In No Particular Style or Order

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  • 8/7/2019 In No Particular Style or Order


    In No Particular Style or Order

    An Anthology of Poems


    Clive Reedman


    Deborah Smith

  • 8/7/2019 In No Particular Style or Order




    I would have been there

    I had the ticket

    But mum found it

    I was grounded

    Shit! Shit!

    Did you wait by the barrier?

    New clothes your giveaway?

    Feet shuffling?

    Did your eyes cut through the mad crowds?

    Looking to match real flesh with my profile image?

    Did you wait until all were through?

    Text me

    IM me


    I was grounded BillBoy17

    Were you hurt?

    Bet you hate me now BillBoy17

    Fucking mother!!

    Searched my room again

    She found the tickets and condoms

    The ones you said I should buy

    Did you go home BillBoy17?

    To your 40 year old wife BillBoy17?

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    Accordion Girl

    I feel the cold ivory keys

    Of the Accordion Girl

    Stretch her bellows across my chest

    Hear her sing

    She will never know

    The harm a song can do

    A ballad begun

    But never sung

    So hard to please, to play, to tune

    Spiteful in fear of the fingers that press her keys

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    About Tess

    Oh what desires take you?

    Miss Tess

    A fiction hidden in the facts

    A dream unsung

    A song never dreamed

    Music without chords

    Words and a voice read and heard

    Translations of the person

    The fiction

    The truth

    Where and when will I read your story?

    Hear your song?

    The storyteller

    A Historian and a free mind

    Close, but far

    A dream unsung

    A song never dreamed?

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    Double Buff

    Eh, you seemed happy with that.


    I hope I pushed the right buttons anyway.

    So hard to know with somebody new.

    What? Oh, OK

    I ll try and last longer next time.

    Oh, I see, I ll not do that then

    For pity sake get up you b*****d!

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    An Evening in November

    It was an evening in November

    as I very well remember

    I was strolling down the street in drunken pride,

    but my knees were all a-flutter,

    and I landed in the gutter

    and a pig came up and lay down by my side

    Yes, I lay there in the gutter

    thinking thoughts I could not utter

    when a colleen passing by did softly say

    'You can tell a man who boozes

    by the company he chooses'

    and the pig got up and slowly walked away.


    Who is us?

    What is us?

    Is it us that sees us?

    Is us also seen by others?

    Here there and everywhere

    There is us

    Back there, there is an us

    And forward together go us

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    Familiar Strangers

    Transvestite minds locked in calcite skulls

    Bodies protected from the world inside Marks and Spencer armour

    Tabloid lies safely stowed in posing bags of leather and nylon

    They trump their course, three seconds late .. drat this wind!

    White Van Man cuts up another victim

    Roofs to fix and plumbing to rip out

    Hurry, hurry, time is money

    Footy on the telly later so let s get done.

    She walks in the crowd of familiar strangers, but is alone

    The sky of sea ripple crests laid down in wool calls her vision look

    Above she wonders as the birds call and rise to the day

    They pass her by, the dead, unseeing, in their ambivalence lost to the world.

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    Ignoring is an ugly word that no one likes to use

    Ignoring leaves a little trail with little tiny clues

    So I walk right up that trail thatled me straight to you

    Ignoring is a funny word that cleared just what you do

    Ignoring is a helpful word that finally let me know

    Ignoring is a hurtful word and it s something that you show

    So here I write this ignoring poem and think only of you

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    I found a balloon when I was a kid.

    It was waiting for me, all red, in the gutter.

    It looked like my Gran.

    Wrinkled and unsure of itself.

    I touched it and it attacked me.

    It made me shiver, feel sick.

    It hit me soft on the hands.

    I wanted to run, cry.

    But I hit it back.

    It swallowed my fingers.

    I stamped on it and it turned into a rotting cat.

    It bounced up to my face.

    I bit it.

    It sucked out my teeth.

