IMS Affiliates Maintenance User Guide · 3/30/2012  · Abbreviated in this guide as “SEA”....

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Transcript of IMS Affiliates Maintenance User Guide · 3/30/2012  · Abbreviated in this guide as “SEA”....

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User Guide

Financial & Membership Services

Membership Management Services

Version 042012

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IMS Affiliates Maintenance User Guide

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Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Maintain Affiliates ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

Parent Organization search ........................................................................................................................................ 8

Search results ............................................................................................................................................................ 8

Affiliates main page ....................................................................................................................................................... 8

Demographics .............................................................................................................................................................. 10

Notes ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Roles ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11

Search for Roles ....................................................................................................................................................... 13

Assignments ................................................................................................................................................................. 15

Assign UniServ to Local ............................................................................................................................................ 16

Assign Employer to local .......................................................................................................................................... 17

End Employer-Local assignment .............................................................................................................................. 18

Add Employer – Local Assignment ........................................................................................................................... 19

Change Employer – Local Assignment ..................................................................................................................... 19

Assign Groups to local ............................................................................................................................................. 21

End Group to Local Assignment ............................................................................................................................... 22

Add Group to Local Assignment ............................................................................................................................... 22

Assign Locals to a Group .......................................................................................................................................... 24

Group Type .................................................................................................................................................................. 25

Add Group Type ....................................................................................................................................................... 27

Deactivate Group Type ............................................................................................................................................ 27

Counts .......................................................................................................................................................................... 28

Members ..................................................................................................................................................................... 30

Search within Results ............................................................................................................................................... 30

Processing Controls ..................................................................................................................................................... 32

Add an Organization .................................................................................................................................................... 34

Required Fields to add organizations ....................................................................................................................... 36

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Edit an Organization .................................................................................................................................................... 38

Edit Additional Information ......................................................................................................................................... 39

Edit Address ................................................................................................................................................................. 41

Change an Address ................................................................................................................................................... 43

Add an Address ........................................................................................................................................................ 44

Delete an Address .................................................................................................................................................... 45

Edit Phone and Email ................................................................................................................................................... 45

To Add/update an email address............................................................................................................................. 46

Charter ......................................................................................................................................................................... 47

To add NEA affiliation data: ......................................................................................................................................... 48

View Dues Information ................................................................................................................................................ 49

View Profile.................................................................................................................................................................. 50

Affiliate Profile ......................................................................................................................................................... 52

Dues /Fees ............................................................................................................................................................... 52

Roles ........................................................................................................................................................................ 52

Counts ...................................................................................................................................................................... 53

Demographics .......................................................................................................................................................... 54

Contact Information ................................................................................................................................................ 55

Membership Types .................................................................................................................................................. 55

Payment Methods ................................................................................................................................................... 55

Assignments ............................................................................................................................................................. 56

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The Affiliates subsystem maintains and describes the organizational structure of the national, state and local

affiliates. The Affiliates subsystem includes office related data as well as the identification of key individuals within

affiliates. It describes their roles, both current and historical. It also describes the affiliate relationships (e.g.,

locals within groups). It describes dependencies (e.g., chapters within a local affiliate), and external relationships

(e.g., employer relationship with locals or chapters). The Affiliates module also displays current data on

membership numbers, charter affiliation and bargaining options.

The organizations in the Affiliates subsystem are “internal organizations”. They are within the association

hierarchy family. The terms in this guide used for these internal organizations are “associations”, “affiliates”,

“organizations” and “int orgs”. Organizations described in the Employers/Work Locations subsystem are “external

organizations” as they are external to the association family.

Internal organizations as used in the Affiliates Subsystem are described below.

Organization Record Type(s) Description

NEA NEA Headquarters


The National Education Association, located in Washington D.C.

NEA Regions NEA Region, REG One of the six regional offices of NEA.

NEA Departments NEA Department


A department within NEA, such as NEA Research or NEA Financial &

Membership Services. Optional, usually added to the subsystem to

record Role Assignments.

State Affiliates State Affiliate


One of the 51 state level associations affiliated with the NEA.

Abbreviated in this guide as “SEA”.

State Affiliate


State Department


Departments within a state affiliate, such as Membership or

Communications. Optional, usually added to the subsystem to record

Role Assignments.

UniServ units UniServ


The National Education Association Unified Staff Service Program

(“UniServ ”) is a cooperative NEA/NEA state affiliate/NEA local affiliate

program that is designed to help establish and maintain effective local

affiliates by making professional staff available to provide direct

support and assistance to local affiliates and the Active members of

such affiliates on an on-going basis.

Organizations exist in the Affiliates subsystem for each UniServ unit in a

state affiliate.

Groupings of


Group An ‘organization’ created to group locals within a SEA in various ways.

Local Affiliates Local, LOC An organization for a limited geographic area within a state affiliate,

usually a county. Most Local organizations in the Affiliate subsystem

are affiliates, whiles some are place holder records for potential

members, subscribers, or Pre Retired Subscribers.

Chapter of a local Chapter, CHAP A subdivision of a local.

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The diagram below illustrates the different affiliate types within the NEA and how they are structured in relation to

one another.








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To access the Affiliates subsystem, click Affiliates from the IMS Welcome page.

You are presented with the Affiliates landing page. Also on the landing page is the Roles Express function, which is

explained in the Roles User Guide.

