In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Cortland NY...» at Luther Griswold's. The twen- to...

PAGE EIGHT THE CORTLAMD OOtOCKAT. CORTLAN DRYDEN Stan HERALD DEPARTMENT R. E. 8TILWELL. Manager MISS FRANCES M. PHILLIPS, Dry dan Correspondent Telephone 89-Y-S PDWl/ll I 17 Freeville, Aug. 23.—Mr«. W. J VIRGIL Virgil, Aug. 22.—Leonard Seamana Students Must Register at High School, Aug. 31 The fall term of Dryden high scliool will begin Sept. 4. In order that the schedule may be prepared, all stu- dents are requested to report at the high school on Friday, Aug. 31. be- tween nine and twelve in the morn- ing. This is for all high school pupils and any eighth grade pupils w*ho will take any high school work. « * ! t! Purrington Pairs Plan THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO | Annual Picnic at Virgil Sharer, Mrs. L. E. Blackmail and BOB j of Syracuse la ^Mtlng his grand Sidney, Mra. C. L. Bower and children parents, Mr. and Mrs. George &e« . Jane and Robert, spent last Wednes mans. day at Cascade, guests of Mr and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Seager caliea Mrs. W. A. Martin. at Jerome Miller's in Homer, Sun- George Sickmon of McLean ha> day. been spending a week at Sharer"! ', Mrs. R. H. Barnes accompanied Mr. hotel. and Mrs. Bert Barnes, who hare been Mrs. E. J. Wells and children, Loi> visiting, to their home and John, spent a day recently ii in Syracuse Tuesday, and will re- Groton \ main for a few days " W. J. Snaver spent last Wednesda> Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Terpening and Dryden Herald, Aug. 23, 1893 The telephone office was moved in Canandaigua. The annual reunion of those who I j|f 38 j au et Starkey visited Mr. in J are known as the "Purrington Pairs" i M ra j 0 \ x n starr at Skaneateles last , > > w M o will be held at the Virgil Methodist wee k. * from Fulkerson s store to W. H. ; „ hlir .. h nn caturdav ««nt t The ,.. T> ». # «„. ••*"*- «.«o«. * ao«ri«'« » tnurtn on »amraay> «•!»• \ lar \ Miss Jean Beach of Peruville spen banuwicKs. .:-pairs" comprise all those who were | lft3t week witn her grandparent3> Mr married by Rev. O. J. Purrington dur-1 and M r g G & Monroe - ing his pastorate in Virgil, from Nov. j M _ M _, **-*%*— n t * The fourth annual Wheeler pic- * * nic was set for Aug. 29 at Elliott * * Wheeler's, ' the fourth annual * a© win laite any nigii sciiwi *UI&. t 0 „- f , l( -- mUmU* wa « Tn ha held Aiie * I * 3 " vv " "" **" "' *~7 »•• ?••• •"• "71The addresses of four couples are ing 1, 1887. to Oct. 15, 1891, and the pres- ence of all of the couples with their Miss Mary McGowan of Ithaca spen son Kenneth with Mr. and Mrs. James Norton of Cortland were at Owasco park, Sunday. > ^ Frank Johnson has finished nis work at Earl Wilson's. Mrs. Howard Palmer and daughter Betty are visiting at William Red- man's near Delhi. Mrs. Charles Kimmich spent Tues- a resolution re-quiring all students who take any laboratory course to pay a fee of one dollar each term * and the third annual Griswold re- * * union was to take place Aug. 31 * » at Luther Griswold's. The twen- ° to help defray the expense for material , ^ ^ reunion of the Snyder and the use of apparatus This ap- . b e fc , d g e t 2 a t , plies to all science, domestic science m tho g utl , nill nark and agricultural courses where ma the Free ville park. terial is used up by the student. The Drrden Cornet band pur- * Indications are that the registration ; * chased the wagon formerly used * for the coming year will be the largest * by the Peruville band. * in the history of the school, j * Returns have been received for the j * News was received of the death * last regents examinations and all * of Martin King, a former resi- * pupils concerned have been notified. * dent, who was crushed by a log * not known and the committee has hopes that the published notices of the reunion will come to their atten- tion. The four couples are Hiram Cronk and Ella Gould, Elmer Dickin- son and Emmogene Smith, George W. Morris and Susie Purrington, War- ren Green and Effie Card. a few days last week with Mr. and day W j t n Mrs. Eugene Seager. Mrs. C. K. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John Page visited her Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Snyder and son grandson, Robert Hopkins, in Bing- and L. E. Blackman and son Sidne\ j hamton, Sunday. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS The results in general we|e,;w^y sat- isfactory. v %1 Stmdents wbt> are entering the Dry- den school for the first time should see about their registration on Aug. 31. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hyer and ii r r<\MpL*;Lucv attended the Hyer family re- \ 1 I I * IP*" 1 at Stewart! parjj m Saturday. A i V* 1 , | Relatives were presen? from r fiuffalo, h S r e T h ^ i n d e d w w s Mr. w d M r j - O P Heffron, Mr. and Mra. George Heffron, Esther and Robert Heffron Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Terpening, Kenneth Terpening and Mr. and Mrs. William Heffron and five children. ._ Mrs. Ralph Kimmich and i n M u t t arranged the Home Bureau exhibits at Cortland fair. . Mrs L. F. Bristol attended the school picnic at DeRuyter last Wednesday. . . „ . Mr and Mrs. George Kench Hare moved from Polkville and are work- ing Frank Price's farm. Mrs. L. F. Bristol attended tne Mowers reunion at Lynn Mowers' In Lincklaen. Si,. . „. Ernest Trim has finished his work at O. J. Bays and son's and is working at L. F. Bristol's. Mrs. Pearl Rounds, Mrs. Ed Sher- man, and Mrs. Elizabeth Carpenter of Harford and Mrs. Charles Kim- mich spent last Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Merritt Carpenter. Mrs. John O'Neil and son of New, York have been guests at Andrew Hauck's. Miss Elizabeth Hauck, who has been with relatives in New Jer- sey for several months, has returned home. HARFORD MILLS Space Reunion On August 19, the descendants of Joseph Space to the number af 25. met at the i omestead near Dryden lake, now owned by John Joiner fer a picnic dinner. Among those pres- ent were Mrs. Delos Space and daugh * while working in a mi ning, Oregon. ,_ .. : ^ „.),,„ <>„_,,„ er€ pre sen! * Bert Smith of Freeville cut a * Elmira, Homer, Cortland and Varna. * five-inch gash in one leg with the * ] Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Decker of * blade of a grain cradle. * i Malloryville and their daughter, Mrs. * I Dickson of Washington were guests A firemen's meeting was held, Mon- dav evening. Work on the electric light line was begun in Virgil village, Monday. Mrs. John Page received a nice lot of money on her exhibits at the Cortland fair. She received first prize on butter, first on potatoes, second | Harford MilIs Aug 22.—The people on farm products, and a years sun- and about the corner> fee l scription to the Cortland Democrat «• grate ful to the fire companies and one year to the Cortland fctand - from Dry den, Virgil, Newark Valley ard. and Berkshire who responded so read- Mr. and Mrs. Charles ^erbaugh «^f^f^, for he l p last week and three children, and Mrs. Pearl | ^ j ; ^^ VaiUa Kar a h,,rnpd were in Cortland. Friday morning Miss Frances Hawkins of Glen Cove, L. I., is the guest of Mis Florence Cole. Mrs. Ida Bryant of Ithaca was th guest Friday of her sifter, Mrs. Ma rietta Monroe. Mr. pnd Mrs. Clarence Parker »&d daughter Christine recen.y mororeu *o Whit- lake in Sullivan county. Mrs. Lena Shaver spent Thursda> in Corttand. Mrs. Ella Blanchard has returne i to 'her home in Syracuse after spend ing some time in town. She was a< companied by Mrs. Eli Bloom and daughter Ella, who remained for • visit. Among those who ait ;ndeJ the Cort | Oaks and calling on friends. .> Us > n d*d the fair land fair last week were Mrs. J. .) Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Gee were Sun- and attended the tan- Rounds spent Sunday at Mr. Flana- when the Kells barns burned. Miss Ruth Livermore and Miss Vir- ^ r s ^ r S o r r C o r U a n d is I «ln.. Benne,, of Newark Va>.e y were spending a few days with Mrs. George X ^ i t e S £S SEE The Dryden band and many G. * i of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jennings on Cole and daU g hte rs, Misses Helen day guests of Mrs. Eva Gee. -• A R. men and Sons of Veterans * Saturday and were given an * attended the county picnic at * formal reception in the evening m- *; C D . Williams, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.; j a n e Davenport, Harry Bush and chi * j Williams and sons Stewart and Har j dren Neill and Cecil, Mrs. Clareni + Mrs. Butterfield of Harford Mills * | rison attended the wedding of Miss ; Parker and daughter Christine, Mr^ and Florence Cole, Mrs. Perry Hai : W. B. Muncey, M. L. Vunk, and shaw and granddaughters, Louise an i : George Ticknor, Arthur Oaks, Harry * Glenwood. Springer and L. D Sweet have had Mrs. Pauline Stone of this place and Ralph Satterly of Newark Valley were married at Waverly, Sunday afternoon, Aug. 12, by the Rev. R. L. their residences wired the past week. I Compton. Mr. and Mrs. Satterly will The road men are having a vaca- i make their home at Newark Valley. ter Ruth and Mr and Mrs. Willard * was chaperoning a party at Ense- * I Marguerite Carol Williams, daughter j j_ Ellsworth and two sisters Mrs. fl Space of Ifhaca, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stafford and daughter Margaret and Elsa May Cole of Cortland, Mr. and Mrs. Kester Girdley and Eleanor, Lawrence and Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Arlington Marsh and Mr. and Mn>. Jay Griswold of Dryden. nore for a week. The young peo- * ; of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Williams \ Q Blackmail and daughter Alice. * pie were Lena Butterfield, Lillie * of Ithaca and Prof. Henry Albert * Boice, Alice Myers. George Sea- * j Schauffler of Schenectady, which oc * mans, Burt * Charles Brink. Harrington and * * * * Hiles Appointed District Deputy Avery Hiles, a member of Dryden BRIEF NE,WS ITEMS curred at the First Presbyterian church, Ithaca, on Wednesday even- ing, Aug. 15, and the reception which followed at the home of the bride's parents. Stewart Williams was one of the ushers at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ross were also guests Mr*. Addie Strong and family hav moved from Union street to the hou^' on Railroad street owned by N. *'. Thompson. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stanton of Ithaca were recent guests of Mr. an i Mrs. E J. Baker tion this week while the superin- tendent, George Barnes, is away. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Stewart, William Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Olmstead spent Sunday evening at Leslie Hutchings*. Mr. and Mrs. George Burdorf and son Elwin spent Sunday at Windsor. Mrs. Burdorf's sister, Mrs. Dora Court Mrs. Clifford Starkey spent Friday J ney and family of Cortland are mov- Dryden, Aug. 23.—Mrs. Helen Fish-! a t t n e ceremony i appointed er and daugnter Dorothy of Pit tsfield, | Mr and Mrs L B Cramer were ^ filers at the home of Mr. and , v ., , e ........ , Ross of South street. Mr. aome oi, *lr. and Mrs. rred bpace. } Cramer is tne ea8ter n sales manager Miss Harriet E. Provost and niece, Qf ^ Joknson Bronze company M ivrwfot, m, w. v^. m n ««o w-^u. » Fl -vm,vi. wr auu uauguier uoroiuy oi J-HIHUBIU, ; »* _ J district deputy grand master of the Mass, and Mrs. Geneva Pierce of De-j *V' *"" order for the Tompkins county dis-, R UT ter were week-end visitors at the , ^j" s \ ^ trict. 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Space. L*^ 1 •' Floyd Ryan east of the village, on Aug. 31. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS New Castle, Pa., where James D. Ross Mrs. Ellen Hawks of Belmont is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Merton Cole. A party of about 25 friends of E. W. Robinson Reunion Miss Harriet B. Provost, of Buffalo The Robinson family reunion will are spending three weeks with Miss I J ^ , BOS ition be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Helen Spencer. i Mrs. Alta Clifton hjft, Saturday, for her home in Rochester, Minn., ac- companied by her granddaughter, Miss Ethel Burch. Thev have been spend- , , „. _., T ing a number of weeks with the fam- ™W> had a picnic dinner at Fillmore Miss Mary Lormor of the First Na- n v of Prof, and Mrs. E. G. Burch. i (jlen on Mon(1 ay. tional bank is spending her vacation Miss Burch will later return to her Charles Gaston of East Rochester on an auto trip to Allegan, Mich., to position as nurse in a hospital in Min- is spending two weeks at "the home cf visit Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ellinger, for- neapolis and will take some studies ! Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hazen merly of Dryden. Her brother, in tfhe State University of Minne- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Foster of Chi- Charles Lormor of Binghamton, and apolis. j cago arrived, Saturday night, to spend Mrs. A. J. Moore of Cortland are Mrs George E Goodrich has been 1 two weeks at the home of Mr. and taking the trip with her. passing a week at the home of her ! Mrs - H - C Foster. Erwin Foster, Jr.. Harold Hess of Marion, la., has been daughter, Mrs. William Dean, Jr., at! of Eimira is also spending a fort- tbe guest of Dryden friends. Oy«ter Bay. L. I. On Friday she was I ni S ht at tl *e' Foster home. Martin Tripp and Paul Little left joined by Mr. Goodrich and they sailed I Mr. and Mrs. Merton Cole were | Thursday in Ithaca. Tuesday on a weeks camping expedi- for Nantucket, where they will spend tion thru the Adirondack region, go- two weeks with their son Luther and ing north by way of Old Forge and family at their summer cottage. Fulton Chain. They expect to visit guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole of Mrs. Villa Yaples and son and Cortland on Sunday. daughter of Binghamton have bem About thirtv attended the W. C. visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. David Odell and Mrs. j T. U. meeting at the M. E church, j Mrs - A - B - Young and Miss Glenola Au- Sable Chasm, points on Lake Clifford Cheney of Salamanca are i Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Mary B I Sutfin spent Friday in Syracuse. George, and spend a little time in Al-j spending some time with Ctoarles j Wood, countv president; Mrs Adda Misses Meredith and Florence Miller bany before their return. ' Burghardt and Mr. and Mrs. Louis | McCurdy, couaty L. T. L aecretary of Johnson City are spending the Rev. and Mrs. Arnold SmKh and Former. Mrs. Marian Hill, state and county! week with their aunt - Mrs - B - c - children, Katherme, Irving, Barclay Miss Ma bel Bartholomew spent Fri- director of scientific temperance in- j Jacoby. and Alvm, of Union, Mo., who have d a v a nd saturdav with her cousin, struction, and Rev. Arnold Smith of! Mis3 Jea n Beard of Peruville vis- been visiting relatives at Seneea M iss Dora Wood of Homer. I Union, Mo., addressed the meeting i ited her grandparents, Mr. and Mis. Falls, are spending a few days at the Mias Mary chatfield of Clifton I The work of lowering the steeple I G. S. Monroe, last week, homes of Mr. and Mrs. Arlington Marsh Springs spent the week-end at her \ of the Presbyterian church is pro- "" ' "" and Mr. and Mrs. J W. Little and home in Dryden. j gressing and the interior decoration calling on lormer Dryden parishioners. M r 8 w c Buck of Dansville is is completed. On Friday the session Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. spending a few davs with' her aunt, I room is to be cleaned and volunteer N. Lathrop were Mr. and Mrs. George M rs. Avery Hile*. \ workers will be greatly appreciated W r heeler of Athens, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. M r. and Mrs. Fred Shaw and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. William Uhl of El- Frank Tone of East Virgil, Mr. and ter Bettv Q| ith aC a returned to Ithaca ! mira were guests cf Mr and Mrs Mrs. F. E. Lathrop and daughters Le- on Sundav after spending a week ona and Dons and Mrs. Josephine with ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks of Syracuse, Mrs. Rose Wilcox £. Burr. of Owego, Mrs. Maine Parker of Mara- Mr . and M rs. John Fundis and Mr. ! burn, Sunday, to" visit friends Mrs thon. Mr. and Mrs. William Townsend and Mrs. Carl Fundis of Jacksonville ; Sarah Harrington, who had" been of Syracuse, Mr. and Mrs. James mo tored to Syracuse on Sunday and j spending a week in the city, retarned Lathrop and daughter Pride of Endi- ST>en t the clay with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis with them cott. Hyatt. Miss Harriet Hough of Niagara Falls Mr. and Mrs. John Collier, Mr. and is spending some time among school M rs. Henrv Collier and children, Mr. friends of Dryden. This afternoon and Mr8 Charles Hart and sons and Mrs. John Tripp and Mrs. Louis Weber Ed stickles attended the Stovell fam- are entertaining a party of friends in n v reunion at the Fleming sisters' her honor at the home of Mrs. Weber nome a t Summer Hill on Saturday. Clarence Taylor of McGrawville is M rs. Amelia Reed is viaiting at j their daughter Marjorie and son Al- moving- to the Munsey homestead, th © home of her grandson, Clinton! bert of Pelham Manor returned to which he recently purchased. Dr. R. Roe , at Owego. their home, Wednesday, after spend Chappuis on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Rummer and Mrs. R. F. Chappuis motored to Au- Mrs. Ella Hefner of Cedar Rapids, la., is spending some time with her ing there and Mrs. Courtney will teach school. Mrs. Hayden Olmstead won $28 in money and a year's subscription to The Democrat and six months sub- scription to the Cortland Standard for her exhibits at the Cortland fair. Eight dollars was for prizes on po- tatoes. She won first premium on her display of farm products. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson and Mrs. Mary Tyler spent Sunday at Enfield Falls. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Bristol and daughter Betty of Cortland spent the week-end at L. F. Bristol's. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Carpenter are spending a ten-days vacation in Con- necticut. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Stillman spent Sunday evening in DeRuyter A large number from here have at- tended the Bible school near Blodgett Mills and enjoyed it very much. Mrs. O. J. Bays spent Sunday at Rupert Bays'. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ames and two children and Mrs. Mate Rindge of Norwich and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames of Cortland called at L. F. Bris- tol's, Sunday. Mrs John Page assisted at Cort- land fair last week. Mrs. Martha Rounds spent Sunday at H. W. Stewart's and with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart visited the Green Hill and Willow Glen cemeteries at Dry- Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Monroe and I den. daughter Marian and Mr. and Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. George Brummage of W. A. Myers spent Thursday at Os-1 Cortland spent Saturday night and afternoon in Cortland and cp'led en Mrs. John Wingeabach at the hos- pital. Miss Nellie Payne of Skanea eh s called on her sister, Mis. Willnii Apgar, Jr., last Wednesday even- ing. Burton Jacoby, Jr., spent last week with his grandmother, Mrs. F. A. Miller, in Johnson iCty. Mrs. Mildred Hulslander of Dryden spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hulslander. Miss Thelma Baird of Groton has been vi3iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baird. Mr. and Mrs Leslie Sperry and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barrett and daugti- ter Gladys of Syracuse were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Jacoby. A. B. Genung spent Friday in Ithaca. WiMiam Phillips is spending some time in Watertown. Mrs. Helen Williamson spent Miss Laura Leonard, who has been attending summer school at Columbia university, came home Saturday to remain until her school work begins in September. Albert Ellis is having his house painted. Willam Smith is doing the work. Mrs. Elizabeth Joslin and Clark cpse from Saturday until Monday, as the guests of Miss Carrie Hemmings. Asbury and Vicinity! , ,. ™. in Asbury, August 22.— James Sai Joslin, Miss Mary j Qf Nopwlch form erly of this 3 Joshn were in Syra-1 and Migs Grace WUber of Xfl JJ were married in Norwich on SaturdijJ Aug. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Smith •• Ralph PulTing of this place and Miss I the weekend with his parents, MfJ Vera Baird of Newark Valley were an d Mrs. Burr Smith, married, Saturday, Aug. 11. The annual Everhart reunion ^i Miss Doris Stowell has been spend-; held at the nome 0 f Mrs. Jane Twurl ing a few days in Cortland with her j on Sundav. Fifty-five persons *l aunt, Mrs. Jennie VanHoesen. j tended. Relatives were present toil Mrs. Edwin Willcox spent last week i Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Rochester,! with her brother and sisters at Bing- ithaca, Clyde, Wolcott and U\ hamton, Marathon and Hunt's Cor- wor th. The tables were set un&rij Hers - large tent which was erected near t»| Mrs. J. E. Leonard, Miss Laura Leon- house. ard and Mrs. John Sears attended a Mr«. Victoria Bogardus. widow i\ W. C. T. U. meeting at Richford, Tues-, Everadug Bogardus, died at her hoal dayr * j in the town of Lansing on SuudOT w _ -fc—i^-kw'* ' evening. Aug. 19, after a few wwkif HARFORD illness, aged 82 years She YII i| I daughter of the late Andrew u Harford, Aug. 22.-Mrs. Bira Tripp Elizabeth Teeter of Lansing Si and Robert Culver spent Sunday with leave* 0I \e son, Clarence Bogirdi Mr. and Mrs. John Culver and the and one daughter. Miss Lhzabeth supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Har- tardus, *>°th residing at home. one sister, Mrs. Viola Bogardus Ithaca. The funeral was held at ft wego. Dr. Emery Pixley of Hornell was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Will* y on Friday. The annual M. E. Sunday school pic- nic will be held Saturday at Stewart park, Ithaca. Those wishing to go will meet at the church at 10 o'clock, and means of conveyance will be pi > vided, and they are asked to take dishes, silver and sandwiches for them- selves and one dish to pass. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Southworth, son sister, Mrs. J. B. Brownell. Mr. and i Albert and daughter Marjorie of P.d- Mrs. Brownell, their daughter Lucy! ham Manor spent the week-end at and Mrs. Hefner visited friends at I Shaver's hotel Worcester early in tflie week. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Southworth, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fitts of Syra- Sunday at Adelbert Cole's. Mrs. Leslie Hutchings and Mrs. Glenn Stillman and son spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Hutchings' grand- mother, Mrs. Muckey of Lapeer, who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. George Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Price left early, Monday morning, for a vacation trip to the Thousand Islands and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Francis of Syra- cuse spent a few days last week at R. F. Saltsman's. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Saltsman, Miss Luh Saltsman and Mr. and Mrs. Francis enjoyed a trip, Thursday and old Lane and two children of Ho- mer, Mrs. Elsie Olmstead of Slater- ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Bird Hilsinger. ' home on Wednesday afternoon. I Mrs. Mary Goodmore and daughter; burial was "< ^ < ^ lone of Irvington, N. J., are spending I terv two weeks at their home here. Mrs. Belle Goodwin, widow of A Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Keeler and chil-; Barre Goodwin, died in the dren and Mrs. Ray Allen called on ' torium at Clifton Springs on Wedm Mr. Allen at Cortland hospital, where day evening, August 15. aged 80 yesa he is being treated. Mrs. Goodwin was a daughter of tl Mr. an'd Mrs. B. F. Cheny of South ; late JonatJhan and Emm i Norton. Cortland were dinner guests of Mr.! Lansing. She was borr and pasr and Mrs. John Culver recently. j her early life in Lansing. She Ml Mr> and Mrs. Robert McCartney I the most of her life in New K and son Robert, Miss Lucy WavleJ City. She leaves one son, Judge M Miss Emma Wavle, all of New York ] Goodwin of Chicago and one dauH City, spent Saturday and Saturday j ter, Miss Clara Belle Goodwin of N*^" night with Mr. and Mrs. Robert ! York City; also two sisters. »| Palmer, Mrs. Mabel Hall and Augustus Davis Ozmun of Miami, Florida. Wavle were dinner gue3ts. They^spent ! Mrs. Morris Willis, of I that a T* Sunday afternoon at Enfield glen. | funeral was held in Fred Gilbwj Mr. and Mrs. E, T. Wilcox and Mr. i undertaking parlors in Ithaca or. m and Mrs. Robert Wavle attended the urday afternoon. The body was taij Wilcox reunion at Greene, Saturday, i to Mount Hope crematory in Ml Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Wilcox spent Sun- J ester for cremation. The ashes day with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wilcox ! he buried beside the ashes of at Binghamton. I husband in Pleasant Grove cem«1 Mr. and Mrs. John Wilcox and Mr. I near Forest Home. and Mrs. Charles Brink went o n a ! trip to the Adirondacka iast week, j pi CACANT VAI IB Mrs. Teen Burns of Johnson City I * l-E«/*0/*I^ I W #»*•« cuse spent the week-end with Mr. and j Friday, to the Catskill mountains. Mrs. H. A. Strong. Mrs. Andrew Hauck and Mrs. Alec Mrs. Helen Graves and daugh I at ; Hauck were at DeRuyter, Wednesday, Lilly of Cortland called on friends | to take Miss Anna Hauck to camp. William Stewart with Prof. Clayton A. McKinney and family, who have oc- Mr and Mrs. C. B. Snvder left on | ing a few davs at Shaver's hotel Free- l j " town > Sunday. cupied the Munsey place, are moving Thursday for a week's vacation at I ville, and visiting among Dryden rel- Mr and Mrs. Harry Morey of Syi a-| Whipple, Brace Mack and Charles ; Thursday for a trip to West Virginia, farm here. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hart Tyler. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Seaman and Jame*s Molleson of Ithaca spent Tues- day night with Mr. and Mrs. Robert urd *y- Wavle. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Buck of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Tyler leave ester spent the weekend at • Pleasant Valley, Aug. It-** B. Fenner and her daughter, r Verna Fenner, were in Cortland. to McLean. Cato and Lake Ontario. atives. Miss Rowena Southworth of cuse spent the week-end with Miss Armstrong of Dryden attended a judg Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barr and two Mr and Mrs Fred C j a r k and daugn . i New York has been in Freeville and Georgia and John Sager. ing contest at the State Agricultural childen of Nashville, Tenn., called on ter*, Mrs. Ella Whitman and Leonore, Dryden for a few weeks. j Walter Danns of Syracuse spent school at Delhi, Friday. They spent Mrs. G. T. Rockwell on Friday. ot Poi SO na, West Va., were recent. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Southworth are tne week-end in town. Friday night at Delhi and visited the Mr. and Mrs. Earl E Lormor of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Col-1 entertaining his sister, Mrs. John Van Mr - and Mrs. Clinton Roe of 0\\ e- Marydale Jersey farms at Delhi and Buffalo and Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Wog- }\ eT , \ p e j t m iss ]vi ar g are t Van Pelt and §° recently called on friends in towft,! the Cathedral Guernsev farms at One- « an of - Iled on relatives >i r . and M rs. T. R. Bryant and son | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hedlund of! Edgar George of Buffalo spent Suti-|onta on Saturday. New York City. ! day with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. George Fred Eliott'of Binghamton viisted j The regular weekly prayer meeti his aunt, Mrs. Elmer Van Pelt, Tues- ! w a s be ld at tne home of Frank Columbus, and Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Claude Rathburn and her I ily of Houghton were recent guest J. W. Fenner's. Mr. and Mrs. Swearinton and and friends in town Sunday. Ford of Macedon were week-end guests Almond Sanders of Cortland was a 0 f Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Space. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Crane left on guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Scott on plate of onions. Tuesday. Thursday of last week to spend the day. I Reeves, Thursday evening. I Cortland and attended the fair. Mrs. Glen Hotthkiss and children remainder of their vacation at the The Home Bureau gave the play,' Mrs - Charles Hyde is visiting hfttl Miss Mary Reagan and Miss Anna, _ _ of Ithaca have returned to their home home of their daughter, Mrs. Robert "The Girls," at the Odd Fellows' daughter, Miss Esther Hyde, who is Carter of Marathon visited Miss Nor- George O. Scales of Binghamton 42 after spending some time with W. B. L. Gellinger of New York. home, Ithaca, Tuesdav evening. ! spending the summer at Middletowi . j ma Barnes. | former Lackawanna detective 'and MeUmtock. Mrs Pa i mer p er kins of Webster and Mrs. F. S. Channell and her daugh- [ Mrs - A lic e Smith and sister, of Bing-J Frank Barnes, Miss Norma Barnes ; well-known in Cortland, died last Sat- Mr. ami Mrs Uifford Gndley at- y\ r and Mrs. Russel Acker of Little ter, Mrs. Farnham Shaw, of Wells- hamton were guests Wednesday ni^ it and Miss Mary Reagan attended the j urday night. tended the wedding ot Laurence W. F a n s have been recent guests of Mr. ! boro, Po., motored to Dryden Wednes- oi their cousin, Charles Hyde. Gleason reunion at Whitney's Point. I Mynard and Miss Ldna Oaks at the and Mrs B M p er kins. i dav, bringing with them Mrs Edna Mr - and Mrs. Alton Tyler of Di y-! Saturday. I ^ 5 5 5 ! ! ! ! 1 " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! >irst Presbyterian church, Cortland. Mrs. O. A. Johnson was a week-end [ Goodwin of Philadelphia, who will den called at Shaver's hotel. Sunday. Mr ,nri Mr« T»H» viu^f o„n F r> ^ on Saturday afternoon gue8t or Dryden friends, add on Sat-1 spend a few weeks here.' Mr - and Mrs. Hfle Sickmon of New Seamans spent Sunday afternoon at f and son urday evening Miss Mary Montgomery Mrs. Herman Westinffhonse of York are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fi d Owasco park. Won Democrat's Premiums Mrs. Hayden Olmstead of R. D. 3, Cortland, was awarded The Demo-1 dren of East Lansing spent Sw crat's special premium, a year's sub- ] at the home of F. J. Todd, scription, for the best peck of po- j Sevmour Rogers and his fanw! Mrs. Adelbert Cole spent from , tatoes exhibited at Cortland fair. Mrs I Horseheads were Sunday gue»t» ig Wednesday until Saturday with her John F. Page, R. 3, Cortland, also ! Mr and Mrs. L. I. Sharpen P. sister, Mrs.^ George Brummage. in won a year's subscription for best 1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur VariMartS Ithaca spent Sunday at J. C. fiutbr^ Mrs. R. D. Teeter, who has ill, is improving. - f Mrs. Ralph Stevens and Mrs. wj send of Danby are visiting home of Lynn Townsend. .. ^..„„...„ .... „„ ^ ^ . j ^w^a j , •»««, xm CIf Westinghouse of natpn ot Lonj, island and Mr. and entertained three tables at bridge in ! Pittsburgh visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Mrs. Charles Stout and Mr3 Frank her honor Smith of Homer were Sunday visit- Sickmon. Mrs. Grace Gordon ad Mrs. Eva Gee and Leona Hicks are son, Charles Taylor, and a friend >f spending a few days at Lynn Gee's. F. Pratt, Wednesdav. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Briggs of The village of Dryden was without ISyracuse were Sunday guests at the. The trustees of the M. E. church met ors or Mrs. Oeorge Bellinger and Mrs. Auburn, Mrs. Gertrude Hansen of [ electric service, Tuesdav night from Sickmon home. at Rev. H. F. Buies' on Monday even- «i D ^ ylon - Boston, and Merton Sperrv and Rob-16 to 11 o'clock caused by the s'orm Mrs - E 11 Bloom and daughter E;la ing. Mrs. Corry Rumsey and Mrs. Albert >rt Bugbee of LeRov were Sundav : of wind and rain. Telephone lines have returned from Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Deyoe of Harford, Oltz spent Tuesday in Elmira ; guests of the Bartholomew family. I were out of commission. When the I Mrs - ^ed Sickmon will enters n Harmon Sheerar and John Sheerar of Mrs. A. E Truman and daughter wind struck the village, Frank Van ' tne Thimble club Thursday afternoon. Cincinnatus, Mr. and Mrs. William Chirstine and Mrs. Bessie Morgan of | Pelt was just driving into his barn Thomas*Stanbro of Cortjand spt it Fitzgerald of Homer, Mr. and Mrs. and ryine him miderneath. He u, " >i;iir nan.^i. -»«.^. «*^u *,.«..». am i «««,. s o n s of sen were guests of the family of Mr. j escaped serious injury. M r a n d Mrs. F. N. Snyder and Ithaca called on H. E. Baker and Mrs. Ellen McKinney was in Ith aca Monday to see her great-grand- daughter, the infant daughter of Mr. Cortland and Rev. and Mrs. William ' with a load of oats, which was over- ] Saturday with his cousins, Robert • d Earl Sprague of Cortland, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sullivan. Durfee and son William, Jr., of Rem-: turned, burving him underneath. He Christine Parker. Mrs. Fred Gibbs and two so Mrs. W. R. Tripp entertained the H. O. T. C. at 1 o'clock luncheon on and Mrs. Morrell Redmore the first Wednesday, the quests of honor being Q| the week and on Monday enjoyed at Taughannock Mrs. Clifford Cheney of Salamanca and Mrs. Walter Buck of Dansville. Mrs. Anna Sweetland entertained McLEAN sons Flanders and Reed. Mr. and Ms. daughter Stella last week. L. E. Blackman and son Sidney niO- tored to Wayne, Sunday. Mrs. Jes ie I Snyder, who has been visiting in McLean, Aug. 22.—Mrs. Ed PerLee Wayne, Canisteo and Penn Yan, c- a picnic together Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Griswold motored her Sunday school class of boys at a thru the eastern part of the state I received word of the death of her I companied them home. frankfort roast at her home. Tues- and over Bear mountain bridge the brother. John L. McKee of Cortland, ^ E. J. Baker spent Monday- day afternoon. ! a tter part of last week and on Mon- who passed away Aug. 21, at 1:15 noon at Ithaca. Mrs. Mary Seager visited at H. E. Baker's, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Saltsman and Mr. and Mrs. George Pond and daugh- ter Marlea attended reunion of school- aft r- mates at Fillmore glen, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hutchings," Mrs. Dr. and Mrs F. S. Jennings, Miss day went to Elmira to visit relatives, a- m - at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Zora Church and c ii- Walter Hutchings, Miss Edith Hutch- Margaret Thomas of Knoxville, Tenn.. t a king with them Miss Ethel Lidell. Robert McKinney and family will dr.: n, Barbara and Carleton. of T r x- ings and Kenneth Hutchings called and Miss Laura Jennings Smith left Frieads entertained by Mrs. Louise soon move from Dryden to the Shoals ton were in town Sunday. at H. W. Stewart's and R. F. Salts- Tuesday morning for a week's motor strong on Sunday and Monday were property in this place. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mineah of lh- man's, Saturday afternoon. trip in the Catskills and expect to call Clarence Shepard and son, Kendal The Dairymen's League has sold the aca were at the home of Mr. aid at Hearthstone Lodge, the summer shepard. and Miss Jane Hemingway of property, now occupied by Carl Cash- Mrs. Fred Mineah, Sunday home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ford. Live Poultry Wanted Write or call us up when ready- to sell. Here since 1885. 26wl Geo. H. Cady, Freeville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Houseman and Miss Luella Houseman were in HUTCHINSON'S G RANITE WORKS B«9t American awl FoNign Granites and Marble Cemetery Knsa I on Work a Specialty Lewis St. Dryden, N. Y. llyrl Kansas City. Mrs. Detoit Estes of t nian, to William Sweetland. Miss Mary Caswell of Newark Val Ithaca, Sunday afternoon. Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elwyn Youmans underwent on op- j ley is spending several days at t ie Miss Beatrice Huttleston of South Strong of Cortland. j eration for appendicitis at the Cort- home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mine h. Otselic has been visiting her sister, Fred Carpenter and family are land hospital on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. George Williams a d Mrs. Leslie Parks, spending this week on a motor and The Hart reunion will be held at Mr an J Mrs. Ray Wood of Hon 11 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoose of camping trip to the northern part J the home of Frank Trapp on Wednes- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. (I. Ithaca visited a few days last week oi the state and will visit relatives day. Willey, Monday and Tuesday. at Alvah Hoose's and L. F. Bristol's. at Morrisftown. They were aecorn- The Sunday school picnic will be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott, daugh er Mrs. Adelbert Cole spent a few i'iuued by friends from Newark Val- held on the Baptist church lawn on Laura and son Boyd and Mrs. Lou se days with her sister, Mrs. George ley. Thursday of this week. Elliott of Binghamton were gue.-s, Brummage, and attended the fair. Miss Jennie Kennedy entertained [ The Whiting- Aldrich reunion will be Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. Frank' A truck of road oil caught fire at held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mineah. L. A. Lewis' gasoline tank last week Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Cummi:. ,'8 Tuesday. The chemical fire truck VOLUME LX\ m [OADNEARL •NCBETE TWO-THIRI —OPEN IN OCT the needle club on Saturday. Mrs. Clifford Cheney of Salamanca was the : Arthur Doll on Friday of this week. guest of honor. Mrs. Louis Fortaerandj Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bellis and family and sons of Groton called on frier Is was called and the blaze was soon ex- Miss Roselia Ross were also guests. ; of Binghamton and Mrs. W. L. Bellis in town Monday evening. tinguished. A picnic dinner was served in the of Smithboro were Sunday guests of- Mrs. Stacey Beach of Lansing sp* at I The Heffron family reunion wa3 Ross summer house. j Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Doll. i Tuesday in town. held at Frink Hutchings' in Harford' "CAN and WILL are cousins Who never trust to luck; Can is the son of Energy, WILL is the son of Pluck. C A N T and W O N T are cousins, too, Always out of work. Can't is the son of Never Try, WONT is the son of Shirk." CAN and WILL are students of the G B. I. There are more of these cousins coming Sept. 5th. A r e y o u one of them' If y o u are your future is bright. Informa- tion and application blank for the asking. LEARN TO EARN CORTLAND BUSINESS INSTITUTE 12-14 Central Ave. Cortland, N. Y L. E. EDGECOMB, Prm. delbert King of McGra e d Missing—Left Bibl Aug- 18» mnd Not Seen Memory Only Excuse- Delavan Died Monday Long Illness—Daughte dale Married In New e rs Settle In City VVorkers In Bishop's H ity >V ork on the Ha IT ic h way is now progrc Potti strips of concret completed from the west n point up to the Lap* iearly three mile.s, and I is almost completed, about two miles of sin oncrete to lay and th .one the middle of Sej good weather. Allowing a few weeks* rt to trim the sho» hould be open to traffi j it will make a nic toftlBfl ;*»<! finishing a ny other point along th« eavy grading has be jiany relocations have he curves. A new c ver Jennings creek w his week near Baheoe ersectlon. Adelbert King, 57, of |i* reported missing. H libie conference at Polk ind did not return hom» known except that in lis memory has bMMU ie is described as a mai inches in height, wa flight s t o o p . His hair is tst seen he was wearing iark suit and light tope ried an umbrella. Ian Mrs, Ellen O. Delay Miver W. Delavan. died at her home, 86 CI following a long illness. resident of Cortland 1 Juration of her Ufe. Sh municant of St. Mary's tuisband died Nov. 26. survived by three el ptfCt J. Oarrity and H na of this city and Mr* leld of Bloomneld, X. leaves a sister, Mrs. Ma Toronto, Ontario. Omanization is being the campaign for the H of Charity which Bishop ley will conduct for tei ling Sept. 30. Some 3,00( p)e enlisted to canvas tl eons expected to make p Mrs. Florence Nichols i I in city court for BM took a traffic light to if ks Durchot paid the * Jacob List drew a ausper The monthly social ni Business and Professio lub was held at the T lea room at K ilia wog evening. Forty-two atte Wednesday was the la lay cloHing of Cort land | Jason. democrats To On Tuesday The Democratic camj faunehed in Cortland at a F**ric*a Legion roo pvsatac. A meeting of •jomtnittee will follow , [Men's Smith club organ prated are welcome. BOB. David F. Lee ol Jnd the new state chair li-.n o| rtica wi be pgether with Deputy troil-r F. Stanley fjriffir All interested are weh J^onard O Connor for r »tion8, o Study Farm On Tour Next 1 t " L. Vaughn, manage m<i county Farm Flu re; m the attention of all We Farm Management M fur next week Thur I«* t0ur ia arr »tiged in m may be made i ff ir >'. poultry and gem-r m the conditions whid l«ntjly Ruiteij for good l mm u>ur wil1 8tart fl •J 1 *• Tyler Space of 1 rm is recognized as on Ictf 1 " >ull "'y eatablishm l»»M? ty ' Those making KL r here »•'• » : W > a . m l k itt >" cap be easily found K,n* n *" tne I)r Gal Eru :ind is 8lt, Jated on i ! Homer at the end of 1 I »'"CAu»e t h e r e h a s be : r ^?rs pii;tl i c this yeai I ,H f>garded H a subs Wr, t 7 he itin * ir ary o ml e tour wiH *>* I ' »»-eting place. Memi , '-M? not only their fr Ly' r dl nner8. in no d< I " (3a y will be insured I N * Cortland u pened-McGr Piece Near ', Ilew concrete higl '"" on Tompkins ,, V ,V : < ortland waterin , il last Saturday. Utit trt H m trimmln « r * k mai tr^. lt * Koing thru •r7t / Francis <"allaha Uitd t . ODcret « on thi> pi i On?*"* I last OD Au « U9t lfar|r|' h of tft *" k bridges *Eirj t} f as *>een replaced r*M K* e Den<i at tri turte n red «''ed to an 4" •^nerf ^^W^^ing very CL? n , Au " 8t * * nd •trip ' ulsn »d the 20th. j **£ 4rljr « not quite c Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Cortland NY...» at Luther Griswold's. The twen- to...

Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Cortland NY...» at Luther Griswold's. The twen- to help defray the expense for material , ^^ reunion of the Snyde r • and the use of



R. E. 8T ILWELL. Manager

MISS FRANCES M. PHILLIPS, Dry dan Correspondent Telephone 89-Y-S

PDWl/ll I 17

Freeville, Aug. 23.—Mr«. W. J

VIRGIL Virgil, Aug. 22.—Leonard Seamana

Students Must Register at High School, Aug. 31

T h e fall t e rm of Dryden high scliool will begin Sept. 4. In order tha t the schedule may be prepared, all stu­den t s a re reques ted to report at the h igh school on Fr iday , Aug. 31. be­tween nine and twelve in the morn­ing. This is for all high school pupils and any eighth g rade pupils w*ho will t a k e any high school work.

« * • • • • • • • • • • ! t! Purrington Pairs Plan THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO • | Annual Picnic at Virgil

Sharer, Mrs. L. E. Blackmail and BOB j of Syracuse la ^Mtlng his grand Sidney, Mra. C. L. Bower and children parents, Mr. and Mrs. George &e«

. Jane and Robert, spent last Wednes mans. day at Cascade, guests of Mr and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Seager caliea Mrs. W. A. Martin. at Jerome Miller's in Homer, Sun-

George Sickmon of McLean ha> day. been spending a week at Sharer"! ', Mrs. R. H. Barnes accompanied Mr. hotel. and Mrs. Bert Barnes, who hare been

Mrs. E. J. Wells and children, Loi> visiting, to their home and John, spent a day recently ii in Syracuse Tuesday, and will re-Groton \ m a i n f o r a f e w d a y s "

W. J. Snaver spent last Wednesda> Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Terpening and

Dryden Herald, Aug. 23, 1893

T h e te lephone office was moved

in Canandaigua. The annual reunion of those who I j | f 3 8 j a u e t S ta rkey visited Mr. i n J

a re known as the "Pur r ing ton Pa i r s " i M r a j 0 \ x n s t a r r a t Skaneate les last , > > w M o will be held at the Virgil Methodist w e e k .

