In The End All You Really Have Is 23/Philadelphia PA... ·...

26 Sec. \ i.i i* .... I.I.I''it! FOR SUE Per Sate 1 cent a word Sundays, 8 cent* a word Dally. ' SS^Stalkir^MacljiriesFre^ ,wv aT*a*U .. * ._K..* urn l'lt.NI *-^ . ' ^ _ . SUPERIOR AUG household furniture (Monday). March 27, _ i»>'si!lv(>ly sold, uo matter at what aiurllice. exception one of the grandest sales of house- hold effect* of .the year, and everything nj<»,t ho Aa these, thldvs must be seen to ho appreciated the houso will bo open JH hour* before the sale. Mum 'iicct'l carved mahogany parlor s-i:t, up bolstered in the finest silk damask: alio ev»t In huLdsorue Vorooa; upright caoIn»t jrruud piano, only used 6 mouths; French gill clock Ml. gold leaf mantel mirror, aliaosl new, luttnt design, handsome brass bed. aupeitnr ln«n. elegant brlc-a-brac, ladles' Vernls M . table. French bronse figures, hand some cut glass, superior carpets, two fine ma- n.iiU'gativ bureau and chiffonier, fine f 11 V"'" 1 " trigs, elegant brlc-a-brae. ladles' Vernls Martin desk and glass. ... . hovanv parlor and curio cabinets, music box. •roll top dvsk. lacv curtains and draperies, fine couch, handsome oak sideboard, carved oak china closet, with glass back: leather dlnlnir ruom chairs, extension table, largo and small ru«s. French china dinner, tea/ fish, after dinner sets. Turkish chair and couch, mahoga- ny and oak bed room suits, chiffoniers, hair mattresses, superior carpets, large handsome tug*. At the Great Wilson Ted House Paasyunk ave.. Bast Side, between Wharton. Reed, Ninth and Tenth ats. Old Crop "Bourbon CoSee," five pounds for one dollar. This coffsc Is a transplant of the pure Arabian seed, planted by expert toffee growers In Africa, and In my estimation It excels nine-tenths of the parent Arabian Mocha Coffee. Warranted tree from "Cup sYleks,atones, hldey or damaged beaus. uualltien guaranteed.:. Just arrived.^pectaljm ptirtatlon of Pure, Mellow and Clean Ceylon Tea. which I offer at 24c. the pound. 5 pounds for a Dollar. Goods delivered to.all parts of the world and free of charge within the city limits. On the first of May next 1 will be here In this famous Tea Houso 27 years. This tells the story of ravy dealing with the people In a "nut- shell." dairies Alison, Jr., infallible Tea and Coffee Kxpert. Mall orders promptly and scdu- iously executed. Open evenings. Lest you for- get. "My Own" Java Coffee, the best In tho world. 5 pounds for $1. , BARGAINS IN JEWELRY*. i ;20--Dlamoud and pearl pendant. MO Diamond locket, cheap. 22- -Ring, turquoise and 8 diamonds. i.v> Princes* ring, pearls and diamonds. I 20— Diamond horseshoe locket* , So—white and perfect diamond, over % kt. 18—Split second silver watch. ;76 -Pearl and diamond cluster stick pin, ilOO--Flne minute repeater, 18 kt. watch. 120-White and perfect diamond. \% kt. ! toO-Harvest moon of diamonds, very cheap. M50 I'rlucess ring, 3 rubles and diamonds. : .'_85—-Perfect diamond ring. 2% kt. ::250--Large diamond sunburst; cheap , i .350--Perfect diamond ring, nearly 5 kt. « :i425—Pure white diamond earrings, 4 kt. Numerous others, all guaranteed as represent- ed and cheap enough, for dealers. Wm. Lay- cock. 010 Walnut at. > m TALKING MACHINES. DISC. RECORDS AND supplies: we have iunt received over twd thousand of the very best selected and latest Victor records, always in stock; over ten thou- FOR SALE For Sale 1 cant a word Sundays. 2 cent* a wort Dally. , , i COME GET ONE-^NQ MONEY REQUIRED—RECORDS FROM 25c UP APRIL SELECTION OF ALL, MAKES IN STOCK The Keen Tafking Machine Co. 156 N. 8th ST. NEAR KACR. OPEN EVENINGS. v ; SIX MARBLE TOP TABLES. ONE BOUND marble top table. Ice cream cabinet, one 'Vlp, also marble .sodsT v" " * soda fountain, also tnarhle sodf fountain, rouiv_ end counter, wood top table, bentwood chairs, fancy confectioners fixtures and fancy counter, yard and floor cases. 4 ft., all plate glass: glass slant, fancy candy Jam and scales; patent cara- mel cutter, cocoanut crates, tray rnaphtnes, atone, copper kettles and all kinds of tins for candy makers, part of 409 Ice cream machine, all kinds of lee cream tools and necessaries. Berohelm, 1401-1405 Germautown ave., corner Master. ' SODA FOUNTAINS. ALL STYLES AND SIZES, on terms to suit. We also hate a large number of second-hand, thoroughly remod- eled and for sale at a fraction of original fount- he rapid accumulation-of "used in exchange by ui name low prices close them out rapidly. Don't dcliy If you want a bargain. Robert M. Green 4 Sons, 1413 to 1421 alns taken in exchange by ua for new ones com- . Is us to name low prfcer " * * close them out rapidly. Don prices and easy terms to * " >l»y If you want Vino at. Not In the Ttust. good condition: dark oak bookcasej nearly N lath t household jgjgffljg^ 344^ MATTINGS. MATTINGS, MATTINGS. MAT- ttngs and mattings for sale cheap at McAvoy s wholesale house, 120 Walnut st.; see for yourself 1185 rolls matttns, 68 patterns. Japanese and China mattings, reds, blues and greens, these mattings just landed iu this country; hotels, storekeepers, apartment house;' take notice; each roll has 4KT- ' roll has, 40 yards, $3.00 up a roll. STORAGE SALE. HANDSOME BRASS BED- stead. only $10. worth* $35: 'fine cabinet or- t an. 15 stops, only $15: mahogany chiffonier, 17; large walnut wardrobe, $7; several oak chamber suits. $8 up• leather couch. $7; 88 yards Brussels carpet. $11. O. Malley's Storage House. 1680-82 Ridge ave. FAMILY WILL SACRIFICE FINE 3-PIECE mahogany parlor suit' for $12; velour tufted couch, $8; lady's mahogany secretary. $8; oak bedroom suit, rockers, pictures, wardi " chiffonier: all llttfo used. 1709 N wardrobe, toilet •" 22d. Can bedroom milt, rockers, pictures chiffonier: a" »«•»*« ... call Sunday. BAKoTirTS^-MEAT '^EVRTOERATOR', 4 BY 6 ft; computtug scale, sugar scale, platform scale, tea and spice cans, large coffee dried beef shaver, marble slab; these sand Edison records to select from; we have . y . . . . . . . . . . B rl and charge vou no more; old records ex bring 'the one» you are tired of and neople right: iCOl greatly lncreasen our business by treating th ir aim Is to give you the b nid charge vou no more; old records exchang latest: disc: records exchanged fret Phonograph Co.. 143 N. 8th St.; cas MM^n evenings. >est :«d: get the Piastern or credit; . ORRIS. THK PERFUMED ROOT USED IN making all the face, tooth and perfumed powders; $2,000,000 worth imported ever/ year: sells for 40c. it pound; wonderfully productive; hardy. Interesting, flowering plant for field or garden, producing $1000 aa acre each year;\$l0 will start you, u. S. Government advises its cultivation: full Instructions free now to grow It. Write to Granite Hill Farm, Louisa, Vs. HPHllliOQRAPBs. ALL MAKES. $1 Down, $1 a Week WRITE OR OALL. HAVERFORD CYCLET CO.. ,„_ 827-829 _ A r c b s L O^n evejalngs. 'Phono. FC^1L\LE-660 PIECES 3*12-12~FT. HEM- lock; 520 pieces 8xl2-16-ft. hemlock: 71 pieces 8x813ft. yellow pine: 67 pieces 8x8-30-ft. yel- low nine; will sell cheap: located at Lehigh avenue and Hancock st. Apply to K T. Ma- gulre. No _niO Sansom at. ^ TALKWG MACHINES:" and records at half price. Bring your old ones and have them exchanged. All the latest rec- ords on hand. 251 N. Oth st. Open evenings. FIREPROOF SAFES CHEAP: GET PRICE* before buvlng: save 50 per cent.; direct from manufacturers; oldest, largest, reliable safe house. Hasseuforder Safo Works. 219 North Fourth. - TWO NO. 2 REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS. No. 30,000, $15; No. 80,000. In first-class con- dition, all the latest Improvements, newly llckeled. $25. Write for specimen of writing. nickeled. K». Write Oblluls. 467 Marshall REVOLVERS, DOUBLE ACTION. SELF COCK- Ing. auy calibre. $2: Iver Johnson or Harlng- ton A Richardson, automatic shell extracting Smith A Wesson pattern, $4. Dilworth, 417 and 1604 Market^ ' ; _ _^ BANpfeoklP DIAM09P RING. BLUB WHITE stone aud perfect; must be seen to bo ap- preciated; only $110.00; this is a bargain. Rosenfelt'a Loan Office. Germantown ave. and York st. t 7C. PILLOW OASES; 14C.. BOLSfBR CASES; 35C., SMBBTS: 45C. A YARD. TABLE LI N- BN. BARGAIN^. ISAACS. 1312 COLUMBIA A \ BN U K. 1 . . ilANDSOME WOOTON DESJK FOR ?AlX cheap; suitable for a ^iW I f t i P'»* r J S' ornamtTtit: original cost $300. Call Room 48, J21S Flljjprt st. ^_.^__i ^\J STEKBOPTICON LANTERH. IRON' BODY. three-wick burner »n& 50 views of lndand and leaclers; i*ost $160, for $30. H-237; In- ciulrer office. ST , WINE CABINETTFFT. 6 1N.T^NG:FRBNCH V>late beveled edged doors, solid cherry; suit any saloon fixtures, chcitp. 4635 Germantown avenue. •. . AT'PLBTON'S ENCYCLOPAEDIA AND ATLAS (one complete set. 13 volumes), new. will sell 40 per cent, below cost. Address H. J. R.. 30 S. King st.. Gloucester. _ _ $t5 WINCHESTER RBPBATINQ , SHOTGUN". * '07 MOpBL. COST 143. ISAACS' LOAN OF- V _FICB, 1312 COLUMBI.y_AVB. LADY LOANED IJHTVROM BROKER, ON pair diamond screw earrings; will part with ticket for $2.50. T-257, Inquirer office. TELEGRAPH KEYS AN1> SOUNDERS. 81.75. with code and Instructions for learning teleg- aphv. Dilworth. 1604 and 417 Market st. aro nearly new. Addrei Washington st.. Bristol. Pa. rlnder, Ixtures Address or call Slolfcr, 403 HANDSOME IMITATION MAHOGANY FOLD- Ing lied, wardrobe attached, mirror doors, hear- ty new. cost $75. will sell for $35: no dealors. Address Pblla. P. O. Box 614. FOR SALE. $25. VIOLIN BROUGHT FROM Germany In 1730 and In one family over 180 years. Full cornet tone. In good conditlon,wood case, good how and strings, guaranteed aw rep- resented. Address Richard Glerso, Perkaale. Pa. tiibaii WAitKwf MJXI* .HACET CARVED leather seat, cost $95. will sell for $85; tlo big for mv present hall; eight-days' grand- father's clock reproduction In good running order^JlS. .1207 Columbia ave. FOR HOlTSECLBANING BUY OUR PERFECT polishing paste for pianos, fine furniture, etc.: removes scratches and that blue greasy appearance: is better than Mould furniture polish. 25c a box. 2841 K 11th st. $20-lX>UBLB BARREL' BREECH LOADING HAMMRRLESS, ISAAC4J' LOAN NUB. OFFICE, GUARANTEED 1312 COLUMBIA QVti K 3AA - AVE OFFER "WANTED FOR FINELY LOOAITCD eumetery lot with or without stone; well-known cemetery: easy payments taken. M-211, In- quirer office. 8dyVKNIR~POSTAL CARD MACJilNKS, 8 styles. $6.50 up. Postal cards, $2.75 per M. Write for catalogue. Watllng Mfg. Co.. 718 San- som sfc, Philadelphia. | MEDICAL BATTERIBS. $4. IN HARDWOOD cabinet complete with Instructions for curing nervousness, neuralgia, rheumatism, etc., by electricity. Dilworth, 1604 and 417 Marked st^ ENAMEL BED. COMPLETE. GAS RANGE. sideboard, bureau, washstand. Brussels car- pet, rocker. Sunday.. Monday, Tuesday. 629 N. 12th. _*_ ALMOST NEW. 8x12: ALSO 9x13 IMPROVED Gordon mess; 22'/, In. Paragon cutter: also Bates and Wetter numbering machines, very cheap. 80 N. Oth. second floor. FOR SALE -FAMILY BREAKING Ul A HOUSF r keeplng. all new household furnishings; pri- vate sale: no dealers. Call, between lo and raphy. / $4.75 HARRINGTON, TAKE-DOWN BREBCH- * LOADING GUN iSAACS' LOAN OFFICE, 1312 COLUMBIA AVE. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: LEAVING CITY: will sell at a sacrifice; call evenings.* 2401 N. Bsncroft_st. " - • $5.(KV BBRORR PEA'NUT AND'CANDY VEN- dlng machine (cheap). Call any evening. 1209 Sedgely ave. _ $5~.0O--RlFLi n _ ? R l ^ B : V J 4 ^ W O . GJU^R'AN- TKBD: CO.»vT $18. ISAACS' IX)AN OFFICB. » !^ 2 J^ I ^?liL AV - B l---- - ' OLD ENGLISH PENNY. 1780. GEORGE IL: other coins and postage stamps for sale. 1^5 North Ninth street. , FIREPROOF SAFES-15 '. SECOND-HAND standanl makes: big bargains. Haaacnforder Safe Works. 219 North Fourth. TWO PAWN TICKETS FORTWO DIAMOND rings each; one ticket $76; one $25; sell cheap. Address li-262. Inqxdrer office. W5-PARLOR SUITB. SILK BROCATELLB. 6 PIKCES. MAHOGANY FRAMBS, COSTin75. ISAACS. 1312 COLUMBIA AVE. I.OT OF PACKING BOXES, LARGE AND small. Berry & Alkens. Balnbrldge at. wharf, Schuylkill. Phlla. BABY CARRIAGE. ADJU8TABLB FRONT and back, with parasol and shade, cheap; make offer. 1623 8. 15th st. ^ / $5.00 BABY ROBE. DOUBLB ANGORA. COST $18. ISAACS' LOAN OFFICE. 1312 COLUM- BIA AV1>. 3 o'clock^ or evenings, at 2034 N. Broad st, COMMRRC.rAL TPYEWKITER SUPPLIES CO.. 010 Walnut; both phones; guaranteed ma- chines of all makes: mimeographing, repairs, supplies, representative will call. FOR SALBTrHEAP. CA8HIBR BOX, 5 FEET high. 4 long. 2 deep, suitable for butchers, grocers and other storekeepers. Apply 2000 Ridge ave., ^ WALL PAPER - " HOTEL PROPRIETORS, property owners, have a lot of paper at 25 per cent, less than, factory price. 11-261. In- quirer office. a '. fe^PLKyMljSH "OAK"" BOdkCASBv LARGE SIZE, COST $60. ISAACS. 1312 COLUMBIA AVENUE. ^ Y $25b^s7)LlTAiRE DIAMO*ND R*IN*G. 2W KT.; tjftrfQCt and white; cost $350. Bert's loan office. IMP Columbia ave. FOR 8A~LE—HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, AL- most new: account leaving city. Call 1 to 6, 617 N. 7th »*»i"i',, THR,PHILAI>EX,PHIA y ., (SmipilimHHm ms •• * n i . n m M w.-wl^Vi»isV»<i»'|s#>»^ws|>>ii•• * • I»I •*«• FOR SALE For Sale 1 cent a word Sundays. 2 cent* word P*Uy. FOR SALE- 01GAR CASE, \0 B^KKT LONG, glass front and top; also handsome figure and pedestal, .live feet high, for/ cigar lighter; also wrought iron cigar sign for outside, use' gas or electricity. 1T20 ST 47th st. BO0K*-TWO ' VOLUMES PERSONAL MKM- olre of U. 8. Grant, and two volumes Twen- ty Years of Congress. James G, Blaine, nice- ly bound. 2120 8. Daggett st. (06th and Wood- land ave.!. SECOND-HAND FHB BRICK* OOOD AS new; 4-ton iron horse roller: also a good wagoiv Berry A Alkens. Balnbrldge at. wharf, Schuylkill. FAMILY GIVING UP HOUSEKEEPING MUST sell handsome parlor suite, fine oak hat rack, china closet, large rug, set of Limoges dishes, couch, chairs, etc 212,5 N. 11th st, ^ FOR SALE-PARLOR 8U1T (5);' mirror and table, single foldlng.J>ed, Mo chair and carpets; must to sold by April 1; •gent. 5130 Ogden at. ' no HEATERS CHEAP-NOVELTIES AND OTHER makes removed where.steam and water head SHOOTING 43ALLBRY AND SLOT MACHINE Se a r W t, 6 ^Q ta B t r1d f a' l\ l *S& H "*** ^ FOR 8ALB^-5 FT- COU ,_ register, from lc, beef cutters. 1 S. 10th. ER UNION CASH c. tp $100: Enterprise dried meat block; sold cheap. <> SODA FOUNTAINS ' AND CARBONAWRS. new and second-hand; prices low; terms easy, Symoods A Poor CarbomUor Co.. 1382 Glrard ave., Phlla. ..; PORORLAIN BATH TUB ENAMEL. 60 CT8. J? ,D J : ,, vor V^ 8 t. m M c % w ' » » ,a n* 'fsldlng wa- l^Vi.^wT b l 0 0 k uew - Dilworth, 417 and 1604 Market at. BURNT~WOOD ART PLAQUB. 6x6 INCHES. for sale, by young artist; price 35 cents: Ir ery .o!tt tr, i ctlv * ! d «»l«u» for decorations. 620 IN. 4otn St. . .. 8 COMPLETE FURNITURE FOR 8MAT,L SIX- room house., spit; newly married coTipie. near- 1145 Fair- ly new: leaving city reason. mount ave. Brown. **&HFESP CLUSTER DIAMOND RINTT with real ruby ceutre; also my diamond snnbrrst; sacrifice for half of cost. 2840 8 liroad SPRING .CLOTHING, BARGAINS: „..-. coats. $1.50; suits, $2; coats aud vests. 75c OVER- 1 T .Ik " u,l, »i »"» twin mm sack coats. ROc.; pants. 50c.; boys' suits. $1. knee pants, 25c. Loan offlco, Front and Gfrard ave $3 50. TRUNK; METAL BOUND, STEEL coraers; cost $8. Loan office. Front and Glr- ard ave. $176~ $175.00-FIVB-f< quality, in all office, Front am STONE DIAMOND RING. FINE over 2.kts.; cost $250.00. and Glrard ave. Loan ¥55.0O-8OLITAIBR DIAMOND SCREW EAR- rings, weight over % kt,; worth $100.00. I-oan office. Front and GlVard ave. »U,00- INDIES' SOLITAIRE DIAMOND KING. .«i , Jt? n '. n, ' 0,, «Hng. beautiful white stone; cost >w $25.00. lx>an office. Front aiid Glrard ave. »« $3.59-11 AXDSOMB' PARI/>R ClX)CK. WITH «- h !;5 UM figure; guaranteed" perfect "order; worth $750.^_Loan Office. £roht and_Ojrard ave. 50C.-LApiB8', AND GENTS' UMbRRtLASi 26. 2$Jnch, large assortment handles. Loan office. Teront and Glrard ave. 50q.-CHILDREN'8 SCHOO?7"DRES8ES. ' ALL sixes: large assortment. Loan office. Front and Glrard ave. 5Ja^iNFANT8 ; SHORT AND IX>NG D!TKS8- es; 15c, petttcoata: 75c, short and long coats. Loan office. Front and Glrard ave. ^SO^XDIES^FTNE BITACK8KIITTT.~NF.AR- ly new; all nixes; worth $6. Loan office, Front and Glrard ave. ft, SUNDAY MORNING,-MABOH ^ $ 4 9 0 5 '.aasyw^wissasssaiis*^ • •• ••*-.»>.-,• *$, >.y •*s^sjM• >i|ii^^^^ ivtti^m.f.m FOR SAIE For Sale 1 cent a word Sundays. '2 cents » word Dft^y,. ",,-y J ., .;' *\ *•:• .., WJffl'"1cB&p V '^^ free.If you deal with us, Wo carry. u full line of machines and records of all makes. Re- memlfer. Monday is always bargain day with u». The Keen Phonograph Co., 40' N. 0th St., cor. Arch. QPfQ ovoomgo. >. GlcN-fLBMAN WOULD LIKE TO MEET WITH ma.ser of pawn tickets of his •liase either CD THIS J00: pun- itnnntdliite pure throe-a^oiie. dlanum f pawl ed. fo* $8S:-dlhmond stud. $75: solitaire dia< mond ring. $S(>: $1Q will purchase either ticket. -898. Inquirer office. PROPERTY OF A LADY, PAWN! month, djomojud solitaire earrings, $1... , „ cwiaa opai.and.dUulftud cluster ring. $85; «Qll- tairo diamond ring, $175; diamond rocket., $70; will sell tickets at great sacrifice. W-302, Inquirer office. ^ _. • • , ,^ POWER DRILL PRESS AND COUNTER shaft, $12; screw lathe, 0-lnch swing. $45: lo-inch face plrtte, $5; 2 small sets pats and ties, $0i steam gauge, $2, 1420 Susquehanna ave. ; •, . '•- . , MOVING PICTURE MACHINE), ''TVIOTAMIR reels of latest films. 