There are two functions for Affiliates: Maintain and View Profile.

The Maintain Affiliate function allows you to view and update data for affiliate organizations within your security

access. For State level users this will be your SEA, UniServ Units, locals, chapters and groups. You have no access

to data in any other state. Clicking the Maintain button initiates an Affiliate Search page. Once you have searched

for and selected an organization you are presented with the Affiliates main page which is the main hub from which

an affiliate record is maintained. In addition, the View profile Hierarchy is available under the Maintain function.

The View Profile function allows all users to view data for all states, Uniservs, locals, chapters, etc. nationwide.

This page allows you to view the organizational structure and relationships under the NEA organization. This

framework of relationships among the organization includes from top to bottom, state affiliates, group affiliates,

and local affiliates. This is explained in detail later in this guide

The other two functions on the Affiliates Home page are related to Roles Processing. These are explained in the

Roles Maintenance user Guide.


Click to access the Maintain Affiliates function.

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Affiliate Search Parameters

Org ID The ten digit system generated Internal Organization identifier. Leading zeroes are not

required. This is the most direct method of searching for an organization. No other criteria

are needed if using the Org ID.

Org Name The name of the organization for the search. Enter a complete or partial name. The wild card

% can be used at the end of the partial name but it is not required.

User ID User assigned identifier for an organization. Can be alpha/numeric.

Geo State The geographic state associated to the user’s login id. Except for NEA users, it will be

populated and cannot be changed.

Record Type Optionally, select the type of organization for the search. Among the choices are local,

chapter, UniServ, Group.

Group Type Optionally, select the type of group for the search. This can be used when the Record Type

of Group has been selected

Local type Optionally, select the type of local for the search. Choices include: Local Affiliate,

Miscellaneous, Potential, Retired and Student

Parent Org Optionally, enter the ten digit Org ID of the parent organization.

Some examples of search parameters are:

Organization ID

Partial Organization name and Record type

User ID and Record type. User IDs are unique within Record type within State Affiliate (i.e. unique within

locals, unique within UniServ Units, unique within groups). Using a user id without a record type may give

you odd results.

Organization partial name, record type = Chapter, Parent Organization search for the Local

To search for NEA, enter a ‘1” in the Organization ID.

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The Parent Organization search may be used when searching for a chapter under a local. It is used when adding a

new organization to Affiliates. In order to search on Group Record Types, you must have the state affiliate as the

parent organization.


Org ID The ten digit system internal organization identifier. Leading zeroes are not required

Org Name The name or the parent organization. Enter a full or partial name

Geo State The geographic state of the user. Populated from the search page

Record type Select the record of the parent organization.


The Search Results grid displays organizations based on the search criteria. Double click in a row to select an



The main page for an affiliate is divided into three sections. The top section displays the name, ID’s, and contact

information, such as primary address, primary telephone number, and primary e-mail address. If the organization

is a local, the associated UniServ will be displayed. The Additional Data on the lower right side will change

depending on the organization.

The bottom left side displays the current VIP role assignments. The bottom right side displays current member

counts. The counts shown are dependent on the level of user. For NEA users, NEA counts are displayed for the

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organization. For SEA and UniServ users, State counts are displayed for the organization. For LEA users, local

counts are displayed if the organization in focus is a local.

Tabs go across the page for Demographics, Roles, Notes, related organizational assignments, and Counts.

For SEA affiliates there is a tab for Processing Controls.

For LEA affiliates there is a tab for a list of members.

A task panel on the left side allows users to add a new organization, edit the organization on the page (additional

data, address, phone, email) view/ maintain charter information and view dues related information.

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The Demographics tab allows users to view and maintain custom data created specifically for the use of the SEA,

LEA, or other organizations. The data shown on this page will vary based on the options utilized by the SEA. Please

contact your SEA membership office for processing instructions.


Notes about the affiliate can be maintained and former Notes can be viewed by clicking the Historical box.

1. Click to enter a new note.

2. Enter a Title for the note in the Summary field and the text in the Notes area.

3. Click .

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The Roles tab allows users to view and maintain role assignments; role assignments are displayed from the

Affiliate’s perspective, as the Originating Organization. At the top of the page a grid displays role assignments

owned by the organization. For NEA and each state affiliate, the VIP roles are displayed in alphabetic sequence by

role name. For LEA affiliates, the VIP roles display at the top of the grid, followed by the remaining LEA role

assignments. For all other organizations all roles display in alphabetic sequence by Role name.

As you click in different rows in the grid, the data displayed at the bottom of the page will change to match.

Authorized users are able to click an individual’s name to display the member’s Personal Information screen. Click

on the email address to obtain a ‘create’ email screen to send a message to the individual selected.

To view historical role assignments for the organization, click the box.


Individual ID and


The ten digit identifier and the individual’s name who is assigned to the role.

Role Name The standard name of the role

Alt Role Name Alternate Role Name. To be used only if the standard role name is not quite right, but the

intent of the role must not change. An example: the standard role name is “President “;

the Alternate Role Name is “Co-President”. Usually left blank.

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Start Date The date the role assignment commences. Start Date defaults to the current date. You

may enter a future Start Date if needed. An example: It is July and you are entering the

officers whose terms begin in September. You would enter a Future Start date of


End Date The date the role assignment ends. A future End Date may be entered if the date is

known in advance when the term of the role will end.

