In The BIn The B reezereeze - Bluebonnet Miata · 2018. 8. 20. · November 2011 Official...

In The B In The B In The B In The B In The B In The B In The B In The B reeze reeze reeze reeze reeze reeze reeze reeze November 2011 Official Newsletter of the Bluebonnet MX-5 Miata Club Still Free! Finally, Fall Finally, Fall Finally, Fall Finally, Fall Were you, like me, thinking fall was here when we got that little cool front a few weeks ago? Many of us were out in West Texas when it arrived and it felt so good that it more or less tricked us into thinking fall is finally here. Well, think again. We had more 100 degree weather in store as we realized it was just a trick by Mother Nature. But it was no trick that most of us got inspired by that small cool snap as we returned and began planning for future events. No sooner had we gotten back, Pat Franklin had her Granny D’s breakfast run (which, sad to say, I couldn’t make. ) Crisper weather was in the air and before we could turn around I was hosting an- other Lunar Zoomer dinner. The origi- nal EZ’s was the location and we had perfect weather for that night, too. The following week, Pat Franklin was at it again, this time teaming up with Marilyn McCullen to lead a run up to a perennial favorite, the Camp Verde store. Again, great weather and a fun run. While a different place to eat had been planned, we couldn’t resist the hos- pitality the store offered and we had lunch right there at the store. Jim and Freda Treat led us to the NAS- CAR inspired Bubba’s Café. I might add here that we were all amazed that Jimbo could find roads many of us had never been on.. And you thought only the hill country had the great windy roads. A big turnout had everyone buzz- ing about the great ride as we settled into some tasty food at Bubba’s. Great job, Jimbo! So, unlike the summer, September began what promises to be a very busy fall season of runs. Proof of that came quickly as Mike Guererro led his very first run since he’s been in the club. Marilyn McCullen’s story on Mike’s run is on the following pages of ITB. Paul and Judy Faulkner hosted one of my all-time favorites, the Annual Cuero Turkey Fest in, where else, Cuero! If you’ve never been to this event, put it on next year’s calendar because in spite of the Faulkner’s promise that this years was the absolute last time they would be participating. Personally, I’ll be lobby- ing for them to keep the event alive. If you don’t know about the Turkey Fest, it’s a real treat as we get to be in a parade and go down main street Cuero and honestly it’s my favorite parade we’ve ever been in as a club. After the parade, the Faulkner's had all of us out to their ranch just outside Cuero tamales and Judy’s famous strawberry tort. The Faulkner’s also showed us their new house. Well, okay, it’s not finished yet, but it looks to be a really nice place. I can hardly wait till they get it finished so we can have our Christmas party there! (How is that for inviting our- selves???) Another Lunar Zoomer dinner with 23 in attendance proves that everyone is really ready to get out and enjoy the cooler weather. Just before this edition of ITB went to press, many of us went to Gene and Marcia Carlow annual trek up to New Braunfels and Crocodile Gap. Lots of fun and those great go karts! What fun! We had lots of folks driving this year and as the night wore on, their mechan- ics adjusted the karts to go really fast! So, fall is here, where are YOU going to take us? Sign up to lead us, we’ll follow you and you’ll enjoy the real fun of be- ing a member of Bluebonnet Miata Club. -Ed From Your President... After a long hot summer, it is officially fall and cooler temperatures are headed our way, this allows for some great “top- down” days ahead for Miata owners. A special thanks to all those who led runs this past month. Make sure you mark your calendars for some special events planned to finish out the year. I would also like to remind everyone that in January of each year we get together to discuss what runs and events we would like to plan for the year. If you have never led a run, or if you led one this past year and want to do it again – make plans to attend that meeting. Wikipedia defines a car as a motorized vehicle to transport passengers, and that there are approximately 600 million pas- senger cars worldwide – about one for each eleven people. For those who own a “Miata” it’s not all about metal, glass, but- tons, gears or horns; it’s about heart. Something not physically, but something definitely felt each time Miata owners and friends get together. I don’t think anyone would disagree that the Bluebonnet Miata club is one of the best of its kind – a CLASSIC! Only heartfelt thanks to each of you, for choosing to be a part of this. For those who may not know each year we elect club officers who oversee our monthly meetings and act as a voice for its members. Our nominating committee has spent time gathering names to for these positions and they will be presenting this list at the October meeting and then ballots will be cast at the November meeting. Please make sure if you are a member to be here next month for your voice to count. -Betty Herrera

Transcript of In The BIn The B reezereeze - Bluebonnet Miata · 2018. 8. 20. · November 2011 Official...