    Its venom scent was of rubber.

    It was angry.

    I ran.

    Ran fast.



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    Turreted on high

    Stygian torso, lofted amongst sky s cold dews

    Teeming oceans, dark mystery s held at bay

    As decks and sailor ghosts mock his loftiness

    Displaced, giddy, unsure, phantoms held in an aeonian dance


    No rigs can hold his fall

    From heavens cradle to Satan s bloated wood

    Sail on, unguided to hells harbour walls

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    You sustain me

    Freeze the leaves to white pearls

    Carry the drenching rain

    The warmth of summer

    My thoughts

    My Dreams fly on you and with you

    Carry them far, to where I lost them

    I need you like water

    As succour and comfort

    As lovers and friends need each other

    Oh air, hold me and whisper

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    Air 2

    You trouble and love me

    Freeze the leaves to white pearls

    Carry the drenching rain

    The warmth of summer

    My thoughts

    My Dreams fly on you and with you

    Carry them far, to where I lost them

    I need you like water

    As succour and comfort

    As lovers and friends need each other

    Oh air, hold me and whisper

    Whisper truths that, like you, I cannot see

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    Into the Spirit

    Were I to peer into the spirit,

    The heart, seat of all that stirs despair,

    What rapturous hues would dwell within.

    What arcane passions hidden there.

    I have seen a world of radiance,

    I have wept into the fabric of time.

    And though I hold a great many truths,

    Love shall ever be a mystery.

    Were I to peer into thespirit

    Ditty on Snoring

    I had a friend whose snoring

    Became particularly boring.

    But then one night

    I gave up the fight

    And caved his stupid head in!

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    Friendship and Love

    Your friend is the one wholistens

    She is your season s harvest

    The one whoreaps the corn of yoursolitude

    Grinds the grist with her pestle

    Adds the yeast of her love

    Warms the oven with her experience

    Seasons the flour with her love

    She sifts the once hard grains

    Lets them fall through her fingers

    Purifies them

    And with them bakes a loaf

    She says not 'nay'

    Keeps you there to smell the warm bread

    Holds you still as you sway

    Feeds you warm comforts

    Bread made from your confusion

    But now whole and supporting

    Life giving, a comfort

    A platform

    Never say 'nay'

    Use the bad to make the good

    Smell the bread

    Know that a friend is a Baker.

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    I brainstorm

    I think?Well


    Is this brainstorming?What is it then?

    This brainstorming?A storm?

    In the brain?Weird

    Slightly disturbing.

    Aeschylus coined itAristotle defined it

    Stll fuckingg worries me thoughA storm?

    In the brain?Free flow of thought?

    No confines?Oh fuck

    NoI cannot brain dumpIt ends up as a poem

    Or just words on a page (or e-mail)I know nothing

    But then that is a brainstormOh s**t

    What do I know?I don t know

    Butthat is a brain dumpSo I do

    Urban poetryAgainst the trend

    I know nothing but brainstorming

    ConnectionsFree flow

    Dumb arsed words for advertisersYah, cool



    No I know nothing

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    Two Moon Poems

    Oh orb.

    Why do only I see thee?

    Feel our cold warmth?

    What dullards neglect you?

    Do they do puzzles to forget.

    To pass you off as a nature that is gone to them?

    Poor fools

    Travellers to a plastic coffin.

    The next station is death

    The moon laughs

    An uninvited guest at the funeral of a fool.


    It fuels the winds, water and dreams.

    Drives animals to cry out in bestial screams

    Guides the way to travellers

    Betrays prey to the hunted and favours the strong

    Inspires the poet and calls lovers to song.