Address Owner Identifies the entity which owns the address used in the role assignment. User selects the

address to be used to contact the member on matters relating to this role. The default

value is “Individual”. Required.

Choices are an address owned by:

>> the Individual,

>>the Originating Organization

>> the member’s Work Location recorded in his/her membership record

>>the Represented Organization.

The choice “No Address” is selected if user does not need an address associate to the

role assignment.

Address Type The type of address to be selected. If Address Owner = Individual, the selection includes

only addresses owned by the individual in the role. For any other address owner, the

Primary address is automatically selected; the Address Type selection is empty.

Address Display of the selected address. View only.

Phone Owner Identifies the entity which owns the telephone number used in the role assignment. User

selects the telephone number to be used to contact the member on matters relating to

this role. The default value is “Individual”.

Choices are a phone number owned by:

>> the Individual,

>> the Originating Organization

>>the member’s Work Location recorded in his/her membership record

>>the Represented Organization.

Phone Type The type and phone number to be selected. If Phone Owner = Individual, the selection

includes only phone numbers owned by the individual in the role. For any other phone

owner, the Primary phone number is automatically selected; the Phone Type selection is


Email Owner Identifies the entity which owns the email address used in the role assignment. User

selects the email address to be used to contact the member on matters relating to this

role. The default value is “Individual”.

Choices are an email address owned by:

>> the Individual,

>> the Originating Organization

>> the member’s Work Location recorded in his/her membership record

>> the Represented Organization.

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Email Type The type and email address to be selected. If Email Owner = Individual, the selection

includes only email addresses owned by the individual in the role.

For any other Email owner, the Primary email address is automatically selected; the

Email Type selection is empty.

Represented Org A Represented Organization is an organization the individual represents while serving in

the role. It must be an organization below the Originating Organization. Examples: The

Originating Organization is a local association and the Represented Organization is a

Work Location; the Originating Organization is a state association and the Represented

Organization is a local association.

Usually left blank.

Default Role Original intent was for use in label printing. If individual has multiple roles, the one

marked as the Default is used for the label address. May no longer be needed.

VIP Role Indicator set in SEA’s Organization Available Roles (OAR) on Very Important Position

roles. Not editable.

NEA RA Cont NEA RA Contact indicator. Indicator field is seen only on LEA level role of “President”. Can

be set on one President at a time. The information in the role with the indicator updates

the NEA RA Registration subsystem as the main contact for the local.

When clicked the Reset will set the page back to the original condition

When clicked saves the data to the database

When clicked initiate a new role assignment page

When clicked will initiate the End Role function


To view other role assignments for the organization, click above the grid. The Roles Search

page appears.

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1. Search for one individual by entering the Individual ID, or First and Last name. OR

2. Search for one role by clicking on the role name. OR

3. Search for multiple roles by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on the role names.OR

4. Search for all roles within a specific Category by entering a partial or full Category name, like’ COMM’ for


5. Click .

6. The results will appear on the Roles page behind this Search pop up. Close the pop up. .

Refer to the Roles Maintenance User Guide for instructions on adding and maintaining role assignments.

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The Assignments page enables the user to view all relationships between organizations, such as a state affiliate

relationship with its UniServ Units and locals. Users can maintain the relationships that locals have with a UniServ

Unit, an Employer or with Groups.

For a local organization, the Assignment page displays all associated relationships to Groups, a UniServ, an

Employer and to chapters.

For a state affiliate, the assignment page displays all associated locals, UniServ units and groups.

For a UniServ Unit or for a Group organization, the assignment page displays all associated locals.

For a chapter, the assignment page displays the associated local and an employer, if the employer is

linked to a chapter instead of the local.

When you initiate the Assignment tab, all relationships are displayed for the organization in focus. The sequence is

alphabetic by organization name within record type (All locals together, all Groups together). When you click the

radio button next to a specific assignment type, the display refreshes with only the requested assigned


To view all ended organization assignments, click .

To export data on the page, click .

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Radio button

For specific organizations: select Group, Uniserv, Local, Employer, Chapter, NEA

Region, State Affiliate, View All

Related Org ID The ten digit system assigned internal organization identifier

Related Org Name The name of the organization

Related Rec Type The record type of the organization in the row.

Relationship Type An explanation of the specific relationship. Examples, SEA Local(STAFFLOC),

Start Date The date the relationship commenced

End Date The date the relationship terminated.


The Local - UniServ assignment maintains the relationship between a local and a UniServ. Each local must be

assigned to one and only one UniServ for a membership year. When a new local is created, it is automatically

assigned to the “Unassigned UniServ” as a default. Use this function to assign the new local to a UniServ or to

change Local-UniServ assignments when the state affiliate reorganizes the UniServ units.

Navigate to the local organization, Assignments tab. Click the button

1. Click . The Add New UniServ fields appear.

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2. Select the required UniServ from the drop down list. Click .

3. The new Local-UniServ assignment is saved. The former local-UniServ assignment is now in History.


The Local - Employer assignment maintains the relationship between a local/chapter and the employer of the

association’s members. The employer is usually associated to the local organization, however, If the local has

chapters, the state affiliate may decide to assign the employer to the chapters instead. The choice of assigning the

employer to a chapter or a local is defined under the Local Additional Data page. If the local association has Active

membership types, at least one employer must be assigned. Multiple employers may be assigned to the


If more than one employer is assigned to a local, one of the employers is identified as the default employer. The

user can change the default to another employer/subcontractor as appropriate. The ‘default” employer is the first

one displayed when processing membership employment.

