in Foreign Languages (2010–2011) - · Crime Prevention: Theory and Practical Problems...

List of Courses in Foreign Languages (2010–2011)

Transcript of in Foreign Languages (2010–2011) - · Crime Prevention: Theory and Practical Problems...

Page 1: in Foreign Languages (2010–2011) - · Crime Prevention: Theory and Practical Problems (lect. dr. artūras Petkus) 4 4 S 6 Law ... Gender Economics: Gender Responsive Budget

List of Coursesin Foreign Languages(2010–2011)

Published with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Page 2: in Foreign Languages (2010–2011) - · Crime Prevention: Theory and Practical Problems (lect. dr. artūras Petkus) 4 4 S 6 Law ... Gender Economics: Gender Responsive Budget

Description of courses at:

Every care has been taken to provide actual information at the time of publishing. All updates are available on internet

© Mykolas Romeris University Academic Affairs Centre, 2010

Prepared by Mykolas Romeris University

Academic Affairs Centre International Exchange UnitEdited by Audra Dargytė Burokienė

Photos by Vidūnas Gelumbauskas and Mykolas Romeris University Erasmus students

Cover by Romanas Tumėnas, PLC „Baltijos kopija“Print by PLC „Baltijos kopija“

Page 3: in Foreign Languages (2010–2011) - · Crime Prevention: Theory and Practical Problems (lect. dr. artūras Petkus) 4 4 S 6 Law ... Gender Economics: Gender Responsive Budget


List of Courses in Foreign Languages at Mykolas Romeris University in Academic year 2010-2011

Faculty DepartmentCourse

No.Course Title

Local credits

Contact hrs/week

Semester (A/S)

ECTS credits


LawDepartment of Philosophy of Law and Legal History

1 TFPhilosophy of Basic Human Rights in EU Law (prof. dr. Saulius arlauskas)

4 4 S 6

LawDepartment of Philosophy of Law and Legal History

2 TFPhilosophy of Law (prof. dr. Saulius arlauskas)

4 4 a 6

LawDepartment of Philosophy of Law and Legal History

3 TFThéorie Générale du Droit (assoc. prof. dr. Darijus Beinoravičius)

3 2 a/S 4,5

LawDepartment of Philosophy of Law and Legal History

4 TFState Under the Rule of Law in Lithuania (assoc. prof. dr. Ernestas Spruogis)

3 3 a 4,5

LawDepartment of Philosophy of Law and Legal History

5 TFHuman Rights and Civilization (assoc. prof. dr. Kristina Miliauskaitė)

2 2 a/S 3

LawDepartment of Philosophy of Law and Legal History

6 TFHistory of State and Law of Lithuania (lect. Rytis Jokubauskas)

3 3 a 4,5

LawDepartment of Philosophy of Law and Legal History

6 TFHistory of State and Law of Lithuania (lect. Gintaras Šapoka in German language)

3 3 S 4,5

Law Department of Criminal Procedure 9 TFCriminal Procedure Principles in the Context of the European Court of Human Rights Jurisprudence (assoc. prof. dr. Rima ažubalytė, lect. dr. Raimundas Jurka, dr. Marina Gušauskienė)

3 3 S 4,5

Law Department of Criminal Procedure 10 TFInternational Cooperation and Protection of Rights in Criminal Proceedings (lect. dr. Raimundas Jurka)

2 2 S 3

Law Department of Criminal Procedure 11 TFProtection of Human Rights in Criminal Proceedings and access to Justice (lect. dr. Raimundas Jurka, dr. Marina Gušauskienė)

3 3 a 4,5

Law Department of Criminal Procedure 12 TFCrime Investigation and Criminalistic Information System (assoc. prof. dr. Eglė Bilevičiūtė)

4 4 a/S 6

Law Department of Criminal Procedure 13 TFCriminalistics Technique: Theory and Practice (prof. Vidmantas Egidijus Kurapka, assoc. prof. dr. Eglė Bilevičiūtė)

4 4 a/S 6

Law Department of Criminal Procedure 65 TFNew Technologies of Crime Investigation (prof. dr. Egidijus Vidmantas Kurapka, assoc prof. Dr. Eglė Bilevičiūtė)

4 4 a/S 6

LawDepartment of Civil and Commercial Law

18 TFIntroduction to Lithuanian Civil Law (dr. agnė Tikniūtė, assoc. prof. dr. Dalia Vasarienė)

4 4 S 6

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List of Courses in Foreign Languages at Mykolas Romeris University in Academic year 2010-2011

Faculty DepartmentCourse

No.Course Title

Local credits

Contact hrs/week

Semester (A/S)

ECTS credits

LawDepartment of Civil and Commercial Law

19 TFFamily Law of the Republic of Lithuania (assoc. prof. dr. Gediminas Sagatys)

4 4 a/S 6

LawDepartment of Civil and Commercial Law

20 TFLegal Transactions in Lithuanian Civil Law (assoc. prof. dr. asta Dambrauskaitė)

3 3 S 4,5

LawDepartment of Civil and Commercial Law

21 TFComparative Tort Law (dr. agnė Tikniūtė, dr. Simona Selelionytė-Drukteinienė)

4 4 a/S 6

LawDepartment of Civil and Commercial Law

22 TFLegal Protection of Human Rights in Private Law (assoc. prof. dr. Solveiga Cirtautienė)

3 3 a 4,5

LawDepartment of Civil and Commercial Law

23 TFComparative Law on Obligations (assoc. prof. dr. Solveiga Cirtautienė)

4 4 S 6

Law Department of Civil Procedure 24 TFJudicial Function in a Democratic Society (assoc. prof. dr. Virgilijus Valančius, lect. Natalija Kaminskienė)

