IN THIS ISSUE ’10-’11 Annual Report New Faces › ghswp › wp-content › fiscal year...


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’10-’11 Annual ReportNew Faces

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Your comments and suggestions are always welcomed and may be faxed

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Green Hedges School does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex,

religion, or national origin in the administration of its education policies.

annual report

Head of School Report 1

GHS Donors 5 PTO Report17

Board ReportFinancial Overview3

new faces


Clippings is a publication by the Development Office of Green Hedges School.

Jennifer F. Letowt Chair, Board of Trustees

Robert E. Gregg, III Head of School

Cathy Voeks Director of Development

Editor Ingrid Willenz-Isaacs

Photography Leslie Dixon

Dorothy Campbell

Design Mari Foret

Three cheers for Green Hedges! Students ring in the new year

with big smiles!

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IN THIS ISSUEof Clippings, we celebrate the healthy and widespread support from our Green Hedges School community.

The concept of the GHS community begins with the School’s mission, that which binds us together for a common purpose. From there, our Strategic Plan (encompassing four categories) guides us in our daily work together as a community, as a program for children, as a faculty and as financial stewards of resources. Over the course of last year and this year, we have actively nourished the notion of Building Community, and we are very pleased to share with you this Annual Report.

We seek to honor the community that defines GHS. Our communication strategies and attractive publications, such as our new viewbook and website, reflect this commitment. Coordinated efforts with our fabulous PTO and Auction committee have cultivated new levels of volunteerism, parent education programs and critical funds to enrich the GHS experience for students and teachers. GHS’ core values are nurtured in every student through communication and close collaboration with parents. In short, the concerted effort from the entire GHS community has fostered our improved student retention.


from the

Robert E. Gregg, III head of school

The School’s program benefits from a number of important and deliberate new initiatives that reflect our long-standing commitment to educational excellence. First and foremost, our reading programs and reading assessments have been further examined, developed and coordinated among grade levels. Across the grades, teachers of reading have examined new materials and informal evaluation procedures in an effort to coordinate student reading inventories, record keeping, and literature selections. In other areas of language arts, new materials have been implemented across the reading, writing, vocabulary, and spelling curricula. In math, we have addressed vocabulary, adjusted the curriculum’s scope and sequence and purchased new classroom resources. With thanks to Raise the Paddle funds, the science department ordered supplies to enrich the program at all grade levels. In addition to various classroom materials, the science lab was upgraded this past summer with a new digital microscope, electronic probes, a new full size refrigerator, and a portable “fume hood”. In social studies department meetings last year, teachers examined the various countries taught in the curriculum. Many countries and geographical regions are covered, but additional depth and topic areas have been explored and addressed. Also from Raise the Paddle funds, teachers of foreign languages purchased additional maps, books, games and other materials to complement this strong program. Our Extended Day Program has broadened and enhanced its afterschool offerings. A new faculty committee for “green” initiatives has been resurrected, focusing on raising environmental awareness, conducting all-school

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projects and developing skills needed to be future stewards of the world. CELP (Character Education Leadership Project for middle school students) has developed new lessons for the program and a new role for our Grade 6 students.

Objective and subjective measurements are necessary to evaluate the success of our program. In examining those of GHS graduates, over and over we are affirmed that GHS accomplishes what our Mission is asking of us. Each year, to some of the most prestigious secondary schools, we send along confident and poised young men and women equipped with strong analytical, communication and leadership skills. Through our follow-up with them, we have learned that they are prepared for rigorous coursework, demanding activities, and for strong standardized test performances in secondary school. Through skills learned at GHS, our graduates report that they are adeptly immersed in new, larger social settings and equipped to navigate the peer pressures that come with being a teen.

Leading the investigation, implementation and advocacy of our program is the GHS faculty. Green Hedges is indeed fortunate to have a first-rate faculty who collectively are the School’s leading asset. With continued emphasis on mentorship, performance and evaluation, the faculty seeks the best delivery of our program through instruction, modeling and in partnership with parents.

With a significant financial contribution from the PTO, we invest heavily in faculty professional development. Whether it be visiting other GHS classrooms, traveling to other schools, or attending meetings and workshops with fellow educators during the school year and throughout the summer, the GHS faculty aspires to provide the best program available in a vibrant, student-centered learning community for Preschool through Grade 8.

Very strong enrollment in our 3, 4 and 5-year old programs, as well as several other grade levels, bodes well for GHS’ financial future. After enduring an anticipated budget deficit in fiscal year 2010, GHS met its goal of a small operating surplus in fiscal year 2011. Exceeding tuition, Extended Day and summer program revenue goals, as well as exceeding the 2010-11 Annual Fund goal were, in large part, responsible for our success. We are well positioned on a positive trajectory of balanced and surplus budgets for the future.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported Green Hedges School throughout the 2010-11 school year; without it, we could not accomplish our mission. The spirit of volunteerism was high, as was participation in the Annual Fund. Again this year, we reached 100% participation from the Board of Trustees, the Administrative Team and returning faculty. Your generosity and commitment to the School affirm the GHS community and has a profound impact in all we accomplish with our students. On behalf of all of us at GHS, thank you!

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GREEN HEDGES School is an exceptional place. So many qualities help to define Green Hedges including our dedicated and accomplished faculty, bright and inquisitive students, small class sizes, comprehensive curriculum, and a wonderful and welcoming community. Our strong community is evident not only through the number of volunteers that devote time to the PTO, library, auction, and other school events, but also through its support of the Annual Fund. The Annual Fund is the most essential fundraising effort at Green Hedges. It makes a difference in the everyday life of children by providing funds for academics and faculty, arts and athletics, technology and financial aid. Thank you for your past and continued support of the Annual Fund at Green Hedges.

Each year, Board members devote countless hours to Green Hedges and I would like to thank them for their time and expertise. This year we welcome seven new trustees to our group including parents, Raj Dua, Ellen Giuntini, Stephanie Katz, Bethel Quander and Tiffany Tomasso. We also welcome John Lathrop, the retired head of the Powhatan School and Peter Sparber, a past parent and Windover Heights neighbor. It is a dedicated and committed group and I look forward to working with them in our continued efforts to position GHS for the future.

In its 70th year, Green Hedges has much to celebrate—most importantly a generation of students who have been shaped by the school’s diverse and rich curriculum and knowledgeable and talented faculty. As Board Chair, I want to thank all the present and past board members for their work, as it is through their prudent stewardship of the school that Green Hedges has such a strong foundation. An independent school board’s mission is to insure the success of the school for the long-term. Simply put, the board works today so that Green Hedges will continue to grow and thrive over the next seventy years.

from the

Jennifer F. Letowt, Chair board of trustees


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THE Board of Trustees is pleased to report positive financial news for the fiscal year

ending June 30, 2011, following two consecutive years of operating deficits. Strong revenue from non-tuition sources along with careful expense management helped us return to positive annual financial results. While we continue to face the challenges brought on by the sustained economic downturn, we are confident in the School’s long-term strength. The key metric is enrollment that reflects positive trends when compared with our recent past. We are well positioned for the future.

Green Hedges School operates with fiscal discipline and prudent management. Our independent auditors, Thompson, Greenspon, Co., once again rendered an unqualified audit opinion. We continue to plan for the long-term while continually raising the bar. With your sustained support and stewardship, we will continue to provide our students with an unparalleled educational experience.

2010–2011financial overview

OPERATING FUND FY 2010–2011 FY 2009–2010 FY 2008–2009

REVENUE Tuition & Fees1 $2,808,605 $2,917,922 $3,202,971

Fundraising 212,529 179,026 236,169

Other Revenue 329,512 212,026 225,459

Total Revenue $3,350,646 $3,308,974 $3,664,599


Program & Services $1,920,184 $2,054,834 $2,326,506

Administrative & General 917,053 992,762 812,736

Buildings & Grounds2 383,580 400,984 558,828

Total Expenses $3,220,817 $3,448,580 $3,698,070

Transfers & Additions to Net Assets $129,829 $(139,606) $(33,471)

1Tuition & Fees are net of Financial Aid 2Not including depreciation expense

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ghs donor societies2010–2011


Mr. & Mrs. Timothy B. Fleischer


Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brandon

Dr. & Mrs. Richard G. Hutcheson, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Malmud

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shaw

Mr. & Mrs. Dave R. Tomasso

Mr. Michael B. Fulton

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Giuntini

Mr. & Mrs. Travis L. Gound

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Gregg III

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Haag

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hallbach

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Jackson

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas F. Karim

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Letowt

Ms. Begona de Prado & Mr. Vicente J. Lledo

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh P. O’Brien

Perfect Sense Digital, LLC

Mr. & Mrs. Prem J. Pillai

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Quander

Mrs. Gloria T. Runyon

Ms. Lynn Abouhadid-Saba & Dr. Amer Saba

Ms. Susan Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. Craig B. Wheeler

Melanie & Doug Wolfe

Mr. & Mrs. David C. Young

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Young


Ms. Lisa C. O’Hara & Mr. Wayne M. Burstein

First Virginia Community Bank

Mr. John P. Hoel

Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Joseph

Dr. & Mrs. Geith J. Kallas

Ms. Stephanie Katz

Mr. & Mrs. David Pijor

Mr. & Mrs. Bahram Shahriari

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Wilkinson


Altria Corporate Services

Mr. & Mrs. Rahul Belani

Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Biggs

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Blocher

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Breeding

Ms. Kim Buhrman

Mrs. Chris Campbell

Ms. Heather J. Evans & Mr. Eric J. Candelori

Mr. & Mrs. James K. Dixon

Mr. & Mrs. William Doyle


The following leadership donors laid the foundation for the

Annual Fund’s success. It is with tremendous gratitude

for their vision and charitable spirit that Green Hedges

acknowledges the generosity of the individuals and

organizations listed on this page.


