aa iroa bridita aaroaa th« Kaat...

# •£• P*K* 15 EM^X <"*Mtntv '^eptiWJcww. Jntitinry SO, 3914 iMa * SMUk Phge l& A C\ L*»'ton .... -..•••• « Keree~-t f pp*r Ja> * Mary h\ Andrews H c Wail* ;••••• Aaokbte ttiaaaa—Plaltaburff Purt 2. Walter Uiddlnx* Ass&ble Chasm Hotel Co. fclu<tl*Hhu>*n—Kseae. Part 2. Aao« KirtK Henry Kste* gjubop Chaffee Kr:..«Mfc Lumber Co * ». # ."rt Putnam T - O'Donurll > Cpuer Jay UiiM-r Straight i'art 2. 2t« oa 200 00 !0f Oo 100 00 151 0*1 K00 00 2*0 00 2S 00 »& 00 if* aa 2a #0 t€ 00 71 00 at 00 atk>n Rao of the Village of KUxabethtown. oa the mate road so-called: thenoe leading north from amid village Use toward ike Village of Lewis, so-eelled. a distance of four axllea. more or kss. all In the-County of Essex, t* added f» tbe unproved oounty ayatam. Resolved, That the Cterk uf thi* BoaiJ i» herebv directed :o forthwith transmit a certified copy uf tar forego ag reaolu- turn to tbe Stat* Commission of Highways 21000 00 Or Koapecttully subexutad. J W Buliee. Fred L Porter N D Barnard. Coaxraitteei moinm ut Mr Wolfe. A f n«onnod ay Mr Stanton that tke report of tke Rigkt of Way Cotnumu*. oa r* an+c .Adopted and placed oa t i t RfSUtA rioK APPOINTING MIGHT OF WAY COMMITTEE. Mr r-uileo offered taa following roeolulicei and moted Ita adopt*** duly seconded by Mr. Sturtovent. K,^'ivK' That Prod L. Putter. N. U lUr.ird aod Albert KtM.» t*» ^nd hereby are appointed a Cnnxmittee purauant to S*ctit ii 2 * hapter 240. I<a«* lOei. for taa porpoee of ar^tttir. ** - s*<ir%a**ifi* the eoceaaary rigbte of way aa laid down AiiC o . - ^ i i - t c d uj^ns the ma;« and plan* of ?»>> 8Ui« Ay** -Maaart. Straight. i*ur»r. statiioa. Statora Maayot^ Call. Joaaaoa, Dona^Uy. Koou*. Wat*. Bum** aat; ftobnaaaa, lianiard. HuU«p, l'binaty Hfgb>. ^'alfa. —1?. Noaa—Koaa. KaaolatiMi Ado|*ad. RK60L.VTIUN PtltCliA^K ASSr^SMKST ROIXa> rXift 1014. Mr Kuota f>0>r»d tbti foUuatai: raaalatoa aad aK»«ad ttO uhiatjuo. daly aaecaaaad by Mr J*b&aaa. Raaolt^Hl. laat tna Cf«-rk of tbm H^ami ^ a m b .rtat^d t o 0*«cur# t t o aaoaaaary Mniaaiiwat r»»l*% f«*r tb*- rBMUHig yt- %r l %ad tbat ba ba authort/#d io dram at* dr'fi ua tbr r^ualv I ^"_""* ""^TT**** * ^ ""* *—-~ _. ^ Tixajiurar lor i^>iaaot la firw UI»UM* . At*d »a»d O-ouatyJ 11 ** « « l # of Smm tora. to Morrow aaimey aad to waaa Ha TrMaaurar to cair^t rarb to^a n» start* or tb# total c-oat of boada tbrrafor. far tba purvoa* of paylag for laa coaatructloa _*u 4t!1| ^ !U i ^ bridg# Arroaa tba Raat BraAcb of tba Aaaabla River. UY tmlld aa iroa bridita aaroaa th« Kaat Braaefi of tba AuaaJbl* Rfvar at Auosbt* Forka to raploxo rb^ waodaii brldga known aa tba Jeraay Brldga. now eoodaaiaad, at a root not to *xc**4 tha aaja of ITOOO.OO, and atoll the Town Board ba aatborl&ad to rata* aald sum anon tba eradH af tba Town of Jay and ba a caarg* uaoa aa&d town and audited and paid aa otbar tow* char*** *re paWT" That that* warn 06 votat eaat for and t>5 votaa agalnat tueb prooaaltloa. and up^n a caavaaa of tba votaa aa coat, tba tot loalag r*sttlt aita^artd and waa duly d*eiarad and entered 0a votaa for aoeb proaaaHton U votaa acaiaat audi prooonHIon. f 2 votaa blank l a VYIthnaaa Whmreoi. I navo baraonta aat a y band and! aJUad tba aaai af tba aaid Town of Jay. at aaco Town, thta 20tb day af Ko%aant*r 1012. U R. r L. BaiWa. Town Clark Aa aat aataofiaJa* tno Town af Jay. :: taa County of Kaaai. Riouii.rrH>.\ Ka^ r < r uid Surveyor, adafnad by tbia Board V* I be tai;*«»v«» •: H f;h^njr« und>r t % a-*pt-r US. L**» lO^n. MM4 tbr a^u ionuUUfj tbrr«^f. acd ba it furtnar K«*ulv#i. Ttx^l tb# «ald r u m a u u r br authariitid and *m ; ^»*-rx3 to Jr^» tiir.r drafts on tb» ra>aaty Trra^tirer to |ia> •\r u*> i^^J^ -u ai<iuirad, t«cb of i^id t-obBaiitt<N* t»» *»ga «ald UK o n HUADS RK8DLUTH>N # TOWS OF *T .UiMANU M liait^ard oO>rrd ftba lolloariag naaratioa aad aaavad Ra Aj,'t t.or. &&d cAllad for tba a>ea and aoaa* duly sey<mdi»d by Mr ^bavoc KK> It TH..N MOUTVING COCSTY SVSrKM ttf HKiH WAYS Oaaauy of Faais, k~tii«:K>» a«ioptad aarwannt to Sartlon tf&. of tbe llsgbway .*• cm taa 11 tb day of Dtcambar. 1912 4i ; r^r-fi* and IT Bjaarviaorv voting In favor of said «a«l *.«» Suaerviaara voting agalnat taa aajnal. saadtfyrag tna t^LgmMHKi. of County Higkaaya on IOJO asa^ af •Infc was orglnnlly apprwvad by tba Legtalatur* -' rf tba La^s of 1007. A r baraaa tba Board af Hnnervtautn af any County la 4 .:i*rurd M 8«H^ion 2iS of tha Higkway Law w a^odrfy too and nio*ed its EXTENSION" o r 11MK TRKARt'RRR. Mr Wbtl* oRrr 4 ihe ft»l!>* + Uift l^Ko|\Atl'»o uiuM)« a. dor* M-ttitidad by Mr. i<iht*»oa i K»*vi%%Kl. 1 bat tb«* t'oufkty Treasurer Iw ^ad be at aulLorte**! t M ^ ^ t< *-v*B«i fb»- t»itt^ lAr the ooit*«tkui I i *ie# ia tbe i«irml j Hafbway and '"*!:* la tht* ' cH.nt% U» ^t«r,-b 1*t. a|-*i» tb** Collector f>r t!i»4- H t known aa tba laraay Brldga. !n tnftd Town af Jay. THE iOIKTY' /r^ m ?• *r^ D TT2!L l L u a two ? lwU ^t 11 I of tba Rwfiafvtaors alactad to tba Board af Supervisor* of tbe Resolved, Tbai tba Surrogate's Offlre In tbd Court Hooae Building be aad ia bereby deaignated aa office of tbe County Tranaurar In e<icJunction with the Surrogate, and that effects of the County Treaanrer be moved to aaid aflkre not later than i January 1. 1014. I Be It further tfc-solved. That I*evl 8. Pond, be and ia hereby appointed librarl** of tbe County Library, at a aalnry of $100 per year, payable annuaMy by tbe County Treasurer. Ba a furtber resolved, that tba ofUee now occupied by tbe County Treasurer, be and la hereby dealgnaiad an the office of County Superintendent Sinooda. Adopted i On motion of Mr Kenyon, duly aeconded, voted that the Hoard adjourn until to-morrow morning at 0 o'clock. TENTH DAY. Friday. IWcmber 12th. 1012. Board a m pomunnt *> ndfonmnjent; roll oallod; preeeut of Tbaraday read and approved. | County af Eaaex voting In favor thereof York. of Suparviaora af tne County of Esaex. New to Ike authority envferrad by Seetlon 07 of the «nmant to Sectlona 12 and II af the Connty mi SectloM €. T. 0. 