In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Cortland NY...$U«4ftfi and journal Ontun. oratuak...

$U«4ftfi and journal Ontun. oratuak Vo.. N. n ' ' i — jtiu.i; TOWOAt, JUtTtl.WM I. A . riwm srao taxes a • «*»•«>> "• aoetOeais sraseM «hti«»< so H i « a s . •aerta* s. V k W H w a N Me |W dlaooolluaod, k" eseet W W W W « J « . or the' pabttsber res* eou itaMVlM*) It until oevmeat U* col leet »s srla^eseoant, « H * « « »• «•*«•j* 0 " arte save d.atts* tMt relMae; «• •*• M lee Feet Ofeee. or reasoTtaaae* aaoalled « » . M JW**M /)«*» «TtdW«» PAII). UMM ee tk. printed aria etlet** to tele ,J£? t W « « W M K *in beceMIt ^.tw^** ' ' ,., , -, VWMree ftri5«R1l5Sr,^* M^ T»a r«d .reck swelled 00 the ro»»d «r. fair. Tee <oo*iulK>'. ale. bad been gives Urn*. M MkVtMM srs. eeoaahoY her outturn) okln. Awl •*• tl|»l to ft»» like ear erosva up ale •Heeler biter Verily. hat edae. Who would be al.nunvt ell .'one. W W * too Irrlleat beaot of hit ova "r*h* WM . baby I" Uut who bss not IW n miw cMM »"X»»aa» ,*tteaVee jot. TIU aU arle vanees gave him the right to (tat I AM we all coma .hort of oar perfect bllae, Till we're able to .how Ik* ao»aa|io'a ktu, Wiuu*«0.»to»u»ao. ——--see 1 . —M re. Parte, on« etf the lady riders in M<imini's hlppodroate, New Vork, died last (Monday) from the erfcetj of » to,. ,rore her hone. - • l i e n follows a specimen of the modem school oi Fourth of July poetry that is tioubllog the people of New Knglatyil just now: l< r .i Ms awful shoulder He look hi. blopdarhgw, Aa* bo wee loar* i l B a n t w BID talk. Iblrkeatof taasluo. —August Is Invariably gif" t0 minister. as thetf raeatloa month. ' It hks five Sunday. trite year, end the. clenajmea an chuckling ••««*»- It appears that trJetoeenlsgolMoutdrlv. in». thefirst time the oVhe* bf Edinburgh accompanied her. placed, a. weee, Jheprin- cess ofWales besfdo her on the back ajkt. so that the ducheee end her fr 0 "**""" . forc€d to sit opposite with their backs to the hotaes, which wiTall very jr.1! *>• «J« <•***. •* *»- Ins a nun and In his mother, carriage, hat the proud and petted daughter of the cxar of all the Russia, had no idea of being made to yield th* Ursl place to any one. On her re- turn from the driver, therefore; she Informed Queen Victory the't the had nater occupied the front seat jn a carriage before, and that the princes, of Wales, as the wife of the heir to the crown and lee future Queen of Eng- land, was. of course, emit led to tale* prece- dence over tk* wits of her second son, and that, moreover, the FVtnOas Beatrice, as an unmarried English printe«s, slill under the immediate protcctiou of the tnieen, was also entitled to take precedence over any of the other female members of the royal family. iter of the the esar of ussia." cried "the indignant , young la<ry 'Remember that I am the .laughter of the earth, of osrng U vk nowledge no earthly sovereign as tny superior* ' So f reatest sovereign an uuia," cried the U . ^ To lids the queen responded, "I aclfnowleo'i no earthly sovereign as » y tupMor. ' i then tire mattes rests, and the duchess pf Edinburgh was no*,present at the queen's last drawing-room, ostensibly on account of illness. ' I »u. ITIarrla W6 : Conductor, pray tell us how yo« hold these cart when yon want them to stop," said a frightened lady ; whjle decending the almost perpendlcajar road from the Tiptop House oa the Whit* Mountains. "We ap. ply the brake, inadame." "Suppose the brake sbokld>g»ve wayi'wtuK theVf*' '-We *the»i aputy the double-acting biake." "But. Mr. Conductor, loaypoaa that brake should riot be sufficient to stop the can, where should we go then I" "Madam,'' saidi the conductor, solerqny, ^'l can't possibly decide. That de. panels entirely upon how we have lived in thU world." ' i^jtii liorsi-iicls Mf\Mt s;ys M : i - mira dealers nil oar yawls, adorn our door knobs, and hang on our yvd-g»tes, ail kind• of bills, calling upon our people to come down and trade witlt trietrV.'l t h e y rtH'what, they have got (o sell and how cheap they sell it, The- people respond to'this call. Il»h-. dreds of dollars go out of our village., eswry atonfh, for the purchase of gooos in Elmln.( •fd. ye» there arc those who sit dowil akd: «««toei».lh|tj*b»,fid irtaiit ^rtssl.'wcibe*..-! eflt In advertising. > The, nta#| in the deluge., 118 hTs tiurloua IMarrlaaje < In New Albany. Indiana, last Thursday, a marriage, decidedly out of the usual order, was celebrated between Mr. Gardner Knapki and Miss U Mira P. Hobbs, all of that. iiy. When theguesta who were bidden had assens- led the following written agreement waa reaki and subscribed by the bridal party, no a)|Jter cermony being peiformed. The parllea an Spiritualists : JV-iaaa. asset Ftlkm- CUifu, lajlu <uut («««««<•,' We, Gardner Knapp and la Min P. Hobbs. believing that our heartsand souls are already matrimonially united appear before) you noaf, thus publicly to celebrate the consummation of our union, We hold- the opion that neither church nor State has any moral rigrtt to interfere with, or any Just claim to big consulted in reference to, the arrangernenb-. that our spontaneous sentiments and sympa- tic* have prompted us to make. Therefore, in nonconformity to, and disregarding the rules and regulations in each cases made and provided by what is called society, we adopt such a form, and ceremony as in our )udgs meats and consciences seem most just and proper. And how, la the presence of these witnesses and of our invisible spirit friends hen assembled. we proclaim, publish and de- clare ourselves huaband and wife ; and may God and the angel world add their blessing. '• 4 atai a—« *- A FACT worth remembering—Five cents' ,, worth »f SttriJum't Cavalry Cmjitian Pavu iters, given to a horse twice a week, will save double that amount in gnln, and the horse will be fatter, sleeker, and every way worth more money than though he did not have them. Married ladies, under all circumstances, will fm&J'arsorii Purtptivt fitli sale ; and, ir| small doses, a mild CAlhattio. They cause no griping pains or cramp. who was submerged I very lips, and yet: insisted to Noah that there was not going to be much of a shgwef, wt A a pattern of v»- dotubythasideoAMtchme-.'' W«ean'<tel'' tlie Fittt'rtti la Cortland and go one bettir. We have a few merchants who not only neg- lect td advertise. bu» inayy'evah' iaje their job printing away from home, thanby beiael themselves the first to discredit home trade. How can they expect to get the patronage of their neighbors when they carry their dwn patronaKe abroad? Then is no kind ofj business that it. kept so nearly up to the city ' .tari.lanl as printing. In feet Cortland print- ing is both better and cheaper thaw' can be got out of te-w* and tl-» a>a-e who goes avtaV from home for printing must do it from pure cussedoese nr^d ought to be ashamed t,o ask enVotte to buy goods' of aim, —•*- '* i #•! < —— . ; P..»atee> De-uartmnsit. SOLUTION TO gNIOMA IK JULY 14. ¥» 4. 11, *6. » 7 , 13, i t . «,,a7, H •» & « BURR & STKTOiSOirS Geaeraf tire «M. -Ufc INSURANCE ..•^<ia€;iv<jvj.'' , ' , :s Masouio Hall Blook, Oortlautl.N. Y. GRAND OPENING wrtKr^liaSU laajr l u a n a e e ha < '1*1^ TheF% jv;iisaT«wWrS?flWrli KatHRAtllttt ''^'^'^,%$%wm The OMy »a.-<L rk. North (rjlkh « 1 Merea.llle Aaaata .,.,, ..... ,,-,,. - $601,0«S.St> The Oasve«o «'o. farmer.' I n . , t l o . I 4,001,818.00 mmm^mfmmiii^mm 1,1 AI.I.KINOM BhwUagsl Ttcklnga, Wnl llq A\- .KifJtastt -.11 , ,l'.v-. .;-.aV^tea«( Uof, W- ;KHf JaVllWlil»u ">M: '•!'«•' ''• ! 1 ,, ' l ' ; •:''' tbrtaoick,aI|si 'W.^-k Ua<orw«r ...i»r W i U " f "ff™ r j£o a largo .Jd .™ T T * . i^r«f»^Wrnr Tahlu and trl.h Muen., tTapVln.. Towuls. vVl.ll oarhirteii largo utoek te ottered at 01 £. N. JOHNSO • Total Aoaet. aasaataa ester wM'fflhe'nSl. u. #«6,8»l,BTt.7» aaae Voaapaalas of many, and tho Insuring public are cautioned against {nvoailqg their mousy In aw«^tk>>aflagcs.>>car»a., .-. -, . ; ., »y 1 f To TNk WIAKJ, TH« WORN AND TIIII W»AKV. the editor of the Boston k'norder says: " W,- can moat unhesitatingly recom. mend the Peruvian Syrup, a protected solu- tion m* the protoxide of Iron, to all the weak, the worn and Ihe weary, having richly expe- rienced its benefits. It possesses all the qualities claimed for it by its proprietor." iktjroftuor* at nwetttir. Mr. ,, .J" > " I '.5»9»!»Me»v» levteii nail, bio Sicilian Haft ttnjawer. lu my pnicUco at iho Sir- -At bio 8lcl..._ "N.raflmi'r lintel.;' and can say (eerfenr Mr. Sachs: it 1 hay» tevteii nail'. V.j-ete- it will ^••tnrll itray Mill ..^ hair to Its original color. It fa entirely hard sod la a valuable remedy to ust In tueh'ra«|ia Pntftuor ty Ihtml'irv ant HtoCKBOUt, July «, thrtn. : ' V gam 1*4 Wulwl i-uJkMl wtAviity !>• «ww/»/i.-- A. f have h*.fncf»«ii!inoaen«iiv,iiali> for .case ttase, have Hair Henewer, he Itching and dmdrufl ihataeeom- ettglaal ccfof 1 In removing the Itching and dinilruir that aoconi panlea the failing off of Ihe hair, I consider It my liny to acknowlodire iha same to Mr. rteehs. Johdson, LalDniY k fabled k monster. t>b>ejhrt ft*)*. T»1». monsjet was is mercrtant a*. '9. *3. J- 7. 15 i» <he Rebel <ien eral, J. tuyk ' ' W ..., . My 13, a8, as, 8, ay, 30 is ihe Hudson River in this State. ' St *.•«»• <• »* W.S^ia*War>a *<& of'wood." My o. aq, i t , to, | J It Train, the would- be President. My 5, .j. u , at. 14, ao, i6>|is to retreat— what the Rebel aoldien frequcintly did. J&Vi?' * '* ••f < *!f'•"TV^M* ^ <, ti -• My whole Is to ''adve|tis« in the STANII- A«U AND JOUKNAL.". l.ULkKAYNk. ANiwaas TO paoaiaas IN IUI.Y 14. "—J»059»0 t—4t>««o. 3—fiunday. ttll TkiaacUta callee* thp f*HI>fcc. Triis monsiei was a Hal vkrlte emblem among, the. Egyptians, ajid served, according to some, to represent rnl enigmatic nature .of the Egyptian, theology. At the present day iheie still remains, about three hundred paces east of the second pyr- amid, acelebrkted statue, cut In solid rock. Tola statue is,called SPHINX, arut.iaoaa cd IM tott ittpenxUujI |^a>. « i&VHi Ing from all antiquity. While Roman le- glona and Grecian phalanxes ' "Boaatln. one., how load I id>mvaiy agkrhsgefa* ajtae, the saads to froaan hill, soako mankind have perished, and their vary deeds only known from'the obscure text of writers, long since passed away, the spbin* slill stands be- neath the shade of its m ighty brothers, a sol. ema memorial of "the lapse of ages and Ta»<"» h«at*y ruins. - T*a, proportions of Ihis great statue an stIH more surprising than, lu antinalty. It coeitists of -« virgiaa heat, Jotnedlo the botty oTa quadrupeti. The body it formed out of solid rock,; tU pavwk are of masonry and emend 50 feci from the body. The entire length of the statie is its feet. JW» pona,., had bee, taoghl tiddly h,,) Ihe- Muses, and she sal on the Phlcean 11(11 and propounded one to the Thebans. It * » » : "W.Vr 5 '* »N»t. which has on. yp,i Se,U, four-looted In the reenamg.- two-footed at noon, add three-rooted at eight ?" She laid waste all the rind of the Thebans and filled all with terror on account of her exploits. Tht oracle Informed them thai lh»y would be freed from her ravages as igma was solved Thay often raet to try their skill., they had failed, ihe 8ttlftijc »JWA; off and devoured one of Ihelr nam length Hasmon, son of Creon', come her victim, hls'fatber olferesl o"y p7 proclamation the throne 10' which,he had succeeded en the death of \,| u », i5#m, c hand of hlstrttnjocasia, to wlw., * m>l \ aotW the ifeVfle of the SfHi^xN, f\d^ u i; who waa then at Thebes, hearing this, came forward and gave the correct answer. Where- upon the monster rratg herself down ,M„ lnc sea and perished. (Kelghlley's Mythology, p. J40-) Aaswer givew next week. t '. n.t>: .t»r-».teViAa»Mp. p •ill 'if. -j'tro 11 •• <»*»' «.»'» ' ' ..i.iy u i " l . ( * » «^k.^WI«« Fite, life Insurance Agent, UNION HALL HMit:K,«.»rtlait.l,IV. V srn. Kiml'n.Vr'ilr t, IW »i^/ !*S*> <9jh> unwell, pro- liayond polui of repair. :< point In otter lu j.niiignroi.t, per- .15. s s^ami&t&s. J H W lafiaaea^ai bspeoteinsvtt is won p. » • ' ' • • a a n a a s i l i a j avakt t i i r a a u Hkea- ^smsii re a. well a* ."