    Go see

    Go feel her silvery glow

    Fair lady I feel that you know

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    NHS Musings

    There was a bod from the SHA

    Who arrived in a bloody big car

    There were no spaces

    Which turned many faces

    As he handed his keys to a Czar

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    A squall

    The torrent woke herBut a squall they say

    It willpass

    A wake up callA slap that draws her down

    Pin sharp, blister spikesShouting out departed memory

    Never gone they saySoul of a premature ghostTo the deep taken downReleased in but squall

    Encompassing, torrid, thoughtsDenied a lovers face, eyes shut tight

    Throw him off they said

    But a squall after allA love lost forever now they say

    Hitchhiked on windsStars dragged into one lightBut a transient joy they saySweat given up for nought

    As nurture of new life s promise, perhapsBodies heaped,lost, placeless

    Moulded in the furnaceLusts selfish joys

    Encircling , penetrating, skin brokenAn urgency of purpose and passions

    Relentless, sense destroyingDrenching, clinging

    Thought, all thought, lost in lustsBlouse, wet, clinging, embracing

    A body s final stirsRelease of joy, gasps of pain

    A letting goThe burden remains

    In arms past

    Already goneDrenching, clingingBut a squall they say

    It will pass

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    Mother Earth

    Come tangle roots and soft dew fall

    Forest carpet of leaf decay

    Let us together go

    Again to where you beckoned me

    In that grove, light piecing mists

    Musk, earth and waters scent abound

    Hold me there

    Hold me there oh mother Earth

    Till tangle roots unbind and

    soft dew falls as rain

    Mother Earth 2

    Where tangle roots and soft rains fall

    Forest carpet of leaf decay

    Let us again together go

    To where you first guided me

    In that grove, light piecing mists

    Musk, earth and waters scents abound

    Hold me there

    Hold me there oh mother Earth

    Till tangle roots unbind and

    soft rains fall as dew

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    Sounds like?Like what you said

    Short?Well I was thinking


    Fucking eyes off his cock sister I m like talking here!No, LikeI thoughtSought

    Does that like make me clever?

    Like intelligent?OMG

    RandomLike I will have to get drunk

    Like a skunkOn a bunkLike wow ..It rhymes

    Like when I was a kidRandom eh?

    Like phewThis place eh?

    Makes ya all like .. depressed and like clever thinkingWhat ya saying sister?

    Did he?On the floor?

    Like twice and fucked up on that shit?Fuck!

    Like no wonder he s in this dumpOMG!!

    Fucking want that shit faced geezer!!

    That oneLike with the white stuff onAnd the heart listener thing

    I saw him firstPiss off fucker

    I like black OK?You like have Josh yeah?

    May not have a fucking arm now, butHe is like black yeah?

    ............OK fuck off and like let me be clever OK?

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    As the mist appeared into the valley of unknown thoughtsMy mind races into a turbulent past

    Which seems very much like the present.

    The mist has vanished into the realm of it's own flowery existenceleaving me behind a trail of it's frightening fragrance.I am worried by it's thoughts running wild and deep.

    But what lingers, what flowers feel it?What solitude did its passing adorn?It held me, inspired lusts and dreams.

    Alone, emblazoned in solitude.White dreams of past memories and future loves.

    It fled me. Left me.Alone.

    In a field of colour.

    Bring back that white shield.My armour against the storm of temptation.

    Picking of fruits that fill nothing but pride.Give me again the cold, white mists.

    There I hide, alone in shadows of me.Judgement a wall, a distance of nought.

    Words rebounding to tired ears.Brooks murmuring sweet cravings that say nothing.

    Open not the vista of mountains.Of Valleys in spring bloom.

    Streams that draw me in and take me away.Narrow again the distances.Bind and secure me in white.

    Take from me the fallow field of brown.Enshroud me again.

    Please, hide me.Hide me.

    Please, please.

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    The White World

    Distinction of night and day lostNo form, no outlines

    A night to the senses betrayed only by lightEyes, at first searching for reference

    Encountering only phantomsGhosts perhaps?