* from Fulkerson s s tore to W. H. • ; „ h l i r . . h nn ca tu rdav ««nt t The , . . T> ». # « „ . ••*"*- «.«o«. * ao«ri«'« » t n u r t n o n »amraay> «•!»• \ l a r \ Miss J ean Beach of Peruvil le spen

banuwicKs. . : - p a i r s " comprise all those who were | l f t 3 t w e e k w i t n h e r g r a n d p a r e n t 3 > M r married by Rev. O. J . Purr ington dur-1 a n d M r g G & M o n r o e -ing his pas to ra te in Virgil, from Nov. j M _ M _ , **-*%*— nt

* The fourth annual Wheeler pic- * * nic was set for Aug. 29 a t Elliott * * Wheeler ' s , ' the fourth annual *

a© win lai te any nigii sc i iwi * U I & . t 0„- f , l (-- mUmU* w a « T n ha held Aiie * I *3"vv" "" **" " ' *~7 »•• ?••• •"• "71—

The addresses of four couples are

ing 1, 1887. to Oct. 15, 1891, and the pres­ence of all of the couples wi th the i r

Miss Mary McGowan of I thaca spen

son Kenne th with Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s Norton of Cort land were a t Owasco park, Sunday. > ^

Frank Johnson has finished nis work a t Ear l Wilson 's .

Mrs. Howard Pa lmer and daughte r Betty a re visiting a t Wil l iam Red­man 's near Delhi.

Mrs. Charles Kimmich spent Tues-

a resolut ion re-quiring all s tudents who t a k e any laboratory course to pay a fee of one dollar each te rm

* and the third annua l Griswold re- * * union was to t ake place Aug. 31 * » a t Lu the r Griswold's. The twen- °

to help defray the expense for mater ia l , ^ ^ r e u n i o n o f t h e S n y d e r • and the use of appa ra tu s This ap- . b e fc , d g e t 2 a t , plies to all science, domestic science m t h o gutl,nill n a r k • and agr icul tura l courses where ma the Free ville park.

te r ia l is used up by the student . The Dr rden Cornet band pur- * Indicat ions a re tha t the regis t ra t ion ; * chased the wagon formerly used *

for t he coming year will be the largest * by the Peruvil le band. * in the his tory of the school, j • *

Re tu rns have been received for the j * News was received of the death * last r egen t s examinat ions and all * of Martin King, a former resi- * pupils concerned have been notified. * dent, who was crushed by a log *

not known and the commit tee has hopes tha t the published not ices of the reunion will come to thei r at ten­tion. The four couples a re Hi ram Cronk and Ella Gould, E lmer Dickin­son and Emmogene Smith, George W. Morris and Susie Purr ington, War­ren Green and Effie Card.

a few days las t week with Mr. and d a y W j t n Mrs. Eugene Seager. Mrs. C. K. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John Page visited h e r

Mr. and Mrs. F . N. Snyder and son grandson, Rober t Hopkins, in Bing-and L. E. Blackman and son Sidne\ j hamton, Sunday.


The resu l t s in genera l we | e , ;w^y sat­isfactory. v %1

Stmdents wbt> are enter ing the Dry­den school for t he first t ime should see about the i r regis t ra t ion on Aug. 31.

Mr. and Mrs. Wal te r Hyer and ii r r<\MpL*;Lucv a t tended the Hyer family re-\ 1 I I * I P * " 1 a t S tewar t ! par j j m Saturday. A i V * 1 , | Rela t ives were presen? from rfiuffalo,

h S r e T h ^ i n d e d w w s Mr. wdMrj-O P Heffron, Mr. and Mra. George Heffron, Esther and Robert Heffron Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Terpening, Kenneth Terpening and Mr. and Mrs. William Heffron and five children. ._

Mrs. Ralph Kimmich and i n M u t t arranged the Home Bureau exhibits at Cortland fair. .

Mrs L. F. Bristol attended the school picnic at DeRuyter last Wednesday. „ . . „ .

Mr and Mrs. George Kench Hare moved from Polkville and are work­ing Frank Price's farm.

Mrs. L. F. Bristol attended tne Mowers reunion at Lynn Mowers' In Lincklaen. Si,. . „.

Ernest Trim has finished his work at O. J. Bays and son's and is working at L. F. Bristol's.

Mrs. Pearl Rounds, Mrs. Ed Sher­man, and Mrs. Elizabeth Carpenter of Harford and Mrs. Charles Kim­mich spent last Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Merritt Carpenter.

Mrs. John O'Neil and son of New, York have been guests at Andrew Hauck's. Miss Elizabeth Hauck, who has been with relatives in New Jer­sey for several months, has returned home.


Space Reunion On August 19, the descendants of

Joseph Space to the number af 25. m e t at the i omes tead near Dryden lake, now owned by John Jo iner fer a picnic dinner. Among those pres­e n t were Mrs. Delos Space and daugh

* while working in a mi ning, Oregon. ,_

.. : ̂ „.),,„ <>„_,,„ . « e r € pre sen! * Bert Smith of Freevil le cut a * Elmira, Homer, Cortland and Varna. * five-inch gash in one leg with the * ] Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Decker of * blade of a grain cradle . * i Malloryville and their daughter , Mrs. * • I Dickson of Washington were guests

A firemen's meet ing was held, Mon-dav evening.

Work on the electric l ight line was begun in Virgil village, Monday.

Mrs. John P a g e received a nice lot of money on her exhibi ts a t the Cortland fair. She received first prize on butter , first on potatoes, second | H a r f o r d M i l I s A u g 22.—The people on farm products , and a y e a r s sun- a n d a b o u t t h e c o r n e r > f e e l scription to the Cortland Democrat « • g r a t e f u l to the fire companies and one year to the Cortland fctand- f r o m D r y d e n , Virgil, Newark Valley ard. a n d Berkshi re who responded so read-

Mr. and Mrs. Charles ^ e r b a u g h « ^ f ^ f ^ , f o r h e l p last week and t h r e e children, and Mrs. Pear l | ^ j ; ^^ VaiUa K a r „ a h,,rnpd

were in Cortland. Fr iday morning Miss Frances Hawkins of Glen

Cove, L. I., is the guest of Mis Florence Cole.

Mrs. Ida Bryant of I thaca was th guest Fr iday of her sifter, Mrs. Ma r ie t ta Monroe.

Mr. pnd Mrs. Clarence Pa rke r »&d daughter Chris t ine r e c e n . y mororeu *o Whit- lake in Sullivan county.

Mrs. Lena Shaver spent Thursda> in Corttand.

Mrs. Ella Blanchard has re tu rne i to 'her home in Syracuse after spend ing some t ime in town. She was a< companied by Mrs. El i Bloom and daughter Ella, who remained for • visit.

Among those who a i t ;ndeJ the Cort | Oaks and calling on friends. .>Us>nd*d the fair land fair last week were Mrs. J . .) Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Gee were Sun- and a t tended the tan-

Rounds spent Sunday a t Mr. Flana-when the Kells b a r n s burned.

Miss Ruth Livermore and Miss Vir-^ r s ^ r S o r r C o r U a n d is I « l n . . B e n n e , , of Newark Va>.ey were

spending a few days with Mrs. George X ^ i t e S £ S S E E

The Dryden band and many G. * i of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jenn ings on C o l e a n d d a U g h t e r s , Misses Helen day guests of Mrs. Eva Gee. -• A R. men and Sons of Veterans * Saturday and were given an * at tended the county picnic at * formal reception in the evening


*; C D . Will iams, Mr. and Mrs. C. E . ; j a n e Davenport , Har ry Bush and chi * j Will iams and sons S tewar t and Har j d r e n Neill and Cecil, Mrs. Clareni+

Mrs. Butterfield of Harford Mills * | rison a t tended the wedding of Miss ; P a r k e r and daughter Christ ine, Mr^

and Florence Cole, Mrs. Per ry Hai : W. B. Muncey, M. L. Vunk, and shaw and granddaughters , Louise an i : George Ticknor, Ar thur Oaks, Har ry

* Glenwood. •

Springer and L. D Sweet have had

Mrs. Paul ine Stone of this place and Ralph Sat ter ly of Newark Valley were marr ied a t Waver ly , Sunday afternoon, Aug. 12, by the Rev. R. L.

the i r residences wired the past week. I Compton. Mr. and Mrs. Sat ter ly will The road men are having a vaca- i make the i r home a t Newark Valley.

t e r Ruth and Mr and Mrs. Willard * w a s chaperoning a party a t Ense- * I Margueri te Carol Will iams, daughter j j _ Ellsworth and two sis ters Mrs. fl Space of Ifhaca, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stafford and daugh te r Margaret and Elsa May Cole of Cortland, Mr. and Mrs. Kes te r Girdley and Eleanor, Lawrence and Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Arl ington Marsh and Mr. and Mn>. Jay Griswold of Dryden.

nore for a week. The young peo- * ; of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Will iams \ Q Blackmail and daughter Alice. * pie were Lena Butterfield, Lillie * of Ithaca and Prof. Henry Albert * Boice, Alice Myers. George Sea- * j Schauffler of Schenectady, which oc * mans , Burt * Charles Brink.

Har r ing ton and *

* * • * • • • • • • • •

Hiles Appointed District Deputy Avery Hiles, a member of Dryden


curred a t the Firs t Presbyter ian church, I thaca, on Wednesday even­ing, Aug. 15, and the reception which followed a t the home of the bride 's parents . S tewar t Wil l iams was one of the ushers at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ross were also gues ts

Mr*. Addie Strong and family h a v moved from Union s treet to the h o u ^ ' on Railroad s t reet owned by N. *'. Thompson. '

Mr. and Mrs. Wal te r Stanton of Ithaca were recent gues ts of Mr. an i Mrs. E J. Baker

tion this week while the superin­tendent , George Barnes , is away.

Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Stewart , Will iam Stewar t and Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Olmstead spent Sunday evening a t Leslie Hutchings*.

Mr. and Mrs. George Burdorf and son Elwin spent Sunday a t Windsor . Mrs. Burdorf 's sister, Mrs. Dora Court

Mrs. Clifford S tarkey spent Fr iday J ney and family of Cortland a re mov-

Dryden, Aug. 23.—Mrs. Helen Fish-! a t t n e ceremony i appointed e r a n d d a u g n t e r D o r o t h y o f P i t t s f ie ld , | M r a n d M r s L B C r a m e r w e r e ^

f i l e r s at the home of Mr. and ,v ., , e ........ , Ross of South street . Mr.

aome oi, *lr. and Mrs. r r e d bpace. } C r a m e r i s t n e e a 8 t e r n sales manager Miss Har r ie t E. Provost and niece, Qf ^ J o k n s o n B r o n z e c o m p a n y M

ivrwfot, m, w. v .̂ mn ««o w-^u. »F l-vm,vi . w r a u u uauguier uoro iuy oi J-HIHUBIU, ; »* _ J dis t r ic t deputy grand mas te r of the M a s s , and Mrs. Geneva Pierce of De-j *V' * " " order for the Tompkins county dis- , R U T t e r were week-end visi tors at the , ^ j " s \ ^ tr ict . ' h o m e of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Space. L*^ 1 •'

Floyd Ryan east of the village, on Aug. 31.