0. and 10 of the General Municipal RESOLUTION INKCRAKCE COMMITTEE Mr Poote offered the following reaolaCon and moved Ra adopt xa, duly aaconded by Mr. White Maaolvad. That S E' Phloaey I> M Jobnaon nrd Aiberf Calt be tne laanraare Cosajuittee for the ensuing f**r and that tbey be authorised to draw their drafts on tbe County treasurer to pay premiums. Adopted. Uw:u>r» apr»iytb£ for %»*• a *\\++i*mtx. \4*%%n$L «i>er ti* «* d t^rua- if Trraaurer -1 tm**'* »u»h-led t' h HI -r^mm* -JJ> ucd>* takiag to tne ^jpervp>«»r of b-* tn»ii u l \h * i« h »uref|e^ A » %s4 Super%kmt€ mtmii \i»%-r>*%~ an. f irnt^n n ir-ucr h\ his c»»ti <>atk. ow »u<h ?«et!aior.y .t» ib*» * •••auiy Tir.-Hi'f »bsil re^ura • h v he has ^i^e-^ ua»» i-* :• r -AHIM MMr) t*» ruiwet **!f tai«-« »ttb*a tbe time rvMt n-d b% ti% *m,T*tii. Adopted HKSt>t.t TltiN Al 1 rittkI/*\<; 1 ME CO! NTT TRKAeU RhJi Til BOKKOW VOSKV ] M- W(»i:r ottered the fe4lowing resotutinn and sst<»ed :ta «a>H> 9 ^Mi. dul« MM^asid^d by Mr. Holtea K«*e«»l%e*L liiat tbe Co^at* Tfe«»ur%r «H the to«at« o! a> m*\. U* and be i» hereby authunied sad *»mi«>mered Ir acifTuw ssone>. «ben aef<*m*ar>, apoa the ereelit of tne Count* of Ke- %•-*. 'o pay the a«-c«-«^an e\pea*^* «4 «jnd tVmoty #^uj t*c*teo ( not to be fur amre than eight maatbj Ado i**4 fRIVTINO RICStftLCTHKC U v do enact aa follows: Whereas, a proposstioo having been duly submitted at a special Tovoi Meeilbg. bald in sad for tba Town of Jay. In the County of Earns* and Stat- of New York, arwvldaag for the RESt'LtrriOX. Mr. OFFICE prRxirt'Re AND FOR COl'NTY OFFICES nXTCREfi acrose tke East Branch of Ike Amen- tne oSl York, at a point haowa as|* mT * of tke sum mi Seven! of Town Honda therefor' only ro<*etrection of a tde. Ki%«r at » Jet^y Bridge. 'b<««sand thjllnrs «t»r i k e p< Waereaa, tne aald *aid special towg an «»* i » y b%\ tf% t**f*e* <$7^O0ooi. apan tke credit af tne aald Town* and to kadi's tksrefer. and tke aabi anpUcntkai aaaied by s stataanant signed by n major*) «f t of tbe Town Board of aabi towra and certifted by tke Town Porter eaTered tke following duly seconded by Mr. vYkita. Tkat i. A Rokerta aad R. B Dadley by are sopotated a ccimmlttee to purckaae e« for Sum^atas CMice. and otkar furnRure and moved Ra S^faSf SfcX?**" •• *• — ^ tko «^ gf. Icesolvod, That the t lerk of this board be and ke ia heaabT o t t h o H ^ ^ t^poti-erml tc draw bla d^fTon tkToSSS Treasjn r for aaid amount ^^ ^onnry Ayes-Meanrs. Straight. Porter. Stanton. Stafford, Kenyo* J^alL Joknaon. Donnelly. Eoete. WfcRe, Sturtevnnt ilnrnard, Bullen, Pbinney, Higby; Wolfe —17 Noee—Noae. Raaolution Adopted. I REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON BOl*NT?EH Mr. Sturtevant. Cbalrmna of tha (omnUttee an Bounties buhmitted and rmmi tke foRowkig report: To tba Honorable Board of Suparviaora " Your Committoa on Bounty Accooate would raaaaetfafly re> fort that we have examined the ^^^tt^t ^ tad kave a.Mvwed the following, vis: lrn B. Ha****, one iHidley 8 Bird. bear 0a U9 d to W. C WRherkae 119 00* >o oo> 220 00 on Wm. Sturtevnnt, Albert Calf. Donnelly, On aaoriatt af Mr. Porter, duly thai tha report of tke ataadlng velred. adopted and placed on Ale and tkat tke la named and allow** be paid to tbe from the Contingent Fund. by Mr font*, sate* ttee on Bonntien, be re» **atetkerf*- fosaectlvo eJaiaannas be and kero flllngcaa. for Lros of tke County T Eb^ction C orr. Supenutendent af Hbjh- Adoptad. alas, and tke Town dftuui* af ike Town! appRratfcm 4k> tain board for aatkartty Mr Killea oU«-re4 tne folloais^g reeolutioa aad tr* ie* Hs <%krrv -^ tB# moortion duly •iconded by Mr JoknsasL \ iMm *** R«aoived. TH%t Uw t'lerb of this Uw&rd t*e authon.«^ +*>% \ Wkeraan. it empo«encd to draw bis draft <v. tb*» t ouatv Tr*aauret »* mm*i ^ b«wvow « rm.«t. , CU OJUJ». ta the smoont of IIS.OO psfrablr from tke coafmrert. 4if#f.e0i 4 aunty. lfua4 ^ M> ^ n . ^ ^ ^ ^ |ar ^ ^ r ^ ^ r^pmrwncj^,^^ | W |fcmf|| w n the contenu for tke Journal af sn*d county i Adopted ! RESOLt'TION R«*. M H PTfTMAX . * 07 of tke Highway tkat the said toan tb~ aaid awm af *-V#B TV* tke credit nf said to» n. and ta d^urr^auoc of County Higkwaye on tbe improved by Cknpter 71S of tke Laura of r.^uu mileage aa •>r t» matariaity H^a|%ed # That the Tw^n af Jay. in tke County aad State «* !SV* York be and It hereby i» _ _ ierapowwrv4d to Ise .e Its aaadiL eyr~t tke credit of Mr Staaton osT-eed tne feibsoiag resolutloa and *><*«*£ its to aa staowat not to etce~d Ik* — ^ of Re ndoptam. 4aly seconded by Mr BaJsom. .iara twTOOO.OOi. an4 ba aaU ar oawee tne 1007. pir Tided tke Re~*v#d. That tke »em of • 00 be ptod to the Um% H H j»ot koa asa» br not' '* r1tn,| osi frees the Coating* ot fund the* yW* for tke Board be aufh«<rsMd to draw arer for fund aad tfcwt Ike CVr% «f rfc>s, ojud bridge arrows tbe i^aat Bra^rk af tke ki« draft ©a rbe Osat? lnm+ f*o**t bjr e i as tbe Jersey ^ <lg»\ bs snk 1 be ft t*rd+T REPORT MORTGAGE TAX COMMITTEE Mr Pklnney. Ckairman af tke Mortgage Tnx ComaaRtee. auksniiied and rvad tke fofbawlag report: To tke lloasrabb- Heard af Supervavors- Your Cnoaaaitt^e oa Mortgage Taxes would reepertfully re- re have examined the report presented to aa by Clar* and knee dftstrtbwsed anme a« fottawn. vis: It k ? 7 J REPORT OP Jt STICK AND COXSTABLK COMMlTT»; Mr. Pninner, Chairman of the *»tr*fn g ^»*»^w am Ju«* tW aad Conatnkle accounts aubmkted and rend tke fogbwial* report: To tke Hojpsrnble Board of Superrteor* ^ r ™. V iT mkU " °* Jmg ** *** <*•«**** Ac«nnm woaaJ r»spectfuily report tkat we nave examined tke seated to ua and have allowed tke following *i No, Name Nature of Claim Ed Hosier, conatnbfte r i 4 t J D. Howe, constable .... a l a U Denton. Jnatice t mm c !