CORRECTION: Lisa Jung and Steve Moss should have been listed at the Green Hedges Society Level in the 2010 Annual Report.

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Green Hedges’ Donor Societies are based on cumulative giving

throughout the 2010–2011 fiscal year and includes gifts

to the annual fund, endowment, library, Raise the Paddle,

and other special gifts to the School. We are grateful to all

donors at every giving level.



Ms. Nazlin Kaba & Mr. Al-Karim Alidina

Mr. & Mrs. David B. Allardyce

Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Anderson

Mrs. Noelie Kilmer Angevine ’53 &

Mr. Edward F. Angevine

Anonymous (2)

Mr. Paul Askew

Mrs. Robyn Ann Baker

Mrs. Rena Balestrieri

Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Barnett

Mr. Donald Beaudoin

Ms. Patricia D. Douglass &

Mr. Richard L. Beizer

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Berry

Mr. & Mrs. Amol Bhobe

Ms. Elisa R. Pereira & Mr. George C. Braga

Mr. & Ms. Douglas W. Briggs, Jr.

Ms. Cynthia Camarena & Mr. Vinicio Calventi

Mr. James T. Cannon ’56

Mrs. Syamala Chenulu

Ms. Jennifer Clegg

Mr. & Mrs. Gene Cliff

Mr. & Mrs. Gene Cliff

Miss Lindsey Cliff

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Collis

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Conklin

Mrs. Sherry Dart

Mr. & Mrs. Mondegar Dehghanian

Mrs. Priscilla Rogers Denegre ’67

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dorosheff

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Easley

Ms. Ashley D. Eaton ’93

Mr. Perry Edsall

Mr. & Mrs. Jason G. Everett

Mr. & Mrs. Cleveland O. Glenn, Jr.

Mr. & Ms. Walter G. Gomez

Ms. Julie M. Gravallese

Mrs. Maria Zita Gray & Mr. Christopher Gray

Ms. Wanda Green

Ms. Mary Gregg

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Gripkey

Ms. Sandra Grizelj

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Grossman

Mrs. Padmini Gunasinghe


Mr. & Mrs. Afshin Afsharnia


Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Baldwin

Brig. Gen. & Mrs. H. H. Bendorf (USAF Ret.)

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Cannistraro

Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cliff

Mr. & Mrs. Richard O. Cliff

Commonwealth Emergency Physicians

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Dickerson

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Donohue

Dr. Anuradha Dua & Mr. Rajan Dua

Ms. Elizabeth Salvatore &

Mr. Morgan G. Earnest

Mr. & Mrs. Scott S. Eblin

ExxonMobil Foundation

Ms. Lan Nguyen & Mr. Gregg Glogowski

Ms. Samone Johnson Hopkins

Ms. Nina G. J. Fiore & Mr. Earle A. Jenkinson

Mrs. Ruth Katz

Mr. & Mrs. Don T. Mak

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin K. McAleenan

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Melton

Dr. Naghmeh Tebyanian &

Mr. Siamak Monjazeb

Ms. Lisa A. Jung & Mr. Stephen J. Moss

Mr. & Mrs. Clifford V. Nelson

Ms. Deirdre Shaughnessy & Mr. TJ Radtke

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shaw

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Sinclair

Mr. & Mrs. Wynn Voeks


Acucare Health Strategies, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Seth Ahlborn

Mr. & Ms. David Andrew

Mrs. Marion Beckett

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Bucholtz

Mr. & Mrs. Jon Conlon

Ms. Nicola A. Crutchley & Mr. Robert R. Conway

Mr. & Dr. Hamid Ebrahimi

Ms. Marina Cracco & Mr. Stephen Edwards

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Everett

Mr. & Mrs. George Ferguson

Mr. & Mrs. Lee Gound

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grossman

Ms. Carolyn J. Kahn-Hall & Mr. Jeffrey M. Hall

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Hilder

Mr. & Mrs. Allen Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kotz

Ms. Antonella Lo Re

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lucas

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Luedke

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Malmud

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mast

Mr. & Mrs. Godfrey S. McCoy

Mr. Robert M. Siegel

Mr. & Mrs. William Turner

Ms. Elizabeth A. Updike

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Mr. Richard Guttmacher

Mrs. Diana H. Halsted

Ms. Elise Hicks

Mrs. Margaret P. Hoel

Mrs. Christine Horan

Mr. & Mrs. Marc Hutchinson

Mrs. Ingrid Willenz-Isaacs & Mr. Barry L. Isaacs

Mrs. Anneke Janssen-Lammers &

Mr. Danny Janssen

Ms. Aparna Krishnan &

Mr. Prabhu Kapaleeswaran

Mr. & Mrs. Warren H. Keenan

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Kerivan

Mr. Rocky Kidwell

Mr. Nicholas J. Kilmer ’55

Mrs. Angelika Kirkland

Mr. & Mrs. Karl Komnik

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Komnik

Ms. Sylvia Lindholm

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Lucas

Mr. & Ms. Leslie Lulka

Ms. Muriel B. Marquet

Mr. Nicholas Marzolino

Mr. & Mrs. John E. McIntosh, Jr.

Ms. Romina T. Nicaretta & Mr. Sean McShane

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Moll

Dr. Kathrin E. Swoboda & Dr. Pradeep Nayak

Ms. Alexandra Bovbel & Mr. Kenneth Peoples

Mr. & Mrs. M. Gill Petri

Capt. & Mrs. James E. Pinnell

Ms. Annette M. Porter

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Provenzano

Mrs. Arthuree Quander

Ms. Ruth Bandler & Mr. Mark Raiffa

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Renshaw

Ms. Camila Rivera-Morales

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Roesch

Mr. Trent Saiget ’08

Ms. Elizabeth G. Scott

Mrs. Jocelyn P. Shuler ’01

Mr. & Mrs. Irving Siegel

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Strug

Target Stores

Mr. & Mrs. Hooshang Tebyanian

Mr. & Mrs. Andre Tolpegin

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tonielli


Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tuck

United Way of the National Capital Area

Mrs. Stacey Vagoun

Ms. Nancy Weyl Bradley

Ms. Barbara White

Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Wilton

Mr.and Mrs. Scott Wood

Mrs. Micheline B. Woolard

Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wysocki

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110% CLUBGreen Hedges School 110%

Club recognizes donors

to the Annual Fund who

have increased their gift

by at least 10% over their

previous year Annual Fund

gift. We are pleased to

report 63 donors in our

third year of the program.

Their total increased

support = $21,552!

110% ClubMr. & Mrs. Afshin Afsharnia

Mr. & Mrs. Seth Ahlborn

Mrs. Noelie Kilmer Angevine ’53 &

Mr. Edward F. Angevine

Anonymous (2)

Brig. Gen. & Mrs. H. H. Bendorf (USAF Ret.)

Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Baldwin

Mrs. Rena Balestrieri

Mrs. Marion Beckett

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Blocher

Ms. Nancy Weyl Bradley

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Breeding

Ms. Mary Colleen Dalton &

Mr. Douglas W. Briggs

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Bucholtz

Ms. Kim Buhrman

Ms. Lisa C. O’Hara & Mr. Wayne M. Burstein

Ms. Cynthia Camarena & Mr. Vinicio Calventi

Mrs. Chris Campbell

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cliff

Mr. & Mrs. Richard O. Cliff

Mr. & Mrs. William Doyle

Ms. Ashley D. Eaton ’93

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Giuntini

Ms. Lan Nguyen & Mr. Gregg Glogowski

Mrs. Maria Zita Gray & Mr. Christopher Gray

Mr. Mrs. Robert E. Gregg, III

Ms. Sandra Grizelj

Mrs. Padmini Gunasinghe

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Haag

Ms. Carolyn J. Kahn-Hall & Mr. Jeffrey M. Hall

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hallbach

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Hilder

Mr. John P. Hoel

Mrs. Margaret P. Hoel

Mrs. Ingrid Willenz-Isaacs & Mr. Barry L. Isaacs

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Jackson

Ms. Nina G. J. Fiore & Mr. Earle A. Jenkinson

Mr. & Mrs. J. Eric Joseph

Dr. & Mrs. Geith J. Kallas

Ms. Aparna Krishnan &

Mr. Prabhu Kapaleeswaran

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas F. Karim

Mrs. Ruth Katz

Ms. Stephanie Katz

Mr. Rocky Kidwell

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Letowt

Mrs. Pamela Lucas

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Malmud

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Malmud

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mast

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Melton

Dr. Naghmeh Tebyanian &

Mr. Siamak Monjazeb

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh P. O’Brien

Mr. & Mrs. David Pijor

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Quander

Ms. Deirdre Shaughnessy & Mr. TJ Radtke

Ms. Lynn Abouhadid-Saba & Dr. Amer Saba

Mr. Trent Saiget ’08

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Smith

Target Stores

Mr. & Mrs. Dave R. Tomasso

Mrs. Stacey Vagoun

Mr. & Mrs. Wynn Voeks

Melanie & Doug Wolfe

Mrs. Micheline B. Woolard

Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wysocki


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2010–2011 ghs annual fund

Your Support of Green Hedges

Made a Difference! Really!

You guided our students. You assisted

our teachers. You cheered our teams. You

applauded our performers. You encouraged

our dreams. You may have come to campus

every day, or not even one time this entire

year. But with your gifts to the Annual Fund,

you joined a strong community of supporters

who stepped up on behalf of Green Hedges



Each and every gift supports Green Hedges

and its mission of inspiring young people of

talent and promise to develop clear values,

a desire for wisdom, and an appreciation for

all endeavors which broaden the mind and

enlighten the spirit.

The Annual Fund serves as the foundation of

all fundraising for Green Hedges School and

provides the vital difference between what

is ordinary and what is distinctive about

the GHS experience. All gifts to the Annual

Fund are voluntary, tax-deductible and a

strong indicator of community support and

enthusiasm for Green Hedges. Donations to

the Annual Fund directly support the School’s

current year operating budget and are used in

the year in which they are received.

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Board of Trustees


Seth Ahlborn‡

Brig. Gen. Harry H. Bendorf

(USAF Ret.)

Wayne Burstein

Robert E. Gregg III, Ex-Officio, Head of School

Margaret Hallbach

J. Eric Joseph

Jennifer F. Letowt

Lisa Malmud

Michelle O’Brien

Prem J. Pillai

David W. Pijor

Gloria T. Runyon

Susan Thompson

Deborah R. Young


Faculty & Staff

97% PARTICIPATIONSherry Dart, Chair

Mrs. Rena Balestrieri

Mrs. Samruddhi Bhobe

Mrs. Syamala Chenulu

Ms. Jennifer Clegg

Mrs. Kimera Conklin

Mrs. Sherry Dart

Mrs. Leslie Dixon

Mr. Perry Edsall

Mrs. Zita Gray

Ms. Wanda Green

Mr. Robert E. Gregg III

Ms. Sandra Grizelj

Mrs. Padmini Gunasinghe*

Mrs. Deb Haag

Ms. Christine Horan

Mr. Rocky Kidwell

Mrs. Angelika Kirkland†

Mrs. Gretchen Komnik

Mrs. Pamela Lucas

Ms. Alison Nichols Marumoto

Mr. Nicholas Marzolino

Mr. Thomas Mast

Mrs. Annie Melton

Ms. Elisa R. Pereira

Mrs. Nancy Provenzano

Ms. Camila Rivera-Morales

Ms. Elizabeth G. Scott

Mrs. Patricia Smith

Mrs. Stacey Vagoun

Mrs. Catherine Voeks

Mrs. Carolyn Wood

Mrs. Micheline B. Woolard

Parents by Grade


Ms. Nazlin Kaba & Mr. Al-Karim AlidinaMr. & Mrs. Richard O. CliffMs. Elvearo JacksonMs. Nina G. J. Fiore & Mr. Earle A. Jenkinson‡Ms. Lisa A. Jung & Mr. Stephen J. MossMr. & Mrs. Philip LetowtMs. Antonella Lo ReMr. & Mrs. Todd MarumotoMr. & Mrs. Clifford V. Nelson


Mr. & Mrs. Robert EasleyMr. & Mrs. Cleveland GlennMr. & Mrs. Daniel H. BreedingMs. Elvearo JacksonMr. & Mrs. Thomas G. ProvenzanoMr. & Mrs. Bahram ShahriariMr. & Mrs. David J. Young


Ms. Mary Colleen Dalton & Mr. Douglas W. Briggs

Ms. Lisa C. O’Hara & Mr. Wayne M. BursteinMs. Cynthia Camarena & Mr. Vinicio CalventiMr. & Mrs. Nicholas HilderMr. & Mrs. J. Eric JosephMr. & Mrs. Todd MarumotoMr. & Mrs. Prem J. PillaiMr. & Mrs. Bahram ShahriariMr. & Mrs. Dave R. TomassoMelanie & Doug Wolfe*Mr. & Mrs. David J. Young


Mr. & Mrs. Rahul BelaniMr. & Mrs. Jon ConlonMr. & Mrs. Philip GiuntiniMr. & Mrs. Robert E. Gregg IIIMr. John P. HoelDr. & Mrs. Geith J. KallasMrs. Angelika Kirkland†Mr. & Mrs. Philip LetowtMr. & Mrs. John LuedkeDr. Naghmeh Tebyanian &

Mr. Siamak MonjazebMs. Lisa A. Jung & Mr. Stephen J. MossMs. Susan ThompsonMr. & Mrs. David C. Young

FACULTY & STAFF live out the

GHS mission each day

in the classroom and

beyond. They also support

the mission with their

financial generosity,

demonstrated by their

commitment to the

School by reaching 97%

participation in the Annual


DESIGNATED GIFTS:* Academics & Faculty† The Arts‡ Financial Aid§ Library** Technology

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Ms. Kim Buhrman

Ms. Elizabeth Salvatore &

Mr. Morgan G. Earnest

Mr. Michael B. Fulton

Mr. & Mrs. J. Eric Joseph

Ms. Stephanie Katz

Mr. & Mrs. David Pijor

Mr. & Mrs. Prem J. Pillai

Mr. & Mrs. Bahram Shahriari

Mr. Robert M. Siegel

Mr. & Mrs. William Turner


Mr. John P. Hoel

Mr. & Mrs. J. Eric Joseph

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas F. Karim

Ms. Begona De Prado & Mr. Vicente Lledo

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh P. O’Brien

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Peoples

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Quander

Ms. Deirdre Shaughnessy & Mr. TJ Radtke

Ms. Susan Thompson


Mr. & Mrs. Afshin Afsharnia

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Blocher

Mrs. Chris Campbell

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cliff

Mr. & Mrs. William Doyle

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Gregg III

Ms. Samone Johnson Hopkins

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Komnik

Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Malmud


Mr. & Mrs. Rahul Belani

Ms. Kim Buhrman

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dorosheff

Mr. & Dr. Rajan Dua

Mr. & Mrs. Travis L. Gound

Mr. & Mrs. David Grossman

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hallbach

Mr. John P. Hoel

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Jackson

Dr. & Mrs. Geith J. Kallas

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas F. Karim

Mrs. Angelika Kirkland†

Dr. Naghmeh Tebyanian &

Mr. Siamak Monjazeb

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh P. O’Brien

Ms. Deirdre Shaughnessy & Mr. TJ Radtke

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sinclair

Ms. Susan Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wysocki



Mr. & Mrs. Afshin Afsharnia

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Blocher

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brandon

Ms. Marina Cracco & Mr. Stephen Edwards

Mr. & Mrs. David Grossman

Mr. & Mrs. Travis L. Gound

Mr. & Mrs. J. Eric Joseph

Ms. Aparna Krishnan &

Mr. Prabhu Kapaleeswaran

Ms. Ligia Rodriguez & Mr. Leslie Lulka

Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Malmud

Dr. Naghmeh Tebyanian &

Mr. Siamak Monjazeb

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh P. O’Brien

Mr. & Mrs. Craig B. Wheeler

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Wilkinson

Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wysocki



Ms. Nazlin Kaba & Mr. Al-Karim Alidina

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Bucholtz

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Giuntini

Ms. Lan Nguyen & Mr. Gregg Glogowski

Mr. & Mrs. Neil Hannay

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Harris

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Jackson

Mrs. Anneke Janssen-Lammers &

Mr. Danny Janssen

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas F. Karim

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McAleenan

Ms. Lynn Abouhadid-Saba & Dr. Amer Saba

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shaw

Ms. Elizabeth Updike

Mr. & Mrs. Tomas Vagoun

Mr. & Mrs. Craig B. Wheeler



Ms. Nazlin Kaba & Mr. Al-Karim Alidina

Ms. Elisa R. Pereira & Mr. George C. Braga

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cliff

Ms. Nicola A. Crutchley & Mr. Robert R. Conway

Ms. Claudia Torres & Mr. Walter Gomez

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Gregg III

Ms. Carolyn J. Kahn-Hall & Mr. Jeffrey M. Hall

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Harris

Mr. & Mrs. Allen Johnson

Ms. Romina Nicaretta & Mr. Sean McShane

Mr. & Mrs. David Pijor

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Quander

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Strug

In preparation of this report we have tried to avoid errors and omissions. If any are found, please accept our apologies, and report them to the Development Office. If your name is not listed as you would prefer it to be, please let us know so that our records may be corrected. If your gift was received after June 30, 2011, your name will appear in the Green Hedges School Annual Report 2011–2012.

