Improving the student experience -one year on James Warner.

Improving the student experience -one year on James Warner

Transcript of Improving the student experience -one year on James Warner.

Page 1: Improving the student experience -one year on James Warner.

Improving the student experience-one year on

James Warner

Page 2: Improving the student experience -one year on James Warner.

“Nobody knows my name”

Imperial Medical Student 2011

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The problem…

• Imperial medical faculty underperforms on student experience measures in the National Student Survey

• NSS 2011 negative comments– Assessment and feedback- 83%– Academic support- 50%– Organisation and management- 80%– Pastoral care- 72%

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The method

• Series of focus groups with students and faculty– Explore themes identified in NSS in depth– Identify further themes

• Random selection of students across all years• Grouped by years• Anonymity guaranteed

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• Two facilitators• 90 minutes• Solutions invited• Responses categorised and coded

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• 5 student groups– 25 students

• 2 faculty groups– 9 teachers/course leads

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• Pre-Course information and induction unhelpful

• Students do not feel a sense of allegiance with the Alma Mater

• Insufficient access and poor understanding of intranet

• Significant concern with communication of last minute changes to teaching

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• poor understanding of course integration and learning objectives by teachers – esoteric subject matter and repetition

• Students have to access multiple sources of information (often obscure) to ensure they meet teaching commitments)

• Lack of clarity of role and accessibility of personal tutors. Lack of awareness of pastoral resources

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• Students believe accessing pastoral/welfare or criticizing the course will count against them

• course and exam feedback do not inform their progress/ranking within the year

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• SOLE does not make a difference- students have no confidence poor teaching is addressed when identified in SOLE

• Students have insufficient information about construct and content of exams

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One year on…

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RECOMMENDATION• Improving teaching management– Accountability structure– Recognition and career progression

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RECOMMENDATION• Improving teaching management– Accountability structure– Recognition and career progression

ACTION• Money to follow delivery in Trusts and divisions• Introduction of Quality Metrics (eg Peer review)

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RECOMMENDATION• Improving course cohesion and integration

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RECOMMENDATION• Improving course cohesion and integration

ACTION• Appointment of Education Fellow for curriculum

mapping– innovative mechanisms to link and present structure and content – Working with course leaders, theme leaders and heads of years– map will signpost learning at each stage of the programme

• Early years review

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RECOMMENDATION• Develop sense of Allegiance to institution

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RECOMMENDATION• Develop sense of Allegiance to institution

ACTION• Social events– e.g. Ceremony to mark induction to clinical course

• Improved communication with student body– e.g. Town Hall events

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RECOMMENDATION• Personalise student experience

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RECOMMENDATION• Personalise student experience

ACTION• “customer first” approach• Improved communication with student body– More visible FEO

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RECOMMENDATION• Improve feedback bi-directionally

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RECOMMENDATION• Improve feedback bi-directionally

ACTION• SOLE shake-up• Feedback project– Centre-student feedback survey

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RECOMMENDATION• Re-invigorate personal tutor system

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RECOMMENDATION• Re-invigorate personal tutor system

ACTION• Piloting clinical tutor system year 3– Evaluation planned

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RECOMMENDATION• Improve pre-admission materials

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RECOMMENDATION• Improve pre-course materials

ACTION• Substantial revision of pre-course


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RECOMMENDATION• Improve information about exams and

increase assessments

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RECOMMENDATION• Improve information about exams and

increase assessments

ACTION• Assessment strategy• Personalised exam feedback• PACES revision course

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• Every recommendation considered• Real commitment by College to change• Substantial cultural shift- will take time!