in relation to COVID-19 and the updated Government …...People at risk Employees, pupils, visitors,...

1 | Page People at risk Employees, pupils, visitors, contractors, parents/carers Government guidance states for schools states: “The safety of children and staff is our utmost priority.” “The advice seeks to support staff working in schools, colleges and childcare settings, to deliver this approach in the safes t way possible, focussing on measures they can put in place to help limit the risk of the virus spreading within education and childcare settings.” “In education, childcare and social care settings, preventing the spread of the coronavirus involves dealing with direct tran smissions (for instance, when in close contact with those sneezing and coughing) and indirect transmission (vi a touching contaminated surfaces.) A range of approaches and actions should be employed to do this.” Government guidance for parents concerning re-opening of schools states: “We have provided guidance and support to schools, colleges and child care settings on implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings to help them reduce the risk of transmission as more children and young people return.” “Whilst such changes are likely to look different in each setting, as they will depend upon individual circumstances, they are all designed to minimise risks to children, staff and their families. Schools and colleges continue to be best placed to make decisions about how to support and educate their pupils during this period. This will include: Consideration of the pupils’ mental health and well being Up to date guidance can be found here: measures-in-education-and-childcare-settings ACTION PLAN FOR: CORONOVIRUS (COVID-19) Spread Prevention and Government / HCC Advice Establishment: Giles Junior School Action Plan By: Louise Whitby (Headteacher) Date: 17 th March 2020 UPDATED 12 th June 2020 Manager Approval: Karen Wheatland Date: 16 th March 2020 in relation to COVID-19 and the updated Government Advice

Transcript of in relation to COVID-19 and the updated Government …...People at risk Employees, pupils, visitors,...

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Government guidance states for schools states:

“The safety of children and staff is our utmost priority.”

“The advice seeks to support staff working in schools, colleges and childcare settings, to deliver this approach in the safest way possible, focussing on measures they can put in place to help limit the risk of the virus spreading within education and childcare settings.”

“In education, childcare and social care settings, preventing the spread of the coronavirus involves dealing with direct transmissions (for instance, when in close contact with those sneezing and coughing) and indirect transmission (via touching contaminated surfaces.) A range of approaches and actions should be employed to do this.”

Government guidance for parents concerning re-opening of schools states:

“We have provided guidance and support to schools, colleges and child care settings on implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings to help them reduce the risk of transmission as more children and young people return.”

“Whilst such changes are likely to look different in each setting, as they will depend upon individual circumstances, they are all designed to minimise risks to children, staff and their families.

Schools and colleges continue to be best placed to make decisions about how to support and educate their pupils during this period. This will include:

Consideration of the pupils’ mental health and well being

Up to date guidance can be found here:



CORONOVIRUS (COVID-19) Spread Prevention and Government / HCC Advice

Establishment: Giles Junior School

Action Plan By: Louise Whitby (Headteacher) Date: 17th March 2020 UPDATED 12th June 2020

Manager Approval: Karen Wheatland

Date: 16th March 2020

in relation to COVID-19 and the updated Government Advice

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of risk


Social distancing at key points e.g. drop off and pick up times.

Staggered entry/exit – pupil entering and exiting the building in stages of 30 minutes

Parents informed of this staggering time – advising for one parent to drop off (if a child is a lone walker this is encouraged)

Entry points for each group will be spread throughout the school in addition to the staggering

Two metre marking outside the classrooms in use to help support parents when they are social distancing

Signage clarifying that the office lobby can only contain one person at a time e.g. parents wishing to collect items

Cones will mark a queuing system 2 meters apart for anyone needing support from the office

Max of two members of office staff in the office at any one time – children not to enter office

LW to devise timetable

LW to inform parents and outline expectations to reduce risk

See plan for classroom allocation

JM to mark these out

LW to produce and make signage

MB to mark these out

Teachers to explain to pupils.

