IN us give thanks for the...

IN TOUCH St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church Newsletter – 1 Greenland Rd., North York, ON M3C 1N1 416.444-3471 Easter Issue I April, 2017 Celebrate Our Savior On Easter morn, we celebrate our Savior; Whatever people seek in Him, they find. In history, there has never been another So Holy, sacrificial, good and kind. His resurrection makes us all immortal; In heaven, we’ll be together with our King. Eternally we’ll share in all His blessings; Happy Easter! Jesus Christ is everything! By Joanna Fuchs

Transcript of IN us give thanks for the...

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St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church Newsletter – 1 Greenland Rd., North York, ON M3C 1N1 416.444-3471


Issue I – April, 2017

Celebrate Our Savior

On Easter morn, we celebrate our Savior; Whatever people seek in Him, they find. In history, there has never been another

So Holy, sacrificial, good and kind.

His resurrection makes us all immortal; In heaven, we’ll be together with our

King. Eternally we’ll share in all His blessings; Happy Easter! Jesus Christ is everything!

By Joanna Fuchs

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Do You Believe In The Resurrection Of The Dead?

Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say there is no

resurrection of the dead? (I Corinthians 15:12)

Now who would say such a thing? Who would dare even question the resurrection of the dead? We

all would. We all do. At whatever level we are conscious of it, at whatever depths we are honest with

ourselves, at whatever moments we confront our deepest fears and anxieties, we cannot help feeling

that death, this life, this world, may be all that there is, all that we can hope for, all that measures and

defines who we are and the limits of our becoming.

Indeed, why should we, like the psalmist, not question whether “we might see some good” (Ps. 4:6)

from God’s hand, or whether “there is any knowledge in the most high” (Ps. 73:11)? How can we

know, how can we feel certain, how can we be assured and strengthened in our faith that we worship

not a figment of our imagination but a risen Lord? I Corinthians 15 is an attempt by the apostle Paul

to answer these fundamental questions, questions the Corinthians had, questions that believers still

have today.

First of all, states Paul, the Christian claim about the resurrection rests not on subjective imagination

or wishful thinking. Rather, it rests on historical testimony of eye witnesses. Whether we have trouble

believing this or not, Paul names a whole group of people beginning with Jesus’ disciples who claim

unequivocally to have seen, touched, and spoken to Jesus alive after his death. Paul himself claims to

have experienced this in his own way.

Second and more importantly, Paul claims that the whole foundation of our faith rests on the

resurrection. If Jesus is not resurrected neither are we. If we are not resurrected, then our view of God

as one capable of raising the dead is faulty. If our view of God is faulty we cannot trust that our sin

is forgiven and that death will not have the last word. And if all this is true than we are the most pitiful

of human beings to believe, depend upon and base our whole life on a fantasy. And finally, we cannot

trust any experience of genuine change and transformation as coming from a God who is not bound

by limitations of our imaginations or this world.

And so, the season of Easter is a time where through inner questioning and struggling we come to the

point of confronting the first and primary question: not what the resurrection means, (as if a reasonable

explanation can make it more palatable or acceptable to our minds), but rather, do we believe in the

resurrection of the dead beginning with Jesus and therefore opened up as a possibility for all - past,

present, and future? And of course, this question is simply academic unless it also becomes personal.

Do I believe in the possibility of my own resurrection, and a possibility that can begin to renew me

even as I live through my life today?

It’s alright to have doubts about the answer. Jesus blessed the man who exclaimed “I believe; help

my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) The important thing is to struggle with the right question.

And may God offer you new insight and experience in your movement toward an answer this season

of Easter. Harris Athanasiadis

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CrossWalk In your relationships with one another, have the

same mindset as Christ Jesus: who, being in very

nature God, did not consider equality with God

something to be used to his own advantage;

rather, he made himself nothing by taking the

very nature of a servant, being made in human

likeness. And being found in appearance as a

man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient

to death—even death on a cross!

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place

and gave him the name that is above every name,

that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and

every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is

Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

(Philippians 2:5-11)

The CrossWalk event took place on Fri., April

7th and Sat., April 8th. Using a portable MP3

player or a computer tablet with headphones,

participants were guided on an hour-long

meditative multi-sensory journey.

The full CrossWalk experience included

viewing images of Jesus’s life or reading

selected poetry and prayers; watching the palm

parade through the eyes of artists from many

centuries and listening to several lively Palm

processional entry songs; remembering the

anointing of Jesus by smelling frankincense

and myrrh; tasting the foods of the Passover

meal and learning about this annual tradition of

remembrance; feeling the pain of betrayal

while counting out 30 pieces of silver and

expressing individual gratitude for the ransom

given for each one of us; resting in the garden

while contemplating the meaning of

obedience; and being given the opportunity to

offer prayers at the Prayer Centre.

