in re ruste

68. People vs. Sandiganbayan Facts: Petitioner wished to discharge Generoso Sansaet as state witness, an attorney who served as counsel for one Paredes, provincial attorney of Agusan del Sur and then governor Case against Paredes was for fraudulent misrepresentation in his application of free patent over land at Rosario Public Land Subdivision Survey o Violation of section 3(a) of RA 3019 Pending such case for perjury and graft, taxpayer Teofilo Gelacio prayed 3 respondents be investigated (inc. Honrado-clerk of court and acting stenographer of Municipal Circuit Trial Court) o Falsified documents making it appear that since perjury case had already been dismissed, filing a graft case would constitute double jeopardy o Sansaet testified that he was induced by Paredes Issue: WON Sansaet’s projected testimony is barred by the attorney-client privilege Held: NO, facts surrounding case constitute exception to the rule Ratio: privileged confidentiality does not apply to crimes which the client intends to commit in the future the communications made to him by physical acts and/or accompanying words of Parades at the time he and Honrada, either with the active or passive participation of Sansaet, were about to falsify, or in the process of falsifying, the documents which were later filed in the Tanodbayan by Sansaet and culminated in the criminal charges now pending in respondent Sandiganbayan Sansaet was himself a co-conspirator in the falsification o Privilege will only attach if it is for a lawful purpose or lawful end However, Sansaet was discharged as state witness because he has a co-conspirator to the crime committed. 69. Regala vs. Sandiganbayan Facts Raul Roco and his colleagues from the ACCRA Law Office were charged together with Eduardo Conjuangco for acquiring ill-gotten wealth. The PCGG based its charge from the refusal of the law firm to divulge information as to who had been involved in PCGG Case No. 0033, despite the nature of the services performed by ACCRA (e.g. the law firm knows the assets, personal transactions, and business dealings of their clients). Later, the PCGG amended the complaint, resulting in the exclusion of Roco from the list of defendants. Such exclusion was based from the manifestation of Roco that he would identify the persons and stockholders involved in the said PCGG case.



Transcript of in re ruste

68. People vs. Sandiganbayan


Petitioner wished to discharge Generoso Sansaet as state witness, an attorney who served as counsel for one Paredes, provincial attorney of Agusan del Sur and then governor

Case against Paredes was for fraudulent misrepresentation in his application of free patent over land at Rosario Public Land Subdivision Survey

Violation of section 3(a) of RA 3019

Pending such case for perjury and graft, taxpayer Teofilo Gelacio prayed 3 respondents be investigated (inc. Honrado-clerk of court and acting stenographer of Municipal Circuit Trial Court)

Falsified documents making it appear that since perjury case had already been dismissed, filing a graft case would constitute double jeopardy

Sansaet testified that he was induced by Paredes

Issue: WON Sansaets projected testimony is barred by the attorney-client privilege

Held: NO, facts surrounding case constitute exception to the rule


privileged confidentiality does not apply to crimes which the client intends to commit in the future

the communications made to him by physical acts and/or accompanying words of Parades at the time he and Honrada, either with the active or passive participation of Sansaet, were about to falsify, or in the process of falsifying, the documents which were later filed in the Tanodbayan by Sansaet and culminated in the criminal charges now pending in respondent Sandiganbayan Sansaet was himself a co-conspirator in the falsification Privilege will only attach if it is for a lawful purpose or lawful endHowever, Sansaet was discharged as state witness because he has a co-conspirator to the crime committed.

69. Regala vs. Sandiganbayan


Raul Roco and his colleagues from the ACCRA Law Office were charged together with Eduardo Conjuangco for acquiring ill-gotten wealth. The PCGG based its charge from the refusal of the law firm to divulge information as to who had been involved in PCGG Case No. 0033, despite the nature of the services performed by ACCRA (e.g. the law firm knows the assets, personal transactions, and business dealings of their clients).

Later, the PCGG amended the complaint, resulting in the exclusion of Roco from the list of defendants. Such exclusion was based from the manifestation of Roco that he would identify the persons and stockholders involved in the said PCGG case.

The law firm petitioned for the PCGG to grant them the same treatment as what had been accorded to Roco. It was only at this point that the PCGG answered with a set of requirements and conditions for exclusion which were:

1) disclosure of the identity of the clients

2) submission of documents purporting to the substantiation of the lawyer-client relationship

3) presentation of the deeds of assignments which the lawyers executed in favor of its clients, covering the shareholdings of the latter

To bolster this set-up, the PCGG presented supposed proof to the effect that Roco had complied with such conditions

The 1st Division of the Sandiganbayan denied the petition of ACCRA.


1) whether or not the Sandiganbayan erred in not giving the law firm equal treatment as that of Roco despite the fact that the confession of Roco did not really reveal the information being asked by the PCGG

2) whether or not the Sandiganbayan strictly applied the concept of agency

3) whether or not the Sandiganbayan did not uphold the sanctity of the lawyer-client relationship


1) yes violation of the equal protection clause

2) no

3) yes violation of the confidentiality privilege


1) the inclusion of the ACCRA lawyers was merely being used as a leverage to compel them to name their clients classifying persons as to those who can give valuable information apart from those who cannot is not a valid classification espoused by the equal protection clause

2) an attorney is more than a mere agent or servant because he possesses special powers of trust and confidence reposed on him by his client

3) as a general rule, the identity of the client should not be shrouded with mystery, as a requirement of due process, except when :

a) revealing the name of a client would implicate the latter in the very activity for which he sought the advice of the lawyer

b) the disclosure would expose the client to civil liability

c) the content of the client communication is relevant to the subject matter of the legal problem on which the client seeks legal assistance

the case of the prosecution must be built upon evidence gathered by them from their own sources, not from compelled testimony requiring them to reveal information prejudicial to their client

the confidentiality privilege extends even after the termination of the lawyer-client relationship

70. Lantoria vs. Bunyi


Cesar Lantoria sought disciplinary action against Bunyi, counsel for Mrs. Constancia Mascarinas in certain civil cases

allegedly committed acts of "graft and corruption, dishonesty and conduct unbecoming of a member of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and corruption of the judge (Vicente Galicia of Esperanza, Agusan del Sur) and bribery in cases for ejectment of squatters in Mascarinas land, Bunyi allegedly was the one who prepared the decisions and judge simply signed themIssue: WON Bunyi is guilty of unethical conduct

Held: YES


letters show that he indeed prepared draft decisions for the judge to sign

does not matter if it was clearly shown that the judge consented to such act or even asked for it violated canon 3: attempts to exert personal influence on the court


CANON 13 A lawyer shall rely upon the merits of his cause and refrain from any impropriety which tends to influence, or gives the appearance of influencing the court. Rule 13.01 A lawyer shall not extend extraordinary attention or hospitality to, nor seek opportunity for, cultivating familiarity with judges.