Social Distancing measures in classroom

Maximum of 15 children per classroom

Remove excess furniture to increase space

Social distancing charter set up as introduction session to facilitate clear expectations

One pupil per desk with minimum 1.5 metres apart from another pupil (see photos below for an illustration)

Teacher/TA have own desk

Visualizer and Interactive TV screen to be used to allow remote teaching and reduce ability to be close to children

CW/AK organise and check Yr 6 Nos

Class teachers allocated to organise adult

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more than necessary

Learning opportunities outside where practicable will be sought (especially use of the field where there is a larger amount of space)

Children will not use the cloakroom – their items will be kept in their work space or under their desk (coats over their chair)

to support this amendment

Class teachers to introduce the charter on day 1 (refer to principles at bottom of sheet)

Class teachers to make sure they have appropriate equipment

JM to organise two outside PE sessions (non-contact per week with each group)

Social Distancing measures when moving around school/break/lunch/use of toilet

1. Staggered break times/lunch times 2. Classrooms chosen to allow pupils to have specific access to toilets where they do not mix with other groups

(Germany to use Unisex toilet) Peru to use girls and boys toilets – all other toilets are either in their own classrooms or in the hallway

3. Reduced lunch time to reduce time outside/reduce overlap of children (see attached lunch time schedule below) 4. Lunch time space allocations will have groups either on playground or on field. 5. When children eat lunch they will be seated in the dining room – one pupil per table but still in groups for

conversation. They will enter the dining room through the usual exit from the playground and past the hall) and exit to their outside space (as directed) via Mr Mendes room (Scotland) Markings are on the ground to allow children to minimise passing each other – see photo below.

6. There will be 12 tables in the dining area and then two more in the quiet area. The last two children seated MUST go in the quiet area (not designated by need or preference)

7. PE sessions will take place where children will be taught a number of games where distance can be applied while

1. LW to organise timings

2. Teachers to include this in class charter

3. 45 minute lunch time

4. JM to plan sessions to mitigate mixing and/or risk of touching

5. LW to organise

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still interacting e.g. tennis, fitness circuits, football drills and warm ups (not actual games), skipping games Sports teacher to apply social distancing when teaching the different groups.

8. Staff to ensure they are eating lunch sociably but in an area where they are able to be 2 metres apart.

outside supervision rota to allow teachers to have a break/TAs to have lunch after pupils.

6. Staff to agree their eating arrangements to avoid overcrowding.

7. GF/LW/MB to mark flooring and rearrange dining room.


Minimise the need of different groups to mix with wide ranges of different people.

1. Same teacher and TA will remain with children throughout the day – no additional MSAs will support at lunch – this will be managed by staff who are already in school (See rota)

2. Additional adults who are required to supervise at lunch will apply social distancing when outside. 3. Toilets will be designated for use by each separate group to avoid sharing of facilities they will have access to toilets

either in their classroom/the toilets by the hall or the unisex toilets in the new build. They will have open access to these during break and lunch.

4. Should a child become anxious and is displaying dangerous behaviour a member of staff may be called in to support the child by using the de-escalation script as usual – supporting verbally from a distance and encouraging them verbally. The child will be encouraged to find a safe space and be directed to the Cub where an adult can support them while de-escalating.

5. If a child has three episodes where they have been unsafe and require a high level of support the child will be asked to learn at home until such time as we can facilitate staff to make this safe.

6. A one way system has been put in place in the dining area and communal corridors to avoid groups passing in narrow corridors – in through playground doors – follow to dining room or class – exit through Mr Mendes room. All pupils and staff will adhere to this.

1. TAs on lunch duty (take 30 minute break when children return to class)

2. LW to select classrooms based on access to toilets per group and avoid mixing.

3. LW to put up signage for one way systems

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7. Children not to be sent to office or to return things to classrooms to avoid mixing with additional adults e.g. office staff.

8. Lunch time sessions will see that each group is using their designated equipment only and are in the designated area to ensure they do not mix with another group.

9. Toilets are allocated to each group so they are not mixing in the toilet. Only one child from each group should be going to the toilet at any one time to avoid movement around the building (where toilets are not based in the classroom). 4 Zambia will use the MALE toilet in the hall corridor and 4 Costa Rica will use the FEMALE toilets in the hall corridor. Peru use the single sex toilets and Germany are using the Unisex toilets – a one way system is in place to avoid groups crossing.

