In Your Element

IN YOUR ELEMENT. Are You a Fire, Earth, Air or Water Sign? All the astrological signs are evenly divided into four main elements: fire, earth, air and water. Professional astrologers call these the "triplicies" because each element rules three zodiac signs. Knowing what element rules your sign will help you understand many of your most basic personality traits. Knowing what elements predominate in people you know will help you understand and communicate with them better. Keep in mind we are studying Sun signs in Astrology Zone. At a private session with a professional astrologer, you would have all your planets and your rising sign assessed by element. However, the Sun is very important in the horoscope. All the planets revolve around the Sun, so it merits extra attention. FIRE. Imparts spirit and energy Aries: March 21 - April 20 Leo: July 23 - August 23 Sagittarius: November 23 - December 21 Fire signs are full of power and light. They are highly creative and burst with enthusiasm and energy. Fire signs enjoy playing with new ideas and concepts, so it is no wonder they are the trendsetters of the zodiac. Born leaders, others are drawn to these charismatic, natural sparklers. Their high ideals, broad vision, passion and assertive, can-do attitude is inspirational . . . and contagious. Fire signs have plenty of courage and initiative too, and for all these reasons, it has been said that fire signs rule the spirit and primal life force. Fire signs tend to have strong egos, so being the center of attention comes naturally to them. People of this group put a strong emphasis on individuality and independence, so don't hem them in. People with a strong emphasis of the fire element are spontaneous and impulsive, they apply their energies wholeheartedly. Their emotional response is quick and they have a lively imagination. Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, expresses some of these qualities most purely. Aries is the most entrepreneurial sign, always generating fresh starts, new ideas and new methods. Business or the armed forces is their natural arena. Aries are self- motivated and are at their happiest when self-employed (or running their departments as if they owned them). The next fire sign, Leo, expresses its fire element in a more cultural, creative way. Leos are often gifted painters, playwrights, actors, or designers. But no matter what their occupation, there is always a bit of the performer in Leos. They treasure uniqueness and need to put their individual stamp on whatever they do. Sagittarius, the third fire sign, directs its energy internationally, through the initiative of education, research, travel, and scholarship. Sagittarius's calling is to collect, synthesize and protect historical knowledge, which is why this sign is so philosophical. Sagittarius are creative in the interpretation of the information they absorb, and use their knowledge to advance the understanding of humanity's universal citizenship. EARTH. Imparts Form and Structure Taurus: April 21- May 21 Capricorn: December 22 - January 20 Virgo: August 24 - September 22 The earth element is all about imposing form, structure and foundation to projects, businesses and just about anything else that needs it, for earth signs build things. Page 1 of 21



Transcript of In Your Element

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IN YOUR ELEMENT. Are You a Fire, Earth, Air or Water Sign?

All the astrological signs are evenly divided into four main elements: fire, earth, air and water. Professional astrologers call these the "triplicies" because each element rules three zodiac signs. Knowing what element rules your sign will help you understand many of your most basic personality traits. Knowing what elements predominate in people you know will help you understand and communicate with them better.

Keep in mind we are studying Sun signs in Astrology Zone. At a private session with a professional astrologer, you would have all your planets and your rising sign assessed by element. However, the Sun is very important in the horoscope. All the planets revolve around the Sun, so it merits extra attention.

FIRE. Imparts spirit and energy

Aries:March 21 - April 20

Leo:July 23 - August 23

Sagittarius:November 23 - December 21

Fire signs are full of power and light. They are highly creative and burst with enthusiasm and energy. Fire signs enjoy playing with new ideas and concepts, so it is no wonder they are the trendsetters of the zodiac. Born leaders, others are drawn to these charismatic, natural sparklers. Their high ideals, broad vision, passion and assertive, can-do attitude is inspirational . . . and contagious. Fire signs have plenty of courage and initiative too, and for all these reasons, it has been said that fire signs rule the spirit and primal life force.

Fire signs tend to have strong egos, so being the center of attention comes naturally to them. People of this group put a strong emphasis on individuality and independence, so don't hem them in.

People with a strong emphasis of the fire element are spontaneous and impulsive, they apply their energies wholeheartedly. Their emotional response is quick and they have a lively imagination.

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, expresses some of these qualities most purely. Aries is the most entrepreneurial sign, always generating fresh starts, new ideas and new methods. Business or the armed forces is their natural arena. Aries are self-motivated and are at their happiest when self-employed (or running their departments as if they owned them).

The next fire sign, Leo, expresses its fire element in a more cultural, creative way. Leos are often gifted painters, playwrights, actors, or designers. But no matter what their occupation, there is always a bit of the performer in Leos. They treasure uniqueness and need to put their individual stamp on whatever they do.

Sagittarius, the third fire sign, directs its energy internationally, through the initiative of education, research, travel, and scholarship. Sagittarius's calling is to collect, synthesize and protect historical knowledge, which is why this sign is so philosophical. Sagittarius are creative in the interpretation of the information they absorb, and use their knowledge to advance the understanding of humanity's universal citizenship.

EARTH. Imparts Form and Structure

Taurus:April 21- May 21

Capricorn:December 22 - January 20

Virgo:August 24 - September 22

The earth element is all about imposing form, structure and foundation to projects, businesses and just about anything else that needs it, for earth signs build things. They are the producers of the zodiac, the ones that make things happen. Earth signs turn dreams into reality, whether their own or those of people around them. They understand all the steps one needs to take, from drawing up a budget, to scheduling deadlines, to overseeing the work flow to completion.

Dedicated and responsible, you can count on an earth sign for good follow-through. Earth signs have a talent for harnessing available resources and making the most of them. A big part of their success is their "earthy" practicality. They are perceptive and realistic--you won't find any self-delusion here. Another earth sign asset is an uncannily precise sense of timing, a big advantage in any endeavor. They are loyal, patient and stable too, and their naturally cautious, conservative personality prevents them from rushing in and squandering time, money or labor. They prefer to make long-range plans. Highly ambitious and goal-oriented, this group has a powerful will to succeed and usually do.

Earthy people react quietly and slowly. They apply themselves with endurance. Emotionally they are deeply rooted and slow to change.

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The Earth element is expressed in Taurus by seeking out security and material possessions. Taurus' sensuous nature and orientation toward tangible things makes them wonderful museum curators, for they enjoy protecting and evaluating the value of precious artifacts.

In Virgo, the earth element will be expressed by guarding health, and perhaps working as a biologist, fitness instructor, or doctor. Virgo rules over the 6th house covering the well-being of the body, and also daily work procedure and service. So, another way Virgo expresses their earthiness is in their penchant for thorough research and solid organization, which they fine-tune for peak performance. Virgo's natural tendency is to refine whatever they tackle to the tiniest detail. Virgos make great writers, managers, librarians, accountants, and excel in areas where organization and precision is important.

Capricorn uses their practical earth element to communicate chain-of-command within large companies or in government. They know that without organization, large companies or government would be completely chaotic. Their respect for hierarchy leads them to increased career authority and social standing in their community. Capricorn usually excels by working within large companies, as leaders of their department, division or as company CEO.