  • In The BIn The BIn The BIn The BIn The BIn The BIn The BIn The Breezereezereezereezereezereezereezereeze November 2011 Official Newsletter of the Bluebonnet MX-5 Miata Club Still Free!

    Finally, FallFinally, FallFinally, FallFinally, Fall Were you, like me, thinking fall was here when we got that little cool front a few weeks ago? Many of us were out in West Texas when it arrived and it felt so good that it more or less tricked us into thinking fall is finally here. Well, think again. We had more 100 degree weather in store as we realized it was just a trick by Mother Nature. But it was no trick that most of us got inspired by that small cool snap as we returned and began planning for future events.

    No sooner had we gotten back, Pat Franklin had her Granny D’s breakfast run (which, sad to say, I couldn’t make. ) Crisper weather was in the air and before we could turn around I was hosting an-other Lunar Zoomer dinner. The origi-nal EZ’s was the location and we had perfect weather for that night, too.

    The following week, Pat Franklin was at it again, this time teaming up with Marilyn McCullen to lead a run up to a perennial favorite, the Camp Verde store. Again, great weather and a fun run. While a different place to eat had been planned, we couldn’t resist the hos-pitality the store offered and we had lunch right there at the store.

    Jim and Freda Treat led us to the NAS-CAR inspired Bubba’s Café. I might add here that we were all amazed that Jimbo could find roads many of us had never been on.. And you thought only the hill country had the great windy roads. A big turnout had everyone buzz-ing about the great ride as we settled into some tasty food at Bubba’s. Great job, Jimbo!

    So, unlike the summer, September began what promises to be a very busy fall season of runs.

    Proof of that came quickly as Mike Guererro led his very first run since he’s been in the club. Marilyn McCullen’s

    story on Mike’s run is on the following pages of ITB .

    Paul and Judy Faulkner hosted one of my all-time favorites, the Annual Cuero Turkey Fest in, where else, Cuero! If you’ve never been to this event, put it on next year’s calendar because in spite of the Faulkner’s promise that this years was the absolute last time they would be participating. Personally, I’ll be lobby-ing for them to keep the event alive.

    If you don’t know about the Turkey Fest, it’s a real treat as we get to be in a parade and go down main street Cuero and honestly it’s my favorite parade we’ve ever been in as a club. After the parade, the Faulkner's had all of us out to their ranch just outside Cuero tamales and Judy’s famous strawberry tort.

    The Faulkner’s also showed us their new house. Well, okay, it’s not finished yet, but it looks to be a really nice place. I can hardly wait till they get it finished so we can have our Christmas party there! (How is that for inviting our-selves???)

    Another Lunar Zoomer dinner with 23 in attendance proves that everyone is really ready to get out and enjoy the cooler weather.

    Just before this edition of ITB went to press, many of us went to Gene and Marcia Carlow annual trek up to New Braunfels and Crocodile Gap. Lots of fun and those great go karts! What fun! We had lots of folks driving this year and as the night wore on, their mechan-ics adjusted the karts to go really fast!

    So, fall is here, where are YOU going to take us? Sign up to lead us, we’ll follow you and you’ll enjoy the real fun of be-ing a member of Bluebonnet Miata Club.




    President... After a long hot summer, it is officially fall and cooler temperatures are headed our way, this allows for some great “top-down” days ahead for Miata owners. A special thanks to all those who led runs this past month. Make sure you mark your calendars for some special events planned to finish out the year. I would also like to remind everyone that in January of each year we get together to discuss what runs and events we would like to plan for the year. If you have never led a run, or if you led one this past year and want to do it again – make plans to attend that meeting.