2 2 a/S 3

Law Department of Civil Procedure 25 TF Roman Law (lect. Elena Kosaitė-Čypienė) 2 2 S 3Law Department of Civil Procedure 26 TF International Civil Procedure (lect. dr. Laura Gumuliauskienė) 3 3 S 4,5

LawDepartment of administrative Law and Procedure

27 TFEuropean Police Systems – Comparative Studies (assoc. prof. dr. andrejus Novikovas)

4 4 a 6

LawDepartment of administrative Law and Procedure

28 TFadministrative Law (lect. Ieva Deviatnikovaitė)

4 4 a 6

LawDepartment of administrative Law and Procedure

29 TFPolice Law (assoc. prof. dr. andrejus Novikovas)

4 4 a 6

LawDepartment of administrative Law and Procedure

30 TFPolice and Terrorism Prevention (lect. andrius Lygutas)

4 4 a/S 6

LawDepartment of administrative Law and Procedure

31 TFCommunication with Mass Media (lect. dr. Elena Martinonienė)

4 4 a/S 6

LawDepartment of administrative Law and Procedure

32 TFPublic Relations and Communication (lect. dr. Elena Martinonienė)

4 4 a/S 6

LawDepartment of administrative Law and Procedure

33 TFPrinciples of administrative Law Offences’ Investigation and Prevention (assoc. prof. dr. Eglė Bilevičiūtė)

4 4 a/S 6

LawDepartment of administrative Law and Procedure

34 TFTrafficking in Human Beings (lect. Reda Sirgediene)

4 4 S 6

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List of Courses in Foreign Languages at Mykolas Romeris University in Academic year 2010-2011

Faculty DepartmentCourse

No.Course Title

Local credits

Contact hrs/week

Semester (A/S)

ECTS credits

LawDepartment of administrative Law and Procedure

63 TFComparative administrative Law (lect. Ieva Deviatnikovaitė)

4 4 a 6

LawDepartment of administrative Law and Procedure

66 TFEuropean administrative Law: Relevant Issues (prof. dr. Virgilijus Valančius, dr. Salvija Kavalnė)

3 2 S 4,5

LawDepartment of administrative Law and Procedure

67 TFEuropäisches Verwaltungsrecht: ausgewählte aspekte (dr. Salvija Kavalnė)

3 2 a 4,5

LawDepartment of Labour Law and Social Security

35 TFLabour Law (dr. Justinas Usonis, assoc. prof. dr. Tomas Bagdanskis)

5 4 a/S 7,5

LawDepartment of Labour Law and Social Security

36 TFDroit De La Protection Sociale (lect. audrius Bitinas)

2 2 a/S 3

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

37 TFDiplomatic and Consular Law (lect. Vitalius Tumonis)

4 4 a 6

Law Department of Comparative Law 38 TF International Humanitarian Law ( dr. Justinas Žilinskas) 3 3 a 4,5

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

39 TFInternational Protection of Human Rights (lect. dr. Laurynas Biekša)

3 3 a/S 4,5

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

40 TFInternational Refugee Law (assoc. prof. dr. Lyra Jakulevičienė)

4 4 a 6

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

41 TFInternational Treaty Law (assoc. prof. dr. Lyra Jakulevičienė, lect. Vitalius Tumonis)

4 4 a 6

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

42 TFInternational Investment Law (lect. andrius Bambalas)

3 3 a 4,5

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

43 TFPrivate International Law (lect. dr. alvydas Gineitis)

3 2 a/S 4,5

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

64 TFEnforcement and Compliance with International Public Law (lect. Vitalius Tumonis)

4 4 S 6

Law Department of Comparative Law 69 TFUniversal and Regional Human Rights Systems: Comparative Perspectives (dr. Dalia Vitkauskaitė-Meurice)

4 4 a 6

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

70 TFInternational aviation Law and Policy (dr. Regina Valutytė)

3 3 S 4,5

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

44 TFEC Company Law (assoc. prof. dr. Ignas Vėgėlė)

3 2 a 4,5

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List of Courses in Foreign Languages at Mykolas Romeris University in Academic year 2010-2011

Faculty DepartmentCourse

No.Course Title

Local credits

Contact hrs/week

Semester (A/S)

ECTS credits

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

45 TFEU Finance & Tax Law (assoc. prof. dr. Herkus Gabartas)

3 2 S 4,5

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

46 TFEC Tax Law (assoc. prof. dr. Herkus Gabartas)

3 2 a 4,5

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

47 TFThe European Court of Justice (lect. agnė Vaitkevičiūtė)

3 2 a 4,5

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

48 TFEuropean Union and Human Rights (dr. Loreta Šaltinytė)

4 2 S 6

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

49 TFEC Competition Law (lect. Raimundas Moisejevas)

3 2 a 4,5

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

50 TFEuropean Union Environmental Law (lect. agnė Murauskaitė)

3 6 S 4,5

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

51 TFEuropean Union and Cooperation in the Justice and Home affairs area (lect. audronė Sviklaitė)

3 2 S 4,5

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

52 TFFreedoms of the EU Internal Market (lect. Vitalija Tamavičiūtė)

3 2 a 4,5

LawDepartment of International and European Union Law

68 TFImplementation of the European Convention of Human Rights (dr. Lijana Štarienė)

3 4 S 4,5

Law Department of Constitutional Law 53 TFLe Processus Constitutionnel Dans les Pays de l’Europe Centrale et Orientale (prof. dr. Egidijus Jarašiūnas)

3 3 a/S 4,5

Law Department of Constitutional Law 54 TF National Human Rights Protection (assoc. prof. dr. Edita Žiobienė) 3 3 a 4,5Law Department of Business Law 55 TF Competition Law (assoc. prof. dr. Daivis Švirinas) 3 3 S 4,5