- 3 £ b a r T e I? r •a s * % I | St a . : Abereaa. It is I m r n l advtaabie ba aaodtfy tne mar of j A<U»f*ed ^ .maty by etimbantioe af a portion mi Ike amileane now o e » i RKSOL1 TR>N STATE TAX COSFOaKKCe tctitwi tkeraon. and by tke sabatitat^si m |4ace> thereof of. Mr Barnard offered tke foOovia* nr^H»t oa and mc .ed nm softer Liamrtbed ndoptloa. duly secooded by Mr WaiOr That tke highway begianing at tke Frank ta i R»*oivod. Tkat Albert E Bibby. Jed W Hullen and Juliue Una, soutkwoat of Praaklia Palam. stmtbw^terir a di^ [ A. Roaeeta, be aad hereby are arpointed s eoeamtttee tc sttnod •f Hi mlias, more or lees be strtcheo from the approved the aert tax reinvention or ^onfereore. to be b^ld at tveracuae. cast:: ityatem. . ^ Y * during the asontk of January. 1014. and tkat tb*> be ai- 4 Koaolved. That tke highway begmning at Sta is^bmed their artaal aicesasry eipenaea to of Coontv Huxkwny No 020, oorth*«*«w»ri> ?o«ard! ^d«H-ted Kii^msngdale StaUon to tke Prmaklin County line, a dtstaac*. Mr Bo lien in the Cnatr ' ° r i xsilea more or leas, be added to tbe a;^«rme4 county ' ^ L , *v w ^ ^. « ^. <. ^, ^ -. ^ REPORT OP COMMITTEE 1%WS \ND RI^OLCTIONS Reaorvod. That the Clerk ai tbi* Board is here**? dtretted to. M to . ... , _ m , K Ht Bobrmaiin rhmtma^ of »be *fmrmttee on U v i and Re#r!«tiori* submitted aad read the t,^lowing report Rtvec at a i f Jay: and; R^ooirad. Tkat week boons shall ke mgoed by the Sapor-1 vi**r tad Town Clerk •* the aaid Ta»a of Ja%. and tkat tne • ea>d Kuperviaor of tke said town akail negotiate ar^oraHng to Inw and aa above provided, and that ai rty tke sevjeeeos of tke sale tkeroof t» the paysaeot of tbe #ir^Me« ao tacurrwd to tke cuostrortHfff) of tke bridge 'oV*ageat*d aad desert bed; aad be M tanker R*wj>4red. That tke aald Rupert teor, t«fore laeuiag or t latsag any of »ork bonds akall snake aad execute to tke Town ' irf«ek of said Town, on behalf of and fee the ntmnt of aaid. torn a. a good and auflieient bond mt obligation la tke peaixl, num of T~n Thooaand Dollarm ilO^O^W*.. i sjadklons il for the J e at 8 e JaS St Sr mm 9m m. #* #A Z t C S - - •• ' 71 sirs s rig« i £ t mZ Ci faithful iierfc of h»» duttea in i*»u**g auck konda. and That the <~Wrk of tbi* Board is beeei^y dtretted to fortkwitk transmit a «ertlfted <^>py of tbe for»-s:«nf:< reaolutkm to ohe State Commisaion of Higkws%i I may he raised by tax. or J Ay alUl •Mwaars. StraigkL Porter. Stanton. Staffurd vYaite. Sturtesaai. leajky. Worfe - 17. Kenyon.* Kesoltttioc Adopted. <;«.*#D RC»ADS R E S O L U T I O N . TOV%*N OT S T ARM AND aV- Barnard offered tke following reaolution and moved rta . ' i ;M>B and called for the ayee and noea. .- I t T!uS MODIFYING COUNTY SYSTEM OP H1*;H WAYS County of Eaaax. k^-Mj^ti^t adopbad aofwanat to Qfrtaaa 2a* of the lUghaay ~» on th«- lltk day of Decern has 1011. la coocuoi being pm*m rt: 9\LC l" Supervlanra voting m favor of said rosorotkm i:< LC Supervmor voting agalnat tke anaaei. xaodafying tke '"•utLaLii>c of Coomty Hlgkwaya on tke map of Essex Connty. «^cb was onglnaUy approved by tke Lrchxlatwre In Chapter ' o ' t e Laws of 1207. wn-rraa. tke Board of Sup*nrteora of any eaemty ia aav ^-ra*< ty Section 22a of tke Hlgkwuy U v to asadify tke >«igziat.DL <4 County Hlgkwaya on tke axop of sack County. *?yn»?*<! :y Chapter 71S of Ike Lawa of 1007. provieVd the • tal m;i**c# aa priglunity deaignated an auck xaap ia not 4 'T%ty tL^tenally hxcj^aanad, nnd . W^r- A i. H ia dtemsd odviaable to aaodify tbe *t0tat? r the eflanlnatlan of a aor*on of tbe ii^reo*. amd by tke sabatRutlaa m ptaoa thereof z - oow deslgiislfifl, an k^roanaftor deacribed. p.^wrh^. That tke begiuaiag af the Prank fin faweot of Prnnklan Falsa, soatbweaterlr - miles, more or lean, ba atricken 1 :r ^yateam, 2 "Tanf the Higkvay beginning at *: r^g ACT NA. 2. TOWN o r JAY < To the llonorable Board of ffuperrionrs Your Committer on lav* aad Repoi>4|iooa i oort tkat ae hav^ ^tasnined Art No Z Wtitlod "An Act an- J Reaolve4. ' 'Jmrising the To«r nf I*T. rn the Onaty «>f Essex and State Marck. 1014. and akall if New York, to 'herewith attarb'^ the lawful appliratlos of tbe funds whirb may be realised by the aale thereof, and the rands that ntrr«-rwif^. for the pa raven t *4 X of thu a^L and tk* Interest tberoasa wbtck saay cetne Into kis \ kaoda Sack bonds or obligation no made by tne aald Super-, vteur shot! be apr"eed by the Teat Bcojtl of tke aaid Towa of Jxy a*d ftled In tke sdnce of tke Town of eaat towa; and! uily rm, Mn Turtbm shall tmmr date the wrvt day of t at tke rate of ffve and 8 2 a. S 3 S -^jm t *> o> •- e> e* and i ^ »- <% 4- i-i e £ r r at •"T Ray Wax, J. Wm. J. Wax J Wm J. Albert A. Royaton. Juatlce . Geo Hoaley. rta stable Wallle Perr>. oonatabse ... Wallle Perry, onnstable .... WafUe Perr% Chaa White. Ckaa E Kwier. conatable rr+4 J. Ring. Justice * m Barton, countable ... tt 00 i« on i* oe 17 bo € ft> 10 bt> ro ss A:* 4> 12 & 4 20 t 06 277 OC 2 SO Allow #eV 0 ) 0 ef> S s n 2 0ff> < * ^ € 0^ i3» 4 0> i «* 2 *e> rr oo 00 f^ ; ^ 200 t 0^ 272 2W Z i 0^03 #» rVott K. PtOnaw> I* M JokaexxL Henry •407 ft On mouoe of Mr Wkitr. duly nevox*ed by Mr fWnssnf. voe- ed that the report of tke standing committee on Joxwiee at J Constable* amounts, be received, adopted and placed am nie*. aid that tke ntnnwnts tkereta nnnxed ant the te«pect:e« ciaatnants from tne Cootln©evv kREPURT OF Mr OOMYirTEE ON CLAJMS. Wotte. chairman of tke Bottler* Claimx. suhmiued DCPCEASED RtJHivR^ read tbe xexsowiiMft To tke llooorsble Board of Suaervinara: Y »ur coaxmRiee oa Deceaaed fioldiei> Claixae would rf-sf*ctf alb r* port that we kave examinee! tke prearnted to una and kave allowed the fottowtns, va Name Nature of Claim EL A. Jordan. & A Jordan. E A iardan. JW, R. Bowers, burial I- Si money and «->/i *-c*m%m+**4 the posaage af saM :*^t Res»ectfMl!y vubmittad. Henrr M C Srott E Coaxmntee I. Albert K Hoyt fVcretar> to the Ccmaervataan Cotnmta- do horeoy certify tkat mt a meotwue ef tke Commlsakm held Dec 2. 