    Wikipedia defines a car as a motorized vehicle to transport passengers, and that there are approximately 600 million pas-senger cars worldwide – about one for each eleven people. For those who own a “Miata” it’s not all about metal, glass, but-tons, gears or horns; it’s about heart. Something not physically, but something definitely felt each time Miata owners and friends get together. I don’t think anyone would disagree that the Bluebonnet Miata club is one of the best of its kind – a CLASSIC! Only heartfelt thanks to each of you, for choosing to be a part of this.

    For those who may not know each year we elect club officers who oversee our monthly meetings and act as a voice for its members. Our nominating committee has spent time gathering names to for these positions and they will be presenting this list at the October meeting and then ballots will be cast at the November meeting. Please make sure if you are a member to be here next month for your voice to count.

    -Betty Herrera

  • PAGE 2 NOVEMBE 2011

    2011 Club Officers2011 Club Officers2011 Club Officers2011 Club Officers

    President Betty Herrera

    [email protected]

    Vice President Judi Privett

    [email protected]

    Secretary Stephanie Turner

    [email protected]

    Treasurer Marilyn McCullen

    [email protected]

    Membership Barbara Thompson

    [email protected]

    Webmaster Don Privett

    [email protected]

    Newsletter Editor George Lucas

    [email protected]

    EZ does itEZ does itEZ does itEZ does it… As I sit at my desk in the wee hours, eyes weighing heavy, just before putting this latest edition of In The Breeze to bed, I realized I owe everyone an apol-ogy for getting last month’s edition out so late. I have no real excuse except to say my life has been pretty busy lately and some adjustments to my schedule had to be made. I should have no problem getting the newsletter out in a more timely fashion to you all in the future.

    Another year is about to come to a close, but not before some of our most fun events occur. The Hamiltons Halloween run/costume party, the Camp Verde Christmas Open House Run, another trip up to the Pedernales Electric Co-Op light show, Marble Falls light show included, and, of course, our Christmas Party. If you haven’t attended one of our Christmas parties, you’re in for a real treat.

    I almost forgot the Nearly State Wide informal event in Kerr-ville at the Y.O. Hotel. The Austin Tejas Miata Club has a few surprises up their sleeves to make sure we all have a good time. And, in November, this event promises perfect weather for all events.

    Tonight you will be asked to vote for officers for the coming year. Ballots will be passed out and you can cast your vote at this evenings meeting. While there is a slate of officers put forth by the nominating committee, feel free to nominate someone you feel might also be good for the five offices being voted on.

    With the recent rain we’ve had (not nearly enough), I’m hoping it will spur the wildflowers to put out their beautiful colors. We’re overdue for some bluebonnets!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and I wish you the safest of travels over the holidays.


    Inside this issueInside this issueInside this issueInside this issue… President’s message..……………………………..Front Page

    Club Officers…………………….………………….…………….2

    New Members……….……….…………………….……………..2

    EZ does it…………………….…………………….………………2

    Mean Gene Carlow…………..……………..…………......……3

    Mike Guerrero’s Run and photos.………….....…………4, 5

    Turkey Business….…………………………………………..6, 7

    Crocodile Gap Run and event photos...………………..8, 9

    Cruise Info Page……………………...………………………..10

    Prior Meeting Minutes……………………………………….11

    Upcoming events……...……………………………Back Page

    New MembersNew MembersNew MembersNew Members

    Dave Craft and Jan Dunevant

    San Antonio, TX 2004 Grey

    John and Lola Coronado

    San Antonio

    2010 PRHT Stormy Blue

    Mike & Susie Schatz

    San Antonio, TX 2005Lava Orange

    Welcome to the club!!!

  • NOVEMBER 2011 PAGE 3

    Recently, Dave Hamilton sent this photo out to all of us and I wanted to know more about how it came about that Mean Gene Carlow was sitting in this exotic car! So, I asked him and also asked him to put it in story form so I can put it in the newsletter. He promptly replied with this short story below.