•I I" tltisslne m & K W i " "I »!*•'• :^fs"i» k *V,, HOMS iNsUKAHbg Cd„ o r N i w YORK. Aaaeu tMM,WI. llAK I limn iNMIKANl.'K CO., OI llAKlHutu, CONN. A..,!, «a.iiM.-,i><. GiHMAN-AMK.itt(!AN IN.SUKANCK CO., II» N«vf VoKK. AVsek), gt.tiMi.wii. l.AMAsiiiKh (NaugANOK Co., OK MAN. CIIWTK*. KNti. Lapual, •lo.uuu.o.Hi l.VC.OMINi; iNSURANt.'k CO., OK Mt/M-'V, P A . AaavtS gfi.ten.tM HOMk iNSUHANC* CO., OK I'lll.liMliUS, I) Asset. $6*3.(16. 1 lil-HN'sKALLS iNKUkANOK. C o . , UK i;t.KN!| FAUU. Aeaete, |nh»,i:li. GXKMAN iNSUkANCK Co.. OK KRIK. PA. Asaete, gkM.ouo. N'KH-.YOKk ChisTltAt INSUgANCK Co., 1>K< U.NION SWUNG*, N. V. a m U , g'tlS.lKI. TRAVK.I.KRS' iNSUgANCtCO.. OK II.VKIKOKD.I CONN ii-ii'n add AivMent.) •••<», fi,n:ii,:im. ^AILWAV PA«S«N6k*s' A»»U»ANC» Co. (iirilitud IM«. IKIIKV, wicCTireBros Thoae Mowers areSorhired In three alxea! all narrow and uneven places, ami a tklM can ope- OF MVK BO DOS! Gioods in tne HarJiet. Oil i:ili:il I1M •• if •AkTMolf »ii»t)»t, orroaiTK ' ' ?* • • k W O T M M r t S W ' ' ,.ll MoWll'. i.nw 6pi- ••;•»•,•..•• 1.11-.-^ h U-li/'i'llO I *jin 1.1 ' f n ! " •. i It lh OORTi.AND,N. Y, (.•opIesl-ndenUwiHoany -I.e. and nnlshcd ! ..•) 'i-itiAl ;• ••• . ' ' s i H T ' l '•>.'»>( .»»i"»lli j Porcelain Pictures lion, by iho only jiertect l*oeWs, and primed i».i«aWWerktiBaxealredw •'• :.' <> 'ir'sisl'V'Ti»' •<£ "wit i'i *•*>£ Ayer's Oatha^tio 1 tJinghsiii., Yarn., tr.ii'», Jtat». ' 'OPBstM;Ma:^r(^B. Krtalte* 1 , Oli»|».- K\ «N * 1' e t t > V M ANI> H O S I H R V I- 1" suil (lent.. (url.adlr* at itli.eii I.e.. tliolt valae. exM^etastoplr^. .., ; , . ..... n' ,,„.,., •if iw^lfh w« havo an ,UNW»IIA)STW IRPfeawl IXV- . , . 1 • • • •• «[. j MAIN ST., CORTLAND, N.Y. = '9 lit l'h< hl«, welgli. mdy *l II,*.. .nil U s a •tvalb fnuileiiii Inches sviile. M-(ln iirilii..-o inn 1 liiiu-s were sold la.t..e.i|iiu mil tljelr. .uccoa. was '«v»n Isivmiil tlinrxpi'i'liilmi.i- nl Hie iiiniiiiriieiiiriira. .isarsa Bltt.ra. u.aterai rrrxMlhoi •u.talne.l the FOSTER it NIXON, Ag'ts Tht* "Old" ^Jtntv, oi Hartford. Asset., »ll.*)0.60a. Phooatx, ot Hartford, •, - Aetata, tUKMt*. Franklin of Philadelphia Asaeta, ta.ejt.'tet. ' HantwaT, oYlttrtr Tor*, Asms, tfim. Intturanoe Co. of North America •of PMadelphi*, Aaseta, M,lJt.lM. PennsylvasDiaTw Philadelphia A w l . , $rs»frt.«*». People'n, of'WoroeBter, Assets, htOO.afts. Boya., of Liverpool, Asset*. lin.iMHi.. 10. These Compsiile. otter to the nubile r.llatxe pro- lei 11.HI iiuahi.t losa and damag. by Are, whether by Ughinlng or ethfr eaeae, and the fnaured ki can or loaa may rely upon honorable treatment lu settling C » u t V . ? W . r a m b l e property st rate. Adapted, to ili» invito, and polieln. Issued wlthnut l*"" PUT nor orr TILL ran koaaow wa*T i-Kniii n aa nosta TO-DAT." PAT^ea lu Ma.iu.ll Mulldluic, W. B. M O O R E ' S Patent Hhootlttg, .! willi:tlsi|:;llii- .eutii lo-in^lli' * wide, laillirrlftr Itii-npiiii. ulde ysiil- The niilatltl|il,lu I.HW11 HQwers Kxcel any Pthera In use for case, durability and the perfect manner In which limy do their wark. Tha/' run with.loss.Uioii half the labor of olbee Mowers. The price la I6w as any: rtoinoiuber W ICKWIRE BHO&., W«ffll4a»fty,.Y., t Aa>Nra. BALL *te BULL, DO A 1,1, KlixDri OK Furnace and Oetierat Jot) Work. Oovntruot Oiutorus, Iiine Tanks, Furnish Foro* 'rUWpt,; and XiwiifTBpe, Orw'FaititfeB, Burners, &o. 1 Light, Heavy and tJhelf J Altio i.aili'irt'aiul iimutifucliii-fj-* of Tin War.*, Wlr« Cloth, kt. New Stock of G-ooda! rilllBUK&g^rpM^^IIcYt. I^MhlrOto ex- S 'hlrh h. has latefy pdrchaioA at CABrl t*BICIW. ebae ,' ^fy^ffjf _JJ„ farocarlea, R*«ejy-Mk«ie t'lothlnk, • • - m t M ' * » a « » • » . " and or the beet atollt#. , ' , All«'-R«a1i'FWh', rlhei .,,«»i.lJW'l»r,a»at*vOwtl«»»«»t. 1 rff M aanPWlraarwailsB 1 : .., i 111 MlteV• •, i .•; F«Mlly Physic. v., : ! a,Ja.adlas col all other fill.: 'they are safe and ploassnt taVo, but posyotful to cure. Th«J purge out 5 foul hntneja of (Ju bjopd; tbcrjStlffuUte the a|ii| glsh or d'lafrMlered organ into action; and lliiiy in| part hcsllh ami tone to tho wnolo tmlug. Tlioy ouro not only theovory (lay onlnplalnts of every Ubdy., but formidable .,,4 da. Keroi„ licet efWMMysfcjine, most ernlnent clargyBMirj, and our beat cltlaens, serul eotllflchtus of euiefc piiifoimcd and ol great benenu tlioy liavo <toiiv.ll from the., fill., 'fhey are tho safest and host yajralofor t*lldrou, botauae calif aa well as eaketu- al.. Ilolng .ugar-contod. tlioy are easy to take; anil being piirebr,yegetab|t) the^ are eutlroly UspuleaK. f 1. . i#neraas)q>al| rt'r.'y. t . A v Kit A tJo.,'fjs>wefl, nass.| ryftw'aiHl AwlttW <J/»n4,t,. Hc.l.l at t»ittl«iid, N,• a*„ Iiy 0 . VT. ladfulil, 0. Bradford * Hon, .ml by all itrugr- laanildcaleia in yejUcltn,,, .. ,;; ••' | «'ailol- nticl tlouK Ntftvoa In variety. I 'I'liuy wmilii especially Invite attenllon in their FearlwCaok Stove Tlie Xlc'iMt Htove In HM>I*M^. -tlfr" Cat., A Store, « "'•iaravOl'itr I ' W H Y HUl*. .•inamirwio* inske ileniaikl fi.rll .••.•. mil (I,,-;, ,..|- ^Toar^tr^,f- / , ||t Hfrfetf Joseeysi* .|^l»i»twtClij»i». s KaaHBATlLee. March 4th. Is/s ffi&m$m itrWs Sf" *' ,lH f "Oiler aalleraeltoa t o n y cu.lwneia 1^J> •'»i«^f«» as>s«c>. wlHstaaveyr. Haaiwtkseounh hr tested yosit.. as wall a. sarlnaa otaV kind*. I do nel twllatoi,, reeomsneastyokrCryetal ttneee ** 'yiry.birjn al olh.r.. .ad taWhaatajwa; / S e n t «a»|o>4 »««9t»y. uvXmbmn iaa . . u ,^'iakava, Aurlltlsl.ltm. i Ma. A b Hatra -Hear 8lr. : fiurlng ihe last l»o !?*fA STI "S*i , ^*i''^!'• 1 Oesshle-Ra^eSrawa- W W ^ W n ^ W tOaayaSta,I i?. *»iV a •• S » l *" 0 '3oe«" cfeoe by oralTMrtanee ••likaaaj^aeoaattors. Mlkery ob.Utesi. aid tke ~W^^H? mM ' "iiSt a« chkar i i e a e a a e laarre^Allor^ ^ **< «f»«' M <V Muialo-louiliiig Double Of my oWo uialce H I V L B a>« llttVTBOIIBLR.iJNt, TB1B80OW6' JftlPtEi*, '" r: '"U' , " SISiCI.K-HtBBKI. rirOKTIWII kit I, US All or th. bsnt na.llly. 'I'KK « ute AT I'Mi i#51;w , . or.tka ,, Fourth Gift Concert . Kentucky Public Itibrary '*aa» IIIUWN AS rofcww.: . Xfeatua.JJy,, ». M-MtfiBSL Wai^V^ h>.>. W. Doonti/. Loa Ang.10.. (Si., W. U. Byerly, Port. iimuIk. 11, ellnt A 1 ih.uilielliii,< Waco, 'I'eias. and &HTL^iW4<*»i/w'»^«lM' SKI.Ml Ji.m. ti Oates, Vicksndrg. Hiss ,,R M. Copelsnd. franklin, Ky,. Annstmng.Aj HawriV, Oiansliurg, liul.. each ticket, ami owned by U II, Kolth, Bed., Kingston. Mass., in whom was paid (tOD,(MI In cash. THE YOlk-Qim OONOBMV whleb Is noslllvely "1'IIM I.AK1' WHICH WILL S^c^u V InVMryW.sW.^^^^ railfAxT, JUliV 91,1»7«, diTlKM «<!fr A»TOttA h g»«Min*l ^ r u , will ba dfcitrlK JUl t-xauilliu Iliv •MituiUn• «4UKlki*3it wliU.ll imnmtoii Ktovea 'IOIMIH, HH well an <>ur tliDHij f.iliiln.drll Htov :.U«II| rtrtfiirriiiitiiT of move* and HuMwnrr WICKWIRB BR08., '• ' COBTtANI). W. f. 1 CHAMBCTtAIKSLAFTERACo , WBrtfaW I«*I,I..I. • i CHAWBBJBIaAlNefc SMITH, •• wmn.r.sAie aMulaewait baataa. IN JEI J V I l . MM vw A JRL EI Benjamin Brothers, •;' , ^or^la'MW : )s»,<.; ( Ooiftl'ana. Kkt-OW oiiiu for .ale the laigesi and Biiestaawrl- MONUMKNTtS, HKAIKNTONKN f •ifiWe^j*".' *f^ff*',^'^;^^': i |(' ^as^lea, ajriohelks «>«... Kvnr can' z> that _.. oiiatpmurs aud Not ue ntiileretild., , ITAI.IAN * AMCRIOAM MARBLE In all ilmlr illDniwii shade, aud styles. N A'tflVK tittANrrK, in all Vkrletlea, 'lr>*i4*»»Ot«tB f '*e. pVeyflsF aka) fkfaaTaT* afcaTaaM •***•> aa) W••» •<•» loaVt nliisliie.lillreu fioni Hcoiland, thus saving lo the I'liBtnmnr one iiroltl. ( , . REDUCED! ••* • rmi' '• WtleJ Oaoiikar'woecl IVuduttMtlcmttbut: Those l'uuiiia will uot crack In the heal nf Hie ana. ,Ihte wood la free from all linpur liloa ol lasie. and the beat known-to-keep water nuroandaw These rarnnaare well IK 1 BlW0»aK/«(lt/l...7l»». The old lasg I'unip —utjLKtii- 1 '-' '-.-;'- r ""f NO. 12 SSUiA 11 s s ^ s y ' ^ y ««»laad. la Ihe county nl r^ae?^rSalk^^^^""!* bounded on the Jta.1, North and West n, she, 11 ou the Boutb by one hundred and U y acres (U •old aad coiivered Ui Henry Taiboy.K. It iiiii m , t d N?&». l> ' rJafd^i'rcei^erSiy convcyod "s 'tile balanea of aaM »>t*o, »*»lel). a^taklngoetlHe iauacree herein above mentioned as having beeki aold to Oriffln. Tarbox * WilobX and Jeremiah Hodloe; anTle aapnoeed lo conuln onu hundn aad algaty4hree(laf>aerea of land, he the — l»aow "n''ii.ii'i town, bounded as follows: North & Wrn, West by Jnslsli IK.Hl, Hoiilli by Win. B. I commonclini al the Nortbwesl cornor of Mid lot Rut seventeen chslus(17 ebk.), thlrf Ing over It toeoibs. . BavemarleandsoH «h* Wild C'ucumlier Parana, for over 95 year., and oifei iheai as tho Hlist WOOd) , 1'IIHS|I DOW lu nan. . ..'$ lemlcit to JAMM B. VAN 4B&V »U*, igeat, OOHTJLAND, N. vJ »tf 1>. BuaorVaii'sSiiMi S tore, or soot by mall, ill be^irsimplly ' "T 3Dron in the Blood ,i, ,.i, -A •c*JL v Mi §YRUfL UVIlSjSJ ""11)11 ' 1 Iks.) i thsnci ifb.^ 1 .. llrly-sevenC teen chain., two link -in<lf)chalnt jinks; Ibence Boufb . beglnarogrconuialng^ilirty-ibna ( « , , . land, lui the same more or less. Al-o. one <•trn ks.)i thence west seventeen (If)ct ii (30link.; tliem-e Norih lathe. l»t) acres » iluco or parcel of land, situate in ins town ind. In toe county of Coitiaud, and Slate i York, bolug pari of lot number twenty-alx In sail town, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stakf iu"iho uTest Ilt7* of aaM di Fin: 5*1. iu the center from North Boulh ; thorn lUuatng Bast .evonteen OT) eli.lus. thirteen (1: link* to the Bast line of the lot; thouce North and SIIIIMIS sl.ndliiK lu the ' •' — n t o r frr— *' tos._ .... rhaini ~&jfckTj thence West se'vonlMn {mchains uliih of said lot-: conlslniiig lees. Alstl, situate In the t»« n Ilium (• Mniitii to the place of beginning, aeveateea OT) aerea ul laud, more oF). ad that tract or issrcel of land, situate li oi Harford, (lormorly Vlrsill.)ln Iho cooniy of fort- land, aud Htate Of New YorkJ beinx the smith of lot iiiinilmr twenty-six, (*i.) of the North tier of Int. In Walter Babln's survey of the Ten Townj- ships, oulered by tho People of the Cnmmonvyoall b - '- ....... 'lain' Wo^n^rJorS'tkty^ {1ST KM thirty (a* links to the above-named division lui i Ihnnco along the West line sevenleon (IT) n.lms thirty 180) links Ui the place bf heglnhtng-. contain lngelxly-two((H)aiidolglity-four one huudreiiiiit (Kl USD acres of land, be the same more or lei-*, Tho hemlock bark upon lbs staudlug ttaihor the IS* aires Urslly honilinim ffWi ami desciihed, siul Hit oa Mm Ismt mi Ihe leu acrea Hatrt side of 11 '.from which Ihe bar ml ale ri-i-i'iveil from Ibis conveyance. All die [en Creek, • Ihe hark Ux« been i eal- Mortgage Sale. WUiS. H *' i : ""K'iH- T'Ov-hilUge, of t orllaiiii 'V&. >!i a i£• t< B.'.'«M <JolUH) sun Ma!. 01 Ne. York, to secure ihe iiaymeiii of the sum ol fom Ihouaano dollars, In lour equal annual parmenis oi one thousand dollars e eh, fiom Apiilurvl l»?8 will, luniurl coiumeiiiii.g eprlll, fgjj, > ..i hie akMiannuaily ihereaner on al' '- til paid, did, on the 11th day or mortgage bearing date on ihe 1st day ol the year of our Lord oue thousand eight bundled. npaldiiu '•in, by a Bai . Hlale 1 aoventytbiei «ree, dulj moi unio Wllllsm ?" •—1 vtllsiis.Cortt - Itowlng doaci All ihal tract or parcel oi 'ark. the A w i n g riaecrlbed so wit rtland Oouuty and eih land situate la the town or OorUandviUe, voriland CoutiiyaaiButeof New Vork.oolotaambor «lx. lyivo,atM,kbokBwSsl aad deaetlbod a.follow., via: Bomb by tke ceoloroi Port Wataoeatroci; east by ,tho Syracaee and Blnghamion .ad N,•« York Itallroad Company', lands; north by lauds owned by Jatnes O.^oateroy-lhe north Hue being two leef north of the paekiag hoaae.ajs II uovT (April 1, ttna,) standa to the northwest core..- ,,i ihe jsacklug-houM, aad rroai theace lotkeoeniei ol ltsiKtl.ton.troat by a line drawee t right .nxi. - with Pendleton .trees, aad weal by the center ol remdssloa sweet, ooa talking astsre Or leas of land." icciible withi taterest on t h ^ e , ? J » a " ' W**- «ld Trowbrtdge negloeu eo to k.«i t,TE_l!'