Contacts with parents about concerns

1. Parents will not have access inside the school building unless deemed urgent (visitor protocol will be followed for this)

2. Contact with parents is to take place over the phone or via the class email 3. Contact with the office will be through the glass pane 4. Any parents requiring collected items e.g. home learning packs etc. will be placed on the table in the foyer for


1. LW to state this in letter to all parents

2. LW to make signage which will denote this.

3. Table to be placed in lobby to allow items to be left for pick up if needed.

Visitors to the school 1. Parents will not be allowed into the school site – staggered entry and exit will reduce adults on site 2. Only one adult to bring child to school. 3. Visitors will be discouraged on site unless there is a reason why they must attend (relating to premises safety or annual

checks which are an essential requirement) – this will be encouraged on a Friday when there are minimal people on site.

4. Visitors who do attend school will be asked to wear appropriate PPE, apply strict social distancing and to adhere to the visitors policy which will be available when signing in. While the site manager is not available HT will undertake these duties in addition to her own. Any contractors will be arranged where possible when children and staff are off site. Should they be on site relevant staff will be made aware of the places where they are carrying out works via the main message board in the staff room.

1. LW communicate in letter to parents

2. MB/EE/CA to brief any visitors on protocol as per the guidance on the poster.


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Pupils sharing equipment.

Children should wash their hands upon entry to school. Using the sinks in their classroom. They may wait at their desk and wash them one pupil at a time using the 20 second routine which will be further established during lessons. See the following link for resources for KS2

Additional signage will be placed to remind pupils of the 20 second handwashing throughout the day – this will be revisited for younger pupils in the form of a discreet lesson.

Individual equipment will be provided – shared resources will not be applicable to the lessons planned – resources will be available on desks for each session – limit children accessing resources in crowded spaces (See photo of desk arrangement below)

Games cupboard will be locked and unlocked by the person who is knocking or unlock the whole building every day to avoid use of key among multiple users

Each group to have specific “playground equipment” which will be kept in class and cleaned after each use (after lunch) equipment chosen to reduce sharing of equipment e.g. skipping ropes, bats, plastic balls (rather than foam) These will be cleaned by the TA after lunch by filling the equipment box – adding disinfectant and leaving until end of school day – this will be emptied and ready for use the following day. 160ml pine disinfectant per 5 litres of water.

School will provide children with necessary equipment which will be kept on their desk each day – they will have a designated desk.

Parents will be asked to supply their child with a pack of tissues which can be kept on their desk when needed. Pupils will apply the catch it, kill it and bin it approach if needing to use a tissue.

Children with packed lunch/water bottle will keep on own desk rather than placing on a lunch trolley

Children will place their tray on their chair at the end of the day to make the tables easy for cleaning (and protect cleaning staff from touching items which have been touched by multiple children)

Desks will be wiped down by the cleaning staff at the end of the day using appropriate cleaning equipment

Chromebooks should be wiped with cleaning wipes if being used (which can be found in the class kit) BEFORE AND AFTER USE.

Cleaning staff will adhere to the additional cleaning protocols set out in the document these will be followed at the end of the day

Additional cleaning throughout the day will be made clear and passed to all relevant staff to adhere to the additional cleaning routines.

Class Teachers/TAs to embed this routine with children and follow up on proper handwashing

LW to produce and allocate signage as appropriate

MB to course appropriate playground equipment and sort into 5 boxes and ensure these are cleaned before use.

Class TA will be responsible for cleaning equipment as per the guidelines to minimise risk to themselves.

PE to order stock to make sure new pens and pencils are available for every pupil.