AIR. Brings Intellect and Strong Ability To Communicate

Gemini:May 22 - June 21

Libra:September 23 - October 23

Aquarius:January 21 - February 18

Air signs are all about the movement and communication of ideas. These are the most intellectual of the signs. Restless and curious, air signs continually hunger for new ideas to chew on and they need lots of stimulation. They are rational, versatile, verbal, quick, and alert. They know that they can charm their way out of anything and are resourceful enough to make good things come from difficult situations. Gregarious and social, they love to collect information, study it objectively, and then disseminate it to everyone else. Air signs are the zodiac's information processors. Among the most unemotional and objective of all signs, they value truth and realism, see both sides of opposing issues, and can offer balanced views of each.

Airy people are quick and animated. They apply their energies in very diverse ways. They tend to intellectualize their feelings and expectations.

Gemini's quest is to analyze, synthesize, and probe for information they need to fully understand a topic or issue. This sign's need to communicate is the strongest of all the air signs. Many Geminis make superb writers. For this reason, the Twins are often journalists or editors--or wish they were, because they are happiest in news rooms, night clubs, airports or anywhere else where things just keep on happening.

Libra, symbolized by the scales, strives for balance and the proper action and reaction. You will find many Libras in the judicial system (they make fine lawyers, judges or prosecutors) or in the arts--two areas where finding ideal proportion is critical.

Aquarius is the most inventive air sign of the three, and uses its intellect to push technology as far as possible into the future and in so doing, raises the standard of living of their fellow man (Aquarius rules brotherhood and friendship). Examples of typical Aquarian occupations are: the natural sciences, new technology, or politics--because Aquarius cares about positive social change.

WATER. Brings Emotional Sensitivity and Intuition

Cancer:June 22 - July 22

Scorpio:October 24 - November 22

Pisces:February 19 - March 20

Water takes many forms--it can be a liquid, it can be a gas (as in steam), or it can be frozen. It can be gentle as a little babbling brook, or violent as a thundering tidal wave.

Torrents of passion well within water signs and they feel things deeply. However, water signs are always emotionally reserved, no matter what impression they might give on the surface. Still water, it as been said, runs deep, and the mystery about water pertains to this group (especially Scorpio). A water sign will always become quiet or withdrawn when they are trying to sort things out. It will take some time to get to know them well, for they reveal themselves slowly. They realize their intense emotions hold tremendous power, and they tend to handle their feelings carefully. When they fall in love, water signs love with their whole hearts and all their devotion. Their sensitivity makes them highly romantic, even sentimental. Often psychic, water signs read your true intentions simply by reading your gestures and body language and will trust actions more than words (Pisces, particularly, has elevated this talent to high art).

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Water cleanses us and sustains life on earth. Water is the universal solvent, breaking substances down--dissolving them--and taking on their qualities. Therefore, when you share a problem with a water sign, they take on your problem as if it were their own. Their ability to sympathize and empathize is awesome; you'll get their full attention, a shoulder to cry on, and some excellent advice to boot. Because they give of themselves so readily, water signs need regular time alone to regain their center.

This element rules the soul. Water does not like to be confined and they will assert their strong need for freedom, no matter how gently it is expressed (unlike fire signs).

This is a highly imaginative group and very creative. Their observations on the human condition often inspire masterpieces of painting, music, photography, literature, or dance. Working in studios or small self-employed businesses (usually connected to the creative arts) appeals to water signs. Their right-on-target-intuition makes them succeed in financial areas too. (Fortune recently reported more self-made millionaires are Pisces than any other sign. Astrologically, we know Scorpios and Cancers are no financial slouches either!)

Water signs specialize in private relationships, but their focus differs from sign to sign. Cancer expresses their water element in the nurturing, preservation and protection of the family, which is the smallest unit upon which society is built, and yet the most important. Sharing love with spouse and children is of paramount importance to Cancer and they take the role of provider very seriously.

People with a strongly emphasized water element are feeling types and are very sensitive. Their imaginative and emotional lives are deep and rich.

Scorpio's domain is to investigate the two most personal of inter-relationships: sexual and financial transactions between individuals. (Social scientists tell us most people would sooner speak about sex than money--both, very private matters!) Scorpio's sexual side represents the sign's control over the perpetuation of the species. Symbolized by the phoenix rising from the ashes, Scorpio governs the 8th house, representing birth, death and regeneration. Scorpios have a shrewd business sense (the 8th house is also a financial one, ruling "other people's money") and therefore Scorpios make superb negotiators. Their mysterious nature inhibits them from giving away information to the other side.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and a compilation of all the signs that came before, which is why Pisces blends so well with other signs. Outer-directed, Pisces' deep spirituality leads them to help others on a one-to-one basis (unlike air sign Aquarius' approach: doing good with others). Pisces are moved to relieve any pain they perceive in another, and they stand ready to offer the very shirt off their back. Pisces rules sacrifice, and there is almost nothing Pisces won't do for a relative or friend in need.

Western traditional sources also take into account a fifth element, the 'QUINTA ESSENTIA'. This very simply describes the soul or the spiritual being of a person. It stands apart from the other four elements and is not depicted in the horoscope. This is why it is frequently overlooked. It takes us beyond the doctrine of the four elements and their application in the field of astrology. It hints at the freedom of man and reminds us of the great mystery of the eternal.  


The astrological houses show us which spheres or aspects of life receive more weight than others in a horoscope. Each astrological house stands for a particular sphere. The house division of a horoscope varies from person to person, since it is calculated according to the exact time of birth and the geographic position of the place of birth. 

The horoscope is divided by two axes into the eastern and western hemispheres as well as into the day and night hemispheres. The four points of intersection of these two axes with the ecliptic determine the house division of the horoscope. This is usually based on a further division of each of the four quadrants by three. There are various mathematical models according to which the houses are calculated. Consequently there is quite a long list of differing house systems (Placidus, Regiomontanus, Equal, Vehlow, etc.). Most of these differ only in the method of calculation used to divide the quadrants. 

The transition from one house to another is not as clear as the change from one sign to another. Planets occupying a position near the end of a house are often interpreted as belonging to the next.

The Horizon. Ascendant and Descendant. The individual and his complement 

This axis, which divides the horoscope into an 'upper' (day-side) and a 'lower' (night-side) half, represents the local horizon at the time of birth. That point at which the eastern horizon intersects the

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ecliptic is termed the ascendant. It is the beginning or cusp of the first house. In opposition to it, on the cusp of the seventh house, we find the descendant. We will discuss the interpretation of the houses on the following pages. Planets found near the ascendant at the moment of birth are rising, or have just risen, while planets close to the descendant are setting. 

The Meridian – A Vertical Division. Imum Coeli and Medium Coeli. Origins and orientation

The second important axis in house division is the meridian. This divides the horoscope into an eastern (on the left of the chart) and a western (on the right of the chart) half. The uppermost point of intersection of this axis with the ecliptic is called the Medium Coeli (MC) or midheaven, the lower point (situated under the horizon) is termed the Imum Coeli (IC). Planets close to the MC occupy the highest possible place in the heavens at the time of birth, while planets near the IC are so to speak under our feet on the other side of the earth.

As each planet works its way through the twelve constellations (which make up the twelve signs of the zodiac), it passes through one of the twelve houses of each of those signs. Each house governs a different area of life, from relationships, marriage, and children, to your career, co-workers, study, travel, and the home -- one of them even rules your identity and appearance. At the moment of your birth, the planets were spread out in a specific formation, each one located in a specific house. This pattern made by the planets and their locations, called the "natal horoscope", is nearly as individual to you as your fingerprint.