LawDepartment of Criminal Law and Criminology

56 TFLegislational Criminology (prof. dr. Viktoras Justickis)

4 4 a/S 6

LawDepartment of Criminal Law and Criminology

57 TFEurointegrational Criminology (prof. dr. Viktoras Justickis)

4 4 a/S 6

LawDepartment of Criminal Law and Criminology

7 TFCriminal Law of the Republic of Lithuania (assoc. prof. dr. Oleg Fedosiuk)

4 4 a 6

LawDepartment of Criminal Law and Criminology

8 TFOrganized Crime and Its Criminal Legal Evaluation (assoc. prof. dr. aurelijus Gutauskas)

3 3 a 4,5

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List of Courses in Foreign Languages at Mykolas Romeris University in Academic year 2010-2011

Faculty DepartmentCourse

No.Course Title

Local credits

Contact hrs/week

Semester (A/S)

ECTS credits

LawDepartment of Criminal Law and Criminology

58 TFCrime Prevention: Theory and Practical Problems (lect. dr. artūras Petkus)

4 4 S 6

LawDepartment of Criminal Law and Criminology

59 TFIssues of Corruption Control and Prevention in the European Union area (lect. dr. artūras Petkus)

4 4 a/S 6

LawDepartment of Criminal Law and Criminology

80 TFCriminal Responsibility of Juvenile Offenders (assoc. prof. dr. Laurynas Pakštaitis)

3 2 a/S 4,5

Law Department of Biolaw 60 TF Bioethics (prof. andrius Narbekovas) 3 3 a/S 4,5

Law Department of Biolaw 61 TFLegal Regulation of Biomedicine (assoc. prof. Jonas Juškevičius, assoc. prof. dr. agnė Širinskienė)

3 3 S 4,5

Law Department of Biolaw 62 TF Etický audit ve Státní Správě (dr. Janina Balsienė) 4 4 S 6


Economics and Finance Management

Department of Economics 1 EFVFEconomic Policy of Lithuania: Strategic approach (prof. dr. Ona Gražina Rakauskienė)

4 2-4 S 6

Economics and Finance Management

Department of Economics 2 EFVFEconomics in Theory (lect. dr. Igoris Panovas, assoc. prof. Gediminas Černiauskas)

4 2-4 S 6

Economics and Finance Management

Department of Economics 3 EFVFGender Economics: Gender Responsive Budget Strategy (prof. dr. Ona Gražina Rakauskienė)

4 2-4 a 6

Economics and Finance Management

Department of Economics 4 EFVFRegional Economic Development and Policy (assoc. prof. dr. Gediminas Mačys)

4 3 a/S 6

Economics and Finance Management

Department of Economics 5 EFVFHuman Resource Management (assoc. prof. dr. Gediminas Mačys)

3 2 a/S 4,5

Economics and Finance Management

Department of Economics 6 EFVFCorporate Risk Management (assoc. prof. dr. Gediminas Mačys)

4 4 a/S 6

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List of Courses in Foreign Languages at Mykolas Romeris University in Academic year 2010-2011

Faculty DepartmentCourse

No.Course Title

Local credits

Contact hrs/week

Semester (A/S)

ECTS credits

Economics and Finance Management

Department of Economics 10 EFVFGlobalisation in action (1): the return of China (assoc. prof. dr. Gediminas Mačys)

4 3 a/S 6

Economics and Finance Management

Department of Economics 11 EFVFStrategic Management of Innovations III - Technology Commercialisation and Scouting (assoc. prof. dr. Gediminas Mačys)

4 3 a/S 6

Economics and Finance Management

Department of Economics 12 EFVFStrategic Management of Innovations IV - The Technology Management Project ( Gediminas Mačys)

4 3 a/S 6

Economics and Finance Management

Department of Finance and Taxes 7 EFVFFinancial accounting (lect. Laimutė Kazlauskienė)

4 4 a/S 6

Economics and Finance Management

Department of Finance and Taxes 8 EFVFNational and EU Tax Law: Integration and Harmonization (lect. aivaras Raišutis)

3 2 a 4,5

Economics and Finance Management

Department of Banking and Investments

9 EFVFFinancial Markets (assoc. prof. dr. Eugenija Martinaitytė)

4 2-4 S 6


Politics and Management

Department of Management 1 SVPFQuality Management and audit (dr. Birutė Pitrėnaitė)

3 4 a/S 4,5

Politics and Management

Department of Management 3 SVPFEssentials of Conflict Management (lect. Daiva Račelytė)

2 2 a 3

Politics and Management

Department of Management 40 SVPFCrisis Prevention and Management (dr. Birutė Pitrėnaitė)

4 4 a/S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 4 SVPFImage Management (assoc. prof. dr. Gintaras aleknonis)

4 4 S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Strategic Management 5 SVPF Strategic Management 4 4 a 6

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List of Courses in Foreign Languages at Mykolas Romeris University in Academic year 2010-2011

Faculty DepartmentCourse

No.Course Title

Local credits

Contact hrs/week

Semester (A/S)

ECTS credits

Politics and Management

Department of Strategic Management 44 SVPFStrategic Management of Innovations I - Innovation Strategies (assoc. prof. dr. Kostas Žymantas Svetikas, lect. aurimas Paulius Girčys )

4 3 a/S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 6 SVPFSocial and Political Changes in Lithuania During the Last Decade (assist. Romualdas Kacevičius)

3 3 a/S 4,5

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 7 SVPFManaging Ethnic Conflict: Israel and the Palestinians (prof. Šarūnas Liekis)