Staff to oversee children putting their items where

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they are needed and establishing that as their routine (while avoiding trip hazards)

LW to source classroom cleaning stations to enable wiping and cleaning as deemed necessary

Staff sharing touching surfaces

Staff will not mark work or handle materials touched by the pupils. Work needing reviewing will be done during the lesson or by reviewing books left open during break and lunch time allowing teachers to give verbal feedback for the pupils to act upon as needed

Identify a list of key touch points which are touched multiple times e.g. photo copier, door handles, taps etc. put relevant signage in places to alert people to procedure (wipe down after use)

Identify where key touch points are touched by staff where hand washing must follow e.g. entry keypad, toilet handle

Have cleaning materials available for staff to clean as required and make sure they are well stocked and accessible

Staff will be asked to wash hands upon entry to school (following touching the school entry system) and regularly throughout the day

Staff will use the I-pad signing in system which they will wipe with an cleaning wipe after use ready for the next person

Photocopy keypads will be wiped with cleaning wipes after each use

Cleaning team will have an identified list of key touch points which will be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day.

School will not have access for children every Friday, other than those who are key workers of vulnerable – this will give an opportunity to have a 72 hour window in which the virus is no longer live on surfaces.

No food sharing e.g. no shared cakes, biscuits in staff room

LW to create signage to remind staff where they might need to clean key touch points/wash their hands

Appropriate cleaning materials will be accessible near the places where additional cleaning is required


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Classrooms adapted to allow for appropriate conditions

Rooms well ventilated with internal and external (weather permitting) doors open

Classrooms de-cluttered to avoid pupils touching and handling items

Soft furnishing removed from classrooms (which can’t be easily wiped)

Tables arranged to allow for easy movement

Dining room adapted (see below)

Class teachers to ensure their room is ready for 1st June (see pictures below)


Clothing adaptations

Pupils will be asked to wear suitable/comfy clothing which can be easily eased and will allow for physical activity within school – parents will be asked to ensure change and wash when they return home and change into fresh clothes to mitigate the risk of transferring the Virus into the family home.

Staff will do the same – it will be understood that clothes may be more casual than normal to allow for the constant washing of clothes each day e.g. a suit is not easily washed

LW to include this information in parent letter Staff to report children in visibly dirty clothes so parents can be contacted and reminded of this

Bringing Items from home to school/vice versa

Children should not be bringing anything other than a coat, packed lunch and water bottle to school – everything else will be available in school

Children should not bring in face coverings as they are not able to handle them responsibly which may inadvertently increase the risk of transmission (staff will not be wearing face masks as a matter of daily practise although there may be occasions where they do so if dealing with an injured or ill child).

All items the children bring in will be kept in their own workspace or under their desk

Children will not bring home workbooks or homework home

We would ask pupils to only bring a mobile phone if they are a lone walker and it is essential. The phones will remain turned off in their own bag and will be brought in at their own risk – the school will not accept any responsibility for loss or breakage)

If the children create any art work or something to bring home these will be left in the classroom for 36 hours as the virus does not live on paper or card for longer than this. They will brought home after this point.

LW to include this information in parent letter Staff to report children/parents who are not adhering to these procedures so contact with parents can be made


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Cleaning products

Ensure stocks of relevant items are kept in stock and available: Hand soap, Gloves, Alcohol wipes, surface cleaners

Cleaning kits for each room for easy access

AB/JT in conjunction with ordering by MB and CA LW to set up cleaning kits


Pupil affected by lack of social interaction during school times

Parents to be given clear information, including access to this document to share new procedures with their child before coming to school – this will be given in advance of 1st June to allow any further concerns to be adapted in light of what pupils/parents might feel about coming to school.

Upon entry children will be re-established in their new form group – they will choose their form name and complete a number of exercises to help them communicate with each other

While children will be on their own desk these will be structured to allow them to have group discussions and interact during lessons while applying social distancing

Additional pastoral support will be offered by The Den for pupils needing specific one to one support (2 staff) This will be done on a one to one basis to enable social distancing to be applied when mixing with additional adults

Specific PSHE sessions will focus on ways to manage anxiety of issues which are out of their control

“My Teenage Brain” sessions will be run to support children in understanding how they can recognise early warning signs of anxiety during the time they are maturing

Pupils/Parents will be welcome to input additional ideas – this will continue to be a working document to support changes which will reduce anxiety as required.