Local-Employer Relationship

One to One Relationship

One Local to Many Employers

Many Locals to One Employer

Employer A

Local 2

Local 1

Employer B

Employer A Local 1

Local 1 Employer A

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Navigate to the local organization, Assignments tab and click the radio button

E N D E M P L O Y E R - L O C A L A S S I G N M E N T

When there are multiple employers assigned to a local, there may come a time when you need to end one of


1. Focus on the employer that needs to be ended by clicking in the row, note the associated data appears in

the assignment fields below.

2. Enter an End Date in MM/DD/YYYY format. This can be a current or past date.

3. Click .

4. The Employer-Local assignment is ended.

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A D D E M P L O Y E R – L O C A L A S S I G N M E N T

You may need to add an employer assignment to a newly created local or add multiple employers to a local.

1. Click

2. Click the search icon .

3. A pop list of employers is presented. You can filter the list by entering part of the name in the Description

field. You may also enter the internal Organization ID.

4. Select the applicable employer.

5. Enter the Start Date in MM/DD/YYYY format. The date can be a current or prior date.

6. Click . The Employer-local assignment is added

C H A N G E E M P L O Y E R – L O C A L A S S I G N M E N T

You may need to replace one employer assignment with another. One option is to add the new employer then end

the former. Another option is to replace one with the other.

1. Focus on the employer which needs to be ended by clicking in the row, note the associated data appears

in the assignment fields below.

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2. Click the search icon .

3. Select the applicable employer from the list. The new employer now appears in the Related Organization


4. Important: Enter the Start Date of the new assignment.

5. Click . The new employer- local assignment is saved.

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The Locals - Groups assignment maintains the relationship between a local and a group. A “Group” is a term used

to define the various ways locals are organized; each state affiliate needs the ability to group its locals in a variety

of ways.

A Group Type identifies the type of grouping that is being established, such as “County”, “Board District”,

“Membership Card Production”, or “Largest Locals”.

For each Group Type specific organizations are added to the Affiliates Subsystem with a Record Type of

“Group”, such as “Richmond County”, “District 1”, “Alphabetic Sort”, and “Locals Over 1,000 Members”.

A Group Type may have many Group organizations associated to it.

Once group types and group organizations are created, locals can then be related to them through an

assignment process.

Locals can be assigned to multiple Group Types but only to one Group Organization within a specific

Group Type. Notice the local Fairfax EA is assigned to three different Group Organizations which are in

three different Group Types.

Group Type Specific Group Organization Local Assignment

County Richmond County Richmond EA

Fairfax County Fairfax EA

Board District District 1 Adair EA

District 2 Fairfax EA

District 3 Deer Park EA

Largest Locals Locals Over 1,000 Fairfax EA

Two ways are provided to make the assignment – local assignments to group and group assignments to local.

Navigate to a local organization. Click the button to view Group Assignments.

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1. Focus on the group to be ended by clicking in the row, note the associated data appears in the

assignment fields below

2. Enter an End Date in MM/DD/YYYY format. This can be a current or past date

3. Click .

4. The Group-Local assignment is ended.


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1. Click

2. The Group Assignment fields appear.

3. Select the Type of Group.

4. Select the specific group from the drop down list.

5. Enter the Start Date in MM/DD/YYYY format. Date can be a prior or current date.

1. Click .

2. If the local is already assigned to that group a message appears.

3. Otherwise, the Group-Local assignment is saved.

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With this option, navigate to the specific Group organization to assign locals to it. The page displays all currently

assigned locals on the right side and locals available to be assigned on the left.

1. Click on an Available local to focus on it and use the right arrow to move it to the Assigned


1. Click

Conversely, when you need to un assign a local from a Group, focus on the local in the Assigned column, use the

left arrow to move it to the Available, and click .

There may be a case where you require all locals to be assigned to a Group, such as the “Entire State “ group used

for certain reports. Use the multiple right arrow to assign all locals.

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A Group Type identifies the type of grouping that is being established, such as “County”, “Board District”,

“Membership Card Production”, or “Largest Locals”.

Group Types are maintained on the State Affiliate main page.

The processing sequence to define a new way to group locals is:

1. Add one new Group Type (Group Type link on SEA Main page)

2. Add one or many new Group organizations for that Group Type using the NEW button on the Affiliate

Search page.

3. Assigns locals to the Group organizations.

Click Group Types to initiate the Group Type page.

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Existing Group Types display on the left side of the page. As you click a Group Type, Group Organizations assigned

to the type display on the right side of the page.


User Group Type ID The Identifier assigned by the user.

Group Type Name Name of the Group Type

Status If ACTV, the Group Type is active. If INACTV, the Group Type is no longer is use.

Assigned Groups Group organizations assigned to the selected Group Type.

When clicked, saves the entered data.

When clicked, opens data entry fields for a new Group Type.

When clicked, sets the selected Group Type to Inactive.

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1. Click . The data fields are ready for entry.