New Castle, Pa., where J a m e s D. Ross

Mrs. Ellen Hawks of Belmont is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Merton Cole.

A party of about 25 friends of E. W.

Robinson Reunion Miss Harr ie t B. Provost , of Buffalo The Robinson family reunion will a re spending three weeks with Miss I J ^ , BOSition

be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Helen Spencer . i Mrs. Alta Clifton hjft, Sa turday ,

for her home in Rochester , Minn., ac­companied by her granddaughter , Miss Ethel Burch. Thev have been spend- , , „. _.,T ing a number of weeks with the fam- ™W> had a picnic dinner a t Fil lmore

Miss Mary Lormor of the Fi rs t Na- n v of Prof, and Mrs. E. G. Burch. i ( j l e n o n M o n ( 1 a y . t ional bank is spending her vacation Miss Burch will l a te r r e tu rn to her Charles Gaston of Eas t Rochester on an auto tr ip to Allegan, Mich., to position as nurse in a hospital in Min- i s spending two weeks at "the home cf visit Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ellinger, for- neapolis and will take some studies ! Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hazen mer ly of Dryden. Her brother , in tfhe Sta te Universi ty of Minne- Mr. and Mrs. Ear l Fos ter of Chi-Char les Lormor of Binghamton, and apolis. j cago arrived, Saturday night, to spend Mrs. A. J. Moore of Cortland a re M r s George E Goodrich has been 1 t w o weeks a t the home of Mr. and tak ing the t r ip with her. passing a week at the home of her ! M r s - H - C Foster . Erwin Foster, Jr..

Harold Hess of Marion, la., has been daughter , Mrs. Will iam Dean, Jr., a t ! o f Eimira is also spending a fort-t b e gues t of Dryden friends. Oy«ter Bay. L. I. On Friday she was I n i S h t a t tl*e' Fos ter home.

Mart in Tr ipp and Paul Lit t le left joined by Mr. Goodrich and they sailed I Mr. and Mrs. Merton Cole were | Thursday in Ithaca. Tuesday on a w e e k s camping expedi- for Nantucket , whe re they will spend t ion th ru the Adirondack region, go- two weeks with their son Luther and ing nor th by way of Old Forge and family a t thei r summer cottage. Ful ton Chain. They expect to visit

guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Cole of Mrs. Villa Yaples and son and Cortland on Sunday. daughter of Binghamton have b e m

About th i r tv a t tended the W. C. visit ing Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. David Odell and Mrs. j T. U. meeting a t the M. E church, j M r s - A - B- Young and Miss Glenola

Au- Sable Chasm, points on Lake Clifford Cheney of Salamanca are i Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Mary B I Sutfin spent Friday in Syracuse. George, and spend a litt le t ime in Al-j s p e n d i n g s o m e t ime with Ctoarles j Wood, countv president ; Mrs Adda Misses Meredith and Florence Miller bany before their re turn. ' Burghardt and Mr. and Mrs. Louis | McCurdy, couaty L. T. L aecretary o f Johnson City are spending the

Rev. and Mrs. Arnold SmKh and Former . Mrs. Marian Hill, s ta te and coun ty! w e e k w i t h t h e i r a u n t - M r s - B- c -children, Ka the rme , Irving, Barclay M i s s M a b e l Bartholomew spent Fri- director of scientific t emperance in- j Jacoby. and Alvm, of Union, Mo., who have d a v a n d s a tu rdav with her cousin, struction, and Rev. Arnold Smith of! M i s 3 J e a n Beard of Peruvil le vis-been visit ing re la t ives a t Seneea M i s s Dora Wood of Homer. I Union, Mo., addressed the meeting i i t e d h e r g randparents , Mr. and Mis. Fal ls , are spending a few days a t the M i a s M a r y chatfield of Clifton I The work of lowering the steeple I G. S. Monroe, last week, homes of Mr. and Mrs. Arlington Marsh Springs spent the week-end at her \ of the Presbyter ian church is pro- "" ' "" and Mr. and Mrs. J W. Lit t le and home in Dryden. j gressing and the interior decoration calling on lormer Dryden parishioners . M r 8 w c B u c k o f Dansville is is completed. On Fr iday the session

Sunday gues t s of Mr. and Mrs. G. spending a few davs with' her aunt , I room is to be cleaned and volunteer N. Lathrop were Mr. and Mrs. George M r s . Avery Hile*. \ workers will be great ly appreciated W rheeler of Athens, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. M r . and Mrs. Fred Shaw and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. William Uhl of El-F rank Tone of East Virgil, Mr. and t e r B e t t v Q | i t h a C a re turned to I thaca ! mira were guests cf Mr and Mrs Mrs. F. E. Lathrop and daughters Le- o n Sundav after spending a week ona and Dons and Mrs. Josephine w i t h n e r parents , Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks of Syracuse, Mrs. Rose Wilcox £. Burr. of Owego, Mrs. Maine Pa rke r of Mara- M r . a n d M r s . John Fundis and Mr. ! burn, Sunday, to" visit friends Mrs thon. Mr. and Mrs. William Townsend and Mrs. Carl Fundis of Jacksonvil le ; Sarah Harr ington, who had" been of Syracuse , Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s m o t o r e d to Syracuse on Sunday and j spending a week in the city, re ta rned La th rop and daughter Pr ide of Endi- S T > e n t the clay with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis with them cott . Hyat t .

Miss Harr ie t Hough of Niagara Fal ls Mr. and Mrs. John Collier, Mr. and is spending some time among school M r s . Henrv Collier and children, Mr. friends of Dryden. This afternoon a n d M r 8 Charles Har t and sons and Mrs. John Tripp and Mrs. Louis Weber E d s t i ck les a t tended the Stovell fam-a re enter ta in ing a party of friends in n v reunion at the Fleming s is ters ' he r honor at the home of Mrs. Weber n o m e a t Summer Hill on Saturday.

Clarence Taylor of McGrawville is M r s . Amelia Reed is viaiting at j their daughter Marjorie and son Al-moving- to the Munsey homestead, t h© home of her grandson, Cl inton! bert of Pelham Manor re turned to which he recently purchased. Dr. R. R o e , a t Owego. their home, Wednesday, after spend

Chappuis on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Rummer and

Mrs. R. F . Chappuis motored to Au-

Mrs. Ella Hefner of Cedar Rapids, la., is spending some t ime with her

ing there and Mrs. Courtney will teach school.

Mrs. Hayden Olmstead won $28 in money and a year ' s subscription to The Democrat and six months sub­scription to the Cortland Standard for her exhibi ts a t the Cort land fair. Eight dollars was for prizes on po­tatoes. She won first premium on her display of farm products .

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson and Mrs. Mary Tyler spent Sunday a t Enfield Falls .

Mr. and Mrs. S. F . Bristol and daughter Betty of Cortland spent the week-end at L. F . Bristol 's .

Mr. and Mrs. Merri t t Carpenter a r e spending a ten-days vacat ion in Con­necticut.

Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. F . L. Sti l lman spent Sunday evening in DeRuyter

A large number from here have at­tended the Bible school near Blodgett Mills and enjoyed it very much.

Mrs. O. J. Bays spent Sunday a t Ruper t Bays' .

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ames and two children and Mrs. Mate Rindge of Norwich and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames of Cortland called at L. F. Bris­tol's, Sunday.

Mrs John Page assisted a t Cort­land fair last week.

Mrs. Mar tha Rounds spent Sunday at H. W. Stewar t ' s and with Mr. and Mrs. S tewar t visited t he Green Hill and Willow Glen cemeter ies a t Dry-

Mr. and Mrs. B. F . Monroe and I den. daughter Marian and Mr. and Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. George Brummage of W. A. Myers spent Thursday at Os-1 Cortland spent Saturday night and

afternoon in Cortland and cp'led en Mrs. John Wingeabach a t the hos­pital.

Miss Nellie Payne of Skanea eh s called on her sister, Mis. W i l l n i i Apgar, Jr. , last Wednesday even­ing.

Burton Jacoby, Jr., spent last week with his grandmother , Mrs. F. A. Miller, in Johnson iCty.

Mrs. Mildred Huls lander of Dryden spent last week with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hulslander.

Miss Thelma Baird of Groton has been vi3iting her g randparen ts , Mr. and Mrs. F . W. Baird.

Mr. and Mrs Leslie Sperry and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barre t t and daugti­te r Gladys of Syracuse were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Jacoby.

A. B. Genung spent Friday in Ithaca.

WiMiam Phill ips is spending some time in Water town.

Mrs. Helen Will iamson spent

Miss Laura Leonard, who h a s been a t t end ing summer school a t Columbia universi ty, came home Sa tu rday to remain until her school work begins in September .

Albert Ellis is having his house painted. Wil lam Smith is doing t h e work.

Mrs. El izabeth Joslin and Clark cpse from Saturday until Monday, a s the gues ts of Miss Carr ie Hemmings .

Asbury and Vicinity! , ,. ™. i n Asbury, August 22.— James Sai Joslin, Miss Mary j Q f N o p w l c h f o r m e r l y of this 3

J o s h n w e r e in Syra-1 a n d M i g s G r a c e W U b e r o f X f lJJ were mar r ied in Norwich on SaturdijJ Aug. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Smith • •

Ralph PulTing of th is place and Miss I the weekend with his parents, MfJ Vera Baird of Newark Valley were a n d Mrs. Burr Smith, marr ied, Saturday, Aug. 11. T h e a n n u a l E v e r h a r t r e u n i o n ^ i

Miss Doris Stowell has been spend-; h e l d a t t h e n o m e 0f Mrs. Jane Twurl ing a few days in Cort land with her j o n Sundav. Fifty-five persons *l aunt, Mrs. Jenn ie VanHoesen. j tended. Relatives were present toil

Mrs. Edwin Willcox spent las t week i Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Rochester,! with her brother and s is ters a t Bing- i thaca , Clyde, Wolcott and U\ hamton, Mara thon and Hun t ' s Cor- w o r t h . The tables were set un&rij H e r s - large tent which was erected near t»|

Mrs. J. E. Leonard, Miss L a u r a Leon- house. a rd and Mrs. John Sea r s a t t ended a Mr«. Victoria Bogardus. widow i\ W. C. T. U. meet ing a t Richford, Tues- , E v e r a d u g Bogardus, died at her hoal dayr* j in the town of Lansing on SuudOT

w _ - f c — i ^ - k w ' * ' evening. Aug. 19, after a few wwkif HARFORD i l lness, aged 82 years She YII i|

I daughter of the late Andrew u Harford, Aug. 2 2 . - M r s . Bira Tr ipp Elizabeth Tee te r of Lansing Si

and Robert Culver spent Sunday with leave* 0 I \e son, Clarence Bogirdi Mr. and Mrs. John Culver and the a n d o n e daughter . Miss Lhzabeth supper gues ts were Mr. and Mrs. Har- t a r d u s , *>°th residing at home.

one sister , Mrs. Viola Bogardus I thaca. The funeral was held at ft

wego. Dr. Emery Pixley of Hornell was the

guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Will* y on Friday.