On your natal horoscope, some houses may have been full, and others empty. (There are eight planets plus the Sun and moon and, as I said, twelve houses, so there are not enough planets to go around.) It makes no difference if you have a few empty ones. Everyone does -- at least an empty house doesn't have any difficult planetary energy in it!

Keep in mind that the planets continually move through these houses as they orbit the Sun. A house that is empty in your natal horoscope could be very full today!

The First House. (Ascendant) The individual personality.

The first house determines a lot about what makes you unique -- what you look like, your personality, your drive, your goals, and your priorities. It covers your ego, natural tendencies, the way you present yourself to the world, your energy, vitality and your deepest desires.

The first house, when viewed along with conditions in the sixth house (more on that one later) also reflects the state of your health and your vitality.

We look to the first house for any new, important trends and cycles. The first house is the hardest house for an astrologer to read, because your desires are so personal! It also rules your strength of will, your individuality and determination.

The first house reveals the sign rising on the horizon at your birth, also called the ascendant sign. The only way you can find out your rising sign is if you cast a natal horoscope chart for the exact date, time and place of your birth. (All charts are converted to Greenwich Mean Time. Astrology is very concerned with mathematical measurements; we convert everyone to the same birth city to create a common denominator.)

The sign on your ascendant is the sign whose characteristics you express naturally. This explains why all those born under the same sun sign are not alike; most of us are actually a combination of the sun sign and the ascendant.

Once you know your ascendant, you should read both your Sun sign and your ascendant sign, whether in forecasts or personality outlines; reading both will give you a more accurate picture.

The first house is ruled by feisty, entrepreneurial, energetic Mars and by the first sign of the zodiac, individualistic Aries.

The Second House. Values and Possessions.

The second house rules your earned income, financial obligations and material possessions. Material gains and losses are dictated by this house. You may be interested to learn that it also presides over your sense of security and overall self-confidence.

This house is ruled by the planet of love and finances, Venus, and by the practical and stability-minded Taurus.

Third House. Communication

The third house rules your mind and intellect. It reveals how you approach and analyze problems, and how you perceive information. Basically, it drives your overall learning and communicative processes. For example, this house administers skills in writing, editing, speaking, thinking, reading, and conducting research. It covers your ability and desire to learn, and brings study opportunities your way. Under the influence of this house, someone would decide to learn languages or become a teacher.

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Other endeavors covered here are the drafting of contracts and agreements, presentation of ideas and proposals, and commerce, including sales, marketing, public relations and self-promotion. 

This house covers your neighborhood, short-distance trips, and all means of local transportation and shipping.

The third house also regulates fundamental education (nursery school through high school), drives your relationships with siblings, cousins and neighbors and, finally, covers your perception of childhood experiences.

This house is ruled by the intellectual, communicative planet, Mercury and by the versatile Gemini.

Fourth House. Roots and Origin.

The fourth house covers your home -- what it looks like, where it is located, and with whom you share your space. This includes any houseguests or visitors who stop by to visit or to help you with home-improvement projects or for babysitting. It also rules individuals who challenge domestic harmony. 

Family life comes under this fourth house, as would all property matters such as the real estate -- buying or selling houses, condos, co-operatives, or the leasing of an apartment. This house also rules your parents and your relationship with them, the foundations of your life. Finally, the fourth house indicates the lifestyle you will have much later in life, for the fourth house is a metaphor for the end of the day.

The fourth house is ruled by the sentimental sign of Cancer, and its nurturing Moon.

Fifth House. Pleasure and Creativity.

Your love life, romance, fun, and pleasure are covered in the fifth house, as are your present children, pregnancies, and the birth of new children. This house also rules creativity, new ideas, hobbies and sports. Any leisure activity, from attendance to social events to rest and relaxation come under this house. So do games of chance and finance, from gambling to investment in the stock market.

This house is ruled by creative Leo and our fun-loving, life-creating Sun.

Sixth House. Work and Routine.

The state of the sixth house indicates your daily routine and the methods you use to get your work done. The cusp of this house describes the nature of your work and the general environment of your workplace. This house also rules people you employ, whether at home or at work.

This house rules the conscious mind and the proactive measures we take to keep our bodies healthy. (Remember, the first house of the horoscope rules health in terms of overall energy level and vitality, so both have to be considered.) Diet, fitness, and exercise are covered in this sixth house, as are checkups and visits to the dentist.

Finally, all domestic pets and small animals come under this house, too.

The sixth house is ruled by intellectual, news gathering Mercury and by the meticulous and service-oriented sign, Virgo.

Seventh House. Relating.

The seventh house rules marriage, business partnerships and any serious contractual agreement between two people or entities.

This house holds both the possibility of completion of an agreement or of conflict. Your open enemies and detractors would be covered here, as would your staunchest allies.

This house also manages experts you hire: attorneys, agents or others who represent or collaborate with you.

For most people, the seventh house is most significant as an indication of the status of a marriage partner. This house describes what you need most from your significant other, and the rapport that develops between you.

Please note that romantic love is reflected in the fifth house, but once a commitment is made, that promise moves the relationship to the seventh house. The "contract" made between two people, or two entities, may be written or verbal.

The seventh house is ruled by gentle, refined Venus and by the partnering sign of Libra.

Eighth Sector. Loss and Common Property.

This house is about rebirth, regeneration and the transformation of energy. Joint financial matters also come under the eighth house. (To the ancients, money is a form of concentrated energy.) The financial dealings in this house do not include earned income (that would be covered by the second house), but do cover money you lend and also owe others. Prizes, gifts, inheritances, tax payments and refunds,

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bonuses, commissions, royalties, child support, alimony, mortgages, credit, loans and venture capitol are the kinds of transactions ruled by the eighth house.

Any time you need money to fund a big idea, your chances for success would all come under this house. This house also would indicate the state of your partner's prosperity.

Gifts and transactions of all kinds are included in this house, and physical love‹sex and reproduction‹is also included here. (Note that in astrology, the fifth house is love, the seventh house is marriage and the eighth house is sex, all different houses.) Spiritual and highly intuitive or even psychic experiences are often found in this house too (along with the twelfth house). Finally, this house rules endings and things to be discarded. As such, surgery is covered here.

This house is ruled by Mars and co-ruled by catalyst Pluto and by the intense sign Scorpio.

Ninth House. Philosophies and Far Countries. This is the house that encourages us to think big and bold, and to consider the future in the broadest terms. There always seems to be a certain amount of preparation required before one can take full advantage of all that the ninth house has to offer. Long distance travel, international communication, interactions and relationships with foreigners, distant relatives and in-laws, and higher education are the key areas covered by this important house. 

It also rules your attitudes and viewpoints on all topics, and your efforts to understand complex issues, including morals and ethics. This house drives discussions on philosophy, religion, publishing, legal and academic matters. It emphasizes the higher mind and mental exploration.

The ninth house is ruled by fortunate Jupiter and by the philosophical and scholarly sign of Sagittarius.

Tenth House. (MC) Occupation and Calling.

Fame, promotion, honors, career awards and professional opportunities, reputation, kudos from your company and your status in the community are covered by this high-powered house. Located at the Mid-heaven (tip top) point of the horoscope, the cusp of this house (and the first house) indicates your profession and where you excel.

The tenth house also dictates your professional image. This house covers judges, high-level VIPs, and government officials. It is here where such figures are preordained to help you.