2. Enter the Group Type User ID. It must be unique within your state. Enter the Group Type name.

3. Click .


1. Focus on the Group Type to be inactivated by clicking on the row. Notice the ID and Name appear in the fields below.

2. Click .

3. The Group Type is set to Inactive status. The button changes to ReActivate in case the Group Type needs

to be reactivated at some point.

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Membership counts are provided in various ways for affiliates. Member Counts are updated nightly, on Monday

through Friday business days. Demographic counts are updated once a month, at the end of the month. They may

increase or decrease, based on the memberships processed. Effective memberships are included, cancelled

memberships are excluded. Effective and cancelled obligation is included in the fund counts. Only General Counts

are available now; others types of counts are future development.

Click the tab to initiate the Counts page.


Display Counts by Class, Sub Class,

Mbrship Type

Set the radio button on your choice of display. Counts can be shown

summarized at the Class level, summarized by Sub Class or shown by the

detail membership type.

Filter by The choices in the Filter selection change based on the Display Counts

option selected. The filter shows all Classes, or all Subclasses or all detail

membership types for the organization. When a filter is selected the

counts displayed on the page reflect the choice.

Mshp year The Membership Year. Choices are Current, Prior or Future years

Mshp Level Membership Level. Organization choices are: NEA, SEA LEA LEA counts

are only available for Local organizations.

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Type Counts The types of counts which are available to be displayed.

General counts: the number of members per membership

type/Subclass/or Class

Funds: counts by Class/Sub Class/membership type for one fund

selected from the list

Demographics: counts by Class/Sub Class/membership type for

one demographic selected from the list. (Age, Gender, Ethnicity,

Position, Level, Subject)

Other: counts by Class/Sub Class/membership type for payment

method or membership continuity

Count By The selection list is dependent on the Type of Counts requested, Funds,

Demographics or Other.

Additional Criteria Future Enhancement. Optionally, select additional Demographic criteria

for a Demographic Count By search. Examples are: age range, one

ethnicity, one gender.

When clicked, initiates the search.

To view counts for an organization:

1. Select a Membership Year.

2. Select a Membership Level.

3. Select a Type of Count and Count By, if applicable.

4. Choose a Display Counts By and a Filter, if applicable.

5. Click .

6. The requested counts are displayed.

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For local and chapter organizations only, users can view and export a list of members by clicking on the


Data displayed: Individual ID, Name, Phone, Email address, street address, City, State, Zip codes, SSN4, Alternate

ID, Date of Birth.

Click to export the list.

Double click in a row to see the individual’s profile.


If the list is long, use the Search within Results option to find a particular record. This option can be used for

Individual ID and name

1. Enter text in the field and select the applicable column from the drop down selection. For example, type

“jones” and select Last Name in the in column: list to find all records with last name = jones. This search

is not case-sensitive.

2. Click .

Note: Do NOT use the wild card (%). It does NOT work with Search within results. A search of “ter” in name will

return records with this string anywhere in the name, such as “Terrence” or “Carter” or “Carterra”.

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Processing options which control some functions in IMS are found under the tab in the state

affiliate record. The page is divided into three sections for Funds Receivable controls, Membership controls and

Electronic Funds Transfer controls. Data can be viewed for Prior, Current and Future Year. This data is updated by

NEA Membership Management Services staff. It is View Only for all other users.


Membership Year Selection can be made for Prior, Current or Future years.

FRS Payment Category Reporting If checked, SEA uses more than one Payment Category. Derived

from options set in Funds Receivables.

FRS Participator If checked, SEA is using the Funds Receivables subsystem.

Membership Advance Year Processing


The date the SEA’s Future Year Membership Process (FYMP) is to

be/ was run to renew the memberships for the selected

Membership Year.

If the displayed date is before the current calendar data,

FYMP was run on the date shown.

If the displayed date is after the current calendar date, the

date was copied from the Prior Year to provide a hint when

the SEA may run their FYMP. The date can be ignored.

Membership Cutoff Date The last date memberships can be processed for the Prior

Membership Year.

Membership FY Ready If checked, the SEA is ready to process Future Year memberships.

Membership EE Participating State -

Student WESE

If checked, the SEA participates in the Early Enrollment of student

memberships for those who join via the web Student Enrollment.

Membership EE Participating State –

Active OLM

If checked, the SEA participates in the Early Enrollment of Active

memberships for those who join via the web Membership


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Membership OLM FY Ready If checked, the SEA is ready to accept Active or Retired

memberships for those who join via the web Membership


Membership Percent $ Remaining in

Cancelled Membership Set

Two options to control cancelling obligation:

If set to blank, the state’s users will be required to enter a

percent (0 to 100%) every time a membership is cancelled

in MOE.

If set to 100%, the MOE Cancel screen will reflect 100%. If

this field is unchanged in MOE, then 100% will be used

when cancelling a membership and the full obligation will

remain on file. The user has the option of overriding this

percent remaining amount when processing the

membership cancellation. If the membership should be

cancelled with only partial obligation remaining on the

membership set, the user must be sure to adjust the

percent remaining in the cancel transaction to avoid

inflating the Billable Party's obligation.

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To add a new organization, such as a local, chapter or UniServ, to the Affiliates Subsystem, click either the Add

Organization link on the Task Panel on the Affiliates Main page or the button on the Affiliate

Search page.

The Add Organization pop up appears.