The annual M. E. Sunday school pic­nic will be held Saturday a t Stewar t park, Ithaca. Those wishing to go will meet a t the church a t 10 o'clock, and means of conveyance will be pi > vided, and they are asked to take dishes, silver and sandwiches for them­selves and one dish to pass.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Southworth, son sister, Mrs. J. B. Brownell. Mr. and i Albert and daughter Marjorie of P.d-Mrs. Brownell, their daughter Lucy! h a m Manor spent the week-end at and Mrs. Hefner visited friends a t I Shaver 's hotel Worces ter early in tflie week.

Mr. and Mrs. Freder ick Southworth, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fi t t s of Syra-

Sunday at Adelbert Cole's. Mrs. Leslie Hutchings and Mrs.

Glenn Stil lman and son spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Hutchings ' grand­mother, Mrs. Muckey of Lapeer , who is very ill.

Mr. and Mrs. George Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Price left early, Monday morning, for a vacation t r ip to the Thousand Islands and other points .

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Franc i s of Syra­cuse spent a few days last week a t R. F. Sal tsman 's .

Mr. and Mrs. R. F . Sal tsman, Miss Luh Sal tsman and Mr. and Mrs. Franc is enjoyed a trip, Thursday and

old Lane and two children of Ho­mer , Mrs. Elsie Olmstead of Slater-ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Bird Hilsinger. ' h o m e o n Wednesday afternoon. I

Mrs. Mary Goodmore and d a u g h t e r ; b u r i a l w a s "< ^ < ^ lone of Irvington, N. J., a re spending I t e r v

two weeks a t thei r home he re . Mrs. Belle Goodwin, widow of A Mr. and Mrs. Fr i tz Keeler and chil-; Bar re Goodwin, died in the

dren and Mrs. Ray Allen called on ' torium at Clifton Springs on Wedm Mr. Allen a t Cort land hospital , where day evening, August 15. aged 80 yesa he is being t rea ted . Mrs. Goodwin was a daughter of tl

Mr. an'd Mrs. B. F. Cheny of South ; la te JonatJhan and Emm i Norton. Cortland were d inner gues t s of Mr.! Lansing. She was borr and pasr and Mrs. John Culver recent ly. j her ear ly life in Lansing. She Ml

Mr> and Mrs. Rober t McCartney I t h e most of her life in New K and son Robert , Miss Lucy W a v l e J City. She leaves one son, Judge M Miss E m m a Wavle , all of New York ] Goodwin of Chicago and one dauH City, spent Sa turday and Saturday j ter , Miss Clara Belle Goodwin of N*̂" night with Mr. and Mrs. Rober t ! York Ci ty; also two sisters. » | Palmer, Mrs. Mabel Hall and Augustus Davis Ozmun of Miami, Florida. • Wavle were dinner gue3ts. They^spen t ! Mrs. Morris Willis, of I that a T* Sunday afternoon a t Enfield glen. | funeral was held in Fred Gilbwj

Mr. and Mrs. E, T. Wilcox and Mr. i under tak ing parlors in Ithaca or. m and Mrs. Robert Wavle a t t ended the urday afternoon. The body was taij Wilcox reunion a t Greene, Saturday, i t o Mount Hope crematory in Ml Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Wilcox spent Sun- J es te r for cremation. The ashes • day with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wilcox ! he buried beside the ashes of at Binghamton. I husband in Pleasant Grove cem«1

Mr. and Mrs. John Wilcox and Mr. I nea r Fores t Home. and Mrs. Char les Brink went on a ! trip to the Adirondacka iast week, j p i C A C A N T V A I I B

Mrs. Teen Burns of Johnson City I * l - E « / * 0 / * I ^ I W # » * • «

cuse spent the week-end with Mr. and j Friday, to the Catskill mountains . Mrs. H. A. Strong. Mrs. Andrew Hauck and Mrs. Alec

Mrs. Helen Graves and daugh I at ; Hauck were a t DeRuyter, Wednesday, Lilly of Cortland called on friends | to take Miss Anna Hauck to camp.

William Stewar t with Prof. Clayton A. McKinney and family, who have oc- Mr and Mrs. C. B. Snvder left on | ing a few davs at Shaver ' s hotel Free- l j " t o w n > Sunday. cupied the Munsey place, are moving Thursday for a week's vacation a t I ville, and visiting among Dryden rel- M r a n d Mrs. Harry Morey of Syi a-| Whipple, Brace Mack and Charles ; Thursday for a t r ip to Wes t Virginia, farm here.

spent the week-end wi th Mr. and Mrs. J. Har t Tyler .

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Seaman and Jame*s Molleson of I thaca spent Tues­day night with Mr. and Mrs. Robert u r d * y -Wavle. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Buck of •

Mr. and Mrs. Alton Tyler leave es te r spent the weekend at •

Pleasant Valley, Aug. I t - * * B. Fenne r and her daughter, r Verna Fenner , were in Cortland.

to McLean. Cato and Lake Ontario. at ives. Miss Rowena Southworth of cuse spent the week-end with Miss Armstrong of Dryden at tended a judg Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barr and two M r a n d M r s F r e d C j a r k a n d d a u g n . i N e w York has been in Freeville and Georgia and John Sager. ing contest at t h e Sta te Agricultural

childen of Nashville, Tenn., called on ter*, Mrs. Ella Whi tman and Leonore, Dryden for a few weeks. j Wal te r Danns of Syracuse spent school at Delhi, Friday. They spent Mrs. G. T. Rockwell on Friday. o t PoiS Ona, West Va., were r ecen t . Mr. and Mrs. Jean Southworth a re t n e week-end in town. Friday night at Delhi and visited the

Mr. and Mrs. Earl E Lormor of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Col-1 enter ta in ing his sister, Mrs. John Van M r - a n d Mrs. Clinton Roe of 0\\ e- Marydale Je rsey farms a t Delhi and Buffalo and Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Wog- } \ e T , \ p e j t m i s s ] v i a r g a r e t Van Pel t and §° recently called on friends in tow ft, ! t he Cathedral Guernsev farms at One-« a n o f - I l e d o n relat ives >i r . a n d M r s . T. R. Bryant and son | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hedlund of! Edgar George of Buffalo spent Su t i - | on ta on Saturday.

New York City. ! day with Mr. and Mrs. E. F . George Fred E l io t t ' o f Binghamton viisted j T h e regular weekly prayer meeti

his aunt, Mrs. Elmer Van Pelt, Tues- ! w a s b e l d at tne home of Frank

Columbus, and Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Claude Rathburn and her I ily of Houghton were recent guest J. W. Fenner ' s .

Mr. and Mrs. Swearinton and

and friends in town Sunday. F o r d o f Macedon were week-end guests Almond Sanders of Cortland was a 0f Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Space.

Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Crane left on guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Scott on

plate of onions. Tuesday. Thursday of last week to spend the day. I Reeves, Thursday evening. I Cortland and a t tended the fair. Mrs. Glen Ho t thk i s s and children remainder of thei r vacation a t the The Home Bureau gave the p lay , ' M r s - Charles Hyde is visit ing hfttl Miss Mary Reagan and Miss A n n a , _ _

of Ithaca have returned to their home home of their daughter , Mrs. Robert "The Girls," at the Odd Fellows' daughter , Miss Es ther Hyde, who is Carter of Marathon visited Miss Nor- George O. Scales of Binghamton 42 after spending some t ime with W. B. L . Gellinger of New York. home, Ithaca, Tuesdav evening. ! spending the summer a t Middletowi . j ma Barnes . | former Lackawanna detect ive 'and MeUmtock . M r s P a i m e r p e r k i n s of Webster and Mrs. F. S. Channell and her daugh- [ M r s - A l i c e Smith and sister, of Bing-J Frank Barnes, Miss Norma Barnes ; well-known in Cortland, died last Sat-

Mr. ami Mrs Uifford Gndley at- y\r a n d Mrs. Russel Acker of Lit t le ter, Mrs. Fa rnham Shaw, of Wells- hamton were guests Wednesday ni^ it and Miss Mary Reagan a t tended the j urday night . tended the wedding ot Laurence W. F a n s have been recent guests of Mr. ! boro, Po., motored to Dryden Wednes- oi t h e i r cousin, Charles Hyde. Gleason reunion at Whi tney ' s Point . I Mynard and Miss Ldna Oaks at the a n d M r s B M p e r k i n s . i dav, bringing with them Mrs Edna M r - a n d Mrs. Alton Tyler of Di y-! Saturday. I ^ 5 5 5 ! ! ! ! 1 " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! > i r s t Presbyter ian church, Cortland. Mrs. O. A. Johnson was a week-end [ Goodwin of Philadelphia, who will den called at Shaver 's hotel. Sunday. Mr ,nri Mr« T»H» v i u ^ f o„n F r> ^ on Saturday afternoon g u e 8 t o r Dryden friends, add on Sat-1 spend a few weeks here . ' M r - a n d Mrs. Hfle Sickmon of New Seamans spent Sunday afternoon at

f and son urday evening Miss Mary Montgomery Mrs. Herman Westinffhonse of York are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fi d Owasco park.

Won Democrat ' s P r e m i u m s Mrs. Hayden Olmstead of R. D. 3,

Cortland, was awarded T h e Demo-1 dren of Eas t Lansing spent Sw cra t ' s special premium, a yea r ' s sub- ] a t the home of F. J. Todd, scription, for the best peck of po- j Sevmour Rogers and his fanw!

Mrs. Adelbert Cole spent from , ta toes exhibited at Cort land fair. Mrs I Horseheads were Sunday gue»t» ig Wednesday until Saturday with her John F. Page, R. 3, Cortland, also ! Mr and Mrs. L. I . S h a r p e n P. sister, Mrs.^ George Brummage. in won a year ' s subscript ion for b e s t 1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur VariMartS

I thaca spent Sunday at J. C. fiutbr^ Mrs. R. D. Teeter, who has

ill, is improving. - f

Mrs. Ralph Stevens and Mrs. w j send of Danby are visiting • home of Lynn Townsend.