71. Ombac vs. Rayos


petition for disbarment filed by Mrs. Irene Rayos-Ombac against her nephew, Atty. Orlando A. Rayos, a legal practitioner in Metro Manila, for "his failure to adhere to the standards of mental and moral fitness set up for members of the bar

Atty. Rayos induced 85 year old Mrs. Ombac to withdraw all her bank deposits and entrust them to him for safekeeping if she withdraws all her money in the bank, they will be excluded from the estate of her deceased husband and his other heirs will be precluded from inheriting part of it withdraw Php 588,000 advised complainant to deposit the money with Union Bank where he was working. He also urged her to deposit the money in his name to prevent the other heirs of her husband from tracing the same offered to pay 2 second hand cars and Php 40,000Issue: WON respondent violated Code of Professional responsibility

Held: Yes


he deceived his 85-year old aunt into entrusting to him all her money, and later refused to return the same despite demand

aggravated by the series of unfounded suits he filed against complainant to compel her to withdraw the disbarment case she filed against himDISBARRED.

72. Daroy vs. Legaspi


Attorney Ramon Chaves was charged with malpractice for having misappropriated the sum of four thousand pesos which he had collected for them. (from sale of coconut land)

prayed that the respondent be disbarred. 1 (He was 59 years old in 1974. He passed the 1954 bar examinations with a rating of 75.75%). Was hired to represent petitioners in the intestate proceeding for the settlement of the estate of the spouses Aquilino Gonzaga and Paz Velez-GonzagaIssue: WON lawyer is guilty of wrongful conduct charged

Held: Yes


respondent made it appear that the said sum of P4,000 was going to be withdrawn on "December 8, 1969 at nine o'clock when in fact he already withdrew such amount

guilty of deceit, malpractice and professional misconduct for having misappropriated the funds of his clientsDISBARRED.

73. Licuanan vs. Melo


Atty. Manuel Melo for breach of professional ethics

Was counsel for Licuanan in an ejectment case filed against her tenant Failed to turn over collected rentals Did not even report the receipt of such rentals Only returned such when Licuanan demanded it from him Defense: he wanted to surprise her of his success in collecting the rentals

Issue: WON Melo breached professional ethics

Held: Yes.




The lawyer should refrain from any action whereby for his personal benefit or gain he abuses or takes advantage of the confidence reposed in him by his client.

Money of the client or collected for the client of other trust property coming into the possession of the lawyer should be reported and accounted for promptly, and should not under any circumstance be commingled with his own or be used by him. *

Licuanan was then compelled to file groundless suits(moral turpitude) against her tenant (Pineda).


74. Navarro vs. Meneses

Navarro in behalf of and for Pan-Asia International Commodities Inc


Atty Meneses was charged with:

1) malpractice and gross misconduct unbecoming a public defender; (2) dereliction of duty, by violating his oath to do everything within his power to protect his client's interest; (3) willful abandonment; and (4) loss of trust and confidence, due to his continued failure to account for the amount of P50,000.00 entrusted to him to be paid to a certain complainant for the amicable settlement of a pending case received Php 50, 000 from Arthur Bretania to settle case with one Gleason but never really appropriated such amount to the amicable settlement of the caseIssue: WON lawyer breach Code

Held: Yes


RTC records did not show any motion to dismiss case despite claimed out-of-court-settlement with money involved

Amicable settlement was not settled and finalized Violated Rule 16.01 of canon 16: a lawyer shall account for all money or property collected or received for or from his clientDISBARRED.

75. Tanhuenco vs. de dumo

de dumo allegedly violated Canons in his:

(a) refusal to remit to her money collected by him from debtors of the complainant; and (b) refusal to return documents entrusted to him as counsel of complainant in certain collection cases.

borrowed different amounts from Tanhuenco on 3 separate occasions but didnt pay for them

collected 12,500 from debtor Maosca but didnt remit it to Tanhueco defenses: denied having borrowed money, 12000 he retained as his attorneys fees with Tanhueco refused to pay himIssue: WON he breached Canon

Held: Yes


violated canon 11:

11. Dealing with trust property.

The lawyer should refrain from any action whereby for his personal benefit or gain he abuses or takes advantage of the confidence reposed in him by his client.

Money of the client or collected for the client or other trust property coming into the possession of the lawyer should be reported and accounted for promptly and should not under any circumstance be comingled with his own or be used by him.

as for the contingent fees, it was shown that he had been collecting 60 percent instead of 50

no sufficient evidence as regards 2nd charge


76. Quilban vs. Robinol (repeat case)

77. Cruz vs. Jacinto


A certain Concepcion Padilla requested a P285,000 loan from the Cruz spouses through Atty. Ernesto Jacinto. The spouses, believing the representation of their lawyer that Padilla was a good risk, authorized Jacinto to prepare the necessary documents for the registration of the Real Estate Mortgage as a security of the loan in favor of the couple.

When the loan became due, Padilla was nowhere to be found. Later it was discovered that the mortgage had for its object a fake TCT.

Estrella Palipada (secretary of Jacinto) testified that she was instructed by Jacinto to notarize the mortgage by signing the name of Atty. Ricardo Neri. His housemaid Avegail Payos also admitted that she simulated the signature of Emmanuel Gimarino (Deputy Register Of Deeds) upon the command of her amo.


whether or not Jacinto committed malpractice


malamang !!! suspended from the practice of law for 6 months


1) business transactions between an attorney and his client are disfavored and discouraged by the policy of law no presumption of innocence or improbability of wrongdoing is considered in an attorneys favor

2) a higher standard of good faith is required of a lawyer when he engages in business dealings this is because his position gives him an advantage which he might abuse

78. Rubias vs. Batiller


one Militante sold a piece of land to Atty. Rubias ( his counsel in a land registration case involving the very same land sold here) when defendant, Batiller had better right over it because of actual possession years before Militante sold such land


purchase by a lawyer of the property in litigation from his client is categorically prohibited by Article 1491, paragraph (5) of the Philippine Civil Code

plaintiff's purchase of the property in litigation from his client (assuming that his client could sell the same since as already shown above, his client's claim to the property was defeated and rejected) was void and could produce no legal effect, by virtue of Article 1409, paragraph (7) of our Civil Code which provides that contracts "expressly prohibited or declared void by law' are "inexistent and that "(T)hese contracts cannot be ratified. Neither can the right to set up the defense of illegality be waived."