1*12. f?)e followiog resolution was only adopted UTh^rean. a petition kavtng beeo presented ba the Cooeerva- Uon cowimissaon by the To*a Board of the Town of Joi. Ee aex County, for tke approval of a proposed isawe of brmds by aaid town ia the sum of S~ *0. lor the fiwrpoae of aineorutt- hag n bridge acnavs tke eaat broach of tbe ftaenrpf Rnror MI Auaable Porks. In aaid tow*, from which petitlou R appears thar the eypppdBure af aald awm of 170^0. «oa anthortrod at a special town m i i ting keld hi said town on tke twewtiet 1 day of May. 1012. and tkat aaid Town Board has duly etttereat in^r half pet day of March ot t 1 tbe payiaeat J t-*rftvWy Tkat r4pol sum of such dar of Marrh 10U cf tbe principal sa T ^TfSr, (U a die- '4? the JufllwC Saranac I^ihe wtk }: tneoce in a oen»ral a«"nt^ 102 feet to tke lin* bet* eon Esaex aad Toainahtp No. 11 of tke r~*rt of Eases Cowaty and Towt skip No 21. of rrbane of rVankim County, bavioc a distance Tsca* or saaa, bo added to tne approved county tract far tke coamtruction of auck bridge by rea* r. wkhrk contract R bnnmio nerosoary to borrow fTObo. upor. the bonds of sock t o v x and arkereas. said Town af Jay. con- tains a portion of the land of tne ftoreet Preserve of tke State of New York. Reootveid. That tb* ConaeeTitioa r#oowiis«lna doe« t*-t+U\ riurwaaat to aectioa 07 of the Highw&r Tow. cofisent ft at oa*d Tfrwn of Jay borrow ouch r*um of 27aaO for the t»urxa>se o' rtmetnieting such bridae and does br-fieby afpe^v* r»f the •** j#- |of the bonda of the Town '4 Ja? in tke »«im of 070C^» t*ir tt>* ;'txrr*oaes asori said Aloert E. Hoyt. S*H^ t t^ *be Cntritu-mn^nr* *4 Supers:M»rs of tb* County of Esa«x N**w m. payable annually on the first? year coraaaenctag March 1st. 1»1&. %m-\ the ptiarlaaj aaaount* nf auck bonda reo dollars iflOOO.oet. of the prln- akall ke tnade payable on tbe first j and tkat One Txooaand Dollars ff 1000.001. a tkeroof akall be pavahle ~* tfee urst way j cf Marrh of each and every year tketeofter. up to and to- j riodiag tke ftrot da? of Merck, lOtl Tkat sock konds shall | no aevew in nwmker from one to eevee inclusfvery. each of 4 ao<h bonds to be of tke oeoosalriarioa of One Thau sand Dot larx 4fiaaa.80i: That both nctnciole and rflleieat upon aaid WiHla akall He made payable at Bank of Auaable Pork a. at. Anaakte Porks. K Y Resolvwd. That tke form af eerk bonds ekaR ke as follows *ao. vaw.a^ Bond of the Town of 3m9 % Cowaty of Ernst wed State of New York. *a«w all me* by theee pri sent a. Tkat the Town of Jay ** ojoarx and Srnse of New York, hi keid and frxaly bound unto in tke sum *4 One C 9 * St SI V o»^»«s <* * • * «S S» M -^ -« c e 88 vt4 -• -4 as t% 3* V O MUM 2.0 — ^.0 ^ " 2.° ^ s 5c ?*T ?* ?* ?2 f * ?* •C tt C c ? rl < m -i I o a £ m 3 S. 5S _ff ?5 3% s % \ I C 3 I to c -I c c It XT- c tr (1.S! :CA« the Clerk •. T*^r«n»Jt n ' - ( 4*mmiasien of Higfewaya. Aj«^- ^*^*r% % kerebv directed to 1 To the Board York. A preposition having bee* duly «arontttcd at a Sp*ctai Tear tug held in tke Towa of Jay. or, the 2*tb day ' vu* 1012. T^rwannt to tk^ prrwtsvnn of S*rt«oos 4t. 12. S7 at;d nf tke Town 1-aw. and Section 07 of tke Highway Law. ;»rov : *oc for the r«oatrurtioo of a kridge ar^naa the eoat Braock of the AuenhJe Rfver. In Aaoabse Tm^am. N Y_ at a pavxd t s ^ v x ae Oar tke knrtr.a^rg of tke earn of ***+•* mi town bonds tke re tare for tke par tke _ duly cevtoned by pxvjCe-rk iOlOT *0>. aa be paid to tno said risx, ner or their certain react at ntst ism on the fir«t day of Marck 10| . Oar wkstk parxeer* woll truly to be xaade tne aabi Toao of Jsr binds Haetf firmly by < Tke condition of Cbia oUigstion ts »uch that If the above *«oonden Town of Jay. aknfl woll sud truly pxy or cause to be j paid to the above aaxaed hi*, her or 'heir certain rei>rv**#ataiivea. aoccessors or afwipus. the sum of «aa* thousand dollars and annual iatereof uj** ail suaua un- j- ^4. to he paid on the first day of March «a eack year here- # -fl«*r as tbe saotc mkall accrue at tbe rate of five sud osx^ half >er centum per nan urn from the date of tbe last payment . a r i s : ^ 4=1 fit ^ f* o > I s I ~ I CUixeed Allowed la 00 labe- l s 0 0 ff Oi; 14 00 l&op SO 00 aff 0 ^ bOOO awOV evaxr * - mm « t © «0 -J •« J a» •> v -# «. sr> o • m G ** 9* %W tm sr * •a (h«^eo>f. then this obligatioa is to be void. oth*-r*i»e to remain m foil force and virtue. All payment it of principle and interest t he xaade at Bank of Aueahue Porks. Auaable Forks N Y. This bond is issued In r*rr«*e*ne of Section 07 of the High- i >AI Law, and tke acta aasexidatory tktrvof. and In a. t . *• T * | at at 3 o * a -• f 145 Off 2 l t S tx» James C. Wolfe. D. M Tshasim Wm. Sturtevant. Cammlttev On motion of Mr. t\-kR^. duly seconded by Mr. £ti voted tkat tbe report <aT the etandxug committee Soamiers Oainxa. be receired. adopted and placed em ffJk. amn ^ d the amounts therein named nod allowed be psxaf no tb* - 4 ^sw4dfee ciatmants from the Camtingeat Fund. t REPORT COMMITTEE COUKTY CLERIC AJCD OOmXOKESO* Mr. Higby Qxairmnn of the atnnaxtLg coxnamatte« on Canary Csrrk nnd Coroners Aiaonnt&v ankaUUed and rend tke foV. hawing re;>ori: To the rhmormble Board of SupcJ^ieor* Your Committee on County Clerk nad Coroners Aecotnrri would rvspactfully report that we kave examined the ncomxxit* preaetited to us and have allowed tke following, viz: ^'-FNI 9. Nnturo of OaRn cialmed ADewe*?. 1 W. H. Robert*, tifrjexirar napora for 1012 *nd 12 H i * 0 0 - tlb0d> 2 W. H. Robert*, recording popes*, ex- * «. J JT e ?'5 tc - T5 •* w T5W 2 W. HL Roberta, election work 112 24 112 XC 4 W. H. Rokerta. court work 7€ 10 To up- 0 F. J. D'Avignon. Sr. Coroner work, AF- * J£*T±? !*?* * AMnklafbrka ^00 ffa p*. Qi ^5* etA Artk&r. teotiaxony order of m wm^ ,^* lw ?* 1 • •••-••••• - 4 26 4fta« 7 Waiter L. Porter, acrrices order of Cor - . ***?" ••; 12 40 if ov a John L. Shea, aorvicea, order of Cor * - ff^I *** 2 fr+ • I « »L Canning. M. TA, coxwner nkyaidau 20 00 2^ #^ 10 Henrye Uvory* aoto hire, order of Cor- ti •» ° ? ? « " * « * 110k 21 # » 11 Robert SavOlo, poet xnortom and vxew- m _ toff body 40 Off 40 Ow 12 Woodruff FurBituro Co^ turial aorrioea , gs 00 25 0^* 2 00 iar 20 f t bO 00 20 off 2* Off i*ea> ismz-