4 4 a 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 8 SVPFGenesis of Modern Jewish Politics (prof. Šarūnas Liekis)

4 4 a 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 9 SVPFHealth Policy in Lithuania and EU (prof. Danguolė Jankauskienė)

4 2 a/S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 10 SVPFEastward Enlargement of the European Union (assoc. prof. dr. Vladislav Sotirovič)

4 4 a/S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 11 SVPFEu Institutions and administration (assoc. prof. dr. Ramūnas Trimakas)

4 4 a 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 12 SVPFThe Peculiarities of Baltic States Geopolitical Situation (assist. Edvardas Špokas)

4 4 a 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 13 SVPFParties and Party Systems (dr. Vidutis Pečkys)

3 3 a 4,5

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 14 SVPFIntroduction to European Integration (dr. Saulius Spurga)

4 4 a 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 15 SVPFGovernance, Citizenship and the Dynamics of European Integration (assist. Edvardas Špokas)

3 3 a 4,5

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 16 SVPFEuropeanisation: Process and Result (assoc. prof. dr. Vladislav Sotirovič)

3 3 a/S 4,5

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 17 SVPFPolitics and Government in Lithuania (lect. dr. Gediminas Kazėnas, assoc. prof. dr. ainė Ramonaitė)

3 2 S 4,5

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 18 SVPFThe Commonwealth of Independent States – Crisis and Cooperation (assist. Edvardas Špokas)

4 4 S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 19 SVPFThe EU Regional Policy (assoc. prof. dr. Gediminas Kazėnas)

3 2 S 4,5

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List of Courses in Foreign Languages at Mykolas Romeris University in Academic year 2010-2011

Faculty DepartmentCourse

No.Course Title

Local credits

Contact hrs/week

Semester (A/S)

ECTS credits

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 20 SVPFHistory of Lithuania: Nation, Culture and Traditions (assoc. prof. dr. audronė Janužytė)

3 2 S 4,5

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 21 SVPFThe EU Common agricultural Policy and Eastern Enlargement (assoc. prof. dr. Gediminas Kazėnas)

4 4 a 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 22 SVPFapplied Political Sociology (assoc. prof. dr. Diana Janušauskienė)

4 4 S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 38 SVPFPostmodern Political Theory (assoc. prof. dr. andrius Bielskis)

4 4 S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 39 SVPFPolitics and Ethics in alasdair MacIntyre’s Thought (assoc. prof. dr. andrius Bielskis)

4 4 S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 45 SVPFEU Structural Funds and Project Cycle Management (lect. Oana Raluca Glăvan)

4 4 a/S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 46 SVPFLe fonctionnement des institutions de l’Union Européenne et le procès d’intégration européenne (lect. Oana Raluca Glăvan)

4 4 a/S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Political Sciences 47 SVPFPhilosophy and Politics in Film (assoc. prof. dr. andrius Bielskis)

4 4 a 6

Politics and Management

Department of Environmental Policy 29 SVPFLithuanian Environmental Policy (assoc. prof. dr. alfonsas Vaišnoras)

2 2 a/S 3

Politics and Management

Department of Environmental Policy 30 SVPFSustainable Development: From Policy to Practice (dr. Vytautas Naruševičius)

2 2 a 3

Politics and Management

Department of Environmental Policy 31 SVPFSustainable Countryside and Urban Management (assoc. prof. dr. Imantas Lazdinis)

4 4 a/S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Environmental Policy 32 SVPFSustainable Soil Management (lect. Virgilija Gregorauskienė)

2 2 S 3

Politics and Management

Department of Environmental Policy 33 SVPFSustainable Land Use and Management of Protected areas (Paulo Pereira)

4 4 a/S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Environmental Policy 34 SVPFUrban Sustainable Development Policies and Climate Change (Paulo Pereira)

4 4 a/S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Environmental Policy 35 SVPFInterest Representation and Lobbying in the European Union (Paulo Pereira)

4 4 a/S 6

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List of Courses in Foreign Languages at Mykolas Romeris University in Academic year 2010-2011

Faculty DepartmentCourse

No.Course Title

Local credits

Contact hrs/week

Semester (A/S)

ECTS credits

Politics and Management

Department of Environmental Policy 36 SVPFComparative Public Policy and administration (lect. Evelina Jagminaitė)

4 4 S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Environmental Policy 37 SVPFaspects of Environmental Issues and its Governance (lect. Evelina Jagminaitė)

4 4 S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Environmental Policy 41 SVPFIntroduction to Global Environmental Governance (prof. dr. Vida Motiekaitytė, Ieva Kapačiauskaitė)

4 5 a/S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Environmental Policy 42 SVPFNature Conservation Policy and Regional Development (assoc. prof. dr. Pranas Mierauskas)

2 2 a/S 3

Politics and Management

Department of Environmental Policy 43 SVPFRegtional Development and the Baltic Sea Region (prof. dr. Vida Motiekaitytė, lect. Loreta Steponėnaitė)

4 4 a 6

Politics and Management

Department of Environmental Policy 51 SVPFSustainable Development of Organizations (lect. Kęstutis Navickas)

4 4 a/S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Public administration 1 VaFSystems of Public administration (lect. Mantas Bileišis)

3 3 a/S 4,5

Politics and Management

Department of Public administration 2 VaFMarketing in the Public Sector (assoc. prof. dr. Žilvinas Židonis)

3 3 a 4,5

Politics and Management

Department of Public administration 3 VaFGestion des Iinstitutions de la Protection Sociale (lect. audrius Bitinas)

2 2 S 3

Politics and Management

Department of Public administration 4 VaFNew Public Management (dr. Dangis Gudelis)

