a ted Heather M1llerCCbnp gov by the W anshmgton office The d a nt a b a nse 202-5n1 3-7099

-orclers contranc t s etc Al9 support s the NPS Hum a nn Resources a nd L anw bull rutine personnel

records such a sTune bulln Enforcemen t progr a m s a s well a s p a nrtner a nd Atteiiiicemiddot a nd contranc tors progr a m s middotSupervisor s recordsn bull The d a t a b a nse m a m t a m s employee d ant a a dn-rel a nted personriel -

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 5 of 15

frac34JlNl 79-08-9 (New Bi Bicket schedule) ESystem Description ii Comments Item No l)escription Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status I

Neanr System Owner Heather Miller

traniqi a n simil anr records sucp a s EEO BI (na me a nd SSN) a nd b a ckground

I m plement antion Personal Secunty amp Smtab1hty Spec

mvest1g a nt1on d ant a (BI type BI closmg d ante records lt bull a djudic antion d ante a nd BI st antu s) D ant a 1 s

Heather M1llcrnps gov ob t a med from the Office of Personnel 202-5 1 3-7099 M a nn agement B a nckground Investig a ntion C a nse

Closmg Trannsmi tt al a nd c a nse panpers The NPS BI D a t a b a nse mks to d a nt a pulled

from the Federal Panyroll a nd Personnel System (FPPS) It does not support a nother system

HPLP Human Resources Line of Business [from Operantion al Cont a c t Alex Young CPIC System s Inventory] 303-969-2771

DJTector Denver Admm Program Center Alex Youngnps gov

Operantion al Cont a c t 1 s D anvid Krewson NIA International Affairs Foreign Travel 202-354-1800

This system cont a m s d a nt a on mtem antion al Database Systems

lntemattonal Cooperat10n Speciahst Dav1d_Krewsonnps gov

t ra vel by NPS st a ff NPS st a ff must receive pnor a pproval by the DJTec tor a nd the Assi st a nnt Secret a nry for Fish Wildlife a nd Panrks for mtem a t1on al tr a vel

The system also cont a ms d ant a on Intem ant1on al Volunteers a nd F oreign Deleg a tions or groups requestmg support from Office of Intern a ntion al Affanirs

D a t a a re mput from st a nd a rd form s subrrut ted by prospec tive NPS t ra velers Outpu ts a re yeanr-end reports on the number ofNPS st a fftra velmg overseans m a given fisc al yea r the cost t o the government a nd the reansons for the t ra velmg

Inanctive System Owner Patti D1enna

The NER Account a bility System (NERACT) ACT Northeast Region Accountability System

Ch1eflnfo Officer NER PA Patt1-D1ennanps gov m a nmt anms a system of control s considered 2 1 5-597-48 1 8

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NPS E System s Crosswanlk M a n agement amp Accoun t a b1hty (I tem I 0) Page 6 of 1 5

--=v Nh79089(New Bi Bucket Schedule) - bulltE-SystemlDescription I ltomments Item No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description lt I Status I ft - Oi

useful stna nd anrds or best pranc tices b a nsed on public l anws a nd D1rec tors Orders thant under he eanch of the progranm s a nd panrk a c t1v1tles m the Northeanst Region The system 1 s pnm a nnly a self-evaluantion tool used by panrk supermtendent s t o a ssess performannce factors m such a reans a s Panrk Leandership amp M a nn agement F a ncility amp L anndsc anpe Plna nnmg Rehanbilitnantion a nd Development Comnmercianl Services M a nn agement etc

The system 1 s not mnuse m FY2009 a nd 1 s currently bemg considered for updantmg or redesign

OFS Operations Formulation System Operantion al The Operantions Formul antion System System Owner David Hamngton

(OFS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de web-b a sed system designed to fac1h t a nte the work ofNPS to

identify operantmg funds needed t o pursue i t s m1 ss1on OFS cont a ms all unfunded budget a ry reqmrement s of the Service for

Supervisory Budget Analyst WA DC Daval Hamngton(wn11 gov 202-208-4043 System Manager Jennifer Champagne

ongomg or operantion al needs for the next five Admm Officer Rock Creek Park Fiscnal Yeanrs (FY) The system cont anms Jenmfer Cham11abllen11s gov lustoncal mformnant10n on funded request s 202-208-7374 from FY 1994 a nd h1stoncal d a nt a on panrk operantmg budgetns a c reage v1 s1 t a nt10n a nd FTE OFS wans ongmally a DOS b a nsed system The plna tform w ans migranted t o a web-b a sed one m the mid 1 990 s The Operantions Formul a ntion System (OFS)

1 s a centralized web b a nsed rel antion al d a nt a nb a nse m a nn agemen t system loc anted w1 thm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumcantlons Center (ITC) m Wanshmgton DC

PTATS Park Transportation Allocation and Tracking SystemPT A TS 1s a web b a nsed a oohc ant1on t o t ranck

Operantion al System Owner Mark Hatsoe Supervisory Civil Engr Mark Ha11socn11s gov

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NFS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 7 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bir Bucket Schedule) Item No Description -Retention Acronym



- frac34 E-System Description I Comments Systefu Name amp Description I Status

System Manager Dawn Foy cost data for the Park Roads and Parkways IT Specialist NISC Dawn Foy(a)np gov

Program The application meets NPS and Federal Lands Highway (FHW A) project

505-988-67 1 1 trackmg reqmrements and 1s accessible to a wide range of NFS and FHW A users mcludmg staff amp managers m field d1v1s10nreg1on and headquarter offices

PT ATS contams data pertammg to NFS Park Roads and Parkway projects mcludmg project control numbers account numbers and NFS umt identifiers as well as project descnpt1ons It also has an electroruc library for the stormg of project agreements vegetation plans and other project related documents

PT ATS 1s lmked with data from NFS Project Management Informat ion System (PMIS) and Adnumstrahve Fmance System (AFS)Park$ Budget Reporting System Operational System Owner Joe Escoto

The system communicates simple budget Superintendent Padre Isl NS

reportmg to the parks and to provide parks Joe Escotonps gov

with a snapshot of their budget status Authonzed amounts for offices and

programs are manually mput mto the system Amounts are entered throughout the fiscal

361-949-8 173 ext 222 System Manager Rob Rivera Rod R1veranps gov 303 969-253 1

year The system receives data mput and budget

upload from multiple sources mcludmgPMIS and AFS 3 Personnel Reporting and Training Operational Contact Alex Young (see Systems [(Mmor HR Applicat ions) from above)CPIC Systems Inventory 303-969-2771

September 2 2009 blue textt= NFS comments

NPS E System s Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 8 of 15

middotNl-79-08-91(New-Bi 1 Bucket Schedule) bulltE-System Descriptian t I -t I Comments Item No Description Retention 0 bull ltG cronym System Name amp Description I Status J

PMIS Operational System Owner David Hamngton The Project Management Informa tion

Project Management Information System (see above)

System Manager Ellen Bullock System (PMIS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de mtranet Management Analyst DC application w1thm the National Park Service Ellen Bullockmg gov (NPS) which 1 s used to manage mformatlon 202-208-42 1 0 about request s for project fundmg I t enables

parks and NPS offices t o submit project proposal s to be reviewed approved and prioritized at park umt s regional directorate s and the Washmgton Office (WASO) I t was developed m response to a request from the National Leadership Council (NLC) to create a common system for backlogged projec t s

PMIS 1 s a centrahzed web based relational database management system (RDBMS) which 1 s located w1 thm the Informa tion and Telecommumcat1ons Center (ITC) m Washington DC

Operational System Owner - Sue Hawkms Re portmg system for various workforce

NIA Workforce Diversity Reporting System but slated for System Manager - Lance

diversi ty categories The data stored m thi s re tiremen t Gridley (see above) application consi st s of selected aggregated data fields defined by NPS EEO office pulled from the FPPS (Federal Personnel Payroll System US DOI) on a quarterly basi s ( smce the 3rd quarter of 1999) The data are presented by the application m a stati stical I

graphical manner t o show dem ographic t rends m the Service

September 2 2009 blue textn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw a lk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bili ty (I tem 10) P age 9 of 15

NI-79-08-9 ew Bi Bucket Schedule Comments Acron m

fo D All othd shyroutme housekeepmg nlti stipportmg_ documen t a ntJonnot anaressedsi7ren4_

Temporary 3 years BIMS Barcode Inventory Management System

Depanrtment of the Intenor Property M a n agement D1rec tJves a nd the NPS Person anl Property M a nn agement H a nndbook No 44 reqmre tha t pa rksoffices conduct a 100 percent physic a l mventory ea ch physic a l yea r B a rcode scna nners a re used by Custodi anl Property Officers throughout the NPS when conduc tmg the1r a nnuanl person anl property mventones The BIMS utilizes a centranlized file server

t o hold d a t a from the Fixed Assets Sub system a progranm on the Property M a n ager s PC t o produce mventory reports a nd a h a ndheld b a nrcode sc a nner t o sc a n a sset b a nrcodes The system works through the tr a n sfer of mformnantJon between these three comnponent s

BIMS mformnantJon conten t s a re person anl property mventones for v a nnous offices

Thi s system mtera c t s with the Federa l Fmannc1 a nl System (FFS) a nd the FIXed Asset Module of FFS These system s a re Depa rtment a l not specific t o NPS

Neanr System Owner - Emestme Implemen t antion Armnstrong

Property M a nn agement Progranm M a nn ager Ernestine Armstrongnps gov 202 354- 1 958

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I 0) Page 1 0 of 1 5

E-System Description I Comments0

bullSystem Name amp Description I Status I

-Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) Tu f

Retention Acronymtitem No Description CSWm



Capability Statement Control System Mamtamed NPS capab1hty statements -that 1s statements of the Services official op1mon on budgetary and financial matters provided to Congressional subcomnuttees The statements assess the impact to the President s budget request of proposed changes origmatmg from mterest groups or elected representatives CSWm was launched m 1 990 and contamed data through 2003

Inactive System Owner David Hamngton (see above) System Manager Katherine Hopper (no email address) 202-208-4043

Questions and Answers Briefing Effects Operat ional System Owner David Capability Statements Tracking System Hamngton (see above) QABECS replaces the former Capab1hty Statement Control System (CSWm)

QABECS 1s a Serv1cew1de Internet application w1thm the Nat ional Park Service (NPS) which 1s used to manage and track questions and answers capab1hty briefing and effect statements The system 1s used by parks regions W ASO program offices the office of Legislative and Congressional Affa1rs and the Office of the Comptroller

Contracting Officers Warrant Database List ofNPS contractmg officers mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than a database The spreadsheet enables the Bureau Procurement Ch1efto track ehg1b1hty of md1v1duals for Contractmg Officer assignments based on the trammg educat10n and experience of the candidate and the acqms1tlon needs of the1r orgamzat10n Information 1s mamtamed as current on the database names of md1v1duals who no longer have CO authonty are moved to a separate hst

blue textt= NPS comments

Operat ional System Owner - He1d1 Ernst Contract Specialist - Contracts and Property Team Hc1d1 Emst(nps gov 303-987-67 14 System Manager Kate Wmkler 303-987-6787 (no email address)

September 2 2009


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

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NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy

--NPS Records Schedule Ma_ Jment amp Accountab1hty Item 10 Page 3

Retentitn Plan -1 l Disfosition InsJructiQJW- C Routine Fiscal Contracting and Purchasing Records Temporary Fiscal and contracting records including travel vouchers purchase orders contracts etc

NOTE Copies of contracts dealing with natural and cultural resources should be filed in Item 1 Resource Management and Lands depending on the nature of the contract

C Tran sf er records to offs1te storage 2 years after cutoff

DestroyDelete records 7 years after cutoff

D Housekeeping and Supporting Records Tern porary All other routine housekeeping and supporting documentat10n not addressed elsewhere in this category

D Transfer records to offs1te storage 1 year after cutoff or retain in office for full retention

DestroyDelete records 3 years after cutoff

August 31 2009

-----+--__________--==-______----------+----------=-----+---_n _n---=---__-------=--



seuroomments0 Item No Descri tion Retention - A Status - 10 A Records thant Permanent -4- - z i -) _ltampdocument the directlont 1-------+-NAn NPS Or anization Code Re ository 0 erational System Owner SuenHawk1nsnofNPS a nd thant meet

g p

The NPS Org a nmzantlon Code Repository p

Deputy CIO Info Systems NISC the perm a nent cnteri

en a bles the agency t o sh anre a nd descnbe (m d ant a n) i t s org a nmzantlon al struc ture NPS org a nmzantlon al d a nt a 1 s a fundanmen t al bmldmg block for vutually all a pphc a t1ons m the NPS The Reposi t ory

Sue Hawkms(anps gov 303-969-2026 System Manager Lance Gndley Chief System Architecture amp Integratton NISC Lance Gndleyalnp go

con t anms d ant a pert anmmg to mdividual 303-969-2376 org a nmzantlon codes throughout the NPS a s well a s d a nt a rel a ntive to the panrk m which the org a nmzantlon code 1 s a ssigned Only the curren t NPS org a nmzantlon d a nt anstructure 1 s t rancked though the future a dd1 t 1on of versioned d ant a set s will ch a nge thi s

NIA NR Public Use Statistics Office Operantion al System Owner Butch Street Reporting System (PUSORS)PUSORS cont a nms mfonnantlon used to com pJie m on thly v1 s1 t a nt1 on st antistic s a t the 267 reportmg um t s of the NPS

Management Analyst Denver Butch Streeta)np gov 303-343-2704 System Manager not known

Eanch panrk h ans i t s own d ant a reqmrement s for d ant a mput there 1 s a n mput form for eanch panrk

The d ant a a re a v a il a nble a nnu ally from 1 904- 1 978 a nd m on thly from 1 979 through the present d a ny The ou tpu t s a re a v ail a ble on the Intranne t si te for panrk use a nd a t WWV n anture nps govs t a nts for pubhc a ccess

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS commen ts

___ ltraquo middotmiddot ss middot

NPS E Systems Crosswalk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Page 2 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi 7 BucketSchedule) E-Svstem1Description Item No Description Retentiongt Acronym System Name amp Desiption I Status

_t middotmiddotmiddot - middot v 7lobull B Roupo1 TemnA -Sorabullvmiddot1s ears s= bull Ygtrbull 1-=ibullvcn -n n=bull41--middot=n middotmiddotn-+---------middotn=LJ_=z middotn -s_n middot __F

middotdec1s1onsYto d any middot----------+--------l----z _ _ raquo bull __ middot middotmiddot _

System Manager Regma Monarty Computer Spec Herndon VA

_AFS3 Administrative Finance System (AFS 3) Operant10nal AFS 3 1s used for fina nci al tr a ckmg budget

pl annmng)eg al issues Regma Monartynps gov

703-487-9326operantionsfo thani]o pl a nning prepanrant10n a nd execution I t

middot11ot rileet theicri teri a ffor en a bles NPS pa rks a nd offices t o meet perm annent records)jf middot


a ccoun t a b1hty reqmrements for a ppropn a nted funds a nd m a mten a nce of cert a m tr a nsanct ion

logs AFS 3 also helps meet requrrement of lmkmg doll a nrs to performna nce g oanls

AFS 3 provides d ant a to the followmg NPS systems BPS PMDS PMIS CAS a nd PRampP Construction Allocation System (CAS)

CAS 1s a cen tralized web-b a sed rel a ntion al d a nt a b a se m a n agement system loc a nted withm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumc ant10ns Center m L a kewood CO The system provides a n a pplicna tion t o document a pproprina tions develop a nd a pprove mternal projec t formul antion processes tr anck alloc ant ions ag anmst a pprov als a nd hnk resul ts with the Federal Fma nci al System (FFS)

The system will initi ally con t anm d a t a for a ny still a c tive Lme I tem projec t some of which h a ve a ppropn a tions d antmg a s far b a nck a s FY 1990 Fu ture enh a ncements will mcorporante sum m a ry mformnantion for all com pleted Lme I tem projects a ppropn a nted b anck to the 1980s

The eanr her version of CAS w ans a dB a se IV b a nsed progranm the consists l a nrgely ofnpostmg a nd t ranckmg numbers with offici al b a nckup

Operant10n al System Owner Marcus Hathaway (bemg D1v1s10n Chief Construction -rewnt ten) DC

Marcus Hatha-aynps go 202-208-5685

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS com ments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 3 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bitr Bucket Schedule) bull E-System Description middot tt I Comments Itemiddotm No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status middot - I

mformation bemg kept offlme Its pnmary function 1s to produce Fundmg Advices that must be pnnted and signed - 1t does not generated electromc versions

PMDS Operational System Owner Joel Lynch Performance Management Data System Depty Strategic Planning Admm OpstWASO

(PDMS)Tins system 1s used to track service wide

Joel LmiddotTichngs gov performance agamst NPS Strategic Plan 202-208-7029 goals PMDS tracks some 67 performance System Mgr - Eileen Peterson measures actual and projected across a Program Analyst wide range ofNPS functions In addition Eileen K Petcronui)ngs gov the system mcludes rough fundmgFTE 605-34 1 -7827 numbers and text based mformat1on such as sections for detailmg work plans and comment fields All data are lmked to a specific park program or office and are mput by the md1v1dual NPS reportmg umts The system contams data 1998 to 20 12 and 1s extended each time DOI updates the departmental strategic plan

PMDS lmks with a number ofNPS systems m the areas of Operat10ns Project Management and Fmance

Operational htt12 12lannmg nps gov NPSPlannmg 1s a website built to provide the general public with mformation about all facets of the NPS plannmg process It also d1rects the public to plannmg documents that are currently under public review on the PEPC (Plannmg Environment and Public Comment) website

The website 1s a source for policy and reference mks that are used m plannmg w1thm the National Park Service

The home page of the website lists all active general management plans special

NPSPlann NPSPlanning

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments


- - gt - ---- - --____ ___ __nmiddotgt lt r

pur_ch_sevochers middot

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n a gement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Pa ge 4 of 1 5

~J Nl-79-08-9 (New B i Bucket Schedrile) E-Syteffi Description I Commentsmiddot tmiddotItem No Descriptionmiddot Retention Acronym System Name amp Description bullt 1t Status

resource studies a nd other NPS pl a ns bemg developed Lmks a t the bot t om of the home pa ge fil ter the h st m term s of the type of pl a n - for ex a m ple Implement a tion Pl a ns Speci al Resource S tudies Commercial Services Pl a ns Development Concept Pl a ns etc Users chck on the n anme of a pl a n a nd a re direc ted to the PEPC website ( see nex t en try)

Operantion al (http parkplanntnl nps go ) 1 s closely a ssocia ted with the NPSP a nnmg website a nd offers a w a y for NPS t o g a ther mput from the public for v a nous pl a ns a nd projec t s bemg developed by the Service Users c a n sea rch the site by region st a te or p a nrk n a nme a nd a ccess a h st of projec t s m a ny ofwh1ch a re open for pubhc comment Releva n t documen t s a re h sted a nd downloa d a ble a s pdf files Add1 t1on al lmks provide a ccess to meetmg notices a nd other mform a tl on The PEPC home p ange al so provides a specific lmk t o projec t s open for comment Users offer com men t s by fillmg ou t fields m a comment form a nd en termg rem a rks a s free tex t mto a text box

PEPC The PEPC website


frac34 __ __ +-Bt

TemPorryt7tyearslt0CiFsc a a nd bullnh contra c tmg ecords -lt 1------------__B--1nclilgirig1traVel

ngt amp--02 --_l__vd nt -__-----tigatt g----+-N-_ear_____1--S

middot --_ckgt --nntT _rt_acI ioroun_ emnOwn

_erat Heather M111e

_est sty_ki r

This system m a m t a msemployee b a ckground Implemen t a tion Personal Security amp Smtab1hty mvestlg a tl on mformn

Specantlon thant 1 s a djudic a ted Heather M1llerCCbnp gov by the W anshmgton office The d a nt a b a nse 202-5n1 3-7099

-orclers contranc t s etc Al9 support s the NPS Hum a nn Resources a nd L anw bull rutine personnel

records such a sTune bulln Enforcemen t progr a m s a s well a s p a nrtner a nd Atteiiiicemiddot a nd contranc tors progr a m s middotSupervisor s recordsn bull The d a t a b a nse m a m t a m s employee d ant a a dn-rel a nted personriel -

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 5 of 15

frac34JlNl 79-08-9 (New Bi Bicket schedule) ESystem Description ii Comments Item No l)escription Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status I

Neanr System Owner Heather Miller

traniqi a n simil anr records sucp a s EEO BI (na me a nd SSN) a nd b a ckground

I m plement antion Personal Secunty amp Smtab1hty Spec

mvest1g a nt1on d ant a (BI type BI closmg d ante records lt bull a djudic antion d ante a nd BI st antu s) D ant a 1 s

Heather M1llcrnps gov ob t a med from the Office of Personnel 202-5 1 3-7099 M a nn agement B a nckground Investig a ntion C a nse

Closmg Trannsmi tt al a nd c a nse panpers The NPS BI D a t a b a nse mks to d a nt a pulled

from the Federal Panyroll a nd Personnel System (FPPS) It does not support a nother system

HPLP Human Resources Line of Business [from Operantion al Cont a c t Alex Young CPIC System s Inventory] 303-969-2771

DJTector Denver Admm Program Center Alex Youngnps gov

Operantion al Cont a c t 1 s D anvid Krewson NIA International Affairs Foreign Travel 202-354-1800

This system cont a m s d a nt a on mtem antion al Database Systems

lntemattonal Cooperat10n Speciahst Dav1d_Krewsonnps gov

t ra vel by NPS st a ff NPS st a ff must receive pnor a pproval by the DJTec tor a nd the Assi st a nnt Secret a nry for Fish Wildlife a nd Panrks for mtem a t1on al tr a vel

The system also cont a ms d ant a on Intem ant1on al Volunteers a nd F oreign Deleg a tions or groups requestmg support from Office of Intern a ntion al Affanirs

D a t a a re mput from st a nd a rd form s subrrut ted by prospec tive NPS t ra velers Outpu ts a re yeanr-end reports on the number ofNPS st a fftra velmg overseans m a given fisc al yea r the cost t o the government a nd the reansons for the t ra velmg

Inanctive System Owner Patti D1enna

The NER Account a bility System (NERACT) ACT Northeast Region Accountability System

Ch1eflnfo Officer NER PA Patt1-D1ennanps gov m a nmt anms a system of control s considered 2 1 5-597-48 1 8

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments


NPS E System s Crosswanlk M a n agement amp Accoun t a b1hty (I tem I 0) Page 6 of 1 5

--=v Nh79089(New Bi Bucket Schedule) - bulltE-SystemlDescription I ltomments Item No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description lt I Status I ft - Oi

useful stna nd anrds or best pranc tices b a nsed on public l anws a nd D1rec tors Orders thant under he eanch of the progranm s a nd panrk a c t1v1tles m the Northeanst Region The system 1 s pnm a nnly a self-evaluantion tool used by panrk supermtendent s t o a ssess performannce factors m such a reans a s Panrk Leandership amp M a nn agement F a ncility amp L anndsc anpe Plna nnmg Rehanbilitnantion a nd Development Comnmercianl Services M a nn agement etc

The system 1 s not mnuse m FY2009 a nd 1 s currently bemg considered for updantmg or redesign

OFS Operations Formulation System Operantion al The Operantions Formul antion System System Owner David Hamngton

(OFS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de web-b a sed system designed to fac1h t a nte the work ofNPS to

identify operantmg funds needed t o pursue i t s m1 ss1on OFS cont a ms all unfunded budget a ry reqmrement s of the Service for

Supervisory Budget Analyst WA DC Daval Hamngton(wn11 gov 202-208-4043 System Manager Jennifer Champagne

ongomg or operantion al needs for the next five Admm Officer Rock Creek Park Fiscnal Yeanrs (FY) The system cont anms Jenmfer Cham11abllen11s gov lustoncal mformnant10n on funded request s 202-208-7374 from FY 1994 a nd h1stoncal d a nt a on panrk operantmg budgetns a c reage v1 s1 t a nt10n a nd FTE OFS wans ongmally a DOS b a nsed system The plna tform w ans migranted t o a web-b a sed one m the mid 1 990 s The Operantions Formul a ntion System (OFS)

1 s a centralized web b a nsed rel antion al d a nt a nb a nse m a nn agemen t system loc anted w1 thm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumcantlons Center (ITC) m Wanshmgton DC

PTATS Park Transportation Allocation and Tracking SystemPT A TS 1s a web b a nsed a oohc ant1on t o t ranck

Operantion al System Owner Mark Hatsoe Supervisory Civil Engr Mark Ha11socn11s gov

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NFS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 7 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bir Bucket Schedule) Item No Description -Retention Acronym