    It was taken at Portimao on the southern coast of Portugal, our first stop after leaving Lisbon the previous evening on a cruise that would end in Rome.. We had spent a little time there years ago when we took a bus tour of Portugal. We were just leaving the ship to catch a shuttle into town for a short visit and back to the ship. The car plus two girls and a guy were right there close to our ship inside the secure area. As we started to exit the area, they ask if I would get in the car and let them take a picture. I said sure as I started to wrap it around me, hook up the shoulder belts, look it over (no keys) and start dream-ing (WOW, what a nice fit). The girls said something about me knowing what I was doing and Marcia responded with something like; yes, he has driven his Miata, a NASCAR and Indy car on race tracks. Well, given some translation error, they probably thought at that point they had an old re-tired geezer race driver in their presence. The guy took a couple shots, I unbuckled, climbed out (after he grabbed me by my shirt and pulled) and after giving him my email address for a copy, we mover on. They never said what they were doing there or try to sell anything like a racing school as is painted on the car. When we returned an hour or two later, they were still there and confirmed the picture was on it's way.

  • PAGE 4 NOVEMBER 2011


    By Marilyn McCullen

    Saturday was a busy day for the Bluebonnet Miata Club. In the morning was the Highway Cleanup

    followed by breakfast at Grumpy’s, home of the huge taco. But Saturday afternoon was the best part of the

    day. That’s when Michael Guerrero led his “I Don’t Know” Run. This was his first run, but hopefully not his

    last. Those of you who were unable to attend missed a good one.

    Seven cars met in Seguin and were off and running at 3:30. The day was one of those days when

    you’re glad you drive a convertible. Michael found lots of winding, curving roads we associate with the Hill

    Country. Who knew there were such great curves east of town, too? The rain received earlier in the week con-

    tributed to the beautiful white blooms of wild onions at the sides of the road and the pinkish-purple flowers of

    the Cenizo shrubs along the way. (Okay, I’d attended a workshop about native plants earlier that morning

    instead of picking up trash, so I was really attuned to the flora of the drive.) Green pastures and wooded ar-

    eas greeted us as we made our way to Luling, TX.

    As usual, the companionship at dinner was outstanding. Blake’s Café in Luling had some delicious

    food, including the ever-popular fried pickles. After we ate, some of us made our way to the farmer’s market

    in the next block. There was a wide selection of pumpkins and gourds, including some with very unusual col-

    ors and shapes. You had to be there. Michael and others weighed their cars. I bought some home-grown to-

    matoes that really enhanced my salad the next day.

    Thanks, Michael, for a great run. “I Don’t Know Run”? I don’t think so. You sure knew what you

    were doing when you planned THIS run. I can’t wait for your next run, hopefully soon.

  • PAGE 5 NOVEMBER 2011

    Thank YouThank YouThank YouThank You



  • PAGE 6 NOVEMBER 2011

    [FACT] It was the 39th annual Turkeyfest in Cuero America.

    [WHAT] The Miataphytes zoomed down and did the parade well. We are joining a long tradition from this part of the


    [HISTORY] The first Turkey Trot was in 1912. This was an agricultural march of turkeys to the processing plant near

    the railroad. The turkeys themselves marched down Main Street. There were 14 Turkey Trots held every so often be-

    tween then and 1972. In 1973 the annual Turkeyfest began as a yearly small town festival to promote the town’s heri-

    tage. Cuero would be known as the Turkey Capitol of the World, but also on this same theme was the town of Wor-

    thington, Minn. The two self-proclaimed capitols decided to have a simple turkey race. [PAYCHECK of Worthington

    and RUBY BEGONIA of Cuero] The race was a competitive (total time) of two heats. The first heat would be held in

    Worthington at King Turkey Day in September and the second heat would be held at Turkeyfest in October. The mas-

    cot with the fastest combined times would be the winner of the race, the title, and the Traveling Turkey Trophy of Tu-

    multuous Triumph. The loser would be presented with the Circulating Cup of Consummate Commiseration. [Paycheck

    appeared to win this year.]