200 slides, gas machine, large curtain, everything the latest: will sell at sacrifice If sold now; call In evening. 4222 Brown, Phlla. 83$ J rlor; established four years; no opposition; living: outside business cause selling, bill, owner. 204 De Knlb st., Norrlstown, Pa. $65.i FONII BMB^A'AVr ,.00, WANT TO MB MEET S Tlffe BUYER FOR diamond ring; icclpt. S-286, IS PATENTABLE; WILL SHOW A dvortlsemcnt every time: conductor fare (sell cheap) will show model. PAWN ticket for my Tiffany diamond^ ring; borrow ed $40; take $8 for receipt. S-286, Inquirer office. 7 NOVELTY I different a* rings up a fare (sell cheap) A. 8., ^109 J3nyder -are. , - THREE GREEN VERONA PARLOR SUITES, upright piano, with mandolin attachment; bureau, chiffonier, single brass bad. cheap. 1758, Branch Inquirer offico, 4th and Oxford. TWITWRIT'ERST ALL^TANDARt) MAKB8, for sale and rent, 'at a price Ybat will »ur- iriff* you. Guarantee Typewriter Exchange, 1215 for "sale" and rant, *at a price Jbat will *ur- nrlso yob, Guarantee Typewrf Filbert it TALKING MACH1NRB, DISC RECORDS AND phonographs at half price; records you are tired of exchanged for 40c; open evenings. The Keen Phonograph Cc, 40 N._9th. cor.__Arch. 1830 N. UriH~PtijVATrB #km&i Wli^'BRLL veroua davenport, oak. leather arm. chairs, parlor suit. 55 yards of red velvet stair aud hall carpet: chiffonier. aln.ost new. PARLOR SUITS RECOVERED WITH SILK damask or verona. 6 nieces. $20: send postal. Carpets laid. 50 and 75c. Hogarth, 4484 Ger- mantown ave. HAVE PAWNED TIFFANY DIAMOND RING, for $35; diamond earrings. ,$40: opal, and diamond cluster ring. $40; will accept $5 for each ticket. D-808. Inquirer efflce. SHAVE YOURSELF--WB SELL FULL ttQfJ lo\* ground razors and guarantee them for 05c. Gillette and Ever Ready safety rasors, 24 blades, $5. Dilworth. 1604 and 417 Market. / FOR S A U For Sale 1 evhf a^ word Sundays;"'2 cents a word Dally. •- »,,,; '.' $lj'i'%'•'•''*'* TYPBWRITKttS. \ ^f DUPLICATORS. . /- •*••.• 'I •••'!? I rent CO stylos from 50c. per month up. . . ' 3 ' ' < l sell 00 styles from $3.00 up, on A terms to stilt you. Have no ax to grind; «*U or rent you .' what you urant always, Y • List showing rental rates, prices and ^ terms of over 60 slylM* free. ' r D MTmoogriMlng, Typewriung. Copying. D COMpULSORti PRIVATB SALE Af THE RBSI- dettco 1716 If. 81st st.; elegant furntturei wlH it sacrifice: i jant upright c< gant furl In use f< use few months; be sold;at inagnlfleatit parlor siflt'uphoistercd in tapestry; flue oil nalniugs, bric-a-brac, brotiKCB, cut glass, fine couch, ouk sideboard, leather chairs, extension table. 5-piecc green verona suit, Smyrna rug. • by 12; clocks, etc; can bo seen to-day and Monday. so much for carpets, when they can be tough IU end sale at such rldlci * A: truesels rooi 40c, 60c. yafi Up; private AWNiNGS- onlyi dUcoi now. for Ma; TAKE NOTICE! TAKE NOTICB1-WHY PAY so much for ci " ' * ' ! *gar' ..#E» ngr* truss stair, formerly 70c. $1,00/ J; velvets. Axmlnster.. 75c ildence. 890 N. 6th »t. >EOU2r now yard FOR THIS MONTH on all dwelling orders placed livery; .why uot save the dls now. for May delivery; .why uot savetne dis- count and avoid the delays that often occur In toe busy)season? Wm. D. Brown, mfg. Canopies to hire. 1437 N. 10th st. BARGAIN IN TELEPHONES. Long, distance telephones magneto, generators, |fl ' telephones, wall made •"-—-anu and informal _ Electricians, 96 N. 7th st A little used, with generators, $0 each; worth $12: house 'ne\ wall made (not toys), $5.50 pair; diagrams and information furnished. Burk A »aker. Old carpets made Into handsome rugs, end for catalogue. Willis Bug Co.. 63 North DSOMB^TRAP PICNIC COACH. NEWLY ited. sf| express harness, set carriage ss, huckster's license, all In good condl- RUGSi RUGSl RUGS1 CHEAPER. MORE 8RR- vtceable than carpets. They are the Brussels reversible kind. $2.50 to $5.60. Buy fro mthe maker. . Old carpets made Into bandi f eud f th st. HANDSOMB^TRAP PICNIC COACH. NEWLY painted, harnesi tlon. Call KuDday o_ esrPblladelpbla 4x5 FOLDI,Wo CAMERA. DOUBLE LENS, leather carrying case, tbreo double plate hold- ers. $7; 8x10 double lens, iris diaphragms, $7: pair Darlot stereographtc lens, $15. Apply all week, m 8. 13th st. v YOUNG tJoUPLB GIVING UP HOU8EKKEP- Ing will sell 6 rooms of furniture very cheap; must be soW before the 1st of April; no deal- ers need apply. L-15J3, Branch Inquirer, 8th ami Huntingdon. $135.00 JIAWOGANY BUREAU P L K % . ; w ^ » . B ^ m CHtFFON- C11AIRS, BRASS BED; COM- ISAACS. 18f2 COL- " i »i. > inniniii V.'.. FOR SALE For Sale fcW & word Sundays, 2 cents a word Pally. '"^ s - ...-^ < STORY OF. STORE FIXTURES AND 8HOW- cates.' H. Bernheim for store fixtures is renown; 3*>at values in the city nea^ our bound; everything in refrigerators and show coses, too. tomemlm., all stores he can outfit for you. yew goods for the old ones on Beinhelm call; Bv< Inv e can put .you in business at prices small; ' * g you fie^d aiways ' " 'Oil are to Gern later; a visit pay up your mind them all to day erything you need aiways has for all. rltM yon are to Go Master; a visit PL, .. Make up your mind to see Borubelm; beats you are to Germantown avenue, and Master; a visit pays. OAlOwBfcAU AND WASHSTAND. $5.50; .walnut sideboard cheap. $12: elwny secretary, ebofiy table. $2.50: Stinulnrd machine, $6: wal- nut refrigerator; godd as netv, $8: Ice chests, ISifiO UP; tables, chairs, rockers, Morris chair. $3.50; Cook etoves; other goods. 807 Spring Garden. rt»».iiii>miiiii>.>ii u Ni i —..* -i,.,, . . . . —- , ...; .,, ,-.i ..... ,.^- TRUSSKS-NRW lar ip trusses, abdominal belts, hosiery, suspensories. Nolte's Drug Store, 8tU and Race eta. ; BILLIARD. POOLJ TOURNAMENT. SHUF. fleboards. tables rented, privilege buying, "lightly used, cheap repairing: call and see our •"**- for, private u*o. Lafe Keafer, American aeturers. 281 Glrard avenue. 8KS-NEW J&ORK ELASTIC. $1? RBGU- Itrice, $8; large assortment bard rubber s. abdominal belts, electric belts, elastic are Maimfa aoLD pECORATBP ROYAL BLUB CHINA from St. Louis Fair at hlg bargains. Oatmeal .sets. 50c. Berry setsTOOc. Fruit sets, 00c. Crack- er jar, 76c. Loan Office, 1621 Germantown ave., above Jefferson. : ••,,,.'. RWfAURANT FIXTURES. OAK AND fell BR- ry, polished top tables, chairs, copper steam table and dish warmer combined, refrigerator, oyster bars, dishes, copper kettles^ largo mir- rors. Rl BMRNHKIM ICB; BOX, MEAT RACKS. square blocks, counter scales, cleavers, saws, entire butcher outfits, for $125, delivered and set un In your store. 1401 Germautown ave, cor. Master. SUP COVBm 6^EOB PARLOR SUIT*, made In heavy Imported linen, for $8.05: per- fect fitting guaranteed: postal brings samples; this week only. Upholsterer Doery. 1702 Ridge avenue. _ ^ ^^ f UTCHER FiXTiTREsTliOB BOX. ROUND w nd square blocks,, racks, scales, butter boxes dried beef cutter, platform scales, cnun'er show cases and shelving^ Rleder. 1400 N. 2d st. LADY WILL SELL HBR O^STQNE DIAMOND Bin, cost $85; wilPsell for $20: also a genrs 16-jewol 20-year Elgin watch for $10. Call Sunday, 540 Grass St., West Phlla. i L ' —~ »(wH> ' ..Kill.I I H|l FOR SALE For Sale 1 cent a word* Sundays. 2 cents a word Pally, 7' SECt5NL>^Al^~™ CASH REGISTERS § *vaVC»tJJL °UR P^IC?,. ATJONALS $40.00 AT10NA AftONA AflONA Af]o«>A ATIONA ALL».. oi>8 $70.00 ALLWOODS ........ $90.00 And' 86 other registers from $15 up., We can furnish you a register suitable for ANY BUSI- NESS. Every register we sell carries our guar- antee fdr two years. 9^ 8 JUL QR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. . THE WATSON SECONDHAND CA^H RwySm 1 ! co., INC. •001 FILBERT STREET. ARMY AND NAVY GOODS-WE HAVE ADD- ed thousands of dollars worth of this desira- ble goods to our spring stock, ready to serve you with uniforms for all societies, camps, courts and lodges; we defy all competition; « ^ army shirts, 100 army shoes, 160 boots, ~., „..„, „,.,..„. 100 army shoes .50; lcggluK. 35c; campaign hats and caps, ,...c; khaki uniforms, $1.50 to $2: 500 saddles and bridles, collars, trusses; this is very inter- esting for farmers or contractors; 500 all s«ses tents for sale or hire; cots, camp stools, flags aud decorations: full outfit for camping and boat houses; we solicit your trade; mall orders prombtfr attended to. Dreyfus A Co., 2007 Frankford ave. 12 8. 2d st. OAK AND WALNUT HALL RACKS. 88.60 TO 8.00; .extension tables. $3.00: oak sldetioards. $0.00: oak bureaus and washstands. $4.60 to $10.00: havo some fine enamel beds at $6.60; a few parlor suits. $7.00 to $17.00; oak tefrlg- erators aud ice chests. $1.50 to $10.00, neat oak folding beds.. $6.00 to $8.00; Baldwin couch, $6.00; fireproof safe. $25.00; oak desks. $6.60; Ice cream tables, marble top. $8.00 each; mahogany folding bed. mirror front. $25.00; other furniture carpets and bedding, bargains. Northwest corner 8th and Spring Garden. "IN THE SHADE OF THE OLD APPLE -Tree." "Tennessee." "Tale of the Turtle Dove aud twenty other good records on the April list of Columbia records now ready. Cata- logues on request. Talking machines tall makes) sold on easy payment plan, Larcest stock of up-to-date records iu Pennsylvania. Lewis Talking Machine Co.. 15 S. Oth st.. I Postofflee. Open Saturday evenings. WOOD MANTELS, OVERPLUS FROM large contract at cost prices. Hall-Kline manufacturers, 1027, 1920, 1031 Market mosaics, tiles, heaters, ranges. MUST SELL MY 14-KT. OOLD WATCH AND i>erfoct dla- for $126. SELLING ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH. BEJO+ room and parlor suits, chairs, carpets, ehifia* are, glassware and entire household effeets* onday. March 27, at 1 o'clock. 2222 Christian! Mon $1.5<^1>ATHBR " AJ9AT PIKING C^AjRSi QUARTER A.AK; CQST $5.00 BACH. ISAACS^ I it! $7.60-HEAVY BLACK BILK SHIRTWAIST suit, nearly new; else 30; cost $20. Loan office, Front and Glrard ave. t ftAaTOAJTOrW}iftfe' SPBING ' C O i * V ttf capes. 50c; skirts, 60c; dresses 50c; fancy red table covers. 6 0 c ; bed spreads, 60c; pil- lows, 35c; rugs. 75c; baskets, 26c up. Loan office. Front and Glrard ave. $1-8TKM WINDING WATCHES. AMERICAN movements, good time nieces: worth $2.50. Loasj office. Front and Glrard ave^ $4^ RAILROAD WATC1L NICKEL EI/HN movement, stem winder; cost $10.00. Loau office. Front aud Glrard ave. $18.00- LEATHER COUCH. INDESTRUCTIBLE FRAME. NBW- COST $30.00. ISAACS, 1812 COLUMBIA AVB. PRINTING--lOOxTV'IUTE BUSINESS CARDS. 50c.; billheads, nofeheads. envelopes, $1. 829 N. 10th st. 8AFES. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF; NEW and second-hand: all makes and sites: cheap. Stlffel A Freeman, manufacturers. 723 Chestnut. g^pBSESviwm 8BM COLUMBIA AVE. $22.60 QUARTER-OAK iVFs LARGE. COST $50. SIDEBOARD, MASS- ISAACS. 1312 CO- LUMBIA AVE. $27.50--BBAUTIFUL SOUD MAHOGANY 5- plece parlor suite, cost $66. 1110 Columbia avenue. FINBBRASS BAR1T0NB~H6RN. ONLyiW.OO"; great bargain. Rosenfelt's Loan Office, Ger- mantown ave. and York st. BLLA BOA. LONG AND FIX)SSY, BAROAIN;_C08T $40. ISAACS. 1312 C0- $10--ISABELLA BOA BARGAIN: C~ I.UMBIA AVE. BILLIABD8. POOL. BOWLING. 8HUFFLE- board. second-hand tables, cheap: tsbles rent- ed with privilege of buying^ 222 8. 8th st. $18-SOLITAIRB DIAMOND RING. TIFFANY SETTING. COST $40 ISAACS'. 1312 CO- LUM BIA_ A VE^ ELEGANT DIAMOND HOOF RINO. PLEDO* ed for $40; pawn ticket, $3. M-248. In- quirer office. ff FTXTURES FOR iALBr^UITABLB FOR CI- gar store: wall case, floor case, show case. Counters. 1805 South st. im. 09- H AM MB^LlKtTs^HOTTjUN. •DOUBLE barrel. 12 bore; cost $65.00: bargain. Bert's losn office. 1226 Columbia ave. CANDY MARBLB8 "gfjroyBS. COPPER Kettles, Nos. 1 and 2 Spanlsti ah< peanuts, closing out. T-248, Inquirer office. $^OO"-DIAM()ND" FECT WHITE . LOAN OFFICE. 1312 lAiMM niAHOUIVO, «VJiV/V JC«», VUriMl IVPlllCS, etc. cheap: also Nos. 1 and 2 Spanish shelled ut. T-«48. Inquirer office. STUD, 5" KT, SURFACB^ PER*- JMBIA AVE. BLACK PRINCE ALBERT COAT AND VEST; used only five times; no reasonable offer re- fused; site 38. N-203, Inquirer office. $18.00 -MORRIS ROOKRR. VBLOUR CUSH- IONS. MAHOGANY.XOST $46. ISAACS, 1812 COLUMBIA AVB; TWO WmvJHBACH LIGHTS. IN PERFECT OR- der; inside and outside light; will be sold i N. B. cor. nfth , cheap. Apply to and Ritner sts. SAFES. 426 MARKET; ALL SIZES; NEW and second-hand; low price. Pittsburg Safe Co., manufacturers. • . $75.00-5-8TONB DIAMOND RING; WHITE; cost $125: bargain. Bert's loan office. 1226 Columbia ave. $10~BBAUTIFUL ' OAK FOIJOING BKD. brand new Turkish bath cabinet. $2.50. 657 N. 12tb. ' _ $5,0O-lNI)lA SHA~WL^LA<2K C^FNTRft COM- PARAT1VBLY NBvV, COST )0 -INDIA SHAWL. BLACK CFNTRK, COM- ARATIVBLY NBvV, COST $40 ISAACS, 2 COLUMBIA AViX BARBER8-WE SELL TnE Kl.INE CHAIR for cash or on easy payments. The Alpha Co.. 142 and 144 N. Oth st. FINE MAGIC LANTERN, ALL COMPLETE; fine lenses; bargain. Rosenfelt's Loan Office, Germantown ave. and York St. SODA FOUNTAIN AND CARBONATOR FOR sale, cheap; see 1 to 8 P. M. 1744 Onflow hill. FOR SALE-SIDEBOARD, REFRIGERATOR. In good order. 1221 Flora St., 18th and Glrard avenue. $7<PwlmTC~7:RBPB SHAWL. EMBROIDER- RD. ISAACS' LOAN OFFICE. 1812 COLUM- BIA AVE. 20C. YARD; WOOI new, cost 50c. lumbla ave. INGRAIN CARPET. BRAN ert's Loan Office. 1226 Co- D«. N. PARLOR SUIT, OAK CHIFFONIER. 44 Y Royal Wilton carpet, parlor table. 2025 11th street. ABOUT FOUR GROSS EACH OF AMBER short- pint champagne and apolllnarls bot- tles, $1.25 a gross. 3028 Marshall st. 1312 COLUM B1A AVB. MERRY-GO-ROUND. CHEAP FOR CASH. FO further Information call on H. Wagner. 91( Columbiajavc. 12 noon to 11 P. M. alljveek ebtlnM MAXxi'tofab OAK ctfmJ^Klii Ftl suitable for any business: cost $50; will sell li 8 JL.*° U _ at l tt00, J?i*_ * y l8th .?*• $2570O -lfOYAL WfLTifN^RUG. URO,, COST $60.00. ISAACS, HU2 COL1 AVE. ____]_ A BARGAIN-UP TO DATE ^ STEAM CAR- rousel with the privilege of the coming season at seashore. 8452 N. Mascher st. COIN-IN-8LOT SCALES. 11 8TYLJBS. $25 UP Write for catalog. Watllng Mfg. Co., 7H Sansom at., Philadelphia. PARQJUBTTE CBNTRBST wor*B acroU cut. Inlay scroll cuj for the trade. . CORNERS. HARD- aylng vensers, fret work Melon. $90O-HAIR MATTRESS, SECTIONAL. 45 LBS: COST $18.00. ISAACS. 1812 COtUM- BIA^JlVE^ FOR SALE - BEER . k good condition, cheap. Apply street. ferson MONDAY IS ALWAXS S t P HA I. N. 9th St., cor. Arch 'day with us. The. Keen Phonograph Do., 49 9th St., cor w BARGAIN WE EXCHANGE YOUR RECORDS YOU ARE tired of for 40c The Keen Phonograph Co., 49 N. Oth at., cor. Arch. $«^BALPWIN"cbuCH BED AND~FRLT .MAT- tress, cost $12. Bert's Loan Office, 1226 Co- lumbia ave, $lO0O-BXT"BNSION TABLE. QUARTER OAK. CLAW FBET: COST $26,00. I8AAC8. ftl2 COLUMBIA AVE.^ $100-14-KfrGOLD FILLBD CHAINS: OUXR- aoteed 20 years. Bert's loan office. 1226 Co- lumbla ave. ra>ISONTlOMB PHONOGRA~PH. AS GOOD ~ new: large Lilly horn. 8 dosen records, Call Sunday. 1808 NV Marshairst. _J G1UWOP^ONB~AND ARBOORPliriN FINE condluon, ° _$*.50^ bargain. _ R(>sepfelt'a Ix>an Office, Germantown and York at. »18C VICTOR ANP COLUMBIA lO*tXCH records. 35c each: also $85 Victor machine. slightly used. $15. iolfj N. »>. s LIFE SIZE FIGURE OF BUFFALO BILL IN wood, largo Farrel Safe, Spalding tricycle, par- cel carrier and fine glass fountain, all cheap. Cllls, 611 NT 2d at. BARGAIN SOLID OAK BKD AND WA8H- staud, |K>rcel«l|i sink, complete. $35: also banjo and ease, new. Gall Monday all day and Tuesday evening. 8132 N. Franklin. ONE POUB'LETAND SINGLE S"BTS CUTUN- dar harness, sliver mounted, good as new: cost rcupectlvelJ $250 and $125; will sell cheap. 2205 I Germantown ave. >CK8 - "HAVB TO GET UP IM CLOCK I." $1.80; ring 29 minutes; guaranteed one New naven alarm CK " ALARM, year: New" iTaven "alarm clocks,' tuc. Dllworth's Hardware Store. 1604 and 417 Market. F7mliAriCl4l9^bWH~Bit6ADn^^ day, one folding bed, desk form; one book- case and desk combined, one sewing machine, one wardrohf, one couch. 9 SOLITAIRR DIAMOND RING. OVER SIX karats. $418, worth $700: If dissatisfied will refund money one week after date of sale. 44 N.JWth st. , FRFACH*DOUBLE OVEN HOTEL RANGE, with heller and hood charcoal broiler, all made by V. Clad, also single oven steel range. 262 Diamond St. $1A 8WB I8A cn'i5ol boiler by V. C lamood OO-MAH5GAN (VBLL fRONr ACS. 1112 COl Y DRESSING TABLE. .... OVAL GLASS; COST $45. COLUMBIA AVE. FOR .SALE HOME i in ..„ PHONOGRAPH AND stand, HO In. horn and three dosen records, at 835 N. Randolph. ________! OLD MAHOGANY DESK, OLD STYLE .HAM- raond typewriter, dental chair for extracting very cheap. " $25.00 CHI i DISHES; UatBIA GOOD s«l«, HES: ?X)S1 1A A V f . __ ) m LIGHT , first-class 1818 Diamond st._ . ""COMPLBTB BET ST $76.00. ISAACS. 1312 COL- BUSINESS condition. Livery Staple. 2335 N. 7th at. WAGON FOB Apply Gerhart $1.25 BUYU GIRLS' NECK CHAIN. WITH heart. Loan-office, 1521 Germantown ave, above Jefferson. «>c7~F6R" r 8Bf"6F KNIVR8 AND F0RK8: others un to $2.75; big assortment. Loan of- fice. 1621 Germantown ave., above Jefferson. $18.00^ABPGANY CHIFPOJCIBR. SWELL FRONT _SkA,8> TOP; COST $45.00. ISAACS. 