- frac34 E-System Description I Comments Systefu Name amp Description I Status

System Manager Dawn Foy cost data for the Park Roads and Parkways IT Specialist NISC Dawn Foy(a)np gov

Program The application meets NPS and Federal Lands Highway (FHW A) project

505-988-67 1 1 trackmg reqmrements and 1s accessible to a wide range of NFS and FHW A users mcludmg staff amp managers m field d1v1s10nreg1on and headquarter offices

PT ATS contams data pertammg to NFS Park Roads and Parkway projects mcludmg project control numbers account numbers and NFS umt identifiers as well as project descnpt1ons It also has an electroruc library for the stormg of project agreements vegetation plans and other project related documents

PT ATS 1s lmked with data from NFS Project Management Informat ion System (PMIS) and Adnumstrahve Fmance System (AFS)Park$ Budget Reporting System Operational System Owner Joe Escoto

The system communicates simple budget Superintendent Padre Isl NS

reportmg to the parks and to provide parks Joe Escotonps gov

with a snapshot of their budget status Authonzed amounts for offices and

programs are manually mput mto the system Amounts are entered throughout the fiscal

361-949-8 173 ext 222 System Manager Rob Rivera Rod R1veranps gov 303 969-253 1

year The system receives data mput and budget

upload from multiple sources mcludmgPMIS and AFS 3 Personnel Reporting and Training Operational Contact Alex Young (see Systems [(Mmor HR Applicat ions) from above)CPIC Systems Inventory 303-969-2771

September 2 2009 blue textt= NFS comments

NPS E System s Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 8 of 15

middotNl-79-08-91(New-Bi 1 Bucket Schedule) bulltE-System Descriptian t I -t I Comments Item No Description Retention 0 bull ltG cronym System Name amp Description I Status J

PMIS Operational System Owner David Hamngton The Project Management Informa tion

Project Management Information System (see above)

System Manager Ellen Bullock System (PMIS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de mtranet Management Analyst DC application w1thm the National Park Service Ellen Bullockmg gov (NPS) which 1 s used to manage mformatlon 202-208-42 1 0 about request s for project fundmg I t enables

parks and NPS offices t o submit project proposal s to be reviewed approved and prioritized at park umt s regional directorate s and the Washmgton Office (WASO) I t was developed m response to a request from the National Leadership Council (NLC) to create a common system for backlogged projec t s

PMIS 1 s a centrahzed web based relational database management system (RDBMS) which 1 s located w1 thm the Informa tion and Telecommumcat1ons Center (ITC) m Washington DC

Operational System Owner - Sue Hawkms Re portmg system for various workforce

NIA Workforce Diversity Reporting System but slated for System Manager - Lance

diversi ty categories The data stored m thi s re tiremen t Gridley (see above) application consi st s of selected aggregated data fields defined by NPS EEO office pulled from the FPPS (Federal Personnel Payroll System US DOI) on a quarterly basi s ( smce the 3rd quarter of 1999) The data are presented by the application m a stati stical I

graphical manner t o show dem ographic t rends m the Service

September 2 2009 blue textn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw a lk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bili ty (I tem 10) P age 9 of 15

NI-79-08-9 ew Bi Bucket Schedule Comments Acron m

fo D All othd shyroutme housekeepmg nlti stipportmg_ documen t a ntJonnot anaressedsi7ren4_

Temporary 3 years BIMS Barcode Inventory Management System

Depanrtment of the Intenor Property M a n agement D1rec tJves a nd the NPS Person anl Property M a nn agement H a nndbook No 44 reqmre tha t pa rksoffices conduct a 100 percent physic a l mventory ea ch physic a l yea r B a rcode scna nners a re used by Custodi anl Property Officers throughout the NPS when conduc tmg the1r a nnuanl person anl property mventones The BIMS utilizes a centranlized file server

t o hold d a t a from the Fixed Assets Sub system a progranm on the Property M a n ager s PC t o produce mventory reports a nd a h a ndheld b a nrcode sc a nner t o sc a n a sset b a nrcodes The system works through the tr a n sfer of mformnantJon between these three comnponent s

BIMS mformnantJon conten t s a re person anl property mventones for v a nnous offices

Thi s system mtera c t s with the Federa l Fmannc1 a nl System (FFS) a nd the FIXed Asset Module of FFS These system s a re Depa rtment a l not specific t o NPS

Neanr System Owner - Emestme Implemen t antion Armnstrong

Property M a nn agement Progranm M a nn ager Ernestine Armstrongnps gov 202 354- 1 958

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I 0) Page 1 0 of 1 5

E-System Description I Comments0

bullSystem Name amp Description I Status I

-Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) Tu f

Retention Acronymtitem No Description CSWm



Capability Statement Control System Mamtamed NPS capab1hty statements -that 1s statements of the Services official op1mon on budgetary and financial matters provided to Congressional subcomnuttees The statements assess the impact to the President s budget request of proposed changes origmatmg from mterest groups or elected representatives CSWm was launched m 1 990 and contamed data through 2003

Inactive System Owner David Hamngton (see above) System Manager Katherine Hopper (no email address) 202-208-4043

Questions and Answers Briefing Effects Operat ional System Owner David Capability Statements Tracking System Hamngton (see above) QABECS replaces the former Capab1hty Statement Control System (CSWm)

QABECS 1s a Serv1cew1de Internet application w1thm the Nat ional Park Service (NPS) which 1s used to manage and track questions and answers capab1hty briefing and effect statements The system 1s used by parks regions W ASO program offices the office of Legislative and Congressional Affa1rs and the Office of the Comptroller

Contracting Officers Warrant Database List ofNPS contractmg officers mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than a database The spreadsheet enables the Bureau Procurement Ch1efto track ehg1b1hty of md1v1duals for Contractmg Officer assignments based on the trammg educat10n and experience of the candidate and the acqms1tlon needs of the1r orgamzat10n Information 1s mamtamed as current on the database names of md1v1duals who no longer have CO authonty are moved to a separate hst

blue textt= NPS comments

Operat ional System Owner - He1d1 Ernst Contract Specialist - Contracts and Property Team Hc1d1 Emst(nps gov 303-987-67 14 System Manager Kate Wmkler 303-987-6787 (no email address)

September 2 2009


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy

-----+--__________--==-______----------+----------=-----+---_n _n---=---__-------=--



seuroomments0 Item No Descri tion Retention - A Status - 10 A Records thant Permanent -4- - z i -) _ltampdocument the directlont 1-------+-NAn NPS Or anization Code Re ository 0 erational System Owner SuenHawk1nsnofNPS a nd thant meet

g p

The NPS Org a nmzantlon Code Repository p

Deputy CIO Info Systems NISC the perm a nent cnteri

en a bles the agency t o sh anre a nd descnbe (m d ant a n) i t s org a nmzantlon al struc ture NPS org a nmzantlon al d a nt a 1 s a fundanmen t al bmldmg block for vutually all a pphc a t1ons m the NPS The Reposi t ory

Sue Hawkms(anps gov 303-969-2026 System Manager Lance Gndley Chief System Architecture amp Integratton NISC Lance Gndleyalnp go

con t anms d ant a pert anmmg to mdividual 303-969-2376 org a nmzantlon codes throughout the NPS a s well a s d a nt a rel a ntive to the panrk m which the org a nmzantlon code 1 s a ssigned Only the curren t NPS org a nmzantlon d a nt anstructure 1 s t rancked though the future a dd1 t 1on of versioned d ant a set s will ch a nge thi s

NIA NR Public Use Statistics Office Operantion al System Owner Butch Street Reporting System (PUSORS)PUSORS cont a nms mfonnantlon used to com pJie m on thly v1 s1 t a nt1 on st antistic s a t the 267 reportmg um t s of the NPS

Management Analyst Denver Butch Streeta)np gov 303-343-2704 System Manager not known

Eanch panrk h ans i t s own d ant a reqmrement s for d ant a mput there 1 s a n mput form for eanch panrk

The d ant a a re a v a il a nble a nnu ally from 1 904- 1 978 a nd m on thly from 1 979 through the present d a ny The ou tpu t s a re a v ail a ble on the Intranne t si te for panrk use a nd a t WWV n anture nps govs t a nts for pubhc a ccess

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS commen ts

___ ltraquo middotmiddot ss middot

NPS E Systems Crosswalk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Page 2 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi 7 BucketSchedule) E-Svstem1Description Item No Description Retentiongt Acronym System Name amp Desiption I Status

_t middotmiddotmiddot - middot v 7lobull B Roupo1 TemnA -Sorabullvmiddot1s ears s= bull Ygtrbull 1-=ibullvcn -n n=bull41--middot=n middotmiddotn-+---------middotn=LJ_=z middotn -s_n middot __F

middotdec1s1onsYto d any middot----------+--------l----z _ _ raquo bull __ middot middotmiddot _

System Manager Regma Monarty Computer Spec Herndon VA

_AFS3 Administrative Finance System (AFS 3) Operant10nal AFS 3 1s used for fina nci al tr a ckmg budget

pl annmng)eg al issues Regma Monartynps gov

703-487-9326operantionsfo thani]o pl a nning prepanrant10n a nd execution I t

middot11ot rileet theicri teri a ffor en a bles NPS pa rks a nd offices t o meet perm annent records)jf middot


a ccoun t a b1hty reqmrements for a ppropn a nted funds a nd m a mten a nce of cert a m tr a nsanct ion

logs AFS 3 also helps meet requrrement of lmkmg doll a nrs to performna nce g oanls

AFS 3 provides d ant a to the followmg NPS systems BPS PMDS PMIS CAS a nd PRampP Construction Allocation System (CAS)

CAS 1s a cen tralized web-b a sed rel a ntion al d a nt a b a se m a n agement system loc a nted withm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumc ant10ns Center m L a kewood CO The system provides a n a pplicna tion t o document a pproprina tions develop a nd a pprove mternal projec t formul antion processes tr anck alloc ant ions ag anmst a pprov als a nd hnk resul ts with the Federal Fma nci al System (FFS)

The system will initi ally con t anm d a t a for a ny still a c tive Lme I tem projec t some of which h a ve a ppropn a tions d antmg a s far b a nck a s FY 1990 Fu ture enh a ncements will mcorporante sum m a ry mformnantion for all com pleted Lme I tem projects a ppropn a nted b anck to the 1980s

The eanr her version of CAS w ans a dB a se IV b a nsed progranm the consists l a nrgely ofnpostmg a nd t ranckmg numbers with offici al b a nckup

Operant10n al System Owner Marcus Hathaway (bemg D1v1s10n Chief Construction -rewnt ten) DC

Marcus Hatha-aynps go 202-208-5685

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS com ments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 3 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bitr Bucket Schedule) bull E-System Description middot tt I Comments Itemiddotm No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status middot - I

mformation bemg kept offlme Its pnmary function 1s to produce Fundmg Advices that must be pnnted and signed - 1t does not generated electromc versions

PMDS Operational System Owner Joel Lynch Performance Management Data System Depty Strategic Planning Admm OpstWASO

(PDMS)Tins system 1s used to track service wide

Joel LmiddotTichngs gov performance agamst NPS Strategic Plan 202-208-7029 goals PMDS tracks some 67 performance System Mgr - Eileen Peterson measures actual and projected across a Program Analyst wide range ofNPS functions In addition Eileen K Petcronui)ngs gov the system mcludes rough fundmgFTE 605-34 1 -7827 numbers and text based mformat1on such as sections for detailmg work plans and comment fields All data are lmked to a specific park program or office and are mput by the md1v1dual NPS reportmg umts The system contams data 1998 to 20 12 and 1s extended each time DOI updates the departmental strategic plan

PMDS lmks with a number ofNPS systems m the areas of Operat10ns Project Management and Fmance

Operational htt12 12lannmg nps gov NPSPlannmg 1s a website built to provide the general public with mformation about all facets of the NPS plannmg process It also d1rects the public to plannmg documents that are currently under public review on the PEPC (Plannmg Environment and Public Comment) website

The website 1s a source for policy and reference mks that are used m plannmg w1thm the National Park Service

The home page of the website lists all active general management plans special

NPSPlann NPSPlanning

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments


- - gt - ---- - --____ ___ __nmiddotgt lt r

pur_ch_sevochers middot

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n a gement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Pa ge 4 of 1 5

~J Nl-79-08-9 (New B i Bucket Schedrile) E-Syteffi Description I Commentsmiddot tmiddotItem No Descriptionmiddot Retention Acronym System Name amp Description bullt 1t Status

resource studies a nd other NPS pl a ns bemg developed Lmks a t the bot t om of the home pa ge fil ter the h st m term s of the type of pl a n - for ex a m ple Implement a tion Pl a ns Speci al Resource S tudies Commercial Services Pl a ns Development Concept Pl a ns etc Users chck on the n anme of a pl a n a nd a re direc ted to the PEPC website ( see nex t en try)

Operantion al (http parkplanntnl nps go ) 1 s closely a ssocia ted with the NPSP a nnmg website a nd offers a w a y for NPS t o g a ther mput from the public for v a nous pl a ns a nd projec t s bemg developed by the Service Users c a n sea rch the site by region st a te or p a nrk n a nme a nd a ccess a h st of projec t s m a ny ofwh1ch a re open for pubhc comment Releva n t documen t s a re h sted a nd downloa d a ble a s pdf files Add1 t1on al lmks provide a ccess to meetmg notices a nd other mform a tl on The PEPC home p ange al so provides a specific lmk t o projec t s open for comment Users offer com men t s by fillmg ou t fields m a comment form a nd en termg rem a rks a s free tex t mto a text box

PEPC The PEPC website


frac34 __ __ +-Bt

TemPorryt7tyearslt0CiFsc a a nd bullnh contra c tmg ecords -lt 1------------__B--1nclilgirig1traVel

ngt amp--02 --_l__vd nt -__-----tigatt g----+-N-_ear_____1--S

middot --_ckgt --nntT _rt_acI ioroun_ emnOwn

_erat Heather M111e

_est sty_ki r

This system m a m t a msemployee b a ckground Implemen t a tion Personal Security amp Smtab1hty mvestlg a tl on mformn

Specantlon thant 1 s a djudic a ted Heather M1llerCCbnp gov by the W anshmgton office The d a nt a b a nse 202-5n1 3-7099

-orclers contranc t s etc Al9 support s the NPS Hum a nn Resources a nd L anw bull rutine personnel

records such a sTune bulln Enforcemen t progr a m s a s well a s p a nrtner a nd Atteiiiicemiddot a nd contranc tors progr a m s middotSupervisor s recordsn bull The d a t a b a nse m a m t a m s employee d ant a a dn-rel a nted personriel -

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 5 of 15

frac34JlNl 79-08-9 (New Bi Bicket schedule) ESystem Description ii Comments Item No l)escription Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status I

Neanr System Owner Heather Miller

traniqi a n simil anr records sucp a s EEO BI (na me a nd SSN) a nd b a ckground

I m plement antion Personal Secunty amp Smtab1hty Spec

mvest1g a nt1on d ant a (BI type BI closmg d ante records lt bull a djudic antion d ante a nd BI st antu s) D ant a 1 s

Heather M1llcrnps gov ob t a med from the Office of Personnel 202-5 1 3-7099 M a nn agement B a nckground Investig a ntion C a nse

Closmg Trannsmi tt al a nd c a nse panpers The NPS BI D a t a b a nse mks to d a nt a pulled

from the Federal Panyroll a nd Personnel System (FPPS) It does not support a nother system

HPLP Human Resources Line of Business [from Operantion al Cont a c t Alex Young CPIC System s Inventory] 303-969-2771

DJTector Denver Admm Program Center Alex Youngnps gov

Operantion al Cont a c t 1 s D anvid Krewson NIA International Affairs Foreign Travel 202-354-1800

This system cont a m s d a nt a on mtem antion al Database Systems

lntemattonal Cooperat10n Speciahst Dav1d_Krewsonnps gov

t ra vel by NPS st a ff NPS st a ff must receive pnor a pproval by the DJTec tor a nd the Assi st a nnt Secret a nry for Fish Wildlife a nd Panrks for mtem a t1on al tr a vel

The system also cont a ms d ant a on Intem ant1on al Volunteers a nd F oreign Deleg a tions or groups requestmg support from Office of Intern a ntion al Affanirs

D a t a a re mput from st a nd a rd form s subrrut ted by prospec tive NPS t ra velers Outpu ts a re yeanr-end reports on the number ofNPS st a fftra velmg overseans m a given fisc al yea r the cost t o the government a nd the reansons for the t ra velmg

Inanctive System Owner Patti D1enna

The NER Account a bility System (NERACT) ACT Northeast Region Accountability System

Ch1eflnfo Officer NER PA Patt1-D1ennanps gov m a nmt anms a system of control s considered 2 1 5-597-48 1 8

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments


NPS E System s Crosswanlk M a n agement amp Accoun t a b1hty (I tem I 0) Page 6 of 1 5

--=v Nh79089(New Bi Bucket Schedule) - bulltE-SystemlDescription I ltomments Item No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description lt I Status I ft - Oi

useful stna nd anrds or best pranc tices b a nsed on public l anws a nd D1rec tors Orders thant under he eanch of the progranm s a nd panrk a c t1v1tles m the Northeanst Region The system 1 s pnm a nnly a self-evaluantion tool used by panrk supermtendent s t o a ssess performannce factors m such a reans a s Panrk Leandership amp M a nn agement F a ncility amp L anndsc anpe Plna nnmg Rehanbilitnantion a nd Development Comnmercianl Services M a nn agement etc

The system 1 s not mnuse m FY2009 a nd 1 s currently bemg considered for updantmg or redesign

OFS Operations Formulation System Operantion al The Operantions Formul antion System System Owner David Hamngton

(OFS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de web-b a sed system designed to fac1h t a nte the work ofNPS to

identify operantmg funds needed t o pursue i t s m1 ss1on OFS cont a ms all unfunded budget a ry reqmrement s of the Service for

Supervisory Budget Analyst WA DC Daval Hamngton(wn11 gov 202-208-4043 System Manager Jennifer Champagne

ongomg or operantion al needs for the next five Admm Officer Rock Creek Park Fiscnal Yeanrs (FY) The system cont anms Jenmfer Cham11abllen11s gov lustoncal mformnant10n on funded request s 202-208-7374 from FY 1994 a nd h1stoncal d a nt a on panrk operantmg budgetns a c reage v1 s1 t a nt10n a nd FTE OFS wans ongmally a DOS b a nsed system The plna tform w ans migranted t o a web-b a sed one m the mid 1 990 s The Operantions Formul a ntion System (OFS)

1 s a centralized web b a nsed rel antion al d a nt a nb a nse m a nn agemen t system loc anted w1 thm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumcantlons Center (ITC) m Wanshmgton DC

PTATS Park Transportation Allocation and Tracking SystemPT A TS 1s a web b a nsed a oohc ant1on t o t ranck

Operantion al System Owner Mark Hatsoe Supervisory Civil Engr Mark Ha11socn11s gov

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NFS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 7 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bir Bucket Schedule) Item No Description -Retention Acronym



- frac34 E-System Description I Comments Systefu Name amp Description I Status

System Manager Dawn Foy cost data for the Park Roads and Parkways IT Specialist NISC Dawn Foy(a)np gov

Program The application meets NPS and Federal Lands Highway (FHW A) project

505-988-67 1 1 trackmg reqmrements and 1s accessible to a wide range of NFS and FHW A users mcludmg staff amp managers m field d1v1s10nreg1on and headquarter offices

PT ATS contams data pertammg to NFS Park Roads and Parkway projects mcludmg project control numbers account numbers and NFS umt identifiers as well as project descnpt1ons It also has an electroruc library for the stormg of project agreements vegetation plans and other project related documents

PT ATS 1s lmked with data from NFS Project Management Informat ion System (PMIS) and Adnumstrahve Fmance System (AFS)Park$ Budget Reporting System Operational System Owner Joe Escoto

The system communicates simple budget Superintendent Padre Isl NS

reportmg to the parks and to provide parks Joe Escotonps gov

with a snapshot of their budget status Authonzed amounts for offices and

programs are manually mput mto the system Amounts are entered throughout the fiscal

361-949-8 173 ext 222 System Manager Rob Rivera Rod R1veranps gov 303 969-253 1

year The system receives data mput and budget

upload from multiple sources mcludmgPMIS and AFS 3 Personnel Reporting and Training Operational Contact Alex Young (see Systems [(Mmor HR Applicat ions) from above)CPIC Systems Inventory 303-969-2771

September 2 2009 blue textt= NFS comments

NPS E System s Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 8 of 15

middotNl-79-08-91(New-Bi 1 Bucket Schedule) bulltE-System Descriptian t I -t I Comments Item No Description Retention 0 bull ltG cronym System Name amp Description I Status J

PMIS Operational System Owner David Hamngton The Project Management Informa tion

Project Management Information System (see above)

System Manager Ellen Bullock System (PMIS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de mtranet Management Analyst DC application w1thm the National Park Service Ellen Bullockmg gov (NPS) which 1 s used to manage mformatlon 202-208-42 1 0 about request s for project fundmg I t enables

parks and NPS offices t o submit project proposal s to be reviewed approved and prioritized at park umt s regional directorate s and the Washmgton Office (WASO) I t was developed m response to a request from the National Leadership Council (NLC) to create a common system for backlogged projec t s

PMIS 1 s a centrahzed web based relational database management system (RDBMS) which 1 s located w1 thm the Informa tion and Telecommumcat1ons Center (ITC) m Washington DC

Operational System Owner - Sue Hawkms Re portmg system for various workforce

NIA Workforce Diversity Reporting System but slated for System Manager - Lance

diversi ty categories The data stored m thi s re tiremen t Gridley (see above) application consi st s of selected aggregated data fields defined by NPS EEO office pulled from the FPPS (Federal Personnel Payroll System US DOI) on a quarterly basi s ( smce the 3rd quarter of 1999) The data are presented by the application m a stati stical I

graphical manner t o show dem ographic t rends m the Service

September 2 2009 blue textn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw a lk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bili ty (I tem 10) P age 9 of 15

NI-79-08-9 ew Bi Bucket Schedule Comments Acron m

fo D All othd shyroutme housekeepmg nlti stipportmg_ documen t a ntJonnot anaressedsi7ren4_

Temporary 3 years BIMS Barcode Inventory Management System

Depanrtment of the Intenor Property M a n agement D1rec tJves a nd the NPS Person anl Property M a nn agement H a nndbook No 44 reqmre tha t pa rksoffices conduct a 100 percent physic a l mventory ea ch physic a l yea r B a rcode scna nners a re used by Custodi anl Property Officers throughout the NPS when conduc tmg the1r a nnuanl person anl property mventones The BIMS utilizes a centranlized file server

t o hold d a t a from the Fixed Assets Sub system a progranm on the Property M a n ager s PC t o produce mventory reports a nd a h a ndheld b a nrcode sc a nner t o sc a n a sset b a nrcodes The system works through the tr a n sfer of mformnantJon between these three comnponent s

BIMS mformnantJon conten t s a re person anl property mventones for v a nnous offices

Thi s system mtera c t s with the Federa l Fmannc1 a nl System (FFS) a nd the FIXed Asset Module of FFS These system s a re Depa rtment a l not specific t o NPS

Neanr System Owner - Emestme Implemen t antion Armnstrong

Property M a nn agement Progranm M a nn ager Ernestine Armstrongnps gov 202 354- 1 958

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I 0) Page 1 0 of 1 5

E-System Description I Comments0

bullSystem Name amp Description I Status I

-Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) Tu f

Retention Acronymtitem No Description CSWm



Capability Statement Control System Mamtamed NPS capab1hty statements -that 1s statements of the Services official op1mon on budgetary and financial matters provided to Congressional subcomnuttees The statements assess the impact to the President s budget request of proposed changes origmatmg from mterest groups or elected representatives CSWm was launched m 1 990 and contamed data through 2003

Inactive System Owner David Hamngton (see above) System Manager Katherine Hopper (no email address) 202-208-4043

Questions and Answers Briefing Effects Operat ional System Owner David Capability Statements Tracking System Hamngton (see above) QABECS replaces the former Capab1hty Statement Control System (CSWm)

QABECS 1s a Serv1cew1de Internet application w1thm the Nat ional Park Service (NPS) which 1s used to manage and track questions and answers capab1hty briefing and effect statements The system 1s used by parks regions W ASO program offices the office of Legislative and Congressional Affa1rs and the Office of the Comptroller

Contracting Officers Warrant Database List ofNPS contractmg officers mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than a database The spreadsheet enables the Bureau Procurement Ch1efto track ehg1b1hty of md1v1duals for Contractmg Officer assignments based on the trammg educat10n and experience of the candidate and the acqms1tlon needs of the1r orgamzat10n Information 1s mamtamed as current on the database names of md1v1duals who no longer have CO authonty are moved to a separate hst

blue textt= NPS comments

Operat ional System Owner - He1d1 Ernst Contract Specialist - Contracts and Property Team Hc1d1 Emst(nps gov 303-987-67 14 System Manager Kate Wmkler 303-987-6787 (no email address)