*' '.' policy awlgneu, aa aforesaid, u,.i «id «c&SSJ •ball 1MB become due and payable -uyTaaaTC eald aivrtgage la the contiary not»1lh.Und\iiv Bald niortgage, with the power of sale therein i.„ Wined, waa duly recorded in Ihe iMeik'i- uh Uoillandcounty, In Liber U ot Mortgages, si :„.,, M, on the, ITlh day 91 Awil, leTj, al three o'c'.«\ and llltoeb minutes In tho afternoon of thai ,i«, or an Inelromeut lo killing, »ht 001 ded lu Liber c or AaalgnmenU ol Mori page 215, ou the said Hln da: aud one-qu.i ter o'clock r. as. ana oltoeli minutes In tho afternoon ot thai d«, and dulsuli baa been made In the payment 11,11,.'., and In ihe sgroemenl to keep the liuUnlua-s OL II„ pn mleos insured, and policy sMlgmxl lu Ihe b.,l„,, 01 said mnrtkage. Bald njoytgago we., en lln r.,i day of April, lxi3, duly aaslgned by said » ilhsm P. It.mlall lo the Pint National Bank of 1 mn.„, htch was null n *tgag« lay ol April, ima. t[ a __. bald moitgaa-e ... given to secure Ike payment of the purchase ,,„„, ey ui tke above described preailses. The .m ; clslmed to be due at the date of the nrsl publics lion 01 this notice, by the terms of paymoui 0111,1, niortgage, la the sum uf owt thousand dollar, (*I.ISSI urn ol pilm l|,.l, aad delault has been msdt in t e paymont iin-ie.ui; and also thtrty-ilve dollar, paid for losurlug the building, on sstil promis.> which said Trvwrwidgo hegieeted to keep inaune and policy assigned to the assignee ol ssld men gage , aud thu summit ol interest due si the <;. '•'-' --""-artor ' MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. ' I, 1. 1 5TA« I'eruvlan Hyrup,nl Votect- ed/Motion of th« Protoxide of tht) charcuMer of t»ra f^ifHfTnt, p* t$lh V thb food. «. \of tr<aure>« fxffiHrrt rtrr f tctUd <wM vUafUtd btood tH>r- n*«aUi*wv part ofthebodu, repairingdam«ff)» ahttttotfe, trMvchitiff out itioroM were- i Uon$4**Hd toavHig nothiity for • disease to feled upon. This is the secret of thii tooii~ •, dtyrful emocsst oftMw*yi%*yApin ; curing J>yapop»lR, Mvnr Com- t pW^t)rr3»>,; : e^^ri^JJlar- t'l|iV»sB«>»^*rwv<»UHV»lT««t|t>>iN, , . OIIHIB ttiul Ferrers* > UuntorB.; ItOBB of <;omsMlnHonal Vlnof, ! < <>»H)li»litt«, Ung in or ao- 1 alow ' freo VBpGHUtnff t notvea 011 corresponding reac- tlon t imi are permanent, infu- I'.n.k, fhrlar anal tiitl.o iatovee A specially. Tko Mow Stewart 1* wnVrijig, at V EK,Y 1.0W ('/IIL'KN! , ..,.,»..,efSfckr^fl*rflrK-t... I' FURNITURE! irj Thousand* have been ehan»r<l b,i ««» tuo of this remedy, from wonk, sickly, *Uffirlng crea- tures, to. strong, healthy, ami happy men Win* women i and invalids cannot reasonably hes- Itatoto give it«trial. See tko* oath bottle hat PERU* VIAN SYRUP blown in tho glass. *'«m p liloti. IVoo. SEWW.TOWLJJA SONS, Proprietor., '' ltd. 1 Milton Vlrtpr. )lAv(o»i, Hoi, ii 11 Y )>IIIHI«IIMVH »>: N >:H A M . Y. i^mmsm^Mi^gmM Mortgage Sale, Imid mid ii'iimUui' HIKIVU iiohcnbutl, ind innyiij i.'init:(l to 'if ittiiv. ytil, rm MM- *' an oouvaj d futni .lnhii Ui'iiinin mill uJf- in><w*> W. );>!>;•., bv twM d**& K«*> *», 1HW. •»«. it corded in Co-ti Idttd t^tUMiy (Jterk»o«c«, In Ut**49vT Utitdtt, H iw'.' i!». Alto, nil '.Ml tithr-i trad or i>nrpol of l»nq •I.M'HI wlilili thurtt are A II».I.-I and nunc and uthor imiidtUaUi. ailuaiv lu i|>o »*«« n <d AJuford. in t U oo.inty of Cori1a.Hl. and Slate nf Naw .York, bofiijj a |>H:1 ot lot Miunitii Hvt- hniMlrifl and Ui|/Jily fevni (IWt), and bounded a* folhiwa: CViiumoiiclag whona Die WvM linn pf iho ts.miln.nt Coniral I.K. 11 <> •! norm!- ilii! Itluliway leading Kaat from Harford Mill...tliHiii-aimiiHiiih'.M . AOUtriorly direction alon^i >( iiiu:Mtd railroad. tfiiidO) ohalni tiikn; Iboncc- ruqiilhg HouLli alxty ' ro«a,(^«K-). Weatta.t anrVtMHy iwr) link*. tiMim-i- running Houlli alxty ' iiiren-lvurllia Angina* (iiv»K «V). We«t ta < _ ..a and flity (60) I Inks; thunc« Nprtb twenty and (ino'fuiiiili dogroet (90K dg). Weat to tbe cVn and wlfti IWiwitn» W. Origtw. Iiy dtad dated l-v. \ffit iiid recordod In CortUnd O „JO, In'Book Nu. 61 nf t>e^.iragb V tug, Ntrvmiliflinpi, <njf halt oT an tore c4tand •ouoty CloikV )}<•<-tU, |ift|;c MO tClCOl't (VJJ I-UIIIH and ill') (60)11 and one-fourib degroaa ( tor of the highway ; theiico atopic tbo ooutor nf iliv, highway Id the ttlaee ot beginning. ce-'iiUlnltur iwd •tut i.,i.i,vnTt1iH rJaftlhOHcrw nt land ; and tuti.j- c^inveyt'd from Hli.un Wtlc<>x v. ^-w.c'- II. ItffO, iiid recordodlt ..flit.-. In ItiHikNn ftl ot lug, noverthelofie, about mn nun c tnnvovodby fleorge W.Orlgga UiJuHua W. Br«gg.| by iitittd bttarlitg dat« l>cd>mher 1, lRTU.and bound fd Mini duscrlltud U lollowi: Ucutnutugalthe Went Mm' of On- tMi,.Hn:ru Cuntral KMinm.t. «t tlm Norlli* tiaalooriiDrnf a cotilomidatod lilghway, wanrvoyml by H, Danlriltt; tinnte the Wrtit lino ul HHid miliortd uljrht IO.IK to tbe land ol (..tiiiitt W. Hi IKH* ; thonco We-teily along the lino of aaTd tirlggriMd about ion r*»di« to larirla of*HI- rain Wilcox ; Unnire Ntirihcrly tipoii Wllcox'a Went linn vigil- rmU lolhn toiitcroi afuMMld ouutnn- plriK-dTilufiwfiy ; tlieuce Ravterly thnriiifli o^uior uf « r.nt< lliplHfli] lit;-,»l\V«; nt l|t<!>i|iiiini'. i;oulHN)Uig ' Hated July II. AT) l.lll.l ')• li cei leniplafnl Uigliway ahotll ten rod^T" the pta ••'-ling about on.' i'lHi an ii're of WW- X. II. IIAYNKSS 11 Sharlft of tutj county uf tc-jHlmnl. Admiuistrator'B Sale. N o fh'K la bcroby ifivou that in nitrauauce of an nidt'i nittln by (ho UOO. A P HmUh. Hum, Sate t.t the county of Cortland, <>]i tint ttd day of une. 1614, the anders-giuM, the iidintiilMtralor. Ac of JoHtiuft l>. Hurdlck."iato of the towu oi Cuyl«r, In the couiiiy of OoftUud, N. Y. deceased, win Mil at imlilit" auction, on the llthdayol Augiixt, 1H.J.M Vloien'ta lloioi In Ihn villnm.tif i:nylm. N Y., at' 0 O'clock In the lux inn»n. ttie following - •crlbed roal estate of eald deceased for tbe pay- ment of hie dubta. to wit: All dial piece or pun -i of land etiuele \\\ tb« towu ot Tmxinn (IH.W tnj lor), ('ortland county. N. Y.. being part or Ion No* Beg n , ,. aid l«»t K, thence R. aloug the north Hue of aald loi Hand 0, In eaid towu, )totnid«:d at follow* nil.,; -n nilbs earl of tlie ,N. W. cyrnor of No." " '" '" "' " " - ' _._•. ttiochafu*. W ll'ike t*> tlie center of tbe high way: tbauco aoath 60 mluulea. w . 31 chatue aud one link tut lie itj>ilb InmudMol tfui liigliwhy. rtiu nlng woat acro> " '••* * T - ' , along the north way to f.etakc and BtvpoB thenet- unrtli along Hn: IHM line ui i). i UaxuuuV laud IO tho eouthwr IIIKIIH |)Mid ou eald lot No. h ; theuco oaat along W HKI>KAI1, uii tlit- Dint day of Atull. in (liwyom of our irtnd onu ihoiieand night buudred aud hovnitty. David J, sHoblnmm. Jr..?if <;Orilartriviito, '.if . A B.'Vts\. W., Mm. lo .etiuro iho paimMiitio W1I avventyj Oavld J, Kohlason, Jr. " '«." »<- _ ijam'H|ii'l( 'of Yli/i tots l> ol 1 -oi llnmlvflia, county ul Oorllsnd liila Nfale aroVesaM, of (he snnt iifilvo hiindriKl and nity dollars tall ul whli-h sum being piirchaaa' niiiii.iy), and Interest llioicoii.THd du)? Innruatui all tliit Meet or:parcel of land siliism (u tM town of Oortlaudylllv alorssaid, and ou loi Wo, 6». In satd town, and iionmluil i.n.l ilnke, il,nl as !?,"!.•> lo L w " : w B l lu . l o V ,h ?.l" >t ."> .Ido.ol.l'orl WattoH'street, In t nillsiidvlllc. buKlniiliiK at a point In tlin coiitur of raid siios-i, uluhi wnsi of Vtllllam Books west line; lliuna-riiiiii|ii,,-iiuii|i iwulvo rods i iheiwo weal liuiiinds; iheineaouil nlng west serosa .aid l o t N p . i ; ilidjicsi wosiorly -"III Bolrlds of IhcUslfiTiiViloiioii hiKh ,0 andstooos; Iheuce sotliuwssiuilr slim,; tlio c a r e t of the htsl mrotlolled lilghuay in Hi.- iscatjlliio n|,siili| loi Nn II. at tlw uortiwasi i IIIinn ui I Suaman's Isnd; tliemi wost SII.IIJ: siit.l Hi-sinsiiV urn ili. hue SOchalus 10 a .tako aim lit east line oi B, ^.1 coruor ot Kil l; theuco oast aloi,. ssld Irish's souib lino 6? roils; thouce north lo s slake aud atone, on tin- oorner of land conveyed by Vanillin M. Ititrdlck and wif. loasld Bliss.Irish mi HHIII lots NUM. n mill It; tliencc ea.t to a Stake mill r-tonos at the southoa.l coruer of Mid farm nl land deeded by eald Burdick to satd Irish; north 10 iliii ulace of beginning, coulaloing loo scree of lend, he the same more or less, excepting aw) reserylug from said alece of land, bulng tin- ground upon wn(ch the ecboolhoiiso tos slajuds, ilso all that certain other piece or|ian:oi nflsinl situate In Ike town of Uuyki,, Oorl known aspsrl of aubdlvtaioii No. « iisiul opantv, and ~ of lot No ~ 0>9 mt-rs. 1 !»,« o%m ,%a< ; ..h rt ,n. 0pej8skaJlt5sha»ia.... i , avnet Aod '''^{^r^riirVkjto Ml"* frwa $*>.W to Orand, Total,lsyNs«)»«fta,ailcaah....;.. js.noo.tjou Halsroa ' TNI •K«T Or AMMUNITION, Of .11 kinds, kept fur win. . . B4 stoor ua Jlmirs Ht,^ 1 oril-Md, ff. J/j 1 M "' '.'"'.', ijsjgafc IYJTB «RMh. in ifOii-x wartTaAT (IffliillrifHs IN mfmi only to ^ UOflliaTfKsi, 1 wrvm •«£'«» * «:o., Thf oyf.tlinl^rgrtto and |llUniluatt:«l MUrV fiont COOKING 3TOVE, With Iron-clao tow copper reaervolr and jcaatctpaaL Tbeae iloven have atood the teat of year*, and maintain their auprenoaoy. TH* wf&ivm} NB* Empire Cooing Stove other pUtees, at ^.f^wijr^rif,^. rttlataYeeoM Br.lo Iralrl 1 Hii. T ' R a w B n « l a s u l V*lr>, I S f l . •" ««»»'« N. W.MMtte F a t r , : i i m . . , than four .ears. (' n- < »(INIJ Of't'JIKKMCIKK. SfoWj"* "Wl.* Hwtalhnsoena iU wife '''" »'""'• - - I t h confusion, contention sed strife '. cease of dletarbance will be *<*.•!» «^«l>«*i«Nirpe. Parsons^Wastyr ,Ayer's Hair Vig^or i For Jatotwuig 6ra\y.. Hai?, : \TO trs'ltATollAiytrALiTrAhD C/L</% Ailsaniili.g y e a r . . a|»|sneae.icafo»rV*eji- |K>iiiliiiiuit,anil hered, Italy |ir,-,ll.|ii.slll,.,i. .11 tarn the hair Way, aad silt her nf semi In- l-IIHHi' III Shell ||,e„|,t. turely. Ar.n'e 11 AMI VUHIK 'J lilllK Slid I-XI0IIS|V|1 aw, baa provau ifcat Is .lui* tim kUlraj nftaa. y i oft.-a 1..UHWS the |rrc-.|ik,eu4 , itoVoalleealer, wheo|Medorgray. It sllnialaiiv the natrltrtre tHrgana to h.-.lihy iellr- tly, awl i-rewirse. both the' hair aad Ha tiuauiy. Thi>- Inashy. weak »r .ickly hair necoaies gkissy. pll-ihto sisi siici'^thiuinl; ln-t halr.regruirs, wilb i s.ily expr.'.'lon ; railing hair Is .'lirrkml ami rtah •hod; lain hair thickens; and failed or gray hair rWarars thru- original oolor. Ire nneratleerIs sure and harinliM It euros rJsiHlr.ff. Ksals all blisiors. end keas^e the acalp cool, clean and soft—unoer which i i.udliliiii. disease, of iho m-alp are Impo,- rtbkt. [| inivil - -P-iim .. .. IHJ ..1 ! Aa a dreasliia lor redtoV. hale, the VICOH Is prala- ai for Ua gratniul ami agreoablu iMrfuaio, aad ra|. in .1 l"i- I hi' soft lust 1,1 am! i lehiics nl t, ?rui It Im parts, . I ' ••-if'-'- rna-ransii av ".blnorls •r. J. 0. AYt * A CO.. LoWi:!/,* .... /VartfceV anal ^aefettosl, Cktmfolf., "'^ n Bow at Oortlandl §Ljl V .o.'.Ws ahastrhs* n. aVaWorB*>oa,and h> all onurslste and dealers saa - 1 - - aaB.k.lll.. , O.I Parlor, Slttfjug-room, Dining-ro(Jm, Ohambor^Libmry and'Kitohen. Parlar Nulfs from $50 to $300, Chamber Sets from $8? to$»75. twelvo rods to the oenter of said .Ircei; tliouee cast along ekltl street. In tho comer tberoof, four rods to ilin plaua of liegluulux, containing forty- - 'if land, more or less. Bald nertgaso. l-erbf sale ilioroliicoiiMtiieA, Was duly [h^fpde oflsjid, 1 niore""or loss. Hal witto ttte noaar ofsale ihoroln couialrJori, was ddly | l V».ffi?> u *c«Rl «la> of-AprU, iB7«75?l*f o'clock At wholi tfu. mm, r retai| atttjioids'iaad,establish- COgTlrfAl^MTitiX. It ho etilir con Ko one mnrnln •imlih told all ihrthnme. tell how, I ,ia ! Ith allll loved bus,—~ Thawl BrV 1 ' &.p«lit •h.^ilssdlon of parihsw ini.ttv. n/llloaght ' ' fciuJi^""*^*?^^ 'o?!n'fi ,, *fj ,h4 i hough ihfi oihoi. ivdio hlauke he hall now iliaivn aprlzn. ~ • ^ " • To HMltk> great .arprtse, a ck.nge lite'a dn-ain taaae otarihl%rmaseaeM. .ad it woaaa seen ' ^reTa^rrfa^y^X^ff. 0 ^ Now HHilili and hisWIfe area* happy as bona. Anil strive in tho)* heeit» cat-hVhcr to pleasn. Both now In sboir lib' tim. mado happy nasi hmrry. { WhsW 1 TuW*v>^ytoili*ir|kOuiieaavl|r«ac«ioi|jHrft».