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Org ID The ten digit system generated internal identifier for the organization. Populated after

new organization is saved.

Record Type Required. Identifies the type of organization being added.

User Org ID Required. User assigned identifier. Alpha/numeric. Must be unique for organizations

within the same record type per state affiliate.

Org Name Required. The official name of the organization.

Report Name The name for the organization that should print on output. May be the same or a

shortened version of the official name. Populated with the Organization name when


Abbr name The initials of the organizations, such as MSTA, CTA, FEA, NEA.

Geo State ID Populated with the geographic state id of the user’s login access. Non editable.

Parent Org Required. The organization which “owns” (in the hierarchy) the organization being

added. For SEA Department, Group, UniServ, and Local organizations, the parent is the

State Affiliate.

For a chapter organization, the parent is the local affiliate.

Parent Org Name Non editable. Populated after the parent organization is selected.

Group Type Required when adding a new specific Group Organization. Select the applicable Group

Type from the list.

Address Elements See the Edit Address section in this User Guide for an explanation of the data fields.

Phone and Email See the Edit Phone and Email section in this User Guide for an explanation of the data


Steps to add the organization:

1. Select the Record type

2. Enter a User Id.

3. Enter the new organization’s name

4. The Geo State ID will be populated for most users based on their login. NEA users must select a

Geographic state.

5. Select a Parent Organization.

6. If creating a specific Group organization, select the Group Type.

7. The address is optional. The address can be added after the organization has been created.

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8. Click .

The organization is saved in the database. Note the Organization ID is populated.

Click the link to access the new organization’s main page.

You can now add an Abbreviated name, address, phone number, and email address.


For new Uniserv Unit

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For New Group, be sure the applicable Group Type has been added as it must be selected.

For new Chapter, be sure the parent Local has been added as it must be selected.

For new local

Additional steps are necessary when adding a new local organization.

In Affiliates Subsystem

1. Additional Data page- the Local Type defaults to Miscellaneous. Update as appropriate. Do not assign as

“Local Affiliate” unless the local has already submitted affiliation papers and been approved by NEA.

Select the applicable Employer Assignment Code- Local or Chapter

2. Assignments page- assign the employer to the local if there are no chapters, assign the local to a UniServ

Unit, assign the local to all applicable Groups.

In Utilities Subsystem

1. Add LEA membership types

2. Add LEA funds

3. Add LEA Obligation amounts

4. Set up Reduced dues if applicable.

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In Funds Receivables Subsystem

1. Add billable party for the new local

2. Exclude any funds that will not be accounted for in FRS.

3. Add LEA funds as Aged Funds, if applicable.

In Roles Subsystem

1. Assign officers to Roles

2. If you will use a Role, such as Local President, for your FRS contact, go back to the FRS billable party and

select the role in the Contact Information section.


To edit the User ID or name of the organization, click from the Task Panel. The Edit

Organization pop up is presented.


User ID Identifier assigned by the user, Alpha numeric, up to ten digits

Organization Name The official name of the organization. If a SEA or LEA, must be the same

name as on the affiliation papers sent to NEA.

If the organization is the “UnAssigned UniServ” do not change the name to a

real UniServ Unit. The system requires one “UnAssigned UniServ” record in

every SEA as it is used as the default when adding a new local

Abbreviation An abbreviated form of the name, can be initials

Report Name The name as it should print on reports. This is the LEA name in the NEA

Convention System.

To edit an organization:

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1. Enter the desired data in the applicable field.

2. Click


To edit the Additional data for a state affiliate or local affiliate , click the on the Task List or

click the Additional Info tab if you are already on the edit page

The Additional Data pop up is presented. To close the pop up click in the top right corner.

State Affiliate Additional Data

Description for SEA

NEA Research State ID The geographic state identifier used in certain NEA Research systems.

Uniserv Obligation Cd Identifies the method of collecting UniServ dues in the state. Choices are:

None, Local UniServ dues, State UniServ dues, both State and local

uniserv dues

NEA National Oblig Percent Only for a NEA/AFT merged state association. The percentage of

members originally affiliated with the NEA prior to the merger.

AFT National Obligation Percent Only for a NEA/AFT merged state. The percentage of members originally

affiliated with the AFT prior to the merger.

State Annual Meeting Date of the state association’s annual meeting

Bargaining Permitted Is bargaining permitted in school districts in the state? Yes, No, Unknown

SEA PAC exists A fund for a State level political action committee exists, Yes, No,


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NEA Member Benefits Indicates the states participates in Member Benefits Corp. programs.

State NEA AFT Merge Date Only for a NEA/AFT merged state. The date of the merger

Local Affiliate Additional Data

Description for Local Additional Data

Local Type Definition of the type of local. Choices are: Local affiliate, Miscellaneous,

Potential, Retired or Student.

Employer Assignment code Indicates whether the employer of the members in the local is assigned to

the local or to the chapters of the local. Default value is Local.

Agency Shop Indicates the local has an Agency Fee provision: yes, no, unknown

Date Materials Received An optional field to record the date the SEA received the membership

forms from the local for the membership year

Date Materials Processed An optional field to indicate when the State finished processing the local’s

membership for the year.