September 2 2009


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy

___ ltraquo middotmiddot ss middot

NPS E Systems Crosswalk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Page 2 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi 7 BucketSchedule) E-Svstem1Description Item No Description Retentiongt Acronym System Name amp Desiption I Status

_t middotmiddotmiddot - middot v 7lobull B Roupo1 TemnA -Sorabullvmiddot1s ears s= bull Ygtrbull 1-=ibullvcn -n n=bull41--middot=n middotmiddotn-+---------middotn=LJ_=z middotn -s_n middot __F

middotdec1s1onsYto d any middot----------+--------l----z _ _ raquo bull __ middot middotmiddot _

System Manager Regma Monarty Computer Spec Herndon VA

_AFS3 Administrative Finance System (AFS 3) Operant10nal AFS 3 1s used for fina nci al tr a ckmg budget

pl annmng)eg al issues Regma Monartynps gov

703-487-9326operantionsfo thani]o pl a nning prepanrant10n a nd execution I t

middot11ot rileet theicri teri a ffor en a bles NPS pa rks a nd offices t o meet perm annent records)jf middot


a ccoun t a b1hty reqmrements for a ppropn a nted funds a nd m a mten a nce of cert a m tr a nsanct ion

logs AFS 3 also helps meet requrrement of lmkmg doll a nrs to performna nce g oanls

AFS 3 provides d ant a to the followmg NPS systems BPS PMDS PMIS CAS a nd PRampP Construction Allocation System (CAS)

CAS 1s a cen tralized web-b a sed rel a ntion al d a nt a b a se m a n agement system loc a nted withm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumc ant10ns Center m L a kewood CO The system provides a n a pplicna tion t o document a pproprina tions develop a nd a pprove mternal projec t formul antion processes tr anck alloc ant ions ag anmst a pprov als a nd hnk resul ts with the Federal Fma nci al System (FFS)

The system will initi ally con t anm d a t a for a ny still a c tive Lme I tem projec t some of which h a ve a ppropn a tions d antmg a s far b a nck a s FY 1990 Fu ture enh a ncements will mcorporante sum m a ry mformnantion for all com pleted Lme I tem projects a ppropn a nted b anck to the 1980s

The eanr her version of CAS w ans a dB a se IV b a nsed progranm the consists l a nrgely ofnpostmg a nd t ranckmg numbers with offici al b a nckup

Operant10n al System Owner Marcus Hathaway (bemg D1v1s10n Chief Construction -rewnt ten) DC

Marcus Hatha-aynps go 202-208-5685

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS com ments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 3 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bitr Bucket Schedule) bull E-System Description middot tt I Comments Itemiddotm No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status middot - I

mformation bemg kept offlme Its pnmary function 1s to produce Fundmg Advices that must be pnnted and signed - 1t does not generated electromc versions

PMDS Operational System Owner Joel Lynch Performance Management Data System Depty Strategic Planning Admm OpstWASO

(PDMS)Tins system 1s used to track service wide

Joel LmiddotTichngs gov performance agamst NPS Strategic Plan 202-208-7029 goals PMDS tracks some 67 performance System Mgr - Eileen Peterson measures actual and projected across a Program Analyst wide range ofNPS functions In addition Eileen K Petcronui)ngs gov the system mcludes rough fundmgFTE 605-34 1 -7827 numbers and text based mformat1on such as sections for detailmg work plans and comment fields All data are lmked to a specific park program or office and are mput by the md1v1dual NPS reportmg umts The system contams data 1998 to 20 12 and 1s extended each time DOI updates the departmental strategic plan

PMDS lmks with a number ofNPS systems m the areas of Operat10ns Project Management and Fmance

Operational htt12 12lannmg nps gov NPSPlannmg 1s a website built to provide the general public with mformation about all facets of the NPS plannmg process It also d1rects the public to plannmg documents that are currently under public review on the PEPC (Plannmg Environment and Public Comment) website

The website 1s a source for policy and reference mks that are used m plannmg w1thm the National Park Service

The home page of the website lists all active general management plans special

NPSPlann NPSPlanning

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments


- - gt - ---- - --____ ___ __nmiddotgt lt r

pur_ch_sevochers middot

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n a gement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Pa ge 4 of 1 5

~J Nl-79-08-9 (New B i Bucket Schedrile) E-Syteffi Description I Commentsmiddot tmiddotItem No Descriptionmiddot Retention Acronym System Name amp Description bullt 1t Status

resource studies a nd other NPS pl a ns bemg developed Lmks a t the bot t om of the home pa ge fil ter the h st m term s of the type of pl a n - for ex a m ple Implement a tion Pl a ns Speci al Resource S tudies Commercial Services Pl a ns Development Concept Pl a ns etc Users chck on the n anme of a pl a n a nd a re direc ted to the PEPC website ( see nex t en try)

Operantion al (http parkplanntnl nps go ) 1 s closely a ssocia ted with the NPSP a nnmg website a nd offers a w a y for NPS t o g a ther mput from the public for v a nous pl a ns a nd projec t s bemg developed by the Service Users c a n sea rch the site by region st a te or p a nrk n a nme a nd a ccess a h st of projec t s m a ny ofwh1ch a re open for pubhc comment Releva n t documen t s a re h sted a nd downloa d a ble a s pdf files Add1 t1on al lmks provide a ccess to meetmg notices a nd other mform a tl on The PEPC home p ange al so provides a specific lmk t o projec t s open for comment Users offer com men t s by fillmg ou t fields m a comment form a nd en termg rem a rks a s free tex t mto a text box

PEPC The PEPC website


frac34 __ __ +-Bt

TemPorryt7tyearslt0CiFsc a a nd bullnh contra c tmg ecords -lt 1------------__B--1nclilgirig1traVel

ngt amp--02 --_l__vd nt -__-----tigatt g----+-N-_ear_____1--S

middot --_ckgt --nntT _rt_acI ioroun_ emnOwn

_erat Heather M111e

_est sty_ki r

This system m a m t a msemployee b a ckground Implemen t a tion Personal Security amp Smtab1hty mvestlg a tl on mformn

Specantlon thant 1 s a djudic a ted Heather M1llerCCbnp gov by the W anshmgton office The d a nt a b a nse 202-5n1 3-7099

-orclers contranc t s etc Al9 support s the NPS Hum a nn Resources a nd L anw bull rutine personnel

records such a sTune bulln Enforcemen t progr a m s a s well a s p a nrtner a nd Atteiiiicemiddot a nd contranc tors progr a m s middotSupervisor s recordsn bull The d a t a b a nse m a m t a m s employee d ant a a dn-rel a nted personriel -

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 5 of 15

frac34JlNl 79-08-9 (New Bi Bicket schedule) ESystem Description ii Comments Item No l)escription Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status I

Neanr System Owner Heather Miller

traniqi a n simil anr records sucp a s EEO BI (na me a nd SSN) a nd b a ckground

I m plement antion Personal Secunty amp Smtab1hty Spec

mvest1g a nt1on d ant a (BI type BI closmg d ante records lt bull a djudic antion d ante a nd BI st antu s) D ant a 1 s

Heather M1llcrnps gov ob t a med from the Office of Personnel 202-5 1 3-7099 M a nn agement B a nckground Investig a ntion C a nse

Closmg Trannsmi tt al a nd c a nse panpers The NPS BI D a t a b a nse mks to d a nt a pulled

from the Federal Panyroll a nd Personnel System (FPPS) It does not support a nother system

HPLP Human Resources Line of Business [from Operantion al Cont a c t Alex Young CPIC System s Inventory] 303-969-2771

DJTector Denver Admm Program Center Alex Youngnps gov

Operantion al Cont a c t 1 s D anvid Krewson NIA International Affairs Foreign Travel 202-354-1800

This system cont a m s d a nt a on mtem antion al Database Systems

lntemattonal Cooperat10n Speciahst Dav1d_Krewsonnps gov

t ra vel by NPS st a ff NPS st a ff must receive pnor a pproval by the DJTec tor a nd the Assi st a nnt Secret a nry for Fish Wildlife a nd Panrks for mtem a t1on al tr a vel

The system also cont a ms d ant a on Intem ant1on al Volunteers a nd F oreign Deleg a tions or groups requestmg support from Office of Intern a ntion al Affanirs

D a t a a re mput from st a nd a rd form s subrrut ted by prospec tive NPS t ra velers Outpu ts a re yeanr-end reports on the number ofNPS st a fftra velmg overseans m a given fisc al yea r the cost t o the government a nd the reansons for the t ra velmg

Inanctive System Owner Patti D1enna

The NER Account a bility System (NERACT) ACT Northeast Region Accountability System

Ch1eflnfo Officer NER PA Patt1-D1ennanps gov m a nmt anms a system of control s considered 2 1 5-597-48 1 8

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments


NPS E System s Crosswanlk M a n agement amp Accoun t a b1hty (I tem I 0) Page 6 of 1 5

--=v Nh79089(New Bi Bucket Schedule) - bulltE-SystemlDescription I ltomments Item No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description lt I Status I ft - Oi

useful stna nd anrds or best pranc tices b a nsed on public l anws a nd D1rec tors Orders thant under he eanch of the progranm s a nd panrk a c t1v1tles m the Northeanst Region The system 1 s pnm a nnly a self-evaluantion tool used by panrk supermtendent s t o a ssess performannce factors m such a reans a s Panrk Leandership amp M a nn agement F a ncility amp L anndsc anpe Plna nnmg Rehanbilitnantion a nd Development Comnmercianl Services M a nn agement etc

The system 1 s not mnuse m FY2009 a nd 1 s currently bemg considered for updantmg or redesign

OFS Operations Formulation System Operantion al The Operantions Formul antion System System Owner David Hamngton

(OFS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de web-b a sed system designed to fac1h t a nte the work ofNPS to

identify operantmg funds needed t o pursue i t s m1 ss1on OFS cont a ms all unfunded budget a ry reqmrement s of the Service for

Supervisory Budget Analyst WA DC Daval Hamngton(wn11 gov 202-208-4043 System Manager Jennifer Champagne

ongomg or operantion al needs for the next five Admm Officer Rock Creek Park Fiscnal Yeanrs (FY) The system cont anms Jenmfer Cham11abllen11s gov lustoncal mformnant10n on funded request s 202-208-7374 from FY 1994 a nd h1stoncal d a nt a on panrk operantmg budgetns a c reage v1 s1 t a nt10n a nd FTE OFS wans ongmally a DOS b a nsed system The plna tform w ans migranted t o a web-b a sed one m the mid 1 990 s The Operantions Formul a ntion System (OFS)

1 s a centralized web b a nsed rel antion al d a nt a nb a nse m a nn agemen t system loc anted w1 thm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumcantlons Center (ITC) m Wanshmgton DC

PTATS Park Transportation Allocation and Tracking SystemPT A TS 1s a web b a nsed a oohc ant1on t o t ranck

Operantion al System Owner Mark Hatsoe Supervisory Civil Engr Mark Ha11socn11s gov

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NFS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 7 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bir Bucket Schedule) Item No Description -Retention Acronym



- frac34 E-System Description I Comments Systefu Name amp Description I Status

System Manager Dawn Foy cost data for the Park Roads and Parkways IT Specialist NISC Dawn Foy(a)np gov

Program The application meets NPS and Federal Lands Highway (FHW A) project

505-988-67 1 1 trackmg reqmrements and 1s accessible to a wide range of NFS and FHW A users mcludmg staff amp managers m field d1v1s10nreg1on and headquarter offices

PT ATS contams data pertammg to NFS Park Roads and Parkway projects mcludmg project control numbers account numbers and NFS umt identifiers as well as project descnpt1ons It also has an electroruc library for the stormg of project agreements vegetation plans and other project related documents

PT ATS 1s lmked with data from NFS Project Management Informat ion System (PMIS) and Adnumstrahve Fmance System (AFS)Park$ Budget Reporting System Operational System Owner Joe Escoto

The system communicates simple budget Superintendent Padre Isl NS

reportmg to the parks and to provide parks Joe Escotonps gov

with a snapshot of their budget status Authonzed amounts for offices and

programs are manually mput mto the system Amounts are entered throughout the fiscal

361-949-8 173 ext 222 System Manager Rob Rivera Rod R1veranps gov 303 969-253 1

year The system receives data mput and budget

upload from multiple sources mcludmgPMIS and AFS 3 Personnel Reporting and Training Operational Contact Alex Young (see Systems [(Mmor HR Applicat ions) from above)CPIC Systems Inventory 303-969-2771

September 2 2009 blue textt= NFS comments

NPS E System s Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 8 of 15

middotNl-79-08-91(New-Bi 1 Bucket Schedule) bulltE-System Descriptian t I -t I Comments Item No Description Retention 0 bull ltG cronym System Name amp Description I Status J

PMIS Operational System Owner David Hamngton The Project Management Informa tion

Project Management Information System (see above)

System Manager Ellen Bullock System (PMIS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de mtranet Management Analyst DC application w1thm the National Park Service Ellen Bullockmg gov (NPS) which 1 s used to manage mformatlon 202-208-42 1 0 about request s for project fundmg I t enables

parks and NPS offices t o submit project proposal s to be reviewed approved and prioritized at park umt s regional directorate s and the Washmgton Office (WASO) I t was developed m response to a request from the National Leadership Council (NLC) to create a common system for backlogged projec t s

PMIS 1 s a centrahzed web based relational database management system (RDBMS) which 1 s located w1 thm the Informa tion and Telecommumcat1ons Center (ITC) m Washington DC

Operational System Owner - Sue Hawkms Re portmg system for various workforce

NIA Workforce Diversity Reporting System but slated for System Manager - Lance

diversi ty categories The data stored m thi s re tiremen t Gridley (see above) application consi st s of selected aggregated data fields defined by NPS EEO office pulled from the FPPS (Federal Personnel Payroll System US DOI) on a quarterly basi s ( smce the 3rd quarter of 1999) The data are presented by the application m a stati stical I

graphical manner t o show dem ographic t rends m the Service

September 2 2009 blue textn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw a lk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bili ty (I tem 10) P age 9 of 15

NI-79-08-9 ew Bi Bucket Schedule Comments Acron m

fo D All othd shyroutme housekeepmg nlti stipportmg_ documen t a ntJonnot anaressedsi7ren4_

Temporary 3 years BIMS Barcode Inventory Management System

Depanrtment of the Intenor Property M a n agement D1rec tJves a nd the NPS Person anl Property M a nn agement H a nndbook No 44 reqmre tha t pa rksoffices conduct a 100 percent physic a l mventory ea ch physic a l yea r B a rcode scna nners a re used by Custodi anl Property Officers throughout the NPS when conduc tmg the1r a nnuanl person anl property mventones The BIMS utilizes a centranlized file server

t o hold d a t a from the Fixed Assets Sub system a progranm on the Property M a n ager s PC t o produce mventory reports a nd a h a ndheld b a nrcode sc a nner t o sc a n a sset b a nrcodes The system works through the tr a n sfer of mformnantJon between these three comnponent s

BIMS mformnantJon conten t s a re person anl property mventones for v a nnous offices

Thi s system mtera c t s with the Federa l Fmannc1 a nl System (FFS) a nd the FIXed Asset Module of FFS These system s a re Depa rtment a l not specific t o NPS

Neanr System Owner - Emestme Implemen t antion Armnstrong

Property M a nn agement Progranm M a nn ager Ernestine Armstrongnps gov 202 354- 1 958

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I 0) Page 1 0 of 1 5

E-System Description I Comments0

bullSystem Name amp Description I Status I

-Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) Tu f

Retention Acronymtitem No Description CSWm



Capability Statement Control System Mamtamed NPS capab1hty statements -that 1s statements of the Services official op1mon on budgetary and financial matters provided to Congressional subcomnuttees The statements assess the impact to the President s budget request of proposed changes origmatmg from mterest groups or elected representatives CSWm was launched m 1 990 and contamed data through 2003

Inactive System Owner David Hamngton (see above) System Manager Katherine Hopper (no email address) 202-208-4043

Questions and Answers Briefing Effects Operat ional System Owner David Capability Statements Tracking System Hamngton (see above) QABECS replaces the former Capab1hty Statement Control System (CSWm)

QABECS 1s a Serv1cew1de Internet application w1thm the Nat ional Park Service (NPS) which 1s used to manage and track questions and answers capab1hty briefing and effect statements The system 1s used by parks regions W ASO program offices the office of Legislative and Congressional Affa1rs and the Office of the Comptroller

Contracting Officers Warrant Database List ofNPS contractmg officers mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than a database The spreadsheet enables the Bureau Procurement Ch1efto track ehg1b1hty of md1v1duals for Contractmg Officer assignments based on the trammg educat10n and experience of the candidate and the acqms1tlon needs of the1r orgamzat10n Information 1s mamtamed as current on the database names of md1v1duals who no longer have CO authonty are moved to a separate hst

blue textt= NPS comments

Operat ional System Owner - He1d1 Ernst Contract Specialist - Contracts and Property Team Hc1d1 Emst(nps gov 303-987-67 14 System Manager Kate Wmkler 303-987-6787 (no email address)

September 2 2009


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 3 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bitr Bucket Schedule) bull E-System Description middot tt I Comments Itemiddotm No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status middot - I

mformation bemg kept offlme Its pnmary function 1s to produce Fundmg Advices that must be pnnted and signed - 1t does not generated electromc versions

PMDS Operational System Owner Joel Lynch Performance Management Data System Depty Strategic Planning Admm OpstWASO

(PDMS)Tins system 1s used to track service wide

Joel LmiddotTichngs gov performance agamst NPS Strategic Plan 202-208-7029 goals PMDS tracks some 67 performance System Mgr - Eileen Peterson measures actual and projected across a Program Analyst wide range ofNPS functions In addition Eileen K Petcronui)ngs gov the system mcludes rough fundmgFTE 605-34 1 -7827 numbers and text based mformat1on such as sections for detailmg work plans and comment fields All data are lmked to a specific park program or office and are mput by the md1v1dual NPS reportmg umts The system contams data 1998 to 20 12 and 1s extended each time DOI updates the departmental strategic plan

PMDS lmks with a number ofNPS systems m the areas of Operat10ns Project Management and Fmance

Operational htt12 12lannmg nps gov NPSPlannmg 1s a website built to provide the general public with mformation about all facets of the NPS plannmg process It also d1rects the public to plannmg documents that are currently under public review on the PEPC (Plannmg Environment and Public Comment) website

The website 1s a source for policy and reference mks that are used m plannmg w1thm the National Park Service

The home page of the website lists all active general management plans special

NPSPlann NPSPlanning

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments


- - gt - ---- - --____ ___ __nmiddotgt lt r

pur_ch_sevochers middot

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n a gement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Pa ge 4 of 1 5

~J Nl-79-08-9 (New B i Bucket Schedrile) E-Syteffi Description I Commentsmiddot tmiddotItem No Descriptionmiddot Retention Acronym System Name amp Description bullt 1t Status

resource studies a nd other NPS pl a ns bemg developed Lmks a t the bot t om of the home pa ge fil ter the h st m term s of the type of pl a n - for ex a m ple Implement a tion Pl a ns Speci al Resource S tudies Commercial Services Pl a ns Development Concept Pl a ns etc Users chck on the n anme of a pl a n a nd a re direc ted to the PEPC website ( see nex t en try)

Operantion al (http parkplanntnl nps go ) 1 s closely a ssocia ted with the NPSP a nnmg website a nd offers a w a y for NPS t o g a ther mput from the public for v a nous pl a ns a nd projec t s bemg developed by the Service Users c a n sea rch the site by region st a te or p a nrk n a nme a nd a ccess a h st of projec t s m a ny ofwh1ch a re open for pubhc comment Releva n t documen t s a re h sted a nd downloa d a ble a s pdf files Add1 t1on al lmks provide a ccess to meetmg notices a nd other mform a tl on The PEPC home p ange al so provides a specific lmk t o projec t s open for comment Users offer com men t s by fillmg ou t fields m a comment form a nd en termg rem a rks a s free tex t mto a text box

PEPC The PEPC website


frac34 __ __ +-Bt

TemPorryt7tyearslt0CiFsc a a nd bullnh contra c tmg ecords -lt 1------------__B--1nclilgirig1traVel

ngt amp--02 --_l__vd nt -__-----tigatt g----+-N-_ear_____1--S

middot --_ckgt --nntT _rt_acI ioroun_ emnOwn

_erat Heather M111e

_est sty_ki r

This system m a m t a msemployee b a ckground Implemen t a tion Personal Security amp Smtab1hty mvestlg a tl on mformn

Specantlon thant 1 s a djudic a ted Heather M1llerCCbnp gov by the W anshmgton office The d a nt a b a nse 202-5n1 3-7099

-orclers contranc t s etc Al9 support s the NPS Hum a nn Resources a nd L anw bull rutine personnel

records such a sTune bulln Enforcemen t progr a m s a s well a s p a nrtner a nd Atteiiiicemiddot a nd contranc tors progr a m s middotSupervisor s recordsn bull The d a t a b a nse m a m t a m s employee d ant a a dn-rel a nted personriel -

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 5 of 15

frac34JlNl 79-08-9 (New Bi Bicket schedule) ESystem Description ii Comments Item No l)escription Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status I

Neanr System Owner Heather Miller

traniqi a n simil anr records sucp a s EEO BI (na me a nd SSN) a nd b a ckground

I m plement antion Personal Secunty amp Smtab1hty Spec

mvest1g a nt1on d ant a (BI type BI closmg d ante records lt bull a djudic antion d ante a nd BI st antu s) D ant a 1 s

Heather M1llcrnps gov ob t a med from the Office of Personnel 202-5 1 3-7099 M a nn agement B a nckground Investig a ntion C a nse

Closmg Trannsmi tt al a nd c a nse panpers The NPS BI D a t a b a nse mks to d a nt a pulled

from the Federal Panyroll a nd Personnel System (FPPS) It does not support a nother system

HPLP Human Resources Line of Business [from Operantion al Cont a c t Alex Young CPIC System s Inventory] 303-969-2771

DJTector Denver Admm Program Center Alex Youngnps gov

Operantion al Cont a c t 1 s D anvid Krewson NIA International Affairs Foreign Travel 202-354-1800

This system cont a m s d a nt a on mtem antion al Database Systems

lntemattonal Cooperat10n Speciahst Dav1d_Krewsonnps gov

t ra vel by NPS st a ff NPS st a ff must receive pnor a pproval by the DJTec tor a nd the Assi st a nnt Secret a nry for Fish Wildlife a nd Panrks for mtem a t1on al tr a vel

The system also cont a ms d ant a on Intem ant1on al Volunteers a nd F oreign Deleg a tions or groups requestmg support from Office of Intern a ntion al Affanirs

D a t a a re mput from st a nd a rd form s subrrut ted by prospec tive NPS t ra velers Outpu ts a re yeanr-end reports on the number ofNPS st a fftra velmg overseans m a given fisc al yea r the cost t o the government a nd the reansons for the t ra velmg

Inanctive System Owner Patti D1enna

The NER Account a bility System (NERACT) ACT Northeast Region Accountability System

Ch1eflnfo Officer NER PA Patt1-D1ennanps gov m a nmt anms a system of control s considered 2 1 5-597-48 1 8

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments


NPS E System s Crosswanlk M a n agement amp Accoun t a b1hty (I tem I 0) Page 6 of 1 5

--=v Nh79089(New Bi Bucket Schedule) - bulltE-SystemlDescription I ltomments Item No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description lt I Status I ft - Oi

useful stna nd anrds or best pranc tices b a nsed on public l anws a nd D1rec tors Orders thant under he eanch of the progranm s a nd panrk a c t1v1tles m the Northeanst Region The system 1 s pnm a nnly a self-evaluantion tool used by panrk supermtendent s t o a ssess performannce factors m such a reans a s Panrk Leandership amp M a nn agement F a ncility amp L anndsc anpe Plna nnmg Rehanbilitnantion a nd Development Comnmercianl Services M a nn agement etc

The system 1 s not mnuse m FY2009 a nd 1 s currently bemg considered for updantmg or redesign

OFS Operations Formulation System Operantion al The Operantions Formul antion System System Owner David Hamngton

(OFS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de web-b a sed system designed to fac1h t a nte the work ofNPS to

identify operantmg funds needed t o pursue i t s m1 ss1on OFS cont a ms all unfunded budget a ry reqmrement s of the Service for