Transcript of aa iroa bridita aaroaa th« Kaat...

Page 1: aa iroa bridita aaroaa th« Kaat Braaefi of tba AuaaJbl* Rfvar at Auosbt* Forka to raploxo rb^ waodaii brldga known

# • £ •

P*K* 15 E M ^ X <"*Mtntv '^eptiWJcww. Jn t i t inry S O , 3 9 1 4 i M a * SMUk

Phge l&

A C\ L*»'ton . . . . - . . • • • • « Keree~-tfpp*r Ja>*

Mary h\ Andrews H c Wail* ; • • • • •

Aaokbte ttiaaaa—Plaltaburff Purt 2. Walter Uiddlnx* Ass&ble Chasm Hotel Co.

fclu<tl*Hhu>*n—Kseae. Part 2. Aao« KirtK Henry Kste* gjubop Chaffee Kr:..«Mfc L u m b e r C o * ».#."rt Putnam T - O'Donurll

> Cpuer Jay

UiiM-r S tra ight

i'art 2.

2t« oa

200 00 !0f Oo

100 00 151 0*1

K00 00 2*0 00

2S 00

»& 00 i f * aa 2a #0

t € 00 71 00 a t 00

atk>n Rao of the Village of KUxabethtown. oa the mate road so-called: thenoe leading north from amid vil lage Use toward i k e Village of Lewis, so-eelled. a distance of four axllea. more or k s s . all In the-County of Essex, t * added f» tbe unproved oounty ayatam.

Resolved, That the Cterk uf thi* BoaiJ i» herebv directed :o forthwith transmit a certified copy uf tar forego ag reaolu-turn to tbe Stat* Commission of Highways

21000 00


Koapecttully subexutad. • J W Buliee.

Fred L Porter N D Barnard.

Coaxraitteei moinm ut Mr Wolfe. A f n«onnod ay Mr Stanton that tke report of tke Rigkt of Way Cotnumu*. oa r*

an+c .Adopted and placed oa t i t

RfSUtA r ioK APPOINTING MIGHT OF WAY COMMITTEE. Mr r-uileo offered taa following roeolulicei and moted Ita

adopt*** duly seconded by Mr. Sturtovent. K,^'ivK' That Prod L. Putter. N. U l U r . i r d aod Albert

KtM.» t*» ^nd hereby are appointed a Cnnxmittee purauant to S*ctit ii 2 * hapter 240. I<a«* lOei. for taa porpoee of ar^tttir. * * - s*<ir%a**ifi* the eoceaaary rigbte of way aa laid down AiiC o . -^ i i - t cd uj^ns the ma;« and plan* of ?»>> 8 U i «

Ay** -Maaart. Straight. i*ur»r. stati ioa. S ta tora Maayot^ Call. Joaaaoa, Dona^Uy. Koou*. W a t * . Bum** aat; ftobnaaaa, lianiard. HuU«p, l 'binaty Hfgb>. ^'alfa. —1?.

Noaa—Koaa. KaaolatiMi Ado|*ad.

RK60L.VTIUN P t l t C l i A ^ K A S S r ^ S M K S T ROIXa> rXift 1014. Mr Kuota f>0>r»d tbti foUuatai: raaalatoa aad aK»«ad ttO

uhiatjuo. daly aaecaaaad by Mr J*b&aaa. Raaolt^Hl. l a a t tna Cf«-rk of tbm H^ami ^ a m b .rtat^d to

0*«cur# t t o aaoaaaary Mniaaiiwat r»»l*% f«*r tb*- rBMUHig yt- %r l %ad tbat ba ba authort/#d io dram at* dr'fi ua tbr r^ualv I ^"_""* ""^TT**** * ^ ""* *—-~ _ . ^ Tixajiurar lor i^>iaaot la firw U I » U M * . At*d »a»d O-ouatyJ11** « « l # of Smm t o r a . to Morrow aaimey aad to waaa Ha TrMaaurar to c a i r ^ t rarb to^a n» start* or tb# total c-oat of boada tbrrafor. far tba purvoa* of paylag for laa coaatructloa _ * u 4 t ! 1 | ^ ! U i ^ b r i d g # Arroaa tba Raat BraAcb of tba Aaaabla River.


tmlld aa iroa bridita aaroaa th« Kaat Braaefi of tba AuaaJbl* Rfvar at Auosbt* Forka to raploxo rb^ waodaii brldga known aa tba Jeraay Brldga. now eoodaaiaad, at a root not to *xc**4 tha aaja of ITOOO.OO, and atoll the Town Board ba aatborl&ad to rata* aald sum anon tba eradH af tba Town of Jay and ba a caarg* uaoa aa&d town and audited and paid aa otbar tow* char*** *re paWT"

That that* warn 06 votat eaat for and t>5 votaa agalnat tueb prooaaltloa. and up^n a caavaaa of tba votaa aa coat, tba tot l oa lag r*sttlt aita^artd and waa duly d*eiarad and entered

0a votaa for aoeb proaaaHton U votaa acaiaat audi prooonHIon.

f 2 votaa blank la VYIthnaaa Whmreoi. I navo baraonta aat a y band and!

aJUad tba aaai af tba aaid Town of Jay. at aaco Town, thta 20tb day af Ko%aant*r 1012.

U R. r L. BaiWa. Town Clark Aa aat aataofiaJa* tno Town af Jay. :: taa County of Kaaai.


Ka r < r uid Surveyor, adafnad by tbia Board V* I be tai;*«»v«» •: H f;h^njr« und>r t%a-*pt-r US. L**» lO^n. MM4 tbr a^u

i o n u U U f j tbrr«^f. acd ba it furtnar K«*ulv#i. Ttx^l tb# «ald r u m a u u r br authariitid and *m

;^»*-rx3 to Jr^» tiir.r drafts on tb» ra>aaty Trra^tirer to |ia> •\r u*> i^^J^ -u ai<iuirad, t«cb of i^id t-obBaiitt<N* t»» *»ga «ald

UK o n HUADS RK8DLUTH>N# T O W S O F *T .UiMANU M liait^ard oO>rrd ftba lolloariag naaratioa aad aaavad Ra

Aj,'t t.or. &&d cAllad for tba a>ea and aoaa* duly sey<mdi»d by Mr ^bavoc


Oaaauy of Faa i s , k~tii«:K>» a«ioptad aarwannt to Sartlon tf&. of tbe llsgbway

.*• cm taa 11 tb day of Dtcambar. 1912 4i ; r^r-fi* and IT Bjaarviaorv voting In favor of said «a«l *.«» Suaerviaara voting agalnat taa aajnal. saadtfyrag tna t^LgmMHKi. of County Higkaaya on IOJO asa^ af •Infc was orglnnlly apprwvad by tba Legtalatur* -' rf tba L a ^ s of 1007.

Arbaraaa tba Board af Hnnervtautn af any County la 4 .:i*rurd M 8«H^ion 2iS of tha Higkway Law w a^odrfy too

and nio*ed its


Mr Wbtl* oRrr 4 ihe ft»l!>* + Uift l^Ko|\Atl'»o uiuM)« a. dor* M-ttitidad by Mr. i<iht*»oa i

K»*vi%%Kl. 1 bat tb«* t'oufkty Treasurer Iw ^ad be at aulLorte**! t M ^ ^ t< *-v*B«i fb»- t»itt^ lAr the ooit*«tkui I i *ie# ia tbe i « i r m l j Hafbway and '"*!:* la tht* ' cH.nt% U» ^t«r,-b 1*t. a|-*i» tb** Collector f>r t!i»4- H

t known aa tba laraay Brldga. !n tnftd Town af Jay.

THE iOIKTY' /r^m?• *r^DTT2!LlLuatwo?lwU^t11

I of tba Rwfiafvtaors alactad to tba Board af Supervisor* of tbe

Resolved, Tbai tba Surrogate's Offlre In tbd Court Hooae Building be aad ia bereby deaignated aa office of tbe County Tranaurar In e<icJunction with the Surrogate, and that effects of the County Treaanrer be moved to aaid aflkre not later than

i January 1. 1014. I Be It further tfc-solved. That I*evl 8. Pond, be and ia hereby appointed librarl** of tbe County Library, at a aalnry of $100 per year, payable annuaMy by tbe County Treasurer.

Ba a furtber resolved, that tba ofUee now occupied by tbe County Treasurer, be and la hereby dealgnaiad an the office of County Superintendent S inooda.

Adopted i On motion of M r Kenyon, duly aeconded, voted that the

Hoard adjourn until to-morrow morning at 0 o'clock. TENTH DAY.