By entering John Knox Hall, they stepped back

into Jerusalem during Jesus’s final days. While

listening to narrative and scripture passages,

interspersed with compelling contemporary

and traditional music, they moved along

connecting pathways to different interactive

centres and emerged back into 2017

strengthened and able to confront the rest of

the story.

Women’s Lenten Gathering

On Mon., April 3rd the Christian Education

Committee of St. Mark’s was delighted to

welcome The Reverend Doctor Pamela R.

McCarroll as our leader for “Re-imagining

Hope.” Well-known to our congregation as a

fellow worshipper, Pam is a professor in

practical theology at Emmanuel College. From

her background as a chaplain, teacher, and

author, she was able to offer thoughtful

observations about finding hope in changing

times and in the face of suffering.

Contemplation and reflection are important to

our spiritual renewal but it is also true that by

humbly sharing personal experiences we can

be inspirational beacons to others. We need

reminders that God’s vision extends to beyond

what we can see or notice. Let us give thanks

for the goodness God brings to impossible

situations. God saw potential in us and sent

Jesus to be our Saviour. May God guide us to

bring out the best in each other and to cherish

God’s loving gift.

Submitted by:

Jennifer O’Farrell

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Letters of Thanks

January 31, 2017

Dear Friends: Thank you for your generous support to ARISE in 2016!

ARISE Ministry helps individuals involved in the sex

trade to reclaim their lives by offering through outreach,

case management, and spiritual care. Lives, hopes, and

futures are reclaimed through empowerment,

relationship, and the achievement of goals. We reflect with participants in our case management

weekly about long-term and short-term goals and the path

to get there. You have been partners in the achievement

of these goals and in fostering hope-filled futures for our

participants. But you have also been part of growing the

vision for ARISE and helping us to achieve some of our

own goals and dreams. When ARISE began in the fall of 2013, we were only able

to support a 1/3 time 15 hour/week ministry position. In

January of 2015 with your help and support we were able

to expand this to a half-time (22.5 hour/week) ministry

position. Now with your help and God’s grace we have

been able to hire Jennifer Boldt as our case manager and

outreach worker. Having a second half-time staff person

to offer support and case management to our participants

is vital in our vision to support as many people as possible

in our case management and outreach programs. Thank

you for supporting and empowering us in our goals! 2016 was an exciting and hope-filled year for ARISE and

for our participants! We look forward to supporting our

participants with their goals in 2017. Thank you for your

continued friendship, prayers, and generosity.


Rev. Deb Rapport

Community Chaplain & Director

January 13, 2017

Dear St. Mark’s: The Board of Directors of Community Share Food Bank

would like to thank you for your generous donation during

2016 ($1,320.00). Community share Food Bank serves approximately 500

individuals on a weekly basis. The food we receive from

North York Harvest and Second Harvest is unfortunately

never enough. Your gift enables us to

purchase food items necessary to provide a balanced

hamper to our clients. As you may know, we are a strictly volunteer organization

with no paid staff or government funding. We welcome

all those in need of our services within our catchment area

and refer those outside of this area to a food bank closer

to their home. Our work would not be possible without the support of

people like you. Thank you again for keeping

Community Share Food Bank in the scope of your


Yours sincerely,

Ann Fellin

Chair of the Board

February, 2017

Hello from your partners in Christ here in the Cariboo

Mission! We want you to know how thankful to God and blessed

we are to have your faithful prayers and support in the far-

flung ministry that we are all part of ($500.00). Because of you, children and families get to experience

the blessings of special events like Christmas pageants

and dinners, musical and artistic festivals and coffee

houses, physical and material help for those in need, and

regular Church services for seniors in several care

facilities in our Cariboo towns. I could go on, but again – please know how valued and

loved you are and how thankful we in the Cariboo are for

you. We literally experience tears of gratitude sometimes

from some of the recipients of our ministry here, and

again, because of you! On behalf of the rest of our missionaries and elders here

in the Cariboo Presbyterian Church,

Jon & Shannon Wyminga, & Bruce Wilcox

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St. Mark’s Youth

Group meets for Sunday

discussion in the taupe room on

a weekly basis, except on

Communion Sundays and

special occasions. Recently we followed Parable Remix, a DVD Study. It is

designed to watch contemporary short films based on the

parables of Jesus. This DVD Study helped us to read and

think about Jesus’ parables and how we can relate to it in

our lives and context. We also watched God’s Not Dead 2 as a group. After the

movie, we had an opportunity to discuss the issues and

concerns which arose from the movie, identified some

Biblical themes and how it can be related and applied to

our situations. We will be continuing Parable Remix

discussions and are planning an outing in April/May to

spend time together and build friendships through games

and activities beyond our regular Sunday gathering.