«... •"•- ********* »*m»TB»;"" '• MlK* 1 , 'tlluMt'ft rei-onred In thieinumv msniifsitnie/l f-ijni the ust materiel and-ndui is Iniinurilalo snpoi sialoii. Ml will be sold cliKAi-Klt than Ihe aarhe uuslliy ljP>os1ecanrsslKj*(..t.liii|1eBtatC P|e,l|i(ikcon two lb palt Of ,- , •jt»Ai«;»» : i<'>^<, w i ^ * ' ^ h'»w.toMw"»»a«r.tri.- ,.- : i . KDMBTBx'xJ-VThTflB.UABx-ANUi'AKI.OK -"h» OUOBBB, to., *„, OlfyptBlIB BBXB ,, uf Ihe aMiet elshufaui si*-l*a.. <int. .• Fiifiillitrc, ikKiktuae., Nliln Hoanls, ! u ' 15 x i*rf^.3>. b >«' ailsWoflyio.TBliler,. i ol.rlugaVl/r'ea&rWls lalljwacs. Ilwlsti-sds. l.or.kliw Olssso., fiiiio, flsir, mil Wood Meal S.'halis and Booker.. Uill.lilsl and 1 'I'm klsl, t'1,,1,,, Bureau., . ,S ,; ,,|, Warhl. aiid WiodTouji, tm.ttieaacoad day of lAprtl, im«iTit"it.. I. Baldjaottgaije was.for a.valuable.eonsUler- •Hon, duly '»aVSMB by John If Roflo.'aditilitls. by aislgiitneni In writing, .dated May Ism,, left, nuiouiu clafu'losito ij'u dno'aud ulip'iiifmi i.n'n i" gage, at the dato or Hie rli-» inililieatlon oTthle no- h *fi.rfai5W , l»* 9r* RfWSBW thoidof, ami no #ro curding^ at law or In equity have lii-uii bad lo re- - >rahrrarritr»r#r/ Mftik Vr-pdilrt^HHco w|»boeokt at to (ftp JriglicnMfhldor, al tho novith '•^'jlil^Vlllage, edhy Nathan Wnght; thenoo woat aloiigtbe.outn line of raid Wrlght'f Inmi to the center of the highway; thbncc eoutb along the cooter of tin? highway lo the center of the nhrti^ay raishlng to warda kUrii; thoticooaetorly along U)e cculor of tho li,r»l mentioned highway to Ihe ulaoe oi l>«- ginuvlug. contaloiug 38 aoroe of laud, be tbo eatne more or loen. The flret plocc ot land berelu do ' "' " " •" " iort{jt%getbcrcori. 8u rpor r |i.,^wo/i. old ei'illu'd uill bu sold anblMt to a in upon whll-'i llferp fa diwahgiif. fhc« ItatcKl JuuuUf. i«7*J- I'HlMtAli U. Ill.'lflill-H. Admlnlatrn|y>r, ttf . of .)«miun, p. Jjurdlr.k, < m of till notice le Hie .u... two Itutidiml 'and jiluuty doUara and »lziy un<t.i ceifM (eJ-wW-WK and Hm amount to OOCOUK am hcnaiit-r la'ho auut of throe ilfonuaud ami .lu> >ivtn tiollar* and ;eu ceula (.$8.C«- , .H'); and tin rtiiii'init uuo and to booomedue and anpatd m tin (talc oi tin- Orel publication of thU notice i* ih< •turn ot lout iboueaiyl, Uitxehuudritdaouufiyrt n , dollaro auu auveuVy ulght oouta, and no prtx^u Inge at law oi iu equity have boon had to rmmi thu MIIIU oi nay pari thiroo/. iiy viriun uf uir |l'lW'tlO fi'K > "lilNUH'l III rnld llMiHg.,..;, , e-lr.l |, ttudttl tiu'isvvvnli, tlio lirutulaet dcacnlwu in MKI uiortgagv and .ii Hilt uolicu will i I<. ..: jitluu .HICli-ll, 10 WlO lilLlll'.Hl llUKIVI.MI till W.IUli i|- i. duoi <>i tin ( "'lii n utu. in COiuanti \ iluujt i - ri IMIHI OUIIUI>, A i., on ilic V-iii. day ot Augur-i i-. at hi. u t.tujh. in die lofuooii ol tual, day, and **\>: im-rtgait^t » ili tin i: find Un it- it* t..j> i.r.. ti Hit •.; .Ma. ttl. IN. I ItlE I ...:.'( .\.s IH..NAI. tl.\Mi, ot Cuttland, Atuilgneeoi nioriga%g(. HlllAM I'liAMMII A l l I lOI .11 l,|.„| «agc. 4 Mortgage Hale. W IIKUKAh, John J. ' . W a i l mid M«iy A. Tag gart, Inn wilt:. In.Hi limn iMldkng lu tbo lowi of i -iiilHiidvilu-., In iho county of OorUand an. -.1 MII- oi New Vol*, did. on the thirtieth day la», July, Ui thu yoar of our liuodaTodand alatyatx tr Lord one tbouaaud -_(JuTy autb, I W , ) to • iln.- jt*> un.i.i of the Mini of one thouaaud and ibm uuorod dollar* ($1,800.00) aud luterevt thereon n beivlnanor oatiroaecd, dul> make, execute and «. liver unto Koburt It Hmitn of tSorUaitd, Oorl land county, N. Y.,aa uuardian for Morna, John auu (iioige mdwell.tbatlr conaiu M R t m , uearinn date ou tho. aald «ltb day Of JUly, Iw«, upoii lit. loliowlng deicrliM-d lauda aud preoilaca, to mi 'All that tract or ,»arc«l it lanu elluate lu i J • • w. inj't- of Portland, In tbe county and Htaioaforui-ina and bounded and doacrlbod aa lollowa. via: i .-•, tuoiiclng at the lntet>eciton of the <«--t linr m ii., Virgil toad with Iho aoutb Hue of land* foniim tMinveyrd lo Mary Buell. and now owned \n Mi lloaworth, and ruunlog naaUiKy «long M.U lloaworth'e voutli Ituu to laodt utely owneu U\ ,i,, rwipb Reymikli, dtd a-uO , thence auotoorly aiui.t aald neyuolda land u> tturnouli line of land- tt.r l.l'ily niliv.-yi "(I tO Mlf -I'll.Ii l,s'(\ Mill 0O((i pled by Neil. Pope; ineucu wuaierly along UI<J PniHi'a north line i<> t-nirj Vligli roa<l; Hn'i.i.- nnnti or)y along eald road to tht: pihvto of Uginiiii^ n- Kethur wlta the ea«-tuiii hair of tbe Virgil >..;.. Hforvauld, iu front ol ibnabovt) dottciibed preniinn but auhjoa «u thu right ot tlie public tberain Which aald mortgage, with tbo power of laletlirrr lu contained, waa duly rvcordod In i..e fount) tJIcrke oMce ot the Munity of Cortland, at tort land Village In aald county aud State of New York In l.ibtii hlx ill) ol Mortgage*, al pagf 677. on ih. JtOtbday of J u l y , 1HW», al *h o'clock )', M Mid mortgage waa given toeccuru the payment <<t im auiti of $1,300.00and |niciir| theroop to or |<nr At lollowa, to wit: IntuicBt on the above-Hriim-,.; Mini im Un- Hi of January next, after tim dau ol aatd moit|nge. and a payineut of iwo hunnn. dot |ii«, wilb IntiK'r'i tin principal sum on Mch IU< cejoolug dial ol sJauuary theroKfier, for live meal iMe yeara; aud the turn of tbreo hundred dollar, wttu niit i CM on prlncl|>al on tbo next Aral ol Jin narv Utoroafter. tMld mortgage waa. for • gomj aiid*-valuable, coualdeiatlou. duly mid aud aaaljcned by Jtoborl H Hi.nit., ihe aald mtiriga^vr-. in Mom* i Hiduell i.u tin- 3UUt day of AugUM. lt>lt. wina aald ee.%nii.6ui wa* duly roc*jrdv<i in iliecltru office ol Cortland county or. the SUlu day ol •*., i«nii'i'r, 1874, In Ubcr 0 of Aeatgnmetit* <>! M»n gag«r>, ut tioge lbH ^ald morlgagc waa, fnr a L-IIX 2nd valimnio conaidcratloii, iluh mtd and atwljfnxt, by Moirla C. 0idwv|j (p b. b. Ki...> t>> tin i»>-r.,i i.iriii In wrttipg, dated Mopicnibci ;;• i. . i.-:v wbtch aaid aaaiunmniu wa« duly rpcordeo in n,*- iiTHce ol the Clerk of Cortland county oa ihi * i. day ol uctober, I'.iv. iu |,|b«r>('ol Aaaigimi«iin «: Moiiga^cr, at pane, ITU. Said mortgafcr u«t in- « good and valuable coiMltleratlon, duly .n)ti »,><: •• rignod Iiy aaid tv S. Knox to Luuiaii J'i- ifj. In n, aenlgoruoni bcarlug dale March 1Mb. IKrt. nin.i apBlgniucnl wa* duly recorded in ttic i uritantt couiiiy Clerk'* ofBco or. the loth da> oi M« ma, lu (.llnr C of AKKiktiiiiKMHH ft M- page AW. And the eald Uitnau lMi>boi ih'n't, lu MtHT C of Aaalgumeni<. of Mi..- I,-I..-•.- a< page '408. And the aaid Lutnau IHfhop it m.« t b* holder and owner of aald mortgage. And « h<-h «> default baa been made In tbe payment of tta v> u- ir of tbe prinolpaJ turn uf ml if Biorteage. wdu i. naat duo, and jn tbeiiayuicnl ol tbeloTercM wiu-t hecame due rberoon Jatiua'ry i.i, yet. ami ii., whole amount Claimed to be duo and unpaid oi. eald mortgage at tbe date of the Ariti pubbntiot. of tbla notlro U ono thousand, four hundred anii twenty-four Aoflare and elevou rpnir [$i.«i*ti; and no procoedhigi* have been had at law ur in n. ulty lo enforce ore ollecl tbeaatot orauv pari inere ol; now. therefore, notice la heroby given iinn l> virtue ft the jiowcr of tale i oi.tum.'-.i in aaid mo i gage and duly recorded thorowlfh. a» alotf-Mc nm by virtue of Lbo atatnioa In *uch cane* uiattt anu piuvidiii. the aald iiremleoB heroinlH-fori; doarniM-u aa mentioned In aald mortgaoie, will nh. AI J»«Jr- lie auction, to the higbcat bidder, at ihe « itffb flu L. B. K«RN, Attorney, Do It oy ter. N. y. flVIKrKOlM-KOKTIlWtiTATKOF'NkwyoitK X to Hally A. Rico, Nolly B. Prlc*. Sanford B JliMiicli, Hauuah K. Boll, Madipou II Myunid, .John &.' M»nard'*rid Wein&fUn I*. Mynard, airre-idlnL* lu. Vtigll <-.mlnnd Co., N. V.. liiraui Bomon and OJmiltr. I). Ilnuton, roaJdlug lu Drydon, Toiniikiuti Co., N. V.; Nfnphon HomUm and Nancy O.Tow era, realdlug.lp (Jioton, '4'ompklue Co., N. Y., Ma Cinclnnatua, (.'ortland Co.. N. Y.'t l.ih.y J. Stover realdtng in Kreotown. Corttaud Co.,N. Y.; Ad laldo ltlchafdaon, roeldlujg U» CorHaudvllle.Coi lai.dOo..N. Y.; Oharle* 7T. Boutoii, ro*idmn« ., kuowui Ulavetto Khtv, reaidlng lu Now Yoi State; John Boutou, reaidiog In vligli, New Yoi Miatu; NlchiiWri Maflclo. guiuSi-al (;uattllttu of Maria eial Co., N. V. t Nhi|.hon Iftiutiiii and Nancy < era, realdlug.ln UroUiu, '4'oiopklue Co., N, .1 rla I,. Myimiil nm! ffuo. II. Mynard, oaaldinL' <:inciiiimitia. (.'ortland Co.. N. Y:t l.imy J. V ' reaidtug in Freetown, Corttaud Co.,N. Y null "• real u T W.VeMBoesen-iiheenaator nausea hi a certain iiisiriiiiioiit- Iji Writing, piirponiuK tn im iiic issi late of tho Hthie «. ..ww . v . » , w i w i a . uap viiia uajr maae apiilica tloo lu tke Hiirnieaie of oar oMety or t'ortland nave said Inolruinoni lo wrltliiK, Ptovod and re- corded as a "HI of real and ixirsonal estate, you are am &hAMm%& * *>»" loatUiuil I„ tjl<i|,r,,1,.t.j,l said w|l|. fK«<Uy,Pl J«lyj iptiaayrv of our Ltjrdonu thou duur of the Ooori Houae, In tho village laud, tn aud lot tbe COIUM? of Cortland, on day-of AQKuat, 1074, at ton o'clock In tin u ij"i-i, K . LUNAN liMii i AatalgiHC ol Mortyn B, A. BaKSfiCT, Aitvrimy flu AafiL'tiec land. N. Y. II:S» in ,IIIJ;I|PF, inn. nt I t n ej CIIKK 1" '• t>f ihal day, «nd ih. aald m^rtL-iOajo wi. there hp foi*cln*')Vl Qaied May it, Itf* '• 1 I'.J . » Oil aa< Jobjl BoMonxfibae*eontor named hi i ij'„ouwm^rteon. ! s l ...,.. •SIB "'.y'V-' 11 ! 1KB*! (*•».•» of V*rtlsi.d atid Mils, of Kew York, deceaecil, lias (Ills day made ap|illci en and IKOH Utvon niider I i»|lii Kafirs, tl - H.lst|ll|i Piniiig-rooni rtill klnrla.' In sv»lev*«.r , »'il'i BdKiaahsaFnniitura j^e^lr^aeli^k^w 1 ,' rsptlee.^ •At'-'., C tOlJNTyo| ; ettepsilsprJ Court, Ktaisffl ., ... . , 4flejMsil4SWat which trie raid VJtSBm ISM 1 ^ H ' r, ' , L'.'*i' MsMMMsaVnpriw » north aliHiifllm mater of thu l taeaaoe eaat aloati she imnii line IS rsn, ,.,.,,., . •1]«(J. r*117'" •""' 1 ir'-'fiBf ••*tfcOal%W , t.|o of thaOnflrt lflnlse, In CdrttatldlVlllaVe. miaiiurs day. Ia« HM <lay .if-liily, IK?I. fit to o\i,). u M ihu fiiniitiMia nl H i s t liny, f >nts-sl • a). . NharllT^iMlilttTOy. e -a>« ~AW] s-sflU'i l.'»7—T. . . ' I II "<l. •:?-••>• Notlc* pi Sale »ni FartlUon. i sand u'lulil liiinni<iland scventy-foiir _1&«»J JL»1 .A-T> SMITH, Harrogate III FbuiuANCB of an orderef Al.rani r. bmlth, 9*sW"' w y- 1, .W>.? r .»'Vo»i or Ctanlaraiville. N. Y.docoasod. Ibst t hoy are required loe«hibit iho same, with thu viiucfi.ra tliofeof, to tlie tub ITIIIMII, tho executor of the said deceased, at his law office. In OoHlsud V.lla«c7N Y„ on or nefor" llalial JIIIKI 111, Shenfl 'B bale. / tOLNIYOPOORTLaWl),ss Dyi'lrlurm \J exoculton Issuisl out of thv riiijirtim-1 UIII-I sistc or Nrw Vuil.. in me directed aim iti-i.iHI si;alu.l tbe gootls aud chaltels, aim n '•< tnciil. ol William N Jtandall. 1 have ken alt the riuht. title and lnt«reit which the .»•'• William N. Kandall had on the 17th day of Jaoii. ty, JHll, or ui any Utoa aluco. of, tn and in im l«. JowluK deacrlbvd uromlaoa, vie: Al! thai certan 1'ti.t oi parcel of land ehuato and bolnjj In mbd vlalou No. I, In lot No. :yi in bolon !».>..• -i ; in (he t*ywn of Cuylor a fore aald, bounded «ud doKriii odaafollowa, VIJ:: JlcK-iniilnfat the ponfawetiroi ner of aald aubdiylalou No. i, at a nuke . then" Ninth one degroeaiid flfloen minuu*. wroi ti ( :.-1.» »Imiint to the aoulhweat corner of aaid ,-ninii^-.'-: No. 4; tbencc oaet along tbe aouth line of P««I uulKllylii|pn No. 4 aeyenu-pn champ and HUM. * - atid a hair Unla ; theiico north one ii«j'.