Friday. I W c m b e r 12th. 1012. Board a m pomunnt *> ndfonmnjent; roll oallod;

preeeut of Tbaraday read and approved.

| County af Eaaex voting In favor thereof

York. of Suparviaora af tne County of Esaex. New

to Ike authority envferrad by Seetlon 07 of the «nmant to Sectlona 12 and II af the Connty

mi Sect loM €. T. 0. 0. and 10 of the General Municipal

RESOLUTION INKCRAKCE COMMITTEE Mr Poote offered the following reaolaCon and moved Ra

adopt x a , duly aaconded by Mr. White Maaolvad. That S E ' Phloaey I> M Jobnaon nrd Aiberf

Calt be tne laanraare Cosajuittee for the ensuing f**r and that tbey be authorised to draw their drafts on tbe County treasurer to pay premiums.


Uw:u>r» apr»iytb£ for %»*• a *\\++i*mtx. \4*%%n$L «i>er ti* «* d t^rua-if Trraaurer -1 tm**'* »u»h-led t ' h HI -r^mm* -JJ> ucd>* takiag to tne ^jpervp>«»r of b-* tn»ii u l\h * i« h »uref|e^ A» %s4 Super%kmt€ mtmii \i»%-r>*%~ a n . f irnt^n n ir-ucr h\ his c»»ti <>atk. ow »u<h ?«et!aior.y .t» ib*» * •••auiy T i r . - H i ' f »bsil re^ura • h v he has i e- ua»» i-* :• r -AHIM MMr) t*» ruiwet **!f tai«-« »ttb*a tbe time rvMt n-d b% ti% *m,T*tii.


HKSt>t.t TltiN Al 1 r i t tkI /* \<; 1 ME CO! NTT TRKAeU RhJi Ti l BOKKOW VOSKV ]

M- W(»i:r ottered the fe4lowing resotutinn and sst<»ed :ta «a>H>9^Mi. dul« MM asid d by Mr. Holtea

K«*e«»l%e*L l i i a t tbe Co^at* Tfe«»ur%r «H the to«a t« o! a> m*\. U* and be i» hereby authunied s a d *»mi«>mered Ir acifTuw ssone>. «ben aef<*m*ar>, apoa the ereelit of tne Count* of Ke-%•-*. 'o pay the a«-c«-«^an e\pea*^* «4 «jnd tVmoty #^uj t*c*teo (

not to be fur amre than eight maatbj Ado i**4


U v do enact aa follows: Whereas, a proposstioo having been duly submitted at a

special Tovoi Meeilbg. bald in s a d for tba Town of Jay. In the County of Earns* and Sta t - of New York, arwvldaag for the




n X T C R E f i

acrose tke East Branch of Ike Amen- tne oSl York, at a point haowa a s | * m T *

of tke sum mi S e v e n ! of Town Honda therefor'


ro<*etrection of a tde. Ki%«r at » J e t ^ y Bridge. 'b<««sand thjllnrs

«t»r ike p< Waereaa, tne aald

*aid special towg an «»* i»y b%\ tf% t**f*e*

<$7^O0ooi. apan tke credit af tne aald Town* and to kadi's tksrefer. a n d tke aabi anpUcntkai aaaied by s stataanant signed by n major*) «f t of tbe Town Board of aabi towra and certifted by tke Town

Porter eaTered tke following duly seconded by Mr. vYkita.

Tkat i . A Rokerta aad R. B Dadley by are sopotated a ccimmlttee to purckaae e« for S u m ^ a t a s CMice. and otkar furnRure

and moved Ra

S^faSf SfcX?**" •• *• — ^ tko « ^ gf. Icesolvod, That the t lerk of this board be and ke ia heaabT

o t t h o H ^ ^ t^poti-erml tc draw bla d ^ f T o n t k T o S S S T r e a s j n r for aaid amount ^ ^ ^onnry

Ayes -Meanrs . Straight. Porter. Stanton. Stafford, K e n y o * J^alL Joknaon. Donnelly. Eoete. WfcRe, Sturtevnnt

ilnrnard, Bullen, Pbinney, Higby; Wolfe —17 Noee—Noae. Raaolution Adopted.

I REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON BOl*NT?EH Mr. Sturtevant. Cbalrmna of tha (omnUttee an B o u n t i e s

buhmitted and rmmi tke foRowkig report: To tba Honorable Board of Suparviaora • "

Your Committoa on Bounty Accooate would raaaaetfafly re> fort that we have examined the ^^^tt^t ^ tad kave a.Mvwed the following, v is : lrn B. Ha****, one iHidley 8 Bird.


0a U9

d to W. C WRherkae 119 00*

>o oo>

220 00 n» on Wm. Sturtevnnt, Albert Calf.


On aaoriatt af Mr. Porter, duly thai tha report of tke ataadlng velred. adopted and placed on Ale and tkat tke la named and allow** be paid to tbe from the Contingent Fund.

by Mr font*, s a t e * ttee on Bonntien, be re»

* * a t e t k e r f * -fosaectlvo eJaiaannas

be and k e r o flllngcaa.

for Lros of tke County T

Eb^ction C o r r . Supenutendent af Hbjh-


a las , and tke Town dftuui* af ike T o w n ! appRratfcm 4k> tain board for aatkartty

Mr Kil lea oU«-re4 tne folloais^g reeolutioa aad tr* i e * Hs < % k r r v - ^ t B #

moortion duly • iconded by Mr JoknsasL \iMm *** R«aoived. TH%t Uw t'lerb of this Uw&rd t*e authon.«^ +*>% \ Wkeraan. it

empo«encd to draw bis draft <v. tb*» t ouatv Tr*aauret »* mm*i ^ b«wvow « r m . « t . ,C UOJUJ». ta the smoont of IIS.OO psfrablr from tke c o a f m r e r t . 4 i f # f . e 0 i 4

a u n t y . l f u a 4 ^ M> ^ n . ^ ^ ^ ^ | a r ^ ^ r ^ ^ r ^ p m r w n c j ^ , ^ ^ | W | f c m f | | w n

the c o n t e n u for tke Journal af sn*d county i Adopted !


07 of tke Highway

tkat the said t o a n tb~ aaid awm af * - V # B TV*

tke credit nf said to» n. and ta

d^urr^auoc of County Higkwaye on tbe improved by Cknpter 71S of tke Laura of r. uu mileage aa • > r t» matariaity

H^a|%ed# That the Tw^n af Jay. in tke County aad State «* !SV* York be and It hereby i»

_ _ ierapowwrv4d to Ise .e Its aaadiL eyr~t tke credit of Mr Staaton osT-eed tne feibsoiag resolutloa and *><*«*£ its to aa staowat not t o e tce~d Ik* — ^ of Re

ndoptam. 4aly seconded by Mr BaJsom. .iara twTOOO.OOi. a n 4 ba aaU ar oawee tne 1007. pir Tided tke Re~*v#d. That tke »em of • 00 be ptod to the Um% H H j»ot koa

asa» br n o t ' '*r1tn,|osi frees the Coating* ot fund

t h e * yW* for tke

Board be aufh«<rsMd to draw arer for

fund aad tfcwt I k e CVr% «f rfc>s, ojud bridge arrows tbe i^aat Bra^rk a f tke ki« draft ©a rbe O s a t ? lnm+ f*o**t bjr e i as tbe Jersey ^ <lg»\ bs snk

1 be ft t*rd+T

REPORT MORTGAGE TAX COMMITTEE Mr Pklnney. Ckairman af tke Mortgage Tnx ComaaRtee.

auksniiied and rvad tke fofbawlag report: T o tke lloasrabb- Heard af Supervavors-

Your Cnoaaaitt^e o a Mortgage Taxes would reepertfully re-re have examined the report presented to aa by Clar* and knee dftstrtbwsed anme a« fottawn. v i s :

It k ? 7 J

REPORT O P Jt STICK AND COXSTABLK C O M M l T T » ; Mr. Pninner, Chairman of the *»tr*fn g ^ » * » ^ w am Ju«*

t W aad Conatnkle accounts aubmkted and rend tke fogbwial* report: To tke Hojpsrnble Board of Superrteor*

^ r™.ViTmkU" ° * Jmg** *** <*•«**** A c « n n m woaaJ r»spectfuily report tkat we nave examined tke seated to ua and have allowed tke fo l lowing *i No, Name Nature of Claim Ed Hosier, conatnbfte r i 4 t J D. Howe, constable . . . . a l a

U Denton. Jnatice t mm


! - 3

£ b a


T e

I? r


s * % •

I |

S t

a .