.. ^..„„...„ ....„„ ^ ^ . j ^w^a j , •»««, xmCIf.« West inghouse of n a t p n ot Lonj, island and Mr. and enter ta ined three tables a t bridge i n ! P i t t sburgh visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Mrs. Charles Stout and Mr3 Frank her honor Smith of Homer were Sunday visit-

Sickmon. Mrs. Grace Gordon a d Mrs. Eva Gee and Leona Hicks are son, Charles Taylor, and a friend >f spending a few days at Lynn Gee's. F. Prat t , Wednesdav.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Briggs of The village of Dryden was without ISyracuse were Sunday guests at t h e . The t rus tees of the M. E. church met ors or Mrs. Oeorge Bellinger and Mrs. Auburn, Mrs. Gertrude Hansen of [ electric service, Tuesdav night from Sickmon home. at Rev. H. F. Buies' on Monday even-

« i D ^ y l o n - Boston, and Merton Sperrv and Rob-16 to 11 o'clock caused by the s 'orm M r s - E11 Bloom and daughter E;la ing. Mrs. Corry Rumsey and Mrs. Albert > r t Bugbee of LeRov were Sundav : of wind and rain. Telephone lines h a v e re turned from Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Deyoe of Harford,

Oltz spent Tuesday in Elmira ; guests of the Bartholomew family. I were out of commission. When the I M r s - ^ e d Sickmon will e n t e r s n Harmon Sheerar and John Sheerar of Mrs. A. E Truman and daughter wind s t ruck the village, F r ank Van ' t n e Thimble club Thursday afternoon. Cincinnatus, Mr. and Mrs. William

Chirst ine and Mrs. Bessie Morgan of | Pelt was just driving into his barn Thomas*Stanbro of Cortjand spt it Fitzgerald of Homer, Mr. and Mrs. and

ryine him miderneath. He u , " > i ; i i r nan .^ i . -»«.^. «*^u *,.«..». a m i «««,. sons of sen were guests of the family of Mr. j escaped serious injury. M r a n d Mrs. F. N. Snyder and Ithaca called on H. E. Baker and

Mrs. Ellen McKinney was in Ith aca Monday to see her great-grand­daughter , the infant daughter of Mr. Cortland and Rev. and Mrs. William ' with a load of oats, which was over- ] Saturday with his cousins, Robert • d Earl Sprague of Cortland, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sullivan. Durfee and son William, Jr., of Rem-: turned, burving him underneath . He Christine Parker . Mrs. Fred Gibbs and two so

Mrs. W. R. Tr ipp enter ta ined the H. O. T. C. at 1 o'clock luncheon on and Mrs. Morrell Redmore the first Wednesday, the quests of honor being Q | the week and on Monday enjoyed

a t Taughannock Mrs. Clifford Cheney of Salamanca and Mrs. Wal ter Buck of Dansville.

Mrs. Anna Sweetland enter ta ined

McLEAN sons Flanders and Reed. Mr. and M s . daughter Stella last week. L. E. Blackman and son Sidney niO-tored to Wayne, Sunday. Mrs. Je s ie

I Snyder, who has been visiting in McLean, Aug. 22.—Mrs. Ed PerLee Wayne, Canisteo and Penn Yan, c-

a picnic together Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Griswold motored her Sunday school class of boys at a thru the eastern part of the state I received word of the death of her I companied them home. frankfort roast at her home. Tues- and over Bear mountain bridge the brother . John L. McKee of Cortland, ^ E. J. Baker spent Monday-day afternoon. ! a t t e r par t of last week and on Mon- who passed away Aug. 21, at 1:15 noon at Ithaca.

Mrs. Mary Seager visited at H. E. Baker 's , Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. F . Sal tsman and Mr. and Mrs. George Pond and daugh­ter Marlea at tended reunion of school-

aft r- mates at Fil lmore glen, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hutchings," Mrs.

Dr. and Mrs F. S. Jennings, Miss day went to Elmira to visit relat ives, a- m - at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Zora Church and c ii- Wal te r Hutchings, Miss Edith Hutch-Margaret Thomas of Knoxville, Tenn.. t a k ing with them Miss Ethel Lidell. Robert McKinney and family will dr.: n, Barbara and Carleton. of Tr x- ings and Kenneth Hutchings called and Miss Laura Jennings Smith left Fr ieads enter ta ined by Mrs. Louise soon move from Dryden to the Shoals ton were in town Sunday. at H. W. Stewart ' s and R. F. Salts-Tuesday morning for a week's motor s t rong on Sunday and Monday were property in this place. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mineah of l h - man's , Saturday afternoon. t r ip in the Catskills and expect to call Clarence Shepard and son, Kendal The Dairymen's League has sold the aca were at the home of Mr. a i d at Hear ths tone Lodge, the summer shepard . and Miss J ane Hemingway of property, now occupied by Carl Cash- Mrs. Fred Mineah, Sunday home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ford.

Live Poultry Wanted Wri te or call us up when ready-

to sell. Here since 1885. 26wl Geo. H. Cady, Freevil le.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Houseman and Miss Luella Houseman were in


G R A N I T E WORKS B«9t American awl FoNign

Granites and Marble Cemetery Knsa I on Work a Specialty

Lewis St. Dryden, N. Y. l l y r l

Kansas City. Mrs. Detoit Es tes of t nian, t o William Sweetland. Miss Mary Caswell of Newark Val Ithaca, Sunday afternoon. Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elwyn Youmans underwent on op- j ley is spending several days at t ie Miss Beatr ice Hut t les ton of South Strong of Cortland. j eration for appendicit is at the Cort- home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mine h. Otselic has been visiting her sister,

Fred Carpenter and family are land hospital on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. George Williams a d Mrs. Leslie Parks , spending this week on a motor and The Hart reunion will be held at Mr an J Mrs. Ray Wood of Hon 11 Mr. and Mrs. Wal te r Hoose of camping tr ip to the nor thern part J the home of Frank Trapp on Wednes- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. (I. Ithaca visited a few days last week oi the s ta te and will visit relat ives day. Willey, Monday and Tuesday. at Alvah Hoose's and L. F. Bristol 's. at Morrisftown. They were aecorn- The Sunday school picnic will be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott, daugh er Mrs. Adelbert Cole spent a few i'iuued by friends from Newark Val- held on the Baptist church lawn on Laura and son Boyd and Mrs. Lou se days with her sister, Mrs. George ley. Thursday of this week. Elliott of Binghamton were gue . - s , Brummage, and at tended the fair.

Miss Jennie Kennedy enter ta ined [ The Whiting- Aldrich reunion will be Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k ' A truck of road oil caught fire a t held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mineah. L. A. Lewis ' gasoline t ank last week

Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Cummi:. ,'8 Tuesday. The chemical fire t ruck




the needle club on Saturday. Mrs. Clifford Cheney of Salamanca was the : Arthur Doll on Friday of th is week. guest of honor. Mrs. Louis F o r t a e r a n d j Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bellis and family and sons of Groton called on frier Is was called and the blaze was soon ex-Miss Roselia Ross were also gues t s . ; of Binghamton and Mrs. W. L. Bellis in town Monday evening. t inguished. A picnic dinner was served in the of Smithboro were Sunday guests of- Mrs. Stacey Beach of Lansing sp* at I The Heffron family reunion wa3 Ross summer house. j Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Doll. i Tuesday in town. held at Fr ink Hutchings ' in Harford '

" C A N and W I L L are cousins W h o n e v e r t r u s t t o l u c k ;

C a n is t h e s o n of E n e r g y , W I L L is the son of Pluck.

C A N T and W O N T are cousins, too, A l w a y s o u t of w o r k .

C a n ' t i s t h e s o n of N e v e r T r y , W O N T is t h e s o n o f S h i r k . "

C A N a n d W I L L a r e s t u d e n t s of the G B . I. T h e r e a r e m o r e of t h e s e cousins c o m i n g S e p t . 5 t h . A r e y o u o n e of t h e m ' If y o u a r e y o u r f u t u r e is b r i g h t . In fo rma­t i o n a n d a p p l i c a t i o n b l a n k for t h e a s k i n g .


CORTLAND BUSINESS INSTITUTE 12-14 Central Ave . Cortland, N. Y


delbert King of McGra

ed Missing— Left Bibl

Aug- 18» mnd N o t S e e n

Memory Only E x c u s e -Delavan Died Monday Long Illness—Daughte dale Married In New ers Settle In City VVorkers In Bishop's H

ity >Vork on the Har

IT ic h way is now progrc Potti s t r ips of concret completed from the west

n point up to the Lap* iearly three mile.s, and I is almost completed, about two miles of sin oncrete to lay and th

.one the middle of Sej good weather .

Allowing a few weeks* rt to t r im the sho»

hould be open to traffi j it will make a nic toftlBfl ;*»<! finishing a ny other point along th« eavy grading has be« jiany re loca t ions have he curves. A new c ver Jenn ings creek w his week near Baheoe ersectlon.

Adelbert King, 57, of |i* reported missing. H

libie conference at Polk ind did not re turn hom»

known except that in lis memory has b M M U ie is described as a mai

inches in height , wa flight s toop. His hair is tst seen he was wearing iark suit and light tope ried an umbrel la .


Mrs, Ellen O. Delay Miver W. Delavan. died

at h e r home, 86 CI following a long illness.

resident of Cortland 1 Juration of her Ufe. Sh municant of St. Mary's tuisband died Nov. 26. survived by th ree el p t f C t J. Oar r i ty and H na of th is ci ty and Mr* leld of Bloomneld, X. leaves a sis ter , Mrs. Ma Toronto, Ontar io .

Omanization is being the campaign for the H of Charity which Bishop ley will conduct for tei ling Sept. 30. Some 3,00(

p)e enlisted to canvas tl eons expected to make p

Mrs. F lorence Nichols i I in city court for BM took a traffic light to if ks Durchot paid the * Jacob List drew a ausper

The monthly social ni Business and Professio lub was held a t the T

lea room at K ilia wog evening. Forty- two at te

Wednesday was the la lay cloHing of Cort land | Jason.

democrats To On Tuesday

The Democrat ic camj faunehed in Cort land at a F**ric*a Legion roo pvsatac. A meet ing of •jomtnittee will follow , [Men's Smith club organ p r a t e d a r e welcome.

BOB. David F. Lee ol Jnd the new s ta te chair li-.n o | r t i c a w i „ b e

p g e t h e r with Deputy troil-r F. Stanley fjriffir

All interested are weh J^onard O Connor for


o Study Farm On Tour Next 1

t " L. Vaughn, manage m<i county Farm Flu re; m the a t tent ion of all We Farm Management M fur next week Thur

I«* t 0 u r i a a r r » t i g e d in m may be made i

ffir>'. poultry and gem-r m the condit ions whid l«ntjly Ruiteij for good l mm u>ur wi l1 8 t a r t fl

•J1 *• Tyler Space of 1 r m is recognized as on

Ictf 1">ul l"'y eatablishm l»»M?ty' Those making KL r h e r e »•'• » : W > a . m

lkitt>" cap be easily found

K,n*n *" tne I)r Gal

Eru : i n d i s 8 l t , Ja ted on i ! Homer at the end of 1 I »'"CAu»e there has be

: r ^ ? r s p i i ; t l i c this yeai I ,H f>garded H a subs Wr,t 7he i t i n * i r a ry o

ml e tour wiH *>* I ' »»-eting place. Memi

, '-M? not only thei r fr L y ' r d l n n e r 8 . in no d< I " (3ay will be insured

I N * Cortland upened-McGr

Piece Near ' , I l e w concre te higl

'"" on Tompkins ,,V,V: < or t land waterin

, i l last Sa turday. Utit trtHm t r i m m l n « r*kmai t r ^ . lt* Koing thru • •r7t / F r a n c i s <"allaha

Uitd t .O D c r e t « on thi> pi

i On?*"*Ilast O D A u « U 9 t

l f a r | r | ' ho f tft*"k bridges

*Eirj t}fas *>een replaced

r*M K* e D e n < i at tri turte n r e d « ' ' e d to an


•^nerf ^^W^^ing very CL?n,Au"8t * *nd

•trip ' u l s n » d the 20th.

j * * £ 4 r l j r « not quite c

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069