Local Origin Code Indicates the local organization’s affiliation before a merger of the SEA

and the AFT. Choices are:

NEA -- original NEA affiliate

AFT -- original AFT affiliate

Mrg -- merged NEA/AFT local

New -- created subsequent to the merge

Pub -- a local with public employees who are not eligible

for NEA membership

CNS -- a consolidated local

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Statewide Local Indicates the local is a statewide local, such as a Retired or Student local.

Choices are Yes, No, Unknown. Default value is No.

Membership Year Data is no longer shown- was used for the year for the data viewed on

the page.

Bargaining Option Allowed Indicates the local has a bargaining option in the contract with the school


Bargaining Option Exercised Indicates the local does bargain.

Bargaining Minority Allowed Indicates bargaining is allowed in the school district and the NEA/SEA local

affiliate is the minority union.

To update any of the data on the Additional Data page

1. If the field is a selection (drop down list of choices) select the desired choice.

2. If the field is for text, enter the desired text.

3. Click .


An affiliate organization may have multiple addresses, one per Address type. One address is marked as the Primary

Address which is displayed on the Affiliate’s main page.

Edit the address by clicking the link on the task panel or the Edit Address tab if you are already

on the edit page.

Information Regarding Address Processing

All addresses entered into the system are validated against the USPS database.

The USPS (US Postal Service) field indicates whether the address passes validation (Deliverable), or fails

due to an invalid house number, invalid street name, etc. You cannot change the USPS value.

Override indicates whether the address is good for mailing; it can be changed.

A bad USPS value may be associated with an Override = Deliverable, as in the case of street addresses in a

brand new subdivision that have not been updated into the USPS database.

On the other hand, a good USPS value may be associated with an Override = Undeliverable, if a mail piece

was returned by the post office because the member had moved away without a forwarding address.

When a new address fails USPS validation, an error message will appear, such as the one below:

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o The default is Retry. Correct the address if you have made an error.

o Select Accept Deliverable if you believe the input address is good and should be selected for mailings.

The Override field will change to Deliverable.

o Select Accept Undeliverable if you believe the address you have is not good and should not be

selected for mailings. The address will be stored in the database and the Override field will change to



Address Type Defines the type of address for the address entered. Only one address per type is allowed.

Primary Indicates the main address. Only one address per affiliate may have the primary indicator. The

primary address displays on the affiliates main page.

Foreign Indicates this is a non USA address.

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Attn Information line which includes “in care of” or “Attention”. Leave blank if not needed.

Unit # Non street information such as PO Box Number, apartment, Unit Number or Floor. Leave blank if

not needed.



The street address.

City/State/Zip The city, state abbreviation and zip code plus 4.

Country If the zip code is entered United States is populated. Otherwise select from the list.

Mail Stop Optional use for Local organizations. Identifies where the mail is to be delivered within the

organization. The use of this field is for organizations whose mail is received in a central mailing

room and then forwarded on to their “mail stop” location for delivery to its final destination.

USPS The USPS (US Postal Service) field indicates whether the address passes validation (Deliverable),

or fails due to an invalid house number, invalid street name, etc. Non editable.

D -- Deliverable

A -- -Invalid Apt suite unit

B -- insufficient address

H -- invalid House /box number

M -- multiple match

S -- invalid street

U -- User Overridden

Z -- invalid zip

X -- expired database

Override Indicates whether the address is good for mailing. Choices are Deliverable or Non Deliverable.

Used if organization has moved to a new address but the address is not known.


Focus on the address in the grid.

1. Enter the data to be changed, for example a new unit number, street address, zip code, or Override value.

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2. Click

3. The Address Validation appears.

4. Click if the address is correct.

5. Click if you need to reenter some part of the address.


1. Click . Blank address fields appear.

2. Enter the required address elements. Select an Address Type not in use.

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3. Click .

4. After the Address Validation appears, click or to renter the data.


1. Focus on the address in the grid.

2. Click .


To add or edit a phone number or an email address, click the link on the task panel

or click the Edit Phone & Email tab if you are already on the edit page.


Phone Type Defines the type of phone number for the number in the phone number field: Business,

Business 2, Business 3, Other, Toll Free, FAX. One phone number per type is allowed.

Phone Number The ten digit numeric telephone number

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Primary Indicates the main phone number. Only one phone number per affiliate may have the

primary indicator. The primary phone number displays on the affiliates main page.

Foreign Indicates this is a non USA telephone number.

Unlisted Indicates the number is private and not listed in the telephone directory.

Comment A free form text field for comments.

Email Type Defines the type of email address for the address in the Email address field: Business,


Email address The Email address. Format: [email protected]

The @ sign and . (dot) are required.

name and domain can be any number of valid characters. Acceptable

characters are a-z, 0-9, dot or period (.), single italic (’), hyphen (-), or

underscore ( _). Invalid characters (such as ! # $ % ? space etc.) are accepted by

IMS but will be removed upon updating the database.

The suffix (the part that follows the last dot) must have two characters (such as

those denoting a country: us, ca, uk, au, etc.), or must match one of these

values: com, edu, gov, org, biz, int, mil, net, pro, aero, arpa, coop, info, name,

nato, museum. Otherwise you will receive an error message.

Primary Indicates the main email address. Only one email address per affiliate may have the

primary indicator. The Primary email address displays on the affiliate’s main page.

Source The source of the data.

Comment A free form text field for comments


1. Select the phone type

2. Enter the email address in the required format.

3. Set the Primary indicator on one email address.

4. Select the source

5. Optionally, enter a comment.

6. Click .

To remove an email address, remove the email address from the field, click .