<' >•< teen mlnutee, ea«l to tbe confer of the ro«<i »i - point opiHMttc to a atakf and atone on HK enuit aide of UM road : thenoe weal along theceutt-i ••' theroAd one chain and aeventy-flvcJlukr to a poti'i opjKvaK© to a stake aad atone at thf front.! < in: ••' the won ; thence north tweuiy d*txrc«». wor\ n. v. i. rhaliirt ami |.vcii|>' llvi' linfsf lu aatakc lu il«. in.rU Hncol »«ld lolul ttiij Cjidof MM: i,,.ri : itif.iMv »(•-: li line of aald lot Iwcht chaim '• HloliL- IU (he t*6rt:__ tho place of beginning, containing tort) nevrn at and olghty-aeven rodr of land. X IM. all iliat ut in — o o f IkmUltui , , in nibiiivUion No. K. In lot -v, iu l ahlp, bounded aa follow*, viz; Boglnnlngai aaishi nt. of IM alt U*te In the town of Cnylei »foi laaid, lu aitWlnaton No. K. In lot ijn. iu Hiiioi. I ahlp, bounded aa fnllowa, via: Boginnlng ai A . lu ihnavnt' i ot the highway between (he fence now le, which ruu* from Union.on lkiinl"' past Angoli filiiud (IOIIM- ; thence iitui). -s ,ic,i. .*„ vt.r; eight chalue and five Muka along me rmrili hue "' 'aald aubdlvtalou No. 9 to a elake and atone, bciuj.- the northweat corner of aald •nbdlvntiou H, tnenci r-oiilli three degreea, Woat along tbe weat line of "aid AUbdlvlHloii No. « tivn (baiua and i.:hi> *"•>. •• linka to thp center of the hlghway.aa now la, jtoatioa lewlbfivdegreea. <vaet nine otaama » u , d , ^, * , ;•: mmuSfv^ *""*-""'• ""•' ilisi rllieia. fl iilalslialors or Use aata deeeaaed. at tails rlalilenco , , rftWrjKAryBBis. Hdralu1strat>* and nlmlni.itr.ti Is nf John Hi I Itotfh, dooraaed. lalra|or and ulml Itegh, doorased. *gN TOBTOJWCT of sn order of Ahniin"*f i ."HnTuh JL Harrunie of tbe eounly. of fiortlarid, potice is leroliy given to nil ucrspns fiavlnij |:fa|nis against how|»h nl Daniel B- WWIsbii. of tSirttsiiavlllf. '"' leriy •IB rp)|Hlrc() |o e»h)l • Hlisci .saiasfld, at ihe runt, iu Oirtland. N. V,, on ur I'niiilsir, imi. Ilati il .1 II in _. g£2? tur * "' •"»i>lol'B. W«sou,ideeeas«d. .TOlwyANOB of an order of Aluam p. Smith, Harrogate of the county of Cortland, notice Is irehy iilvni In all pelsoils lia'Vieu rlslms aeatiisl icccaspd. thu ibay sru riMiHireil |o exhibit tbe atai). with tba voucbets iHoroor.tii ilia snbscrl- •ora, ihu i-ai-iiiliUh ••! Iln- said uceuasod of 'I'IHIIIISS Hi. «lorellio«nhdayol Ddcenilsir, Itffl OIISU o: « . IK74. i®m !SrW^m^ n -" -t ' W c . lii- vouchers thai loathe ejbacritpr»rilie n)lnlBirai.irr uf (he said depoaefSil, U (lio 'residence >* 1*,'»« I'lffti <r.. In J^lou.opoi Mora ihe am, *y of AugusJ, !«,. ri,t,.d" ftolpn. Wimsrv li. lSfts !..-».T'U, ^IIMA^HII, A'll'illiirllaf.r and »il„.i„l!,at,.,' ,.f ft!- el|i, I "" Ailiiiliiiriistur and "admin' i t latjs_OeScosaes1 tip or -fiL' in order ol Al'iaiii I'.Sniilli. Murroifaui nt the -cohmy nf , Of lieeiiillllie scree, one rood aud thi. ly-seven rods ol lano as suivoyod by David Maine,lxiliisllic same urcnilsci --bvoyod by Mary |lln||hsni to Jotili |li|l« 11) lt« c «i si IMU dato ilanusry sTh. iboS, as by ,. I.-..-..S.- »••«' said deed will »oro ful|y er/pee/ lands furnier )i and fiiily anpi-af Also Jii"><i|i e. pf nthur lands buCu c. IfandsM _ I. Iylu« IIIMIII ihe side ofllm said flrty arris above defcrlbod, which I shall I lo lh« hleheal the i-ieiii llvn.e, li, i lull,,.! the Isw iltu 11*, lu Ih. hla-heel lildi froiit limn oi iIn i II.ui II'. on Thursday. O'alockt la II.. loose for i oi i. at the iniitli in door ol th« i lions.-, in Cortland Villas,.. Thursday, the amh day of August. WI, at I" ii.,i in".II 11 ii-ni day. iiai. ii ,1 n„, N. II. IIAV-M's, KlierUT ol Oorllfwid Coontv «'IV I N I'UllULANUK of si, order of Abram P. Sunn. Hnrronatu f>r the errnuty 6f finrilaiirl. nuiln - in II hi -"- ,,, -. Sl»5( v 0 * 1 l*r»"u..havliiH- iiialnis tbe cstale ofJono Abu RadelliTi', ol Tiui ... ansmsi TrusM>ll. de cesaed, that they are KnalrM to inhibit tlie ssmo Willi the vouchors thereof, |o tbe sullacribers, Un ailiiiliilslialnts of lb" Said the realdentx. . ^ —- rtqutraa with tbe vouojiors theroof, lo tbe sobscribets. the •aid HUM ••-'•.»-~T'A as friixion re Till day of Octolier, tfnt. of « ai, .Weaitlo, In rruxion. N. V-, on or l«f<.r. * o Till day of Octolier, 1874. Ilalnd April H1I.I.1AM BKATT1K, Dated Alirll 7, 1*11 111 ANTHONY ItADCI.lKFk. Adinliusliator. N l'|;l1K|i.AM -Kid an order ol Ahrain T. Hniltn. I Hurrni|alo tif tho county ot (oiilsiiil. noijes > hXirohy (,-h.ui In all persons having clsliits srtlnst tbo I'Stato of Ann York, ol Cuyli-r. di-ri-ascit. ttlsl nly . --j»ne. James W. tttu/li I 'm tlaiiii, notice Is hereby ulvcn to all |.. in.ns hav '"In of ' nd Village,"' . . tisliltlil tin said deceaaod, ai lllrani iqi hereof, to (In: subscribers. 41d doceaaco, at lllrani ' ifnrllsnd Vlllaao. N. Y 'nay of ~ "l I-,Ihal thev •auie.vtllbtbovouchcis ., Iaa claluesaurainet the uslato nf vinl, nf C'orlisnd Village, N. YJ, arc required to exhibit tho , oo If'Were lb* *1th Haudiliiho" Kxcculois of tbo last will and leslaitiiint f\V. Stnrtavant, deceased. I.f y of December. 1K7I. liauid June 10,1UM. with Ibc ...f .ubsciiber, Tlio ailnilnlr irssod. it his residence In the . „„ „r Isilore Iho — ' 87. Jlaleil -IliM V. IMS ild'Hi T ANft*/.).. Adva't. thoy sre repnired to tixlilbli "tin-earn vouchers IhiWcpf, ui Ihp tfatorirf the said decease-. - , , . town of Opyjor. N. V . on or is''."«- ,n " 7 | h d "' of Depernbi A I N PUKttCAMi'i' omcr ol Aiimni i*.brans. burroMte of the comuy of t'ortlind, nolle* Is hcieby given loall porsons having claims agalnsl the estate nl .Stephen I'eiry.ol Truxtoa.deceased. (hat they are required to exhibit the same, with tho vouchers ihcn-of. to tbo subscribers, tbe ad- inlnlsirators of Ihr ssld deceased, al the residence nf Maviollyo I'orry, 111 I rusted, on >or before the (Irsl dsy of llcloboi, Kill. DateslMarcb HI, IWI IXaiWKXWt'lIBKV, DUAKBO.VjftRY, 17 Admlnlatratora ef Ki.nben Perry, dee'd. m ^laiularil ami Po.Liaa.D Wai W«lr»lC«i«f J 1*1 at IXIKW.AND, OOHTLANI) OJfict In Moons'a Bale. I TBKMtt— $8-00 per am Ativorllelnsr I Kor legal notloea and ojjl chargoa will be enado aceortlli llsbed by lew, u> wit:-TOcent lioatloe(ead MceriUa.Wtoi oubllcauoa—eooBltag 100 sro lent |fi!|>e«, as a rotio. For ordinary bustnoes aatvi will be made at tbe following I Qnai Thl.. Half One inch Two UMM-. Three Inchra four Inchoa Klve lnchea Ono Inch .. Two Inches ll.M f im In I li.t li. •• Five Inclio <)n« "I.I c Tvvi. incheit Three inchet Foot Inrlicn plve inclsOei OIK- inch Two luetic* riiroo luctio* Pourlnchea.. Klve »>" i-t - On.- iucli .. Two luchc*. Thron tncho* Knur inchue Klve Inchaa. one nch. Two loohee.. Thro" im i.. - Pour lnchea Plvi- lnchea Onu Inch. Two Inched Three tnrhen Pour lnchea Ptvs? IneliPH ronoits WBI 1TOI IMI ITO' run TWO wssi (I V. l.ii.l! » 00 Third t n iiair i i so is of 4 ..HI...-. ...ii mass waa tl TOI 9001 ITS I , l 0 u ... STOV rosnsi«iirr .», isiiUiisrt / » bolTnlrd .4 DOillalf . . e»«|whol rub TWO SH1KT (i so Uitarl uThli Unsil Third Half i ri 1 "' Win •!. HM litSI m One nnli Two iin^ina Three lnchea P our Inchor i?o inchw ^J \K of B 60 Wlwl ron TUHH atoN ..$« M.ttuart ;.::. 11 00 K o f 18 OO'wnol- n>n a n K«.MH tn tn oiiMii. 10 t»Third it (JO Half <) 18 iii V " ' ' 11 001W holt ron out . i**i' $tu IKi.OuarU 1? OU Third ti 00 Hair o *T (XI V of r m OOJWhole A.i-.til-i i.m-iil- for ' ..l.ililll.. and advorliaonioiito cdiilatnlnjt half an inch in dlameior, will I cent additional to above ratee. Hi.ntliujat notlcel In uawa or (.i.i- a line for drat Inaertlon, an uacli eubtaoqucnt lnaerllou, aame Advorttsemenu on whkn the iU)ii- li* not marked, will he nu •ltd (if i. and ihe charge madeacc B. T. WHICH ATTOHNRY AND t»UNBIII/ tllvons eV lliibliard's now bio tllstrlrl Attorney L. P. HOLLtNl ATTORNEY AND COUNKKUJ lire. Masontc Hall lu... I. Cort HIRAM ORANI ATTOHNKY AND C'lH'NHKI/ Ace over Nautili 11'auk.Oortl HYATT * HO IMlNTW'l lIKPICK ON UOKNKH OP Ct. Hlreets. Cortland. N. Y. O. U. KELLC ATltlKNKY ANIXlOUNIIrsU, - with Uon A. P. Htnllh, i Kurrogate. Taylor Hall Hlocli. a. A. aaaao tn'OlllsKY AND UOUNBKU dee In the Havings Bank bu Poster, tlonlajd If. Y. * H. o. a o.' a. IN UllllBON DBNTIHTK, HKMI' din thotr service to tho noov" branches of tlie profession a attention. Kiber administers un thu cornor of Main and M Hsoaa's Drug Htore, formerlj Tono. II. tl- INOALUI. 41v4 WATROU8 A U THK UAHNAHD IIALl. BU poalte tbe Cortland House, I extensive Livery Mlablu, whic nnw carriages, flue horses, ai tiinauoos Trleoe reaaonable .1 I,. WATHOtm. B O U T O N a% OHa. ATTOltNKYS AND; and NoUrlos Public, Kealo I., BOUTOII. la-vl _ ' D. J. SPERI I'KOI'ltllsTOK ril'BKKY'H 11' been roeently onlarned. ro|» I In on, lioiil, > ith i. i atlachod, this I'lijiulai linli-l Is acconimodstc irsvolors In iho i Jolnlne the Court House, on I A. P. SHUT ATToltNKY AND CUUNHKI.O lieu In Ma,..nn Hall Block, in GEO. B J O R ATTOHNKY AND -txJIllsHKIXJ flee In lv. -!...- m... l . ........ Wslsoti iii.- . Cortland N. Y WLSLEY HOOI llllliK AND JOII I'HINTKIt i cnloil III the liesl mannoralid al llfflce in MK.II-> nrlck biilhl! Hank. Cortland N. Y. LUCE ti SILVBR I'llii'lliliKA I'll KKH AND AltTII ,.r II D A II l.utc. over I I't.iil. Illalnl. N. Y. Il.-i-e. ... ..!'|- ..|..,-...|.l-i.. an. al kinds nl .1 eidarired, anil wanantoU is 1 ,,„-,i Roautlfiil llormsii flol. Life slw- Porlrall. In I Colors, Crayon and I'ssill I'i line!) finished In colors N II Luce. H. C. OAZLAY, I Kil.Kl-l'lc I'HYM.'IAN AND I n lurneil I.. 1 i.iilsuil suit opt'iiA soul. Hall 111... k where he pioniptl) alleml to sll prolc-ss ii-e hsil sn eximrleiiec of rnnro In Ihe linalnieiil of disease, li eill|.l.i> all Ihe nii-aiis of i. Ili I i science ti|rocial alteiillon alv. ami all i lirorne diseases l> church alri-i-i. H. A. BOLLE8, •ii) 0-1,-lnu a n d H u i U AVINt. travulcd extoiiiivalj I'liYrtii'lo^'y and truBlod *i -mini* of i - ' i . of chronic and aurj nirci. to announoa tliat he will ten. mid divotc hli> Aitui.tluii (o the (r< li tilrti'Artiif Ac A •jK-rlnll)' All wlm Hir .im,. !• H will, any l< do form It j may cumuli Mm al hi' rcftdniire, Itallroad •tnci near U Offlcetiourr Iron. H A M to 4 V t*$r \ :• ..- (or modicine at > Portland April 1, lift.i. «- u H t l . I . . I>«*nalai of mic Un' Mafoiil( :.|..ii;.! lion of the nutural toetl. r cKUlari(ie« and dlieamn* of th< nlfoli ;-iv Ih, and I Wire Ml"'.! l-.uU. N work executed in the twr poeal wan anted Thin li- the only olBcc In the coo l«od JMr le adniliiirtlorcrt It in th« and the moat pleaaaut In Hi- effe MI. :i. ever Invented or nacd.aa hu o Irnllfy l would ««y lo those » wild decayed and ultvraiod teoih. < youraelvea. I rtis-n h«v< A Imxl «n«»lbetlr, r.-iidyrf. U'atli-oxddCMiiK alinoat ft mil rcnitivai nil «..ri'tif"» from (lit iioat liicradlhla > :.— i •!•-"' of I tn, for ii.l.lMir plate* of a >>U|M>rior <i u,cm made at my office* at roaaonan \1f No extra ciarjfe (or Inhalti, •ft ih aro uiportod New House fo 1 ^-V.II \ H O O D offer- a nice j houae for sale, ou Uadlaon uir been built in the iie-t manner and Lcriale. Mall, pailoi. MUlug room, try, kitchen, closet* and wood ai low, five room* up atalra. ticsld and cloaoia. Rtceflent cellar, ct Lot four rods front and auiccn r and clean street t-aay to po«l-o Hchool only a few rods from Mai to odticatc children or room* to > Inquire of Dated Curilaad. Sept. ft. I«7:i HOYSBADT <fc FKi DENTIS1 in i HI; KOOMttl I)K. IIOYSKADTa HI o. ...-I., m a i'i I'...I-S ITHACA, r No Advanoe In P D lt. IIOYSKAM" take* great I. >';• to hie numeroua initillc. that he Inn* aewoclalod wit Vn M.1.1 i%. of New York city, w known as nelnif eminently - in the artllsclal tleparttuoill of has for many yoaas da attention to the construction and > tlnclal 1.1 Mi and i.. in- vttill and l ahlcd Ui aocurc every advantage preaoul advanced aUtc ot dental a< Hen in all profoesione have lyccomc In no othor haa greater Ixsneat* "yatomailc division of labor we ••nly to meet all dernauda uuoU ua. all undertakings with dlsiiatch nm Dr. HoYaaaur will give his ,H «r, hnrctofore lo n,n op.,.,,,!,, hn neaa, and Dr. KiusKi.ih will hav arilfiolal. Our motto will be iw-oi uageiaonta. fidelity to tbe wanla » the j. .ii. ui- Pure, fresh "Nitrous QMAa Qaj terod for the palnlcsi OKtraction o I'alnAil oitoratlons in donUI am when iiroperly prepared la rogai l>otitia[a and Hurgeoua aa hlffbli lung dimcullloi. ,.-, & ..Uhaca.aiayl.itm. 4 Mtsrka-. rtst*h^,.t t- •-.•—- i -a -iTT'l'- |-''-|)'i | I'll 4 It'll K'l W*^ll "I.e^lBlselarajMltllf^ ., Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Cortland NY...$U«4ftfi and journal Ontun. oratuak...