4 4 a 6

Politics and Management

Department of Public administration 48 SVPFPostmodern Public administration (lect. Mantas Bileišis)

3 3 a/S 4,5

Politics and Management

Department of Public administration 49 SVPFTheories and Methods in Public Policy analysis (dr. Dangis Gudelis)

4 4 S 6

Politics and Management

Department of Public administration 50 SVPFTheories of Public administration (dr. Dangis Gudelis)

4 4 a 6


Social Policy Department of Social Policy 1 SPF Social Policy in EU (prof. dr. Leta Dromantienė) 4 2 S 6Social Policy Department of Social Policy 2 SPF Social Gerontology (assoc. prof. dr. Sarmite Mikulioniene) 3 3 S 4,5Social Policy Department of Social Policy 3 SPF Demography (prof. Vida Kanopienė) 4 3 a/S 6

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List of Courses in Foreign Languages at Mykolas Romeris University in Academic year 2010-2011

Faculty DepartmentCourse

No.Course Title

Local credits

Contact hrs/week

Semester (A/S)

ECTS credits

Social Policy Department of Social Policy 5 SPF Social Security System (dr. Raimonda Bikmanienė) 2 2 S 3

Social Policy Department of Social Policy 6 SPFTheory of Social work and Legal Services (lect. Dainius Bernotas)

4 3 a/S 6

Social Policy Department of Social Policy 7 SPF Social Research Methods (lect. Vida Česnuitytė) 3 2 a/S 4,5

Social Policy Department of Social work 8 SPFSocial work with Risk Groups (assoc. prof. dr. Saulius Čaplinskas)

4 4 a/S 6

Social Policy Department of Social work 9 SPF Volunteer Social work (dr. alina Petrauskienė) 4 4 a/S 6Social Policy Department of Social work 10 SPF Community work (assoc. prof. dr. Jolanta Pivorienė) 3 3 a/S 4,5Social Policy Department of Social work 34 SPF Intercultural communication (lect. Raminta Jančaitytė) 3 3 S 4,5Social Policy Department of Social work 35 SPF Methods of Social work (lect. Raminta Jančaitytė) 3 3 S 4,5

Social Policy Department of Social work 36 SPFTracking New ways in Social Policy, Legal and Social Services (assoc. prof. dr. Jolanta Pivorienė)

2 2 S 3

Social Policy Department of Social work 37 SPFIntegration of the Disabled into Society ( Rita Raudeliūnaitė)

3 3 a/S 4,5

Social Policy Department of Social work 38 SPF Social work with Family (lect. agata Katkonienė) 3 3 a/S 4,5Social Policy Department of Social work 39 SPF Social Counseling ( Odeta Merfeldaitė, lect. asta Railienė) 3 3 a/S 4,5Social Policy Department of Social work 40 SPF Fundamentals of Socio-cultural work (assoc. prof. dr. Jautrė Šinkūnienė) 2 2 a/S 3Social Policy Department of Social work 41 SPF Social activity of Religious Institutions (lect. Justinas Sadauskas) 2 2 a/S 3Social Policy Department of Social work 42 SPF Mediation in Social work (assoc. prof. dr. angelė Čepėnaitė) 2 2 a/S 3Social Policy Department of Social work 43 SPF Social work with Convict Family (lect. aistė Bartkevičienė) 2 2 a/S 3

Social Policy Department of Education 12 SPFSocial Research Methodology: Observing Methods and Facing Procedures (assoc. prof. dr. Tomas Butvilas)

4 3 a 6

Social Policy Department of Education 13 SPF Socializzazione Della Persona adulta (assoc. prof. dr. Irena Žemaitaitytė) 3 2 a 4,5

Social Policy Department of Education 14 SPFandragogia (educazione degli adulti) e le Strategie dell’Educazione Continua (assoc. prof. dr. Irena Žemaitaitytė)

4 2 a 6

Social Policy Department of Education 15 SPF The Socialization of adult (assoc. prof. dr. Irena Žemaitaitytė) 3 2 a 4,5Social Policy Department of Education 16 SPF andragogy (adult Education) Theory (assoc. prof. dr. Irena Žemaitaitytė) 4 2 a 6Social Policy Department of Psychology 17 SPF Psychology in Policing and Crime Detection (prof. dr. Viktoras Justickis) 3 3 a/S 4,5Social Policy Department of Psychology 20 SPF Psychology of antisocial Behaviour (prof. Rita Žukauskienė) 3 3 a/S 4,5Social Policy Department of Psychology 21 SPF Psychology of Criminal Behaviour (prof. Rita Žukauskienė) 3 3 a/S 4,5Social Policy Department of Psychology 22 SPF Social Psychology (prof. Rita Žukauskienė) 3 3 a/S 4,5

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List of Courses in Foreign Languages at Mykolas Romeris University in Academic year 2010-2011

Faculty DepartmentCourse

No.Course Title

Local credits

Contact hrs/week

Semester (A/S)