: Abereaa. It is I m r n l advtaabie ba aaodtfy tne mar of j A<U»f*ed ^ .maty by etimbantioe af a portion mi Ike amileane now o e » i RKSOL1 TR>N STATE TAX COSFOaKKCe tctitwi tkeraon. and by tke sabatitat^si m |4ace> thereof of. Mr Barnard offered tke foOovia* nr^H»t oa and mc .ed nm

softer Liamrtbed • ndoptloa. duly secooded by Mr WaiOr That tke highway begianing at tke Frank t a i R»*oivod. Tkat Albert E Bibby. Jed W Hullen and Juliue

Una, soutkwoat of Praaklia Palam. s tmtbw^ter ir a d i ^ [ A. Roaeeta, be aad hereby are arpointed s eoeamtttee t c sttnod •f H i mlias, more or lees be strtcheo from the approved the aert tax reinvention or ^onfereore. to be b^ld at tveracuae.

cast:: ityatem. . ^ Y * during the asontk of January. 1014. and tkat tb*> be ai-4 Koaolved. That tke highway begmning at Sta i s ^ b m e d their artaal a icesasry eipenaea

to of Coontv Huxkwny No 020, oorth*«*«w»ri> ?o«ard! ^d«H-ted Kii^msngdale StaUon to tke Prmaklin County line, a dtstaac*. Mr Bo lien in the Cnatr ' ° ri xsilea more or leas, be added to tbe a;^«rme4 county

' ^ L , * v w ^ ^. « ^. <. ^ , ^ -. ^ REPORT OP COMMITTEE 1%WS \ N D RI^OLCTIONS Reaorvod. That the Clerk ai tbi* Board is here**? dtretted t o . M to . . . . , _ m ,K

Ht Bobrmaiin rhmtma^ of »be *fmrmttee on U v i and Re#r!«tiori* submitted aad read the t,^lowing report

Rtvec at a i f Jay: a n d ;

R^ooirad. Tkat week boons shall ke mgoed by the Sapor-1 vi**r tad Town Clerk •* the aaid T a » a of Ja%. and tkat tne • ea>d Kuperviaor of t k e said town akail negotiate ar^oraHng to Inw and aa above provided, and that ai rty tke sevjeeeos of tke sale tkeroof t» the paysaeot of tbe # i r^Me« ao tacurrwd to tke cuostrortHfff) of tke bridge

'oV*ageat*d aad desert bed; aad be M tanker R*wj>4red. That tke aald Rupert teor, t«fore laeuiag or

t latsag any of »ork bonds akall snake aad execute to tke Town ' irf«ek of said Town, on behalf of and fee the n t m n t of aa id . torn a. a good and auflieient bond mt obligation la tke peaixl, num of T~n Thooaand Dollarm ilO^O^W*.. i sjadklons il for the J


a t

8 e

JaS St — Sr S» mm 9m m. # * #A

Z t C S €

- - •• ' 71

s i r s s rig« i

£ t mZ Ci

faithful iierfc of h»» duttea in i*»u**g auck konda. and

That the <~Wrk of tbi* Board is beeei^y dtretted to fortkwitk transmit a «ertlfted < >py of tbe for»-s:«nf:< reaolutkm to ohe State Commisaion of Higkws%i

I may he raised by tax. or J

Ay a l U l

•Mwaars. StraigkL Porter. Stanton. Staffurd vYaite. Sturtesaai .

leajky. Worfe - 17.


Kesoltttioc Adopted.

<;«.*#D RC»ADS RESOLUTION. TOV%*N OT ST ARM AND aV- Barnard offered tke following reaolution and moved rta

. ' i ;M>B and called for the ayee and noea.


County of Eaaax. k^-Mj^ti^t adopbad aofwanat to Qfrtaaa 2a* of the l U g h a a y

~» on th«- l l tk day of Decern has 1011. l a coocuoi being pm*m rt: 9\LC l" Supervlanra voting m favor of said rosorotkm i:< LC Supervmor voting agalnat tke anaaei. xaodafying tke '"•utLaLii>c of Coomty Hlgkwaya on tke map of Essex Connty. «^cb was onglnaUy approved by tke Lrchxlatwre In Chapter ' o ' t e Laws of 1207.

wn-rraa. tke Board of Sup*nrteora of any eaemty ia aav ^-ra*< ty Section 22a of tke Hlgkwuy U v to asadify tke >«igziat.DL <4 County Hlgkwaya on tke axop of sack County. *?yn»?*<! :y Chapter 71S of Ike Lawa of 1007. provieVd the • tal m;i**c# aa priglunity deaignated an auck xaap ia not • 4'T%ty tL^tenally hxcj^aanad, nnd

. W^r- A i . H ia dtemsd odviaable to aaodify tbe *t0tat? • r the eflanlnatlan of a aor*on of tbe

i i^reo*. amd by tke sabatRutlaa m ptaoa thereof z - oow deslgiislfifl, an k^roanaftor deacribed.

p. wrh . That tke begiuaiag af the Prank fin faweot of Prnnklan Falsa, soatbweaterlr

- miles, more or lean, ba atricken 1 :r ^yateam, 2 "Tanf the H i g k v a y beginning at *: r g

ACT NA. 2. TOWN o r JAY < To the llonorable Board of ffuperrionrs

Your Committer on l a v * aad Repoi>4|iooa i oort tkat a e hav^ ^tasnined Art No Z Wtitlod "An Act an- J Reaolve4. ' 'Jmrising the T o « r nf I*T. rn the O n a t y «>f Essex and State Marck. 1014. and akall

if New York, to 'herewith at tarb'^

the lawful appliratlos of tbe funds whirb may be realised by the aale thereof, and the rands that ntrr«-rwif^. for the pa raven t *4 X of t h u a^L and tk* Interest tberoasa wbtck saay cetne Into kis \ kaoda Sack bonds or obligation no made by tne aald Super-, vteur shot! be apr"eed by the T e a t Bcojtl of tke aaid Towa of Jxy a*d ftled In tke sdnce of tke Town of eaat towa; and!

uily rm,Mn Turtbm

shall tmmr date the wrvt day of t at tke rate of ffve and

8 2 a. S 3 S

-^jm t *> o> •- e> e* e» and i ^ »- a» <% 4- i-i e £

r r at • " T


Wax, J . Wm. J. W a x J Wm J. Albert A. Royaton. Juatlce . Geo Hoaley. rta stable Wallle Perr>. oonatabse . . . Wallle Perry, onnstable . . . . WafUe Perr% Chaa White. Ckaa E Kwier. conatable rr+4 J. Ring. Justice * m Barton, countable . . .

tt 00

i« on i* oe 17 bo € ft>

10 bt> ro ss A:* 4> 12 &

4 2 0 t 06

277 OC 2 SO

Allow #eV 0 ) 0 ef>

S s n 2 0ff> < * ^ € 0^ i 3 » 4 0> i «* 2 *e>

rr oo 00 f ^

; ^ 2 0 0 t 0 ^

272 2W Z i

0^03 #» rVott K. PtOnaw> I* M JokaexxL Henry

•407 ft

On m o u o e of Mr Wkitr. duly nevox*ed by Mr fWnssnf. voe-ed that the report of tke standing committee on Joxwiee a t J Constable* amounts , be received, adopted and placed am nie*. a i d that tke ntnnwnts tkereta nnnxed ant the te«pect:e« ciaatnants from tne Cootln©evv




Wotte. chairman of tke Bottler* Claimx. suhmiued


read tbe xexsowiiMft

To tke l looorsble Board of Suaervinara: Y »ur coaxmRiee oa Deceaaed fioldiei> Claixae

would rf-sf*ctf a lb r* port that we kave examinee! tke prearnted to una and kave allowed the fottowtns, va

Name Nature of Claim EL A. Jordan. & A Jordan. E A iardan.