Access to EP services by phone if advice is needed (01438 843 379)

LW to inform parents of the new routine via letter

Techers have an introduction lesson when all children on site

Teachers to arrange the room as discussed

ES/SK to structure activities to support those requiring additional support

AM to supply resources from “My teen brain” package which would have been run in school

LW/LJ to amend and collate actions which require amending to suit

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Pupils suffering with bereavement since school closure

Parent survey to collect information of any pupils affected directly to offer support remotely or face to face if in school.

Safe Space counselling support can be referred to ([email protected])

LW design and send survey

Use result so to inform appropriate planning and advise parents as needed

Staff affected by anxiety due to being at work due to COVID-19

A comprehensive plan and expectations outlined in this document may support staff to know how risk has been mitigated to the best of our ability.

Virtual staff meeting set up to involve everyone who will be in school from 1st June – opportunity to discuss this plan and adapt as needed.

Staff will be welcome to input additional ideas – this will continue to be a working document to support changes which will reduce anxiety as required.

All staff will complete a survey to assess their own personal circumstances – support can be offered for any staff with specific concerns and the risk mitigated where possible.

Staff who are anxious and don’t need to be in school will not be asked to come in unless in an emergency.

Friday school closure to enable staff to have appropriate time to plan, clean and prepare for the following week e.g. conscious that teachers will be teaching on site and offering learning to others off site as well as contacting parents who might need guidance and support if their child is not at school.

LW to draft and consult plan prior to opening

Set up staff briefing Thursday 20th to allow questions to be raised (virtual)

LW to arrange survey and collect results as needed

LJ to devise appropriate cleaning schedule and direct frequency of cleaning in certain areas.


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Year 6 pupils’ secondary readiness.

Secondary work to be carried out in line with usual expectations when in school

Those pupils not in school will be liaised with separately

Liaise with our 5 feeder schools to ascertain how they might facilitate transition during this time.

Contact SENCOs and give transition information about vulnerable pupils

CW to contact, arrange and notify relevant parents

AC to liaise with feeder school SENCOs

New starter parents (Current year 2 pupils) having access to transition materials.

Communicate with Infant School to get relevant information

Transition packs sent out by half term

Video a virtual tour/speech with relevant staff via video in place of usual transition meeting

For the most vulnerable initial information will be given in lieu of the children which will include photos

Liaise with parents of vulnerable pupils via phone

AC/EM meet 13.05.2020

CA send out packs

LW/AC/LJ plan and film virtual tour

AM to re-source information books with relevant phots of staff and the building

AC to phone by working with


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Pupils and staff being in contact with a pupil in school who has displayed symptoms while in school.

If anyone in an education or childcare setting becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste of smell (anosmia), they must be sent home and advised to follow the COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection guidance.

LJ to prepare signage as appropriate of procedure to follow when in contact with someone displaying symptoms – placed in staff room/Door of after school club for easy reference

All staff to follow procedure as set out

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If a child is awaiting collection, they should be moved, if possible, to a room where they can be isolated behind a closed door, depending on the age of the child and with appropriate adult supervision if required. Ideally, a window should be opened for ventilation. If it is not possible to isolate them, move them to an area which is at least 2 metres away from other people.

If they need to go to the bathroom while waiting to be collected, they should use a separate bathroom if possible. The bathroom should be cleaned and disinfected using standard cleaning products before being used by anyone else.

PPE should be worn by staff caring for the child while they await collection if a distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained (such as for a very young child or a child with complex needs).

In an emergency, call 999 if they are seriously ill or injured or their life is at risk. Do not visit the GP, pharmacy,

in plan

MB set up book for office use clearing labelled so everyone has access to fill in for both staff and pupils

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urgent care centre or a hospital.

If a member of staff has helped someone with symptoms, they do not need to go home unless they develop symptoms themselves (and in which case, a test is available) or the child subsequently tests positive (see ‘What happens if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in a setting?’ below). They should wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds after any contact with someone who is unwell. Cleaning the affected area with normal household disinfectant after someone with symptoms has left will reduce the risk of passing the infection on to other people. See the COVID-19: cleaning of non-healthcare settings guidance.

Staff displaying symptoms in school.

Staff will be asked to follow usual procedure for calling in sick if they are displaying any relevant symptoms and not come into work for 7 days from the start of the first symptom.