ECTS credits

Social Policy Department of Psychology 23 SPF Research Methods in Psychology (prof. Rita Žukauskienė) 3 4 a/S 4,5Social Policy Department of Psychology 24 SPF Penitentiary Psychology (assoc. prof. dr. Rita Bandzevičienė) 3 3 a 4,5Social Policy Department of Psychology 28 SPF Mediation in Conflict Management (assoc. prof. Jolanta Sondaitė) 3 2 a 4,5Social Policy Department of Psychology 30 SPF Community Psichology (assoc. prof. dr. Saulė Raižienė) 3 2 S 4,5Social Policy Department of Psychology 31 SPF History of Psychology (assoc. prof. dr. alfredas Laurinavičius) 3 2 a 4,5Social Policy Department of Psychology 44 SPF Positive Thinking Skills Training (assoc. prof. aistė Diržytė) 3 3 a/S 4,5Social Policy Department of Psychology 45 SPF Introduction to Psychology (assoc. prof. dr. alfredas Laurinavičius) 3 3 a/S 4,5Social Policy Department of Psychology 46 SPF Social Psychology (to be named) 4 4 a/S 6Social Policy Department of Psychology 47 SPF Human anatomy and Physiology (to be named) 4 4 S 6Social Policy Department of Psychology 48 SPF Sensation and Perception (to be named) 3 3 a/S 4,5Social Policy Department of Mediation 2 SVPF Managerial Negotiations (prof. dr. Juozas Lakis) 3 3 a 4,5

Social Policy Department of Mediation 32 SPFPunishment Enforcement Law (assoc. prof. dr. Dimitrij Usik, dr. aleksandras Gončarko)

2 4 a/S 3

Social Policy Department of Mediation 33 SPFInternational Standards of Convicts Treatment (assoc. prof. dr. Dimitrij Usik)

3 5 a 4,5

Social Policy Department of Mediation 49 SPF Essentials of Conflict Management (to be nominated) 3 3 a 4,5

Social Policy Department of Mediation 50 SPFInternational Commercial arbitration (assoc. prof. dr. Natalija Kaminskienė)

3 4 a/S 4,5

Social Policy Department of Mediation 51 SPFNegotiation and Dispute Resolution in Theory and Practice (assoc. prof. dr. Natalija Kaminskienė)

3 2 S 4,5

Social Policy Department of Mediation 52 SPF Comparative Mediation (assoc. prof. dr. Renata Mienkowska-Norkienė) 3 2 S 4,5

Social Policy Department of Mediation 53 SPFNegotiation and Mediation Moot (assoc. prof. dr. Natalija Kaminskienė, assoc. prof. dr. Renata Mienkowska-Norkienė)

3 2 S 4,5


Social InformaticsDepartment of Informatics and Software Systems

1 SIFInformation Management (prof. dr. Dalė Dzemydienė, lect. Mykolas Okulič Kazarinas)

3 2 a/S 4,5

Social InformaticsDepartment of Informatics and Software Systems

2 SIFBusiness and Finance Information Systems (prof. dr. Dalė Dzemydienė, lect. Marius Kalinauskas)

4 3 S 6

Social InformaticsDepartment of Informatics and Software Systems

3 SIF artificial Intelligence and Law (prof. dr. Dalė Dzemydienė) 3 3 a/S 4,5

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List of Courses in Foreign Languages at Mykolas Romeris University in Academic year 2010-2011

Faculty DepartmentCourse

No.Course Title

Local credits

Contact hrs/week

Semester (A/S)

ECTS credits

Social Informatics Department of Electronic Business 4 SIF E-Commerce Law (dr. Irmantas Rotomskis) 4 4 a 6Social Informatics Department of Electronic Business 5 SIF Intellectual Property in Cyberspace (assoc. prof. dr. Mindaugas Kiškis) 4 3 a 6Social Informatics Department of Electronic Business 6 SIF Cyber Crimes (assoc. prof. dr. Darius Štitilis) 4 3 a/S 6

Social Informatics Department of Electronic Business 7 SIFLegal Regulation of Electronic Communication (prof. dr. Rimantas Petrauskas, lect. Rytis Čėsna)

3 4 S 4,5

Social Informatics Department of Electronic Business 8 SIFE-Government and E-Democracy (prof. dr. Rimantas Petrauskas, lect. Eglė Malinauskienė)

4 4 a/S 6

Social Informatics Department of Electronic Business 9 SIF Data protection and Data Security (assoc. prof. dr. Darius Štitilis) 3 3 a/S 4,5

Social Informatics Department of Electronic Business 10 SIFStrategic Management of Innovations II - Management of Technological Innovation (dr. austė Kiškienė)

4 3 a/S 6

Social Informatics Department of Electronic Business 13 SIF Leadership in Information Society (assoc. prof. dr. aelita Skaržauskienė) 4 4 a/S 6Social Informatics Department of Electronic Business 14 SIF Models of Electronic Government Services (dr. Tadas Limba) 3 3 S 4,5

Social InformaticsDepartment of Mathematical Modelling

11 SIFMathematical Logic (dr. Mantas Valužis)

3 3 a/S 4,5

Social InformaticsDepartment of Mathematical Modelling

12 SIFDiscrete Structures (dr. Mantas Valužis)

3 3 a/S 4,5

Social InformaticsDepartment of Informatics and Software Systems

15 SIFNetworked Organizations (dr. Saulius Norvaišas)

3 3 S 4,5

Social InformaticsDepartment of Informatics and Software Systems

16 SIFBasics of Software Programming (lect. Ramūnas Dzindzalieta, prof. dr. Dalė Dzemydienė)

4 4 a/S 6

Social InformaticsDepartment of Informatics and Software Systems

17 SIFBusiness Information Technologies (prof. dr. Dalė Dzemydienė, Marius Kalinauskas)

3 3 a 4,5

Social InformaticsDepartment of Informatics and Software Systems

18 SIFData Structures and algorithms (lect. Dainius Dzindzalieta, lect. Mykolas Okulič-Kazarinas)

4 4 a/S 6


Public Security Department of Law 1 VSF Comparative administrative Law (assoc. prof. dr. Birutė Pranevičienė) 3 2 a 4,5

Public Security Department of Law 2 VSFMechanism of European Convention of Human Rights (lect. aurelija Pūraitė)