JW, R. Bowers, burial I- Si

money and «->/i *-c*m%m+**4 the posaage af saM :* t

Res»ectfMl!y vubmittad. Henrr M C Srott E

Coaxmntee I. Albert K Hoyt fVcretar> to the Ccmaervataan Cotnmta-

do horeoy certify tkat mt a meotwue ef tke Commlsakm held Dec 2. 1*12. f?)e followiog resolution was only adopted

UTh^rean. a petition kavtng beeo presented ba the Cooeerva-Uon cowimissaon by the T o * a Board of the Town of J o i . Ee aex County, for tke approval of a proposed isawe of brmds by aaid town ia the sum of S~ * 0 . lor the fiwrpoae of aineorutt-hag n bridge acnavs tke eaat broach of tbe ftaenrpf Rnror MI Auaable Porks. In aaid tow*, from which petitlou R appears thar the eypppdBure af aald awm of 170^0. « o a anthortrod at a special town m i i t ing keld hi said town on tke twewtiet1 day of May. 1012. and tkat aaid Town Board has duly etttereat in^r

half pet day of March ot t 1 tbe payiaeat

J t-*rftvWy Tkat r4pol sum of such dar of Marrh 1 0 U cf tbe principal sa

T ^TfSr, (U a die-


the J u f l l w C Saranac I^ihe w t k

} : tneoce in a oen»ral a«"nt^ 102 feet to tke l in* bet* eon Esaex aad

Toainahtp No. 11 of tke r~*rt of Eases Cowaty and T o w t skip N o 21. of

rrbane of rVankim County, bavioc a distance Tsca* or saaa, bo added to tne approved county

tract far tke coamtruction of auck bridge by r e a * r. wkhrk contract R b n n m i o nerosoary to borrow fTObo. upor. the bonds of sock t o v x and arkereas. said Town af Jay. con­tains a portion of the land of tne ftoreet Preserve of tke State of New York.

Reootveid. That tb* ConaeeTitioa r#oowiis«lna doe« t*-t+U\ riurwaaat to aectioa 07 of the Highw&r Tow. cofisent ft at oa*d Tfrwn of Jay borrow ouch r*um of 27aaO for the t»urxa>se o' rtmetnieting such bridae and does br-fieby afpe^v* r»f the •** j#-

| o f the bonda of the Town '4 Ja? in tke »«im of 070C » t*ir tt>* ;'txrr*oaes asori said

Aloert E. Hoyt. S*H t t^ *be Cntritu-mn^nr*

*4 Supers:M»rs of tb* County of Esa«x N**w

m. payable annually on the first? year coraaaenctag March 1st. 1»1&. %m-\

the ptiarlaaj aaaount* nf auck bonda r e o dollars iflOOO.oet. of the prln-

akall ke tnade payable on tbe first j and tkat One Txooaand Dollars ff 1000.001. a tkeroof akall be pavahle ~* tfee urst way j

c f Marrh of each and every year tketeofter. up to and to- j riodiag tke ftrot da? of Merck, l O t l Tkat sock konds shall | no aevew in nwmker from o n e to eevee inclusfvery. each of 4 ao<h bonds to be of tke oeoosalriarioa of One Thau sand Dot larx 4fiaaa.80i: That both nctnciole and rflleieat upon aaid WiHla akall He made payable at Bank of Auaable Pork a. a t . Anaakte Porks. K Y

Resolvwd. That tke form af eerk bonds ekaR ke a s follows *ao. • 9»vaw.a^

Bond of t h e Town of 3m9%

Cowaty of Ernst wed State of N e w York.

* a « w all me* by theee pri sent a. Tkat the Town of Jay ** ojoarx and Srnse of N e w York, hi keid and frxaly bound unto

— • • in tke sum *4 One

C 9 * St SI V o»^»«s <* *

• * «S S» M

- -« c e 8 8 v t 4 - • -4 a s

t% 3* V S» O M U M

2.0 — ^.0 ^ " 2 . ° ^ s 5 c ?*T ?* ?* ?2 f * ?*

•C — t t C c

? rl < m - i

I o a £ m — 3 S.

5S _ff ? 5 3%


% \ I C 3


to c

- I c



XT-c tr

( 1 . S !

• :CA« the Clerk •. T* r«n»Jt n ' - ( 4*mmiasien of Higfewaya.

Aj«^- ^ * ^ * r %

% kerebv directed to 1

To the Board York.

A preposition having bee* duly «arontttcd at a Sp*ctai T e a r tug held in tke Towa of Jay. or, the 2*tb day ' vu*

1012. T^rwannt to tk^ prrwtsvnn of S*rt«oos 4t. 12. S7 at;d nf tke Town 1-aw. and Section 07 of tke Highway Law. ;»rov:*oc for the r«oatrurtioo of a kridge ar^naa the eoat Braock of the AuenhJe Rfver. In Aaoabse Tm^am. N Y_ at a pavxd t s ^ v x ae

Oar tke knrtr .a^rg of t k e earn of ***+•* mi town bonds tke re tare for tke par

tke _ duly cevtoned by


iOlOT *0>. aa be paid t o tno said — risx, ner or their certain react at ntst ism on the fir«t day of Marck 1 0 | . Oar wkstk parxeer* woll truly to be xaade tne aabi T o a o of J s r binds Haetf firmly by <

Tke condition of Cbia oUigst ion ts »uch that If the above *«oonden Town of Jay. aknfl woll sud truly pxy or cause to be j paid to the above aaxaed hi*, her or 'heir certain rei>rv**#ataiivea. aoccessors or afwipus. the sum of «aa* thousand dollars and annual iatereof u j * * ail suaua un-j - ^4. to he paid on the first day of March «a eack year here- #

-fl«*r as tbe saotc mkall accrue at tbe rate of five sud osx^ half >er centum per nan urn from the date of tbe last payment .

a r i s: ^

4=1 fit ^ f* o

> I s I ~


CUixeed Allowed la 00 labe­l s 0 0 ff Oi; 14 0 0 l & o p SO 00 aff 0 ^ bOOO awOV


* - — — mm « t — © « 0 - J

•« J a» •> v -# « . — sr>

o • m G ** 9*

%W tm

sr *

•a -»

(h«^eo>f. then this obligatioa i s to be void. oth*-r*i»e to remain m foil force and virtue. All payment it of principle and interest t he xaade at Bank of Aueahue Porks. Auaable Forks N Y.

This bond is issued In r*rr«*e*ne of Section 07 of the High- i

> A I Law, and tke acta aasexidatory tktrvof. and In

a. t . * • T * | at at 3 o * a -•

f 145 Off 2 l t S tx» James C. Wolfe . D. M Tshasim Wm. Sturtevant.

Cammlttev On motion of Mr. t\-kR^. duly seconded by Mr. £ti

voted tkat tbe report <aT the etandxug committee Soamiers Oainxa. be receired. adopted and placed em ffJk. amn ^ d t h e amounts therein named nod allowed be psxaf no t b * -4 ^sw4dfee ciatmants from the Camtingeat Fund.

t REPORT COMMITTEE COUKTY CLERIC AJCD OOmXOKESO* Mr. Higby Qxairmnn of the atnnaxtLg coxnamatte« o n Canary

Csrrk nnd Coroners Aiaonnt&v ankaUUed and rend t k e f o V . hawing re;>ori: To the rhmormble Board of SupcJ^ieor*

Your Committee on County Clerk nad Coroners Aecotnrri would rvspactfully report that we kave examined the ncomxxit* preaetited to us and have allowed tke following, viz: ^'-FNI 9. Nnturo of OaRn c ia lmed ADewe*?.

1 W. H. Robert*, tifrjexirar napora for 1012 *nd 12 H i * 00- t l b 0 d >

2 W. H. Robert*, recording popes*, ex-* «.JJTe?'5tc- T5 •*w T5W 2 W. HL Roberta, e lect ion work 112 24 112 XC 4 W. H. Rokerta. court work 7€ 10 To up-0 F. J. D'Avignon. S r . Coroner work, AF-* J£*T±? !*?* * A M n k l a f b r k a ^ 0 0 ffa p * .

Q i ^ 5 * e t A Artk&r. teotiaxony order of m wm^ ,^* l w ?* 1 • • • • - • • • • • - 4 26 4fta« 7 Waiter L. Porter, acrrices order of Cor - . * * *?" • • ; 12 40 i f ov a John L. Shea, aorvicea, order of Cor

* - ff^I *** 2 fr+ • I « »L Canning. M. TA, coxwner nkyaidau 20 00 2^ # ^ 10 H e n r y e Uvory* aoto hire, order of Cor-t i •» ° ? ? « " * « * 1 1 0 k 21 # » 11 Robert SavOlo, poet xnortom and vxew-

m _ toff body 40 Off 40 Ow 12 Woodruff FurBituro Co^

turial aorrioea , g s 00 25 0^* 2 00 i a r

20 f t bO 00 20 off

2* Off i*ea> ismz-