Supervisory Budget Analyst WA DC Daval Hamngton(wn11 gov 202-208-4043 System Manager Jennifer Champagne

ongomg or operantion al needs for the next five Admm Officer Rock Creek Park Fiscnal Yeanrs (FY) The system cont anms Jenmfer Cham11abllen11s gov lustoncal mformnant10n on funded request s 202-208-7374 from FY 1994 a nd h1stoncal d a nt a on panrk operantmg budgetns a c reage v1 s1 t a nt10n a nd FTE OFS wans ongmally a DOS b a nsed system The plna tform w ans migranted t o a web-b a sed one m the mid 1 990 s The Operantions Formul a ntion System (OFS)

1 s a centralized web b a nsed rel antion al d a nt a nb a nse m a nn agemen t system loc anted w1 thm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumcantlons Center (ITC) m Wanshmgton DC

PTATS Park Transportation Allocation and Tracking SystemPT A TS 1s a web b a nsed a oohc ant1on t o t ranck

Operantion al System Owner Mark Hatsoe Supervisory Civil Engr Mark Ha11socn11s gov

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NFS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 7 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bir Bucket Schedule) Item No Description -Retention Acronym



- frac34 E-System Description I Comments Systefu Name amp Description I Status

System Manager Dawn Foy cost data for the Park Roads and Parkways IT Specialist NISC Dawn Foy(a)np gov

Program The application meets NPS and Federal Lands Highway (FHW A) project

505-988-67 1 1 trackmg reqmrements and 1s accessible to a wide range of NFS and FHW A users mcludmg staff amp managers m field d1v1s10nreg1on and headquarter offices

PT ATS contams data pertammg to NFS Park Roads and Parkway projects mcludmg project control numbers account numbers and NFS umt identifiers as well as project descnpt1ons It also has an electroruc library for the stormg of project agreements vegetation plans and other project related documents

PT ATS 1s lmked with data from NFS Project Management Informat ion System (PMIS) and Adnumstrahve Fmance System (AFS)Park$ Budget Reporting System Operational System Owner Joe Escoto

The system communicates simple budget Superintendent Padre Isl NS

reportmg to the parks and to provide parks Joe Escotonps gov

with a snapshot of their budget status Authonzed amounts for offices and

programs are manually mput mto the system Amounts are entered throughout the fiscal

361-949-8 173 ext 222 System Manager Rob Rivera Rod R1veranps gov 303 969-253 1

year The system receives data mput and budget

upload from multiple sources mcludmgPMIS and AFS 3 Personnel Reporting and Training Operational Contact Alex Young (see Systems [(Mmor HR Applicat ions) from above)CPIC Systems Inventory 303-969-2771

September 2 2009 blue textt= NFS comments

NPS E System s Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 8 of 15

middotNl-79-08-91(New-Bi 1 Bucket Schedule) bulltE-System Descriptian t I -t I Comments Item No Description Retention 0 bull ltG cronym System Name amp Description I Status J

PMIS Operational System Owner David Hamngton The Project Management Informa tion

Project Management Information System (see above)

System Manager Ellen Bullock System (PMIS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de mtranet Management Analyst DC application w1thm the National Park Service Ellen Bullockmg gov (NPS) which 1 s used to manage mformatlon 202-208-42 1 0 about request s for project fundmg I t enables

parks and NPS offices t o submit project proposal s to be reviewed approved and prioritized at park umt s regional directorate s and the Washmgton Office (WASO) I t was developed m response to a request from the National Leadership Council (NLC) to create a common system for backlogged projec t s

PMIS 1 s a centrahzed web based relational database management system (RDBMS) which 1 s located w1 thm the Informa tion and Telecommumcat1ons Center (ITC) m Washington DC

Operational System Owner - Sue Hawkms Re portmg system for various workforce

NIA Workforce Diversity Reporting System but slated for System Manager - Lance

diversi ty categories The data stored m thi s re tiremen t Gridley (see above) application consi st s of selected aggregated data fields defined by NPS EEO office pulled from the FPPS (Federal Personnel Payroll System US DOI) on a quarterly basi s ( smce the 3rd quarter of 1999) The data are presented by the application m a stati stical I

graphical manner t o show dem ographic t rends m the Service

September 2 2009 blue textn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw a lk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bili ty (I tem 10) P age 9 of 15

NI-79-08-9 ew Bi Bucket Schedule Comments Acron m

fo D All othd shyroutme housekeepmg nlti stipportmg_ documen t a ntJonnot anaressedsi7ren4_

Temporary 3 years BIMS Barcode Inventory Management System

Depanrtment of the Intenor Property M a n agement D1rec tJves a nd the NPS Person anl Property M a nn agement H a nndbook No 44 reqmre tha t pa rksoffices conduct a 100 percent physic a l mventory ea ch physic a l yea r B a rcode scna nners a re used by Custodi anl Property Officers throughout the NPS when conduc tmg the1r a nnuanl person anl property mventones The BIMS utilizes a centranlized file server

t o hold d a t a from the Fixed Assets Sub system a progranm on the Property M a n ager s PC t o produce mventory reports a nd a h a ndheld b a nrcode sc a nner t o sc a n a sset b a nrcodes The system works through the tr a n sfer of mformnantJon between these three comnponent s

BIMS mformnantJon conten t s a re person anl property mventones for v a nnous offices

Thi s system mtera c t s with the Federa l Fmannc1 a nl System (FFS) a nd the FIXed Asset Module of FFS These system s a re Depa rtment a l not specific t o NPS

Neanr System Owner - Emestme Implemen t antion Armnstrong

Property M a nn agement Progranm M a nn ager Ernestine Armstrongnps gov 202 354- 1 958

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I 0) Page 1 0 of 1 5

E-System Description I Comments0

bullSystem Name amp Description I Status I

-Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) Tu f

Retention Acronymtitem No Description CSWm



Capability Statement Control System Mamtamed NPS capab1hty statements -that 1s statements of the Services official op1mon on budgetary and financial matters provided to Congressional subcomnuttees The statements assess the impact to the President s budget request of proposed changes origmatmg from mterest groups or elected representatives CSWm was launched m 1 990 and contamed data through 2003

Inactive System Owner David Hamngton (see above) System Manager Katherine Hopper (no email address) 202-208-4043

Questions and Answers Briefing Effects Operat ional System Owner David Capability Statements Tracking System Hamngton (see above) QABECS replaces the former Capab1hty Statement Control System (CSWm)

QABECS 1s a Serv1cew1de Internet application w1thm the Nat ional Park Service (NPS) which 1s used to manage and track questions and answers capab1hty briefing and effect statements The system 1s used by parks regions W ASO program offices the office of Legislative and Congressional Affa1rs and the Office of the Comptroller

Contracting Officers Warrant Database List ofNPS contractmg officers mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than a database The spreadsheet enables the Bureau Procurement Ch1efto track ehg1b1hty of md1v1duals for Contractmg Officer assignments based on the trammg educat10n and experience of the candidate and the acqms1tlon needs of the1r orgamzat10n Information 1s mamtamed as current on the database names of md1v1duals who no longer have CO authonty are moved to a separate hst

blue textt= NPS comments

Operat ional System Owner - He1d1 Ernst Contract Specialist - Contracts and Property Team Hc1d1 Emst(nps gov 303-987-67 14 System Manager Kate Wmkler 303-987-6787 (no email address)

September 2 2009


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy


- - gt - ---- - --____ ___ __nmiddotgt lt r

pur_ch_sevochers middot

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n a gement amp Accoun t a bility (I tem 10) Pa ge 4 of 1 5

~J Nl-79-08-9 (New B i Bucket Schedrile) E-Syteffi Description I Commentsmiddot tmiddotItem No Descriptionmiddot Retention Acronym System Name amp Description bullt 1t Status

resource studies a nd other NPS pl a ns bemg developed Lmks a t the bot t om of the home pa ge fil ter the h st m term s of the type of pl a n - for ex a m ple Implement a tion Pl a ns Speci al Resource S tudies Commercial Services Pl a ns Development Concept Pl a ns etc Users chck on the n anme of a pl a n a nd a re direc ted to the PEPC website ( see nex t en try)

Operantion al (http parkplanntnl nps go ) 1 s closely a ssocia ted with the NPSP a nnmg website a nd offers a w a y for NPS t o g a ther mput from the public for v a nous pl a ns a nd projec t s bemg developed by the Service Users c a n sea rch the site by region st a te or p a nrk n a nme a nd a ccess a h st of projec t s m a ny ofwh1ch a re open for pubhc comment Releva n t documen t s a re h sted a nd downloa d a ble a s pdf files Add1 t1on al lmks provide a ccess to meetmg notices a nd other mform a tl on The PEPC home p ange al so provides a specific lmk t o projec t s open for comment Users offer com men t s by fillmg ou t fields m a comment form a nd en termg rem a rks a s free tex t mto a text box

PEPC The PEPC website


frac34 __ __ +-Bt

TemPorryt7tyearslt0CiFsc a a nd bullnh contra c tmg ecords -lt 1------------__B--1nclilgirig1traVel

ngt amp--02 --_l__vd nt -__-----tigatt g----+-N-_ear_____1--S

middot --_ckgt --nntT _rt_acI ioroun_ emnOwn

_erat Heather M111e

_est sty_ki r

This system m a m t a msemployee b a ckground Implemen t a tion Personal Security amp Smtab1hty mvestlg a tl on mformn

Specantlon thant 1 s a djudic a ted Heather M1llerCCbnp gov by the W anshmgton office The d a nt a b a nse 202-5n1 3-7099

-orclers contranc t s etc Al9 support s the NPS Hum a nn Resources a nd L anw bull rutine personnel

records such a sTune bulln Enforcemen t progr a m s a s well a s p a nrtner a nd Atteiiiicemiddot a nd contranc tors progr a m s middotSupervisor s recordsn bull The d a t a b a nse m a m t a m s employee d ant a a dn-rel a nted personriel -

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 5 of 15

frac34JlNl 79-08-9 (New Bi Bicket schedule) ESystem Description ii Comments Item No l)escription Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status I

Neanr System Owner Heather Miller

traniqi a n simil anr records sucp a s EEO BI (na me a nd SSN) a nd b a ckground

I m plement antion Personal Secunty amp Smtab1hty Spec

mvest1g a nt1on d ant a (BI type BI closmg d ante records lt bull a djudic antion d ante a nd BI st antu s) D ant a 1 s

Heather M1llcrnps gov ob t a med from the Office of Personnel 202-5 1 3-7099 M a nn agement B a nckground Investig a ntion C a nse

Closmg Trannsmi tt al a nd c a nse panpers The NPS BI D a t a b a nse mks to d a nt a pulled

from the Federal Panyroll a nd Personnel System (FPPS) It does not support a nother system

HPLP Human Resources Line of Business [from Operantion al Cont a c t Alex Young CPIC System s Inventory] 303-969-2771

DJTector Denver Admm Program Center Alex Youngnps gov

Operantion al Cont a c t 1 s D anvid Krewson NIA International Affairs Foreign Travel 202-354-1800

This system cont a m s d a nt a on mtem antion al Database Systems

lntemattonal Cooperat10n Speciahst Dav1d_Krewsonnps gov

t ra vel by NPS st a ff NPS st a ff must receive pnor a pproval by the DJTec tor a nd the Assi st a nnt Secret a nry for Fish Wildlife a nd Panrks for mtem a t1on al tr a vel

The system also cont a ms d ant a on Intem ant1on al Volunteers a nd F oreign Deleg a tions or groups requestmg support from Office of Intern a ntion al Affanirs

D a t a a re mput from st a nd a rd form s subrrut ted by prospec tive NPS t ra velers Outpu ts a re yeanr-end reports on the number ofNPS st a fftra velmg overseans m a given fisc al yea r the cost t o the government a nd the reansons for the t ra velmg

Inanctive System Owner Patti D1enna

The NER Account a bility System (NERACT) ACT Northeast Region Accountability System

Ch1eflnfo Officer NER PA Patt1-D1ennanps gov m a nmt anms a system of control s considered 2 1 5-597-48 1 8

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments


NPS E System s Crosswanlk M a n agement amp Accoun t a b1hty (I tem I 0) Page 6 of 1 5

--=v Nh79089(New Bi Bucket Schedule) - bulltE-SystemlDescription I ltomments Item No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description lt I Status I ft - Oi

useful stna nd anrds or best pranc tices b a nsed on public l anws a nd D1rec tors Orders thant under he eanch of the progranm s a nd panrk a c t1v1tles m the Northeanst Region The system 1 s pnm a nnly a self-evaluantion tool used by panrk supermtendent s t o a ssess performannce factors m such a reans a s Panrk Leandership amp M a nn agement F a ncility amp L anndsc anpe Plna nnmg Rehanbilitnantion a nd Development Comnmercianl Services M a nn agement etc

The system 1 s not mnuse m FY2009 a nd 1 s currently bemg considered for updantmg or redesign

OFS Operations Formulation System Operantion al The Operantions Formul antion System System Owner David Hamngton

(OFS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de web-b a sed system designed to fac1h t a nte the work ofNPS to

identify operantmg funds needed t o pursue i t s m1 ss1on OFS cont a ms all unfunded budget a ry reqmrement s of the Service for

Supervisory Budget Analyst WA DC Daval Hamngton(wn11 gov 202-208-4043 System Manager Jennifer Champagne

ongomg or operantion al needs for the next five Admm Officer Rock Creek Park Fiscnal Yeanrs (FY) The system cont anms Jenmfer Cham11abllen11s gov lustoncal mformnant10n on funded request s 202-208-7374 from FY 1994 a nd h1stoncal d a nt a on panrk operantmg budgetns a c reage v1 s1 t a nt10n a nd FTE OFS wans ongmally a DOS b a nsed system The plna tform w ans migranted t o a web-b a sed one m the mid 1 990 s The Operantions Formul a ntion System (OFS)

1 s a centralized web b a nsed rel antion al d a nt a nb a nse m a nn agemen t system loc anted w1 thm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumcantlons Center (ITC) m Wanshmgton DC

PTATS Park Transportation Allocation and Tracking SystemPT A TS 1s a web b a nsed a oohc ant1on t o t ranck

Operantion al System Owner Mark Hatsoe Supervisory Civil Engr Mark Ha11socn11s gov

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NFS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 7 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bir Bucket Schedule) Item No Description -Retention Acronym



- frac34 E-System Description I Comments Systefu Name amp Description I Status

System Manager Dawn Foy cost data for the Park Roads and Parkways IT Specialist NISC Dawn Foy(a)np gov

Program The application meets NPS and Federal Lands Highway (FHW A) project

505-988-67 1 1 trackmg reqmrements and 1s accessible to a wide range of NFS and FHW A users mcludmg staff amp managers m field d1v1s10nreg1on and headquarter offices

PT ATS contams data pertammg to NFS Park Roads and Parkway projects mcludmg project control numbers account numbers and NFS umt identifiers as well as project descnpt1ons It also has an electroruc library for the stormg of project agreements vegetation plans and other project related documents

PT ATS 1s lmked with data from NFS Project Management Informat ion System (PMIS) and Adnumstrahve Fmance System (AFS)Park$ Budget Reporting System Operational System Owner Joe Escoto

The system communicates simple budget Superintendent Padre Isl NS

reportmg to the parks and to provide parks Joe Escotonps gov

with a snapshot of their budget status Authonzed amounts for offices and

programs are manually mput mto the system Amounts are entered throughout the fiscal

361-949-8 173 ext 222 System Manager Rob Rivera Rod R1veranps gov 303 969-253 1

year The system receives data mput and budget

upload from multiple sources mcludmgPMIS and AFS 3 Personnel Reporting and Training Operational Contact Alex Young (see Systems [(Mmor HR Applicat ions) from above)CPIC Systems Inventory 303-969-2771

September 2 2009 blue textt= NFS comments

NPS E System s Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 8 of 15

middotNl-79-08-91(New-Bi 1 Bucket Schedule) bulltE-System Descriptian t I -t I Comments Item No Description Retention 0 bull ltG cronym System Name amp Description I Status J

PMIS Operational System Owner David Hamngton The Project Management Informa tion

Project Management Information System (see above)

System Manager Ellen Bullock System (PMIS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de mtranet Management Analyst DC application w1thm the National Park Service Ellen Bullockmg gov (NPS) which 1 s used to manage mformatlon 202-208-42 1 0 about request s for project fundmg I t enables

parks and NPS offices t o submit project proposal s to be reviewed approved and prioritized at park umt s regional directorate s and the Washmgton Office (WASO) I t was developed m response to a request from the National Leadership Council (NLC) to create a common system for backlogged projec t s

PMIS 1 s a centrahzed web based relational database management system (RDBMS) which 1 s located w1 thm the Informa tion and Telecommumcat1ons Center (ITC) m Washington DC

Operational System Owner - Sue Hawkms Re portmg system for various workforce

NIA Workforce Diversity Reporting System but slated for System Manager - Lance

diversi ty categories The data stored m thi s re tiremen t Gridley (see above) application consi st s of selected aggregated data fields defined by NPS EEO office pulled from the FPPS (Federal Personnel Payroll System US DOI) on a quarterly basi s ( smce the 3rd quarter of 1999) The data are presented by the application m a stati stical I

graphical manner t o show dem ographic t rends m the Service

September 2 2009 blue textn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw a lk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bili ty (I tem 10) P age 9 of 15

NI-79-08-9 ew Bi Bucket Schedule Comments Acron m

fo D All othd shyroutme housekeepmg nlti stipportmg_ documen t a ntJonnot anaressedsi7ren4_

Temporary 3 years BIMS Barcode Inventory Management System

Depanrtment of the Intenor Property M a n agement D1rec tJves a nd the NPS Person anl Property M a nn agement H a nndbook No 44 reqmre tha t pa rksoffices conduct a 100 percent physic a l mventory ea ch physic a l yea r B a rcode scna nners a re used by Custodi anl Property Officers throughout the NPS when conduc tmg the1r a nnuanl person anl property mventones The BIMS utilizes a centranlized file server

t o hold d a t a from the Fixed Assets Sub system a progranm on the Property M a n ager s PC t o produce mventory reports a nd a h a ndheld b a nrcode sc a nner t o sc a n a sset b a nrcodes The system works through the tr a n sfer of mformnantJon between these three comnponent s

BIMS mformnantJon conten t s a re person anl property mventones for v a nnous offices

Thi s system mtera c t s with the Federa l Fmannc1 a nl System (FFS) a nd the FIXed Asset Module of FFS These system s a re Depa rtment a l not specific t o NPS

Neanr System Owner - Emestme Implemen t antion Armnstrong

Property M a nn agement Progranm M a nn ager Ernestine Armstrongnps gov 202 354- 1 958

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I 0) Page 1 0 of 1 5

E-System Description I Comments0

bullSystem Name amp Description I Status I

-Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) Tu f

Retention Acronymtitem No Description CSWm



Capability Statement Control System Mamtamed NPS capab1hty statements -that 1s statements of the Services official op1mon on budgetary and financial matters provided to Congressional subcomnuttees The statements assess the impact to the President s budget request of proposed changes origmatmg from mterest groups or elected representatives CSWm was launched m 1 990 and contamed data through 2003

Inactive System Owner David Hamngton (see above) System Manager Katherine Hopper (no email address) 202-208-4043

Questions and Answers Briefing Effects Operat ional System Owner David Capability Statements Tracking System Hamngton (see above) QABECS replaces the former Capab1hty Statement Control System (CSWm)

QABECS 1s a Serv1cew1de Internet application w1thm the Nat ional Park Service (NPS) which 1s used to manage and track questions and answers capab1hty briefing and effect statements The system 1s used by parks regions W ASO program offices the office of Legislative and Congressional Affa1rs and the Office of the Comptroller

Contracting Officers Warrant Database List ofNPS contractmg officers mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than a database The spreadsheet enables the Bureau Procurement Ch1efto track ehg1b1hty of md1v1duals for Contractmg Officer assignments based on the trammg educat10n and experience of the candidate and the acqms1tlon needs of the1r orgamzat10n Information 1s mamtamed as current on the database names of md1v1duals who no longer have CO authonty are moved to a separate hst

blue textt= NPS comments

Operat ional System Owner - He1d1 Ernst Contract Specialist - Contracts and Property Team Hc1d1 Emst(nps gov 303-987-67 14 System Manager Kate Wmkler 303-987-6787 (no email address)

September 2 2009


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 5 of 15

frac34JlNl 79-08-9 (New Bi Bicket schedule) ESystem Description ii Comments Item No l)escription Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status I

Neanr System Owner Heather Miller

traniqi a n simil anr records sucp a s EEO BI (na me a nd SSN) a nd b a ckground

I m plement antion Personal Secunty amp Smtab1hty Spec

mvest1g a nt1on d ant a (BI type BI closmg d ante records lt bull a djudic antion d ante a nd BI st antu s) D ant a 1 s

Heather M1llcrnps gov ob t a med from the Office of Personnel 202-5 1 3-7099 M a nn agement B a nckground Investig a ntion C a nse

Closmg Trannsmi tt al a nd c a nse panpers The NPS BI D a t a b a nse mks to d a nt a pulled

from the Federal Panyroll a nd Personnel System (FPPS) It does not support a nother system

HPLP Human Resources Line of Business [from Operantion al Cont a c t Alex Young CPIC System s Inventory] 303-969-2771

DJTector Denver Admm Program Center Alex Youngnps gov

Operantion al Cont a c t 1 s D anvid Krewson NIA International Affairs Foreign Travel 202-354-1800

This system cont a m s d a nt a on mtem antion al Database Systems

lntemattonal Cooperat10n Speciahst Dav1d_Krewsonnps gov

t ra vel by NPS st a ff NPS st a ff must receive pnor a pproval by the DJTec tor a nd the Assi st a nnt Secret a nry for Fish Wildlife a nd Panrks for mtem a t1on al tr a vel

The system also cont a ms d ant a on Intem ant1on al Volunteers a nd F oreign Deleg a tions or groups requestmg support from Office of Intern a ntion al Affanirs

D a t a a re mput from st a nd a rd form s subrrut ted by prospec tive NPS t ra velers Outpu ts a re yeanr-end reports on the number ofNPS st a fftra velmg overseans m a given fisc al yea r the cost t o the government a nd the reansons for the t ra velmg

Inanctive System Owner Patti D1enna

The NER Account a bility System (NERACT) ACT Northeast Region Accountability System

Ch1eflnfo Officer NER PA Patt1-D1ennanps gov m a nmt anms a system of control s considered 2 1 5-597-48 1 8

September 2 2009 blue tex tn= NPS comments


NPS E System s Crosswanlk M a n agement amp Accoun t a b1hty (I tem I 0) Page 6 of 1 5

--=v Nh79089(New Bi Bucket Schedule) - bulltE-SystemlDescription I ltomments Item No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description lt I Status I ft - Oi

useful stna nd anrds or best pranc tices b a nsed on public l anws a nd D1rec tors Orders thant under he eanch of the progranm s a nd panrk a c t1v1tles m the Northeanst Region The system 1 s pnm a nnly a self-evaluantion tool used by panrk supermtendent s t o a ssess performannce factors m such a reans a s Panrk Leandership amp M a nn agement F a ncility amp L anndsc anpe Plna nnmg Rehanbilitnantion a nd Development Comnmercianl Services M a nn agement etc

The system 1 s not mnuse m FY2009 a nd 1 s currently bemg considered for updantmg or redesign

OFS Operations Formulation System Operantion al The Operantions Formul antion System System Owner David Hamngton

(OFS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de web-b a sed system designed to fac1h t a nte the work ofNPS to

identify operantmg funds needed t o pursue i t s m1 ss1on OFS cont a ms all unfunded budget a ry reqmrement s of the Service for

Supervisory Budget Analyst WA DC Daval Hamngton(wn11 gov 202-208-4043 System Manager Jennifer Champagne

ongomg or operantion al needs for the next five Admm Officer Rock Creek Park Fiscnal Yeanrs (FY) The system cont anms Jenmfer Cham11abllen11s gov lustoncal mformnant10n on funded request s 202-208-7374 from FY 1994 a nd h1stoncal d a nt a on panrk operantmg budgetns a c reage v1 s1 t a nt10n a nd FTE OFS wans ongmally a DOS b a nsed system The plna tform w ans migranted t o a web-b a sed one m the mid 1 990 s The Operantions Formul a ntion System (OFS)

1 s a centralized web b a nsed rel antion al d a nt a nb a nse m a nn agemen t system loc anted w1 thm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumcantlons Center (ITC) m Wanshmgton DC

PTATS Park Transportation Allocation and Tracking SystemPT A TS 1s a web b a nsed a oohc ant1on t o t ranck

Operantion al System Owner Mark Hatsoe Supervisory Civil Engr Mark Ha11socn11s gov

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NFS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 7 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bir Bucket Schedule) Item No Description -Retention Acronym