2 4 a 3

Public Security Department of Humanities 3 VSF Social Psychology and the Law and Order (assoc. prof. dr. Laima Ruibytė) 2 2 a/S 3Public Security Department of Humanities 4 VSF Officer’s Psychological Rehabilitation Problems (lect. Timas Petraitis) 2 2 a/S 3

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List of Courses in Foreign Languages at Mykolas Romeris University in Academic year 2010-2011

Faculty DepartmentCourse

No.Course Title

Local credits

Contact hrs/week

Semester (A/S)

ECTS credits

Public Security Department of Law 5 VSF International Protection of Human Rights (lect. aurelija Pūraitė) 2 2 S 3Public Security Department of Law 6 VSF Comparative Constitution Law (assoc. prof. dr. Birutė Pranevičienė) 3 4 a 4,5Public Security Department of Humanities 7 VSF Psychology of Crime Investigation (assoc. prof. dr. Laima Ruibytė) 2 2 a/S 3Public Security Department of Humanities 8 VSF Psychology (lect. Timas Petraitis) 2 2 a/S 3

Public SecurityDepartment of Criminalistics and Criminal Procedure

14 TFCrime Scene Investigation (assoc. prof. dr. Janina Juškevičiūtė)

4 4 a/S 6

Public SecurityDepartment of Criminalistics and Criminal Procedure

15 TFCriminal Investigation (assoc. prof. dr. Janina Juškevičiūtė)

4 4 a/S 6

Public SecurityDepartment of Criminalistics and Criminal Procedure

16 TFVerbrechensaufklärung (assoc. prof. dr. Janina Juškevičiūtė)

4 4 a/S 6

Public SecurityDepartment of Criminalistics and Criminal Procedure

17 TFNaturwissenschaftliche Kriminalistik (assoc. prof. dr. Janina Juškevičiūtė)

4 4 a 6

Institute of Forensic Medicine 1 TMIForensic Medicine and Science: Newest Technologies (assoc. prof. dr. alvydas Pauliukevičius)

4 4 a/S 6

Institute of Forensic Medicine 2 TMIForensic anthropology (assoc. prof. dr. Rimantas Jankauskas)

3 4 a/S 4,5

Institute of Forensic Medicine 3 TMICrime and DNa Investigation. New Technologies in DNa Forensics (dr. Marija Čaplinskiene)

3 4 a/S 4,5

Institute of Forensic Medicine 4 TMINeurobiology of Human Behavior and Crime Scenes (dr. Marija Čaplinskienė)

3 4 a/S 4,5

Institute of Forensic Medicine 5 TMISustainable Development and Public Health Policy Management (dr. Marija Čaplinskienė)

3 4 a/S 4,5


Institute of Humanities

Department of Philosophy 23 SVPFContemporary Social Philosophy (prof. dr. Jūratė Morkūnienė)

4 2 a/S 6

Institute of Humanities

Department of Philosophy 24 SVPFReligion Studies (assoc. prof. dr. andrius Sprindžiūnas)

3 2 a/S 4,5

Institute of Humanities

Department of Philosophy 26 SVPFCritical Thinking (assoc. prof. dr. Virginija Jakimenko)

4 3 S 6

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List of Courses in Foreign Languages at Mykolas Romeris University in Academic year 2010-2011

Faculty DepartmentCourse

No.Course Title

Local credits

Contact hrs/week

Semester (A/S)

ECTS credits

Institute of Humanities

Department of Philosophy 27 SVPFLa Philosophie Politique (assoc. prof. dr. Povilas aleksandravičius)

2 2 S 3

Institute of Humanities

Department of Philosophy 28 SVPFValues in the Era of Globalization (prof. dr. Jūratė Morkūnienė)

4 3 S 6

Institute of Humanities

Department of Philosophy 14 VaFHistory of the Philosophy in Lithuania (prof. dr. Dalia Marija Stančienė)

3 3 a/S 4,5

Institute of Humanities

Department of Foreign Languages 5 VaFBasic Lithuanian (assoc. prof. dr. Violeta Janulevičienė)

4 4 a/S 6

Institute of Humanities

Department of Foreign Languages 6 VaFLegal English (assoc. prof. dr. Violeta Janulevičienė)

4 4 a/S 6

Institute of Humanities

Department of Foreign Languages 7 VaFFachsprache Deutsch. Rechtswissenschaft (lect. Nijolė Slaminskienė)

4 4 a/S 6

Institute of Humanities

Department of Foreign Languages 8 VaFFrançais Juridique (lect. Violeta Samedy)

4 4 a/S 6

Institute of Humanities

Department of Foreign Languages 9 VaFBusiness Communication Practice (assoc. prof. dr. Lora Tamošiūnienė, assoc. prof. dr. Jolita Šliogerienė)

4 4 a/S 6

Institute of Humanities

Department of Foreign Languages 10 VaFFachdeutch fur Finanzwirtschaft (lect. Nijolė Slaminskienė)

4 4 a/S 6

Institute of Humanities

Department of Foreign Languages 11 VaFLe français des affaires (lect. Violeta Samedy)

4 4 a/S 6

Institute of Humanities

Department of Foreign Languages 12 VaFEnglish for Economics and Finance (assoc. prof. dr. Irena Darginavičienė)

4 4 a/S 6

Institute of Humanities

Department of Foreign Languages 13 VaFIntermediate Lithuanian (assoc. prof. dr. Violeta Janulevičienė)

4 4 a/S 6

explanation: A = Autumn semester S = Spring semester A/S = course available both in Autumn and in Spring semester

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Question AnswerName of the University

Erasmus code


LT VILNIUS06internet address of application form for •admissionclosing date to submit your application form •for admissionprice and dates for attending language •courses

Deadline for applications for autumn semester: May 31, 2010Deadline for applications for Spring semester: November 30, 2010

There is no special application for language courses because language courses are included into introductory week before each semester. Further language courses may be taken as selective 6 ECTS subject during the semester without fee.

internet address of accommodation application form

closing date to submit your application form •for admissionclosing date to pay a guarantee•

Deadline for applications for autumn semester: May 31, 2010Deadline for applications for Spring semester: November 30, 2010

No advance payment is required from Erasmus students. at the arrival students pay rent for entire semester in two instalments (for the first month - during an introductory week, for the remaining period - at the end of the first month of studies)

internet address of the courses you offer in •2010 – 2011 academic year Courses are offered mainly in English, some in German and French

exact start and ending of each semester•

when do you expect our students to arrive at •the latest?