The tenth house is ruled by hard-working, serious Saturn and by the hard-working, focused Capricorn.

Eleventh House. Friends and Acquaintances.

Friendships and all your platonic relationships fall in this house, as do memberships in any kind of group or club. Even attendance at a trade show or a theme park -- presence in any congregation of people sharing an interest -- would constitute an eleventh house activity. In that regard, even casual contacts, associations and networking efforts come in here.

The action in this house can reveal clues about your employer's financial reality. It can show you where you are most likely to make profits. This house governs humanitarian causes and any efforts to correct social ills and injustices. 

Finally, this is the magical house of hopes and wishes, where higher aspirations and dreams come true. While that might sound over-blown, just you wait and see when you have an important aspect occur in this house -- you may be pleasantly surprised!

The eleventh house is ruled by creative and scientific Uranus and by idiosyncratic Aquarius.

Twelfth House. Beyond the Personal.

The twelfth house rules the subconscious mind, dreams, intuition, instinct, and secrets. In fact, it dominates all that's hidden, including activities going on behind the scenes and confidential engagements.

Psychotherapy and psychic phenomena both fall under this house as part of its rule over the subconscious mind. Dynamics acting on this house can heighten our hunches and intuition.

The ancients wrote that "self-undoing", meaning anything we do to undermine ourselves, also comes under this house. It governs of rest, reaching the end of long cycles - and the termination of any and all confinement, such as hospital stays, nursing home residences or even jail sentences.

This is the house we go to to heal ourselves. It also rules self-sacrifice, inner suffering, limitations and secret enemies. Lastly, this house rules charity, especially on a one-on-one basis. A little known fact is that all large animals come under the domain of the twelfth house.

The twelfth house is ruled by spiritual and self-sacrificing Neptune and by compassionate Pisces.

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Each of the heavenly bodies listed below plays an important role in everyone's horoscope. Each sign has it's own planetary ruler, but all the planets move through the the charts of every sign. Click on the planet's name below to find out how your life is influenced by the movements of the galaxy.


As seen from Earth, the Sun is the brightest star in the universe. It is the center of our solar system, and the vital heart in any horoscope. Without the Sun, there would be no life. The

Sun rules your will, your pride, your determination, your heart, health and vitality, the recognition you receive for work well done, your sense of purpose, and motivation for future goals. The Sun is your ego, governing how you see yourself, your self-esteem. This planet also determines how others view you. An essentially masculine force, the Sun also wields influence over the significant men in your life, especially those in positions of authority. This may be your father, your current boyfriend or your husband, a guy-friend, or a male boss or client.

The Sun rules all daylight. In the same way it rules public recognition and self-image by illuminating who we are, the Sun also clarifies the characteristics any planet it touches and reveals truths about that planet. For example, if the Sun and Jupiter communicate in a special configuration, Jupiter’s goodness would be illuminated and made even more brilliant by the Sun. Under the nurturing light of the Sun, Jupiter’s strengths intensify, as do the benefits it bestows upon us.

The Sun takes one year to move through all twelve constellations (signs) of the zodiac. The Sun guards the heart. It is the ruler of the sign of Leo.

The Sun tells us of the actual core of a person, the inner self, of that which is of central concern. It also shows us the general vitality and the ability to assert oneself, it describes a general tone of being which colors everything else. 


The moon drives your deepest feelings, the fine-tuning of your character, your instinct and intuition, your emotions, and your reactions. The moon also rules your private life,

especially your home. Since the moon is feminine in nature, it rules your mother and how you perceive her, and does the same for any other important females in your life, including your wife, girlfriend, or a female boss, your grandmother, girlfriend or wife.

If the Sun represents where you are going, the Moon signifies where you've been. More specifically, the moon rules your history, your background, emotional development, and your roots. Your ability to get in touch with your feelings is dictated by planetary aspects to the Moon.

The dynamics surrounding the moon can also indicate the state of your health, especially if you are female. The moon rules the sign of Cancer, the stomach and breasts, and the light of night (obviously, moonlight). The moon, which takes approximately 28 days to orbit the zodiac, spends two to three days in each sign every month.

Every month there is a new moon. Depending where it falls in your horoscope, it shows which areas would be favored for new beginnings. A full moon arrives two weeks after the new moon; depending on where that moon falls in the chart, it could be time to reap the benefits or consequences of earlier actions.

The Moon represents our feelings and emotions, the receptivity, imagination and basic feeling tone of a person. It also has an effect on the sense of rhythm, time and timing, it influences our adaptability to change, our mobility and versatility. 


This little guy is the mythological messenger, communicating information to one and all. Mercury represents non-emotional, highly rational, objective thought. Its placement in a sign

determines that sign?s intellectual style. As a quickly moving planet, Mercury is flexible, responsive and adaptable. A big part of Mercury?s job is to disburse information; as such it rules perception, language, writing, editing, research, speaking, all kinds of learning experiences and learning styles and the assessment of data. It rules telecommunications, computing, software, electronic gadgets, the postal service, shipping, couriers, and all forms of transportation. This planet has a LOT of responsibility.

When Mercury retrogrades (something you will read about often on my website, Astrology Zone, at, it scrambles information, causes static and confusion. Its effects are felt universally. Mercury retrograde episodes are highly unreliable to sign contracts, complete important transactions, access accurate information or make big decisions.

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The sign and house in which Mercury resides in one?s chart reveals a great deal about that person?s natural style of gathering and giving out information. Mercury also rules sibling relationships, maps, letters, travel plans, appointments, roadways, vehicles, advertising, publishing, sales, and public relations.

Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo. Mercury spends about two-three weeks in each sign, but when it retrogrades, which it does three to four times a year, it can stay in one sign as long as ten weeks. Never far from the Sun, it takes about one year to circle the zodiac.

Mercury represents reason, reasonableness (common sense), that which is rational. It stands for the spoken and written word, putting in order, weighing and evaluating, the process of learning and skills.


Venus rules your affections, your heart, love life, and your pleasures, including gifts. This feminine planet also rules beauty, fashion, adornment, and art. The planet of grace makes the

world more attractive and fun. There is another thing about Venus that not many people know about: Venus? placement in a chart can also bring strong financial favor and material gain.

Venus is the governess of all that is beautiful. Venus can bring to us opportunities to hear music, eat good food, enjoy a beautiful perfume, appreciate a good wine, or be motivated to see a great art exhibit. Venus can even help you seduce your lover. What a dreary world it would be without Venus!

Venus is alluring, magnetic and receptive. This is one planet that is never aggressive. (Assertiveness would be left to Mars, her cosmic lover; they make a great pair!) Venus is able to get her way by using charm instead of force. Some see this planet as a bit hedonistic; it?s true Venus tends not to be deeply thoughtful, ethical or moral. Thinking about consequences is a job left to Saturn. Deciding what is just is left to Jupiter. Cold hard analysis of facts and data is Mercury?s job. (The information you get from Mercury is usually quite reliable, because its observations are completely unemotional.)

Like Mercury, Venus stays close to the Sun. It remains in a sign for two to three lovely weeks?qunless it retrogrades, in which case it can stay in a sign for as long as five months. This planet typically takes from ten to twelve months to tour all twelve signs, though it can take longer if it retrogrades. Venus is the natural ruler of Taurus and Libra.