- frac34 E-System Description I Comments Systefu Name amp Description I Status

System Manager Dawn Foy cost data for the Park Roads and Parkways IT Specialist NISC Dawn Foy(a)np gov

Program The application meets NPS and Federal Lands Highway (FHW A) project

505-988-67 1 1 trackmg reqmrements and 1s accessible to a wide range of NFS and FHW A users mcludmg staff amp managers m field d1v1s10nreg1on and headquarter offices

PT ATS contams data pertammg to NFS Park Roads and Parkway projects mcludmg project control numbers account numbers and NFS umt identifiers as well as project descnpt1ons It also has an electroruc library for the stormg of project agreements vegetation plans and other project related documents

PT ATS 1s lmked with data from NFS Project Management Informat ion System (PMIS) and Adnumstrahve Fmance System (AFS)Park$ Budget Reporting System Operational System Owner Joe Escoto

The system communicates simple budget Superintendent Padre Isl NS

reportmg to the parks and to provide parks Joe Escotonps gov

with a snapshot of their budget status Authonzed amounts for offices and

programs are manually mput mto the system Amounts are entered throughout the fiscal

361-949-8 173 ext 222 System Manager Rob Rivera Rod R1veranps gov 303 969-253 1

year The system receives data mput and budget

upload from multiple sources mcludmgPMIS and AFS 3 Personnel Reporting and Training Operational Contact Alex Young (see Systems [(Mmor HR Applicat ions) from above)CPIC Systems Inventory 303-969-2771

September 2 2009 blue textt= NFS comments

NPS E System s Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 8 of 15

middotNl-79-08-91(New-Bi 1 Bucket Schedule) bulltE-System Descriptian t I -t I Comments Item No Description Retention 0 bull ltG cronym System Name amp Description I Status J

PMIS Operational System Owner David Hamngton The Project Management Informa tion

Project Management Information System (see above)

System Manager Ellen Bullock System (PMIS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de mtranet Management Analyst DC application w1thm the National Park Service Ellen Bullockmg gov (NPS) which 1 s used to manage mformatlon 202-208-42 1 0 about request s for project fundmg I t enables

parks and NPS offices t o submit project proposal s to be reviewed approved and prioritized at park umt s regional directorate s and the Washmgton Office (WASO) I t was developed m response to a request from the National Leadership Council (NLC) to create a common system for backlogged projec t s

PMIS 1 s a centrahzed web based relational database management system (RDBMS) which 1 s located w1 thm the Informa tion and Telecommumcat1ons Center (ITC) m Washington DC

Operational System Owner - Sue Hawkms Re portmg system for various workforce

NIA Workforce Diversity Reporting System but slated for System Manager - Lance

diversi ty categories The data stored m thi s re tiremen t Gridley (see above) application consi st s of selected aggregated data fields defined by NPS EEO office pulled from the FPPS (Federal Personnel Payroll System US DOI) on a quarterly basi s ( smce the 3rd quarter of 1999) The data are presented by the application m a stati stical I

graphical manner t o show dem ographic t rends m the Service

September 2 2009 blue textn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw a lk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bili ty (I tem 10) P age 9 of 15

NI-79-08-9 ew Bi Bucket Schedule Comments Acron m

fo D All othd shyroutme housekeepmg nlti stipportmg_ documen t a ntJonnot anaressedsi7ren4_

Temporary 3 years BIMS Barcode Inventory Management System

Depanrtment of the Intenor Property M a n agement D1rec tJves a nd the NPS Person anl Property M a nn agement H a nndbook No 44 reqmre tha t pa rksoffices conduct a 100 percent physic a l mventory ea ch physic a l yea r B a rcode scna nners a re used by Custodi anl Property Officers throughout the NPS when conduc tmg the1r a nnuanl person anl property mventones The BIMS utilizes a centranlized file server

t o hold d a t a from the Fixed Assets Sub system a progranm on the Property M a n ager s PC t o produce mventory reports a nd a h a ndheld b a nrcode sc a nner t o sc a n a sset b a nrcodes The system works through the tr a n sfer of mformnantJon between these three comnponent s

BIMS mformnantJon conten t s a re person anl property mventones for v a nnous offices

Thi s system mtera c t s with the Federa l Fmannc1 a nl System (FFS) a nd the FIXed Asset Module of FFS These system s a re Depa rtment a l not specific t o NPS

Neanr System Owner - Emestme Implemen t antion Armnstrong

Property M a nn agement Progranm M a nn ager Ernestine Armstrongnps gov 202 354- 1 958

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I 0) Page 1 0 of 1 5

E-System Description I Comments0

bullSystem Name amp Description I Status I

-Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) Tu f

Retention Acronymtitem No Description CSWm



Capability Statement Control System Mamtamed NPS capab1hty statements -that 1s statements of the Services official op1mon on budgetary and financial matters provided to Congressional subcomnuttees The statements assess the impact to the President s budget request of proposed changes origmatmg from mterest groups or elected representatives CSWm was launched m 1 990 and contamed data through 2003

Inactive System Owner David Hamngton (see above) System Manager Katherine Hopper (no email address) 202-208-4043

Questions and Answers Briefing Effects Operat ional System Owner David Capability Statements Tracking System Hamngton (see above) QABECS replaces the former Capab1hty Statement Control System (CSWm)

QABECS 1s a Serv1cew1de Internet application w1thm the Nat ional Park Service (NPS) which 1s used to manage and track questions and answers capab1hty briefing and effect statements The system 1s used by parks regions W ASO program offices the office of Legislative and Congressional Affa1rs and the Office of the Comptroller

Contracting Officers Warrant Database List ofNPS contractmg officers mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than a database The spreadsheet enables the Bureau Procurement Ch1efto track ehg1b1hty of md1v1duals for Contractmg Officer assignments based on the trammg educat10n and experience of the candidate and the acqms1tlon needs of the1r orgamzat10n Information 1s mamtamed as current on the database names of md1v1duals who no longer have CO authonty are moved to a separate hst

blue textt= NPS comments

Operat ional System Owner - He1d1 Ernst Contract Specialist - Contracts and Property Team Hc1d1 Emst(nps gov 303-987-67 14 System Manager Kate Wmkler 303-987-6787 (no email address)

September 2 2009


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy


NPS E System s Crosswanlk M a n agement amp Accoun t a b1hty (I tem I 0) Page 6 of 1 5

--=v Nh79089(New Bi Bucket Schedule) - bulltE-SystemlDescription I ltomments Item No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description lt I Status I ft - Oi

useful stna nd anrds or best pranc tices b a nsed on public l anws a nd D1rec tors Orders thant under he eanch of the progranm s a nd panrk a c t1v1tles m the Northeanst Region The system 1 s pnm a nnly a self-evaluantion tool used by panrk supermtendent s t o a ssess performannce factors m such a reans a s Panrk Leandership amp M a nn agement F a ncility amp L anndsc anpe Plna nnmg Rehanbilitnantion a nd Development Comnmercianl Services M a nn agement etc

The system 1 s not mnuse m FY2009 a nd 1 s currently bemg considered for updantmg or redesign

OFS Operations Formulation System Operantion al The Operantions Formul antion System System Owner David Hamngton

(OFS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de web-b a sed system designed to fac1h t a nte the work ofNPS to

identify operantmg funds needed t o pursue i t s m1 ss1on OFS cont a ms all unfunded budget a ry reqmrement s of the Service for

Supervisory Budget Analyst WA DC Daval Hamngton(wn11 gov 202-208-4043 System Manager Jennifer Champagne

ongomg or operantion al needs for the next five Admm Officer Rock Creek Park Fiscnal Yeanrs (FY) The system cont anms Jenmfer Cham11abllen11s gov lustoncal mformnant10n on funded request s 202-208-7374 from FY 1994 a nd h1stoncal d a nt a on panrk operantmg budgetns a c reage v1 s1 t a nt10n a nd FTE OFS wans ongmally a DOS b a nsed system The plna tform w ans migranted t o a web-b a sed one m the mid 1 990 s The Operantions Formul a ntion System (OFS)

1 s a centralized web b a nsed rel antion al d a nt a nb a nse m a nn agemen t system loc anted w1 thm the Informnantion a nd Telecom mumcantlons Center (ITC) m Wanshmgton DC

PTATS Park Transportation Allocation and Tracking SystemPT A TS 1s a web b a nsed a oohc ant1on t o t ranck

Operantion al System Owner Mark Hatsoe Supervisory Civil Engr Mark Ha11socn11s gov

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Nl-79-08-9 (New Bir Bucket Schedule) Item No Description -Retention Acronym



- frac34 E-System Description I Comments Systefu Name amp Description I Status

System Manager Dawn Foy cost data for the Park Roads and Parkways IT Specialist NISC Dawn Foy(a)np gov

Program The application meets NPS and Federal Lands Highway (FHW A) project

505-988-67 1 1 trackmg reqmrements and 1s accessible to a wide range of NFS and FHW A users mcludmg staff amp managers m field d1v1s10nreg1on and headquarter offices

PT ATS contams data pertammg to NFS Park Roads and Parkway projects mcludmg project control numbers account numbers and NFS umt identifiers as well as project descnpt1ons It also has an electroruc library for the stormg of project agreements vegetation plans and other project related documents

PT ATS 1s lmked with data from NFS Project Management Informat ion System (PMIS) and Adnumstrahve Fmance System (AFS)Park$ Budget Reporting System Operational System Owner Joe Escoto

The system communicates simple budget Superintendent Padre Isl NS

reportmg to the parks and to provide parks Joe Escotonps gov

with a snapshot of their budget status Authonzed amounts for offices and

programs are manually mput mto the system Amounts are entered throughout the fiscal

361-949-8 173 ext 222 System Manager Rob Rivera Rod R1veranps gov 303 969-253 1

year The system receives data mput and budget

upload from multiple sources mcludmgPMIS and AFS 3 Personnel Reporting and Training Operational Contact Alex Young (see Systems [(Mmor HR Applicat ions) from above)CPIC Systems Inventory 303-969-2771

September 2 2009 blue textt= NFS comments

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middotNl-79-08-91(New-Bi 1 Bucket Schedule) bulltE-System Descriptian t I -t I Comments Item No Description Retention 0 bull ltG cronym System Name amp Description I Status J

PMIS Operational System Owner David Hamngton The Project Management Informa tion

Project Management Information System (see above)

System Manager Ellen Bullock System (PMIS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de mtranet Management Analyst DC application w1thm the National Park Service Ellen Bullockmg gov (NPS) which 1 s used to manage mformatlon 202-208-42 1 0 about request s for project fundmg I t enables

parks and NPS offices t o submit project proposal s to be reviewed approved and prioritized at park umt s regional directorate s and the Washmgton Office (WASO) I t was developed m response to a request from the National Leadership Council (NLC) to create a common system for backlogged projec t s

PMIS 1 s a centrahzed web based relational database management system (RDBMS) which 1 s located w1 thm the Informa tion and Telecommumcat1ons Center (ITC) m Washington DC

Operational System Owner - Sue Hawkms Re portmg system for various workforce

NIA Workforce Diversity Reporting System but slated for System Manager - Lance

diversi ty categories The data stored m thi s re tiremen t Gridley (see above) application consi st s of selected aggregated data fields defined by NPS EEO office pulled from the FPPS (Federal Personnel Payroll System US DOI) on a quarterly basi s ( smce the 3rd quarter of 1999) The data are presented by the application m a stati stical I

graphical manner t o show dem ographic t rends m the Service

September 2 2009 blue textn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw a lk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bili ty (I tem 10) P age 9 of 15

NI-79-08-9 ew Bi Bucket Schedule Comments Acron m

fo D All othd shyroutme housekeepmg nlti stipportmg_ documen t a ntJonnot anaressedsi7ren4_

Temporary 3 years BIMS Barcode Inventory Management System

Depanrtment of the Intenor Property M a n agement D1rec tJves a nd the NPS Person anl Property M a nn agement H a nndbook No 44 reqmre tha t pa rksoffices conduct a 100 percent physic a l mventory ea ch physic a l yea r B a rcode scna nners a re used by Custodi anl Property Officers throughout the NPS when conduc tmg the1r a nnuanl person anl property mventones The BIMS utilizes a centranlized file server

t o hold d a t a from the Fixed Assets Sub system a progranm on the Property M a n ager s PC t o produce mventory reports a nd a h a ndheld b a nrcode sc a nner t o sc a n a sset b a nrcodes The system works through the tr a n sfer of mformnantJon between these three comnponent s

BIMS mformnantJon conten t s a re person anl property mventones for v a nnous offices

Thi s system mtera c t s with the Federa l Fmannc1 a nl System (FFS) a nd the FIXed Asset Module of FFS These system s a re Depa rtment a l not specific t o NPS

Neanr System Owner - Emestme Implemen t antion Armnstrong

Property M a nn agement Progranm M a nn ager Ernestine Armstrongnps gov 202 354- 1 958

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NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I 0) Page 1 0 of 1 5

E-System Description I Comments0

bullSystem Name amp Description I Status I

-Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) Tu f

Retention Acronymtitem No Description CSWm



Capability Statement Control System Mamtamed NPS capab1hty statements -that 1s statements of the Services official op1mon on budgetary and financial matters provided to Congressional subcomnuttees The statements assess the impact to the President s budget request of proposed changes origmatmg from mterest groups or elected representatives CSWm was launched m 1 990 and contamed data through 2003

Inactive System Owner David Hamngton (see above) System Manager Katherine Hopper (no email address) 202-208-4043

Questions and Answers Briefing Effects Operat ional System Owner David Capability Statements Tracking System Hamngton (see above) QABECS replaces the former Capab1hty Statement Control System (CSWm)

QABECS 1s a Serv1cew1de Internet application w1thm the Nat ional Park Service (NPS) which 1s used to manage and track questions and answers capab1hty briefing and effect statements The system 1s used by parks regions W ASO program offices the office of Legislative and Congressional Affa1rs and the Office of the Comptroller

Contracting Officers Warrant Database List ofNPS contractmg officers mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than a database The spreadsheet enables the Bureau Procurement Ch1efto track ehg1b1hty of md1v1duals for Contractmg Officer assignments based on the trammg educat10n and experience of the candidate and the acqms1tlon needs of the1r orgamzat10n Information 1s mamtamed as current on the database names of md1v1duals who no longer have CO authonty are moved to a separate hst

blue textt= NPS comments

Operat ional System Owner - He1d1 Ernst Contract Specialist - Contracts and Property Team Hc1d1 Emst(nps gov 303-987-67 14 System Manager Kate Wmkler 303-987-6787 (no email address)

September 2 2009


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

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NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

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NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy

NFS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 7 of 15

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bir Bucket Schedule) Item No Description -Retention Acronym



- frac34 E-System Description I Comments Systefu Name amp Description I Status

System Manager Dawn Foy cost data for the Park Roads and Parkways IT Specialist NISC Dawn Foy(a)np gov

Program The application meets NPS and Federal Lands Highway (FHW A) project

505-988-67 1 1 trackmg reqmrements and 1s accessible to a wide range of NFS and FHW A users mcludmg staff amp managers m field d1v1s10nreg1on and headquarter offices

PT ATS contams data pertammg to NFS Park Roads and Parkway projects mcludmg project control numbers account numbers and NFS umt identifiers as well as project descnpt1ons It also has an electroruc library for the stormg of project agreements vegetation plans and other project related documents

PT ATS 1s lmked with data from NFS Project Management Informat ion System (PMIS) and Adnumstrahve Fmance System (AFS)Park$ Budget Reporting System Operational System Owner Joe Escoto

The system communicates simple budget Superintendent Padre Isl NS

reportmg to the parks and to provide parks Joe Escotonps gov

with a snapshot of their budget status Authonzed amounts for offices and

programs are manually mput mto the system Amounts are entered throughout the fiscal

361-949-8 173 ext 222 System Manager Rob Rivera Rod R1veranps gov 303 969-253 1

year The system receives data mput and budget

upload from multiple sources mcludmgPMIS and AFS 3 Personnel Reporting and Training Operational Contact Alex Young (see Systems [(Mmor HR Applicat ions) from above)CPIC Systems Inventory 303-969-2771

September 2 2009 blue textt= NFS comments

NPS E System s Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 8 of 15

middotNl-79-08-91(New-Bi 1 Bucket Schedule) bulltE-System Descriptian t I -t I Comments Item No Description Retention 0 bull ltG cronym System Name amp Description I Status J

PMIS Operational System Owner David Hamngton The Project Management Informa tion

Project Management Information System (see above)

System Manager Ellen Bullock System (PMIS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de mtranet Management Analyst DC application w1thm the National Park Service Ellen Bullockmg gov (NPS) which 1 s used to manage mformatlon 202-208-42 1 0 about request s for project fundmg I t enables

parks and NPS offices t o submit project proposal s to be reviewed approved and prioritized at park umt s regional directorate s and the Washmgton Office (WASO) I t was developed m response to a request from the National Leadership Council (NLC) to create a common system for backlogged projec t s

PMIS 1 s a centrahzed web based relational database management system (RDBMS) which 1 s located w1 thm the Informa tion and Telecommumcat1ons Center (ITC) m Washington DC

Operational System Owner - Sue Hawkms Re portmg system for various workforce

NIA Workforce Diversity Reporting System but slated for System Manager - Lance

diversi ty categories The data stored m thi s re tiremen t Gridley (see above) application consi st s of selected aggregated data fields defined by NPS EEO office pulled from the FPPS (Federal Personnel Payroll System US DOI) on a quarterly basi s ( smce the 3rd quarter of 1999) The data are presented by the application m a stati stical I

graphical manner t o show dem ographic t rends m the Service

September 2 2009 blue textn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw a lk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bili ty (I tem 10) P age 9 of 15

NI-79-08-9 ew Bi Bucket Schedule Comments Acron m

fo D All othd shyroutme housekeepmg nlti stipportmg_ documen t a ntJonnot anaressedsi7ren4_

Temporary 3 years BIMS Barcode Inventory Management System

Depanrtment of the Intenor Property M a n agement D1rec tJves a nd the NPS Person anl Property M a nn agement H a nndbook No 44 reqmre tha t pa rksoffices conduct a 100 percent physic a l mventory ea ch physic a l yea r B a rcode scna nners a re used by Custodi anl Property Officers throughout the NPS when conduc tmg the1r a nnuanl person anl property mventones The BIMS utilizes a centranlized file server

t o hold d a t a from the Fixed Assets Sub system a progranm on the Property M a n ager s PC t o produce mventory reports a nd a h a ndheld b a nrcode sc a nner t o sc a n a sset b a nrcodes The system works through the tr a n sfer of mformnantJon between these three comnponent s

BIMS mformnantJon conten t s a re person anl property mventones for v a nnous offices

Thi s system mtera c t s with the Federa l Fmannc1 a nl System (FFS) a nd the FIXed Asset Module of FFS These system s a re Depa rtment a l not specific t o NPS

Neanr System Owner - Emestme Implemen t antion Armnstrong

Property M a nn agement Progranm M a nn ager Ernestine Armstrongnps gov 202 354- 1 958

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I 0) Page 1 0 of 1 5

E-System Description I Comments0

bullSystem Name amp Description I Status I

-Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) Tu f

Retention Acronymtitem No Description CSWm



Capability Statement Control System Mamtamed NPS capab1hty statements -that 1s statements of the Services official op1mon on budgetary and financial matters provided to Congressional subcomnuttees The statements assess the impact to the President s budget request of proposed changes origmatmg from mterest groups or elected representatives CSWm was launched m 1 990 and contamed data through 2003

Inactive System Owner David Hamngton (see above) System Manager Katherine Hopper (no email address) 202-208-4043

Questions and Answers Briefing Effects Operat ional System Owner David Capability Statements Tracking System Hamngton (see above) QABECS replaces the former Capab1hty Statement Control System (CSWm)

QABECS 1s a Serv1cew1de Internet application w1thm the Nat ional Park Service (NPS) which 1s used to manage and track questions and answers capab1hty briefing and effect statements The system 1s used by parks regions W ASO program offices the office of Legislative and Congressional Affa1rs and the Office of the Comptroller

Contracting Officers Warrant Database List ofNPS contractmg officers mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than a database The spreadsheet enables the Bureau Procurement Ch1efto track ehg1b1hty of md1v1duals for Contractmg Officer assignments based on the trammg educat10n and experience of the candidate and the acqms1tlon needs of the1r orgamzat10n Information 1s mamtamed as current on the database names of md1v1duals who no longer have CO authonty are moved to a separate hst

blue textt= NPS comments

Operat ional System Owner - He1d1 Ernst Contract Specialist - Contracts and Property Team Hc1d1 Emst(nps gov 303-987-67 14 System Manager Kate Wmkler 303-987-6787 (no email address)

September 2 2009


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy

NPS E System s Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 8 of 15

middotNl-79-08-91(New-Bi 1 Bucket Schedule) bulltE-System Descriptian t I -t I Comments Item No Description Retention 0 bull ltG cronym System Name amp Description I Status J

PMIS Operational System Owner David Hamngton The Project Management Informa tion

Project Management Information System (see above)

System Manager Ellen Bullock System (PMIS) 1 s a Serv1cew1de mtranet Management Analyst DC application w1thm the National Park Service Ellen Bullockmg gov (NPS) which 1 s used to manage mformatlon 202-208-42 1 0 about request s for project fundmg I t enables

parks and NPS offices t o submit project proposal s to be reviewed approved and prioritized at park umt s regional directorate s and the Washmgton Office (WASO) I t was developed m response to a request from the National Leadership Council (NLC) to create a common system for backlogged projec t s

PMIS 1 s a centrahzed web based relational database management system (RDBMS) which 1 s located w1 thm the Informa tion and Telecommumcat1ons Center (ITC) m Washington DC

Operational System Owner - Sue Hawkms Re portmg system for various workforce

NIA Workforce Diversity Reporting System but slated for System Manager - Lance

diversi ty categories The data stored m thi s re tiremen t Gridley (see above) application consi st s of selected aggregated data fields defined by NPS EEO office pulled from the FPPS (Federal Personnel Payroll System US DOI) on a quarterly basi s ( smce the 3rd quarter of 1999) The data are presented by the application m a stati stical I

graphical manner t o show dem ographic t rends m the Service

September 2 2009 blue textn= NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw a lk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bili ty (I tem 10) P age 9 of 15

NI-79-08-9 ew Bi Bucket Schedule Comments Acron m

fo D All othd shyroutme housekeepmg nlti stipportmg_ documen t a ntJonnot anaressedsi7ren4_

Temporary 3 years BIMS Barcode Inventory Management System

Depanrtment of the Intenor Property M a n agement D1rec tJves a nd the NPS Person anl Property M a nn agement H a nndbook No 44 reqmre tha t pa rksoffices conduct a 100 percent physic a l mventory ea ch physic a l yea r B a rcode scna nners a re used by Custodi anl Property Officers throughout the NPS when conduc tmg the1r a nnuanl person anl property mventones The BIMS utilizes a centranlized file server

t o hold d a t a from the Fixed Assets Sub system a progranm on the Property M a n ager s PC t o produce mventory reports a nd a h a ndheld b a nrcode sc a nner t o sc a n a sset b a nrcodes The system works through the tr a n sfer of mformnantJon between these three comnponent s

BIMS mformnantJon conten t s a re person anl property mventones for v a nnous offices

Thi s system mtera c t s with the Federa l Fmannc1 a nl System (FFS) a nd the FIXed Asset Module of FFS These system s a re Depa rtment a l not specific t o NPS

Neanr System Owner - Emestme Implemen t antion Armnstrong

Property M a nn agement Progranm M a nn ager Ernestine Armstrongnps gov 202 354- 1 958

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I 0) Page 1 0 of 1 5

E-System Description I Comments0

bullSystem Name amp Description I Status I

-Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) Tu f

Retention Acronymtitem No Description CSWm



Capability Statement Control System Mamtamed NPS capab1hty statements -that 1s statements of the Services official op1mon on budgetary and financial matters provided to Congressional subcomnuttees The statements assess the impact to the President s budget request of proposed changes origmatmg from mterest groups or elected representatives CSWm was launched m 1 990 and contamed data through 2003

Inactive System Owner David Hamngton (see above) System Manager Katherine Hopper (no email address) 202-208-4043

Questions and Answers Briefing Effects Operat ional System Owner David Capability Statements Tracking System Hamngton (see above) QABECS replaces the former Capab1hty Statement Control System (CSWm)

QABECS 1s a Serv1cew1de Internet application w1thm the Nat ional Park Service (NPS) which 1s used to manage and track questions and answers capab1hty briefing and effect statements The system 1s used by parks regions W ASO program offices the office of Legislative and Congressional Affa1rs and the Office of the Comptroller