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Charter information exists for locals affiliated with NEA and locals affiliated with the state association. NEA staff

are responsible for maintain the data for affiliated locals under the NEA tab. State staff may choose to maintain

data for locals affiliated with the state under the SEA tab.

All users may view the NEA charter data.


Charter Name The official name of the affiliate as written on the affiliation request


RA Unit The 4 digit number assigned by NEA staff. This is used in the RA

Registration subsystem.

Composition The type of memberships in the affiliate.

Status The current status: Effective, Ended, Pending, On Hold

Job Classification Job classifications of the members of the organization.

Level The level of the members of this organizations.

Charter Date The data the affiliate was chartered with NEA.

Application Date The date the application arrived at NEA.

Signatory The name of the person(s) who signed the affiliation forms requesting the


End Date The date the affiliation ended.

End Reason Code The reason the local disaffiliated

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End Reason comment A free form text field. An optional field for a comment about the ending of

the affiliation.

To add NEA affiliation data:

1. Enter the Chartered Affiliate name.

2. Select the composition and level.

3. Enter the Application Datee- the date the request was received at NEA.

4. Enter the signatory name.

5. Enter the Begin Date.

6. Click

To modify the affiliate after NEA affiliation has been granted.

1. Enter the RA Unit number.

2. Enter the Charter Date.

To end an affiliation:

1. Enter an End date

2. Select an End Reason.

3. Optionally enter a Comment.

4. Click .

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Click the View Dues Info link on the Affiliate Task Panel. A pop up opens with three tabs of Dues related

information for the affiliate.

The Dues/Fees tab displays the fund name and amounts for the applicable membership types. Current Year data is

shown. You may select the Prior or Future Year and click the Go button.

The next tab displays the membership type names and code values for the affiliate.

The last tab displays the Payment methods used in the state affiliate.

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The View Profile function provides general information, such as address and telephone number for the state,

uniserv, local, chapter, employer or work location. Affiliate Counts, Membership Types, Dues Amounts, Payment

methods, assignments and Roles are also available.

Users nationwide have access to view information for every affiliate organization in the tree. Employer and Work

location information cannot be viewed.

Click to access the function. A hierarchy tree is displayed.

To expand to a different level within the tree structure, click on the plus sign icon in front of an


To access a work location, expand the local level, then employer, then work location (e.g., building). To

access a chapter, expand the local level, then chapters.

Double click on an organization to view Profile information for any organization within or outside you

state. You can only click the View Profile button at the top of the page for organizations associated with

your security access.

To collapse to a higher level, click on the negative sign icon in front of an organization.

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The Affiliate profile page organizes information under tabs. The tabs are: Dues/Fees, Roles, Counts,

Demographics, Contact, Membership Types, Payment methods and Assignments.

To exit, click in the upper right corner. You will be returned to the Hierarchy Tree.


The Dues/Fees tab displays the fund name and amounts for the applicable membership types. Current Year data is

shown. You may select the Prior or Future Year and click the Go button.


The VIP roles for the organization, if they exist, will be displayed.

To access other roles for this organization, select one from the drop down list, then click . To select more

than one role, hold down the Ctrl key as you select them.

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You may sort the names into alphabetic sequence by clicking on the heading ‘Individual’. Clicking on the heading

again will sort the names in reverse sequence. When the list is long, you can use the Search within results feature

to find a particular record.

You may sort the Role Names into alphabetic sequence by clicking on the heading ‘Role Name’. Clicking on the

heading again will sort the Role Names in reverse sequence.


Click on the Counts tab to access the Counts page. Current Year Membership counts for the association in focus

are shown by default. Note that some associations record potential members or non members in the database;

therefore, these will be included in the displayed counts.

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To see counts for members at other levels for the same organization, select the level from the drop down list.

then click .

To see counts for a Prior or Future Year, select the year from the drop down list.

then click .

To see counts for one specific membership type, select the type from the drop down list.

then click.


Demographics is the term used to describe other information about the association which has been added to the

database by the state, UniServ, or Local. This is custom data defined by the specific organization and it will vary

across the state associations.

Click on the Demographics tab to access other optional information on the association. If no custom defined

demographics exists for the organization “No Defined Demographics” will be displayed.

Page 55: IMS Affiliates Maintenance User Guide · 3/30/2012  · Abbreviated in this guide as “SEA”. State Affiliate Departments State Department SDEP Departments within a state affiliate,

IMS Affiliates Maintenance User Guide

Last Updated: 3/30/2012 | Page 55 of 56


Click on the Contact tab to access address and telephone numbers.


Click on the Membership Types tab to access the membership types and descriptions used by the affiliate. The

types displayed are for Current Year. They are in Member Type sequence.


Click on the Payment method tab to display the payment methods used in the state affiliate.

Page 56: IMS Affiliates Maintenance User Guide · 3/30/2012  · Abbreviated in this guide as “SEA”. State Affiliate Departments State Department SDEP Departments within a state affiliate,

IMS Affiliates Maintenance User Guide

Last Updated: 3/30/2012 | Page 56 of 56


Click the Assignments tab to see the relationship of the affiliate in focus to other related organizations,

such as Locals, UniServs, Groups, Employer, and the State Association.