Sale to Rubias voided.

79. In re Ruste


Melchor Ruste appeared as counsel for the San Juan spouses in a cadastral proceeding. An 11/12 share of the estate was adjudged in her favor.

Ruste demanded for his fees. The couple did not have enough money to pay him, so he asked them to execute in his favor a contract of sale of their share of Lot No. 3764, intending to apply a portion of the would-be proceeds as payment for his fees. The spouses complied.

On 21 March 1931, the land was sold to Ong Chua. The P 375 payment of Chua through Ruste never reached the hands of the San Juan couple.


whether or not Ruste committed malpractice


yes suspended from the practice of law for 1 year


whether the deed of sale in question was executed at the instance of the spouses driven by financial necessity (as contended by Ruste) or at their behest (as contended by the couple) is immaterial

in either case, the lawyer occupies a vantage position to press upon or dictate his terms to a harrassed client

80. Go Beltran vs. Fernandez


Honorio Pajaron and Natividad Ypan-Pajaron conveyed two parcels of land to Gerardo Go Beltran. The sellers maintain that Lot C was not part of the plan, but Go Beltran had already attached a sketch to the plan which included Lot C. This misunderstanding as to the identity of the lot became the cause of action of both parties in a series of civil and criminal cases they filed against each other.

Ehile the criminal suit was pending appeal, Inocentes Fernandez (counsel for the spouses) purchased Lot C.


whether or not Fernandez committed malpractice


yes suspended from the practice of law for 6 months


Article 1459 Civil Code

81. Laig vs. Ca


Galero was able to obtain land which he sold to one Mario Escuta becoz such alienation allegedly violated section 118 of Public Land act

Laig was lawyer for Galero Galero then sold land to Laig for Php1500 plus attorneys fees When Laig died, wife noticed that tile to land was still not transferred to husbands name.filed for such transfer

Pending such application, Galero however sold the land to Carmen verzon for 600 pesos


Mrs. Laig has better right over land for having acquired it in good faith

Verzo was landlady of Atty. Laig when latter bought land from Galero

Her sister witnessed said sale

Baldomero Lapak was also in bad faith

Knowing of the existence in his records of the original of OCT No. 1097, Baldomero Lapak effected the issuance of the second duplicate of OCT No. 1097 to Petre Galero in just four (4) days, dispensing with the requirements of notice and hearing to interested parties1. his son Jose was the notary public of sale between Verzo and Galero

Lapaks: disciplined. Not mentioned how.

82. Daroy vs. Abecia


Atty. Esteban Abecia, counsel for Regalado Daroy, was able to obtain a favorable judgement in the ejectment case that they filed. To satisfy the monetary considerations of the judgement, the sheriff auctioned a parcel of land belonging to one of the defendants, with Daroy as the highest bidder.

Daroy claimed that the affixed signature on the Deed Of Sale that covered the said parcel of land was forged by Abecia. Daroy avers that Abecia did this to have the land sold to Jose Gangay, which the latter would then sell to Nena Abecia (his wife).

Abecia responded that it was Daroy who sold the land to Gangay, which the latter then happened to sell to Nena.


whether or not Abecia is guilty of malpractice


no case for disnarment is dismissed


1) the prohibition set forth by Article 1491 of the Civil Code does not apply to the sale of the property of the client to his counsel if the property was not the subject of litigation

2) it is true that the NBI found the signature of Daroy to have been forged, but notary public Erasmo Damasing affirmed that Daroy and his wife signed the document before him in his presence

Daroy had the burden of proving that the signature was not his

even the NBI personnel who investigated the signatures was not presented before the court to give their testimony

83. Cantiller vs. Potenciano

Potenciano is charged with deceit, fraud, and misrepresentation, and also with gross misconduct, malpractice and of acts unbecoming of an officer of the court.

Cantiller sisters impliedly contracted services or Potenciano after they lost in an ejectment case Asked 2000 to give to a judge who could issue restraining order 10,000 to be deposited with treasurer as purchase price of apartment prepared a "[h]astily prepared, poorly conceived, and haphazardly composed 3 petition for annulment of judgmentDecision: GUILTY

first duty was to file best pleading within his capability

depended on his closeness to judge to get desired decision extorted 10,000 from client as deposit but deposit was not required and such was also not made failed to exercise due diligence in protecting his clients interest 4 days before hearing of preliminary injunction, he already withdrew as counsel (frequent attacks of pain due to hemorrhoids) did not find replacement, did not inform clientINDEFINITE SUSPENSION

84. People vs Ingco


Atty. Alfredo Barrios was appointed as counsel de officio for Gaudencio Ingco. The latter was sentenced to death for the crime of rape with homicide.

The high tribunal, in a resolution concerning the said case, asks for an explanation from Barrios as to why he incurred a 15-day delay in the filing of the motion for the extension for the filing of the brief of his client.

Barrios answered that he was busy in the preaparation of the pleadings of another client, and that his schedule was fully booked for appearances in different courts, mostly in the provinces.


whether the delay incurred by Barrios is tantamount to negligence which exposes him to the disciplinary power of the court


yes severe reprimand


The mere fact that the counsel de oficio has an extensive practice that required him to appear in provincial courts does not lessen the degree of care required of him in defending an impoverished litigant

85. Alisbo vs. Jalandoon


Jalandoon was former counsel for Alisbo spouses

to recover his share of the estate of the deceased spouses Catalina Sales and Restituto Gozuma which had been adjudicated to him

complaint was dismissed but it was discovered that Jalandoon was former legal counsel of Carlito Sales, adversary in the probate proceedings

Decision: suspension for 2 years

betrayed his client Ramon Alisbo's trust and did not champion his cause with that wholehearted fidelity, care and devotion that a lawyer is obligated to give to every case that he accepts from a client

1. He did not verify the real status of Ramon Alisbo before filing the case. Otherwise, his lack of capacity to sue would not have been at issue.

2. He postponed the motion to revive judgment and gave way instead to a motion to resolve pending incidents in Civil Case 4963. In doing so, he frittered away precious time.