1314! COL A Al 75C. UP. WATOllES Loan offico. Jefferaon. STERiWpfi^OJNr slides, colored; Itn st. ,..„«,. ..... AS80RTMBN' 1521 Germantown ave., abo BIG NT. ve AND Ftrrv a«U all for $12. "FRAMED 1015 Mlff- FOR SALE. CHEAP- -LIGHT THRBBQUAR- ter buggy, leather top, good order. Call 408 American at. v RECORD CABINETS. HOLD OVER 100 EDI- son records, $10: latest flower horn, $2.76 each. 1610 V. 2d. ^_ EDISON , HOME PHONOGRAPH. LARGE horn, stand, 80 Edison moulded records, $25; fine condition. 1610 N. 2d at. SAFES BARNES 8AFB AND LOCK CO. NEW sod second-band safes; safes removed and re- paired. 17 N. fith st. $15 GENUINE QUARTERED OAK .CHINA closet, mirror hick, cost V». BerCs Loan Of- flee. 1220 Columbia ave. REAL OLD FASHIONED PAIR OF COLONIAL doors. San Domingo mahogany: flrst-ctass con- dition. 0-177. Inquirer office. SOUVENIR POSTAL CARDS. $2.76 PER 1000. Send 10c. for 25 samples. Iltmebaugh Mfg. Co.. 2019 Fnlrmount ava. FOR SALE-STOCK AND FIXTURES OF TEA store: cheap for cash. Address D-248. In- aulrer office. GHAPHOPHONES AND RECORDS CHEAP; postal; ternw to suit. Townsend, 1200 Dau- Phln. . - t . GIRL'S DIAMOND RTNG CHBAP; TIFFANY Sitting; terms to suit. Townsend, 1209 Dau- phin. * $375- DIAMOND RING. WHITE AND PBR- FBCT (A OKM); COST $650. ISAACS' LOAN OFFICE. 1H12/C6LUMB1A AV»»_^ FOR~SALB-CAM~BRA, flbtlO, SET 7A, ZEISS iix jalate holders, convertible lenae, tripod, printing frames, etc. J. S. i^STONB DIAMOkP Mw4t P, stones, only,$45.00; very cheap i "in Office, Germantown ave. and six _. D.v Tncony, Phlla. L3. PV* ;RB WWTB r $6.~0O-MAHOOANY M U S I C . CABJNIJT; 008T $15.00. ISAACS. 1812_OOLUMBlA AVB^ FOR SALE BLOOH GO-OART IN GOOD CON- ^dltlon. Inquire 8024 Colons st. _ DOCTOR'S "SECOND-HAND TABLE8 AND chairs: cheap. Clark A Roberts. 1321 Arch St. FOR SALE-RpLL-TOP DESK. HIGHCLASS. golden oak finish. 1214 Arch st.. Room 8, Monday, between 9 and 12 o'clock. 80 tul T. ICB CREAM FREEZER. LOT OF CANS. and box. paddles. measures spoons. Jones. 8003 West Huntingdon st. $^-MAGNTFICE^T~Sm^ID""MAHOGANY 6- pl/ce parlor snlte, ve>y massive, cost $125. 1110 Colombia ave FOR SALE—TWO FJNE BICYCLES.\)HBAP. larjy'f and gentleman's; or will exchange. 1708 N. 20th at. $>5-BLBGANT, OROVBN8TBEN AND Ter ,pl«no, first class condition, fin 2017 Master st. $125.00 -BLUE WHITE PERFECT SOLITAIRE jtlamcjijfl.rlpg, l kt.; cost $180. Bert's loan office. 1226 Columbia ave. WBSTINGHOU8B STEAM" BNGINB V 4-HQRSB power. $45 complete. T. 0. Marshall. York- lyn. ml. ' -—•' - • • >^ . . - . . . . , FUL- ve tone. NEW' QUARTERED OAK FLAT TO bargain " *" Chestnut bargain. Room 24r"s: TT"cor? ,, 'F8tP*Sl it $2500--LARGE CARPET; COST $80.00 NEW. I88AC«._1312 COLUMBIA AVB. _ A^SOLlb OAK_UPRlGHT FOLDING BED", with (Seek. 2102 Diamond at. NO. 8 MODEL BQT.ARY~"PRTNTIFG PRESS*; bargalu. Evans, 50 N._9th at. > AGOLD"'sTBM-WINPU<ofwATCH FOR $18 to oulck buver. 8-295. Inquirer office. $2.50-MA8SIVE $18.00 ftWffif _fl____ 08T QUARTERED OAK BOOKCASE. SIZE W-200. Inqolref rsjttce. SOLID jMggt Inches; $it Pr/ATFORM BCAI* ON WHRBLlI; GOOD OR- der; oheap. 940 N. 20th st. BOWLING ALLEYS FOR SALE. CALL AT vn yine^st FO w JL— s )R SALE-LARGB MOQUBTTB O vlth larder, cheap. 941 T*. 12th St, r viftBPBT. SOLID WALNUT FOLDING BED, SPRING and mattress, cheap. 425 N. 10th St. \ FOR SAtrf^'AlNTBR'S JACK, NEW; $8; cost $5. N-221, Inquirer office. A~NWB"ldARy|N SAFE B. Cor. of 17th and Vine. FOR SALE AT N. ONE 8 | g H < 0 MACHINE, $5, AND ONE FOB $5^81 NOBR SEWING MACHINE, OUARAN- tee.l 5 years. 907 Arch at. ., $10* WIIEBLBR A WILSON IvO. 9 MA- <hlne; almost news big bargain. 907 Arch St. $5 WHKKLER A WILSON MACHINE. FINE order. 0Q7 Arch St, ^ ; f .^ $10 LATK8T m~N*GBR MA0B1NK. LIKE NRW; all attachments. 907 Arch at. STATIC" MACHlNst. REST MAKB. aOOlo^AS >n»w; half cost. 1410 Arch st. CHtoAP-1/rT OF DISTlLLljn 8PIRIT8. B- 218. loqutser offlee. ^ , \ .^ . BBwiVi 890.. WOBTH^LOO: JJMONO OAK ROLL TOP DESK. LAWN MOWER, .nousehold goods,.on aqcount of leaving city. MY LARGE OAK HATRACK, TOO RIO FOR HWo.tl2 b Vtll. , l 1 t. T,JfWlM DMt •* P *- BARGAINS IN MEN'S SUITS. COATS AND vests and pants. Loan office. 1621 German- town ave., above Jefferson. FIHTBALE, LADIES' "BLACK TAlTLOR~8UiT and white broadcloth skirt; white satin Wiftt. Ward, 1811 Walnut at. PAWNED MY TIFFANY DIAMOND RING for $75; over karat; sell receipt $6.- E-277, Inquirer office. ' TRUNKS AND SUIT OASES': NltW OOODS; '/< store price. Bert's loan office. 1226 Colum- bia ave. « EDISON STANDARD PHONOGRAPH. LARGE brass horn, stand, 80 Edison lata records. $21. 144 Master- COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH.* LARGEST SIZE with large horn, atand, 40 records, $20. 150 Master sL VICTOR TALKING MACHINE. GOOD CONDI- tlon. 24 large and 15 small records, $30. A- li^L 1 !!?? cp^huy '*• $25-MAGNIFrCBNT'5-PlECB PARLOR 8UIT~ solid mahogany, vory massive. 1110''Columbia avenue. $85O-ELECTRI0 RUNABOUTr COST $850; good running order. Apply 2117 N. Broad. Call 11 A. M.; 1 P. M. FOR 8ALE-FJR8T-OLA88 100. BARBER shop: good stand; with or without dwelling. Apply 1647 N. Marvlne St. -y FIRE AND BURGLAR 8AFB. COST 1 $2700; if sold quickly will tske $400. J. N. lit- tlefleld, 711 Sansom st. , V SET RUSSET PONY HARNESS. ALMOST new, cheap; also fins Alderney cow. Box 43, Hatboro, Pa. < FURS. ALL KINDS; NEW GOODS: 20 CT8. on dollar; bargains. Bert's loan office, 1228 Columbia ave. _ $lO- : S r OLID QUARTERTO) OAK HALJ^RApK. box seat, cost $20. Bert's Loan Office, 1228 Columbia ave. LOOK--FINE FOUNTAIN PEN. ONLY 20 CTS.; investigate. Denver Novelty Co., Salem, New Jersey. k __ ^ WE KBEP YOUR free " " * graph -A -,- ..^lACHIKlB IN REPAIR ree if you deal with us. *Tb* Keen Phono- Co., 48 N. 9th St., cor. Arch. FA 1?'MOTOR. .SUITABLE F0 R OFFICB; ALSO w aH-horse power engine, good condition. 1770 Frankford ave. FOR SALE—TWO ANTIOU formerly owned by JTobn dress B. A. R.. Conshohooken B GOA-D 1 Fostoffic . STUDS. ,honn. Ad- flce. Pa. $6- CHEAP, FOR A BUTCHER'S ICE BOX. In good condition; also 8ftx6x7 ft. Apply 8040 Kensington ave, $85.00-SCRB^. SOMTAIRB DlAMONP . EAR rings; cost $80. lumbla ave. loan office. 1228 Co- WEBER CUSPIDOR AND S. 8. W. PEDAL aver chstr. In good order. D-267. Inquirer lever office. OAK BED ROOM SUIT, FOLDING CO bed; nearly now; and lea box. 728 lace st. . WATBRHRATEB. IDEAL. SECTIONAL. CAST iron, 8200 square feet capacity. G., 1488 Co- lumbia ave. RECORDS EX0HANOED-DI8K RECORDS exchanged, but old records not sold. Disk Talking Machine Co., 18 N. 9th st. ZONOPHONB RECORDS-NEW, 10-INCH .ZON- ophone records: write, or call tor catalogue. Disk Talking Machine Co.. 18 N. 9th at. $2.60 FOR JWO^ UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS K ?Kl a ._5??^ r *S!fi- a U , n Perfect condition. Inquirer office. . •• > LARGB RNCLi square mlr fry m " $8.00 ~ NCL08EDJOFI OFFICE DESK. .LARGE large heavy oak tablea t.OO LARGE GOLD MIRROR: COST $20.00. ISAACS, 1813 COLUMBIA AVE? ? n&S ® E T »^K SALE; CfiteAP. D-200. Inqul»r office CONDI S*OB 8ALE-GO-CART, IN GOOp tlon. 4818 Otte^ at.. West JPhlla. 00-BOpkcAjte.i QUARTER OAK: ' COST 5.00. IS^AACST 18W COLUMBIA AVE. $18. $35 $lft-HAXDSOME PARLOR ORGAN; GOOD order; leaving city. 2201 Vine. Dwelling. ** I'OR IMPORTED CHENILLE CURTAINS; J^t_$25j^ajn^t^iew. O-OTT^Jlnqurrer office) $20^00 MARBLS" PEDESTAL. ONYXr~COST $80TOO. ISAACS. 1312 COLUMBIA AVE. CAMERA. 8y«t4U. CALL SUNDAY. M$tl N. OYSTER CASK, cheap. 407 W. COUNTER. TABLES, SlONS, TWO NEARLY NEW lOK cheap. 2769 Kensington ave BOXES, SELL ., side door. DIAMOND RING white. Call to-day. If OY^SY. 1-KARAT. PURB 18 Belmont ave. FOR SALE CHEAP-LIFE-SIZE OIL PAINT- Ing, nuda s\ibje«l. 728 Oxford at ^UW? 1 " TftfAioiraSirY TON. A-280J In- BONK DUST, uulrer office. $28 PER .. WORTH $1.00: worth $15.00. 13 S^. ,jggbs.,'$»-OO^th m g ) . ^ j, .. -, >WAMWT ^,0'KOASKi WILL 8K TWO 4-ij_BT BHOYt CASKtf. 888 8. 18TH 4JT.' .lw wrlo^ cib^aL f845 Rld« a RECORDS. graphs. *6. FOR SALE—UpmOHT PIANO; GOOP OONDL tlon. cheap. T28 N. 20ft st. . t , SELL OJHBAPj •Y4. ' TAPER ARM MACHINE-THE NEW Z phone; call and hear It: catalogue. Talking Machine Co.. 18 N. 9tb st, MY NEW FXBCTRIO cheap:.or vrill trade for South at. >..;.'/ ,„ n] j01lTt VL no furniture. 1 WALL C.ASB. FLOOR CASE. ELECTRIC CI- gar sign, round table. Call after 5 P. M., 2627 N. 29th at. , fSattami!%i%^.U% FURNITURB_OF FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. OOt)D condition, cheap: by widower.. 1902 Leltngow, h and .Berks, 1N0 dealers. 10 deaters. 4jth TYPEWRITER RIBBONS. SECOND HAlJ reels; some* good as now; beat offer Inquirer office, • , £ 50C. FOR GOLD FILLED CMS or eyeglasaes. to — flee. 1621 fjermantown fLLBD RIMLESS RJ»ECTA* . to ault all asyes _,Loan of- >wn ave., above Jefferson. $fiO.OO-DIjUlOND CLUSTER RJNQ; WHITE and pei """ "' HI 1226 Colum imbla' 19 stones, ave. BerCS loan office. BARBERS ;TWC[ AND ^ " ^ B ^ I s j A I ^ OUT^ fits, co and 144 r8.o0--] te; bargains wfi*BBS& r ?sW«fiftftft STANDARD^ PHONOGRAPH. 86 recorder, etc., $16; bargain; Sunday Fifth. let 8 orth EDISON records, , morning. 1932 BARBERS - SF^OND-HAND ItBVOLyiNO chairs. The Alpha Co.. 142 and 144 N. 9th street. MUni OWIJIJ MX 14-KT. UOI,U WA'l chain; cost $140; and my 8-stoue i>e motW rlug. cost $125; will sell toth My 14, Inquirer office. NEW 2<HfEAR_ n ^ V W i f t i a " , ll KARAT diamond rlug aud Vi karat diamond sunburst; will sefi all for $85; cost $60. Call Kussiay, 428 Hoffman st. ^^ FOR 8A LB-12-FOOT OYSTllB PAE| MARBLB top, walnut tablea. marble tops: chairs, glass: all suitable for Ice-cream. Call Sunday, 310 W. Glrard ave. FOiT^i^RDlloisrHORN" PHONOORAPVl. standing cabinet, record case, horn and 60 records; 822.50. H. B. Nichols. 4529 Spring- field ave, ZONOPHoT<FrTTMONO MAOHINE"8~ candy manufacturing tools and material, a lot of pearl shell popcorn, hand carts cheap. 4465 Green st., Germantown. 7 BABY COAOIlTpOWF $20. NEW AND FANCY walnut crib, cheap. 811 K. Wlldey at., call Sunday. v - EDISON STANDARD PHONOGRAPH. 42-INCH brass horn and stand, 30 Edison records, 48 Columbia records. $25. 3416 Emerald st. FINE WALNUT WABpRQMH. 812,; 0Q8T $W$. walnut bookcase, small; $10; walnut dining ta- ble, lg ? . 1614 N. 12th st. * SODA WATK ROUTFIT (X>M"pLETEr$286; 10 syrups. Llpplncott fountain, tfymond's . A Poor carl>onator. Raffetto, 2141 N. 20th st. SELL CHEAP. WALNUT BBD, HAIX~STANIT. washstand and kitchen table. 1855 Croskcy street. Mirfft^AV»i_POR_f. JBIL|_ VRLOOB. PROP SIDES; COST $26.00. ISAACS. 18i2 COL IJMHIA AVK. Pfi^tftlkSTATB UiOPBAi'pB,. 100 EGGS*; _Peep o'Day brooder, best of order, $16. 719 S^ 50th st. StTn-CASES FROM 80C. UP TO $7; TRUNK8 from $2.50 up. Office, 1521 Germantown avpy above Jefferson. $96.0O-lT^N^R7JiO3u : SUim cdldTLEfFr; COST $185.00: QUARTER OAK. ISAACS. 1812 COLUMBIA AVE. $25. LARGE. ELEGANT WALNUT 81DK- board. 2 Inlrrnrs. Tennessee marble; $8. pier mirror, gilt frame. 837 York st. $16. FINE WALNUT WARPBPIB: "|14. *KLK< gant mantel folding bed, large mirror. 2401 N. Oth. $L5Q FOR SMYRNA RUG. BIG ASSORTMENT. T^oan Office, 1521 Germantown ave., above Jefferson. LADY WISHES TO SELL HOUSBHOLDIFUR"- nlture. on account of leaving city. Call to- day. 1547 Vine. $«-D6UOHRRTY SMOKE HO7)1^ANP~PLPBI 10 fsat long: nearly uew. Saloou. 16th and Vine. TUXEDO 8UIT, GOOD CONDITION AND style, sice 88, $7. Call, do not write, 901 Master at. • TliRKISH CHAIR. MAHOGANY FRAME. Up- holstered In pantasote, almost new, $9. Call morning, 8720 Chestnut st. nNEHBOLITAIRR DIAMONb"~RlNo" ONLY $24.00: worth $45.00; bargain. Rosenfelt's Loan Office,'Germsntown ave. and York st. WLVuMk ' TALKIKG lkA<mil_48 AMD 2 dosen disc records; cost $35; will sell outfit for $15. 2860 Germantown _ave. FOR SALB7~CH"EAP^OAlBr CIGAR STORE fixtures: come quick and make an offer. N. E. corner Hutchinson and Somerset. Y VERY HANDSOME HALL STAND. LARGE slse oak and leather library suit, tilting top poker table for private houso; 4 large gilt mir- rors, mahogany upright piano, mahogany frame Hoover sofa bed: large oak lied room suit and about ton' vanloads of other household furni- ture of'all kinds will be sold very cheap. N. B. cor. 11th and Buttonwood. 1 SEVERAL tjOOD BOLL-ToK AND FLAT- top desks, large double-door fireproof safe; large director's table; roll-top typewriter desk; lot of office tables, chairs, copying presses, etc.. cheap. N. E. cor. 11th and Button- wood___>.^ ^ HAVB YOU A DISC TALKING' 1 'MACHINE*? If so. call and hear the new American Disc Records; 10% inches In diameter, blue In color, durable and very natural Iu tone. Send for catalogue. Lewi* Talking Machine Co.. 15 8. Oth st. . GOOD" LIQUOR 8TORR IN THB VICIN IT of 23d st. and 7th ave.. New York, will be sold cheap to quick purchaser on account of owner having other business to attend to; pres- ent .owner there 10 years; no agents. Ad- dess A. B. P., 1364 Broadway, New York city. BAHRBRS'TATE8T 8TYLB PBDr?8TAL BE- volvlng and reclining chairs, mirror cases, wnshstands, etc.; cash and easy payments. Archer Mfg. Co., 12A» Germantown ave. Chas. A. Smith, agent. FOR 8ALE-LAI>Y~ a 8 DIAMOND SUNBITRST. contaitdng 81 diamonds; also 14-ksrat lady's gold watch, with 12 diamonds; wiii noil IK>1II nieces for $100: cost $225. Call ut Drug Store, 6th and Jefferson sts. H AI ft CLOTH A N D* PIAJSH PARI/)R SUITS", cherry and walnitt bc«l room suits enameled beds, folding beds, wardrobes, bookcases, side- boards, chiffoniers, pier mirrors, parlor organs, cook stoves, carpets. 1220 Ridge ave. BBOOXD-HAND FOLDING BRD8. CHAMBER* suits, flat desks, bookesses. restsurant buffet, hotel office divan, shop locker, centre show case, musical Instruments, hall scats, offico lounge. 1108 Ridge ate. \ BUY YOUR GO-CARTS FROM TH"F7~MAXU"» facturers: all goods guaruuleed; Just halt what big stores charge: not In thp trust; chair* of all kinds. Oak wood Chair Mfg. Oo.. 1005 Uace. FOR SALE-TWO SQUARE PIANOS. FlXkt tone, reasonable prices: also plush parlor suits, bedroom suits, osk folding beds, etc. Union Storege House. 808 N. 10th s L _ VICTOT RKCoT*r>8~ATT^ 25 cents: 10-Inch. 50 cents; fine assortment, 2880 Germantown ave. v PORTABLE BAKB OVKNS l^OR HOTKI^. restaurants and bakers, made apy sUe. Potiatorty. 158 N. Oth st. ONE OAK BUREAU'. ONE METAL BED, brass trimmings; cheap on account of leaving city. Tuesday.' 752 N, 41st St. CARPF/r-STORAGE WILTON. AX MINSTER. hrussels. must be srdd, repsy storage; fine line second-hand carpets, cheap. 1810 Poplar. flKi SILK PAMA8K PARLOR SU1T7"FIVB pieces, with good covers, cheap 2222 N. 30th st. FOR SALE- RKGINA MUSIC BOX AND CAB- (net and five dozen discs. II. Thotupeon, 1640 Cadwallader st. LADY PLEDGED HER BCRBW DIAMOND earrings for $82; ticket $2.60. P-280. In- quirer office. HANDSOME PAIR only$22K0: bargain. Germantown sve. and York sts. DIAMOND BARRINGS. Rosenfelt's Loan Office. HAVE LOT GOOD SECOND-HAND FURNL turt for sate, cheap. Noble Storage Co.. 463 N. 2d st. . WINDOW 8ASHRS. 5x5 n., qt.A%Kp. suitable for enclosing, porches, kitchen, hot houses. 882 Diamond st. FOR worth $60, SALR-ROBBRT'S FILTER. NO. 20: h $M, lor $18: also large. $125; safe for Front at. FOR 8ALB-PIR8T-CLA88 1-HORSB POWER treading-machine and wood aaw; aell cheap. 857 Daly at COPPER SHOW CASE, WBL8BACH CLUS- t*r partition, mirrors, etc. S. B« cor. 8d and Mark** ats. T FINE PAIB DIAMOND SCREW KARRINOS; pawned |or $40: wanta to sell ticket. $3. K- 220, Inquirer office. •> TO'rai^EBTP'BpLVB" NUMBBRTW-MA- chine. JMOA condition, very cheap. A-274.nin- qulrer office. ' , $18-GUITAR AND CASE. FINB_TONE: I>ycns ATHcalay make; make tost offer. P-208. In- quirer office. . ^kei A Blo«rtfff_ ED -SKIRT. WAIST. .Fl^gS COST 14PY*8*HfFANY DIAMOND RING. 1% K.. $85. ourse. "Sffl^a EDISON GOLD MOULDED RECORDS. each: also Edison standard phonograph $16. 1610 N. 24 st. 200. outfit, FOR SALE-INDIAN ARROW_COLLE_?I_ON kll Jerssy. arrows: roost all of them flint. A dress 288 Markat St.. Phlla. T. preen. MOVING PICTURE FILMS. 6000 FBBt. 5 cents per foot, closing estate. 122 Federal, Camden. . f • . DIAMOND BARRINGS; Bart's loan office, 1226 Colum- •EH bla av# fij! high iWdf.JBWgM pla'no: oaYter suit; ot»> irwiuro.^W-fflS, inqniwr.,offfee. ^^ •. . • WSf^ip 1 '' ^ARCiW SIZB, A2-IN. HORN "* 28-i2'»2. ni ^.wid records, $33. Call day. 2788 Emerald af« ••<:>» PHONO San -r-T PATENT ON jPBNOIL SHARPENER: CAN RE manufactured very cneapf rec*nt'ilsuerx-288, Inquirer office. <w .^ kND FIXTURES OF ..HARDWARE sfurnlshlng goods. 1230 S. 2d st. SB33E 8I2B 88. COST $85. ISAACS. OAK WARDROBE. CHIFFONIER AND BOOK- case combined, with large mirror door, cheap, * 14, 807 Spring Garden. FALLING TOP CARRIAGE. NEARLY NEW. and harness for sale cheap. Apply 2309 B. Boston ave. LADY'8 8-STONE PERFECT DIAMOND RING and gent's 14 kt. solid gold Elgin watch; will MH t ^J^ & 'J3*- $76. Call 1518 N. 6th at. WILL 8BLL NEW 17-JBWBL WALTHAM watch. 20 year case, $14; cost $28. Call Sun- day. 1516 N. Oth at. FOR SALRw-TWO FINE POOL TABLES, BEST condition/and fine new sbufflcboard, reason- able; cash or time. R-387. Inquirer office. WILLOW FURNITURE FOR SUMMER HOME and porches. Curado Willow ware Co., 1524 Frankford ave. $3.00--LACE CURTAINS. COST $12.00. ISAACS. AVE. BRUSSELS NET: 1312 COLUMBIA BARGAIN IN HANDSOME MAHOGANY. walnut and oak pianos; like new: reduced $75; can be paid $1 weekly. Fox, 1925 Columbia ave. MM .DIAMOND PBNPANT. IPKRFlBC^F^RMjT, COST $260. ISAACS. 