In order to achieve pregnancy the sperm has to unite with the egg which released from the orery

In order to achieve pregnancy the sperm has to unite with the egg which released from the orery. Normally this union is called fertilization, occur, with in the falopian tube, which joins the uterus (Womb) to the ovary. However, in IVF the union occurs in the laboratory after egg and sperm have been collected and cultured together to form an embroyo and then embroys are transferred to the uteres to continue growth. CANDIDATES Both fallopian tubes are absent or blocked due top surgery or Tubal pregnancy or infection (STD or Tuberculosis) or Endometriosis. Patients with unexplained infertility where all the investigations performed on the couple are normal, but who still do not conceive with routine treatments. Patients who have failed to become pregnant insite of all routine treatments of infertility. Patients who want to become pregnant by the procedure of embryo and egg donation. In our unit, the success rates of IVF are in the region of 35 to 40 %, which are comparable to the leading units in the world Procedure: There are five major steps in the IVF and embroyo transfer sequence: 1. Monitor the development of ripening egg(s) in the ovaries. 2. Collection of Eggs. 3. Obtaining the sperm. 4. Putting the eggs and sperm together in the laboratory, and providing optional conditions for fertilization and early embryo growth. 5. Transferring the embryos into the uterus. To control the timing of egg ripening and to increase the chance of collecting substantial number of eggs, fertility drugs are prescribed according to each individual case. Before determining the egg retrieval schedule, we perform an ultrasound of the ovaries to check the development of eggs and a blood/urine test to measure hormone levels The Egg Retrieval and embryo transfer procedur : The retrieval procedure to eggs is performed trans-vaginally using a hollow needle guided by the ultrasound image (this is completely



Transcript of In order to achieve pregnancy the sperm has to unite with the egg which released from the orery

In order to achieve pregnancy the sperm has to unite with the egg which released from the orery. Normally this union is called fertilization, occur, with in the falopian tube, which joins the uterus (Womb) to the ovary. However, in IVF the union occurs in the laboratory after egg and sperm have been collected and cultured together to form an embroyo and then embroys are transferred to the uteres to continue growth.CANDIDATESBoth fallopian tubes are absent or blocked due top surgery or Tubal pregnancy or infection (STD or Tuberculosis) or Endometriosis. Patients with unexplained infertility where all the investigations performed on the couple are normal, but who still do not conceive with routine treatments. Patients who have failed to become pregnant insite of all routine treatments of infertility. Patients who want to become pregnant by the procedure of embryo and egg donation. In our unit, the success rates of IVF are in the region of 35 to 40 %, which are comparable to the leading units in the world Procedure: There are five major steps in the IVF and embroyo transfer sequence:

1. Monitor the development of ripening egg(s) in the ovaries. 2. Collection of Eggs. 3. Obtaining the sperm. 4. Putting the eggs and sperm together in the laboratory, and providing optional

conditions for fertilization and early embryo growth. 5. Transferring the embryos into the uterus.

To control the timing of egg ripening and to increase the chance of collecting substantial number of eggs, fertility drugs are prescribed according to each individual case. Before determining the egg retrieval schedule, we perform an ultrasound of the ovaries to check the development of eggs and a blood/urine test to measure hormone levelsThe Egg Retrieval and embryo transfer procedur : The retrieval procedure to eggs is performed trans-vaginally using a hollow needle guided by the ultrasound image (this is completely comfortable under adequate sedation and general anesthesia). Egg are gently removed from ovaries using the needle. This is called "follicular aspiration." Our embryologist in our special IVF laboratory immediately identifies the eggs. They are placed with the sperm in incubators to allow fertilization to take place. the eggs are examined carefully at intervals to ensure that fertilization and cell division have taken; the fertilized eggs are now called embryos. Embryos are usually placed in the wife's uterus 2 or 3 days after egg retrieval.