3. He dropped Ramon Alisbo's co-plaintiffs and impleaded them as defendants. Otherwise, the complaint would have been defective only in part.

used his position as Alisbo's counsel precisely to favor his other client, Carlito Sales, by delaying Alisbo's action to revive the judgment in his favor and thereby deprive him of the fruits of his judgment which Attorney Jalandoon, as Sales' counsel, had vigorously opposed

did not immediately take action regarding Ramons insanity

86. Ngayan vs. Tugarde


violation of sub-paragraphs (e) and (f) of Section 20, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court of the Philippines.

e. when the affidavit he prepared for complainants but subsequently crossed-out was submitted as evidence against complainants in the motion for reinvestigation

f. when he sent a letter to the fiscal saying that his name was being adversely affected by the false affidavits of complainants and for that reason, respondent was contemplating to file a criminal and civil action for damages against them.

asked respondent to prepare an affidavit to be used as basis for a complaint to be filed against Mrs. Rowena Soriano and Robert Leonido as a consequence of the latter's unauthorized entry into complainants' dwelling *Roberts name was not included in first document)

Decision: suspended for a year

furnished the adverse parties in a certain criminal case with a copy of their discarded affidavit, thus enabling them to use it as evidence against complainants

was partial to the adverse parties as he even tried to dissuade complainants from filing charges against Robert Leonido (lawyer is counsel for Robertos brother; also classmate of adverse partys lawyer)

87. Quilban vs. Robinol (repeat case)

88. Legarda vs. CA


Atty. Coronel was Victoria Legardas lawyer when new Cathay House filed an action for specific performance and damages against her.

To compel Legarda to sign a lease contract which Cathay intended to use for a resto

Lawyer failed to file an appeal therefrom within reglemetary period

Did not make an appeal from CA decision

When Cathay house sent notice to Legarda for her to vacate property in 3 days, lawyer did not inform client

Decision: suspended for 6 months

violated Canon 18: a lawyer shall serve his client with competence and diligence

violated rule 18.03: shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him, and his negligence in connection therewith shall render him liable

By neglecting to file the answer to the complaint against petitioner, he set off the events which resulted in the deprivation of petitioner's rights over her house and lot

Coronel is a dean of a law school. Hmm, which one?

89. Reontoy vs. Ibadlit


for having been negligent in handling her case for partition, accounting and reconveyance then pending with the RTC-Br. 4, Kalibo, Aklan. 1

filed notice of appeal only on July 17, 1989 when due date was July 4

defense: Proculo Tomazar, complainants brother, was asked to inform complainant about adverse decision and futility of any possible appeal

Decision: suspended for a year

was shown that brother was not given authority to communicate with counsel about case

when complainant asked lawyer about status of case, he only told her period for appeal was over and then returned records of case to her

did not even consult clients opinion if latter wants to make an appeal; no authority to waive his clients right to appeal

90. Sibagat vs. CA (sabi ni sir, if we cant find the case, di na lang daw ididiscuss)

91. Wack Wack Golf and Country Club vs. CA


Balcoff, Poblador and Angel C. Cruz represented Wack-Wack in a case filed against it by former employees (Arcangel and Bernardo) for:

a money claim for overtime services rendered to said employer, for unenjoyed vacation leave, moral damages and attorney's fees Said lawyers did not appear in court on May 12 working on the assumption that they had already been released by the Club and that office of Juan Chuidian was now handling case (however, such substitution was only formally effected and recognized by court on May 14, 1955).

Because of such failure to appear in court, plaintiffs were allowed to present evidence even without defendant.

Suntay of Chuidian office appeared for old counsel to secure postponement.

Issue: WON there was excusable neglect on the part of both counsels to the extent of making the action of the trial court, as well as the Court of Appeals in denying relief based thereon, an abuse of discretion constituting reversible error.

Held: NO


as of may 5, 1955, both firms knew of the Clubs desire to change lawyers.

Should have then made the necessary arrangement for the protection of the interest of their client

Should have turned over files to Chuidian group for them to prepare a valid defense

Chuidian knew of trials date and he should have filed his appearance opportunely and prepare for the trial on May 12

(yikes, tama ba?read the case)

92. Blanza vs. Arcangel


Atty. Arcangel volunteered to held Olegaria Blanza and Maria Pasion in their respective pension claims in connection with the deaths of their husbands, both P.C. soldiers.

Lawyer did not act on case for 6 years and refused to return documents turned over to him by clients.


1. WON he was legally entitled to recover fees for services rendered

Held: NO


volunteered to held them out

but even so, there was attorney-client relationship which expected him to exercise due diligence in the handling of the cases

However, there was insufficient evidence to warrant discimplinary action against lawyer.

1. delay was partly complaiants fault

failed to deposit money to copy documents (photostating)

lawyer has no obligation to shoulder such expenses

no sufficient proof to establish that lawyer did not return documents

Court however counsels against his actuations as a member of the bar.

he should not have prolonged case for 6 years

should have terminated relationship with clients when latter refused to cooperate with him in the preparation of necessary documents

93. Millare vs. Montero


Atty. Eustaquio Montero represented Elsa Dy Co in an ejectment case filed against her by Millares mother.

RTC decided in favor of Pacifica Mallare and Co, thru counsel, filed the following actions:

Manifestation and Motion that RTC and MTC decisions were void for allowing lessor to increase rentals by 300 percent for an old house

Petition for Annulment of Decisions which was dismissed

Urgent Motion for Reconsideration and Motion to Set Motion for Reconsideration for Oral Arguments of the CA decision, denied

Petition for Review on Certiorari, denied Motion for the Issuance of a Prohibitory or Restraining Order

Special civil action

Decision: VIOLATED CODE, suspended for a year

Canon 19: a lawyer is required to represent his client "within the bounds of the law.

to employ only fair and honest means to attain the lawful objectives of his client (Rule 19.01) warns him not to allow his client to dictate the procedure in handling the case (Rule 19.03 unethical for a lawyer to abuse or wrongfully use the judicial process delayed the execution of judgment

94. Albano vs. Coloma


Perpetua Colomo was counsel for Angel Albano and Mother in a civil case.

respondent failed to expedite the hearing and termination of the case, as a result of which they had themselves represented by another lawyer respondent intervened in the case to collect her attorney's fees presented evidence that Albanos promised to pay her a contingent fee of 33-1/3% of whatever could be recovered whether in land or damages

Issue: violated code? entitled to claimed fees?

Held: No Yes Case against Coloma dismissed


1. there was a written contract of professional services proven to be authentic

2. witness Sergio Manuel testified to the genuineness of the signatures in the contract

3. Felicidad Albanos testimony showed that Angel Albano was authorized to give such contingent fee

4. bad faith could be on the part of the Albanos: took advantage of lawyers services and then dismissed her right after she won the case for them

95. Quirante vs. IAC


Atty John Quirante represented Dr. Indalecio Casasola in a case which the latter filed against Guerero who failed to comply with his obligations as the building contractor.

