In design powerpoint Grids




Transcript of In design powerpoint Grids

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Guides help set a professional layout out and it is a good way to proportion columns against pictures evenly.

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More rows and columns can be added to create different layouts.

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Images and text can be wrapped around each other to create a different effect on the page, this is usually for a cut out image which is what I did here with Beyonce. I cut out the singer on Photoshop then placing it in InDesign and using the Text Wrap box I was able to achieve this. I still used the guides to set out how far the text was going to go, (two columns)

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Pull Quotes

This is often used in magazines and again using the same way I did the wrapping of the picture the same can be done for text to make it stand out.

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Experimental Page

I have still used a simple grid but have gone out the box, in the middle. Also I have created a minimalist effect. This can be achieved well on InDesign as it is easy to fit everything together proportionally because of the use of the grid.

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Experimental Page

This is a simple article interview page consisting of just a small bit of text and one image of the bands logo. This is simple but effective because fans don’t need the face of the band to identify an article from them. A grid has been used but it has been taken out the box slightly.