1812 COLUMBIA AVE. ID FIRR-PROOF MARVIN SAFE Inquirer office. SECOND-HA cheap. BBTTINA REPRODUCER AND HORN FOR Home phonograph. 1014_Colnmhia_ ave. STATIC ELKCTRIC MACHINB, i6~PLATE, cheap. P. 0 7 Box 8250. $75-LADY'S 8-STONK DIAMOND RING. COST $150. ISAACS, 1812. COLUMBIA AVE. STEARN'S G new, $5. 7H BN^BONB MILL. ALMOST NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. . . $800t will mil for 2126. 1701 Jackson st. NO. 79; COST BIA AVB- '«^_^i«^______l- 1 , M ^ f\ " . . . . . . I . . . • 1 ... . . •• COPNTl two -FO ons BBT LUNCH COUNTER, hulman, 816 Arch. WALNU1 board -?,S58S. A ?Po. w Rjr SIDE- st. B RADBBIRY PIANO $60; PRIVATB FAMILY. K 234, Inquirer offlce.__ FOR SALE. A SEWING MACHINE. WARD, 1811 Walnut st. SINGLE iHUFFLBBOARP. $12. 8888 N. 5TH street. m Cks tiR—400.1 Trainer. GOOD SECOND-HAND a. (station), wgpj^______i n^pftsffg K. FOUR APARTMENTS. rard ave. . LOT OF INCANDESCENT GAS, LIGHT SUP- ^ plle»r aU kinds. 121 W, Glrard ave. - ^ I_I . . 1 .. i i. J • ! ! • * — iii.n ,IIII> 11 ^ ..dfc..^. 1*11 •! ii 1 ••.!.! n*iii.,.. *M„.a>i...N, SlpBBOARp.1 COST 0AROU88EL ORGAN FOR SALE. CHEAP. 1821 Ontario st. ' 8ALK-<10-CART. CHEAP. 1611 NORTH ,L *tree.t. ^ BABY COUCH. ALkrisTrrNBW; SMALL CTO- oart^ cheap. 1918 Jefferson -at. TOR SALB-FldURV 0AtfB, 0HBA_». |84 »i.1!feH*IRA< & wpffiWtfxr' RECORDS. 30C.. WO' graphs. $6.00, worth •in. m Qtu> ' $1.50 UP-CIiQCKS. ALL KIN^DR. loan offico. 1828 Columbia ave. y< BERT'S TWIN GO-OART: COST $18: PRICE 87s GOOD condition. 8611 Spring Garden st. FOR SALrV-BABY GO-CAHTS GOOD. 424 8. Carlisle jit. : ^ • : y ,,; ^ ^ ' , ^ ^ '-. MOTOR~ ELBCT.RIO, FIVB HORSB PWBR, complete, excellent condition, 108 N. 18th. GOOD SIDKBOAR vate HRXtKR , "WAGON, GOOD cheap. Montgomery and w< r i ^ ' w i ^ i i ^ ^ i L t ^ •»••»• 1 •m^i—• i^Mtnti.ii^ii.iii-1^—.-..!., M I e'pj»» •- —m'yiisw _ CONPlTIOlN,; oodstock. WAGON, )ptgomerj OOOP SI56ED XOT J N W B S T LAIJBRL HILL, very reasonsblo, R-269, naqulror office. ^ A^JSJ?"***) 5^ R B I K , ' P OAMBRAS OAK ajDBBOA cheap. Apply onday. 4442 Germantown aVe. '<""^V«i.^'^'''V-^ , ^, *to«emj&txmi. C0OT to - TWO BALPWIN .BBPS. ALL STEEL. 8426. Apply TMondav. 4484 Germeptown. ave. , SOLH> OAK^PO^. ED. $3; MUST BE 1COST ^M^sJgg^^mUMBU^ also organ, can *84 w. York st. graphs. 45.00. worth $15,00. 13 S. 17tb. SODA FOUNTAIN FOR SALE. wood. 802 BUTTON- BATH,TPft. POR^ complete. $22. Peters, vLAIN D —JL PUT IN at. 800 WATCHES, "AU.^klNpSi v BARGAINS. Bart's loan office. 1226 Columbia a vs. _«*—y<fc. t4„iV*M.«***«i>l***f,»<...-~,.w.i*m, i Sn,,..^,...^.^!,,. ,<,.|-.I#.I|>..<I,.,I, M.n.ian. FOIH ' a^«rvo<m^pu'. - *" ; Roklman msjka. ; - » .- CARVINQ MA 10 Germantown avo. £ ^^§fW^>Pi^ K ' ,t - 5 £* Snvder, ave. v T^BB»pigfl» KmJttyhti PARLOR S«IT, $10.00 SOLItAIBB PIAMO $25.00. Men's loau office. RING: COST Columbia ave. *aryj*m:. i «ga?y»g ••.... —1—5C- " ' •"«—'" "JLiil " 'V y^ZT.Jl' *..'. *L'l SODA FOUNTAIN FOR SALE CHBAP; AL- most new. 8. B. Cor. 18th and Tasker ats. WVAUD. ROLLING CHAIR, RBCLrpHNG rubber tires, bicycle wheels. 2l30 8. Carlisle. ICE CREAM OR RESTAURANT TABLES. $2.25: bentwood eh.nlrs. $15 we make them, oak wood Cbalr Mfg. Co. 1005 Race. FOB SALB-RANGE." "BOI IJSR AND.. SI N K. with pipe and fitting, cheap. 2626 W. Hun- tlngdon. RANGES FOR HOTEI-8. RESTAURANTS AND Institutions msde any sl&e. 158 N. Oth st. W. F. Dougbeity, OYSTER BAR. OPENING BOX. TABLE?, dishes. Y-1186. Inquirer branch, 54th and Hnverford ave. F<>R~SALR7 OWING TO~DRATH OF OWNER. fine racing watch. E. E. Roberts. 2333 Frank- ford ave. $^.Of_LA«OB TRUNK^ STEElT" CORNERS. 8E<rtIONAL TRAY; VERY FINE; COST $18.00. ISAACS. 18<2 COLUMBIA AVE. toa UP, SUIT CASES. LEATHBR; IMMENSE ASSORTMENT. ISAACS, 1312 COLUMBIA AVE. LOT OF "UPRIGHT BREAD SHOW CASES at a bargain. X. K-. cor. 11th and Button- wood^ FOR SALE-LARGE REFRIGERATOR. f65o"; gas range, $6.50; good condition. 3105 N. lttn st. •"«••• ' •• FOR SALE For Sale I cent .a word Sundays. 8 cents word Dally. ' . - i All offices of tho Western Union and Ameri- can District Telegraph Company are branch offices of The Inquirer for the reception ot k2i^ Awnings arid Screens fiS n R8 .S. 0W . ANI> THEY WILL BHl READY WHEN NEEDED. LET MK E8TL MATE. PYLE. UPHOLSTRKR. 5107 MARKTET. . 8 10 NOVELETTE CAMERAS, COST $4«: sell for $8; $49 graphaphone, absolutely new. W H» large horn and records, cost $4Jl : will sell J°r ,*2_ : fln * vcl * 8 J»rtralt lens. 8. 10, $15; trial given responsible person; lot of type for amateur printer, «8; and old violin: afl musl .be sbl< Call to-day. 2038 B. Clearfleld at. heap; large galler afl must ry camera, d at ouce. LINOLEUM, 35C. YARD; OIL CLOTH, 200. .tnd 25c. yard; new goods_ also inuttings. ifl lOt 1H * 10c, yard: cook' range. No. V, $R'; new «U-i-' for iron beds, $2; piano, r> lowhlll. t *i\*. t, T* v t HUB •»* $2; piano, etc. '-FR springs for iron bet)_, , . , delivery." National Storage House, 1308 Cal- EK FLORODORA, 8 FOR 5C.. $1.50 PER lOOl ,Lord.D»ver, 7 for 2Re., $1.76 per box of 50 cigars; Cremo. 7 for 25c; March's and Jenkin- son's stogies 16 for 2.V., $1.40 per 100; French briar pipes 10c, were 25c Daugherty's 1688 Market at.. PARLOR SUITT HAN1W0MR, COST T6oT$30t also suit, $12; magnificent oak bedroom suit, cost $50, $20: fine walnut hall rack, walnut extension tables, also oak. Call Monday, 2118 Columbia ave. S^MFrVERFoLD LE'TTBRS. PAPERS."pER*- talnlng to Friends' Vellglon; eld pictures, house of Geo. Fox; coins, stamps, soda fountain, dental engines, forccpts. 827 N. ,48th x st. FOR SALE~QNIT6F THE~BE8T~BUTTER. eear and poliltrv stores In this city: low rent. X-13. Philadelphia Inquirer branch office. Atlantic jCltyJ P PARLOB MIltROit. COLONIAL, 60 INCHES wide. 26 high; bargain, $15. 1508 Susque- hanna ave. \ $185-HANDSOME 8-STONE. PURE WHITE diamond and rubv ring; cost $325. 3614 N. 10th. f TEARING DOWN AT 2764 CHESTNUT ST.; 3000 Joists. 10,000 feet of board. 60 window frames, complete banging and dressers. ITA^DSOM"B"~LARGE ~GLAis"*cl2MIBX LIBR- «ry table, parlor wet, other household effects; leaving <lly. 2222 X. 13th sL ______ PARLOR MIRROR, COI/ONIAL, 60 INCHES wide, 20 high, bargain, $15. 1608 Susqne- hanna ave. 1 300 SEWING MACHINE DRAWBR8.' SUIT* aide Inn ware store; flat top desk, 10-foot counter. 2121 N. Broad st. TWO HORSES FOR SALE. SET OF DOUBLB harness. $5; 12 tee boxes, good milk wagon. 216_2__ _2_".J*' _JL ' , _ CARBCTN DIOXIDE GAS REGULATOR. 8UIT> , able for saloou. very cheap. Doctor, 1601 N. ' ' 5th wt - __ PARYT GOING TO CALIFORNIA WILL SELL flue sideboard: also some household goods. 2724 North 16th nU TY MOVING TO NEW YORK DE^iRK to sell bedroom s«tB. tshle«. etc. Call Sun- day afternoon. 2326 N. Park are. $85 PAIR PURE WHITE DIAMOND B, screws, about 1% carat. Mrs. Thayer. I N. 10th. ' PIANO SHEET MUSIC: SEND $1 BY MAIL; will return you 50 copies of selected music. 8614 N.Jfith st^ .„_________, PARLOR SUIT. 5 PCS.. WALNUT FRAME,' plush cover, eleKaut condition, sold on account moving, very cheat*. 817 N. Broad. FINE PAfrLOR. 81TTTNO~R7)OM SUIT. IVAC nut sideboard; bargain if sold st once. 142T N. Franklin st. _^_ ^J BBCLININQ BIX)CK GO-CART. GOOD OR- dcr. porcelain handles, adjustable wicker car- rlagc top, will sell cheap. 1820 N. 21at. JT BOYS PRINTING OUTFIT. FANCY SCRIPT type, $1: fine crayon picture frames, 50c. each, or will exchange. 1104 Bodlne. FOR SALE WALNUT BEDROOM SUITB. IN good condition. $10. Call Monday evening, 2210 X. linmhert st. POOL TABLES, IN FINE ORDER. TO HIRE by mouth, cheap. Crldland. Fernwood, Del- aware county. •••, J - .—... _< TWO FLAT TOP NICKEL SIX-FOOT SHOW cases snd counters, cheap. Grldland, Fern*. wood. Delaware county^ J EDISON GRAPHAPHONE, ALL COMPLETE, horn aud records, very cheap. 607 B. Glr« ard ave. 8x10 STUDIO PORTRAIT OUTFIT. ; NEW 8x10 series, three Goers lens. 23(1 De I/ancey; street. CYPHERS. 1004. 120-EOO INCUBATOR AND brooder: onlv used twice; l>oth times success* ful. Harry Hook. Woodbury. N. 1. FOR SALE-FINE OLD VIOLIN. CHEAP; cau be seen on Sunday. 022 Melon street. WOBBLER A WIIXON. SINGER MACH1NE8, $3 and $5: guaranteed. 331 K. 9th at. TEN-FOOT COUNTER FOR BALE CHEAP. R-801, Inquirer office. HrmUM^Lp'Fo^RrH^^ A LL Sunday and rvenlngs sll week. 1716 N. 22d st. ~PURR WHITE 5 N. Ifith. $100-DIAMOND PENDANT. diamonds. Mrs. Thayer. OAK BEDROOM SUIT. 6 PIECES. $12. Huntingdon st. 4221 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-SMALL EXPER- Fewkes, 48 N. Imental generator. 11th st. Jos. E. BARBERS ONE HYDRAULIC ARCHER cbslr for sale, slightly used, cheap. 1743 N. gQth st. OVER" 800 FEET OF CHICKEN WIRE FKNC- ing. $1.50; No. 7 range, fine baker, cheap. 140 S^Slxtb. PARLOR SET. COST $100; PIANO. $260; both four weeks In use; will sell for half. 386 Federal. CHINA CLOSET. QUARTERED OAK. NEAR- ly new: only $85; cost $76. JOHN RAY. N. E. Cor. Market and Junlper_sts. FOR 8ALE-A BBOOND-HAKP 6-HOR8K Otto ess engine: good order. Apply 8153 Kenslneton ave. FOR SALE-ONE 18-FOOT POPLAR COUNT- er: one Ideal cash register, bargains. Call or address. 1119 Brosdwsy, Csmden, N. J. COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR MANUFACTUR Rut soft drinks: exchange for anything of valu0 or toT sale cheap. No. 7 Poplar st. COFFEE URNS_ HOT WATER URNS. W. F. Doujberty, 168 N. 9th st. BARBER--TWO CHAIRS. SECOND-HAND outfit. King. 1849 Germantown ave. WBYMAN THIRTY-DOLLAR BANJO. CHEAP. 1020 w. Montgomery avo. J&ll^rSBMTlfwb "FOLDING BEDS CHEAP. W ?.S.,"» 80 CTS. EACH MANUFAO ams st.. below Frankford ave. POR SALE-PARLOR AND AIR TUMBLERS. O. W. Gramm, Penbrook, Penna. 100 DOB, WBLSBAOH BURNERS. 76 CENTS * 8osen. E a g l e - S u p p l y Ck>., 817 N. 10th st. ALE-ONE COFFEE URN, 8 GALLONS*. Inquirer office. > v 6 PIECES. $7. XVT BED ROOM SUIT, 2, InQUlroR office. $1,60 FOB 8-DAY OAK CLOCK. LOAN OFFICB, 1621 Germantown ave., above Jefferson. . GO-CART, GOOP ANP CHBAP. 8725 ~HAv"- errord »ve. , GAS RANGE. FOURWURKEB. COMPLETE. ,,8725 HnverlofO n^e- _•> $1,60 UP?««NTS' -Bb'uD OOLD SEAL RINGS. BerUs loan office. 1226 Columbia ave. LA"bY'S.iNBW,J3TYLB cqst $85. 2840 B tl - WATCH, $15; ^^^i^^_jz_" : r.ih'rtfir -itr.kHv. MirV ;_nvir»v.' ttoMT»t*tft HAITIM L 4\0',. lining, jt-i AOK SI Sew, SATIN nq.. off. lining, entirely new, 88 bust. C-219, Inq. off. lOY'S f ^ T l N t t PRBSS7280.5; TYPE," 250. LARGE cheap., ODA FOUNTAIN. FOR ']BALE; rug store, 5th add Queen sts. OR /BAI BARBElt .Jgl.IOi^F^R _8ALB; OAU8K ILt calth.. 1820 Glrard ave. -vr__i TWO 121B0RB QUKKNER HAMERLBS8 GUNB. nearly new. 922 N. 18th, TROUT ^NP tackle, unw j no LT eaters, WATER 922 N. 18th $6.00 BUYS DIAMOND INITIAL RING. LOAN Office, 1621 Germantown avo., above Jefferson. NATIONAL .cheap. 702 N. 8th st C_SH". REaisWli FO0 SALE, BEDSTEAD. SPRINGS AND MATTRESS FOR sals, IK 1804 ,.N. 10th st. ;^ . y ' . , FINE BANJO FOR SALE, $$;60, APPwTioo " diimbia avo. OolurablH avo. (totharlne *t. NOVELTY HRAraB;*)K88.INCHES, ALMOST FOR SALE GO-CART, WITH P new, «6-*». 252 Plamoud aL Hollywood st. BLOCH RECLVNiNG GO-OART. ALM6*ST NEW. cheap. 4256 Viola at.. 42d and Thompson sts. BiAOK AJSX>C TAN PA8CHUNP. MALE; cheap. 887 K. 11th. -^ HANDSOMI-: FiiEMISH OAK PHONOGRAPH cabinet. 2J88.Clarion, 18th and Diamond. _ IB A N P 40 RECORDS. $6. 1018 GOOD CABINET MAKER'S WORK Bl for sale cheap, 2488 N. 8th at. BENCH TWO PORTABLE HBATER8. NOVfcLTYS. 36 and 40-ln. 168 N. WTELTRANGB. 7 FT.. 2 FIRISSTT^OVENS; altghtly used. 158 N. Oth st. PORTABLE BAKE OVENS. NEARLY NEW. 168 N. Oth St. SINGER SEWING MACHINE. GOOD ORDER, S3. 710 N. 10th st. f LIBRARY. CONSISTING LIMITED EDITIONS and other cloth editions. 1702 Vine st; GOOD BICYCLITVOASTBB BRAKE. $6.50. 2538 Hope st. Call evening. FINE~TONFJ>~"Gt> ITAlC PERFECT CONDl» tlon; bargain. 607 E. Glrard ave. D77uBL^BARR«LLEirii"A^^ GUN, $20. 607 B. Glrard ave._ ^ STORE FIXTURES AND TWO ICE BOXES for sale. 1320 Point Breese_ ave. _______ FINE RECLINING GO-CABT FOB SALE. 4748 N. 3d st. ' $4.60-RECLININO GO-CART. PARASOL AND lsec cover, in good condition. 1771 Newklrk St. FTNE"6LD _ vlor.IN. $15. 507 E. GUsrd aval A O. LIPPINC01T k CO., /% » 424 MARKET STREET, SPECIALI^RBWPTORY SALE MERCHANT TAILORS FINE STOCK AT NO. 17 80UTH OTH ST., PHILA., ON TUESDAY. MARCH 28. 10 A. M. - Stock consists of cheviots, casslmeres, thtbets. fancy worsteds, serges, clsrs, suitings snd trouserings, all fine goods: stock tables, prism lights, stock closets, partitions. ______ IAC01SS & CO., Auctioneers, ** 'PHONE 36-47. 6181617 8. SECOND •*, E* s. MCDOWELL & co. SELLS WEDNESDAY. MARCH 29TH. i THOMAS ». LOVATT & SONS, 1 Auctioneers. 'Phone 36-76 Du 480 SOUTH ST. and 807 PA8SYUNK AtsV VANKIRK & BIDWELL SgSJV Sells all forfeited pledges, Tuesday, March 28th. DOBERTS & CO., Auctioneer! •>- Both 'Phones. 18U» W. Somerset st. OAK.SIDEBOARD. GOOD AS NEW, CHEAP. Call Monday, until 2 P. M.. 448 S. 43d St. OAK BED ROOM SUIT. SIDEBOARD, SET of tuba, cheap. 646 N. 12th st. LARGE RED PLUSH PARLOR SUIT, SIX pieces, good order, $16. 1132 N. 4tn. * SODA WATER FOUNTAINS FOR RBNT OR sale. Brlnton A Broslus, 814 N. 17th st. FOR SALB^.o^N'cirTiN'^RAKE. 30-INCH rollers. Call 1824 N. Wth st._ , OAK SEID. MATTBESS"AND SPRINGS, $8. 2801 NT Bancroft at. • 800. AND RECORD SECURES LARGE DISC record; 18 8. 17th. g ; " ^ .IR DIAMOND RING, 1812 COLUMBIA AVE. grwf 6X7 LONG FOCUS CAMERA OUTFIT FOR sale. Call 2940 Klpp at. $26 COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH, COST $65; Hairaud new. 204 N. 9th st__ IOB BOX. GOOD CONOiTION. 8UITABBE FOR milk business. , 1118 B. Oxford st. 12 CHAIRS, e st. PARLOR Sill*. FOR SALE CHEAP. NO DEAL- SIX OAK ICB CREAMI TABUCL. - - .. sail or eichange. 2288 S. Carlisle st RBF . store. .„.TOR. SUIT MEAT. _, BUTTER Milk hottse,. cor. 9th and York. G60P FURNITURE, VERY CHEAP; LEAV- ing city. 887 York st. - VIOLIN. BOX AND BOW. PlNE TONE, BAR- galfi, for $6. 425 Durfor st. $16, PARI.OR SUIT;, 8H. OAK BED ROOM suit: good style. 8j>7 York at. $20. VERY FINB OAK IlALI, STAND: COST $88; jlka new. MHfc house, cor, 9th and York, TWO GUNS. TALKING" MACHINB ANP RRC- ords. banjo, cheap. 2026_Auburn. T t Sfe?r^l M 8 *fcg.f? N< ' ovtm - ThRBEiPT; , NICKBIy. J8HOW, \ CASE. $2,60; large parlor stove^ 81,26.' 4524 Llpmore ave. ^i^^ff^°_5^£^™* FI>OOR iNVRLOR.CARPET. .80'YARDS BEST R PARLP lnsten^jM 042 N. 6tb st. Axmb^ B"ABY CARRIAGE FOR SAPB. CALL SUN- day, roar 2141 E. Arizona. GILT FRAME. PLATE GLASS MIRROR: SOLD for storage. 8980 Lancaster .ave. 1209 VIOLIN, VERY PINE 7 TONE, CHEAP. Catharine at^ AltASOL. 8408 PARLOR SUIT. FOR fi ers. 20 S, 40th at. .i..', . 1 . , 1 »(<rii . . i . i • 1 . . i l l FOR SALB.-OAMBRA. PONY PREMO NO. 8 good Condition. $16. N-860. Inquirer office. ^f^nry^sp 8 lllf ; 9tn% HYY ^ EW CEHCAP. TAILOR'STABLK S\GN, GAS STOVE and measuring block. 1404 Federal at. ., Auctioneers, will seU Tusav at 10 o'clock, at 739 Hprln* ROBERTS A 0 0 . day, March 28 . . . ... Garden st. meat market fixtures and awntu# sale peremiitory. | , HAVIS & HARVKY, Auctioneer, •^ STORE, 1112 WALNUT STREET. Sales at Residences of families removing iery Tuesday. Cash advi REAL ESTATE MONDAYS Sales st Store every Tuesday. Gash advances. I. Fortnan. 8. Fleishman. E. Scbaeffsff, MUTUAL AUCTION CO., S ™»«Uffaglfe STREW. SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. *"* Bell, Fit. 81-41. Key. R. 48 46 A Auctioneers. ESTABLISHED NOV. It, tt05 8. W. OOR. 18TH AND WALNUT STREETS, F RANK & WILLIS, •Phone, Market 12-29 D, WHOLESALE AUOTIONRE 80 SOUTH THIRP STRE ERS- ET: IAS. A. FREEMAN'S SONS, Au^tion'e. V .ESTABLISHED 1806 16th and Chestnut sts. 103 N. 16th st. M THOMAS cV SONS, Auctioneer* •REAL ESTATE. STOCKS. 1619 and 1621 CHESTNUT. FURNITURE. WYNNE, PRINCE «A CO., Inc. " T Real Estate Auctioneers. 719-721 Walnut St. VBBY <liUjAP. 8 Vi ,U l aHT OO-CART, UKE COPP^t^ACKET KETTLES AND HOTEL Cooking ware. 168 N. 9th st. LARGE. dealers. HOG ANY WARDROBE; >.NP nbr th jit. STAMPS^ NO JOHN F. Hcharr, 1681 Balnbrldge St. KINDLING w67rtT : *ns^lTTBB; OUKENE make; ncarlv new. 23 S. 6th. nydte; SHOW CASKS FOR SALE AU. WEEK. Reese at., near 6th and Diamond. 2033 SHOW GASES FOR SALE ALL WEEK. 10 S. 4th St.. Carbdey, N. J. FOR SALE—COFFEE FIXTURES. ADPltESS 2451 N. Carlisle st, -./ CIGARS, MANUPR'B OUTFIT ANP A SAFE, $6x27. 8. , F- cor. York and Colorado. GO-OART FOR SALE. 1819"a7"NAPA ST. GO-CART, LIKE NWW. 1964 STANLEY ST. HOT WATER STOVES. 168 N, OTH ST. POO'i TABLE.^mi SHACKAMAXON ST. QENTS RIDNG SADDLE, $2.00. 248 N. 22d. CTRAUS8MAN & EPSTEIN, *^ Wholesale Auctioneers and Appratsara. 19 and 21 South Fourth streat. GINGER BROS., ^ 16 NORTH FOURTH 8TRBBT. Wholesale Auctioneers and Appraisers, f>AVID KJVSKEY, Whole M l U uctlo raA d T Appral.^ 5 a BARNES k CO., Auctioneers. WM. L. FRANCE & SON, Auctioneers V 690 N. SECOND ST. PHONE 48-14 A. M , BARSH & CO. rfH i IPPINCOTT. SON & co., H 14-16 SOUTH SEVENTH ST. « • • • • —»-••- - « . - i — s » • —.pissi MARKBT STREET. JOHN K. BROOKER, Auctioneer. VMM. F. COMLY & SONS, Auctiotteere. TT * 248 8. Front and 115 Dock at. E 8. FRECHIE, Auctioneer, 1617 GERMANTOWN ATS. RARNES A LOFLAND. Auctioneera, ** 147 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. E P. PERCIVAL, Auctioneer. 221 N. Ith st. Eatab. J$4ft. : / ' -.< \ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of In The End All You Really Have Is 23/Philadelphia PA... ·...

Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is 23/Philadelphia PA... · couch, handsome oak sideboard, carved oak china closet, with glass back: leather dlnlnir

26 Sec. \

i . i i * . . . . I . I . I ' ' i t !

FOR S U E Per Sate 1 cent a word Sundays, 8 cent* a

word Dally.

' SS^Stalkir^MacljiriesFre^ ,wv a T * a * U .. * . _ K . . * urn l ' l t . N I * - ^ . ' ^ _ .

SUPERIOR AUG household furniture

(Monday). March 27, _ i»>'si!lv(>ly sold, uo matter at what aiurllice. exception one of the grandest sales of house­hold effect* of .the year, and everything nj<»,t ho Aa these, thldvs must be seen to ho appreciated the houso will bo open JH hour* before the sale. Mum 'iicct'l carved mahogany parlor s-i:t, up bolstered in the finest silk damask: alio ev»t In huLdsorue Vorooa; upright caoIn»t jrruud piano, only used 6 mouths; French gill clock Ml. gold leaf mantel mirror, aliaosl new, luttnt design, handsome brass bed. aupeitnr

ln«n. elegant brlc-a-brac, ladles' Vernls M . table. French bronse figures, hand

some cut glass, superior carpets, two fine ma-

n.iiU'gativ bureau and chiffonier, fine f 11 V"'"1" trigs, elegant brlc-a-brae. ladles' Vernls Martin desk and

glass. . . . . hovanv parlor and curio cabinets, music box.

•roll top dvsk. lacv curtains and draperies, fine couch, handsome oak sideboard, carved oak china closet, with glass back: leather dlnlnir ruom chairs, extension table, largo and small ru«s. French china dinner, t e a / fish, after dinner sets. Turkish chair and couch, mahoga­ny and oak bed room suits, chiffoniers, hair mattresses, superior carpets, large handsome tug*. •

At the Great Wilson Ted House Paasyunk ave.. Bast Side, between Wharton.

Reed, Ninth and Tenth ats. Old Crop "Bourbon CoSee," five pounds for one dollar. This coffsc Is a transplant of the pure Arabian seed, planted by expert toffee growers In Africa, and In my estimation It excels nine-tenths of the parent Arabian Mocha Coffee. Warranted tree from

"Cup sYleks,atones, hldey or damaged beaus. uualltien guaranteed.:. Just arrived.^pectaljm ptirtatlon of Pure, Mellow and Clean Ceylon Tea. which I offer at 24c. the pound. 5 pounds for a Dollar. Goods delivered t o . a l l parts of the world and free of charge within the city limits. On the first of May next 1 will be here In this famous Tea Houso 27 years. This tells the story of ravy dealing with the people In a "nut­shell." dairies Al ison, Jr., infallible Tea and Coffee Kxpert. Mall orders promptly and scdu-iously executed. Open evenings. Lest you for­get. "My Own" Java Coffee, the best In tho world. 5 pounds for $1. ,

BARGAINS IN JEWELRY*. i ;20--Dlamoud and pearl pendant. MO Diamond locket, cheap.

22- -Ring, turquoise and 8 diamonds. i.v> Princes* ring, pearls and diamonds.

I 20— Diamond horseshoe locket* , So—white and perfect diamond, over % kt. 18—Split second silver watch. ;76 -Pearl and diamond cluster stick pin, ilOO--Flne minute repeater, 18 kt. watch. 120-White and perfect diamond. \% kt.

! toO-Harvest moon of diamonds, very cheap. M50 I'rlucess ring, 3 rubles and diamonds. : .'_85—-Perfect diamond ring. 2% kt. ::250--Large diamond sunburst; cheap , i .350--Perfect diamond ring, nearly 5 kt. « :i425— Pure white diamond earrings, 4 kt. Numerous others, all guaranteed as represent­

ed and cheap enough, for dealers. Wm. Lay-cock. 010 Walnut at. > m

TALKING MACHINES. DISC. RECORDS AND supplies: we have iunt received over twd

thousand of the very best selected and latest Victor records, always in stock; over ten thou-

FOR SALE For Sale 1 cant a word Sundays. 2 cent* a

wort Dally. , , i



MAKES IN STOCK The Keen Tafking Machine Co.


SIX MARBLE TOP TABLES. ONE BOUND marble top table. Ice cream cabinet, one

'Vlp, also marble .sodsT v" " * soda fountain, also tnarhle sodf fountain, rouiv_ end counter, wood top table, bentwood chairs, fancy confectioners fixtures and fancy counter, yard and floor cases. 4 ft., all plate glass: glass slant, fancy candy Jam and scales; patent cara­mel cutter, cocoanut crates, tray rnaphtnes, atone, copper kettles and all kinds of tins for candy makers, part of 409 Ice cream machine, all kinds of lee cream tools and necessaries. Berohelm, 1401-1405 Germautown ave., corner Master. '

SODA FOUNTAINS. ALL STYLES AND SIZES, on terms to suit. We also hate a large

number of second-hand, thoroughly remod­eled and for sale at a fraction of original

fount-he rapid accumulation-of "used in exchange by ui name low prices

close them out rapidly. Don't dc l iy If you want a bargain. Robert M. Green 4 Sons, 1413 to 1421

alns taken in exchange by ua for new ones com-. Is us to name low prfcer " * * close them out rapidly. Don

prices and easy terms to * " >l»y If you want

Vino at. Not In the Ttust.

good condition: dark oak bookcasej nearly N lath t household jgjgffljg^ 344^

MATTINGS. MATTINGS, MATTINGS. MAT-ttngs and mattings for sale cheap at McAvoy s

wholesale house, 120 Walnut s t . ; see for yourself 1185 rolls matttns, 68 patterns. Japanese and China mattings, reds, blues and greens, these mattings just landed iu this country; hotels, storekeepers, apartment house;' take notice; each roll has 4KT- ' roll has, 40 yards, $3.00 up a roll. STORAGE SALE. HANDSOME BRASS BED-

stead. only $10. worth* $35: 'fine cabinet or-

tan. 15 stops, only $15: mahogany chiffonier, 17; large walnut wardrobe, $7; several oak

chamber suits. $8 up• leather couch. $7; 88 yards Brussels carpet. $11. O. Malley's Storage House. 1680-82 Ridge ave.

FAMILY WILL SACRIFICE FINE 3-PIECE mahogany parlor suit' for $12; velour tufted

couch, $8; lady's mahogany secretary. $8; oak bedroom suit, rockers, pictures, wardi " chiffonier: all llttfo used. 1709 N

wardrobe, toilet •" 22d. Can

bedroom milt, rockers, pictures chiffonier: a" »«•»*« ... call Sunday.

BAKoTirTS^-MEAT ' ^ E V R T O E R A T O R ' , 4 BY 6 f t ; computtug scale, sugar scale, platform

scale, tea and spice cans, large coffee dried beef shaver, marble slab; these

sand Edison records to select from; we have . y . . . . . . . . . . B rl

and charge vou no more; old records ex bring 'the one» you are tired of and

neople right:

iCOl greatly lncreasen our business by treating th

ir aim Is to give you the b nid charge vou no more; old records exchang

latest: disc: records exchanged fret Phonograph Co.. 143 N. 8th St.; cas MM n evenings.

>est :«d:

get the Piastern

or credit;


ORRIS. THK PERFUMED ROOT USED IN making all the face, tooth and perfumed

powders; $2,000,000 worth imported ever/ year: sells for 40c. it pound; wonderfully productive; hardy. Interesting, flowering plant for field or garden, producing $1000 aa acre each year; \$ l0 will start you, u . S. Government advises i t s cultivation: full Instructions free now to grow It. Write to Granite Hill Farm, Louisa, Vs .


$1 Down, $1 a Week WRITE OR OALL.

HAVERFORD C Y C L E T CO.. , „ _ 827-829 _ A r c b s L O ^ n evejalngs. 'Phono. F C ^ 1 L \ L E - 6 6 0 PIECES 3*12-12~FT. HEM-

lock; 520 pieces 8xl2-16-ft. hemlock: 71 pieces 8 x 8 1 3 f t . yellow pine: 67 pieces 8x8-30-ft. yel­low nine; will sell cheap: located at Lehigh avenue and Hancock st. Apply to K T. Ma-gulre. No _ n i O Sansom at. • ^

T A L K W G MACHINES:" and records at half price. Bring your old ones and have them exchanged. All the latest rec­ords on hand. 251 N. Oth st. Open evenings. FIREPROOF SAFES CHEAP: GET PRICE*

before buvlng: save 50 per cent.; direct from manufacturers; oldest, largest, reliable safe house. Hasseuforder Safo Works. 219 North Fourth. • -TWO NO. 2 REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS.

No. 30,000, $15; No. 80,000. In first-class con­dition, all the latest Improvements, newly llckeled. $25. Write for specimen of writing. nickeled. K». Write Oblluls. 467 Marshall REVOLVERS, DOUBLE ACTION. SELF COCK-

Ing. auy calibre. $2: Iver Johnson or Harlng-ton A Richardson, automatic shell extracting Smith A Wesson pattern, $4. Dilworth, 417 and 1604 Market^ ' ; _ _^

BANpfeoklP D I A M 0 9 P RING. BLUB WHITE stone aud perfect; must be seen to bo ap­

preciated; only $110.00; this is a bargain. Rosenfelt'a Loan Office. Germantown ave. and York st . t 7 C . PILLOW OASES; 14C.. BOLSfBR CASES;


cheap; suitable for a ^ i W I f ti P ' » * r

J S ' ornamtTtit: original cost $300. Call Room 48, J21S Flljjprt st. ^_.^__i ^\J STEKBOPTICON LANTERH. IRON' BODY.

three-wick burner »n& 50 views of lndand and leaclers; i*ost $160, for $30. H-237; In-ciulrer office. ST , WINE C A B I N E T T F F T . 6 1 N . T ^ N G : F R B N C H

V>late beveled edged doors, solid cherry; suit any saloon fixtures, chcitp. 4635 Germantown avenue. •. . A T ' P L B T O N ' S ENCYCLOPAEDIA AND ATLAS

(one complete set. 13 volumes), new. will sell 40 per cent, below cost. Address H. J. R.. 30 S. King st.. Gloucester. _ _ $t5 WINCHESTER RBPBATINQ , SHOTGUN". * '07 MOpBL. COST 143. ISAACS' LOAN OF-


pair diamond screw earrings; will part with ticket for $2.50. T-257, Inquirer office. TELEGRAPH KEYS AN1> SOUNDERS. 81.75.

with code and Instructions for learning teleg-aphv. Dilworth. 1604 and 417 Market st.

aro nearly new. Addrei Washington st. . Bristol. Pa.

rlnder, Ixtures

Address or call Slolfcr, 403

HANDSOME IMITATION MAHOGANY FOLD-Ing lied, wardrobe attached, mirror doors, hear­

ty new. cost $75. will sell for $35: no dealors. Address Pblla. P. O. Box 614.

FOR SALE. $25. VIOLIN BROUGHT FROM Germany In 1730 and In one family over 180

years. Full cornet tone. In good conditlon,wood case, good how and strings, guaranteed aw rep­resented. Address Richard Glerso, Perkaale. Pa.

tiibaii WAitKwf MJXI* .HACET CARVED leather seat, cost $95. will sell for $85; tlo

big for mv present hall; eight-days' grand­father's clock reproduction In good running order^JlS. .1207 Columbia ave. FOR HOlTSECLBANING BUY OUR PERFECT

polishing paste for pianos, fine furniture, etc.: removes scratches and that blue greasy appearance: is better than Mould furniture polish. 25c a box. 2841 K 11th st. $20-lX>UBLB BARREL' BREECH LOADING




QVtiK 3AA -


eumetery lot with or without stone; well-known cemetery: easy payments taken. M-211, In­quirer office.

8dyVKNIR~POSTAL CARD MACJilNKS, 8 styles. $6.50 up. Postal cards, $2.75 per M.

Write for catalogue. Watllng Mfg. Co.. 718 San­som sfc, Philadelphia. |

MEDICAL BATTERIBS. $4. IN HARDWOOD cabinet complete with Instructions for curing

nervousness, neuralgia, rheumatism, etc. , by electricity. Dilworth, 1604 and 417 Marked s t ^

ENAMEL BED. COMPLETE. GAS RANGE. sideboard, bureau, washstand. Brussels car­

pet, rocker. Sunday.. Monday, Tuesday. 629 N. 12th. _*_

ALMOST NEW. 8x12: ALSO 9x13 IMPROVED Gordon mess; 22'/, In. Paragon cutter: also

Bates and Wetter numbering machines, very cheap. 80 N. Oth. second floor.

FOR SALE -FAMILY BREAKING Ul A HOUSF r keeplng. all new household furnishings; pri­

vate sale: no dealers. Call, between lo and




will sell at a sacrifice; call evenings.* 2401 N. Bsncroft_st. " - • $5.(KV BBRORR P E A ' N U T A N D ' C A N D Y VEN-

dlng machine (cheap). Call any evening. 1209 Sedgely ave. _ $5~.0O--RlFLin_ ? R l ^ B : V J 4 ^ W O . GJU^R'AN-

TKBD: CO.»vT $18. ISAACS' IX)AN OFFICB. » !^2J^ I^?liLA V-B l---- -' OLD ENGLISH PENNY. 1780. GEORGE IL:

other coins and postage stamps for sale. 1^5 North Ninth street. , FIREPROOF S A F E S - 1 5 '. SECOND-HAND

standanl makes: big bargains. Haaacnforder Safe Works. 219 North Fourth. TWO PAWN TICKETS F O R T W O DIAMOND

rings each; one ticket $76; one $25; sell cheap. Address li-262. Inqxdrer office. W5-PARLOR SUITB. SILK BROCATELLB. 6


small. Berry & Alkens. Balnbrldge at. wharf, Schuylkill. Phlla. BABY CARRIAGE. ADJU8TABLB FRONT

and back, with parasol and shade, cheap; make offer. 1623 8. 15th st. ^ / $5.00 BABY ROBE. DOUBLB ANGORA. COST


3 o'clock^ or evenings, at 2034 N. Broad st, COMMRRC.rAL TPYEWKITER SUPPLIES CO..

010 Walnut; both phones; guaranteed ma­chines of all makes: mimeographing, repairs, supplies, representative will call. FOR SALBTrHEAP. CA8HIBR BOX, 5 FEET

high. 4 long. 2 deep, suitable for butchers, grocers and other storekeepers. Apply 2000 Ridge ave., ^ WALL PAPER - " HOTEL PROPRIETORS,

property owners, have a lot of paper at 25 per cent, less than, factory price. 11-261. In­quirer office. a '. fe^PLKyMljSH "OAK"" BOdkCASBv LARGE


$25b^s7)LlTAiRE DIAMO*ND R*IN*G. 2W KT.; tjftrfQCt and white; cost $350. Bert's loan

office. IMP Columbia ave. F O R 8A~LE—HOUSEHOLD F U R N I T U R E , AL-

most new: account leaving city. Call 1 to 6, 617 N. 7th


THR,PHILAI>EX,PHIAy ., ( S m i p i l i m H H m ms •• *n i .n m M w.-wl Vi»isV»<i»'|s#>»^ws|>>ii•• * • I»I •*«•

FOR SALE For Sale 1 cent a word Sundays. 2 cent* •

word P*Uy.

FOR S A L E - 01GAR CASE, \0 B^KKT LONG, glass front and top; also handsome figure

and pedestal, .live feet high, for/ cigar lighter; also wrought iron cigar sign for outside, use' gas or electricity. 1T20 ST 47th st.

B O 0 K * - T W O ' VOLUMES PERSONAL MKM-olre of U. 8 . Grant, and two volumes Twen­

ty Years of Congress. James G, Blaine, nice­ly bound. 2120 8. Daggett st. (06th and Wood­land ave.!.

SECOND-HAND F H B BRICK* OOOD AS new; 4-ton iron horse roller: also a good

wagoiv Berry A Alkens. Balnbrldge at. wharf, Schuylkill.

FAMILY GIVING UP HOUSEKEEPING MUST sell handsome parlor suite, fine oak hat rack,

china closet, large rug, set of Limoges dishes, couch, chairs, e t c 212,5 N. 11th st, ^ FOR SALE-PARLOR 8U1T (5);'

mirror and table, single foldlng.J>ed, Mo chair and carpets; must to sold by April 1; •gent. 5130 Ogden at. ' no


SearWt,6^QtaBtr1dfa' l \ l * S & H " * * * ^ FOR 8ALB^-5 FT- COU ,_ register, from lc, beef cutters. 1 S. 10th.

ER UNION CASH c. tp $100: Enterprise dried meat block; sold cheap. <>

SODA FOUNTAINS ' AND CARBONAWRS. new and second-hand; prices low; terms easy,

Symoods A Poor CarbomUor Co.. 1382 Glrard ave., Phlla. ..;

PORORLAIN BATH TUB ENAMEL. 60 CT8. J ? , D J : , , v o r V ^ 8 t . m M c % w ' » » , a n * 'fsldlng wa-l ^ V i . ^ w T V»b l 0 0 k u e w - Dilworth, 417 and 1604 Market at.

BURNT~WOOD ART PLAQUB. 6x6 INCHES. for sale, by young artist; price 35 cents:

Ire r y .o!tt t r , ic t l v* ! d«»l«u» for decorations. 620 IN. 4otn St. . ..

8 COMPLETE FURNITURE FOR 8MAT,L SIX-room house., spit; newly married coTipie. near-

1145 Fair­ly new: leaving city reason. mount ave. Brown.

**&HFESP CLUSTER DIAMOND RINTT with real ruby ceutre; also my diamond

snnbrrst; sacrifice for half of cost. 2840 8 liroad

SPRING . C L O T H I N G , BARGAINS: „ . . - . coats. $1.50; suits, $2; coats aud vests. 75c

OVER-1 T .Ik "u,l,»i »"» t w i n mm

sack coats. ROc.; pants. 50c.; boys' suits. $1. knee pants, 25c. Loan offlco, Front and Gfrard ave $3 50. TRUNK; METAL BOUND, STEEL

coraers; cost $8. Loan office. Front and Glr-ard ave. $ 1 7 6 ~ $175.00-FIVB-f<

quality, in all office, Front am

STONE DIAMOND RING. FINE over 2 .kts . ; cost $250.00.

and Glrard ave. Loan

¥55.0O-8OLITAIBR DIAMOND SCREW EAR-rings, weight over % kt,; worth $100.00. I-oan

office. Front and GlVard ave. » U , 0 0 - INDIES' SOLITAIRE DIAMOND KING. .« i , Jt? n ' . n , ' 0 , , «Hng. beautiful white stone; cost >w $25.00. lx>an office. Front aiid Glrard ave. »« $3.59-11 AXDSOMB' PARI/>R ClX)CK. WITH «-h!;5UM figure; guaranteed" perfect "order; worth $750.^_Loan Office. £ r o h t and_Ojrard ave.

5 0 C . - L A p i B 8 ' , AND GENTS' UMbRRtLASi 26. 2$Jnch, large assortment handles. Loan

office. Teront and Glrard ave.

50q. -CHILDREN'8 S C H O O ? 7 " D R E S 8 E S . ' ALL sixes: large assortment. Loan office. Front

and Glrard ave. 5 J a ^ i N F A N T 8 ; SHORT AND IX>NG D ! T K S 8 -

es; 15c , petttcoata: 7 5 c , short and long coats. Loan office. Front and Glrard ave.

^ S O ^ X D I E S ^ F T N E BITACK8KIITTT.~NF.AR-ly new; all nixes; worth $6. Loan office,

Front and Glrard ave.

— ft, SUNDAY MORNING,-MABOH ^ $ 4 9 0 5 '.aasyw^wissasssaiis*^ • •• ••*-.»>.- ,• *$, >.y •*s sjM• >i|ii • ,» l E M . f r . ^ ^ ^ i w f o i . M A i i i a . M i i w . s j ^ ivtti^m.f.m

FOR SAIE For Sale 1 cent a word Sundays. '2 cents »

word Dft^y,. ",,-y J ., .;' *\ *•:• ..,

WJffl'"1cB&pV'^^ free.If you deal with us, Wo carry. u full

line of machines and records of all makes. Re-memlfer. Monday is always bargain day with u». The Keen Phonograph Co., 40' N. 0th St., cor. Arch. QPfQ ovoomgo. >.