Trial court ruled in favor of Casasola

Nov. 16, 1981: Dr. Guerrero died and subsequently, Quirante filed a motion in trial court for the confirmation of his fees pending adverse partys filing of a petition for review on certiorari

That he and the doctor had an oral agreement regarding said fees and such was confirmed in writing by the wife

In case of recovery of the P120,000.00 surety bond, the attorney's fees of the undersigned counsel (Atty. Quirante) shall be P30,000.00. In case the Honorable Court awards damages in excess of the P120,000.00 bond, it shall be divided equally between the Heirs of I. Casasola, Atty. John C. Quirante and Atty. Dante Cruz.Issue: WON Quirante could claim attorneys fees

Held: NO


petition for review on certiorari was still pending in court

an attorney's fee cannot be determined until after the main litigation has been decided and the subject of recovery is at the disposition of the court even if there was supposedly a contract, the provisions thereof were made to depend on the outcome of the case i.e. if 120,000 surety bond would be recovered even if heirs allegedly confirmed contract, court would still be in better position to determine basis of fees

issue on attorneys fees held in abeyance until after final decision of case.96. supra

97. supra

98. Zulueta vs. Pan-Am

Facts: (persons case to so we shud now this)

Court ruled in favor of the Zuluetas and ordered Pan-am, among other things, to pay for attorneys fees together with the award for exemplary damages

Pan-am opposed the P75, 000 attorneys fees accorded to Zuluetas lawyer, Alfredo Benipayo and deemed it to be excessive.

Issue: WON fee was excessive

Held: NO


fee was only a little over 10 percent of the damages collectible by the Zuluetas

other factors were considered:

quantity and quality of the services rendered nature of the case and the amount involved therein his prestige as one of the most distinguished members of the legal profession in the Philippines99. Sison vs. Suntay


Atty. Teofilo Sison claimed 400thou for attorneys fees for services rendered as counsel for Federico Suntay Suntay in intestate estate proceedings (Jose Suntays estate).

Federico claims that Sison had already received 67thou and such was sufficient compensation.

Issue: WON 400thou was reasonable

Held: YES plus additional 75thou


1. determination of what would be reasonable compensation for the attorney for an administrator or executor of the intestate estate should consider:

the size and value of the decedent's estate (estate was worth 4 million, lawyer entitled to 10 percent)

the services performed by counsel

2. mere approximation, oral evidence sufficient to establish value of estate

100. Metropolitan Bank vs. CA


Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company was ordered to pay its attorneys, Arturo Alafriz and Associates, movant therein, the amount of P936,000.00 as attorney's fees on a quantum meruit basis.

Cases handled were all for the declaration of nullity of certain deeds of sale, with damages.


(1) whether or not private respondent is entitled to the enforcement of its charging lien for payment of its attorney's fees;

Held: NO


all civil cases were dismissed upon plaintiffs initiative "in view of the frill satisfaction of their claims."

No money judgment or monetary award was provided

Section 7, rule 138 provides that a lawyer is entitled to the enforcement of its charging lien for payment of its attorneys fees only when money judgment or monetary award is provided for by court (di ko to naintindihan)

(2) whether or not a separate civil suit is necessary for the enforcement of such lien and

Held: Not necessary. Court trying main case will determine attorneys fees

(3) whether or not private respondent is entitled to twenty-five (25%) of the actual and current market values of the litigated properties on a quantum meruit basis.

Held: court refused to resolve issue but gave the elements to be considered in fixing a reasonable compensation for the services rendered by a lawyer on the basis of quantum meruit

These are:

(1) the importance of the subject matter in controversy,

(2) the extent of the services rendered, and

(3) the professional standing of the lawyer

order of the trial court is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE, without prejudice to such appropriate proceedings as may be brought by private respondent to establish its right to attorney's fees and the amount thereof.

101. Rilloraza vs. ETPI


Petitioner was awarded attorneys fees worth P26,350,779.91

handled the case for its client Eastern Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. filed with the Regional Trial Court, Makati, though its services were terminated in midstream and the client directly compromised the case with the adverse party. Petitioner was a partner of San Juan, Africa, Gonzales and San Agustin (SAGA) Handled case from the very beginning till 1988 SAGA was later dissolved and Rilloraza, Africa, De Ocampo & Africa (RADA) was formed

RADA was retained as counsel but such retainer agreement was subsequently terminated ETPI entered into a compromise agreement when it ended the services of petitioner and through the effort of ETPI's new lawyers, the law firm Romulo, Mabanta, Buenaventura, Sayoc and De los Angeles.

Issue: WON RADA was entitled to amount they were claiming for services rendered

Held: NO, but they were entitled to attorneys fees nevertheless


attorney-client relationship between petitioner and respondent no longer existed during its culmination by amicable agreement

To award the attorneys' fees amounting to 15% of the sum of One Hundred Twenty Five Million Six Hundred Seventy One Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty Six Pesos and Four Centavos (P125,671,886.04) plus Fifty Million Pesos (P50,000,000.00) paid by PLDT to ETPI would be too unconscionable. "In any case, whether there is an agreement or not, the courts shall fix a reasonable compensation which lawyers may receive for their professional services. "REMANDS the case to the court of origin for the determination of the amount of attorney's fees to which petitioner is entitled.

Recovery of attorney's fees on the basis of quantum meruit is authorized when

(1) there is no express contract for payment of attorney's fees agreed upon between the lawyer and the client;

(2) when although there is a formal contract for attorney's fees, the fees stipulated are found unconscionable or unreasonable by the court; and

(3) when the contract for attorney's fee's is void due to purely formal defects of execution;

(4) when the counsel, for justifiable cause, was not able to finish the case to its conclusion;

(5) when lawyer and client disregard the contract for attorney'sfees

102. Bautista vs. Gonzales


Ramon Gonzales was charged with malpractice, deceit, gross misconduct and violation of lawyer's oath

Issue: WON Gonzales committed alleged acts of misconduct

specifically in entering into a contingent fee contract with the Fortunados

We the [Fortunados] agree on the 50% contingent fee, provided, you [respondent Ramon Gonzales] defray all expenses, for the suit, including court fees.