Contracting Officers Warrant Database List ofNPS contractmg officers mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than a database The spreadsheet enables the Bureau Procurement Ch1efto track ehg1b1hty of md1v1duals for Contractmg Officer assignments based on the trammg educat10n and experience of the candidate and the acqms1tlon needs of the1r orgamzat10n Information 1s mamtamed as current on the database names of md1v1duals who no longer have CO authonty are moved to a separate hst

blue textt= NPS comments

Operat ional System Owner - He1d1 Ernst Contract Specialist - Contracts and Property Team Hc1d1 Emst(nps gov 303-987-67 14 System Manager Kate Wmkler 303-987-6787 (no email address)

September 2 2009


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy

NPS E System s Crossw a lk M a n agement amp Accoun t a bili ty (I tem 10) P age 9 of 15

NI-79-08-9 ew Bi Bucket Schedule Comments Acron m

fo D All othd shyroutme housekeepmg nlti stipportmg_ documen t a ntJonnot anaressedsi7ren4_

Temporary 3 years BIMS Barcode Inventory Management System

Depanrtment of the Intenor Property M a n agement D1rec tJves a nd the NPS Person anl Property M a nn agement H a nndbook No 44 reqmre tha t pa rksoffices conduct a 100 percent physic a l mventory ea ch physic a l yea r B a rcode scna nners a re used by Custodi anl Property Officers throughout the NPS when conduc tmg the1r a nnuanl person anl property mventones The BIMS utilizes a centranlized file server

t o hold d a t a from the Fixed Assets Sub system a progranm on the Property M a n ager s PC t o produce mventory reports a nd a h a ndheld b a nrcode sc a nner t o sc a n a sset b a nrcodes The system works through the tr a n sfer of mformnantJon between these three comnponent s

BIMS mformnantJon conten t s a re person anl property mventones for v a nnous offices

Thi s system mtera c t s with the Federa l Fmannc1 a nl System (FFS) a nd the FIXed Asset Module of FFS These system s a re Depa rtment a l not specific t o NPS

Neanr System Owner - Emestme Implemen t antion Armnstrong

Property M a nn agement Progranm M a nn ager Ernestine Armstrongnps gov 202 354- 1 958

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS commen ts

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I 0) Page 1 0 of 1 5

E-System Description I Comments0

bullSystem Name amp Description I Status I

-Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) Tu f

Retention Acronymtitem No Description CSWm



Capability Statement Control System Mamtamed NPS capab1hty statements -that 1s statements of the Services official op1mon on budgetary and financial matters provided to Congressional subcomnuttees The statements assess the impact to the President s budget request of proposed changes origmatmg from mterest groups or elected representatives CSWm was launched m 1 990 and contamed data through 2003

Inactive System Owner David Hamngton (see above) System Manager Katherine Hopper (no email address) 202-208-4043

Questions and Answers Briefing Effects Operat ional System Owner David Capability Statements Tracking System Hamngton (see above) QABECS replaces the former Capab1hty Statement Control System (CSWm)

QABECS 1s a Serv1cew1de Internet application w1thm the Nat ional Park Service (NPS) which 1s used to manage and track questions and answers capab1hty briefing and effect statements The system 1s used by parks regions W ASO program offices the office of Legislative and Congressional Affa1rs and the Office of the Comptroller

Contracting Officers Warrant Database List ofNPS contractmg officers mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than a database The spreadsheet enables the Bureau Procurement Ch1efto track ehg1b1hty of md1v1duals for Contractmg Officer assignments based on the trammg educat10n and experience of the candidate and the acqms1tlon needs of the1r orgamzat10n Information 1s mamtamed as current on the database names of md1v1duals who no longer have CO authonty are moved to a separate hst

blue textt= NPS comments

Operat ional System Owner - He1d1 Ernst Contract Specialist - Contracts and Property Team Hc1d1 Emst(nps gov 303-987-67 14 System Manager Kate Wmkler 303-987-6787 (no email address)

September 2 2009


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I 0) Page 1 0 of 1 5

E-System Description I Comments0

bullSystem Name amp Description I Status I

-Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) Tu f

Retention Acronymtitem No Description CSWm



Capability Statement Control System Mamtamed NPS capab1hty statements -that 1s statements of the Services official op1mon on budgetary and financial matters provided to Congressional subcomnuttees The statements assess the impact to the President s budget request of proposed changes origmatmg from mterest groups or elected representatives CSWm was launched m 1 990 and contamed data through 2003

Inactive System Owner David Hamngton (see above) System Manager Katherine Hopper (no email address) 202-208-4043

Questions and Answers Briefing Effects Operat ional System Owner David Capability Statements Tracking System Hamngton (see above) QABECS replaces the former Capab1hty Statement Control System (CSWm)

QABECS 1s a Serv1cew1de Internet application w1thm the Nat ional Park Service (NPS) which 1s used to manage and track questions and answers capab1hty briefing and effect statements The system 1s used by parks regions W ASO program offices the office of Legislative and Congressional Affa1rs and the Office of the Comptroller

Contracting Officers Warrant Database List ofNPS contractmg officers mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than a database The spreadsheet enables the Bureau Procurement Ch1efto track ehg1b1hty of md1v1duals for Contractmg Officer assignments based on the trammg educat10n and experience of the candidate and the acqms1tlon needs of the1r orgamzat10n Information 1s mamtamed as current on the database names of md1v1duals who no longer have CO authonty are moved to a separate hst

blue textt= NPS comments

Operat ional System Owner - He1d1 Ernst Contract Specialist - Contracts and Property Team Hc1d1 Emst(nps gov 303-987-67 14 System Manager Kate Wmkler 303-987-6787 (no email address)

September 2 2009


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy


NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 11 of 1 5

y--raquo yenA-1-79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Schedule) damp -u f gt E-Systenimiddotbescription 1t-omments Item No Description middotRetention Acronvm System Name amp Description I middotstatus r middoty

Operat10nal He1d1 Ernst (see above) Database

COR Contracting Officers Representative Kate Wmkler (see above)

List ofNPS contractmg representatives and key personnel mamtamed as a spreadsheet rather than as a database The COR spreadsheet provides a comprehensive hst of md1v1duals ehg1ble for appomtment as a COR and the nature of the md1v1duals authorityt The mformatlon 1s mamtamed current

CTS Operat10nal Dons Lowery Tracks correspondence from Congress Correspondence Tracking System

Supvy Program Analyst Dons Lowcangs gov pubhc etc (202) 354- 1929

AVtPROPE Operational Contact Steve P1t tleman This 1s a simple MS Access database formerly used to manage a program whereby Harpers Ferry Center d1stnbuted AV eqmpment to parks throughout the NPS system The Harpers Ferry Center no longer d1stnbutes AV eqmpment as these items come with a completed contract deliverable The database tracked quant ity and type of eqmpment bemg provided (shdemov1e projector tape recorder etc ) pomts of contact dates and other mformation but has been mactlve for about 6 years and 1s now at the end of its hfecycle

HFC AV Property Database

NIA Operational Contact 1s David Krewson National Park Service Office of 202-354-1800

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) mamtams a database for select ion of qualified park personnel for possible short-term mtematlonal assignments

Any NPS employee who wishes to be considered for short-term mtematlonal

International Affairs Skills Roster

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



MaHagemeHt aHd Asso11eta01htmiddot

0YS Joe-s Vo -- (

GltL -zgt -k-vvt r-i_ 6ies z 1--ev--Ase

Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 1 2 of 1 5

Nl--79-08-9 (New Bi Bucket Scliedule) -7 c E-Svstem Description - pound I Comments it 4 -Item No Description (Retention Acronvm System Name amp DescriPtion Lstatust I

assignments can mput their data






NPS CORE Conflict Resolution Manages mfonnatlon on confhct resolution cases

NPS On-Line Auction System An automated auction of excess property to general public where items for sale to the public will be made available on the NPS Propertv Management website

National Park Reservation Service Park reservation system The system has been d1scontmued and replaced by Recreat10nGov an mteragency system created as part of the E-Gov m1tlatlve Recreation gov consolidates the legacy recreation gov reserveUSA com and reservat1onsnpsgov to offer a smgle pomt of access to mfonnatlon about Federal recreat10nal onnortumties and reservat10ns

TampD Learning Place Contams Serv1cew1de mfonnatlon on trammg and development events and employees of the National Park Service

Universal Competencies The Umversal Competencies system I website allows users to read defimtlons of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff The site also hosts or lmks to a Umversal Competencies Needs Assessment study conducted by the Park Service (fmal report produced m 1999) The site lmks to the NPS Fundamentals site which provides access to

Operational System Owner Jim Poole W APC Manager - DC Jim Poolc(ciln12s gov 202-354- 1 936

Under System Owner Emestme

Development Armstrong (see above)

Has been System Owner - Jane Moore

replaced Fee Program Manager Jane Moorenns gov 202- 5 1 3-7 132

Replaced by Recreat10n Gov http www recreat10n gov

Operational System Owner 5-atrma Fntts Log1st1cs Coord - Hapers Ferry WV

Katnna Fnttsn12s gov 304-535-6404

Operat10nal System Owner Maia Brownmg Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI Maia Browmngn12s gov 202-354- 1 903

Contact Kevm Turner

=September 2 2009 blue text NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10) Page 1 3 of 15

~ - It-System Description I- Comments liem No Description Retention Acronym System Name amp Description I Status

onhne trammg modules for NPS staff

Operational System Owner Maia Brownmg

The NPS Fundamentals site provides NPS Fundamentals

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Isle Royalle NP MI access to essential traming for NPS staff It Maia Brownmgwnps gov 1s a five-part course of study that 202-354-1 903 encompasses a broad understandmg of the Contact Kevm Turner

m1ss1on and goals of the National Park Service It 1s designed to sustam a workforce committed to acluevmg the NPS m1ss1on Registration 1s accomplished through a lmk to the DOI Learn website

This site mks to the Universal Competencies site that contams defirut10ns of the core competencies reqmred of all NPS staff It also mks to the DOI Learn site through which a student can register for the courses

September 2 2009 blue text = NPS comments

NPS E System s Crossw alk M a n agement amp Account a bility (I tem 10) Page 14 of 1 5

Nl-79-08-9(New Bi Bucket Schedule) E-Svstem Description I Comments ItemNo Description - -Retention Acronyin System Name amp Description I Status I

TRAKKER Wilderness Trakker Operantional Cont a c t S teve_B a 1rnps gov WT The Wilderness Trankker system ena bles

b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers to collect a nd ev aluante d a nt a on b a ckcountry c a m pmg overnight u se m the pa rk Free m a nd ant ory b a ckcountry c a nm pmg perrruts a re reqmred t o c a nm p m the Shen a ndoa h s b a ckcountry a nd the mfonnant10n provided by panrk v1 s1 t ors on these perrru t s 1 s entered mto the WIiderness Tr a kker d ant a b anse This mfonnantlon mcludes V1 s1 t or N a nme Address Loc a tion of entry mto a nd exit from the b a ckcountry d a ntes of ent ry a nd exit number of people m the c a nm pmg pa rty t rail or b a nckcount ry a rea where the panrty will spend the mght( s) vehicle m a ke color a nd license number of the c a nr( s) panrked a t the t railhea d a nd other mfonna tion This d a nt a allows b a ckcountry a nd wilderness m a n agers t o identify trends pant terns a nd levels of c a nm p mg u se on specific t rail a reans of the panrk a nd c a n gmde resource m a n agementdec1s1ons a nd t a nrget resource m oru tormg a nd a c t10n efforts I t c a n al so help to t anrgetb anckcountry educ a tion al a nd l a nw enforcement pant rol s a nd aid m emergency response

Operantion al h ttp home nps govapphc a tl o This 1 s a publicly a ccessible onlme d1rec tory

NIA NPS People and Places Directory nsd1rcctory

ofNPS l oc antions a nd em ployees Users enter a first a ndor l anst n a me m the d1rec tory a nd retrieve a fil tered h st ofNPS em ployees with cont a c t mfonnantlon (n anme JOb title telephoneem a n1l loc a tion) Alterna tively one c a nn enter a loc a nt10n n anme (from a pick h st of NPS loc antions) a nd retneve a h st of all NPS st a ff there The website provides a n

September 2 2009 blue tex t = NPS comments

NPS E Systems Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10) Page 15 of 15

ltNl-79-089 (New Bi Bbcket Schedule) E-System Description I Comments item1No Descriptionsg Retention Acronvm System Nameamp Description I Status IIL


employees only lmk to an Employee Maintenance funct10n

September 2 2009 blue textt= NPS comments

v i i



4-tR-- my New Bh Buclcet Schedulelt yen+- -NPS-19(Currenf1Scltedule)vt -- Comments 4I

7 11 Item Noamp Titlet +Retention Item No Title Retentionamp _ v__ltlt- p

I--10tA Records-thant A Permanenf t -- documi1t the dife1hon A241 5 Com mit tees Interna tion anl Permna nent 0---- V -lt lt4 lt- -ofNPS a nd tha t meet - A24n1 9 Com mi t tees Depa rtmen t a l Perm a nenn

Com mittees Interagency t

yen tlie perm a nent critri n A2427 Perm a nen t A2431 Com mi t tees W a shmgton Perm a nen t A2435 Commit tees Field Offices Permna nent A2621 Reports Annua l [Supermtendent s a nd Perm a nen t

Reg10n anl D1rectors] A2623 Reports Si tu a nt ion [Superintendent s Perm a nen t

Reg10na l Directors amp M a nn agers] A4015na Conferences a nd Meetmg s Depanrtmen t a l Perm a nen t A4019 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s W a shmgton Perm a nen t

Office A4023 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Directors A4027a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Region a l Perm a nen t

Offices A4031 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s O ther Field Perm a nent

Office A4033 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Servicewide Perm a nent A4035na Conferences a nd Meetmg s In tera gency Perm a nent A4037 a Conferences a nd Meetmg s Internant10n anl Perm a nent A44 Memora nd a of Agreement with Federanl Permna nent

S t a nte a nd Loc a nl Agencies A441 5 Cooperantive Agreemen t s Perm a nent A54n15 Inspec tions Congression a l Perm a nent A54n19 Inspec tions Depanrtment anl Pern1 a nent A5423 Inspec t10ns W a shmgton Office Permna nent A5425 Inspec tion s Reg10n anl Office Perm a nent A5427 Inspections Field Office Perm a nen t

July 6 2009

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 A ) Page 2 of 5

F - New BigBucket Schedule 7J NPS-l9 (Current Schedule) =t Gomments - 71= JJ=

Item No amp Title Retention Item No Title Retention -h

A5431 Inspect10ns Other Agencies Permanent A564 l Instructions and Orders Other Federal Permanent

AgenciesA562l Instructions and Orders NPS Permanent Permanent


Gmdelmes A5623 Instructions and Orders NPS Special Permanent

DJrectlves A5627 Instructions and Orders NPS Staff Permanent

DJrect1ves A5631 Instructions and Orders W ASO Permanent

Memoranda A5635 Instructions and Orders Field DJrectorate Permanent

Memoranda A5639 Instructions and Orders Field Offices Permanent

Instruction Memoranda A6415 Orgamzatlon List and DJrectones Permanent A6419 Orgamzatlon GoalsObJectlves (Long Permanent

Term Management Plan) A6423 Orgamzatlon Management Pohc1es Permanent

(M1ss10n Statements) A6427 Orgamzatlon Orgamzatlonal ChartsRoles Permanent

amp Function Statements A6435 Orgamzatlon Standards Permanent A6437 Orgamzation Management Improvement Permanent

ProJects A7015 National Pnont1es Civil Defense Program Permanent A7019 Nat10nal Pnont1es Area Use (Nat10nal Permanent


A702l National Pnonties Conservation (Energy Permanent and Water etct)

A8215 PermanentDedications Anmversanes Similar Observances

A8419 Permanent A8423

Speeches W ashmgton Area D1rectorate Speeches Field D1rectorate Permanent

D l 8 Permanent Also hsted m I A for GMPtamp DCP

Plannmg Program [GPRA]

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

h -----r _

NPS Crossw alk M a nn agement amp Accoun t a nb1h ty (I tem IO A ) Page 3 of5

middot New Bi2 Bucket Schedule 5 Item No amp Title Retention Item No

NPS-19 (Current Schedule)L-

Title Retention y Comments


F l4 Adv annces Trannsfers a nd Alloc antions of Permna nen t

F l4 1 5 Workmg Funds Workmg Funds [ t o other Agencies] Permna nen t

Fl419 Workmg Funds [from other Agencies] Permna nen t Fl423 Workmg Funds [w1thm Service] Permna nen t F l 6 a Accountmg rPohcy Correspondence l Permna nen t F30a Budget Formul a ntion [Correspondence] Perm a nen t F30 15 a Current Yeanr Operantmg Progranm Perm a nen t

F3017 a [Correspondence] Budget IncreansesDecreanses Permna nent

F34 rcorrespondence l Budget Execution Perm annent

F34 1 5 S t a ntus of Funds Permna nen t F3417 Reserves Permnannent F38na Appropn a ntlons amp Allotment Advices Permnannent

F38n1 5 a [Pohcy Correspondence] Operantmg (Form I 0-450) [Pohcy Perm annent

F38 17 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence l Perm annent

F38 1 9 a Supplement al [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent F382 l a APoort1onmen t s rPolicy Correspondence l Perm annen t F3823 a Adm1m strantlve L1rmt a nt1ons [Pohcy Perm annent

F42 a Correspondence] Auditns a nd Fiscnal Exanmmantlons [Policy Permnannent

F42 1 5 a Correspondence] General Accountmg Office a nd other Government Agencies [Pohcy


F42n17 a Correspondence] Depanrt ment of IntenorN a tlon al Panrk Perm annent

F4223a Service rPohcy Correspondence] Public Auditors ( other th a n Government) Perm annent

F46 a [Pohcy Correspondence] C anshiers a nd Collec tion Officers (mcludes Permna nent

F50a imnprest fund) rPohcy Correspondence] Clnaim s a nd Panymen ts [Pohcy Pem1 a nen t

F50 1 5 a Correspondence] Construction [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm annent

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw alk M ann agement amp Accoun t a nb1hty (I tem 10 A ) Page 4 of 5

tt -t_ t New Bi2 Bucket Schedule i

Item No amp Title 1Retention - r

Item Nor

Title NPS-19 (Current Schedule)



Retention Comments z


F5019na Supply [Pohcy Correspondence] Perm a nent F5023 a T ra vel a nd Tra nsport a t10n [Pohcy Perm a nen t

Correspondence] F5025 Compensantion Perm a nen t F54 a Speci al Non anppropn a nted Funds [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 15 a Don antions [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F54n17a Re1mbursanbleRefundanbles [Policy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F54 19na Fees a nd Revenues [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F62 a Fisc al Reqms1 tlons a nd Interpret a ti ons Perm a nent

rPohcy Correspondence] F66 a Pa vrolls [Policy Correspondence l Perm a nent F66 15na Pa yrolls Income T a x Deduc tion s [Pohcy Perm a nent

Correspondence] F66 19na Perm annent

Correspondence] F6623 a

Panyrolls Ret1rement Deductions [Policy

P a yrolls Other Deductions [Policy Perm a nent Correspondence l

F6627a Permna nent Designanted Agent) [Policy C orrespondence]

F74 a

P a yrolls Des1gnant1on (1 e Tirnekeepers

Perm annent F74 1 5 a

Rate Schedules rPolicy Correspondence] Perm a nent

Correspondence] F74 19 a

R a nte Schedules Eqmpment [Policy

R a nte Schedules M a nss [Pohcy Perm annent Correspondence]

F7423 a R a nte Schedules Quanrters [Pnohcy Perm a nent Correspondence]

F7425na Permnannent Correspondence]


R a nte Schedules Utih ties [Pohcy

Perm a nen t [Pohcy Correspondence]


Tranvel a nd Trannsport a nt ion Regul antions

WNLN Correspondence]


Volunteer Employmen t Progranm [Pohcy

Perm a nent [Procurement] Inst ruc tions a nd P rocedures

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item I O A ) Page 5 of 5

i-_- -- New Bi Bucket Schedule P- -7yenlt NPS-19 (CurrentiSchedule) middot 1frac34 -


t Comments0

Item No amp Title-- Retention ltemJo Title lt- iletention

New item Directors Calendar New item Supermtendents Calendar

July 6 2009 WNLN = when no longer needed


middot z



Nl-79-08i9(New Bi2 Bucke(Schedule)

Jtem No ampmiddotTitlegtgt r 10B Routme policy J---frac14 x--- Y - gt

dec1s1ons day to day

tpJmg zal 1ssi1esmiddot y operat10ns etc that do not meet thecnreri1Hor pgfrnarint records middotffrac14t middott v

V - J V

Retention A -ItemmiddotNo --J0Temporary ISyears

_4 h t- S-gt Jgt



JSRS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Titlemiddot

1 gtfl

Commendations About Service and Personnel [prov1dmg basis for adm1mstratJve actions l Commendations Concemmg Concessions [prov1dmg basis for admm1strat1ve actions]

A3615b Complamts About Service and Personnel 1 5 years [prov1dmg basis for mvestJgation etc ]

i ~ Gomments poundplusmn - w


Retention v


1 5 years

1 5 years GRS 1 12c

i A3619b Complamts Concemmg Concessions 1 5 years

[prov1dmg basis for mvestigat1on etc l A68a Prmtmg and Bmdmg [Policy 15 years

Correspondence] A7227 Records Management (mcludes file mgmt) 1 5 years Also listed m 9 B

[Policy Correspondence] F30b Budget Formulation [Budget Estimates 1 5 years

and Justifications prepared at W ASO level]

F30 15b Current Year Operating Program [Budget 1 5 years Estimates and Jushficat10ns prepared at WASO level]

F30 17b Budget Increases [Budget Estimates and 1 5 years Justifications prepared at WASO levell

F36 Budgeted Position Ce1lmgs 1 5 years F38b 10 years

[AooropnatJons Allotment Files] F38 1 5b

Appropnat10ns amp Allotment Advices

Operatmg (Form 1 0-450) [ Appropnat10ns 10 years Allotment Files]

F38 17b Construct10n [ AppropnatJons Allotment 10 years Files]

F38 19b 10 years Files]Supplemental [AppropnatJons Allotment

August 3 1 2009



NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

xx Nl-79-089 Item No amp Title Item No



NPS-l9 Current Schedule Item Nuoiber and Title Retention

10 years Apport10nments [Appropnatlons Allotment Files] Adm1mstratlve L1m1tat 1ons 10 years [A ro nations Allotment FIies]

F42b Audits and Fiscal ExammatJons [Specific 15 years Audits

F4215b General Accountmg Office amp other 15 years Government Agencies [S ec1fic Audits

F421 7b Department of lntenorNational Park 15 years Service [S ec1fic Audits

F4223b Pubhc Auditors (other than Government) 1 5 years [S ec1fic Audits]


W 1 8 W 1 815 W 1819 W l823 W1827

10G+-FiscaJland gt h -lt110 0-frac34- (contractmg rec2rds 2 years HQ 3 A8219 Convent ions Tours Group V1s1tat1ons

mcludmg travel - IS Public Gathermgs ears field chers purchase s 2 years HQ 3 A8223 Rehg1ous Services orders contracts etc - ears field

o A gt_

Also routine personnel 2 years HQ 3 ExpositionsA8227 recids such as_]jmt ears field e foSS sand Attendancelt 1 2 years HQ 3 Display of Flag A8231-gtsuJrviibrs reeuroilsect ears field d rlile5 personnel D5215 Professional Services (Architecture amp ecort h asEEO S En meermg) Contracts trammg ancl similar F l 6b A-1gtgt __ recorcis F26 1 5-lt F2623

15 years Mana ement Agreements] [Laws and Le al Matters] Dec1s10ns

Labor-Management Relations [Labor -

Dec1s10ns Attorney General Dec1S1ons Com troller General Dec1s10ns Sohc1tor 15 years Dec1s10ns Chief Counsel 15 ears

F2615=F1scal Reports Monthly F26 l 7=F1scal Reports Quarterly F26 l 9=F1scal Reports Serru-Annual F2621 =Fiscal Reports Annual F2623=F1scal Re orts Situation

Transfer to DSC

3 ears 3 years

Page 2 of 11


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

F38c Appropnations and Allotment Advices [Aooort1onment F1lesl

F3815c Operatmg (Form 10-450) [Apportionment

F38 1 7c Construction [Aooort10nment Files] F3819c Suoolemental [ Apportionment Files l


NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 1 0 B -E ) Page 3 of 1 1

vgt 01779-08-9 mew BigBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Gurrent Sclieltlule)01t r - 0laquo

t Comments -111


Item Noamp Title Iietentioii jitem Not Item Number and Title Retention

F30c Budget Formulation [Work Papers Cost l yearStatements etc ]

