improving Janusz Stabik Why you should never stop

Proprietary + Confidential Proprietary + Confidential Why you should never stop improving Janusz Stabik

Transcript of improving Janusz Stabik Why you should never stop

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Why you should never stop improvingJanusz Stabik

Partner Academy

How big is your agency, how many people do you employ?

Organise yourself into two lines, without speaking.

Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem

Janusz Stabik

● Digital Agency Growth Coach

● Google Partners coach: Belgium, Netherlands, U.K., South Africa,

Adratics, Poland

● Agency background

● 157% EBIT growth typical

Partner Academy

Systems, processes and optimisation - What does it mean?

Confidential and Proprietary

Partner Academy

Barriers to growth

Partner Academy

Why should we optimise?

Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem

Why innovate and optimise?

Increase margin

Increase quality Time Add value ????USP

“Nothing can be fine-tuned until it’s first consistent.“

Source: Traction, Get a grip of your business, Gino Wickman

“[Founder of] Weichert, Realtors, one of the largest real estate companies in the world with over 19,000 salespeople and over 500 offices, was asked the

secret of his success, he gave a one-word answer”......

Consistency. ……

…...Consistency allows him to scale his business. As a result, he has built a solid organization that has endured for almost four decades.”

Source: Traction, Get a grip of your business, Gino Wickman

Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem

Top TierCompete on knowledge

Middle Tier Do a lot of stuff, compete on price

Bottom TierWe do it all, fast &


The squeeze zone

Stuck in the middle?

The squeeze zone

“By not [systeming your business], it’s costing you money, time, efficiency, and control.“

Source: Traction, Get a grip of your business, Gino Wickman

What the high performers do differently


$ for hours

Who cares?Compete on price

Pumpkin Plan - Growth Model

● Highly optimised● High volume● Low margin● High quality

● Highly optimised● Low volume● High margin● High quality

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Partner Academy

● Low volume

● Low margin

● Low quality

Not optimised

So what can we do, just tell us?!?!?


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Partner Academy

● Put your prices up

● Decrease direct costs

● Decrease overheads

● Sack your underperformers

○ Clients, employees, services

Quick and dirty

Growth levers

Price increase Cost decrease Increase capacity Optimise

Growth levers

Price increase Cost decrease Increase capacity Optimisation

We can only push these so far

Growth models

Partner Academy

Systems and processes(In praise of the dull and boring stuff)

Optimise everything?

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Partner Academy

● Too complex

● Too rigid

● To detailed

● No room for creativity

● No room for growth

● Impossible to measure

● No room for accountability

The wrong way

Partner Academy

First and foremost it’s about simplicity

“Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.”


Partner Academy

KISS - “Keep it simple stupid”

U.S. Navy

Partner Academy

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

William Shakespeare

Partner Academy

Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler

Albert Einstein


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Partner Academy


Partner Academy

Identify your core processes - 15 mins

Identify your 7-10 key processes

Partner Academy



7-10 key processes

Partner Academy


(there’s no translation of ‘accountability into Polish)

Partner Academy


Feeling of Ownership Feeling of Obligation

Partner Academy


Ownership (but no sense of obligation)

Breeds ego

Healthy balance needed

Sense of obligation (but no ownership)

Employee is crushed, low morale

Partner Academy

CompetitionWhich group can improve the most?

Technology must improve “your way”. That means you must research and then decide based on creating efficiencies and

simplification, not hype.

Gino Wickman, Traction Get a grip of your business

Confidential and Proprietary

Partner Academy

● How long does it currently take?

● What will take to improve it?

● How long will it take to improve it?

● What will it cost to improve it?

● What ROI can I expect?

● Will this improvement bring the biggest returns?

What are the lowest hanging fruit?

Systems and Processes - Being effective

Partner Academy

In groups, 5 mins

1: Individually, think about which process, if optimised could provide the biggest ROI

2: ‘I think my process should be optimised because….”

3: Decide which process you will optimise (which has the largest opportunity)

Partner Academy

Steps, tasks and KPI’s

- 20/80 rule

- < 10 steps

- < 7 tasks per step

Partner Academy

In groups, 15 mins

Document the steps, tasks and KPI’s within your process

Partner Academy

“10% to 15% of the marketing executive’s time can be automated by adapting

currently demonstrated technology…….investments in automation can generate benefits worth three to ten

times the cost”

Source: Harvard Business Review

Partner Academy

Provident Security

$60k savings after simple process mapping


28% productivity improvement in 1 week

Nurse Next Door

100% growth in 1 year with no new employees

U.K Agency….

4 hours development = saved 60 hours per month.

Allows 40 new clients without increasing headcount!

Source: Scaling Up, Verne harnish

Use of workflow tools, e.g. Optmyzr

Automated creation, i.e. of invoices

E.g. use of Google Smart Bidding

Workflow Mgmt.

Process flows are handled within one system


Repetitive activities are executed by the system

Artificial Intelligence

Complex activities are taken over by a

self-learning system


Partner Academy

Ask clarifying/understanding questions, no stealth solutions! Who, what, where, when, how...

In groups 10 mins

Partner Academy


● Individually● Silently● 5 mins● 6-8 ideas each

Partner Academy

Present & Discuss - 10 mins

1. I think you should….

2. Because….

Partner Academy

Present & Discuss

Refine your process - 15 mins

Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem

ROI (simple)

Current effort X

Opportunity CostX Frequency = Cost

X 12 = £12,000 Per Year1 day


Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem


Optimisation Effort X Opportunity Cost = Cost

X £500 = £12502.5 days

Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem

ROI - Reports

Current Cost: £12,000

Optimisation Cost: £1,250

Net profit: £8,750 in Year 1

Partner Academy

Work out your ROI

5 mins

Partner Academy

Present your optimised process

1. How have you optimised the process?

2. What (quantifiable) improvement have you made?

(Do the ADM’s Agree?)

Partner Academy

This may helpA few pointers to help with adoption in your own agency

Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem


Design processes with the team to increase ownership

Recipes not processes

Assign accountability (champions)

Partner Academy

The {agency} Way



Finance HR


IT Admin

Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem

Bottom-up communication (Insurance policies)

- Report, then act

- Act then reportCheck-in appointments (regular & consistent)

Confidential and Proprietary

Partner Academy


● We hate them - we feel we’re above them!

● In highly complex processes, they provide freedom for us to focus on the important stuff

● Trusted by aviation, medicine, construction

○ 10 point checklist reduced infections to ~ 0%

Confidential and Proprietary

Partner Academy


- Simple process management

- Focus on accountability

Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem

What if…..

We recruited 1 employee whose only job was to ‘make the boat go faster’?

How fast could the boat go?

Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem

What if…..

We offered “20% time” and the focus was solely on ‘making the boat go faster”?

How fast could the boat go?

Partner Academy

Find a buddy

- Exchange email address and phone number

- Tell them the 1 action you are going to take, by when

- Schedule a call to chase them

- Chase them!!!!