Staff will identify if they are displaying symptoms and remove themselves to The Den if concerned telling a member of staff as they do so.

The member of staff will go home and self-isolate for 7 days – this will be recorded in a book kept in the office labelled “staff self-isolation”.

Staff who have displayed symptoms should get tested to see if they are positive by following the guidance set out here: and a member of SLT informed of the result to follow procedure stated below should they be positive.

MB/CA keep records up to date in book

Pupils or staff being in contact with someone who has self-isolated due to displaying symptoms related to COVD-19

Parents will be notified by text that a pupil/member of staff has been sent home after displaying relevant symptoms.

Parents will have the right to self-isolate their child following this information – there will be no penalty for making this decision.

Parents will notify the school and the return date will be recorded in the appropriate book in the office.

LW to make procedure clear in letter and send to parents by 20.05.2020

Pupils/staff been in contact with someone who has been tested positive.



When a child, young person or staff member develops symptoms compatible with coronavirus (COVID-19), they should be

sent home and advised to self-isolate for 7 days and arrange to have a test to see if they have COVID-19.

They can do this by visiting NHS.UK to arrange or contact NHS 119 via telephone if they do not have internet access. Their

fellow household members should self-isolate for 14 days. All staff and students who are attending an education or

childcare setting will have access to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), and are encouraged to get

MB/CA log in book

Parent must notify the school if any symptoms occur

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tested in this scenario.

Where the child, young person or staff member tests negative, they can return to their setting and the fellow household

members can end their self-isolation.

Where the child, young person or staff member tests positive, the rest of their class or group within their childcare or

education setting should be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 14 days. The other household members of that wider

class or group do not need to self-isolate unless the child, young person or staff member they live with in that group

subsequently develops symptoms.

As part of the national test and trace programme, if other cases are detected within the cohort or in the wider setting,

Public Health England’s local health protection teams will conduct a rapid investigation and will advise schools and other

settings on the most appropriate action to take. In some cases a larger number of other children, young people may be

asked to self-isolate at home as a precautionary measure – perhaps the whole class, site or year group. Where settings are

observing guidance on infection prevention and control, which will reduce risk of transmission, closure of the whole setting

will not generally be necessary.

Parents/Staff who have been in contact with someone (who is in their “bubble group” who has tested positive will be notified by text and their family MUST to self-isolate for 14 days following the notification.

This will be logged in the Pupil or Staff self-isolation book kept in the office.

There is no need of the whole family to self-isolate, just the child within that group

All staff and pupils who have attended on a day where someone has been on premises and tested positive will be informed and asked to decide if they wish to self-isolate – and will not be penalised for doing so


Asthma (Tier 1)

Each group will need to have the inhalers correct for the children they have.

Children will administer themselves as normal and will be recorded on the sheet by the adult present.

Any concerns, move straight to Tier 3.

Teachers will need to ensure they have the correct inhalers for their group.

Recording sheets will need to be in the wallet with

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each inhaler.

Anaphylaxis (Tier 3)

Normal procedure will be followed with the following additions:

Gloves and masks will be included within the Epi-Pen boxes.

At the point of suspected anaphylactic shock, the First Aider should be radioed with details to attend and an adult should be sent to collect the Epi-Pen from the office, the office should be told to phone for an ambulance.

The First Aider will administer the epi-pen and stay with the child until the ambulance arrives. Parents should be phoned as early as is convenient.

AK will ensure face-masks and gloves are placed with the epi-pen boxes.

LW to place laminated copy of current procedure for each tier in first aid kits for reference.

Mouth and Eye Injuries (Tier 2)

Assess the extent of the injury without any physical contact.

If you need to assess the injury and are unable to do from a safe distance PPE should be worn.

If a minor mouth or eye injury Tier 1 may be used where the child washes their mouth out with water or applied a cold compress to the eye.

If a more serious injury occurs (for example teeth), the adult should inform parents and call a First Aider if needed.

Contact treatment for mouth and eye injuries will not be applied due to risks of cross contamination. Parents will be phoned.

All staff to be aware of protocol

LW to place laminated copy of current procedure for each tier in first aid kits for reference.