    [BACK TO US MIATAPHYTES.] There were 6 cars that zoomed the journey from San Antonio led by George and

    Gayle. The decorating was outstanding and would all win prizes in my book. Holly and Don had the ‘bestest and big-

    gest’ green turkey I have ever seen! He even had green ‘muskcles’. Annie and Judy supported the freshmen cheerlead-

    ers and drove behind the football team. The truck carrying the football boys [and TRAINER FREJA] had the bigger

    horn and the loudest blast. Our group was well represented:

    [ROLL CALL] George and Gayle, Betty and Mike, Marilyn and Dave, Cliff, Holly and Don, Barbara and Rhom, Jerry

    and Kay, and Judy and Paul. We were joined by Annie Stall. Some of you may remember Matt Stall. Annie is his sister

    and she now has the red Miata. Their family starts early with Miatas. She is a junior at CHS and has a Miata. Wow!

    Freya joined us also for the trip to the house[NO MIATA].

    After parade [SHORT AND OVER], the little cars zoom on to another short [run] about the Cuero countryside. Paul is

    leading them back to the J4 [RANCH] for lunch of fresh tamales and fixins with pumpkin cake bars and strawberry

    torte. Betty made some Snickerdoodles, Paul’s favorite. Thank you Betty!

    We had fun and hope all did too. The slide show on web was great Dave.


    Judy and Paul Faulkner, J4 Ranch

  • PAGE 7 NOVEMBER 2011

  • PAGE 8 NOVEMBER 2011

    A one week rain delay took nothing away from the short run to New Braunfels for dinner and fun at the Croco-dile Gap for13 Miatas and 30+ club and family members. Just looking at all the smiles in Dave's pictures posted here and on the Bluebonnet Miata web site, and it is easy to see that everyone had a great time on our annual Crocodile Gap event. What you don't see very clearly of is the mayhem that took place on the track as drivers competed aggressively for each others space (in particular, the two Marilyn's and Gayle). As in the past, the two-seater karts were a bit faster than the single-seaters. That is, until the last two runs when Gayle and then I got into the slow #9 kart which had just been given an adjustment, and we both went flying around everyone on the track in a blur. My apologies to those who were a bit in my way when I needed to pass. In addition to driving go-karts, club and family members enjoyed other activities such as Putt Putt golf and testing their skills in the batting cages (that Betty swings a mean bat).

    It was hard to avoid noticing that the track condition has deteriorated further due to the excessively dry summer, and that the karts have gotten even longer in the tooth. I was told that in the near future, the new owners are going to replace parts of the track for a smoother surface and also replace the karts with new ones. That should make our event there next year an even more enjoyable.

    Gene and Marcia

  • PAGE 9 NOVEMBER 2011

  • PAGE 10 NOVEMBER 2011

  • PAGE 11

    Bluebonnet Miata Club Meeting Minutes September 27, 2011

    Open Meeting

    Introduction of new members: John Coronado - 2010. Michael Schatz 2005 Lava Orange Mazda Speed. Visitors: No visitors.


    Treasurer’s Report: Marilyn McCullen reported that our current checking account balance was $ . The savings account balance is $ . Membership: Barbara Thompson reported that we have 86-90 members. Many membership renewals were turning in at the last moment and a finally tally is not presently known. Webmaster: Please send about 10 events, per person, per event to the webmaster to put on the website. Email Don the photos. Newsletter: No new updates.

    Old Business

    Club Pins are free to new members. $2 for current/old members. See Barbara Thompson for more information. Club Stickers are 2 for $5.00. See Barbara Thompson for more information. The Bluebonnet Miata Club Business cards are available for members to pass out. Name Badges are available from Barbara Thompson upon request. They are $6.50 and due when ordering one. There is a minimum of 5 when ordering. Bluebonnet Miata Cruise – so far 23 people are signed up. The nominating committee is putting together nominations for the yearly board member elections.