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Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Malmud, Chairs

Mr. Donald Beaudoin

Abigail Malmud ’17

Adam Malmud ’19

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Cannistraro

Katherine Hallbach ’18

Mr. & Mrs. Gene Cliff

Lindsey Cliff ’17

Erin Cliff ’20

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Collis†

Harlan Jackson ’18

Isabelle Jackson ’19

Mr. & Mrs. Mondegar Dehghanian

Dara Shahriari ’12

Neda Shahriari ’13

Dawna Shahriari ’15

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Dickerson§

Sarah Dickerson ’17

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Everett

Alan R. Everett ’21

Mr. & Mrs. George Ferguson

Benjamin Letowt ’11

Peter Letowt ’14

Mr. & Mrs. Lee Gound§

Alexandra Gound ’18

Walker L. Gound ’21

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Gripkey

Ryan Vagoun ’20

Mrs. Diana H. Halsted

Gates H. Young ’10

Brooks B. Young ’12

Macy M. Young ’13

Mrs. Margaret P. Hoel

Jackson N. Hoel ’14

Tyler Hoel ’16

Porter Hoel ’18

Mrs. Ruth Katz

Eli Katz-Siegel ’15

Mr. & Mrs. Karl Komnik§

Kiley J. Komnik ’17

Ms. Sylvia Lindholm

Maya C. Glenn ’12

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Lucas

Abigail M. Shaw ’21

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Malmud§

Abigail Malmud ’17

Adam Malmud ’19

Mr. & Mrs. Godfrey S. McCoy

Jonathan Quander ’16

Katherine Quander ’19

Mr. & Mrs. M. Gill Petri§

Ryan J. Joseph ’13

Cameron N. Joseph ’15

Casey Joseph ’16

Sydney Joseph ’19

Mrs. Arthuree Quander

Jonathan Quander ’16

Katherine Quander ’19

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shaw§

Abigail M. Shaw ’21

Mr. & Mrs. Irving Siegel

Eli Katz-Siegel ’15

Mr. & Mrs. Hooshang Tebyanian

Tara Monjazeb ’14

Sama M. Monjazeb ’18

Amelia Monjazeb ’21

Mr. & Mrs. Andre Tolpegin

Victor Tolpegin ’14

Nikolas Tolpegin ’16

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tonielli

Taylor A. Tomasso ’09

Morgan Tomasso ’13

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tuck

Lianne T. Provenzano ’09

Michael Provenzano ’12

Ms. Barbara White*

Caden W. Wilkinson ’21

Alumni, Alumni Parents & Past Parents

Mr. & Mrs. David B. AllardyceMr. & Mrs. Charles L. AndersonMr. Edward F. Angevine &

Mrs. Noelie K. Angevine ’53†Mr. Paul AskewMrs. Robyn Ann BakerMr. & Mrs. Steven W. BaldwinMs. Patricia D. Douglass &

Mr. Richard L. Beizer Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Berry*Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. BiggsMs. Heather Evans & Mr. Eric Candelori Mr. James T. Cannon ’56Mr. & Mrs. Richard O. CliffMrs. Priscilla Rogers Denegre ’67Mr. & Mrs. James K. DixonMr. & Mrs. Daniel DonohueMs. Ashley D. Eaton ’93Mr. & Mrs. Scott S. EblinMr. & Mrs. Timothy B. FleischerMs. Julie M. Gravallese**Mrs. Padmini Gunasinghe*Mr. Richard GuttmacherMs. Elise HicksMr. & Mrs. Marc HutchinsonMs. Ingrid R. Willenz-Isaacs &

Mr. Barry L. Isaacs Mr. & Mrs. Warren H. KeenanMr. & Mrs. William R. KerivanMr. Nicholas J. Kilmer ’55Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. KotzMr. & Mrs. Don T. MakMs. Muriel B. MarquetMr. & Mrs. John E. McIntosh, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Miller*Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. MollDr. Kathrin E. Swoboda & Dr. Pradeep NayakMs. Mary Levick OwensCapt. & Mrs. James E. PinnellMs. Annette M. PorterMs. Ruth Bandler & Mr. Mark Raiffa Mr. & Mrs. Jim RoeschMr. Trent Saiget ’08Mrs. Jocelyn P. Shuler ’01Ms. Nancy Weyl BradleyMr. & Mrs. Frank S. Wilton


The Annual Fund and funds

raised at special events

such as the Gala~Auction

make up most of the

difference between tuition

and the actual cost of a

GHS education.

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Former Trustees Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Anderson

Mrs. Noelie K. Angevine ’53 &

Mr. Edward F. Angevine†

Mr. Paul Askew

Mrs. Robyn Ann Baker

Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Baldwin

Mrs. Marion Beckett

Ms. Patricia D. Douglass &

Mr. Richard L. Beizer

Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Biggs

Ms. Heather Evans & Mr. Eric Candelori

Mr. & Mrs. James K. Dixon

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy B. Fleischer

Ms. Julie M. Gravallese**

Ms. Ingrid R. Willenz-Isaacs &

Mr. Barry L. Isaacs

Mr. & Mrs. Warren H. Keenan

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Kerivan

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kotz

Mr. & Mrs. Don T. Mak

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Young

Former Faculty Mr. Kenneth C. Adams

Mrs. Robyn Ann Baker

Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Barnett

Mrs. Marion Beckett

Mrs. Christine Horan

Ms. Ingrid R. Willenz-Isaacs &

Mr. Barry L. Isaacs

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Renshaw

Corporations & Foundations

Altria Corporate Services

Bank of America Foundation

ExxonMobil Foundation

Freddie Mac Foundation

Target Stores

United Way of the National Capital Area

Gifts in KindMrs. Patricia Dresser

Ms. Diana M. Fulton

Mr. Carl Hutzler

Mr. and Mrs. J. Eric Joseph

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Malmud

Mrs. Micheline Woolard

DID YOU KNOW?The Board carefully

considers the money

raised each year through

the Annual Fund when

determining the budget

for the following school

year. Annual gifts allow

the School to enhance

the comprehensive

program and enriching

activities that our

children enjoy with the

least impact on tuition.

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2010–2011 ghs auction


Mr. & Mrs. Seth Ahlborn

Ms. Jodi Bradford & Mr. David Andrew

Mrs. Rena Balestrieri

Mrs. Marion Beckett

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brandon

Ms. Kim Buhrman

Ms. Lisa C. O’Hara & Mr. Wayne M. Burstein

Mrs. Chris Campbell

Mr. & Mrs. James K. Dixon

Mr. & Mrs. William Doyle

Mr. Stephen Edwards & Ms. Marina Cracco

Mr. & Mrs. Jason Everett

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Giuntini

Mrs. Zita Gray

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Gregg III

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grossman

Mrs. Padmini Gunasinghe

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Haag

Ms. Carolyn J. Kahn-Hall & Mr. Jeffrey M. Hall

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hallbach

Mr. & Mrs. J. Eric Joseph

Dr. & Mrs. Geith J. Kallas

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Komnik

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Letowt

Ms. Begona de Prado & Mr. Vicente J. Lledo

Mr. & Mrs. Don T. Mak

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Marumoto

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Melton

Ms. Lisa A. Jung & Mr. Stephen J. Moss

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh P. O’Brien

Mr. & Mrs. David Pijor

Mr. & Mrs. Prem J. Pillai

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Provenzano

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Quander

Ms. Lynn Abouhadid-Saba & Dr. Amer Saba

Mr. & Mrs. Bahram Shahriari

Mr. & Mrs. Dave R. Tomasso

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Wilkinson

Mrs. Micheline B. Woolard

Mr. & Mrs. David C. Young

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Young


Many thanks to all donors

who supported the Auction

with underwriting and cash


The entire Green Hedges community wishes to express

its sincere gratitude to the 2011 SponsorsAUCTION PATRONS

Acucare Health Strategies, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Afshin Afsharnia


Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brandon

Mr. & Mrs. Richard O. Cliff

Commonwealth Emergency Physicians

Mr. & Mrs. James K. Dixon

Mr. & Dr. Hamid Ebrahimi

Mr. John P. Hoel

Mr. & Mrs. J. Eric Joseph

Dr. & Mrs. Geith J. Kallas

Mr. & Mrs. Clifford V. Nelson

Mr. & Mrs. Bahram Shahriari

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shaw

Ms. Susan Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. William Turner

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Wilkinson


Whitworth Analytics, LLC

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Altria Corporate Services

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Easley

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Giuntini

Ms. Claudia Torres & Mr. Walter Gomez

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Haag

Dr. & Mrs. Geith J. Kallas

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas F. Karim

Ms. Stephanie Katz

Mr. & Mrs. John Luedke

Ms. Ligia Rodriguez & Mr. Leslie Lulka

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Melton

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh P. O’Brien

Mr. & Mrs. David Pijor

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Quander

Mrs. Gloria T. Runyon

Ms. Lynn Abouhadid-Saba & Dr. Amer Saba

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shaw

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sinclair

Ms. Susan Thompson

Melanie & Doug Wolfe

Mr. & Mrs. David C. Young


Mojy Afsharnia

Michelle Atkin

Carolyn Blocher

Carolyn Brandon

Kim Buhrman

Lorrie Cliff

Marina Cracco

Nikki Crutchley

Begona De Prado

Ellen Giuntini

Catherine Grossman

Jeff Hall

Emma Hannay

Carrie Harris

Carl Hutzler

Cassie Jackson

Anneke Lammers Janssen

Amy Joseph

Carolyn Kahn-Hall

Stephanie Katz

Ana Kirkland

Gretchen Komnik

Mark Komnik

Lisa Malmud

Tom Mast

Aileen Mak

Lan Nguyen

Romina Nicaretta

Kathy Pijor

Ligia Rodriguez

Lynn Saba

Deirdre Shaughnessy

Karen Strug

Tanya Tolpegin

Stacey Vagoun

Rene Wilkinson

Michelle Wysocki

Dave Young

AUCTION VOLUNTEERSCarolyn Kahn-Hall, Auction Chair


Thomas Briggs ‘10

Ian Farrow ‘10

Kelly Fulton ‘10

Emma Hilder ‘10

Geena Mak ‘10

Seema Sethi ‘10

Anthony Skaff ‘10

Taylor Tomasso ‘09

Harrison Wilton ‘10

Gates Young ‘10

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10-11 pto president


ghs libraryDonors & Volunteers, 2010–2011

Kiana Afsharnia

Brandon Family

Claire Briggs

Annika Burstein

Gingy Dixon ‘08

Emma Edwards

Ellie, Ruby, and Anna Gregg

Colin Kirk

Letowt Family


René Wilkinson

Volunteer Coordinator

Mojy Afsharnia

Michelle Atkin

Sonia Belani

Carolyn Blocher

Jodi Bradford

Carolyn Brandon

Kim Bucholtz

Kim Buhrman

Dorothy Campbell

Kavitha Cherukuri

Ishita Chugh

Amy Cohen

Begona De Prado

Catia Giacalone

Ellen Giuntini

Walter Gomez

Kathy Gregg

Catherine McCabe Grossman


Maria Grossman

Antoinette Guidry

Tim Hansen

Mirna Kallas

Asma Kashef

Kim Johnson

Amy Joseph

Shannon Malveaux

Jennifer Nelson

Virginia Nguyen

Michelle O’Brien

Kathy Pijor

Rohini Pillai

Deirdre Shaughnessy

Anna Shaw

Karen Strug

Kathleen Thies

Ishita Yameen

Isabella Lulka

Drew Marumoto ‘09

Mrs. Judith Montacute

Jung-Moss Family

Meghan, Hugh, and Liam O’Brien

Provenzano Family

Daven and Dhruv Pillai

Lea Saba

Caden Wilkinson

Dhiraj Chugh

Lorrie Cliff

Marina Cracco

Aparna Krishnan

Paul Malmud

Corina McAleenan


Gretchen Richards

Lynn Saba

Christina Shin

Tanya Tolpegin

Stacey Vagoun

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from the

Cassie Jackson 10-11 pto president

“Parent involvement in education is like the

frosting on a cupcake, it makes it complete

and oh so sweet.”


MANY ASSOCIATE THE PTO(Parent Teacher Organization) with bake sales and the like, but the true sweetness of being involved in your child’s school lies within the walls and halls. Catching the sounds of Montessori children singing “Leo” the puppet to sleep at the end of French class when delivering supplies to classrooms, two lower school students debating their favorite story while helping shelve books in the library, seeing middle schoolers evolve as engaged leaders through the CELP program—these are all examples of how the PTO supports the academic environment at GHS. Many “sweet” things happen daily in our children’s lives at school and as parents we play a valuable role in program enhancements.

During the 2010–2011 school year, the PTO focused on that sweetness, finding meaningful ways to support and enrich our community. Fundraisers evolved into really fun events for GHS friends and families. We dined together at places like Nielsen’s Frozen Custard and California Pizza Kitchen, and played together at Chuck E. Cheese and the ice rink at Reston Town Center. The School lunch program continues to be our primary fundraiser. Sweetness of healthy children was sought as we added Whole Foods with options of whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables and sushi! The positive cash position of the

PTO allowed us to give a sizable professional development grant to the School allowing our teachers to search out more ways to reach our children and help our children reach their potential.

Most importantly, the PTO saw an absolutely overwhelming participation rate from our parent community. More than 90% of our families again volunteered at least once (often, several times) at our endeavors ranging from the Potluck Dinner, GRACE Arts class presentations, weekly lunch distribution assistance, library and book fair support, Bingo Night, and at Dragon Fest in the spring. At Green Hedges, no family is “new” for long. New friends quickly became companions to the “experienced” parents and took leads in committees for Dragon Fest, planning class picnics and beyond. Green Hedges’ families are committed to their community as they recognize how the community embraces each and every child. There’s no better place for our time or talents than in our greatest investment - our children and their education. Thank you!

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Lunch Programs* 58%

FUNdraisers** 25%

PTO Dues 8%

Supplies in a Bag 7%

Grocery Programs 2%


Grants for Prof. Dev. and Faculty Wish Lists


Cultural Programs/ Assemblies


CELP (Character Education Leadership Project)


Library Programs 9%

Grade 8 Class Gift & Auction Contribution


Teacher Appreciation 4%

GRACE Arts 3%

Parent Education 3%

Social Events*** 3%

Operating Expenses 2%

Printing 1%

Misc. Expenses 1%

* Milk, Subway, Tequila Grande, Whole Foods, Plaka Grill & Domino’s

** Restaurant Nights, Spirit Wear, Bingo & Dragon Fest*** Potluck, Skate Night, PTO Coffees



Best Practices for Reading InterventionGreen Hedges teachers are constantly staying current in the field of education. No matter how long one has been teaching, there is always more to learn. In that spirit, I decided to take an online course entitled Best Practices for Reading Intervention. The variety of reading strategies introduced was all with an eye to ensure that students are supported in their journey to reading fluency. Each technique examined was research-based and included a detailed plan for teaching individual students at their reading level, with their unique learning styles in mind. This course gave teachers ideas to support students in the areas of phonics, fluency, mastery of words, comprehension and writing. The strategies equip students as they engage throughout their years in all aspects of the curriculum. Those suggested in the course uphold the approach to education at Green Hedges - learning with flexibility and creativity, as teachers help students discover the pleasures of reading and beyond.

~Sherry Dart Grade One Teacher

Standardized Reading AssessmentsThanks to a generous summer grant from the Green Hedges School PTO, members of the Language Arts Department standardized the reading assessment process. In addition, we created an on-line system, accessible to all teachers, to track each student’s reading progress throughout his/her tenure at GHS.

Starting this year, each teacher from Montessori (MFD) through Middle School will perform a core group of reading assessments on each child. These assessments include phonics and phonetic analysis (for our youngest students), sight word recognition, vocabulary, fluency, oral reading and reading comprehension.

Utilizing the same reading assessments, which were carefully chosen to cover the five pedagogical areas of reading, will ensure that each Green Hedges student meets the necessary reading and comprehension benchmarks. It will also help teachers identify students who are ready to challenge themselves further with higher level texts, or plan remediation for students requiring extra help to meet benchmarks.