PE (Tier to be assessed)

The TA out with the group should assess which Tier is required for treatment using the action plan.

Treatment should be followed using the action plan.

If a child is unable to be moved, Tier 3 will be used.

Children should not be sent in on their own or before the assessment has been made by the TA outside.

JM to know and follow procedure where needed.

Intimate Care (Tier 2)

Medical and First Aid policy to to be followed however all staff attending will need to wear PPE.

Spare clothing will be distributed to both buildings.

The two adults attending the intimate care incident should be the teacher and TA from the group where possible to avoid unnecessary mixing. An adult from a different group can monitor the remaining children from a distance of 2m until the incident is dealt with.

Intimate care form should be filled out as normal.

AK to distribute spare clothing to both buildings.

Intimate Care equipment for OBB will be moved from Germany to the room he is in.

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RISK/RANK Specific Actions to mitigate risk Person responsible for supporting mitigation

of risk

Vomiting (Tier 2)

PPE must be applied by all adults dealing with the incident.

The child should be taken to get changed if needed and then placed in The Den until parents are able to collect.

All clothing to be double bagged and sent home with the child.

The vomit should be cleaned by the attending adults using correct method for the location (outside cleaning differs to inside) and then all materials used disposed of in the outside bins.

Carpet cleaning kits to be checked by AK.

CPR (Tier 3)

Attending adult will assess situation and check whether the child is breathing. Ideally, PPE should be applied first. This may not be possible dependent on the severity of the situation and this would be considered a necessary risk.

If child is not breathing, attending adult should call ambulance and the First Aider radioed. 999 call operator to be kept on the phone and phone given to First Aider at the scene. Attending Adult to place in recovery position if 999 call operator instructs.

Duty First Aider will take over CPR process ensuring PPE is being worn and face shields used if rescue breaths are to be administered following guidance from 999 operator.

Face shields to be in every first aid kit.

LW to place laminated copy of current procedure for each tier in first aid kits for reference.


Changes of staff/children attending on different days need to be accounted for if not attending school.

Parents must adhere to the normal procedures for attendance if their child is unable to come to school.

Any child expected in school will have the normal attendance procedures followed as stated in the current policy.

Parents who have children attending school and may be working on shifts due to key worker status must contact the school in advance of the coming week to let school know the days their child needs to attend

An office member accesses admin emails regularly to update SLT of any changes to attendance.

A register can be found on Google Drive which is updated daily by a member of SLT.

LJ to set up a register of children to be in school each day according to parent information

EE to monitor email for attendance and forward to LJ for updating

LJ to update register

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RISK/RANK Specific Actions to mitigate risk Person responsible for supporting mitigation

of risk


Pupils knowing suitable fire exits and procedure when in different parts of the building

Class teachers will re-establish classroom fire procedures making sure they know the correct exit.

Procedures will be as per our usual policy and will line up with staff on the playground and be marked off the fire register as usual indicating everyone is safe.

Teachers to inform pupils of fire procedure on entry to school

LW to check H&S signage

Fire register kept up to date daily as per usual procedure – TA in class


Supporting pupils needs who are not attending school.

An appendix to the updated Child Protection Policy made relevant processes clear.

All staff have access to this and have been emailed it – this has been approved by governors.

Phone calls/emails from teachers to continue to identify pupils requiring additional support

Designated teachers to maintain distance learning as previously

PPA given to all teachers to maintain contact with original class during times of increased teaching duties (potentially from June 1st) When school open on Friday for deep cleaning

DSPs to continue to maintain contact with relevant social workers and attend (virtual) meetings in regards to specific families.

LW/KW update and approve new policy

Staff to continue regular contact with all members of class via email/phone/google classroom

KR/SA/JD/RG to continue to develop distance learning

LW/LJ/AC to continue attending

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RISK/RANK Specific Actions to mitigate risk Person responsible for supporting mitigation

of risk


Security of site during the staggered start and end of day.

Procedure for opening and closing different areas of the school to make sure that pupils can have access but the site is secure when all pupils should be on site.