F30 1 5c Current Year Operatmg Program [Work l year Papers Cost Statements etc ]

F30 1 7c l year Budget IncreasesDecreases [Work Papers Cost Statements etc l

2 years

2 years

2 years 2 years

F382l c 2 years F3823c

Aooort10nments [Aooort1onment Files] Adm1mstrative L1m1tahons 2 years [Apportionment Files]

F46b 6 years 3 imprest fund) [Transactions] Cashiers and Collection Officers (mcludes

months F50b 6 years 3

Officer s Files l Claims and Payments [Accountable

months F501 5b 6 years 3 mos F50 1 9b

Construction [Accountable Officers Filesl Suooly f Accountable Officer s F1lesl 6 years 3 mos

6 years 3 Officers Files]

F5023b Travel and Transportation [Accountable months

F62b WSOFiscal Reqms1tions and Interpretations fRegulat10ns l

F66 15b( l ) 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an [Payrolls] Income Tax Deductions obsolete record with aInd1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files WSO retention

F6619b( l ) [ record mamtamed on eammg record card]

3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Ind1v1dual Authonzed Allotment Files [Payrolls] Retirement Deductions

obsolete record with a f record mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

F6623b( l ) 3 years NOTEmiddot F66b( l ) 1s an Authonzed Allotment Files [record [Payrolls] Other Deductions Ind1v1dual

obsolete record with a mamtamed on eammg record card] WSO retention

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 4 of 11

1-- NI79-08-9 (New JJilnBuclret Schedule) Item No amp Title Retention Item No

ft -ft NPS-19 (Current Schedule)t- Item lSumber and Title

Retention Comments

F6627b( l ) [Payrolls] Designations (1 e Timekeepers 3 years NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an Designated Agent) Ind1v1dual Authonzed obsolete record with a Allotment Files [record mamtamed on WSO retention eammg record cardl

F78 Tax Exemptions 4 years F86b Travel and Transportat10n [Regulations] wso

Pl4c Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files OPF 1f ratmgs GRS 123 [Annual Performance Review] outstandmg or Does not pertam to

unsatisfactory Presidential appomtees otherwise destroy after 2 years

P30 Appomtment Reqmrements and 5 years Procedures

P32a Class1ficat10n Position [Correspondence 5 years GRSt1 7 relatmg to development of standards for class1ficat1on l

P32b Class1ficat10n Position [Standards] 5 years GRS l 7 P3415 [Compensation] For Iniury 6 years P4019 Employee Relations [Correspondence amp 3 years

CounselmglP402lb Labor-Management Relations [Arb1trat10n 5 years

Cases]P4215 [EEO] Affirmative Action Plan 5 years or

WNLN P4217a D1scnmmatlon Complamts [when resolved 4 years

m agencyl P4217b D1scnmmation Complamts [When OPM schedule

Resolved by USCSC] P4219 Special Programs 5 years P48b Exammatlons [Fom1s amp Correspondence] 6 years P86 Trammg 5 years or WSO P86t15 In-Service Trammg 5 years or WSO P8617 Interagency Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P8619 Non-Government Fac1hties Trammg 5 years or WSO P94 Volunteer Employment Program WNLN S28 Draftmg and Engmeenng Supplies 2 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item IO B -E ) Page 5 of 1 1

l 1 -middot N1-79-08-9(NewBie Bucket Schedule)

7Item No amp Title Retention Item No k NPSit9 (Current Schedule)

-3Item Number and Title Retention- Comments


S30 Explosives 2 years S32 Firefighting Equipment 2 years S34 Firearms and Ammunition 2 years S38 Fuels 2 years S46 Library 2 years S46 15 Library Equipment 2 years S46 19 Library Pubhcatlons 2 years S50 License Plates and Tags 2 years S54 Medical [Suoohes] 2 years S62 Office [Suoohes] 2 years S6215 Furniture and Accessones 2 years S6219 Forms (Stock Only) 3 months S6223 Machines 2 years S6227 Stationery 2 years S66 Optical Equipment 2 years S66e15 Binoculars and Telescopes 2 years S66e19 Microscopes 2 years S70 Photographic and Sound Equipment 2 years S7015 Cameras and Pro1ectors 2 years S7019 Films and Shdes 2 years S72 Procurement [Transactions) 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7219 Professional Services (AampE) Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7223 Supply and Eqmpment Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7225 Personal Services Contracts 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7227 Purchase Orders 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S7421 Disposal of Personal Property 3 years S742l a Correspondence 2 years S742l b Excess rPersonall Property Reports 3 years S7421c Sales of Surplus Property Case Files 6 years 3 months

or 3 years S84 Stenographic Services 6 years 3 months

or 3 years

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 6 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-99New Bi2 Bucket Schedule)

Item No amp Title gt

10 D AJLother routme hBusekeep1ngeande

(5lt bullsupportmgk _vtiobumentation no(lt

ddr fJd I ha essee e sew ere



J ft


Temporary 3years lt0

Item No S90 S94b




A26 1 5

A26 17



A341 5c

A34 19a A361 5c






NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Item Number and Title Shipments (Bills of Ladmglnvmces) [Uniforms] Specific Order and Related Correspondence Weed and Insect Control Products and Arumal Repellents

)ff gt

Actmg Personnel Designation (m place of temporanly absent officials) [Admm] Reports Monthly

[Admm] Reports Quarterly

[Admm] Reports Semi-Annual

Commendat10ns About Service and Personnel Commendations About Service and Personnel [ routme correspondence l Commendations Concernmg Concessions Complamts About Service and Personnel [routme correspondence] Complamts Concernmg Concessions [ routme correspondence] Conferences and Meetmgs Departmental b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Washmgton Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Directors b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Regional Offices b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs


3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years 6 years 3 months or 3 years

- i 3 months

WNLNeHQe3 years field WNLNeHQe3 years field 3 years


3 months

OPF 3 months

3 months


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years


GRS l 12

GRS I 12


August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 7 of 1 1

- -Nl-79-08-9 (New BilrBucket Schedule) _

Itein No amp Title Retention rl -

ampi NPS191(Ciirrent Schedule)

Item No A4031bampc


bull A4035bampc


A52 A56 15 A56 1 9


A60 19


bull A66 15

A66 17

A662 l A6625 A68b-g

A96 F66b(2)

JtemNumber and Title Conferences and Meetmgs Other Field Office b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Serv1cew1de b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs Interagency b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Conferences and Meetmgs International b non-record copies c arrangements for meetmgs Fund Ra1smg amp other C1v1c Campaigns lnstruct10ns and Orders Secretarys Orders Instructions and Orders Secretarys Office Memoranda Instructions and Orders Requests for Copies V 1s1ts of Government Personnel

V1s1ts of Foreign Persons

Manuals Departmental Manuals amp other Issuances Manuals NPS Manuals and other Issuances to FPM and FPMR Manuals Other Federal Agencies Manuals Requests for Copies Pnntmg and Bmdmg [ vanous routme records such as prmtmg orders umt operat10ns etcl Delegat10ns of Authority Payrolls [Records Not Mamtamed Elsewhere]

lt -


b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years

b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years b 2 years HQ 3 years field c 2 years 2 years WSR WSR

3 months

2 years HQ l year field 2 years HQ l year field WSR



3 months Vanes from 3 years to 1 year

5 years 3 years after wso


NOTE F66b( l ) 1s an obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountability (Item 10 B -Ee) Page 8 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New BhBucket Schedule) IS ff lnfs19 (Current Schedule) pound- Comments Item No amp Title Retention loz ItemNo Item Number and Title Retention

F6615b(2) Payrolls Income Tax Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F66e19b(2) Payrolls Retirement Deduct10ns [Records 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an

Not Mamtamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a WSO retent10n

F6623b(2) Payrolls Other Deduct10ns [Records Not 3 years after NOTE F66b(l) 1s an Mam tamed Elsewhere] wso obsolete record with a

WSO retention F6627b(2) Payrolls Des1gnat10ns (1e Tunekeepers 3 years after NOTE F66b( 1) 1s an

Designated Agent) [Records Not wso obsolete record with a Mam tamed Elsewhere] WSO retent10n

F7415b Rate Schedules Eqmpment [Rate wso

Schedule]F7419b Rate Schedules Mass [Rate Schedule] wso

F7423b Rate Schedules Quarters rRate Schedule] wso

F7425b Rate Schedules Utihhes [Rate Schedule] wso

Pl4b Ind1v1dual Official Personnel Files [Papers Employee GRS 1 10 on Left-Hand Side] transfer or 2

years after term Pl8e15 [OPM] Rules and Regulations and Related WNLN

CorrespondencePl8e19 [OPM Laws Rules amp Regulat10ns] 2 years HQ 3

Interpretation years field Pl821 [OPM] Inspections (CSC and Civil wso

Service)P22 Applications and Inqumes for 3 years

EmploymentP2215 Permanent Pos1t10ns 3 years P2217 Temporary Positions 3 years P26 Reports [Personnell 3 years P2615 Monthly 3 years P2617 Quarterly 3 years P2619 Serrn-annual 3 years P2621 Annual 3 years P2623 Situation 3 years

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crossw anlk M a n a gement amp Account a bility (Item 10 B-E ) Pa ge 9 of 1 1

Nl-79-08-9 (New Bi2 BucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments 1 Item No amp Title t Retention - ltem No Item NumberandTfrle etl Retention Jr ftr

P32c Cl anssificna tion Position [Position 5 yeanrs GRS 1 7b Descnptlons l

P3419- P34 l 9=[ Com pennsantion] For Overtime 3 yeanrs P3423 P342l=[Comnpensantlon] For H a nz anrd Pany

P341 9=[Comnpensantlon] For Duty a t Rem ote Work Si tes

P36 Conduc t of Officers a nd Employees wso

P38 Performannce R a ntmgs Progranm a nd 3 yeanrs Procedures

P4015 [Em ployee] Welfare [Health amp Life 3 yeanrs Insuranncel

P4217c D1scnnmmantlon Com pl anmts [All Other 1 yeanr Copies]

P4217d D1scnmmant ton Com pl anmts [All 2 yeanrs B a nckground Documents]

P441 5 flncen tl ve Awa rds Progranm sl Procedures 2 yeanrs P4417 a [Incen tive Awa rds Progranms] Men t 3 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Correspondence] P441 7b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Ment 2 yeanrs

A w a nrds [Awanrds l P4419na [Incent1 ve A w anrds Progranms] Suggestions 3 yeanrs

f Correspondence l P4419b [Incentive Awa rds Progranms] Suggestions 2 yeanrs

[Suggestions (C anse Files by Ind1v1duals)] P48 a Exanmmantlons [Correspondence other th ann 3 yeanrs

med1c a ll P52 H ours a nd Tours of Duty 3 yeanrs P56 Identific a ntion of E m ployees 3 m onths P60 Leanve 3 yeanrs GRS 2 9b P601 5- P6015=Annual 3 yeanrs P6043 P601n9=Jury

P6023=M1ht a ry P6027=S1ck P603 l =Without Pany P603 5=Comnpensantory P6039=Hohd a y P6043=Specianl Occ ans10ns

August 3 1 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -E ) Page 10 of 11

N 1-79-08-9(New BiiIBucketSchedule) NPS-19 (Current Schedule) Comments gt

Item No amp Title 153 Retention 1Item Noivt Item Number and Title y Retention $- -

P64 Personnel Procedures and Records 3 years P68 Promotion Career Development and wso

Placement P72a Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Correspondence]P72b Recrmtment and Cert ification 3 years

[Recrmtment for Specific Positions l P72c Recrmtment and Certification [Certificates 2 years

ofEhg1bles] P 74 Restrictions on Employment 3 years P76 Reemployment 3 years P78 Retirement 3 years P80 Separation 3 years P82 Statistics 2 years P84 Status 3 years P88 TransfersDeta1lsReass1gnment 3 years P8815 W1thm Service 3 years P8819 Outside Service 3 years P90a Wage Board Matters [Policy WNLN

Correspondence] P90b Wage Board Matters [Wage Rate 3 years

Schedules and Related Correspondence] P90c Wage Board Matters [Wage Survey FIies] Destroy after GRS 1 38

complet ion of second succeedmgWage Survey

S26 Property Reports 2 years S26 1 5- S26 15=Property Reports Monthly 2 years S2623 S26 17=Property Reports Quarterly

S26 l 9=Property Reports Semi-Annual S262 l =Property Reports Annual S2623=Property Reports Situation

S2621 S2621 =Property Reports Annual 3 years [Passenger Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Reqmrements]

S58 Motor-Dnven Propelled Eqmpment 3 mos 3 yrs

August 31 2009 WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked WNLN = when no longer needed

NPS Crosswalk Management amp Accountab1hty (Item 10 B -Et)

WSO = when superseded or obsolete WSR = when superseded or revoked

Page 11 of 11

- _-- y

Data entry

WNLN = when no longer needed

4 Nl-79-08-9 (New Bil Bucket Schedule) + 0ltNps19 (Current1Schedufo Comments t t ItemNo amp Title Retentiont- t Item o ItemNumber and Title -middot-t -



August 31 2009

2 years or when put mtCFR

General Regulations Case Files W46

S58 15-S5835

S58 15-S5835a S58t15-S5835b S5815-S5835c S5815-S5835d S7229 S7231

S7419a S7419b


S7423 W22 W24



S58 l 5=Aircraft S58 19=Automob1les Trucks Motorcycles S5823=Boats S583 l =Road Construction and Mamtenance Equipment S5835=Use of Correspondence

Operatmg Records Relatmg to Gas amp Oil D1spatchmg amp Schedulmg Mamtenance Records

Motor Vehicle Operations (Includmg Dnver tests etc) [Procurement] Bidders List [Procurement] Federal Supply Catalogs Schedules and Manufacturers Catalogs [Personal Property] Correspondence [Personal Property] Automated Equipment Inventory [Personal Property] W orkmg Papers

Equipment Replacement Program Fmal [Legall Opm10ns and Orders Federal Register Subm1ss10ns

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Special Regulat ions Case Files

2 years3 years

2 years

3 months

1 year

3 years

wso wso

3 years wso

After venfication 3 years 3 years 2 years or when put m CFR wso

2 years or when put m CFR

1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule Crosswalk To NPS Big Bucket Schedule

NOTE Tlus Crosswalk pertains only to Admm1strat10n and Accountab1hty records Bucket 10 Schedules that contam no Admm1strat1on and Accountab1hty records are not mcluded

NOTE All records are assumed to be cut off and are no longer active Cut off can be based on temunation of an employee the end of a case when no longer needed or other defimtions Records can have a much longer active hfe than an machve hfe The new schedule has cut off mstructions as well

Abbreviations Used WNLN = When No Longer Needed WSO = When Superseded or Obsolete

General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items 1 a amp b

Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)

Personnel folders retention dependent on type

65 years to Permanent (1fNARA selects)

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 Service Record Cards

Employee Info now obsolete

60 years Management and Accountabihty

PereGRS 1

3 Personnel Correspondence Files

General adnumstration of personnel function

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 Offers of Employment Files

Offers both accepted and declmed

0 l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l Could also use l OD dependmgem mterpretation

5 Certificate of Ehg1bles Files

OPM certification of ehg1b1hty for employment

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

6 Employee Record Cards

Cards used outside of HR now obsolete

WNLN l0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS l

7a Position Standards used to 2-5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

2 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Classification Standards FIies

classify positions Accountability

7b Posit10n Descnptions

Descnption of Job duties etc

WNLN+2 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7c Survey Files Classificat10n audits and related

2-3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

7d Appeals Files Classificat10n appeals 3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

8 Interview Records Interview correspondence and related

2 yrs after separat10n of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

9 Performance Ratmg Board Case Files

Transferred to OPM copies m agency

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

10 Temporary Individual Employee Records

Temporary employee records etc

3 yrs after separation of employee

l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

11 Position Identification Stnps

Position mformation now obsolete

WNLN l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

12 Employee A wards Files

Not includmg those filed in OPF

1-2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

13 Incentive Awards Program Reports

Operat10n of the program

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

14 Notifications of Personnel Actions

SF 50s not m OPF 1 -2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

15 Reserved 16 Personnel

Operations Statistical Reports

Reports of the personnel office

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

17 Correspondence and Forms Files

Personnel operatmg records not covered herem

WNLN-2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

18 Supervisors Items kept by 1 yr after l OC Management and PersGRS 1

3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation

supervisor or other offices

separation Accountab1hty

19 Ind1v1dual Non-Occupational Health Record Files

Health records gathered dunng non-work v1s1ts

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

20 Health Umt Control Files

Records of a health umt

3 mo to 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1a Employee Medical Folder (EMF)

Long-term employee medical records as hsted m 5 CFR

75 yrs after birth date of employee

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

2 1b Temporary or short-term records as defined m the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM)

1 yr after separation of employee

l0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

2 1c Individual employee health case files created pnor to establishment of the EMF system that have been retued to a NARA records storage fac1hty

60 yrs after transfer to NARA

Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

22 Statistical Summanes

Summanes of employee health

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

23 Employee Performance File System Records

Appraisal records This 1s a comphcated entry d1v1ded between SES and non-SES acceptable and

1-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

unacceptable performance etc

24a Reasonable Accommodation Request Records General Files

Files related to a program for reasonable accommodation requests for disability

WNLN+3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24b Employee Case Files

Requests made by individuals

3 yrs after employee separation

l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24c Supplemental Files Records created while workmg on a request

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

24d Trackmg System Records showmg EEOC compliance

3 yrs after compliance report filed

l 0C Management and Accountability


25a Equal Employment Opportumty (EEO) Records Official D1scrimmat1on Complamt Case Files

Agency copies of formal complamt files

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability


25b Copies of Complamt Case Files

Copies of above files 1 yr 10D Management and Accountability

PersGRS 1

25c Prelimmary and Background Files

Files that do not develop mto a case or not filed m 25a

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25d Compliance Records

Records of compliance reviews

7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

25e Employee Housmg Requests

Records askmg agency help in obtammg housmg

1 yr l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25f Employment Statistics FIies

Race and sex statistics 5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

Per GRS 1

25g EEO General Files Records of EEO 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

meetmgs copies of regulations etc


25h EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)

Agency copy of EEO plan

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

26 Personnel Counselmg Records

Counselmg and program files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

27 Alternative Dispute Resolut10n (ADR) Files

Conc1hat1on ombudsmen programs etc Both program and case files

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

28 Labor Management Relat10ns Records

Entry 1s for both employee relat10ns and labor arbitration

5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

29 Traming Records Records of employee trammg not mcludmg course matenal formally established schools etc

3-5 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

30 Adrmmstratlve Gnevance D1sc1plmary and Adverse Action Files

Records deahng with heanng gnevances and takmg adverse action agamst an employee

4-7 yrs l 0C Management and Accountabihty

Per GRS 1

3 1 Personal Injury Files

Reports etc regardmg a work-related mjury

3 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

32 Ment Promotion Case Files

Records regardmg promotion

2 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 1

33a-t Exarmnmg and Cert1ficat10n Records

This item has many parts that mvolve a number of retentions It mcludes agreements with OPM about

Many retent10ns longest 1s 5 yrs shortest 1s 90 days

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

testmg correspondence hsts of eligibles testmg procedures tests audits certifications of results and others

34 Occupational Reports and logs of 5 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 InJury and Illness OSHA and other forms Accountabihty Files dealing with work-

place m1ury and health 35 Demed Health Denied requests 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Benefits Requests ( appealed and Accountabihty Under Spouse unappealed listed) Equity

36 Federal Workplace Includes log books 3 yrs l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Drug Testmg testmg forms test Accountab1hty Program Files results plans

procedures etc 37 Donated Leave Files regardmg receipt 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1 Could also use 10D

Program Case Files and donation of Accountab1hty donated leave

38 Wage Survey FIies Surveys that help Keep until l 0C Management and 7 yrs The retention m create wage schedules second Accountability GRS could lead to and specific pay rates survey some issues Need

to discuss further 39 Ret1rement Records created wmle 1 yr l 0C Management and Per GRS 1

Assistance Files assistmg employees Accountability retirement

40 Handicapped Hmng apphcations 5 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Individuals reasonable Accountability Appomtment Case accommodation Files requests of a

handicapped employee 41 Pay Comparab1hty Records created under 3 yrs l 0C Management and PersGRS 1 Could also use 10D

7 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 1 Civilian Personnel Records New Schedule Items

Records 1mplementat10n of the Federal Employees Pay Comparab1hty Act


42 Alternate Works1te Records

Records requestmg workmg from an alternate sitemiddot mcludes accepted or demed requests

I yr I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS I Could also use 10D

43 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

8 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedulee 2 Payrolling and Pay Administration Records


Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

la Ind1v1dual Employee Pay Record

For electromc payroll systems

Update as reqmred

Management and Accountab1hty

Per GRS 2 We may need to check with NARA to see 1f this 1s reqmred for an e-system

lb lnd1V1dual Employee Pay Record

For paper or mtcrofilm records

56 yrs Management and Accountability

Per GRS 2

2 Noncurrent Payroll Files

Copies of non-current data m service bureaus paper or d1g1tal

15 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Leave Apphcation

Files SF7 1 or eqmvalent 3 yrs (1f

employee does not 1mtial time sheet 1f so then end of next pay penod)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

7 Time and Atten-dance Source Re-cords

Records needed for GAO audit such as source leave fom1s flextime agreements etc paper or d1g1tal

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1h ty

7 yrs

8 Time and Attend-ance Input Records

Records used to mput data m a payroll system for GAO audit

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9a Leave Record Leave record of employee filed m OPF

65 yrs Management and Accountab1hty

PereGRS 1

9 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

upon termmahon 9b Leave Record Agency copy 1f

retamed 3 yrs l 0D Management and

Accountab1hty 3 yrs Could use l 0C for

ease of use 1f necessary

10 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Tax Files Agency copies of

vanous tax forms such as W-4 W-2 etc

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

14 Savmgs Bond Pur-chase Files

Forms for purchase of bonds issuance receipt and transmittal

4 mos (longest)

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

15 Combmed Federal Campaign and 0th-er Allotment Au-thonzat10ns

CFC contnbut10ns union dues etc

3 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

1 6 Thnft Savmgs Plan Election Form

TSP-1 form used to enroll employee or to make changes

When superseded or upon separation of employee

OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

17 Direct Deposit Sign-up Form (SF 1 199A)

Self -explanatory When superseded or upon separat10n of employee

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of use 1f necessary

18 Levy and Gar-mshment Files

Records dealmg with IRS levy or other garnishments of employee wages

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of use 1f necessary

19 Reserved 20 Reserved

August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedulee 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

21 Reserved 22a-b Payroll System Re-

ports 22a System operations reports error reports etc 22b Reports and data for agency workload and personnel management

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

22c Payroll System Re-ports

Fiscal mformatlon reports

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

23 Payroll Change Files

Records used to change an md1v1dual pay transaction

3 yrs (for copies subject to GAO audit all others 1 mo)

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

24 Payroll Correspon-dence

Routme adrmmstratlve matters that do not mclude ind1v1dual payments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

25 Reserved 26 Reserved 27 Reserved 28 Retirement Files Reports registers logs

SF 2807 etc Destroy after OPM receipt

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

29 Reserved

30 Reserved 3 1 Electroruc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electroruc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Item I Title I Bnef Descnpt1on I Retention Iteme I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedules 2 Payroll and Pay Administration Records

New Schedule Items

processmg GRS 20 I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I


General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

2 General Correspondence Files

Correspondence of purchasmg umts not covered elsewhere in schedule

2 yrs 100 Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use I 0C

3 Routme Procurement Files

This 1s a complicated entry that 1s dependent on amount spent when a purchase was made and other factors It covers purchase orders leases bonds sureties payment etc

Retentions vary from 6 yrs 3 mos to 5 yrs to 3 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs There would be no attempt to separate records by type Just put all m this sub-bucket

4 Supply Management FIies

Reports on supplies management and procurement

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I0C for ease of filmg (1 e keeping all procurement files together)

5 Solicited and Unsolicited Bids and Proposals Files

(Does not include successful bids-see item 3) Records of b1ddmg processes mcludmg unopened bids etc

Retentions depend on several factors longest 1s 5 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Pubhc Pnnter Files Reqms1t10ns and 3 yrs 1 0D Management and 3 yrs Could use I0C for

12 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

New Schedule Items

supportmg files Accountab1hty ease of fihng (1 e regardmg prmtmg keepmg all requests (mcludes procurement files accounting coov) together)

7 Non personal Reqms1tion File

Reqms1tions for services such as duphcatmg laundry bmdmg etc

1 yr (Note not accountable officers copy)

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

8 Inventory Requisition File

Reqms1t1ons for supplies and equipment

2 yrs for stockroom copy 6 mos for all others

1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

9 Inventory Files Inventory hsts cards inventory adjustment etc (Notemiddot more directed to a stock room mventory)

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 0 Telephone Records Telephone statements and toll slips