~Stacey Vagoun Grade Five Teacher

Chair, Language Arts Committee

Language Arts Department Sepi Aghili, Rena Balestrieri, Kimera Conklin, Jen Clegg, Sherry Dart, Hilary Huse, Pam Lucas, Allison Nichols, Diane Prentice, Stacey Vagoun, Carolyn Wood


Four Faculty Awarded PTO Summer Grants

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Cassie Jackson, President

Mandana Shahriari, Vice President

Andrea Edmondson, Treasurer

Deirdre Shaughnessy, Secretary


Cassie Jackson, President

René Wilkinson, Vice President

Tim Hansen, Treasurer

Deirdre Shaughnessy, Secretary

Lorrie Cliff, Room Parent Coordinator


Bingo Night: Carolyn Blocher

Board of Trustees Liaison: Michelle O’Brien

Dragon Fest: Marina Cracco, Cassie Jackson

Education Committee: Tanya Tolpegin

Go Green: Marina Cracco, Gretchen Komnik

GRACE Arts: Kim Buhrman

Halloween Parade: Amy Joseph

Lunch Programs: Carolyn Blocher

Milk Coordinator: Diana Fulton

Pot Luck Dinner: PTO Executive Committee

Skate Night: Amy Joseph

Supplies-in-a-Bag: Lorrie Cliff


Montessori and Making Meaning

The Montessori division was given a summer grant to allow the team to investigate a new language arts program called Making Meaning and Being A Writer. These coordinated programs are already successfully being implemented in Grades 1–5, building on comprehension skills necessary to excel in reading, spelling, vocabulary and writing development. Making Meaning includes over forty trade books and a structured program that can be utilized throughout the year. This program brings an exciting new dimension to our language arts curriculum and the Montessori teachers are excited to put into action the suggested techniques in order to further develop our students’ skills.

~Rena Balestrieri Montessori Directress

Technology in Education ConferenceThis summer the PTO sent me to Philadelphia to attend the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) annual conference. For three days I was immersed into the world of technology and the new and innovative ways to use it on a daily basis in the classroom. I attended sessions ranging from security and privacy, to iPads in the classroom, to the top Web 2.0 tools, to Digital Citizenship.

Since returning from the conference, Green Hedges has implemented a Digital Citizenship class in Grades 4 and 5 where the students are learning the nine elements of being a good citizen while using technology, both in and out of school. We have focused on securing passwords, the appropriate use of cell phones, and understanding e-mail related to cyber bullying. We will continue this work throughout the year, as well as use the class time to work on technology projects that support the curriculum.

A workshop on Web 2.0 tools has also led to the immediate implementation of digital storytelling, jazzed up PowerPoint presentations, creation of digital timelines, and an add-on that allows students to take notes directly on web sites that can be saved and downloaded as part of research projects. I look forward to sharing even more of these great sites with classroom teachers throughout the year.

~Gretchen Komnik Montessori Assistant Technology Assistant


Four Faculty Awarded PTO Summer Grants

Green Hedges has always possessed and relied upon a strong sense of community. This defining trait is demonstrated through the essential role that volunteers play at School and is conveyed in the way we care for and interact with others.

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The volunteer is one with a heart so sincere –

No task too large, no task too small,

Who will help with anything at all.

Who will be there in the morning light?

Or help in the dark of night?

The volunteer, our extra hand,

On whose future our children stand.

Never anyone so dear

As a Green Hedges Volunteer!


Room Parent Coordinator:

Mandana Shahriari


Marina Cracco, Jodi Bradford


Michelle Atkin, Lynn Saba

Montessori—Smith: Lorrie Cliff

Grade 1: Hugh O’Brien, Michelle Wysocki

Grade 2: Carolyn Blocher

Grade 3: Jill Tuennerman

Grade 4: Diana Fulton

Grade 5: Ellen Giuntini

Grade 6: Niloo Ebrahimi

Grade 7: Dave Young

Grade 8: Nazlin Kaba, Alison Nelson


Shirin Abadian

Michelle Atkin

Rahul Belani

Doug Brandon

Dorothy Campbell

Lorrie Cliff

Ellen Giuntini

Marie Hilder

Cassie Jackson

Amy Joseph

Jenny Letowt

Michelle O’Brien

Kathy Pijor

Mandana Shahriari

René Wilkinson


Travis Gound, Michelle O’Brien, Co-Chairs

Michelle Atkin

Lorrie Cliff

Juanita Haydel

Cassie Jackson

Jenny Letowt

Kathy Pijor

Bethel Quander

Bahram Shahriari

Dave Young


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Ellen GiuntiniEllen Giuntini earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting at Iowa State University. She worked as a CPA doing audit, income tax preparation and consulting in Seattle. In addition to her CPA, she has previously held a CIA (Certified Internal Accountant) and CMA (Certified Management Accountant) designation. Upon moving to Virginia, Ellen was Director of Internal Auditing for a multi-national software and consulting firm for four years. She moved back into direct consulting for the same company in their European operations and was a client and project manager for risk management software projects at various financial institutions in Switzerland, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Ellen has served in numerous volunteer positions at Green Hedges, including Vice President and President of the PTO and a Room Parent. She and her husband, Phillip, have two children, both of whom joined GHS as 3 year-old Montessori students. Samantha is now a 6th grader and Matthew is a full-day Montessorian. Ellen joined the Board in 2011.


Raj DuaRaj earned a J.D. and LL.M. in Employee Benefits with a specialization in Estate Planning from The John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois. He also holds a master’s degree in Public Administration from George Mason University, and bachelor’s degrees in Political Science and Criminal Justice from Old Dominion University.

He is a founding partner of Nong, Dua & Patel, LLC. Prior to that, Raj spent five years working for the Internal Revenue Service in Washington, DC. He reviewed cases for technical issues and drafted private letter rulings and technical advice memorandums involving issues under the realm of Exempt Organizations Tax Law. His current practice areas consist of criminal and traffic defense, family law and divorce, general civil litigation and estate planning.

Raj and his wife, Anuradha, have two daughters. Their eldest daughter, Esha, is a second grader at GHS. Raj joined the Board in 2011.

Welcome to GHS!Seven new trustees joined the Board of Trustees.

Stephanie KatzStephanie earned a bachelor’s degree in American Civilization and master’s degree in Organizational Management from The George Washington University. She is a Master Certified Coach and a Certified Professional Effectiveness Coach.

Stephanie is managing partner of Development Dynamics, a management consulting firm specializing in the leadership development of executives in the IT, engineering, finance, law and human resource fields. Previously she served as an adjunct professor of leadership at Georgetown University, directed organizational development for Hughes Network Systems, and managed operations for St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company.

Stephanie joined the Board in 2011. She has volunteered in the library, at the auction and at Dragon Fest. Her son, Eli, is a fifth grader at GHS.

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John G. LathropJohn has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a master’s degree in education from Harvard University. He spent his career as an educator and administrator in independent schools in New England and Virginia. He retired as Headmaster of the Powhatan School in Boyce, Virginia in 2011. During his 20-year tenure at Powhatan he led two capital campaigns resulting in two major buildings, eliminated the school’s debt, increased enrollment by over 50%, and tripled the size of the campus.

John served on the Board of Directors of the Virginia Association of Independent Schools for over ten years, during which time he chaired twelve school accreditation site visits. He joined the GHS Board in 2011.

Bethel QuanderBethel received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin and her J.D. from the University of Virginia. She has worked as an attorney for the ExxonMobil Corporation for over fifteen years, serving as counsel for labor/employee relations, domestic and international transactions, and trade regulation. She is currently the Downstream Antitrust Coordinator for the corporation.

Bethel and her husband, Jonathan, have two children at Green Hedges—Jack in fourth grade and Katie in first grade. Bethel joined the Board in 2011. In addition to her service to GHS, Bethel volunteers at Holy Cross Episcopal Church.

Peter G. SparberPeter holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from New Jersey’s Rider College—skills he put to work as a newspaper reporter nominated for a Pulitzer Prize at the age of 25. He soon moved from journalism to public affairs where he managed programs for insurance, health care, and consumer goods companies for nearly two decades before establishing his own political and commercial public affairs consulting firm serving global corporations in industries ranging from aviation and automotive to chemicals, pharmaceuticals and consumer electronics. He retired from his company in 2009, but remains active as an advisor and investor in several companies.

A 30-year resident of Vienna, Peter and his wife of 41 years, Ginger, are active at Vienna Presbyterian Church and in several community organizations. They have two grown sons, James, who is music director for a New York theater company, and Michael, who is an animator at Pixar. The Sparbers credit Green Hedges with motivating and focusing Michael in ways that led to his professional success and, as 20-year residents of the Windover Historical District, are proud to call Green Hedges School a neighbor.


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Tiffany TomassoTiffany has an M.B.A. from Widener University and a B.A. in Business Administration from Stockton State College. She has more than 26 years experience in the operation and development of senior living communities currently serving as a Founding Partner of Fountain Square Senior Living. Previously she was the Chief Operating Officer of Sunrise Senior Living. During her tenure with Sunrise Senior Living, she was part of the executive team that successfully led Sunrise’s domestic and international expansion.

Tiffany was honored as Alumni of the Year in 2007 by Widener University’s School of Business Administration. She and her husband, Dave, have two daughters. Morgan is in seventh grade at Green Hedges and Taylor, a GHS graduate who is a junior at Garrison Forest School in Baltimore, MD. Tiffany joined the Board in 2011.

And we welcome nine new GHS faculty & staff members.