Held: Yes


contrary to Canon 42 of the Canons of Professional Ethics which provides that a lawyer may not properly agree with a client to pay or bear the expenses of litigation. [See also Rule 16.04, Code of Professional Responsibility

lawyer may advance expenses but subject to reimbursement: this was not provided for in the contractsuspended for 6 months.103. Research and Services Realty vs. CA


Atty. Manuel Fonacier was hired by petitioner when the Carreons and a certain Patricio C. Sarile instituted before the RTC of Makati City an action against the petitioner for rescission of the Joint Venture Agreement which provided that: petitioner shall undertake to develop, subdivide, administer, and promote the sale of the parcels of land owned by the Carreons The proceeds of the sale of the lots were to be paid to the Philippine National Bank (PNB) for the landowner's mortgage obligation, and the net profits to be shared by the contracting parties on a 50-50 basis. While case was pending, the petitioner, without the knowledge of the private respondent, entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) 5 with another land developer, Filstream International, Inc. (hereinafter Filstream). Under this MOA, the former assigned its rights and obligations under the Joint Venture Agreement in favor of the latter for a consideration of P28 million, payable within twenty-four months.

March 31, 1993: petitioner terminated services of Fonacier

Petitioner had already received 7 million from Filstream

Upon knowing the existence of the MOA, Fonacier filed an action to recover the sum of P700,000.00 as his contingent fee in the case even if he had no participation in the negotiation and preparation thereof.Issue: proper fee?

Held: No, excessive and unreasonable


P600,000.00 attorney's fees, whether on contingent basis or quantum meruit, is excessive and unreasonable.

Lawyers contribution was merely to ask for suspension or postponement of proceedings104. Corpuz vs. CA


Juan David sought to recover attorneys fees for professional services rendered by the plaintiff, to Mariano Corpus.

Administrative case filed against Corpus by several employee of the Central Bank Export Department of which the defendant is the director Initially Corpus was represented by Atty. Alavarez. They lost the case. Father of Corpus then asked David to handle case because he thought former lawyer wanted to give up the case. Alleged that David offered services gratuitouslyIssue: WON David was entitled to attorneys fees

Held: YES


1. There was an implied understanding between the petitioner and private respondent that the former will pay the latter attorney's fees when a final decision shall have been rendered in favor of the petitioner reinstating him to -his former position in the Central Bank and paying his back salaries.

2. Corpus gave David 2thou and even mentioned that he wished he could give more: implied promise to pay

3. procedure in filing claim proper: when Corpus was re-instated, David made a written demand on April 19, 1965 upon petitioner Corpus for the payment of his attorney's fees in an amount equivalent to 50% of what was paid as back salaries

4. absence of written contract regarding fees: excusable based on close relationship of parties

5. 20thou was reasonable compensation; basis were:

a. Corpus received P150,158.50 as back salaries and emoluments after deducting taxes as well as retirement and life insurance premiums due to the GSIS

b. Extent of services rendered (4 years as collaborating counsel)

David was held in contempt though:

filed on or about September 13, 1978 a motion with the court a quo for the issuance of a writ of execution to enforce its decision in Civil Case No 61802, subject of the present petition, knowing fully well that it was then still pending appeal before this Court

105. Narido vs. LinsanganFacts:

Flora Narido charged Atty. Linsangan with a violation of his lawyers oath by submitting a perjured statement

Counsel for Narido was Risma.

Linsangan claimed that Risma instigated his client to file a false and malicious complaint resulting in what respondent Linsangan called "embarrassment, humiliation and defamation" of a brother in a profession In such action against Linsangan, Risma sought to collect fifteen per cent of the recovery obtained by his client, contrary to the explicit provision in the Workmen's Compensation Act allowing only a maximum of ten per cent and that only where the case is appealed


1. case against Linsangan was dismissed for lack of merit

2. Risma is exculpated from the charge of having instigated the filing of an unfounded suit However, admonished to exercise greater care in ascertaining how much under our law he could recover by way of attorney's fees

Admonished only because he had made no effort to collect on the same and had even advanced expenses for a poor client106. Perez vs. Scottish Union


Petitioner sought to recover:

(1) P6,000. as attorney's fees in a criminal case for arson against the defendant Miguel H. Mitre who, in a written contract, had covenanted to pay the same out of the proceeds of a fire insurance policy for P12,000, issued in his favor by the defendant Scottish Union and National Insurance Co., and

(2) P1,485, unpaid balance of attorney's fees owing by the defendant Miguel H. Mitre in four other cases

Decision: entitled to 6000. Fees claimed in number 2 were not supported by sufficient evidence

1. validity of contract upheld

A contract for services shall control the amount to be paid therefor unless found by the court to be unconscionable or unreasonable. Contract was binding: obvious that complainant respected services of lawyer coz he even retained services of counsel even after conviction by trial court2. lawyer properly defended client which led to an acquittal

fee was valid for being contingent upon acquittal

Claim that lawyers present income should also be considered in deciding amount of fee was not given attention by court:

* The income of a lawyer is not a safe criterion of his professional ability.107. Sato vs. Rallos


for the collection of attorney's fees by plaintiff Primitivo Sato, against Simeon Rallos in his capacity as administrator and distributor of the Testate Estate of Numeriana Rallos and the Intestate Estate of Victoria Rallos

Issue: WON lawyer was entitled to fees.

Held: YES, Court fixed sum of 12, 500


estates and distribute thereof were greatly benefited (Colloector of Internal revenue effected a revised assessment which was the basis for the payment of P22,545.47 as taxes, as against the original amount of P130,076.43

Issue: WON procedure for filing claim was sufficient

Held: No, more than the legal procedural requirements


complaint was not only filed against the administrator as such and as a distributee but also against the other distributes

would have been enough for counsel to request the administrator to make payment and file an action against him in his personal capacity and not as an administrator should he fail to pay or

attorney also may, instead of bringing such action, file a petition in the Testate or Intestate Proceeding asking that the Court, after notice to all persons interested, allow his claim and direct the administrator to pay it as an expense of administration

Figueroa vs. Barranco, 276 SCRA 445

Nature: Administrative Matter in the SC. Disbarment.


That Barranco should be denied admission to the legal profession.

He passed 1970 bar exams but failed 1966-1968 exams.

She and Barranco had a child out of wedlock and that Barranco did not fulfill his promise to marry her.

1971: she learned that he married another woman.

Charge: gross immorality

Issue: WON grounds invoked were sufficient to grant a petition for disbarment

Held: No


acts suggest a doubtful moral character but not grossly immoral conduct

A grossly immoral act is one that is so corrupt and false as to constitute a criminal act or so unprincipled or disgraceful as to be reprehensible to a high degree.

It is a willful, flagrant, or shameless act which shows a moral indifference to the opinion of respectable members of the community.

*took his oath at 62!!!!