  • $U«4ftfi and journal O n t u n . o r a t u a k Vo.. N.

    n ' ' i —

    j t iu . i ;

    TOWOAt, J U t T t l . W M

    I. A . r i w m srao taxes a • * « «*»•«>> "• aoetOeais sraseM «hti«»< so Hi « a s . •aerta*

    s. V k W H w a N Me | W dlaooolluaod, k" eseet W W W W « J « . or the' pabttsber res* eou itaMVlM*) It until oevmeat U* col leet » s srla^eseoant, « H * « « »• « • * « • j * 0 "

    arte save d.atts* tMt relMae; «• • * • M lee Feet Ofeee. or reasoTtaaae* aaoalled «». M JW**M /)«*» «TtdW«»

    PAII). U M M ee tk. printed aria e t l e t * * to tele , J £ ? t W « • « • W M K *in beceMIt

    ^ . t w ^ * * ' ' , . , , -,

    V W M r e e ftri5«R1l5Sr,^*


    T»a r«d .reck swelled 00 the ro»»d « r . fair. Tee '. ale. bad been gives Urn*. M MkVtMM srs. eeoaahoY her outturn) okln. Awl •*• tl |»l to ft»» like ear erosva up ale

    •Heeler b i t e r Verily. r » hat edae.

    Who would be al.nunvt ell .'one. W W * too Irrlleat beaot of hit ova •

    "r*h* W M . baby I " Uut w h o b s s n o t

    I W n m i w cMM »"X»»aa» ,*tteaVee jot. TIU aU arle vanees gave him the right to (tat I AM we all coma .hort of oar perfect bllae, Till we're able to .how Ik* ao»aa|io'a ktu,

    Wiuu*«0 .» to»u»ao . ——--see 1 .

    —M re. Parte, on« etf the lady riders in M• «J« M :

    '•!'«•' ''• ! • 1, , ' l ' ; • : ' ' ' tbrtaoick,aI|si

    ' W . ^ - k U a < o r w « r . . . i » r W i U

    • "f™ "ff™ r • j £ o a largo .Jd

    .™ T T * . i^r«f»^Wrnr •

    Tahlu and trl.h Muen., tTapVln.. Towuls. vVl.ll • • • oarhirteii largo utoek te ottered at 01

    £ . N. JOHNSO

    • i r . u k T o t a l A o a e t . aasaataa ester

    wM'ff lhe 'nSl . u.

    # « 6 , 8 » l , B T t . 7 »

    aaae Voaapaalas of many, and tho Insuring public are cautioned against {nvoailqg their mousy In aw«^tk>>aflagcs.>>car»a., .- . -, . ; ., » y 1 f

    T o TNk WIAKJ, TH« W O R N AND TIIII W»AKV. the editor of the Boston k'norder says: " W,- can moat unhesitatingly recom. mend the Peruvian Syrup, a protected solu-tion m* the protoxide of Iron, to all the weak, the worn and Ihe weary, having richly expe-rienced its benefits. It possesses all the qualities claimed for it by its proprietor."

    S» iktjroftuor* at nwetttir. Mr.

    ,, .J">"I'.5»9»!»Me»v» levteii na i l , bio Sicilian Haft ttnjawer. lu my pnicUco at iho Sir- -At bio 8lcl..._ "N.raflmi'r lintel.;' and can say

    (eerfenr Mr. Sachs: it 1 hay» tevteii n a i l ' . V.j-ete-

    it wi l l ^••tnrll itray Mill ..̂ hair to Its original color. It fa entirely hard

    sod la a valuable remedy to ust In tueh'ra«|ia

    Pntftuor ty Ihtml'irv ant HtoCKBOUt, July «, thrtn. : ' V

    gam 1*4 Wulwl i-uJkMl wtAviity !>• «ww/»/i.--A. f have h*.fncf»«ii!inoaen«iiv,iiali> for .case ttase, have Hair Henewer,

    he Itching and dmdrufl ihataeeom-ettglaal ccfof 1 In removing the Itching and dinilruir that aoconi panlea the failing off of Ihe hair, I consider It my • liny to acknowlodire iha same to Mr. rteehs.


    LalDniY k fabled k monster. t>b>ejhrt

    ft*)*. T»1». monsjet was is


    M» a*. '9 . *3. J- 7. 15 i» ««o. 3—fiunday. ttll T k i a a c U t a

    callee* thp f*HI>fcc. Triis monsiei was a Hal vkrlte emblem among, the. Egyptians, ajid served, according to some, to represent rnl enigmatic nature .of the Egyptian, theology. At the present day iheie still remains, about three hundred paces east of the second pyr-amid, acelebrkted statue, cut In solid rock. Tola statue is,called * « S P H I N X , arut.iaoaa cd IM tott ittpenxUujI | ^ a > . « i&VHi Ing from all antiquity. While Roman le-glona and Grecian phalanxes '

    "Boaatln. one., how load I id>mvaiy agkrhsgefa*

    ajtae, the saads to froaan hill,

    soako mankind

    have perished, and their vary deeds only known from'the obscure text of writers, long since passed away, the spbin* slill stands be-neath the shade of its m ighty brothers, a sol. ema memorial of "the lapse of ages and Ta» l \ aotW the ifeVfle of the SfHi^xN, f \ d ^ u i ; who waa then at Thebes, hearing this, came forward and gave the correct answer. Where-upon the monster rratg herself down , M „ l n c sea and perished. (Kelghlley's Mythology, p. J40-) Aaswer givew next week.

    t '. n.t>: . t»r-».teViAa»Mp.p • i l l ' i f . - j ' t r o 11 •• < » * » ' « . » ' » ' '

    . . i . i y u i " l . ( * »

    « ^ k . ^ W I « «

    Fite, life Insurance Agent,

    U N I O N H A L L H M i t : K , « . » r t l a i t . l , I V . V

    srn. Kiml'n.Vr'ilr t, I W



    unwell, pro-

    liayond polui of repair. :< point

    In otter

    lu j.niiignroi.t,

    per-.15. s s^ami&t&s. J H W l a f i a a e a ^ a i bspeoteinsvtt is won p.