GlcN-fLBMAN WOULD LIKE TO MEET WITH ma.ser of pawn tickets of his

•liase either

CD THIS J00: pun-

itnnntdliite pure throe-a^oiie. dlanum f pawl ed. fo* $8S:-dlhmond stud. $75: solitaire dia< mond ring. $S(>: $1Q will purchase either ticket.

-898. Inquirer office. PROPERTY OF A LADY, PAWN!

month, djomojud solitaire earrings, • $ 1 . . . , „ c w i a a opai.and.dUulftud cluster ring. $85; «Qll-tairo diamond ring, $175; diamond rocket., $70; will sell tickets at great sacrifice. W-302, Inquirer office. • _. • • , , POWER DRILL PRESS AND COUNTER

shaft, $12; screw lathe, 0-lnch swing. $45: lo-inch face plrtte, $5; 2 small sets pats and ties, $0i steam gauge, $2, 1420 Susquehanna ave. • ; •, . '•- . ,

MOVING PICTURE M A C H I N E ) , ' ' T V I O T A M I R reels of latest films. 200 slides, gas machine,

large curtain, everything the latest: will sell at sacrifice If sold now; call In evening. 4222 Brown, Phlla.

83$ Jrlor; established four years; no opposition; living: outside business cause selling,

bill, owner. 204 De Knlb st. , Norrlstown, Pa. $65.i


BMB^A'AVr ,.00,


BUYER FOR diamond ring;

icclpt. S-286,

IS PATENTABLE; WILL SHOW A dvortlsemcnt every time: conductor fare (sell cheap) will show model.

PAWN ticket for my Tiffany diamond^ ring; borrow

ed $40; take $8 for receipt. S-286, Inquirer office. 7 NOVELTY I

different a* rings up a fare (sell cheap) A. 8., ^109 J3nyder -are. , -THREE GREEN VERONA PARLOR SUITES,

upright piano, with mandolin attachment; bureau, chiffonier, single brass bad. cheap. 1758, Branch Inquirer offico, 4th and Oxford.

T W I T W R I T ' E R S T ALL^TANDARt) MAKB8, for sale and rent, 'at a price Ybat will »ur-

iriff* you. Guarantee Typewriter Exchange, 1215 for "sale" and rant, *at a price J b a t will *ur-

nrlso yob, Guarantee Typewrf Filbert i t TALKING MACH1NRB, DISC RECORDS AND

phonographs at half price; records you are tired of exchanged for 4 0 c ; open evenings. The Keen Phonograph C c , 40 N._9th. cor.__Arch. 1830 N. UriH~PtijVATrB #km&i W l i ^ ' B R L L

veroua davenport, oak. leather arm. chairs, parlor suit. 55 yards of red velvet stair aud hall carpet: chiffonier. aln.ost new.

PARLOR SUITS RECOVERED WITH SILK damask or verona. 6 nieces. $20: send postal.

Carpets laid. 50 and 75c. Hogarth, 4484 Ger­mantown ave. HAVE PAWNED TIFFANY DIAMOND RING,

for $35; diamond earrings. ,$40: opal, and diamond cluster ring. $40; will accept $5 for each ticket. D-808. Inquirer efflce. SHAVE YOURSELF--WB SELL FULL ttQfJ

lo\* ground razors and guarantee them for 05c. Gillette and Ever Ready safety rasors, 24 blades, $5. Dilworth. 1604 and 417 Market.

/ FOR S A U For Sale 1 evhf a word Sundays;"'2 cents a

word Dally. •- »,,,; '.' $lj'i'%'•'•''*'*


/ - • * • • . • ' I • • • • ' ! ?

I rent CO stylos from 50c. per month up. . . ' 3 ' ' <

l sell 00 styles from $3.00 up, on A terms to stilt you.

Have no ax to grind; «*U or rent you .' what you urant always, Y • List showing rental rates, prices and

^ terms of over 60 slylM* free. ' r

D MTmoogriMlng, Typewriung. Copying. D

COMpULSORti P R I V A T B SALE A f THE RBSI-dettco 1716 If. 81st s t . ; elegant furntturei wlH it sacrifice: i

jant upright c<

gant furl In use f< use few months; be sold;at

inagnlfleatit parlor siflt'uphoistercd in tapestry; flue oil nalniugs , bric-a-brac, brotiKCB, cut glass, fine couch, ouk sideboard, leather chairs, extension table. 5-piecc green verona suit, Smyrna rug. • by 12; clocks, e t c ; can bo seen to-day and Monday.

so much for carpets, when they can be tough IU end sale at such rldlci *


truesels rooi 4 0 c , 60c. yafi Up; private

A W N i N G S -onlyi dUcoi

now. for Ma;

TAKE NOTICE! TAKE NOTICB1-WHY PAY so much for ci " ' * '


*gar' ..#E» ngr* truss stair, formerly 7 0 c . $1,00/

J; velvets. Axmlnster.. 7 5 c ildence. 890 N. 6th »t.


now yard

FOR THIS MONTH on all dwelling orders placed

livery; .why uot save the dls now. for May delivery; .why uot s a v e t n e dis­count and avoid the delays that often occur In toe busy)season? Wm. D. Brown, mfg. Canopies to hire. 1437 N. 10th st.

BARGAIN IN TELEPHONES. Long, distance telephones

magneto, generators, | f l ' telephones, wall made •"-—-anu and informal _

Electricians, 96 N. 7th st

A l ittle used, with generators, $0 each; worth $12: house

'ne\ wall made (not toys), $5.50 pair; diagrams and information furnished. Burk A

»aker. Old carpets made Into handsome rugs, end for catalogue. Willis Bug Co.. 63 North

DSOMB^TRAP PICNIC COACH. NEWLY ited. s f | express harness, set carriage ss, huckster's license, all In good condl-

RUGSi RUGSl RUGS1 CHEAPER. MORE 8RR-vtceable than carpets. They are the Brussels

reversible kind. $2.50 to $5.60. Buy fro mthe maker. . Old carpets made Into bandi

f eud f th st.


harnesi tlon. Call KuDday o_

esrPblladelpbla 4x5 FOLDI,Wo CAMERA. DOUBLE LENS,

leather carrying case, tbreo double plate hold­ers. $7; 8x10 double lens, iris diaphragms, $7: pair Darlot stereographtc lens, $15. Apply all week, m 8. 13th st. v

YOUNG tJoUPLB GIVING UP HOU8EKKEP-Ing will sell 6 rooms of furniture very cheap;

must be soW before the 1st of April; no deal­ers need apply. L-15J3, Branch Inquirer, 8th ami Huntingdon.

$135.00 J I A W O G A N Y BUREAU

P L K % . ; w ^ » . B ^ m



" i »i. > inniniii

V.'.. FOR SALE For Sale f c W & word Sundays, 2 cents a

word Pally. '"^ s -. . . - ^ <


H. Bernheim for store fixtures is renown; 3*>at values in the city nea^ our bound; everything in refrigerators and show coses, too. tomemlm., all stores he can outfit for you. yew goods for the old ones on Beinhelm call; Bv< Inv

e can put .you in business at prices small; ' * g you fie^d aiways ' "

'Oil are to Gern later; a visit pay

up your mind them all to day

erything you need aiways has for all. rltM yon are to Go

Master; a visit P L , .. Make up your mind to see Borubelm; beats

you are to Germantown avenue, and Master; a visit pays.

O A l O w B f c A U AND WASHSTAND. $5.50; .walnut sideboard cheap. $12: elwny secretary,

ebofiy table. $2.50: Stinulnrd machine, $6: wal­nut refrigerator; godd as netv, $8: Ice chests, ISifiO UP; tables, chairs, rockers, Morris chair. $3.50; Cook etoves; other goods. 807 Spring Garden. rt»».iiii>miiiii>.>ii u N i i — . . * - i , . , , . . . . — - , . . . ; . , , ,-.i . . . . . , . ^ -


trusses, abdominal belts, hosiery, suspensories. Nolte's Drug Store, 8tU and Race eta. ; BILLIARD. POOLJ TOURNAMENT. SHUF.

fleboards. tables rented, privilege buying, "lightly used, cheap repairing: call and see our •"**- for, private u*o. Lafe Keafer, American

aeturers. 281 Glrard avenue.

8 K S - N E W J&ORK ELASTIC. $1? RBGU-Itrice, $8; large assortment bard rubber s. abdominal belts, electric belts, elastic


from St. Louis Fair at hlg bargains. Oatmeal .sets. 50c. Berry setsTOOc. Fruit sets, 00c. Crack­er jar, 76c. Loan Office, 1621 Germantown ave., above Jefferson. : • • , , , . ' . R W f A U R A N T FIXTURES. OAK AND fell BR-

ry, polished top tables, chairs, copper steam table and dish warmer combined, refrigerator, oyster bars, dishes, copper kettles^ largo mir­rors. Rl BMRNHKIM ICB; BOX, MEAT RACKS.

square blocks, counter scales, cleavers, saws, entire butcher outfits, for $125, delivered and set un In your store. 1401 Germautown a v e , cor. Master.

S U P C O V B m 6 ^ E O B PARLOR SUIT*, made In heavy Imported linen, for $8.05: per­

fect fitting guaranteed: postal brings samples; this week only. Upholsterer Doery. 1702 Ridge avenue. _ ^ ^ ^ f UTCHER FiXTiTREsTliOB BOX. ROUND wnd square blocks,, racks, scales, butter boxes dried beef cutter, platform scales, cnun'er show cases and shelving^ Rleder. 1400 N. 2d st. LADY WILL SELL HBR O^STQNE DIAMOND

Bin, cost $85; wilPsel l for $20: also a genrs 16-jewol 20-year Elgin watch for $10. Call Sunday, 540 Grass St., West Phlla.

i L ' —~ »(wH> ' . . K i l l . I I H | l

FOR SALE For Sale 1 cent a word* Sundays. 2 cents a

word Pally,


§*vaVC»tJJL ° U R P^IC?,. ATJONALS $40.00 AT10NA AftONA AflONA Af]o«>A ATIONA ALL».. oi>8 $70.00 A L L W O O D S . . . . . . . . $90.00

And' 86 other registers from $15 up . , We can furnish you a register suitable for ANY BUSI­NESS. Every register we sell carries our guar­antee fdr two years.



ed thousands of dollars worth of this desira­ble goods to our spring stock, ready to serve you with uniforms for all societies, camps, courts and lodges; we defy all competition; « ^ army shirts, 100 army shoes, 160 boots, ~., „ . .„ , „,.,..„. 100 army shoes

.50; lcggluK. 3 5 c ; campaign hats and caps, , . . . c ; khaki uniforms, $1.50 to $2: 500 saddles and bridles, collars, trusses; this is v e r y inter­esting for farmers or contractors; 500 all s«ses tents for sale or hire; cots, camp stools, flags aud decorations: full outfit for camping and boat houses; we solicit your trade; mall orders prombtfr attended to. Dreyfus A Co., 2007 Frankford a v e . 12 8. 2d st .

OAK AND WALNUT HALL RACKS. 88.60 TO 8.00; .extension tables. $3.00: oak sldetioards.

$0.00: oak bureaus and washstands. $4.60 to $10.00: havo some fine enamel beds at $6.60; a few parlor suits. $7.00 to $17.00; oak tefrlg-erators aud ice chests. $1.50 to $10.00, neat oak folding beds.. $6.00 to $8.00; Baldwin couch, $6.00; fireproof safe. $25.00; oak desks. $6.60; Ice cream tables, marble top. $8.00 each; mahogany folding bed. mirror front. $25.00; other furniture carpets and bedding, bargains. Northwest corner 8th and Spring Garden.

"IN THE SHADE OF THE OLD APPLE -Tree ." "Tennessee." "Tale of the Turtle Dove aud twenty other good records on the April list of Columbia records now ready. Cata­logues on request. Talking machines tall makes) sold on easy payment plan, Larcest stock of up-to-date records iu Pennsylvania. Lewis Talking Machine Co.. 15 S. Oth st. .

I Postofflee. Open Saturday evenings.

WOOD MANTELS, OVERPLUS FROM large contract at cost prices. Hall-Kline

manufacturers, 1027, 1920, 1031 Market mosaics, tiles, heaters, ranges.

MUST SELL MY 14-KT. OOLD WATCH AND i>erfoct dla-

for $126.

SELLING ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH. BEJO+ room and parlor suits, chairs, carpets, ehifia* are, glassware and entire household effeets* onday. March 27, a t 1 o'clock. 2222 Christian! Mon


I it!

$7.60-HEAVY BLACK BILK SHIRTWAIST suit, nearly new; else 30; cost $20. Loan

office, Front and Glrard ave. • t

ftAaTOAJTOrW}iftfe' SPBING ' C O i * V ttf capes. 5 0 c ; skirts, 6 0 c ; dresses 5 0 c ; fancy

red table covers. 6 0 c ; bed spreads, 6 0 c ; pil­lows, 3 5 c ; rugs. 7 5 c ; baskets, 2 6 c up. Loan office. Front and Glrard ave. $1-8TKM WINDING WATCHES. AMERICAN

movements, good time nieces: worth $2.50. Loasj office. Front and Glrard ave^ $4^ RAILROAD WATC1L NICKEL EI /HN

movement, stem winder; cost $10.00. Loau office. Front aud Glrard ave. $18.00- LEATHER COUCH. INDESTRUCTIBLE


50c.; billheads, nofeheads. envelopes, $1. 829 N. 10th st. 8AFES. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF; NEW

and second-hand: all makes and sites: cheap. Stlffel A Freeman, manufacturers. 723 Chestnut.





plece parlor suite, cost $66. 1110 Columbia avenue.

F I N B B R A S S BAR1T0NB~H6RN. ONLyiW.OO"; great bargain. Rosenfelt's Loan Office, Ger­

mantown ave. and York st.




BILLIABD8. POOL. BOWLING. 8HUFFLE-board. second-hand tables, cheap: tsbles rent­

ed with privilege of buying^ 222 8. 8th st. $18-SOLITAIRB DIAMOND RING. TIFFANY


ed for $40; pawn ticket, $3. M-248. In­quirer office. ff

F T X T U R E S FOR i A L B r ^ U I T A B L B FOR CI-gar store: wall case, floor case, show case.

Counters. 1805 South st.

im. 0 9 - H AM MB^LlKtTs^HOTTjUN. •DOUBLE barrel. 12 bore; cost $65.00: bargain. Bert's

losn office. 1226 Columbia ave. CANDY MARBLB8 "gfjroyBS. COPPER Kettles,

Nos. 1 and 2 Spanlsti ah< peanuts, closing out. T-248, Inquirer office.



l A i M M n i A H O U I V O , «VJiV/V JC«», V U r i M l IVPlllCS, e t c . cheap: also Nos. 1 and 2 Spanish shelled

ut. T-«48. Inquirer office. STUD, 5" KT, SURFACB^ PER*-


used only five times; no reasonable offer re­fused; site 38. N-203, Inquirer office.



TWO WmvJHBACH LIGHTS. IN PERFECT OR-der; inside and outside light; will be sold

i N. B. cor. nfth , cheap. Apply to and Ritner sts.

SAFES. 426 MARKET; ALL SIZES; NEW and second-hand; low price. Pittsburg Safe

Co., manufacturers. • .

$75.00-5-8TONB DIAMOND RING; WHITE; cost $125: bargain. Bert's loan office. 1226


brand new Turkish bath cabinet. $2.50. 657 N. 12tb. ' _ $5,0O-lNI)lA S H A ~ W L ^ L A < 2 K C^FNTRft COM-


B A R B E R 8 - W E SELL T n E Kl.INE CHAIR for cash or on easy payments. The Alpha Co..


fine lenses; bargain. Rosenfelt's Loan Office, Germantown ave. and York St. SODA FOUNTAIN AND CARBONATOR FOR

sale, cheap; see 1 to 8 P. M. 1744 Onflow hill. FOR SALE-SIDEBOARD, REFRIGERATOR.

In good order. 1221 Flora St., 18th and Glrard avenue. $7<PwlmTC~7:RBPB SHAWL. EMBROIDER-


new, cost 50c. lumbla ave.

INGRAIN CARPET. BRAN ert's Loan Office. 1226 Co-

D«. N.

PARLOR SUIT, OAK CHIFFONIER. 44 Y Royal Wilton carpet, parlor table. 2025


short- pint champagne and apolllnarls bot­tles, $1.25 a gross. 3028 Marshall s t .


further Information call on H. Wagner. 91( Columbiajavc. 12 noon to 11 P. M. a l l jveek

ebtlnMMAXxi'tofab OAK ctfmJ^Klii Ftl suitable for any business: cost $50; will sell

li8JL.*°U_at ltt00, J?i*_ * yl8th .?*• $2570O -lfOYAL WfLTifN^RUG. U R O , ,


rousel with the privilege of the coming season at seashore. 8452 N. Mascher st. COIN-IN-8LOT SCALES. 11 8TYLJBS. $25 U P

Write for catalog. Watllng Mfg. Co., 7H Sansom at., Philadelphia.

PARQJUBTTE CBNTRBST wor*B acroU cut. Inlay scroll cuj

for the trade.

. CORNERS. HARD-aylng vensers, fret work



good condition, cheap. Apply street.



N. 9th St., cor. Arch 'day with us. The. Keen Phonograph Do., 49

9th St., cor w BARGAIN

W E EXCHANGE YOUR RECORDS YOU ARE tired of for 40c The Keen Phonograph Co.,

49 N. Oth at., cor. Arch.

$«^BALPWIN"cbuCH BED AND~FRLT .MAT-tress, cost $12. Bert's Loan Office, 1226 Co­

lumbia ave,



$ 1 0 0 - 1 4 - K f r G O L D FILLBD CHAINS: O U X R -aoteed 20 years. Bert's loan office. 1226 Co-

lumbla ave. •

ra>ISONTlOMB PHONOGRA~PH. AS GOOD ~ new: large Lilly horn. 8 dosen records,

Call Sunday. 1808 NV Marshairst . _ J

G 1 U W O P ^ O N B ~ A N D A R B O O R P l i r i N FINE condluon, ° _$*.50^ bargain. _ R(>sepfelt'a Ix>an Office, Germantown and York at.

» 1 8 C VICTOR ANP COLUMBIA lO*tXCH records. 3 5 c each: also $85 Victor machine.

slightly used. $15. iolfj N. »>. s

LIFE SIZE FIGURE OF BUFFALO BILL IN wood, largo Farrel Safe, Spalding tricycle, par­

cel carrier and fine glass fountain, all cheap. Cllls, 611 NT 2d at. BARGAIN SOLID OAK BKD AND WA8H-

staud, |K>rcel«l|i sink, complete. $35: also banjo and ease, new. Gall Monday all day and Tuesday evening. 8132 N. Franklin. ONE P O U B ' L E T A N D SINGLE S"BTS CUTUN-

dar harness, sliver mounted, good as new: cost rcupectlvelJ $250 and $125; will sell cheap. 2205 I Germantown ave.

>CK8 - "HAVB TO GET UP IM CLOCK I." $1.80; ring 29 minutes; guaranteed one New naven alarm CK "


year: New" iTaven "alarm clocks,' tuc. Dllworth's Hardware Store. 1604 and 417 Market. F7mliAriCl4l9^bWH~Bit6ADn^^

day, one folding bed, desk form; one book­case and desk combined, one sewing machine, one wardrohf, one couch. 9J£ SOLITAIRR DIAMOND RING. OVER SIX

karats. $418, worth $700: If dissatisfied will refund money one week after date of sale. 44 N.JWth st. ,

FRFACH*DOUBLE OVEN HOTEL RANGE, with heller and hood charcoal broiler, all

made by V. Clad, also single oven steel range. 262 Diamond St. $1A


cn'i5ol boiler

by V. C lamood

O O - M A H 5 G A N (VBLL f R O N r ACS. 1112 COl


FOR . S A L E HOME i in

..„ PHONOGRAPH AND stand, HO In. horn and three dosen records,

at 835 N. Randolph. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! OLD MAHOGANY DESK, OLD STYLE .HAM-

raond typewriter, dental chair for extracting very cheap. " $25.00 CHIi


GOOD s«l«,

HES: ?X)S1 1A AVf. __ ) mLIGHT , first-class

1818 Diamond s t . _ . ""COMPLBTB BET

ST $76.00. ISAACS. 1312 COL-

BUSINESS condition.

Livery Staple. 2335 N. 7th at.

WAGON FOB Apply Gerhart

$1.25 BUYU GIRLS' NECK CHAIN. WITH heart. Loan-office, 1521 Germantown a v e ,

above Jefferson. « > c 7 ~ F 6 R " r 8 B f " 6 F KNIVR8 AND F 0 R K 8 :

others un to $2.75; big assortment. Loan of­fice. 1621 Germantown ave., above Jefferson.

$ 1 8 . 0 0 ^ A B P G A N Y CHIFPOJCIBR. SWELL FRONT _SkA,8> TOP; COST $45.00. ISAACS.

1314! COL A Al

75C. UP. WATOllES Loan offico.

Jefferaon. STERiWpfi^OJNr

slides, colored; Itn s t .

, . . „ « , . . . . . . AS80RTMBN' 1521 Germantown ave., abo

BIG NT. ve

AND Ftrrv a«U all for $12.

"FRAMED 1015 Mlff-

FOR SALE. CHEAP- -LIGHT THRBBQUAR-ter buggy, leather top, good order. Call 408

American at. v

RECORD CABINETS. HOLD OVER 100 EDI-son records, $10: latest flower horn, $2.76

each. 1610 V. 2d. ^_ EDISON , HOME PHONOGRAPH. LARGE

horn, stand, 80 Edison moulded records, $25; fine condition. 1610 N. 2d at.

SAFES BARNES 8 A F B AND LOCK CO. NEW sod second-band safes; safes removed and re­

paired. 17 N. fith st.

$15 GENUINE QUARTERED OAK . C H I N A closet, mirror hick, cost V». BerCs Loan Of-

flee. 1220 Columbia ave.

REAL OLD FASHIONED PAIR OF COLONIAL doors. San Domingo mahogany: flrst-ctass con­

dition. 0-177. Inquirer office.

SOUVENIR POSTAL CARDS. $2.76 PER 1000. Send 10c. for 25 samples. Iltmebaugh Mfg.

Co.. 2019 Fnlrmount ava.

FOR SALE-STOCK AND FIXTURES OF TEA store: cheap for cash. Address D-248. In-

aulrer office.