Venus gives us a sense of beauty, the enjoyment of pleasure, aesthetic awareness, love of harmony, sociability, taking pleasure in relationships and eroticism. 


Mars is the planet that energizes other planets or houses of the zodiac. This is an aggressive, assertive, forceful, energetic, courageous, competitive, and daring planet.

This Red Planet governs the whole spectrum of masculine elements, from sex to war. Known as the Warrior planet, Mars is known for its courage, passion, pure strength and stamina. As such, Mars is also famous for its ability (when in harmony) to help you outlast and outdistance adversaries.

Mars governs all sharp instruments, fire, and anything combustible. Mars must be in a harmonious placement to be of help for any endeavor that requires endurance and determination. When its rays are positive, Mars has an ability to lend survival instincts to any situation.

Mars allows you to keep progressing even when the going gets rough. If Mars is too energetic, an emotional outburst could erupt, or there may be danger of a physical accident. If you are looking for a sense of spirit or gusto in just about any endeavor, Mars could provide that.

Mars takes two years to go around the zodiac, and stays in each sign for six or seven weeks. If it retrogrades back and forth in a sign, it can settle in for as many as seven or eight months. It is the natural ruler of Aries, and the co-ruler of Scorpio.

Mars represents the energy and drive of a person, their courage, determination, the freedom of spontaneous impulse. It also describes the readiness for action, the way one goes about doing things as well as simple aggression.  


Jupiter is known as the planet of good fortune. It expands opportunity and the benefits within the house it is visiting. This fortunate planet also rules wealth and solid, financial and material gain.

Additionally, Jupiter brings vision, faith, optimism, loyalty, justice, confidence and wisdom. Jupiter paints a broad picture and makes you want to think big.

Think about this: take all the planets in the solar system except the Sun, which is really a star, and put them together. Jupiter is physically larger than all those other planets put together. That's why we call Jupiter the expansive planet. This is the Great Benefactor.

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Jupiter allows us to philosophize and find a higher meaning or purpose in the sector it visits. It encourages reflection, study, and the attainment of higher education. Since long-distance travel is a factor of the education sector, having Jupiter in your sign may inspire you to travel far and wide, or much more frequently than usual.

Jupiter is the natural ruler of Sagittarius. This happy planet takes twelve years to circle the zodiac. Each sign gets its blessings for one full year.

The search for individual meaning and purpose, optimism, hope and a sense of justice are represented by Jupiter. So also faith, a basic philosophy of life, the striving for spiritual growth and expansion.  


Saturn is the planet of concentration, permanence, tangible rewards, tenacity, ambition, and productivity. This taskmaster planet also rules caution, delay, constriction, limitation,

responsibility, rules and regulations, pain, fear, authority, discipline, control and denial.

Before you say, "Ugh!", consider this: Without Saturn, we would see little or no progress. We live in a tangible world, and Saturn urges us to deal with reality. Without Saturn we would have no gumption, no standards, or controls, no structure‹just chaos.

Saturn grabs us by the collar and forces us to confront reality. When Saturn touches a specific area in your chart, that area experiences a kind of slow-down, or freeze. Saturn is cold and icy. This planet is also considered heavy or leaden.

Saturn, the Great Teacher planet, brings maturity and teaches us the value of patience and sacrifice.

Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. It rules the base structure of everything, from teeth and bones to the organizational hierarchy of a company. It governs historical, artistic, or archeological artifacts. It takes 29 years to circle the zodiac, and stays in each sign for two and a half years.

Saturn shows how we experience "reality", where we meet with resistance and discover our limitations. It represents the conscience and moral conviction, the laws and rules which we choose to obey. It also tells us about  our powers of endurance and the ability to concentrate, it lends qualities like earnestness, caution and reserve.


Uranus rules surprise and all things unexpected. It also rules the future and new technology, including all that is newly invented and all that is unimagined and yet to come. Uranus is the father of electricity.

Innovative, unpredictable, resourceful, imaginative, idiosyncratic and experimental, Uranus also rules creativity and scientific genius. Uranus? job is to break rules and demolish established patterns or structures, creating sudden-even radical-change. Uranus always works in sudden ways, and is called the Great Awakener.

Uranus gives a strong impulse for rebellion, independence, and even shock. Exciting and liberating, Uranus will overturn anything traditional, conventional or orthodox that it deems has outlived its usefulness.

This planet produces quick, liberating results, blending fact with intuition in its quest to discover universal truths. Uranus is considered the higher octave of intellectual Mercury, and is strongly objective and brainy, with no emotional side. Those people with strong Uranian influences in their charts are trailblazers and forerunners in their communities.

Since Uranus also holds sway over social change, it also regulates the global brotherhood of man and all humanitarian concerns, including environmental issues. Uranus rules the Aquarius. Finally, Uranus rules astrology.

This planet stays in a sign for seven years and therefore takes 84 years to circle the zodiac.

Uranus stands for intuition, it transmits sudden inspiration and lightning insights. An openness for all that is new, unknown and unusual. A sort of wrong-headed contrariness is also associated with this planet. It is said to be characteristic of astrology as such.  


Neptune is the planet of inspiration. The higher octave of Venus, Neptune brings beauty to a higher, more spiritual level. It also holds sway over dreams, the subconscious, illusions,

fantasies and all things magical and enchanting.

Neptune intensifies intuition and teaches us to be deeply compassionate. Neptune often asks us to sacrifice for the greater good or for love of another.

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Neptune refines, purifies, and cleanses. Any planet visiting Neptune will come away purer. This planet cannot bear coarseness. Highly sensitive Neptune gets us more in tune with subtlety, and therefore increases the artistic side of one?s personality. Neptune rules all visual communication, whether with symbols or gestures, such as photography, film, ballet and other dance arts, music, painting and poetry.

Neptune also rules the sea and all other bodies of water. It governs rain, ice, and liquids of all kinds?qincluding beverages and alcohol. Neptune also rules drugs?qboth the bad ones, which make us suffer, and the good ones, which make us well.

Neptune is known as the Planet of Mist. It makes us want to escape mundane, everyday reality and to enter a more ideal, heavenly state. It urges us to excel and to exceed boundaries, to reject any and all limitations.

But since Neptune alters reality and clouds our perceptions of it, there are times that Neptune complicates issues and makes it hard to decipher facts. Neptune can make us deceive ourselves (or be deceived by others), or just make us misunderstand or be misunderstood. It rules all that is glamorous and sparkling. Bear in mind that Neptune's visions are not always real. (It's Saturn's job to give us the cold, hard truth.) We need a planet to inspire us. That is Neptune's province.

Neptune is the ruler of Pisces. It takes 146 years to circle the zodiac, with a stay of about fourteen years in each sign.

This planet gives us the supersensory, opens doors to mystical experience and the transcendental. On this level it is hard to discern where perception moves into deception, illusion and false appearances, and so Neptune is associated with all of these, with drugs and all kinds of pseudo-realities.


Pluto rules transformation. It is the father of the phoenix as it rises from the ashes, the symbol of rebirth. Pluto governs the act of ultimate survival in the never-ending cycle of beginnings and endings. Pluto?s quality as a catalyst for change and metamorphosis cannot be


If its cycle is active in a chart, this planet can aid an individual in triumph over the odds. Pluto intensifies and strengthens any sector or planet it touches. It also rules obsessive behavior, taboos and compulsions, even crisis.