    » • ' ' • • a a n a a s i l i a j avakt t i i r a a u H k e a -


    r e a . w e l l a *

    ."•I I" tltisslne m & K W i " "I » ! * • ' • : ^ f s " i » k * V , ,

    • H O M S iNsUKAHbg Cd„ o r N i w YORK. Aaaeu tMM,WI.

    l lAK I l i m n iNMIKANl.'K C O . , OI l l A K l H u t u , C O N N .

    A . . , ! , «a.iiM.-,i>.'»>( .»»i"»lli j

    Porcelain Pictures l ion, by iho only jiertect l*oeWs, and primed q»

    i».i«aWWerktiBaxealredw •'• :.'

    ' i r ' s i s l ' V ' T i » ' •Nra.

    B A L L *te B U L L ,

    D O A 1,1, Kl ixDri OK

    Furnace and Oetierat Jot) Work. Oovntruot Oiutorus, Iiine Tanks,

    Furnish Foro* 'rUWpt,; and XiwiifTBpe, Orw'FaititfeB,

    Burners, &o.

    1 Light, Heavy and tJhelf J

    Altio i.aili 'irt 'aiul iimutifucliii-fj-* of

    Tin War.*, Wlr« Cloth, kt.

    New Stock of G-ooda! r i l l l B U K & g ^ r p M ^ ^ I I c Y t . I^MhlrOto ex-

    S'hlrh h . has latefy pdrchaioA at CABrl t*BICIW. ebae , ' ^fy^ffjf _ J J „ f a r o c a r l e a , R*«e jy -Mk«ie t ' l o t h l n k ,

    • • - m t M ' * » a « » • » . "

    and or the beet atollt#.,',All«'-R«a1i'FWh', rlhei

    .,,«»i.lJW'l»r,a»at*vOwtl«»»«»t. 1

    r f f M aanPWlraarwailsB 1 : .., i 111 MlteV• •, i .•;

    F«Mlly Physic. v., : ! a,Ja.adlas

    col all other fi l l .: 'they are safe and ploassnt taVo, but posyotful to cure. Th«J purge out 5 foul hntneja of (Ju bjopd; tbcrjStlffuUte the a|ii| glsh or d'lafrMlered organ into action; and lliiiy in| part hcsllh ami tone to tho wnolo tmlug. Tlioy ouro not only theovory (lay onlnplalnts of every Ubdy., but formidable . , ,4 da.Keroi„ licet efWMMysfcjine, most ernlnent clargyBMirj, and our beat cltlaens, serul eotllflchtus of euiefc piiifoimcd and ol great benenu tlioy liavo wefl , n a s s . |

    ryftw'aiHl AwlttW •'»i«^f«» as>s«c>. wlHstaaveyr. Haaiwtkseounh hr tested yosit.. as wall a. sarlnaa otaV kind*. I do nel twllatoi, , reeomsneastyokrCryetal ttneee ** 'yiry.birjn al olh.r.. .ad taWhaatajwa; /Sent

    «a»|o>4 »««9t»y. • uvXmbmn iaa . . u ,^'iakava, Aurllt lsl . l tm. i Ma. A b Hatra -Hear 8lr.: fiurlng ihe last l » o !?*fA S T I "S*i ,^*i''^!'•1 Oesshle-Ra^eSrawa-W W ^ W n ^ W tOaayaSta,I i ? . *»iVa•• S » l*"0'3oe«" cfeoe by oralTMrtanee

    ••likaaaj^aeoaattors. Mlkery ob.Utesi. aid tke

    ~W^^H?mM' "iiSt a« chkar i i e a eaae l a a r r e ^ A l l o r ^ ^ **< « f » « ' M « l l t t V T B O I I B L R . i J N t ,

    TB1B80OW6' JftlPtEi*, '" r : '"U' , "

    S I S i C I . K - H t B B K I . rirOKTIWII k i t I, US All or th. bsnt na.llly.

    ' I ' K K « u t e A T I'Mii#51;w , . o r . t k a ,,

    Fourth Gift Concert . Kentucky Public Itibrary

    '*aa» IIIUWN AS rofcww.: .

    Xfeatua.JJy,, » . M-MtfiBSL W a i ^ V ^ h > . > . W. Doonti/. Loa Ang.10.. (Si., W. U. Byerly, Port. iimuIk. 11, ellnt A 1 ih.uilielliii,< Waco, 'I'eias. and

    &HTL îW4 that _.. oiiatpmurs aud Not ue ntiileretild., , I T A I . I A N * A M C R I O A M M A R B L E

    In all ilmlr illDniwii shade, aud styles.

    N A'tf lVK t i t t A N r r K , i n a l l Vkr l e t l ea ,

    ' l r>* i4*»»Ot«tB f '*e .

    pVeyflsF aka) fkfaaTaT* • afcaTaaM •***•> aa)W ••» •t*o, »*»lel). a ^ t a k l n g o e t l H e iauacree herein above mentioned as having beeki aold to Oriffln. Tarbox * WilobX and Jeremiah Hodloe; anTle aapnoeed lo conuln onu hundn aad algaty4hree(laf>aerea of land, he the —

    l »aow


    town, bounded as follows: North & Wrn, West by Jnslsli IK.Hl, Hoiilli by Win. B. I commonclini al the Nortbwesl cornor of Mid lot Rut seventeen chslus(17 ebk.), thlrf

    Ing over I t toeoibs. . BavemarleandsoH «h* Wild C'ucumlier Parana, for over 95 year., and oifei iheai as tho

    H l i s t WOOd) , 1 ' I I H S | I

    D O W l u n a n .

    . . . ' $ lemlcit to J A M M B. VAN 4B&V • »U*, igeat ,

    OOHTJLAND, N. vJ » t f

    1>. BuaorVaii'sSiiMi

    Store, or soot by mall, ill be^irsimplly '

    " T

    3Dron i n the Blood , i , , . i ,




    UVIlSjSJ ""11)11 ' 1 Iks.) i thsnci

    i fb .^ 1

    .. llrly-sevenC teen chain., two link

    -in which said Trvwrwidgo hegieeted to keep inaune and policy assigned to the assignee ol ssld men gage , aud thu summit ol interest due si the yapop»lR, Mvnr Com- t p W ^ t ) r r 3 » > , ; : e ^ ^ r i ^ J J l a r - • t ' l | iV»sB«>»^*rwv>iN, ,

    . OIIHIB ttiul Ferrers* > UuntorB.; ItOBB of I I I H I « I I M V H »>: N >:H A M . Y.


    Mortgage Sale,

    Imid mid ii'iimUui' HIKIVU iiohcnbutl, ind innyiij i.'init:(l to 'if ittiiv. yt i l , rm MM- *' an oouvaj d futni .lnhii Ui'iiinin mill uJf- U» in> W. );>!>;•., bv twM d**& • K«*> *», 1HW. •»«. it corded in Co-ti Idttd t̂ tUMiy (Jterk»o«c«, In Ut**49vT Utitdtt, H iw'.' i!». Alto, nil '.Ml tithr-i trad or i>nrpol of l»nq •I.M'HI wlilili thurtt are A II».I.-I and nunc and uthor imiidtUaUi. ailuaiv lu i|>o »*«« n H:1 ot lot Miunitii Hvt- hniMlrifl and Ui|/Jily fevni (IWt), and bounded a* folhiwa: CViiumoiiclag whona Die WvM linn pf iho ts.miln.nt Coniral I.K. 11 •! norm!- ilii! Itluliway leading Kaat from Harford Mill...tliHiii-aimiiHiiih'.M . AOUtriorly direction alon î

    >( iiiu:Mtd railroad. tfiiidO) ohalni tiikn; Iboncc- ruqiilhg HouLli alxty

    ' ro«a,(^«K-). Weatta.t anrVtMHy iwr) link*. tiMim-i- running Houlli alxty

    ' iiiren-lvurllia Angina* (iiv»K «V). We«t ta < _ ..a and flity (60) I Inks; thunc« Nprtb twenty

    and (ino'fuiiiili dogroet (90K dg). Weat to tbe cVn

    and wlfti IWiwitn» W. Origtw. Iiy dtad dated l-v. \ffit iiid recordod In CortUnd O

    „JO, In'Book Nu. 61 nf t>e^.iragb V tug, Ntrvmiliflinpi,

    ' Hated July II. AT) l.lll.l

    ')• li cei leniplafnl Uigliway ahotll ten rod^T" the pta

    ••'-ling about on.' i'lHi an ii're of WW-

    X. II. IIAYNKSS 11 Sharlft of tutj county uf tc-jHlmnl.

    Admiuistrator'B Sale. No fh'K la bcroby ifivou that in nitrauauce of an nidt ' i ni t t ln by ( h o UOO. A P HmUh. H u m , Sate t.t the county of Cortland, ]i tint ttd day of

    une. 1614, the anders-giuM, the iidintiilMtralor. A c of JoHtiuft l>. Hurdlck."iato of the towu oi Cuyl«r, In the couiiiy of OoftUud, N. Y. deceased, win Mil at imlilit" auction, on the llthdayol Augiixt, 1H.J .M Vloien'ta l loioi In Ihn vil lnm.tif i :ny lm. N Y., at' 0 O'clock In the lux inn»n. ttie following d« -•crlbed roal estate of eald deceased for tbe pay-ment of hie dubta. to wit: All dial piece or pun -i of land etiuele \\\ tb« towu ot Tmxinn (IH.W tnj lor), ('ortland county. N. Y.. being part or Ion No*

    Beg n , , . aid l«»t K, thence R. aloug the north Hue of aald loi

    Hand 0, In eaid towu, )totnid«:d at follow* nil.,; -n nilbs earl of tlie ,N. W. cyrnor of No." " '" '" "' " " - ' _._•. ttiochafu*. W ll'ike t*> tlie center of tbe high way: tbauco aoath 60 mluulea. w . 31 chatue aud one link tut lie itj>ilb InmudMol tfui liigliwhy. rtiu nlng woat acro> " '••* *T- ' • , along the north way to f.etakc and BtvpoB

    thenet- unrtli along Hn: IHM line ui i). i UaxuuuV laud IO tho eouthwr IIIKIIH |)Mid ou eald lot No. h ; theuco oaat along

    W HKI>KAI1, uii tlit- Dint day of Atull. in (liwyom of our irtnd onu ihoiieand night buudred aud hovnitty. David J, sHoblnmm. Jr..?if .Ido.ol.l'orl WattoH'street, In t nillsiidvlllc. buKlniiliiK at a point In tlin coiitur of raid siios-i, uluhi wnsi of Vtllllam Books west line; lliuna-riiiiii|ii,,-iiuii|i iwulvo rods i iheiwo weal liuiiinds; iheineaouil

    nlng west serosa .aid lo tNp. i ; ilidjicsi wosiorly -"III Bolrlds of IhcUslfiTiiViloiioii hiKh

    ,0 andstooos; Iheuce sotliuwssiuilr slim,; tlio care t of the htsl mrotlolled lilghuay in Hi.- iscatjlliio n|,siili| loi Nn II. at tlw uortiwasi i IIIinn ui I Suaman's Isnd; tliemi wost SII.IIJ: siit.l Hi-sinsiiV urn ili. hue SOchalus 10 a .tako aim

    lit east line oi B, ^.1 coruor ot Kil l; theuco oast aloi,.

    ssld Irish's souib lino 6? roils; thouce north lo s slake aud atone, on tin- oorner of land conveyed by Vanillin M. Ititrdlck and wif. loasld Bliss.Irish mi HHIII lots NUM. n mill It; tliencc ea.t to a Stake mill r-tonos at the southoa.l coruer of Mid farm nl land deeded by eald Burdick to satd Irish; north 10 iliii ulace of beginning, coulaloing loo scree of lend, he the same more or less, excepting aw) reserylug from said alece of land, bulng tin-ground upon wn(ch the ecboolhoiiso t o s slajuds, ilso all that certain other piece or|ian:oi nflsinl

    situate In Ike town of Uuyki,, Oorl known aspsrl of aubdlvtaioii No. «

    iisiul opantv, and ~ of lot No ~

    0>9 m t - r s .

    1 ! » ,« o%m ,%a, I S f l . •" « « » » ' « N. W.MMtte F a t r , : i i m . . ,

    than four .ears. (' n- < »(INIJ Of't'JIKKMCIKK.

    S f o W j " * "Wl.* Hwtalhnsoena iU wife '''" »'""'• - - I t h confusion, contention sed strife

    ' . cease of dletarbance will be * < * . • ! » «^«l>«*i«Nirpe.


    ,Ayer's Hair Vig^or i For Jatotwuig 6ra\y.. Hai?, : \TO trs'ltATollAiytrALiTrAhD C/Liiiliiiiuit,anil hered, Italy |ir,-,ll.|ii.slll,.,i. .11 tarn the hair Way, aad silt her nf semi In-l-IIHHi' III Shell ||,e„|,t.


    Ar.n'e 11 AMI VUHIK 'J lilllK Slid I-XI0IIS|V|1 aw, baa provau ifcat Is

    .lui* tim kUlraj nftaa. y i oft.-a 1..UHWS the |rrc-.|ik,eu4

    , itoVoalleealer, wheo|Medorgray. It sllnialaiiv the natrltrtre tHrgana to h.-.lihy iellr-tly, awl i-rewirse. both the' hair aad Ha tiuauiy. Thi>- Inashy. weak »r .ickly hair necoaies gkissy. pll-ihto sisi siici'^thiuinl; ln-t halr.regruirs, wilb

    is.ily e x p r . ' . ' l o n ; railing hair Is . ' l i r rkml ami r t a h •hod; lain hair thickens; and failed or gray hair rWarars thru- original oolor. Ire nneratleerIs sure and harinliM It euros rJsiHlr.ff. Ksals all blisiors. end keaŝ e the acalp cool, clean and soft—unoer which i i.udliliiii. disease, of iho m-alp are Impo,-rtbkt. • [| inivil - -P-iim .. .. IHJ ..1

    ! Aa a dreasliia lor redtoV. hale, the VICOH Is prala-ai for Ua gratniul ami agreoablu iMrfuaio, aad ra|. in .1 l"i- I hi' soft lust 1,1 am! i lehiics nl t,?rui It Im parts, . I '

    ••-if'-'- rna-ransii av ".blnorls

    • r . J. 0 . AYt * A CO.. LoWi:! / ,* . . . . /VartfceV anal ^aefettosl, Cktmfolf., "'^ n

    Bow at Oortlandl §Ljl V .o.'.Ws ahastrhs* n. aVaWorB*>oa,and h> all onurslste and dealers saa -1- - aaB.k.lll.. , O.I

    Parlor, Slttfjug-room, Dining-ro(Jm,

    Ohambor^Libmry and'Kitohen.