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 1 Contractors Payroll Files

Construction contract payrolls and related papers

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 2 Tax Exemption Files

Tax exemption certificates and related

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all procurement files

1 3 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention General Records Schedule 3 Procurement Supply and Grant Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retent10n Comments


15 Contract Appeals Case Files

Appeals under the Contracts Dispute Act mcludmg notices of appeal correspondence contract COPies etc

If created before 10011979 6 yrs 3 mos If after that date 1 yr

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0D 1f there are no records created before 10011979

16 Contractors Statement of Contingent or Other Fees

Statement of fees 1f filed separately from contract and used for reporting or enforcement

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1es keeping all procurement files together)

17 Small and Disadvantaged Busmess Utihzahon Files

Records relatmg to using small or disadvantaged busmesses

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all procurement files together)

1 8 Federal Activ1ties Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Records

Records regardmg 0MB Circular A-76 mcluding surveys challenges appeals dec1s1ons etc

6- 1 0 yrs at agency d1scret1on 2 yrs for other copies

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use 1 0B ( 1 5 yrs)

1 9 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mad or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

1 4 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 4 Property Disposal Records New Schedule Items 1 Property Disposal

Correspondence Files

Admimstrahve files of umt responsible for property disposal

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all property files together)

2 Excess Personal Property Reports

No further explanation given m GRS

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all property files together)

3 Surplus Property Case Files

Files on sales of property

6 yrs 1f sales of more than $25000 3 yrs 1fless

l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all property files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

Items Title New Schedule Items

Retention Comments

1 Budget Correspondence Files

Routme admimstrahve files of budget offices excludes pohcy and procedures official

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg ( 1 e keepmg all budget files together)

1 5 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 5 Budget Preparation Presentation and Apportionment Records

New Schedule Items

estimates of bureau level budget offices

2 Budget Background Records

Cost statements rough data etc gathered to prepare annual estimates

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

3 Budget Reports Files

Reports on status of accounts and apportionments

5 yrs ( annual report) 3 yrs (all others)

I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Budget Apportionment Files

Apportionment schedules includmg quarterly adj ustments

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all budget files together)

5 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments

General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

1 Accountable Includes records 6 yrs 3 mos Officers Files subj ect to GAO audit

and held by accountable officers

I 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 6 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Can contain vouchers receipt expense etc Excludes records mvolvmg accounts with American Indians

2 GAO Exceptions Files

Notices of exceptions to GAO and related correspondence

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

3 Certificates Settlement Files

Settlements of accountable officer accounts

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

4 General Fund FIies Relatmg to custody collection and deposit of funds 1f not covered m Item I above

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all similar files together)

5 Accounting Adrrumstrati ve Files

Correspondence and related used to operate an accountmg program

2 yrs for workload purposes 3 yrs otherwise

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

6 Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files

Copies of bonds and powers of attorney

15 yrs l 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

7 Gasolme Sales Tickets

Hard copies of receipts that support vouchers for credit card purchases of gas

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg all s1rru lar files together)

8 Telephone Toll Tickets

Telephone receipts that support vouchers

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg ( 1e keepmg all s1rrular files together)

9 Telegrams Copies of telegrams 3 yrs 10D Management and 3 yrs Could use I 0C for

17 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts New Schedule Items Records

that support telegraph Accountab1hty ease of filmg (1 e bills keepmg all smular

files together) 10a Admmistrat1ve Claims for funds that 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Claims Filesmiddot were disallowed m full Accountability Claims Against the or part Umted States Adnumstratlve Claims for monies 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Probably filed under Claims Files owed the US claims 1f agreement Accountab1hty (not for 1 0C but will need to Claims by the depend on what part of reached the ones check further Umted States the law was used most pursuant to 4 reached

retention times are 6 CFR 1 03 undere4 yrs and 3 mos 10 yrs 3 mos CFR 1 04)

if agreement reached pursuant to 4 CFR 1 04

l 0C Adnumstrative Claim files affected by 6 yrs 3 mos l0C Management and 7 yrs Claims Files htigation or court order Accountab1hty Claims by the Umted States

1 1 Waiver of Claims Waiver of claims 6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and 7 yrs Files against a person due to for approved Accountab1hty

erroneous payment of claims use expenses to an Item 1 0 for employee demed

waivers 12 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket

and Word mail or word schedule does not

Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and

Copies NOTE NARA IS focuses only on phasmg out this record copy language use GRS 20

18 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 6 Accountable Officers Accounts Records

New Schedule Items

Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items 1 Expenditures

Accounting General Correspondence and Sub1ect Files

Internal adrrumstration files and correspondence of accountmg units

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

2 General Accounting Ledgers

Accounts ledgers showmg debits and credits

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Appropnatlon Allotment Files

Allotment records showmg status of obhgatlons under each appropnatlon

6 yrs 3 mos l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

4 Expenditure Accountmg Posting and Control Files

Posting and control records that are subsidiary to the ledgers

3 yrs 2 yrs for copies

1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg all accounting files together)

5 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

19 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items I Title I Bnef Descnptton I Retention Item I Title I Retention I Comments General Records Schedule 7 Expenditure Accounting Records New Schedule Items

I I Item 14 for e-mail I I I I General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

Items Title Bnef Descnptton Retent10n Items Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting Records

New Schedule Items

1 Plant Cost and Stores General Correspondence Files

Correspondence and adrrumstrative files of stores and plants units

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabih ty

3 yrs

2 Stores Invmce Files

Invmces used for stores accountmg purposes

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

3 Stores Accountmg Files

Accounting returns and reports for stores and plants

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

4 Stores Accountmg Background Files

Workmg files used to accumulate accountmg data

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

5 Plant Accountmg Files

Plant account cards and ledgers other than pertammg to structures

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6 Cost Accountmg Reports

Reports on accountmg for both receiving and reportmg umt

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

7 Cost Report Data Files

Ledgers forms e-records used to gather data for cost reports

3 yrs (Notemiddot there are other items such as detail cards summary cards etc with less

10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

20 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 8 Stores Plant and Cost Accounting New Schedule Items Records

retention) 8 Electromc Mail

and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l a Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportat10n charges

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

l b Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Original vouchers for freight and passenger transportation charges for which there 1s an overcharge litigation or other problem

10 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountab1hty

1 5 yrs

lc-d Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Issumg office copies of Government Bills of Ladmg travel authorizations etc ( d=obhgation copy which 1s destroy when funds are obligated

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items l e Commercial

Freight and Passenger Transportation Files

Unused ticket redemption forms

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2 Lost or Damaged Shipments Files

Records hsts of valuables and other records dealmg with loss of shipment

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Noncommercial Reimbursable Travel Files

Travel vouchers orders supportmg documents etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 General Travel and Transportat10n Files

Correspondence forms related records dealmg with travel and freight not covered m schedule

2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

5a Records Relating to Official Passports Apphcahon files

Files for issuance of passports the1r requests transmittal letters etc

3 yrs l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg surular files together)

5b Records Relating to Official Passports Reports

Reports to State Department on number of passports issued and related

1 yr l OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

5c Records Relating to Official Passports Registers

List of employees who have official passports

WNLN l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg smular files together)

6 Reserved 7 Federal Employee

Transportation Subsidy Records

Records dealmg with disbursement of transportation subs1d1es

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C for ease of fihng (1ee keepmg s1m1lar files together)

22 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 9 Travel and Transportation Records New Schedule Items 8 Electronic Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

1 Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files

Correspondence and mtemal adrnimstrat1ve records of urut that 1s responsible for vehicles

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1e keepmg similar files together)

2a Motor Vehicle Operatmg and Mamtenance Files

Records deahng with gas and oil consumption dispatching etc

3 mos 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

2b Motor Vehicle Operating and Mamtenance Files

Mamtenance records mcluding service and repau

1 yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1h ty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg smular files together)

3 Motor Vehicle Cost Files

Ledgers and worksheets prov1dmg cost and expense data

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of fihng (1 e keepmg snrular files together)

4 Motor Vehicle Report Files

Reports about vehicles other than accident

3 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filing (i e

23 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

operatmg and mamtenance

keepmg s1ID1lar files together)

5 Motor Vehicle Accident Files

Transportation offices reports of accidents

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

6 Motor Vehicle Release Files

Records on transfer sale donation of vehicles

4 yrs l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Motor Vehicle Operator Files

Records on employee operation of agency vehicles mcludmg dnvmg tests authonzatlon to use dnvmg awards etc

3 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filing (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

8 Reserved 9 Routme Aircraft

Operations Day to day operation of Federal agency aircraft such as fight plans passenger hsts fluilit logs etc

2 yrs 1 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs Could use I 0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg s1ID1ar files together)

I O Logistical Support for Fhght Operations

Support such as supplies adID1mstration comments on regulations etc relatmg to logistics budget etc

6 yrs I 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

I l a General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records

General mamtenance improvements serv1cmg rebuildmg testmg eqmpment Can also include manuals for custoffilzed or umque

Permanent (for customized orsumque craft)

I 0A Management and Accountab1hty


24 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 10 Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

New Schedule Items

aircraft l lb General Aircraft

Mamtenance and Modifications Records

Same as 1 1 a except manuals for customized or umque aircraft

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

12 Ind1v1dual Aircraft Mamtenance and Airframe Mod1ficat1ons Records

Mamtenance mcludmg aircraft logbooks engme records mspections preventive mamtenance changes to equipment

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

13 Records Reqmred for Acc1dentInc1dent Reports

Records requested for an mvestlgation mto an aircraft

1 yr 10D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs Could use l0C for ease of filmg (1 e keepmg similar files together)

Trus GRS does not have the electromc mail or word processmg statement

General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

3 Directory Service Files

Records relatmg to compilat10n of directory service hstmgs

2 mos 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

4 Credentials Files Identification credentials mcludmg

3 mos 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

25 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 11 Space and Maintenance Records New Schedule Items

badges cards pernuts passes etc

5 Bmldmg and Requests for bmldmg 3 mos 3 yrs Eqmpment Service services Files

6 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 1 80 days The big bucket and Word mail or word schedule does not Processmg System processmg systems mclude this item and Copies NOTE NARA is focuses only on

phasing out this record copy language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items 1 Messenger Service

Files Logs dispatch records receipts route schedules etc

2 mos OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a Commumcation General Files

Correspondence and internal admimstration and operation

2 yrs OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b Commumcatton General Files

Telecommumcatlons plans reports eqmpment requests etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2c Commumcat10n General FIies

Cost and volume stat1st1cal reports

1 yr l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2d Commumcat1on General FIies

Reference copies of fiscal records and records relatmg to

1 yr (fiscal) 3 yrs (mstallat1on)

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

26 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

mstallation or serv1cmg of eqmpment

2e Commumcat10n General Files

Copies of agreements for telecommumcahon services

2 yrs I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3a Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Message registers logs performance reports etc

6 mos I 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

3b Telecommumca-hons Operational Files

Copies of messages 2 yrs l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

4 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records

Use of telephone Imes mcludmg fax and e-mail particularly showmg duration of use cost etc

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

5 Post Office and Pnvate Mail Company Records

This item 1s divided mto three parts all with the same retention a) Incommg or outgomg registered mail pouches certified mail receipts and related b) apphcat1on for registration and certification of declared value mail c) report of loss riflmg late delivery wrong delivery etc

1 yr I 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Mail and Delivery Service Control Files

Receipts of mcommg mail not covered m Item 5 and receipts of pnvate delivery

1 yr OD Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

27 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

companies 6b Mail and Delivery Statistical reports of 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control postage used on Accountability FIies outgoing mail and

pnvate delivery 6c Mail and Delivery Reqmsitions for 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control stamps Accountability Files

6d Mail and Delivery Statistical reports on 1 yr l OD Management and 3 yrs Service Control handling of mail and Accountability Files volume

6e Mail and Delivery Records of cash 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control check money orders Accountability Files stamps etc rem1tted to

agency by mail 6f Mail and Delivery Receipts for mail and 6 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control packages received Accountability Files through Official Mail

and Messenger Service 6g Mail and Delivery Internal adm1mstration 1 yr l 0D Management and 3 yrs

Service Control of mail room Accountability Files operations mcludmg

correspondence and directives

6h Mail and Delivery Locator cards 5 mos l 0D Management and 3 yrs Service Control directones indexes Accountability Files used to deliver mail to

individuals 7 Metered Mail Files Metered mail reports 6 yrs l 0C Management and 7 yrs

Accountability 8 Postal Irregulanties Reports on 3 yrs l 0D Management and 3 yrs

File mishandling of mail Accountability mcludmg loss or destruction of mail

28 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptton Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 12 Communications Records New Schedule Items

stamps etc 9 Electromc Mail

and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records


Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

1 Adrmmstratlve Correspondence Files

Internal adrmmstratlon of umt responsible for prmtmg bmdmg etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2a ProJect Files Records relatmg to planrung and execution of pnnting bmdmg Jobs specifically reqms1tions clearances etc 1f not sent to Pubhc Pnnter

1 yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

2b ProJect Files Records relatmg to plannmg and execution of pnntmg bmdmg Jobs specifically pertammg to plannmg and techmcal matters

3 yrs

1 yr



Management and Accountability

Management and

3 yrs

3 yrs 3 Control Files Registers of

29 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 13 Printing Binding Duplication and Distribution Records (NOTE Publications themselves are not covered in the GRS)

New Schedule Items

requisitions and work orders


4 Maihng Lists Correspondence relating to changes in mailing hsts and card hsts

Destroy after revision or after 3 mos

l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

5 Joint Comm1ttee on Printing (JCP) Reports Files

Agency reports to Congress on operation of Class A or B printing plants

3 yrs l 0D Management and Accountabihty

3 yrs

6 Internal Management Files

Internal management and operation of prmting umt

2 yrs lOD Management and Accountability

3 yrs

7 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies in e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 1 3 for word processing GRS 20 Item 1 4 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

1 Admm1strative Notices regardmg wso Issuances routine admm1strahve

functions Does not mclude formal

l 0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

30 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Iteme Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management Records

New Schedule Items

directives manuals etc

5 ProJect Control Files

Reports and other documentation on progress and completions of pro1ects and related

I yr 1 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

6 Reports Control Files

Case files for formal reports mcludmg directives mstruct1ons etc

2 yrs 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

8 Reserved

14a-e Management Control Records

Evaluations of agency accounting and administrative controls to prevent waste fraud and m1smanagement Item has several sections all but l 4f has basically the same retent10n

I yr 10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could use l 0C

14f Management Control Records

Audit findings reports etc that show

5 I OC Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 1 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 16 Administrative Management New Schedule Items Records

Review Files weakness of control and corrective actions taken to solve problem

37 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processing GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 18 Security and Protective Services Records

25 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements

Nondisclosure agreements

70 yrs 1fsnot stored m OPF

Management and Accountab1hty

26 Emergency Plannmg Admm1strative Correspondence FIies

Admm1stratlve files of the emergency plannmg program

2 yrs 10B Management and Accountab1hty

15 yrs

27 Emergency Plannmg Case Files

Case files created dunng preparation and issuance of pland and directives (not mcludmg one record copy m agencys set of master directives)

3 yrs 1 0B Management and Accountability

1 5 yrs

28 Emergency Tests of emergency 3 yrs 10B Management and 15 yrs Operations Tests plans Accountab1hty

32 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Files 29 National Defense NDER reservists files 5 yrs l0B Management and 15 yrs

Executive Reserve mamtamed for Accountab1hty (NDER) Case Files mob1hzatlon

30 Electromc Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retent10n Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

3 Electromc Vers10ns of Records Scheduled for Disposal

This item contams several entries that cover electronic vers10ns ofsrecords that replace hard copy records or exist parallel to hard copy The retentions are essentially the same

Use retent10n of ex1stmg records

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

5 Records Cons1stmg of Extracted Information

Data that 1s extracted from a file that is covered elsewhere m GRS 20 or scheduled

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on

33 August 3 I 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

elsewhere It does not include files created for pubhc access and files m wlllch the content was changed dunng the process

record copy

6 Prmt File A file extracted from a master file and used to prepare hard copy publications or statistical reports or sim1lar

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

7 Technical Reformat File

Information copied from a master file with the purpose of reformattmg and sendmg data to someone else ( does not mclude records transferred to NARA)

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

8 Backups of Files Back up copy of electromc records used m case origmal file is damaged or lost

WNLN The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Indexes to records that are scheduled m the GRS or separately

Delete with related records or WNLN

Keep with records and apply same retention to mdexes as to records

1 0 Special Purpose Programs

Software created or used to maintam a database or other file ( does not mclude software needed to do

Delete with related records or WNLN

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy Also

34 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 20 Electronic Records New Schedule Items

so 1f records are to be transferred to NARA)

keep with records and apply same retention to software as to records

General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records

Items Title Brief Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

3 Internal Personnel and Admimstrative Traming Filmstnps and Shdes of Programs that do not Reflect the M1ss10n of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Reserved

9 Films Acquired from Outside Sources for Personnel and

Self-explanatory 1 yr l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

35 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

Management Training

1 0 Reserved

1 2 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng Footage (Motion Pictures)

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

13 Reserved 14 Programs Acqmred

from Outside Sources for Personnel and Management Training

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

1 5 Reserved 1 6 Rehearsal or

Practice Tapes Self-explanatory Destroy

immediately The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

1 7 Internal Personnel and Administrative Training Programs that do not Reflect the Mission of the Agency

Self-explanatory 1 yr l0C Management and Accountabih ty

7 yrs

19 Routine Scientific Medical or Engineenng [V 1deo] Recordings

Self-explanatory 2 yrs This could go into a number of buckets throughout the schedule depending on the footage itself

36 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 21 Audiovisual Records New Schedule Items

2 1 Reserved 22 Recordmgs of

Meetmgs Made Exclusively for Note Takmg or Transcnptlon

These are audio recordmgs and exclude Presidential and executive commiss1ons

Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

23 D1ctat1on Belts or Tapes

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

24 Premix Sound Elements Created During the Course ofa Motion Picture Television or Radio Production

Self-explanatory Destroy immediately after use

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

25 Reserved

27 Reserved

General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies

Iteme Title Brief Description Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

1 Office Admimstrat1 ve Files

Internal admimstrat1on or housekeepmg functions on an office

2 yrs l0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs

37 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

such as staffing reports fax machine logs workload reports etc Does not mclude record copies of procedures orgamzation charts etc

2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Schedules of Daily

Activities Calendars appomtment books diaries etc that document meetings appointments telephone calls tnps visits Does not include personal records or calendars of high officials

2 yrs

(If entered mto orgamzed files then WNLN)

l0D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

6a Suspense Files Files kept in chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date Rem1nder notes

Destroy when action is taken

The big bucket schedule does not include this item and focuses only on record copy

6b Suspense Files Files kept m chronological order as rem1nders to take action at or by a certam date File copy or extra copy of a document

Destroy when action is taken if extra copy file with proper records 1f 1t

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy




August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk


Items Title Bnef Descnptlon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 23 Records Common to Most Offices Within A2encies

New Schedule Items

IS a file CODY

7 Transitory Files Short-term records ( 180 days or less) with mm1mal or no documentary or evidential value mcludmgmiddot routme information requests trans1TI1ttal letters routme notices meetmg reffilnders etc

WNLNsor other busmess rule (1 e auto-delete in e-mail)

2 yrs



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Management and Accountab1hty

3 )fS

eiJ-es+ llS 10

r1 7 3 yrs

These are e0Rs1aerea 13he1Heral aRa ao RO Reed t9 ee ssliedYled -_ 1 1 1 l l --- J --middot -----Ye 100 lfReSSS

0-Y e-xuywt iQ Vvl e -ro

8 Trackmg and Control Records

Logs registers etc used to track the status of correspondence reports etc when those documents are listed m a GRS or scheduled

9 Fmdmg Aids ( or Indexes)

Used to access records that are listed on a GRS or are scheduled unless the findmg aids provide umque mformatlon

Dispose same time as related record

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also destroy with related records

37 Electromc Mall and Word Processing System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

39 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology Operations and Management Records

Items Title Bnef Description Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 24 Information Technology New Schedule Items Operations and Management Records

4 System Backups and Tape Library Records

Back up tapes used to restore systems and data m case of loss or damage Also logs of tapes

Delete after back up

WSO for logs

The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

12 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electromc copies m e-mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA 1s phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy


lt August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records

Iteme Title Bnef Descnption Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Program Records New Schedule Items 1 Ethics Program

Implementation Interpretation Counseling and Development Files

Records of ethics program offices dealmg with development review and implementation of ethic gu1dehnes Retention depends on defimtion of types of records

3-6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

2 Fmancial Disclosure Reportmg FIies

Records are for financial disclosure of office seekers There are two retentions based on success in gettmg an office

1 yr

6 yrs

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

3 Ethics Agreement Records

Records documentmg review and issuance of ethics guidelmes that remedy potential or actual conflicts of mterest

6 yrs l0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

4 Referrals and Notifications of Violations of Cnmmal Conflict of Interest Statutes and Other Potential V1olat1ons FIies

Referrals made to Inspectors General or Department of Justice on v10lat1ons

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

5 Non-Federally Funded Travel Files

Agency copies of SerruannualeExpense Reports for

3 yrs for report

l 0D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l0C for ease of filmg

41 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Bnef Descnphon Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Non-Federally Funded Travel submitted by all Executive branch agencies to the Office of Government Ethics

1 yr for background matenals

6 Ethics Program Review Files

Reports and other records regarding reviews of agency ethics compliance earned out by Office of Government Ethics

6 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

l 0C Management and Accountability

7 yrs

7 Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire Files

Annual questionnaire completed by ethics officials

3 yrs

1 yr for background matenals

10D Management and Accountab1hty

3 yrs Could also use l 0C for ease of fihng

8a Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Administration records for new employee ethics training includmg annual plans rosters of attending employees etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

8b Ethics Program Employee Training and Education Files

Record copy of matenals used to provide training such as newsletters instructors guides handouts etc

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

9 Ethics Program Procedures Files

Records regarding the administration of the ethics program

6 yrs l 0C Management and Accountab1hty

7 yrs

10 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems

1 80 days The big bucket schedule does not include this item and

42 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Items Title Brief Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 25 Ethics Pro2ram Records New Schedule Items

Copies NOTE- NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

Items Title Bnef Descnption Retention Items Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

l a Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal committees unrelated to an agencys miss1on such as orgamzmg events etc

WNLN 10D Management and Accountability

3 yrs

lb Internal Agency Committees

Records of mtemal agency committees related to an agencys mISSIOn

These records must be scheduled separately and may be permanent

Such records would also be placed in the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee

2a Records Created by Advisory Commiss1ons Committees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

These records of committees that are 1 ) established by statute or reorgamzat1on plan or 2) established or utilized by the President or 3) established or utilized by one or more agencies or officers of the Federal

Permanent Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the committee


August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt10n Retention Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards New Schedule Items Councils and Committees

government and are nor composed solely of Federal employees Records include charter agendas s1gmficant correspondence etc

2b-c Records Created by Advisory Comnuss10ns Comnuttees Councils Boards and Other Groups Established under the Federal Advisory Comnuttee Act (FACA)

Day to day records fac1htative matters transcnbed aud10tapes extra copies of agendas etc Section c 1s for committee website techmcal operation records and electronic records that have been duplicated m Committee records

Destroy at close of committee

Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

3 Comnuttee Records Not Maintamed by the Sponsor or Secretariat

Copies of records held m agencies other than the sponsor excludes mtemational comnuttees (US 1s not the sponsor and committees dealmg with agency rruss1on)

3 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

4 Comnuttee Management Records

Records mamtamed by Committee Management Office for F ACA comnuttees mcludmg membership hsts stat1st1cs etc

6 yrs Such records would also be placed m the most appropnate bucket based on subject of the comnuttee

5 Electromc Mail Electromc copies m e- 180 days The big bucket

44 August 3 1 2009 GRS to Big Bucket Crosswalk

Iteme Title Bnef Description Retent10n Iteme Title Retent10n Comments General Records Schedule 26 Temporary Commissions Boards Councils and Committees

New Schedule Items

and Word Processmg System Copies

mail or word processing systems NOTE NARA IS phasmg out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

schedule does not mclude this item and focuses only on record copy

General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chiefslnformation Officer

Iteme Title Bnef Descnpt1on Retent10n Iteme Title Retention Comments General Records Schedule 27 Records of the Chief Information Officer

New Schedule Items

8 Electromc Mail and Word Processmg System Copies

Electronic copies m e-mail or word processmg systems NOTE NARA is phasing out this language use GRS 20 Item 13 for word processmg GRS 20 Item 14 for e-mail

180 days The big bucket schedule does not mclude this tern and focuses only on record copy