This planet covers many fundamental issues, including life and death, the ultimate transformation of energy. Pluto rules all that is hidden, unseen or buried, including secrets, undercover work (such as detective or spy work), strategic planning, and even the roots of plants or vegetables. It also drives the unearthing or unmasking of whatever has remained concealed.

Pluto takes 246 years to circle the zodiac, with a stay ranging from eleven years to thirty-two years in a sign! The sign of Scorpio is under Pluto’s domain.

Pluto describes how we deal with power, personal and non-personal, be it through suffering the power of others or exercising it ourselves. It describes how we meet the demonic and magical, our regenerative powers and our capacity for radical change and rebirth: the cycles of dying and becoming.


Besides the ten "classical" planets whose importance is recognized by all astrologers, there are several other heavenly bodies which are not all regarded as equally important by all astrologers. Chiron has been widely acknowledged. Some astrologers observe the greater asteroids, Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta and include them in their interpretations. In addition to this, certain schools of astrology work with a series of so-called hypothetical planets, which cannot be related to any of the known celestial bodies. 


If we look at our solar system "from above", all of the planets revolve around the sun in the same direction (anti-clockwise). However, since astrology views the planets as they are seen from the earth, some of the planets seem to be moving backwards at times. This would seem to be the case, when an outer, slow-moving planet such as Saturn is overtaken by the earth. When the planets are in retrograde motion, in other words, apparently moving backwards,  the astrological position is marked with an R. 

Whether this is of significance or not still gives rise to discussion. However, it can help us decide whether a particular aspect is still operative or not. (see also: Aspects).  The motion of the planets can also help us make decisions on other astrological matters. 


Astrologers use a colorful collection of "points". These derive from points within the horoscope and are of symbolic significance, such as the "part of fortune" or the "Age Point". At present there is very little

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agreement amongst astrologers on the importance of these points, or on how meaningful they actually are. 

Lilith and the Moon's nodes are exceptions: these points are based on astronomical data and consequently find more acceptance in astrological circles. The moon’s nodes, which are always exactly opposed, are those points where the paths of the moon and the earth cross. Most astrologers see these points as being of karmic significance: The ascending or northern node is said to represent the spiritual development called for in this life, while the descending or southern node represents experience gathered during previous lives. Another point of view regards the northern node as a point of meeting, signifying important personal ties or connections, while the south node indicates separation. The well-known German astrologer Thomas Ring taught that the northern node shows where subconscious contents can become accessible, whereas the southern node shows where conscious awareness can sink back into the depths of the unconscious

Is Your Sign Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable?

As you delve into astrology, you will discover that human attributes follow the natural rhythms of nature. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the way characteristics of the three Qualities are derived. Each sign of the Zodiac is assigned to one of three Qualities--categories professional astrologers call the "quadruplicies." There are four signs to each category: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Each Quality has a special role to play in relationship to their placement within the four seasons. If this is difficult to understand (and if you find yourself rereading what you just read)-- relax--you will "get it" when you check out your sign and compare your profile to other signs within your Quality group. If you know your rising sign (also called the ascendent) check that description out too, for it will complete your profile accurately.

What Quality Are You?

To understand your Quality, you must first know what Element you are. If you don't know if you are an Earth, Air, Fire or Water sign, check out The Elements, which is also part of The Astrology Zone. Once you've read about your Element, come back here to check out more information about your personality and that of people you know. Find out if you are a real Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable sign.

Cardinal Signs: If you are a Cardinal sign your job is to initiate the season. You are the leader which brings forth that season. Cardinal signs are pioneering and enterprising. Aries (spring), Cancer (summer), Libra (autumn), and Capricorn (winter), are the Cardinal signs.

Fixed Signs: If you are a Fixed sign, you are the second month in that season and it is your job to maintain that season. Fixed signs concentrate energy and solidify ideas. Taurus (spring), Leo (summer), Scorpio (autumn), and Aquarius (winter), are the Fixed signs.

Mutable Signs: If you are a Mutable sign, your sign is the third (and final) month within each season. The role for these signs is to prepare for the transition to the next season and their traits are communication, flexibility, and destruction. Mutable signs are Gemini (late spring), Virgo (late summer), Sagittarius (late autumn) and Pisces (late winter).

Qualities of the Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn

As the "scout signs" which generate the seasons, cardinal signs govern creativity. These signs are restless, active, self-motivated, ambitious, and they often are the leaders in their communities. They can be a bit domineering, but that comes part and parcel with their best qualities of being enterprising, independent, creative, spontaneous and forceful.

Here's how each sign's unique mix of Quality and Element influence how they express their Cardinal nature.

Aries: Cardinal Quality, Fire Element: An Aries' role is to project himself upon the world through firsthand experiences. Self-expression is paramount to this pioneering sign, and Aries likes to see how far he can go in exploring, discovering and experimenting with the world around him. Aries' fire element gives him supreme faith in himself along with a fierce sense of courage. His Cardinal nature makes him restless and in need of change for the sake of change. He is assertive too, and manages to get himself known in a fairly short time. Says Aries, "If I don't attract some attention to myself, how is anyone going to know me?" Right on, Aries! We can all learn from you. True to form, Aries does get to know the right people. (In Aries' case, the "right" ones tend to be venture capitalists or high level muckety-mucks who can make some splendid introductions for them!) Where would we be without Aries daredevils to push us forward?

Cancer: Cardinal Quality, Water Element: Cancer's role is to actively explore the entire realm of human emotion. That Cancer is both Cardinal and Water motivates this sign to explore new emotional states and experiences. As a Water sign, Cancer is the most subtle of the Cardinal signs when expressing his

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independence and ambition. But don't be fooled--those qualities are just as powerful within Cancer as in the other Cardinal signs, no matter how gentle a Cancer outwardly appears.

Astrologers often describe Cancer as moody, which can be true at times, but that description oversimplifies Cancers' rich textural nature and their ability to accept, initiate or even embrace change when they feel it is necessary. They have a capacity for sympathy and compassion that is unmatched by any other sign except fellow water sign Pisces. Cancers have a wide emotional spectrum, and they generally experience an inner life that combines higher highs and lower lows than the rest of us. Cancer wouldn't have it any other way!

Libra: Cardinal Quality, Air Element: Libras are great matchmakers and know how to get things cooking by introducing individuals to one another in relaxed social situations. This sign mixes with lots of people and communicates often, so a Libra alone is a bit of an oxymoron, or a bit like the sound of one hand clapping! Bewildered Libra would wonder what happened to the other hand. Trying to do anything without the "other half" of the unit seems pointless to them. Libras do their best work bouncing ideas off others and working in partnerships or team situations. Their active, authoritative, Cardinal quality brings them in contact with successful over-achievers like themselves, so they quickly build a data base of influential friends, associates, and contacts. (Need an introduction to advance your pet project? Ask a Libra for help--they will throw a party or arrange a lunch.) Since they're Cardinal, Libras can be bossy, but they express their dominance in such a charming way that others become easily (sometimes joyfully) wrapped around Libra's little fingers.