Submitted by:

Rev. Erin

David And Goliath (Song of a two-front-toothless choirboy)

Goliath of Gath with hith helmet of brath One day he that down up the green grath

When up thlipped young David, the thervant of Thaul

Who thaid “I will thmite thee, although I’m tho thmall.”

Submitted by:

Beth Clelland

Cupid’s Luncheon 2017

Cupid’s Luncheon 2017, which was held on February

11th, was enjoyed by all who attended. It was a beautiful

day and, for the occasion, Knox Hall was decorated in a

Valentine theme including vases of pink and red

carnations on each table.

After an excellent lunch, which included chicken soup

made by some of the ladies from the Church, members of

the congregation, their friends and family, and neighbors

in the community, had an opportunity to purchase a raffle

ticket on two lovely food baskets, and/or to peruse the

bake table and buy some goodies to take home.

Proceeds in the amount of $1,788.70 were donated to St.


A draw for the baskets was held at coffee hour on

February 12th

Congratulations to the winners:

Ken & Liz Bohaychuk

White wine basket

Janet Thomson

Red wine basket

Thanks to all those who contributed with planning and

preparation, provided sandwiches and baking; and/or

worked at the luncheon. And a special thanks to Dr.

Harris for his invaluable help in the planning and

preparation for this event.

Submitted by:

Mary Jane Mills,

Cupid’s Luncheon Co-coordinator

Anima Christi (Soul of Christ)

Soul of Christ, sanctify me Body of Christ, save me

Blood of Christ, inebriate me

Water from the side of Christ, wash me

Passion of Christ, strengthen me

O good Jesus, hear me

Within Thy wounds hide me

Permit me not to be separated from Thee

From the malignant enemy defend me

In the hour of my death call me

And bid me come unto Thee

That with Thy Saints I may praise Thee

Forever and ever

Amen From the Spiritual Exercises of

St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556)

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Inklings Of Easter: A Litany Of Thanks My Mother first at 91; my Father, 99

Yes, they died

But thank you, God

For length of life

Strong love for us, their children

For fun, patience, forbearance

For learning to skate at the same time as we learned

In the Canadian winter.

For allowing us to build our fort in the backyard

For baseball, high jumps, broad jumps, hurdles

All in my parents’ lot beside the house

Where all the neighbor kids were welcome

And their parents thankful to know where they

were —

Noisy but safe.

In winter sometimes a patch of ice, a rink

For hockey or ice tag or pseudo figure skating.

The backyard summer quiet-enforced Sundays

For croquet or playing with our dog or stretched out

on blankets, reading.

Thank you God, for beloved and loving Mum and


I found you after months of searching, my missing


Thank you, God.

No-one knew where you had gone—

Did no-one care? Even your church?

I had only the name of a very long condo-lined street,

no number

No names of relatives in Germany.

Then suddenly, finally, I found you

Depressed, alone

One beloved cat gone, the other sick and soon to die

Your home about to become not yours.

But I found you and so did your next door neighbor,

a lovely doctor.

Slowly, slowly, your healing began.

Thank you, God.

Yes, it was the Big C, the hospital clinic confirmed

As two dear friends, my angels, sat waiting with me.

Thanks for my friends, God, and the swift diagnosis.

Again two friends, one the same as before and one

different waited out my surgery. Thanks for them

And for the upbeat surgeon and jokey cheerful

radiation technicians.

Thanks for prayers of friends and church.

Thank you, God.

My beautiful little friend, my Jerry–cat

I could not bear to see your rail-thin frame

Nor could I bear to take that final trip to the vet

I wanted you to die at home, in your bed

or in my arms

But finally we did go there

Your blanket on my lap. I held you as you died.

For your friendship, your comfort, your dignified,

delightful self

My good cat, my Jerry. I thank you

And I thank God for your nineteen years.

Thank you, God.

Thank you, God

I see that I am giving thanks

Not for events, things

But for persons, living, moving, caring persons

A few of them, furry. I give thanks

Not so much for music but for musicians

Not so much for learning but for (sometimes

inadvertent) teachers

Not so much for wisdom but for the wise

Not so much for comfort-talk but for the talkers

Altogether for the living beings who talk or listen

or simply exist alongside me.

Thank you, God.

Thank you, God

For these angels

For these beings of the Holy Spirit, of Christ

In them I recognize Christ

Yes, in them Christ is risen all the years long.

Hallelujah! Christ is risen.

He is here.