    The living memories content in their white landsPassing by unseen, but as shadows

    Cousins soulsParents passed

    Aviators, Actresses and world bound ClergySome in transient memory still

    Most souls forgotten

    Drifting, alone in peaceIn the white world.

    StoneCold, carved 'In memory of'

    Who?A person perhaps?

    A deed?A war?

    NoThose in the fog

    Those that come and look for referenceMeandering in dreams

    Content souls alone and freeSit there traveler

    Lose all of colour and landscapes vistaCommune and see in that nothing, what?

    Your soul? Your past? Your transient dreams?In that fog you too will dwell

    No stone a monument to you aloneOnly there can the living find you

    Only there.

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    Fire to the eyes


    Terracotta towers

    Dark red at dusk

    Never beheld by he

    The mad man

    The builder

    The fool

    The Master of his City


    Your models now live

    Their life is Barcelona

    Cathedral of skyward cranes

    Visions only of them gone

    After you, after us


    Alive Oh fair city that you breathed into life

    Gaudi, Modernist, dead but so alive.

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    Well she said

    It s just like it hurts

    Oh my God it fuckinghurts

    Like it is in the head yeah?

    One side all like agony all up like my face

    It really fucking hurts

    I can t like speak ya know?


    Yeah, like I said

    It hurts and I cannot like SPEAK!!

    Oh my God you re like so fuckingdumb!

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    Pain like

    Pain? Yeah, it s like

    Well like banging your ed like on a wall yeah?

    Oh My God! Yeah

    Just like banging your ed

    Like f**k I am smart like yeah?

    Banging you ed on a wall


    Oh My God!

    Like stop that yerl like ert yerself!

    I m like a verse person yeah?

    Rhymes and stuff

    Like I use that timber thing

    It s like wood yeah?

    Like makes matches like, bike yeah?

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    ThreeBee Poems

    The pedigree of honey

    Does not concern the bee

    A clover, at any time, to him

    Is aristocracy.


    Why is it that the Bee

    Who wakes so much earlier than me

    Can work so hard all day?

    And never stop for play?

    Is it that he loves his life

    Which seems so devoid of strife?

    To fly amongst the flowers

    And lofty tree top towers

    On warm soft summer draughts

    He rises and maybe even laughs

    Oh lucky, lucky Bee

    I so wish I were thee

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    Said the Bee to the Flea

    This is what fascinates me

    How come you re so small

    When dogs are so tall

    That must be hard for thee?

    Oh no said the flea

    It s easy for me

    It s just a matter of wit

    I wait till they sit

    Or crouch for a s**t

    And run up their leg don t you see?

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    Small Dreams

    I found a small box with a small dream in it

    It was a dream ofsolitude and peace

    Who had hidden the dream?

    Why was it hidden in a dark place, secured by a black ribbon?

    The dream danced about the room and made me smile

    It settled in my head

    Back again where it had been born.

    Moon, Moon(apologies to Ezio)

    Moon, Moon, you re just a ballHeaven knows God is only playing Pool

    Thighs that s what you areMade for walking

    Faces, you re just a mirrorLove how do I know it?

    How do I love when you say I don t make common sense?A prayer, you re just a long distance call

    Fools, your lies arerewarded?Or is it truth that is rewarded as well?

    You don t have to be braver than you areIt s OK to forget sometimes

    But if you should be standing next to meAnd I suffer violence and painIt s OK to forget who you are

    And if I give you something and it s lost, or stolenIt s OK, it s just a memory

    Moon, Moon you re just a ballOnly there to light a fool.

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    Siren Moon

    Oh Red Orb Moon

    Rouged face of the Harlot

    Drawing in with a Sirens cunning

    The dreamer and seeker of lusts pleasure

    Odysseus s Circe holding loves promise

    Jealous guile oh temptress!

    Slip low and stalk behind tree fingers

    Release your unwilling prey to Earth s sun

    Draw him not further to celestial bindingHide again and hold to the warm day s end

    When man again will answer your call to madness