Autumn semester (20 weeks): from 1 September, 2010 to 23 January, 2011Introductory week: 24 august – 29 august, 2010Date of arrival: 23 August, 2010Lectures: from 1 September, 2010 to 19 December, 2010Christmas holiday: 27 December, 2010 - 2 January 2011Examinations: from 20 December, 2010 to 23 January, 2011Holidays: 24 – 30 January, 2011

Spring semester (20 weeks): from 31 January, 2011 to 30 June, 2011Introductory week: 25 – 30 January, 2011Date of arrival: 24 January, 2011Lectures: from 31 January, 2011 to 29 May, 2011Easter holiday: 25 April, 2011-1 May 2011Examinations: from 30 May, 2011 to 30 June, 2011Summer holidays: 1 July– 31 August, 2011

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Examination periods Autumn semester Examinations: from 20 December, 2010 to 23 January, 2011Spring semester Examinations: from 30 May, 2011 to 30 June, 2011

Introduction programme and period Autumn semester Introductory week: 25 august – 29 august, 2010Spring semester Introductory week: 25 January – 30 January, 2011

e-mail/fax/telephone of coordinator/ contact persons

Office address and working hours:

Mrs. audra Dargytė Burokienė (Institutional Erasmus Coordinator – for general inquiries, nominations of students)E – mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Tel.: +370 5 271 46 95

Ms. Ieva Tondrykaitė, (coordinator of incoming exchange students)E-mail: [email protected] Tel. +370 5 271 45 78Fax: +370 5 271 46 95

Ms. Laura Nemaniūtė (coordinator of outgoing exchange students)E-mail: [email protected] Tel. +370 5 271 45 78

International Exchange Unit Academic Affairs Centreateities st. 20, Rooms IV-206, IV-208LT-08303, VilniusWorking hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 – 16:45; Friday: 8:00-15:30

Approximate cost of monthly budgethousing •

food, transport, books, leisure•

350 – 450 eur and more (depending on personal habits)~116 eur (at the MRU Residence halls) - >250 eur (in private sector)

food: 150 – 200 eurtransport: 6,5 eur (student monthly public transportation card) – 40 eur (other types of transport)books: 20 – 60 eurleisure: 40 – 110 eurother: 50 – 100 eur

Other information that may be useful Official days in 2010/2011, when the University is closed:November 1 (all Saints Day)December 25-26 (Christmas)January 1 (New Year’s Day)February 16 (Independence Day)March 11 (Restoration of Lithuanian Independence)april 25 (Easter Monday)May 1 (International Labour Day)June 24 (all John’s Day)July 6 (Day of Statehood – Coronation of King Mindaugas)august 15 (the assumption day)

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LLP ERaSMUS OFFICE aDDRESS: academic affair Centre International Exchange UnitRooms: No. IV-206 and No IV-208Tel. +370 5 2714 695; +370 5 2714 578 Fax. +370 5 2714 695

Institutional ERaSMUS Coordinator Bilateral agreements, TS and projects

Mrs. audra DaRGYTĖ BUROKIENĖ+370 5 27 14 695E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Coordinator responsible for outgoing students Ms. Laura NEMaNIŪTĖTel:+370 5 27 14 578E-mail: [email protected]

Coordinator responsible for incoming students Ms. Ieva TONDRYKaITĖTel.+370 5 27 14 578E-mail: [email protected]


Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law assoc. Prof. Dr. Dalia VaSaRIENĖTel.: +370 5 271 46 63E-mail: [email protected]

Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Finance Management assoc. Prof. Dr. Irmantas ROTOMSKISTel.: +370 5 271 46 57 E-mail: [email protected]

Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Politics and Management assoc. Prof. Dr. Danguolė JaNKaUSKIENĖTel.: +370 5 274 0635 E-mail: [email protected]

Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Social Policy assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena ZEMaITaITYTĖTel.: +370 5 271 4713 E-mail: [email protected]

Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Social Informatics assoc. Prof. Dr. aelita SKaRŽaUSKIENĖTel.:+370 5 271 4741E-mail: [email protected]

Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Public Security assoc. Prof. Dr. algirdas MULIaRČIKaSTel.: +370 37 303 641E-mail: [email protected]

Director of the Institute of Humanities Prof. Dr. Dalia Marija STaNČIENĖTel.: +370 5 271 4588 E-mail: [email protected]

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Description of courses at:

Every care has been taken to provide actual information at the time of publishing. All updates are available on internet

© Mykolas Romeris University Academic Affairs Centre, 2010

Prepared by Mykolas Romeris University

Academic Affairs Centre International Exchange UnitEdited by Audra Dargytė Burokienė

Photos by Vidūnas Gelumbauskas and Mykolas Romeris University Erasmus students

Cover by Romanas Tumėnas, PLC „Baltijos kopija“Print by PLC „Baltijos kopija“

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List of Coursesin Foreign Languages(2010–2011)

Published with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.