    New Business

    Send email to Don Privett about adding runs to the calendar. Tech Day is cancelled this year. Jeff needs to keep the date open for family stuff. Votes to be taken on the annual Christmas party. Vote for your first and second preference. The Halloween party was discussed and argued over who would pay for the pizza. Brian Pearce brought in books with earlier Miatas for our viewing pleasure. Make your Round Up Reservations at the Y.O. Resort.

    Past Runs and Activities

    Sept 2nd – Alpine Trip. Led by George Lucas. Will probably be an annual event now. Sept 10th – Breakfast at Granny D’s. Led by Pat Franklin. Sept 17th – Impromptu run to Camp Verde for shopping. Led by Pat Franklin and Marilyn McCullen. Sept 19th – Lunar Zoomers. Led by George Lucas. Sept 24th – Bubba’s Nascar Run. Led by Jim Treat. Sept 27th – Monthly Meeting. Big’z Burgers.

    New Runs and Activities

    October 1st – Trash Pick Up. Led by Jeff Holbrook. October 1st – I Don’t know Run. Led by Mike. October 8th – Cuero Turkey Festival. Details TBA. October 9th – Crocodile Gap. Led by Gene and Marcia Carlow. Go Cart Racing and dinner at Longhorn Café. October 15th – Tech Day. Led by Jeff Holbrook. October 25th – Miata Meeting at Big’z Burgers. October 29th – Halloween Party. Led by Dave and Marilyn Hamilton. Prizes for costumes. Short run and Pizza.

    New Miata Stuff

    Pat Franklin – New Tail Light Brian Pearce – New Radiator Marilynn McCullen – New Headlight

    Yearly tally of Miata Event Attendees: 1005 **We made our Goal !!!!

    The Meeting was adjourned. People went to the parking lot for more Miata talk

    NOVEMBER 2011

  • Check your mailing label for your renewal date.

    Please renew your membership promptly!

    Upcoming Runs and EventsUpcoming Runs and EventsUpcoming Runs and EventsUpcoming Runs and Events • Saturday, October 29th. Halloween Costume Run, led by Dave and Marilyn Hamilton. Meet at Big's

    Miata Valero (18655 Nacogdoches Rd) at 5:45pm. At 6:15pm we will depart on a spooky Halloween Run that will end at Dave & Marilyn's house. Beverages and pizza will be provided. There will be prizes for the Funniest, Scariest and Sexiest costumes. More information will follow at a later date.

    • Friday, November 4th-Kerrville Y.O. Weekend– Casual State Wide Rally The formal Round for 2011 is canceled due mostly to sponsors inability to contribute to offset participant costs. So, we've decided to email you all to let you know that there will be an informal (no host) event at the YO in Kerrville the November 4-6, 2011.What does this mean? No event registration fee so no formal banquet nor breakfast. Dining is on your own in the area. There is a large number of sites to visit. For those who have not been, there is a lot to see and do. Gather in the lobby hotel and meet old and make new friends. Runs will be self lead (but you may hook up with others who want to go in the same direction as you - run sheets from previous events will be available). We've talked with the YO and they have a block of rooms for the event. Rates are $89/night. Contact the YO, 1-877-967-3767, directly to book your rooms. Mention Texas Miata Round up to get one of the reserved block of rooms. The block of rooms have been reduced so book early. Website:

    • Thursday, November 10th. Lunar Zoomer Dinner, hosted by George Lucas– Dine under a full moon at a restaurant to be named later. Please watch your Yahoo Groups email or the website.

    • Saturday, November 19th, Catfish Run to Austin, led by Mike and Betty Jackson. Details soon!

    • Tuesday, November 22nd. Monthly meeting at Bigz Burger Joint. Eating at 6:30 p.m., meeting at 7:30 p.m.

    In The BreezeIn The BreezeIn The BreezeIn The BreezeIn The BreezeIn The BreezeIn The BreezeIn The Breeze

    Bluebonnet Miata Club

    San Antonio, Texas