Capricorn: Cardinal Quality, Earth Element: Capricorn is a Cardinal sign who initiates activity with the end result in mind. They are not impulsive or impetuous--the Capricorn Earth nature sets goals and plans carefully. Unlike fellow Earth sign Taurus, a sign motivated by money, Capricorn's motivation is to maintain and improve their reputations. Prestige is candy to Capricorn, for they love being respected for their work. Anything they put their name on has to be the best they can do. They work with almost the same dedication and obsession of a Virgo (OK, I concede that Virgo is hard to beat in area of obsession and perfection.) Gaining honor or fame for its own sake will always interest Capricorn, especially if the position allows them to use their substantial leadership abilities. Why would a practical Capricorn accept a high profile position without a big salary attached? Earthy Capricorn realizes they can leverage the title for more responsibility and compensation later. Some people say that each of us is only two phone calls away from people in power. If that is true, and you want to reach someone high up in the stratosphere (the White House?) call your Capricorn first. They know all the right people--and eventually become part of the inner circle themselves.

Qualities of the Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius

The role of the Fixed signs is to maintain, uphold and defend positions, responsibilities, goals or desires in everyday situations. These signs are the least welcoming of change. Their role in the zodiac is to preserve tradition. Fixed signs are not easily distracted--they keep their hands on the steering wheel and their eyes on the road. They can be a bit stubborn or stuck in a rut, a down side of their ability to stay the course. Yet these signs are valued for their consistent, loyal, devoted, reliable and patient natures. Yes, they do hold strong opinions and at times they can be inflexible, but there are some areas in life that those traits are needed and even encouraged. How each sign expresses the Fixed Quality depends on their own characteristics:

Taurus: Fixed Quality, Earth Element: The Earth element of a Taurus' Fixed nature makes them focus on the accumulation of material possessions, and moves Taurus' to guard what they earn or accumulate. Since Tauruses have sensuous natures, they enjoy the tactile quality of tangible objects. They care for other people's property in the same responsible manner as their own, and often wind up in positions of professional guardianship. The insurance business is a perfect industry for Taurus, because of its focus on security. Tauruses are oriented to the here-and-now and need to see tangible fruits of their labors. In short, some signs don't mind being more famous than rich, but not Taurus. Being a practical earth element, they want to see the cash.

Leo: Fixed quality, Fire element: The Fire element of Leo's Fixed nature makes this sign powerfully self-expressive and many Leos are highly artistic and creative. This sign will latch on to an idea and wrestle it to the ground, not stopping until it is expressed in a manner which Leo believes is best. The lion is known as "King of the Jungle," and Leo will assert his or her masterful authority at all times--whether that authority be real or imagined. Their efforts are buttressed by one overwhelmingly attractive quality--self confidence. Few signs are as a good at psyching out their competitors and uncovering the secret to their success!

Scorpio: Fixed quality, Water element: Due to the Water element of this sign, Scorpio's role is to strengthen emotions and feelings--theirs and others--and make them permanent. Since their goal is to get others to reach a final agreement, commit to a strategy, and move forward, it is easy to see why they do so well in sales, negotiations, and interpersonal relationships. Scorpio's need for control can make them jealous or possessive. This can be a charming or not-so-charming trait, depending on whether or not they go off the deep end with it. ("There was a little girl with a little curl right in the

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middle of her forehead. When she was good, she was very, very good and when she was bad she was horrid." Very Scorpio, male or female.) Scorpios work in purposeful ways. You can always sense a wellspring of power simmering just under the surface. Want to change a Scorpio's mind? Good luck! Their Fixed nature can be maddening, yet their steadfast loyalty to those they love is also one of their endearing qualities. Their intense, smoldering passion (Water sign) makes them mesmerizing.

Aquarius: Fixed quality, Air element: Aquarius's foundation in Air--a communicative element--mixed with their Fixed quality drives this sign to make their friendships permanent. Few signs take friendship as seriously as Aquarius, and they tend to keep, defend, and care for their friends over a lifetime. Another role of Aquarius is to create and found groups and organizations, for their natural domain is over the 11th sector. Being a radical sign ruling the future, some Astrology Zone readers may be surprised to hear Aquarius is a Fixed sign--one would expect them perhaps be Mutable. However, Aquarius' Fixed nature is demonstrated in their scientific and orderly minds and their insistence on maintaining strict procedures to insure they obtain the most accurate results. Aquarius does forge into the future, but not in the rash, impulsive way an Aries might. Rather, Aquarius insists on total objectivity--you won't find any emotionality or preconceived ideas. Their Fixed quality makes them dogged in their pursuit of discovery--and it is a rare Aquarian that does not eventually hit pay dirt with that kind of intent! After all, Aquarius is the sign of the inventor!

The Qualities of the Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

The Mutable signs' prepare for change into the next season. This makes the people of this group highly adaptable, flexible and communicative. Throw a curve to a Mutable sign and they can turn on a dime, coming up with solutions faster than you can bat an eye. Mutable signs are restless and embrace change. They are the most resourceful of all the signs, and thus, they make much from little. They are highly detail-oriented, but should take care not to get so wound up in tiny particulars that they lose sight of the whole.

Gemini: Mutable quality, Air element: Gemini's need for stimulation can not be overstated. Highly intellectual, Gemini needs news and information like oxygen. Being an Air sign, Gemini enjoys the exchange of ideas with others--this is no loner. The sound of a phone's dial tone is as comforting to Gemini as the sound of a mama's heartbeat to a baby. One Gemini friend has confessed that her fax machine going off sounds like the love call between two mating whales, a sound that thrills her because it means news is on the way (we will be sure to get my friend professional help soon). Seriously, being an adaptable Mutable sign, Gemini's mind is always going at the speed of light. They can put various pieces of information together in a multitude of ways, and this makes them quite good at figuring things out, be they instructions to the VCR, the facts of a murder case, or the intricacies of the Congressional budget. Gemini can change their position as quickly as they assimilate new information, remaining at all times objective. Gemini's downfall? Their adeptness at handling several things at once can lead them to assume too much responsibility. At that point they can become scattered or begin to procrastinate. If they stay focused, they can accomplish more in a day than most of us do in a week.

Virgo: Mutable quality, Earth element: Virgo is more practical than Gemini and just as intelligent. This sign seeks to devote its substantial communicative talents to concrete goals. Virgo is less likely than Gemini to become scattered by trying to do too many things, and yet more likely than Gemini to become bogged down in the details. Virgo's fastidiousness and precision is unmatched by any other sign. They polish their work until it shines, for Virgo's overwhelming desire is to feel productive. Don't tell a Virgo to relax and chill out, for most members of this sign have not quite mastered that ability. They feel badly if they waste time. Being an Earth sign, their powers of organization are amazing and it's this skill which gets Virgo tangible results they can measure, compare, assess and perfect (a Virgo word if there ever was one). But Virgo isn't rigid--far from it. Virgo's Mutability allows for a willing flexibility and razor-sharp course corrections mid-way, an asset Virgo keeps hidden up their laundered and starched white sleeve.

Sagittarius: Mutable quality, Fire element: Sagittarius expresses its hefty intellect in the realms of philosophy and spirituality. People of this group also enjoy delving into the differences and similarities of various cultures. Sagittarius' Fire nature craves adventure and likes to feel a sense of exploration in the projects he takes on. Whereas Gemini focuses on the daily details of current events, Sagittarius focuses on the underlying moral or ethical implications of issues, past or present. Like all Mutable signs, Sadge is curious, but it's pro-active Fire element makes Sadge the sign most likely to explore and debate hypothetical situations (communication being the dominant quality of a Mutable sign). For a fun time, they listen to National Public Radio and watch Meet the Press. Keeping up with this high octane Mutable/Fire sign is hard, but well worth the effort.