    Parlar Nulfs from $50 to $300,

    Chamber Sets from $8? to$»75.

    twelvo rods to the oenter of said .Ircei; tliouee cast along ekltl street. In tho comer tberoof, four rods to ilin plaua of liegluulux, containing forty-- 'if land, more or less. Bald nertgaso.

    l-erbf sale ilioroliicoiiMtiieA, Was duly [h^fpde oflsjid,1niore""or loss. Hal

    witto ttte noaar ofsale ihoroln couialrJori, was ddly

    | l V».ffi?>u*c«Rl «la> of-AprU, iB7«75?l*f o'clock

    At wholi tfu. mm,

    rretai| atttjioids'iaad,establish-

    C O g T l r f A l ^ M T i t i X .

    It ho etilir con Ko one mnrnln •imlih told all

    ihrthnme. tell how,

    • I • ,ia ! Ith allll loved bus,—~



    &.p« l i t •h . ^ i l s sd lon of p a r i h s w i n i . t t v . n / l l l o a g h t ' '

    fciuJi^""*^*?^^ ' o ? ! n ' f i , , * f j , h 4 i • hough ihfi oihoi. ivdio hlauke he hall now iliaivn

    aprlzn. ~ • • ^ " • To HMltk> great .arprtse, a ck.nge lite'a dn-ain

    taaae otarihl%rmaseaeM. .ad it woaaa seen '

    ^ r e T a ^ r r f a ^ y ^ X ^ f f . 0 ^ Now HHilili and hisWIfe area* happy as bona.

    Anil strive in tho)* heeit» cat-hVhcr to pleasn. Both now In sboir lib' tim. mado happy nasi hmrry.



    • " • - * * * * * * * * * » * m » T B » ; " " • '•

    MlK*1, 'tlluMt'ft

    rei-onred In thieinumv msniifsitnie/l f-ijni the ust materiel and-ndui is Iniinurilalo snpoi sialoii. Ml will be sold cliKAi-Klt than Ihe aarhe uuslliy ljP>os1ecanrsslKj*(..t.liii|1eBtatC P|e,l|i(ikcon two lb palt Of ,-

    , •jt»Ai«;»»:i. b >«' ailsWoflyio.TBliler,. i ol.rlugaVl/r'ea&rWls la l l jwacs .

    Ilwlsti-sds. l.or.kliw Olssso., fiiiio, flsir, mil Wood Meal S.'halis and Booker..

    Uill.lilsl and1'I'm klsl, t'1,,1,,, Bureau., . ,S ,; ,,|,

    Warhl. aiid WiodTouji,

    tm.ttieaacoad day of lAprtl, im«iTit"it.. I. Baldjaottgaije was.for a.valuable.eonsUler-

    •Hon, duly '»aVSMB by John If Roflo.'aditilitls.

    by aislgiitneni In writing, .dated May Ism,, left,

    nuiouiu clafu'losito ij'u dno'aud ulip'iiif mi i.n'n i" gage, at the dato or Hie rli-» inililieatlon oTthle no-

    h*fi.rfai5W , l»* 9r* RfWSBW thoidof, ami no #ro curding^ at law or In equity have lii-uii bad lo re-

    - >rahrrarritr»r#r/ Mftik

    V r - p d i l r t ^ H H c o w|»boeokt at to (ftp JriglicnMfhldor, al tho novith


    edhy Nathan Wnght; thenoo woat aloiigtbe.outn line of raid Wrlght'f Inmi to the center of the highway; thbncc eoutb along the cooter of tin? highway lo the center of the nhrti^ay raishlng to warda kUrii; thoticooaetorly along U)e cculor of tho li,r»l mentioned highway to Ihe ulaoe oi l>«-ginuvlug. contaloiug 38 aoroe of laud, be tbo eatne more or loen. The flret plocc ot land berelu do

    ' "' " " •" • " iort{jt%getbcrcori. 8urpor

    r|i.,^wo/i. old ei'illu'd uill bu sold anblMt to a in

    upon whll-'i llferp fa diwahgiif. fhc« ItatcKl JuuuUf. i«7*J-

    I'HlMtAli U. Ill.'lflill-H. Admlnlatrn|y>r, ttf . of .)«miun, p. Jjurdlr.k, <

    m of t i l l notice le Hie .u... two Itutidiml 'and jiluuty doUara and »lziy un " l i l N U H ' l III r n l d llMiHg.,. .; , , e-lr.l | , t t u d t t l tiu'isvvvnli, t lio l i rutulaet d c a c n l w u in MKI uiortgagv and .ii Hilt uo l icu will i I, A i . , on ilic V-iii. day ot Augur-i i - . at h i . u t.tujh. in d ie l o f u o o i i ol tual, day , and **\>: im-rtgait^t » ili tin i: find Un it- it* t..j> i.r.. ti Hit •.; .Ma. ttl. IN. I

    ItlE I . . . : . ' ( . \ .s IH . .NAI . t l . \ M i , ot Cu t t l and , Atui lgneeoi nioriga%g(.

    H l l l A M I ' l i A M M I I A l l I lOI l l . - - iu . l t - f .11 l , | . „ | «agc. 4

    Mortgage Hale.

    W IIKUKAh, John J. ' . W a i l mid M«iy A. Tag gart, Inn wilt:. In.Hi limn iMldkng lu tbo lowi of i • -iiilHiidvilu-., In iho county of OorUand an. -.1 MII- oi New Vol*, did. on the thirtieth day l a » , July, Ui thu yoar of our liuodaTodand alatyatx

    tr Lord one tbouaaud -_ (JuTy autb, I W , ) to •

    iln.- jt*> un.i.i of the Mini of one thouaaud and ibm uuorod dollar* ($1,800.00) aud luterevt thereon n

    beivlnanor oatiroaecd, dul> make, execute and «. liver unto Koburt It Hmitn of tSorUaitd, Oorl land county, N. Y.,aa uuardian for Morna, John auu (iioige mdwell.tbatlr conaiu M R t m , uearinn date ou tho. aald «ltb day Of JUly, Iw«, upoii lit. loliowlng deicrliM-d lauda aud preoilaca, to mi 'All that tract or ,»arc«l it lanu elluate lu i J • • w. inj't- of Portland, In tbe county and Htaioaforui-ina and bounded and doacrlbod aa lollowa. via: i .-•, tuoiiclng at the lntet>eciton of the .?r.»'Vo»i or Ctanlaraiville. N. Y.docoasod. Ibst t hoy are required loe«hibit iho same, with thu viiucfi.ra tliofeof, to tlie tub ITIIIMII, tho executor of the said deceased, at his law office. In OoHlsud V.lla«c7N Y„ on or nefor"

    l lalial J I I IKI 111,

    Shenfl 'B bale. / tOLNIYOPOORTLaWl),ss Dyi'lrlurm \J exoculton Issuisl out of thv riiijirtim-1 UIII-I sistc or Nrw Vuil.. in me directed aim iti-i.iHI si;alu.l tbe gootls aud chaltels, aim n '•< tnciil. ol William N Jtandall. 1 have ken alt the riuht. title and lnt«reit which the .»•'• William N. Kandall had on the 17th day of Jaoii. ty, JHll, or ui any Utoa aluco. of, tn and in im l«. JowluK deacrlbvd uromlaoa, vie: Al! thai certan 1'ti.t oi parcel of land ehuato and bolnjj In mbd vlalou No. I, In lot No. :yi in bolon !».>..• -i ; in (he t*ywn of Cuylor a fore aald, bounded «ud doKriii odaafollowa, VIJ:: JlcK-iniilnfat the ponfawetiroi ner of aald aubdiylalou No. i, at a nuke . then" Ninth one degroeaiid flfloen minuu*. wroi ti(:.-1.» »Imiint to the aoulhweat corner of aaid ,-ninii^-.'-: No. 4; tbencc oaet along tbe aouth line of P««I uulKllylii|pn No. 4 aeyenu-pn champ and HUM. * -atid a hair Unla ; theiico north one ii«j'.' llvi' linfsf lu a a t a k c lu il«. in.rU H n c o l »«ld l o l u l ttiij Cjidof MM: i , , . r i : itif.iMv »(•-:

    li line of aald lot Iwcht chaim '• HloliL-IU (he t*6rt:__ tho place of beginning, containing tort) nevrn at r» and olghty-aeven rodr of land. X IM. all iliat ut in — o o f IkmUltui

    , , in nibiiivUion No. K. In lot -v, iu l ahlp, bounded aa follow*, viz; Boglnnlngai aaishi


    of I M alt U*te In the town of Cnylei »foi laaid, lu aitWlnaton No. K. In lot ijn. iu Hiiioi. I ahlp, bounded aa fnllowa, via: Boginnlng ai A . lu ihnavnt' i ot the highway between (he fence now le, which ruu* from Union.on lkiinl"' past o» Angoli filiiud (IOIIM- ; thence iitui). -s ,ic,i. .*„ vt.r; eight chalue and five Muka along me rmrili hue "' 'aald aubdlvtalou No. 9 to a elake and atone, bciuj.-the northweat corner of aald •nbdlvntiou H, tnenci r-oiilli three degreea, Woat along tbe weat line of "aid AUbdlvlHloii No. « tivn (baiua and • i.:hi> *"•>. •• linka to thp center of the hlghway.aa now la, jtoatioa lewlb fiv degreea. * and nlmlni. itr .t i Is nf John Hi I Itotfh, dooraaed.

    lalra|or and ulml Itegh, doorased.

    *gN TOBTOJWCT of sn order of Ahniin"*fi."HnTuh JL Harrunie of tbe eounly. of fiortlarid, potice is leroliy given to nil ucrspns fiavlnij |:fa|nis against h o w | » h nl Daniel B- WWIsbii. of tSirttsiiavlllf.

    '"' leriy •IB rp)|Hlrc() |o e»h)l • Hlisci

    .saiasfld, at ihe runt, iu Oirtland. N. V,, on ur

    I'niiilsir, imi. Ilati il .1 II in

    _ . g £ 2 ? t u r * "' •"»i>lol'B. W«sou,ideeeas«d. .TOlwyANOB of an order of Aluam p. Smith, Harrogate of the county of Cortland, notice Is

    irehy iilvni In all pelsoils lia'Vieu rlslms aeatiisl

    icccaspd. thu ibay sru riMiHireil |o exhibit tbe atai). with tba voucbets iHoroor.tii ilia snbscrl-•ora, ihu i-ai-iiiliUh ••! Iln- said uceuasod

    of 'I ' IHIIIISS Hi. «lorellio«nhdayol Ddcenilsir, Itffl OIISU o:

    « . IK74.

    i®m !SrW^m^n-" - t ' W c . lii- vouchers thai loathe ejbacritpr»rilie n)lnlBirai.irr uf (he said depoaefSil, U (lio 'residence >* 1*,'»« I'lffti r the errnuty 6f finrilaiirl. nuiln -in II hi -"-, , , -. Sl»5( v 0 * 1 l*r»"u..havliiH- iiialnis tbe cstale ofJono Abu RadelliTi', ol Tiui

    ... ansmsi TrusM>ll. de

    cesaed, that they are KnalrM to inhibit tlie ssmo Willi the vouchors thereof, |o tbe sullacribers, Un ailiiiliilslialnts of lb" Said the realdentx.

    . ^ —- rtqutraa with tbe vouojiors theroof, lo tbe sobscribets. the

    •aid HUM ••-'•.»-~T'A as friixion

    re Till day of Octolier, tfnt. of « ai, .Weaitlo, In rruxion. N. V-, on or l«for before the (Irsl dsy of llcloboi, Kill. DateslMarcb HI, IWI


    17 Admlnlatratora ef Ki.nben Perry, dee'd.


    ^laiularil ami Po.Liaa.D Wai

    W « l r » l C « i « f J 1*1

    a t


    OJfict In Moons'a Bale. I

    TBKMtt— $8-00 per a m

    A t i v o r l l e l n s r I Kor legal notloea and ojjl

    chargoa will be enado aceortlli llsbed by lew, u> wit:- TO cent lioatloe(ead MceriUa.Wtoi oubllcauoa—eooBltag 100 sro lent |fi!|>e«, as a rotio.

    For ordinary bustnoes aatvi will be made at tbe following I

    Qnai Thl.. Half

    One inch Two UMM-. Three Inchra four Inchoa Klve lnchea

    Ono Inch .. Two Inches l l .M f im In

    I l i . t l i . ••

    Five I n c l i o

    n an K«.MH tn t n oiiMii. 10 t»Third it (JO Half all Ihe nii-aiis of i. Ili I i science ti|rocial a l te i i l lon a lv . ami all i lirorne d i seases l> c h u r c h alri-i-i.

    H. A. B O L L E 8 , • • i i ) 0-1,-lnu a n d H u i

    U A V I N t . travulcd ex to i i i iva l j I'liYrtii'lo^'y and truBlod *i -mini* of i - ' i . of chronic and aurj nirci. to announoa tliat he will ten. mid divotc hli> Aitui.tluii (o the (r< li tilrti'Artiif Ac A •jK-rlnll)'

    All wlm Hir .im,. !• H will, any l< do form It j may cumuli Mm al hi' rcftdniire, Itallroad •tnci near U

    Offlcetiourr Iron. HAM to 4 V t*$r \ • :• ..- (or modicine at > Portland April 1, lift.i.

    «- u H t l . I . . I>«*nalai of mic Un' Mafoiil(

    : . | . . i i ; . ! attontii . i l lion of the nutural toetl.

    rcKUlari(ie« and dlieamn* of th<

    nlfoli ;-iv Ih, and I

    Wire Ml" ' . ! l-.uU. N

    work executed in the twr poeal wan anted

    Thin li- the only olBcc In the coo l«od JMr le adniliiirtlorcrt It in th« and the moat pleaaaut In Hi- effe MI. :i. ever Invented or nacd.aa hu o Irnllfy l would ««y lo those »

    wild decayed and ultvraiod teo ih . < youraelvea.

    I rtis-n h«v< A Imxl «n«» lbe t l r , r.-iidyrf. U'atli-oxddCMiiK alinoat ft mil rcnit ivai nil «..ri'tif"» from (lit i ioa t l i icradlhla > :.— i •!•-"' of I tn, for ii.l.lMir plate* of a >>U|M>rior Inquire of

    Dated Curilaad. Sept. ft. I«7:i