GHAPHOPHONES AND RECORDS CHEAP; postal; ternw to suit. Townsend, 1200 Dau-


Sitting; terms to suit. Townsend, 1209 Dau­phin. * $375- DIAMOND RING. WHITE AND PBR-

FBCT (A OKM); COST $650. ISAACS' LOAN OFFICE. 1 H 1 2 / C 6 L U M B 1 A AV»»_^

FOR~SALB-CAM~BRA, flbtlO, SET 7A, ZEISS • iix jalate holders, convertible lenae, tripod,

printing frames, etc. J. S.

i^STONB DIAMOkP Mw4t P , stones, only,$45.00; very cheap

i "in Office, Germantown ave. and

six _. D.v Tncony, Phlla. L 3 .


r $6.~0O-MAHOOANY MUSIC. C A B J N I J T ; 0 0 8 T $15.00. ISAACS. 1812_OOLUMBlA A V B ^

FOR SALE BLOOH GO-OART IN GOOD CON-^dltlon. Inquire 8024 Colons st. _

DOCTOR'S "SECOND-HAND TABLE8 AND chairs: cheap. Clark A Roberts. 1321 Arch St.

FOR SALE-RpLL-TOP DESK. HIGHCLASS. golden oak finish. 1214 Arch st. . Room 8,

Monday, between 9 and 12 o'clock.

80 tul

T. ICB CREAM FREEZER. LOT OF CANS. and box. paddles. measures spoons.

Jones. 8003 West Huntingdon st.

$^-MAGNTFICE^T~Sm^ID""MAHOGANY 6-pl/ce parlor snlte, ve>y massive, cost $125.

1110 Colombia a v e

FOR SALE—TWO FJNE BICYCLES. \ )HBAP. larjy'f and gentleman's; or will exchange. 1708

N. 20th at.

$>5-BLBGANT, OROVBN8TBEN AND Ter ,pl«no, first c lass condition, f i n

2017 Master st.

$125.00 -BLUE WHITE PERFECT SOLITAIRE jtlamcjijfl.rlpg, l kt .; cost $180. Bert's loan

office. 1226 Columbia ave.

WBSTINGHOU8B STEAM" B N G I N B V 4-HQRSB power. $45 complete. T. 0 . Marshall. York-

lyn. m l . ' - — • ' • - — • • • > ^ . . - . . . . , •

FUL-ve tone.


Chestnut bargain. Room 2 4 r " s : T T " c o r ? , , ' F 8 t P * S l


$2500--LARGE CARPET; COST $80.00 NEW. I88AC«._1312 COLUMBIA AVB. _

A ^ S O L l b OAK_UPRlGHT FOLDING BED", with (Seek. 2102 Diamond at.

NO. 8 MODEL B Q T . A R Y ~ " P R T N T I F G PRESS*; bargalu. Evans, 50 N._9th at. >

AGOLD"'sTBM-WINPU<ofwATCH FOR $18 to oulck buver. 8-295. Inquirer office.

$2.50-MA8SIVE $18.00 ftWffif _fl____ 08T

QUARTERED OAK BOOKCASE. SIZE W-200. Inqolref rsjttce.

SOLID j M g g t Inches; $ i t Pr/ATFORM BCAI* ON WHRBLlI; GOOD OR-

der; oheap. 940 N. 20th st. BOWLING ALLEYS FOR SALE. CALL AT

vn yine st FO




)R SALE-LARGB MOQUBTTB O vlth larder, cheap. 941 T*. 12th St,r


SOLID WALNUT FOLDING BED, SPRING and mattress, cheap. 425 N. 10th St. \

FOR S A t r f ^ ' A l N T B R ' S JACK, NEW; $8; cost $5. N-221, Inquirer office.

A ~ N W B " l d A R y | N SAFE B. Cor. of 17th and Vine.


ONE 8 | g H < 0 MACHINE, $5, AND ONE FOB

$5^81 NOBR SEWING MACHINE, OUARAN-tee.l 5 years. 907 Arch at. .,

$10* WIIEBLBR A WILSON IvO. 9 MA-<hlne; almost news big bargain. 907 Arch St.

$5 WHKKLER A WILSON MACHINE. FINE order. 0Q7 Arch St, ^ ; f .

$10 LATK8T m~N*GBR MA0B1NK. LIKE NRW; all attachments. 907 Arch at.

STATIC" MACHlNst. REST MAKB. aOOlo^AS >n»w; half cost. 1410 Arch st.

CHtoAP-1/rT OF DISTlLLljn 8PIRIT8. B-218. loqutser off lee. ^ , • \ .^ .

B B w i V i 890.. WOBTH^LOO: JJMONO

OAK ROLL TOP DESK. LAWN MOWER, .nousehold goods,.on aqcount of leaving city.


HWo.tl2bVtll. ,l1t.T,JfWlM DMt •* P*-

BARGAINS IN MEN'S SUITS. COATS AND vests and pants. Loan office. 1621 German-

town ave., above Jefferson. F I H T B A L E , LADIES' "BLACK TAlTLOR~8UiT

and white broadcloth skirt; white satin Wiftt. Ward, 1811 Walnut at. PAWNED MY TIFFANY DIAMOND RING

for $75; over karat; sell receipt $6.- E-277, Inquirer office. '

TRUNKS AND SUIT OASES': NltW OOODS; '/< store price. Bert's loan office. 1226 Colum­


brass horn, stand, 80 Edison lata records. $21. 144 Master-COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH.* LARGEST SIZE

with large horn, atand, 40 records, $20. 150 Master sL •

VICTOR TALKING MACHINE. GOOD CONDI-tlon. 24 large and 15 small records, $30. A-

li^L1!!?? c p ^ h u y '*• $25-MAGNIFrCBNT'5-PlECB PARLOR 8UIT~

solid mahogany, vory massive. 1110''Columbia avenue. • $85O-ELECTRI0 RUNABOUTr COST $850;

good running order. Apply 2117 N. Broad. Call 11 A. M.; 1 P. M. FOR 8ALE-FJR8T-OLA88 100. BARBER

shop: good stand; with or without dwelling. Apply 1647 N. Marvlne St. -y FIRE AND BURGLAR 8AFB. COST1 $2700;

if sold quickly wi l l tske $400. J. N. l i t -tlefleld, 711 Sansom st. , V ,»

SET RUSSET PONY HARNESS. ALMOST new, cheap; also fins Alderney cow. Box 43,

Hatboro, Pa. <

FURS. ALL KINDS; NEW GOODS: 20 CT8. on dollar; bargains. Bert's loan office, 1228

Columbia ave. _ $lO-:SrOLID QUARTERTO) OAK HALJ^RApK.

box seat, cost $20. Bert's Loan Office, 1228 Columbia ave. LOOK--FINE FOUNTAIN PEN. ONLY 20 CTS.;

investigate. Denver Novelty Co., Salem, New Jersey. k__ ^

WE KBEP YOUR free " " *


-A -,- ..^lACHIKlB IN REPAIR ree if you deal with us. *Tb* Keen Phono-

Co., 48 N. 9th St., cor. Arch. FA1?'MOTOR. .SUITABLE F 0 R OFFICB; ALSO waH-horse power engine, good condition. 1770 Frankford ave.

FOR SALE—TWO ANTIOU formerly owned by JTobn

dress B. A. R.. Conshohooken


1 Fostoffic

. STUDS. ,honn. Ad-flce. Pa.

$6- CHEAP, FOR A BUTCHER'S ICE BOX. In good condition; also 8ftx6x7 f t . Apply 8040

Kensington ave,

$ 8 5 . 0 0 - S C R B ^ . SOMTAIRB DlAMONP . EAR rings; cost $80.

lumbla ave. loan office. 1228 Co-

WEBER CUSPIDOR AND S. 8. W. PEDAL aver chstr. In good order. D-267. Inquirer lever


OAK BED ROOM SUIT, FOLDING CO bed; nearly now; and lea box. 728

lace st. • .

WATBRHRATEB. IDEAL. SECTIONAL. CAST iron, 8200 square feet capacity. G., 1488 Co­

lumbia ave.

RECORDS E X 0 H A N O E D - D I 8 K RECORDS exchanged, but old records not sold. Disk

Talking Machine Co., 18 N. 9th st.

ZONOPHONB RECORDS-NEW, 10-INCH .ZON-ophone records: write, or call tor catalogue.

Disk Talking Machine Co.. 18 N. 9th at.

$2.60 FOR J W O ^ UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS K ? K l a . _ 5 ? ? ^ r * S ! f i - a U , n Perfect condition. Inquirer office.

. •• >

LARGB RNCLi square mlr fry m "

$8.00 ~

NCL08EDJOFI OFFICE DESK. .LARGE large heavy oak tablea


n & S ® E T » ^ K SALE; CfiteAP. D-200. Inqul»r office

CONDI S*OB 8ALE-GO-CART, IN GOOp tlon. 4818 Otte^ at.. West JPhlla.

0 0 - B O p k c A j t e . i QUARTER OAK: ' COST 5.00. IS^AACST 18W COLUMBIA AVE.

$18. $35

$lft-HAXDSOME PARLOR ORGAN; GOOD order; leaving city. 2201 Vine. Dwelling.

** I'OR IMPORTED CHENILLE CURTAINS; J ^ t _ $ 2 5 j ^ a j n ^ t ^ i e w . O-OTT^Jlnqurrer office)



OYSTER CASK, cheap. 407 W.


TWO NEARLY NEW lOK cheap. 2769 Kensington ave

BOXES, SELL ., side door.

DIAMOND RING white. Call to-day. I f

OY^SY. 1-KARAT. PURB 18 Belmont ave.

FOR SALE CHEAP-LIFE-SIZE OIL PAINT-Ing, nuda s\ibje«l. 728 Oxford a t

^ U W ? 1 " TftfAioiraSirY

TON. A-280J In-BONK DUST, uulrer office.

$28 PER

.. WORTH $1.00: worth $15.00. 13 S .

, j g g b s . , ' $ » - O O ^ t h m g ) . ^ j , . . - , > W A M W T ^ ,0'KOASKi WILL 8K TWO 4-ij_BT BHOYt CASKtf. 888 8. 18TH 4JT.' . l w w r l o ^ c i b ^ a L f845 R l d « a

RECORDS. graphs. *6.

FOR SALE—UpmOHT PIANO; GOOP OONDL tlon. cheap. T28 N. 20ft st . • . t ,


TAPER ARM MACHINE-THE NEW Z phone; call and hear It: catalogue.

Talking Machine Co.. 18 N. 9tb st, MY NEW FXBCTRIO

cheap:.or vrill trade for South at. > . . ; . ' /

, „ n ] j01 lTt VL no furniture. 1

WALL C.ASB. FLOOR CASE. ELECTRIC CI-gar sign, round table. Call after 5 P. M.,

2627 N. 29th at. ,


FURNITURB_OF FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. OOt)D condition, cheap: by widower.. 1902 Leltngow, h and .Berks, 1N0 dealers. 10 deaters. 4jth

TYPEWRITER RIBBONS. SECOND HAlJ reels; some* good as now; beat offer

Inquirer office, • , £

50C. FOR GOLD FILLED CMS or eyeglasaes. to —

flee. 1621 fjermantown

fLLBD RIMLESS RJ»ECTA* . to ault all asyes _,Loan of->wn ave., above Jefferson.

$fiO.OO-DIjUlOND CLUSTER RJNQ; WHITE and pei """ "'

HI 1226 Colum imbla' 19 stones,

ave. BerCS loan office.

BARBERS ;TWC[ AND ^ " ^ B ^ I s j A I ^ OUT^ fits, co

and 144 r8.o0--]

te; bargains

wfi*BBS&r ?sW«fiftftft STANDARD^ PHONOGRAPH. 86

recorder, etc. , $16; bargain; Sunday Fifth.

let 8 orth

EDISON records, ,

morning. 1932 BARBERS - SF^OND-HAND ItBVOLyiNO

chairs. The Alpha Co.. 142 and 144 N. 9th street.

M U n i OWIJIJ MX 14-KT. UOI,U WA'l chain; cost $140; and my 8-stoue i>e

motW rlug. cost $125; will sell toth M y 14, Inquirer office. NEW 2<HfEAR_ n ^ V W i f t i a " , ll KARAT

diamond rlug aud Vi karat diamond sunburst; will sefi all for $85; cost $60. Call Kussiay, 428 Hoffman st. ^^

FOR 8A LB-12-FOOT OYSTllB P A E | MARBLB top, walnut tablea. marble tops: chairs, glass:

all suitable for Ice-cream. Call Sunday, 310 W. Glrard ave.

F O i T ^ i ^ R D l l o i s r H O R N " PHONOORAPVl. standing cabinet, record case, horn and 60

records; 822.50. H. B. Nichols. 4529 Spring­field ave,

ZONOPHoT<FrTTMONO MAOHINE"8~ candy manufacturing tools and material, a lot of

pearl shell popcorn, hand carts cheap. 4465 Green st. , Germantown. 7

BABY COAOIlTpOWF $20. NEW AND FANCY walnut crib, cheap. 811 K. Wlldey at., call

Sunday. v-

EDISON STANDARD PHONOGRAPH. 42-INCH brass horn and stand, 30 Edison records, 48

Columbia records. $25. 3416 Emerald st. FINE WALNUT WABpRQMH. 812,; 0Q8T $W$.

walnut bookcase, small; $10; walnut dining ta-ble, lg?. 1614 N. 12th st. *

SODA WATK ROUTFIT (X>M"pLETEr$286; 10 syrups. Llpplncott fountain, tfymond's . A

Poor carl>onator. Raffetto, 2141 N. 20th st.

S E L L C H E A P . W A L N U T B B D , HAIX~STANIT. washstand and kitchen table. 1855 Croskcy



IJMHIA AVK. P f i ^ t f t l k S T A T B UiOPBAi'pB,. 100 EGGS*; _Peep o'Day brooder, best of order, $16. 719 S^ 50th st.

StTn-CASES FROM 80C. UP TO $7; TRUNK8 from $2.50 up. Office, 1521 Germantown

avpy above Jefferson.

$96.0O-lT^N^R7JiO3u : S U i m cdldTLEfFr; COST $185.00: QUARTER OAK. ISAACS.


$25. LARGE. ELEGANT WALNUT 81DK-board. 2 Inlrrnrs. Tennessee marble; $8. pier

mirror, gilt frame. 837 York st.

$16. FINE WALNUT W A R P B P I B : "|14. *KLK< gant mantel folding bed, large mirror. 2401


T oan Office, 1521 Germantown ave., above Jefferson. LADY WISHES TO SELL H O U S B H O L D I F U R " -

nlture. on account of leaving city. Call to­day. 1547 Vine.

$ « - D 6 U O H R R T Y S M O K E H O 7 ) 1 ^ A N P ~ P L P B I 10 fsat long: nearly uew. Saloou. 16th and


style, sice 88, $7. Call, do not write, 901 Master at. •

TliRKISH CHAIR. MAHOGANY FRAME. Up­holstered In pantasote, almost new, $9. Call

morning, 8720 Chestnut s t . nNEHBOLITAIRR DIAMONb"~RlNo" ONLY

$24.00: worth $45.00; bargain. Rosenfelt's Loan Office,'Germsntown ave. and York st.

WLVuMk ' TALKIKG lkA<mil_48 AMD 2 dosen disc records; cost $35; will sell outfit

for $15. 2860 Germantown _ave. FOR SALB7~CH"EAP^OAlBr CIGAR STORE

fixtures: come quick and make an offer. N. E. corner Hutchinson and Somerset.


VERY HANDSOME HALL STAND. LARGE slse oak and leather library suit, tilting top

poker table for private houso; 4 large gilt mir­rors, mahogany upright piano, mahogany frame Hoover sofa bed: large oak lied room suit and about ton' vanloads of other household furni­ture of'al l kinds will be sold very cheap. N. B. cor. 11th and Buttonwood.

1 SEVERAL tjOOD BOLL-ToK AND FLAT-top desks, large double-door fireproof safe;

large director's table; roll-top typewriter desk; lot of office tables, chairs, copying presses, etc. . cheap. N. E. cor. 11th and Button-wood___>.^ ^

HAVB YOU A DISC TALKING'1'MACHINE*? If so. call and hear the new American Disc

Records; 10% inches In diameter, blue In color, durable and very natural Iu tone. Send for catalogue. Lewi* Talking Machine Co.. 15 8. Oth st. .

GOOD" LIQUOR 8TORR IN THB VICIN IT of 23d st. and 7th ave.. New York, will be

sold cheap to quick purchaser on account of owner having other business to attend to; pres­ent .owner there 10 years; no agents. Ad-dess A. B. P., 1364 Broadway, New York city.

BAHRBRS'TATE8T 8TYLB PBDr?8TAL BE-volvlng and reclining chairs, mirror cases,

wnshstands, etc . ; cash and easy payments. Archer Mfg. Co., 12A» Germantown ave. Chas. A. Smith, agent.

FOR 8ALE-LAI>Y~a8 DIAMOND SUNBITRST. contaitdng 81 diamonds; also 14-ksrat lady's

gold watch, with 12 diamonds; wiii noil IK>1II nieces for $100: cost $225. Call ut Drug Store, 6th and Jefferson sts.

H AI ft CLOTH A N D* PIAJSH PARI/)R SUITS", cherry and walnitt bc«l room suits enameled

beds, folding beds, wardrobes, bookcases, side­boards, chiffoniers, pier mirrors, parlor organs, cook stoves, carpets. 1220 Ridge ave.

BBOOXD-HAND FOLDING BRD8. CHAMBER* suits, flat desks, bookesses. restsurant buffet,

hotel office divan, shop locker, centre show case, musical Instruments, hall scats, offico lounge. 1108 Ridge ate. \

BUY YOUR GO-CARTS FROM TH"F7~MAXU"» facturers: all goods guaruuleed; Just halt

what big stores charge: not In thp trust; chair* of all kinds. Oak wood Chair Mfg. Oo.. 1005 Uace.

FOR SALE-TWO SQUARE PIANOS. FlXkt tone, reasonable prices: also plush parlor

suits, bedroom suits, osk folding beds, etc. Union Storege House. 808 N. 10th s L _

VICTOT RKCoT*r>8~ATT^ 25 cents: 10-Inch. 50 cents; fine assortment,

2880 Germantown ave. v

PORTABLE BAKB OVKNS l^OR HOTKI^. restaurants and bakers, made apy sUe.

Potiatorty. 158 N. Oth st.

ONE OAK BUREAU'. ONE METAL BED, brass trimmings; cheap on account of leaving

city. Tuesday.' 752 N, 41st St.

CARPF/r-STORAGE WILTON. AX MINSTER. hrussels. must be srdd, repsy storage; fine

line second-hand carpets, cheap. 1810 Poplar. f l K i SILK PAMA8K PARLOR S U 1 T 7 " F I V B

pieces, with good covers, cheap 2222 N. 30th st. FOR SALE- RKGINA MUSIC BOX AND CAB-

(net and five dozen discs. II. Thotupeon, 1640 Cadwallader st.

LADY PLEDGED HER BCRBW DIAMOND earrings for $82; ticket $2.60. P-280. In­

quirer office.

HANDSOME PAIR only$22K0: bargain.

Germantown sve. and York sts .

DIAMOND BARRINGS. Rosenfelt's Loan Office.

HAVE LOT GOOD SECOND-HAND FURNL turt for sate, cheap. Noble Storage Co.. 463

N. 2d st. . WINDOW 8ASHRS. 5x5 n . , qt.A%Kp.

suitable for enclosing, porches, kitchen, hot houses. 882 Diamond st.

FOR worth


SALR-ROBBRT'S FILTER. NO. 20: h $M, lor $18: also large. $125; safe for


treading-machine and wood aaw; aell cheap. 857 Daly at COPPER SHOW CASE, WBL8BACH CLUS-

t*r partition, mirrors, etc. S. B« cor. 8d and Mark** ats. T FINE PAIB DIAMOND SCREW KARRINOS;

pawned |or $40: wanta to sell ticket. $3. K-220, Inquirer office. • > TO'rai^EBTP'BpLVB" N U M B B R T W - M A -

chine. JMOA condition, very cheap. A-274.nin-qulrer office. ' , $18-GUITAR AND CASE. FINB_TONE: I>ycns

ATHcalay make; make tost offer. P-208. In­quirer office. .

^keiABlo«rtfff_ ED -SKIRT. WAIST.


1 4 P Y * 8 * H f F A N Y DIAMOND RING. 1% K.. $85. ourse.

"Sffl a

EDISON GOLD MOULDED RECORDS. each: also Edison standard phonograph

$16. 1610 N. 24 st.

200. outfit,

FOR SALE-INDIAN ARROW_COLLE_?I_ON kll Jerssy. arrows: roost all of them flint. A

dress 288 Markat St.. Phlla. T. preen. MOVING PICTURE FILMS. 6000 F B B t . 5

cents per foot, closing estate. 122 Federal, Camden. . f •

. DIAMOND BARRINGS; Bart's loan office, 1226 Colum-•EH

bla av#

fij! high iWdf.JBWgM pla'no: oaYter suit; ot»> irwiuro.^W-fflS, inqniwr.,offfee. ^ •. . •

W S f ^ i p 1 ' ' ^ARCiW SIZB, A2-IN. HORN "* 28-i2'» ^ . w i d records, $33. Call day. 2788 Emerald af« ••<:>» PHONO


manufactured very cneapf rec*nt ' i l suerx-288 , Inquirer office. <w . ^

kND FIXTURES OF . .HARDWARE sfurnlshlng goods. 1230 S. 2d st. SB33E 8I2B 88. COST $85. ISAACS.

OAK WARDROBE. CHIFFONIER AND BOOK-case combined, with large mirror door, cheap,

* 1 4 , 807 Spring Garden. FALLING TOP CARRIAGE. NEARLY NEW.

and harness for sale cheap. Apply 2309 B. Boston ave. LADY'8 8-STONE PERFECT DIAMOND RING

and gent's 14 kt. solid gold Elgin watch; will M H t^J^&'J3*- $76. Call 1518 N. 6th at. WILL 8BLL NEW 17-JBWBL WALTHAM

watch. 20 year case, $14; cost $28. Call Sun­day. 1516 N. Oth at. FOR SALRw-TWO FINE POOL TABLES, BEST

condit ion/and fine new sbufflcboard, reason­able; cash or time. R-387. Inquirer office.

WILLOW FURNITURE FOR SUMMER HOME and porches. Curado Willow ware Co., 1524

Frankford ave.




BARGAIN IN HANDSOME MAHOGANY. walnut and oak pianos; like new: reduced $75;

can be paid $1 weekly. Fox, 1925 Columbia ave.



SECOND-HA cheap.

BBTTINA REPRODUCER AND HORN FOR Home phonograph. 1014_Colnmhia_ ave.

STATIC ELKCTRIC MACHINB, i6~PLATE, cheap. P. 0 7 Box 8250. •


STEARN'S G new, $5. 7H


NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. . . $800t will mil for 2126. 1701 Jackson st.

NO. 79; COST


'«^_ i«^______l-1 , M ^ f \ " . . . . . . I . . . • 1 . . . . . • •

COPNTl two -FO ons

BBT LUNCH COUNTER, hulman, 816 Arch.