Leslie Ui vs. Bonifacio, 333 SCRA 38

Nature: Administrative Matter in the SC. Disbarment


Atty. Iris Bonifacio allegedly carried on an immoral relationship with Carlos Ui, husband of Leslie Ui.

Had a daughter out of that illicit relationship

Lived together in Ayala Alabang Village.

Respondent was admitted to the bar in 1982.

Issue: WON act constituted gross immorality

Held: No


Even if the following occurred:

should have exercised prudence and had been more vigilant in finding out more about Carlos Uis personal background

did not exert effort to find out if indeed Carlos and the Chinese woman were unmarried

despite marriage, she and Carlos never lived together even after they had first child.

Immorality connotes conduct that shows indifference to the moral norms of society and opinion of good and respectful members of community.

To warrant disciplinary action, it must be so corrupt and false as to constitute a criminal act or so unprincipled as to be reprehensible to a high degree.

In fairness, she distanced herself from Carlos after learning of his true civil status.

Vda. De Mijares vs. Villaluz, 274 SCRA 1

Nature: Administrative Matter in the Supreme Court. Gross Immorality and Grave Misconduct.


Judge Priscilla Vda. De Mijares charged a retired justice of the CA, Onofre Villaluz, with gross immorality and grave misconduct.

Villaluz married Mijares knowing fully well that the annulment of his marriage to his first wife, Librada Pea, had not yet attained finality.

After breaking up with Mijares, he proceeded to marry Lydia Geraldez, after making a false statement in his application for marriage license that his previous marriage had been annulled.

Suspension for 2 years with severe warning that a more severe penalty shall be imposed should he commit the same or similar offense hereafter. Guilty of immoral conduct in violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility

Melendres vs. Decena, 176 SCRA 663 (1989)

Nature: Administrative case in the SC. Malpractice and Breach of Trust

Acts constituted deception and dishonesty and conduct unbecoming a member of the Bar. Contrary to justice, honesty, modesty and good morals.

1. making it appear on the real estate mortgage that the amount loaned was 5,000 instead of 4,000

2. exacting usurious interest

3. making it appear that amount had escalated to 10 thousand

4. failing to inform complainants of the import of the documents

5. failing to demand from complainants before effecting extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgaged property

6. failing to inform then that mortgage had been foreclosed and that they had right to redeem property within a period of time.

In the estafa case against Reynaldo Pineda:

Lawyers cannot without special authority, compromise their clients litigation or receive anything in discharge of a clients claim but the full amount in cash.

Gross misconduct on the part of a lawyer, although not related to the discharge of his professional duties as a member of the Bar, which puts his moral character in serious doubt, renders him unfit to continue in the practice of law.


Delos Reyes vs. Aznar, 179 SCRA 653 (1989)

Nature: Administrative Case in the SC. Disbarment.


Atty Jose B. Aznar, then chairman of Southwestern University, had carnal knowledge with second year med student, Rosario de los Reyes. He did so several times by threatening her that she would fail in her Pathology subject if she would not submit to his desires. When she became pregnant, he forced her to undergo abortion under Dr. Gil Ramas.

DISBARRED. Took advantage of his position. Conduct unbecoming of a member of the Bar.

Cordova vs. Cordova, 179 SCRA 680 (1989)

Nature: Administrative Case in the SC. Immorality.


Salvacion Delizo charged her husband, Atty. Laurence D. Cordova, with immorality and acts unbecoming a member of the Bar.

He maintained for about 2 years an adulterous relationship with a married woman, Fely Holgado.

Refused to support family.

After promising to be a reformed man, went on to have another mistress, Luisita Magallanes


People vs. Tuanda, 181 SCRA 692 (1989)

Nature: Administrative Case in the SC. Motion to Lift Order of Suspension


Atty. Fe Tuanda issued bouncing checks to Ms. Marquez (sale on commission basis of several pieces of jewelry).

Traders Royal Bank

DENIED. Crimes of which respondent was convicted also import deceit and violation of her attorneys oath and the CPR under both of which she was bound to obey the laws of the land.

Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude might not (as in the instant case, violation of BP Blg. 22) relate to the exercise of the profession of a lawyer, however, it certainly relates to and affects the good moral character of a person convicted of such offense.

Sebastian vs. Calis, 314 SCRA 1

Nature: Administrative case in the SC. Unlawful, Dishonest, Immoral or Deceitful Conduct and Violation of the Lawyers Oath


Atty Dorotheo Calis exacted 150,000 from Marilou Sebastian as payment for his service. Process documents for her trip to USA.

Issued documents informing complainant that she will be assuming the name Lizette Ferrer married to Roberto Ferrer.

Complainant was apprehended at the Singapore Internationla Airport

DISBARRED. Violated Canon I, Rule 101. deceived complainant all for material gain

C13: In re Terrel, 2 Phil 266 (1903)

Nature: In the matter of the suspension of Howard D. Terrel from practice of law


Terrel assisted in the organization of Centro Bellas Artes Club, created for the purpose of evading the law then in force in said city


Code of Civil Procedure sec 21:

The promoting of orgs, with knowledge of their objects, for the purpose of violating or evading the laws against crime constitutes such misconduct on the part of the attorney, an officer of the court, as amounts to malpractice or gross misconduct in his office, and for which he may be removed or suspended.

C14: Castaneda vs. Ago, 65 SCRA 505 (1975)

Nature: Petition for review of the decision of the CA


Atty. Jose M. Luison maneuvered for 14 years to resist execution of the judgment thru manifold tactics in and from one court to another (5 times in the SC).

Allowed himself to become an instigator of controversy and a predator of conflict instead of a mediator for concord and a conciliator for compromise, a virtuoso of technicality in the conduct of litigation

C15: Ledesma vs. Climaco

Nature: Original Action in the Supreme Court. Certiorari


question the order of Judge Climaco denying a motion filed by petitioner to be allowed to withdraw as counsel de oficio

his appointment as ER of COMELEC: he was not in the position to devote full time to the defense of accused


it is the responsibility of a member of the bar to act as counsel de oficio

right to counsel could in effect be rendered nugatory if withdrawal was allowed

C16: In re tagorda, 53 Phil 37 (1929)

Nature: Original Action in the SC. Malpractice


Luis Tagorda advertised his profession on a card. Offered legall services like execution of deed of sale for lands, affidavits, etc.

Also wrote to a lieutenant of barrio informing him that despite of his membership to the provincial board, which hold sessions in Ilagan, he would still keep his residence in Echague where he would be performing legal services on Sundays.