Sepi Aghili, Montessori DirectressAsk new Montessori Directress Sepi Aghili what it is that she most appreciates about Montessori, and the answer comes back spontaneously, full of enthusiasm and warmth: “I love the way you study each child, approach each one as a unique individual. It’s exciting to tune into the specific social, emotional, and intellectual needs of each one, and find the best way to guide their learning.” This insight first came to Ms. Aghili from her experiences as a parent, when her own daughter, Kiana, was two and a half years old. “I could see that she already knew what she wanted, and that she would benefit from the freedom given to children in a Montessori environment to move around the classroom and select their own work. Montessori was a great choice for her.

Ms. Aghili began working as a Montessori Assistant while her daughter attended Hope Montessori School in Annandale, and soon came to see that the Montessori method offered a way to draw out the talents and proclivities of all children. Kiana is now an Honors Sophomore student at Dominion High School in Sterling, and Ms. Aghili eventually went on to earn a teaching degree from the Northern Virginia Montessori Institute in Ashburn, Virginia. She has taught at Children’s House of Montessori and Sunset Hills Montessori School in Reston, Virginia.

Ms. Aghili comes from a family of educators. Her mother was a school principal in Teheran, Iran, her father was Head of the Ministry of Elementary

Education there, and one of her siblings also grew up to be a teacher. After coming to the United States at age 17 and completing high school, Ms. Aghili earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Northern Illinois University. She has spent time in the business world managing a physical therapy clinic and marketing associated medical equipment. She has also taught ESL for many years, been a preschool and Kindergarten teacher, and directed two educational institutions for young children before coming back to the work she feels has been most important to her, guiding young children using the Montessori method. “I love to teach children,” she says. “I love seeing the spark in their eyes when they understand something. It makes my day.”

Outside the classroom, Ms. Aghili loves working out, painting, and downhill skiing. She also likes to work in her garden and to spend time with Tickle, the family dog.

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Thomas Claiborn, Extended DayExtended Day staff member Thomas Claiborn’s favorite childhood memories include ones about his grandparents, all of whom lived within ten minutes of his home when he was growing up. For example, he remembers his paternal grandmother, Dorothy, impressing him when she picked him up from school by reciting the alphabet backwards. Now in a role where he himself is an adult presence in the lives of children at the end of their school day, Mr. Claiborn says, “I’ve always been good with kids, and I enjoy teaching them and supporting their development. I like learning from them, too.”

Mr. Claiborn, who is involved with his church’s children’s ministry, also loves sports. In high school he participated in basketball, baseball, football, and wrestling. He also played Division 1 football at Howard University while earning a bachelor’s degree in Economics. All the while, his interest in children never left him. He has been active in programs that support the reading skills of elementary school children, has done volunteer work at an orphanage in South Africa, and began his acquaintanceship with Green Hedges by working in the School’s summer camp.

The other initial connection Mr. Claiborn had to Green Hedges was his friendship with Grade 1 teacher Carolyn Wood. Mr. Claiborn and his wife, Candace, are neighbors and fellow church members of Mrs. Wood. Mr. Claiborn’s dreams for the future include writing children’s books and participating in community development. Meanwhile, he, who always interacted with children in his neighborhood as their big brother, loves being part of the lives of Green Hedges students.

Kimera Conklin, Grade 4When Grade 4 teacher Kimera Anne (as in Anne of Green Gables) Conklin returned to her roots in northern Virginia after spending two years in Azerbaijan where her husband Kevin worked as a defense contractor, she imagined spending last winter and spring settling back into life in the United States. After that, she anticipated fulfilling her dream of teaching in a private school, an ambition nurtured at the International School of Azerbaijan where she taught. Life provided an accelerated opportunity for Mrs. Conklin to realize her dream when a position opened in the Green Hedges Grade 4 classroom in January 2011.

Like that of her literary namesake, Mrs. Conklin’s interest in education started early, when she avidly practiced teaching her two younger brothers while she was the age of her current students. She eventually went on to earn a teaching certificate from San Diego State University, and has taught a number of elementary grades in Florida, Virginia, and abroad. Aside from teaching, her passions include history, travel, scrapbooking, and hiking with her husband.

Archie Davis, MaintenanceArchie Davis is a soft spoken man with a big smile and a strong work ethic, a father of five, a self described family man who joined Green Hedges in January 2011 to take charge of the School’s custodial needs. Archie Davis is also a hot rodder who, with family and friends, rents race tracks in Virginia and North Carolina so that he can exercise his vehicles, including a ’47 Chevy pick up truck he owns that has 800 horsepower, that he found in a field and that took ten years to rebuild.

That there is no contradiction between these two sides of Mr. Davis is clear as he wryly describes how he got involved in his avocation. “From the time I was four, I used to watch my uncle and the other men work on cars at a gas station.


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They wouldn’t let me help. One day when I was about thirteen, they went to get parts, and when they returned, I was working and they could tell that I knew what to do.” His father subsequently gave him a 1959 Impala, which Mr. Davis, in his words, “took apart and put back together.”

Mr. Davis studied auto mechanics in school and has spent time doing electrical work and vacuum repair. He has done maintenance work for, among others, the Marine Corps Base in Hampton, Virginia, and the Triangle Post Office in Quantico. He plays basketball with his his son, Archie James, when the latter is home from the college he attends in Petersburg, Florida. Mr. Davis is also proud of his daughters Breunka, Stephenie, Taimika, and Taleta. About Green Hedges students he says, “they are pretty nice kids.”

Hilary Huse, Grade 2In one sense, Hilary Huse is local, having grown up in Falls Church, received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia, and having earned a master’s degree from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. In another way, Mrs. Huse has been anything but local. As the daughter of a father in the Foreign Service, she has spent time in places as diverse as the Philippines, Papua New

Guinea, Indonesia, Korea, Barbados, and Haiti. Her love of teaching stems from a time when the rest of her family was overseas and she, a high school student at the time, attended the Madeira School as a boarder. During that time, she did community service in Fairfax County Public Schools and had a chance to work in elementary classrooms. Her interests also led her to work with children in summer camps.

Mrs. Huse has taught a variety of elementary grades over the course of fourteen years that she spent at Burgundy Farm Country Day School in Alexandria, where she enjoyed team teaching as much as she loved interacting with the students. After taking some time off from teaching to be with her son Cooper and her daughter Maggie during their earliest years, Mrs. Huse has returned to her teaching career by joining the faculty of Green Hedges and teaming with Pam Lucas in Grade 2. She has already noticed a feeling of community at the school and a sense that children come through the door excited to learn together.

When she is not teaching or spending time with her own children, Mrs. Huse is involved in community theater. In fact, she met her husband, Todd, when she was producing a show in which he was acting at the Elden Street Theater. As it happens, her mother was directing the same show! Nowadays, Todd is the President of Elden Street Theater, having also spent time as its artistic director. Having children has not slowed down the couple’s community theater involvement, but it has meant that they alternate their parenting with their other roles.

Jennifer Lowery, MusicFrom the first moment she saw information about the Green Hedges Music Teacher position, Jennifer Lowery felt as if the job had been designed for her. “I showed it to my husband, Greg, and he couldn’t believe it, either. This is my dream job. It is a position that will let me bring together my talents and interests as part of a seamless whole,” she says.

To understand why Green Hedges is such a perfect fit for Mrs. Lowery, one needs to understand the twin strands of teaching and music performance that have made up so much of her life. “I don’t remember a time that I was not involved in music,” she observes. “By the time I was three, I was singing in the church choir, and by eight, I was playing the piano. My parents saw how I thrived on music and always encouraged me. I was also fortunate to have a great church music director and to attend music camps.”

Mrs. Lowery grew up in Naples, Florida. Among the music camps she attended during high school was the world-famous Interlochen Arts Camp in Michigan, a place she describes as having an atmosphere that is magical in its fostering of joy and creativity. Subsequently, Mrs. Lowery continued


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her studies at the Interlochen Arts Academy for her senior year of high school and went on the receive her Bachelor of Music degree from Lawrence University’s Conservatory of Music in Appleton, Wisconsin. During her college career, she had the opportunity to spend the fall of her Junior year abroad, studying music in Vienna, Austria.

Mrs. Lowery moved to the Washington Metropolitan region to attend the University of Maryland Opera Studio Master’s program. After completing her work with the Opera Studio, Mrs. Lowery took a position teaching music and later full-day preschool at the Appletree School in Fairfax. She worked there for five years, and delighted in supporting the social and emotional development of young children. Her new position at Green Hedges will permit her to continue having contact with young students and will allow her to bring a greater complexity of her music and performance coaching skills to the older students. “When I walked onto the campus of Green Hedges, it reminded me of the magic I felt at Interlochen,” she says, “and I am thrilled to be part of that.”