LW/LJ unlock top pedestrian gate – unlock main gates upon entry to school. Vehicle gates to be closed at 9:10. Any staff needing entry or exit will need to open these and close behind them so we can have a secure site for as much as possible.

TA from 4 Zambia/4 Costa Rica to close main green gates and padlock at 9:10 each day – reopen these at 3:05 each day.

TA from 6 Germany to unlock main green gates at 1:55 – close and lock as soon as all children have left.

TA from 6 Peru to unlock main gates at 9:55 and lock them at 10:05. Repeat this process at 2:55 and then lock when all children have left.

TA from 3 Italy to unlock year 3 gate at 9:25 each day – reopen at 2:25 and lock after children have all left.

TA from 4 Australia to unlock year 3 pedestrian gate at 10:25 and lock at 10:35 each day. Then reopen at 3:25 and lock after all children have left.

CJ will unlock 3 Wales gate at 8:45. TA from Sweden will lock at 9:00.

On Fridays – TA from Costa Rica/Zambia to lock green gates after registration at 9:10.

LW/LJ to lock up whole site each day when all pupil and staff have left.


Lack of income from lettings

Budget was adapted to incur a loss of 2 terms income from lettings. EE to contact lettings e.g. Taekwondo and seek advice as to when they might be advised to return to work.

Payment of staff employed for wrap around school care

Furloughed staff from afterschool club.

Furloughed staff assigned to run paid for clubs. CA to continue

paper work in relation to

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RISK/RANK Specific Actions to mitigate risk Person responsible for supporting mitigation

of risk

funded by parents Furlough.

LW Review on 1st June as to when we might re-open provision

Additional costs incurred for additional cleaning products.

Claim will be put in

FSM Vouchers, specific cleaning products above normal, PPE equipment costs logged and will be reclaimed as per the guidance set out by DfE which will be released in June

CA/MB to log all expenditure in relation to COVID-19 – explore relevant claim process when released in June

Supply costs.

Budget includes normal supply from April-July.

Unlikely to need to access supply due to quantity of available staff.

Contingency available if needed.

Information from Annex B of

Behaviour Principles for Pupils Behaviour Principles for Staff

following any altered routines for arrival or departure

following school instructions on hygiene, such as handwashing and sanitising

following instructions on who pupils can socialise with at school

moving around the school as per specific instructions (for example, one-way systems, out of bounds areas, queuing)

expectations about sneezing, coughing, tissues and disposal (‘catch it, bin it, kill it’) and avoiding touching your mouth, nose and eyes with hands

tell an adult if you are experiencing symptoms of coronavirus

rules about sharing any equipment or other items including drinking

Do not come to work if you have coronavirus symptoms, or go home as soon as these develop (informing your manager), and access a test as soon as possible.

Clean your hands more often than usual - with running water and soap and dry them thoroughly or use alcohol hand rub or sanitiser ensuring that all parts of the hands are covered.

Use the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach.

Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes.

Clean frequently touched surfaces often using standard products, such as detergents and bleach.

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amended expectations about breaks or play times, including where children may or may not play

use of toilets

clear rules about coughing or spitting at or towards any other person

clear rules for pupils at home about conduct in relation to remote education

rewards and sanction system where appropriate

Identify any reasonable adjustments that need to be made for students with more challenging behaviour.

Parents – to be aware if a pupil is persistently not able to follow these additional principles they will not be permitted to be asked to continue with remote learning for the benefit of the pupils and staff in school.

Think about ways to modify your teaching approach to keep a distance from children in your class as much as possible, particularly close face to face support (noting that it’s understood that this is not possible at all times, which is why hygiene and hand cleaning is so important).

Consider avoiding calling pupils to the front of the class or going to their desk to check on their work if not necessary.

Help your class to follow the rules on hand cleaning, not touching their faces, ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ etc. including by updating your classrooms displays with posters.

Prevent your class from sharing equipment and resources (like stationery).

Keep your classroom door and windows open if possible for air flow.

Limit the number of children from your class using the toilet at any one time.

Limit your contact with other staff members, and don’t congregate in shared spaces, especially if they are small rooms.

Dining Room Adaptations Classroom Adaptations

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