SEC 21 of Code of Civil Procedure amd by Act No. 2828: The practice of soliciting cases at law for the purpose of gain, either personally or through paid agents or brokers, constitutes malpractice

* disbarment sana but mitigated by his intimation that he as unaware of the impropriety of his acts, 2nd: his youth and inexperience, and 3rd: promised not to make the same mistake in the future.

C17: Director of Religious Affairs vs. Bayot

Nature: Original Action in the SC. Malpractice.


published an advertisement in the Sunday Tribune on June 13, 1943

marriage license promptly secured thru assistance and the annoyance of delay or publicity avoided if desired, and marriage arranged to wishes of parties. Consultation on any matter free for the poor. Everything confidential. Legal assistance service.

Violated section 25 of Rule 127: The practice of soliciting cases at law for the purpose of gain, either personally or thru paid agents or brokers, constitutes malpractice

REPRIMANDED. Plea for leniency and his promise not to repeat the misconduct

C18: Firm name cases

Nature: Petition for Authority to Continue Use of the Firm Name


Petitioners prayed that they be allowed to continue using, in the names of their firms, the names of partners who had passed away

Died: Atty. Alexander Sycip of Sycip, Salazar, Feliciano,Hernandez, and Castillo

Died: Atty. Herminio Ozaeta of Ozaeta, Romulo, de Leon, Mabanta and Reyes


1815: names in a firm name of a partnership must either be those of living partners and in case of non-partners, should be living persons who can be subjected to liability

1825: prohibits a 3rd person from including his name in the firm name under the pain of assuming liability of a partner

a professional partnership depends on the personal qualifications of its members

a partnership for the practice of law is not a legal entity but a mere relationship for a particular purpose

no local custom in the Phils. Permits or allows the continued use of a deceased partners name: otherwise, there is the possibility of deception

C19: Dacanay vs. Baker and Mckenzie

Nature: Administrative case in the SC


Dacanay sought to enjoin Juan Collas and nine other lawyers from practicing law under the name Baker and McKenzie, a law firm organized in Illinois

Yes. Baker and McKenzie, being an alien law firm, cannot practice law in the Philippines (Sec 1, Rule 138, ROC)

C20: In re IBP

C21: Macoco vs. Diaz, 70 Phil 97 (1940)

Nature: Original Action in the SC. Malpractice.


Atty. Esteban Diaz misappropriated 300 pesos from Sagutan who also failed to return the money to Marcelino Macoco.


breach of trust

his being a deputy fiscal aggravated his crime

want of moral integrity is to be more severely condemned in a lawyer who holds a responsible public office

C22: Cayetano vs. Monsod, 201 SCRA 210

Nature: Petition to review the decision of the COA

Facts: Cayetano questioned the appointment of Monsod as chairman of the COMELEC; did not engage in the practice of law for 10 years


Practice of law means any activity, in or out of court, which requires the application of law, legal procedure, knowledge, training, and experience.


C24: People vs. Pineda, 20 SCRA 748 (1967)

Nature: Original Action in the SC. Certiorari with preliminary injunction.

Facts: Teofilo Mendoza and Valeriana Bontilao de Mendoza and their 3 children were killed by respondents.

Tomas Narbasa

Tambac Alindo

Rufino Borres

Respondent judge denied motion for recon by city fiscal and insisted that there should only be one case filed rather than five.

Court held that fiscals five information were valid.

When various victims expire from separate shots, such acts constitute separate and distinct crimes.

A prosecution attorney shall file a particular information if he is convinced that he has evidence to prop up the averments thereof.

When prosecution may be enjoined:

1. for the orderly administration of justice

2. to prevent the use of the strong arm of the law in an oppressive and vindictive manner

3. to avoid multiplicity of actions

4. to afford adequate protection to constitutional rights

5. in proper cases, because the statue relied upon is unconstitutional or was held invalid

C25: de la Cruz vs. Paras, 69 Phil 556 (1940)

Nature: Petition for certiorari and/or mandamus from an order of the CFI, Bulacan


C26: Penticostes vs. Ibaez, 304 SCRA 281

Nature: Administrative Matter in the Supreme Court. Misappropriation of SSS Contribution


1989: Encarnacion Pascual, sis-in-law of Atty. Prudencio Penticostes was sued for non-remittance of SSS payments.

Complaint assigned to Prosecutor Diosdado Ibaez

Pascual gave 1, 804 to respondent as payment of her SSS contributions on arrears. Respondent did not remit amount to system.

Penticostes filed complaint. respondent remitted money.

GUILTY of professional misconduct.

duties of a prosecutor do not include receiving money from persons with official transactions with his office

a lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral, or deceitful conduct

Canon 6: These canons shall apply to lawyers in government service in the discharge of their official tasks.

IBP committee that drafted code: A lawyer does not shed his professional obligations upon assuming public office.

Reprimanded with stern warning

C27: Misamin vs. San Juan, 72 SCRA 491 (1976)

Nature: Resolution

Facts: Miguel San Juan: captain of MM Police force

member of the bar

legal representative of certain establishments owned by Filipinos of Chinese descent

coerced Jose Misamin to drop charges the latter filed against Tan Hua, employer and owner of New Cesars Bakery

charge was violation of the Minimum wage Law

Dismissed for not having been duly proved

* should refrain from laying himself open to such doubts and misgiving as to his fitness not only for the position occupied by him but also for membership in the bar

In re 1989 Elections of the IBP, 178 SCRA 398 (1998)


Responding to reports from lawyers and publishers about intensive electioneering and overspending by the candidates, SC en banc, exercising its power of supervision over the Integrated bar, resolved to suspend the oath-taking of the IBP officers-elect and to inquire into the veracity of the reports.

Specifically, candidates Viola Drilon, Nisce, and Paculdo were investigated. Candidates for the presidency

Issue/Held/Ratio: WON candidates violated section 14 of the IBP by laws

Yes. Section 14 enumerates 5 prohibited acts relative to IBP elections.

Basta maraming specific acts. basahin na lang.labo sobrang helpful na digest to.basta parang namigay ng plane tickets, nagsolicit ng votes, ginamit ang helicopter ng PNB para magcampaign. bastos noh?

also violated the ethics of the legal profession which imposes on all lawyers, as a corollary of their obligation to obey and uphold the constitution and the laws, the duty to promote respect for law and legal processes and to abstain from activities aimed at defiance of the law or at lessening confidence in the legal system. (rule 1.02, Canon 1, Code of Professional Responsibility)

The unseemly ardor with which the candidates pursued the presidency of the association detracted from the dignity of the legal profession.


1. IBP elections were annulled.

2. other modifications were added (wow, helpful)