Pisces: Mutable quality, Water element: Pisces use their Mutable nature to explore and adjust to the feelings (Water's domain) of others around them. Since Mutable signs are communicative, Pisces takes the concerns of those around them seriously and will always offer information, sympathy, advice--whatever is appropriate to the situation. Pisces' ability to adapt is so strong that he almost literally becomes the person he is trying to help and he often does not see the borders of where he stops and the other person begins. This can be hard on Pisces, for long after the other person has settled

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whatever has troubled them, Pisces' strong intellect continues to chew on the ramifications and various issues involved. They need closure, so if you ask a Pisces for advice, be sure to let him know later what action you took and the results you experienced. If you don't, your Pisces will be in a perpetual state of anxiety over your condition. One last word: show appreciation to your Pisces. Taking too big an advantage of Pisces' good nature is a cosmic no-no.


The angular relationships between the planets in a horoscope, measured as angles within the ecliptic circle, are termed “aspects”. Usually this includes angles to the ascendant and MC. Only certain angular relationships are regarded as aspects, and these are said to have intrinsic qualities – they are said to be “harmonic”, “dynamic” or “neutral”. These relationships influence how the planets work together. There is also a certain amount of “play”, which means that an aspect is said to “work” or be operative within a few degrees either way of being exact. This margin of “play” is defined by the orbs. (see below) 

Here are some of the major aspects:

Conjunction - 0° 

The conjunction tends to be a harmonious aspect. Its quality depends greatly on the planets involved, as well as on how close the aspect is. For example, a conjunction between the Sun

and Mercury is generally regarded as harmonious. If, however, the distance between them is less than a few degrees, Mercury is said to be “burnt” or “in combustion”, with corresponding results. In general, the conjunction shows an immediate connection which usually works in one way or another. 

Opposition - 180°

Although the opposition is generally regarded as “disharmonious” or dynamic, it often has quite a motivating and energizing effect. Here too, the quality of the aspect depends on the planets involved, and on what one makes of it. On the whole,

an opposition between two planets creates tension between them, often with positive results. 

Square - 90°

The square is regarded as a disharmonious aspect, the planets involved seem to be “blocked”. The problems that arise from the square keep on turning up, like a bad penny. The difficulty lies in trying to reconcile two forces that are trying to move in completely different directions. Usually this takes the form of desires and needs which are mutually exclusive. 

Trine - 120°

The trine is a harmonious aspect, the planets involved work together in a complementary fashion, enriching one another. Trines show where our natural talents lie, whether we actually make use of them or not is up to us. 

Sextil - 60°

The sextile tends to have a harmonious effect, depending of course on the planets involved. 

Minor Aspects

Besides the major aspects mentioned above, there are also quite a number of “minor aspects”. Most of these are subdivisions of the major aspects. The minor aspects add depth and detail to the general picture. The orbs permitted for the minor aspects are much smaller than those used for the major aspects. (see table below)  

The most common minor aspects are:

Semisquare - 45°, disharmonious 

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Sesquisquare - 135°, disharmonious 

Semisextil - 30°, neutral

Quincunx or Inconjunct - 150°, neutral

Quintile - 72°, harmonious 

Biquintil - 144°, harmonious


Orbs for  Astrodienst chart drawing type 2.A 

Orbs for chart drawing type 2.AT, 2.GW or 2.GR. These orbs are used by Liz Greene, and used in our web server as default setting.

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LILITH – the dark moon

In the beginning was the Great Goddess, and the Goddess was the Earth, and the Earth was the Goddess.The origins of the cult of the Great Goddess lie hidden in the dim twilight of prehistoric time. The Goddess ruled for hundreds of thousands of years. In the course of time, the Mother-Goddess was overthrown and driven under, and the triumph of the most patriarchal of archetypes - Jahwe, God the Father, Allah - was complete in the Judaic, Christian and Moslem worlds. It was only in the tamed form of Mary, Mother of God, that some aspects of the Mother Goddess were permitted to survive. Various Black Madonnas in ancient sanctuaries still bear witness to her. 

The figure of Lilith represents one aspect of the Great Goddess. In ancient Babylon, she was worshipped as Lilitu, Ischtar or Lamaschtu. Jewish mythology already puts her into darker realms - an evil Demon of the night, a fitting mate for Satan, lying in wait for men, and killing children.

The Astronomical Lilith

The Moon travels along an elliptical path around the Earth. An ellipse has two focal points, and the other focal point, not occupied by the Earth has been called the Dark Moon, the Black Moon or Lilith. This is a slightly simplified definition, since, actually, the Moon and the Earth both move around their common centre of gravity, and the path of the Moon is not a neat ellipse, but a rather wobbly affair. One must distinguish between the mean orbit of the Moon, which is a slowly elongating ellipse, and the actual orbit, which vaccilates around the mean path, due to interference of various kinds. Just as there a "mean" and a "true" Lunar Node, so there is a "mean" and a "true" ellipse and a "mean" and a "true" Lilith. I write "true" in inverted commas, because the Moon's Node is only "true" about twice per month, when the Moon is actually on it, for the rest of the time, it is as "untrue" as the mean Node. In fact, when working with a point so close to the Earth, one should also take the great parallax into consideration, i.e. consider, from which point on the Earth one is actually looking at a point in the heavens. Astrology observes the planets geocentrically, as if from the Earth's centre, and not topocentrically, from the actual place of the observer.

The Dark Moon has also been defined as the apogee of the Moon's orbit, or that point in the orbit farthest from the Earth. Both these points, the apogee and the second focal point, lie on the long axis of the orbital ellipse, the line of apsides. Seen from the Earth, they lie in the same direction, and therefore occupy the same place in the zodiac. The second focal point lies at a distance only about 36´000 km from the Earth, the apogee at about 400´000 km. Apart from this, both definitions can be regarded as being equivalent. Because the orbit of the Moon continually shifts forward in space, the Dark Moon moves along the zodiac at about 40° per year. A complete revolution takes 8 years and 10 months.

Lilith in the Chart

The glyph used for Lilith is a black Moon, as opposed to that used for the real Moon. Lilith is included in the chart drawing Type 2.AC, some other drawing types, such as 2.AT show Lilith in the table of planetary positions.

Interpreting Lilith 

"During my years of astrological practice, I have come to use the Dark Moon in all my chart analyses, as a complement to interpretating the Moon. It would never occur to me to neglect this influence. The Dark Moon describes our relationship to the absolute, to sacrifice as such, and shows how we let go. In transit, the Dark Moon indicates some form of castration or frustration, frequently in the areas of desire, a powerlessness of the psyche, or a general inhibition. On the other hand, it shows where we

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question ourselves, our lives, our jobs, and our beliefs. I feel this is important, since it gives us the opportunity to "let go" of something. The Dark Moon shows where we can let the Whole flow into our selves, without putting an "I" in the way, without putting up a wall in the form of ego. At the same time, it doesn't indicate passivity - on the contrary - it symbolizes the firm will to be open and trusting, to let the Greater World flow through one, relying entirely on the great laws of the universe, on that which we name God. To prepare us for this opening, the Dark Moon creates a necessary void."  (Joëlle de Gravelaine in "Lilith und das Loslassen", Astrologie Heute Nr. 23)

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