WALNU1 board -?,S58S.A?Po.wJ» R j r SIDE-


B R A D B B I R Y PIANO $60; PRIVATB FAMILY. K 234, Inquirer offlce.__


SINGLE i H U F F L B B O A R P . $12. 8888 N. 5TH street.

m Cks tiR—400.1


a. (station),

w g p j ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ i n^pftsffg K. FOUR APARTMENTS.

rard ave. .

LOT OF INCANDESCENT GAS, LIGHT SUP-^plle»r aU kinds. 121 W, Glrard ave. -^ I_I . . 1 . . i i. J • ! ! • * — iii .n • , I I I I > 11 ^ ..dfc..^. 1*11 •! ii 1 • • . ! . ! n * i i i . , . . * M „ . a > i . . . N ,

S l p B B O A R p . 1 COST

0AROU88EL ORGAN FOR SALE. CHEAP. 1821 Ontario st . '

8ALK-<10-CART. CHEAP. 1611 NORTH ,L *tree.t. ^

BABY COUCH. ALkrisTrrNBW; SMALL CTO-oart^ cheap. 1918 Jefferson -at. •

TOR S A L B - F l d U R V 0At fB , 0HBA_». | 8 4

»i.1!feH*IRA< & wpffiWtfxr' RECORDS. 30C.. WO'

graphs. $6.00, worth •in. mQtu>' $1.50 UP-CIiQCKS. ALL KIN^DR.

loan offico. 1828 Columbia ave. y< BERT'S

TWIN GO-OART: COST $18: PRICE 87s GOOD condition. 8611 Spring Garden st.

FOR SALrV-BABY G O - C A H T S GOOD. 424 8. Carlisle j i t . : ^ • : y ,,; ^ ^ ' , ^ • ^ '-.

MOTOR~ ELBCT.RIO, FIVB HORSB P W B R , complete, excellent condition, 108 N. 18th.


HRXtKR , "WAGON, GOOD cheap. Montgomery and w< r i ^ ' w i ^ i i ^ ^ i L t ^ •»••»• • 1 •m^i—• i^Mtnti.ii^ii.iii-1^—.-..!., M I e'pj»» • - —m'yiisw

_ CONPlTIOlN,; oodstock.

WAGON, )ptgomerj

OOOP SI56ED XOT J N W B S T LAIJBRL HILL, very reasonsblo, R-269, naqulror office. ^

A^JSJ?"***) 5^ R B I K , ' P OAMBRAS

OAK ajDBBOA cheap. Apply onday. 4442 Germantown aVe.

'<"" V«i. ' '''V- , , *to«emj&txmi.C0OT to-TWO BALPWIN . B B P S . ALL STEEL. 8426.

Apply TMondav. 4484 Germeptown. ave. , SOLH> O A K ^ P O ^ . ED. $3; MUST BE

1COST ^ M ^ s J g g ^ ^ m U M B U ^ also • organ, c a n • *84 w . York st.

graphs. 45.00. worth $15,00. 13 S. 17tb.



BATH,TPft . P O R ^ complete. $22. Peters,



Bart's loan office. 1226 Columbia a vs. _«*—y<fc. t4„iV*M.«***«i>l***f,»<...-~,.w.i*m, i Sn, , . .^ , . . .^ .^! , , . ,<,.|-.I#.I|>..<I,.,I, M.n.ian. FOIH ' a^«rvo<m^pu'. -

*" ; Roklman msjka. ; - » .- CARVINQ MA 10 Germantown avo.

£^^§fW^>Pi^K',t- 5£*

Snvder, ave. v

T^BB»pigfl» KmJttyhti PARLOR S«IT,

$10.00 SOLItAIBB PIAMO $25.00. Men's loau office.

RING: COST Columbia ave.

*aryj*m:.i«ga?y»g ••.... —1—5C- " ' •"«—'" "JLiil " 'V y^ZT.Jl' *..'. *L'l

SODA FOUNTAIN FOR SALE CHBAP; AL-most new. 8. B. Cor. 18th and Tasker ats.

W V A U D . ROLLING CHAIR, RBCLrpHNG rubber tires, bicycle wheels. 2l30 8. Carlisle.

ICE CREAM OR RESTAURANT TABLES. $2.25: bentwood eh.nlrs. $15 we make

them, oak wood Cbalr Mfg. Co. 1005 Race.

FOB SALB-RANGE." " B O I IJSR AND.. SI N K. with pipe and fitting, cheap. 2626 W. Hun-


Institutions msde any sl&e. 158 N. Oth st.

W. F. Dougbeity,

OYSTER BAR. OPENING BOX. TABLE?, dishes. Y-1186. Inquirer branch, 54th and

Hnverford ave.

F<>R~SALR7 OWING TO~DRATH OF OWNER. fine racing watch. E. E. Roberts. 2333 Frank­

ford ave.


$18.00. ISAACS. 18<2 COLUMBIA AVE.



at a bargain. X. K-. cor. 11th and Button-wood^ FOR SALE-LARGE REFRIGERATOR. f65o";

gas range, $6.50; good condition. 3105 N. l t tn st.

• " « • • • ' ••

FOR SALE For Sale I cent .a word Sundays. 8 cents

word Dally. ' . -i

All offices of tho Western Union and Ameri­can District Telegraph Company are branch offices of The Inquirer for the reception ot

k 2 i ^



8 10 NOVELETTE CAMERAS, COST $4«: sell for $8; $49 graphaphone, absolutely new. WH» large horn and records, cost $4Jl: will sell

J°r ,*2_ : fln* v c l * 8 J»rtralt lens. 8. 10, $15; trial given responsible person; lot of type for amateur printer, «8; and old violin: afl musl .be sbl< Call to-day. 2038 B. Clearfleld at.

heap; large galler afl must

ry camera, d at ouce.

LINOLEUM, 35C. YARD; OIL CLOTH, 200. .tnd 25c. yard; new goods_ also inuttings. i f l lOt 1H *

10c, yard: cook' range. No. V, $R'; new «U-i-' for iron beds, $2; piano,

r> lowhlll.

t *i\*. t , T*vt H U B •»*

$2; piano, etc. '-FR springs for iron bet)_, , . , delivery." National Storage House, 1308 Cal-


FLORODORA, 8 FOR 5C.. $1.50 PER lOOl ,Lord.D»ver, 7 for 2Re., $1.76 per box of 50

cigars; Cremo. 7 for 2 5 c ; March's and Jenkin-son's stogies 16 for 2.V., $1.40 per 100; French briar pipes 10c, were 25c Daugherty's 1688 Market at . .

PARLOR S U I T T HAN1W0MR, COST T6oT$30t also suit, $12; magnificent oak bedroom suit,

cost $50, $20: fine walnut hall rack, walnut extension tables, also oak. Call Monday, 2118 Columbia ave.

S ^ M F r V E R F o L D L E ' T T B R S . PAPERS."pER*-talnlng to Friends' Vellglon; eld pictures,

house of Geo. Fox; coins, stamps, soda fountain, dental engines, forccpts. 827 N. ,48th xst .

FOR S A L E ~ Q N I T 6 F THE~BE8T~BUTTER. eear and poliltrv stores In this city: low

rent. X-13. Philadelphia Inquirer branch office. Atlantic j C l t y J P PARLOB MIltROit. COLONIAL, 60 INCHES

wide. 26 high; bargain, $15. 1508 Susque­hanna ave.


$185-HANDSOME 8-STONE. PURE WHITE diamond and rubv ring; cost $325. 3614 N.

10th. f

TEARING DOWN AT 2764 CHESTNUT ST.; 3000 Joists. 10,000 feet of board. 60 window

frames, complete banging and dressers.

I T A ^ D S O M " B " ~ L A R G E ~GLAis"*cl2MIBX LIBR-«ry table, parlor wet, other household effects;

leaving <lly. 2222 X. 13th sL ______ PARLOR MIRROR, COI/ONIAL, 60 INCHES

wide, 20 high, bargain, $15. 1608 Susqne-hanna ave. 1 300 SEWING MACHINE DRAWBR8.' SUIT*

aide Inn ware store; flat top desk, 10-foot counter. 2121 N. Broad st.

TWO HORSES FOR SALE. SET OF DOUBLB harness. $5; 12 tee boxes, good milk wagon.

216_2__ _2_".J*' • _ J L ' , _ CARBCTN DIOXIDE GAS REGULATOR. 8UIT> , able for saloou. very cheap. Doctor, 1601 N.


flue sideboard: also some household goods. 2724 North 16th nU

TY MOVING TO NEW YORK DE^iRK to sell bedroom s«tB. tshle«. etc. Call Sun­

day afternoon. 2326 N. Park are.

$85 PAIR PURE WHITE DIAMOND B, screws, about 1% carat. Mrs. Thayer. I

N. 10th. '

PIANO SHEET MUSIC: SEND $1 BY MAIL; will return you 50 copies of selected music.

8614 N.Jf i th st^ . „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , PARLOR SUIT. 5 PCS.. WALNUT FRAME,'

plush cover, eleKaut condition, sold on account moving, very cheat*. 817 N. Broad.

FINE PAfrLOR. 8 1 T T T N O ~ R 7 ) O M SUIT. I V A C nut sideboard; bargain if sold s t once. 142T

N. Franklin st. _ ^ _ ^J

BBCLININQ BIX)CK GO-CART. GOOD OR-dcr. porcelain handles, adjustable wicker car-

rlagc top, will sell cheap. 1820 N. 21at. JT

BOYS PRINTING OUTFIT. FANCY SCRIPT type, $1: fine crayon picture frames, 50c.

each, or will exchange. 1104 Bodlne.

FOR SALE WALNUT BEDROOM SUITB. IN good condition. $10. Call Monday evening,

2210 X. linmhert st.

POOL TABLES, IN FINE ORDER. TO HIRE by mouth, cheap. Crldland. Fernwood, Del­

aware county. •••, J - .—... _< •

TWO FLAT TOP NICKEL SIX-FOOT SHOW cases snd counters, cheap. Grldland, Fern*.


horn aud records, very cheap. 607 B. Glr« ard ave.

8x10 STUDIO PORTRAIT OUTFIT. ; NEW 8x10 series, three Goers lens. 23(1 De I/ancey;


CYPHERS. 1004. 120-EOO INCUBATOR AND brooder: onlv used twice; l>oth times success*

ful. Harry Hook. Woodbury. N. 1.

FOR S A L E - F I N E OLD VIOLIN. CHEAP; cau be seen on Sunday. 022 Melon street.

WOBBLER A WIIXON. SINGER MACH1NE8, $3 and $5: guaranteed. 331 K. 9th at.

TEN-FOOT COUNTER FOR BALE CHEAP. R-801, Inquirer office. •

H r m U M ^ L p ' F o ^ R r H ^ ^ A LL Sunday and rvenlngs sll week. 1716 N. 22d s t .

~ P U R R WHITE 5 N. Ifith.

$100-DIAMOND PENDANT. diamonds. Mrs. Thayer.

OAK BEDROOM SUIT. 6 PIECES. $12. Huntingdon st.


FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-SMALL EXPER-Fewkes, 48 N. Imental generator.

11th st. Jos. E.

BARBERS — ONE HYDRAULIC ARCHER cbslr for sale, slightly used, cheap. 1743


ing. $1.50; No. 7 range, fine baker, cheap. 140 S^Slxtb. PARLOR SET. COST $100; PIANO. $260;

both four weeks In use; will sell for half. 386 Federal. CHINA CLOSET. QUARTERED OAK. NEAR-

ly new: only $85; cost $76. JOHN RAY. N. E. Cor. Market and Junlper_sts.

FOR 8 A L E - A BBOOND-HAKP 6-HOR8K Otto ess engine: good order. Apply 8153


er: one Ideal cash register, bargains. Call or address. 1119 Brosdwsy, Csmden, N. J.

COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR MANUFACTUR Rut soft drinks: exchange for anything of

v a l u 0 or toT sale cheap. No. 7 Poplar st. COFFEE URNS_ HOT WATER URNS. W. F.

Doujberty, 168 N. 9th st.

BARBER--TWO CHAIRS. SECOND-HAND outfit. King. 1849 Germantown ave.

WBYMAN THIRTY-DOLLAR BANJO. CHEAP. 1020 w . Montgomery avo.


W?.S.,"» 80 CTS. EACH MANUFAO ams st.. below Frankford ave.


100 DOB, WBLSBAOH BURNERS. 76 CENTS * 8osen. Eagle-Supply Ck>., 817 N. 10th st.

A L E - O N E COFFEE URN, 8 GALLONS*. Inquirer office. > v

6 PIECES. $7. XVT BED ROOM SUIT, 2 , InQUlroR office.

$1,60 FOB 8-DAY OAK CLOCK. LOAN OFFICB, 1621 Germantown ave., above Jefferson. .

GO-CART, GOOP A N P CHBAP. 8725 ~HAv"-errord »ve. ,

GAS RANGE. F O U R W U R K E B . COMPLETE. ,,8725 HnverlofO n^e- _•>

$1,60 U P ? « « N T S ' -Bb'uD OOLD SEAL RINGS. BerUs loan office. 1226 Columbia ave.

LA"bY'S.iNBW,J3TYLB cqst $85. 2840 B t l -

WATCH, $15;

^^^i^^_jz_": r.ih'rtfir-i tr .kHv. MirV ;_nvir»v.' ttoMT»t*tft HAITIM L4\0' , .

lining, jt-i AOK SI Sew, SATIN

nq.. off. lining, entirely new, 88 bust. C-219, Inq. off.

lOY'S f ^ T l N t t PRBSS7280.5; TYPE," 250.

LARGE cheap.,

ODA FOUNTAIN. FOR ']BALE; rug store, 5th add Queen sts.


BARBElt .Jgl .IOi^F^R _ 8 A L B ; OAU8K I L t calth.. 1820 Glrard ave.

-vr__i TWO 121B0RB QUKKNER HAMERLBS8 GUNB. nearly new. 922 N. 18th,

TROUT ^ N P tackle, unw j no

LT eaters,

WATER 922 N. 18th

$6.00 BUYS DIAMOND INITIAL RING. LOAN Office, 1621 Germantown avo., above Jefferson.

NATIONAL .cheap. 702 N. 8th st

C_SH". R E a i s W l i FO0 SALE,

BEDSTEAD. SPRINGS AND MATTRESS FOR sals, I K 1804 ,.N. • 10th st. ; . • y ' . ,

FINE BANJO FOR SALE, $$;60, A P P w T i o o " diimbia avo. OolurablH avo. (totharlne *t.

NOVELTY HRAraB;*)K88.INCHES, ALMOST FOR SALE GO-CART, WITH P new, «6-*». 252 Plamoud aL Hollywood st.

BLOCH RECLVNiNG GO-OART. A L M 6 * S T NEW. cheap. 4256 Viola at.. 42d and Thompson sts.

B iAOK AJSX>C TAN PA8CHUNP. MALE; cheap. 887 K. 11th. -^

HANDSOMI-: FiiEMISH OAK PHONOGRAPH cabinet. 2J88.Clarion, 18th and Diamond.

_ IB ANP 40 RECORDS. $6. 1018

GOOD CABINET MAKER'S WORK Bl for sale cheap, 2488 N. 8th at.


TWO PORTABLE HBATER8. NOVfcLTYS. 36 and 40-ln. 168 N.

W T E L T R A N G B . 7 F T . . 2 F I R I S S T T ^ O V E N S ; altghtly used. 158 N. Oth st.



LIBRARY. CONSISTING LIMITED EDITIONS and other cloth editions. 1702 Vine st;

GOOD B I C Y C L I T V O A S T B B BRAKE. $6.50. 2538 Hope st. Call evening.

FINE~TONFJ>~"Gt> ITAlC PERFECT CONDl» tlon; bargain. 607 E. Glrard ave.

D77uBL^BARR«LLEiri i"A^^ GUN, $20. 607 B. Glrard ave._ ^

STORE FIXTURES AND TWO ICE BOXES for sale. 1320 Point Breese_ ave. _ _ _ _ _ _ _


$4.60-RECLININO GO-CART. PARASOL AND lsec cover, in good condition. 1771 Newklrk St.

FTNE"6LD _vlor.IN. $15. 507 E. GUsrd aval

A O. L I P P I N C 0 1 T k CO., / % » 424 MARKET STREET,



- Stock consists of cheviots, casslmeres, thtbets. fancy worsteds, serges, clsrs, suitings snd trouserings, all fine goods: stock tables, prism lights, stock closets, partitions. ______ IAC01SS & CO., Auctioneers,

** 'PHONE 36-47. 6181617 8. SECOND • * ,



T H O M A S » . LOVATT & SONS, 1 Auctioneers. 'Phone 36-76 Du 480 SOUTH ST. and 807 PA8SYUNK AtsV

VANKIRK & BIDWELL SgSJV Sells all forfeited pledges, Tuesday, March 28th.

D O B E R T S & CO., Auctioneer! •>- Both 'Phones. 18U» W. Somerset s t .

OAK.SIDEBOARD. GOOD AS NEW, CHEAP. Call Monday, until 2 P. M.. 448 S. 43d St.

OAK BED ROOM SUIT. SIDEBOARD, SET of tuba, cheap. 646 N. 12th st.

LARGE RED PLUSH PARLOR SUIT, SIX pieces, good order, $16. 1132 N. 4tn. *

SODA WATER FOUNTAINS FOR RBNT OR sale. Brlnton A Broslus, 814 N. 17th st .

FOR S A L B ^ . o ^ N ' c i r T i N ' ^ R A K E . 30-INCH rollers. Call 1824 N. Wth s t . _ ,

OAK S E I D . M A T T B E S S " A N D SPRINGS, $8. 2801 NT Bancroft at. •

800. AND RECORD SECURES LARGE DISC record; 18 8. 17th. g ; " ^


6X7 LONG FOCUS CAMERA OUTFIT FOR sale. Call 2940 Klpp at.

$26 COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH, COST $65; Hairaud new. 204 N. 9th s t _ _

IOB BOX. GOOD CONOiTION. 8UITABBE FOR milk business. , 1118 B. Oxford st .

12 CHAIRS, e st.


SIX OAK ICB CREAMI T A B U C L . - - . . sail or eichange. 2288 S. Carlisle st

RBF . store.

.„.TOR. SUIT MEAT. _, BUTTER Milk hottse,. cor. 9th and York.

G 6 0 P FURNITURE, VERY CHEAP; LEAV-ing city. 887 York st. -

VIOLIN. BOX AND BOW. P l N E TONE, BAR-galfi, for $6. 425 Durfor st.

$16, PARI.OR SUIT;, 8 H . OAK BED ROOM suit: good style. 8j>7 York at.

$20. VERY FINB OAK IlALI, STAND: COST $88; jlka new. MHfc house, cor, 9th and York,

TWO GUNS. TALKING" MACHINB ANP RRC-ords. banjo, cheap. 2026_Auburn.

T tSfe?r^lM8*fcg.f?N<'ovtm-

ThRBEiPT; , NICKBIy. J8HOW,\ CASE. $2,60; large parlor stove^ 81,26.' 4524 Llpmore ave.


lnsten^jM 042 N. 6tb st . Axmb^

B"ABY C A R R I A G E F O R S A P B . C A L L S U N -day, roar 2141 E. Arizona.

GILT FRAME. PLATE GLASS MIRROR: SOLD for storage. 8980 Lancaster .ave. •

1209 VIOLIN, VERY PINE7 TONE, CHEAP. Catharine a t^

AltASOL. 8408

PARLOR SUIT. FOR fi ers. 20 S, 40th at.

. i . . ' , . 1 . , 1 » ( < r i i . . i . i • 1 . . i l l FOR SALB.-OAMBRA. PONY PREMO NO. 8 good Condition. $16. N-860. Inquirer office.

^ f ^ n r y ^ s p 8 l l l f ; 9 t n % H Y Y ^ E W

CEHCAP. T A I L O R ' S T A B L K S \ G N , G A S S T O V E and measuring block. 1404 Federal at.

., Auctioneers, will seU Tusav at 10 o'clock, at 739 Hprln*

ROBERTS A 0 0 . day, March 28. . . . . .

Garden st. meat market fixtures and awntu# sale peremiitory. | ,

HAVIS & HARVKY, Auctioneer, • ^ STORE, 1112 WALNUT STREET. Sales at Residences of families removing

iery Tuesday. Cash advi REAL ESTATE MONDAYS

Sales s t Store every Tuesday. Gash advances.

I. Fortnan. 8. Fleishman. E. Scbaeffsff, M U T U A L AUCTION CO.,

S ™»«Uffaglfe STREW. S A M U E L T. F R E E M A N & CO. *"* Bell, Fit. 81-41. Key. R. 48 46 A A u c t i o n e e r s .


FR A N K & W I L L I S , •Phone, Market 12-29 D,


• •


I A S . A . F R E E M A N ' S SONS, Au^tion'e. V .ESTABLISHED 1806 16th and Chestnut sts. 103 N. 16th s t .


1619 and 1621 CHESTNUT. FURNITURE.

W Y N N E , PRINCE «A CO., Inc. " T Real Estate Auctioneers.

719-721 Walnut St.

VBBY <liUjAP. 8 V i , U l a H T OO-CART, U K E

C O P P ^ t ^ A C K E T KETTLES AND HOTEL Cooking ware. 168 N. 9th st.

LARGE. dealers.


> .NP nbr

th jit.



JOHN F. Hcharr, 1681 Balnbrldge St.

KINDLING w 6 7 r t T : * n s ^ l T T B B ; OUKENE make; ncarlv new. 23 S. 6th. nydte;

S H O W CASKS F O R S A L E AU. W E E K . Reese at., near 6th and Diamond.


SHOW GASES FOR SALE ALL WEEK. 10 S. 4th St.. Carbdey, N. J.

FOR SALE—COFFEE FIXTURES. ADPltESS 2451 N. Carlisle st, - . /

CIGARS, MANUPR'B OUTFIT ANP A SAFE, $6x27. 8. , F- cor. York and Colorado.



POO'i T A B L E . ^ m i SHACKAMAXON ST. Q E N T S RIDNG SADDLE, $2.00. 248 N. 22d.

C T R A U S 8 M A N & E P S T E I N , *^ Wholesale Auctioneers and Appratsara.

19 and 21 South Fourth streat.


Wholesale Auctioneers and Appraisers, f > A V I D KJVSKEY,

W h o l e M l U u c t l o r a A d T A p p r a l . ^

5 a B A R N E S k CO., Auctioneers.

W M . L. F R A N C E & SON, Auctioneers V 690 N. SECOND ST. PHONE 48-14 A.

M , BARSH & CO.rfH


« • • • • — — » - • • - - « . - i — s » • — . p i s s i


VMM. F . COMLY & SONS, Auctiotteere. T T * 248 8. Front and 115 Dock at.

E 8. FRECHIE, Auctioneer, • 1617 GERMANTOWN ATS.

R A R N E S A L O F L A N D . Auctioneera, * * 147 SOUTH FOURTH STREET.

E P. PERCIVAL, Auctioneer. • 221 N. I th st. Eatab. J$4ft.

: / ' • - . <


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069