Beth Clelland

March, 2017

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Summer Day Camp Update

We’re getting ready! We’re getting ready to celebrate our 17th year as a camp this summer. In the

early days, it was totally volunteer run. Now we have the support of an administrator and extra

staff. In the early days, our finances were precarious, and there were times we weren’t sure we

could pay the bills and the salaries. Now we have a solid financial base through the generosity of

the churches, the Edwards Foundation, Kiwanis, Federal Government funding, and a few other

larger church funds of the PCC. This means we can not only pay our bills, but pay staff well and

fairly based on background and experience. This also means children and youth LITs (Leaders in

Training) get the very best staffing.

What makes Footprints such a unique ministry? It is run all summer. That’s unique for a church

camp. It is ecumenical. It welcomes children from any background Christian or otherwise. It offers

a generous subsidy program so that no child is excluded due to lack of financial ability of their

parents. We also offer an excellent learning opportunity to youth and young adult staff in terms of

developing leadership and learning the faith. Children are taught stories of the bible organized

around themes. Our administrator has also been working on developing a curriculum unique to

Footprints over a three-year cycle and training staff in using it effectively throughout the camp


Children are exposed to the best of sports, crafts, bible zone, amazing trips, water play, music,

excellent snacks prepared by volunteers from our churches and more. Ministers from the various

churches do story time with the children first thing in the morning and the story is then retold in

small groups by the staff. There is room here for creative retelling through drama, dance, crafts

and more.

Finally, through a generous donation to the camp from the estate of Bill Woolford, we have started

a scholarship at Don Mills Collegiate called “The Compassion Award” and given each year to a

graduating student who has demonstrated compassionate service as identified by administrators

and teachers of the school. Dr. Harris (Chair of the Board) and the director of the camp last year

(Ben McCarroll-Butler) attended the 2016 graduation and presented the award for the first time. It

was also an opportunity to talk about Footprints to the student body and their families. We look

for forward to offering that award again this year.

Serving on the Footprints Board representing St. Mark’s are: Diane Kingston, Rev. Erin, Jennifer

Ford (Treasurer) and Dr. Harris (Chair). Also, preparing the camp newsletter throughout the

summer is Jennifer O’Farrell. There are also a number of volunteers from St. Mark’s who help and

we will ask for your support once again as we get closer to the summer.

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If you’d like more information or have some questions or suggestions about the camp, speak to

one of our St. Mark’s board members.

Dr. Harris

Presbyterian Connection Newspaper

The Presbyterian Connection newspaper is a new publication produced by the Life and Mission

Agency, following the announcement of the closure of the Presbyterian Record.

Presbyterian Connection is a Christian newspaper that strives to unite Presbyterians from across

the country through stories, reflections, interviews and articles, allowing us to share and develop

our faith. The newspaper is informative, educational—and fun! It is distributed four times per year,

free of charge.

The goal of the newspaper is to further equip leaders, connect congregations and missions,

facilitate communication and highlight denominational work—strengthening our denominational

ties across the country.

Don’t miss out—subscribe today!

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Fasting And Feasting ~ Adapted from a prayer by

William Arthur Ward ~

Lent can be more than a time of fasting.

It can also be a season of feasting.

A time to…….

Fast from judging others;

feast on Christ living in them.

Fast from emphasis on differences;

feast on the unity of all life.

Fast from apparent darkness;

feast on the reality of light.

Fast from thoughts of illness;

feast on the healing power of God.

Fast from discontent;

feast on patience.

Fast from pessimism;

feast on joy.

Fast from worry;

feast on trust.

Fast from guilt;

feast on freedom.

Fast from complaining;

feast on appreciation.

Fast from anxiety and fear;

feast on faith.

Fast from stress;

feast on self-care.

Fast from discouragement;

feast on hope.

Fast from apathy;

feast on enthusiasm.

Fast from suspicions;

feast on truth.

Fast from gossip;

feast on spreading good news.

Fast from words that wound;

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The truth does not change according to our ability to

stomach it.

~Flannery O’Connor

feast on words that heal.

Fast from talking;

feast on listening.

Fast from thoughts that weaken;

feast on promises that inspire.

Fast from problems that overwhelm us;

feast on prayer.

Fast from everything that separates us from God;

feast on everything that draws us to God.

Submitted by: Sylvia Millar

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Easter Calendar 2017 Please join us in our preparation and celebration for Easter at these special services and events.

Thursday, April 13

7:30pm Sanctuary

Maundy Thursday A Service of Meditations,

Prayers, and

Holy Communion

Service of Anointing

for Healing & Renewal

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Friday, April 14

10:30am Worship

Good Friday Service of meditation on Jesus’

Seven last Words from the Cross.

Sunday, April 16

8:15am Worship

Easter Sunrise Combined service with Myung Sung

Presbyterian Church.