Hank Mast, Extended DayGrowing up in the Poquoson School District near Virginia Beach, Extended Day staff member Hank Mast had the good fortune to have several outstanding teachers. “I admired my fifth grade teacher so much that I was inspired to become an educator,” he remembers, adding, “I was going to be a fifth grade teacher, but then my sixth and seventh grade teachers were great, too. I had ten years of events that convinced me that education was the path for me.”

Mr. Mast attended Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, earning a bachelor’s degree with a concentration in secondary education and a focus on history and social science. His studies included participating in a cross cultural program that involved time in China, a trip he counts as his most extraordinary adventure to date.

Always active in many sports, Mr. Mast will assist in coaching softball, basketball, and soccer at GHS. He and his brother, Jeff, and their father, the School’s Business Manager Tom Mast, spent part of the past summer hiking in the Grand Tetons, where they spotted buffalo and bear.

Diane Prentice, Grade 3Anyone who marched with Green Hedges in the Vienna Halloween Parade the last few years can take pride in knowing that the esprit de corps demonstrated by Green Hedges there makes an impression. Diane Prentice, our new Grade 3 teacher, says that the sense of community and shared fun she witnessed watching the Green Hedges contingent at the parade was a major factor in her seeking out the school. Before coming here, Mrs. Prentice taught at Flint Hill Elementary School for four years, focusing on Humanities for the first three years and on Mathematics for the last one.

Like so many people who are passionate about the profession, Mrs. Prentice comes from a family of teachers. Her mother, four sisters, and brother have all been involved in education. Mrs. Prentice attended Georgetown University, majoring in English, and later worked on Capitol Hill, where one of her areas of specialization was education. Subsequently, Mrs. Prentice undertook graduate studies at George Washington University and at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, earning a master’s degree in Government Administration.

Mrs. Prentice and her husband, Bill,


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have three daughters: Emily, who is a graduate of M.I.T.; Tracy, studying acting at Boston University; and Caralea, a Junior at James Madison High School. For a dozen years when the girls were younger, Mrs. Prentice worked in database design. Once her daughters were older, she began her teaching career. Reflecting on her expectations for the current year, she says, “Grade 3 is a time of change for children. They begin knowing themselves in a new way, apart from other people. I look forward to supporting my students in this beginning of middle childhood.”

Kathy Wilson, Band, Grade 7 HumanitiesTeachers can have a great influence on the lives of their students, and sometimes this fact takes on a special immediacy and joy. Such is the experience when listening to Kathy Wilson, our new Band Director and Grade 7 Humanities teacher, describe how she came to love music. Sometime during her grade school years, the band director at her school tested students to determine whether any of them might have particular abilities, such as detecting fine differences in pitch. As it happened, Ms. Wilson was such a child. Although she had had a somewhat indifferent relationship to the music she had heard while growing up, soon

she became interested in the trumpet and then the trombone, feeling as if an entire world had opened up to her.

Ms. Wilson’s talent enabled her to receive college scholarships and to play in a regional orchestra. She majored in Music Education at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Nowadays, Ms. Wilson plays professionally. She plays the French Horn, has participated in jazz bands and a military band, and is the conductor of the Vienna Community Band. She is also expanding her freelance work to include playing with the Reston Community Orchestra and with religious organizations.

Returning to the theme of the importance of good teachers, Ms. Wilson names three qualities that stood out in the teachers she has had the good fortune to learn from. “First, they had a wide and deep knowledge base,” she says. “They were persistent in their goals toward their students, trying different strategies until they found the one that worked for each individual. And finally,” she says, “good teachers establish a routine that is helpful to their students, teaching fundamentals that last them their whole life long.” She adds, “Music applies to all of life. The work ethic and the analytic thinking, the ability to appreciate good musicians, the ability to be self-motivated, it’s all there.”

A lover of history and liberal arts, Ms. Wilson, who taught English and Fine Arts at Northside High School in Louisiana, is glad to be teaching Grade 7 Humanities as well as Band. Ms. Wilson is also a fitness devotee who, in order to pursue her goal of playing music professionally in the Armed Forces, passed Basic Training with others who were quite some years her juniors. She is the mother of a grown son, Brian, and grandmother to Gavin, who is five years old.

Dedicated. Inspiring. Talented. Creative.

Those are just a few of the words that describe our faculty members, all of whom are at Green Hedges because they love children, love to teach and love to make a difference in their students’ lives. Of course, our teachers are also here because they are among the best educators in their fields. Their continued pursuit of excellence consistently inspires our students to achieve their own personal best academically, physically and emotionally.

Learn more about all our faculty & staff by visiting the newly-designed Green Hedges website. Check out “Meet Our Faculty & Staff” under “Our Community.”

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Cathy Voeks Director of Development703.938.8323 ext. 232415 Windover Avenue NW Vienna, VA 22180

young minds thrive here

In response to philanthropic trends, GHS has implemented a “family of funds” for donors interested in designating their gift to a specific area of need.

Academics & Faculty Arts Athletics Financial Aid Technology Unrestricted

Leadership gifts account for over 76% of the total revenue raised toward the 2010–11 Annual Fund and are the cornerstone of growth within the Annual Fund. We invite every donor to consider a leadership gift of $1,000 or more. Tuition covers 88% of the total cost of educating each student, which in terms of dollars, results in a $2,724 “gap.”

ACADEMICS & FACULTYMaterials for classroom instruction including math manipulatives, newly-released novels, Montessori

equipment, science consumables, foreign language magazine subscriptions and more;

Award-winning author visits; Experiential learning & field trips; Faculty professional development

ARTSCultural assemblies; Consumables for the Fine Arts Studio

(sketch pads, screen printing kit, acrylic paints, pottery glazes, watercolors and more);

Sheet music and instructional texts for concert band and general music program; Band instruments;

Band trip—“Music in the Parks” entrance fee;Stage set materials, fabric for costumes, play props and show

kits for the Performing Arts Program

ATHLETICSThe Presidential Fitness Program;

New equipment including netting for the multi-purpose room, volleyball equipment, assorted balls and more;

Team Uniforms

FINANCIAL AIDPartial scholarship award;

Half scholarship award

TECHNOLOGY—EQUIPMENTDigital cameras; Flip video cameras

ENO Interactive Boards (11); Ceiling Mounted Projectors;Apple—laptop carts (3); laptops (70); desktops (20) with

resources and software packages;Laser printers

Revenue from recent GHS Annual Funds has supported:

annual fund


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Jennifer F. Letowt, ChairBrig. Gen. Harry H. Bendorf (USAF Ret.),

Vice ChairSusan Thompson, TreasurerDeborah R. Young, Secretary

Seth AhlbornWayne Burstein

Robert E. Gregg, III, Ex-OfficioMargaret C. Hallbach

J. Eric JosephLisa Malmud

Michelle E. O’BrienPrem J. PillaiDavid W. Pijor

Gloria T. Runyon



Jennifer F. Letowt, ChairBrig. Gen. Harry H. Bendorf (USAF Ret.),

Vice ChairSusan Thompson, Treasurer

Ellen Giuntini, Secretary

Raj DuaRobert E. Gregg III, Ex-Officio,

Head of SchoolMargaret Hallbach

J. Eric JosephStephanie KatzJohn G. LathropBethel QuanderPeter Sparber

Tiffany Tomasso

Giving Options at GHSYour contributions are very important to Green Hedges. Every gift, large and small, makes a significant difference to the School, and there are a number of ways to give. You can do so using the type of assets best suited to your circumstances, existing tax laws, and your plans for your own financial future. We recommend that you consult with your financial advisor to determine what form of contribution will best accommodate your individual situation.

CASH/CHECKA cash contribution may entitle you to an income tax deduction in the year of the gift, depending upon your specific tax situation.

CREDIT CARDPaying by VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover allows you to take advantage of rewards programs. You can make a credit card gift through our secure server by logging onto our website. If you would like to make your payments over time, we can set up a monthly or quarterly recurring gift.

APPRECIATED SECURITIESAppreciated securities are often preferred vehicles because they may entitle you to an income tax charitable deduction for the fair market value of the securities and, in certain situations, the avoidance of capital gains tax. Consult your tax advisor for details.

MATCHING GIFTSCorporate matching gifts are an easy way for you to increase the impact of your personal contribution. By taking advantage of a company’s matching gift program, you can generate an additional gift that may automatically double or triple your own contribution. You will receive full credit for both the original donation and the matching gift. A matching gift form should accompany your initial contribution.

PLANNED GIFTSGifts made through bequests and estate planning help ensure Green Hedges’ future and may offer significant tax advantages and income rights for the life of the donor and/or the donor’s beneficiary. Bequests are designated for the School’s Endowment Fund, where they will provide for the long-term future of the School.

Unlike tuition payments, your gift to the Annual Fund is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Please make your gift online at

Click on “Support GHS” and then “The Annual Fund”

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MissionWe inspire young people of talent and promise to develop clear

values, a desire for wisdom, and an appreciation for all endeavors

which broaden the mind and enlighten the spirit.

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